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COVID answers in Scientific Journals all over the world

Publishing House: IAIN Bukittinggi

35 Results       Page 1

  original article Journal Date Title Authors Max. 6 Authors
1 [GO] EKONOMIKA SYARIAH Journal of Economic Studies 2024―Mar―07 Islamic Micro Finance Institutions' Existence, Role, and Challenges in Developing the Indonesian Micro Business Sector Post Covid 19 Pandemic Nur Jamaludin, Miftahurrahmah Miftahurrahmah, Muizzudin Muizzudin
2 [GO] Jurnal Dedikasia Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat 2024―Feb―02 Bimbingan dan Penguatan Ekonomi Bagi Keluarga Yang Terjadi Penurunan Mata Pencaharian Sebagai Dampak Pandemi Covid-19 Dikecamatan Manyak Payed Aceh Rasyidin Alya, Badratun Nafis
3 [GO] BICC Proceedings 2023―Oct―11 The Effect of Emotional Intelligence during the Covid-19 Pandemic on Teacher Performance MTsN 1 Lima Puluh Kota Iswantir M, Teti Asmarni, Budi Budi, Abrar Abrar
4 [GO] ISLAM TRANSFORMATIF Journal of Islamic Studies 2023―Sep―19 The Role of PWNU Yogyakarta in Constructing Aswaja an Nahdiyah in Social Activist During the Covid-19 Fathorrahman Fathorrahman
5 [GO] HUMANISMA Journal of Gender Studies 2023―Sep―19 Womens Awareness In Bandung City Toward Gender Equality During The Covid-19 Pandemic Mohammad Apridio Salahuddin Hakim, Elizabeth Darien Irawan, Muhammad Hafid Fadhilah Dipradja, Zalfa Nurhanna Rachmah, Nuraeni Nuraeni
6 [GO] Jurnal Fuaduna Jurnal Kajian Keagamaan dan Kemasyarakatan 2023―Sep―19 "Selametan Tolak Bala" as Coping Strategy During the Covid-19 Pandemic Ade Septian, Taufik Akbar Rizqi Yunanto
7 [GO] Jurnal Educative Journal of Educational Studies 2023―Sep―19 Islamic Religious Education Teacher and Character Education During a Pandemic: Problems and Solutions Zaibun Nisa, Anita Puji Astutik
8 [GO] GIC Proceeding 2023―Sep―09 Challenges in Research and Innovation During the Pandemic Era: Malaysians’ Perspectives Ahmad Yunus Mohd Noor
9 [GO] EKONOMIKA SYARIAH Journal of Economic Studies 2023―Feb―04 Analysis of Rentability Trends of Islamic Commercial Banks in the Covid-19 Pandemic Alto Wirahadi Kusuma, Ammar Muhajir, Lutfiah Lutfiah, Rafika Rahmawati
10 [GO] HUMANISMA Journal of Gender Studies 2023―Feb―04 Determinants of NEET in Matrilineal Province of West Sumatra During the Covid-19 Pandemic Hella Citra, Febria Sartika
11 [GO] Al Hurriyah Jurnal Hukum Islam 2023―Feb―04 Vaccination and Forms of Self-Protection in the Covid-19 Pandemic Maqashid Sharia Perspective: Perceptions of STAI Darul Arafah Students Muhammad Syukri Albani
12 [GO] Al Hurriyah Jurnal Hukum Islam 2023―Feb―04 Islamic Law Analysis of MUI Fatwa No. 13 of 2021 Concerning the Law of Covid-19 Vaccination During Fasting Evi Eka Elvia
13 [GO] Al Hurriyah Jurnal Hukum Islam 2022―Aug―21 Methods and Stages of Ijtihad in Fiqh Nawazil: Correlation and Implementation in Fatwa of the Indonesia Ulama Council Related to Covid-19 Muhammad Ulil Albab, Nurwahidin Nurwahidin
14 [GO] Al Hurriyah Jurnal Hukum Islam 2022―Aug―21 Child Protection Affected by the Covid-19 in Indonesia: Islamic Perspective Suci Ramadhani Putri
15 [GO] Jurnal Educative Journal of Educational Studies 2022―Aug―21 Parental Participation in Child-Friendly School Practices at Elementary School During the Covid-19 Pandemic Muhaimi Mughni Prayogo, Kristi Wardani
16 [GO] Jurnal Educative Journal of Educational Studies 2022―Aug―21 The EFL Rural Students’ Experiences in Coping with Online Learning During the Covid-19 Pandemic Toni Indrayadi, Aridem Vintoni, Usman Usman
17 [GO] Islam Realitas Journal of Islamic & Social Studies 2022―Aug―21 Islamophobia, Indian Media, and Covid-19 Pandemic: A Critical Discourse Analysis Andi Farid Baharuddin, A Zamakhsyari Baharuddin
18 [GO] EKONOMIKA SYARIAH Journal of Economic Studies 2022―Aug―21 Analysis of Stock Valuations in Estimating Stock Prices in the Covid-19 Period And Investment Decision Noni Novita Sari Br Silalahi, Tri Inda Fadhila Rahma, Nur Ahmadi Bi Rahmani
19 [GO] Jurnal Dedikasia Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat 2022―Feb―11 Pendampingan Keluarga untuk Mengatasi Perceraian pada Masa Pandemi Covid-19 di Talu-Pasaman Barat Mi'rajun Nashihin
20 [GO] Jurnal Dedikasia Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat 2022―Feb―11 Pendampingan Bimbingan Belajar sebagai upaya Meningkatkan Pemahaman Konsep Peserta Didik dalam Belajar dimasa Pandemi Covid-19 Ismi Indar Akmaliah, Syarifah Setiana Ardiati, Nana Suryana
21 [GO] Modality Journal International Journal of Linguistics and Literature 2022―Feb―11 Google Docs For Collaborative Essay Writing Practices During Covid-19 University Restrictions: EFL Students’ Perceptions Fitri Handayani, Mike Amelia
22 [GO] Jurnal Fuaduna Jurnal Kajian Keagamaan dan Kemasyarakatan 2022―Jan―27 Ritual and Pandemic: The Suluk Tradition of the Tarekat Naqsyabandiyah Bukittinggi Amid the Covid-19 Adlan Sanur Tarihoran
23 [GO] Islam Realitas Journal of Islamic & Social Studies 2022―Jan―12 Da’wah as an Alternative Approach in Covid-19 Health Protocol Campaign Mochammad Irfan Achfandhy
24 [GO] Islam Realitas Journal of Islamic & Social Studies 2022―Jan―12 Muhammadiyah Covid-19 Islamic Boarding School: A Complete Self-Isolation Model With Neurospritual and Psychosocial Approaches Mohammad Jailani
25 [GO] Jurnal Educative Journal of Educational Studies 2022―Jan―12 The Relevance of K.H. Ahmad Dahlan's Tajdid Thoughts on Islamic Education During The Covid-19 Pandemic Mohammad Jailani, Suyadi Suyadi
26 [GO] HUMANISMA Journal of Gender Studies 2022―Jan―12 Analysis of Existential Feminism Struggle of Women Online Drivers During the Covid-19 Pandemic Allen Pranata Putra, Erwan Aristyanto
27 [GO] HUMANISMA Journal of Gender Studies 2022―Jan―12 Youth’s Favorite Activities During the Covid-19 Pandemic at SMA X Lampung Selatan Fairuz Salsabila, Nurus Sa'adah
28 [GO] ISLAM TRANSFORMATIF Journal of Islamic Studies 2022―Jan―12 The Recontextualization of the Spiritual Value Fasting in Improving the Body's Immune System During the Covid 19 Pandemic Shifa Nisrina Sujana, Sabiq Muhammad Ul-Haq
29 [GO] Islam Realitas Journal of Islamic & Social Studies 2022―Jan―12 The New Da’wah Strategy among Millennial Generations through Tiktok During Pandemic Fany Nur Rahmadiana Hakim, Ihsan Kamaludin, Shifa Nisrina Sujana
30 [GO] Jurnal Educative Journal of Educational Studies 2021―Oct―02 The Impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic on Mental Condition and the Need for Psychological Support of Students in Jakarta Susanto Susanto
31 [GO] Jurnal Educative Journal of Educational Studies 2021―Oct―02 Changes in the Mathematics Learning Process During the Covid-19 Pandemic at Junior High School in Bukittinggi Pipit Firmanti, Fauzi Yuberta
32 [GO] Jurnal Educative Journal of Educational Studies 2021―Oct―02 The Implementation of Distance Learning on Early Childhood Education During New Normal Era of Covid-19 Luluk Musthofiyah, Sopiah Sopiah, Hendri Hermawan Adinugraha
33 [GO] HUMANISMA Journal of Gender Studies 2021―Aug―08 Student Motivation in Learning Arabic Language During the Covid-19 Pandemic Nur Hasnah
34 [GO] HUMANISMA Journal of Gender Studies 2021―Aug―08 The Construction of an Ideal Mother amid the Covid 19 Pandemic: Gender Injustice Experienced by Career Women while Working From Home Yelly Elanda
35 [GO] EKONOMIKA SYARIAH Journal of Economic Studies 2021―Jan―09 Kontribusi UMKM terhadap Pendapatan Masyarakat Ponorogo: Analisis Ekonomi Islam tentang Strategi Bertahan di Masa Pandemi Covid-19 Sedinadia Putri

35 Results       Page 1


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