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Journal |
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Authors All Authors |
1 |
[GO] |
Journal of Asian Multicultural Research for Economy and Management Study |
2024―Nov―22 |
The Dominant Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Import Procurement for Construction Projects Using Analysis Relative Importance Index (RII) and Hierarchical Clustering: a Case of Indonesia |
Anak Agung Diah Parami Dewi, Dewa Ketut Sudarsana, Agung Setia Budi |
2 |
[GO] |
Journal of Asian Multicultural Research for Medical and Health Science Study |
2024―Feb―10 |
Analysis of Global Health System Readiness in Facing the Global Health Crisis: Lessons from the COVID-19 Pandemic and Strategies to Increase Resilience |
Vyacheslav Lyashenko |
3 |
[GO] |
Journal of Asian Multicultural Research for Medical and Health Science Study |
2024―Feb―10 |
Analysis of the Public Health Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic: Challenges and Recovery Strategies in the Contemporary Era |
Krenaida Taraj |
4 |
[GO] |
Journal of Asian Multicultural Research for Medical and Health Science Study |
2023―Nov―14 |
Adolescent Mental Health and Physical Activity During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Padang City |
Susmiati Susmiati, Miftah Fauziyah, Mulyanti Roberto Muliantino |
5 |
[GO] |
Journal of Asian Multicultural Research for Economy and Management Study |
2023―Sep―10 |
Decision to Residential Purchasing in Denpasar Before and During the Covid-19 Pandemic |
Anissa Maria Hidayati, Gusti Ayu Putu Candra Dharmayanti, Charlie Adi Mertha |
6 |
[GO] |
Journal of Asian Multicultural Research for Economy and Management Study |
2023―Sep―08 |
Decision to Residential Purchasing in Denpasar Before and During the Covid-19 Pandemic |
Anissa Maria Hidayati, Gusti Ayu Putu Candra Dharmayanti, Charlie Adi Mertha |
7 |
[GO] |
Journal of Asian Multicultural Research for Economy and Management Study |
2023―Feb―13 |
The Role of Financial Risks and Financial Sustainability in the Iraqi Stock Markets during COVID-19 Pandemic |
Aymen Raheem Abdulaali Almayyahi |
8 |
[GO] |
Journal of Asian Multicultural Research for Medical and Health Science Study |
2023―Feb―06 |
Implementation Analysis of Management Covid-19 Patients in Accordance with Standard Operating Procedures and Religious Approach |
Ismail Efendy, Nur Harini Purba, Nuraini Nuraini |
9 |
[GO] |
Journal of Asian Multicultural Research for Medical and Health Science Study |
2022―Oct―07 |
Implementation of Covid-19 on the Prevalence of Tuberculosis in Gorontalo Regency |
Syafruddin Syafruddin, Rahman Suleman |
10 |
[GO] |
Journal of Asian Multicultural Research for Economy and Management Study |
2022―Aug―19 |
Market’s Reaction and Covid-19 Pandemic |
Andre Prasetya Willim, Hadi Santoso |
11 |
[GO] |
Journal of Asian Multicultural Research for Social Sciences Study |
2022―Jul―08 |
Pandemic-Resilient Sustainable Settlement Model in Makassar City |
Ninik Dwi Resky, Mimi Arifin, Shirly Wunas |
12 |
[GO] |
Journal of Asian Multicultural Research for Social Sciences Study |
2022―Apr―18 |
Behavior and Participation of Marginal Communities in the Implementation of Health Protocols in Facing the Covid-19 Pandemic (Cases in Coastal Areas and Small Islands, West Lombok Regency) |
Lalu Wiresapta Karyadi, Ika Wijayanti, Maya Atri Komalasari |
13 |
[GO] |
Journal of Asian Multicultural Research for Educational Study |
2022―Mar―31 |
Dramatic Learning Problems During the Covid-19 Pandemic at SMPN 1 Tanasitolo, Wajo Regency |
Nurul Ainun Ika Wahyuni, Mayong Mayong, Kembong Daeng |
14 |
[GO] |
Journal of Asian Multicultural Research for Educational Study |
2022―Mar―22 |
The Strategy for Changing Learning Methods Carried out By Elementary School Teachers Between The Pandemic and the New Normal |
Selanung Purisai, Theerath Sompron |
15 |
[GO] |
Journal of Asian Multicultural Research for Social Sciences Study |
2022―Jan―28 |
Language Representation of Covid-19 Report on CNN Indonesia Online Media and its Utilization as a Critical Reading Enrichment Book |
Sarimagfirah Rahman, Saleh Saleh, Idawati Idawati |
16 |
[GO] |
Journal of Asian Multicultural Research for Medical and Health Science Study |
2021―Dec―23 |
Covid-19 Vaccination Maternal Services for Pregnant Women in the Work Area of Telaga Community Health Centers |
Harismayanti Harismayanti, Rona Febriyona, St. Surya Indah Nurdin, Mukmin Wadila Rahim, Delanti Mahmud, Nurul Hasanah |
17 |
[GO] |
Journal of Asian Multicultural Research for Medical and Health Science Study |
2021―Nov―07 |
Determinants Influencing Bed Occupancy Rate (BOR) at Langsa Hospital in the Covid-19 Pandemic |
Iskandar Iskandar, Arifah Devi Fitriani, Asriwati Asriwati |
18 |
[GO] |
Journal of Asian Multicultural Research for Social Sciences Study |
2021―Sep―05 |
Political Communication vs Cultural Approach to Society Related to the Handling of Covid-19 |
Jounadi Kaseem, Aish Zhain, Kduoh Al Deen |
19 |
[GO] |
Journal of Asian Multicultural Research for Medical and Health Science Study |
2021―Jul―07 |
The Effect of Patient Experience on Patient Loyalty through Patient Satisfaction in Telemedicine Application Services During the Covid-19 Pandemic |
Dian Eka Permata Sari W, Fridawaty Rivai, Ridwan Amirrudin |
20 |
[GO] |
Journal of Asian Multicultural Research for Social Sciences Study |
2021―May―05 |
Alternative Comparison of Government Strategies of ASEAN Countries in Addressing Public Welfare Problems During Covid-19 |
Ravire Kethryn, Bianca Salonga |
21 |
[GO] |
Journal of Asian Multicultural Research for Economy and Management Study |
2021―May―04 |
Digital Marketing and Creative Economy Theory in Economic Development during the Pandemic |
Hsu Yu Shin, May Shun Mynt |
22 |
[GO] |
Journal of Asian Multicultural Research for Economy and Management Study |
2021―Apr―01 |
Covid-19 Vaccine: Global Stock Market “Game Changer” |
Hartono Hartono |
23 |
[GO] |
Journal of Asian Multicultural Research for Economy and Management Study |
2021―Apr―01 |
The Pandemic Era Digital Economy: Youth Challenges in Social Media Marketing |
Sawika Kongying, Sasalak Purisai |
24 |
[GO] |
Journal of Asian Multicultural Research for Economy and Management Study |
2021―Mar―24 |
Management Development Program to Increase Employee Capacity and Responsibility during the Covid-19 Pandemic |
Rahis Rahman, Mehmood Faheem |
25 |
[GO] |
Journal of Asian Multicultural Research for Economy and Management Study |
2021―Mar―24 |
Efforts to Improve the Creative Economy during the Covid-19 Pandemic in ASEAN Countries |
Jovin Palla, Kainoa Strickler |
26 |
[GO] |
Journal of Asian Multicultural Research for Medical and Health Science Study |
2021―Mar―08 |
Public Response to the Implementation of Health Protocols during the Covid-19 Pandemic |
Angle Lustre, Liza Chiu |
27 |
[GO] |
Journal of Asian Multicultural Research for Social Sciences Study |
2021―Feb―13 |
Public Trust in Information Media of the Spread of Covid-19 |
Guirado Schröck, Steuble Falkesgaard |
28 |
[GO] |
Journal of Asian Multicultural Research for Medical and Health Science Study |
2021―Feb―03 |
Analysis of Quarantine Service Quality on Ship Crew Satisfaction during the Covid-19 Pandemic at Belawan Sea Port |
Rizal Mayridian, Asriwati Amirah, Tengku Moriza |
29 |
[GO] |
Journal of Asian Multicultural Research for Economy and Management Study |
2021―Jan―09 |
Reflections on the Economy of ASEAN countries in the face of the Covid-19 Pandemic |
Linh Benson, Tienne Nhung |
30 |
[GO] |
Journal of Asian Multicultural Research for Social Sciences Study |
2020―Dec―11 |
Analysis of the Prosperous Family Card Program Policy during the Covid-19 Pandemic |
Mohammad Yunus, Muh. Alias |
31 |
[GO] |
Journal of Asian Multicultural Research for Economy and Management Study |
2020―Nov―14 |
Price Environment for Gold and Silver in the Context of the Development of COVID-19 |
Valeria Baranova, Olena Sergienko, Svitlana Stepurina, Vyacheslav Lyashenko |
32 |
[GO] |
Journal of Asian Multicultural Research for Medical and Health Science Study |
2020―Oct―10 |
Digestive Surgical Emergencies at Analankininina Toamasina Madagascar University Hospital during the Covid-19 Pandemic |
Razafindraibe VB, Rasataharifetra Rasataharifetra, Rahantasoa FCFP, Samison LH, Rakotoarijaona AH |
33 |
[GO] |
Journal of Asian Multicultural Research for Social Sciences Study |
2020―Sep―30 |
Changes in Social Interaction during Covid-19 Pandemic |
Shoya Yoshida |
34 |
[GO] |
Journal of Asian Multicultural Research for Economy and Management Study |
2020―Sep―16 |
The Influence of COVID-19 on Indonesian Investment |
Jeliastiva Jeliastiva, Farid Fachrurazi |
35 |
[GO] |
Journal of Asian Multicultural Research for Economy and Management Study |
2020―Sep―15 |
Impact of Covid-19 on Interest Rates |
Lo Yi-Wei |