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COVID answers in Scientific Journals all over the world

Publishing House: Universidad de Navarra

31 Results       Page 1

  original article Journal Date Title Authors Max. 6 Authors
1 [GO] Communication & Society 2024―Jun―27 How has COVID-19 impacted the public discourse around vaccines? A comparative analysis of Twitter Andrea Langbecker, Daniel Catalan-Matamoros, Enrique Prada
2 [GO] Communication & Society 2024―Apr―29 How are Communication and Media Studies Scholars Writing about COVID-19? A Meta-analysis of Communication and Media-Focused Covid-19 Literature Musaab Alharbi
3 [GO] Communication & Society 2023―Jun―01 EU digital communication strategy during the COVID-19 vaccination campaign: Framing, contents and attributed roles at stake Francisco Jiménez-Alcarria, Jorge Tuñón-Navarro
4 [GO] Communication & Society 2023―Apr―04 COVID-19 Lockdown and Disney+ strategy on social networks on its launch during the State of alarm in Spain Juan Martín-Quevedo, Erika Fernández-Gómez, Beatriz Feijoo-Fernández
5 [GO] Communication & Society 2023―Apr―04 Employee engagement and trust relationships during COVID-19 pandemic: the expanded role of internal communication Nobertus-Ribut Santoso, Ike-Devi Sulistyaningtyas, Brahma-Putra Pratama
6 [GO] Communication & Society 2023―Apr―04 Restoring reputation through digital diplomacy: the European Union’s strategic narratives on Twitter during the COVID-19 pandemic Pablo Moral
7 [GO] Communication & Society 2023―Jan―11 The dissemination of science news in social media platforms during the COVID-19 crisis: Characteristics and selection criteria Theodora-A. Maniou, Venetia Papa
8 [GO] Communication & Society 2023―Jan―11 Nurtured and sorrowful: Positive and negative emotional appeals in early COVID-19 themed brand communications Marta Mensa, Lizardo Vargas-Bianchi
9 [GO] Communication & Society 2023―Jan―11 Health Misinformation on Social Media and its Impact on COVID-19 Vaccine Inoculation in Jordan Abd-Allah AL-Jalabneh
10 [GO] Rilce Revista de Filología Hispánica 2022―Dec―14 Sindemia o pandemia. Tratamiento de las enfermedades minoritarias en la televisión pública española durante la crisis de la COVID-19 Sebastián Sánchez-Castillo, Josep Solves-Almela
11 [GO] Estudios sobre Educación 2022―Dec―05 Social support, self-efficacy and academic satisfaction of university students during the COVID-19 lockdown José-Manuel Tomás, Melchor Gutiérrez, Salvador Alberola
12 [GO] Scripta Theologica 2022―Oct―14 José NORIEGA y Carlos GRANADOS (eds.), Covid-19: Lo humano en cuestión, Madrid: Didaskalos, 2020, 228 pp., 15 x 21, ISBN 978-84-17185-50-3. Fernando Chica
13 [GO] Nuevas Tendencias 2022―Oct―06 La infodemia del COVID-19 Ángel Arrese
14 [GO] Nuevas Tendencias 2022―Oct―06 Regreso al futuro: ¿Qué ha cambiado con el covid-19 y cómo aprovecharlo? Iñaki Vélaz
15 [GO] Ius Canonicum 2022―Oct―06 Javier MARTÍNEZ-TORRÓN - Belén RODRIGO LARA (coords.), Covid-19 y libertad religiosa, Iustel, Madrid 2021, 535 pp., ISBN 978-84-9890-398-0 Montserrat Gas-Aixendri
16 [GO] Communication & Society 2022―Apr―01 Virality, only the tip of the iceberg: ways of spread and interaction around COVID-19 misinformation in Twitter Guillermo Villar-Rodríguez, Mónica Souto-Rico, Alejandro Martín
17 [GO] Communication & Society 2022―Apr―01 COVID-19 vaccine disinformation on YouTube: analysis of a viewing network Dafne Calvo, Lorena Cano-Orón, Germán Llorca-Abad
18 [GO] Communication & Society 2022―Apr―01 Thematic dis/connection of Ibex35 companies to generate dialogue with their stakeholders via Twitter during the pandemic Celia Rangel-Pérez, Abel Monfort, Susana Miquel
19 [GO] Estudios sobre Educación 2022―Feb―23 Sex differences across teacher’s motivation, teaching satisfaction, loneliness and affects during COVID-19 Higinio González-García, Silvia Fuentes, Víctor Renobell
20 [GO] Communication & Society 2022―Jan―11 Analysis of COVID-19 news coverage by Televisión Española (TVE1) Gloria Rosique-Cedillo, Paz-Andrea Crisóstomo-Flores
21 [GO] Communication & Society 2022―Jan―11 Multimodal analysis of advertising discourse during the lockdown due to COVID-19: Comparison of the communication strategies of financial services and automotive products in Spain Claudia Lahuerta-Pujol, Antonia Moreno-Cano, Juan-Carlos Miguel
22 [GO] Communication & Society 2021―Oct―05 Cultural values in American and Spanish TV advertising at the beginning of COVID-19 pandemic Rosa-María Pacheco-Baldó
23 [GO] Communication & Society 2021―Oct―05 Infodemia - an Analysis of Fake News in Polish News Portals and Traditional Media During the Coronavirus Pandemic Malwina Popiołek, Monika Hapek, Marzena Barańska
24 [GO] Communication & Society 2021―Jun―01 Has COVID-19 promoted or discouraged a European Public Sphere? Comparative analysis of the Twitter interactions of German, French, Italian and Spanish MEPSs during the pandemic Jorge Tuñón-Navarro, Uxía Carral-Vilar
25 [GO] Estudios sobre Educación 2021―May―20 Nativos pandémicos: la educación virtual en Educación Infantil durante el confi namiento por COVID-19 María-Remedios Fernández-Ruiz
26 [GO] Anuario Español de Derecho Internacional 2021―Apr―27 Retos y oportunidades de la agenda internacional sobre empresas y derechos humanos en tiempos de la COVID-19 Carmen Márquez-Carrasco, Daniel Iglesias-Márquez
27 [GO] Communication & Society 2021―Apr―14 Pandemic/Screen. The visual motif of police violence in public spaces during the COVID-19 pandemic Violeta Alarcón-Zayas, Miguel-Alfonso Bouhaben
28 [GO] Communication & Society 2021―Apr―14 Iconography of the corpse in the public sphere. Presence and absence of the dead body in times of pandemic Fran Benavente-Burian, Santiago Fillol, Glòria Salvadó-Corretger
29 [GO] Communication & Society 2021―Apr―14 Scientific power in the Spanish press during the pandemic: a portrait of new leaders while explaining its risk María Iranzo-Cabrera, Guillermo López-García
30 [GO] Estudios sobre Educación 2021―Mar―04 Juego y tareas escolares: el papel de la escuela y la familia en tiempos de confinamiento por la COVID-19 Apolinar Varela, Raúl Fraguela-Vale, Silvia López-Gómez
31 [GO] Persona y Derecho 2020―Dec―11 El COVID-19 y el principio constitucional de solidaridad en las relaciones entre los particulares Angelo Viglianisi-Ferraro

31 Results       Page 1


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