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COVID answers in Scientific Journals all over the world

Publishing House: Academy of Science of South Africa

221 Results       Page 1

  original article Journal Date Title Authors All Authors
1 [GO] South African Journal of Occupational Therapy 2025―Mar―05 Older adults’ adaptiveness to disruptions during South Africa’s COVID-19 lockdown: Keep your head up and continue breathing Aaqil De Vries, Thuli G Mthembu, Lisa Wegner
2 [GO] South African Dental Journal 2025―Feb―18 Adapting to Change: The Impact of COVID-19 on Dental Education and Its Future Harsha Pillay, Rajeshree Moodley
3 [GO] South African Journal of Agricultural Extension (SAJAE) 2025―Feb―16 Analyzing the delivery of public agricultural extension services to rural households during Covid-19: A case study of Idutywa, Eastern Cape, South Africa C. Mzuyanda, U. Luvhengo, P. Jiba, H. Khobai, S.S. Letsoalo
4 [GO] South African Journal of Occupational Therapy 2025―Feb―15 Occupational therapy clinicians' perspectives on the impact of COVID-19 on service users in South Africa - a qualitative retrospective study Nthabiseng Ramodisa, Daleen Casteleijn, Eileen Du Plooy, Henry Msimango, Veronica Ramodike
5 [GO] The Independent Journal of Teaching and Learning 2025―Feb―10 Digital Learning: Challenges experienced by South African university students’ during the COVID-19 pandemic Dr Avashni Reddy Moonasamy, Professor Gedala Mulliah Naidoo
6 [GO] The Independent Journal of Teaching and Learning 2025―Feb―10 Emergency remote teaching during COVID-19: an examination of selected secondary school teachers’ experiences on technology integration in Namibia Clement Simuja, Johanna Munyanyo
7 [GO] South African Journal of Occupational Therapy 2025―Feb―10 Older adults’ adaptiveness to disruptions during South Africa’s COVID-19 lockdown: Keep your head up and continue breathing Aaqil De Vries, Thuli G Mthembu, Lisa Wegner
8 [GO] The Independent Journal of Teaching and Learning 2025―Feb―10 The impact of COVID-19 and 4IR on educational practice Sipho Seepe
9 [GO] South African Dental Journal 2025―Feb―06 Influential factors on dental students’ online learning experiences during the Covid-19 pandemic, Gauteng Yolanda Malele-Kolisa, Kim Forbay, Natasha Kayamba, Sibongile Sibeko, Mpinane Tlakane, Safiyyah Vally
10 [GO] Water SA 2025―Jan―30 Social demographic patterns and participation in the Gariep Dam fishery, South Africa, during the Covid-19 pandemic
11 [GO] Water SA 2025―Jan―30 Temporal trends in fisher catch and effort, and the impact of Covid-19 on inland fisheries: a case study from Gariep Dam, South Africa
12 [GO] Tydskrif vir Geesteswetenskappe 2024―Dec―13 'n Koorspenlesing van onsekere tye: Informele dagarbeiders in Johannesburg se subjektiewe welstand tydens COVID-19 D BlaauwI, M PretoriusII, R SchenckIII, D Meyer
13 [GO] Potchefstroom Electronic Law Journal/Potchefstroomse Elektroniese Regsblad 2024―Dec―11 Data Protection in Zimbabwe with Reference to the Covid-19 Pandemic and International Law Otto Saki
14 [GO] South African Journal of Science 2024―Dec―03 A thematic analysis of South African opinions about COVID-19 vaccination on Twitter Philippa Kerr, Kevin Durrheim, Maria Schuld, Davide Morselli
15 [GO] Law Democracy & Development 2024―Nov―11 An analysis of informal workers and the coverage of South Africa's Covid-19 Temporary Employee/Employer Relief Scheme (TERS) Ntando Ncamane
16 [GO] The Independent Journal of Teaching and Learning 2024―Nov―08 Emergency remote teaching during COVID-19: an examination of selected secondary school teachers’ experiences on technology integration in Namibia Johanna Munyanyo, Clement Simunja
17 [GO] South African Dental Journal 2024―Oct―31 MAXILLOFACIAL RADIOLOGY Emergent panoramic artefact in dental radiology: Footprint of COVID-19 pandemic Koketso Tshite
18 [GO] Journal of Education 2024―Oct―30 An investigation of pedagogical change with novel technology in fee paying and no-fee schools during COVID-19 Anil Kanjee, Joanne Hardman
19 [GO] South African Dental Journal 2024―Jul―12 Predictors of Covid-19 vaccination intention among oral health professionals in South Africa Siphokazi M Matomane, Motimedi L Machete, P D Motloba
20 [GO] The Independent Journal of Teaching and Learning 2024―Jun―06 Perceptions of the effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on academics’ teaching, and research key performance areas (KPAs) Upasana Singh, Cecile Gerwel-Proches, Rosemary Diane Quilling
21 [GO] South African Journal of Agricultural Extension (SAJAE) 2024―May―01 The Potential Social Impact of COVID-19 Lockdowns on Agricultural Households in South Africa: An Integrative Review S. Zantsi, R. Nengovhela
22 [GO] South African Journal of Agricultural Extension (SAJAE) 2024―May―01 How Sensitive Are South African Postgraduate Research to Pandemic Lockdowns? A Case of Agricultural Economics and Extension Dissertations S. Zantsi, K. Sotsha, T. Nkunjana
23 [GO] Water SA 2024―Apr―30 Impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic on the South African water sector Nikki Funke
24 [GO] Yesterday and Today 2024―Apr―26 Building an archive for 'future pasts': Undergraduates document their local Covid-19 'moment' in World History T Waetjen
26 [GO] South African Dental Journal 2024―Feb―21 Dental undergraduate students’ perspectives of online assessments conducted during the Covid-19 pandemic - a report from one South African university Ilana Moodley, Shenuka Singh, Rajeshree Moodley
27 [GO] South African Journal of Occupational Therapy 2024―Jan―19 The lived experiences of South African occupational therapists regarding the impact of COVID-19 pandemic on their wellness Karin Van Niekerk, Raashmi Balbadhura, Daleen Castelijn, Jenna D'Oliviera, Henry Msimango, Kitty Uys
28 [GO] Tydskrif vir Geesteswetenskappe 2024―Jan―16 Samesweringsteorieë en vals nuus in leserskommentaar op nuusberigte van Maroela Media tydens die COVID-19-pandemie B Senekal
29 [GO] Journal for the Study of Religion 2024―Jan―16 Restrictions on Funeral Gatherings during COVID-19: A Religious/Spiritual Perspective among the Zimbabwean Community Living in South Africa Phillip Musoni
30 [GO] Tydskrif vir letterkunde 2023―Dec―13 Masking death: Covid-19 inspired humour in the everyday orality of a Luo community in Kenya Rose Akinyi Opondo
31 [GO] The Independent Journal of Teaching and Learning 2023―Nov―28 An analysis of online learning and teaching at the Department of Electronic Engineering at a university of technology during the coronavirus pandemic in South Africa Shaveen Maharaj
32 [GO] The Independent Journal of Teaching and Learning 2023―Nov―28 Key indicators informing students’ perceptions of online learning and academic performance during the COVID- 19 pandemic Subethra Pather, Vivienne Lawack, Vanessa Brown
33 [GO] South African Journal of Science 2023―Nov―27 Alcohol consumption patterns, suppliers and online alcohol marketing: Before and during COVID-19 alcohol bans Marieke Theron, Rina Swart, Mukhethwa Londani, Charles Parry, Petal Petersen Williams, Nadine Harker
34 [GO] Journal of Education 2023―Nov―13 Mathematics and science teacher educators experiences of using the WhatsApp platform as a tool for supporting teaching during the Covid-19 pandemic Eunice Nyamupangedengu, Monde Kazeni, Caleb Mandikonza, Magdeline Stephen, Portia Mabenge (Kavai), Herman Tshesane, et al. (+4)
35 [GO] Image & Text 2023―Nov―13 Home is where the art is? Reflections on changing notions of home and contemporary art practices in the wake of the pandemic Jacqueline Millner
36 [GO] Educational Research for Social Change 2023―Nov―03 Humanising Online Teaching and Learning in the BEd. Foundation Phase Programme: Moving Beyond Covid-19 Deidre Geduld, Koketsu Nthimbane, Obakeng Kagola
37 [GO] Educational Research for Social Change 2023―Nov―03 Reflecting on Teaching in the Higher Education Context During the Covid-19 Era: A Collaborative Self-Study Project Makie Kortjass, Ntokozo Mkhize-Mthembu
38 [GO] Educational Research for Social Change 2023―Nov―03 My Pedagogical Becoming as a Stellenbosch University Residential Educator During the Covid-19 Pandemic Joy Petersen
39 [GO] South African Journal of Occupational Therapy 2023―Sep―05 Experiences of online occupational therapy education during the COVID-19 pandemic at a South African university N Ndaba, D Naidoo, P Govender, N van Heerden, J Heaver, S Rambhuron, et al. (+3)
40 [GO] Potchefstroom Electronic Law Journal/Potchefstroomse Elektroniese Regsblad 2023―Aug―18 "It is the Poor Who Will Suffer the Most": The Discriminatory Impact of Covid-19 Lockdown Restrictions on the Poor in South Africa Annelie De Man
41 [GO] De Jure 2023―Aug―16 Policy implications and mobile money regulatory approaches to promote financial inclusion of the poor in Zimbabwe after the COVID-19 pandemic Howard Chitimira, Elfas Torerai
42 [GO] De Jure 2023―Aug―16 An analysis of the statutory measures adopted to curb tax evasion in Nigeria after the COVID-19 pandemic Oyesola Animashaun, Howard Chitimira
43 [GO] De Jure 2023―Aug―16 Special Edition on Rethinking Global Economies, Financial Markets, Corporate Practices & Business Activities Post-COVID-19 Pandemic Howard Chitimira
44 [GO] South African Journal of Science 2023―Aug―07 COVID-19 research and science infrastructure in South Africa Lenore Manderson, Susan Levine
45 [GO] Journal of Education 2023―Jul―14 An empirical analysis of the impact of mobile instant messaging for collaborative learning during the Covid-19 lockdown in a rural-based university Nkhangweni Lawrence Mashau
46 [GO] South African Dental Journal 2023―Jul―13 The effect of COVID-19 lockdown on the epidemiology of maxillofacial trauma at tertiary health facilities in Pretoria Nazia Khan, Thomas Khomotjo Madiba, Buntu Xoki, Wenzile Mjoli, Thendo Nevhutalu
47 [GO] South African Journal of Sports Medicine 2023―Jun―30 Exercise intervention for post-acute COVID-19 syndrome - do FITT-VP principles apply? A case study Georgia Torres, Nicola Rains, Philippe Gradidge, Demitri Constantinou
48 [GO] South African Dental Journal 2023―Jun―23 Surveillance of specific pathogens on mobile phones in aerosol and non-aerosol generating dental clinics during the COVID pandemic SB Khan, E Maboza, N Vally, A Taliep
49 [GO] South African Journal of Science 2023―May―30 Revealing human mobility trends during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic in Nigeria via a data-driven approach Weiyu Luo, Chenfeng Xiong, Jiajun Wan, Ziteng Feng, Olawole Ayorinde, Natalia Blanco, et al. (+6)
50 [GO] South African Journal of Science 2023―May―28 Managing and assembling population-scale data streams, tools and workflows to plan for future pandemics within the INFORM-Africa Consortium Jenicca Poongavanan, Joicymara Xavier, Marcel Dunaiski, Houriiyah Tegally, Sunday O. Oladejo, Olawole Ayorinde, et al. (+3)
51 [GO] South African Journal of Science 2023―May―28 Data sharing: A Long COVID perspective, challenges, and road map for the future Sunday O. Oladejo, Liam R. Watson, Bruce W. Watson, Kanshukan Rajaratnam, Maritha J. Kotze, Douglas B. Kell, Etheresia Pretorius
52 [GO] South African Journal of Occupational Therapy 2023―May―08 Older adults' adaptiveness to disruptions during South Africa's COVID-19 lockdown: Keep your head up and continue breathing A de Vries, T Mthembu, L Wegner
54 [GO] South African Journal of Science 2023―Mar―28 Learning from COVID-19: A social science perspective on pandemic medicine. Comments on Benatar (S Afr J Sci. 2022;118(11/12)) Jonathan Jansen
55 [GO] Potchefstroom Electronic Law Journal/Potchefstroomse Elektroniese Regsblad 2023―Mar―23 Law, South African Mothers Living in Poverty and the COVID-19 Pandemic Pamela Nyawo
56 [GO] Yesterday and Today 2023―Feb―14 The Pandemic History Classroom: grouping or groping the digital divide H Karen, N Tinashe
57 [GO] African Human Rights Law Journal 2023―Jan―30 Distribution of face masks in Kakuma refugee camp during a pandemic: Legal obligations and responsibilities Orianna Haldimann, Lukas Biedermann
58 [GO] South African Journal of Science 2023―Jan―29 COVID-19 and common mental disorders among university students in South Africa Jason Bantjes, Sonja Swanevelder, Esme Jordaan, Nancy A. Sampson, Maria V. Petukhova, Christine Lochner, et al. (+2)
59 [GO] South African Journal of Chemistry 2023―Jan―19 Molecular docking, dynamics, and quantum chemical study of vanillylacetone and beta-hydroxy ketone derivatives against Mpro of SARS-CoV-2 S Amin, S Muhammad, J Iqbal, S Ullah, A Al-Sehemi, H Algarni, et al. (+2)
60 [GO] Journal of Education 2023―Jan―13 Sink or swim: Exploring resilience of academics at an education faculty during Covid-19 Naseema Shaik, Anna Dippenaar, Chiwimbiso Kwenda, Karen Petersen, Dorothy Esau, Henry Stephanus Oliver
63 [GO] South African Journal of Occupational Therapy 2022―Dec―15 COVID-19 - what did/can we learn from this? G Tulley
64 [GO] South African Journal of Occupational Therapy 2022―Dec―15 Occupational therapists' perspectives on the impact of COVID-19 lockdowns on their clients in Gauteng, South Africa - a qualitative retrospective study N Phalatse, D Casteleijn, E du Plooy, H Msimango, V Ramodike
65 [GO] South African Journal of Occupational Therapy 2022―Dec―15 Doing a scoping review with undergraduate occupational therapy students in the time of the COVID-19 pandemic H van Biljon, B Salie, J van Wyk, J Daniel, L Kersop, M Naidoo, L van Niekerk
66 [GO] De Jure 2022―Dec―12 COVID-19 at the workplace: What lessons are to be gained from early case law? W Mokofe, S van Eck
67 [GO] South African Dental Journal 2022―Dec―02 Dental students’ experiences of remote emergency online learning at the University of the Witwatersrand during the COVID-19 pandemic Koketso Tshite, Ann Z George
68 [GO] South African Journal of Science 2022―Nov―28 COVID-19, global health and climate change: Causes and convergences Solomon R. Benatar
69 [GO] South African Dental Journal 2022―Nov―24 Facilitating technology-enhanced external examination moderation during the Covid-19 pandemic Nicoline Potgieter, Nadia Mohamed, Rodney J Vergotine, Craig W Peck
70 [GO] South African Journal of Agricultural Extension (SAJAE) 2022―Nov―03 Harnessing the use of alternative media for South Africa’s agricultural extension service delivery in the face of the covid-19 global pandemic S.F.G. Yusuf, O.O. Popoola, F.T.O. Yusuf
71 [GO] Journal of Education 2022―Oct―28 Counting the costs: Exploring the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic in rural schools in Lesotho Walter Sengai, Matseliso Lineo Mokhele, Makhulu A. Makumane
72 [GO] South African Journal of Surgery 2022―Oct―24 Strategies for recovery of a surgical service in the COVID-19 era D Nel
73 [GO] South African Journal of Surgery 2022―Oct―24 Impact of COVID-19 on surgical specialist training as quantified by trainee complication rates for cataract surgery J Steffen, H Mustak
74 [GO] Potchefstroom Electronic Law Journal/Potchefstroomse Elektroniese Regsblad 2022―Oct―24 An Analysis of South Africa's Provision of Emergency Water Supply During the Covid-19 Pandemic: Accountability and Expiration Lisa Chamberlain, Alana Potter
75 [GO] Obiter 2022―Oct―15 THE LEGALITIES OF MANDATORY COVID-19 VACCINATION AT UNIVERSITIES: LESSONS TO BE LEARNT FROM Klaassen v Trustees of Indiana University (No. 1:21-CV-238 DRL, N.D. Ind.) Desan Iyer
76 [GO] South African Dental Journal 2022―Oct―11 Students’ knowledge, attitudes and practices related to infection control in undergraduate dental clinical training during COVID-19 A report from one South African university Shenuka Singh, Rajeshree Moodley, Ilana Moodley
77 [GO] South African Dental Journal 2022―Oct―11 The attitudes and perceptions towards the Covid-19 vaccine among dental staff at the University of the Western Cape, South Africa Faheema Kimmie-Dhansay, Nicoline Potgieter, Lida Roodt, Dhinita Parumaul, Irene Pretorius, Carlien Prins, et al. (+4)
78 [GO] Potchefstroom Electronic Law Journal/Potchefstroomse Elektroniese Regsblad 2022―Oct―06 An Analysis of South Africa's Provision of Emergency Water Supply During the Covid-19 Pandemic: Accountability and Expiration Lisa Chamberlain, Alana Potter
79 [GO] South African Crime Quarterly 2022―Sep―29 Understanding crime using GIS and the context of COVID-19: the case of Saldanha Bay Municipality Ivan Henrico, Nkosana Mayoyo, Babalwa Mtshawu
80 [GO] South African Journal of Sports Medicine 2022―Sep―20 Changes in training activity post COVID-19 infection in recreational runners and cyclists Aminah Emeran, Estelle Lambert, Tasneem Paruk, Andrew Bosch
81 [GO] Tydskrif vir letterkunde 2022―Sep―18 Preliminary notes on topicality and recent pandemic poetry Isidore Diala
82 [GO] Clean Air Journal 2022―Sep―15 Household air pollution and respiratory symptoms a month before and during the stringent COVID-19 lockdown levels 5 and 4 in South Africa Caradee Wright, Thandi Kapwata, Nada Abdelatif, Chiara Batini, Bianca Wernecke, Zamantimande Kunene, et al. (+7)
83 [GO] Yesterday and Today 2022―Sep―08 History Education during COVID-19: Reflections from Makerere University, Uganda D Sebbowa
84 [GO] African Human Rights Law Journal 2022―Aug―12 Promoting civic and voter education through the use of technological systems during the COVID-19 pandemic in Africa Paul Mudau
85 [GO] South African Dental Journal 2022―Aug―12 Demography and COVID-19 Symptoms of South African Oral Health Workers in an Academic Hospital Simon Nemutandan, Yolanda Malele-Kolisa, Elaine Blignaut
86 [GO] De Jure 2022―Aug―05 Tackling the "shadow pandemic": the development of a positive duty on adults to report domestic violence Ropafadzo Maphosa
87 [GO] Journal for the Study of Religion 2022―Aug―01 Covid-19 and its Impact on Religiosity: Reflections on Religious Life and Practice in Uganda Alexander P. Isiko
88 [GO] Journal for the Study of Religion 2022―Aug―01 Covid-19 and its Impact on Religiosity: Reflections on Religious Life and Practice in Uganda Alexander P. Isiko
89 [GO] Tydskrif vir Geesteswetenskappe 2022―Jul―27 “Dit was erg, baie, baie erg.” Die effek van COVID-19 op informele straathandelaars in die middestad van Kaapstad V De Villiers, D Blaauw, A Fourie
90 [GO] SA Orthopaedic Journal 2022―Jul―22 The impact of the COVID-19 lockdown restrictions on orthopaedic trauma admissions in a central academic hospital in Johannesburg M Foster, J du Plessis, M van Vuuren, M Jingo, J Pietrzak
91 [GO] South African Journal of Surgery 2022―Jul―15 Impact of COVID-19 on breast cancer diagnostic and surgical services at a South African academic hospital T van Wyngaard, L Cairncross, S Maswime, L Roodt, F Malherbe
92 [GO] Clean Air Journal 2022―Jun―25 Exploring PM2.5 variations from a low-cost sensor network in Greater Kampala, during COVID-19 imposed lockdown restrictions: Lessons for policy Paul Green, Deo Okure, Priscilla Adong, Richard Sserunjogi, Engineer Bainomugisha
93 [GO] South African Dental Journal 2022―Jun―23 The psychosocial effect of the COVID-19 national lockdown on Dentistry and Oral Hygiene students Reneda Basson, Dirk Smit, Ronel D Maart, Natalie Gordon
94 [GO] South African Journal of Science 2022―Jun―22 Corrigendum: The intersection of age, sex, race and socioeconomic status in COVID-19 hospital admissions and deaths in South Africa Waasila Jassat, Lovelyn Ozougwu, Shehnaz Munshi, Caroline Mudara, Caroline Vika, Tracy Arendse, et al. (+9)
95 [GO] De Jure 2022―Jun―13 A double-edged sword: The role of insurable interest in non-indemnity insurance in the light of the Covid-19 pandemic in Zimbabwe Noah Maringe
96 [GO] South African Journal of Science 2022―May―26 Leveraging on past investment in understanding the immunology of COVID-19 - the South African experience Thandeka Moyo-Gwete, Penny L. Moore
97 [GO] South African Journal of Science 2022―May―26 Trajectories for South African employment after COVID-19 Miriam Altman
98 [GO] South African Journal of Science 2022―May―26 COVID-19 and all-cause mortality in South Africa - the hidden deaths in the first four waves Debbie Bradshaw, Rob Dorrington, Ria Laubscher, Pamela Groenewald, Tom Moultrie
99 [GO] South African Journal of Science 2022―May―26 Challenges in addressing inequity in access to COVID-19 diagnostics, therapeutics and vaccines in Africa Helen Rees, Richard Mihigo, Andy Gray
100 [GO] South African Journal of Science 2022―May―26 The intersection of age, sex, race and socioeconomic status in COVID-19 hospital admissions and deaths in South Africa Waasila Jassat, Lovelyn Ozougwu, Shehnaz Munshi, Caroline Mudara, Caroline Vika, Tracy Arendse, et al. (+9)
101 [GO] South African Journal of Science 2022―May―26 Adding up the numbers: COVID-19 in South Africa Ridhwaan Suliman, Jabu Mtsweni
102 [GO] South African Journal of Science 2022―May―26 How to do social distancing in a shack: COVID-19 in the South African context Jonathan Jansen, Shabir A. Madhi
103 [GO] South African Journal of Science 2022―May―26 The inhibitors and enablers of emerging adult COVID-19 mitigation compliance in a township context Linda C. Theron, Diane T. Levine, Michael Ungar
104 [GO] South African Journal of Science 2022―May―26 The precarity of women’s academic work and careers during the COVID-19 pandemic Cyrill Walters, Armand Bam, Philippa Tumubweinee
105 [GO] South African Journal of Science 2022―May―26 Expert voices in South African mass media during the COVID-19 pandemic Marina Joubert, Lars Guenther, Lili Rademan
106 [GO] South African Journal of Science 2022―May―26 Economic vulnerability and poor service delivery made it more difficult for shack-dwellers to comply with COVID-19 restrictions George T.H. Ellison, Robert B. Mattes, Hanan Rhoma, Thea de Wet
107 [GO] South African Journal of Science 2022―May―26 The ethics behind mandatory COVID-19 vaccination post-Omicron: The South African context Keymanthri Moodley
108 [GO] South African Journal of Science 2022―May―26 Electronic consent in a COVID-19 vaccine implementation trial in South Africa: Participant perspectives Gonasagrie Nair, Siti M. Kabanda, Meagan M.M. Jacobs-Alfred, Adetayo E.A. Obasa, Michael G. McCaul, Keymanthri Moodley
109 [GO] South African Journal of Science 2022―May―26 Randomised trials of COVID-19 vaccines in Africa - charting the path forward Charles S. Wiysonge, Duduzile Ndwandwe, Lindi Mathebula, Ameena Goga, Glenda Gray
110 [GO] South African Journal of Science 2022―May―26 Provision of mental health care to healthcare workers during COVID-19: A call for the practice of vulnerability Jacqueline Hoare
111 [GO] South African Journal of Science 2022―May―26 Rekindling hope and purpose in resourceconstrained areas during COVID-19: The merits of counselling for career construction Jacobus G. Maree
112 [GO] South African Journal of Science 2022―May―26 Pandemic governance: Developing a politics of informality D. Trevor van Wyk, Vasu Reddy
113 [GO] South African Crime Quarterly 2022―May―13 Crime in the context of COVID-19: The case of Saldanha Bay Municipality Ivan Henrico, Nkosana Mayoyo, Babalwa Mtshawu
114 [GO] South African Journal of Surgery 2022―May―04 Surgical training during the COVID-19 pandemic - a single institution's trainee survey R Botha, JH Cardoso, A Lombard, V Vermeiden, TR Forgan, S Al-Benna, KM Chu
115 [GO] South African Journal of Surgery 2022―May―04 Organ transplantation during the COVID-19 pandemic - impact on deceased organ donor referrals and consent rates in the Western Cape, South Africa H Bookholane, T du Toit, E Muller, D Thomson
116 [GO] Journal of Education 2022―Apr―22 Covid-19 and the virtual classroom conundrum in Zimbabwean universities Wonder Muchabaiwa, Reniko Gondo
117 [GO] South African Journal of Chemistry 2022―Apr―12 The analysis of alcohol content in hand sanitisers (in the Durban region) using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry during the COVID-19 pandemic Kamini Govender, Sipho Mdanda, Sooraj Baijnath, Hendrik Gerhardus Kruger, Thavendran Govender, Tricia Naicker
118 [GO] Tydskrif vir Geesteswetenskappe 2022―Apr―05 Uitdagings en implikasies vir die implementering van selfgerigte leer tydens Covid-19 Challenges and implications for the implementation of self-directed learning during Covid-19 Henry Blignaut, Charlene du Toit-Brits
119 [GO] Tydskrif vir Geesteswetenskappe 2022―Apr―05 Uitdagings en geleenthede in die bedryf van diplo-masie - Voor, tydens en ná Covid-19 Challenges and opportunities in practising diplomacy - Before, during and after Covid-19 Riaan Eksteen
121 [GO] African Human Rights Law Journal 2022―Feb―25 The impact of COVID-19 on the socio-economic rights of older persons in Africa: The urgency of operationalising the Protocol on the Rights of Older Persons Philip E Oamen, Eghosa O Ekhator
122 [GO] African Human Rights Law Journal 2022―Feb―25 Tackling inequality and governance challenges: Insights from the COVID-19 pandemic Daphine Kabagambe Agaba
123 [GO] South African Journal of Sports Medicine 2022―Feb―22 The unexpected evolution of myocardial injury while infected with the coronavirus: A COVID-19 case report Jean Doran
124 [GO] Yesterday and Today 2022―Jan―28 Teachers Voice Experiencing teaching history during Work Integrated Learning (WIL) / Teaching Practice during the COVID-19 Pandemic Mckinley Storm Reekie, Nondumiso Ngcobo, Zintle Dlungwana, Palesa Nqana, Dylan Muller, Mlindi Manqina, et al. (+2)
125 [GO] South African Journal of Science 2022―Jan―23 COVID-19 recovery and the health argument for climate action. Commentary on the WHO COP26 special report on climate change and health Monika dos Santos
126 [GO] Journal for the Study of Religion 2022―Jan―21 Covid-19 and the South African Pentecostal Landscape: Historic Shift from Offline Liturgical Practice to Online Platforms John Mhandu, Vivian Ojong
127 [GO] South African Dental Journal 2022―Jan―18 The impact of covid-19 lockdown on maxillofacial related services at tertiary dental institution Batlhalefi R Legalamitloa, Thifhelimbilu Munzhelele, Kabunda Syebele, Pagollang Motloba
128 [GO] Tydskrif vir Geesteswetenskappe 2022―Jan―18 COVID-19 en dagloners in die Suid-Afrikaanse ekonomie: Die impak op hul lewens en daaglikse bestaan COVID-19 and day labourers in the South African economy: The impact on their lives and livelihoods Derick Blaauw, Derek Yu, Rinie Schenck
129 [GO] South African Journal of Sports Medicine 2022―Jan―18 Sport during the COVID-19 bio-bubble: Wellness and opinions in South African elite football Khatija Bahdur, Lervasen Pillay, Duane Dell’oca
130 [GO] Law Democracy & Development 2022―Jan―03 An assessment of the constitutionality of the COVID-19 regulations against the requirement to facilitate public participation in the law-making and/or administrative processes in South Africa Ntokozo Sobikwa, Moses Retselisitsoe Phooko
131 [GO] South African Journal of Agricultural Extension (SAJAE) 2021―Dec―09 Towards an efficient post Covid-19 ict based extension service delivery model for the sugar industry of eSwatini Dlamini
132 [GO] South African Journal of Agricultural Extension (SAJAE) 2021―Dec―09 South African government palliative funds for agriculture amid Covid-19: Challenges of implementation and suggestions for improvements Popoola
133 [GO] Obiter 2021―Dec―07 DISMISSAL ARISING FROM FLOUTING COVID-19 HEALTH AND SAFETY PROTOCOLS Eskort Limited v Stuurman Mogotsi [2021] ZALCJHB 53 CI Tshoose
135 [GO] Journal of Education 2021―Dec―01 Teacher support, preparedness and resilience during times of crises and uncertainty: COVID-19 and education in the Global South Yusuf Sayed, Marcina Singh, Eva Bulgrin, Martin Henry, Dierdre Williams, Mary Metcalfe, et al. (+2)
136 [GO] Journal of Education 2021―Nov―30 Community-based learning in higher education: A portal for knowledge production in the time of COVID-19 Nompumelelo Thabethe, Sarasvathie Reddy
137 [GO] Journal of Education 2021―Nov―30 The crisis of COVID-19 and opportunities for reimagining education Crain Soudien, Jaqueline Harvey
138 [GO] Journal of Education 2021―Nov―30 African female university students' experiences of online education at home during the COVID-19 pandemic Ansurie Pillay, Martha Khosa, Bridget Campbell, Nicholus Nyika, Ayub Sheik
139 [GO] Journal of Education 2021―Nov―30 Education lecturers' perceptions of organising systematic online teaching and learning during COVID-19 pandemic conditions in 2020 at two selected universities in South Africa Tanya Bekker, Nazir Carrim
140 [GO] Journal of Education 2021―Nov―30 Early childhood teachers' and managers' lived experiences of the COVID-19 pandemic in South Africa Hasina Banu Ebrahim, Colwyn Martin, Lorayne Excell
141 [GO] Journal of Education 2021―Nov―30 Exploring how the national COVID-19 pandemic policy and its application exposed the fault lines of educational inequality Ronicka Mudaly, Vimolan Mudaly
142 [GO] Journal of Education 2021―Nov―30 21st Century competencies in Technical and Vocational Education and Training: Rhetoric and reality in the wake of a pandemic Joy Papier
143 [GO] Journal for the Study of Religion 2021―Nov―23 Covid-19, Congregational Worship, and Contestation over 'Correct' Islam in South Africa Goolam Vahed
144 [GO] Journal for the Study of Religion 2021―Nov―23 Feminist Pandemic Pedagogies: Podcasting and the Study of Religion Lee-Shae S. Scharnick-Udemans
145 [GO] Educational Research for Social Change 2021―Nov―17 Towards a Digital Resource Mobilisation Approach for Digital Inclusion During COVID-19 and Beyond: A Case of a Township School in South Africa Themba Ralph Mkhize, Mogamat Noor Davids
146 [GO] South African Journal of Sports Medicine 2021―Nov―17 Recommendations for athletes and COVID-19 vaccinations: A South African Sports Medicine Association (SASMA) position statement - Part 3 Lervasen Pillay, Jon Patricios, Dina Christa Janse van Rensburg, Robin Saggers, Dimakatso Ramagole, Pierre Viviers, et al. (+2)
147 [GO] South African Dental Journal 2021―Oct―16 An overview of COVID-19 infection in dental practices - a questionnaire survey Howard Gluckman, Carla C Pontes, Matthias Troelzsch, E Todd Scheyer
148 [GO] Law Democracy & Development 2021―Oct―15 COVID-19 and elections in Ethiopia: exploring constitutional interpretation by the House of the Federation as an exit strategy Legesse Tigabu Mengie
149 [GO] South African Journal of Science 2021―Sep―27 Models and muddles in the COVID-19 pandemic Farai Nyabadza, Alex Broadbent, Charis Harley, Abejide Ade-Ibijola, Ebrahim Momoniat
150 [GO] South African Journal of Surgery 2021―Sep―20 Federation of Surgeons of South Africa consensus document for the resumption of elective surgery after level 5 COVID-19 "lockdown" period in South Africa J van Waart, PJ Matley, M Brand
151 [GO] South African Journal of Surgery 2021―Sep―20 Impact of COVID-19 on surgical registrars' education and training S Al-Benna
152 [GO] South African Journal of Surgery 2021―Sep―20 Consensus statement regarding minimally invasive surgery during the COVID-19 pandemic D Nel, R Oodit, H Bougard, E Panieri
153 [GO] South African Journal of Surgery 2021―Sep―20 COVID-19: No longer status quo for the surgeon J John, K Kesner
154 [GO] African Human Rights Law Journal 2021―Aug―10 Evaluating the role of the African Committee of Experts on the Rights and Welfare of the Child in the COVID-19 era: Visualising the African child in 2050 Robert Doya Nanima
155 [GO] South African Journal of Sports Medicine 2021―Aug―03 End-to-end SARS-CoV-2 transmission risks in sport: Current evidence and practical recommendations Ben Jones, Gemma Phillips, Federica Valeriani, Thomas Edwards, Emily Adams, Lucia Bonadonna, et al. (+11)
156 [GO] De Jure 2021―Jul―23 The impact of the COVID-19 regulations on rent obligations Sue-Mari Viljoen
157 [GO] De Jure 2021―Jun―11 Sexual autonomy and violence against women in Nigeria: Assessing the impact of Covid-19 pandemic Tolulope R Ibitoye, Folakemi Ajagunna
158 [GO] South African Dental Journal 2021―May―30 COVID-19 in dentistry- Ethical considerations Ronel Maart, Riaan Mulder, Saadika Khan
159 [GO] South African Dental Journal 2021―May―30 During the COVID-19 pandemic, oral health services including routine treatment may continue but must follow established international and South African protocol KC Makhubele
160 [GO] Clean Air Journal 2021―May―07 Ambient air quality data reported at Sasol Secunda monitoring stations during COVID-19 lockdown - Mpumalanga, South Africa Andrew Venter, Sandra De Vos
161 [GO] South African Journal of Sports Medicine 2021―Apr―30 ‘I’m doing it for myself’: Using a smartphone-based exercise service during the COVID-19 lockdown in the Faculty of Health Sciences, University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa Demitri Constantinou, Georgia Torres, Natalia Neophytou, Peter Fourie, Xenia Buntting, Philippe Gradidge
162 [GO] African Human Rights Law Journal 2021―Apr―12 Saving the soul of an African constitution: Learning from Kenya's experience with constitutionalism during COVID-19 Nkatha Kabira, Robert Kibugi
163 [GO] African Human Rights Law Journal 2021―Apr―12 COVID-19 and the inclusion of learners with disabilities in basic education in South Africa: A critical analysis Serges Djoyou Kamga
164 [GO] African Human Rights Law Journal 2021―Apr―12 Assessing the implications of digital contact tracing for COVID-19 for human rights and the rule of law in South Africa Woojin Lim
165 [GO] African Human Rights Law Journal 2021―Apr―12 Exacerbated inequalities: Implications of COVID-19 for the socio-economic rights of women and children in South Sudan Joseph Geng Akech
166 [GO] African Human Rights Law Journal 2021―Apr―12 Livelihoods and legal struggles amidst a pandemic: The human rights implications of the measures adopted to prevent, contain and manage COVID-19 in Malawi Mwiza Jo Nkhata, Anganile Willie Mwenifumbo
167 [GO] African Human Rights Law Journal 2021―Apr―12 Constitutional rights and their limitations: A critical appraisal of the COVID-19 lockdown in South Africa Martin van Staden
168 [GO] African Human Rights Law Journal 2021―Apr―12 Editorial introduction to special focus: Assessing the implications of COVID-19 pandemic regulations for human rights and the rule of law in Eastern and Southern Africa Charles Manga Fombad
169 [GO] African Human Rights Law Journal 2021―Apr―12 When guns govern public health: Examining the implications of the militarised COVID-19 pandemic response for democratisation and human rights in Uganda James Nkuubi
170 [GO] African Human Rights Law Journal 2021―Apr―12 Implications of Lesotho's COVID-19 response framework for the rule of law Itumeleng Shale
171 [GO] Tydskrif vir Geesteswetenskappe 2021―Apr―12 The displacement of retail spending by students in host cities owing to Covid-19: A case study D Dyason, Ewert Kleynhans
172 [GO] African Human Rights Law Journal 2021―Apr―12 Eswatini's legislative response to COVID-19: Whither human rights? Musa Njabulo Shongwe
173 [GO] South African Dental Journal 2021―Apr―06 In the face of COVID-19, SADA continues to deliver to its members KC Makhubele
174 [GO] South African Dental Journal 2021―Apr―06 COVID-19: When recovery does not mean a return to health Neil H Wood
175 [GO] South African Dental Journal 2021―Mar―30 Dentistry and COVID-19 - Is there a moral duty of care? Pagollang D Motloba, Hilde Miniggio, Nokukhanya L Makwakwa
176 [GO] South African Dental Journal 2021―Mar―30 Individual and social determinants of oral health in South Africa in the context of COVID-19 Ansuyah Magan
177 [GO] South African Dental Journal 2021―Mar―28 Mandatory COVID-19 vaccination for oral health professionals (OHPs) - Ethical appraisal Thembelihle M Mtolo, Pagollang D Motloba, Neil H Wood
178 [GO] South African Dental Journal 2021―Mar―27 The changing face of Dentistry in the COVID-19 pandemic NH Wood
179 [GO] South African Dental Journal 2021―Mar―27 Re-thinking South African dentists' role in a pandemic Razia Z Adam
180 [GO] SA Orthopaedic Journal 2021―Mar―26 DEFCON 5: The Chris Hani Baragwanath Academic Hospital orthopaedic department's COVID-19 proactive action plan A Hirschmann, T Pillay, KW Fang, MT Ramokgopa, C Frey
181 [GO] SA Orthopaedic Journal 2021―Mar―26 Orthopaedics and COVID-19: The surgery, the surgeon and the susceptible - a scoping review M O'Connor
182 [GO] South African Journal of Science 2021―Mar―25 COVID-19 amplifies urban inequalities Ivan Turok, Justin Visagie
183 [GO] South African Journal of Science 2021―Mar―25 Pharmacists as vaccinators in South Africa - addressing COVID-19 and beyond Velisha A. Perumal-Pillay
184 [GO] South African Journal of Science 2021―Mar―25 Insights from ‘Unlocking COVID-19 current realities, future opportunities: Artificial intelligence in the time of COVID-19 Ntombizodwa Mathe
185 [GO] Yesterday and Today 2021―Mar―02 Online learning challenges postgraduate certificate in education History students faced during COVID-19 at the university of Zululand Mbusiseni Celimpilo Dube
186 [GO] Yesterday and Today 2021―Mar―02 A self-study of pedagogical experiences in History Education at a university during the COVID-19 pandemic Leevina M Iyer
187 [GO] Yesterday and Today 2021―Mar―02 Teaching History teachers during COVID-19: Charting poems, pathways and agency Sarah Godsell
188 [GO] Yesterday and Today 2021―Mar―02 Teaching historical pandemics, using Bernstein's pedagogical device as framework M Noor Davids
189 [GO] Journal of Energy in Southern Africa 2021―Feb―28 Sustainable energy supply and business collaborations for sustainability, resilience and competitiveness in the Zambian copper industry after Covid-19 K. Imasiku, E. Ntagwirumugara
190 [GO] Tydskrif vir Geesteswetenskappe 2021―Feb―08 Explorations in a post-normal landscape: South Africa this side of and beyond Covid-19 Philip Spies, Chris Jones
191 [GO] Tydskrif vir Geesteswetenskappe 2021―Feb―08 The Covid-19 pandemic: An opportunity for reflection on the place of humanity in relation to nature? Bert Olivier
192 [GO] South African Journal of Science 2021―Jan―28 What the science of child and adolescent development contributes to understanding the impacts of COVID-19 Mark Tomlinson, Linda Richter, Wiedaad Slemming
193 [GO] South African Journal of Surgery 2021―Jan―08 COVID-19 in perspective SR Thomson, JEJ Krige
194 [GO] South African Journal of Surgery 2021―Jan―08 An argument for a rational and balanced risk approach to transplantation during the COVID-19 pandemic L Brannigan, J Botha
195 [GO] Potchefstroom Electronic Law Journal/Potchefstroomse Elektroniese Regsblad 2020―Dec―15 Clinical Legal Education during a Global Pandemic - Suggestions from the Trenches: The Perspective of the Nelson Mandela University Marc Welgemoed
196 [GO] South African Journal of Sports Medicine 2020―Nov―26 Implications of COVID-19 for resumption of sport in South Africa: A South African Sports Medicine Association (SASMA) position statement - Part 2 Dimakatso Ramagole, Dina Christa Janse van Rensburg, Lervason Pillay, Jon Patricios, Pierre Viviers, Phathokuhle Zondi
197 [GO] South African Journal of Science 2020―Nov―23 The Southern African Society for Plant Pathology: 1962-2020 Academic publishing in pandemic times Michael J. Wingfield, Teresa A. Coutinho
198 [GO] South African Journal of Sports Medicine 2020―Nov―12 Swimming during COVID-19: Operational recommendations and considerations for South African swimming venues Lee Hill, Pantelis Nikolaidis, Beat Knechtle
199 [GO] South African Journal of Sports Medicine 2020―Oct―28 Changing player behaviour in sport during the COVID-19 pandemic: Shake on it? Jim McKenna, Susan Backhouse, Gemma Phillips, Ben Jones
200 [GO] South African Journal of Occupational Therapy 2020―Oct―13 Occupational catastrophe! The digital revolution, global warming, unrest and pandemics: are we prepared?- R.W.E Joubert
201 [GO] South African Journal of Science 2020―Sep―17 Academic publishing in pandemic times Wolfgang Preiser, Rika Preiser
202 [GO] Potchefstroom Electronic Law Journal/Potchefstroomse Elektroniese Regsblad 2020―Sep―15 State Use Provisions for Patent Law, and Expropriations: Some Comparative Law Guidelines for South Africa during the Covid-19 Crisis and Beyond Mikhalien Du Bois
203 [GO] South African Journal of Science 2020―Jul―26 Public Statement on COVID-19 ASSAf Council
204 [GO] South African Journal of Science 2020―Jul―26 Insights from the political management of COVID-19 Adam Habib
205 [GO] South African Journal of Science 2020―Jul―26 ‘More eyes on the problem’: What the social sciences and humanities allow us to see and do in response to COVID-19 Jonathan Jansen
206 [GO] South African Journal of Science 2020―Jul―26 How Philosophy Bears on Covid-19 Thaddeus Metz
207 [GO] South African Journal of Science 2020―Jul―26 From top scientist to science media star during COVID-19 - South Africa’s Salim Abdool Karim Marina Joubert
208 [GO] South African Journal of Science 2020―Jul―26 COVID-19 and the academe in South Africa: Not business as usual David W. Hedding, Michelle Greve, Gregory D. Breetzke, Werner Nel, Bettine Jansen van Vuuren
209 [GO] South African Journal of Science 2020―Jul―26 The most powerful health-promoting forces in Covid-19 are social Solomon Benatar
210 [GO] South African Journal of Science 2020―Jul―26 The emerging public health risk of extended electronic device use during the COVID-19 pandemic Verusia Chetty, Alvin Munsamy, Saul Cobbing, Diane van Staden, Rowena Naidoo
211 [GO] South African Journal of Science 2020―Jul―26 COVID-19 Statement: The unanticipated costs of COVID-19 to South Africa’s quadruple disease burden ASSAf Standing Committee on Health
212 [GO] South African Journal of Science 2020―Jul―26 How Christian theology helps us make sense of the pandemic Barney Pityana
213 [GO] South African Journal of Science 2020―Jul―26 Pay attention to how people are talking about the pandemic in different languages Rajend Mesthrie
214 [GO] South African Journal of Science 2020―Jul―26 ‘Preventing the next pandemic’ - A 2020 UNEP Frontiers Series Report on zoonotic diseases with reflections for South Africa Bianca Wernecke, Danielle A. Millar, Michele Walters, Andre Ganswindt, Luthando Dziba, Caradee Y. Wright
215 [GO] South African Journal of Science 2020―Jul―26 The economic costs of the pandemic-and its response Tania Ajam
216 [GO] South African Dental Journal 2020―Jul―10 COVID-19: Focus on masks and respirators - Implications for oral health-care workers Riaan Mulder, Nazreen Layloo, Suné Mulder van Staden
217 [GO] South African Journal of Sports Medicine 2020―Jun―24 Implications of COVID-19 for resumption of sport in South Africa: A South African Sports Medicine Association (SASMA) position statement Dimakatso Ramagole, Dina Christa Janse van Rensburg, Lervason Pillay, Pierre Viviers, Phathokuhle Zondi, Jon Patricios
218 [GO] Clean Air Journal 2020―May―21 Air Pollution in Africa in the time of COVID-19: the air we breathe indoors and outdoors Aderiana Mutheu Mbandi
219 [GO] South African Journal of Sports Medicine 2020―May―19 ‘Make exercise the elixir across an economic divide’: A message to COVID-19 decision makers Jon Patricios, Robin Saggers, Jarrad Van Zuydam, Brad Gelbart
220 [GO] South African Dental Journal 2020―May―06 COVID-19 pandemic and the dental practice S Koutras, S Govender, NH Wood, PD Motloba
221 [GO] South African Dental Journal 2020―May―06 From Pandemic, to Panic to 'Pendemic' LM Sykes, E Crafford, C Bradfield

221 Results       Page 1


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