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COVID answers in Scientific Journals all over the world

Publishing House: Facultas Verlags- und Buchhandels AG

26 Results       Page 1

  original article Journal Date Title Authors Max. 6 Authors
1 [GO] PERSON 2023―Oct―04 Personzentrierte Psychotherapie während der Covid-19- Pandemie aus der Perspektive von Therapeut*innen: Eine Mixed Methods Studie Norbert File, Vanessa Kulcar, Emily Kuntschner, Anna Zeppenfeld, Barbara Juen
2 [GO] Digital Psychology 2023―Jul―13 Post-Traumatic Stress after Corona Virus Disease 19 (COVID-19): The Role of Gender and Distressing Social Media Exposure as Risk Factors Adelais Reichmann, Ines Bauda, Bettina Pfeffer, Andreas Goreis, Mercedes Bock, Paul Plener, Oswald D. Kothgassner
3 [GO] MedienJournal 2023―Feb―14 (Un)believable: the perceived credibility of Covid-19 information in Austria Florian Woschnagg, Andy Kaltenbrunner, Matthias Karmasin
4 [GO] Digital Psychology 2022―Jun―20 Psychotherapy in the Era of Covid-19: Therapists’ Decisions to Return to In-Person, Continue Working Remotely, or Offer a Hybrid Method Liat Shklarski, Allison Abrams, Elana Bakst
5 [GO] Central and Eastern European eDem and eGov Days 2022―Mar―18 Covid-19 and Digital Rights in Romania, Moldova and Ukraine Radu Mîrza
6 [GO] Central and Eastern European eDem and eGov Days 2022―Mar―18 How COVID-19 Changed “the Anatomy” of Political Campaigning Ina I. Vîrtosu
7 [GO] Central and Eastern European eDem and eGov Days 2022―Mar―18 COVID-19 Digital Contact Tracing between Privacy Issues and Co-Production - Why Some Have Worked and Some Haven’t Hiroko Kudo
8 [GO] Central and Eastern European eDem and eGov Days 2022―Mar―18 Ready to Learn Online? Lessons from the COVID-19 Pandemic in Turkey Helin Alagöz Gessler
9 [GO] Central and Eastern European eDem and eGov Days 2022―Mar―18 Degree of eGovernment Development and Level of Informal Economy - A Nudge from the Covid-19 Pandemic? Adriana Zait, Ioana Alexandra Horodnic
10 [GO] Central and Eastern European eDem and eGov Days 2022―Mar―18 Acceleration Factor Pandemic: A Synthesis of e-Government Maturity Models and Public Administration Employees' Perspective Julia Kaesmayr, Michael Schorn, Anna Steidle
11 [GO] MedienJournal 2022―Jan―18 Effects of Threatening Government Communication about COVID-19 on Health Protection Measures Melanie Saumer, Marlis Stubenvoll, Jörg Matthes
12 [GO] MedienJournal 2022―Jan―18 The Pandemic Through the Social Media Lens Jakob-Moritz Eberl, Noëlle Lebernegg
13 [GO] Digital Psychology 2021―Nov―08 Art and Design Education in Times of COVID-19: Distance Learning and the Importance of Interaction and Empathy Ruth Mateus-Berr
14 [GO] Digital Psychology 2021―Nov―08 Emergency Distance Learning in Austria during COVID-19: Selected Findings and Implications Elisabeth Pelikan, Katharina Hager, Julia Holzer, Selma Korlat, Christiane Spiel, Barbara Schober, Marko Lüftenegger
15 [GO] MedienJournal 2021―Oct―23 COVID-19-Impfung, ORF und Servus TV. Zur Korrespondenzbeziehung zwischen der Rezeption von Nachrichten-Kommentaren und der Impfbereitschaft Michaela Forrai, Manina Mestas, Florian Arendt
16 [GO] MedienJournal 2021―Oct―23 Sehr konfliktär: Nachrichtennutzung junger RezipientInnen zu Covid-19 Andy Kaltenbrunner, Andrea Fronaschütz, Dr., Sonja Luef
17 [GO] MedienJournal 2021―Oct―23 Inzivilität und Rationalität in Online Diskussionen zu COVID-19 Brigitte Huber, Cornelia Schroll
18 [GO] MedienJournal 2021―Oct―23 Sozioemotionale Krisenkommunikation in der COVID-19-Pandemie. Eine Untersuchung der Wahrnehmung von Arbeitnehmenden in österreichischen Organisationen Julia Stranzl
19 [GO] Digital Psychology 2021―Apr―27 Internet-Based Psychological Assessment and Intervention During the COVID-19 Pandemic With an Adolescent Transgender Patient - A Case Report Diana Klinger
20 [GO] Digital Psychology 2020―Oct―27 Experts View on Digital Media in Times COVID-19 Oswald D. Kothgassner
21 [GO] Digital Psychology 2020―Oct―27 Social Media as Vehicle for Conspiracy Beliefs on COVID-19 Andreas Goreis, Oswald D. Kothgassner
22 [GO] Digital Psychology 2020―Oct―27 Digital is the New Normal: The Role of Digital Media during the COVID-19 Crisis Oswald D. Kothgassner, Thomas Probst
23 [GO] Digital Psychology 2020―Oct―27 Provision of Remote Psychotherapy during the COVID-19 Pandemic Elke Humer, Probst Thomas
24 [GO] Digital Psychology 2020―Oct―27 Teletherapy for Adolescent Psychiatric Outpatients: The Soaring Flight of so far Idle Technologies during the COVID-19 Pandemic Mercedes Huscsava, Paul Plener, Oswald D. Kothgassner
25 [GO] Digital Psychology 2020―Oct―27 On the Need for Digital Phenotyping to Obtain Insights into Mental States in the COVID-19 Pandemic Christian Montag, Paul Dagum, Jon D. Elhai
26 [GO] Digital Psychology 2020―Oct―27 Science in Times of COVID-19: Remembering to Tread the Side Paths Anna Felnhofer, Oswald Kothgassner

26 Results       Page 1


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