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COVID answers in Scientific Journals all over the world

Publishing House: Institute of Europe, Russian Academy of Sciences IERAS

50 Results       Page 1

  original article Journal Date Title Authors Max. 6 Authors
1 [GO] Scientific and Analytical Herald of IE RAS 2023―Jan―30 STATE AID TO THE EU ECONOMY BEFORE AND AFTER THE PANDEMIC Natalia Kondratieva
2 [GO] Contemporary Europe 2022―Jan―13 EU TAX Strategy in the COVID-19 Pandemic Lyudmila Koroleva
3 [GO] Scientific and Analytical Herald of IE RAS 2022―Jan―06 COVID-19 AND POLITICAL PROCESS IN ITALY IN 2021 Elena Alekseenkova
4 [GO] Contemporary Europe 2021―Dec―27 The EU Erasmus+ Programme During the COVID-19 Pandemic Alexey Fominykh
5 [GO] Contemporary Europe 2021―Dec―27 The Republic of Ireland in the Context of the COVID-19 Pandemic: Seeking a Way out of the National Crisis Elena Lezhnina
6 [GO] Contemporary Europe 2021―Dec―07 The Covid-19 Pandemic and the Political Situation in France before 2022 Elections Alexey Chikhachev
7 [GO] Scientific and Analytical Herald of IE RAS 2021―Nov―03 OLD BELIEVERS IN RUSSIA AND ABROAD AMID THE PANDEMIC Olga Shimanskaya
8 [GO] Contemporary Europe 2021―Oct―04 The Coronavirus Crisis versus Social and Market Economy of Germany Vladislav Belov
9 [GO] Contemporary Europe 2021―Oct―04 COVID-19 Shock: EU Member’s Social Policy Aleksandr Egorov, Alexandr Petrovsky
10 [GO] Scientific and Analytical Herald of IE RAS 2021―Sep―02 German’s Maritime Economy Sector: Before and In Time the Pandemic Aleksandr Kotov
11 [GO] Scientific and Analytical Herald of IE RAS 2021―Sep―02 Impact of the Pandemic on the Economic and Political Situation in Germany. Part 2 Alexander Kokeev, Maria Khorolskaya
12 [GO] Contemporary Europe 2021―Aug―23 COVID-19 in Italy: Reloading of Life Standards Mikhail Nosov
13 [GO] European Union facts and comments 2021―Jul―25 Международный онлайн против COVID-19 Marina Gracheva
14 [GO] Scientific and Analytical Herald of IE RAS 2021―Jul―03 Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Economic and Political Situation in Germany. Part 1 Alexander Kokeev, Maria Khorolskaya
15 [GO] Scientific and Analytical Herald of IE RAS 2021―Jul―03 Germany’s Digital Transformation in the Midst of the Coronavirus Crisis Vladislav Belov
16 [GO] Scientific and Analytical Herald of IE RAS 2021―May―02 Coronavirus Crisis in Italy: «a Stress Test» for the Faith and Trust of the Church Veronika Yazkova
17 [GO] Contemporary Europe 2021―Apr―30 Pandemic in the Network Society: COVID-19 in EU and Latin America Vladimir Milovidov
18 [GO] Scientific and Analytical Herald of IE RAS 2021―Mar―03 Experience of the Visegrad Countries in the Fight against the Pandemic Lyubov Shishelina
19 [GO] Contemporary Europe 2021―Feb―15 Climate & Coronavirus: Competing Agenda? Sergey Roginko
20 [GO] Contemporary Europe 2021―Feb―15 EUROPEAN LABOUR MARKET IN PANDEMIC REALITY Natalia Govorova
21 [GO] Contemporary Europe 2021―Feb―01 Foreign Policy Dimension of the European Integration: Lessons of COVID-19 Irina Bolgova
22 [GO] Contemporary Europe 2021―Feb―01 Strategic Autonomy of the EU and Problems of Formation of the Foreign Policy Agenda in the Time of the Pandemic Igor Shcherbak
23 [GO] European Union facts and comments 2021―Jan―16 Пандемия COVID-19 как триггер мировых кризисов Marina Gracheva
24 [GO] Scientific and Analytical Herald of IE RAS 2021―Jan―04 Freedom of Religion and Beliefs and Security under the Attack of COVID-19 pandemic Olga Shimanskaya
25 [GO] European Union facts and comments 2020―Nov―25 Единый внутренний рынок: реакция на COVID-19 Natalia Kodratieva
26 [GO] European Union facts and comments 2020―Nov―25 ОПБО: повестка в условиях пандемии COVID-19 Dmitry Danilov
27 [GO] European Union facts and comments 2020―Nov―25 Мировая пандемия Covid-19 перевела научные учреждения в онлайн-режим, но не помешала их деятельности Marina Gracheva
28 [GO] European Union facts and comments 2020―Nov―25 COVID-19: поддержка занятости Natalia Govorova
29 [GO] European Union facts and comments 2020―Nov―25 COVID-19: помощь уязвимым группам населения Natalia Govorova
30 [GO] Scientific and Analytical Herald of IE RAS 2020―Nov―05 Renaissance of the OSCE: is it Possible amid Pandemic? Igor Shcherbak
31 [GO] Scientific and Analytical Herald of IE RAS 2020―Nov―02 European Union: Seasonal Workers under COVID-19 Pandemic Olga Potemkina
32 [GO] Contemporary Europe 2020―Sep―25 EU Maritime Economy and COVID-19 Marina Kolesnikova
33 [GO] Contemporary Europe 2020―Sep―25 Practices of the State of Emergency: Consequences of COVID-19 to the Political System of Italy Elena Alekseenkova
34 [GO] Contemporary Europe 2020―Sep―25 The role of State in France Economy: test for Coronavirus Marina Klinova
35 [GO] Contemporary Europe 2020―Sep―25 Еuropean “Greens”: from the European Parliament Elections to the Coronavirus Challenge Ruslan Kostiuk, Galina Kaninskaya
36 [GO] Contemporary Europe 2020―Sep―25 Catholic Church in Italy in the Conditions of the Coronavirus Pandemic Veronika Yazkova
37 [GO] Contemporary Europe 2020―Sep―25 Pandemic all’italiana: stress-test for the political system Elena Maslova, Giovanni Savino
38 [GO] Scientific and Analytical Herald of IE RAS 2020―Sep―01 Coronavirus «Strengthened» the Autonomy of British Regions Oleg Okhoshin
39 [GO] Scientific and Analytical Herald of IE RAS 2020―Sep―01 Greece amid Coronavirus Pandemic: Economic Aspects Yuri Kvashnin
40 [GO] Scientific and Analytical Herald of IE RAS 2020―Sep―01 Informal Solidarity in the Context of Pandemic Roman Lunkin
41 [GO] Scientific and Analytical Herald of IE RAS 2020―Jul―01 COVID-19 - Game changer of the European economy? Vladislav Belov
42 [GO] Scientific and Analytical Herald of IE RAS 2020―Jul―01 The Impact of COVID-19 on Freedom of Movement and Migration in the European Union Olga Potemkina
43 [GO] Scientific and Analytical Herald of IE RAS 2020―Jul―01 NATO Under the COVID-19 Pandemic Dmitriy Danilov
44 [GO] Scientific and Analytical Herald of IE RAS 2020―Jul―01 The Social Activities of the Romanian Orthodox Church during the Fighting with Coronavirus Olga Shimanskaya
45 [GO] Scientific and Analytical Herald of IE RAS 2020―Jul―01 «Ukrainian Transit»-4. Pandemic Test Viktor Mironenko
46 [GO] Scientific and Analytical Herald of IE RAS 2020―Jul―01 Renaissance of the OSCE: is it Possible amid Pandemic? Igor Shcherbak
47 [GO] Scientific and Analytical Herald of IE RAS 2020―Apr―30 The Mechanisms of the Religious Reaction on the Pandemiс of Coronavirus Roman Lunkin
48 [GO] Scientific and Analytical Herald of IE RAS 2020―Apr―30 Coronavirus as a Factor in World Politics Alexey Gromyko
49 [GO] Scientific and Analytical Herald of IE RAS 2020―Apr―30 Effects of the Coronavirus Pandemic on the German economy Vladislav Belov
50 [GO] Scientific and Analytical Herald of IE RAS 2020―Apr―30 Pandemic Factor in European Foreign Policy Alexander Shumilin

50 Results       Page 1


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