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COVID Antworten in den wissenschaftlichen Zeitschriften der Welt

Verlag: Mansa STM Publishers

69 Ergebisse       Seite 1

  Original Artikel Journal Datum Titel Autoren Max. 6 Autoren
1 [GO] Yemen Journal of Medicine 2023―Dez―17 Pneumomediastinum in association with COVID-19 K Aravind Raj
2 [GO] Yemen Journal of Medicine 2023―Dez―17 The relationship between healthy lifestyle behaviors and pregnancy distress situations in pregnant women during the COVID-19 epidemic Reyhan Aydin Dogan
3 [GO] Indian Journal of Case Reports 2023―Aug―02 Spontaneous bilateral pneumothorax in a previously healthy COVID-19 patient: A case report Haryati Haryati, Ira Nurrasyidah, Erna Kusumawardhani
4 [GO] Indian Journal of Case Reports 2023―Jul―10 Pleural empyema after COVID-19: A delayed presentation Sruthi Haridas
5 [GO] Indian Journal of Case Reports 2023―Mai―31 Childhood posterior circulation arterial ischemic stroke - An unusual case with a possible COVID-19-related arteriopathy Athulya Gopal, Riaz I, Sheeja Sugunan, Sankar V Hariharan
6 [GO] Yemen Journal of Medicine 2023―Mai―05 Impact of COVID 19 Pandemic on Stroke Rate, Risk Factors, Clinical Presentation and outcome, in Hadramout, Republic of Yemen Rasheed Bamekhlah, Samira Ba nser, Saeed Binnoob, Nasser Habtor, Saeed Bin Othman, Fatima Bin Neser
7 [GO] Indian Journal of Case Reports 2023―Apr―18 Posterior scleritis following COVID-19 vaccination in an elderly patient Jennifer Zeiger, Guy Negretti, Carol Shields
8 [GO] Indian Journal of Case Reports 2023―Feb―13 Presentations of pulmonary embolism in COVID-19: An Indian case series Jefferson Daniel, Barney Isaac, Thangakunam Balamugesh, Avinash Anil Nair, Devasahayam Jesudas Christopher
9 [GO] Indian Journal of Child Health 2023―Jan―08 COVID-19 Pandemic: Effect of prolonged lockdown on adolescents and young adults Devina Pande, Zahi Parekh, Sujata Kanhere
10 [GO] Yemen Journal of Medicine 2022―Dez―16 Knowledge, attitudes, and practices toward COVID-19 among Yemeni health care workers during the COVID-19 pandemic: A single-center survey in Al-Thawra Hospital, Ibb Governorate, Yemen Ismaeel Al-Shoaibi, Basheer Ali Abd, Nashwan Shaddad
11 [GO] Yemen Journal of Medicine 2022―Nov―17 Knowledge, attitudes, and practices toward COVID-19 among healthcare workers in Shabwah Governorate, Yemen: A cross-sectional study Hesham Hezam
12 [GO] Yemen Journal of Medicine 2022―Nov―17 COVID-19 in Yemen: The present situation and the future plan to overcome the crisis Abdo Lutf
13 [GO] Yemen Journal of Medicine 2022―Nov―17 Systemic lupus erythematosus manifestation following COVID-19 infection: A coincidental or causal relation Muhammed Hajmusa, Raza Ali Akbar
14 [GO] Indian Journal of Case Reports 2022―Aug―06 case series of Covid-19-associated fungal infections: The gruesome twosome Sunayana Jangla, Susan Cherian
15 [GO] Indian Journal of Case Reports 2022―Aug―06 Pregnancy with COVID-19-related severe ARDS: A case report from rural critical care unit in India Harish Handyal, Gopi Kumar Gouni, Anna Gangadhar Reddy, Jyothi Suchithra
16 [GO] Eastern Journal of Medical Sciences 2022―Jul―22 Acute disseminated encephalomyelitis post-SARS-COV-2 vaccination with Chadox1 nCov-19 (AZD1222) - A rare case report Meghna Sivji, Vidya MV, Thara Pratap, Muhammed Jasim Abdul Jalal
17 [GO] Indian Journal of Child Health 2022―Mai―14 study of the impact of the ARCH model of parenting on the psychosocial well-being of children and their parents during the COVID-19 pandemic Dhruv Kalawadia, Suradharadhika Ramkrishna, Bela Verma, Samir Dalwai, Manish Garg
18 [GO] Indian Journal of Case Reports 2022―Mai―10 Once in a blue moon: A rare case of Duchenne muscular dystrophy complicated by COVID-19 Amodini Kukreja, Devaki Kalvapudi, Chaithra GV, Sumalatha Arunachala
19 [GO] Eastern Journal of Medical Sciences 2022―Mai―04 Clinico-microbiological profile of neonatal sepsis among babies born to COVID-19 positive mothers: A study from dedicated COVID tertiary care center kirti Nirmal, Shukla Das, Bineeta Kashyap, Subhashree Mohapatra, L. Jothisri, Sushil Srivastava, Narendra Pal Singh
20 [GO] Indian Journal of Child Health 2022―Jan―14 Severe COVID-19 illness in an Indian adolescent with autoimmune polyendocrinopathy syndrome-1 Chirantap Oza, Madhura Karguppikar, Vaman Khadilkar, Anuradha Khadilkar
21 [GO] Indian Journal of Child Health 2021―Dez―16 Cardiovascular manifestations and echocardiographic findings in pediatric multisystem inflammatory syndrome associated with COVID-19 (MIS-C): A retrospective study Jashvanth H J, Sudha Rudrappa, Pratibha Manjunath Patagar
22 [GO] Indian Journal of Child Health 2021―Dez―16 Multisystem inflammatory syndrome in neonates due to severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2: An emerging entity Ashwini Nagda, Vishal Sawant, Kiran Rajput, Sushma Malik, Vinaya Singh, Santosh Kondekar
23 [GO] Eastern Journal of Medical Sciences 2021―Dez―01 C-reactive protein as a prognostic marker in coronavirus disease-2019 Tarana Sarwat, Devendra Kumar, Neeraj Pal Singh, Dalip Kakru
24 [GO] Indian Journal of Case Reports 2021―Nov―08 Unmasking of miliary tuberculosis in COVID-19: A case report Astha Guliani, Lokesh Kumar Lalwani, Krishan Bihari Gupta, Prem Parkash Gupta, Vishal Raj
25 [GO] Indian Journal of Child Health 2021―Okt―29 Severe coronavirus disease 2019 pulmonary disease in very low birth weight preterm babies Kailas Randad, Deepika Bishnoi, Swati Sakhare, Rahul Jethaliya
26 [GO] Indian Journal of Case Reports 2021―Okt―21 A case of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 with acute thrombotic cerebral infarction and generalized thrombosis Sylvia Nikolaeva Genova, Nikolaeva Genova, Mina Miroslavova Pencheva, Alexander Georgiev Ivanov
27 [GO] Indian Journal of Case Reports 2021―Okt―21 An unusual case of pediatric inflammatory multisystem syndrome, due to severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2 infection, presenting with complete heart block needing permanent pacing Suparna Guha, Debabrata Manna, Papai Khetrapal, Sumita Basu
28 [GO] Indian Journal of Case Reports 2021―Sep―06 Complicated COVID-19 pneumonia in an infant: A rare entity Padmaja Biradar, Sushma Save, Murtuja Shaikh
29 [GO] Indian Journal of Child Health 2021―Sep―06 Multisystem inflammatory syndrome in an adolescent girl presenting as atypical Kawasaki-like illness associated with coronavirus disease-19 Meghmala Sadhukhan, Ranjit K. Joshi, Prabin P. Pahi
30 [GO] Indian Journal of Child Health 2021―Sep―06 Leukocytic picture in pediatric Coronavirus Disease-19 infection Pranoy Dey, Rhitwika Das
31 [GO] Indian Journal of Case Reports 2021―Sep―06 A case of guillain-barré syndrome associated with post-covid infection during 2nd wave of coronavirus in india Anil Kumar Behera, Syed Naqueeb ul Hassan, Chaitanya Challa, K Divya Madhusudhan Reddy, V Bharat R Bhardwaj, Athahullah Athahullah, K Manaswini Reddy
32 [GO] Indian Journal of Child Health 2021―Sep―06 Impact of coronavirus pandemic on mental health of children Jyoti Bagla, Mahima Rajan, Ananya Maheshwari, Sangeeta Chaudhry, Anand Prakash Dubey
33 [GO] Indian Journal of Child Health 2021―Sep―06 A review of the emerging pandemic of obesity in preschool children in Egypt: Exclusive breastfeeding is protective Ayoub Al-Jawaldeh, Azza Abul-Fadl
34 [GO] Indian Journal of Case Reports 2021―Aug―21 Solicitous use of injection remdesivir, tablet baricitinib, and plasma therapy for severe COVID-19 patient associated with Stage 4 sarcoidosis and type 2 diabetes mellitus: A case report Megha Bajaj, Ashok K Saxena, Suman Choudhary, Sapna Jain
35 [GO] Indian Journal of Case Reports 2021―Aug―21 A rare case report of transient pancytopenia in a patient with coronavirus disease 2019 Vallish Shenoy, Chandra Shekhar N, Preetham Raj TS
36 [GO] Indian Journal of Child Health 2021―Aug―21 Parents’ guide on life-skills for children in coronavirus disease times Akumtoshi Pongen
37 [GO] Indian Journal of Child Health 2021―Aug―21 Acute disseminated encephalomyelitis in a SARS-CoV2 seropositive child Pankaj Sahu, Ritu .
38 [GO] Eastern Journal of Medical Sciences 2021―Jun―13 Knowledge, attitude, and practices of the healthcare workers regarding 2019 novel coronavirus disease - A questionnaire study Ashna Bhasin, Poonam Loomba, Abha Sharma, Bibhabati Mishra, Sulmaz Reshi
39 [GO] Indian Journal of Case Reports 2021―Jun―13 Spontaneous pneumomediastinum and pneumothorax in a non-intubated patient with coronavirus disease 2019 pneumonia: A case report Angela Iuorio, Giacomo Torretta, Pierluigi Fusco, Maurizio Ferrara
40 [GO] Indian Journal of Case Reports 2021―Jun―13 Asymptomatic coronavirus disease followed by symptomatic reinfection in a patient with monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance: A case report Varsha Narayanan
41 [GO] Indian Journal of Case Reports 2021―Jun―13 Miraculous recovery after severe coronavirus disease-19 in old age patient: A rare case Report Madhulika Dubey, Mohd. Mustahsin, Garima Singh
42 [GO] Indian Journal of Case Reports 2021―Jun―13 A case report of sporadic Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease in an Asian origin coronavirus disease-19 patient: An enigma Suman Choudhary, Mayank Sonkar, Ashok Kumar Saxena
43 [GO] Indian Journal of Case Reports 2021―Jun―13 A Case report of coronavirus disease-19-associated pulmonary aspergillosis and pneumothorax Maruteesh Mallappa, Pradeep Rangappa, Ipe Jacob, Rajesh V Helavar, Karthik Rao
44 [GO] Indian Journal of Case Reports 2021―Mrz―29 Development of acute ischemic stroke and seizure in a patient with COVID-19 disease: A case report Henil Upadhyay, Charmy Parikh, Dhruvrajsinh Chavda, Roy Mali
45 [GO] Indian Journal of Case Reports 2021―Mrz―29 CT chest with pulmonary angiography as a diagnostic tool in clinically suspected RT-PCR-negative COVID-19 pneumonia with pulmonary artery aneurysm Aniket Agarwal, Niraj Kumar
46 [GO] Indian Journal of Child Health 2021―Mrz―29 Hepatitis: An emerging presentation in child with coronavirus disease 2019 Viswanathan Varun, Save Sushma, Sawant Vishal, S Kondekar Alpana
47 [GO] Indian Journal of Case Reports 2021―Mrz―29 Floating thrombus in the arch of the aorta: A diagnostic dilemma in coronavirus disease 2019 Ruchi Kapoor, Kshitiz Verma, Suman Choudhary, Ashok Kumar Saxena
48 [GO] Indian Journal of Child Health 2021―Mrz―24 Need for a structured policy for discharging high-risk preterm neonatal intensive care unit graduate in the coronavirus disease pandemic era Purbasha Mishra, Pankaj Kumar Mohanty, Tapas Kumar Som, Mohammad Zakiulla, Tanushree Sahoo
49 [GO] Indian Journal of Case Reports 2021―Feb―15 A case of fatal acute hemorrhagic leukoencephalitis associated with severe acute respiratory syndrome-coronavirus-2 infection Rahul Jain, Rishu Garg, Ajoy Sodani, Dinesh Chowksey
50 [GO] Indian Journal of Case Reports 2021―Feb―07 Persistence of acute coronavirus disease 2019 infection: A rare case report Anup Kumar Das, Rajnish Kumar
51 [GO] Eastern Journal of Medical Sciences 2021―Feb―07 Evaluation of errors during different phases of coronavirus disease 2019 TrueNat testing in a tertiary care hospital Nisha Goyal, Abha Sharma, Poonam Loomba, B Mishra, Archana Thakur
52 [GO] Eastern Journal of Medical Sciences 2021―Feb―07 Experience with the use of handheld Doppler for fetal heart rate monitoring during coronavirus disease-19 pandemic Devina Bajpayee, Ritu Agrawal, Sourav Ghosh Dastidar, Nitin Bisht, Ranjan Kumar Panda, Arvind Kumar, Enisha Sarin, Harish Kumar
53 [GO] Indian Journal of Child Health 2020―Dez―22 Assessment of knowledge of healthcare workers in a service hospital regarding breastfeeding practices in mothers confirmed or suspected to have COVID-19 A R Rajan, Anish Kumar Vishal
54 [GO] Indian Journal of Case Reports 2020―Nov―12 False-positive dengue serology in a patient of coronavirus disease 2019 Rahul Diip Agrawal, Dipi Agrazwal
55 [GO] Indian Journal of Case Reports 2020―Nov―12 Efficacy of anti-inflammatory drug ulinastatin in coronavirus disease 2019: A case report Rupa Chatterjee, ShahafazIbi Meethal Puthiya Purayil, Raneesh Kumar Ramakrishnan, Rajesh Sankaran, Changam Sheela Sasikumar
56 [GO] Indian Journal of Child Health 2020―Nov―12 The pivotal role of partnership between media and medical institutions: A healthy start during coronavirus disease-19 era Swayam Pragyan Parida, Vikas Bhatia, Sonali Sinha, Prajna Parimita Giri, Binod Kumar Behera
57 [GO] Indian Journal of Child Health 2020―Nov―12 How to make your child safe in viral pandemic Juhi Dutta, Arnab Nandy, Rakesh Mondal
58 [GO] Indian Journal of Child Health 2020―Okt―06 Impact of COVID-19 pandemic on the pediatric services of a tertiary care hospital in North India: A retrospective review Akriti Gera, Amitabh Singh, Nidhi Sungadhi, Nidhi Aggarwal, Rani Gera
59 [GO] Indian Journal of Child Health 2020―Okt―06 Multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children-associated with severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2: A case report and brief review of literature Prashant Prakash Rajebhosale, Mohammad Mousa Aldisi, Wissam Jamal Altamr
60 [GO] Eastern Journal of Medical Sciences 2020―Okt―06 The emotional and psycho-social consequences of coronavirus disease-19 pandemic - A glimpse into the post-pandemic society Smrithi Chhabra
61 [GO] Indian Journal of Child Health 2020―Okt―06 Managing pediatric otorhinolaryngology patients in coronavirus disease-19 pandemic - A real challenge to the clinicians Santosh Kumar Swain, Ishwar Chandra Behera
62 [GO] Indian Journal of Case Reports 2020―Sep―17 Peripartum amniotic fluid embolism with disseminated intravascular coagulation during ongoing coronavirus disease pandemic - A case report Sangeeta Khanna, G V Krishna Prasad, Anish Kumar Vishal, Dinesh Bhasin, Sravan Kumar Reddy Kasa
63 [GO] Indian Journal of Case Reports 2020―Sep―17 A case report of neonatal coronavirus disease-19 infection in South India Abhishek K Phadke, Ali Kumble, Arun Varghese, Bhavana Sherigar, Rishitha Reddy
64 [GO] Indian Journal of Child Health 2020―Sep―17 Early clearance of severe acute respiratory syndrome-coronavirus 2 in a 9-month-old infant: A case report Sangeeta Deka, Anurag Agrawal, Deepjyoti Kalita
67 [GO] Indian Journal of Child Health 2020―Aug―03 IMPACT OF ONGOING COVID-19 PANDEMIC ON CHILD HEALTH AND WELL BEING MD Abu Bashar, Nazia Begam
68 [GO] Indian Journal of Child Health 2020―Jul―30 IMPACT OF ONGOING COVID-19 PANDEMIC ON CHILD HEALTH AND WELL BEING MD Abu Bashar, Nazia Begam
69 [GO] Indian Journal of Case Reports 2020―Mai―29 COVID-19-RELATED PATIENT DISCRIMINATION BY HEALTHCARE WORKERS: A SINGLE- CENTER EXPERIENCE Akinwumi Ayodeji Akinbodewa, Oluwole Olugbenga Ige, Michael Olumide Gbala, Gladys Oghenevo Akinbodewa

69 Ergebisse       Seite 1


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