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COVID answers in Scientific Journals all over the world

Publishing House: ISTES Organization

60 Results       Page 1

  original article Journal Date Title Authors All Authors
1 [GO] International Journal on Studies in Education 2024―Jan―04 What Have We Learned? Teacher Agency for Social Justice amid the Traumatic Crisis with the COVID-19 Pandemic Mina Min, Rachel Nelson, Elizabeth Bellows
2 [GO] International Journal on Engineering Science and Technology 2023―Oct―18 Interdisciplinary Fundamental Concepts in STEM: Solid State Physics and COVID-19 Pandemic Evolution Michael Shur
3 [GO] International Journal on Social and Education Sciences 2023―Aug―29 Coping with A Year of Online Education in Lock-Down: Impact of Prolonged COVID-19 Stressors On Problematic Drinking in College Students Emily A. Barton, Magaly Cital, Lillian Shortle, Katherine L. Goldey
4 [GO] International Journal of Education in Mathematics Science and Technology 2023―Aug―29 Health Education during the Pandemic: Physical Fitness Course Applications and Personal Physical Fitness Test (PPFT) in University Students Advendi Kristiyandaru, Muchamad Arif Al Ardha, Kolektus Oky Ristanto, Lutfi Nur
5 [GO] International Journal of Education in Mathematics Science and Technology 2023―Jul―07 Investigating Competencies and Attitudes towards Online Education in Language Learning/Teaching after COVID-19 Kalbike Yessenova, Zhanalik Baltabayeva, Aigul Amirbekova, Aiman Koblanova, Zhanakul Sametova, Fariza Ismailova
6 [GO] International Journal on Studies in Education 2023―Jun―27 The Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Primary, Secondary, and K-12 Education: A Systematic Review Georgios Lampropoulos, Wilfried Admiraal
7 [GO] International Journal on Studies in Education 2023―May―23 The Invisibility of Chinese International High School Students: Perceived Support and Wellness during a Pandemic Lorine Erika Saito
8 [GO] International Journal of Technology in Education and Science 2023―May―23 Technology-enhanced or Technology-exhausted Learning in Adult Migrant Literacy Education in Finland: Exploring Teachers’ Experiences and Views in Pre-pandemic and Pandemic Times Eva Malessa
9 [GO] International Journal on Social and Education Sciences 2023―Feb―16 Students’ Opinions on COVID-19 and University Life Figen Yıldırım, Ebru Külekçi Akyavuz
10 [GO] International Journal of Research in Education and Science 2023―Feb―16 Examining Lebanese Secondary Students’ Biology Learning Loss due to the Economic Crisis and COVID-19 Pandemic Eman Shaaban
11 [GO] International Journal of Education in Mathematics Science and Technology 2023―Feb―16 Teaching Undergraduate Calculus at an Urban HBCU through a Global Pandemic Martene L. Stanberry, Wanda R. Payne
12 [GO] International Journal on Engineering Science and Technology 2023―Feb―16 Development of the Use of Online Training in an Effort to Increase the Understanding of Educators and Education Staff towards ISO 21001: 2018 at the Kreativa School in Bogor City during the Pandemic Era Suryani Suryani, Zainal Abidin Arief, Mohammad Givi Efgivia, Suratno Suratno
13 [GO] International Journal of Education in Mathematics Science and Technology 2022―Nov―28 The Impact of COVID-19 Distance Learning on Students’ Math Anxiety: An Exploratory Study Daniel Doz, Eleonora Doz
14 [GO] International Journal of Studies in Education and Science 2022―Nov―28 Integrating Workbook-Making in Learning Calculus during the Pandemic: A Phenomenological Study Arnel S. Travero
15 [GO] International Journal of Technology in Education 2022―Sep―13 Teachers Using Social Emotional Learning: Meeting Student Needs during COVID-19 Ruchi Bhatnagar, Joyce Many
16 [GO] International Journal of Research in Education and Science 2022―Aug―26 Resilience is the Key: A Concurrent Mixed Methods Study on Surviving the Challenges of COVID-19 among Philippine Schools Overseas Imee Colonia Acosta, Alexander S. Acosta
17 [GO] International Journal of Technology in Education and Science 2022―Aug―26 A Mapping Global Research Trends on COVID-19 in Education: A Bibliometric Analysis Cansu Çiğdem Ekin
18 [GO] International Journal of Technology in Education and Science 2022―Aug―26 What Happened During COVID-19? Instructional Setting as a Predictor of Students’ Academic Achievement William Perkins, Usenime Moses Akpanudo
19 [GO] International Journal on Social and Education Sciences 2022―Aug―26 Disruption, Transition, and Re-imagining: Teaching, Learning and Development in the Midst of the Two Pandemics Joyce E. Many, Ruchi Bhatnagar, Carla L. Tanguay
20 [GO] International Journal of Education in Mathematics Science and Technology 2022―May―26 Predictive Study of the Factors and Challenges Affecting the Usability of E-Learning Platforms in the Light of COVID-19 Said Abdelmawgoud El-aasar, Gomaa Farghali
21 [GO] International Journal on Social and Education Sciences 2022―May―26 Seeing the Invisible: A Retrospective Examination of Education during COVID-19 Veli Atak, Hasan Yaşar, Senay Purzer
22 [GO] International Journal on Studies in Education 2022―May―26 Effect of COVID-19 Pandemic on Traditional Teaching Mitali Ghosh, Janis Jansz, Apurna Ghosh
23 [GO] International Journal on Social and Education Sciences 2022―May―26 The Making of a 21st Century English Language Teacher during the Pandemic Ghada Chehimi, Mira M. Alameddine
24 [GO] International Journal of Technology in Education 2022―May―26 Preventing Pandemic Diseases: An Augmented Reality & Artificial Intelligence Model Ehi E. Aimiuwu
25 [GO] International Journal of Education in Mathematics Science and Technology 2022―Mar―09 A Field Experience without the Field: A Reflective Self-study of Teaching an Elementary Science Field Experience Online During a Pandemic Spencer Byron Perry, Meredith Park Rogers, Kraig Kitts
26 [GO] International Journal of Education in Mathematics Science and Technology 2022―Mar―09 Implementation of Healthy Gymnastics and Use of Technology as an Effort to Maintain Body Immunity during the Pandemic Sandey Tantra Paramitha, Komarudin Komarudin, Mustika Fitri, Leni Anggraeni, Muhammad Gilang Ramadhan
27 [GO] International Journal of Education in Mathematics Science and Technology 2022―Mar―09 The Development of Electronic Teaching Module for Implementation of Project-Based Learning during the Pandemic Hasan Maksum, Wawan Purwanto
28 [GO] International Journal of Technology in Education and Science 2022―Feb―17 The Perception of Digital Academic Literacy Tutors during the COVID-19 Pandemic at the University of the Western Cape Paul Dankers, Juliet Stoltenkamp, Tuscany Donson
29 [GO] International Journal of Education in Mathematics Science and Technology 2022―Jan―19 Profile of Student Physical Fitness Level of Sports Science Study Program: Relationship between Nutrition Status and Learning Achievement during COVID-19 Pandemic Syamsul Gultom, Baharuddin Baharuddin, Dina Ampera, Hesti Fibriasari, Nurpelita Sembiring
30 [GO] International Journal of Technology in Education 2022―Jan―19 Teacher Characteristics and Experiences in Light of the Challenges Presented by the COVID-19 Pandemic in Paraguay Valentina Canese, Juan Ignacio Mereles, Jessica Andrea Amarilla
31 [GO] International Journal of Education in Mathematics Science and Technology 2022―Jan―19 Rethinking the Relationship between Technology and Health through Online Physical Education during the Pandemic Sandey Tantra Paramitha, Komarudin Komarudin, Mustika Fitri, Leni Anggraeni, Muhammad Gilang Ramadhan
32 [GO] International Journal of Technology in Education 2022―Jan―19 The Impact of Distance Learning on Science Education during the Pandemic Khitam Altawalbeh, Ahmad Al-Ajlouni
33 [GO] International Journal on Social and Education Sciences 2021―Oct―11 COVID-19 Misinformation on Social Media: A Study of the Understanding, Attitudes and Behaviors of Social Media Users Lowai G. Abed
34 [GO] International Journal on Social and Education Sciences 2021―Oct―11 Analysis of Music Teachers’ Job Satisfaction and COVID-19 Anxiety Levels Volkan Burak Kibici
35 [GO] International Journal on Social and Education Sciences 2021―Oct―11 An Investigation of the Relationship between COVID-19 Anxiety and Burnout among Music Teachers Muhsin Sarikaya
36 [GO] International Journal of Education in Mathematics Science and Technology 2021―Oct―11 Improvement Efforts for Student Learning Outcomes and Motivation using Edmodo during the COVID-19 Pandemic Martina Restuati, Muhammad Yusuf Nasution, Ahmad Shafwan S. Pulungan, Nanda Pratiwi, Bella Safirah
37 [GO] International Journal of Technology in Education and Science 2021―Oct―11 An Investigation of Pre-service Music Teachers’ Attitudes towards Online Learning during the COVID-19 Pandemic Ozlem Kilincer
38 [GO] International Journal on Social and Education Sciences 2021―Aug―18 An Investigation of Visual Arts Teachers’ Attitudes towards Distance Education in the Time of COVID-19 Sema Kara
39 [GO] International Journal of Technology in Education 2021―Aug―18 Readiness Levels of Music Teachers for Online Learning during the COVID 19 Pandemic Volkan Burak Kibici, Muhsin Sarıkaya
40 [GO] International Journal of Technology in Education and Science 2021―Aug―18 Social Media Usage Experiences of Young Adults during the COVID 19 Pandemic through Social Cognitive Approach to Uses and Gratifications Oya Onat Kocabıyık
41 [GO] International Journal of Education in Mathematics Science and Technology 2021―May―04 Perceptions of Pre-Service Teachers on Online Learning during the COVID-19 Pandemic Batmang Batmang, Muslihin Sultan, Abdul Azis, Fahmi Gunawan
42 [GO] International Journal on Social and Education Sciences 2021―Apr―25 Social Capital and Satisfaction with Life during the COVID -19 Pandemic: A Case Study on Coaches Davut Atılgan, Yalçın Tükel
43 [GO] International Journal on Studies in Education 2021―Apr―18 Application of Universal Design for Learning into Remote English Education in Australia amid COVID-19 Pandemic Hengzhi Hu, Feifei Huang
44 [GO] International Journal on Social and Education Sciences 2021―Jan―05 Usage of Digital Comics in Distance Learning During COVID-19 Genç Osman İlhan, Gamze Kaba, Maide Sin
45 [GO] International Journal on Social and Education Sciences 2021―Jan―05 COVID-19 from the Perspective of Preschool Prospective Teachers: What Can We Do for Children? Derya Atabey
46 [GO] International Journal on Social and Education Sciences 2021―Jan―05 Educational Adventure of Students in the COVID-19 Period in Turkey: Determination of Parents' Views Murat Çakın, Ebru Külekçi Akyavuz
47 [GO] International Journal on Studies in Education 2020―Dec―25 Adaptation and Perception of Online Learning during COVID-19 Pandemic by Albanian University Students Paola Xhelili, Eliana Ibrahimi, Erinda Rruci, Kristina Sheme
48 [GO] International Journal on Studies in Education 2020―Oct―06 Assessment of Schools’ Reopening after COVID-19 Closures Chidi Nnebedum, Adaobi Sylvia Obuegbe, Humphrey Emeka Nwafor
49 [GO] International Journal on Studies in Education 2020―Oct―06 Access to Students and Parents and Levels of Preparedness of Educators during the COVID-19 Emergency Transition to e-Learning Rasha ElSaheli-Elhage
50 [GO] International Journal on Studies in Education 2020―Oct―06 Online Education: Benefits, Challenges and Strategies During and After COVID-19 in Higher Education Pitambar Paudel
51 [GO] International Journal on Studies in Education 2020―Oct―06 Technology in the Teaching of Mathematics: An Analysis of Teachers’ Attitudes during the COVID-19 Pandemic Eliseo Perante Marpa
52 [GO] International Journal of Technology in Education and Science 2020―Sep―02 Students’ Attitudes to the Online University Course of Management in the Context of COVID-19 Miglena Angelova
53 [GO] International Journal of Technology in Education and Science 2020―Sep―02 Pedagogical Considerations of E-Learning in Education for Development in the Face of COVID-19 Patricia Ananga
54 [GO] International Journal of Technology in Education and Science 2020―Sep―02 Investigation of Views of Students and Teachers on Distance Education Practices during the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pandemic Mustafa Tevfik Hebebci, Yasemin Bertiz, Selahattin Alan
55 [GO] International Journal of Technology in Education and Science 2020―Sep―02 Transitioning from Face-to-Face to Remote Learning: Students’ Attitudes and Perceptions of using Zoom during COVID-19 Pandemic Derar Serhan
56 [GO] International Journal of Technology in Education and Science 2020―Sep―02 Distance Education in Higher Education in the COVID-19 Pandemic Process: A Case of Isparta Applied Sciences University Ebru Yılmaz İnce, Ahmet Kabul, İbrahim Diler
57 [GO] International Journal of Technology in Education and Science 2020―Sep―02 Student Attitudes Towards Online Education during the COVID-19 Viral Outbreak of 2020: Distance Learning in a Time of Social Distance Shem Unger, William Meiran
58 [GO] International Journal of Technology in Education and Science 2020―Sep―02 A Case Study of Students’ and Teachers’ Perceptions in a Finnish High School during the COVID Pandemic Hannele Marjatta Niemi, Päivi Kousa
59 [GO] International Journal of Technology in Education and Science 2020―Sep―02 College Students’ Views on the Pandemic Distance Education: A Focus Group Discussion Seçil Tümen Akyıldız
60 [GO] International Journal of Technology in Education and Science 2020―Sep―02 Moving from Face-to-Face to Remote Instruction in a Higher Education Institution during a Pandemic: Multiple Case Studies Ladan Ghazi-Saidi, Aliisa Criffield, Carrie L. Kracl, Miechelle McKelvey, Sharon N. Obasi, Phu Vu

60 Results       Page 1


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