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COVID answers in Scientific Journals all over the world

Publishing House: Yayasan Ahmar Cendekia Indonesia

91 Results       Page 1

  original article Journal Date Title Authors Max. 6 Authors
1 [GO] Daengku Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Innovation 2024―May―26 Changes In Investment Behavior of the Millennial Generation Before & During the Covid-19 Pandemic Hindriati Pangestu, Maria Rio Rita
2 [GO] Daengku Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Innovation 2024―May―26 Threat Analysis of Nipah Virus as a New Pandemic from the Perspective of Medical Intelligence Firdaus Sirait, Armi Susandi, Budiman Bela
3 [GO] EduLine Journal of Education and Learning Innovation 2024―May―20 Revealing the Impact: Online Teaching Effectiveness and Student Outcomes during the COVID-19 Pandemic at the University of Cape Coast Kenneth Kwesi Nyarko, Hayford Asare Obeng, Richard Arhinful
4 [GO] Quantitative Economics and Management Studies 2024―Apr―15 Understanding The Cash Flow Impact on Financial Distress among Hospitality Listed Firms Amidst the Covid-19 Pandemic: The Case of Indonesia Lady Liesdyana Pratiwi, Ersa Tri Wahyuni, Zaldy Adrianto
5 [GO] Mattawang Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat 2024―Jan―02 Community Empowerment In Producing Catfish Food Using Maggot With Palm Solid Waste Media Efforts Of Post Covid-19 Pandemic Economic Recovery Ria Retno, Debora Exaudi Sirait, Gunaria Siagian
6 [GO] Quantitative Economics and Management Studies 2024―Jan―01 Analysis of The Impact of Corporate Governance On Profitability and Firm Value During The Covid-19 Pandemic Made Reina Candradewi
7 [GO] Quantitative Economics and Management Studies 2024―Jan―01 Human Resource Development Methods During the Covid-19 Pandemic and New Normal in Matahari Department Store Retail Business Companies Armada Town Square Magelang Nathania Evanthe, Johnson Dongoran
8 [GO] Quantitative Economics and Management Studies 2024―Jan―01 Does COVID-19 Pandemic Impact on Financial Difficulties in Indonesian Tourism Sector Companies? Widyaningsih Azizah, Hotman Fredy, Sri Irviati Wahyoeni, M. Izzah Al Islami, Putri Ayu Milani
9 [GO] Quantitative Economics and Management Studies 2024―Jan―01 Analysis of Brand Image and Excellent Service of Indomaret Minimarket on Purchasing Decisions with Innovation as Mediation During The Pandemic Setiarini Setiarini
10 [GO] ARRUS Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities 2023―Oct―27 Analysis of Financial Performance Before and During the Covid-19 Pandemic in Indonesia Athaya Sukma Diningrat
11 [GO] ARRUS Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities 2023―Oct―27 The Relationship of Covid-19 Risk Perception with Health Protocol Compliance in Universitas Negeri Makassar Students Muhammad Rahmat, Muh. Daud, Muh. Nur Hidayat Nurdin
12 [GO] JINAV Journal of Information and Visualization 2023―Aug―15 Retweet Predictions Regarding COVID-19 Vaccination Tweets through The Method of Multi Level Stacking Vena Erla Candrika, Jondri Jondri, Indwiarti Indwiarti
13 [GO] ARRUS Journal of Mathematics and Applied Science 2023―May―28 Cluster Analysis of New Students at STKIP Pembangunan Indonesia during the COVID-19 Pandemic Based on Regional Origin Sutamrin
14 [GO] ARRUS Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities 2023―May―28 A Mixed Blessing: Impact of Covid-19 on Authors and Libraries in Zambia Pethias Siame, Jive Lubbungu, Christian Ehiobuche
15 [GO] Quantitative Economics and Management Studies 2023―May―28 The Influence of Flexible Working Hours, Work From Home, Work Stress, and Salary on Employee Performance at PT Armada Auto Tara during COVID-19 Pandemic Leni Yuliati
16 [GO] Quantitative Economics and Management Studies 2023―May―28 Relationship of Marketing Mix, Brand Equity to Purchase Decision and Loyalty with Digital Wallet as Moderating during the Covid 19 Pandemic Period Setiarini Setiarini, Aulia Keiko Hubbansyah, Iha Haryani Hatta
17 [GO] EduLine Journal of Education and Learning Innovation 2023―May―11 The Implementation of Home Visit Learning to Improve Mathematics Learning Outcomes during the COVID-19 Pandemic for Students at SDN 239 Inpres Rembon, Tana Toraja Oktavia Mangalik, Mas'ud Badolo, Idha Novianti
18 [GO] Quantitative Economics and Management Studies 2023―Jan―29 Analysis of Online Marketing Strategies Post Pandemic COVID-19 Destina Paningrum
19 [GO] Quantitative Economics and Management Studies 2023―Jan―29 Digital-Based Self-Employed Tendencies in Maintaining Income Levels in the Red Zone of COVID-19 Efriyani Sumastuti, Dhea Rizky Amelia, Ika Indriasari, Rita Meiriyanti
20 [GO] Quantitative Economics and Management Studies 2023―Jan―29 Marketing Policy for Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises Products After the COVID-19 Pandemic in Sontang Village, Bonai Darussalam District, Rokan Hulu Regency, Riau Indonesia (Study: Salai Fish Products (Smoked Fish)) Nurman Nurman, Hamsal Hamsal, Mashur Fadli
21 [GO] ARRUS Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities 2023―Jan―13 EFL Students’ Anxiety in Oral Presentation in Thesis Examination during Covid- 19 Pandemic Era: Factors and Strategies Sahril Nur, Geminastiti Sakkir
22 [GO] Daengku Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Innovation 2022―Dec―29 Able People Puskesmas Cirimekar, Bogor District In Prevention And Treatment Of Covid-19 Suja’i Tayudin
23 [GO] Daengku Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Innovation 2022―Dec―29 The Relationship between Health Anxiety and Quality of Life in Adolescents During the COVID-19 Pandemic Maya Rajaniti, Lenny Kendhawati, Marisa F. Moeliono
24 [GO] Quantitative Economics and Management Studies 2022―Dec―29 Survival Strategies and Online Marketing in the Time of the COVID-19 Pandemic of Bandung City SME: A Case Study of the Cibaduyut Shoe Center
25 [GO] Daengku Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Innovation 2022―Dec―29 Implementation of Covid-19 Vaccination in LabuhanBatu Bhakti Helvi Rambe, Christine Herawati Limbong
26 [GO] Daengku Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Innovation 2022―Dec―29 Voter Participation in the Election of the Head and Deputy Regional Head of Banjarmasin City in 2020 During the Covid 19 Pandemic Pery Pery, Samahuddin Samahuddin, Bachruddin Ali Akhmad
27 [GO] EduLine Journal of Education and Learning Innovation 2022―Dec―19 The Factors Affect the Implementation of English Teaching Strategies before and during Covid- 19 Pandemic Era Geminastiti Sakkir, Amirullah Abduh
28 [GO] EduLine Journal of Education and Learning Innovation 2022―Dec―12 Post COVID-19 Learning Adaptation: Teachers’ Strategies and Innovations in Teaching English in the Post Pandemic Wahyu Adri Wirawati, Roudlotun Nurul Laili, Muhammad Nashir
29 [GO] Daengku Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Innovation 2022―Dec―12 Smartphone Addiction of Early Adolescents During COVID-19 Pandemic Made Jelita Dwi Lestari, Langgersari Elsari Novianti
30 [GO] Daengku Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Innovation 2022―Dec―12 Special Capacity Building Workshop in Bali in The Recovery of Tourism Sector in Bali During Covid-19 Pandemic Andi Purnawarman, Ridho Anugrah
31 [GO] Quantitative Economics and Management Studies 2022―Dec―12 The Impact of Working From Home on The Civil Servant Administration Performance During COVID-19 Pandemic Suci Hati, Heri Sapari Kahpi, Uli Wildan Nuryanto, Joni Prihatin, Tubagus Iwan Ridwan
32 [GO] EduLine Journal of Education and Learning Innovation 2022―Dec―12 Implementation of the Qur'an Reading and Writing Program to Increase Children's Interest in Reading the Qur'an During the Covid-19 Pandemic Muhammad Ghazali, Disniarti Disniarti, Putri Hana Pebriana, Afif Alfiyanto, Fitri Hidayati
33 [GO] Mattawang Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat 2022―Dec―12 Personal Financial Planning and Management during Covid-19 Pandemic by Strengthening Financial Literacy for Generation Z in Condongcatur, Kapanewon Depok, Sleman Regency, Special Region of Yogyakarta Ratri Paramitalaksmi, Wuku Astuti
34 [GO] Daengku Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Innovation 2022―Dec―12 Sentiment Analysis of University Libraries during the Covid-19 Pandemic in Indonesia Abdurrahman Rahim Thaha
35 [GO] Daengku Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Innovation 2022―Dec―12 Analysis of Employee Performance in the Era of the Covid-19 Pandemic in Public Services Burhanuddin Burhanuddin, Rida Ratnawati
36 [GO] Quantitative Economics and Management Studies 2022―Dec―12 The Effect of Couple Support and Mental Attitude on the Economic Recovery of Salted Fish Traders at Lamekongga Kolaka Market Post COVID-19 PPKM Neks Triani, Muhammad Fath Azzajjad, Dewi Satria Ahmar
37 [GO] Mattawang Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat 2022―Dec―12 Education on Hygiene and Sanitation Standards for Ternate City MSMEs During a Pandemic at Sulamadaha Tourism Beach Abd. Hakim Husen
38 [GO] Quantitative Economics and Management Studies 2022―Dec―12 Utilizing Coconut Shell Waste Into A Crafts and Driving Economic Income in The COVID Pandemic in Berangir Plantation Village Inggi Priyanata, Bayu Eko Broto, Nurintan Asyiah Siregar
39 [GO] Quantitative Economics and Management Studies 2022―Nov―09 Advantages of MSMEs Post Covid-19 Through Product Design, Product Quality and Price Toward Purchase Decisions at The Tempe Harber (HB) Factory Irna Sari Sihombing, P. Pristiyono, Abd. Halim
40 [GO] EduLine Journal of Education and Learning Innovation 2022―Aug―23 Madrasah Leadership in the Post COVID-19 Era: Lesson Learn From Crisis in Indonesia Maya NS, Arif Rahman, Sayid Habiburrahman
41 [GO] Daengku Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Innovation 2022―Aug―23 Zoelham Hospital's Public Policy Strategy in Handing COVID-19 in Binjai City M. Ramfauzan Simanjorang, Syahrul Abidin
42 [GO] Daengku Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Innovation 2022―Aug―23 Perception of Communication Student of State Islamic University of North Sumatera on COVID-19 News on the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia's Facebook Accounts Muhammad Aidil Abror Nasution, Syukur Kholil
43 [GO] Mattawang Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat 2022―Aug―23 SWOT Analysis Counseling In Dealing With Business Competition Following The COVID-19 Pandemic Arief Hadian, Abd. Rasyid Syamsuri
44 [GO] Mattawang Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat 2022―Aug―23 The Dissemination and Provision of Interfaith COVID-19 Vaccinations in Sikka Regency S. Sahlan, Pujianti B. Donuata, Erwin Prasetyo
45 [GO] Daengku Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Innovation 2022―Jul―25 Legal Analysis of Support of Sexual Violence Against Children During the COVID-19 Pandemic Rambu Hada Indah
46 [GO] Daengku Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Innovation 2022―Jul―25 Policy of KODIM 0501 Central Jakarta for Handling of the COVID-19 Pandemic in Central Jakarta Arief Prayitno
47 [GO] Daengku Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Innovation 2022―Jul―25 Primary School Supervision During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Qualitative Study of How Elementary School Superintendent in Bontang City Responded to Growing Needs Nurlaelah Nurlaelah, Anugrah Anugrah, Warman Warman
48 [GO] Quantitative Economics and Management Studies 2022―Jul―25 Analysis of Product Quality, Locations and Services of Culinary SMEs In Restaurants Toward Customer Loyalty: A Study of Customer Satisfaction In Pandemic Times Sumitro Sarkum, Mulya Rafika
49 [GO] Quantitative Economics and Management Studies 2022―Jul―04 Analysis of Digital Marketing Strategy in the Era of the COVID-19 Irsyad Kamal
50 [GO] Quantitative Economics and Management Studies 2022―Jul―04 Era of The COVID-19 Pandemic: Ewuh Pakewuh Culture and Its Role on The Behavior of Someone in Debt, Based on Social Norms Aprih Santoso, Rais Dera Pua Rawi, M. Hasan Ma'ruf
51 [GO] ARRUS Journal of Engineering and Technology 2022―Feb―13 The Effectiveness of Users of the People's Crossing Bridge (JPO) at the Youth Center of the City of North Jakarta Administration during the COVID-19 Pandemic Muhammad Isradi, Maulika Alifia Andri, Irfan Rifai, Amar Mufhidin
52 [GO] ARRUS Journal of Engineering and Technology 2022―Feb―13 Novel Probiotic Isolation of Coconut Water's Helpful Lactic Acid Bacteria Cure Covid-19 Patients Suryani Suryani, Yuliesi Purnawati, Sindy Gemaeka Putri, Rahmawati Rahmawati, Yustitia Akbar, Yusra Yusra
53 [GO] ARRUS Journal of Mathematics and Applied Science 2022―Feb―11 Mathematics Learning Process Students Grade IX in Pandemic COVID-19 Era Apriliani Syahwal
54 [GO] Panrannuangku Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat 2022―Jan―07 Edukasi Prokes 5M dan Vaksinasi di Jemaat GPM Negeri Lama dalam Pencegahan COVID-19 Gress Masela
55 [GO] Panrannuangku Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat 2022―Jan―07 Sosialisasi Edukasi dalam Upaya Meningkatkan Spiritualitas Umat pada Masa Pandemic COVID-19 Aletheia Pattiasina
56 [GO] Panrannuangku Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat 2022―Jan―07 Edukasi Vaksin dan Prokes 5M bagi Remaja-Pemuda Sebagai Gerakan Spiritualitas Pro Hidup Hadapi Pandemi COVID-19 di Jemaat Bethania dan Menara Kasih, Klasis GPM Kota Ambon Adam Lakarang
57 [GO] Panrannuangku Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat 2022―Jan―07 Edukasi Penanganan COVID-19 di Jemaat Imanuel OSM Klasis Pulau Ambon Frento Titihalawa
58 [GO] Panrannuangku Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat 2022―Jan―07 Edukasi Pentingnya Disiplin Protokol Kesehatan di Tengah Pandemic COVID-19 pada Jemaat GPM Eden Kudamati Helena Berhitu
59 [GO] Panrannuangku Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat 2022―Jan―07 Edukasi Pentingnya Vaksinasi dan Protokol Kesehatan 5M dalam Menghadapi COVID-19 pada Jemaat Waai Margaretha M. A. Apituley
60 [GO] Panrannuangku Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat 2022―Jan―07 Sosialisasi dan Pelaksanaan Vaksinasi COVID-19 serta Penerapan Disiplin Protokol Kesehatan (5M) pada Mahasiswa Sektor Petra dan Elim Jemaat GPM Rehoboth Monike Hukubun
61 [GO] JINAV Journal of Information and Visualization 2021―Nov―10 Migration Pattern As Threshold Parameter In The Propagation of The Covid-19 Epidemic Using An Actor-Based Model for SI-Social Graph Arnold Adimabua Ojugo, Rume Elizabeth Yoro
62 [GO] EduLine Journal of Education and Learning Innovation 2021―Nov―10 Student Perceptions of Online Learning During the Covid-19 Pandemic Jesi Jecsen Pongkendek, Dewi Satria Ahmar, Haris Munandar, Muhammad Fath Azzajjad
63 [GO] JINAV Journal of Information and Visualization 2021―Nov―10 Assessing the Impact Covid-19 Pandemic on the Educational Development of Secondary School Students Thomas Achoda Omang, Pius U. Angioha
64 [GO] Daengku Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Innovation 2021―Nov―10 Does social media influence consumer decision-making in times of the COVID 19 pandemic. Meerakkuddy Siraji
65 [GO] ARRUS Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities 2021―Oct―16 COVID-19 pandemic: Experience in Calabar and Implication on the Economic Status of the People Julius A. Ada, Pius U. Angioha, Egbe E. Tangban, Thelma A. Abang, Pius A. Akam
66 [GO] Panrannuangku Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat 2021―Oct―15 Pandemi COVID-19 Memberdayakan Ibu-Ibu yang kehilangan Pekerjaan untuk Mengelolah Sedekah Jum’at ke Mesjid dan Panti asuhan di Kota Makassar Rosnaini Daga, Karta Negara Salam
67 [GO] ARRUS Journal of Mathematics and Applied Science 2021―Sep―28 The Optimization of Transportation Costs in Logistics Enterprises during the Covid-19 Pandemic Thai Thanh Sang, Nguyen Minh Thu, Truong Hoang Khoi, Nguyen Thi Kim Huong, Le Thi Ngoc Lan, Nguyen Van Thanh
68 [GO] Panrannuangku Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat 2021―Sep―10 Pelaksanaan Webinar Dengan Tema Implementasi Digital Marketing Dalam Menarik Minat Konsumen di Era Pandemi COVID-19 Khususnya di Desa Ketapang Deris Dasmawan, Kevin Afandi, Nusyifa Tassya Puspitasari, Septy Anggrelia, Krisna Damayanti, Jeni Astuti Ningrum, Viera Rahmaniasan
69 [GO] Daengku Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Innovation 2021―Aug―14 Improving the Wellbeing of Ikot Ene During the COVID-19 Lockdown: The Role of Justice, Development and Peace/Caritas Advocates (JDPCA) Emmanuel M. Bekomsom, James A. Ogar, Abayomi I. Akintola, Emmanuella Dike, Tangban Egbe, Francis E. Ibioro, Adeolu Ayodele
70 [GO] Daengku Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Innovation 2021―Aug―14 Initiation of Virtual Court System during COVID-19 Pandemic and E-Judiciary: Challenges and Way Forward Mohammad Ikbal Hasan
71 [GO] Daengku Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Innovation 2021―Aug―14 Quantitative analysis of the Income, Mental Health Effect of SARS COV-2 Pandemic in Calabar Pius U. Angioha, James A. Ogar, Eworo E. Eteng, Godwin E. Okpiliya, Gbadebo S. Maruf, Abayomi Akintola, Francis E. Ibioro
72 [GO] Panrannuangku Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat 2021―Aug―12 Meningkatkan kewaspadaan masyarakat terhadap Covid-19 pada masa PPKM di Kelurahan Cibodasari Nada Shafa Soraya Gandakusumah, Nina Safitri Zahra, Farlina Fajrianti, Haikal Diarahmana Putra, Firhani Ashri, Itta Qunnisa
73 [GO] Mattawang Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat 2021―Apr―09 Socialization of the Utilization of Seaweed and Diversification of Its Processes as Functional Food in an Effort to Increase the Immune System during the COVID-19 Pandemic Dzul Fadly, Arman Amran
74 [GO] Quantitative Economics and Management Studies 2021―Mar―10 Operating SMEs in the Face of the Covid-19 Pandemic in Calabar Mary U. Ojong-Ejoh, Pius U. Angioha, Rose U. Agba, Evaristus A. Aniah, Maruf Gbadebo Salimon, Abayomi Akintola
75 [GO] EduLine Journal of Education and Learning Innovation 2021―Mar―08 E-Learning in COVID-19 Situation: Students’ Perception Geminastiti Sakkir, Syarifuddin Dollah, Jamaluddin Ahmad
76 [GO] Mattawang Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat 2021―Feb―08 Strategies to Increase Income for Small and Medium Micro Businesses in the Middle of Pandemic COVID-19 in Mojokerto Ika Widiastuti, Pandu Adi Cakranegara
77 [GO] Mattawang Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat 2021―Feb―08 Empowerment of a Family Creative Economy through the Utilization of Natural Materials to be a Hand Sanitizer for COVID-19 Prevention Wahyu Utami, Karisma Ayu Ningtyas, Vira Safitri, Endang Mawarti, Lilla Puji Lestari
78 [GO] Mattawang Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat 2021―Feb―08 Effort to Prevent COVID-19 STIKES Samarinda (STIKSAM) by Distributing Hand Sanitizer in Air Hitam Village of Samarinda City Eka Siswanto Syamsul, Achmad Kadri Ansyori
79 [GO] JINAV Journal of Information and Visualization 2021―Feb―03 Retraction: How COVID-19 Brought Indian Wedding Industry to a Halt? Ritik Ranjan Gupta, Ravi Kumar Arya, Jatin Kumar, Tanay Shubham
80 [GO] Quantitative Economics and Management Studies 2021―Jan―10 COVID-19 in Ghana: An Overview of Government Contributions in Fighting this Pandemic Evans Yeboah, Rose Gyamea Kyeremeh
81 [GO] Quantitative Economics and Management Studies 2020―Nov―22 COVID-19 Pandemic, Economic Loses and Education Sector Management Sampson Atuahene, Yusheng Kong, Geoffrey Bentum-Micah
82 [GO] JINAV Journal of Information and Visualization 2020―Nov―14 Correlation between Covid-19 and weather/climate indicators: A Response Ansari Saleh Ahmar
83 [GO] Journal of Applied Science Engineering Technology and Education 2020―Nov―06 Short-term Forecasting of Cumulative Confirmed Covid-19 Cases Pandemic in Somalia Dahir Abdi Ali, Muhammad Sani
84 [GO] Journal of Applied Science Engineering Technology and Education 2020―Oct―11 Nanotechnology for Mitigating Impact of COVID-19 Dr. Gagan Kant Tripathi, Harshit Rathore, Murthy Chavali, Deepshikha Rathore
85 [GO] Journal of Applied Science Engineering Technology and Education 2020―Oct―11 Prevalence and determinants of mental distress during COVID-19 outbreak in Bangladesh: evidence from an online survey Shilpi Rani Saha, Dr. Md. Mobarak Hossain Khan
86 [GO] Journal of Applied Science Engineering Technology and Education 2020―Aug―06 Effect of a COVID-19 on Social, Psychological, Economic and Health Conditions in Libya Yousef Elgimati, Ahmed Alrasheed, Abdalla Mohamed Bashir
87 [GO] Journal of Applied Science Engineering Technology and Education 2020―Jul―31 COVID-19 cases prediction using regression and novel SSM model for non-converged countries Rupali Patil, Umang Patel, Tushar Sarkar
88 [GO] Journal of Applied Science Engineering Technology and Education 2020―Jul―21 Effect of COVID-19 in Bangladesh: Challenge and Overcome M. Shohel Rana, Mohammad Abu Tareq Rony, Nilufa Aktar, Kabir Hossain, Tonmoy Alam Shuvo, Susmita Begum, Asma Ul Hosna
89 [GO] Journal of Applied Science Engineering Technology and Education 2020―Jul―21 Modeling Behavioural Evolution as Social Predictor for the Coronavirus Contagion and Immunization in Nigeria Arnold Adimabua Ojugo, Andrew Okonji Eboka
90 [GO] Journal of Applied Science Engineering Technology and Education 2020―Jun―25 Clustering method for spread pattern analysis of corona-virus (COVID-19) infection in Iran Mehdi Azarafza, Mohammad Azarafza, Haluk Akgün
91 [GO] Journal of Applied Science Engineering Technology and Education 2020―Jun―14 The date predicted 200.000 cases of Covid-19 in Spain Ansari Saleh Ahmar, Eva Boj del Val

91 Results       Page 1


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