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COVID answers in Scientific Journals all over the world

Publishing House: York University Libraries

32 Results       Page 1

  original article Journal Date Title Authors Max. 6 Authors
1 [GO] Refuge Canada s Journal on Refuge 2024―May―01 “A Total Black Hole”: How COVID-19 Increased Bureaucratic Violence Against Refugees in Greece Raluca Bejan, Tracy Glynn
2 [GO] Canadian Journal of Emergency Management 2024―Apr―03 A Voice for Ontario Teachers in Disaster and Emergency Planning: A Case study of Teachers’ Experiences During the COVID-19 Pandemic","Une voix pour les enseignants de l'Ontario dans la planification des catastrophes et des urgences : Une étude de cas sur les expériences des enseignants pendant la pandémie de COVID-19 S. Cowan, J. Paterson
3 [GO] INYI Journal 2024―Jan―16 Virtual Care and Social Support for Refugee Mothers during COVID-19: A Qualitative Analysis Katherine McGuire, Michaela Hynie
4 [GO] Journal of the Canadian Association for Curriculum Studies 2024―Jan―01 Bien-être scolaire et relations sociales des collégien·ne·s au temps de la COVID-19 Cendrine Mercier, Agnès Florin, Omar Zanna, Stéphanie Constans
5 [GO] INYI Journal 2023―Dec―06 Reflections about Reproductive Planning in Brazil During the Covid-19 Pandemic Ana Beatriz Azevedo Queiroz, Ana Luiza De Oliveira Carvalho, Andreza Pereira Rodrigues, Elen Petean Parmejiani, Fernanda Martins Cardoso, Gabriela Mello Silva, Isabelle Mangueira de Paula Gaspar, Julia Verli Rosa, Juliana Da Fonsêca Bezerra
6 [GO] Canadian Journal for the Academic Mind 2023―Nov―07 Drawing Insights from the COVID-19 Pandemic John Milkovich
7 [GO] INYI Journal 2023―Oct―19 Mothering in the academia during a pandemic: Structural gender inequalities and family wellbeing Attia Khan
8 [GO] YU-WRITE Journal of Graduate Student Research in Education 2023―Aug―02 Understanding Chinese International Students' Struggle in Canadian University during COVID-19: A Literature Review Chunlei Liu
9 [GO] Refuge Canada s Journal on Refuge 2023―Jul―25 L’Adaptation des services à la Clinique santé ses réfugiés de Québec: Une réponse aux impacts de la pandémie de COVID-19 chez les personnes réfugiées Lucienne Martins-Borges, Mariá Boeira-Lodetti, Valérie Hamel-Genest, Marie-Elisa Fortin, Gabrielle Robert, Stéphanie Arsenault, Lucille Langlois
10 [GO] Refuge Canada s Journal on Refuge 2023―Mar―15 Health Literacy and Refugee Women During the COVID-19 Pandemic Lara-Zuzan Golesorkhi
11 [GO] Witness The Canadian Journal of Critical Nursing Discourse 2022―Dec―16 Health Inequities and Moral Distress Among Community Health Nurses During the COVID-19 Pandemic Catherine Baxter, Ruth Schofield, Claire Betker, Genevieve Currie, Francoise Filion, Patti Gauley, May Tao, Mary-Ann Taylor
12 [GO] Historical Papers 2022―Dec―12 Of Piety and Pandemics: The Canadian Society of Church History Enters its Sixties Robynne Rogers Healey
13 [GO] Working papers in Applied Linguistics and Linguistics at York 2022―Nov―03 Framing the pandemic in the political discourse of Justin Trudeau and Donald Trump Katarzyna (Kasia) Kasztenna
14 [GO] YU-WRITE Journal of Graduate Student Research in Education 2022―Oct―27 Shifting Ground: Reflections on Research Relationships in the Time of Covid-19 Jessie Kennedy, Nancy Bell, Safra Najeemudeen, Zaitun Hnin Pwint Phyu
15 [GO] INYI Journal 2022―Aug―09 Academic mothers during the COVID-19 pandemic: Stressors, strains, and challenges in adapting to work-life enmeshment Chang Su, Tsorng-Yeh Lee, Gordon Flett
16 [GO] INYI Journal 2022―Aug―09 The Intersection of Motherhood and Academia During a Pandemic: A Storytelling Approach to Narrative Oral History Sandra Della Porta, Daniella Ingrao
17 [GO] INYI Journal 2022―Aug―09 Sharing Stories of Mothering, Academia and the COVID 19 Pandemic: Multiple Roles, Messiness and Family Wellbeing Hanneke Croxen, Margot Jackson, Mary Asirifi, Holly Symonds-Brown
18 [GO] Journal of the Canadian Association for Curriculum Studies 2022―Jun―28 Ordinary Things: A Reflection on Race and Capital in the Pandemic Lana Parker
19 [GO] Refuge Canada s Journal on Refuge 2022―May―25 Refuge Vol. 38 no. 1 (2022) - Special Issue: Refuge in the Time of Pandemic (print copy) Editors
20 [GO] Refuge Canada s Journal on Refuge 2022―Apr―29 Balancing Resettlement, Protection and Rapport on the Frontline: Delivering the Resettlement Assistance Program during COVID-19 Saba Abbas
21 [GO] Refuge Canada s Journal on Refuge 2022―Apr―29 Experiences of Tibetan Refugees in India during the COVID-19 Pandemic Lhamo Tso, Meenakshi Shukla
22 [GO] Refuge Canada s Journal on Refuge 2022―Apr―29 Refugee-Led Organizations' Crisis Response during the COVID-19 Pandemic Odessa Gonzalez Benson, Irene Routte, Ana Paula Pimentel Walker, Mieko Yoshihama, Allison Kelly
23 [GO] Refuge Canada s Journal on Refuge 2022―Apr―29 “More Important than COVID-19”: Temporary Visas and Compounding Vulnerabilities for Health and Well-Being from the COVID-19 Pandemic for Refugees and Asylum Seekers in Australia Moira Walsh, Clemence Due, Anna Ziersch
24 [GO] Refuge Canada s Journal on Refuge 2022―Apr―29 Solidarity in the Time of COVID-19: Refugee Experiences in Brazil Patricia Martuscelli
25 [GO] INYI Journal 2021―Dec―22 Resilience and Challenges of Working Mothers during COVID-19 Marina Heifetz
26 [GO] Journal of the Canadian Association for Curriculum Studies 2021―Dec―13 Coming up for Air: On Reading in a Global Pandemic Aparna Tarc
27 [GO] New Sociology Journal of Critical Praxis 2021―Sep―27 Reflections on Conducting Community-Engaged Research During COVID-19 Peter Duker
28 [GO] CAML Review / Revue de l ACBM 2021―Jul―07 Pandemic Impact: Three Managers' Perspectives Janneka Guise, Kevin Madill, Brian McMillan
29 [GO] CAML Review / Revue de l ACBM 2021―Jun―29 Musical Totem: A Collaborative Composition Methodology During the Covid-19 Pandemic
30 [GO] Witness The Canadian Journal of Critical Nursing Discourse 2020―Dec―31 “Leaving no one behind”: COVID-19 Response in Black Canadian Communities Josephine Etowa, Bagnini Kohoun, Egbe B. Etowa, Getachew Kiros, Ikenna Mbagwu, Mwali Muray, Charles Dabone, Lovelyn Ubangha, Hilary Nare
31 [GO] INYI Journal 2020―Jun―18 Article reprint: Nurses respond to COVID-19 pandemic: Mental health support for frontline nurses Nazilla Khanlou, Brenda E. Orazietti
32 [GO] INYI Journal 2020―Jun―18 Editorial reprint: Call for a Canadian Public Mental Health System: Transformative change amid a global pandemic Nazilla Khanlou

32 Results       Page 1


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