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COVID answers in Scientific Journals all over the world

190 Results       Page 1

Elsevier: Sustainable Cities and Society
  original article Date Title Authors   All Authors
1 [GO] 2024―May―13 Environmental Exposure and Element-by-Element Analysis of Pandemic Waves at the City Level: Exposome Algorithm for Analysis of Short-Term Temperature Drops on Surges in COVID-19-Associated Hospitalizations A.N. Ishmatov, A.A. Bart, L.N. Gorina, E.A. Strebkova, S.V. Yakovlev
2 [GO] 2024―May―06 Urban Density versus Regional Dispersion: On the Risks in High-Density Conurbations in Germany during COVID-19 Rupert K. Eisfeld, Tobias Just
3 [GO] 2024―Apr―23 Who Died, Who Survived? COVID-19 Epidemic, Industrial Dynamics and Urban Economic Resilience Hantian Sheng, Canfei He, Xiaomian Dai, Yifan Zhang
4 [GO] 2024―Apr―12 Revealing Public Attitudes toward Mobile Cabin Hospitals during Covid-19 Pandemic: Sentiment and Topic Analyses Using Social Media Data in China Shenghua Zhou, Hongyu Wang, Dezhi Li, S. Thomas Ng, Ran Wei, Yongheng Zhao, Yubo Zhou
5 [GO] 2024―Apr―05 Investigating the Civic Emotion Dynamics during the COVID-19 Lockdown: Evidence from Social Media Qianlong Zhao, Yuhao He, Yuankai Wang, Wenjing Li, Longfeng Wu, Waishan Qiu
6 [GO] 2024―Mar―27 Insights into the risk of COVID-19 infection in urban neighborhood and its environmental influence factors:A novel approach Peng Xiao, Dongrui Zhao, Shouyun Shen, Qiulin Liao, Weiwei Wang, Yuchi Cao, et al. (+10)
7 [GO] 2024―Mar―24 Health and economic burden avoided due to air pollution reduction during the COVID-19 Lockdown: Portugal case study Ana Catarina T. Silva, Pedro T.B.S. Branco, Sofia I.V. Sousa
8 [GO] 2024―Mar―22 The relationship between activities performed in the physical and digital spheres: lessons learned from the COVID-19 pandemic Roy Zaban, Pnina Plaut
9 [GO] 2024―Feb―23 Neighborhood-level inequalities and influencing factors of COVID-19 incidence in berlin based on Bayesian spatial modelling Sida Zhuang, Kathrin Wolf, Tillman Schmitz, Alexandra Roth, Yukai Sun, Nicolai Savaskan, Tobia Lakes
10 [GO] 2024―Feb―20 Exploring the relationship between public transport use and COVID-19 infection: a survey data analysis in Madrid Region Lucía Tapiador, Juan Gomez, José Manuel Vassallo
11 [GO] 2024―Jan―21 Social distancing, water demand changes, and quality of drinking water during the COVID-19 pandemic Brent Vizanko, Leonid Kadinski, Avi Ostfeld, Emily Zechman Berglund
12 [GO] 2023―Dec―21 Disparities in city-wide park use before and during the COVID-19 pandemic: A case study of Atlanta, Georgia Jessica Fernandez, Katherine Melcher, Yang Song, Shirin Rezaeimalek, Pai Liu, Ruiqi Yang
13 [GO] 2023―Dec―19 Overestimated Environmental Benefits of Short-Term Changes in Mobility Behaviour: The case of Berlin during COVID-19 Mira Kopp, Carmen Perez del Pulgar Frowein
14 [GO] 2023―Dec―16 Racial Disparities in Environmental Exposure and SARS-CoV-2 Infection Rates: A Detailed Population-Weighted Analysis Wenyan Xu, Bin Jiang, William C. Sullivan, Chris Webster, Yi Lu, Na Chen, et al. (+2)
15 [GO] 2023―Dec―14 The impact of lockdown, fatigue, and social interaction on highway demand during the COVID-19 pandemic: The case of Santiago, Chile Franco Basso, Marco Batarce, Raúl Pezoa, Matías Villalobos, Mauricio Varas
16 [GO] 2023―Nov―22 Investigating the variance in the adaptation pathways of U.S. municipal solid waste management systems to the COVID-19 pandemic Hiba Jalloul, Ana Daniela Pinto, Juyeong Choi
17 [GO] 2023―Nov―07 Insights into the urban municipal solid waste generation during the COVID-19 pandemic from machine learning analysis Shuyan Wan, Mazdak Nik-Bakht, Kelvin Tsun Wai Ng, Xuelin Tian, Chunjiang An, Hao Sun, Rengyu Yue
18 [GO] 2023―Sep―09 The use of Google Community Mobility Reports to model residential waste generation behaviors during and after the COVID-19 lockdown Tanvir Shahrier Mahmud, Kelvin Tsun Wai Ng, Sagar Ray, Linxiang Lyu, Chunjiang An
19 [GO] 2023―Aug―23 A Socio-Spatial Approach to Define Priority Areas for Bicycle Infrastructure Using Covid-19 Data Joshua H. Davidson
20 [GO] 2023―Aug―20 The Price of Quietness: How a Pandemic Affects City Dwellers’ Response to Road Traffic Noise Yao-pei Wang, Yong Tu, Yi Fan
21 [GO] 2023―Aug―20 Changes in energy use profiles derived from electricity smart meter readings of residential buildings in Milan before, during and after the COVID-19 main lockdown Martina Ferrando, Alessia Banfi, Francesco Causone
22 [GO] 2023―Aug―15 Modeling and forecasting electricity consumption amid the COVID-19 pandemic: Machine learning vs. nonlinear econometric time series models Lanouar Charfeddine, Esmat Zaidan, Ahmad Qadeib Alban, Hamdi Bennasr, Ammar Abulibdeh
23 [GO] 2023―Aug―06 Mode-specific impacts of social distancing measures on the intra- and inter-urban mobility of public transit in Seoul during the COVID-19 pandemic Hyungun Sung, Nino Dabrundashvili, SeungYeob Baek
24 [GO] 2023―Jul―28 From Stay-at-Home to Reopening: A Look at How Ridesourcing Fared During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Chicago, Illinois. Anindya Kishore Debnath, Adedolapo Ogungbire, Suman Kumar Mitra
25 [GO] 2023―Jul―07 The Impact of Greenspace Proximity on Stress Levels and Travel Behavior among Residents in Pasig City, Philippines during the COVID-19 Pandemic Caryl Anne M. BARQUILLA, Jeongwoo LEE, Sylvia Y. HE
26 [GO] 2023―Jul―01 Non-linear impacts of COVID-19 pandemic on human mobility: Lessons from its variations across three pandemic waves Suji Kim, Kitae Jang, Jiho Yeo
27 [GO] 2023―Jun―28 Tokyo's COVID-19: An urban perspective on factors influencing infection rates in a global city Mehdi Alidadi, Ayyoob Sharifi, Daisuke Murakami
28 [GO] 2023―Jun―10 Changes in public bike usage after the COVID-19 outbreak: A survey of Seoul public bike sharing users Jonghan Park, Ok Stella Namkung, Joonho Ko
29 [GO] 2023―Jun―08 Crowding on public transport using smart card data during the COVID-19 pandemic: New methodology and case study in Chile Franco Basso, Jonathan Frez, Hugo Hernández, Víctor Leiva, Raúl Pezoa, Mauricio Varas
30 [GO] 2023―Jun―01 Generative design for COVID-19 and future pathogens using stochastic multi-agent simulation Bokyung Lee, Damon Lau, Jeremy Mogk, Michael Lee, Jacobo Bibliowicz, Rhys Goldstein, Alexander Tessier
31 [GO] 2023―May―28 A cross-jurisdictional comparison on residential waste collection rates during earlier waves of COVID-19 Tanvir Shahrier Mahmud, Kelvin Tsun Wai Ng, Mohammad Mehedi Hasan, Chunjiang An, Shuyan Wan
32 [GO] 2023―May―24 Evolvement patterns of usage in a medium-sized bike-sharing system during the COVID-19 pandemic Yue Qin, Hassan A. Karimi
33 [GO] 2023―May―15 COVID-19 and campus users: A longitudinal and place-based study of university mobilities in Texas Yang Song, Chanam Lee, Zhihan Tao, Ryun Jung Lee, Galen Newman, Yizhen Ding, et al. (+2)
34 [GO] 2023―Apr―11 Pandemic vulnerability index of US cities: A hybrid knowledge-based and data-driven approach Md. Shahinoor Rahman, Kamal Chandra Paul, Md. Mokhlesur Rahman, Jim Samuel, Jean-Claude Thill, Md. Amjad Hossain, G.G.Md. Nawaz Ali
35 [GO] 2023―Mar―23 Risk Perception of Compound Emergencies: A Household Survey on Flood Evacuation and Sheltering Behavior during the COVID-19 Pandemic Wonmin Sohn, Zeenat Kotval-Karamchandani
36 [GO] 2023―Feb―25 Development of an Integrated Sustainability Model for Resilient Cities Featuring Social, Governance and Pandemic Domains Azzam Abu-Rayash, Ibrahim Dincer
37 [GO] 2023―Feb―17 Energy signature-based clustering using open data for urban building energy analysis toward carbon neutrality: A case study on electricity change under COVID-19 Sebin Choi, Sungmin Yoon
38 [GO] 2023―Feb―11 Interactive Impacts of Walkability, Social Vulnerability, & Travel Behavior on COVID-19 Mortality: A Hierarchical Bayesian Spatial Random Parameter Approach Behram Wali
39 [GO] 2023―Jan―18 MODELING THE RESILIENCE OF URBAN MOBILITY WHEN EXPOSED TO THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC: A QUALITATIVE SYSTEM DYNAMICS APPROACH Daniela Vanessa Rodriguez Lara, Paul Pfaffenbichler, Antônio Nélson Rodrigues da Silva
40 [GO] 2022―Dec―30 Co-occurrence of urban heat and the COVID-19: Impacts, drivers, methods, and implications for the post-pandemic era Wei Wang, Bao-Jie He
41 [GO] 2022―Dec―09 Causal Impacts of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Daily Ridership of Public Bicycle Sharing in Seoul Hyungun Sung
42 [GO] 2022―Nov―28 Towards building resilient cities to pandemics: A review of COVID-19 literature Melika Amirzadeh, Saeideh Sobhaninia, Stephen T. Buckman, Ayyoob Sharifi
43 [GO] 2022―Nov―21 Quantitative Resilience Assessment of the Network-Level Metro Rail Service's Responses to the COVID-19 Pandemic Zhipeng Zhang, Hao Chai, Zhongjie Guo
44 [GO] 2022―Nov―20 Quantifying human mobility resilience to the COVID-19 pandemic: A case study of Beijing, China Yaxi Liu, Xi Wang, Ci Song, Jie Chen, Hua Shu, Mingbo Wu, et al. (+3)
45 [GO] 2022―Oct―18 Population Flow based Spatial-temporal Eigenvector filtering modeling for Exploring effects of health risk factors on COVID-19 Meijie Chen, Yumin Chen, Yanqing Xu, Qianying An, Wankun Min
46 [GO] 2022―Oct―17 Planning in the Age of Pandemics: Renewing Suburban Design Khaled Alawadi, Asim Khanal, Abdallah Mouselly, Abrar Bashar Aletaywi
47 [GO] 2022―Sep―28 Evolution of COVID-19 municipal solid waste disposal behaviors using epidemiology-based periods defined by World Health Organization guidelines Tanvir S. Mahmud, Kelvin Tsun Wai Ng, Nima Karimi, Kenneth K. Adusei, Stefania Pizzirani
48 [GO] 2022―Sep―14 Insights into the Future of Telework in Canada: Modeling the Trajectory of Telework Across a Pandemic Matthias Sweet, Darren M. Scott
49 [GO] 2022―Sep―05 Unequal impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on mental health: Role of the neighborhood environment Liang Ma, Yan Huang, Tao Liu
50 [GO] 2022―Aug―31 What have we learned about socioeconomic inequalities in the spread of COVID-19? A systematic review Francisco Benita, Leonardo Rebollar-Ruelas, Edgar David Gaytán Alfaro
51 [GO] 2022―Jul―21 Deep visual social distancing monitoring to combat COVID-19: A comprehensive survey Yassine Himeur, Somaya Al-Maadeed, Noor Almadeed, Khalid Abualsaud, Amr Mohamed, Tamer Khattab, Omar Elharrouss
52 [GO] 2022―Jul―07 Links between the pandemic and urban green spaces, a perspective on spatial indices of landscape garden cities in China Anqi DING, Jeremy CENCI, Jiazhen ZHANG
53 [GO] 2022―Jun―18 Evaluating risk of SARS-CoV-2 infection of the elderly in the public bus under personalized air supply Dan Mei, Wenzhu Duan, Yao Li, Jiaqian Li, Wangsheng Chen
54 [GO] 2022―Jun―17 Exploring the spatio-temporal evolution of economic resilience in Chinese cities during the COVID-19 crise Tong Cheng, Yonghua Zhao, Chunjiang Zhao
55 [GO] 2022―Jun―15 The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Behaviour of Bike Sharing Users Yan Chen, Xinlu Sun, Muhammet Deveci, D'Maris Coffman
56 [GO] 2022―Jun―05 A machine learning-driven spatio-temporal vulnerability appraisal based on socio-economic data for COVID-19 impact prevention in the U.S. counties Mohammad Moosazadeh, Pouya Ifaei, Amir Saman Tayerani Charmchi, Somayeh Asadi, ChangKyoo Yoo
57 [GO] 2022―May―30 Consistency of the relationship between air pollution and the urban form: Evidence from the COVID-19 natural experiment Mengyang LIU, Di WEI, Hong CHEN
58 [GO] 2022―May―22 Sustainable Development Goals Under Threat? Multidimensional Impact of COVID-19 on Our Planet and Society Outweigh Short Term Global Pollution Reduction Abdul Qadeer, M. Anis, Zeeshan Ajmal, Kelly L. Kirsten, Muhammad Usman, Rivoningo R. Khosa, et al. (+3)
59 [GO] 2022―May―19 Challenges and coping strategies of online learning for college students in the context of COVID-19: A survey of Chinese universities Junling LI, Wanyu Che
60 [GO] 2022―May―12 IMPACT OF LIFESTYLE CHANGES ON HOME ENERGY CONSUMPTION DURING PANDEMIC COVID-19 IN INDONESIA Didit Novianto, Mochammad Donny Koerniawan, Munawir Munawir, Dian Sekartaji
61 [GO] 2022―May―04 Riding the wave: Predicting the use of the bike-sharing system in Barcelona before and during COVID-19 Xavier Bustamante, Ryan Federo, Xavier Fernández-i-Marin
62 [GO] 2022―Apr―29 Locating temporary waste treatment facilities in the cities to handle the explosive growth of HCWs during pandemics: A novel Grey-AHP-OCRA hybrid approach Dr. Vikas Thakur
63 [GO] 2022―Apr―12 Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the energy performance of residential neighborhoods and their occupancy behavior Valeria Todeschi, Kavan Javanroodi, Roberto Castello, Nahid Mohajer, Guglielmina Mutani, Jean-Louis Scartezzini
64 [GO] 2022―Mar―30 Aggravated social segregation during the COVID-19 pandemic: Evidence from crowdsourced mobility data in twelve most populated U.S. metropolitan areas Xiao Li, Xiao Huang, Dongying Li, Yang Xu
65 [GO] 2022―Mar―16 Dynamics of SARS-CoV-2 Spreading under the Influence of Environmental Factors and Strategies to Tackle the Pandemic: A Systematic Review Zunaira Asif, Zhi Chen, Saverio Stranges, Xin Zhao, Rehan Sadiq, Francisco Olea-Popelka, et al. (+3)
66 [GO] 2022―Mar―11 Geographies of infections: built environment and COVID-19 pandemic in metropolitan Melbourne Eric Gaisie, Nana Yaw Oppong-Yeboah, Patrick Brandful Cobbinah
67 [GO] 2022―Mar―10 ANN-Based Traffic Volume Prediction Models in Response to COVID-19 Imposed Measures Dr. Mohammad Shareef Ghanim, Dr. Deepti Muley, Dr. Mohamed Kharbeche
68 [GO] 2022―Mar―10 How Residential Energy Consumption Has Changed due to COVID-19 Pandemic? An Agent-based Model Mohamad Ali Khalil, Mahmudur Rahman Fatmi
69 [GO] 2022―Mar―03 A Real-time Web Tool for Monitoring and Mitigating Indoor Airborne COVID-19 Transmission Risks at City Scale Ali Katal, Maher Albettar, Liangzhu (Leon) Wang
70 [GO] 2022―Feb―28 Study on the mechanism of public attention to a major event: The outbreak of COVID-19 in China Lu Liu, Yifei Fu
71 [GO] 2022―Feb―11 Data-Driven Multiscale Modelling and Analysis of COVID-19 Spatiotemporal Evolution Using Explainable AI Alvin Wei Ze Chew, Limao Zhang
72 [GO] 2022―Feb―10 Assessing the Impact of Mobility on the Incidence of Covid-19 in Dublin City Christopher K Manzira, Anna Charly, Brian Caulfield
73 [GO] 2022―Jan―29 Metabolism-based ventilation monitoring and control method for COVID-19 risk mitigation in gymnasiums and alike places Junqi Wang, Jingjing Huang, Qiming Fu, Enting Gao, Jianping Chen
74 [GO] 2022―Jan―24 The Daily Urban Dynamic Indicator: Gauging the urban dynamic in Porto during the COVID-19 pandemic Bruno Jardim, Miguel de Castro Neto, Nuno Alpalhão, Paulo Calçada
75 [GO] 2022―Jan―06 Adapting Urban Transport Planning to the COVID-19 Pandemic: An Integrated Fermatean Fuzzy Model Vladimir Simić, Ivan Ivanović, Vladimir Đorić, Ali Ebadi Torkayesh
76 [GO] 2021―Dec―16 Role of latent factors and public policies in travel decisions under COVID-19 pandemic: Findings of a hybrid choice model Chao Chen, Tao Feng, Xiaoning Gu
77 [GO] 2021―Dec―03 Social practices and energy use at home during the first Italian lockdown due to Covid-19 Balest J., Stawinoga A.
78 [GO] 2021―Nov―21 Office buildings occupancy analysis and prediction associated with the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic Violeta Motuzienė, Jonas Bielskus, Vilūnė Lapinskienė, Genrika Rynkun, Jolita Bernatavičienė
79 [GO] 2021―Nov―18 Airflow deflectors applied to external windows of a classroom ventilated with induced wind: towards COVID-19 prevention and control Wanqiao Che, Junwei Ding, Liang Li
80 [GO] 2021―Nov―10 Discovering spatial-temporal patterns via complex networks in investigating COVID-19 pandemic in the United States Yue Pan, Limao Zhang, Juliette Unwin, Miroslaw J. Skibniewski
81 [GO] 2021―Nov―06 Using a Digital Twin to Explore Water Infrastructure Impacts During the COVID-19 Pandemic Jorge E. Pesantez, Faisal Alghamdi, Shreya Sabu, G. Mahinthakumar, Emily Zechman Berglund
82 [GO] 2021―Nov―04 Toward human-centric urban infrastructure: Text mining for social media data to identify the public perception of COVID-19 policy in transportation hubs June Young Park, Evan Mistur, Donghwan Kim, Yunjeong Mo, Richard Hoefer
83 [GO] 2021―Oct―29 Examining spatiotemporal evolution of racial/ethnic disparities in human mobility and COVID-19 health outcomes: Evidence from the contiguous United States Songhua Hu, Chenfeng Xiong, Hannah Younes, Mofeng Yang, Aref Darzi, Zhiyu Catherine Jin
84 [GO] 2021―Oct―29 Air pollution in three megacities of India during the Diwali festival amidst COVID-19 pandemic Jayatra Mandal, Abhra Chanda, Sourav Samanta
85 [GO] 2021―Oct―29 Identification of sampling points for the detection of SARS-CoV-2 in the sewage system Endre Domokos, Viktor Sebestyén, Viola Somogyi, Attila János Trájer, Renáta Gerencsér-Berta, Borbála Oláhné Horváth, et al. (+4)
86 [GO] 2021―Oct―25 Spatial Disparities of Self-reported COVID-19 Cases and Influencing Factors in Wuhan, China Gang Xu, Yuhan Jiang, Shuai Wang, Kun Qin, Jingchen Ding, Yang Liu, Binbin Lu
87 [GO] 2021―Oct―22 From Federal Transfers and Local Investments to a Potential Convergence of Covid-19 and Climate Change: The case study of São Paulo city Andrea Ferraz Young
88 [GO] 2021―Oct―08 Hybrid Computational Intelligence Algorithm for Autonomous Handling of COVID-19 Pandemic Emergency in Smart Cities Mohamed Abdel-Basset, Khalid A. Eldrandaly, Laila A. Shawky, Mohamed Elhoseny, Nabil M. AbdelAziz
89 [GO] 2021―Oct―04 Comparison of COVID-19 infection risks through aerosol transmission in supermarkets and small shops Chunying Li, Haida Tang
90 [GO] 2021―Oct―01 Prediction and control of aerosol transmission of SARS-CoV-2 in ventilated context: from source to receptor Chunwen Xu, Wenbing Liu, Xilian Luo, Xingyu Huang, Peter V. Nielsen
91 [GO] 2021―Sep―29 Effective ventilation and air disinfection system for reducing Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) infection risk in office buildings Shubham Srivastava, Xingwang Zhao, Ati Manay, Qingyan Chen
92 [GO] 2021―Sep―28 An evaluative model for assessing pandemic resilience at the neighborhood level: The case of Tehran Azadeh LAK, Pantea HAKIMIAN, Ayyoob SHARIFI
93 [GO] 2021―Sep―27 Spatiotemporal Patterns of the COVID-19 Control Measures Impact on Industrial Production in Wuhan Using Time-series Earth Observation Data Ya'nan Zhou, Li Feng, Xin Zhang, Yan Wang, Shunying Wang, Tianjun Wu
94 [GO] 2021―Sep―20 Does the joint prevention and control regulation improve the air quality? A quasi-experiment in the Beijing Economic Belt during the COVID-19 pandemic Chenlu Tao, Gang Diao, Chang Yu, Baodong Cheng, Kent Wheiler
95 [GO] 2021―Sep―20 A Secure and Reliable RFID Authentication Protocol using Schnorr Digital Cryptosystem for IoT-enabled Healthcare in COVID-19 Scenario Mohd Shariq, Karan Singh, Mohd Yazid Bajuri, Athanasios Pantelous, Ali Ahmadian, Mehdi Salimi
96 [GO] 2021―Sep―11 On the Critical Role of Human Feces and Public Toilets in the Transmission of COVID-19: Evidence from China Qiuyun Wang, Lu Liu
97 [GO] 2021―Sep―11 Emerging IoT Applications in Sustainable Smart Cities for COVID-19: Network Security and Data Preservation Challenges with Future Directions Muhammad Adil, Muhammad Khurram Khan
98 [GO] 2021―Sep―08 The use of a Recurrent Neural Network model with separated time-series and lagged daily inputs for waste disposal rates modeling during COVID-19 Hoang Lan Vu, Kelvin Tsun Wai Ng, Amy Richter, Golam Kabir
99 [GO] 2021―Sep―05 Impact of COVID-19 induced lockdown on Land Surface Temperature, aerosol, and urban heat in Europe and North America Bikash Ranjan Parida, Somnath Bar, Dimitris Kaskaoutis, Arvind Chandra Pandey, Suraj D. Polade, Santonu Goswami
100 [GO] 2021―Aug―28 What Determines Urban Resilience Against COVID-19: City Size or Governance Capacity? Zhen Chu, Mingwang Cheng, Malin Song
101 [GO] 2021―Aug―27 Searching for urban mobilities futures. Methodological innovation in the light of COVID-19 Prof. Dr. Sven Kesselring, Prof. Dr. Malene Freudendal-Pedersen
102 [GO] 2021―Aug―26 Stakeholder based weights of new sustainability indicators providing pandemic resilience for residential buildings Galym Tokazhanov, Aidana Tleuken, Serdar Durdyev, Nurlan Otesh, Mert Guney, Ali Turkyilmaz, Ferhat Karaca
103 [GO] 2021―Aug―20 Exploring the nexus between social vulnerability, built environment, and the prevalence of COVID-19: A case study of Chicago Shakil Bin Kashem, Dwayne M. Baker, Silvia R. González, C. Aujean Lee
104 [GO] 2021―Aug―16 Deep transfer learning for COVID-19 detection and infection localization with superpixel based segmentation N.B. Prakash, M. Murugappan, G.R. Hemalakshmi, M. Jayalakshmi, Mufti Mahmud
105 [GO] 2021―Aug―14 The case of Tehran's urban heat island, Iran: Impacts of urban ‘lockdown’ associated with the COVID-19 pandemic Gholamreza Roshan, Reza Sarli, Stefan. W. Grab
106 [GO] 2021―Aug―13 Discovering optimal strategies for mitigating COVID-19 spread using machine learning: Experience from Asia Yue Pan, Limao Zhang, Zhenzhen Yan, May O. Lwin, Miroslaw J. Skibniewski
107 [GO] 2021―Aug―13 Optimal control of high-rise building mechanical ventilation system for achieving low risk of COVID-19 transmission and ventilative cooling Haohan Sha, Zhang Xin, Dahai Qi
108 [GO] 2021―Aug―12 High public appreciation for the cultural ecosystem services of urban and peri-urban forests during the COVID-19 pandemic Angela Beckmann-Wübbelt, Annika Fricke, Zita Sebesvari, Iulia Almeida Yakouchenkova, Katrin Fröhlich, Somidh Saha
109 [GO] 2021―Aug―09 Risk Assessment Model and Application of COVID-19 Virus Transmission in Closed Environments at Sea Sulin Pang, Jianhua Xiao, Yingshan Fang
110 [GO] 2021―Aug―08 Self-correcting error-based prediction model for the COVID-19 pandemic and analysis of economic impacts Xuan Tang, Zexuan Li, Xian Hu, Zefeng Xu, Linxi Peng
111 [GO] 2021―Aug―05 Correlating Dynamic Climate Conditions and Socioeconomic-Governmental Factors to Spatiotemporal Spread of COVID-19 via Semantic Segmentation Deep Learning Analysis Alvin Wei Ze Chew, Ying Wang, Limao Zhang
112 [GO] 2021―Aug―03 Removal of SARS-CoV-2 using UV+Filter in built environment: simulation/evaluation by utilizing validated numerical method Zhuangbo Feng, Shi-Jie Cao, Fariborz Haghighat
113 [GO] 2021―Aug―02 Is compulsory home quarantine less effective than centralized quarantine in controlling the COVID-19 outbreak? Evidence from Hong Kong Pengyu Zhu, Xinying Tan
114 [GO] 2021―Jul―27 How did human dwelling and working intensity change over different stages of COVID-19 in Beijing? Yaxi Liu, Tao Pei, Ci Song, Jie Chen, Xiao Chen, Qiang Huang Xi Wang, et al. (+4)
115 [GO] 2021―Jul―20 Airborne Infection Risks of SARS-CoV-2 in U.S. Schools and Impacts of Different Intervention Strategies Yifang XU, Jiannan CAI, Shuai LI, Qiang HE, Siyao ZHU
116 [GO] 2021―Jul―17 COVID-19, internet, and mobility: The rise of telework, telehealth, e-learning, and e-shopping Kostas Mouratidis
117 [GO] 2021―Jul―14 Mitigating COVID-19 infection disease transmission in indoor environment using physical barriers Chen Ren, Chang Xi, Junqi Wang, Zhuangbo Feng, Fuzhan Nasiri, Shi-Jie Cao, Fariborz Haghighat
118 [GO] 2021―Jul―14 Air quality during three covid-19 lockdown phases: AQI, PM2.5 and NO2 assessment in cities with more than 1 million inhabitants Abdelfettah Benchrif, Ali Wheida, Mounia Tahri, Ramiz M. Shubbar, Biplab Biswas
119 [GO] 2021―Jul―13 Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic: Insights from vacation rentals in twelve mega cities Shuai Liang, Hong Leng, Qing Yuan, Chao Yuan
120 [GO] 2021―Jul―12 Corrigendum to “Role of different types of nanomaterials against diagnosis, prevention and therapy of COVID-19” [Sustainable Cities and Society 72 (2021) 103046] Ferial Ghaemi, Amirhassan Amiri, Mohd Yazid Bajuri, Nor Yuliana Yuhana, Massimiliano Ferrara
121 [GO] 2021―Jul―10 Early Warning Scheme of COVID-19 related Internet Public Opinion based on RVM-L Model Rongbo Zhu, Qianao Ding, Mai Yu, Jun Wang, Maode Ma
122 [GO] 2021―Jul―10 The impacts of the built environment on the incidence rate of COVID-19: A case study of King County, Washington Zerun Liu, Chao Liu, Chenghe Guan
123 [GO] 2021―Jul―09 Restoration of dental services after COVID-19: the fallow time determination with laser light scattering Xiujie LI, Cheuk Ming Mak, Kuen Wai Ma, Hai Ming Wong
124 [GO] 2021―Jul―06 Tourism Research after the COVID-19 Outbreak: Insights for More Sustainable, Local and Smart Cities LUIS-ALBERTO CASADO-ARANDA, JUAN SÁNCHEZ-FERNÁNDEZ, ANA-BELÉN BASTIDAS-MANZANO
125 [GO] 2021―Jul―04 Impact of COVID-19 on Urban Energy Consumption of Commercial Tourism City Dongdong Zhang, Hongyi Li, Hongyu Zhu, Hongcai Zhang, Hui Huang Goh, Man Chung Wong, Thomas Wu
126 [GO] 2021―Jun―20 Seesaw scenarios of lockdown for COVID-19 pandemic: simulation and failure analysis Behrouz Afshar-Nadjafi, Seyed Taghi Akhavan Niaki
127 [GO] 2021―Jun―15 Air quality changes in a Central European city during COVID-19 lockdown Bernard Polednik
128 [GO] 2021―Jun―12 Treating two pandemics for the price of one: Chronic and infectious disease impacts of the built and natural environment Lawrence D. Frank, Behram Wali
129 [GO] 2021―Jun―03 Indoors ventilation in times of confinement by SARS-CoV-2 epidemic: a comparative approach between Spain and Italy Ester Lepore, Patricia Aguilera Benito, Carolina Piña Ramírez, Giacomo Viccione
130 [GO] 2021―May―29 Moderation effect of urban density on changes in physical activity during the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic Jingjing Wang, Yiyang Yang, Jiandong Peng, Linchuan Yang, Zhonghua Gou, Yi Lu
131 [GO] 2021―May―25 Role of different types of nanomaterials against diagnosis, prevention and therapy of COVID-19 Ferial Ghaemi, Amirhassan Amiri, Mohd Yazid Bajuri, Nor Yuliana Yuhana, Massimiliano Ferrara
132 [GO] 2021―May―25 n-Gram Based Language Processing using Twitter Dataset to Identify COVID-19 Patients Nidal Nasser, Lutful Karim, Ahmed El Ouadrhiri, Asmaa Ali, Nargis Khan
133 [GO] 2021―May―21 Spatio-temporal Patterns of the COVID-19 Pandemic, and Place-based Influential Factors at the Neighborhood scale in Tehran Azadeh Lak, Ayyoob Sharifi, Siamak Badr, Alireza Zali, Ali Maher, Ehsan Mostafavi, Davood Khalili
134 [GO] 2021―May―19 Interactions of SARS-CoV-2 with Inanimate Surfaces in Built and Transportation Environments Hamid Ghasemi, Hessam Yazdani, Elham H. Fini, Yaghoub Mansourpanah
135 [GO] 2021―May―12 Digital contact tracing, community uptake, and proximity awareness technology to fight COVID-19: a systematic review George Grekousis, Ye Liu
136 [GO] 2021―May―07 SNS Big Data Analysis Framework for COVID-19 Outbreak Prediction in Smart Healthy City Abir EL Azzaoui, Sushil Kumar Singh, Jong Hyuk Park
137 [GO] 2021―Apr―19 Assessing air quality changes in heavily polluted cities during the COVID-19 pandemic: A case study in Xi'an, China Li Han, Jingyuan Zhao, Zhaolin Gu
138 [GO] 2021―Apr―16 Indoor Air Quality Improvement in COVID-19 Pandemic: Review Nehul Agarwal, Chandan Swaroop Meena, Binju P. Raj, Lohit Saini, Ashok Kumar, N Gopalakrishnan, et al. (+5)
139 [GO] 2021―Apr―15 The impact of COVID-19 and non-pharmaceutical interventions on energy returns worldwide Abdulazeez Y.H. Saif-Alyousfi, Asish Saha
140 [GO] 2021―Apr―15 Human mobility behavior in COVID-19: A systematic literature review and bibliometric analysis Francisco Benita
141 [GO] 2021―Apr―03 Are High-Density Districts More Vulnerable to the COVID-19 Pandemic? Amir Reza Khavarian-Garmsir, Ayyoob Sharifi, Nabi Moradpour
142 [GO] 2021―Apr―02 Smart City Projects Against COVID-19: Quantitative Evidence from China ShanShan Yang, Zhaohui Chong
143 [GO] 2021―Mar―30 What determines city's resilience against epidemic outbreak: evidence from China's COVID-19 experience Tianren Yang, Haozhi Pan, Xiaoling Zhang, Andrew Greenlee, Brian Deal
144 [GO] 2021―Mar―27 Does Airborne Pollen Influence COVID-19 Outbreak? Ravindra Khaiwal, Akshi Goyal, Suman Mor
145 [GO] 2021―Mar―27 A two-step vaccination technique to limit COVID-19 spread using mobile data MohammadMohsen Jadidi, Saeed Jamshidiha, Iman Masroori, Pegah Moslemi, Abbas Mohammadi, Vahid Pourahmadi
146 [GO] 2021―Mar―23 An exploratory analysis of the trend in the demand for the London bike-sharing system: from London Olympics to Covid-19 pandemic Joseph Chibwe, Shahram Heydari, Ahmadreza Faghih Imani, Aneta Scurtu
147 [GO] 2021―Mar―21 Building back better: The COVID-19 pandemic and transport policy implications for a developing megacity Marc Hasselwander, Tiago Tamagusko, Joao F. Bigotte, Adelino Ferreira, Alvin Mejia, Emma J.S. Ferranti
148 [GO] 2021―Mar―20 The influence of urban, socio-economic, and eco-environmental aspects on COVID-19 cases, deaths and mortality: a multi-city case in the Atlantic Forest, Brazil Jennifer Viezzer, Daniela Biondi
149 [GO] 2021―Mar―18 Leveraging artificial intelligence to analyze the COVID-19 distribution pattern based on socio-economic determinants Mohammadhossein Ghahramani, Francesco Pilla
150 [GO] 2021―Mar―07 Addressing the impact of COVID-19 lockdown on energy use in municipal buildings: a case study in Florianópolis, Brazil Matheus Soares Geraldi, Mateus V. Bavaresco, Maria Andrea Triana, Ana Paula Melo, Roberto Lamberts
151 [GO] 2021―Feb―27 COVID-19 Recovery for the Nigerian Construction Sites: The Role of the Fourth Industrial Revolution Technologies Andrew Ebekozien, Clinton Aigbavboa
152 [GO] 2021―Feb―26 Hazardous infectious waste collection and government aid distribution during COVID-19: A robust mathematical leader-follower model approach Jaber Valizadeh, Ashkan Hafezalkotob, Seyed Mehdi Alizadeh, Payman Mozafari
153 [GO] 2021―Feb―24 ReCognizing SUspect and PredictiNg ThE SpRead of Contagion Based on Mobile Phone LoCation DaTa (COUNTERACT): A System of identifying COVID-19 infectious and hazardous sites, detecting disease outbreaks based on the internet of things, edge computing, and artificial intelligence Hemant Ghayvat, Muhammad Awais, Prosanta Gope, Sharnil Pandya, Subhankar Majumdar
154 [GO] 2021―Feb―21 Exploring spatiotemporal effects of the driving factors on COVID-19 incidences in the contiguous United States Arabinda Maiti, Qi Zhang, Srikanta Sannigrahi, Suvamoy Pramanik, Suman Chakraborti, Artemi Cerda, Francesco Pilla
155 [GO] 2021―Feb―21 Social Distancing Enhanced Automated Optimal Design of Physical Spaces in the Wake of the COVID-19 Pandemic Hassan Ugail, Riya Aggarwal, Andrés Iglesias, Newton Howard, Almudena Campuzano, Patricia Suárez, et al. (+7)
156 [GO] 2021―Feb―21 A hover view over effectual approaches on pandemic management for sustainable cities - The endowment of prospective technologies with revitalization strategies Rajvikram Madurai Elavarasan, Rishi Pugazhendhi, G.M. Shafiullah, Muhammad Irfan, Amjad Anvari-Moghaddam
157 [GO] 2021―Feb―18 Social distance monitoring framework using deep learning architecture to control infection transmission of COVID-19 pandemic Imran Ahmed, Misbah Ahmad, Gwanggil Jeon
158 [GO] 2021―Feb―07 Attitudes towards outdoor and neighbour noise during the COVID-19 lockdown: A case study in London Pyoung Jik Lee, Jeong Ho Jeong
159 [GO] 2021―Feb―06 Association of built environment attributes with the spread of COVID-19 at its initial stage in China Shuangjin Li, Shuang Ma, Junyi Zhang
160 [GO] 2021―Feb―06 Examining the spatial and temporal relationship between social vulnerability and stay-at-home behaviors in New York City during the COVID-19 pandemic Xinyu Fu, Wei Zhai
161 [GO] 2021―Jan―28 Spatial statistical analysis of pre-existing mortalities of 20 diseases with COVID-19 mortalities in the continental United States Abolfazl Mollalo, Kiara M. Rivera, Nasim Vahabi
162 [GO] 2021―Jan―23 Exploring Geographical Distribution of Transportation Research Themes Related to COVID-19 using Text Network Approach Boniphace Kutela, Norris Novat, Neema Langa
163 [GO] 2020―Dec―30 COVID-19 cases prediction by using hybrid machine learning and beetle antennae search approach Miodrag Zivkovic, Nebojsa Bacanin, K. Venkatachalam, Anand Nayyar, Aleksandar Djordjevic, Ivana Strumberger, Fadi Al-Turjman
164 [GO] 2020―Dec―29 Surface and Satellite Observations of Air Pollution in India during COVID-19 Lockdown: Implication to Air Quality Yogesh Sathe, Pawan Gupta, Moqtik Bawase, Lok Lamsal, Falguni Patadia, Sukrut Thipse
165 [GO] 2020―Dec―26 Built environment and early infection of COVID-19 in urban districts: A case study of Huangzhou Bo Li, You Peng, He He, Mingshu Wang, Tao Feng
166 [GO] 2020―Dec―17 The Concentration of Major Air Pollutants during the Movement Control Order due to the COVID-19 Pandemic in the Klang Valley Malaysia Mohd Talib Latif, Doreena Dominick, Nor Syamimi Sufiera Limi Hawari, Anis Asma Ahmad Mohtar, Murnira Othman
167 [GO] 2020―Dec―02 Sociodemographic determinants of COVID-19 incidence rates in Oman: Geospatial modelling using multiscale geographically weighted regression (MGWR) Shawky Mansour, Abdullah Al Kindi, Alkhattab Al-Said, Adham Al-Said, Peter Atkinson
168 [GO] 2020―Dec―02 Nonlinear impact of COVID-19 on pollutions from January 1 to October 30 - Evidence from Wuhan, New York, Milan, Madrid, Bandra, London, Tokyo and Mexico City Qiang Wang, Shuyu Li
169 [GO] 2020―Nov―23 Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on travel behavior in Istanbul: A panel data study Shahin Shakibaei, Gerard C. De Jong, Pelin Alpkökin, Taha H. Rashidi
170 [GO] 2020―Nov―22 Presence and mobility of the population during the first wave of Covid-19 outbreak and lockdown in Italy Paolo Beria, Vardhman Lunkar
171 [GO] 2020―Nov―12 Fighting against COVID-19: A novel deep learning model based on YOLO-v2 with ResNet-50 for medical face mask detection Mohamed Loey, Gunasekaran Manogaran, Mohamed Hamed N. Taha, Nour Eldeen M. Khalifa
172 [GO] 2020―Nov―11 Investigating changes in noise pollution due to the COVID-19 lockdown: The case of Dublin, Ireland Bidroha Basu, Enda Murphy, Anna Molter, Arunima Sarkar Basu, Srikanta Sannigrahi, Miguel Belmonte, Francesco Pilla
173 [GO] 2020―Nov―05 Towards the sustainable development of smart cities through mass video surveillance: A response to the COVID-19 pandemic Mohammad Shorfuzzaman, M. Shamim Hossain, Mohammed F. Alhamid
174 [GO] 2020―Nov―05 Deep Learning and Medical Image Processing for Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pandemic: A Survey Sweta Bhattacharya, Praveen Kumar Reddy Maddikunta, Quoc-Viet Pham, Thippa Reddy Gadekallu, Siva Rama Krishnan S, Chiranji Lal Chowdhary, et al. (+2)
175 [GO] 2020―Nov―05 A city cluster risk-based approach for Sars-CoV-2 and isolation barriers based on anonymized mobile phone users' location data Julio Cezar Soares Silva, Diogo Ferreira de Lima Silva, Afonso de Sá Delgado Neto, André Ferraz, José Luciano Melo, Nivan Roberto Ferreira Júnior, Adiel Teixeira de Almeida Filho
176 [GO] 2020―Nov―02 The role of built and social environmental factors in Covid-19 transmission: A look at America’s capital city Ming Hu, Jennifer D. Roberts, Gesine Pryor Azevedo, David Milner
177 [GO] 2020―Nov―01 A deep learning-based social distance monitoring framework for COVID-19 Imran Ahmed, Misbah Ahmad, Joel J.P.C. Rodrigues, Gwanggil Jeon, Sadia Din
178 [GO] 2020―Oct―31 Living environment matters: Unravelling the spatial clustering of COVID-19 hotspots in Kolkata megacity, India Arijit Das, Sasanka Ghosh, Kalikinkar Das, Tirthankar Basu, Ipsita Dutta, Manob Das
179 [GO] 2020―Oct―22 Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) prevention and treatment methods and effective parameters: A systematic literature review Amir Masoud Rahmani, Seyedeh Yasaman Hosseini Mirmahaleh
180 [GO] 2020―Oct―17 Characteristics and evaluation of the effectiveness of monitoring and control measures for the first 69 Patients with COVID-19 from 18 January 2020 to 2 March in Wuxi, China Ping Shi, Yumeng Gao, Yuan Shen, Enping Chen, Hai Chen, Juan Liu, et al. (+5)
181 [GO] 2020―Sep―03 An observation of the impact of CoViD-19 recommendation measures monitored through urban noise levels in central Stockholm, Sweden Romain Rumpler, Siddharth Venkataraman, Peter Göransson
182 [GO] 2020―Aug―28 BioAider: an efficient tool for viral genome analysis and its application in tracing SARS-CoV-2 transmission Zhi-Jian Zhou, Ye Qiu, Ying Pu, Xun Huang, Xing-Yi Ge
183 [GO] 2020―Aug―15 SARS-CoV-2 presented in the air of an intensive care unit (ICU) Tingxu Jin, Jun Li, Jun Yang, Jiawei Li, Feng Hong, Hai Long, et al. (+7)
184 [GO] 2020―Aug―01 Examining the association between socio-demographic composition and COVID-19 fatalities in the European region using spatial regression approach Srikanta Sannigrahi, Francesco Pilla, Bidroha Basu, Arunima Sarkar Basu, Anna Molter
185 [GO] 2020―Jul―22 Evaluation of the exposure risk of SARS-CoV-2 in different hospital environment Xing-Yi Ge, Ying Pu, Ce-Heng Liao, Wen-Fen Huang, Qi Zeng, Hui Zhou, et al. (+9)
186 [GO] 2020―Jul―13 Temporary reduction in fine particulate matter due to ‘anthropogenic emissions switch-off’ during COVID-19 lockdown in Indian cities Prashant Kumar, Sarkawt Hama, Hamid Omidvarborna, Ashish Sharma, Jeetendra Sahani, K.V. Abhijith, et al. (+4)
187 [GO] 2020―Jul―13 The efficacy of social distance and ventilation effectiveness in preventing COVID-19 transmission Chanjuan Sun, Zhiqiang Zhai
188 [GO] 2020―Jul―03 Data-Driven Dynamic Clustering Framework for Mitigating the Adverse Economic Impact of Covid-19 Lockdown Practices Md Arafatur Rahman
189 [GO] 2020―Jul―02 The contribution of dry indoor built environment on the spread of Coronavirus: Data from various Indian states Antony Aroul Raj V, Velraj R, Fariborz Haghighat
190 [GO] 2020―Jun―24 Antivirus-built environment: Lessons learned from Covid-19 pandemic Naglaa A. Megahed, Ehab M. Ghoneim

190 Results       Page 1


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