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COVID answers in Scientific Journals all over the world

Publishing House: Association for Computing Machinery

258 Results       Page 1

  original article Journal Date Title Authors Max. 6 Authors
1 [GO] ACM Computing Surveys 2024―Aug―05 COVID-19 Modeling: A Review Longbing Cao, Qing Liu
2 [GO] ACM Journal on Computing and Sustainable Societies 2024―Jul―11 Connecting in Crisis: Investigating Equitable Community Internet Access in the US During the COVID-19 Pandemic Nora McDonald, Lydia Stamato, Foad Hamidi
3 [GO] Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction 2024―Apr―29 Socio-digital Rural Resilience: An Exploration of Information Infrastructures Within and Across Rural Villages During Covid-19 Ian G. Johnson, Vasilis Vlachokyriakos
4 [GO] Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction 2024―Apr―29 Images Connect Us Together: Navigating a COVID-19 Local Outbreak in China Through Social Media Images Changyang He, Lu He, Wenjie Yang, Bo Li
5 [GO] Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction 2024―Apr―29 Exploring the Role of Chatbots in Tackling COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy among Pregnant and Breastfeeding Women in Rural Northern India Jasmeet Kaur, Preetika Sharma, Vijay Kumar, Mona Duggal, Nadia Griffin Diamond-Smith, Alison El Ayadi, Kathryn Vosburg, Pushpendra Singh
6 [GO] ACM Journal on Computing and Sustainable Societies 2024―Feb―20 Roles of Technology for Risk Communication and Community Engagement in Bangladesh during COVID-19 Pandemic Anik Sinha, Nova Ahmed, Sabbir Ahmed, Ifti Azad Abeer, Rahat Jahangir Rony, Anik Saha, Syeda Shabnam Khan, Shajnush Amir, Shabana Khan
7 [GO] ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction 2024―Jan―30 Wording Matters: the Effect of Linguistic Characteristics and Political Ideology on Resharing of COVID-19 Vaccine Tweets Judith Borghouts, Yicong Huang, Suellen Hopfer, Chen Li, Gloria Mark
8 [GO] ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology 2024―Jan―11 Understanding Developers Well-Being and Productivity: a 2-year Longitudinal Analysis during the COVID-19 Pandemic - RCR Report Daniel Russo, Paul H. P. Hanel, Niels van Berkel
9 [GO] ACM Transactions on Asian and Low-Resource Language Information Processing 2024―Jan―05 Revolutionizing Healthcare: NLP, Deep Learning, and WSN Solutions for Managing the COVID-19 Crisis Ajay P., Nagaraj B., R. Arun Kumar
10 [GO] ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology 2023―Dec―22 Understanding Developers Well-Being and Productivity: a 2-year Longitudinal Analysis during the COVID-19 Pandemic Daniel Russo, Paul H. P. Hanel, Niels van Berkel
11 [GO] ACM Transactions on Management Information Systems 2023―Dec―11 Introduction to the Special Issue on IT-enabled Business Management and Decision Making in the (Post) Covid-19 Era Xin Li, Juhee Kwon, Balaji Padmanabhan, Pengzhu Zhang
12 [GO] ACM Transactions on Information Systems 2023―Dec―07 Privacy-Preserving Individual-Level COVID-19 Infection Prediction via Federated Graph Learning Wenjie Fu, Huandong Wang, Chen Gao, Guanghua Liu, Yong Li, Tao Jiang
13 [GO] Distributed Ledger Technologies Research and Practice 2023―Dec―07 Fake News, Misinformation and Privacy: How the COVID-19 Pandemic Changes our Society and How Blockchain and Distributed Ledger Technologies Reduce Their Effects? Kevin K. W. Ho, Dickson K. W. Chiu, Ch (Allen) Au, Francis Dalisay, Stuart So, Masahiro Yamamoto
14 [GO] ACM Transactions on the Web 2023―Nov―30 Bridging Performance of Twitter Users: A Predictor of Subjective Well-Being during the Pandemic Ninghan Chen, Xihui Chen, Zhiqiang Zhong, Jun Pang
15 [GO] Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage 2023―Oct―19 Tracking museums’ online responses to the Covid-19 pandemic: a study in museum analytics Andrea Ballatore, Valeri Katerinchuk, Alexandra Poulovassilis, Peter T. Wood
16 [GO] Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction 2023―Oct―04 52 Weeks Later: Attitudes Towards COVID-19 Apps for Different Purposes Over Time Marvin Kowalewski, Christine Utz, Martin Degeling, Theodor Schnitzler, Franziska Herbert, Leonie Schaewitz, Florian M. Farke, Steffen Becker, Markus Dürmuth
17 [GO] Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction 2023―Oct―04 (Re)Capturing the Spirit of Ramadan: Techno-Religious Practices in the Time of COVID-19 Nadia Caidi, Cansu Ekmekcioglu, Rojin Jamali, Priyank Chandra
18 [GO] Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction 2023―Oct―04 "We picked community over privacy": Privacy and Security Concerns Emerging from Remote Learning Sociotechnical Infrastructure During COVID-19 Kelly B. Wagman, Elana B. Blinder, Kevin Song, Antoine Vignon, Solomon Dworkin, Tamara Clegg, Jessica Vitak, Marshini Chetty
19 [GO] Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction 2023―Oct―04 The Shapes of the Fourth Estate During the Pandemic: Profiling COVID-19 News Consumption in Eight Countries Cai Yang, Lexing Xie, Siqi Wu
20 [GO] Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction 2023―Oct―04 The Work to Make Piecework Work: An Ethnographic Study of Food Delivery Work in India During the COVID-19 Pandemic Riyaj Shaikh, Airi Lampinen, Barry Brown
21 [GO] Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction 2023―Oct―04 "Keeping the Program Going": Technology Use by Community Organizations to Support the Social Connectedness of Older Adults During the COVID-19 Pandemic Yushan Xing, Ryan M. Kelly, Melissa J. Rogerson, Jenny Waycott
22 [GO] Journal of Data and Information Quality 2023―Sep―22 Experience: Data Management for delivering COVID-19 relief in Panama Luis Del Vasto-Terrientes
23 [GO] ACM Journal on Computing and Sustainable Societies 2023―Sep―21 On the Frontline During the Covid-19 Pandemic: Gender Inequality and Experiences of Healthcare Workers in Pakistan Rukhshan Haroon, Ayesha Naeem, Priya Fatima Sajjad, Zartash Afzal Uzmi
24 [GO] ACM Transactions on Social Computing 2023―Sep―19 Online Self-Disclosure, Social Support, and User Engagement During the COVID-19 Pandemic Jooyoung Lee, Sarah Rajtmajer, Eesha Srivatsavaya, Shomir Wilson
25 [GO] ACM Transactions on Management Information Systems 2023―Sep―06 A Modular Social Sensing System for Personalized Orienteering in the COVID-19 Era Giovanni Pilato, Fabio Persia, Mouzhi Ge, Theodoros Chondrogiannis, Daniela D’Auria
26 [GO] ACM Journal on Computing and Sustainable Societies 2023―Aug―26 Analysis of performance improvements and bias associated with the use of human mobility data in COVID-19 case prediction models Saad Mohammad Abrar, Naman Awasthi, Daniel Smolyak, Vanessa Frias-Martinez
27 [GO] Communications of the ACM 2023―Jul―25 Technical Perspective: Pandemics, Remote Work, and Accessibility John Richards
28 [GO] ACM Computing Surveys 2023―Jul―14 Towards a Unified Pandemic Management Architecture: Survey, Challenges and Future Directions Satyaki Roy, Nirnay Ghosh, Nitish Uplavikar, Preetam Ghosh
29 [GO] eLearn 2023―Jun―30 The Development of Competencies for Use in Online Learning During the Covid-19 Pandemic: Insights from the hospitality management degree program at the Universidad Panamericana, Mexico City campus Rosa Adriana Vázquez Gómez, Claudia Galindo Correa, Pedro Pablo Espinosa Martínez
30 [GO] ACM Transactions on Management Information Systems 2023―May―23 ICT Interactions and COVID-19 - A Theorization Across Two Pandemic Waves Jayson Andrew Killoran, Tracy A. Jenkin, Jasmin Manseau
31 [GO] ACM Transactions on Management Information Systems 2023―May―03 Disentangling Affordances of Online Collaboration Tools for Mutual Aid in Emergencies: Insights from the COVID-19 Lockdown Xiao Zeng, David Ji, Dimple R. Thadani, Boying Li, Xiaodie Pu, Zhao Cai, Patrick Y.K. Chau
32 [GO] eLearn 2023―Apr―21 How A Graduate Nursing Program Implemented a Virtual Oral Examination during the COVID-19 Pandemic Janice Williams, Natasha Best, Stacy Carr, Candy Wilson, Diane Seibert
33 [GO] Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction 2023―Apr―16 Understanding the Use of Images to Spread COVID-19 Misinformation on Twitter Yuping Wang, Chen Ling, Gianluca Stringhini
34 [GO] Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction 2023―Apr―16 How Mass surveillance Crowds Out Installations of COVID-19 Contact Tracing Applications Eran Toch, Oshrat Ayalon
35 [GO] Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction 2023―Apr―16 'Location, Location, Location': An Exploration of Different Workplace Contexts in Remote Teamwork during the COVID-19 Pandemic Thomas Breideband, Robert Glenn Moulder, Gonzalo J. Martinez, Megan Caruso, Gloria Mark, Aaron D. Striegel, Sidney D'Mello
36 [GO] Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction 2023―Apr―16 Fishing for Validation: Understanding Promises and Challenges of a Private Social Media Group for COVID-19 Long-Hauler Patients Abhinav Reddy Karra, Ranjan Jaiswal, Sanorita Dey
37 [GO] Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction 2023―Apr―16 Wisdom of Two Crowds: Misinformation Moderation on Reddit and How to Improve this Process---A Case Study of COVID-19 Lia Bozarth, Jane Im, Christopher Quarles, Ceren Budak
38 [GO] Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction 2023―Apr―16 Coproducing Support Together: Sustainable and Reciprocal Civic Disaster Relief during COVID-19 Jeongwon Jo, Tiffany Knearem, John M. Carroll
39 [GO] ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes 2023―Apr―11 On the Implications of COVID-19 Pandemic-Induced "Work From Home" in the Software Industry Pankaj Kamthan, Nazlie Shahmir
40 [GO] ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks 2023―Apr―01 COVID-19: Secure Healthcare Internet of Things Networks, Current Trends and Challenges with Future Research Directions Muhammad Adil, Jehad Ali, Muhammad Mohsin Jadoon, Sattam Rabia Alotaibi, Neeraj Kumar, Ahmed Farouk, Houbing Song
41 [GO] eLearn 2023―Mar―31 An International Comparison of Online Learning Transition During COVID-19 Zan Chen, Bao Zhen Tan
42 [GO] ACM Computing Surveys 2023―Mar―30 Detecting Mental Distresses Using Social Behavior Analysis in the Context of COVID-19: A Survey Sahraoui Dhelim, Liming Chen, Sajal K Das, Huansheng Ning, Chris Nugent, Gerard Leavey, Dirk Pesch, Eleanor Bantry-White, Devin Burns
43 [GO] Communication Design Quarterly 2023―Feb―10 Surveying the Effects of Remote Communication & Collaboration Practices on Game Developers Amid a Pandemic Elizabeth Caravella, Rich Shivener, Nanditha Narayanamoorthy
44 [GO] ACM Transactions on Management Information Systems 2023―Feb―07 Social Determinants of Health and ER Utilization: Role of Information Integration during COVID-19 Tianjian Guo, Indranil Bardhan, Anjum Khurshid
45 [GO] Journal of Data and Information Quality 2023―Jan―20 A Multifactor Ring Signature based Authentication Scheme for Quality Assessment of IoMT Environment in COVID-19 Scenario Kakali Chatterjee, Ashish Singh, Keping Yu
46 [GO] ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes 2023―Jan―18 On COVID-19 Pandemic-Induced Attitudinal Changes in Software Engineering Teaching and Learning Pankaj Kamthan
47 [GO] ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology 2023―Jan―17 Challenges of Working from Home in Software Development during COVID-19 Lockdowns Katharina Müller, Christian Koch, Dirk Riehle, Michael Stops, Nikolay Harutyunyan
48 [GO] XRDS Crossroads The ACM Magazine for Students 2023―Jan―13 During the COVID-19 Pandemic, Everyone Had a Head-up Display Thad Starner
49 [GO] ACM Transactions on Management Information Systems 2022―Dec―24 COVIDAL: A machine learning classifier for digital COVID-19 diagnosis in German hospitals Christina C. Bartenschlager, Stefanie S. Ebel, Sebastian Kling, Janne Vehreschild, Lutz T. Zabel, Christoph D. Spinner, Andreas Schuler, Axel R. Heller, Stefan Borgmann, Reinhard Hoffmann, Siegbert Rieg, Helmut Messmann, Martin Hower, Jens O. Brunner, Frank Hanses, Christoph Römmele
50 [GO] eLearn 2022―Dec―23 Supporting Online Teaching Faculty Beyond the Pandemic: A “faculty concierge” model Anita Samuel
51 [GO] ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology 2022―Dec―21 Ad-Hoc Monitoring of COVID-19 Global Research Trends for Well-Informed Policy Making Souvika Sarkar, Biddut Sarker Bijoy, Syeda Jannatus Saba, Dongji Feng, Yash Mahajan, Mohammad Ruhul Amin, Sheikh Rabiul Islam, Shubhra Kanti Karmaker (“Santu”)
52 [GO] ACM Computing Surveys 2022―Dec―15 Deep Learning Techniques for COVID-19 Diagnosis and Prognosis Based on Radiological Imaging Robert Hertel, Rachid Benlamri
53 [GO] Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction 2022―Nov―11 "I needed to solve their overwhelmness": How System Administration Work was Affected by COVID-19 Mannat Kaur, Simon Parkin, Marijn Janssen, Tobias Fiebig
54 [GO] Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction 2022―Nov―11 Sleep Patterns and Sleep Alignment in Remote Teams during COVID-19 Thomas Breideband, Gonzalo J. Martinez, Poorna Talkad Sukumar, Megan Caruso, Sidney D'Mello, Aaron D. Striegel, Gloria Mark
55 [GO] Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction 2022―Nov―11 What Do You Get from Turning on Your Video? Effects of Videoconferencing Affordances on Remote Class Experience During COVID-19 Yanting Wu, Yuan Sun, S. Shyam Sundar
56 [GO] Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction 2022―Nov―11 Impact of Social Distancing on Face To Face Meetups for Software Practitioners during the Covid-19 Pandemic Claire Ingram, Anders Drachen
57 [GO] Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction 2022―Nov―11 Information Needs of Essential Workers During the COVID-19 Pandemic Marianne Aubin Le Quéré, Ting-Wei Chiang, Karen Levy, Mor Naaman
58 [GO] Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction 2022―Nov―11 Six Feet Apart: Online Payments During the COVID-19 Pandemic Omar Shaikh, Cassandra Ung, Diyi Yang, Felipe A. Chacon
59 [GO] Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction 2022―Nov―11 Bridging the Social Distance: Offline to Online Social Support during the COVID-19 Pandemic Gabriela Hoefer, Talie Massachi, Neil G. Xu, Nicole Nugent, Jeff Huang
60 [GO] Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction 2022―Nov―11 Emotional Labor in Everyday Resilience: Class-Based Experiences of Navigating Unemployment Amid the COVID-19 Pandemic in the U.S. Alex Jiahong Lu, Anna Gilhool, Joey Chiao-Yin Hsiao, Tawanna R. Dillahunt
61 [GO] Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction 2022―Nov―11 There is No App for That: Manifestations of the Digital Divides During COVID-19 School Closures in India Mrunal Sanjay Dhaygude, Naitik D. Lapsiya, Dipanjan Chakraborty
62 [GO] Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction 2022―Nov―11 Distance Education During the COVID-19 Shutdown: A Process Model of Online Learner Readiness, Experiences and Feelings of Learning Kristine L. Nowak, James H. Watt
63 [GO] Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction 2022―Nov―11 Fathers, Young Children and Technology: Changes in Device Use and Family Dynamics during the COVID-19 UK Lockdown Joe Matthews, Romana Burgess, Bridget Ellis, Morgan Jenkinson, Amid Ayobi, Esther Dermott, Aisling Ann O'Kane
64 [GO] Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction 2022―Nov―11 Beyond the Pandemic and Privacy Concerns: Perceived Benefit and Expected Use of Pandemic-Tracking Apps in India John S. Seberger, Sameer Patil
65 [GO] ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction 2022―Nov―11 “I Just Wanted to Triple Check... They were all Vaccinated”: Supporting Risk Negotiation in the Context of COVID-19 Margaret E. Morris, Jennifer Brown, Paula Nurius, Savanna Yee, Jennifer C. Mankoff, Sunny Consolvo
66 [GO] Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction 2022―Oct―31 Everywhere but Nowhere: Development Experiences of the International Game Developers in Finland during the Covid-19 Pandemic and Remote Work Solip Park, Annakaisa Kultima, Miikka J. Lehtonen, Jeanine Krath
67 [GO] ACM Transactions on Spatial Algorithms and Systems 2022―Oct―31 Introduction to the Special Issue on Understanding the Spread of COVID-19, Part 1 Andreas Züfle, Taylor Anderson, Song Gao
68 [GO] ACM Transactions on Spatial Algorithms and Systems 2022―Oct―29 Introduction to the Special Issue on Understanding the Spread of COVID-19, Part 2 Andreas Züfle, Taylor Anderson, Song Gao
69 [GO] ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction 2022―Oct―27 The Impacts of Covid-19 on Players of Pokémon GO John Dunham, Konstantinos Papangelis, Samuli Laato, Nicolas LaLone, Jin Ha Lee, Michael Saker
70 [GO] Communications of the ACM 2022―Oct―20 COVID-19 modeling for India and a roadmap for the future Siva Athreya, Gautam I. Menon, Rajesh Sundaresan
71 [GO] ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes 2022―Sep―28 Software Engineering After the COVID-19 Outbreak Uwe Breitenbücher, Stefano Forti, Jacopo Soldani
72 [GO] ACM Transactions on Management Information Systems 2022―Sep―27 Examining Disease Multimorbidity in U.S. Hospital Visits Before and During COVID-19 Pandemic: A Graph Analytics Approach Karthik Srinivasan, Jinhang Jiang
73 [GO] ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data 2022―Sep―27 Traffic Flow Forecasting in the COVID-19: A Deep Spatial-Temporal Model Based on Discrete Wavelet Transformation Haoran Li, Zhiqiang Lv, Jianbo Li, Zhihao Xu, Wang Yue, Haokai Sun, Zhaoyu Sheng
74 [GO] Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction 2022―Sep―20 #34;You have been in Close Contact with a Person Infected with COVID-19 and you may have been Infected#34; Oksana Kulyk, Lauren Britton-Steele, Elda Paja, Melanie Duckert, Louise Barkhuus
75 [GO] Digital Threats Research and Practice 2022―Sep―12 Introduction to the Special Issue on Security and Privacy for COVID-19 Gabriel Kaptchuk, Fabio Massacci, Sara Nieves Matheu Garcia, Elissa M. Redmiles
76 [GO] Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive Mobile Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies 2022―Sep―07 Cellular-Assisted, Deep Learning Based COVID-19 Contact Tracing Fan Yi, Yaxiong Xie, Kyle Jamieson
77 [GO] interactions 2022―Aug―30 Connecting seniors in marginalized communities during covid-19 Shital Desai, Pablo Vivanco, Deborah Fels
78 [GO] Communication Design Quarterly 2022―Aug―25 Investigating disembodied university crisis communications during COVID-19 Erika Sparby, Courtney Cox
79 [GO] ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks 2022―Aug―25 COVID-19 Diagnosis System Based on Chest X-ray images Using Optimized Convolutional Neural Network Mu-Yen Chen, Po-Ru Chiang
80 [GO] ACM Transactions on Spatial Algorithms and Systems 2022―Aug―23 Effect of migrant labourer inflow on the early spread of Covid-19 in Odisha: A case study Shreetam Behera, Debi Prosad Dogra, Manoranjan Satpathy
81 [GO] ACM Transactions on Accessible Computing 2022―Aug―18 The Accessibility of Data Visualizations on the Web for Screen Reader Users: Practices and Experiences During COVID-19 Danyang Fan, Alexa F. Siu, Hrishikesh V. Rao, Gene S-H Kim, Xavier Vazquez, Lucy Greco, Sile O’Modhrain, Sean Follmer
82 [GO] Journal of Data and Information Quality 2022―Aug―18 Seeing Should Probably not be Believing: The Role of Deceptive Support in COVID-19 Misinformation on Twitter Chaoyuan Zuo, Ritwik Banerjee, Hossein Shirazi, Fateme Hashemi Chaleshtori, Indrakshi Ray
83 [GO] ACM Transactions on Computing Education 2022―Aug―16 Practitioner Perspectives on COVID-19’s Impact on Computer Science Education Among High Schools Serving Students from Lower and Higher Income Families Monica M. McGill, Eric Snow, Luronne Vaval, Leigh Ann DeLyser, Stephanie Wortel-London, Angelica Thompson
84 [GO] ACM Transactions on Spatial Algorithms and Systems 2022―Aug―09 SIRTEM: Spatially Informed Rapid Testing for Epidemic Modeling and Response to COVID-19 Fahim Tasneema Azad, Robert W. Dodge, Allen M. Varghese, Jaejin Lee, Giulia Pedrielli, K. Selçuk Candan, Gerardo Chowell-Puente
85 [GO] ACM Transactions on Accessible Computing 2022―Jul―29 Impact of Online Learning in the Context of COVID-19 on Undergraduates with Disabilities and Mental Health Concerns Han Zhang, Margaret E. Morris, Paula S. Nurius, Kelly Mack, Jennifer Brown, Kevin S. Kuehn, Yasaman S. Sefidgar, Xuhai Xu, Eve A. Riskin, Anind K. Dey, Jennifer Mankoff
86 [GO] ACM Transactions on Management Information Systems 2022―Jul―27 LiMS-Net: A Lightweight Multi-Scale CNN for COVID-19 Detection from Chest CT Scans Amogh Manoj Joshi, Deepak Ranjan Nayak, Dibyasundar Das, Yu-Dong Zhang
87 [GO] ACM Transactions on Spatial Algorithms and Systems 2022―Jul―26 Modeling the geospatial evolution of COVID-19 using spatio-temporal convolutional sequence-to-sequence neural networks Mário Cardoso, André Cavalheiro, Alexandre Borges, Ana F. Duarte, Amílcar Soares, Maria João Pereira, Nuno Jardim Nunes, Leonardo Azevedo, Arlindo L. Oliveira
88 [GO] ACM Transactions on Computing for Healthcare 2022―Jul―20 Leveraging Mobile Sensing and Bayesian Change Point Analysis to Monitor Community-Scale Behavioral Interventions: a Case Study on COVID-19 Shashwat Kumar, Debajyoti Datta, Guimin Dong, Lihua Cai, Laura Barnes, Mehdi Boukhechba
89 [GO] ACM Transactions on Asian and Low-Resource Language Information Processing 2022―Jul―14 Using Fuzzy Clustering with Deep Learning Models for Detection of COVID-19 Disinformation Mu-Yen Chen, Yi-Wei Lai
90 [GO] interactions 2022―Jun―29 Virtual classrooms during Covid-19 S. M. Rakibul Islam, Nabarun Haider, Ashraful Islam, Eshtiak Ahmed, Sheak Rashed Haider Noori
91 [GO] ACM Computing Surveys 2022―Jun―09 A Survey on Data-Driven COVID-19 and Future Pandemic Management Yudong Tao, Chuang Yang, Tianyi Wang, Erik Coltey, Yanxiu Jin, Yinghao Liu, Renhe Jiang, Zipei Fan, Xuan Song, Ryosuke Shibasaki, Shu-Ching Chen, Mei-Ling Shyu, Steven Luis
92 [GO] ACM Transactions on Spatial Algorithms and Systems 2022―Jun―08 COVID-19 along with other Chest Infections Diagnosis using Faster R-CNN and Generative Adversarial Network Rafid Mostafiz, Mohammad Shorif Uddin, Khandaker Mohammad Mohi Uddin, Mohammad Motiur Rahman
93 [GO] ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data 2022―May―24 A Novel Graph Indexing Approach for Uncovering Potential COVID-19 Transmission Clusters Xuliang Zhu, Xin Huang, Longxu Sun, Jiming Liu
94 [GO] Digital Government Research and Practice 2022―May―24 Convening a Minipublic During a Pandemic: John Gastil, Chris Anderson, Laura Black, Stephanie Burkhalter, Soo-Hye Han, Justin Reedy, Robert Richards, John Rountree
95 [GO] Digital Government Research and Practice 2022―May―19 Constitutions vs. COVID-19: CrowdLaw as an Alternative in Crisis and Recovery Jose M. Martinez Sierra
96 [GO] ACM Transactions on Internet Technology 2022―May―06 Using Deep Learning Models to Detect Fake News About COVID-19 Mu-Yen Chen, Yi-Wei Lai, Jiunn-Woei Lian
97 [GO] ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data 2022―Apr―25 A News-based Framework for Uncovering and Tracking City Area Profiles: Assessment in Covid-19 Setting Alessio Bechini, Alessandro Bondielli, José Luis Corcuera Bárcena, Pietro Ducange, Francesco Marcelloni, Alessandro Renda
98 [GO] Digital Threats Research and Practice 2022―Apr―22 COVID-19 vaccination certificates in the Darkweb Dimitrios Georgoulias, Jens Myrup Pedersen, Morten Falch, Emmanouil Vasilomanolakis
99 [GO] Digital Government Research and Practice 2022―Apr―19 Connecting to Congress During COVID-19 Abigail Kielty, Amy Lee, Michael A. Neblo
100 [GO] ACM Transactions on Spatial Algorithms and Systems 2022―Apr―18 Evaluating the Utility of High-Resolution Proximity Metrics in Predicting the Spread of COVID-19 Zakaria Mehrab, Aniruddha Adiga, Madhav V. Marathe, Srinivasan Venkatramanan, Samarth Swarup
101 [GO] Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage 2022―Apr―08 From #MuseumAtHome to #AtHomeAtTheMuseum: Digital Museums and Dialogical Engagement Beyond the COVID-19 Pandemic Christopher Morse, Blandine Landau, Carine Lallemand, Lars Wieneke, Vincent Koenig
102 [GO] Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction 2022―Apr―07 Making a Medical Maker's Playbook: An Ethnographic Study of Safety-Critical Collective Design by Makers in Response to COVID-19 Megan Hofmann, Udaya Lakshmi, Kelly Mack, Rosa I. Arriaga, Scott E. Hudson, Jennifer Mankoff
103 [GO] Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction 2022―Apr―07 Home-Life and Work Rhythm Diversity in Distributed Teamwork: A Study with Information Workers during the COVID-19 Pandemic Thomas Breideband, Poorna Talkad Sukumar, Gloria Mark, Megan Caruso, Sidney D'Mello, Aaron D. Striegel
104 [GO] Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction 2022―Apr―07 Joint Media Engagement in Families Playing Animal Crossing: New Horizons during the COVID-19 Pandemic Jesse J. Martinez, Travis W. Windleharth, Qisheng Li, Arpita Bhattacharya, Katy E. Pearce, Jason Yip, Jin Ha Lee
105 [GO] Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction 2022―Apr―07 "Self-Quaranteens" Process COVID-19: Understanding Information Visualization Language in Memes Laura J. Perovich, Meryl Alper, Corey Cleveland
106 [GO] Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction 2022―Apr―07 Reshaping the Smart Home Research and Development in the Pandemic Era: Considerations around Scalable and Easy-to-Install Design Heesuk Son, Chaiwoo Lee, Shabnam FakhrHosseini, Shenghung Lee, Joseph F. Coughlin, John Rudnik
107 [GO] ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing Communications and Applications 2022―Apr―04 Smart City Construction and Management by Digital Twins and BIM Big Data in COVID-19 Scenario Zhihan Lv, Dongliang Chen, Haibin Lv
108 [GO] Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage 2022―Apr―01 RecorDIM of Iran's Cultural Heritage Using an Online Virtual Museum, Considering the Coronavirus Pandemic Alireza Gholinejad Pirbazari, Sina Kamali Tabrizi
109 [GO] Digital Government Research and Practice 2022―Mar―07 A Critical and Ethical Perspective on Governance and Policies during COVID-19 Pandemic in India Sachin Kumar
110 [GO] ACM Transactions on Spatial Algorithms and Systems 2022―Feb―24 Analyzing the Impact of COVID-19 Control Policies on Campus Occupancy and Mobility via WiFi Sensing Camellia Zakaria, Amee Trivedi, Emmanuel Cecchet, Michael Chee, Prashant Shenoy, Rajesh Balan
111 [GO] ACM Transactions on Spatial Algorithms and Systems 2022―Jan―28 COVID-19 and Minimizing Micro-Spatial Interactions Susan Burtner, Alan T. Murray
112 [GO] ACM Transactions on Spatial Algorithms and Systems 2022―Jan―28 A High-resolution Global-scale Model for COVID-19 Infection Rate Gianpaolo Coro, Pasquale Bove
113 [GO] ACM Transactions on Spatial Algorithms and Systems 2022―Jan―28 Games in the Time of COVID-19: Promoting Mechanism Design for Pandemic Response Balázs Pejó, Gergely Biczók
114 [GO] ACM Transactions on Spatial Algorithms and Systems 2022―Jan―18 Toward Accurate Spatiotemporal COVID-19 Risk Scores Using High-Resolution Real-World Mobility Data Sirisha Rambhatla, Sepanta Zeighami, Kameron Shahabi, Cyrus Shahabi, Yan Liu
115 [GO] Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction 2022―Jan―14 Making Community Beliefs and Capacities Visible Through Care-mongering During COVID-19 Tiffany Knearem, Jeongwon Jo, Chun-Hua Tsai, John M. Carroll
116 [GO] ACM Journal on Emerging Technologies in Computing Systems 2022―Jan―12 Hardware-accelerated Simulation-based Inference of Stochastic Epidemiology Models for COVID-19 Sourabh Kulkarni, Mario Michael Krell, Seth Nabarro, Csaba Andras Moritz
117 [GO] XRDS Crossroads The ACM Magazine for Students 2022―Jan―10 The intersection of technology and COVID-19 Tejas Morkar
118 [GO] XRDS Crossroads The ACM Magazine for Students 2022―Jan―10 Face masks are essential to prevent the spread of airborne diseases like COVID-19 Simone Bianco, Sara Capponi
119 [GO] XRDS Crossroads The ACM Magazine for Students 2022―Jan―10 Virtual technology in the real world of COVID-19 Kun Jin
120 [GO] XRDS Crossroads The ACM Magazine for Students 2022―Jan―10 Twitter, COVID-19, and disability Stephanie Valencia, Lynn Kirabo
121 [GO] XRDS Crossroads The ACM Magazine for Students 2022―Jan―10 Addressing the root of vaccine hesitancy during the COVID-19 pandemic Kolina Koltai, Rachel E. Moran, Izzi Grasso
122 [GO] XRDS Crossroads The ACM Magazine for Students 2022―Jan―10 COVID-19 tracking apps Megan Hofmann
123 [GO] XRDS Crossroads The ACM Magazine for Students 2022―Jan―10 Getting through a global pandemic Megan Hofmann, Christine T. Wolf
124 [GO] ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology 2022―Jan―05 COVID-GAN+: Estimating Human Mobility Responses to COVID-19 through Spatio-temporal Generative Adversarial Networks with Enhanced Features Han Bao, Xun Zhou, Yiqun Xie, Yingxue Zhang, Yanhua Li
125 [GO] ACM Transactions on Internet Technology 2021―Dec―30 A COVID-19 Detection Algorithm Using Deep Features and Discrete Social Learning Particle Swarm Optimization for Edge Computing Devices Chaonan Shen, Kai Zhang, Jinshan Tang
126 [GO] ACM Transactions on Spatial Algorithms and Systems 2021―Dec―30 ASTRO: Reducing COVID-19 Exposure through Contact Prediction and Avoidance Chrysovalantis Anastasiou, Constantinos Costa, Panos K. Chrysanthis, Cyrus Shahabi, Demetrios Zeinalipour-Yazti
127 [GO] ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology 2021―Dec―24 A Tale of Two Cities: Software Developers Working from Home during the COVID-19 Pandemic Denae Ford, Margaret-Anne Storey, Thomas Zimmermann, Christian Bird, Sonia Jaffe, Chandra Maddila, Jenna L. Butler, Brian Houck, Nachiappan Nagappan
128 [GO] Communications of the ACM 2021―Dec―17 Delivering a rapid digital response to the COVID-19 pandemic Gwanhoo Lee, Jaeho Kim
129 [GO] Communications of the ACM 2021―Dec―17 How reliable is smartphone-based electronic contact tracing for COVID-19? Philipp H. Kindt, Trinad Chakraborty, Samarjit Chakraborty
130 [GO] Journal of Data and Information Quality 2021―Dec―11 Transparent Aspect-Level Sentiment Analysis Based on Dependency Syntax Analysis and Its Application on COVID-19 Bin Wang, Pengfei Guo, Xing Wang, Yongzhong He, Wei Wang
131 [GO] ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review 2021―Dec―03 Machine learning-based analysis of COVID-19 pandemic impact on US research networks Mariam Kiran, Scott Campbell, Fatema Bannat Wala, Nick Buraglio, Inder Monga
132 [GO] ACM Transactions on Internet Technology 2021―Nov―29 Labeling Privacy Protection SVM Using Privileged Information for COVID-19 Diagnosis Tongguang Ni, Jiaqun Zhu, Jia Qu, Jing Xue
133 [GO] ACM Transactions on Internet Technology 2021―Nov―29 Synergic Deep Learning for Smart Health Diagnosis of COVID-19 for Connected Living and Smart Cities K. Shankar, Eswaran Perumal, Mohamed Elhoseny, Fatma Taher, B. B. Gupta, Ahmed A. Abd El-Latif
134 [GO] ACM Transactions on Internet Technology 2021―Nov―29 Forecasting Trend of Coronavirus Disease 2019 using Multi-Task Weighted TSK Fuzzy System Yizhang Jiang, Xiaoqing Gu, Lei Hua, Kang Li, Yuwen Tao, Bo Li
135 [GO] ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing Communications and Applications 2021―Nov―15 Uncertainty-Aware Semi-Supervised Method Using Large Unlabeled and Limited Labeled COVID-19 Data Roohallah Alizadehsani, Danial Sharifrazi, Navid Hoseini Izadi, Javad Hassannataj Joloudari, Afshin Shoeibi, Juan M. Gorriz, Sadiq Hussain, Juan E. Arco, Zahra Alizadeh Sani, Fahime Khozeimeh, Abbas Khosravi, Saeid Nahavandi, Sheikh Mohammed Shariful Islam, U. Rajendra Acharya
136 [GO] Digital Threats Research and Practice 2021―Oct―29 How good is good enough? Quantifying the impact of benefits, accuracy, and privacy on willingness to adopt COVID-19 decision aids Gabriel Kaptchuk, Daniel Goldstein, Eszter Hargittai, Jake M Hofman, Elissa M Redmiles
137 [GO] ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes 2021―Oct―28 Industry-Academia Research Collaborations During and After COVID-19 Dusica Marijan, Chetan Bansal, Tamara Lopez
138 [GO] ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing Communications and Applications 2021―Oct―26 Deep Active Context Estimation for Automated COVID-19 Diagnosis Bingzhi Chen, Yishu Liu, Zheng Zhang, Yingjian Li, Zhao Zhang, Guangming Lu, Hongbing Yu
139 [GO] ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing Communications and Applications 2021―Oct―26 An Explainable Framework for Diagnosis of COVID-19 Pneumonia via Transfer Learning and Discriminant Correlation Analysis Siyuan Lu, Di Wu, Zheng Zhang, Shui-Hua Wang
140 [GO] ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data 2021―Oct―23 Network Public Opinion Detection During the Coronavirus Pandemic: A Short-Text Relational Topic Model Yuanchun Jiang, Ruicheng Liang, Ji Zhang, Jianshan Sun, Yezheng Liu, Yang Qian
141 [GO] ACM SIGAPP Applied Computing Review 2021―Oct―21 Latent and sequential prediction of the novel coronavirus epidemiological spread Dario Aragona, Luca Podo, Bardh Prenkaj, Paola Velardi
142 [GO] Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction 2021―Oct―19 Understanding Tensions and Resilient Practices that Emerge from Technology Use in Asian India Families in the U.S.: The Case of COVID-19 Radhika Garg
143 [GO] Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction 2021―Oct―19 What's in a Network? Infrastructures of Mutual Aid for Digital Platform Workers during COVID-19 Rida Qadri
144 [GO] Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction 2021―Oct―19 Deciding If and How to Use a COVID-19 Contact Tracing App: Influences of Social Factors on Individual Use in Japan Jack Jamieson, Naomi Yamashita, Daniel A. Epstein, Yunan Chen
145 [GO] Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction 2021―Oct―19 Teacher-Guardian Collaboration for Emergency Remote Learning in the COVID-19 Crisis Xinning Gui, Yao Li, Yanlai Wu
146 [GO] Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction 2021―Oct―19 Parenting in a Pandemic: Juggling Multiple Roles and Managing Technology Use in Family Life During COVID-19 in the United States Rebecca Michelson, Akeiylah DeWitt, Ria Nagar, Alexis Hiniker, Jason Yip, Sean A. Munson, Julie A. Kientz
147 [GO] Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction 2021―Oct―19 Stronger Together: How Neighborhood Groups Build up a Virtual Network during the COVID-19 Pandemic Steffen Haesler, Stefka Schmid, Annemike Sophia Vierneisel, Christian Reuter
148 [GO] Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction 2021―Oct―19 Parental Facilitation of Young Children's Technology-based Learning Experiences from Nondominant Groups During the COVID-19 Pandemic Junnan Yu, Julisa Granados, Ronni Hayden, Ricarose Roque
149 [GO] Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction 2021―Oct―19 Digital Social Interaction in Older Adults During the COVID-19 Pandemic Frances Sin, Sophie Berger, Ig-Jae Kim, Dongwook Yoon
150 [GO] Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction 2021―Oct―19 Hugging with a Shower Curtain: Older Adults' Social Support Realities During the COVID-19 Pandemic Novia Nurain, Chia-Fang Chung, Clara Caldeira, Kay Connelly
151 [GO] Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction 2021―Oct―19 The Differential Effect of Privacy-Related Trust on Groupware Application Adoption and Use during the COVID-19 pandemic Moses Namara, Bart P. Knijnenburg
152 [GO] Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction 2021―Oct―19 Dissemination, Situated Fact-checking, and Social Effects of Misinformation among Rural Bangladeshi Villagers During the COVID-19 Pandemic Sharifa Sultana, Susan R. Fussell
153 [GO] Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction 2021―Oct―19 With Help from Afar: Cross-Local Communication in an Online COVID-19 Pandemic Community Chun-Hua Tsai, Xinning Gui, Yubo Kou, John M. Carroll
154 [GO] Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction 2021―Oct―19 Dilemmas in Mutual Aid: Lessons for Crisis Informatics from an Emergent Community Response to the Pandemic Robert Soden, Embry Owen
155 [GO] Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction 2021―Oct―19 The Pandemic Shift to Remote Learning under Resource Constraints Prerna Ravi, Azra Ismail, Neha Kumar
156 [GO] ACM Transactions on Computing for Healthcare 2021―Oct―17 Attention-based Unsupervised Keyphrase Extraction and Phrase Graph for COVID-19 Medical Literature Retrieval Haoran Ding, Xiao Luo
157 [GO] Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction 2021―Oct―06 The Pandemic as a Catalyst for Reimagining the Foundations of Location-Based Games Arpita Bhattacharya, Travis W. Windleharth, Cassandra Lee, Amulya Paramasivam, Julie A. Kientz, Jason C. Yip, Jin Ha Lee
158 [GO] ACM Computing Surveys 2021―Oct―05 A Survey on Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Fighting Against COVID-19 Jianguo Chen, Kenli Li, Zhaolei Zhang, Keqin Li, Philip S. Yu
159 [GO] ACM Transactions on Management Information Systems 2021―Oct―05 DSSAE: Deep Stacked Sparse Autoencoder Analytical Model for COVID-19 Diagnosis by Fractional Fourier Entropy Shui-Hua Wang, Xin Zhang, Yu-Dong Zhang
160 [GO] XRDS Crossroads The ACM Magazine for Students 2021―Sep―21 The role of online communities in supporting mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic Chengcheng Qu, Renwen Zhang
161 [GO] Digital Threats Research and Practice 2021―Sep―17 COVID-19 Contact Tracing and Privacy: A Longitudinal Study of Public Opinion Lucy Simko, Jack Chang, Maggie Jiang, Ryan Calo, Franziska Roesner, Tadayoshi Kohno
162 [GO] ACM Transactions on Internet Technology 2021―Sep―14 A Language-independent Network to Analyze the Impact of COVID-19 on the World via Sentiment Analysis Ashima Yadav, Dinesh Kumar Vishwakarma
163 [GO] ACM Transactions on Computing for Healthcare 2021―Sep―14 Optimal COVID-19 Vaccination Strategies with Limited Vaccine and Delivery Capabilities Simone Santini
164 [GO] ACM Transactions on Management Information Systems 2021―Sep―08 High-Resolution Spatio-Temporal Model for County-Level COVID-19 Activity in the U.S. Shixiang Zhu, Alexander Bukharin, Liyan Xie, Mauricio Santillana, Shihao Yang, Yao Xie
165 [GO] ACM Transactions on Management Information Systems 2021―Sep―08 Using Social Media to Analyze Public Concerns and Policy Responses to COVID-19 in Hong Kong Guanqing Liang, Jingxin Zhao, Helena Yan Ping Lau, Cane Wing-Ki Leung
166 [GO] ACM Transactions on Management Information Systems 2021―Sep―08 Understanding the Impact of COVID-19 on Online Mental Health Forums Laura Biester, Katie Matton, Janarthanan Rajendran, Emily Mower Provost, Rada Mihalcea
167 [GO] ACM Transactions on Management Information Systems 2021―Sep―08 CoRSAI: A System for Robust Interpretation of CT Scans of COVID-19 Patients Using Deep Learning Manvel Avetisian, Ilya Burenko, Konstantin Egorov, Vladimir Kokh, Aleksandr Nesterov, Aleksandr Nikolaev, Alexander Ponomarchuk, Elena Sokolova, Alex Tuzhilin, Dmitry Umerenkov
168 [GO] ACM Transactions on Management Information Systems 2021―Sep―08 University Operations During a Pandemic: A Flexible Decision Analysis Toolkit Himanshu Kharkwal, Dakota Olson, Jiali Huang, Abhiraj Mohan, Ankur Mani, Jaideep Srivastava
169 [GO] ACM Transactions on Management Information Systems 2021―Sep―08 SymptomID: A Framework for Rapid Symptom Identification in Pandemics Using News Reports Kang Gu, Soroush Vosoughi, Temiloluwa Prioleau
170 [GO] eLearn 2021―Aug―30 Challenges and Opportunities for eLearning During the COVID-19 Pandemic: The year in review Simone C. Conceicao
171 [GO] eLearn 2021―Aug―16 Meeting Online Learners Where They Are: e-Learning during a time of pandemic Ana-Paula Correia, Sean Hickey, Traci Lepicki, Alicia Willis
172 [GO] Digital Threats Research and Practice 2021―Aug―13 "Unless one does the research, it may seem as just a useless battery-consuming app" - Field Notes on COVID-19 Contact Tracing Applications Borce Stojkovski, Ruba Abu-Salma, Karen Triquet, Gabriele Lenzini
173 [GO] Journal of Data and Information Quality 2021―Aug―12 Challenges in Reporting the COVID-19 Spread and its Presentation to the Society Jakub Kubiczek, BartŁomiej Hadasik
174 [GO] ACM SIGMIS Database the DATABASE for Advances in Information Systems 2021―Aug―12 Pandemic Pedagogy and Possibilities Tom Stafford
175 [GO] ACM Transactions on Internet Technology 2021―Jul―22 Investigating the Spread of Coronavirus Disease via Edge-AI and Air Pollution Correlation V. Gomathy, K. Janarthanan, Fadi Al-Turjman, R. Sitharthan, M. Rajesh, K. Vengatesan, T. Priya Reshma
176 [GO] Digital Government Research and Practice 2021―Jul―12 Editorial Preface Special Issues on COVID-19 Commentary Soon Ae Chun, Beth Simone Noveck
177 [GO] XRDS Crossroads The ACM Magazine for Students 2021―Jun―24 How to jumpstart your career during a pandemic Amari Lewis
178 [GO] Communications of the ACM 2021―Jun―21 Responsible computing during COVID-19 and beyond Solon Barocas, Asia J. Biega, Margarita Boyarskaya, Kate Crawford, Hal Daumé III, Miroslav Dudík, Benjamin Fish, Mary L. Gray, Brent Hecht, Alexandra Olteanu, Forough Poursabzi-Sangdeh, Luke Stark, Jennifer Wortman Vaughan, Hanna Wallach, Marion Zepf
179 [GO] Communications of the ACM 2021―Jun―21 Tracking pandemic-driven internet traffic Jennifer Rexford
180 [GO] ACM Inroads 2021―May―10 Investigating the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on computing students' sense of belonging Catherine Mooney, Brett A. Becker
181 [GO] ACM Inroads 2021―May―10 CLASSROOM VIGNETTES: Protecting student privacy through the pandemic (and beyond) Henry M. Walker
182 [GO] eLearn 2021―Apr―23 The Burden of Alleviating the Burden During a Pandemic: Emotional literacy as a tool for online course design, adaptation, and evaluation Petra Robinson, Maja Stojanović
183 [GO] ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing Communications and Applications 2021―Apr―01 A Multimodal, Multimedia Point-of-Care Deep Learning Framework for COVID-19 Diagnosis MD Abdur Rahman, M. Shamim Hossain, Nabil A. Alrajeh, B. B. Gupta
184 [GO] ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review 2021―Mar―12 Italian operators' response to the COVID-19 pandemic Massimo Candela, Antonio Prado
185 [GO] ACM SIGMOD Record 2021―Mar―11 Holding a Conference Online and Live due to Covid-19 Angela Bonifati, Giovanna Guerrini, Carsten Lutz, Wim Martens, Lara Mazilu, Norman W. Paton, Marcos Antonio Vaz Salles, Marc H. Scholl, Yongluan Zhou
186 [GO] eLearn 2021―Mar―03 Listening to the Sound of Silence in Supporting Instructors' Transitions to Remote Teaching During COVID-19 Kayon Murray-Johnson, Anna Santucci, Diane J. Goldsmith
187 [GO] interactions 2021―Mar―03 How fragmentation can undermine the public health response to Covid-19 Andrew Tzer-Yeu Chen
188 [GO] interactions 2021―Mar―03 Covid-19 and challenges for learning-technology adoption in Pakistan Muhammad Zahid Iqbal, Abraham G. Campbell
189 [GO] interactions 2021―Mar―03 Experiencing Covid-19 in the Ecuadorian Amazon rainforest Kaleidos Collective
190 [GO] Digital Government Research and Practice 2021―Feb―05 COVID-19 Brings Data Equity Challenges to the Fore H.V. Jagadish, Julia Stoyanovich, Bill Howe
191 [GO] SIGSPATIAL Special 2021―Jan―29 Introduction to this special issue: Modeling and understanding the spread of COVID-19 Andreas Züfle, Taylor Anderson
192 [GO] SIGSPATIAL Special 2021―Jan―25 The 1st ACM SIGSPATIAL International Workshop on Modeling and Understanding the Spread of COVID-19 Taylor Anderson, Jia Yu, Andreas Züfle
193 [GO] Communications of the ACM 2021―Jan―25 Technological responses to COVID-19 Keith Kirkpatrick
194 [GO] eLearn 2020―Dec―30 Attitude of Nigerian Students to Online Learning During the COVID-19 Pandemic
195 [GO] interactions 2020―Dec―23 Fighting coronavirus with faith Sharifa Sultana, A. K. M. Najmul Islam, Syed Ishtiaque Ahmed
196 [GO] Communications of the ACM 2020―Dec―17 Coalition of the willing takes aim at COVID-19 Chris Edwards
197 [GO] XRDS Crossroads The ACM Magazine for Students 2020―Dec―17 Five tips to manage student pandemic stress disorder Bhargavi Jahagirdar
198 [GO] ACM SIGHPC Connect 2020―Dec―02 Pandemic check-in Philip Conrad
199 [GO] eLearn 2020―Dec―01 Motivating Learning by Playing Animal Crossing New Horizons: A trending game during the COVID-19 pandemic Xi Lin, Shu Su
200 [GO] Digital Government Research and Practice 2020―Nov―26 Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Academic Community: Results from a survey conducted at University of Massachusetts Amherst Iman Deznabi, Tamanna Motahar, Ali Sarvghad, Madalina Fiterau, Narges Mahyar
201 [GO] Digital Government Research and Practice 2020―Nov―26 Estimating the Fatality Burden of SARS-CoV2 Barry Smyth
202 [GO] Digital Government Research and Practice 2020―Nov―25 Utilizing Smart City cyber-physical infrastructure for tracking and monitoring pandemics like COVID-19 with the ICCC as the nerve center Manukumar V, Devarajan R, Amitava Mukherjee, Dibyendu Roy, Farhan Anees, Jitendra Angne, Nitin Agarwal, Deven Sorathiya
203 [GO] Digital Government Research and Practice 2020―Nov―24 Data, Politics and Public Health: COVID-19 Data-Driven Decision Making in Public Discourse Teresa Harrison, Theresa Pardo
204 [GO] Digital Government Research and Practice 2020―Nov―06 Successful Models of Hackathons and Innovation Contests to Crowdsource Rapid Responses to COVID-19 Kiev Gama
205 [GO] Digital Government Research and Practice 2020―Nov―06 A Deep Learning Approach for COVID-19 & Viral Pneumonia Screening X-Ray Images Faizan Ahmed, Syed Ahmad Bukharu, Fazel Keshtkar
206 [GO] Digital Government Research and Practice 2020―Nov―06 Pandemic Pulse: Unraveling and Modeling Social Signals during the COVID-19 Pandemic Steven Krieg, Jennifer Schnur, Jermaine Marshall, Matthew Shoenbauer, Nitesh Chawla
207 [GO] Digital Government Research and Practice 2020―Nov―06 Self-sovereign Identities for fighting the impact of Covid-19 pandemic Rachel Benchaya Gans, Jolien Ubacht, Marijn Janssen
208 [GO] Digital Government Research and Practice 2020―Nov―06 Global Pandemic and Rapid New Product Development of Medical Products Kumari Moothedath Chandran, Sagar Biradar
209 [GO] Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction 2020―Nov―05 Combating the Spread of Coronavirus by Modeling Fomites with Depth Cameras Andrew D. Wilson
210 [GO] interactions 2020―Nov―02 User-centered design and Covid-19 Ilona Posner
211 [GO] Digital Government Research and Practice 2020―Oct―30 Responsible, Automated Data Gathering for Timely Citizen Dashboard Provision During a Global Pandemic (COVID-19) Tobias Röddiger, Michael Beigl, Dominik Doerner, Matthias Budde
212 [GO] Digital Government Research and Practice 2020―Oct―30 Using Demographic Pattern Analysis to Predict COVID-19 Fatalities on the US County Level Klaus Mueller, Eric Papenhausen
213 [GO] Digital Government Research and Practice 2020―Oct―30 Projecting the Short-Term Trend of COVID-19 in Iraq Murtadha Aldeer, Ahmed Al Hilli, ISSAM Ismail
214 [GO] Digital Government Research and Practice 2020―Oct―30 Providing detailed information on national policies to cope with Covid-19 pandemic Christophe Gaie
215 [GO] Digital Government Research and Practice 2020―Oct―30 The (Potential) Role of Technology for Young Children?s Social-Emotional Learning: During and Beyond the COVID-19 Pandemic Naska Goagoses, Heike Winschiers-Theophilus, Michael Chamunorwa
216 [GO] Digital Government Research and Practice 2020―Oct―30 Online Xenophobic Behavior Amid COVID-19 Pandemic: A Commentary Roy Ka-Wei Lee, Zhi Li
217 [GO] Digital Government Research and Practice 2020―Oct―30 Tweeting during Covid-19 Pandemic: Sentiment Analysis of Twitter Messages by President Trump Ussama Yaqub
218 [GO] Digital Government Research and Practice 2020―Oct―30 Trust and COVID-19: Implications for interpersonal, workplace, institutional, and information-based trust Lauren Fell
219 [GO] Digital Government Research and Practice 2020―Oct―30 COVID-19: Psychological and Psychosocial Impact, Fear, and Passion Nilanjan Dey, Rishabh Mishra, Simon James Fong, KC Santosh, Stanna Tan, Rubén González Crespo
220 [GO] Ubiquity 2020―Oct―29 COVID-19 and computation for policy Jeffrey Johnson, Peter Denning, Kemal Delic, Jane Bromley
221 [GO] SIGSPATIAL Special 2020―Oct―26 COVID-19 ensemble models using representative clustering Joon-Seok Kim, Hamdi Kavak, Andreas Züfle, Taylor Anderson
222 [GO] SIGSPATIAL Special 2020―Oct―26 Geospatial forecasting of COVID-19 spread and risk of reaching hospital capacity Georgiy Bobashev, Ignacio Segovia-Dominguez, Yulia R. Gel, James Rineer, Sarah Rhea, Hui Sui
223 [GO] ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review 2020―Oct―26 Coronavirus contact tracing Douglas J. Leith, Stephen Farrell
224 [GO] Ubiquity 2020―Oct―22 Will post COVID-19 education be digital? Kemal A. Delic, Jeff A. Riley
225 [GO] Communications of the ACM 2020―Oct―22 A technological and innovative approach to COVID-19 in Uruguay Gastón Milano, Diego Vallespir, Alfredo Viola
226 [GO] Communications of the ACM 2020―Oct―22 Digital contact tracing may protect privacy, but it is unlikely to stop the pandemic Lorrie Faith Cranor
227 [GO] eLearn 2020―Sep―28 COVID-19 and Higher Education in Latin America: Challenges and possibilities in the transition to online education Dante Salvo
228 [GO] Digital Government Research and Practice 2020―Sep―25 The Pandemic and the Economy of Africa Leah H. Mwainyekule, Francis B. Frimpong
229 [GO] eLearn 2020―Sep―17 Overnight Transformation To Online Education Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic: Lessons learned Sudhaman Parthasarathy, San Murugesan
230 [GO] Digital Government Research and Practice 2020―Sep―15 Using Collaborative Technologies and Social Media to Engage Citizens and Governments during the COVID-19 Crisis. The Case of Spain J. Ignacio Criado, Ariana Guevara-Gómez, Julián Villodre
231 [GO] Digital Government Research and Practice 2020―Sep―05 Gaming for Meaningful Interactions in Teleworking Lessons Learned during the COVID-19 Pandemic from Integrating Gaming in Virtual Meetings Fernando Kleiman, Sebastiaan Meijer, Marijn Janssen
232 [GO] Digital Government Research and Practice 2020―Sep―04 COVID-19 Data Visualization through Automatic Phase Detection Pradipta Biswas, Kamalpreet Singh Saluja, Somnath Arjun, Lrd Murthy, Gowdham Prabhakar, Vinay Krishna Sharma, Jeevitha Shree Dv
233 [GO] Digital Government Research and Practice 2020―Sep―04 SPREADING OF COVID-19 IN INDIA, ITALY, JAPAN, SPAIN, UK, US Munish Kumar, Surbhi Gupta, Krishan Kumar, Monika Sachdeva
234 [GO] ACM SIGEVOlution 2020―Sep―04 Evolutionary AI site with expert podcasts and a COVID-19 intervention demo Risto Miikkulainen
235 [GO] Digital Government Research and Practice 2020―Sep―04 Machine Learning Models for Government to Predict COVID-19 Outbreak Rajan Gupta, Gaurav Pandey, Poonam Chaudhary, Saibal K. Pal
236 [GO] Digital Government Research and Practice 2020―Sep―04 Analysis of COVID-19 Tracking Tool in India Rajan Gupta, Manan Bedi, Prashi Goyal, Srishti Wadhera, Vaishnavi Verma
237 [GO] interactions 2020―Sep―01 Dreaming of immersive interactions to navigate forced distributed collaboration during Covid-19 Yekta Bakırlıoğlu, María Laura Ramírez Galleguillos, Aykut Coşkun
238 [GO] interactions 2020―Aug―21 Insights from videochat research in the context of Covid-19 Danielle Lottridge
239 [GO] interactions 2020―Aug―21 Design thinking around Covid-19 Nova Ahmed, Rahat Jahangir Rony, Kimia Tuz Zaman
240 [GO] interactions 2020―Aug―21 HCI and interaction design versus Covid-19 Peter Dalsgaard
241 [GO] interactions 2020―Aug―21 Reflecting on collaborations with charities in the time of Covid-19 Angelika Strohmayer
242 [GO] interactions 2020―Aug―21 Evaluating immersive experiences during Covid-19 and beyond Anthony Steed, Francisco R. Ortega, Adam S. Williams, Ernst Kruijff, Wolfgang Stuerzlinger, Anil Ufuk Batmaz, Andrea Stevenson Won, Evan Suma Rosenberg, Adalberto L. Simeone, Aleshia Hayes
243 [GO] interactions 2020―Aug―21 Responding to the COVID-19 pandemic Mikael Wiberg, Alex Taylor, Daniela Rosner
244 [GO] interactions 2020―Aug―21 Comics as Covid-19 response Ernesto Priego, Peter Wilkins
245 [GO] Communications of the ACM 2020―Aug―21 Virtual collaboration in the age of the coronavirus Paul Marks
246 [GO] interactions 2020―Aug―21 Coronavirus and the carnivalesque Cally Gatehouse
247 [GO] interactions 2020―Aug―21 Mobile tracking and privacy in the coronavirus pandemic Montathar Faraon
248 [GO] interactions 2020―Aug―21 How can designers fight the coronavirus? Nikhil Welankar
249 [GO] interactions 2020―Aug―21 Design in the pandemic Alex Taylor, Daniela Rosner, Mikael Wiberg
250 [GO] interactions 2020―Aug―21 The pandemic, war, and sanctions Rojin Vishkaie
251 [GO] SIGSPATIAL Special 2020―Jul―08 Introduction to this special issue: Modeling and understanding the spread of COVID-19 Andreas Züfle
252 [GO] SIGSPATIAL Special 2020―Jul―08 Mapping county-level mobility pattern changes in the United States in response to COVID-19 Song Gao, Jinmeng Rao, Yuhao Kang, Yunlei Liang, Jake Kruse
253 [GO] SIGSPATIAL Special 2020―Jul―08 Rapid detection of COVID-19 clusters in the United States using a prospective space-time scan statistic Alexander Hohl, Eric Delmelle, Michael Desjardins
254 [GO] ACM Transactions on Human-Robot Interaction 2020―Jun―22 Where to Next? The Impact of COVID-19 on Human-Robot Interaction Research David Feil-Seifer, Kerstin S. Haring, Silvia Rossi, Alan R. Wagner, Tom Williams
255 [GO] SIGSPATIAL Special 2020―Jun―03 Introduction to this special issue: Modeling and understanding the spread of COVID-19 Andreas Züfle
256 [GO] SIGSPATIAL Special 2020―Jun―03 Mapping county-level mobility pattern changes in the United States in response to COVID-19 Song Gao, Jinmeng Rao, Yuhao Kang, Yunlei Liang, Jake Kruse
257 [GO] SIGSPATIAL Special 2020―Jun―03 Rapid detection of COVID-19 clusters in the United States using a prospective space-time scan statistic Alexander Hohl, Eric Delmelle, Michael Desjardins
258 [GO] Communications of the ACM 2020―May―24 Implications of the COVID-19 pandemic Vinton G. Cerf

258 Results       Page 1


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