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COVID answers in Scientific Journals all over the world

123 Results       Page 1

Elsevier: World Development
  original article Date Title Authors   Max. 6 Authors
1 [GO] 2024―Jul―06 Navigating food price shocks in a pandemic: Food insecurity and coping mechanisms in Burkina Faso Shamma Adeeb Alam, Shi Xi Liu, Claus C. Pörtner
2 [GO] 2024―Jun―13 Family business during the COVID-19 pandemic in Asia: Role of government financial aid and coping strategies Wataru Kodama, Peter Morgan, Dina Azhgaliyeva, Long Trinh, Kunhyui Kim
3 [GO] 2024―Jun―12 The Great Lockdown and the Small Business: Impact, Channels and Adaptation to the Covid Pandemic Minh-Phuong Le, Lisa Chauvet, Mohamed Ali Marouani
4 [GO] 2024―Feb―23 Help with strings attached? China’s medical assistance and political allegiances during the Covid-19 pandemic Angela Tritto, Hazwan Haini, Hongsen Wu
5 [GO] 2024―Feb―08 Dispossessions in Bolsonaro’s Brazil during the Covid-19 pandemic Daniel Bin
6 [GO] 2023―Dec―16 Political trust and government performance in the time of COVID-19 Chengyuan Ji, Junyan Jiang, Yujin Zhang
7 [GO] 2023―Dec―12 Short- and long-term food insecurity and policy responses in pandemics: Panel data evidence from COVID-19 in low- and middle-income countries Peter Hangoma, Kusum Hachhethu, Silvia Passeri, Ole Frithjof Norheim, Johnathan Rivers, Ottar Mæstad
8 [GO] 2023―Dec―07 Long COVID: The evolution of household welfare in developing countries during the pandemic Ben Brunckhorst, Alexandru Cojocaru, Yeon Soo Kim, Maurice Kugler
9 [GO] 2023―Dec―06 Applying the six-dimensional food security framework to examine a fresh fruit and vegetable program implemented by self-help groups during the COVID-19 lockdown in India Jonathan Mockshell, Thea Nielsen Ritter
10 [GO] 2023―Dec―03 Socioeconomic conditions and contagion dynamics of the COVID-19 pandemic with and without mitigation measures: Evidence from 185 countries Giorgos Galanis, Andreas Georgiadis
11 [GO] 2023―Nov―17 COVID-19 and violence against women: Current knowledge, gaps, and implications for public policy Fabiana Rocha, Maria Dolores Montoya Diaz, Paula Carvalho Pereda, Isadora Bousquat Árabe, Filipe Cavalcanti, Samuel Lordemus, Noemi Kreif, Rodrigo Moreno-Serra
12 [GO] 2023―Oct―12 Agricultural production and food security implications of Covid-19 disruption on small-scale farmer households: Lessons from Kenya James Mutegi, Ivan Adolwa, Abed Kiwia, Samuel Njoroge, Angela Gitonga, Joses Muthamia, Eileen Nchanji, Franklin Mairura, Kaushik Majumdar, Shamie Zingore, Thomas Oberthur, Mercy Kiremu, Monica Kansiime
13 [GO] 2023―Oct―11 COVID-19 and extreme weather: Impacts on food security and migration attitudes in the rural area of Guatemala Francisco Ceballos, Manuel A. Hernandez, Cynthia Paz
14 [GO] 2023―Jul―17 Fighting Covid-19 amidst civil conflict: Micro-level evidence from Burkina Faso Mohammad H. Sepahvand, Philip Verwimp
15 [GO] 2023―Jun―21 How Did the COVID-19 Crisis Affect Different Types of Workers in the Developing World? Maurice Kugler, Mariana Viollaz, Daniel Duque, Isis Gaddis, David Newhouse, Amparo Palacios-Lopez, Michael Weber
16 [GO] 2023―May―26 Vulnerability and coping strategies within wild meat trade networks during the COVID-19 pandemic Nathalie van Vliet, Charis Enns, Joseph Mbane, Jonas Muhindo, Jonas Nyumu, Brock Bersaglio, Francis Massé, Paolo Cerutti, Robert Nasi
17 [GO] 2023―Apr―06 Resilience, endogenous policy responses to COVID-19, and their impacts on farm performance Tharcisse Guedegbe, Adesoji Adelaja, Justin George
18 [GO] 2023―Mar―23 Impact of the COVID-19 Crisis on India’s Rural Youth: Evidence from a Panel Survey and an Experiment Bhaskar Chakravorty, Apurav Yash Bhatiya, Clément Imbert, Maximilian Lohnert, Poonam Panda, Roland Rathelot
19 [GO] 2022―Oct―21 Did a Successful Fight against COVID-19 Come at a Cost? Impacts of the Pandemic on Employment Outcomes in Vietnam Hai-Anh H. Dang, Cuong Viet Nguyen, Calogero Carletto
20 [GO] 2022―Feb―16 Income shock and food insecurity prediction Vietnam under the pandemic Khoa Vu, Nguyen Dinh Tuan Vuong, Tu-Anh Vu-Thanh, Anh Ngoc Nguyen
21 [GO] 2022―Feb―12 Horrible trade-offs in a pandemic: Poverty, fiscal space, policy, and welfare Ricardo Hausmann, Ulrich Schetter
22 [GO] 2022―Feb―11 The Effects of Fiscal Policy on Households During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Evidence from Thailand and Vietnam Dzung Bui, Lena Dräger, Bernd Hayo, Giang Nghiem
23 [GO] 2022―Feb―08 The Short-Term Impacts of COVID-19 on Households in Developing Countries: An Overview based on a Harmonized Dataset of High-Frequency Surveys Tom Bundervoet, Maria E. Dávalos, Natalia Garcia
24 [GO] 2022―Jan―10 Microfinance loan officers before and during Covid-19: Evidence from India Kristina Czura, Florian Englmaier, Hoa Ho, Lisa Spantig
25 [GO] 2021―Nov―25 ‘To prevent this disease, we have to stay at home, but if we stay at home, we die of hunger’ - livelihoods, vulnerability and coping with Covid-19 in rural Mozambique Judith E. Krauss, Luis Artur, Dan Brockington, Natasha Ribeiro, Julio Tembe, Eduardo Castro Jr, Jone Fernando Jr, Janet Fisher, Casey M. Ryan, Andrew Kingman, Hosia Mavoto Moises, Ana Mlambo, Milagre Nuvunga, Rose Pritchard, Clemence Zimudzi
26 [GO] 2021―Nov―25 Curtailing Covid-19 on a Dollar-a-Day in Malawi: Role of Community Leadership for Shaping Public Health and Economic Responses to the Pandemic Iliana V. Kohler, Alberto Ciancio, James Mwera, Victor Mwapasa, Hans-Peter Kohler
27 [GO] 2021―Sep―15 Time use of youth during a pandemic: Evidence from Mexico Cynthia Boruchowicz, Susan W. Parker, Lindsay Robbins
28 [GO] 2021―Sep―06 The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the poor: Insights from the Hrishipara diaries Risto Rönkkö, Stuart Rutherford, Kunal Sen
29 [GO] 2021―Jul―17 Epidemics, Pandemics, and Social Conflict: Lessons from the Past and Possible Scenarios for COVID-19 Remi Jedwab, Amjad M. Khan, Jason Russ, Esha D. Zaveri
30 [GO] 2021―Jun―28 Lives and livelihoods: Estimates of the global mortality and poverty effects of the Covid-19 pandemic Benoit Decerf, Francisco H.G. Ferreira, Daniel G. Mahler, Olivier Sterck
31 [GO] 2021―Jun―26 Fossil fuels, stranded assets and COVID-19: Imagining an inclusive & transformative recovery Arthur Rempel, Joyeeta Gupta
32 [GO] 2021―May―16 The COVID-19 crisis and Amazonia’s indigenous people: Implications for conservation and global health Amy Y. Vittor, Gabriel Zorello Laporta, Maria Anice Mureb Sallum, Robert T. Walker
33 [GO] 2021―May―16 The timing and aggressiveness of early government response to COVID-19: Political systems, societal culture, and more Michael A. Nelson
34 [GO] 2021―Apr―27 COVID-19, Poverty and Inclusive Development Joyeeta Gupta, Maarten Bavinck, Mirjam Ros-Tonen, Kwabena Asubonteng, Hilmer Bosch, Edith van Ewijk, Michaela Hordijk, Yves Van Leynseele, Mieke Lopes Cardozo, Esther Miedema, Nicky Pouw, Crelis Rammelt, Joeri Scholtens, Courtney Vegelin, Hebe Verrest
35 [GO] 2021―Mar―20 Preliminary lessons from COVID-19 disruptions of small-scale fishery supply chains Hannah R. Bassett, Jacqueline Lau, Christopher Giordano, Sharon K. Suri, Sahir Advani, Sonia Sharan
36 [GO] 2021―Mar―03 “If we move, it moves with us:” Physical distancing in Africa during COVID-19 Clara Bicalho, Melina R. Platas, Leah R. Rosenzweig
37 [GO] 2021―Feb―17 Poverty and COVID-19 in Africa and Latin America Olivier Bargain, Ulugbek Aminjonov
38 [GO] 2021―Jan―29 COVID-19 and small enterprises in the food supply chain: Early impacts and implications for longer-term food system resilience in low- and middle-income countries Stella Nordhagen, Uduak Igbeka, Hannah Rowlands, Ritta Sabbas Shine, Emily Heneghan, Jonathan Tench
39 [GO] 2021―Jan―28 The redistributive effects of pandemics: Evidence on the Spanish flu Sergi Basco, Jordi Domènech, Joan R. Rosés
40 [GO] 2021―Jan―22 Dark and bright spots in the shadow of the pandemic: Rural livelihoods, social vulnerability, and local governance in India and Nepal Divya Gupta, Harry Fischer, Suchita Shrestha, Syed Shoaib Ali, Ashwini Chhatre, Kamal Devkota, Forrest Fleischman, Dil B. Khatri, Pushpendra Rana
41 [GO] 2021―Jan―19 Climate risk, culture and the Covid-19 mortality: A cross-country analysis Aydin Ozkan, Gulcin Ozkan, Abdullah Yalaman, Yilmaz Yildiz
42 [GO] 2021―Jan―13 Stigma, Trust, and Procedural Integrity: Covid-19 Testing in Malawi Karen Ferree, Adam Harris, Boniface Dulani, Kristen Kao, Ellen Lust, Erica Metheney
43 [GO] 2021―Jan―08 Corrigendum to “Learning from past pandemic governance: Early response and public-private partnerships in testing of COVID-19 in South Korea” [World Development 137 (2021) 105198] June Park, Eunbin Chung
44 [GO] 2021―Jan―01 Finding out fast about the impact of covid-19: the need for policy-relevant methodological innovation Hossain Zillur Rahman, Imran Matin, Nicola Banks, David Hulme
45 [GO] 2020―Dec―29 Does the COVID-19 pandemic threaten global solidarity? Evidence from Germany Sebastian H. Schneider, Jens Eger, Martin Bruder, Jörg Faust, Lothar H. Wieler
46 [GO] 2020―Dec―25 Shaping alternatives to development: Solidarity and reciprocity in the Andes during COVID-19 Diana Córdoba, Ana Maria Peredo, Paola Chaves
47 [GO] 2020―Dec―17 Covid-19 vs. Ebola: impact on households and small businesses in North Kivu, Democratic Republic of Congo Nik Stoop, Sébastien Desbureaux, Audacieux Kaota, Elie Lunanga, Marijke Verpoorten
48 [GO] 2020―Dec―17 Private sustainability governance, the Global South and COVID-19: Are changes to audit policies in light of the pandemic exacerbating existing inequalities? Graeme Auld, Stefan Renckens
49 [GO] 2020―Dec―17 Planning for a World beyond COVID-19: Five Pillars for Post-Neoliberal Development Bram Büscher, Giuseppe Feola, Andrew Fischer, Robert Fletcher, Julien-François Gerber, Wendy Harcourt, Martijn Koster, Mindi Schneider, Joeri Scholtens, Marja Spierenburg, Vincent Walstra, Han Wiskerke
50 [GO] 2020―Dec―16 COVID-19 and Armed Conflict Tobias Ide
51 [GO] 2020―Dec―16 The pandemic of poverty, vulnerability, and COVID-19: Evidence from a fuzzy multidimensional analysis of deprivations in Brazil Fernando Flores Tavares, Gianni Betti
52 [GO] 2020―Dec―13 Artisanal and small-scale mining, and COVID-19 in sub-Saharan Africa: A preliminary analysis Gavin Hilson, Steven Van Bockstael, Titus Sauerwein, Abigail Hilson, James McQuilken
53 [GO] 2020―Dec―06 Too little but not too late: nowcasting poverty and cash transfers’ incidence during COVID-19’s crisis Matias Brum, Mauricio De Rosa
54 [GO] 2020―Dec―04 How does Covid-19 affect urban slums? Evidence from settlement leaders in India Adam Michael Auerbach, Tariq Thachil
55 [GO] 2020―Dec―04 Navigating women’s reproductive health and childbearing during public health crises: Covid-19 and Zika in Brazil Letícia J. Marteleto, Molly Dondero
56 [GO] 2020―Dec―03 The Mutual Constraints of States and Global Value Chains during COVID-19: The Case of Personal Protective Equipment Mark P. Dallas, Rory Horner, Lantian Li
57 [GO] 2020―Dec―02 Household response to an extreme shock: Evidence on the immediate impact of the Covid-19 lockdown on economic outcomes and well-being in rural Uganda Mahreen Mahmud, Emma Riley
58 [GO] 2020―Nov―25 The short-term economic effects of COVID-19 on low-income households in rural Kenya: An analysis using weekly financial household data Wendy Janssens, Menno Pradhan, Richard de Groot, Estelle Sidze, Hermann Pythagore Pierre Donfouet, Amanuel Abajobir
59 [GO] 2020―Nov―24 Localising Public Health: Refugee-led Organisations as first and last responders in Covid-19 Alexander Betts, Evan Easton-Calabria, Kate Pincock
60 [GO] 2020―Nov―21 Mobilising urban knowledge in an infodemic: Urban observatories, sustainable development and the COVID-19 crisis Michele Acuto, Ariana Dickey, Stephanie Butcher, Carla-Leanne Washbourne
61 [GO] 2020―Nov―20 The dangers of performative scientism as the alternative to anti-scientific policymaking: A critical, preliminary assessment of South Africa’s Covid-19 response and its consequences Seán M. Muller
62 [GO] 2020―Nov―19 Opportunities amid COVID-19: Advancing intra-African food integration* Hanan Morsy, Adeleke Salami, Adamon N. Mukasa
63 [GO] 2020―Nov―12 Examining the Economic Impact of COVID-19 in India through Daily Electricity Consumption and Nighttime Light Intensity Robert C. M. Beyer, Sebastian Franco-Bedoya, Virgilio Galdo
64 [GO] 2020―Nov―11 COVID-19 and Conflict Jeffrey R. Bloem, Colette Salemi
65 [GO] 2020―Nov―10 Gender Inequality during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Income, Expenditure, Savings, and Job Loss Hai-Anh H. Dang, Cuong Viet Nguyen
66 [GO] 2020―Nov―03 COVID-19 and agricultural fire pollution in the Amazon: puzzles and solutions Thiago Fonseca Morello
67 [GO] 2020―Oct―28 The COVID-19 pandemic intensified resource conflicts and indigenous resistance in Brazil Mary Menton, Felipe Milanez, Jurema Machado de Andrade Souza, Felipe Sotto Maior Cruz
68 [GO] 2020―Oct―23 Remote-learning, time-use, and mental health of Ecuadorian high-school students during the COVID-19 quarantine Igor Asanov, Francisco Flores, David McKenzie, Mona Mensmann, Mathis Schulte
69 [GO] 2020―Oct―23 COVID-19 response needs to broaden financial inclusion to curb the rise in poverty Roxana Gutiérrez-Romero, Mostak Ahamed
70 [GO] 2020―Oct―21 Why is the Number of COVID-19 Cases Lower Than Expected in Sub-Saharan Africa? A Cross-Sectional Analysis of the Role of Demographic and Geographic Factors Pierre Nguimkeu, Sosson Tadadjeu
71 [GO] 2020―Oct―21 Public Support for Development Aid during the COVID-19 Pandemic Yoshiharu Kobayashi, Tobias Heinrich, Kristin A. Bryant
72 [GO] 2020―Oct―17 The local governance of COVID-19: Disease prevention and social security in rural India Anwesha Dutta, Harry W. Fischer
73 [GO] 2020―Oct―17 COVID-19: Large-scale collective action, government intervention, and the importance of trust Niklas Harring, Sverker C. Jagers, Åsa Löfgren
74 [GO] 2020―Oct―16 Towards a political economy of the COVID-19 crisis: Reflections on an agenda for research and action Lorenzo Cotula
75 [GO] 2020―Oct―16 Post-pandemic transformations: How and why COVID-19 requires us to rethink development Melissa Leach, Hayley MacGregor, Ian Scoones, Annie Wilkinson
76 [GO] 2020―Oct―14 The market-reach of pandemics: Evidence from female workers in Ethiopia’s ready-made garment industry Christian Johannes Meyer, Morgan Hardy, Marc Witte, Gisella Kagy, Eyoual Demeke
77 [GO] 2020―Oct―08 The moral and political economy of the pandemic in Bangladesh: Weak states and strong societies during Covid-19 Tariq Omar Ali, Mirza Hassan, Naomi Hossain
78 [GO] 2020―Sep―29 COVID-19 and The Rise of Intimate Partner Violence Jorge M. Agüero
79 [GO] 2020―Sep―26 An Adaptive Governance and Health System Response for the Covid-19 Emergency Mushtaq Khan, Pallavi Roy, Imran Matin, Mehnaz Rabbani, Rajiv Chowdhury
80 [GO] 2020―Sep―24 Lessons for climate policy from behavioral biases towards COVID-19 and climate change risks Wouter Botzen, Sem Duijndam, Pieter van Beukering
81 [GO] 2020―Sep―24 All Things Equal? Heterogeneity in Policy Effectiveness against COVID-19 Spread in Chile Magdalena Bennett
82 [GO] 2020―Sep―18 COVID-19 implications on household income and food security in Kenya and Uganda: Findings from a rapid assessment Monica K. Kansiime, Justice A. Tambo, Ms. Idah Mugambi, Ms. Mary Bundi, Augustine Kara, Mr. Charles Owuor
83 [GO] 2020―Sep―18 Learning from Past Pandemic Governance: Early Response and Public-Private Partnerships in Testing of COVID-19 in South Korea June Park, Eunbin Chung
84 [GO] 2020―Sep―09 The future of commodity prices and the pandemic-driven global recession: Evidence from 150 years of data Bilge Erten, José Antonio Ocampo
85 [GO] 2020―Sep―09 Degradation and disease: Ecologically unequal exchanges cultivate emerging pandemics Kelly F. Austin
86 [GO] 2020―Sep―06 Will COVID-19 be one shock too many for smallholder coffee livelihoods? Zack Guido, Chris Knudson, Kevon Rhiney
87 [GO] 2020―Sep―04 Evolution and early government responses to COVID-19 in South America Bastián González-Bustamante
88 [GO] 2020―Sep―02 Light in the midst of chaos: COVID-19 and female political representation Kelly Senters Piazza, Gustavo Diaz
89 [GO] 2020―Sep―01 Whatever It Takes? The Global Financial Safety Net, Covid-19, and Developing Countries Thomas Stubbs, William Kring, Christina Laskaridis, Alexander Kentikelenis, Kevin Gallagher
90 [GO] 2020―Aug―28 Life Under Lockdown: Illustrating Tradeoffs in South Africa’s Response to COVID-19 Ruth D. Carlitz, Moraka N. Makhura
91 [GO] 2020―Aug―28 COVID-19 in unequally ageing European regions Ilya Kashnitsky, José Manuel Aburto
92 [GO] 2020―Aug―28 Human dignity and cross-border migrants in the era of the COVID-19 pandemic Nimesh Dhungana
93 [GO] 2020―Aug―28 Managing the COVID-19 pandemic in poor urban neighborhoods: the case of Accra and Johannesburg Durizzo Kathrin, Asiedu Edward, Van der Merwe Antoinette, Van Niekerk Attie, Günther Isabel
94 [GO] 2020―Aug―28 The ABCs of Covid-19 Prevention in Malawi: Authority, Benefits and, Costs of Compliance Kristen Kao, Ellen Lust, Boniface Dulani, Karen Ferree, Adam Harris, Erica Metheney
95 [GO] 2020―Aug―28 COVID-19 vaccines: Getting Anti-vaxxers involved in the discussion Ramona Boodoosingh, Lawal Olatunde Olayemi, Filipina Amosa-Lei Sam
96 [GO] 2020―Aug―28 Disability-inclusive responses to COVID-19: Lessons learnt from research on social protection in low- and middle-income countries Lena Morgon Banks, Calum Davey, Tom Shakespeare, Hannah Kuper
97 [GO] 2020―Aug―28 Hungry Birds Do Not Sing: Coronavirus and the School Feeding Program Khadijat Busola Amolegbe
98 [GO] 2020―Aug―12 On the Susceptibility and Vulnerability of Agricultural Value Chains to COVID-19 John Morton
99 [GO] 2020―Aug―12 Unfreezing unspent social special-purpose funds for the Covid-19 crisis: critical reflections from India Deval Desai, Shalini Randeria
100 [GO] 2020―Aug―07 Responding to COVID-19: Community Volunteerism and Coproduction in China Qing Miao, Susan Schwarz, Gary Schwarz
101 [GO] 2020―Aug―04 Equity as both a means and an end: Lessons for resilient food systems from COVID-19 Susanna Klassen, Sophia Murphy
102 [GO] 2020―Aug―04 Understanding China’s wildlife markets: Trade and tradition in an age of pandemic Annah Zhu, George Zhu
103 [GO] 2020―Aug―03 Policy options for galvanizing Africa’s rice sector against impacts of COVID-19 Kathiresan Arumugam, Tomokazu Nagai, Yusuke Haneishi
104 [GO] 2020―Aug―02 Compounding crises of social reproduction: Microfinance, over-indebtedness and the COVID-19 pandemic Katherine Brickell, Fiorella Picchioni, Nithya Natarajan, Vincent Guermond, Laurie Parsons, Giacomo Zanello, Milford Bateman
105 [GO] 2020―Aug―02 Sensemaking and learning during the Covid-19 pandemic: A complex adaptive systems perspective on policy decision-making Federica Angeli, Andrea Montefusco
106 [GO] 2020―Aug―02 Digital contact-tracing and pandemics: Institutional and technological preparedness in Africa Emmanuel Ogiemwonyi Arakpogun, Ziad Elsahn, Karla Simone Prime, Paolo Gerli, Femi Olan
107 [GO] 2020―Aug―01 COVID-19’s Impacts on Migrant Workers from Bangladesh: In Search of Policy Intervention Mohammad Rezaul Karim, Mohammad Tarikul Islam, Bymokesh Talukder
108 [GO] 2020―Jul―31 Short-Run Environmental Effects of COVID-19: Evidence from Forest Fires Jayash Paudel
109 [GO] 2020―Jul―29 Beyond banning wildlife trade: COVID-19, Conservation and Development Dilys Roe, Amy Dickman, Richard Kock, EJ Milner-Gulland, Elizabeth Rihoy, Michael t' Sas-Rolfes
110 [GO] 2020―Jul―29 Are Responses to the Pandemic Inclusive? A Rapid Virtual Audit of COVID-19 Press Briefings in LMICs Jaclyn Yap, Vandana Chaudhry, Chandan Jha, Subha Mani, Sophie Mitra
111 [GO] 2020―Jul―27 Information Flow And COVID-19 Recovery Radeef Chundakkadan, Rekha Ravindran
112 [GO] 2020―Jul―24 Psychological Stress Responses to COVID-19 and Adaptive Strategies in China Mingke Song
113 [GO] 2020―Jul―15 The COVID-19 pandemic and food insecurity: A viewpoint on India Khushbu Mishra, Jeevant Rampal
114 [GO] 2020―Jul―14 Viewpoint | Handwashing and COVID-19: Simple, right there…? Isha Ray
115 [GO] 2020―Jul―10 Sustainability and Development after COVID-19 Edward B. Barbier, Joanne C. Burgess
116 [GO] 2020―Jul―10 How health inequality affect responses to the COVID-19 pandemic in Sub-Saharan Africa Obasesam Okoi, Tatenda Bwawa
117 [GO] 2020―Jul―10 The pandemic under siege: A view from the Gaza Strip Somdeep Sen
118 [GO] 2020―Jul―09 Covid-19 Outbreak and the Need for Rice Self-sufficiency in West Africa Charlotte Fontan Sers, Mazhar Mughal
119 [GO] 2020―Jul―09 Bubble in, bubble out: lessons for the COVID-19 recovery and future crises from the Pacific Ryan Edwards
120 [GO] 2020―Jun―28 COVID-19 and International Food Assistance: Policy Proposals to Keep Food Flowing Ryan Cardwell, Pascal L. Ghazalian
121 [GO] 2020―Jun―25 Fighting COVID-19 in Hong Kong: The effects of community and social mobilization Kin-Man Wan, Lawrence Ka-ki Ho, Natalie WM Wong, Andy Chiu
122 [GO] 2020―Jun―25 Covid-19 palaver: Ending rights violations of vulnerable groups in Africa Solomon Amadasun
123 [GO] 2020―Jun―20 COVID-19 and the case for global development Johan A. Oldekop, Rory Horner, David Hulme, Roshan Adhikari, Bina Agarwal, Matthew Alford, Oliver Bakewell, Nicola Banks, Stephanie Barrientos, Tanja Bastia, Anthony J. Bebbington, Upasak Das, Ralitza Dimova, Richard Duncombe, Charis Enns, David Fielding, Christopher Foster, Timothy Foster, Tomas Frederiksen, Ping Gao, Tom Gillespie, Richard Heeks, Sam Hickey, Martin Hess, Nicholas Jepson, Ambarish Karamchedu, Uma Kothari, Aarti Krishnan, Tom Lavers, Aminu Mamman, Diana Mitlin, Negar Monazam Tabrizi, Tanja Müller, Khalid Nadvi, Giovanni Pasquali, Rose Pritchard, Kate Pruce, Chris Rees, Jaco Renken, Antonio Savoia, Seth Schindler, Annika Surmeier, Gindo Tampubolon, Matthew Tyce, Vidhya Unnikrishnan, Yin-Fang Zhang

123 Results       Page 1


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