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COVID Antworten in den wissenschaftlichen Zeitschriften der Welt

Verlag: Canadian Society of Respiratory Therapists

36 Ergebisse       Seite 1

  Original Artikel Journal Datum Titel Autoren Max. 6 Autoren
1 [GO] Canadian Journal of Respiratory Therapy 2024―Okt―31 CPAP vs HFNC in treatment of patients with COVID-19 ARDS: A retrospective propensity-matched study Ivan Šitum, Lovro Hrvoić, Ante Erceg, Anja Mandarić, Dora Karmelić, Gloria Mamić, Nikolina Džaja, Anđela Babić, Slobodan Mihaljević, Mirabel Mažar, Daniel Lovrić
2 [GO] Canadian Journal of Respiratory Therapy 2024―Aug―21 Survival analysis of COVID-19 versus non-COVID-19 patients requiring intensive care for acute respiratory distress syndrome: An observational retrospective study Paulo Navas Boada, Kevin Chamorro, Santiago Ballaz
3 [GO] Canadian Journal of Respiratory Therapy 2024―Jun―05 Assessing the impact of long-term inhaled corticosteroid therapy on patients with COVID-19 and coexisting chronic lung disease: A multicenter retrospective cohort study Adela Pina Belmonte, Manuel Madrazo, Laura Piles, Manuel Rubio-Rivas, Lucía de Jorge Huerta, María Gómez Antúnez, Juan Francisco López Caleya, Francisco Arnalich Fernández, Martin Gericó-Aseguinolaza, Paula Maria Pesqueira Fontan, Nicolás Rhyman, Marina Prieto Dehesa, Juan Luis Romero Cabrera, Gema María García García, Gonzalo García-Casasola, Ane Labirua-Iturburu Ruiz, Francisco Javier Carrasco-Sánchez, Sara Martínez Hernández, Maria de los Reyes Pascual Pérez, José López Castro, José Luis Serrano Carrillo de Albornoz, José F. Varona, Ricardo Gómez-Huelgas, Juan-Miguel Antón-Santos, Carlos Lumbreras-Bermejo
4 [GO] Canadian Journal of Respiratory Therapy 2023―Sep―11 RT education and COVID-19 pneumonia discharge quality Ramandeep Kaur, Anne Geistkemper, Riten Mitra, Ellen A. Becker
5 [GO] Canadian Journal of Respiratory Therapy 2023―Aug―29 Vitamin D as a predictor of negative outcomes in hospitalized COVID-19 patients: An observational study Volodymyr Bogomaz, Sofiia Shatylo
6 [GO] Canadian Journal of Respiratory Therapy 2023―Aug―04 Application of the Perme Score to assess mobility in patients with COVID-19 in inpatient units Milena Siciliano Nascimento, Claudia Talerman, Raquel A. C. Eid, Simone Brandi, Luana L.S. Gentil, Fernanda M. Semeraro, Fabiano B. Targa
7 [GO] Canadian Journal of Respiratory Therapy 2023―Aug―04 Inhaled corticosteroids’ effect on COVID-19 patients: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials Yasra Badi, Mohamed Hammad, Abdelrahman G. Tawfik, Mona Muhe Eldeen Eshag, Mahmoud M. Elhady, Khaled Mohamed Ragab, Anas Zakarya Nourelden, Mohamed Hesham Gamal, Ahmed Hashem Fathallah
8 [GO] Canadian Journal of Respiratory Therapy 2023―Jul―17 Effect of the modified snorkel mask as noninvasive ventilatory support in patients with acute hypoxemic respiratory failure due to COVID-19 Raul Montalvo, Eyner Castro, Janet Rojas, Carlos Camargo, Carina Ninahuanca
9 [GO] Canadian Journal of Respiratory Therapy 2023―Mrz―08 The impact of COVID-19 pandemic on the health services provided by the Cardiothoracic Minia University Hospital in Egypt: A single-center retrospective observational study Ali Omar Abdelaziz, Rasha mohammed Emam, Samah Rabea Shehata, Elham Abdelhady Abdelghany
10 [GO] Canadian Journal of Respiratory Therapy 2023―Jan―20 Post-traumatic stress among COVID-19 survivors: A descriptive study of hospitalized first-wave survivors Gilles Rival, Sophie Chalbet, Clarisse Dupont, Philippe Brun, Lorraine Letranchant, Claire Reynaud, Aurélie Dureault, Julien Saison, Mathieu Jeannot, Sophie Barbour, Michaël Bacconnier, Valérie Paulus, Hélène Champagne, Guillaume Buiret
11 [GO] Canadian Journal of Respiratory Therapy 2023―Jan―20 Effectiveness of high-flow nasal cannula therapy on clinical outcomes in adults with COVID-19: A systematic review Daiana Gonçalves Arruda, George Alvício Kieling, Lucélia Luna Melo-Diaz
12 [GO] Canadian Journal of Respiratory Therapy 2022―Dez―02 Burnout among respiratory therapists during COVID-19 pandemic Anna Spirczak, Ramandeep Kaur, David L. Vines
13 [GO] Canadian Journal of Respiratory Therapy 2022―Nov―22 The ROX index: “Propelled” by high-flow nasal cannula therapy during the COVID-19 pandemic into greater applicability in respiratory support Lucélia Luna Melo-Diaz, George Alvicio Kieling
14 [GO] Canadian Journal of Respiratory Therapy 2022―Nov―22 Exploring the uptake of COVID-19 vaccination amongst respiratory therapists in Canada Julie Brown, Wouter Kalle, Thiru Vanniasinkam
15 [GO] Canadian Journal of Respiratory Therapy 2022―Sep―30 Tracheostomy in critically ill patients with SARS 2 COVID-19 infection: a prospective observational multi-center study of shortand long-term outcomes Alberto Corona, Vincenzo De Santis, Domenico Vitale, Cecilia Nencini, Antonella Potalivo, Anna Prete, Nicoletta Barzaghi, Sara Tardivo, Marina Terzitta, Anna Malfatto, Luigi Tritapepe, Alessandro Locatelli, Mervyn Singer
16 [GO] Canadian Journal of Respiratory Therapy 2022―Sep―28 Strategies to achieve adherence to prone positioning in awake COVID-19 patients with highflow nasal oxygen. A case series Marina Busico, Mariela Marisol Laiz, José García Urrutia, Maria Emilia Amado, Darío Villalba, Santiago Nicolás Saavedra, Adrián Gallardo, Arnaud W Thille
17 [GO] Canadian Journal of Respiratory Therapy 2022―Jul―26 Letter to the Editor: Response to late diagnosis of COVID-19 and hypercoagulable state Desdiani Desdiani
18 [GO] Canadian Journal of Respiratory Therapy 2022―Jul―26 Predictors of mortality among hospitalized patients with COVID-19: A single-centre retrospective analysis Kumar Pranshu, Aneesa Shahul, Surjit Singh, Ashok Kuwal, Maldev Sonigra, Naveen Dutt
19 [GO] Canadian Journal of Respiratory Therapy 2022―Jun―21 Late diagnosis of COVID-19 and hypercoagulable state Rujittika Mungmunpuntipantip, Viroj Wiwanitkit
20 [GO] Canadian Journal of Respiratory Therapy 2022―Jun―06 A survey of Canadian respiratory therapists working in the COVID-19 pandemic: The RRT perspective Claire Ward, Jillian Banfield, Paul Brousseau
21 [GO] Canadian Journal of Respiratory Therapy 2022―Apr―20 Late diagnosis of COVID-19 in a 34-year-old man in a hypercoagulable state: A case report Desdiani Desdiani
22 [GO] Canadian Journal of Respiratory Therapy 2022―Mrz―17 Clinical and cardiovascular characteristics from subjects with in COVID-19 and viral outbreaks Arturo Orea-Tejeda, Óscar Ubaldo Martínez-Reyna, Dulce González-Islas, Rafael Hernández-Zenteno, Rocío Sánchez-Santillán, Aimeé Flores-Vargas, Alan Ibarra-Fernández, Ilse Pérez-García, Justino Pineda- Regalado, Juan José Orozco-Gutíerrez
23 [GO] Canadian Journal of Respiratory Therapy 2022―Mrz―09 SingStrong-A singing and breathing retraining intervention for respiratory and other common symptoms of long COVID: A pilot study Roisin Cahalan, Ciara Meade, Sarah Mockler
24 [GO] Canadian Journal of Respiratory Therapy 2022―Jan―13 Respiratory involvement parameters in hospitalized COVID-19 patients and their association with mortality and length of stay Eric Lam, Sandra Gomez Paz, Dominique Goddard-Harte, Yosif N. Pak, Joshua Fogel, Sofia Rubinstein
25 [GO] Canadian Journal of Respiratory Therapy 2021―Aug―18 Telehealth: The role of respiratory therapists during the COVID-19 emergency Mrudula Sawadkar, Varun Nayak
26 [GO] Canadian Journal of Respiratory Therapy 2021―Jul―23 Virtual mask fitting in pediatric patients during COVID-19: A case series Tuyen Tran, Mika Nonoyama, Nisha Cithiravel, Faiza Syed, Joanna Janevski, Jackie Chiang, Reshma Amin
27 [GO] Canadian Journal of Respiratory Therapy 2021―Jul―22 Use of neurally adjusted ventilatory assist (NAVA) in a patient with severe SARS-CoV-2 pneumonia: A case report Jeffrey Haynes
28 [GO] Canadian Journal of Respiratory Therapy 2021―Apr―30 Aerosol drug delivery to tracheotomized patients with COVID-19: Pragmatic suggestions for clinicians Arzu Ari, James Fink
29 [GO] Canadian Journal of Respiratory Therapy 2021―Mrz―01 How to deliver aerosolized medications through high flow nasal cannula safely and effectively in the era of COVID-19 and beyond: A narrative review Arzu Ari, Gerald Moody
30 [GO] Canadian Journal of Respiratory Therapy 2021―Feb―09 Alternative to traditional noninvasive ventilation using a modified snorkel mask in a patient with SARS-COV2: A case report Raul Montalvo, Eyner Castro, Alvaro Chavez
31 [GO] Canadian Journal of Respiratory Therapy 2020―Nov―26 Association of COVID-19 and other viral infections with interstitial lung diseases, pulmonary fibrosis, and pulmonary hypertension: A narrative review Elham Atabati1, Amir Dehghani-Samani, Sayyed Gholamreza
32 [GO] Canadian Journal of Respiratory Therapy 2020―Okt―30 Respiratory therapists: the unnoticed warriors during COVID-19 pandemic in India Mrudula Sawadkar, Varun Nayak
33 [GO] Canadian Journal of Respiratory Therapy 2020―Sep―28 Adjunct low level laser therapy (LLLT) in a morbidly obese patient with severe COVID-19 pneumonia: A case report Scott Sigman, Soheila Mokmeli, Mariana Vetrici
34 [GO] Canadian Journal of Respiratory Therapy 2020―Sep―10 Unintended consequences of COVID-19: Opportunities for respiratory therapists’ involvement in developing respiratory-related technologies Patricia McClurg, Nikolay Moroz, Marco Zaccagnini
35 [GO] Canadian Journal of Respiratory Therapy 2020―Jul―24 Low level laser therapy as a modality to attenuate cytokine storm at multiple levels, enhance recovery, and reduce the use of ventilators in COVID-19 Soheila Mokmeli, Mariana Vetrici
36 [GO] Canadian Journal of Respiratory Therapy 2020―Jul―24 Helmet CPAP revisited in COVID-19 pneumonia: A case series Aniket Rali, Christopher Howard, Rachel Miller, Christopher Morgan, Dennis Mejia, John Sabo, James Herlihy, Sunjay Devarajan

36 Ergebisse       Seite 1


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