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COVID answers in Scientific Journals all over the world

19 Results       Page 1

Universitas Airlangga: Jurnal Global & Strategis
  original article Date Title Authors   Max. 6 Authors
1 [GO] 2023―Aug―23 Indonesia's Strategy in Response to COVID-19: A Fragmented State Balancing Health and Economy Yohanes William Santoso
2 [GO] 2021―Oct―22 Reimaging Post COVID-19 Global Value Chain: Case Study of Automotive and Electronic Companies in China Rizky Anggia Putri, Maula Hudaya
3 [GO] 2020―Dec―07 Fast Response and Overreact: Vietnam’s Success Story in Tackling COVID-19 Kholifatus Saadah
4 [GO] 2020―Dec―07 The Kiwi Way: New Zealand’s COVID-19 Elimination Strategy Baiq Wardhani (Scopus ID: 57201260683)
5 [GO] 2020―Dec―07 The Success of Handling COVID-19 in Singapore: The Case of the Migrant Worker Cluster and the Economic Recession Citra Hennida
6 [GO] 2020―Dec―07 State Capacity and Public Trust in Handling the COVID-19 Outbreak in Malaysia Suyatno Ladiqi
7 [GO] 2020―Dec―07 Deliberate Negligence: Bolsonaro and Brazil’s Failure in Response to COVID-19 Pandemic Yohanes William Santoso
8 [GO] 2020―Dec―07 Laid-Back Approach and Strategic Deception: Russia’s Dual Strategy in Responding to the COVID-19 Pandemic Radityo Dharmaputra
9 [GO] 2020―Dec―07 Ethiopia and Health Diplomacy during the COVID-19 Pandemic Irfa Puspitasari
10 [GO] 2020―Dec―07 State Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic Vinsensio Dugis (Scopus ID: 57201258125)
11 [GO] 2020―Dec―07 South Korean Hurry-Hurry (빨리 빨리) COVID-19 Strategy: Privacy Concern, No-Lockdown, and Discriminations Annisa Pratamasari
12 [GO] 2020―Dec―07 Australia Government Response to COVID-19: Coordination and the Effectivity of Policy Fauziah Rohmatika Mayangsari
13 [GO] 2020―Dec―07 Iran and COVID-19: Domestic Preparedness and International Sanctions M Muttaqien
14 [GO] 2020―Dec―07 United Kingdom Effort to Combat COVID-19: Learn-to-reflect Policy Gusti Ayu Meisa Kurnia Dewi Silakarma
15 [GO] 2020―Dec―07 Italy on COVID-19: Response and Strategy Fadhila Inas Pratiwi, Lilik Salamah
16 [GO] 2020―Dec―07 Spain and Pandemic COVID-19: State of alarm to Climate Lacking in Various Aspects Firsty Chintya Laksmi Perbawani
17 [GO] 2020―Dec―07 Germany’s Strategy in Handling COVID-19: The Role of National Leadership Strength and The Maximization of Welfare State Continental System Support Siti Rokhmawati Susanto
18 [GO] 2020―Dec―07 The Problem of Indonesia’s Health Diplomacy in the Age of Pandemic I Gede Wahyu Wicaksana
19 [GO] 2020―Dec―07 Willfull Ignorance : Trump and the Failure of US Pandemic Response Agastya Wardhana

19 Results       Page 1


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