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COVID answers in Scientific Journals all over the world

Publishing House: Brill

402 Results       Page 1

  original article Journal Date Title Authors All Authors
1 [GO] Behaviour 2024―Aug―23 Increase of coastal shark bite frequency linked to the COVID-19 lockdown reveals a territoriality-dominance behaviour toward humans Eric E.G. Clua, Carl G. Meyer, Clémentine Séguigne, Aaron J. Wirsing
2 [GO] Asia Pacific Journal on Human Rights and the Law 2024―Aug―23 Revisiting State Sovereignty Interpretation in Managing Rohingya Refugee Arrivals Amid the covid-19 Pandemic in Indonesia Natalia Yeti Puspita
3 [GO] Journal of Belonging and Human Connection 2024―Aug―23 Cultivating Belonging for Self and Others in Learning Spaces During the Pandemic Carey Borkoski, Brianne Roos, Keshrie Naidoo, Lisa Mitchell
4 [GO] Journal of Religion in Africa 2024―Aug―09 Researching Religion and the COVID-19 Pandemic in Africa Alexander Paul Isiko
5 [GO] Perspectives on Global Development and Technology 2024―Jul―31 Unpacking Pertinent States of Stigma and Stigmatization Associated with COVID-19 in Eclectic Contexts: a Review of the Literature Simon Murote Kang’ethe
6 [GO] Comparative Sociology 2024―Jul―31 Socio-ecological Factors Associated with Preventive Behavior against COVID-19 in Ethiopia Kibur Engdawork, Ezana Amdework, Samuel Assefa
7 [GO] Journal of Applied Animal Ethics Research 2024―Jul―31 COVID-19 Long-Term Changes: Failures, Challenges, and Opportunities Francesco Andreucci, Daniela Florio
8 [GO] Ocean Yearbook Online 2024―Jul―31 Analyzing the Impact of the Climate Emergency on Shipping through Analogical Interpretation of the COVID-19 Pandemic Lamin Jawara, Tafsir M. Johansson
9 [GO] Multisensory Research 2024―Jul―31 Can Multisensory Olfactory Training Improve Olfactory Dysfunction Caused by COVID-19? Gözde Filiz, Simon Bérubé, Claudia Demers, Frank Cloutier, Angela Chen, Valérie Pek, et al. (+3)
10 [GO] Journal of Applied Animal Ethics Research 2024―Jul―31 Ethical Emergency Planning in Animal Research Facilities: Lessons from the Pandemic Angela K. Martin, Matthias Eggel
11 [GO] Asian Medicine 2024―Jul―31 Structures of Trust and the COVID-19 Pandemic Catherine West, Kanchana Dodan Godage
12 [GO] Asian Medicine 2024―Jul―31 Sowa Rigpa, Vajrayana Buddhism, and COVID-19 Vaccines in India and Bhutan Barbara Gerke
13 [GO] Journal of Religion in Africa 2024―Jun―12 Religion and Coronavirus Response in Kano State, Nigeria Mitterand Mvono Okorie
14 [GO] African and Asian Studies 2024―May―21 Rethinking the Dynamics of Fighting Covid-19 in Jordan: Social Exchange Perspective Mohammed Abdel Karim Al Hourani, Ali Jameel Al-Sarayrah
15 [GO] International Studies Review 2024―May―11 Whose Ideas Matter? The Changing Meaning of Health Protocols in Indonesia’s Border Management Policies in the Pandemic Era Sylvia Yazid, Mireille Marcia Karman
16 [GO] Perspectives on Global Development and Technology 2024―Apr―29 The Social and Biomedical Hurdles Associated with COVID-19: Eclectic Contexts Ndungi wa Mungai, Simon Murote Kang’ethe
17 [GO] Perspectives on Global Development and Technology 2024―Apr―29 Older People and Connectivity: How Has the Pandemic Changed the Older Population’s Use of ICT s and Social Networks? María Mairal-Llebot, Cecilia Latorre-Cosculluela, Marta Liesa-Orús, Sergio Cored-Bandrés
18 [GO] Simone de Beauvoir Studies 2024―Apr―25 Responding to the COVID-19 Care Home Crisis Cillian Ó Fathaigh
19 [GO] Religion and Human Rights 2024―Mar―20 The Battle over Proportionality and Essentiality: Limitations to Freedom of Religion or Belief During the Pandemic in Brazil Felipe Augusto Lopes Carvalho
20 [GO] Journal of Applied Animal Ethics Research 2024―Mar―14 Quality Management and Animal Welfare as Culture of Care for Animal Experiments under Biosafety Level-3, taking COVID-19 as a Practical Example Armina Richter, Katrin Wirz, Veronika Pilchová, Claudia Schulz, Asisa Volz, Maren von Köckritz-Blickwede
21 [GO] Journal of Labor and Society 2024―Mar―13 Unemployment Insurance Claims During the covid-19 Pandemic: The Experiences of Temporary Migrant Workers Employed in South Africa Chioma Joyce Onukogu
22 [GO] International Journal of Public Theology 2024―Mar―13 A Public Theological Reflection on Biblical Antecedents of Protocols for Managing Pandemics Patrick Kofi Amissah
23 [GO] Worldviews Global Religions Culture and Ecology 2024―Mar―06 Sweden’s Pandemic Experiment., by Sigurd Bergmann and Martin Lindström, eds. Martha Lincoln
24 [GO] Beneficial Microbes 2024―Feb―27 General dynamics of the URT microbiome and microbial signs of recovery in COVID-19 patients O. Ignatyeva, V. Gostev, A. Taraskina, I. Tsvetkova, P. Pavlova, O. Sulian, et al. (+28)
25 [GO] International Labor Rights Case Law 2024―Feb―22 If Jabless then Jobless? EU Court Refuses to Second-Guess National covid-19 Vaccination Mandate Contested by Health-Care Worker Mária Éva Földes
26 [GO] International Labor Rights Case Law 2024―Feb―22 Freedom of Association and covid-19: Striking a Balance? Ana Teresa Ribeiro
27 [GO] The African Review 2024―Feb―21 “Kuna Corona fake na Og”: The Role of Postcolonial Laughter during the COVID-19 Outbreak in Tanzania Angelus Mnenuka
28 [GO] Asian Medicine 2024―Jan―25 Pandemic Medicine: Why the Global Innovation System Is Broken, and How We Can Fix It, written by Kathryn C. Ibata-Arens Michael Stanley-Baker
29 [GO] Innovation in the Social Sciences 2024―Jan―24 Unveiling Creative Economy Resilience in Indonesia amidst the Global Pandemic Demeiati Nur Kusumaningrum, Dion Maulana Prasetya, Novin Farid Styo Wibowo
30 [GO] Journal of Islamic Ethics 2024―Jan―18 COVID-19 and Pandemic Ethics in the Islamic Tradition: An Introduction Mohammed Ghaly, Mutaz al-Khatib
31 [GO] Africa Review 2024―Jan―16 The Microeconomic Consequences of the Covid-19 Pandemic Mehmet Altinay, Fahriye Altinay, Gokmen Dagli, Zehra Altinay
32 [GO] Africa Review 2024―Jan―16 Social Media, Fake News and Covid-19 Vaccine Hesitancy in Zimbabwe Manase Kudzai Chiweshe, Gerald Dandah
33 [GO] Journal of Religion Media and Digital Culture 2024―Jan―15 Islam during the Time of Pandemics: Islamic Arab Scholars’ Framing of covid-19 Ehab Galal
34 [GO] Journal of Religion Media and Digital Culture 2024―Jan―15 Religion, covid-19, and a Sense of Community: a Facebook Case Study Maggie Vail, Kris Boyle, Pamela Brubaker
35 [GO] Philippine Political Science Journal 2023―Dec―29 Digital Innovations during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Facebook Use for Local E-Governance in the Province of South Cotabato Jayson Troy Ferro Bajar, Markus Porsche-Ludwig
36 [GO] African and Asian Studies 2023―Dec―22 Humor in Pedagogy in Tertiary Education in the Age of Covid-19: Bosnia in Comparative Perspective, written by Philip C. Aka and Sencer Yeralan Kwadwo Stephen Alex Assensoh
37 [GO] Notebooks The Journal for Studies on Power 2023―Dec―09 The Organic Crisis of a Colonised State: Bulgaria in the Eye of the Pandemic, 2020-2022 Ian McKay
38 [GO] Bijdragen tot de taal- land- en volkenkunde / Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences of Southeast Asia 2023―Dec―06 Economic Dimensions of COVID-19 in Indonesia; Responding to the Crisis , by Blane D. Lewis and Firman Witoelar (eds) Solita Sarwono
39 [GO] Exchange 2023―Dec―05 Between Pandemonium and Pandemethics. Responses to Covid-19 from Theology and Religion, edited by Dorothea Erbele-Küster and Volker Küster Rahman Yakubu
40 [GO] Youth and Globalization 2023―Nov―24 covid-19, the Anthropocene and Young People’s Well-Being: a Posthuman Rethinking of Young People as ‘Biocultural Creatures’ Peter Kelly, James Goring, Seth Brown
41 [GO] Youth and Globalization 2023―Nov―24 Youth and the Pandemic: Uncertainty, Gained Skills, and Strategies Sonia Bertolini, Angela Dolores Lucca, Veronica Allegretti
42 [GO] European Yearbook of Minority Issues Online 2023―Nov―21 Emergency Language Policy: Principles and Lessons from the Covid-19 Pandemic Marco Civico, Cecilia Gialdini, Michele Gazzola, Gordon Marnoch
43 [GO] The Italian Yearbook of International Law Online 2023―Nov―16 Italian Legislation in Times of Pandemics and International Law: The Way out of the Emergency Eloisa M.B. Bellucci, Donato Greco
44 [GO] Journal of Applied Animal Ethics Research 2023―Nov―14 What Should We Do to Prevent Zoonoses with Pandemic Potential? Jan Deckers
45 [GO] Journal of Chinese Overseas 2023―Nov―07 Chinese Migration to and within Europe: Continuity and Renewal in the Light of Demographic Factors and the Impact of Covid-19 思萌 王
46 [GO] Journal of Labor and Society 2023―Nov―03 Research for Change: Reflections on Online Collective Activism Against Accelerated Policies of University Privatization during covid-19 Restrictions in Hungary Sara Bigazzi, Sara Serdult, Judit Zeller
47 [GO] Manusya Journal of Humanities 2023―Oct―21 A Critical Discourse Analysis of News Reports on Covid-19 from The New York Times and China Daily Yulin Mai, Andrew Jocuns
48 [GO] Journal of Applied Animal Ethics Research 2023―Oct―18 The Effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Feline Strays in the Venice Area (2020-2022) in the Experience of Cat Rescue Organization Volunteers Marilena De Langes, Simona Normando
49 [GO] Worldviews Global Religions Culture and Ecology 2023―Oct―11 Interpreting and Responding to Pandemics in Philosophical Traditions and Films of India Pankaj Jain, Shikha Sharma
50 [GO] Triple Helix Journal 2023―Oct―06 Governing New and Traditional Partnerships for Innovation and Development in the Post- Pandemic World Marco Bellandi, Dimitri Corpakis, Letizia Donati
51 [GO] The African Review 2023―Sep―14 The Algerian Way: The Cycle of Securitization as a Response to COVID-19 Nabil Ouassini, Anwar Ouassini, Mostafa Amini
52 [GO] The African Review 2023―Sep―07 COVID-19: Implications on Africa’s International Relations and Regional Integration Alexander Makulilo, Rasul A. Minja
53 [GO] Populism 2023―Sep―05 Activities and Counterstrategies; Populism during the COVID-19 Pandemic Jellen Olivares-Jirsell, Anders Hellström
54 [GO] Populism 2023―Aug―19 The Virus as Remedy: COVID-19 and the End of the Populist Meta-Crisis Marco Bitschnau
55 [GO] The African Review 2023―Aug―18 International Cooperation during a Transboundary Crisis: A Review of Theoretical Perspectives on States’ Responses to the Coronavirus Pandemic Rasul A. Minja
56 [GO] Society and Animals 2023―Aug―03 Behaviors and Attitudes Towards Companion Animals During COVID-19: An Exploratory Study in Portugal Vera Duarte, Susana Costa, Catarina Cardoso, Mariana Soares
57 [GO] Journal of Moral Philosophy 2023―Jul―27 Saving Animals, Saving Ourselves: Why Animals Matter for Pandemics, Climate Change, and other Catastrophes, written by Jeff Sebo Matthew Wray Perry
58 [GO] Logos 2023―Jul―26 Digital Futures, Sustainability and Life after COVID-19 David Baker, Lucy Ellis
59 [GO] Religion and Human Rights 2023―Jul―26 Freedom of Religion during the Covid-19 Pandemic in Poland: Legal and Sociological Perspectives Łukasz Skoczylas, Jan Olszanowski, Filip Golędzinowski
60 [GO] The African Review 2023―Jul―18 Implications of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Regional Integration in East Africa Lupa Ramadhani
61 [GO] Journal of Empirical Theology 2023―Jul―14 COVID-19, Meaning and Mental Health in Higher Education: An International Comparison Hans Schilderman, Joris Kregting, Michael Scherer-Rath, Ulrich Riegel, Alexander Unser
62 [GO] International Review of Pragmatics 2023―Jul―13 Infodemic in the era of the pandemic Winping Kuo
63 [GO] Populism 2023―Jul―06 Populism in Times of a Pandemic Mirjam Gruber, Giulia Isetti, Linda Ghirardello, Maximilian Walder
64 [GO] Ecclesial Practices 2023―Jun―28 When Churches Discovered the Digital Divide: Overcoming Technological Inaccessibility, Hesitancy & Digital Reluctance During the covid-19 Pandemic Heidi A Campbell
65 [GO] Ecclesial Practices 2023―Jun―28 Cultivating Digital Reflexivity as Resistance to Digital Dualism: Doing Digital Ethnography with U.S. Congregations During the covid-19 Pandemic Erin Raffety
66 [GO] Timing & Time Perception 2023―Jun―26 Modeling the Effect of Psycho-Socio-Economic Consequences of COVID-19 on Life Satisfaction: The Role of Deviation from a Balanced Time Perspective Denisa Fedáková, Matúš Adamkovič, Alexander Loziak, Pavol Kačmár
67 [GO] The Australian Year Book of International Law Online 2023―Jun―20 Locked in: Australia’s COVID-19 Border Closures and the Right to Leave Regina Jefferies, Jane McAdam
68 [GO] Asiascape Digital Asia 2023―Jun―11 The Far Right and the Dissemination of COVID-19-Related Disinformation and Conspiracy Narratives in Japan: the Metapolitics of Kobayashi Yoshinori Stevie Poppe, Linda Havenstein, Fabian Schäfer
69 [GO] Scottish Educational Review 2023―Jun―07 Beyond the Pandemic - Poverty and School Education in Scotland Stephen J. McKinney, Archie Graham, Stuart Hall, Katie Hunter, Angela Jaap, Kevin Lowden, et al. (+10)
70 [GO] European Journal of Health Law 2023―May―23 COVID-19 Vaccination and the Role of Informed Consent: England as a Case Study Caterina Milo
71 [GO] The African Review 2023―May―22 The COVID-19 Pandemic and Major Power Rivalry in Africa Muhidin J. Shangwe
72 [GO] The African Review 2023―May―22 Societal Trust, Transparency and Accountability in Fiscal Policy During National Emergencies: A Reflection on the Unfolding Global Corona Virus Pandemic in Africa Attiya Waris
73 [GO] Scottish Educational Review 2023―May―11 slt s and Education: Social Capital Relations During covid-19 Disruption Elspeth McCartney, Joan Forbes
74 [GO] African and Asian Studies 2023―May―10 Impact of Pandemic Outbreak and Targeted Required Reserve Ratio Cut Policy on Stock Return Rate: Evidence from China Tian Wang, Fang Fang, Linhao Zheng
75 [GO] Yearbook of International Disaster Law 2023―Apr―18 Perspectives of Solidarity within the EU Legal Order in the Time of the Covid-19 Pandemic Susanna Villani
76 [GO] International Community Law Review 2023―Apr―13 The Legal Duty of States to Cooperate in the Fight Against Pandemic Disease under the International Health Regulations Constantinos Yiallourides
77 [GO] Journal of Cognition and Culture 2023―Apr―06 Affective and Motivational Accounts of Moralizing COVID-19-Preventive Behaviors Reina Takamatsu, May Cho Min, Jiro Takai
78 [GO] Arab Law Quarterly 2023―Apr―05 Fatāwā an-nawāzil: wabāʾ Corona covid-19, written by Šauqī Ibrāhīm ʿAllām Abdelghafar Salim
79 [GO] Global Responsibility to Protect 2023―Apr―04 Hate Speech and Discrimination as Mundane Violence against Rohingya Refugees during covid-19 Ruji Auethavornpipat
80 [GO] Global Governance A Review of Multilateralism and International Organizations 2023―Mar―28 Of Peacekeepers and Pandemics Julia Leib
81 [GO] The African Review 2023―Mar―21 COVID-19 or Existing Volatilities? Implications of COVID-19 on Violence in East Africa William J. Walwa
82 [GO] The African Review 2023―Mar―21 Coronavirus Counter-Measures, The Treaty for the Establishment of the East African Community and Domestic Legal Requirements Irene Musokwa
83 [GO] Historical Materialism 2023―Mar―20 Pandemic Capitalism: Metabolic Rift, World-Ecology Crossing Dialectical Biology Jacopo Nicola Bergamo
84 [GO] Perspectives on Global Development and Technology 2023―Mar―18 Dilemmas Associated with COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy in Zimbabwe Shingirai P. Mbulayi, Abigail Makuyana, B. Zindi, Simon M. Kang’ethe
85 [GO] Beijing International Review of Education 2023―Mar―10 International Schools in China in the Post covid-19 Pandemic Era: Survive or Thrive? Ping Xie, Yu Wang
86 [GO] Journal of Religion Media and Digital Culture 2023―Feb―06 “The Torah Shelters and Saves”: covid-19 Pandemic and the Framing of Health Risks in Israeli Ultra-Orthodox Religious Media Tuvia Gering, Yoel Cohen
87 [GO] Global Journal of Comparative Law 2023―Jan―14 Funerary Rites and Rights of the Dead: Jurisprudence on covid-19 Deaths in Kenya, India and Sri Lanka Conrad Nyamutata
88 [GO] Global Journal of Comparative Law 2023―Jan―14 The Rule of Law Tested by covid-19: The Case of Gabon Ismaelline Eba Nguema
89 [GO] The African Review 2023―Jan―12 Networking in Tourism Business: A Strategy for Recovering from COVID-19 in Tanzania Shogo Mlozi
90 [GO] Journal of Applied Animal Ethics Research 2023―Jan―04 Assessing the Impact of COVID-19 Restrictions on the Welfare and on the Behavior of Puppies and Dogs in Ireland Elizabeth Ann Walsh
91 [GO] Comparative Sociology 2022―Dec―30 What Happened to Ethiopian Youth during the Covid-19 Pandemic? Kasahun Desyalew Mekonen, Wondale Temesgen Tedla
92 [GO] Max Planck Yearbook of United Nations Law Online 2022―Dec―30 Closing the Doors on Health Nationalism: The Non-emptiness of the Legal Duty to Cooperate in Pandemic Response under Lex Specialis Rana Moustafa Essawy
93 [GO] Afrika Focus 2022―Dec―26 Comparative Perspectives on Zimbabwe and South Africa’s Social Policy Response to covid-19 Clement Chipenda
94 [GO] Afrika Focus 2022―Dec―26 Prescribing Constitutional Interpretation for Postponing the 2020 National Election: The covid-19 Complicatedness in Federalist Ethiopia Solomon Emiru Gutema
95 [GO] Global Governance A Review of Multilateralism and International Organizations 2022―Dec―26 The IMF COVID-19 Surveillance Monitor Luma Ramos, Kevin P. Gallagher
96 [GO] Journal of Muslims in Europe 2022―Dec―03 Digital Mosque: Muslim Communities in Germany and Their Digital Strategies in the COVID-19 Pandemic Samira Tabti
97 [GO] Social Sciences and Missions 2022―Nov―29 Religious Care and Moral Economy amidst COVID-19 Jérémy Jammes, Chang-Yau Hoon
98 [GO] Social Sciences and Missions 2022―Nov―29 Religious Actors, Care, and Mood in the Time of COVID-19 Jérémy Jammes, Chang-Yau Hoon
99 [GO] Social Sciences and Missions 2022―Nov―29 Covid-19, Fatwas, and Socio-religious Praxis Andar Nubowo
100 [GO] Journal of Empirical Theology 2022―Nov―29 Spirituality of Professional Pastoral Caregivers during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Distress, Resources, and Consequences Annette Haussmann
101 [GO] Asia Pacific Journal on Human Rights and the Law 2022―Nov―23 Human Rights During the Pandemic and the National Human Rights Commission of Bangladesh Raihan Rahman Rafid
102 [GO] The Italian Yearbook of International Law Online 2022―Nov―18 Co-Operation in Judicial, Legal, Security, and Socioeconomic Matters: Covid-19 as a Ground for Refusal of Extradition: The Value of Diplomatic Assurances Khrystyna Gavrysh
103 [GO] The Italian Yearbook of International Law Online 2022―Nov―18 Italian Legislation in Times of Pandemics and International Law: Exceptionalism, Balancing and Compliance Donato Greco
104 [GO] The Italian Yearbook of International Law Online 2022―Nov―17 Co-Operation in Judicial, Legal, Security, and Socioeconomic Matters: International Cooperation in the Fight Against Covid-19 and the Efforts for Equal Access to and Distribution of Vaccines Ludovica Di Lullo
105 [GO] The Hague Journal of Diplomacy 2022―Nov―16 The Future of Diplomacy after COVID-19: Multilateralism and the Global Pandemic, edited by Hana Alhashimi, Andres Fiallo, Toni-Shae Freckleton, Mona Ali Khalil, Vahd Mulachela, and Jonathan Viera Lise H. Andersen
106 [GO] Review of Religion and Chinese Society 2022―Nov―15 Buddhist Meditation and Generosity to Chinese Buddhists during the COVID-19 Pandemic Ampere A. Tseng (曾安培)
107 [GO] European Journal of Health Law 2022―Nov―12 Administrative Liability for Vaccination with an Age-Inappropriate SARS-CoV-2 Vaccine: Latvian Experience Laura Šāberte, Karina Palkova
108 [GO] International Studies Review 2022―Nov―08 What Determines Korea’s Health Aid Allocation: Altruistic, Economic, or COVID-19 Motivations? Songhee Han, Jisun Song
109 [GO] European Journal of East Asian Studies 2022―Oct―28 Public Health in Asia during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Global Health Governance, Migrant Labour, and International Health Crises , by Anoma P. van der Veere, Florian Schneider and Catherine Yuk-ping Lo (editors) Nicholas Thomas
110 [GO] Journal of Empirical Theology 2022―Oct―19 Spiritual Awakening among Church Members during the Pandemic: An Empirical Study in England and Wales Leslie J. Francis, Andrew Village, Christopher Alan Lewis
111 [GO] Timing & Time Perception 2022―Oct―11 Psychological Time during the COVID-19 Lockdown: Canadian Data Pier-Alexandre Rioux, Maximilien Chaumon, Antoine Demers, Hugo Fitzback-Fortin, Sebastian L. Kübel, Catherine Lebrun, et al. (+6)
112 [GO] International Journal of Parliamentary Studies 2022―Oct―07 Legislating in Hard Times: Covid-19 and the Federal Legislature in Nigeria Olajide O. Akanji, Lohna Bonkat-Jonathan, Christopher O. Ngara
113 [GO] Philippine Political Science Journal 2022―Oct―06 Camouflage in the Streets: Emergency Powers, the Military, and the Philippines’ COVID-19 Pandemic Response Rosalie Arcala Hall
114 [GO] Philippine Political Science Journal 2022―Oct―06 Humanitarian Objects for COVID-19: Face Masks and Shields in the Philippines Mathea Melissa Lim, Jesse Hession Grayman
115 [GO] Philippine Political Science Journal 2022―Oct―06 Strong-Arming, Weak Steering: Central-Local Relations in the Philippines in the Era of the Pandemic Paul D. Hutchcroft, Weena Gera
116 [GO] Philippine Political Science Journal 2022―Oct―06 Pandemic Politics in the Philippines: An Introduction from the Special Issue Editors Francisco A. Magno, Julio C. Teehankee
117 [GO] African Journal of Legal Studies 2022―Oct―04 A Legal Analysis of the Protection of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Nigeria Oyesola Animashaun, Howard Chitimira
118 [GO] Journal of Labor and Society 2022―Sep―28 Never Let a Good Crisis Go to Waste: Labor Organizing During covid-19 Eleni Schirmer, Rebecca Tarlau
119 [GO] Review of Rabbinic Judaism 2022―Sep―24 Cross-Over Diseases and Constructions of Difference: Pigs and Pandemics in Jewish Sources Jonathan Crane
120 [GO] Journal of Empirical Theology 2022―Sep―16 Attitude toward Virtual Communion in Relation to Church Tradition during the COVID-19 Pandemic in the United Kingdom Andrew Village
121 [GO] Populism 2022―Sep―07 The Advantages of Chaos: Myth-Making and COVID-19 in Hungary Simon Bradford, F.J. Cullen
122 [GO] Africa Review 2022―Sep―06 A Soft Power Resource, Rationality and the Impact of Covid-19 on China’s Influence on Africa Thomas Ameyaw-Brobbey, Isaac Nunoo
123 [GO] Africa Review 2022―Sep―06 The Neoliberal State and Management of the Covid-19 Pandemic in Nigeria Aloysius-Michaels Okolie, Kelechi Elijah Nnamani, Olihe Adaeze Ononogbu, Ikemefuna Sunday Nwoke, Florence Ifeoma Nzekwe, Chinedu Cyril Ike, et al. (+3)
124 [GO] Timing & Time Perception 2022―Aug―30 The Association between Balanced Time Perspective, Personality Traits, Subjective Well-Being, and Distress during the COVID-19 Pandemic Giovanna Mioni, Nicola Cellini, Michela Romola, Francesco Bruno
125 [GO] Asia Pacific Journal on Human Rights and the Law 2022―Aug―28 Justice After Covid 19: an Analysis of the Challenges Faced by the Formal Justice Sector in Sri Lanka During a Global Pandemic Dinushika Dissanayake
126 [GO] International Journal of Taiwan Studies 2022―Aug―24 How Did Taiwan Go from ‘Most Affected’ during sars to ‘Least Affected’ during covid-19? Alzbeta Loduhova, Kristina Kironska
127 [GO] The Hague Journal of Diplomacy 2022―Aug―23 Duty of Care: Consular Diplomacy Response of Baltic and Nordic Countries to COVID-19 Ieva Birka, Didzis Kļaviņš, Roberts Kits
128 [GO] Comparative Sociology 2022―Aug―23 COVID-19 Experiences of Stage Performers Cihan Ertan, Özge Sarialioğlu
129 [GO] Comparative Sociology 2022―Aug―23 Of COVID-19 Transmission Control Abiodun Omotayo Oladejo, Jackson T. C. B. Jack
130 [GO] International Journal of Parliamentary Studies 2022―Aug―16 The Italian Legislative Procedure During the Pandemic Emergency, the National Recovery and Resilience Plan and the Reform of Parliamentary Rules of Procedure Luca Bartolucci, Luigi Gianniti
131 [GO] Journal of Youth and Theology 2022―Aug―15 Young People’s Embodied Hope in Pandemic Threats: A Theological Reflection on Netflix’s Pandemic Docuseries Ivan Christian, Yohanes Krismantyo Susanta
132 [GO] Global Responsibility to Protect 2022―Aug―11 A Murderous Plague: State Hypermasculinity, covid-19, and Atrocity Prevention in the Philippines Maria Tanyag
133 [GO] International Journal of Taiwan Studies 2022―Aug―10 Health Apartheid during covid-19: A Decolonial Critique of Racial Politics between Taiwan and the who Po-Han Lee, Ying-Chao Kao
134 [GO] African and Asian Studies 2022―Aug―09 Looking at Anxiety from the Eyes of Domestic Workers: The Covid-19 Pandemic of 2020 Experience in Istanbul Simel Parlak, Çiğdem Demir Çelebi, Neslihan Yaman
135 [GO] International Journal of Parliamentary Studies 2022―Jul―29 Matthias C. Kettemann and Konrad Lachmeyer (eds.) Pandemocracy in Europe: Power, Parliaments and People in Times of COVID-19 Todd Landman
136 [GO] European Yearbook of Minority Issues Online 2022―Jul―29 Securitization of Minorities under Covid-19 Andrea Carlà, Marika Djolai
137 [GO] Utafiti 2022―Jul―29 Kiswahili Communication Strategies in Response to Covid-19 in Tanzania Nicholous Asheli
138 [GO] European Yearbook of Minority Issues Online 2022―Jul―29 Minorities and Health during the Covid-19 Pandemic Katharina Crepaz
139 [GO] The African Review 2022―Jul―29 The Social Conundrums of COVID-19 Pandemic and Stringent Lockdown Policy Response: Nigeria in Context Aliu O. Shodunke, Sodiq A. Oladipupo
140 [GO] European Yearbook of Minority Issues Online 2022―Jul―29 Self-Rule and Covid-19 Times Mireia Grau-Creus, Jordi Garcia-Muniesa, Ander Errasti
141 [GO] Utafiti 2022―Jul―29 Avoiding Global Pandemic Injustice Natasha Chilundika, Thomas Pogge
142 [GO] International Organizations Law Review 2022―Jul―29 One Health and Pathogen Sharing: Filling the Gap in the International Health Regulations to Strengthen Global Pandemic Preparedness and Response Stefania Negri, Mark Eccleston-Turner
143 [GO] European Journal of Health Law 2022―Jul―27 On the Administrative Powers of the WHO: A Lesson from the Pandemic Donato Vese
144 [GO] Logos 2022―Jul―20 Getting a Read on the Pandemic Emma Ebert
145 [GO] Religion and Human Rights 2022―Jul―19 Freedom of Religion and State Secularism under the COVID-19 Crisis: The Case of Italy Francesco Alicino
146 [GO] Austrian Review of International and European Law Online 2022―Jul―19 Derogations from the ICCPR and Guide to the Duty of Notification: Apropos the COVID-19 Pandemic Veronika Haász, Melinda Szappanyos
147 [GO] The African Review 2022―Jul―16 Temporary Waiver of Patent Rights in Public Health Emergencies: Inadequacy of Provisions during the COVID-19 Crisis Patrick Ageh Agejoh
148 [GO] International Labor Rights Case Law 2022―Jul―14 State of Danger vs Labor Rights: The Limits of Legislation during the covid Pandemic Peter Sipka
149 [GO] KronoScope 2022―Jul―13 Slowing Down Society? Theoretical Reflections on Social Deceleration in Pandemic Times (and Beyond) Felipe Torres, Alexis Gros
150 [GO] Asiascape Digital Asia 2022―Jul―12 #delhimetro on Instagram: Digital Media and Mobility Practices before and during the COVID-19 Pandemic Sonali Sharma
151 [GO] Journal of World Literature 2022―Jul―11 Making and Reading World Literature in a Pandemic Anna Muenchrath
152 [GO] Journal of World Literature 2022―Jul―11 The Ethics of Witnessing in Pandemic Times Deniz Gundogan Ibrisim
153 [GO] European Journal of Health Law 2022―Jul―08 COVID-19 Vaccination and Legal Preparedness: Lessons from Ireland Mary-Elizabeth Tumelty, Mary Donnelly, Anne-Maree Farrell, Clayton Ó Néill
154 [GO] Perspectives on Global Development and Technology 2022―Jul―07 Anxiety Management among Non-Clinical Society towards COVID-19 Pandemic in the Iranian Context Vadood Javan Amani, Hamid Akbari
155 [GO] Timing & Time Perception 2022―Jul―07 Event Time Perspective in Adaptation to the COVID-19 Pandemic: Preliminary Insights from Two Chinese Samples Veronika V. Nourkova, Alena A. Gofman
156 [GO] Perspectives on Global Development and Technology 2022―Jul―07 Unpacking South African Institutions of Higher Learning Efforts and Hurdles to Respond to COVID-19: Social Service Professionals’ Lenses Simon Murote Kang’ethe
157 [GO] International Community Law Review 2022―Jul―07 Medical Countermeasures for Pandemic Response and Intellectual Property Rights Pedro A. Villarreal, Giorgia Renne
158 [GO] Mission Studies 2022―Jul―05 Does God Love the Coronavirus? Friendship, Theology, and Hope in a Post-Covid World, written by Stephen Bevans and Clemens Sedmak Pavol Bargár
159 [GO] Mission Studies 2022―Jul―05 Shalom and Sangsaeng: Transforming Discipleship in a Pandemic-Stricken World Jooseop Keum
160 [GO] International Negotiation 2022―Jun―10 Virtual Venues and International Negotiations: Lessons from the COVID-19 Pandemic Corneliu Bjola, Michaela Coplen
161 [GO] Middle East Law and Governance 2022―May―31 Governing Migration and Asylum Amid Covid-19 and Legal Precarity in Turkey Derya Ozkul
162 [GO] European Journal of Comparative Law and Governance 2022―May―20 The European Agri-Food Legislation and Trade Agreements in the Context of the covid-19 Crisis Gianluca Cicchiello
163 [GO] Scottish Educational Review 2022―Apr―30 SERA Networks: What might the Covid-19 Pandemic mean for educational research? Editors Scottish Educational Review
164 [GO] Scottish Educational Review 2022―Apr―30 What might the Covid Pandemic mean for the SERA Early Career Researcher Network? Omolabake Fakunle, Anna Beck, Stella Mouroutsou
165 [GO] Scottish Educational Review 2022―Apr―30 What might the Covid Pandemic mean for the SERA Early Years Network? Liz Latto, Aline-Wendy Dunlop
166 [GO] Scottish Educational Review 2022―Apr―30 What might the Covid Pandemic mean for the SERA Inclusive Education Network? Stella Mouroutsou
167 [GO] Scottish Educational Review 2022―Apr―30 What might the Covid Pandemic mean for the SERA Leadership in Scottish Education Network (SERA LiSEN)? Joan Mowat
168 [GO] Scottish Educational Review 2022―Apr―30 What might the COVID pandemic mean for the SERA PE network (ScotPERN)? Nicola Carse, Shirley Gray
169 [GO] Scottish Educational Review 2022―Apr―30 What might the Covid Pandemic mean for the SERA Poverty and Education Network? Stephen J. McKinney, John H. McKendrick, Stuart Hall, Kevin Lowden
170 [GO] Scottish Educational Review 2022―Apr―30 What might the Covid Pandemic mean for the SERA Theory and Philosophy of Education Network? David Lewin, Philip Tonner
171 [GO] European Journal of Crime Criminal Law and Criminal Justice 2022―Apr―29 Carceral Responses to the Pandemic in Europe: Casting a Light on Prison Harms, Inequalities and Pre-Trial Detention Nina Peršak
172 [GO] Behaviour 2022―Apr―21 The effect of crowd support: home advantage in football is reduced during the Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic Renato C. Macedo-Rego
173 [GO] Journal for European Environmental & Planning Law 2022―Apr―20 Building Back Greener: Environmental and Climate Protection in the EU in the Post Covid-19 Era Matteo Fermeglia
174 [GO] Public Anthropologist 2022―Apr―08 Giving as “De-Risking”: Philanthropy, Impact Investment and the Pandemic Response Jessica Sklair, Paul Gilbert
175 [GO] Middle East Law and Governance 2022―Apr―05 Introduction to covid-19 melg Special Issue Bassel F. Salloukh
176 [GO] Middle East Law and Governance 2022―Apr―05 Dyadic Analysis of Fragile Middle Eastern States and Humanitarian Implications of Restrictive covid-19 Policies Daniel Habib, Naela Elmore, Seth Gulas, Nathan Ruhde, Daniel Mathew, Nicholas Parente
177 [GO] Journal of World Literature 2022―Apr―01 The World Poetics of Lockdown in Pandemic Poetry Anhiti Patnaik
178 [GO] Al-Bayan Journal of Qur’an and Hadith Studies 2022―Mar―20 Immunization and Quarantine in the Light of the Prophetic Traditions with Reference to the UAE Quarantine Policies for Fighting COVID-19 Kabiru Goje
179 [GO] European Journal of Health Law 2022―Mar―19 Symphony or Cacophony? Orchestrating Federal Mechanics toward Covid-19 Response in the United States and Germany Lauren Tonti
180 [GO] European Journal of Health Law 2022―Mar―19 The Conditional Marketing Authorisation of Covid-19 Vaccines: A Critical Assessment under EU Law Alessandra Donati
181 [GO] European Journal of Health Law 2022―Mar―19 The Fragmented Nature of Pandemic Decision-making: A Comparative and Multilevel Legal Analysis Irene Domenici, Pedro A. Villarreal
182 [GO] European Journal of Health Law 2022―Mar―19 The Institutional Tragedy of Pandemic Triage Regulation in Italy and Germany Irene Domenici, Franciska Engeser
183 [GO] European Investment Law and Arbitration Review Online 2022―Mar―17 The Investment Treaty Implications of Covid-19 Responses by States Nikos Lavranos, Ahmed Mazlom
184 [GO] European Journal of Health Law 2022―Mar―10 German State Aid for Covid-19 Medicinal Products: A Risk for Solidarity in the European Union Kristine Plank
185 [GO] The Hague Journal of Diplomacy 2022―Mar―09 Photographs as Instruments of Public Diplomacy: China’s Visual Storytelling during the Covid-19 Pandemic Olli Hellmann, Kai Oppermann
186 [GO] The African Review 2022―Mar―09 South Africa’s Response to COVID-19: Realities and Challenges of the Vaccination Roll-Out Process Hlengiwe Phetha, Tinuade Adekunbi Ojo
187 [GO] Journal of Religion in Africa 2022―Mar―04 Putting African Communitarian Values to the Test during a Pandemic Husein Inusah
188 [GO] The African Review 2022―Mar―03 Analysis of Economic Effect of COVID-19 Pandemic on the Kenyan Economy Elijah Mirwoba Siringi
189 [GO] Nordic Journal of International Law 2022―Mar―01 The Impact of Covid-19 on the Free Movement Regime in the North Saila Heinikoski, Tatu Hyttinen
190 [GO] Protest 2022―Feb―25 Protests in a Small Island State during the Year of covid-19: The Case of Malta Michael Briguglio
191 [GO] Yearbook of International Disaster Law 2022―Feb―24 Regime Interaction and the Protection of Refugees during COVID-19 Thomas Mulder, Gabrielle Simm, Sarah Williams
192 [GO] Yearbook of International Disaster Law 2022―Feb―24 Realising the Right to Health during the COVID-19 Pandemic Ingrid Nifosi-Sutton
193 [GO] Yearbook of International Disaster Law 2022―Feb―24 Pandemic Risk and International Law Pedro A. Villarreal
194 [GO] Yearbook of International Disaster Law 2022―Feb―24 Africa and Pandemics Mutoy Mubiala
195 [GO] The International Journal of Marine and Coastal Law 2022―Feb―18 Merchant Shipping during Global Health Pandemics: A Review of International Regulations Dawoon Jung, Robert Beckman
196 [GO] Mission Studies 2022―Feb―17 Transforming Lord’s Supper: Indonesian Protestant Responses to the Covid-19 Pandemic Rachel Iwamony
197 [GO] Danish Yearbook of Philosophy 2022―Feb―16 Exceptionalism at the Time of covid-19: Where Nationalism Meets Irrationality Lisa Bortolotti, Kathleen Murphy-Hollies
198 [GO] Perspectives on Global Development and Technology 2022―Feb―15 The Imperative Transformation beyond the Capitalism Pandemic George Liodakis
199 [GO] Max Planck Yearbook of United Nations Law Online 2022―Feb―07 Pandemics, Planetary Health and Human Rights Margaretha Wewerinke-Singh
200 [GO] European Journal of Comparative Law and Governance 2022―Jan―29 Executive Powers During the covid-19 Epidemic Wladimir von Samsonow
201 [GO] Journal of Labor and Society 2022―Jan―22 A New Style of Working: Imposed Teleworking in the Context of the covid-19 Pandemic Galip Emre Yildirim
202 [GO] African and Asian Studies 2022―Jan―17 COVID-19 and the Decline of the Social State in Nigeria’s Federal Democracy Christopher Isike, Martin Ihembe
203 [GO] Method & Theory in the Study of Religion 2022―Jan―12 Negotiating Identity and Power during a Crisis: An Analysis of ‘Small Stories’ Told by Australian Christian Priests during the COVID-19 Health Crisis Margo Louise Turnbull
204 [GO] European Journal of Health Law 2022―Jan―12 The Legislator Must Take Effective Measures Ensuring that Persons with Disabilities Are Protected in Triage Situations Caused by the Pandemic
205 [GO] Afrika Focus 2021―Dec―29 Experiences of Healthcare Workers of Hospitalised Individuals with covid-19 in Kano, Nigeria: A Qualitative Study Muhammad Aliyu Abba, Umaru Muhammad Badaru, Naziru Bashir Mukhtar, Auwal Abdullahi, Jibril Mohammed
206 [GO] European Journal of Migration and Law 2021―Dec―25 Schengen Borders and Multiple National States of Emergency: From Refugees to Terrorism to COVID-19 Elspeth Guild
207 [GO] Ecclesial Practices 2021―Dec―25 Churches and Faith: Attitude Towards Church Buildings During the 2020 covid-19 Lockdown Among Churchgoers in England Andrew Village, Leslie J. Francis
208 [GO] European Journal of Migration and Law 2021―Dec―25 Internal Border Control in the Schengen Area and Health Threats: Any Lessons from the COVID-19 Pandemic? Stefano Montaldo
209 [GO] Comparative Sociology 2021―Dec―24 Covid-19 and the Social Construction of Reality in Jordan Mohammed Abdel Karim Al Hourani
210 [GO] The International Journal of Critical Media Literacy 2021―Dec―24 Media Consumption and News Literacy Habits During the covid-19 Pandemic Rachel Guldin, Krystal Noga-Styron, Sarah Britto
211 [GO] European Journal of Crime Criminal Law and Criminal Justice 2021―Dec―24 Police, Policing and covid-19 Pandemic Gorazd Meško
212 [GO] Comparative Sociology 2021―Dec―24 State and COVID-19 Response in the Asian Tiger Economies Habibul Haque Khondker
213 [GO] Culture and Dialogue 2021―Dec―24 COVID-19 Viral Logics, Social Inequality and Hegemonic Mimicry: Deconstructing the Language of Cultural Parasite Wisam Kh. Abdul-Jabbar
214 [GO] International Organizations Law Review 2021―Dec―22 Re-Evaluating Triage in International Justice during COVID-19 - Complying with the Rule of Law? Francesca Ippolito
215 [GO] International Journal on Minority and Group Rights 2021―Dec―22 Indigenous Rights and covid-19 - Indigenous Land and Health Under Serious Threat in Brazil Margret Carstens
216 [GO] International Organizations Law Review 2021―Dec―22 COVID-19 and International Organizations: Challenges and Opportunities from the Perspective of Good Governance and the Rule of Law Julinda Beqiraj, Francesca Ippolito
217 [GO] International Organizations Law Review 2021―Dec―22 On the Legitimacy and Effectivity of the World Bank and Its Pandenic Emergency Financing Facility (‘PEF’) at the Time of the covid-19 Outbreak Francesco Seatzu
218 [GO] International Organizations Law Review 2021―Dec―22 The Limited Role of the European Union in the Management and Governance of the COVID-19 Pandemic Joelle Grogan
219 [GO] International Organizations Law Review 2021―Dec―22 The Rule of Law and Good Governance at the United Nations during the COVID-19 Pandemic Christiane Ahlborn
220 [GO] International Organizations Law Review 2021―Dec―22 Governance Challenges and Opportunities for the International Labour Organization in the Wake of the COVID-19 Pandemic Anne Trebilcock
221 [GO] International Organizations Law Review 2021―Dec―22 The Role of the WTO in the Global Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic Gabrielle Marceau, Shivani Garg
222 [GO] Asia-Pacific Science Education 2021―Dec―21 Filipino Science Teachers’ Evaluation on Webinars’ Alignments to Universal Design for Learning and Their Relation to Self-Efficacy amidst the Challenges of the COVID-19 Pandemic Mary Dane F. Leonardo, Jeongho Cha
223 [GO] The Australian Year Book of International Law Online 2021―Dec―17 International Refugee Law in Crisis: Islands, Incarceration and Neo-Refoulement during COVID-19 Jessica Hambly
224 [GO] The Australian Year Book of International Law Online 2021―Dec―17 International Human Rights Law and the Protection of Medical Scientists against State Inference during COVID-19 Jonathan Liljeblad
225 [GO] The Australian Year Book of International Law Online 2021―Dec―17 COVID-19 and International Law: Sketching the Parameters Imogen Saunders, David Letts, Esmé Shirlow, Donald R Rothwell
226 [GO] The Australian Year Book of International Law Online 2021―Dec―17 Supply Chains, COVID-19 and the GATT Security Exception: Legal Limits of ‘Pandemic Exceptionalism’ David Chieng
227 [GO] The Australian Year Book of International Law Online 2021―Dec―17 COVID-19 Border Closures: A Violation of Non-Refoulement Obligations in International Refugee and Human Rights Law? Kate Ogg, Chanelle Taoi
228 [GO] The Australian Year Book of International Law Online 2021―Dec―17 State Responsibility, International Law and the COVID-19 Crisis Sarah Heathcote
229 [GO] The Australian Year Book of International Law Online 2021―Dec―17 COVID-19, International Human Rights Law and the State-Corporate Complex Jolyon Ford
230 [GO] Journal of Empirical Theology 2021―Dec―17 ‘This is a Call of God … or is it?’: Narratives about Humans, God and Eschatology in the Dutch Reformed Pietist Community during the COVID-19 Outbreak Tobias Cinjee, Hanneke Schaap-Jonker
231 [GO] The Australian Year Book of International Law Online 2021―Dec―17 Seismic Shifts: The COVID-19 Pandemic’s Gendered Fault Lines and Implications for International Law Shruti Rana
232 [GO] The Australian Year Book of International Law Online 2021―Dec―17 Does International Law Need a Conscience? Evaluating the India-South Africa Proposal to Suspend TRIPS Obligations and the COVID-19 Vaccines Dilan Thampapillai, Sam Wall
233 [GO] The Australian Year Book of International Law Online 2021―Dec―17 Human Rights and Structural Inequality in the Shadow of COVID-19-A New Chapter in the Culture Wars? Matthew Zagor
234 [GO] The Australian Year Book of International Law Online 2021―Dec―17 International Law of State Responsibility and COVID-19: An Ideology Critique Robert Knox, Ntina Tzouvala
235 [GO] The Australian Year Book of International Law Online 2021―Dec―17 The UN Security Council’s Response to COVID-19: From the Centre to the Periphery? Jeremy Farrall, Christopher Michaelsen
236 [GO] The Australian Year Book of International Law Online 2021―Dec―17 Law of the Sea and the Pandemic-Humanitarian Principles under Siege? Joanna Mossop
237 [GO] Middle East Law and Governance 2021―Dec―15 ‘We are in a Battle with the Virus’: Hamas, Hezbollah, and covid-19 Abdalhadi Alijla
238 [GO] Middle East Law and Governance 2021―Dec―15 Governing the covid-19 Pandemic in the Middle East and North Africa: Containment Measures as a Public Good Kevin Koehler, Jonah Schulhofer-Wohl
239 [GO] Notebooks The Journal for Studies on Power 2021―Dec―14 covid-19 and the Role of the State: Evidence from Keren, Eritrea Biyan Ghebreyesus Okubaghergis
240 [GO] Notebooks The Journal for Studies on Power 2021―Dec―14 Beyond Hegemony: An Anthropological Approach to the Study of the covid-19 Pandemic Giovanni Pizza
241 [GO] Notebooks The Journal for Studies on Power 2021―Dec―14 Strategies Against the covid-19 Pandemic and the Crisis of Hegemony Javier Balsa
242 [GO] Notebooks The Journal for Studies on Power 2021―Dec―14 Neoliberalism and the Pandemic Alfredo Saad-Filho
243 [GO] Notebooks The Journal for Studies on Power 2021―Dec―14 Political Potency and the Impotency of European Sovereignism: Pandemic and Technocracy Antonio Cantaro
244 [GO] Notebooks The Journal for Studies on Power 2021―Dec―14 Labour in Pandemic Capitalism Ricardo Antunes
245 [GO] Asian Diasporic Visual Cultures and the Americas 2021―Dec―12 covid-19 and Anti-Asian Racism Alexandra Chang, Alice Ming Wai Jim
246 [GO] Asian Diasporic Visual Cultures and the Americas 2021―Dec―12 Solidarity and Social Justice in the midst of covid-19 Emily Hue
247 [GO] Asian Diasporic Visual Cultures and the Americas 2021―Dec―12 My-Van Dam, Ivetta Sunyoung Kang, Reyhan Yazdani, Florence Yee and Ketty Zhang: Familial Writing: Artistic Responses During covid-19 Sarah Piché, Tamara Harkness, Alice Ming Wai Jim
248 [GO] Asian Diasporic Visual Cultures and the Americas 2021―Dec―12 G11 on Museums, Anti-Asian Violence, and covid-19 Tomie Arai, Todd Ayoung, Shelly Bahl, Kerri N. Sakamoto, Lynne Yamamoto, Alexandra Chang
249 [GO] Asian Diasporic Visual Cultures and the Americas 2021―Dec―12 Racism Is a Public Health Issue: Addressing Prejudices against Asian Americans during the covid-19 Pandemic Christine Y. Kim, Jeff Chang, Cathy Park Hong, Russell Jeung, Bowen Yang, Anicka Yi, Kibum Kim
250 [GO] Middle East Law and Governance 2021―Dec―09 Testing Saudi State Capacity: A Study to Investigate How the Government Responded to the covid-19 Pandemic Mamdouh A. Shouman, Abdulaziz S. Alkabaa
251 [GO] Middle East Law and Governance 2021―Nov―30 Mapping Covid-19 Governance in Lebanon: Territories of Sectarianism and Solidarity Mona Harb, Ahmad Gharbieh, Mona Fawaz, Luna Dayekh
252 [GO] Middle East Law and Governance 2021―Nov―30 The Power of Bipartisan Mobilization: The Success of Tunisia’s Feminist Movement During the Coronavirus Pandemic Maro Youssef, Sarah Yerkes
253 [GO] Protest 2021―Nov―19 Cubans Mobilize Due to the Blockade and the Pandemic Manuel Salgado Tamayo
254 [GO] Asia-Pacific Science Education 2021―Nov―16 Virtual and Open Integration of Culture for Education (VOICE) with Science Teacher Candidates from Korea during COVID-19 Jiyoon Yoon, Yeonjoo Ko, Hyunju Lee
255 [GO] The Italian Yearbook of International Law Online 2021―Nov―13 Co-Operation in Judicial, Legal, Security, and Socioeconomic Matters: Responsibility for the Spread of COVID-19 and Socio-economic Concerns in the Fight Against the Pandemic Beatrice Bono
256 [GO] International Community Law Review 2021―Nov―12 COVID-19, Business, and Human Rights Surya Deva
257 [GO] Asia-Pacific Science Education 2021―Nov―09 Emerging Online Science Teaching Practices: Insights from High School Physics Teaching Cases in South Korea during COVID-19 Pandemic Nam-Hwa Kang, Juri Seo
258 [GO] Middle East Law and Governance 2021―Nov―05 From Democratic Exception to State of Exception: Covid-19 in the Context of Tunisia’s State of Law Meriem Guetat, Meriem Agrebi
259 [GO] Journal of Empirical Theology 2021―Oct―30 Shaping Attitudes toward Church in a Time of Coronavirus: Exploring the Effects of Personal, Psychological, Social, and Theological Factors among Church of England Clergy and Laity Andrew Village, Leslie J. Francis
260 [GO] Journal of Empirical Theology 2021―Oct―30 This Blessed Sacrament of Unity? Holy Communion, the Pandemic, and the Church of England Leslie J. Francis, Andrew Village
261 [GO] Journal of Applied Animal Ethics Research 2021―Oct―29 COVID-19 Restrictions in Ireland - Has There Been an Impact on the Welfare of Sport and Leisure Horses? Katie Ann McKeon, Elizabeth Ann Walsh
262 [GO] European Journal of Health Law 2021―Oct―29 COVID-19 “Green Pass”: a Lesson on the Proportionality Principle from Galicia Luca Roncati, Monica Roncati
263 [GO] Philippine Political Science Journal 2021―Oct―29 Accessible or Illusory Transparency? COVID-19 and Philippine Open Government Data Rachel E. Khan
264 [GO] European Journal of Health Law 2021―Oct―29 Azerbaijan’s Healthcare Legislation: Major Developments Amid the COVID-19 Pandemic Lala A. Jafarova, Vugar G. Mammadov, Leyli E. Mammadova
265 [GO] Journal of Chinese Overseas 2021―Oct―29 Capitalizing on Opportunities during the Covid-19 Pandemic Simeng Wang (王思萌), Xiabing Chen (陈柙兵)
266 [GO] Journal of Labor and Society 2021―Oct―29 The Collective Organization of Delivery Workers in Brazil during the covid-19 Pandemic: A View Based on Social Media Helena Strecker, Ana Luiza Sampaio, Juan Buriticá, Laura Aroso, Karina Rubin, Cirlene Christo, Letícia Masson
267 [GO] Translocal Chinese East Asian Perspectives 2021―Oct―29 Infodemics and Deadly Racist Viruses: covid-19 Response in the Chinese-Filipino Community Teresita Ang See
268 [GO] International Journal of Public Theology 2021―Sep―16 How Can I Keep from Singing? Being the Church amid the Covid-19 Pandemic Michael Earl
269 [GO] European Journal of Health Law 2021―Sep―14 Older Persons and the Right to Health in the Nordics during COVID-19 Katharina Ó Cathaoir, Henriette Sinding Aasen, Hrefna D. Gunnarsdóttir, Kaisa-Maria Kimmel, Mirva Lohiniva-Kerkelä, Ida Gundersby Rognlien, Lotta Vahlne Westerhäll
270 [GO] European Journal of Comparative Law and Governance 2021―Aug―25 The Impact of covid-19 Measures on the Rule of Law in the Western Balkans and the Increase of Authoritarianism Andi Hoxhaj, Fabian Zhilla
271 [GO] Beijing International Review of Education 2021―Aug―21 Organizational Responses to the covid-19 Crisis by Universities in Poland: A Survey of Student Attitudes Ana Godonoga, Danuta Gruszka
272 [GO] Beijing International Review of Education 2021―Aug―21 Pausing for Answerability: A Critical Investigation of U.S. Assessment and Accountability Decisions Amidst the covid-19 Pandemic Cee Carter, Kimberly Mcintee
273 [GO] Beijing International Review of Education 2021―Aug―21 The Necessity of Community Collaborations in Supporting Newcomer Student Learning: Lessons Learned from the covid-19 Pandemic Thashika Pillay, Setareh Ghahari, Merin Shobhana Xavier, Halima Wali, Suchetan James, Muhammad H. Sani, Libby Alexander
274 [GO] Beijing International Review of Education 2021―Aug―21 Combating Anti-Asian Racism and Xenophobia in Canada: Toward Pandemic Anti-Racism Education in Post-covid-19 Shibao Guo, Yan Guo
275 [GO] Asian Medicine 2021―Aug―19 The Role of Chinese Medicine in Treating and Preventing COVID-19 in Hubei, China Shelley Ochs, Thomas Avery Garran
276 [GO] Asian Medicine 2021―Aug―19 Asian Medicine and COVID-19: Ethnologies, Histories, Reflections Michael Stanley-Baker, Ronit Yoeli-Tlalim
277 [GO] Asian Medicine 2021―Aug―19 Tibetan Medical Paradigms for the SARS-CoV-2 Pandemic Tawni Tidwell, Khenrab Gyamtso
278 [GO] Asian Medicine 2021―Aug―19 Global Pandemic, Translocal Medicine Sienna R. Craig, Nawang T. Gurung, Ross Perlin, Maya Daurio, Daniel Kaufman, Mark Turin, Kunchog Tseten
279 [GO] Perspectives on Global Development and Technology 2021―Aug―14 Students’ Perceptions Concerning Emergency Remote Teaching During COVID-19 Kevin Fuchs
280 [GO] Perspectives on Global Development and Technology 2021―Aug―14 Social Distancing During the Sars-Cov2 (COVID-19) Pandemic: Interpretations and Implication in the African Context Robert Mutemi Kajiita, Simon Murote Kang’ethe
281 [GO] Journal of Labor and Society 2021―Aug―06 Class Struggle from Above and from Below during the covid-19 Pandemic Dario Azzellini
282 [GO] Political Anthropological Research on International Social Sciences 2021―Jul―29 The Virus of Surveillance: How the covid-19 Pandemic Is Fuelling Technologies of Control Félix Tréguer
283 [GO] The African Review 2021―Jul―28 The Practice of Participatory Budgeting during the COVID-19 Pandemic in Zimbabwe’s Local Government Sector: A Case of Chitungwiza Municipality Zvimekria Clive Mukushwa, Jephias Mapuva, Edson P. Mutema
284 [GO] Journal of Islamic Ethics 2021―Jul―28 Islamic Ethics and the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Report on an Interdisciplinary 2020 Summer School Khalid Elzamzamy (خالد الزمزمي)
285 [GO] International Journal of Public Theology 2021―Jul―21 Rehearsal of the Apocalypse: Christians of the Post-Soviet Regions about Covid-19 Alexander Belyaev, Yulia Matushanskaya
286 [GO] International Journal of Public Theology 2021―Jul―21 The Critical Study of Religion and Division in the Age of Covid-19 Jason S. Sexton
287 [GO] International Journal of Public Theology 2021―Jul―21 Editorial: In the Shadow of Covid-19 Clive Pearson
288 [GO] Ocean Yearbook Online 2021―Jul―21 To What Extent Do the Contemporary International Law of the Sea, International Maritime Law, and International Labor Law Address Public Health Threats such as Pandemics? Francesco Munari
289 [GO] International Human Rights Law Review 2021―Jun―29 Statement on Universal Affordable Vaccination against Coronavirus Disease covid-19, International Cooperation and Intellectual Property
290 [GO] Religion and Gender 2021―Jun―25 The Study of Religion and Gender in the Time of Planetary Ecological Crisis and Pandemic Andrea R. Jain
291 [GO] The International Journal of Children s Rights 2021―Jun―17 Esports and the Platforming of Child’s Play During covid-19 Valerie Verdoodt, Robbie Fordyce, Lisa Archbold, Faith Gordon, Damian Clifford
292 [GO] The International Journal of Children s Rights 2021―Jun―17 Children’s Rights in Children’s Hearings: The Impact of covid-19 Robert B. Porter, Fern Gillon, Fiona Mitchell, Nina Vaswani, Emma Young
293 [GO] The International Journal of Children s Rights 2021―Jun―17 “Zooming In” on Children’s Rights During a Pandemic: Technology, Child Justice and covid-19 Nessa Lynch, Ursula Kilkelly
294 [GO] The International Journal of Children s Rights 2021―Jun―17 covid-19 and Children’s Rights: Space for Reflection, Tracing the Problems and Facing the Future Noam Peleg, Laura Lundy, Helen Stalford
295 [GO] The International Journal of Children s Rights 2021―Jun―17 Discourses of Childism: How covid-19 Has Unveiled Prejudice, Discrimination and Social Injustice against Children in the Everyday Rebecca Adami, Katy Dineen
296 [GO] The International Journal of Children s Rights 2021―Jun―17 Hearing the Voice of the Child through the Storm of the Pandemic: The Impact of covid-19 Measures on the Detection of and Response to Child Protection Concerns Jenny Driscoll, Aisha Hutchinson, Ann Lorek, Katrina Kiss, Elise Kinnear
297 [GO] The International Journal of Children s Rights 2021―Jun―17 Migrant Workers in Malaysia: covid-19’s Impact on the Rights of their Children and Siblings in Pakistan Abdullah Khoso, Ahmad Hilmi Mohamad Noor
298 [GO] The International Journal of Children s Rights 2021―Jun―17 Life Under Coronavirus: Children’s Views on their Experiences of their Human Rights Laura Lundy, Bronagh Byrne, Katrina Lloyd, Michelle Templeton, Nicolas Brando, Mary-Louise Corr, et al. (+14)
299 [GO] The International Journal of Children s Rights 2021―Jun―17 Towards Comprehensive Guidance for States in the African Region to respond to Children’s Rights in Emergencies, Disasters and Pandemics Nicole Bouah, Julia Sloth-Nielsen
300 [GO] Video Journal of Education and Pedagogy 2021―Jun―16 Innovative Uses of Visual Technologies in Initial Teacher Education: Changing Policy to Support Practice during covid-19 Megan Adams, Tim Brooks, Angela Fitzgerald, Sindu George, Rebecca Cooper
301 [GO] European Journal of Comparative Law and Governance 2021―May―28 From China’s “Political Meritocracy” to “Just Hierarchy”: the Elusive Search for a Viable Post-Democratic Governance Regime in the Era of Coronavirus Roda Mushkat
302 [GO] Logos 2021―May―27 Online Book Fairs during the COVID-19 Pandemic Hoang Nguyen, Hoang Viet Nguyen, Ngoc Bao Le, Thi Thu Thuy Pham, Ninh Nguyen
303 [GO] Journal of Labor and Society 2021―May―27 Struggles of Delivery Workers in Brazil: Working Conditions and Collective Organization during the Pandemic Ludmila Costhek Abilio, Rafael Grohmann, Henrique Chevrand Weiss
304 [GO] Journal of Labor and Society 2021―May―13 Delivery Platform Workers during covid-19 Pandemic in the City of Buenos Aires (Argentina): Deepened Precarity and Workers’ Response in a Context of Epidemiological Crisis Rodolfo Elbert, Sofia Negri
305 [GO] Journal of Applied Animal Ethics Research 2021―May―05 COVID-19 Pandemic and Rescue of Pets. The Role of Veterinarians in the Human-Animal-Environment Relationship at the Time of the Coronavirus Serena Adamelli, Antonio Tocchio, Carlo Brini
306 [GO] Journal of Applied Animal Ethics Research 2021―May―05 The State of Animal-Assisted Interventions: COVID-19 Safety Protocols and Ethical Considerations Lieve Lucia Meers, Laura Contalbrigo, Vicky Antoinette Stevens, Oksana Michailovna Ulitina, Stephan Jens Laufer, William Ellery Samuels
307 [GO] Journal of Applied Animal Ethics Research 2021―May―05 Introduction: ‘Animals in Emergency’ due to SARS-CoV-2 Francesco Andreucci, Daniela Florio
308 [GO] Journal of Applied Animal Ethics Research 2021―May―05 Impact of SARS-CoV-2 on Aquaria: An Italian Perspective Claudia Gili, Mauro Vasconi, Flavio Gagliardi
309 [GO] Journal of Applied Animal Ethics Research 2021―May―05 Food Fraud: Supply Chain Vulnerabilities and Criminal Opportunities during the COVID Pandemic Paola Cane, David Primrose
310 [GO] Journal of Applied Animal Ethics Research 2021―May―05 Questions and Dilemmas Raised during a Pandemic in Laboratory Animal Settings V. Galligioni
311 [GO] European Journal of Comparative Law and Governance 2021―May―03 Virtual Criminal Justice and Good Governance during Covid-19 Adam McCann
312 [GO] International Journal of Parliamentary Studies 2021―May―02 Measures taken by the House of Commons in Response to the Covid-19 Pandemic Sarah Priddy
313 [GO] International Journal of Parliamentary Studies 2021―May―02 Measuring Legislative Activity during the Covid-19 Pandemic: Introducing the ParlAct and ParlTech Indexes Ittai Bar-Siman-Tov, Olivier Rozenberg, Cyril Benoît, Israel Waismel-Manor, Asaf Levanon
314 [GO] Journal of Islamic Ethics 2021―Apr―20 From the Plague to the Coronavirus: Islamic Ethics and Responses to the COVID-19 Pandemic Ayman Shabana (أيمن شبانة)
315 [GO] Journal of Islamic Ethics 2021―Apr―20 Aligning Medical and Muslim Morality: An Islamic Bioethical Approach to Applying and Rationing Life Sustaining Ventilators in the COVID-19 Pandemic Era Aasim I. Padela (عاصم پاديلا), Mansur Ali (منصور علي), Asim Yusuf (عاصم يوسف)
316 [GO] European Journal of Health Law 2021―Apr―20 Pigs Don’t Fly and You Cannot Expect Absolutely Safe COVID-19 Vaccines (But You Should Expect a Fair Compensation) Vera Lúcia Raposo
317 [GO] Journal of Applied Animal Ethics Research 2021―Apr―13 The COVID-19 Pandemic and the Fragile Balance of a Small Zoo: the Case of Pistoia Zoo in Italy Francesca Bandoli, Paolo Cavicchio
318 [GO] Yearbook of International Disaster Law 2021―Apr―12 Preparing for the Next Pandemic: the International Health Regulations and World Health Organization during COVID-19 Gian Luca Burci, Mark Eccleston-Turner
319 [GO] Beijing International Review of Education 2021―Mar―31 Policy Analysis of Educational Services for the One Belt One Road Initiative under the covid-19 Epidemic Li Tingzhou, Lu Sha, Zhao Yuyang, Li Wanying
320 [GO] Beijing International Review of Education 2021―Mar―31 China’s Approaches Fighting against Covid-19: Online Learning for Students Yiming Qin
321 [GO] Perspectives on Global Development and Technology 2021―Mar―29 Biopolitics in the Time of Pandemic: Populism and Neoliberalism in the Light of COVID-19 Rafal Soborski
322 [GO] Animal Biology 2021―Mar―24 The effects of COVID-19 litter on animal life Auke-Florian Hiemstra, Liselotte Rambonnet, Barbara Gravendeel, Menno Schilthuizen
323 [GO] International Labor Rights Case Law 2021―Mar―23 covid-19 and Workers’ Rights: The Téléperformance Case Isabelle Daugareilh
324 [GO] Israel Journal of Plant Sciences 2021―Mar―19 Pentagalloylglucose, a phytochemical from Terminalia chebula can efficiently prevent SARS-CoV-2 entry: In Silico study Rajani Sharma, Gopal Kumar Prajapati, Gargi Akhoury
325 [GO] International Journal of Asian Christianity 2021―Mar―18 N.T. Wright, God and the Pandemic: A Christian Reflection on the Coronavirus and its Aftermath (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2020) Marjorie Johnson
326 [GO] Journal of Youth and Theology 2021―Mar―15 Reflections on Ministry amongst Children during the Covid-19 Pandemic Sarah Holmes, Astrid Sandsmark, Ronelle Sonnenberg, Shantelle Weber
327 [GO] Arab Law Quarterly 2021―Mar―09 Coronavirus Pandemic and Contractual Justice: Legal Solutions and Realistic Approaches: A Study in Qatari Civil Law and Comparative Practices Abdullah A. Abdullah
328 [GO] Review of Central and East European Law 2021―Mar―02 Carl Schmitt in Hungary: Constitutional Crisis in the Shadow of Covid-19 Gábor Mészáros
329 [GO] The China Nonprofit Review 2021―Feb―23 “Agreement” or “Notification”? - A Model of Cooperation between the Government and Volunteer Mechanisms in Fighting against COVID-19 Xijin Jia
330 [GO] The China Nonprofit Review 2021―Feb―23 Retrospective Observations on “Legitimacy” of Charitable Fundraising amid COVID-19 Jianyin Ma
331 [GO] The China Nonprofit Review 2021―Feb―23 The Ladder of Collaboration: Research on Joint Actions of Social Organizations against the COVID-19 Epidemic Bao Yang, Lujun Xiao, Kun Chen
332 [GO] The China Nonprofit Review 2021―Feb―23 Turning Social Governance Advantages into Efficiency of Pandemic Prevention and Control Yongdong Shen
333 [GO] Arab Law Quarterly 2021―Feb―20 Egypt’s COVID-19 Response through a Gender Lens Nora Salem
334 [GO] Perspectives on Global Development and Technology 2021―Feb―09 Contribution of Business Entities in the Fight against COVID-19 in South Africa Bala Samkelo, Simon M. Kang’ethe
335 [GO] Perspectives on Global Development and Technology 2021―Feb―09 Capitalism Has No Clothes: the Unexpected Shock of the Covid-19 Pandemic Jaime F. Cárdenas-García, Bruno Soria De Mesa, Diego Romero Castro
336 [GO] Perspectives on Global Development and Technology 2021―Feb―09 Psychosocial Impacts of the Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Pandemic in Zimbabwe: Citizens’ Perspective Shingirai P. Mbulayi, Abigail Makuyana, Simon M. Kang’ethe
337 [GO] Society and Animals 2021―Feb―03 COVID-19: Companion Animals Help People Cope during Government-Imposed Social Isolation Elizabeth Johnson, Shelly Volsche
338 [GO] Video Journal of Education and Pedagogy 2021―Feb―02 Children’s Virtual Worlds and Friendships during the covid-19 Pandemic Gloria Quinones, Megan Adams
339 [GO] Journal of Applied Animal Ethics Research 2021―Jan―26 The Pandemic Showed That Big Is Fragile Temple Grandin
340 [GO] Journal of Applied Animal Ethics Research 2021―Jan―23 Conservation Research in Times of COVID-19 - The Rescue of the Northern White Rhino Thomas B. Hildebrandt, Susanne Holtze, Pierfrancesco Biasetti, Silvia Colleoni, Barbara de Mori, Sebastian Diecke, et al. (+15)
341 [GO] Israel Journal of Plant Sciences 2021―Jan―23 Possible role of traditional systems of medicine to manage covid-19: A review Preet Amol Singh, Neha Bajwa, Ashish Baldi
342 [GO] European Journal of Health Law 2021―Jan―22 The Rights of Elders in Ireland during COVID-19 Katharina Ó Cathaoir, Ida Gundersby Rognlien
343 [GO] Video Journal of Education and Pedagogy 2021―Jan―16 Web-Conference Lecturing: In Dialogue with Student Experiences During a Pandemic Fiona Westbrook, Anna Tibb, Leigh Blackall, Hepsibah Zabde
344 [GO] The Italian Yearbook of International Law Online 2021―Jan―08 Multilateralism and the WTO in the Post Covid-19 World Giorgio Sacerdoti
345 [GO] Journal of Religion in Africa 2020―Dec―29 Horizontal and Vertical Dimensions in Zambian Sermons about the COVID-19 Pandemic Johanneke Kroesbergen-Kamps
346 [GO] Gesnerus 2020―Dec―29 The Spanish Influenza Pandemic of 1918-1919. Perspectives from the Iberian Peninsula and the Americas. Edited by Maria-Isabel Porras-Gallo and Ryan A. Davis. Rochester, University of Rochester Press, 2014. 290 p. £ 65.-. ISBN 978-1-58046-496-3 Sébastien Farré
347 [GO] European Journal of Crime Criminal Law and Criminal Justice 2020―Dec―22 The Crisis that Changed Everything: Reflections of and Reflections on COVID-19 Estella Baker
348 [GO] International Organizations Law Review 2020―Dec―22 covid-19 and the Governance of International Organizations Gian Luca Burci
349 [GO] Political Anthropological Research on International Social Sciences 2020―Dec―22 Covid-19: Teleworking, Surveillance and 24/7 Work. Some Reflexions on the Expected Growth of Remote Work After the Pandemic Ivan Manokha
350 [GO] Middle East Law and Governance 2020―Dec―22 Living Revolution, Financial Collapse and Pandemic in Beirut: Notes on Temporality, Spatiality, and “Double Liminality” Rima Majed
351 [GO] Political Anthropological Research on International Social Sciences 2020―Dec―22 Italian Perspectives on Pandemic Responses: Tracing Early Critiques from Europe’s First Lockdown Andrea Fumagalli, Sara Gandini, Cristina Morini
352 [GO] Journal of International Humanitarian Legal Studies 2020―Dec―18 International Law in a Time of Pandemic Russell Buchan, Emily Crawford, Rain Liivoja
353 [GO] Pneuma 2020―Dec―11 Prosperity, Prophecy and the COVID-19 Pandemic Asonzeh Ukah
354 [GO] Iran and the Caucasus 2020―Dec―09 COVID-19: Threat and Response in Iran Mansoureh Ebrahimi, Saikou Kawsu Gassama, Kamaruzaman bin Yusoff
355 [GO] Religion and Theology 2020―Dec―09 A Theological Statement on the Coronavirus Pandemic N. Barney Pityana
356 [GO] Logos 2020―Dec―09 Pandemic and Academic Publishing in India Nitasha Devasar
357 [GO] Journal of Applied History 2020―Dec―09 Taming Pandemics in International Relations Beatrice de Graaf
358 [GO] International Organizations Law Review 2020―Dec―03 The Stellenbosch Consensus on the International Legal Obligation to Collaborate and Assist in Addressing Pandemics Margherita M. Cinà, Steven J. Hoffman, Gian Luca Burci, Thana Cristina de Campos, Danwood Chirwa, Stéphanie Dagron, et al. (+10)
359 [GO] Journal of International Humanitarian Legal Studies 2020―Nov―28 The covid-19 Pandemic, Geopolitics, and International Law David P Fidler
360 [GO] The European Convention on Human Rights Law Review 2020―Nov―26 Liberal Values, Covid-19 and the Judiciary Ineta Ziemele
361 [GO] Climate Law 2020―Nov―25 Negative-Emission Technologies and Patent Rights after COVID-19 Joshua D. Sarnoff
362 [GO] International Journal of Public Theology 2020―Nov―25 Amos and the Beyond Aid Agenda: The 0.7% Target, COVID-19, and Reimagining International Development Benjamin S. Day
363 [GO] Global Governance A Review of Multilateralism and International Organizations 2020―Nov―25 The WHO and the COVID-19 Pandemic Kelley Lee, Julianne Piper
364 [GO] Historical Materialism 2020―Nov―25 The State of the Pandemic Alberto Toscano
365 [GO] The International Journal of the Platonic Tradition 2020―Nov―21 The Great Plagues of Europe: How does Covid-19 Measure Up? John Dillon
366 [GO] KronoScope 2020―Nov―21 Subjective Passage of Time during the Pandemic: Routine, Boredom, and Memory Marc Wittmann
367 [GO] European Journal of Health Law 2020―Nov―20 Is International Surrogacy the Lark’s Glimmer?: When Covid-19 Reveals the Legal Insecurity of Surrogacy Use Gaëlle Deharo, Allane Madanamoothoo
368 [GO] European Journal of Health Law 2020―Nov―20 View. The Dutch Critical Care Triage Guideline on Covid-19: Not Necessarily Discriminatory André den Exter
369 [GO] Populism 2020―Nov―20 Populist Mediation of the Pandemic Silas Marker
370 [GO] European Journal of Health Law 2020―Nov―20 Conducting Non-COVID-19 Clinical Trials during the Pandemic: Can Today’s Learning Impact Framework Efficiency? Teodora Lalova, Anastassia Negrouk, Angelique Deleersnijder, Peggy Valcke, Isabelle Huys
371 [GO] Journal of International Humanitarian Legal Studies 2020―Nov―19 The Right to International Solidarity and Humanitarian Assistance in the Era of covid-19 Pandemic Pouria Askary, Farzad Fallah
372 [GO] Journal of International Peacekeeping 2020―Nov―18 covid-19 and the Role of the Security Council as Global Health Peacekeeper Boris Kondoch
373 [GO] Al-Bayan Journal of Qur’an and Hadith Studies 2020―Nov―16 Analysis Hadith Al-Ṯurāyya Dan Kaitannya Dengan COVID-19 Muhamad Rozaimi Ramle, Mohd Yusof Mohamad
374 [GO] Journal of Religion in Japan 2020―Nov―13 Religious Institutions in Japan Responding to Covid-19-Induced Risk and Uncertainty Paola Cavaliere
375 [GO] European Journal of Crime Criminal Law and Criminal Justice 2020―Nov―10 covid-19 and the Social Responses thereto: Penal and Criminological Lessons, Human Rights and Rule of Law Implications Nina Peršak
376 [GO] Beijing International Review of Education 2020―Nov―10 Going Online? China’s Response in Higher Education System to the Pandemic Tian LIU, Ying HUANG
377 [GO] The Hague Journal of Diplomacy 2020―Oct―29 Introduction to the Forum on COVID-19 Juan Luis Manfredi Sánchez
378 [GO] The Hague Journal of Diplomacy 2020―Oct―29 Still Head Waiters Who Are Occasionally Allowed to Sit? Heads of Mission after COVID-19 Jorge Heine
379 [GO] The Hague Journal of Diplomacy 2020―Oct―29 COVID-19 and Gender: A Necessary Connection in Diplomatic Studies Ann E. Towns, Katarzyna Jezierska, Anne-Kathrin Kreft, Birgitta Niklasson
380 [GO] The Hague Journal of Diplomacy 2020―Oct―29 Tackling COVID-19 Disinformation: Internal and External Challenges for the European Union Sophie L. Vériter, Corneliu Bjola, Joachim A. Koops
381 [GO] The Hague Journal of Diplomacy 2020―Oct―29 Multilateralism Restored? City Diplomacy | in the COVID-19 Era Anthony F. Pipa, Max Bouchet
382 [GO] The Hague Journal of Diplomacy 2020―Oct―29 From Germs Control to Arms Control: Security Negotiations in the Era of Coronavirus Andrey Baklitskiy, Oleg Shakirov
383 [GO] The Hague Journal of Diplomacy 2020―Oct―29 Antarctic Diplomacy in a Time of Pandemic Klaus Dodds, Alan D. Hemmings
384 [GO] Journal of International Humanitarian Legal Studies 2020―Oct―27 covid-19 Claims and the Law of International Responsibility Martins Paparinskis
385 [GO] Journal of Law Religion and State 2020―Oct―27 The covid-19 Crisis and Religious Freedom Burkhard J. Berkmann
386 [GO] European Journal of Health Law 2020―Oct―20 The Underappreciated Role of Advance Directives: How the Pandemic Revitalises Advance Care Planning Actions Hui Yun Chan
387 [GO] Journal of International Humanitarian Legal Studies 2020―Oct―13 International Human Rights Law and the Response to the covid-19 Pandemic Sarah Joseph
388 [GO] Journal of Law Religion and State 2020―Oct―05 Religion, Law, State, and covid-19 in Vietnam Nguyen Thi Phuong
389 [GO] Journal of Law Religion and State 2020―Oct―05 Restrictions on Religions due to the covid-19 Pandemic Nedim Begović
390 [GO] Journal of Law Religion and State 2020―Oct―05 Religious Community Responses to the Public Policy of the Indonesian Government Related to the covid-19 Pandemic Amos Sukamto, S. Panca Parulian
391 [GO] Journal of Law Religion and State 2020―Oct―05 The Catholic Church and the covid-19 Pandemic Fransiska Widyawati, Yohanes S. Lon
392 [GO] Pneuma 2020―Aug―30 Call for Papers for Special Issue of Pneuma on the Global COVID-19 Pandemic
393 [GO] Pneuma 2020―Aug―30 American Pentecostalism, the 8:46 Moment, and the COVID-19 Pandemic Nimi Wariboko, Bill Oliverio
394 [GO] The Hague Journal of Diplomacy 2020―Aug―30 Science Diplomacy and Its Engine of Informed Decisionmaking: Operating through Our Global Pandemic with Humanity Paul Arthur Berkman
395 [GO] Journal of International Humanitarian Legal Studies 2020―Jul―03 The covid-19 Infodemic and Online Platforms as Intermediary Fiduciaries under International Law Barrie Sander, Nicholas Tsagourias
396 [GO] Journal of International Humanitarian Legal Studies 2020―Jul―01 The Legal Response to Pandemics Gian Luca Burci
397 [GO] European Journal of Comparative Law and Governance 2020―Jun―24 The covid-19 Crisis: A Challenge for Numeric Comparative Law and Governance Aurelia Colombi Ciacchi
398 [GO] European Journal of Health Law 2020―Jun―06 Genetic Material and Sequence Data to Protect Global Health in the Light of Pandemic Outbreaks: Mapping the Legal Landscape under European and International Law Claudia Seitz
399 [GO] International Human Rights Law Review 2020―Jun―03 Statement on the Covid-19 Pandemic and Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
400 [GO] International Human Rights Law Review 2020―Jun―03 Do Civil Liberties Really Matter During Pandemics? Conrad Nyamutata
401 [GO] European Journal of Health Law 2020―May―20 Statement on European Solidarity and the Protection of Fundamental Rights in the Covid-19 Pandemic
402 [GO] Journal of International Humanitarian Legal Studies 2020―May―17 International Law Perspectives on Cruise Ships and covid-19 Natalie Klein

402 Results       Page 1


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