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COVID answers in Scientific Journals all over the world

Publishing House: Academy Publication

65 Results       Page 1

  original article Journal Date Title Authors Max. 6 Authors
1 [GO] Journal of Language Teaching and Research 2024―Sep―01 The Universal Culture of COVID-19 as Provoked by the War Against COVID-19 Metaphor Maisarah M. Almirabi
2 [GO] Journal of Language Teaching and Research 2024―Sep―01 Impacts of LMS Socio-Linguistic and Psychometric Factors on Students' English and Translation Proficiency and Communicative Competence: A Paradigm Shift During COVID-19 Pandemic Magda Madkour, Hajer Alaskar
3 [GO] Theory and Practice in Language Studies 2024―Jun―19 Conceptual Metonymy of COVID-19 Pandemic in Vietnam’s Online Newspapers Quynh T.H. Pham, Lan T.B. Tran
4 [GO] Theory and Practice in Language Studies 2024―Apr―30 Exploring Cognitive Teaching Approaches for Inclusive Translation Online Classes: A Case Study During the COVID-19 Pandemic Magda Madkour, Hajer Alaskar
5 [GO] Theory and Practice in Language Studies 2024―Apr―30 TikTok: How the Application Became the Motivation for Online Learning for EFL Students During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Indonesia Euis Yanah Mulyanah, Ahmad Amarullah
6 [GO] Theory and Practice in Language Studies 2024―Apr―30 Ahmed Saadawi’s Frankenstein in Baghdad in the Time of the COVID-19: A Postmodern Reading Nasaybah Walid Awajan
7 [GO] Theory and Practice in Language Studies 2024―Apr―30 The Mechanism of Survival in Post-Apocalyptic Pandemic Narratives: A Comparative Study Zena Dhia Mohammed, Sabrina Abdulkadhom Abdulridha
8 [GO] Theory and Practice in Language Studies 2024―Mar―30 Higher Secondary Students' Performance in Math, English, and Other Science Subjects in Pre-COVID 19 and During COVID 19 Pandemic: A Comparative Study Using Mahalanobis Distance Eusob Ali Ahmed, Mohammad Rezaul Karim, Munmun Banerjee, Subir Sen, Sameena Banu, Wahaj Unnisa Warda
9 [GO] Journal of Language Teaching and Research 2024―Jan―01 A Scientometric Analysis of Language Teacher Emotions (2004-2022): Spotlight on the Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on LTE Research Xinrou Xu, Xiao Xie, Vahid Nimehchisalem
10 [GO] Theory and Practice in Language Studies 2024―Jan―01 Types of Сovid-Protologisms Formed in the Language Content of Kazakhstanis During the Pandemic Aigul Amirbekova, Kalbike Essenova, Fariza Ismailova, Zhanalik Baltabayeva, Bibaisha Nurdauletova, Zhanatbek Ishpekbayev, Sarzhan Takirov
11 [GO] Journal of Language Teaching and Research 2023―Nov―01 Sudanese EFL Ph.D. Students’ Attitudes and Perceptions Towards Using Zoom During the COVID-19 Pandemic Nada S. Eljack, Nivein A. Altahir, Fatima A. Mohamed
12 [GO] Theory and Practice in Language Studies 2023―Sep―01 Exploring COVID-19 Arabic Humorous Comments in Social Media: Linguistic Analysis of Facebook Comments Using the General Theory of Verbal Humor Sulaiman M. Alkaraki, Marlyna Maros, Norhayati Binti Alias
13 [GO] Theory and Practice in Language Studies 2023―Jul―01 Studying From Home During COVID-19: A Many-Facets Rasch Model (MFRM) Analysis Satria Agust, Gatot Subroto, Baiq Suprapti Handini
14 [GO] Journal of Language Teaching and Research 2023―Jul―01 The Use of Repair Strategies in the EFL University Classroom During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Indonesia, Algeria, and Iran Malikatul Laila, Dwi Haryanti, Sigit Haryanto, Mouna Fethiza Tedjani, Hamid Allami, Laily Rahmatika
15 [GO] Theory and Practice in Language Studies 2023―Jun―02 Transitivity and Modality Analysis of Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus’s Speeches on Handling COVID-19 Mohammad Muhassin
16 [GO] Theory and Practice in Language Studies 2023―May―02 Figurative Language Used by Australian Facebookers During COVID-19 Pandemic Mamoun I Bani Amer, Luqman M Rababah
17 [GO] Journal of Language Teaching and Research 2023―May―02 A Critical Discourse Analysis of the Microstructure of Covid-19 Health-Protocol Advertisements in Tourist Facilities I Wayan Budiarta, Ni Wayan Kasni
18 [GO] Journal of Language Teaching and Research 2023―May―02 Saudi EFL University Instructors’ Perceptions of Online Education During the COVID-19 Pandemic Farah N. Algraini
19 [GO] Theory and Practice in Language Studies 2023―Apr―02 Advantages and Challenges of eLearning Before and After the COVID-19 Pandemic: Faculty and Student Perceptions in Saudi Education Siham Mousa Alhaider, Sarwat un Nisa
20 [GO] Theory and Practice in Language Studies 2023―Apr―02 “Economy Struggle to Escape Coronacoma”: Compound Word Formation Processes of COVID-19 Related Terms in Online English News Articles Heri Kuswoyo, Eva Tuckyta Sari Sujatna
21 [GO] Theory and Practice in Language Studies 2023―Mar―02 COVID-19 in Humor: Verbal Humor Construction in Indonesian Stand-Up Comedian Performances Muhammad Yusuf, Umar Mono
22 [GO] Journal of Language Teaching and Research 2023―Mar―02 The Effects of Online Production-Oriented Approach (POA) on Chinese Undergraduates’ English Speaking Competence Development During COVID-19 Pandemic Era Adelina Asmawi, Lixuan Sun
23 [GO] Journal of Language Teaching and Research 2023―Mar―02 China’s Building of International Discourse System Against COVID-19 Pandemic-From the Perspective of Proximization Theory Yunyou Wang
24 [GO] Journal of Language Teaching and Research 2023―Mar―02 Students’ Perception of the Use of Learning Management System in Learning English for Specific Purpose During the Pandemic: Evidence From Rural Area in Indonesia Gabriel Fredi Daar, Ni Luh Supartini, Ni Made Ayu Sulasmini, Kadek Ayu Ekasani, Denok Lestari, Ida Ayu Gayatri Kesumayathi
25 [GO] Journal of Language Teaching and Research 2023―Jan―02 Google Classroom as an Online Learning Media for Indonesian Language Learning During COVID-19 Pandemic Agus Nuryatin, Alfian Rokhmansyah, Anni Malihatul Hawa, Indah Rahmayanti, Bayu Aji Nugroho
26 [GO] Journal of Language Teaching and Research 2023―Jan―02 Debriefing in Online Primary ESL Classrooms During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Case Study Shanty Carmelie Rif, Kim Hua Tan, Khairul Farhah Khairuddin
27 [GO] Theory and Practice in Language Studies 2023―Jan―02 The Problem of Gendered Emojis in Online Communication Platforms: A Study to Understand Digital Dependence on Using Emotions During Pandemic Rohini Ravi, Manali Karmakar
28 [GO] Theory and Practice in Language Studies 2022―Dec―01 The Use of the Token Economy in ESL Classrooms During the COVID-19 Pandemic Mathura Kasiveloo, Kim Hua Tan, Nur Ehsan Mohd Said, Bromeley Philip, Syar Meeze Mohd Rashid
29 [GO] Theory and Practice in Language Studies 2022―Dec―01 Persuasive Strategies in Two Speeches of King Abdullah II About the Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic Amal Samir AbuAlhuda, Sabri Alshboul
30 [GO] Theory and Practice in Language Studies 2022―Dec―01 The Spread of English Language Elements During the COVID-19 Period Merey Balabekova, Nadezhda Khan, Yeldos Tuite, Sayan Kenzhegaliev, Zamzagul Zuyntayeva, Bektursun Kaliev, Zhandos Smagulov
31 [GO] Theory and Practice in Language Studies 2022―Nov―03 Rhetorical Devices and Humor by Jordanian Social Media Users During COVID-19 Pandemic (June 2022) Mahmoud A. Al-Qudah, Shereen M. Abu Hait
32 [GO] Journal of Language Teaching and Research 2022―Nov―01 EFL Teachers’ Practices and Challenges Towards Implementing Critical Thinking Skills Online During Covid-19 Pandemic Nasser Alasmari
33 [GO] Journal of Language Teaching and Research 2022―Nov―01 Lexical Borrowing of Covid-19 Terminologies in the Indonesian Language Dewa Ayu Kadek Claria, Ketut Artawa, Made Sri Satyawati, Anak Agung Putu Putra
34 [GO] Theory and Practice in Language Studies 2022―Oct―01 Appraisal Resources and National Image: A Case Study on Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokespersons’ Responses About COVID-19 Qi Yuan Liu, Lay Hoon Ang, Moniza Waheed, Zalina Binti Mohd Kasim
35 [GO] Theory and Practice in Language Studies 2022―Oct―01 Online Teaching and Learning During Covid-19 Pandemic: Challenges Faced by English Teachers in Islamic Tertiary Institutions in Malaysia and Indonesia Ahmad Farit Mazlan, Maslawati Mohammad, Rosnani Kassim
36 [GO] Theory and Practice in Language Studies 2022―Oct―01 Foreign Languages E-Learning Assessment Efficiency and Content Access Effectiveness During Corona Pandemic in University Context Nabil Al-Awawdeh, Tahira Kalsoom
37 [GO] Journal of Language Teaching and Research 2022―Sep―01 Factors Contributing to the Gap Between Listening and Speaking Skills Performance Among University Students Post COVID-19 Amal Abdelsattar Metwally, Sabreen Ahmed A. Hakami, Abeer Hussien Alabdaly
38 [GO] Journal of Language Teaching and Research 2022―Sep―01 Students’ Acceptance of Using CIDOS 3.5 for Learning Communicative English During Covid-19 Pandemic Yong Hua Ying, Maslawati Mohamad, M. Khalid M. Nasir
39 [GO] Theory and Practice in Language Studies 2022―Aug―01 The Positive Impact of Pandemics in Two Selected Speculative Narratives Rasha Mohammad Khashashneh, Mahmoud F. Alshetawi
40 [GO] Theory and Practice in Language Studies 2022―Jul―05 COVID-19 IS WAR, WATER & A PERSON: Metaphorical Language of the Coronavirus Disease in "the Jordan Times" Newspaper Hanan A Amaireh
41 [GO] Journal of Language Teaching and Research 2022―Jul―01 EFL Instructors’ and Students’ Perceptions of Online Writing Instruction During the COVID-19 Pandemic Ebtisam W. Alwaheebi, Fatma M. Al-Qahtani
42 [GO] Journal of Language Teaching and Research 2022―Jul―01 The Rate of Reading Poverty After the COVID-19 Pandemic School Shutdown and Specific Intervention Strategies for Lower Primary School Pupils in the Southern Province and Western Area of Sierra Leone Philip F. Y. Thulla, Samba Moriba, Dickson Adom, Madiana N. S. Mensah-Gborie
43 [GO] Theory and Practice in Language Studies 2022―Jun―01 COVID-19 Outbreak, State of a Questionable Dilemma, or a Learning Escape: Second Language Acquisition Within Virtual Learning and Social Contact Nazzem Mohammad Abdullah Attiyat, Tamador Khalaf Abu-Snoubar, Yasser Al-Shboul, Malak Mohammad Hasan Ismael
44 [GO] Theory and Practice in Language Studies 2022―Jun―01 Systematic Literature Review: Investigating Speaking Challenges Among ESL Learners During the Covid-19 Pandemic Evelyn Rita Adickalam, Melor Md Yunus
45 [GO] Theory and Practice in Language Studies 2022―May―04 Legitimation Strategies in Political Rhetoric: Examples From Presidential Speeches on Covid-19 Yunyou Wang
46 [GO] Theory and Practice in Language Studies 2022―Apr―03 Conceptual Metaphor in COVID-19 Speeches of the American President Joe Biden Lina Mahmoud Abdel-Qader, Rajai Rashead Al-Khanji
47 [GO] Journal of Language Teaching and Research 2022―Mar―02 E-Learning During the COVID-19 Outbreak: The Effect of the Grammar Translation Method and the Direct Method on Students’ English Competence Kaharuddin
48 [GO] Theory and Practice in Language Studies 2022―Mar―02 Factors Affecting the Behaviour in Integrating Google Meet Among Malaysian Primary ESL Teachers During Covid-19 Pandemic Winson Eng Wei Siang, Maslawati Mohamad
49 [GO] Theory and Practice in Language Studies 2022―Feb―05 Language and New Words and Phrases Related to Coronavirus Among Saudi Arabian Students: Awareness, Knowledge, and Use Abdullah Al-Melhi, Najat Ahmed Busabaa
50 [GO] Theory and Practice in Language Studies 2022―Jan―02 Exploring the Online EFL Classroom Ecology of Middle Schools During the COVID-19 Lockdown Shuang Zhao, Luying Zhang, Yang Chen
51 [GO] Theory and Practice in Language Studies 2022―Jan―02 A Comparison of Online Learning Challenges Between Young Learners and Adult Learners in ESL Classes During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Critical Review Sasi Rekha Manoharan, Tan Kim Hua, Fazal Mohamed Mohamed Sultan
52 [GO] Journal of Language Teaching and Research 2022―Jan―02 EFL Teachers’ Perceptions on the Implementation of Mobile-Assisted Language Learning in Saudi Arabia During COVID-19: Challenges and Affordances Norah Alghamdi
53 [GO] Theory and Practice in Language Studies 2021―Nov―02 The Construction of China’s National Image From Transitivity Perspective-A Case Study of Fighting COVID-19: China in Action Zhencong Liu, Hui Liu
54 [GO] Theory and Practice in Language Studies 2021―Oct―02 ELT Online Teachers’ Professional Development During the Covid-19 Pandemic Outbreak: Perceptions, Implications and Adaptations Abdullah Al-Bargi
55 [GO] Journal of Language Teaching and Research 2021―Sep―03 Jordanian Wedding Invitation Genre During the Covid-19 Pandemic Ahmad I. Tawalbeh
56 [GO] Journal of Language Teaching and Research 2021―Sep―03 Before and After: English Language Acquisition in Saudi Arabia and the New Possibilities in Teaching and Learning That the COVID-19 Pandemic May Have Brought Badriah M. Alkhannani
57 [GO] Journal of Language Teaching and Research 2021―Jul―02 Implementation of E-Learning for ESP in Tourism During the Covid-19 Pandemic Gede Ginaya, Ni Putu Somawati, I Gusti Agung Bagus Mataram
58 [GO] Theory and Practice in Language Studies 2021―Jul―02 Mood in Language: A Lexico-syntactic Analysis of Nigeria Centre for Disease Control (NCDC) Covid-19 Sensitisation SMS Ebenezer Deji Ogunrinde, Joshua Taiwo Ajenifari
59 [GO] Theory and Practice in Language Studies 2021―Jun―02 Fuzzy Language Processing in Translation of Literature: A Case Study of Dr. Zha’s Diary of Fighting the COVID-19 Aijun Yang
60 [GO] Theory and Practice in Language Studies 2021―Jun―02 Doctor-patient Conversation Analysis: A Sociolinguistic Perspective on the Case of COVID-19 in Esfahan, Iran Jamal Poursamimi, Malihe Khubroo, Seyyed Hossein Sanaeifar
61 [GO] Journal of Language Teaching and Research 2021―May―02 Attitudes and Challenges Towards Virtual Classes in Learning English Language Courses From Students' Perspectives at Taibah University During COVID-19 Pandemic Mohammad Abd Alhafeez Ali Ta'amneh
62 [GO] Journal of Language Teaching and Research 2021―May―02 Challenges of Distance Learning in Language Classes: Based on the Experience of Distance Teaching of Arabic to Non-native Speakers in Light of the Coronavirus Pandemic Dalal Moh'd Al-Assaf
63 [GO] Theory and Practice in Language Studies 2020―Nov―02 The Communication Power of Chinese Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia (COVID-19) News Reports in Light of the Framing Theory Shuyuan Zheng
64 [GO] Theory and Practice in Language Studies 2020―Nov―02 On the Lesson Design of Online College English Class during the COVID-19 Pandemic Zhen Zhou
65 [GO] Theory and Practice in Language Studies 2020―Sep―19 The COVID-19 Pandemic: Challenges Faced and Lessons Learned Regarding Distance Learning in Lebanese Higher Education Institutions Maha Mouchantaf

65 Results       Page 1


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