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COVID answers in Scientific Journals all over the world

Publishing House: Asian Educational Journal Publishing Group

49 Results       Page 1

  original article Journal Date Title Authors All Authors
1 [GO] Journal of Education and e-Learning Research 2025―Feb―08 Impact of COVID-19 lockdown on physical activity and performance in K-12 physical education: A systematic review Carlos Merino-Campos, Hector Del-Castillo
2 [GO] Journal of Life Sciences Research 2025―Jan―04 Measuring front-liners’ perceived risks, benefits, practice, and misinformation on COVID-19 Wasfi Al Hadid
3 [GO] Asian Journal of Economics and Empirical Research 2024―Nov―09 Exchange rate innovation, global pandemic and stock market returns: Empirical evidence from ECOWAS countries Ambrose Nnaemeka Omeje, Ndubuisi Obeka Chukwu, Augustine Jideofor Mba
4 [GO] Journal of Education and e-Learning Research 2024―Sep―07 Undergraduates’ challenges as predictors of their readiness for online learning during COVID-19 in Botswana Bright Samohembo, Som Pal Baliyan
5 [GO] Journal of Education and e-Learning Research 2024―Aug―22 Saudi faculty online assessment experience: Evidence from the COVID-19 era Taghreed Abdulaziz Almuqayteeb, Wessam Mohamed
6 [GO] Asian Journal of Social Sciences and Management Studies 2024―Jun―15 Teaching note-teaching and learning during the COVID-19 lockdown at the university of Windsor: Faculty, graduate teaching assistant and student experience Musa, Mohamad, Lwin Kristen, Sellan Rebecca
7 [GO] Journal of Education and e-Learning Research 2024―May―25 Factors affecting parents’ satisfaction with online learning during COVID-19: A study on parents of young children Lamees Abdulrahman Alaulamie
8 [GO] Asian Journal of Economics and Empirical Research 2024―Mar―23 Examining the dynamics of risk, performance, and volatility during COVID-19: Evidence from Moroccan stock market Mustapha Amzil, Ahmed Ait Bari, Lahoucine Asllam
9 [GO] Journal of Education and e-Learning Research 2024―Jan―06 Examining the e-learning attitudes of Indonesian students during the COVID-19 pandemic Irwanto Irwanto, Ucu Cahyana, Ni Putu Sri Ayuni
10 [GO] Journal of Education and e-Learning Research 2023―Dec―13 The benefits and challenges of the use of digital technology on clinical learning of undergraduate nursing students during the COVID-19 pandemic: An integrative literature review Kholofelo Lorraine Matlhaba, Sisinyana Hannah Khunou
11 [GO] Journal of Education and e-Learning Research 2023―Oct―28 Realigning online teacher training modules to COVID-19: An evaluation of the online training module among pre-service and in-service teachers in Pakistan Laila Mohebi, Fatima AlMohsen, Alanood Alshamsi
12 [GO] Journal of Education and e-Learning Research 2023―Sep―30 Impact of working while studying on university students’ academic performance in Egypt during the COVID-19 pandemic and transition to online learning Noha A Alaa El Dine, Menatalla Kaoud
13 [GO] Journal of Education and e-Learning Research 2023―Sep―27 Students' behavior and intention to use e-learning during the COVID-19 pandemic: A case of TAM through SEM analysis in Albania Elda Dollija, Marinela Teneqexhi, Servet Gura
14 [GO] Journal of Education and e-Learning Research 2023―Jun―20 Addressing the quality of higher education among the pandemic in Nueva Ecija, Philippines through the establishment of the community e-learning resource center Rachael Reyes Moralde
15 [GO] Journal of Education and e-Learning Research 2023―Jun―07 Different domiciles in online learning during the COVID-19 pandemic Intan Safiah, Muhammad Yunus, I Kadek Suartama, Mohammad Solehudin, Wiwik Dwi Hastuti
16 [GO] Journal of Education and e-Learning Research 2023―Mar―25 Learning loss: Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the students’ psychosocial condition Wayan Maba, Ida Ayu Made Sri Widiastuti, Ida Bagus Nyoman Mantra, I Kadek Suartama, Ni Luh Sukanadi
17 [GO] Journal of Education and e-Learning Research 2023―Feb―23 Perceptions of elementary school teachers towards the implementation of the independent curriculum during the COVID-19 pandemic Rusi Rusmiati Aliyyah, Gugun Gunadi, Astri Sutisnawati, Susan Febriantina
18 [GO] Journal of Education and e-Learning Research 2022―Dec―03 Measuring the Degree of Satisfaction among Preparatory Year Students Regarding the Virtual Lessons and Educational Platforms in the Universities of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia during the COVID-19 Pandemic Nahed Abu-Zaid, Waed Al-Abweeny, Sadam Bani-AlDomi, Kawther Hassan, Afnan Hakami
19 [GO] Journal of Education and e-Learning Research 2022―Sep―24 Effectiveness of Online Learning during the COVID -19 Pandemic in Mizoram L P Lalduhawma, L Thangmawia, Jamal Hussain
20 [GO] Journal of Education and e-Learning Research 2022―Sep―14 Teachers’ Knowledge of Hybrid Teaching Practiced during the COVID-19 Pandemic and its Effects on Student Achievement Hadi Rashed Al Ajmi
21 [GO] Journal of Education and e-Learning Research 2022―Aug―16 Antecedents of E-Learning Readiness and Student Satisfaction in Institutions of Higher Education during the COVID-19 Pandemic Eveline Siregar
22 [GO] World Scientific Research 2022―Jun―08 Human Rights and International Trade: How does the Trade System Violate Human Rights under the COVID-19 Pandemic? Hui Wan
23 [GO] Journal of Education and e-Learning Research 2022―May―28 Student Satisfaction in Online Learning of Islamic Higher Education in Indonesia during the Second Wave of COVID-19 Pandemic Muhammad Munadi, Fauzi Annur, Yudi Saputra
24 [GO] Journal of Education and e-Learning Research 2022―Mar―08 COVID-19 Pandemic: Do Learning Motivation and Learning Self-Efficacy Exist among Higher Vocational College Students? Shenlong Tang, Siti Zuraidah Md Osman
25 [GO] Journal of Education and e-Learning Research 2022―Mar―02 Impact of E-Learning on INTTIC Students during the COVID-19 Ehlem Zigh, Rime Hanane Abdalli, Belkacem Kouninef
26 [GO] Journal of Education and e-Learning Research 2022―Feb―19 The Relationship between Online Learning and Student Satisfaction with Training Quality in Private Universities during the COVID-19 Pandemic Pham Nguyen Trong Nhan, Nguyen Mai Lan, Ta Huu Hien, Nguyen Thi Thuy Phuong, Nguyen Tran Ngoc Phi
27 [GO] International Journal of Emerging Trends in Social Sciences 2022―Jan―04 What Really Matters: The Effect of Covid-19 on the Factors of Life Satisfaction Julius Janacek
28 [GO] Journal of Education and e-Learning Research 2021―Dec―23 Teachers’ Perceptions of the Transition from Onsite to Online Teaching during the Covid-19 Pandemic Luu Nguyen Quoc Hung
29 [GO] Journal of Education and e-Learning Research 2021―Dec―23 Teaching and Assessment through Online Platforms during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Benefits and Challenges Adebunmi Yetunde Aina, Ayodele Abosede Ogegbo
30 [GO] Journal of Education and e-Learning Research 2021―Nov―10 Beyond Conventional Classroom Learning: Linking Emotions and Self-Efficacy to Academic Achievement and Satisfaction with Online Learning during the COVID-19 Pandemic Chooi-Seong Lai, Kah-Mun Au, Chee-Seong Low
31 [GO] Asian Journal of Economics and Empirical Research 2021―Sep―25 Examining the Impact of Movements of the Commodity Price on the Value of the Baltic Dry Index during Covid19 Pandemic Nikola Radivojevic, Almir Muhovic, Milica Joksimovic, Miroslav Pimic
32 [GO] Journal of Education and e-Learning Research 2021―Sep―20 COVID-19 Enforced Shift to Distance Education: Readiness and Challenges Yousef Alshaboul, Diala Hamaidi, Yousef Arouri, Asia Alshaboul
33 [GO] Growth 2021―Sep―20 Modelling the Global Prevalence of COVID-19: An Econometric Approach Wasiu Adekunle, Feyisayo Oyolola, Oluwafemi Atolagbe, Ademola Abdulbasit, Taiwo Odugbemi, Yusuff Ashiru
34 [GO] Asian Journal of Social Sciences and Management Studies 2021―Sep―20 A Semantic Analysis of Corona Virus Pandemic Terms Lydia Udeme Edet, Rosemaary Ugonma Babatunde, Charles Ogbulogo, Innocent Chiluwa
35 [GO] Journal of Education and e-Learning Research 2021―Aug―17 Implementation of Emergency Remote Teaching in Chilean Schools due to COVID-19 Gonzalo Cortes Abarca
36 [GO] Journal of Education and e-Learning Research 2021―Aug―17 Is Internet Reciprocal Teaching the Remedy for Saudi EFL Learners’ Reading Difficulties During the Covid-19 Pandemic? Nasser Alasmari
37 [GO] Journal of Education and e-Learning Research 2021―May―03 E-Learning during the Covid-19 Pandemic in Spain: A Case Study with High School Mathematics Students Lidon Moliner, Gil Lorenzo-Valentin, Francisco Alegre
38 [GO] Journal of Education and e-Learning Research 2021―Mar―12 Strategy to Improve English Vocabulary Achievement during Covid-19 Epidemic. Does Quizizz Help? Law Szee Huei, Melor Md Yunus, Harwati Hashim
39 [GO] Asian Journal of Education and Training 2021―Feb―06 Determination of Physical Education and Sports Teachers' Nutrition Habits and Physical Activity Levels in the Global Epidemic (Covid-19) Process Ramazan Erdogan, Metin Yilmaz, Isa Aydemir
40 [GO] International Journal of Educational Technology and Learning 2021―Jan―30 The Advantages and Challenges of e-Learning During COVID-19 Pandemic in Omani Schools from Parents’ Perspectives of Cycle Two Schools (5-9) Shaikha Al Hadhrami, Najlaa Al Saadi
41 [GO] Journal of Education and e-Learning Research 2021―Jan―07 Awareness of using Radiology in Diagnosing COVID-19 among Radiological Students Adnan A.S. Alahmadi, Rawan H. Abdeen
42 [GO] Asian Journal of Education and Training 2020―Dec―18 The Impact of Online Teaching during the Coronavirus Pandemic on the Lives of Teachers and Parents Kashaf Aqeel Zaidi, Afreenish Gul, Farah Ahmad
43 [GO] Journal of Education and e-Learning Research 2020―Dec―08 Distance E-Learning in the System of Professional Development of Corporation Managers: Challenges of COVID-19 Ihor Bondar, Tatyana Gumenyuk, Yurii Horban, Olena Karakoz, Olena Chaikovska
44 [GO] Journal of Education and e-Learning Research 2020―Nov―12 COVID-19 Impacts at a Small Mid-Atlantic Liberal-Arts College with Implications for STEM Education Malcolm J. D’Souza, Katelynn Fry, Lyndsey Koyanagi, Andrew Shepherd
45 [GO] Journal of Education and e-Learning Research 2020―Nov―04 ESL Teachers’ Intention in Adopting Online Educational Technologies during COVID-19 Pandemic Kelvin Yew Kai Wen, Kim Hua, Tan
46 [GO] Asian Journal of Education and Training 2020―Sep―11 Evaluation of Students’ Views on the Covid-19 Distance Education Process in Music Departments of Fine Arts Faculties Burcu Ozer, Emre Ustun
47 [GO] Journal of Education and e-Learning Research 2020―Sep―09 Determinants of Students’ Perceived Learning Outcome and Satisfaction in Online Learning during the Pandemic of COVID19 Hasnan Baber
48 [GO] Asian Journal of Social Sciences and Management Studies 2020―Jul―09 The Effects of the Covid-19 Pandemic on the Nigeria’s Economy and Possible Coping Strategies Innocent Otache
49 [GO] Asian Journal of Social Sciences and Management Studies 2020―Jun―13 COVID-19 in Sri Lanka and Seven HRM Related Recommendations against COVID-19 H.H.D.P.J Opatha

49 Results       Page 1


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