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COVID answers in Scientific Journals all over the world

728449 Results       Page 15

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  Date original article Publishing House Journal Title Authors All Authors
28001 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Medknow Publications Journal of Datta Meghe Institute of Medical Sciences University Informative Draft on COVID-19 Aishwarya Gupta, Nitin Bhola, Rajanikant Kambala
28002 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Medknow Publications Journal of Datta Meghe Institute of Medical Sciences University Quarantine for COVID-19 Tanvi Jaiswal, Seema Sathe Kambala
28003 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Medknow Publications Journal of Datta Meghe Institute of Medical Sciences University Workplace anxiety due to COVID-19 Sushant Kishore Waghmare
28004 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Sekolah Tinggi Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan (STKIP) Bim EDU SOCIATA ( JURNAL PENDIDIKAN SOSIOLOGI ) Upaya Orang Tua Dalam Memaksimalkan Belajar Anak Selama School Form Home Pandemi Covid-19 Rahmatul Husna, Zakwan Adri
28005 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Instituto Especializado de Profesionales de la Salud Revista Salud y Desarrollo Indagación sobre prácticas sexuales de adolescentes y jóvenes cubanos en tiempos de covid-19 Lídice Mederos Villalón, Vanesa Bárbara Fernández Bereau, José Eugenio Martínez González
28006 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Conselho Nacional de Justica Sistema e-Revista CNJ Violência doméstica contra as mulheres em situação de rua e a pandemia da covid-19 Adriana Ramos de Mello, Marcela Lobo, Tais de Paula Scheer
28007 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Medknow Publications Indian Journal of Dermatology Atypical erythema multiforme revealing COVID-19 Randa Said, Mouna Korbi, Hichem Belhadjali, Jameleddine Zili
28008 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Medknow Publications Indian Journal of Pathology and Microbiology COVID-19 Dinesh Jothimani, Radhika Venugopal, Shruthi Manoharan, Silas Danielraj, Swetha Palanichamy, Gomathy Narasimhan, et al. (+2)
28009 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Lepidus Tecnologia ID on line REVISTA DE PSICOLOGIA Federalismo Brasileiro em Tempos de Pandemia: Desafios e Medidas Emergenciais na Resposta à Covid-19 Ilânia Fonseca Cavalcanti, Mariana Filgueiras Vieira, Marcelo Henrique Pereira dos Santos
28010 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Pensar Academico Pensar Acadêmico ATUAÇÃO DE RESIDENTES MULTIPROFISSIONAIS NA ATENÇÃO PRIMÁRIA A SAÚDE DURANTE A PANDEMIA DA COVID-19 Anne Karollyne De Lima, Mariana Aparecida de Lara Streski, Thais Franceni De Oliveira, Mariane Aparecida Sanson Wayar
28011 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Pensar Academico Pensar Acadêmico AUTONOMIA DO PACIENTE EM TEMPOS DE PANDEMIA: O USO (IN)CONTROVERSO DA CLOROQUINA E DA HIDROXICLOROQUINA NO TRATAMENTO DE PACIENTES COM COVID-19 Tiago Cação Vinhas, Victor Conte André, Gabriel Alves De Oliveira, Luiz Fernando Alfrediano
28012 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Asociacion Guatemalteca de Oftalmologia Revista Oftálmica Algunos Cambios en la Oftalmología y sus Paradigmas: Cambios en el paradigna del desarrollo del Queratocono e hitos importantes de la vacunacion del COVI-19 y COVID-19 Erick Sáenz
28013 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Universitas Galuh Ciamis Jurnal Wahana Pendidikan Investigasi Kompetensi Tpack Dosen Dan Realisasi Pembelajaran Tatap Muka Pasca Covid-19 Desi Nurani, Luthfiyatun Thoyyibah, Ratnawati Ratnawati
28014 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  MDPI AG Medicina Hypochloremia: A Potential Indicator of Poor Outcomes in COVID-19 Orçun Barkay, Faruk Karakeçili
28015 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  American Psychological Association Developmental Psychology Emerging adults’ journeys out of the shutdown: Longitudinal narrative patterns in a college career defined by COVID-19. Jordan A. Booker, Robyn Fivush, Andrea Follmer Greenhoot, Kate C. McLean, Cecilia Wainryb, Monisha Pasupathi
28016 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  I SOUTH FLORIDA CONGRESS OF DEVELOPMENT Cuadernos de Educación y Desarrollo Avaliação das implicações cardíacas em pacientes pós Covid-19 Natália Petreca Cortez da Silva, Victoria Gastaldelo, Thainá Cruz Magalhães, Júlia Maria de Souza Oliveira, Ingrid de Oliveira Silva, Danyelle Cristine Marini
28017 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  American Medical Association JAMA Increasing Mortality Rates in the US, but Not From COVID-19 Steven H. Woolf
28018 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Elsevier Atención Primaria Violence against women in the post-pandemic time of COVID-19 Yesid José Ortega Pacheco, Virginia Isabel Barrero Toncel
28019 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Universitas Veteran Bangun Nusantara Sukoharjo Journal Of Business Finance and Economics (JBFE) Analisis Strategi Pemasaran pada Hotel Toraja Prince di Kecamatan Tallunglipu Kabupaten Toraja Utara di Masa Pandemi Covid-19 Rical Rical
28020 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Red de Investigadores Latinoamericanos LATAM Revista Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades Implementación de la evaluación por competencias en colegios de nivel medio en la Ciudad de San Estanislao, durante la pandemia Covid-19 Hugo Arnaldo Ibañez Mieres
28021 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  LPPM Universitas Ibn Khaldun Bogor Jurnal Obor Penmas Pendidikan Luar Sekolah PERAN TUTOR UNTUK MENINGKATKAN MOTIVASI BELAJAR PESERTA DIDIK PAKET C SKB KOTA MEDAN DALAM PEMBELAJARAN TATAP MUKA DI MASA PANDEMI COVID-19 Romiani Sibarani, Friska Indria Nora Harahap
28022 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Yayasan Literasi Sains Indonesia TOBA Journal of Tourism Hospitality and Destination Strategi Pemasaran Daya Tarik Wisata Alas Harus Pasca Pandemi Covid-19 Kadek Wira Adi Saputra
28023 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Kare Publishing Eurasian Journal of Medical Advances The Effect of Respiratory Exercises on People with Ongoing Dyspnea and Recovered from COVID-19 Şerife Çetin
28024 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Revista Profissao Docente Revista Profissão Docente Diário de um mestrando virtual: um recorte da docência orientada na pandemia de covid-19 Paulo de Tarso Sousa Xavier Sousa Junior, Alberto Manuel Quintana
28025 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Wiley ChemistrySelect Antiviral Effects of Silver, Copper Oxide, Cerium Oxide, and Cobalt Oxide Nanoparticles and Silver and Copper Sheets Against COVID-19 Aida Norouzi, Sobhan Mansouri, Rozita Mardani, Mohammad Hadi Nematollahi, Moslem Abolhassani, Mohammad Erfan Norouzmahani, et al. (+3)
28026 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Oxford University Press Journal of Public Health Holistic adolescent well-being: public health units and spiritual wellness in school mental health during COVID-19 John Patrick C Toledo
28027 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Science Publishing Corporation International Journal of Medicine A comprehensive review of etiology, pathophysiologyepidemiology, and management of hair loss and its correlation with COVID-19 Faraz Changizi
28028 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Rayyan Jurnal MANTAP Journal of Management Accounting Tax and Production Analisis Permintaan dan Penawaran Agregat di Kala Pandemi Covid-19 Sanusi Gazali Pane, Muhammad Fikri, Regita Amalia Saskia, Salsabila Azzahro Lubis, Syahrul Ramadhan
28029 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) East Asian Science Technology and Society Social Welfare as “Legitimation”: National Health Insurance Service (NHIS) and the Politics of Health Reform in South Korea, from 1977 to the Time of COVID-19 John P. DiMoia
28030 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Brawijaya University Journal of Development Economic and Social Studies ANALISIS FAKTOR- FAKTOR YANG MEMPENGARUHI KEPUTUSAN MAHASISWA MENGGUNAKAN APLIKASI ONLINE FOOD DELIV-ERY DALAM KONDISI PANDEMI COVID-19 Shafira Hanryani, Ika Khusnia Anggraeni
28031 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  MDPI AG Vaccines The Influence of SARS-CoV-2 Vaccination on the Mortality and Outcomes of Patients with Both Myocardial Infarction and COVID-19 Eugeniusz Hrycek, Anna Walawska-Hrycek, Krzysztof Milewski, Przemysław Nowakowski, Piotr Buszman, Aleksander Żurakowski
28032 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Universitas Islam Negeri Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau Jurnal Sains Matematika dan Statistika Analisis Dinamik dan Eksistensi Traveling Wave pada Model Penyebaran Penyakit Covid-19 Chandra Buana, Syamsyida Rozi, Gusmanely Z
28033 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Brawijaya University Journal of Development Economic and Social Studies PENGARUH HARGA, COD, GRATIS ONGKOS PENGIRIMAN, REVIEW POSITIF, DAN STATUS VERIFIKASI TERHADAP KEPUTUSAN PEMBELIAN DI MARKETPLACE (Studi Kasus Pada Mahasiswa FEB UB Saat Pandemi Covid-19) Luqman Abdullah
28034 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Belarusian State Medical University Medical Journal PROGNOSIS IN COVID-19 Sialitskaya O. P.
28035 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Universitas Veteran Bangun Nusantara Sukoharjo Keraton Journal of History Education and Culture Penggunaan Media Pembelajaran Power Point Untuk Meningkatkan Minat Belajar Sejarah Siswa Pasca Pembelajaran Daring (COVID-19) Toni Nugroho Saputro, Yusuf Andre Prakoso, I Made Ratih Rosanawati
28036 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Brawijaya University Journal of Development Economic and Social Studies PERUBAHAN PERILAKU KONSUMSI PADA MASYARAKAT JAWA TIMUR SELAMA MASA PANDEMI COVID-19 Arina Sofi Ulya
28037 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Brawijaya University Journal of Development Economic and Social Studies ANALISIS PENYERAPAN TENAGA KERJA DI SEKTOR PARIWISATA KABUPATEN BLITAR STUDI KASUS PERIODE PANDEMI COVID-19 Endah Rekno Palupi, Nugroho Suryo Bintoro
28038 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Brawijaya University Journal of Development Economic and Social Studies ANALISIS PENGARUH SUKU BUNGA (BI RATE), JUMLAH UANG BEREDAR DAN EKSPOR TERHADAP INFLASI DI INDONESIA PADA MASA PANDEMI COVID-19 Dwi Ajeng Ratri, Munawar Munawar
28039 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Brawijaya University Journal of Development Economic and Social Studies PERALIHAN MATA PENCAHARIAN PEKERJA HOTEL YANG TERDAMPAK KRISIS EKONOMI (PANDEMI COVID-19) Vina Adhi Salsabila, Maryunani Maryunani
28040 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Muhammadiyah Metro University GUIDENA Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan Psikologi Bimbingan dan Konseling Tinjauan Sistematis: Dampak Stigma terhadap Kesehatan Mental Tenaga Kesehatan yang Bekerja Selama Pandemi COVID-19 Dila Widya Sambhara, Achmad Chusairi
28041 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Muhammadiyah Metro University GUIDENA Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan Psikologi Bimbingan dan Konseling Pengaruh Koherensi dan Fungsi Keluarga pada Kualitas Hidup saat Pandemi COVID-19 Irine Irchamillah Azza, Siti Nur Asiyah, Puspa Wardhani
28042 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Muhammadiyah Metro University GUIDENA Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan Psikologi Bimbingan dan Konseling Optimisme dan Resiliensi Mahasiswa Tahun Pertama di Masa Pandemi COVID-19 Nada Salsabila, Putri Miftahul Jannah, Masyhuri Masyhuri
28043 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Muhammadiyah Metro University GUIDENA Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan Psikologi Bimbingan dan Konseling Penerimaan Diri Remaja yang Kehilangan Orang Tua Akibat COVID-19 Muhammad Fikri Pratama, Suryanto Suryanto
28044 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Yayasan Alpatih Harapan Semesta CIRCULAR Jurnal Pendidikan Sosial dan Ekonomi Pengaruh Pembelajaran Daring Berbasis E-Learning Terhadap Minat Belajar Siswa Man 1 Lombok Timur Selama Pandemi Covid-19 Hairona Alpiana
28045 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (LP2M) Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten As-Sibyan Jurnal Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini Pola Asuh Orang Tua Dalam Membentuk Karakter Disiplin Anak Usia 5-6 Tahun Pada Masa Pandemi COVID-19 Nurjanah Zakiyah, Nurhikma Nurhikma, Asiyah Asiyah
28046 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (LP2M) Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten As-Sibyan Jurnal Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini Pola Asupan Gizi Anak Usia Dini Pada Masa Pandemi COVID-19 Hesti Novita Sari, Kristiana Maryani, Isti Rusdiyani
28047 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (LP2M) Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten As-Sibyan Jurnal Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini Pengawasan Orang Tua Dalam Penggunaan Gadget Pada Anak Usia Dini Selama Masa Pandemi COVID-19 Cau Kim Jiu, Kharisma Pratama, Jaka Pradika, Hartono Hartono, Indri Erwhani
28048 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Muhammadiyah Metro University GUIDENA Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan Psikologi Bimbingan dan Konseling Eksplorasi Pemaknaan Kedukaan Lansia yang Kehilangan Anggota Keluarga Terdekat Akibat Pandemi Covid-19 Fitria Nugraha, Elizabeth Kristi Poerwandari
28049 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Muhammadiyah Metro University GUIDENA Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan Psikologi Bimbingan dan Konseling Hubungan Religiusitas dan Perilaku Prososial terhadap Kebermaknaan Hidup Karyawan yang di PHK Selama Pandemi Covid-19 Rika Damayanti, Rahmad Purnama Aksir, Prisilia Laurentika Taga Sikumbang, Bela Sukma Bilqisti
28050 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Universitas Islam Darul Ulum Lamongan Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat BAKTI KITA INOVASI PRODUK WISATA EDUKASI PEJAMBON DALAM MENINGKATKAN PEREKONOMIAN MASYARAKAT PASCA COVID-19 Dina Alafi Hidayatin, Hafidza Nash'ul Amrina, Eka Adiputra
28051 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Universitas Muhammadiyah Parepare La Parole Journal of Language Teaching and Pedagogy The Use of Online Learning Model in Teaching English at SMA Negeri 4 Parepare During Pandemic Covid-19 Ayu Mutmainna Abbas, Patahuddin Patahuddin, Sudarmanto Sudarmanto
28052 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Universitas Ahmad Dahlan Jurnal REKSA Rekayasa Keuangan Syariah dan Audit Tax Incentives Pathfinder under COVID-19 Dinik Fitri Rahajeng Pangestuti, Mun Yah Zahiroh
28054 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Universitas Muhammadiyah Gorontalo Madu Jurnal Kesehatan Riwayat Penyakit, Status Sosial Ekonomi dan Hubungannya terhadap Kecemasan Reinfeksi pada Penyintas COVID-19 Zul Fikar Ahmad, Lintje Boekoesoe, Melkiyanto Nanto, Siti Surya Indah Nurdin
28055 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Juniper Publishers Academic Journal of Pediatrics & Neonatology Myocarditis in Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome Associated with COVID-19 Maria Ostorga
28056 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Ternopil State Medical University Вісник соціальної гігієни та організації охорони здоров я України ОСОБЛИВОСТІ НАДАННЯ СТРАХОВОГО ЗАХИСТУ ВІД COVID-19","FEATURES OF PROVIDING INSURANCE PROTECTION FROM COVID-19 Н. Я. Климук, Н. О. Кравець
28057 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Universitas Gadjah Mada Jurnal Kebijakan Kesehatan Indonesia Determinan Pemanfaatan Pelayanan Antenatal Care pada Masa Pandemi COVID-19 Ramadhanisa Dwi Primastuti, Septo Pawelas Arso, Rani Tiyas Budiyanti
28058 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Universitas Negeri Padang (UNP) Jurnal Salingka Nagari Pengaruh Profitabilitas Dan Likuiditas Terhadap Nilai Perusahaan Pada Perusahaan Sub Sektor Transportasi Yang Terdaftar Di BEI Di Masa Pandemi Covid-19 Fakhrurrazi Fakhrurrazi, Dessi Susanti
28059 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Universitas Negeri Padang (UNP) Jurnal Salingka Nagari Pengaruh Current Ratio, dan Return On Equity, terhadap Harga Saham Perusahaan Yang Terdaftar Di Bursa Efek Indonesia (Studi Kasus Pada Perusahaan Sub Sektor Transportasi Di Masa Pandemi Covid-19) Annisa Rahma Ilahi, Dessi Susanti
28060 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Universitas Negeri Padang (UNP) Jurnal Salingka Nagari Analisis Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Kemandirian Belajar Siswa Semasa Pandemi Covid-19 Shara Dwi Amiza, Rita Syofyan
28061 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Universitas Lancang Kuning SIKLUS Jurnal Teknik Sipil Pengaruh Keterlambatan Pembangunan Proyek Konstruksi Akibat Pandemi Covid-19 Tamalkhani Syammaun, Hafnidar A Rani, Jurisman Amin
28062 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Universitas Adhirajasa Reswara Sanjaya Jurnal Financia PENGARUH NPL DAN LDR TERHADAP ROE SELAMA MASA PANDEMI COVID-19 Novi Nurcahyani, Renita Rahmawati
28063 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Frontiers Media SA Frontiers in Psychology The chain mediating effects of resilience and perceived social support in the relationship between perceived stress and depression in patients with COVID-19 Lingling Wang, Jing Yu, Xuqian Diao, Yuanbei Zhang, Ye Miao, Wei He
28064 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Yayasan Masyarakat Peduli Anak Indonesia Jurnal Masyarakat Sehat Indonesia Hubungan Dukungan Keluarga dan Dukungan Teman dengan Perilaku 5M Pencegahan COVID-19 Wirda Farah, Dela Aristi
28065 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Creative Publishing House Journal of Ecohumanism Asynchronous Virtual Education Acceptance of University Faculty During Covid-19 Mónica Elva Vaca-Cárdenas, Ermenson Ricardo Ordoñez-Avila, Lorella Gabriele, Leticia Azucena Vaca-Cárdenas
28066 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Lembaga KITA Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Nusantara (JPMN) Peningkatan Layanan Kesehatan Karyawan Melalui Sistem Informasi Perlindungan, Pelacakan, dan Pengawasan Covid-19 Rosalina Rosalina, Genta Sahuri, Simplisius Leandro Okhotan3
28067 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Noyam Publishers E-Journal of Humanities Arts and Social Sciences Information is Power, Technology is Apropos and Food Security is a Must in Africa in the Post COVID-19 African States Samuel Chukwudi Agunyai, Lere Amusan, Kedibone Phago
28068 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) Applied Economics COVID-19 and beyond: economic outcomes in Republican vs. Democratic States Dan Rickman, Hongbo Wang
28069 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Dove Medical Press Infection and Drug Resistance Association Between COVID-19 and Diabetes Management Indices in Japanese Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Patients: A Single-Center, Retrospective Study Kazuhiro Furumachi, Tatsuki Kagatsume, Akari Higuchi, Mariko Kozaru, Etsuko Kumagai, Keiko Hosohata
28070 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Universitas Gadjah Mada Jurnal Kebijakan Kesehatan Indonesia The Impact of Cigarette Prices, Store Displays, Covid-19, and Excise Tariffs on Cigarette Consumption Faik Agiwahyuanto, Evina Widianawati, Widya Ratna Wulan
28071 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Naunyn-Schmiedeberg s Archives of Pharmacology Methylene blue for COVID-19 ARDS: insights from a randomized Clinical Trial Zahra Sadat Sanei, Fatemeh Shahrahmani, Behrooz Khaleghi Manesh, Daryoush Hamidi-alamdari, Hassan Mehrad-Majd, Behzad Mavaji Darban, et al. (+2)
28072 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Stellenbosch University - South African Journal of Higher Education South African Journal of Higher Education Postgraduate students’ experiences during COVID-19 at an open distance learning institution K.A. Maboe
28073 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  SAGE Publications Women s Health Women’s experiences of receiving antenatal and intrapartum care during COVID-19 at public hospitals in the Sidama region, Ethiopia: A qualitative study using the combination of three delay and social-ecological framework (hybrid framework) Zemenu Yohannes Kassa, Vanessa Scarf, Sabera Turkmani, Deborah Fox
28074 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  LPPM Universitas Ibn Khaldun Bogor Jurnal Obor Penmas Pendidikan Luar Sekolah ANALISIS STRATEGI MEMPERTAHANKAN DAN MENGEMBANGKAN WIRAUSAHA DI TENGAH MASA PANDEMI COVID-19 BAGI MASYARAKAT PARANG IV KELURAHAN KWALA BEKALA Agita Brahmana, Angela Octafia, Divia Monica Pasaribu, Nadia Pratiwi Harahap, Novitha Astrydz, Syaluna Syaluna
28075 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Sekolah Tinggi Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan (STKIP) Bim EDU SOCIATA ( JURNAL PENDIDIKAN SOSIOLOGI ) Makna Pembelajaran Tatap Muka Terbatas Pada Masa Pandemi Covid-19 Bagi Siswa Di SMAN 1 Cikeusal Rohmatulloh Dwi Purnama, Rizki Setiawan, Septi Kuntari
28076 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Universitas Gadjah Mada Jurnal Kebijakan Kesehatan Indonesia Upaya Rumah Sakit dalam Merespon Pandemi COVID-19 berbasis WHO SPRP 2021: Scoping Review Wahyu Kristianto
28077 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Universitas Bina Insani BINA INSANI ICT JOURNAL Segmentasi Wilayah Terdampak Pandemi Covid-19 Berdasarkan Suhu Dan Kelembaban Lutfi Ali Muharom, Hardian Oktavianto, Zainul Arifin
28078 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Medknow Publications Indian Journal of Pathology and Microbiology A telepathology based screening tool for COVID-19 by leveraging morphological changes related to leukocytes in peripheral blood smears K Anil Savitha, Vara Prasad, K H. Manjunath, E Nair Govind, S Jagadish Manjula, Ethirajan Renu, et al. (+4)
28079 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) BMC Public Health Evaluation of the New York City COVID-19 case investigation and contact tracing program: a cascade of care analysis Sarah Conderino, Lorna E. Thorpe, Nadia Shilpi Islam, Carolyn A. Berry, Stefanie Bendik, Rachel Massar, et al. (+3)
28080 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  University of the Philippines Manila Acta Medica Philippina Cross-sectional Cranial CT Imaging Findings and Patterns in Clinically Diagnosed COVID-19 Cases in a Tertiary Referral Center
28081 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  European Respiratory Society European Respiratory Journal COVID-19 changed the world - without changing CTEPH Ioannis T. Farmakis, Stavros V. Konstantinides
28082 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  IGI Global International Journal of Social Media and Online Communities Social Media Usages During COVID-19 Confinement Nisrine Zammar
28083 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Journal of Urban Health Lessons Learned from the Launch and Implementation of the COVID-19 Contact Tracing Program in New York City: a Qualitative Study Margaret M. Paul, Lorraine Kwok, Rachel E. Massar, Michelle Chau, Rita Larson, Stefanie Bendik, et al. (+4)
28084 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Emerald (MCB UP) The International Journal of Educational Management Self-efficacy of school principals for effective school functioning during the COVID-19 crisis Mowafaq Qadach
28085 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Springer Science and Business Media LLC Journal of International Business Studies On the resilience of ESG firms during the COVID-19 crisis: evidence across countries and asset classes Gianfranco Gianfrate, Mirco Rubin, Dario Ruzzi, Mathijs van Dijk
28086 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  State Islamic University (UIN) of Sunan, Ampel Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi Analisis Komunikasi Wali Kota Surabaya untuk Menekan Kasus Covid-19 dalam Perspektif Sosiolinguistik Moh Khoirul Anam, Ariza Qurrata A'yun
28087 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Instituto Especializado de Profesionales de la Salud Revista Salud y Desarrollo La continuidad educativa durante la covid-19 desde la perspectiva de directivos, docentes y especialistas salvadoreños Miguel Alexander Quintanilla Villegas, Josuhe Amedh Guardado Caballero
28088 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  State Islamic University (UIN) Mataram Mu amalat Jurnal Kajian Hukum Ekonomi Syariah PENGELOLAAN DAN PENDAYAGUNAAN DANA ZAKAT, INFAK, SEDEKAH PADA MASA PANDEMI COVID-19 DI BAZNAS KOTA TANGERANG DALAM PERSPEKTIF FATWA MUI NOMOR 23 TAHUN 2020 Nur Jamaludin, Viona Hanatasya, Muklis Muklis
28089 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Alma Ata University Press Indonesian Journal of Hospital Administration Kepatuhan Menggunakan Alat Pelindung Diri Sesuai Standar Operasional Prosedur (SOP) di Kamar Bedah Berhubungan Dengan Tingkat Kecemasan Perawat di Masa Pandemi Covid-19 di Gedung Bedah Sentral Mahfud Mahfud, Tri Wahyulianto
28090 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Imperium Institute Jurnal Riset Manajemen dan Bisnis Pendapatan daerah dan fiskal stress akibat Covid-19 di Indonesia Juniarti Juniarti, Lina Noersanti, Ali Akhmadi, Maya Mustika, Preztika Ayu Ardheta, Junaidi Hendro
28091 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Institut Agama Islam Nahdlatul Ulama (IAINU) Tuban Alzam Journal of Islamic Early Childhood Education Pentingnya Pendidikan Agama dan Moral Bagi Anak Berspektif Hadist Pada Masa Covid-19 di Indonesia Emi Fahrudi
28092 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Universitas Gadjah Mada Jurnal Kebijakan Kesehatan Indonesia Strategi Kebijakan Keuangan Negara Berdasarkan Proporsi Kebutuhan Dalam Upaya Pengentasan Pandemi Covid-19 di Indonesia Erwin - Purwaningsih
28093 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  LPPM Universitas Dhyana Pura JURNAL KESEHATAN SAINS DAN TEKNOLOGI (JAKASAKTI) Gambaran Pengetahuan, Sikap Dan Perilaku Pasien Covid Tentang Covid-19 Di Kabupaten Badung Komang Tri Jayanti
28095 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  LP2M Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta Journal of Religion and Public Health Gambaran Perilaku Hidup Bersih Dan Sehat (Phbs) Santriwati Pesantren X Pada Masa Pandemi Covid-19 Di Kabupaten Bogor Tahun 2022 Nur Lathifa Komariah, Dewi U Iriani
28096 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Universitas Gadjah Mada Jurnal Kebijakan Kesehatan Indonesia STUDI KASUS PEMBIAYAAN PELAKSANAAN PROGRAM TUBERKULOSIS SAAT PANDEMI COVID-19 DI KOTA MEDAN Syafriana Sitorus, Yodi Mahendradhata, Faozi Kurniawan
28097 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  IAIN Langsa Jurnal Investasi Islam Studi Komparatif Kinerja Keuangan Pemerintah Daerah Sebelum dan Selama Pandemi Coronavirus Disease 2019 (Covid-19) di Pulau Sumatera Fitrian Rizky, Azhari Azhari, Rahmat Arfan
28098 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Universitas Gadjah Mada Jurnal Kebijakan Kesehatan Indonesia Determinan Partisipasi Kader dalam Pelayanan Posyandu saat Pandemi Covid-19 di Puskesmas Kabupaten Semarang Sitta Nur Aina
28100 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Universitas Gadjah Mada Jurnal Kebijakan Kesehatan Indonesia Peran Pendanaan Filantropi islam dalam penanganan COVID-19 di RS PKU Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta Ira Waty Baharu
28101 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Universitas Negeri Padang (UNP) Jurnal Salingka Nagari Analisis Faktor-Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Hasil Belajar Siswa Pada Masa Pandemi Covid-19 Di SMK Kota Padang (Studi Pada Siswa di SMKN 3 Padang dan SMKS Nusatama Padang) Widya Annisa Putri, Rino Rino
28102 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Hindawi Limited Advances in Fuzzy Systems Improved COVID-19 Diagnosis Using a Hybrid Transfer Learning Model with Fuzzy Edge Detection on CT Scan Images Hassan Salarabadi, Mohammad Saber Iraji, Mehdi Salimi, Mehdi Zoberi, Jesus Alcala-Fdez
28105 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Universidad Diego Portales Praxis Psy Narrativas de familiares sobre el duelo y la muerte por COVID-19 en chile: un estudio psicoanalítico Eduardo Pérez Carrasco
28106 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Universidad del Desarrollo Derecho Público Iberoamericano Vacunación obligatoria frente a la COVID-19 en el Perú, legitimación democrática y limitación de derechos fundamentales","Compulsory vaccination against COVID-19 in Peru, democratic legitimacy and limitation of fundamental rights L. Alberto Huamán Ordóñez
28107 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Revista Social Fronteriza Revista Social Fronteriza Comportamiento epidemiológico del covid-19 en las comunidades: Incidencia, mortalidad e impacto en la salud Jessica Mariuxi Figuero Andrade, Mery Yajanua Suarez Kasent, Liliam Iris Escariz Borrego
28108 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  COPD Foundation Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Diseases Journal of the COPD Foundation Rural Versus Urban Health Disparities in the COVID-19 Era Among Veterans With COPD Camille Robichaux, Alexander Zanotto, Chris H. Wendt, Michael Michalik, Amy Gravely, Arianne K. Baldomero
28109 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Elsevier Vacunas (English Edition) Post COVID-19 era: Re-emergence of known and future (X) viral pathogens Pryanka Thakur, Vikram Thakur, Monika Sapra, Sonakshi Srivastava, Sanjay Kumar Singh Patel
28110 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Prestige Institute of Management Prestige International Journal of Management & IT - Sanchayan Reimagining Education In New Normal Post Covid-19 Era: The Viewpoint Of Higher Education Institutions Eti Jain, Shiv Kumar Sharma, Arvind Kumar
28111 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  UIN Walisongo Semarang AL-ARBAH Journal of Islamic Finance and Banking The Role of CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) in reducing Reputation Risk due to Covid-19 For Islamic Financial Institutions in Indonesia Wiwin Erna Ekawati, Novfitri Landong Manora
28112 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Public Library of Science PLoS ONE Reduction in diarrhea cases following implementation of COVID-19 hand hygiene interventions in Ghana: A causal impact analysis George Asumah Adu, Kingsley E. Amegah, Henry Ofosu Addo, Theresa Andoh, Ferguson Duvor, Gladys Antwi, et al. (+5)
28113 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Kare Publishing Journal of Critical and Intensive Care Relationship Between Clinical and Computed Tomography Scan Severity of Pulmonary Infection in COVID-19 Patients Admitted to Intensive Care Unit: A Study from the National COVID-19 Hospital in Lomé, Togo Sarakawabalo Assenouwe
28114 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Public Library of Science PLoS ONE COVID-19 IgG seropositivity and its determinants in occupational groups of varying infection risks in two Andean cities of Ecuador before mass vaccination Jose E. Leon-Rojas, Fernanda Arias-Erazo, Patricia Jiménez-Arias, Ricardo Recalde-Navarrete, Angel Guevara, Josefina Coloma, et al. (+5)
28115 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Emerald (MCB UP) Policing An International Journal COVID-19 impacts and mental health of auxiliary police: the moderating role of supervisor procedural justice Rui Sun, Ziqiang Han
28116 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Dove Medical Press Journal of Inflammation Research Predictive Factors for Poor Outcomes Associated with COVID-19 in a Retrospective Cohort of Myasthenia Gravis Patients Zhuajin Bi, Huajie Gao, Jing Lin, Mengcui Gui, Yue Li, Zhijun Li, Bitao Bu
28117 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Elsevier Journal of Infection Favipiravir for COVID-19 in adults in the community in PRINCIPLE, an open-label, randomised, controlled, adaptive platform trial of short- and longer-term outcomes FD Richard Hobbs, Oghenekome A Gbinigie, Milensu Shanyinde, Ly-Mee Yu, Victoria Harris, Jienchi Dorward, et al. (+20)
28118 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) Howard Journal of Communications “We’re Not Lab Rats”: Analysis of Netizens’ Response to BCG Vaccine-Test Proposal Against COVID-19 in Africa Elinam Balimenuku Amevor
28119 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  PT. PANUDUH ATMA WARAS Public Health and Preventive Medicine Archive The resilience of nurses in the emergency department of Sanglah Hospital during the pandemic of COVID-19 in Bali, Indonesia Heni Kumalasari, Dinar Saurmauli Lubis, Desak Putu Yuli Kurniati
28120 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  MDPI AG Life COVID-19 in Brazilian Pediatric Patients: A Retrospective Cross-Sectional Study with a Predictive Model for Hospitalization Ana Paula Pacheco, Henrique Laureano, Laire Schidlowski, Natalia Ciorcero, Thalita Zanatto, Ariela Borgmann, et al. (+10)
28121 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  MDPI AG Vaccines Risk of COVID-19 in Children throughout the Pandemic and the Role of Vaccination: A Narrative Review David J. Weber, Kanecia O. Zimmerman, Sara Y. Tartof, John M. McLaughlin, Shanti Pather
28122 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) International Journal of Neuroscience Brain Fog Assessment in Patients Recovered from COVID-19 in China: A Development and Validation Study Shaojiong Zhou, Jiahua Xu, Xiaoduo Liu, Aonan Li, Bo Zhao, Chaofan Geng, et al. (+4)
28123 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Elsevier Vacunas (English Edition) Social media as a supporting mechanism during COVID-19 in Indonesia: A quantitative study on isolation among elders Mustain Mashud, Muhammad Saud, Rachmah Ida, Asia Ashfaq
28124 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Journal of Pure and Applied Microbiology Journal of Pure and Applied Microbiology Antibiotic Usage Pattern against COVID-19 in Patients of a Tertiary Care Hospital Geetanjali Hiremath, Rajesh Vishnu Naik, Harsha Hanji, Shrikant Hiremath
28125 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Medknow Publications International journal of Nutrition Pharmacology Neurological Diseases The Risk of COVID-19 in Patients of Chronic Kidney Disease with Cognitive Dysfunction Like Alzheimer Disease Vinothkumar Ganesan, Mohanraj Nehru, Geethamalini Shankar, Venkataraman Prabhu
28126 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Geoinformatics International International Journal of Geoinformatics Spatial Analysis of the Economic Resilience Index during COVID-19 in the Marginal Land of the Gunungsewu Karst Area, Gunungkidul, Indonesia
28127 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Ovid Transplantation Direct A Single-center Experience With >200 Lung Transplant Recipients With COVID-19 Infection Hiromu Kehara, Ashley Johnson-Whiting, Roh Yanagida, Kewal Krishan, Huaqing Zhao, Aaron Mishkin, et al. (+4)
28128 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Science Publishing Group European Journal of Preventive Medicine Invasive Fungal Disease Associated with COVID-19 Infection Negeri Debela, Solome Nekahiwot
28129 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  LookUs Bilisim A.S. Kafkas Journal of Medical Sciences The Relationship of Serum Beta Defensin-2 and Surfactant Protein A and B Levels with the Clinical Course and Prognosis of COVID-19 Infection Gulcin Sahingoz Erdal, Pinar Kasapoglu, Tamay Seda Taşçı, Ramazan Korkusuz, Mehmet Emirhan Işık, Sevgi Kalkanlı Taş, et al. (+2)
28130 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Wiley Alzheimer s & Dementia Parallel electrophysiological abnormalities due to COVID-19 infection and to Alzheimer's disease and related dementia Yang Jiang, Jennifer Neal, Pradoldej Sompol, Görsev Yener, Xianghong Arakaki, Christopher M. Norris, et al. (+8)
28131 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Combinatorial Mathematics Journal of Pioneering Medical Science The Effect of Blood Group Types on Covid-19 Infection in Diabetic Patients Adawia Fadhil Abbas Alzubaidi, Afak Rasheed Salman Zaidi, Ali Abbas Ali
28132 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Baishideng Publishing Group Co (World Journal of Critical Care Medicine) World Journal of Critical Care Medicine Outcome of COVID-19 infection in patients on antihypertensives: A cross-sectional study Sakthivadivel Varatharajan, Gopal K Bohra, Pradeep K Bhatia, Satyendra Khichar, Mahadev Meena, Naveenraj Palanisamy, et al. (+2)
28133 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Wiley Microsurgery Thrombotic Consequences of COVID-19 Infection on Microsurgical Reconstruction Sabrina H. Han, Kyle Ockerman, Matthew Kirchmier, Markos Mardourian, Jaimie Bryan, Elizabeth Cox, et al. (+4)
28134 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Cureus, Inc. Cureus Asymptomatic COVID-19 Infection-Induced Rhabdomyolysis in the Backdrop of Statin-Cyclosporine Drug Interaction Vivek Nayak M, FNU Bipasha, Kotresha Neelakantappa
28135 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Elsevier Vacunas (English Edition) Musculoskeletal and neuromuscular dysfunction due to covid-19 infection: A review Vivek Chauhan, Akash Pandey, Adrija Rakshit, Gaytri Mahajan, Shamsher S. Kanwar, Vivek Kumar Dhiman, Devendra Singh
28136 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth The impact of COVID-19 infections on pregnancy outcomes in women Ke Xu, Wen Sun, Shuangshuang Yang, Tianqi Liu, Ning Hou
28137 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Korean Neuropsychiatric Association Journal of Korean Neuropsychiatric Association Post-Traumatic Stress Symptoms and Related Factors in Patients Admitted and Discharged From COVID-19 Isolation Ward Minjung Kim, Jihye Kim, Se Hyun Kwak, Eun Hye Lee, Jin Young Park, Deokjong Lee
28138 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Universitas Gadjah Mada Jurnal Kebijakan Kesehatan Indonesia Analisis Klaim Penggantian Biaya Pelayanan Pasien Covid-19 kepada BPJS Kesehatan oleh Rumah Sakit Sugiarto Sugiarto
28139 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Public Library of Science PLoS ONE Promotion and COVID-19 lockdown increase uptake of funded maternal pertussis vaccination in pharmacy: A mixed methods study Natalie J. Gauld, Cath Knapton, Owen Sinclair, Cameron C. Grant, Muhammad Farooq Umer
28140 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Copernicus GmbH Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Insights into the sources of ultrafine particle numbers at six European urban sites obtained by investigating COVID-19 lockdowns Alex Rowell, James Brean, David C. S. Beddows, Tuukka Petäjä, Máté Vörösmarty, Imre Salma, et al. (+7)
28141 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Universitas Negeri Padang (UNP) Jurnal Salingka Nagari Pengaruh Literasi Digital dan Disiplin Belajar Siswa Terhadap Prestasi Belajar Siswa Pada Pembelajaran Daring Masa Pandemi Covid-19 Mata Pelajaran Ekonomi Kelas X, XI dan XII IPS Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 4 Agam Laila Salamah, Menik Kurnia Siwi
28142 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Universitas Negeri Padang (UNP) Jurnal Salingka Nagari Analisis Perbandingan Kesehatan Bank Sebelum dan Selama Masa Pandemi Covid-19 Mengggunakan Metode RGEC Pada Perusahaan Perbankan yang Terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia Rika Alfita Sari, Efni Cerya
28143 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Medknow Publications Indian Journal of Dermatology Bacillus Calmette-Guerin (BCG) Site Reaction After Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) mRNA Vaccination Sibel Doğan Günaydin, Nilgün Atakan
28145 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Pensar Academico Pensar Acadêmico A ATUAÇÃO DA IGREJA CATÓLICA DIANTE DA PANDEMIA DA COVID-19 NO BRASIL: UMA ANÁLISE A PARTIR DA PRODUÇÃO DISCURSIVA DA CNBB Renato Kendy Hidaka, Caroline Cecchin Momesso, Rodrigo Moreira Vieira
28146 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  American Society for Microbiology Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy Efficacy of ensitrelvir for cough due to COVID-19 Omicron variant in medical healthcare workers Naoyuki Miyashita, Yasushi Nakamori, Makoto Ogata, Naoki Fukuda, Akihisa Yamura, Tomoki Ito, Miguel Angel Martinez
28147 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Texas Medical Center Library Journal of Applied Research on Children Informing Policy for Children at Risk Effect of COVID-19 on Access to Language Services Among Pediatric Hospital Providers in the United States: A Cross-Sectional Survey Sheela Gavvala, Jessica Gonzalez, Kaleigh Riggs, Raymond Parlar-Chun
28148 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  EpiSmart Science Vector Ltd Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention Impact of Covid-19 on Breast Cancer Screening Kely Stevanato, Fernando Pelloso, Deise Borghesan, Helena Ribeiro, Maria Carvalho, Sandra Ribeiro
28149 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Oxford University Press British Journal of Surgery 1158 The Impact of COVID-19 on Cardiothoracic Surgical Training- an Insight from the GMC National Training Surveys T Raven-Gregg, J Chan, G Angelini, J O’Hanlon
28150 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Elsevier Marine Pollution Bulletin The collateral effects of COVID-19 on coastal and marine environments Nelson Rangel-Buitrago, Gracia C. Adriana, Francois Galgani
28151 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Oxford University Press British Journal of Surgery 264 The Impact of COVID-19 on Elective Tonsillectomies in Greater Glasgow and Clyde E Mathioudaki, C Culley, E Lyuman, W Lim, H Tailor, C Douglas
28152 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Universitas Sebelas Maret Jurnal Ilmu Ekonomi dan Pembangunan IMPACT OF COVID-19 ON FEMALE WORK PARTICIPATION IN INDONESIA: WHO IS MORE AFFECTED? Clalisca Pravitasari, Faiza Husnayeni Nahar
28153 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Springer Science and Business Media LLC Scientific Reports The impact of COVID-19 on livelihood assets: a case study of high-value crop farmers in North-West Bangladesh Umme Salma, Mohammad Jahangir Alam, Ismat Ara Begum, Md Abdur Rouf Sarkar, Tamara Jackson, Tamanna Mastura, et al. (+3)
28154 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Universitas Muhammadiyah Buton Sang Pencerah Jurnal Ilmiah Universitas Muhammadiyah Buton Assessment of The Impact Covid-19 on The Environment and Water Resources: A Namibian Perspective Victor Uzoma Nwagbara, Sioni Iikela, William Azuka Iyama
28155 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Universitas Sebelas Maret Jurnal Ilmu Ekonomi dan Pembangunan THE IMPACT OF COVID-19 ON THE INTERNAL SERVICES SECTOR ECONOMY IN DKI JAKARTA PROVINCE Shanty Oktavilia, Hestin Astuninggar
28156 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Public Library of Science PLoS ONE The compounding impact of the social determinants of health and COVID-19 on the mental health of young workers in Canada during the COVID-19 pandemic: A qualitative, arts-based study Roberta L. Woodgate, Corinne A. Isaak, Julia Witt, Pauline Tennent, Ashley Bell, Ali B. Mahmoud
28157 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Health Sciences University Gaziosmanpasa Education and Research Hospital Journal of Academic Research in Nursing The Effect of Fear of COVID-19 on Women’s Beliefs about Breast Cancer Screening: A Cross-Sectional Study Cahide Çevik, Hamide Nur Erkan, Tuğçe OK, Tuğçe Oruç
28158 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Medknow Publications Journal of Datta Meghe Institute of Medical Sciences University Guidelines for Maxillofacial Surgeon Concerning Emergency Operative Procedures in COVID-19 Outbreak Saurabh Sunil Simre, Rajanikanth Kambala, Anendd Jadhav, Nitin Bhola
28159 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Medknow Publications Journal of Datta Meghe Institute of Medical Sciences University Quality and Effectiveness of Online Medical Education During COVID-19 Outbreak Pratishtha Potdar, Jyotsna Sharma, Uday Kumar Gupta, Deepika Aggarwal, Yogesh Yadav
28160 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences Management Science Fast Delivery: B2B Field Experiments Amid COVID-19 Outbreak and New Normal Meng Li, Shichen Zhang
28161 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) BMC Infectious Diseases A model-based assessment of social isolation practices for COVID-19 outbreak response in residential care facilities Cameron Zachreson, Ruarai Tobin, Camelia Walker, Eamon Conway, Freya M. Shearer, Jodie McVernon, Nicholas Geard
28162 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar Iqtishaduna Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa Hukum Ekonomi Syari ah MANAJEMEN PENGELOLAAN ZAKAT DI MASA PANDEMI COVID-19 PADA BADAN AMIL ZAKAT NASIONAL (BAZNAS) KOTA MAKASSAR Zaqia Rezky Intan Saputri
28163 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Yayasan Masyarakat Peduli Anak Indonesia Jurnal Masyarakat Sehat Indonesia Gambaran Perilaku Vaksinasi COVID-19 pada Kelompok Lanjut Usia Febriyeni Fitria, Raihana Nadra Alkaff
28164 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Universitas Negeri Padang (UNP) Jurnal Salingka Nagari Pengaruh Komunikasi Interpersonal Dan Dukungan Sosial Terhadap Motivasi Mahasiswa Dalam Menyelesaikan Skripsi Di Tengah Pandemi Covid-19 Pada Mahasiswa Pendidikan Ekonomi Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Negeri Padang Nur Azizah Afwanda, Armida S
28165 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Muhammadiyah Metro University GUIDENA Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan Psikologi Bimbingan dan Konseling Hubungan School Well-Being dengan Motivasi Belajar Daring Selama Pandemik Covid-19 pada Mahasiswa Psikologi Aphroditha Salsabilla Renjaan
28166 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Yayasan Masyarakat Peduli Anak Indonesia Jurnal Masyarakat Sehat Indonesia Hubungan Faktor Reinforcing dengan Perilaku 5M Pencegahan COVID-19 pada Masyarakat Mutia Titis Rizky, Dela Aristi
28167 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Yayasan Masyarakat Peduli Anak Indonesia Jurnal Masyarakat Sehat Indonesia FAKTOR-FAKTOR YANG BERHUBUNGAN DENGAN KEPATUHAN PROTOKOL KESEHATAN COVID-19 PADA PEKERJA KAFE DI KOTA TANGERANG SELATAN TAHUN 2022 Dwika Aprela, Raihana Alkaff
28168 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (LP2M) Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten As-Sibyan Jurnal Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini Inovasi Sistem Pembelajaran Masa Pandemi COVID-19 Pada Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini Di RA Hibah Nazila Adistiarachma, Purwati Purwati
28169 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Muhammadiyah Metro University GUIDENA Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan Psikologi Bimbingan dan Konseling Efektivitas Program Emotion-Focused Couples Communication Berbasis Daring terhadap Peningkatan Kepuasan Pernikahan Selama Pandemi COVID-19 pada Wanita Menikah di Indonesia Maria Fionna Callista, Mutiara Maharini, Mahira Syafana, Fivi Nurwianti
28170 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  SLACK, Inc. Orthopedics Increased 90-Day Morbidity and Mortality Among Patients With Hip Fracture During the COVID-19 Pandemic Megan M. Mizera, Danielle Putur, Anna Tarasova, Edina Gjonbalaj, Zeynep Seref-Ferlengez, Andrea M. Muñoz, et al. (+2)
28171 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Medknow Publications Current Medicine Research and Practice Elevating healthcare with emotional intelligence: Lessons from the COVID-19 pandemic Ruby Sahney, Preeti Malhotra, Akash Mohanan
28172 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Universitas Bina Bangsa BINA BANGSA INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BUSINESS AND MANAGEMENT Laundry Business Change Management in Trà Vinh Vietnam: Adaptation to the Covid-19 Pandemic Nguyen Thi Hoang
28173 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  American Psychological Association Psychological Trauma Theory Research Practice and Policy Patterns and correlates of traumatic stress, depression, anxiety, and moral injury in U.S. health care providers late in the COVID-19 pandemic. Anthony Papa, Andrea H. Okun, John P. Barile, Haomiao Jia, William W. Thompson, Rebecca J. Guerin
28174 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Gruppe Interaktion Organisation Zeitschrift für Angewandte Organisationspsychologie (GIO) Die Dreidimensionalität der Organisationsparadoxie - Prozessstudie eines Krankenhauses im Umgang mit der COVID-19 Pandemie","The three-dimensionality of the organizing paradox - process study of a hospital managing the COVID-19 pandemic Harald Tuckermann
28175 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Universitas Musamus Merauke Musamus Journal of Language and Literature Preliminary Investigation: Students’ English Achievement During and Post Covid-19 Pandemic Khadijah Maming, Achmad Abdul Choliq, Nasrullah A.
28176 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Florida Educational Research Association Florida Educational Research Association Improvements in Academic Performance among Students Enrolled in a Statewide Virtual School during the COVID-19 Pandemic Lodi Lipien, April Fleetwood, Alicia Parker, Eric Holland, Arielle Thibodeau
28177 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Science Publishing Group International Journal on Data Science and Technology A Sentiment Analysis of News Articles Published Before and During the COVID-19 Pandemic Hugo Montesinos-Yufa, Emily Musgrove
28178 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Medknow Publications Journal of Education and Health Promotion Mental health state in medical students during COVID-19 pandemic Dian Natalia, Rizma Adlia Syakurah
28179 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Inderscience Enterprises Ltd. International Journal of Business Innovation and Research Examining predictors of behavioural shift among consumers during COVID-19 pandemic Prerna Garg, Daviender Narang
28180 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Oxford University Press British Journal of Surgery 869 A Comprehensive Evaluation of Patient Satisfaction and Safety in Elective Hip and Knee Replacement Surgeries During the COVID-19 Pandemic G Sidhu, S Pattnaik, H Kaur
28181 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  SAGE Publications Journal of Family Nursing Digital Health and Caregiving Resources Used by Family Caregivers of Older Adults During the COVID-19 Pandemic Joel G. Anderson, Audrey J. Summers, Sangwoo Ahn, Robin F. Harris, Jennifer L. Smith, Jennifer M. Jabson Tree, et al. (+3)
28182 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Current Psychology Job security, perfectionism, and work task performance during the COVID-19 pandemic Kenneth G. Rice, Hannah Wetstone, Yuwen Liu, Xinying Yu
28183 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Universitas Negeri Padang (UNP) Current Issues in Counseling Mindfulness Relationship With Student Life Satisfaction In Learning During The Covid-19 Pandemic Yolla Mirandha, Firman Firman
28184 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Universitas Negeri Padang (UNP) Current Issues in Counseling Mindfulness Relationship With Student Life Satisfaction In Learning During The Covid-19 Pandemic Yolla Mirandha, Firman Firman
28185 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Universitas Negeri Padang (UNP) Current Issues in Counseling Readiness of Students to Do Assignments During the Covid-19 Pandemic Dinda Jengtika Reski, Asmidir Ilyas
28186 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Uniwersytet Humanistyczno-Przyrodniczy im. Jana Du0142ugosza w Czu0119stochowie Sport i Turystyka Środkowoeuropejskie Czasopismo Naukowe Home advantage in the Czech football league before, during and after the COVID-19 pandemic Natalie Pelloneová
28187 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Galenos Yayinevi Balkan Medical Journal Resistance Genes and Mortality in Carbapenem-resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae Bacteremias: Effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic Ahmet Furkan Kurt, Elif Seren Tanrıverdi, Metin Yalçın, Osman Faruk Bayramlar, Sibel Yıldız Kaya, Rıdvan Karaali, et al. (+8)
28188 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Universitas Sebelas Maret Jurnal Ilmu Ekonomi dan Pembangunan FACTORS AFFECTING THE INCOME OF MSMES IN KLATEN DISTRICT BEFORE AND AFTER THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC Adriana Fitri Ramadhani, Deden Dinar Iskandar
28189 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Elsevier Journal of Infection Increased 30-day all-cause mortality associated with Gram-negative bloodstream infections in England during the COVID-19 pandemic Taimoor Hasan, Nina J. Zhu, Callum Pearson, Paul Aylin, Alison Holmes, Russell Hope
28190 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Medknow Publications Journal of Education and Health Promotion Changes in sleep, physical activity, and health behaviors among Nigerian fasting adults in Ramadan during the COVID-19 pandemic Fatimah Isma’il Tsiga-Ahmed, Sahabi Kabir Sulaiman, Muhammad Saleh Musa, Aminu Hussein, Saidu Idris Ahmad, Rabiu Ibrahim Jalo, et al. (+4)
28191 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Wiley Musculoskeletal Care An Assessment of the Efficacy of an Online Pain Management Programme During the Covid-19 Pandemic Dave P. Thompson, Matthew Ramshead, Deborah Antcliff
28192 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Medknow Publications Indian Journal of Pathology and Microbiology Autopsies during COVID-19 pandemic - Caution is never too much Antun Ferenčić, Christophe Stemberger, Dražen Cuculić, Hrvoje Jakovac
28193 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Life Cycle Life Cycle Nationwide trends in the prevalence of cataract, glaucoma, and macular degeneration among Korean adults amid the COVID-19 pandemic, 2015-2021: A representative study in South Korea Hyeri Lee, Jun Hyuk Lee, Jaeyu Park, Hans Oh, Jiseung Kang, Louis Jacob, et al. (+2)
28194 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Ovid Journal of the American Heart Association Patterns of Telehealth Visits After the COVID-19 Pandemic Among Individuals With or at Risk for Cardiovascular Disease in the United States Anjali Bhatla, Jie Ding, Omar Mhaimeed, Erin M. Spaulding, Yvonne Commodore-Mensah, Timothy B. Plante, et al. (+3)
28195 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Medknow Publications International journal of Nutrition Pharmacology Neurological Diseases Mental and Physical Performance of Adult during the COVID-19 Pandemic and Use of Dietary Supplements Abhilasha Tomer, Amlan Kanti Sarkar, Havagiray R. Chitme
28196 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Universitas Ahmad Dahlan, Kampus 3 Insyirah Jurnal Ilmu Bahasa Arab dan Studi Islam Analysis of The 2013 Curriculum Post COVID-19 Pandemic at MI Nurussalam, Ngawi Muhammad Thoriqul Islam, Nawa Marjany, Khoula Azwary
28197 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Oxford University Press British Journal of Surgery 613 Utilisation of Off-Site Theatre Capacity to Reduce the Waiting Time for NHS Patients with Chronic Deep Venous Disease in the Post Covid-19 Pandemic Environment H Hussain, B Natha, E Choudhury, R Morris, T Khan, S Black
28198 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  BMJ BMJ Sexual & Reproductive Health COVID-19 pandemic exacerbation of disparities in access to public abortion services in Mexico Elizabeth Kravitz, Biani Saavedra-Avendaño, Blair G Darney
28199 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Archives of Osteoporosis Correction to: Factors associated with non-adherence to dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry screening during the COVID-19 pandemic in an academic medical center Qiming Shi, Jonathan T. Cheah, Adrian H. Zai
28200 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Copernicus GmbH Natural Hazards and Earth System Science An impact-chain-based exploration of multi-hazard vulnerability dynamics: the multi-hazard of floods and the COVID-19 pandemic in Romania Andra-Cosmina Albulescu, Iuliana Armaș
28201 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Saratov State University Izvestiya of Saratov University New Series Series Philology Journalism COVID-19 Pandemic in the media mirror: The issue of media influence Alexander V. Zemlyanskiy
28202 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Universitas Muhammadiyah Parepare La Parole Journal of Language Teaching and Pedagogy Students’ Expectationon Speaking Subject During The Covid-19 Pandemic In The Second Semester at Muhammadiyah University of Parepare Ilham Ilham
28203 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Akwa Ibom State University AKSU Journal of Social Sciences Comparative Analysis of Household Attitude toward Environmental Transforming Behaviour (HETB) Before and During COVID-19 Pandemic Lockdown in Yenagoa Metropolis, Bayelsa State, Nigeria Weni K. Igirigi
28204 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Century Science Publishing Co Journal of Global Economy Business and Finance Application of Regression Analyses and Marginal Analyses for Assessing the Effectiveness of COVID-19 Pandemic Mitigation Measures in Bulgaria Kuyu John Alfred
28205 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Medknow Publications International journal of Nutrition Pharmacology Neurological Diseases Effect of Lockdown in the COVID-19 Pandemic on Dietary Habits and Self-Medication Practice in People Living in Jordan Malak M. Angor, Areen O. Nawasreh
28206 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Elsevier Urology The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Cost of the Urology Application Process Eliyas Asfaw, Monica Van Til, Efe Chantal Ghanney Simons, Angela P Mihalic, Keow Mei Goh
28207 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research Demographic Research The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on women’s care work and employment in the Middle East and North Africa Caroline Krafft, Irene Selwaness, Maia Sieverding
28208 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Wiley Journal of Adolescence The unequal impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on young adults' mental health. Predictors of vulnerability and resilience using longitudinal birth cohort data in the UK Harriet Reed, Ajay Thapar, Lucy Riglin, Stephan Collishaw, Christopher B. Eaton
28209 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Knowledge E KnE Social Sciences The B-Fest Promotion Model by the Local Government During the Covid-19 Pandemic Recovery Period (A Case Study at an Annual Tourism Event in Banyuwangi District) Ahmadintya Anggit Hanggraito, Inno Cahyaning Tyas, Arum Andary Ratri
28210 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Springer-Verlag GeoJournal Evaluating the efficiency of Tehran's healthcare services in the Covid-19 pandemic with the approach of spatial justice Mahsa Delshad Siyahkali, Mahta Ashourian, Mona Mansourzadeh, Niloofar Sadat Hedayati, Mahya Ghouchani
28211 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  MDPI AG Journal of Personalized Medicine Mindfulness vs. Physiotherapy vs. Medical Therapy: Uncovering the Best Postoperative Recovery Method for Low Back Surgery Patients during the COVID-19 Pandemic-A Single Institution’s Experience Giuseppe La Rocca, Vittorio Orlando, Gianluca Galieri, Edoardo Mazzucchi, Fabrizio Pignotti, Davide Cusumano, et al. (+3)
28212 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Medknow Publications Acta Medica International Status of Nutritional Services to Vulnerable Population in West Bengal and Their Hardship during COVID-19 Pandemic: A Community-based Qualitative Exploration Kajari Bandyopadhyay, Soumalya Ray, Nivedita Das, Dipta Kanti Mukhopadhyay
28213 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Hungarian Central Statistical Office Regional Statistics Population perceptions and views of community pharmacists during the Covid-19 pandemic: a comparative, cross-sectional study in Jordan and Kuwait Abrar S. Ghaith
28214 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Medknow Publications Journal of Education and Health Promotion Attitude of the health team to the infant home care plan during the COVID-19 pandemic: A cross-sectional study Reza Sotoudeh, Mahbobeh Namnabati, Mohammad Heidarzadeh, Raheleh Toghyani, Niloofar Bahrami
28215 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) BMC Public Health Understanding the mental health and intention to leave of the public health workforce in Canada during the COVID-19 pandemic: A cross-sectional study Emily Belita, Sarah E. Neil-Sztramko, Vanessa De Rubeis, Sheila Boamah, Jason Cabaj, Susan M. Jack, et al. (+5)
28216 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Medknow Publications Acta Medica International Perceived Barriers of Managing Teaching-Learning during COVID-19 Pandemic: A Descriptive Observational Study among Medical Educators in West Bengal Sajib Chakraborty, Nivedita Das, Puspendu Biswas, Soumalya Ray
28217 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Institut Agama Islam Al-Qodiri Jember Childhood Education Jurnal Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini Whatsapp Based Learning In The Midst Of Covid-19 Pandemic: A Field Study In Mi Shibyanul Islamiyah Jember Naily Maghhfirah
28218 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) Mental Health Religion & Culture Funeral directors’ experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic: a mixed method study Atle Dyregrov, Pål Kristensen, Anita Fjærestad, Iren Johnsen, Rolf Gjestad, May Aasebø Hauken
28219 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Frontiers Media SA Frontiers in Public Health A novel application of lemmatize and thematic analysis to understand protective measures perspectives of patients with chronic respiratory disease during the first outbreak of COVID-19 pandemic: a qualitative study Domingo Palacios-Ceña, David Peña-Otero, Ciro Casanova-Macario, Juan Nicolas Cuenca-Zaldivar, Cristina Garcia-Bravo, Cesar Fernandez-de-las-Peñas, David Díaz-Pérez
28220 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) BMC Public Health Correction: Survey on pattern of myopia in school children in Hangzhou after the COVID-19 pandemic: a school-based vision screening study Ting He, Lei Yin, Qingqing Zheng, Bei He, Zhizi Xu, Tingting Hu, et al. (+4)
28221 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  American Psychological Association Clinical Psychology Science and Practice Patient and provider attitudes toward video and phone telemental health care during the COVID-19 pandemic: A systematic review. Samantha L. Connolly, Sierra D. Ferris, Robert P. Azario, Christopher J. Miller
28222 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Current Psychology Prevalence of social anxiety during COVID-19 pandemic: A systematic review and meta-analysis Mohammad Hashim, Meena Osmany, Zainab Alimoradi, Kaiser Ahmad Dar, Naved Iqbal
28223 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Universitas Bina Bangsa BINA BANGSA INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BUSINESS AND MANAGEMENT Covid-19 Pandemic: Adaptability of Vocational School Strategic Planning Khoirul Munir, Basrowi Basrowi, Bambang Dwi Suseno
28224 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Universitas Ahmad Dahlan Jurnal REKSA Rekayasa Keuangan Syariah dan Audit Indonesian Market Volatility During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Foreign versus Domestic Investors Suhernita Suhernita
28225 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) Health Psychology and Behavioral Medicine An online game-based cognitive bias modification for interpretation (CBM-I) program to reduce fear during the COVID-19 pandemic: resilience as a moderator Wan-Yu Tsai, Yanlin Zhou, Nancy Xiaonan Yu
28226 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  I SOUTH FLORIDA CONGRESS OF DEVELOPMENT Cuadernos de Educación y Desarrollo Strategies to reduce vaccine hesitancy in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic: scoping review Ana Paula Ferreira Maciel, Otavio Henrique Oliveira Macedo, Rene Ferreira da Silva Junior, Victor Guilherme Pereira, Cláudia Mendes Campos Versiani, Écila Campos Mota, et al. (+4)
28227 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  International Information and Engineering Technology Association International Journal of Sustainable Development and Planning Repeated Visit Intension Model as a Basis for Redeveloping Sustainable Ecotourism in Overcoming the Carry-Over Effect of COVID-19 Pandemic: Study in South Lampung Regency, Sumatra-Indonesia Ida Nurhaida, Samsul Bakri, Nurhasanah Nurhasanah, Andi Windah, Emi Artika
28228 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) Public Management Review Using Twitter to fight the COVID-19 pandemic: the case of United States governors Sukwon Choi, Seok-Jin Eom
28229 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Universitas Sebelas Maret Jurnal Ilmu Ekonomi dan Pembangunan CITY RESILIENCE STRATEGIES IN DEALING WITH THE AFTERMATH OF THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC: USING SOCIO-ECOLOGICAL SYSTEMS Faizah Lailaturrohmah, Achmad Room Fitrianto
28230 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Supportive Care in Cancer What are the functional outcomes and service experiences of patients with head and neck cancer treated during the COVID-19 pandemic? Sarah Day, Kira Mabb, Jodie Nixon, Jocelyn Williames, Mair Emlyn-Jones, Kate Davis, et al. (+3)
28231 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Medknow Publications Indian Journal of Pathology and Microbiology Acute pancreatitis masquerading as mesentric growth in COVID-19 patient Sakshi Agrawal, Anita Harsh
28232 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Public Library of Science PLoS ONE Long-term brain fog and cognitive impairment in previously hospitalized COVID-19 patients Barbara Junco, Daniel Samano Martin Del Campo, Vela Karakeshishyan, Danielle Bass, Evie Sobczak, Emily Swafford, et al. (+7)
28233 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Medknow Publications International journal of Nutrition Pharmacology Neurological Diseases Estimation of Demographic Parameters of COVID-19 Patients Admitted in a Tertiary Care Hospital, Jaipur Gudise Chitti Babu, Bhagwati Chundawat, Rajeev Pareek, Ramana Murty Kadali, Ajit Thakur
28234 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Public Library of Science PLoS ONE Determining the sweet detection threshold of COVID-19 patients during infection and recovery periods Woroud Alsanei, Esraa Alhussin, Zuhair S. Natto, Marwah Afeef, Tugba Aktar, Rong-San Jiang
28235 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  MDPI AG Life Evaluation of Antimicrobial Resistance Patterns of Pseudomonas aeruginosa Strains Isolated among COVID-19 Patients in Brazil Typed by Fourier-Transform Infrared Spectroscopy Paula Araujo de Souza, Milena Cristina Silva dos Santos, Rebeca Vitória da Silva Lage de Miranda, Luciana Veloso da Costa, Raphael Paiva Paschoal da Silva, Catia Aparecida Chaia de Miranda, et al. (+4)
28236 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Public Library of Science PLoS ONE The limits of nudging: Results of a randomized trial of text messages to promote home-based caregiving and reduce perceptions of stigma for COVID-19 patients in Kenyan informal settlements James B. Tidwell, Jessie Pinchoff, Timothy Abuya, Eva Muluve, Daniel Mwanga, Faith Mbushi, et al. (+2)
28237 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Infection Trajectories and predictive significance of inflammatory parameters for clinical outcome in COVID-19 patients treated with tocilizumab Alexander Killer, Smaranda Gliga, Pascal Massion, Carla Ackermann, Clara De Angelis, Charlotte Flasshove, et al. (+9)
28238 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Juniper Publishers Academic Journal of Pediatrics & Neonatology Does the Timing of Intubation and IMV Impact Clinical Outcomes in Adult COVID-19 Patients with ARDS: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Fu Li, Xiaoqin Zhang, Long Cheng Tao, Lorraine Marsons, Phillip Dee
28239 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  SAGE Publications Journal of Investigative Medicine EXPRESS: Short-term Efficacy of Moderate Intensity Rosuvastatin in COVID-19 Patients: A Randomized Clinical Trial Katayoun Rafsanjani, Amirhossein Ghaseminejad-Raeini, Alireza Azarboo, Samaneh Parsa
28240 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Ilke Ilim Kultur ve Egitim Dernegi Turkish Journal of Islamic Economics The Determinants of Liquidity: A Comparison of Islamic and Conventional Banks Covering the COVID-19 Period Ahmet Çakmak, Onur Sunal
28241 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Universitas Negeri Padang (UNP) Current Issues in Counseling Collaboration between Parents and Teachers in Overcoming the Difficulties of Students in Learning Online during the Covid-19 Period Indah Puspita Sari, Asmidir Ilyas
28242 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) BMC Infectious Diseases Predictors of the presence of radiological abnormalities 6 months after severe COVID-19 pneumonia Celia Roig-Martí, Ignacio Pérez-Catalán, María Varea-Villanueva, Sofía Folgado-Escudero, Antonio Navarro-Ballester, María Pilar Fernández-García, et al. (+8)
28243 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Public Library of Science PLoS ONE COVID-19 prevention behaviors and dietary habits among undergraduate students: A health belief model approach Doreen Liou, Ali B. Mahmoud
28244 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) BMC Infectious Diseases The causal relationship model of factors influencing COVID-19 preventive behaviors during the post-pandemic era and implications for health prevention strategies: a case of Bangkok City, Thailand Piyapong Janmaimool, Jaruwan Chontanawat, Siriphan Nunsunanon, Surapong Chudech
28245 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Journal of Pure and Applied Microbiology Journal of Pure and Applied Microbiology Preparing and Assessment of Biocidal La Nano-complex Treated Filter Capacity against Isolated Microbes from Air Conditioning Systems in COVID-19 Rehabilitation Rooms Shaima M. N. Moustafa, Tarak A. Yousef, Rania H. Taha
28246 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Universitas Gadjah Mada Jurnal Kebijakan Kesehatan Indonesia The Analysis of Village Fund Management for the COVID-19 Response Village Program in Leyangan Village by Triangle Policy Approach Virda Inzatur Rohmah
28247 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Alma Ata University Press Indonesian Journal of Hospital Administration Stres Kerja dan Kinerja Perawat Ruang Isolasi Covid-19 RSUP Dr Sardjito Yogyakarta Susi Khusnawati, Lia Endriyani, Tengku Isni Yuli Lestari, Retno Koeswandari
28248 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Prestige Institute of Management Prestige International Journal of Management & IT - Sanchayan Impact of Covid-19 Scenarios on Tourism Industry and Social Media Usage: Strategies to Overcome Ganesha K S, Ganapati B Sinnoor
28249 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Muhammadiyah Metro University GUIDENA Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan Psikologi Bimbingan dan Konseling Distres Psikologis pada Remaja yang Mengalami Kedukaan Akibat COVID-19 (Sebuah Telaah Literatur Sistematik) Donna Ayu Citraningrum, Endang R Surjaningrum
28250 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Editora Cubo Autopsy and Case Reports COVID-19 shed light on Virchow's law of thrombosis Hubert Daisley, Oneka Acco, Martina Daisley, Dennecia George, Lilly Paul, Arlene Rampersad, Johann Daisley
28251 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Brawijaya University Journal of Development Economic and Social Studies ANALISIS STRATEGI PENGEMBANGAN BUMDES DALAM PENIGNKATAN PADES PADA MASA PANDEMI COVID-19 (Studi Kasus Pada BUMDES Rukun Makmur Desa Gunungrejo Kecamatan Singosari Kabupaten Malang) Dewi Asmia Sulistia Wirandini
28252 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Acquaint Publications Journal of Community Medicine and Public Health Reports Introduction Of Thermographic Imaging Modality In Covid-19 Symptomatic Patients And Comorbidity Protocol: An Overview And Review
28253 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Alma Ata University Press Indonesian Journal of Hospital Administration Pengaruh Stres Kerja terhadap Kinerja Perawat di Ruangan Hemodialisa RSUD Panembahan Senopati Bantul di Masa Pandemi Covid-19 Tahun 2021 Fahria Tou, Sumarni Sumarni, Imram Radne Rimba Putri
28254 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Universitas Gadjah Mada Jurnal Kebijakan Kesehatan Indonesia DAMPAK PANDEMI COVID-19 TERHADAP FILANTROPI DI RUMAH SAKIT ISLAM YOGYAKARTA PDHI Bima Achmad Nurutama
28255 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Universitas Veteran Bangun Nusantara Sukoharjo Journal Of Business Finance and Economics (JBFE) DAMPAK BANTUAN SOSIAL TUNAI (BST) COVID-19 TERHADAP KESEJAHTERAAN KELUARGA DI KABUPATEN BULELENG Nyoman Anggaditha Mahatriandini, Putu Ayu Pramitha Purwanti
28256 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Actual Insight Antropocene Jurnal Penelitian Ilmu Humaniora Dampak Pandemi Covid-19 terhadap Pendapatan Toko Kelontong “Toko Wisnu" di Kabupaten Penajam Paser Utara Exca Sukas Jody, Suryaningsi Suryaningsi
28257 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Universitas Veteran Bangun Nusantara Sukoharjo Journal Of Business Finance and Economics (JBFE) Analisis Bibliometric : Pengaruh Pasca Covid-19 terhadap Penerimaan Pajak Diva Ayu Rahma Mauluddyah
28258 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Universitas Veteran Bangun Nusantara Sukoharjo Journal Of Business Finance and Economics (JBFE) Pengaruh Pendapatan, Jumlah Nasabah dan Pandemi Covid-19 Terhadap Penyaluran KCA PT Pegadaian (Persero) Titis Sri Rejeki, Nila Hidayah
28259 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  JMIR Publications Inc. JMIR Infodemiology Descriptions of Scientific Evidence and Uncertainty of Unproven COVID-19 Therapies in US News: Content Analysis Study Sara Watson, Tyler J Benning, Alessandro R Marcon, Xuan Zhu, Timothy Caulfield, Richard R Sharp, Zubin Master
28260 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) BMC Infectious Diseases Modelling the long-term health impact of COVID-19 using Graphical Chain Models brief heading: long COVID prediction by graphical chain models K. Gourgoura, P. Rivadeneyra, E. Stanghellini, C. Caroni, F. Bartolucci, R. Curcio, et al. (+11)
28261 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Medknow Publications Indian Journal of Dermatology Spectrum of Mucocutaneous Reactions to COVID-19 Vaccination Abheek Sil, Deepak Jakhar, Anupam Das, Soumya Jagadeesan, Sujala Sacchidanand Aradhya
28262 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Medknow Publications Indian Journal of Dermatology Onset of DRESS Following COVID-19 Vaccination Alpana Mohta, Radheshyam Nai, Bhikam C. Ghiya, Aakanksha Arora, Rajesh D. Mehta
28263 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Medknow Publications Indian Journal of Dermatology Wolf's Isotopic Response following COVID-19 Vaccination Hui-Te Hsu, Hsuan-An Su, Yu-Chia Chen
28264 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Elsevier Vacunas (English Edition) COVID-19 vaccination and concerns regarding the maternal and neonatal safety outcomes Abdolreza Narouiepour, Mohsen Karbalaei, Masoud Keikha
28265 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Ovid AIDS Impact of COVID-19 vaccination on HIV parameters in people with HIV on antiretroviral therapy Tiurlina Siregar, Rebeka Konstantina Weriditi, Yansen Alberth Reba, M. Zaenul Muttaqin, Yovian Yustiko Prasetya
28266 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Computational and Mathematical Organization Theory Modeling and analyzing network dynamics of COVID-19 vaccine information propagation in the Chinese Sina Microblog Fulian Yin, Jinxia Wang, Hongyu Pang, Xin Pei, Zhen Jin, Jianhong Wu
28267 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  American Public Health Association American Journal of Public Health The Influence of a COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate on Vaccination Rates in a University Setting Elisabeth Brandstetter Figueroa, Bruno Bohn, J. Michael Oakes, Ryan T. Demmer
28268 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Elsevier Vacunas (English Edition) COVID-19 vaccine rumour and resistance in Indonesia: Analysing vaccine hesitancy and cultural myths circulated on online platforms Rachmah Ida, Sri Endah Kinasih, Syafrida Nurrachmi Febriyanti, Ratih Puspa, Muhammad Saud, Mohd Syuhaidi Abu Bakar
28269 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation An Assessment of the Dynamics of Knowledge, Attitudes, and Perceptions Regarding COVID-19 Vaccine Uptake among Adults in Kogi State, Nigeria Olumide Stephen Adeyeye, Nnodimele Onuigbo Atulomah
28270 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Medknow Publications Indian Journal of Dermatology COVID-19 Vaccine-Triggered Bullous Pemphigoid Noha M. Dawoud, Huma Aslam, Mohammed A. Alshehri, Marwa M. Dawoud
28271 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Health Sciences University Gaziosmanpasa Education and Research Hospital Journal of Academic Research in Nursing Zona Zoster Infection and Lymphadenitis After mRNA COVID-19 Vaccine: Case Report Songül Güvenç, Ayşe Hilal Başhan Aslantaş, Murat Altuntaş
28272 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Journal of Pure and Applied Microbiology Journal of Pure and Applied Microbiology COVID-19 Vaccines and Adverse Effects of SARS-CoV-2 in Recovered Patients of COVID-19: An In-depth Review B.N. Raghavendra, Sudhakar Kancharla, Prachetha Kolli, Gowtham Mandadapu, Manoj Kumar Jena
28273 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Scholars Middle East Publishers Saudi Journal of Pathology and Microbiology Impact of COVID-19 Viral Load on the Biological Profile of Congolese Type 2 Diabetic Patients Freddy Saturnin Pouki, Luc Magloire Anicet Boumba, Parode Ragive Takale, Rebecca Frédérique Dussaud, Charley Elenga- Bongo, Aladin Atandi Batchy, et al. (+9)
28274 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Elsevier Heart Failure Clinics Heart Failure with Reduced Ejection Fraction and COVID-19, when the Sick Get Sicker Johanna Contreras, Elizabeth O. Tinuoye, Alejandro Folch, Jose Aguilar, Kendall Free, Onyedika Ilonze, et al. (+3)
28275 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Yayasan Masyarakat Peduli Anak Indonesia Jurnal Masyarakat Sehat Indonesia HUBUNGAN RELIGIUSITAS DAN SHIFT KERJA DENGAN KELELAHAN KERJA PADA PERAWAT DI RUMAH SAKIT DARURAT COVID-19 WISMA ATLET KEMAYORAN JAKARTA Amirah Nur Hakim, Raihana Nadra Alkaff
28276 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Publishing House Zaslavsky EMERGENCY MEDICINE Cerebral venous hemodynamics in patients who had COVID-19 with and without psychiatric disorders R.Ya. Аbdullaiev, V.V. Nikonov, I.V. Leshchyna, F.I. Kulikova, A.G. Kyrychenko, A.G. Sirko, et al. (+2)
28277 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  The Korean Association for the Study of the Liver Clinical and Molecular Hepatology Long-term gastrointestinal and hepatobiliary outcomes of COVID-19: a multi-nationwide cohort study from South Korea, Japan, and the UK Kwanjoo Lee, Jaeyu Park, Jinseok Lee, Myeongcheol Lee, Hyeon Jin Kim, Yejun Son, et al. (+7)
28278 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) Critical Care Baricitinib versus tocilizumab in mechanically ventilated patients with COVID-19: a nationwide cohort study Seung-Hun You, Moon Seong Baek, Tae Wan Kim, Sun-Young Jung, Won-Young Kim
28279 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Austrian Pharmacological Society (APHAR) Intrinsic Activity Nirmatrelvir-ritonavir and molnupiravir for the outpatient treatment of Covid-19: a population-based cohort study Anselm Jorda
28280 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Frontiers Media SA Frontiers in Immunology Commentary: Effect of high-dose Spirulina supplementation on hospitalized adults with COVID-19: a randomized controlled trial Elias E. Mazokopakis, Maria G. Papadomanolaki
28281 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Geriatik Bilimler Dergisi (Journal of Geriatric Science), Geriatrik Bilimler Dernegi (Associaton ofg Geriatrik Bilimler Dergisi Impact of Baseline Patient Characteristics on Short- and Long-Term Overall Mortality in Elderly Patients with COVID-19: A Retrospective Cohort Study Özge Aydın Güçlü, Nilüfer Aylin Acet-öztürk, Dilara Ömer Topçu, Orkun Eray Terzi, Uğur Önal, Ezgi Demirdöğen, et al. (+7)
28282 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  LookUs Bilisim A.S. Kafkas Journal of Medical Sciences Determining the Concerns and Stress Levels of the Elderly Population About COVID-19: A Sectional Study Aygul Öztürk, Sinan Aslan
28283 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Superior University, Lahore International Journal of Management Research and Emerging Sciences Economic View of The Pandemic COVID-19: An Asian Perspective Challenges and Suggestions Based on New Structural Economics Approach Shoaib Ali
28284 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Wiley Acute Medicine & Surgery Phenotypic changes in immune cells induced by granulocyte and monocyte adsorptive apheresis in patients with severe COVID-19: An ex vivo study Ryo Hisamune, Kazuma Yamakawa, Katsuhide Kayano, Noritaka Ushio, Takeshi Wada, Kohei Taniguchi, Akira Takasu
28285 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Revista Social Fronteriza Revista Social Fronteriza Aislamiento social en las comunidades en tiempos de covid-19: desafíos y afrontamientos Mirian Isabel Hernández Castro, Lissette Mariuxi Pianchiche Añapa, Diana Elvira Narváez Bastidas, Liliam Iris Escariz Borrego
28286 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  MDPI AG Tourism and Hospitality Governmental Revenue Compensation during COVID-19: Did Firm Resources and Institutional Factors Explain Who Received It? Jarle Aarstad, Stig-Erik Jakobsen, Arnt Fløysand, Olav Andreas Kvitastein
28287 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Universitas Sebelas Maret Jurnal Ilmu Ekonomi dan Pembangunan STOCK PRICE VOLATILITY DURING COVID-19: EVIDENCE FROM HOSPITALITY FIRMS IN INDONESIA Setyo Tri Wahyudi, Rihana Sofie Nabella, Kartika Sari, Siti Nurazira Mohd Daud
28288 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Hungarian Central Statistical Office Regional Statistics Surviving Covid-19: impact of the pandemic on earnings management - the case of European countries Susana Callao, José I. Jarne, David Wroblewski
28289 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Institute of Industry and Academic Research Incorporated International Journal of Educational Management and Development Studies Revisiting management of high school teachers during Covid-19: Implication for leadership contingency Simanga Phillip Lukhele, LDM Lebeloane
28290 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Marwah Infotech SSR Institute of International Journal of Life Sciences Orthopaedic Implications of COVID-19: Investigating Avascular Necrosis of the Femoral Head Rehan Khan, Suresh Uikey, Saurabh Sharma, Vaibhav Vishwakarma
28291 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  GN1 Genesis Network Todas as Letras Revista de Língua e Literatura Ecos e dissonâncias no (dis)curso sobre a pandemia da Covid-19: o poético e o grotesco na relação com o digital Marco Antonio Almeida Ruiz, Ligia Mara Boin Menossi de Araújo
28292 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Asociacion Guatemalteca de Oftalmologia Revista Oftálmica Obstrucción de Rama de Vena Retiniana Posterior a Vacunación por COVID-19: Reporte de Caso Manuel Antonio De la Cruz Morales
28293 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) European Journal of General Practice Follow-up of patients with chronic conditions within primary care practices during COVID-19: Results from 7 Central and Eastern-European countries from the cross-sectional PRICOV-19 study Giulia Delvento, Christian Schindler, Cristina Rotaru, Ala Curteanu, Ghenadie Curochicin, Helen Prytherch, et al. (+9)
28294 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Medknow Publications Journal of Education and Health Promotion Navigating the death attitudes and anxiety during COVID-19: Role of dispositional mindfulness and tranquil ego Satchit Prasun Mandal, Vijyendra Pandey, Raghavendra B. Bonal, Abhishek Sharma, Arora Astha, Viju Rajesh, Proshanto Kr Saha
28295 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Irish Journal of Medical Science (1971 -) Craic, Ceoil agus COVID-19: the impact of ‘Fleadh Cheoil na hÉireann’ on presentations to the local emergency department Freya Guinness, Aoife Corcoran, Michael J. O’Grady, Jennifer Finnegan
28296 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Occupational Health Science The Health and Safety of Retail and Service Workers during COVID-19: The Role of Safety Leadership Stephanie L. Gilbert, Jennifer K. Dimoff, Jane Mullen, E. Kevin Kelloway, Tabatha Thibault, Rachael Jones-Chick, et al. (+3)
28297 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Contemporânea - Journal of Ethics and Political Philosophy Revista Contemporânea SÍNDROME DE MILLER FISHER COM ANTICORPO ANTI-GQ1B POSITIVO APÓS VACINAÇÃO CONTRA COVID-19: UM RELATO DE CASO Ana Clara Lourenço Costa, Bruno Araújo Souza, Caroline Canal Avancini, Iago dos Reis e Silva, Lázara Morau Martins da Rocha, Ryann Pancieri Paseto, Soo Yang Lee
28298 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  University Nove de Julho - Uninove ConScientiae Saúde O isolamento social alterou o curso do desenvolvimento motor de bebês nascidos durante a pandemia do COVID-19? Amanda Beneduzi, Laís Rodrigues Gerzson, Carla Skilhan de Almeida
28299 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Century Science Publishing Co Journal of Contemporary Medical Practice Progress in the Study of Renal Injury Caused by a Novel Coronavirus Xian Lu, Genping Lei, Dong Yang, Jingxue Bai
28300 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Cureus, Inc. Cureus Computational Investigations to Identify Potent Natural Flavonoid Inhibitors of the Nonstructural Protein (NSP) 16/10 Complex Against Coronavirus Silambarasan Tamil Selvan, Gurupavan Kumar Ganta
28301 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  MDPI AG International Journal of Molecular Sciences Impact of a Functional Dairy Powder and Its Primary Component on the Growth of Pathogenic and Probiotic Gut Bacteria and Human Coronavirus 229E Vu Bao Dang, Muhammad A. Alsherbiny, Ruohui Lin, Yumei Gao, Chunguang Li, Deep Jyoti Bhuyan
28302 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  MediaMedica - MMA Limited Liability Company Clinical review for general practice Clinical case: liver damage in a patient with coronavirus disease Kseniya A. Safonova, Natalya N. Dekhnich, Natalya Yu. Abramenkova, Sofiya V. Chestnykh, Dmitry Yu. Ilyin, Alexander A. Punin
28303 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Ovid Melanoma Research The death rate for melanoma remained unchanged in the USA during the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic Camilla Mattiuzzi, Giuseppe Lippi
28304 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) Infectious Agents and Cancer Opportunities and challenges encountered in managing cervical cancer during the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic Shixiang Dong, Yankui Wang, Yu Ding
28305 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Oxford University Press British Journal of Surgery 489 Management of ACL Injuries and the Impact of the Coronavirus Pandemic: A Regional Audit U Nadeem, M Nowicka, M Freudmann
28306 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Walter de Gruyter GmbH Journal of Perinatal Medicine KANET evaluation in patients with SARS-CoV-2 Zacharias Fasoulakis, Asim Kurjak, Ioakeim Sapantzoglou, Anastasia Maria Daskalaki, George Daskalakis, Panos Antsaklis
28307 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  MDPI AG Viruses AP3B1 Has Type I Interferon-Independent Antiviral Function against SARS-CoV-2 Gayatri Subramanian, Adam Hage, Friederike Feldmann, Abhilash I. Chiramel, Kristin L. McNally, Gail L. Sturdevant, et al. (+2)
28308 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Frontiers Media SA Frontiers in Immunology Antigen-specific T helper cells and cytokine profiles predict intensity and longevity of cellular and humoral responses to SARS-CoV-2 booster vaccination Lukas Page, Kevin Dennehy, Katharina Mueller, Philipp Girl, Eva Loell, Hellen Buijze, et al. (+6)
28309 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Medknow Publications Indian Journal of Pathology and Microbiology Diagnostic accuracy of saliva as a specimen for detection of SARS-CoV-2 by RT-PCR Megha Gupta, Parul Sinha, Sandeep Gupta, Dinesh K. Jain, Saroj Hooja, Nitya Vyas
28310 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Cambridge University Press QRB Discovery As air relative humidity increases, infectivity of SARS-CoV-2 decreases within water droplets Yu Liu, Lei Cao, Yu Xia, Pan Pan, Lang Rao, Bolei Chen, Richard N. Zare
28311 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Wiley Advanced Science SARS-CoV-2 Evolution: Immune Dynamics, Omicron Specificity, and Predictive Modeling in Vaccinated Populations Xiaohan Zhang, Mansheng Li, Nana Zhang, Yunhui Li, Fei Teng, Yongzhe Li, et al. (+11)
28312 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Indonesian Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Acta Biochimica Indonesiana Genome analysis and prevalence of SARS-CoV-2 Indonesian variants and the correlation with the outbreak timeline Maria Prevyolita Indra Muliawan, Timotius Christopher Tantokusumo, Amalda Siti Anisa, Kholis Abdurachim Audah
28313 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  American Society for Microbiology Journal of Virology Infiltrating monocytes drive cardiac dysfunction in a cardiomyocyte-restricted mouse model of SARS-CoV-2 infection Oleksandr Dmytrenko, Shibali Das, Attila Kovacs, Markus Cicka, Meizi Liu, Suzanne M. Scheaffer, et al. (+5)
28314 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  American Society for Microbiology Journal of Virology Efficacy of late-onset antiviral treatment in immunocompromised hosts with persistent SARS-CoV-2 infection Carolin M. Lieber, Hae-Ji Kang, Elizabeth B. Sobolik, Zachary M. Sticher, Vu L. Ngo, Andrew T. Gewirtz, et al. (+6)
28315 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Springer-Verlag GeroScience Human herpesvirus reactivation and its potential role in the pathogenesis of post-acute sequelae of SARS-CoV-2 infection Zsófia Gáspár, Bálint Gergely Szabó, Andrea Ceglédi, Botond Lakatos
28316 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  American Society for Microbiology mBio Role of IgA1 protease-producing bacteria in SARS-CoV-2 infection and transmission: a hypothesis Michael W. Russell, Mogens Kilian, Jiri Mestecky, Nancy E. Freitag
28317 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  American Diabetes Association Diabetes Care Effect of SARS-CoV-2 Infection on Incident Diabetes by Viral Variant: Findings From the National COVID Cohort Collaborative (N3C) Rachel Wong, Margaret A. Hall, Talia Wiggen, Steven G. Johnson, Jared D. Huling, Lindsey E. Turner, et al. (+6)
28318 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Frontiers Media SA Frontiers in Medicine SARS-CoV-2 infectivity and antigenic evasion: spotlight on isolated Omicron sub-lineages Aldo Barrera, Constanza Martínez-Valdebenito, Jenniffer Angulo, Carlos Palma, Juan Hormazábal, Cecilia Vial, et al. (+7)
28319 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Medknow Publications Indian Journal of Dermatology Pilomatricoma Growing at the SARS-CoV-2 mRNA Vaccination Site Merve Hatun Erkayman, Melike Güven, Merve Bingöl, Numan Bulut, Rabia Demirtaş
28320 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Wiley Journal of Medical Virology Interferon-responsive neutrophils and macrophages extricate SARS-CoV-2 Omicron critical patients from the nasty fate of sepsis Mu Wang, Dingji Zhang, Ting Lei, Ye Zhou, Hao Qin, Yanfeng Wu, et al. (+12)
28321 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Microbiology Society Journal of Medical Microbiology Aspiration pneumonia after SARS-CoV-2 Omicron infection frequently induced physical functional decline in Japan Naoyuki Miyashita, Yasushi Nakamori, Makoto Ogata, Naoki Fukuda, Akihisa Yamura, Tomoki Ito
28322 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Elsevier Sleep Medicine Sleep disorder syndromes of post-acute sequelae of SARS-CoV-2 (PASC) / Long Covid Fernando M.S. Coelho, Richard Czuma, Amberly Ticotsky, Jason Maley, Janet M. Mullington, Robert Joseph Thomas
28323 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Medknow Publications Indian Journal of Pathology and Microbiology Histomorphological evaluation of placenta in SARS-CoV-2 patients Sana Umar, Snigdha Petwal, Chitra Joshi, Minali Raja, Shashi Upreti
28324 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Frontiers Media SA Frontiers in Immunology MVA-based vaccine candidates expressing SARS-CoV-2 prefusion-stabilized spike proteins of the Wuhan, Beta or Omicron BA.1 variants protect transgenic K18-hACE2 mice against Omicron infection and elicit robust and broad specific humoral and cellular immune responses Patricia Pérez, David Astorgano, Guillermo Albericio, Sara Flores, Cristina Sánchez-Corzo, María A. Noriega, et al. (+6)
28325 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  American Society for Microbiology Journal of Virology A nanobody interaction with SARS-COV-2 Spike allows the versatile targeting of lentivirus vectors Ayna Alfadhli, Timothy A. Bates, Robin Lid Barklis, CeAnn Romanaggi, Fikadu G. Tafesse, Eric Barklis, Shan-Lu Liu
28326 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) Journal of Enzyme Inhibition and Medicinal Chemistry Design, synthesis, and biological activity evaluation of dihydromyricetin derivatives against SARS-CoV-2-Omicron virus Cong Wu, Qi Jiang, Hui Zhong, Xudong Zhou, Leping Liu, Tong Pan, et al. (+3)
28327 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Peytchinski Publishing Ltd. Journal of IMAB - Annual Proceeding (Scientific Papers) CLINICAL CHARACTERISTICS AT HOSPITAL ADMISSION OF 5382 PATIENTS POSITIVE FOR SARS-CoV-2: A SINGLE CENTER RETROSPECTIVE STUDY FROM CENTRAL NORTHERN BULGARIA Mariya Sredkova, Cvetan Popov, Georgi Golemanov, Vladislav Nankov, Pencho Tonchev, Alexander Blazhev, et al. (+2)
28328 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Revista Brasileira Multidisciplinar - Rebram Revista Brasileira Multidisciplinar Nano equipamento de proteção individual contra SARS-CoV-2: Insights de uma análise bibliométrica de publicações e patentes recentes Meliza Da Conceição Oliveira, Virginia Campello Yurgel, Daniela Pastorim Vaiss, Paula Alice Barros, Cristiana Lima Dora
28329 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Frontiers Media SA Frontiers in Immunology Bacterial pneumonia patients with elevated globulin levels did not get infected with SARS-CoV-2: two case reports Qi Zhong, Qiu-mei Lin, Hong-bin Long, Cai-xia Liao, Xiao-xiao Sun, Miao-du Yang, et al. (+4)
28330 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Gazi University Health Sciences Institute Journal, Gazi Universitesi Journal of Gazi University Health Sciences Institute Knowledge and Attitudes of Adults Visiting Family Health Centers in Ankara About Traditional and Complementary Medicine Practices During the Pandemic Engin Isik, Fatma Nur Baran Aksakal
28331 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Inderscience Enterprises Ltd. International Journal of Procurement Management Healthcare supply chains: critical supplies during the pandemic Amelia Carr
28332 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Istanbul Gedik University Journal of Health and Sport Scıences EXAMINING DIETARY PATTERNS AND CHANGES IN PHYSICAL ACTIVITY DURING THE PANDEMIC FATİH CESUR
28333 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  MDPI AG Administrative Sciences Sociodemographic Variations on Public Service Motivation among Health Professionals in Portugal: Insights Post-COVID-19 Pandemic Alexandre Fernandes, Gonçalo Santinha, Teresa Forte
28334 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Central European Journal of Educational Research (CEJER) Central European Journal of Educational Research Teaching English for Students with Special Educational Needs During the Pandemic Gabriella Ridzig, Anett Hrabéczy, Gabriella Hegedűs
28335 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo Journal of Islamic and Muhammadiyah Studies Self-Efficacy's Impact on Academic Achievement During the Pandemic Oktaviani Nurul Syifa
28336 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Indonesian Mathematical Society Journal on Mathematics Education Math lessons go online: Insights and challenges of blended learning during the pandemic Ming Yan Tsui, Ida Ah Chee Mok
28338 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Henry Stewart Talks The Biomedical & Life Sciences Collection The Global Virus Network: collaboration to address pandemic and regional threats Sten H. Vermund
28339 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Knowledge E KnE Social Sciences Soft Skills and Interpersonal Ability of CEOs for Company Existence in the Post-Covid-19 Pandemic Era Nur Hasyim, Darul Nurjanah
28340 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Elsevier The Lancet Mpox puts Gavi's new pandemic fund to the test Ann Danaiya Usher
28341 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Muhammadiyah Metro University GUIDENA Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan Psikologi Bimbingan dan Konseling Mindfulness Program untuk Meningkatkan Quality Of Life dan Coping Religius Pasca Pandemic pada Lansia di Panti Sosial Tresna Werdha Yogyakarta Rofiqoh Fadhliyah, Nisrin Alifah, Nabila Putri Alifah, Shakeela Rohmatunnisa, Muhammad Erwan Syah
28342 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  LookUs Bilisim A.S. Kafkas Journal of Medical Sciences The Effect of Spirituality on Psychological Resilience in Women During the Pandemic Period Sibel Öztürk, Nazlı Akar
28343 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training IAIN Sultan Amai Gorontalo Journal of English Teaching and Linguistic Issues (JETLI) Blended Learning During the Pandemic: A Bibliometric Analysis of Students’ Perceptions Mohamad Hendri Y. Pakaya, Taravisca Oktavia Nurhamdin, Titin Kaaba
28344 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  International Council for Open and Distance Education Open Praxis A Systematic Review of e-Portfolio Use During the Pandemic: Inspiration for Post-COVID-19 Practices Peng Zhang, Gemma Tur
28345 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) Popular Communication ‘Videography as performance’ in the service of social movement visibility and interaction amidst the pandemic: the case of the support art workers initiative in Greece Costas Constandinides, Venetia Papa, Maria Ioannou
28346 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Superior University, Lahore International Journal of Management Research and Emerging Sciences Pandemics: Government Interventions and Financial Markets Oscillations Adnan Hushmat
28347 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  CSIRO Publishing Microbiology Australia Corrigendum to: An update on Long COVID Gary Grohmann, Robert Booy
28348 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  American Public Health Association American Journal of Public Health Long COVID Among People With Preexisting Disabilities Jean P. Hall, Noelle K. Kurth, Lisa McCorkell, Kelsey S. Goddard
28349 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  BMJ Evidence-Based Nursing Building an NHS that truly supports people living with long COVID and ME: government action needed now Alison Twycross, Brian Hughes, Karen Hargrave
28350 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  S. Karger AG European Neurology Characteristics and Impact of Long COVID at a Neurology Clinic Juyeon Oh, Eun Joo Chung, Jin Ho Jung, Jin San Lee, Seong-il Oh
28351 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Brawijaya University Jurnal Kewirausahaan dan Inovasi PENGARUH BEBAN KERJA DAN STRES KERJA TERHADAP BURNOUT PADA SAAT COVID-19 Mohamad Rizki Afiansyah, Agung Nugroho Adi
28352 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Elsevier Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications Leveraging the potential of bacterial lateral gene transfer in boosting the efficacy of an edible probiotic prototype yogurt vaccine for COVID-19 Madhuri Vissapragada, Santhinissi Addala, Madhumita Aggunna, Manikanta Sodasani, Abhinav V.K.S. Grandhi, Ravikiran S. Yedidi
28353 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Universitas Trisakti Jurnal Manajemen dan Pemasaran Jasa Did investment opportunity moderate the influence of the COVID-19 crisis on dividend policy?<sup></sup><sup></sup> Powell Gian Hartono, Georgina Maria Tinungki, Yuyun Karystin Meilisa Suade, Liana Rahardja, Novika Ayu Triany, Isthi Wahyuning Tyas, Patrick Gunawan Hartono
28354 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  CSIRO Publishing Australian Journal of Primary Health Community-based COVID-19 vaccination services improve user satisfaction: findings from a large household survey in Bali Province, Indonesia I. Made Dwi Ariawan, Anak Agung Sagung Sawitri, Putu Cintya Denny Yuliyatni, Desak Nyoman Widyanthini, I. Nyoman Sutarsa
28355 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  The Japanese Association for Infectious Diseases Kansenshogaku zasshi A 12-month General Investigation after the Primary Series of COVID-19 Vaccination with Pfizer's vaccine in Hospital Workers who were Vaccinated in the Early Phase after the Regulatory Approval","承認後早期の20歳以上の被接種者(医療従事者)を対象としたファイザー新型コロナウイルスワクチンの一般使用成績調査(初回免疫後12カ月までの追跡調査) Yukari YOSHINAGA, Suminobu ITO, Motoki OE, Manabu ABE, Hisaka SAITO, Yuko FUKAZAWA, et al. (+3)
28356 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Seven Events International Seven Journal of Health Research Síndrome inflamatória multissistêmica em crianças após vacinação contra SARS-COV-2 Bruno Souza Santana, Stefanie Cristine Araujo Ferreira, Maria Eduarda Almeida Lobo, Lucas Moraes de Morais, Renata de Alencar Nogueira, Ingrid Jordana Bernardes Ferreira
28357 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Oxford University Press Journal of the Pediatric Infectious Diseases Society Evaluation of transplacental maternal SARS-CoV-2 antibody transfer in small for gestational age infants Alisa Kachikis, Mindy Pike, Linda O Eckert, Emma A Roberts, Alexis Baranoff, Sharon Kung, et al. (+4)
28358 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Medknow Publications One Health Bulletin Recent developments in the therapeutics of SARS-CoV-2 infection Priyanka Nagu, Arun Parashar, Pankaj Sharma, Vineet Mehta
28359 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Oxford University Press American Journal of Epidemiology Tracking vaccine effectiveness in an evolving pandemic, countering misleading hot takes and epidemiological fallacies Jeffrey S Morris
28360 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Ridwan Institute Action Research Literate Navigating Uncertainty: Evaluating the Pandemic's Impact on Warung Upnormal's Expansion Strategy Dian Alanudin, Muhammad Miqdad Robbani
28361 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Universitas Nurul Jadid KEADABAN Jurnal Sosial dan Humaniora Prinsip Keadilan Distributif: Analisis Pemenuhan Produk Pembiayaan Murabahah Bil Wakalah Pos Pandemic Covid-19 Binti Nur Asiyah, Amin Wahyudi, Ayu Ruchmana, Silvi Ayu Safitri, Emilia Mustikaningsih
28362 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Universitas Nurul Jadid Legal Studies Journal KEBIJAKAN PEMERINTAH TERHADAP PERKREDITAN BANK DI MASA PANDEMI COVID-19 Rietha Lieke Lontoh, Helena Benedicta Tambajong
28363 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Institut Agama Islam Nahdlatul Ulama (IAINU) Tuban Journal Islamic Banking Kebijakan Moneter Di Tengah Pandemi Covid-19 Muhammad Rifqi Al Faris, Putri Dwi Rahamawati, Fajratun Natalya
28364 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Tarbiyah Muhammadiyah Bojonegoro Jurnal Pendidikan Guru Madrasah Ibtidaiyah MEMBANGUN KARAKTER SISWA DENGAN HATI NURANI PASCA PANDEMI COVID-19","MEMBANGUN KARAKTER SISWA DENGAN HATI NURANI PASCA PANDEMI COVID-19 Tariyono
28365 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas Palangka Raya Barigas Jurnal Riset Mahasiswa Hubungan Usia, Pendidikan dan Pengetahuan dengan Kepatuhan Penerapan Protokol Kesehatan COVID-19 Masyarakat di Puskesmas Menteng Greis Febiany Talent, Syamsul Arifin, Arini Ratnasari
28366 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas Palangka Raya Barigas Jurnal Riset Mahasiswa Tingkat keparahan penyakit COVID-19 pada penerima vaksin influenza pada pegawai Kejaksaan Tinggi Provinsi Kalimantan Tengah Alfisa Fitri Salsabilah, Austin Bertilova Carmelita, Angeline Novia Toemon
28367 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  University of Benghazi Libyan Journal of Public Health Practices Changes in Lifestyle and Eating Habits of the Libyan Population During the COVID-19 Pandemic Souad F. El-Mani, Ashmisa Eltuhami, Reima M. Mansour, Laila Elabbar, Noha Bosrewill, Shams Burwag, et al. (+2)
28369 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  STAIN Ponorogo JUSMA Jurnal Studi Islam dan Masyarakat LUNTURNYA TRADISI KENDURI PADA MASA PANDEMI COVID-19 Andhita Risko Faristiana
28370 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Brawijaya University Contemporary Studies in Economic Finance and Banking ANALISIS PENDAPATAN UMKM ONLINE MAHASISWA SEBELUM DAN SETELAH TERKENA DAMPAK PANDEMI COVID-19 Natsir Abdulkarim Pandjisiswoutomo, Khusnul Ashar
28371 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Institut Agama Islam Tasikmalaya Manajerial | Journal Manajemen pendidikan islam PENGARUH MANAJEMEN PEMBELAJARAN DARING TERHADAP HASIL BELAJAR SISWA PADA MASA PANDEMI COVID-19 Doni Nugraha
28372 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Frontiers Media SA Frontiers in Pharmacology Model informed dose regimen optimizing in development of leritrelvir for the treatment of mild or moderate COVID-19 Kun Wang, Haijun Li, Youyun Li, Fengyan Xu, Zhongyi Sun, Yuting Yang, et al. (+2)
28373 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Brawijaya University Contemporary Studies in Economic Finance and Banking FIRM SPESIFIC FACTORS SEBAGAI DETERMINAN NILAI PERUSAHAAN SEBELUM DAN SELAMA PANDEMI COVID-19 Dewi Santika Putri, Tyas Danarti Hascaryani
28374 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Frontiers Media SA Frontiers in Psychology Editorial: Medical education in uncertain times: threats, challenges, and opportunities of COVID-19 Changiz Mohiyeddini, Stephen Francis Loftus
28375 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Brawijaya University Jurnal Manajemen Pemasaran dan Perilaku Konsumen Pengaruh Kualitas Pelayanan, Kepuasan Pelanggan, dan User Interface terhadap Loyalitas Pelanggan Selama Masa Pandemi COVID-19 Angga Oktavianus Matondang, Raditha Hapsari
28376 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Universitas Widyatama Jurnal LOGIC (Logistics & Supply Chain Center) PERANAN SUMBER DAYA EKONOMI DALAM PEMBANGUNAN BERKELANJUTAN PASCA PANDEMI COVID-19 Dila Fitriani, Nur Maykasari Safitri, Daffa Rizky Hidayat
28377 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Baishideng Publishing Group Co (World Journal of Experimental Medicine) World Journal of Experimental Medicine Phytochemical analysis of Tinospora cordifolia and Withania somnifera and their therapeutic activities with special reference to COVID-19 Prateek Rai, Tanya Garain, Deepshikha Gupta
28378 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Revista ft Ltda Revista ft PERCEPÇÃO DE ENFERMEIROS DO CAPS DURANTE A PANDEMIA DA COVID-19 Naiara Mariana da Costa
28379 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Universidad de San Martin de Porres Revista en Gobierno y Gestión Pública Comportamiento comunicacional del Gobierno Regional de La Libertad ante una situación de riesgo por la COVID-19 Maritza Manuela Saenz Crisostomo
28383 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Universitas Semarang Jurnal Pengembangan Rekayasa dan Teknologi ANALISIS HAMBATAN SAMPING PADA RUAS JALAN DI DEPAN STASIUN PONCOL KOTA SEMARANG (Studi Kasus Masa Pandemi Covid-19) Galih Widyarini, Yesina Intan Pratiwi
28384 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Brawijaya University Jurnal Manajemen Pemasaran dan Perilaku Konsumen Pengaruh Brand Image, Price, Dan Perceived Value Terhadap Purchase Intention Di Masa Pandemi Covid-19 Rachmad Aji Bawana, Mugiono Mugiono
28385 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Universitas Halu Oleo Jurnal Matematika Komputasi dan Statistika Analisis Model Matematika Pada Pengaruh Sistem Imun Tubuh Terhadap Penyebaran Penyakit Covid-19 Norma Muhtar, Asrul Sani, Wayan Somayasa
28387 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Universitas Halu Oleo Jurnal Matematika Komputasi dan Statistika ANALISIS MODEL SEIQR PENYEBARAN PENYAKIT CORONA VIRUS DISEASE 2019 (COVID-19) Devi Triana, Asrul Sani, Muhammad Kabil Djafar
28388 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  LPPM Universitas Abdurrab Psychopolytan Jurnal Psikologi Religiositas dan Penyesuaian Psikologis Ibu Rumah Tangga Selama Pandemi COVID-19 Raudatussalamah - Raudatussalamah, Afifah Ismi'raj, Mukhlis Mukhlis
28389 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  International Journal of Science and Research International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) A Homoeopath's Introductory Guide to the Treatment of COVID-19 Aman Mohajer
28390 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) Aging & Mental Health The impact of resilience and coping strategies on depressive symptoms among Korean American older adults during COVID-19 Eunhye Kim, Hyesu Yeo, Y. Joon Choi
28391 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Universitas Paramadina INQUIRY Jurnal Ilmiah Psikologi MOTIVASI BELAJAR DAN KEMANDIRIAN BELAJAR: STUDI EMPIRIS PADA MAHASISWA PARALEL DI MASA PANDEMI COVID-19 Ika Mayasari, Agus Eryanto, Devi Wulandari
28393 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Universitas Paramadina INQUIRY Jurnal Ilmiah Psikologi The the effect of work-family conflict on burnout on doctors during the COVID-19 pandemic","PENGARUH KONFLIK KERJA KELUARGA TERHADAP BURNOUT PADA DOKTER DI MASA PANDEMI COVID-19 Desty Dwi Kayanti Desty, Alfikalia Alfikalia
28394 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Yayasan Masyarakat Peduli Anak Indonesia Jurnal Masyarakat Sehat Indonesia Determinan Psychological Distress Pekerja Perusahaan Logistik pada Masa Pandemi COVID-19 Khusnul Khotimah, Catur Rosidati
28395 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  State Islamic University (UIN) of Sunan, Ampel Maliyah Jurnal Hukum Bisnis Islam Asset Based Community Development untuk Membangkitkan UMKM di Lingkup Desa yang Terdampak Pandemi Covid-19 Zefanya Christie, Sylvi Sabrina, Annisa Altis
28396 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  State Islamic University (UIN) of Sunan, Ampel Maliyah Jurnal Hukum Bisnis Islam Pemenuhan Kebijakan Sektor UMKM dan Pedagang Kaki Lima sebagai Pekerja Sektor Informal dalam Peningkatan Kegiatan Perekonomian Pasca Pandemi Covid-19 Fransisca Stella Tri Puspitasari, Nicolas Rafael Kreshna Mukti
28397 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  State University of Malang (UM) Jurnal Pendidikan Ekonomi Pemanfaatan Whatsapp Dalam Pembelajaran Ekonomi Pada Siswa Kelas X IPS Di MAN 2 Malang Selama Pandemi Covid-19 Septiani Satriani Purnama Putri, Agung Haryono
28398 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Kolej Islam Darul Ridzuan Global Journal Al-Thaqafah Pemerkasaan Strategi Institusi Wakaf dalam Mengurangkan Bebanan Ekonomi Masyarakat Akibat Covid-19 Hamid, C. K.
28399 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Kolej Islam Darul Ridzuan Global Journal Al-Thaqafah Manifestasi Ta’awun NGO Islam Dalam Menyantuni Golongan B40 di Sabah Semasa Pandemik Covid-19 Sintang, S.
28400 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Elsevier Clinics Effect of vitamin D3 on antiphospholipid antibodies in hospitalized patients with moderate to severe COVID-19 Lucas P. Sales, Lucas V.B. Souza, Alan L. Fernandes, Igor H. Murai, Mayara D. Santos, Margarete B.G. Vendramini, et al. (+5)
28401 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Dian Nuswantoro JAKA (Jurnal Akuntansi Keuangan dan Auditing) Kinerja Keuangan Daerah Kabupaten Sarolangun Sebelum Dan Selama Covid-19 Riszki Riszki, Yudi Yudi, Ratih Kusumastuti
28402 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Universitas Sebelas Maret AGRITEXTS Journal of Agricultural Extension Partisipasi Masyarakat dalam Upaya Pemulihan Wisata Pasar Mbatok Karanganyar Pasca Pandemi COVID-19 Nurima Wibawati, Emi Widiyanti, Eksa Rusdiyana, Suwarto Suwarto
28403 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Brawijaya University Contemporary Studies in Economic Finance and Banking DETERMINAN NPL BANK UMUM DI INDONESIA ERA PANDEMI COVID-19 Salsabila Putri Tandiari
28404 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Brawijaya University Contemporary Studies in Economic Finance and Banking PENGARUH FAKTOR SPESIFIK BANK TERHADAP RISIKO KREDIT PERBANKAN PADA MASA PANDEMI COVID-19 Annisa Amani Alhaura
28405 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Komunikasi Indonesia Maju Jurnal Ilmiah Komunikasi (JIKOM) STIKOM IMA Strategi Komunikasi Dinas Kesehatan Kabupaten Kutai Kartanegara dalam Mengajak Masyarakat Mematuhi Protokol Kesehatan Covid-19 Recka Ariska, Silviana Purwanti
28406 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Komunikasi Indonesia Maju Jurnal Ilmiah Komunikasi (JIKOM) STIKOM IMA Komunikasi Public Relatiosn Aman (Aliansi Masyarakat Adat Nusantara) dalam Program Prioritas Vaksin Covid-19 Fatimah Fatimah, Ramdhania El Hida
28407 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Pituitary Syndrome of inappropriate antidiuresis/hyponatremia in COVID-19 Alessandro Peri, Laura Naldi, Dario Norello, Benedetta Fibbi
28408 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Brawijaya University Contemporary Studies in Economic Finance and Banking DETERMINASI PROFITABILITAS DI PT INKA (PERSERO) SEBELUM DAN SELAMA PANDEMI COVID-19 Rochmanida Hana Serdiliyani, Faishal Fadli
28409 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Brawijaya University Contemporary Studies in Economic Finance and Banking PENGARUH MAKROEKONOMI DAN KINERJA KEUANGAN TERHADAP NILAI PERUSAHAAN BANK DIGITAL SELAMA PANDEMI COVID-19 Aulia Putri Utami, Tyas Danarti Hascayani
28410 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Brawijaya University Contemporary Studies in Economic Finance and Banking PENDEKATAN RGEC DALAM PENGUKURAN KESEHATAN PERBANKAN SELAMA PANDEMI COVID-19 Nadira Nur Affifah Heryanto
28411 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Brawijaya University Contemporary Studies in Economic Finance and Banking ANALISIS VOLUME PERDAGANGAN DAN RETURN SAHAM SEBELUM DAN SELAMA PANDEMI COVID-19 Putri Rismawati Lukman
28412 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Center of Technology (COT) Jurnal Riset & Teknologi Terapan Kemaritiman Metode Sertifikasi Material dan Komponen Kapal Klas BKI di Masa Pandemic Covid-19 Muhdar Tasrief, Rudiyanto Rudiyanto
28413 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Brawijaya University Reviu Akuntansi Keuangan dan Sistem Informasi Analisis Kinerja Keuangan Perusahaan Sektor Kesehatan Yang Terdaftar Di Bursa Efek Indonesia Sebelum Dan Selama Pandemi Covid-19 Alfi Nastiti Mustikaningrum, Tuban Drijah Herawati
28414 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Brawijaya University Reviu Akuntansi Keuangan dan Sistem Informasi Faktor-Faktor Yang Berpengaruh Terhadap Nilai Perusahaan Selama Pandemi Covid-19 Ajeng Ayu Indy Prasetyo
28415 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  MDPI AG Viruses Type I Interferonopathy among Non-Elderly Female Patients with Post-Acute Sequelae of COVID-19 Donghua Xu, Xuebin Qin
28416 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  FKIP Universitas Halu Oleo Jurnal Sublimapsi Dukungan Sosial dengan Kecemasan Akademik pada Mahasiswa yang Mengerjakan Skripsi di Masa Pandemi COVID-19 Winda Hairunnisa, Aspin Aspin, Eva Herik
28417 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Bentham Science Current Topics in Medicinal Chemistry Catalase: A Potential Pharmacologic Target for Hydrogen Peroxide in the Treatment of COVID-19 Aleksandr Urakov, Natalya Urakova, Aleksey Reshetnikov, Aleksey Shklyaev, Vladimir Nikolenko, Anatoly Osipov, et al. (+5)
28418 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Komisi Pemilihan Umum Republik Indonesia Electoral Governance Jurnal Tata Kelola Pemilu Indonesia DIGITALISASI VERIFIKASI FAKTUAL KEANGGOTAAN PARTAI POLITIK DI MASA PANDEMI COVID-19 Muhammad Imam Subkhi
28419 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  University Clinical Centre Tuzla Acta Medica Saliniana The role and importance of vitamin D in patients with Corona virus disesase (COVID-19) Larisa Dizdarevic Hudic, Dusica Plavsic, Selmira Brkic, Fatima Numanovic, Igor Hudic, Zerina Suljic
28420 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Universitas PGRI Madiun JUPITER (JURNAL PENDIDIKAN TEKNIK ELEKTRO) Pengembangan E-Modul Interaktif Sebagai Bahan Ajar Berbasis Tutorial pada Mata Kuliah Multimedia di Masa Pandemi Covid-19 Zulfa Husnawati, Niken Dani Safitri
28421 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Universitas PGRI Madiun JUPITER (JURNAL PENDIDIKAN TEKNIK ELEKTRO) Potensi Penggunaan Teknologi Augmented Reality (AR) dan Virtual Reality (VR) dalam Pembelajaran Sejarah Arsitektur di Era Pandemi Covid-19 Sulistianingsih AS, Djoko Kustono
28422 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Universidade Federal do Parana Desenvolvimento e Meio Ambiente A importância do contato com a natureza para a manutenção do bem-estar e da saúde mental durante a pandemia da COVID-19 Júlia Wentz dos Santos, Ana Cristina Vendrametto Giacomono, Janine Fleith de Medeiros
28423 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Universidade Federal do Parana Revista da Faculdade de Direito UFPR Investigação acerca do padrão de cooperação entre o estado do Pará e o município de Belém para medidas de enfrentamento da covid-19 Gabriela Sena dos Santos, Alina Da Costa Ferreira Ribeiro, Breno Baía Magalhães
28424 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Universidade Federal de Santa Maria Revista de Enfermagem da UFSM Linhas de ações dos hospitais universitários a partir dos planos de contingência na pandemia COVID-19 Pollyana Plautz Gorris Eger, Heluana Cavalcante Rodrigues, Patricia Nicolle Bravo Mancilla, Alacoque Lorenzini Erdmann, José Luís Guedes dos Santos
28425 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Publishing Center Dialog Path of Science Design and Development of a Cutting-Edge Machine Learning-Driven Virtual Learning Platform to Revolutionize Online Education and Im-prove Student Learning during COVID-19 Mavis Malachi Ejiofor, Taiwo Abdulahi Akintayo, Agbonze Nosa Godwin
28426 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  SAGE Publications Journal of Intellectual Disabilities The impact of a virtual wellness course for adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities in the third year of COVID-19 Laura St John, Gregory Borschneck, Tiziana Volpe, Anupam Thakur, Johanna Lake, Heidi Mallet, et al. (+2)
28427 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Modestum Limited American Journal of Qualitative Research The Condition of Education: Teacher Mental Health Absenteeism in the Aftermath of COVID-19 Juana M. Lang, Maureen Marzano, Joshua Valk, Anthony Fitzpatrick, Michael Twigg
28428 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Universidade Federal de Pernambuco Gestão org Inovação, práticas ambientais, ações sociais e qualidade de vida das pessoas durante a COVID-19 Eliana Andréa Severo
28429 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Cadernos de Fe e Cultura, Oculum Ensaios, Reflexao, Revista de Ciencias Medicas e Revista de Educacao da PUC-Campinas Reflexão O campo católico-midiático na sindemia de COVID-19 Emerson Sena, Flávio Munhoz Sofiati, Péricles Andrade
28430 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Springer Science and Business Media LLC Nature Fibrin drives thromboinflammation and neuropathology in COVID-19 Jae Kyu Ryu, Zhaoqi Yan, Mauricio Montano, Elif G. Sozmen, Karuna Dixit, Rahul K. Suryawanshi, et al. (+38)
28431 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  State Islamic University (UIN) of Sunan, Ampel Maliyah Jurnal Hukum Bisnis Islam Efektivitas Program Penanganan Covid-19 dan Pemulihan Ekonomi Nasional (PC-PEN) ditinjau dari Ekonomi Pancasila Francesca Rachel, Shafa Andien Hanifa, Wafa Raniah Putri Akbar
28432 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  LPPM Universitas Singaperbangsa Karawang - Research Department in Indonesia University Value Journal of Management and Business Pengaruh Digital Marketing dan Kualitas Pelayanan terhadap Minat Beli pada Matahari Department Store di Masa Pandemi Covid-19 Rima Latiefah Karimah, Dheas Asteria Widhiastuti, Lida Arlini
28433 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) New Zealand Economic Papers Underemployment and wage growth during COVID-19 Lisa Meehan, Gail Pacheco, Alexandra Turcu
28434 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina ethic - An international Journal for Moral Phylosophy A pandemia e a ética: uma resenha de 'Bioética, Biodireito & Biopolítica' no contexto da COVID-19","Pandemic and ethics: a review of 'Bioethics, Biolaw & Biopolitics' in the context of COVID-19 Fernando Hellmann
28435 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Universitas Semarang Jurnal Pengembangan Rekayasa dan Teknologi Analisis Data Perkembangan Kasus Positif COVID-19 Di Jawa Barat Menggunakan Metode EDA (Exploratory Data Analysis) Amalia Ayu Wardhani
28437 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Elsevier JACC Cardiovascular Imaging Clinical Significance of Myocardial Injury in Patients Hospitalized for COVID-19 Hunain Shiwani, Jessica Artico, James C. Moon, Miroslawa Gorecka, Gerry P. McCann, Giles Roditi, et al. (+197)
28438 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Al-Jami'ah Research Centre Aplikasia Jurnal Aplikasi Ilmu-ilmu Agama REFLEKSI PEMBELAJARAN ONLINE MAHASISWA DIFABEL NETRA DI MASA PANDEMI COVID-19 Astri Hanjarwati
28439 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Universitas Sebelas Maret Plexus Medical Journal Faktor Risiko Mortalitas pada Anak dengan COVID-19 di Rumah Sakit Dr. Moewardi Surakarta Arifatul Dzakiyyah, Sri Martuti, Fadhilah Tia Nur
28440 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Al-Jami'ah Research Centre Aplikasia Jurnal Aplikasi Ilmu-ilmu Agama STRATEGI PENGEMBANGAN UMKM DENGAN ANALISIS SWOT SEBAGAI SOLUSI PEMULIHAN EKONOMI PASCA PANDEMI COVID-19 Kharisa Rachmi Khoirunisa
28441 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Center for Journal Management and Publication, Lambung Mangkurat University Journal of Instructional Technology PELAKSANAAN PEMBELAJARAN JARAK JAUH PADA ERA COVID-19 DI SMP NEGERI 26 BANJARMASIN DAN MTSN 4 KOTA BANJARMASIN M. Rizky Taufani Hidayatullah, Agus Salim, Mastur Mastur
28442 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  York University Libraries Journal of the Canadian Association for Curriculum Studies Connected from Afar: Culturally Grounded Remote Peer Support During the COVID-19 Pandemic","Connectés au-delà de la distance : Soutien par les pairs à distance fondé sur la culture pendant la pandémie de COVID-19 Emma Chen, Yina Liu
28443 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Medknow Publications Indian Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism The Effect of Diabetes Mellitus on Outcomes of Patients Admitted with COVID-19 Naveen Mittal, Harmeet Pal S. Dhooria, Saurabh Arora, Vipin Kumar, Ekta Bansal, Parminder Singh, et al. (+5)
28444 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Palopo Datuk Sulaiman Law Review (DaLRev) TINDAK PIDANA KORUPSI PENYALURAN DANA BANTUAN SOSIAL COVID-19 DITINJAU DARI FIQH SIYASAH Selvia Labeda
28445 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Revista ft Ltda Revista ft SAÚDE MENTAL DOS PROFISSIONAIS DE ENFERMAGEM PÓS-PANDEMIA DA COVID-19 Raphaella Rosa Horst Massuqueto, Estefane De Fátima Svitalski, Poliana Cristini Antunes, Iria Barbara De Oliveira, Briena Padilha Andrade Beltrame
28446 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Revista Ciencias em Saude HSJ Covid-19 in-hospital fatality among hospitalized patient residents of the two largest and smaller cities of the Brazilian states Gbènankpon Mathias Houvèssou, Gary Joseph, Eduardo Viegas da Silva
28447 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Elsevier Annals of Thoracic Surgery Short Reports The Impact of COVID-19 Infection Prior to Lung Resection on Post-Operative Complications Allen Tingjun Yu, Shubham Gulati, Shivam Joshi, Alex L. Huang, Daniel Laskey, Andrea Wolf, et al. (+2)
28448 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  EnPress Publisher Journal of Infrastructure Policy and Development Influence of COVID-19 on Taiwan’s manufacturing, procurement, and sales relationship Ping-Lung Huang, Kuo-Hung Cheng, Bruce C. Y. Lee
28449 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Jayakarta Jurnal Akuntansi dan Perpajakan Jayakarta ANALISIS REALISASI PUNGUTAN BEA MASUK DAN PAJAK DALAM RANGKA IMPOR DIMASA PANDEMI COVID-19 PADA KANTOR PENGAWASAN DAN PELAYANAN BEA DAN CUKAI TIPE MADYA PABEAN A MARUNDA Deby Dahlin Abdurozak, Rudy Hedianton Saragih
28450 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Institut Agama Islam (IAI) Al-Azhaar Lubuklinggau Al-Idaroh Media Pemikiran Manajemen Dakwah PENERAPAN MANAJEMEN OPERASIONAL IBADAH UMRAH SAAT PANDEMI COVID-19 PADA PT SUTRA TOUR HIDAYAH LAMONGAN Farich Khanani, Airlangga Bramayudha
28451 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Universitas Gadjah Mada Jurnal Psikologi The Role of Emotional Creativity and Self-Disclosure in Post-traumatic Growth Among Healthcare Workers After the COVID-19 Pandemic Anwar Iqbal, Muhana Sofiati Utami
28452 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  e-IPH Ltd. Environment-Behaviour Proceedings Journal A Systematic Review on the Business Survival and Resilient Strategies for Hotel Owners during Covid-19 Pandemic Memiyanty Abdul Rahim, Farhatul Mustamirrah Mahamad Aziz, Hazariah Yais Razali, Sri Hardinigsih
28453 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  University of Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Jawa Timur Proceedings of International Conference on Economics Business and Government Challenges Uncertainty Economic Policy, Corporate Social Responsibility and Share Volatility During the Covid-19 Pandemic Agatha Pricillia Sekar Tamtomo icebgc, Doddy Setiawan icebgc
28454 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  University of Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Jawa Timur Proceedings of International Conference on Economics Business and Government Challenges The Effect of Debt Policy, Dividend Policy, and Share Prices during the Covid-19 Pandemic on the Value of Manufacturing Companies in the Food and Beverage Sub Sector Listing on the Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2020 Tri Utami, Ambarwati icebgc, Suwandi icebgc, Dwi Puji Rahayu, Indrian Supheni
28455 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Dove Medical Press Clinical Ophthalmology Response to “Telemedicine at a University Ophthalmology Practice During the Beginning of the COVID-19 Pandemic” [Letter] Harinto Nur Seha, Achmad Rusdi, Demiawan Rachmatta Putro Mudiono
28456 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Wiley Journal of General and Family Medicine Characteristics of cancer patients dying at home during the COVID-19 pandemic: A study based on vital statistics from 2015 to 2022 in Japan Yu Sun, Rie Masuda, Yuta Taniguchi, Masao Iwagami, Nobuo Sakata, Satoru Yoshie, et al. (+7)
28457 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Universitas Gadjah Mada Jurnal Psikologi Academic Dishonesty in Online Learning During the COVID-19 Pandemic: The Role of Gender, Moral Self-Concept, and Academic Self-Efficacy Ivana Nur Intishar, Sutarimah Ampuni, Sukmo Bayu Suryo Buwono
28458 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Jayakarta Jurnal Manajemen & Bisnis Jayakarta ANALISIS PERBANDINGAN PENERIMAAN PAJAK DAERAH SEBELUM DAN SELAMA PANDEMI COVID-19 SE-SUMATRA Imtiyaz Al Wafa, Nelly Masnila, Yuli Antina Aryanti
28459 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Brawijaya University Contemporary Studies in Economic Finance and Banking ANALISIS RETURN SAHAM DAN TVA PADA SEKTOR KESEHATAN SEBELUM DAN SELAMA PANDEMIK COVID-19 Qurrota Aini Fissholah, Tyas Danarti Hascaryani
28461 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Universitas Sebelas Maret Plexus Medical Journal Hubungan Kadar D-dimer pada Ibu Hamil COVID-19 terhadap Kejadian Ketuban Pecah Dini di RSUD Dr. Moewardi Teguh Prakosa, Sigit Setyawan, Affi Angelia Ratnasari
28462 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Brawijaya University Contemporary Studies in Economic Finance and Banking ANALISIS PENGARUH STOCK SPLIT TERHADAP LIKUIDITAS SAHAM DAN ABNORMAL RETURN SAHAM PADA MASA PANDEMI COVID-19 Vivi Aditya Sitiyarningrum, Vietha Devia SS
28463 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Brawijaya University Jurnal Manajemen Pemasaran dan Perilaku Konsumen PENGARUH FAKTOR SITUASIONAL PANDEMI COVID-19 TERHADAP LOYALITAS KONSUMEN PADA E-GROCERY SHOPPING PLATFORM Oktavia Larasati
28464 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Brawijaya University Contemporary Studies in Economic Finance and Banking PENGARUH DIVERSIFIKASI PENDAPATAN, BOPO DAN CARTERHADAP PROFITABILITAS PERBANKAN SELAMA PANDEMI COVID-19 Reni Sofianingsih
28465 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Universitas Gadjah Mada Jurnal Psikologi The Role of Risk Perception and Big Five Personality Traits in COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy in Indonesia Muhammad Zaki Afif Zainurrahman, Ardian Praptomojati
28466 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Brawijaya University Contemporary Studies in Economic Finance and Banking DAMPAK PERPANJANGAN RELAKSASI KREDIT TERHADAP LIKUIDITAS PERBANKAN SAAT PANDEMI COVID-19 Farah Wulandari Pangestuty
28467 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Brawijaya University Contemporary Studies in Economic Finance and Banking PENGARUH RASIO KESEHATAN BANK TERHADAP PENYALURAN KREDIT MODAL KERJA PADA USAHA MIKRO, KECIL DAN MENENGAH (UMKM) DI MASA PANDEMI COVID-19 Maike Veronica Amalia
28468 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Elsevier Zeitschrift für Evidenz Fortbildung und Qualität im Gesundheitswesen Psychische Belastungen und Auffälligkeiten von Kindern und Eltern im Verlauf der COVID-19-Pandemie (2020-2022) Ann-Kathrin Napp, Martha Gilbert, Anne Kaman, Sophie Möller, Janine Devine, Michael Erhart, Ulrike Ravens-Sieberer
28469 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Maximum Academic Press Digital Transportation and Safety Transportation mobility during COVID-19: a systematic review and bibliometric analysis Aditya Basunia, Azwad Muttaqi, Md. Rifat Hossain Bhuiyan, Farhan Anjum Badhon
28470 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  SPIE - International Society for Optical Engineering Journal of Medical Imaging Use of reporting templates for chest radiographs in a coronavirus disease 2019 context: measuring concordance of radiologists with three international templates Sarah J. Lewis, Jayden B. Wells, Warren M Reed, Claudia Mello-Thoms, Peter A O’Reilly, Marion Dimigen
28471 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Elsevier Autoimmunity Reviews Ear abnormalities in chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), fibromyalgia (FM), Coronavirus-19 infectious disease (COVID) and long-COVID syndrome (PCS), sick-building syndrome (SBS), post-orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (PoTS), and autoimmune/inflammatory syndrome induced by adjuvants (ASIA): A systematic review Thelma L. Skare, Jozélio Freire de Carvalho, Italo Roberto Torres de Medeiros, Yehuda Shoenfeld
28472 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Elsevier Journal of Molecular Liquids Cardamom Pickering emulsions stabilized by cellulose nanostructures as disinfection agents against bacteria and SARS-CoV-2 Alana Souza, Maurício Kato, Rafaela Reis Ferreira, Eliana Yudice, Ivana Campos, Luiz Setz, et al. (+2)
28473 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Springer Science and Business Media LLC Signal Transduction and Targeted Therapy Enhancing RBD exposure and S1 shedding by an extremely conserved SARS-CoV-2 NTD epitope Qianhui Zhu, Pan Liu, Shuo Liu, Can Yue, Xiangxi Wang
28474 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Elsevier Transplantation Proceedings Omicron Variant of SARS-CoV-2 Pandemic in Chinese Kidney Transplantation Population: A Nine-month Follow-up in Repeated Infection and Changes in Kidney Function Wang Zhipeng, Du Chunkai, Wu Taihao, Lyu Jingcheng, Tu Zhao, Zhu Yichen
28475 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Universitas Paramadina Konvergensi jurnal ilmiah ilmu komunikasi POLITICAL CAMPAIGNING DURING PANDEMIC: GIBRAN’S POLITICAL BRAND ON INSTAGRAM DURING SOLO MAYORAL ELECTION 2020 Irani
28476 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Publishing House Helvetica Health & Education COVID-19 ТА СЕРЦЕВО-СУДИННІ ЗАХВОРЮВАННЯ: ОСОБЛИВОСТІ КОМОРБІДНОГО ПЕРЕБІГУ Марія Іванівна Марущак, Інна Вікторівна Чабан, Оксана Петрівна Мялюк, Михайло Ростиславович Демянчук, Аліна Станіславівна Вольська
28477 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Universidade Federal de Goias Revista Eletrônica de Enfermagem Percepção de gestantes sobre os impactos emocionais da pandemia de COVID-19 à luz do modo autoconceito da Teoria da Adaptação Tamires Barbosa Bezerra, Emanuely Alves Rodrigues, Ana Alinne Gomes da Penha, Rachel de Sá Barreto Luna Callou Cruz, Luis Rafael Leite Sampaio, Edilma Gomes Rocha Cavalcante
28478 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  SAGE Publications Vascular and Endovascular Surgery Acute Vascular Complications of VA-ECMO in COVID-19 Patients. Does COVID-19 Affect the Outcome? Alhussein M. Khedr, Mohammed S. Foula, Mohammed Alsagheer Alhewy, Abdelaziz Ahmed Abdelhafez, Ibrahim Hanbal Hanbal, Ehab Abd Elmoneim Ghazala, et al. (+7)
28479 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  American Public Health Association American Journal of Public Health Interventions to Mitigate the Impact of COVID-19 Among People Experiencing Sheltered Homelessness: Chicago, Illinois, March 1, 2020-May 11, 2023 Lauren Tietje, Isaac Ghinai, Antea Cooper, Elizabeth L. Tung, Brian Borah, Michelle Funk, et al. (+25)
28480 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  University Clinical Centre Tuzla Acta Medica Saliniana COVID-19 AND COMORBIDITIES Danijela Loncar, Rahima Jahic, Humera Porobic-Jahic, Amira Bijedic, Irma Bijedic, Katarina Kovacevic, et al. (+5)
28481 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  AOSIS Health SA Gesondheid Corrigendum: Knowledge, attitudes and practices of oral health workers regarding COVID-19 and its vaccine Zara Chothia, Ntombizodwa R. Nkambule, Ahmed Bhayat, Mpho Morule
28482 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Elsevier Clinics COVID-19 and myocardial injury: Targeting elevated biomarkers for potential novel therapies Pengyang Li, Qun Chen, Ion S. Jovin, Anit Mankad, Jose F. Huizar, John D. Markley, et al. (+4)
28483 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Consortium Erudit Études internationales Retours méthodologiques sur la recherche à distance entre Covid-19 et conflits nationaux au Moyen-Orient et en Afrique du Nord","Methodological Reflections on Remote Fieldwork between Covid-19 and National Conflicts in the Middle East and North Africa Pietro Marzo
28484 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Northern Technical University NTU Journal of Pure Sciences Docking of Drugs-Protein for COVID-19 and Prediction of pKa Using Quantum Calculations Ammar A. Ibrahim
28485 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) International Journal of Leadership in Education COVID-19 and school leadership: a tale of transition Nazir Ahmed Jogezai, F. A. Baloch
28486 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) BMC Public Health Behavioral, cognitive and emotional determinants of getting vaccinated for COVID-19 and the mediating role of institutional trust among young adults in Cyprus Pinelopi Konstantinou, Maria Kyprianidou, Andria Christodoulou, Louise McHugh, Marios Constantinou, Eleni Epiphaniou, et al. (+5)
28487 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) BMC Public Health Insights from a community-based survey on factors influencing acceptance and uptake of Paxlovid (nirmatrelvir and ritonavir) as a COVID-19 antiviral medication in Singapore Sheng En Alexius Matthias Soh, Wei Ling Brenda Ong, Tun-Linn Thein, Konstadina Griva, I.-Cheng Mark Chen
28488 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Universitas Andalas Andalas Journal of International Studies (AJIS) The Global Pandemic of COVID-19 as a Non-Traditional Security Threat in Indonesia Rendi Prayuda, Fitrisia Munir, Riezki Adma Jayandi, Dini Tiara Sasmi, Cifebrima Suyastri, Rio Sundari
28489 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Universitas Negeri Padang (UNP) Persona Kajian Bahasa dan Sastra Konotasi Kolektif Istilah Covid-19 Berkategori Nomina dalam Bahasa Indonesia di Portal Berita Online Nasional Kartini Kartini, Ngusman Abdul Manaf
28490 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Universidad Autonoma de Chihuahua Ubi Societas Ibi Ius en Línea Derecho Humano a la Educación Superior, ante el covid-19. Caso: Los Cabos","Human Right of access to college education, amidst COVID-19. Case: Los Cabos Lizzeth Aguirre-Osuna, Claudia Carolina Lacruhy-Enríquez
28491 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Oxford University Press Oxford Open Digital Health Assessing the adoption and Utilization of the Rwanda COVID-19 Data Analytics System: A Mixed Methods Approach Mugabo Hassan, Gilbert Rukundo, Jean Claude S Ngabonziza, Jean-Baptiste Mazarati, Joseph Aghatise, Olukunle Akinwusi
28492 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat Universitas Mandala Waluya Jurnal Anoa Keperawatan Mandala Waluya Hubungan Pembelajaran Via Online Selama Pandemi Covid-19 Dengan Tingkat Stres Mahasiswa Semester II, IV Dan VI Prodi Keperawatan Di Universitas Mandala Waluya Sitti Masriwati
28493 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Politeknik Indonusa Surakarta Jurnal Farmasindo Jurnal Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat TINGKAT KEPATUHAN PENGGUNAAN MASKER PASIEN APOTEK KEPUTRAN SEBAGAI UPAYA PENCEGAHAN PENULARAN VIRUS COVID-19 DI MASA PANDEMI Rohma Apriastuti, Retnowati Adiningsih
28494 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  LPPM STIKES Madani Yogyakarta ABDIMAS Madani Peran Sebagai Vaksinator Dalam Percepatan Vaksinasi Covid-19 Di Pesantren Islamic Center Binbaz Dyah Muliawati
28495 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) BMC Public Health Comparative analysis of COVID-19 diagnoses and mortality among hospitalized indigenous and non-indigenous populations in Chile: 2020-2021 Sushma Dahal, Iris Delgado, Lisa Sattenspiel, Svenn-Erik Mamelund, Gerardo Chowell
28496 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  American Public Health Association American Journal of Public Health The COVID-19 Disparities Grant: A Lesson in Radical Place-Based Investment to Overcome COVID-19-Related Health Disparities Korin Parrella, Helena Van Troy-Duran, Eleni Vasilakos, Kelly Laurent, Julian Watkins
28497 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Oxford University Press Open Forum Infectious Diseases Association of COVID-19 Vaccination with Risk of Medically-Attended Post-Acute Sequelae of COVID-19 During the Ancestral, Alpha, Delta, and Omicron Variant Eras Melanie D Swift, Laura E Breeher, Ross Dierkhising, Joel Hickman, Matthew G Johnson, Daniel L Roellinger, Abinash Virk
28498 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  GN1 Genesis Network Global Academic Nursing Journal Óbitos por COVID-19 e sua relação com as principais comorbidades Lucas Eduardo Moreira da Silva, José Guilherme Milani Gomedi, Lucas Sonoda Buzzo, Daniel Valques Lorencet, Brenner Henrique de Ferraz, Patrícia Bossolani Charlo
28499 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Revista ft Ltda Revista ft PRINCIPAIS SEQUELAS RESPIRATÓRIAS CAUSADAS PELA COVID-19 EM IDOSOS NO BRASIL Evelin Ribas, Vanessa Elizabete Raue Rodrigues, Marciane Conti Zornita Bortolanza
28500 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences IMPACTO DA COVID-19 EM PACIENTES COM NEUTROPENIA FEBRIL Catharine Garcia Lopes, Guilherme Cristovam Pina, Charbell Guthierry Almeida de Mendonça, Gabriella Batista Centurion de Santa Rosa, Gabriel Camargo Villas Boas Zambrin, Bianca Dantas Vieira, et al. (+6)
28501 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Universidad Nacional Santiago Antunez de Mayolo Llalliq Impacto del COVID-19 en el crecimiento económico, las MYPES formales y la Recaudación Fiscal en el Perú 2012-2021 Laura Nivin Vargas, Mirko Cacha Alvarado, Carlos Fernández López, Luis Villarreal Mata
28502 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Universidad Libre ENTRAMADO Efectos del Covid-19 en el Emprendimiento en Santander (Colombia): Un análisis empírico Natalia Andrea Pérez-Cáceres, Isaac Guerrero-Rincón, Yenny Carla Ardila-Barrera
28503 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Universidad Nacional Santiago Antunez de Mayolo Llalliq Valores interpersonales y pensamiento crítico en educación e-Learning durante el COVID-19 en estudiantes universitarios, Huaraz, 2022 Dante Sánchez Rodríguez, Magna Guzmán Avalos, Marco Jamanca Ramírez, Juan Vásquez Guzmán
28504 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  MDPI AG Pathophysiology Persistent Post COVID-19 Endothelial Dysfunction and Oxidative Stress in Women Natalya Semenova, Ekaterina Vyrupaeva, Sergey Kolesnikov, Marina Darenskaya, Olga Nikitina, Lyubov Rychkova, Liubov Kolesnikova
28505 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Advanced Research Publications Epidemiology International COVID-19 Epidemiological Trends and Impact Assessment in India’s Northeastern States: The First Wave Analysis Anjali Chauhan
28506 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Advanced Research Publications Epidemiology International COVID-19 Epidemiological Trends and Impact Assessment in India’s Northeastern States: The First Wave Analysis Anjali Chauhan
28507 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  MDPI AG International Journal of Molecular Sciences RT-qPCR Testing and Performance Metrics in the COVID-19 Era Stephen A. Bustin
28508 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Universitas Katolik Widya Mandala Surabaya Jurnal Widya Medika SARS-COV-2 (COVID-19) EXAMINATION USES ANTIGEN SWAB FOR COMPANY’S EMPLOYEES IN SURABAYA ON JULY - AUGUST 2021 Lukas Slamet Riadi, Yudhiakuari Sincihu, Mulya Dinata, Vincentius Diamantino Supit, Juanita Harrisa, Putri Lisdiyanti
28509 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) Journal of Health Communication Newspaper Representation of Mandatory Vaccination Against COVID-19 for Healthcare Workers in England: A Qualitative Framing Analysis Heather Wilson, Martin McKee
28510 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  American Public Health Association American Journal of Public Health The CDC’s Initiative to Address COVID-19 Health Disparities Among High-Risk and Underserved Populations Leslie A. Dauphin, Leandris Liburd
28511 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  American Public Health Association American Journal of Public Health State Department of Health’s Equitable Funding Allocation Methodology to Address COVID-19 Health Disparities Among High-Risk and Underserved Populations Jamie M. Abelson, Hannah Burgess, Frances Limtiaco, Elisabeth Long, Brittany Ribeiro Brown, Daniel Hannawalt-Morales, et al. (+2)
28512 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  American Public Health Association American Journal of Public Health Reducing COVID-19 Health Disparities in the Territories and Freely Associated States Julia Von Alexander, Karl Ensign, Neyling Fajardo
28513 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Brawijaya University Contemporary Studies in Economic Finance and Banking COVID-19 IMPACT ON DEBT CHOICES OF HEALTHCARE COMPANIES: EVIDENCE FROM INDONESIA Cecilia Jelsica Lukman, Aminnulah Achmad Muttaqin
28514 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Szechenyi Istvan University Acta Technica Jaurinensis The Processing Spatial Data for Statistical Modeling and Visualization Case study: INLA model for COVID-19 in Alabama, USA Getachew Engidaw, György Terdik
28515 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Herald Scholarly Open Access Practical and Professional Nursing University governance in the face of COVID-19 in central Mexico Cruz García Lirios
28516 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Public Library of Science PLoS ONE Psychological well-being and job performance of nurses and midwives amidst COVID-19 in Ghana; a multi-group analysis Felix Kwame Opoku, Nester Kumiwaa Owusu, Kahsu Gebrekidan
28517 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Elsevier Clinical Microbiology and Infection Nirmatrelvir/ritonavir treatment and risk for post-acute sequelae of COVID-19 in older Singaporeans Liang En Wee, Jue Tao Lim, An Ting Tay, Calvin J. Chiew, Barnaby Edward Young, Betty Wong, et al. (+6)
28518 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) BMC Infectious Diseases Neopterin production in relation to COVID-19 in the Haut-Ogooué Province, Gabon Serge Ely Dibakou, Chérone Nancy Mbani Mpega Ntigui, Sandrine Lydie Oyegue-Liabagui, Desire Otsague Ekore, Linaa Yasmine Okomo Nguema, Jean Bernard Lekana-Douki, Barthelemy Ngoubangoye
28519 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) BMC Public Health Impact of non-pharmaceutical interventions on COVID-19 incidence and deaths: cross-national natural experiment in 32 European countries Diogo Costa, Sven Rohleder, Kayvan Bozorgmehr
28520 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Academic Publishing Pte. Ltd. Journal of Policy and Society COVID-19 induced DV in Zimbabwe’s Southlea Park residential area in Harare Oshneck Mupepi, Mark Matsa
28521 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  The Japanese Association of Rehabilitation Medicine Progress in Rehabilitation Medicine A Case of Spinal Cavernous Hemangioma with Rapidly Worsening Neurological Symptoms after COVID-19 Infection Nobuyuki Arai, Hiromasa Abe, Takashi Hiraoka, Kozo Hanayama
28522 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Medknow Publications Indian Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism Abstract 89: Correlation between serum Vitamin D3 levels and severity of COVID-19 infection Prudwiraj Sanamandra
28523 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  ASOS Yayinevi European Journal of Research in Dentistry Investigation of Saliva Parameters and Tissue Factor in Healthy Individuals Who Had Survived COVID-19 Infection Şehkar Oktay, Eren Arslan, Gökçe Akyol, Saliha Kaya, Füsun Karatepe
28524 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Bentham Science Coronaviruses Reviewing Ivermectin’s Efficacy in Treating COVID-19 Infection Alberto Boretti
28525 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Medknow Publications Indian Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism Abstract 128: Thyroid function abnormalities in hospitalized patients with COVID-19 infection - A cross-sectional study K G Rashmi, Deepika Patel, Dukhabandhu Naik, C Sadishkumar Kamalanathan, Jayaprakash Sahoo, Kadhiravan Tamilarasu
28526 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Universitas Andalas Andalas Journal of International Studies (AJIS) Diplomasi Vaksin Covid-19 Jepang di Vietnam Amanda Femalia Rizkiyanti, Hamdan Nafiatur Rosyida
28528 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Publishing House for Science and Technology Vietnam, Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology (Publications) VIETNAM JOURNAL OF EARTH SCIENCES Assessing Aerosol Changes over Delhi using Satellite and Ground Measurement Data: Insights from a COVID-19 Lockdown Period Huong Nguyen-Thuy, Thanh Ngo-Duc, An Dam-Duy
28529 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) Applied Economics Analysis of preference for COVID-19 measures at hotels: a choice experiment in Japan Kaifan Chen, Makiko Nakano
28530 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Springer Science and Business Media LLC Scientific Reports Handgrip strength as a prognostic factor for COVID-19 mortality among older adult patients admitted to the intensive care unit (ICU): a comparison Alpha (B.1.1.7) and Delta (B.1.617.2) variants Sajjad Rostamzadeh, Atabak Allafasghari, Amin Allafasghari, Alireza Abouhossein
28531 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media An Unhelpful Chain: Antecedents and Consequences of COVID-19 News Avoidance in China and Singapore Ran Wei, Ven-Hwei Lo, Jing Guo, Wenting Yu
28532 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Universidade Federal do Parana Revista X Desafios enfrentados na educação de altas habilidades/superdotação durante a pandemia de Covid-19 no aprendizado on-line na Arábia Saudita sob a perspectiva dos alunos e de seus pais Yusra Aboud, Rayne Karla de Lima
28533 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina ethic - An international Journal for Moral Phylosophy O etarismo e a alocação de recursos em saúde durante a pandemia de COVID-19 no Brasil","Ageism and the allocation of health resources during the COVID-19 pandemic in Brazil Mario Machado Filho, Darlei Dall'Agnol
28534 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Medknow Publications Indian Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism Abstract 113: Impact of COVID-19 on arterial stiffness Rakesh Kumar Sahay, S Nevin
28535 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  GLS University Right to Access to Human Reproductive Technologies under Indian Legal Framework A Bird’s View Impacts of Covid-19 on Development of Legal Research in Nigeria Kudirat Magaji W. Owolabi
28536 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Universitas Muhammadiyah Parepare Journal AK-99 The Impact Of Covid-19 On Operational Costs At Communication And Informatics Services In Parepare City Abdul Azis
28537 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Sciencedomain International Archives of Current Research International Impact of COVID-19 on River and Fisheries: A Comprehensive Guide Durgesh Kumar Verma, Shravan Kumar Sharma, Ridhdhisa R. Barad, Rajesh Jayaswal, Pragati Inwati, Ishwar Chandra, et al. (+3)
28538 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Knowledge E Journal of Community Health Research Evaluating Vaccination Delay in Infants during COVID-19 Outbreak in Yazd Elham Nakhaei, Saeed Hosseini, Mohsen Mirzaei, Mahmood Vakili, Narjes Hazar
28539 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Mary Ann Liebert Cannabis and Cannabinoid Research Exploring the Relationship Between Cannabis Use And COVID-19 Outcomes Chapman Wei, Nawal Mustafa, Radu Grovu, Fasih Sami Siddiqui, Umesh K. Manchandani, Saud Bin Abdul Sattar, et al. (+2)
28540 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Brawijaya University Contemporary Studies in Economic Finance and Banking ANALISIS PERBANDINGAN KINERJA KEUNGANAN SELAMA PANDEMI COVID-19 PADA BANK YANG TERDAFTAR INDEX LQ-45 Anggi Sinta Marito
28541 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Brawijaya University Contemporary Studies in Economic Finance and Banking REAKSI INVESTOR TERHADAP INFORMASI PENINGKATAN KASUS HARIAN COVID-19 PADA EMITEN PENYEDIA JASA KESEHATAN BEI Imam Fathoni, Faishal Fadli
28544 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Brawijaya University Contemporary Studies in Economic Finance and Banking STRATEGI BERTAHAN UMKM PADA MASA PANDEMI COVID-19 PADA PEMBIAYAAN BANK THITIL UNTUK PARA PEDAGANG Nurul Badriyah
28545 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat Universitas Mandala Waluya Jurnal Anoa Keperawatan Mandala Waluya Hubungan Health Belief Model Dengan Kepatuhan Vaksinasi Covid-19 pada Siswa di SMK Negeri 1 Raha Sitti Masriwati, Merry Pongdatu, Nurul Izzah Leman
28546 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Universitas Muhammadiyah Parepare Journal AK-99 Effectiveness Of Direct Cash Assistance Policy Village Funds On Economic Recovery During The Covid-19 Pandemic Arrahman
28547 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Brawijaya University Contemporary Studies in Economic Finance and Banking THE COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF GOLD, STOCKS, SWISS-FRANC, AND BITCOIN AS PORTFOLIO PERFORMANCE DURING COVID-19 PANDEMIC Wayan Jonatan Satwika Krisantana, Devanto S. Pratomo
28548 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  DiscoverSys, Inc. Indonesia Journal of Biomedical Science Analysis of burnout syndrome on the quality of nursing work life during COVID-19 pandemic An Yuliani
28549 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Wiley The Journal of Physiology Reinventing the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system based on experience from the COVID-19 pandemic Sven Kurbel
28550 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Public Library of Science PLoS ONE Effects of social and environmental restrictions, and changes in alcohol availability in adolescents’ binge drinking during the COVID-19 pandemic Judit Rogés, Marina Bosque-Prous, Cinta Folch, Ester Teixidó-Compañó, Helena González-Casals, Joan Colom, et al. (+4)
28551 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Elsevier Vaccine Lessons from a longitudinal community-based investigation of adherence to guidelines and intent to vaccinate during the COVID-19 pandemic Maria M. Llabre, Kiara R. Timpano, Hannah C. Broos, Rafael O. Leite, Patrice G. Saab
28552 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina ethic - An international Journal for Moral Phylosophy Discriminação contra deficientes e protocolos de alocação de recursos escassos na pandemia de COVID-19","Discrimination against disabilities and protocols for the allocation of scarce resources in the COVID-19 pandemic Fernando Maurício da Silva
28553 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Elsevier Data in Brief Machine learning-ready mental health datasets for evaluating psychological effects and system needs in Mexico City during the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic Carlos Rodrigo Garibay Rubio, Katsuya Yamori, Genta Nakano, Astrid Renneé Peralta Gutiérrez, Silvia Morales Chainé, Rebeca Robles García, et al. (+4)
28554 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  MIT Press Quantitative Science Studies Auditing citation polarization during the early COVID-19 pandemic Taekho You, June Young Lee, Jinseo Park, Jinhyuk Yun
28555 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Universitas Wiralodra Gema Wiralodra The Role of Intrinsic Motivation and Psychological Empowerment in the Relationship of Transformational Leadership and Employees Innovative Behavior Post COVID-19 Pandemic Abdul Malik Sayuti, Denanda Agnes Safitri
28556 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  SAGE Publications International Journal Canada s Journal of Global Policy Analysis Securitization versus sovereignty? Multi-level governance, scientific objectivation, and the discourses of the Canadian and American heads of state during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic Marjolaine Lamontagne
28557 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Inderscience Enterprises Ltd. International Journal of Knowledge and Learning Navigating uncertainty: an empirical analysis of student anxiety and educational transformation in the COVID-19 pandemic Mudasir Ahmad Mir, Sumaya Mushtaq, Shabir Ahmad Bhat
28558 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha Jurnal Administrasi Pendidikan Indonesia Evaluation of the Effectiveness of the Use of School Operational Assistance Funds (BOS) at Harapan Christian Private High School Denpasar During the Covid-19 Pandemic. I Gusti Ayu Oka Citariani, I Putu Wisna Ariawan, Basilius Redan Werang
28559 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Emerald (MCB UP) Managerial Finance Understanding the aftermath of banks merger: analyzing price effects on public sector banks since the COVID-19 pandemic Sandeep Kumar, Amandeep Verma
28560 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Institut Studi Islam Sunan Doe Journal of Multidisciplinary Science The Role of Indonesian Women in Defending the Country Efforts in Facing the Covid-19 Pandemic Beny Abukhaer Tatara, Wahyu Sekti Retnaningsih
28561 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Brawijaya University Reviu Akuntansi Keuangan dan Sistem Informasi Bankruptcy Prevention For Small Businesses During Covid-19 Pandemic Reynaldo Kanan, Noval Adib
28562 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Nofer Institute of Occupational Medicine Medycyna Pracy Increased coronary artery disease severity in patients undergoing invasive diagnostics during the COVID-19 pandemic Tomasz Wcisło, Karolina Kołodziej, Marcin Książczyk, Kasper Kuna, Damian Mikulski, Ewa Borowiak, Michał Plewka
28563 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Bentham Science Coronaviruses The Effect of Attending Major Wards on the Burnout and Boredom of Medical Interns during the COVID-19 Pandemic Mahdieh Esmaeili, Atefeh Ahmadi, Ahmad Alinaghi Langari, Masoud Mayel
28564 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Universitas Komputer Indonesia International Journal of Informatics Information System and Computer Engineering (INJIISCOM) Pandawa App: Student Guide Application after the Covid-19 Pandemic Agis Abhi Rafdhi, Adam Mukharil Bachtiar, Euis Neni Hayati, Raiswati Untsa Mega
28565 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Oxford University Press Health Affairs Scholar The Effects of SNAP Emergency Allotments on State-Level SNAP Benefits and Enrollment During the COVID-19 Pandemic David R Steffen, David D Kim
28566 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Cambridge University Press Canadian Journal of Law and Society / Revue Canadienne Droit et Société Unthinkable, Thinkable, and Back Again: The Use of Incarceration in Ontario during the COVID-19 Pandemic - ERRATUM Brendyn Johnson, Chloé Leclerc
28567 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Negah Scientific Publisher Iran Journal of Nursing Intolerance of Uncertainty During the COVID-19 Pandemic Among Nurses Working in Teaching Hospitals in Tehran, Iran Mehrnoosh Inanlou, Zahra Tork, Shima Haghani
28568 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System Finance and Economics Discussion Series The COVID-19 Pandemic and Family Economic Well-being: Evidence from the Survey of Consumer Finances Sarena Goodman, Gina Li, Kevin Moore, Alice Henriques Volz
28569 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Radiance Research Academy International Journal of Medical & Pharmaceutical Sciences Covid-19 Pandemic and Impact of Orthomolecular Medicine: New Perspectives and Applications Rajib Kumar Singh, Ruchi Singh, Jitendra Singh Yadav, Brij Raj Singh, Atul Kumar Dubey, Shreyash Tripathi
28570 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Emerald (MCB UP) International Journal of Migration Health and Social Care Media representation of African individuals in Australia during the COVID-19 pandemic and its impact on mental health Wole Akosile, Babangida Tiyatiye, Adebunmi Bojuwoye, Roger Antabe
28571 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  SAGE Publications Possibility Studies & Society The COVID-19 pandemic and methodological constraints: Autoethnographic and prefigurative responses Clare Williams
28572 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Universitas Negeri Padang (UNP) Bioeducation Journal Student Responses in using E-Learning Platforms for Biology Subjects Class XI SMA and MA State Semarang City in the Covid-19 Pandemic Era Anisatuz Zahro', Afif Amruzain
28573 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Elsevier Schizophrenia Research What impact did the COVID-19 pandemic have on psychosis and the delivery of early intervention psychosis services? Sorcha J. Cotter, Catherine L. Smith, Caroline X. Gao, Rahul Khanna, Brian O'Donoghue, Ellie Brown, Andrew Thompson
28574 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  JMIR Publications Inc. Interactive Journal of Medical Research Changes in the epidemiological features of influenza after the COVID-19 pandemic in China, the USA, and Australia: updated surveillance data for influenza activity (Preprint) Mingyue Jiang, Mengmeng Jia, Qing Wang, Yanxia Sun, Yunshao Xu, Peixi Dai, et al. (+2)
28575 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Wiley Cancer Medicine Factors associated with deferral or non-performance of an organized breast cancer screening program during the COVID-19 pandemic in France Jean Papadacci Stephanopoli, Leila Bouazzi, Myriam Guerbaz-Sommi, Olivier Graesslin, Aline Hurtaud, Salvatore Ilardo, et al. (+4)
28576 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Asian Journal of Criminology Exploring the Impact of Routine Activity and Financial Strain on Fraud Victimization During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Hong Kong Jacky Cheuk Lap Siu, Hua Zhong, Amy Nivette
28577 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Knowledge E Journal of Shahid Sadoughi University of Medical Sciences Trends in Online Health Information Searches on Sleep Disorders During the First Seven Months of the COVID-19 Pandemic in Iran Amin Nayebi, Mohammad Reza Abolghasemi Dehaqani, Reza Rostami, Abbas Rahiminezhad, Masoud Asadpour
28578 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  SAGE Publications Nordic Studies on Alcohol and Drugs Alcohol purchases through online stores and mobile applications in the late phase of the COVID-19 pandemic in Poland Michał Bujalski, Magdalena Rowicka
28579 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  SAGE Publications Chronic Stress Loneliness and Alcohol use among College Students During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Rural Appalachia Manik Ahuja, Rachel Miller-Slough, Esther Adebayo-Abikoye, Callon Williams, Andrea Haubner, McKenzie G. Dooley, et al. (+9)
28580 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Discover Sustainability The impact of mental health and the COVID-19 pandemic on employability and learning outcomes: evidence from Taiwanese University students Yi-Chih Lee
28581 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  SAGE Publications The Family Journal A Scoping Review of the Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Family Wellbeing in Africa Shingairai Chigeza, Angelina Wilson Fadiji, Nyambeni Matamela
28582 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia Indonesian Capital Market Review The Impact of Covid-19 Pandemic on Islamic Health Insurance Market Returns: Empirical Evidence from Saudi Arabia Mohamed Zakaria Fodol, Hakan Aslan
28583 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Elsevier Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders The effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on mental health in mothers of autistic children and mothers of children with fragile X syndrome Carly Moser, Laura Friedman, Katherine Bangert, Alexandra Hickey, Jennifer Sun, Jessica Klusek
28584 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  University Clinical Centre Tuzla Acta Medica Saliniana Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Radiotherapy Patients by Age and Residence Goran Kolarevic
28585 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Korean Society of Pediatric Endocrinology Annals of Pediatric Endocrinology & Metabolism Effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on serum vitamin D concentration in Korean children Jinjoo Choi, Yunsoo Choe, Kyeongmi Lee, Nayoung Kim, Seung Yang
28586 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Eliwise Academy Ltd Advances in Economics Management and Political Sciences The Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on the Private Equity Valuation Yuheng Guo, Penghao Li
28587 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Emerald (MCB UP) European Journal of Management Studies Covid-19 pandemic trouble? An exploratory study on German acquisitions in Japan Kevin Massmann, Ralf Bebenroth
28588 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Ovid Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine Trajectory of telework in a Brazilian labor court during the COVID-19 pandemic: A longitudinal study of working and health conditions according to work modality Fauzi El Kadri Filho, Sérgio Roberto de Lucca
28589 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Emerald (MCB UP) The Journal of Mental Health Training Education and Practice Online training in trauma-informed intervention and care for mental health workers in India during COVID-19 pandemic: a mixed method evaluation study Emma Emily de Wit, Naomi Halpern, J.G.F. Bunders-Aelen
28590 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  SAGE Publications Journal of Pediatric Surgical Nursing Facilitators, Barriers, Conditions, and Recommendations of Pediatric Nurses Reassigned to Adult Care During COVID-19 Pandemic: A Mixed Methods Study Marcia Pestana-Santos, Anita Catlin, Joana Mendes
28591 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  MDPI AG Vaccines Attitudes toward Adolescent HPV Vaccination after the COVID-19 Pandemic: A National Survey of Mothers Gary Glauberman, Erica Liebermann, Melanie L. Kornides, Masako Matsunaga, Eunjung Lim, Gregory Zimet, Holly B. Fontenot
28592 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  MDPI AG Behavioral Sciences Support from Social Media during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Systematic Review Stephanie Szeto, Algae Kit Yee Au, Sophie Kai Lam Cheng
28593 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Henry Stewart Publications Journal of Business Continuity & Emergency Planning Continuity of an essential service during the COVID-19 pandemic: A systematic review and meta-analysis of vaccine perceptions and hesitancy in the emergency medical services profession Randy D. Kearns, Ginny R. Kaplan, Michael W. Hubble
28594 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Korean Society of Pediatric Endocrinology Annals of Pediatric Endocrinology & Metabolism Commentary on "New-onset diabetes in children during the COVID-19 Pandemic: an assessment of biomarkers and psychosocial risk factors at play in Mississippi" Se Young Kim
28595 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Wiley Sociology of Health & Illness Disputes over the figures of the COVID-19 pandemic: Epistemic diversity, dissemination of science, and political opposition Jean-Paul Sarrazin, Carlos F. Cáceres
28596 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  MDPI AG Nutrients The Association between Federal Nutrition Assistance Programs and Adolescent Food Security during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Evidence from Baltimore, Maryland Kristin Mmari, Kaitlyn Harper, Jon Kawatachi, Marina Jenkins, Susan Gross, Stacy Lu, et al. (+2)
28597 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Korean Counseling Association Journal of Asia Pacific Counseling Online Counseling during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Practical Experience from Play Therapists
28598 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Volgograd State Technical University Социология города Everyday practices of urban dwellers in the condi-tions of the COVID-19 pandemic: Russian and foreign experience М. А. Ядова
28599 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Bioscientifica Endocrine Abstracts Increased psychological distress among patients with thyroid diseases during COVID-19 pandemic: the epitome study Vassiliki Daraki, Theano Roumeliotaki, Panagiotis-Nikolaos Tsakalomatis, Grigoria betsi, Maria Sfakiotaki, Maria Chrysoulaki, et al. (+12)
28600 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  University Clinical Centre Tuzla Acta Medica Saliniana INR VALUES WITH PATIENTS ON ORAL ANTICOAGULANT THERAPY DURING COVID-19 PANDEMICS Sabina Camdzic-Smajic, Munevera Becarevic, Nihad Mesanovic
28601 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Wiley Reviews in Medical Virology Virus-Induced Host Chemokine CCL2 in COVID-19 Pathogenesis: Potential Prognostic Marker and Target of Anti-Inflammatory Strategy Abdul Wahid Ansari, Fareed Ahmad, Majid Ali Alam, Thesni Raheed, Ahmed Zaqout, Muna Al-Maslamani, et al. (+4)
28602 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Texas Christian University Anesthesia eJournal Rocuronium vs Succinylcholine: Emergency Airway Management of the COVID-19 Patient Ryan Shores, Katherine Fowler, John McDonough, Amy Suralis, Denise Scindele, Tilman Müller-Wolff
28603 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  DiscoverSys, Inc. Indonesia Journal of Biomedical Science Spontaneous retrovesical bleeding on COVID-19 patient: A rare case Faathir Baihaqi Ghifary, Tanaya Ghinorawa
28604 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  PT Perorangan Mutimedia Jaya Abadi Indonesian Journal of Community Services Cel Socialization of The Role of Ventilators as Medical Support Tools for COVID-19 Patients Indra Jaya, Fajrul Islamy
28605 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Universitas Ma Chung Jurnal Farmasi Ma Chung Sains Teknologi dan Klinis Komunitas Petterns Of Drug Use During Self-Isolation By Confirmed COVID-19 Patients at the Asam Baru Health Center Siti Jumiyatul Awlia
28606 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) BMC Pulmonary Medicine Predictors of high-flow nasal cannula failure in COVID-19 patients in a northern Peruvian hospital Sara Teresita Calle-Peña, Edwin David Diaz Tavara, Edwin Aguirre-Milachay, Darwin A. León-Figueroa, Mario J. Valladares-Garrido
28607 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Universitas Katolik Widya Mandala Surabaya Jurnal Widya Medika IMPACT OF DIABETES MELLITUS AS A COMORBIDITY OF COVID-19 PATIENTS TREATED AT PANTI NIRMALA MALANG: REVIEWED FROM COAGULATION PARAMETERS Winarko Luminturahardjo, Hustorio Aliongko Simamora, Evan Kurniawan Gianto
28608 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Elsevier JACC Cardiovascular Imaging Medium-Term Outcomes of Hospitalized COVID-19 Patients With Myocardial Injury Mahesh K. Vidula, Yuchi Han
28609 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Elsevier Medicina Intensiva Intrahospital transportation of mechanically-ventilated COVID-19 patients: a cohort study Sara Ferreira Pagliarini, Pedro Henrique Rigotti Soares, Matheus Golenia dos Passos, Leonardo da Silva Marques, Wagner Nedel
28610 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) Journal of Cardiovascular Imaging Evaluation of pulmonary arterial stiffness in post mild COVID-19 patients: a pilot prospective study Yetkin Korkmaz, Tufan Çınar, Faysal Şaylık, Tayyar Akbulut, Murat Selçuk, Mustafa Oğuz, et al. (+2)
28611 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Public Library of Science PLOS Global Public Health Clinical symptoms and faecal shedding of SARS-CoV-2 RNA among hospitalized COVID-19 patients: Implication for transmission Rebecca Folasade Bamidele, Adeola Fowotade, Rasheed Bakare, Olufunso Opeyemi Bamidele, Chukwuma Ewean Omoruyi, Amos Abimbola Oladunni, et al. (+2)
28612 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) BMC Infectious Diseases Study on the impact of meteorological factors on influenza in different periods and prediction based on artificial intelligence RF-Bi-LSTM algorithm: to compare the COVID-19 period with the non-COVID-19 period Hansong Zhu, Si Chen, Weixia Qin, Joldosh Aynur, Yuyan Chen, Xiaoying Wang, et al. (+7)
28613 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Elsevier Talanta Discrimination between Covid-19 positive and negative blood serum based on excitation-emission matrix fluorescence spectroscopy and chemometrics Glaucio Jefferson Araujo Gomes, Fabyan Esberard de Lima Beltrão, Wallace Duarte Fragoso, Sherlan Guimarães Lemos
28614 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  TMR Publishing Group Clinical Research Communications Oral manifestations and prognosis of COVID-19 positive population in Suining city, China in the post-epidemic era Teng-Min Gao, Yi-Gui Wang, Li-Juan Guo, Sen Yang
28615 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Northern Technical University NTU Journal of Pure Sciences Molecular Docking of Several Medicines with Covid-19 Protein Ammar A. Ibrahim
28616 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Elsevier Acta Colombiana de Cuidado Intensivo Cambios longitudinales en el índice de ROX y el puntaje de HACOR en pacientes críticos con insuficiencia respiratoria aguda por COVID-19 que requirieron cánula nasal de alto flujo: estudio de cohorte retrospectivo Izeth Sallas Rodríguez, Helman Diaz Ramírez, José Santacruz Arias, Javier Polo Díaz, Miguel Aguilar Schotborgh, Amilkar Almanza Hurtado, et al. (+5)
28617 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Ovid Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine Findings Associated with Prolonged COVID-19 Recovery among Boston Healthcare Workers Nader Zalaquett, Kevan Lutchman, Eirini Iliaki, Jane Buley, Neetha Nathan, Mercedes Sotos Prieto, et al. (+2)
28618 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  National Association of Social and Applied Gerontology (NASAG) Journal of Aging and Long-Term Care “You Admit a Resident, You Admit a Family” The Impact of COVID-19 Restrictions on Family Time in Long-Term Care Tracy Christianson, Evans Appiah-kusi, Jordan Bremner, Andrew Filewich, Amna Qazi, Colin Reid
28619 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Emerald (MCB UP) Health Education COVID-19 school closures in Latin America: untangling approaches impacting student health and wellbeing Irene Torres, Samantha Kloft, Muskan Kumar, Amita Santosh, Mariana Pinto-Alvarez, Daniel F. López-Cevallos
28620 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology Analyzing COVID-19 Sentiments on Twitter: An Effective Machine Learning Approach Irfan Qutab, Unaiza Fatima, Muhammad Aqeel, Imtiaz Ahmed
28621 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Dian Nuswantoro JAKA (Jurnal Akuntansi Keuangan dan Auditing) ANALISIS KINERJA KEUANGAN UNTUK MENILAI KESEHATAN BPR SEBELUM DAN SELAMA PANDEMI COVID-19 (STUDI EMPIRIS PADA BPR PERSERODA PATI) Sherly Erisliana, Agung Prajanto
28622 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Brawijaya University Contemporary Studies in Economic Finance and Banking DIGITALISASI DAN PENGANGGURAN DI PEDESAAN JAWA TIMUR PADA MASA PANDEMI COVID-19 (STUDI KASUS PADA SEKTOR INFORMAL) Sherina Indah Mawarni, Wildan Syafitri
28623 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Brawijaya University Contemporary Studies in Economic Finance and Banking PERBANDINGAN KINERJA PERBANKAN MELALUI RASIO KEUANGAN BERDASARKAN ASPEK RISK PROFILE, EARNINGS, DAN CAPITAL SEBELUM DAN SELAMA PANDEMI COVID-19 (Studi Pada Bank BUMN Konvensional) Dimas Hary Wibowo, Ajeng Kartika Galuh
28624 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Public Library of Science PLOS Global Public Health Predictors of health-related quality of Life for COVID-19 survivors living in Dhaka, Bangladesh: A repeated Follow-Up after 18 months of their recovery Md. Utba Rashid, Koustuv Dalal, Md. Abdullah Saeed Khan, Umme Kulsum Monisha, Soumik Kha Sagar, Tahmina Zerin Mishu, et al. (+3)
28625 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Korean Endocrine Society Endocrinology and Metabolism Impact of Diabetes on COVID-19 Susceptibility: A Nationwide Propensity Score Matching Study Han Na Jang, Sun Joon Moon, Jin Hyung Jung, Kyung-Do Han, Eun-Jung Rhee, Won-Young Lee
28626 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  MDPI AG Journal of Personalized Medicine Insulin Resistance in Long COVID-19 Syndrome Dana Emilia Man, Minodora Andor, Valentina Buda, Nilima Rajpal Kundnani, Daniel Marius Duda-Seiman, Laura Maria Craciun, et al. (+3)
28627 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Dian Nuswantoro JAKA (Jurnal Akuntansi Keuangan dan Auditing) KINERJA PENDAPATAN DAN BELANJA DAERAH KABUPATEN TULUNGAGUNG SEBELUM, SAAT, DAN PASCA PANDEMI COVID-19 (TAHUN 2017-2022) Natalia Mega Selvi, Mega Tunjung Hapsari
28628 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  LPPM STIKES Madani Yogyakarta ABDIMAS Madani Pelatihan Basic Life Support Masyarakat Awam Di Masa Pandemi Covid-19 Tahun 2020 Ignasia Siwi
28629 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Muhammadiyah Metro University Thufulah Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa EFEKTIVITAS PEMBELAJARAN DARING DAN LURING PASCA COVID-19 TERHADAP AKTIVITAS BELAJAR ANAK DI TK HARAPAN BATANGHARI OGAN Yulina Nawarita Sari, Nina Tisnawati, Noormawanti Noormawanti
28630 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Dian Nuswantoro JAKA (Jurnal Akuntansi Keuangan dan Auditing) Dampak Pemberlakuan Insentif Dan Relaksasi Pajak Pandemi Covid-19 Terhadap Kinerja Keuangan Perusahaan Sektor Energi Ersa Ely Safrinawati, Melati Oktafiyani, Juli Ratnawati, Purwantoro Purwantoro
28631 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Universitas Islam Kadiri Jurnal Ilmiah Cendekia Akuntansi ANALISIS DAMPAK PANDEMI COVID-19 TERHADAP KINERJA LAPORAN KEUANGAN PERUSAHAAN SEKTOR KESEHATAN, INDUSTI, DAN BARANG KONSUMEN PRIMER Rifqi Pratama Putra, Setyani Alfinuha
28632 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Universitas Muhammadiyah Parepare Journal AK-99 ANALISIS PAJAK RESTORAN DI ERA PANDEMI COVID-19 TERHADAP PENINGKATAN PENDAPATAN ASLI DAERAH DI KABUPATEN SIDENRENG RAPPANG TAHUN 2018-2022 Muhammad Alwi, Muhammad Abdian Abdillah
28633 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Dian Nuswantoro JAKA (Jurnal Akuntansi Keuangan dan Auditing) Pengaruh Upah Minimum, Tingkat Pendidikan, Inflasi Dan Covid-19 Terhadap Penyerapan Tenaga Kerja Kabupaten/Kota Provinsi Bali Nyoman Trianka Arisandi, I Komang Gde Bendesa
28634 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  American Public Health Association American Journal of Public Health Equitable COVID-19 Testing Access for Underserved Communities: The Success of Vending Machines Danielle Jamerson, Kimberly Franich, Cassius Lockett
28635 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Mary Ann Liebert Journal of Correctional Health Care Implementation of Rapid COVID-19 Testing in Criminal Justice Residential Reentry Sites Yvane Ngassa, Julie Finn, Lauren Brinkley Rubinstein, Alysse Wurcel
28636 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  GLS University Right to Access to Human Reproductive Technologies under Indian Legal Framework A Bird’s View The Reshaping of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in Covid-19 Times Naman Shukla, Krishna Pandey
28637 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Universitas Negeri Padang (UNP) Bioeducation Journal The Problem of Online Learning in Covid-19 toward Learning Process Nindya Ananda Latifa, Lufri Lufri, Zulyusri Zulyusri
28638 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Bentham Science Coronaviruses Emerging Synthetic Drug Approaches for COVID-19 Treatment: An Extensive Review of Recent Findings Md Ariful Islam, Kalyani Pathak, Riya Saikia, Pallab Pramanik, Aparoop Das, Mohammad Zaki Ahmad, Shreyasi Karmakar
28639 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Wiley Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy Comparing the great recession and COVID-19 using Long Short-Term Memory: A close look into agricultural commodity prices Modhurima Dey Amin, Syed Badruddoza, Oscar Sarasty
28640 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Knowledge E Journal of Shahid Sadoughi University of Medical Sciences Survival Analysis of Patients with Covid-19 Using Parametric Models in the Presence of Frailty Variable: A Prospective Cohort Study Sadegh Kargarian-Marvasti, Malihe Hasannezhad, Jamileh Abolghasemi
28641 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Budi Luhur Cimahi Jurnal Kesehatan Budi Luhur Jurnal Ilmu-Ilmu Kesehatan Masyarakat Keperawatan dan Kebidanan THE EFFECT OF EDUCATIONAL BOOKLETS ON KNOWLEDGE AND ATTITUDE ABOUT COVID-19 VACCINATION Sofa Fatonah, Reini Astuti
28642 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  National Association of Social and Applied Gerontology (NASAG) Journal of Aging and Long-Term Care COVID-19 Vaccination Behaviors, Sources of Information, and Beliefs among Nursing Home Administrators and Other Staff Daniel Van Dussen, Amy Weaver, Rachel Ward, Adaline Cook
28643 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Elsevier Blood Neoplasia COVID-19 vaccination in patients with classic and variant hairy cell leukemia Robert J. Kreitman, Lacey James, Julie Feurtado, Holly Eager, Olena Sierra Ortiz, Mory Gould, et al. (+7)
28644 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Public Library of Science PLoS ONE Lessons learnt from the implementation of the Covid-19 vaccination programme in the Southwest of England Ilhem Berrou, Laura Hobbs, Sue Jones, Sian Hughes, Hannah Bailey, Sally Quigg, et al. (+3)
28645 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  American Medical Association JAMA Network Open Influenza and COVID-19 Vaccination Rates Among Children Receiving Long-Term Ventilation Robert J. Graham, Luis F. Enriquez, Angelo F. Elmi, James V. Zavadoski, Lisa G. Bielak, Christopher D. Baker, Jonathan M. Mansbach
28646 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  American Public Health Association American Journal of Public Health Promoting Equitable Access to COVID-19 Vaccinations in Rural and Underserved Arizona: Experiences From Three County Health Departments Bryna Koch, Mona Arora, Brianna Rooney, Alicia Thompson, Blake Scott, Diana Gomez, et al. (+4)
28647 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Archives of Gynecology and Obstetrics COVID-19 vaccinations pre- and antepartum: a consideration of the evidence and discussion of issues Tehila Feinberg Isaacs, Michael H. Dahan
28648 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  SLACK, Inc. Journal of Gerontological Nursing Successes and Shortcomings of COVID-19 Vaccine Access for Older Americans Jasmine L. Travers, Tina Sadarangani, Daniel David
28650 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Springer Science and Business Media LLC Humanities and Social Sciences Communications Why do Catholics have lower COVID-19 vaccine intentions than atheists? The mediating role of belief in science and moral foundations Dariusz Drążkowski
28651 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  American Public Health Association American Journal of Public Health Evaluation of Rhode Island’s Early Geographic COVID-19 Vaccine Prioritization Policy Taylor M. Fortnam, Laura C. Chambers, Alyssa Bilinski, Roberta DeVito, Lisa Gargano, Michelle Wilson, Joseph W. Hogan
28652 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Sciencedomain International International Journal of TROPICAL DISEASE & Health COVID-19 Vaccine Uptake and Associated Factors among Healthcare Workers in Lower Juba Region of Jubaland State in Somalia Ahmednoor Shuriye Abdi, Dominic Mogere, Alexander Mbeke
28653 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Oxford University Press Open Forum Infectious Diseases Effectiveness of Original Monovalent and Bivalent COVID-19 Vaccines Against COVID-19-associated Emergency Department and Urgent Care Encounters in Immunocompetent Pregnant Persons, VISION Network, June 2022-August 2023 Allison Avrich Ciesla, Victoria Lazariu, Kristin Dascomb, Stephanie A Irving, Brian E Dixon, Manjusha Gaglani, et al. (+12)
28654 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Northern Technical University NTU Journal of Pure Sciences Assessment The Prevalence Of Secondary Bacterial Infection Isolated From Patients with Covid-19 Virus in Kirkuk City Donya Isam
28655 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Negah Scientific Publisher Iran Journal of Nursing Relationship of Fear of COVID-19 With Sexual Function and Sexual Satisfaction in Iranian Midwives: A Cross-sectional Study Maryam Khodabakhshi, Homa Sadeghi Avval Shahr, Leila Amini, Shima Haghani
28656 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  SAGE Publications Possibility Studies & Society Staring out my window: Reflexivity and relationality in research in a Covid-19 world Morag Flora Wright
28657 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Consortium Erudit Études internationales Leçons apprises d’une recherche partenariale sur les politiques sociales transformatrices et genrées en Afrique post Covid-19","Lessons Learned from a Partnership Research on Transformative and Gendered Social Policies in Post-Covid-19 Africa Marie Fall, Almamy Sylla, Ndèye Faty Sarr, Adama Sadio, Ousmane Wagué, Jessica Rivest
28658 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Professionals Publications Репродуктивное здоровье Восточная Европа Differentiation of COVID-19-Associated Myocardial Injuries in Pregnant Women А.А. Тухтабаев, А.Х. Каримов, Г.М. Тухтабаева
28659 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Georg Thieme Verlag KG Die Rehabilitation Berufliche Rehabilitation in Zeiten der Covid-19-Pandemie Angela Rauch, Nancy Reims
28660 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Hogrefe Publishing Group Pflege Psychosoziale Belastung und Arbeitsbedingungen des Pflegepersonals in Pflegeheimen in der Covid-19-Pandemie Isabella Sappl, Greta Uhlenbrock, Anne Thier, Susanne Schulze, Michael A. Rapp, Jacob Spallek, Christine Holmberg
28661 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Negah Scientific Publisher Iran Journal of Nursing Cognitive Flexibility, COVID-19-related Anxiety, and the Related Factors in Iranian Nurses: A Cross-sectional Study Mahsa Rezaei, Mahsa Hosseini, Mahbobeh Sajadi, Azam Muslimi
28662 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  American Public Health Association American Journal of Public Health Investing in Public Health and Community Partnerships Reduced COVID-19-Related Disparities Jewel M. Mullen, Nicole Alexander-Scott
28663 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Elsevier Life Sciences COVID-19-related liver injury: Mechanisms, diagnosis, management; its impact on pre-existing conditions, cancer and liver transplant: A comprehensive review M Vinutha, Uday Raj Sharma, Gurubasvaraja Swamy, S Rohini, Surendra Vada, Suresh Janandri, et al. (+5)
28664 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Universidade Federal do Parana Ação Midiática – Estudos em Comunicação Sociedade e Cultura O espírito caritativo para com o pobre em tempos da Covid-19: a caridade como mensagem “vocativa” da Rede Globo de Televisão Francisco Emerson de Siqueira, Jairo Bezerra Silva, Lemuel Dourado Guerra, Renato Da Silva Pereira
28665 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Medknow Publications Journal of International Society of Preventive and Community Dentistry Evaluation of Burnout among Medical Officers and Dental Surgeons in State Health Services using Maslach’s Burnout Inventory during COVID-19: A Cross Sectional Study Bhavna Sabbarwal, Ritu Phogat, Shubhi Goel, Abhinav Bhargava, Adarsh Kumar
28666 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Journal of Public Health Online harassment during COVID-19: a cross-sectional analysis across 10 countries from the I-SHARE consortium Maximiliane Uhlich, Rayner K., J. Tan, Vanessa Azevedo, Ana Luísa Patrão, Ana Paula dos Reis, et al. (+14)
28667 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) Fatigue Biomedicine Health & Behavior Effect of auriculotherapy on persistent fatigue in recovered patients from the acute phase of COVID-19: a double-blind randomized clinical trial Fatemeh Khodabakhshian, Zahra Tagharrobi, Khadijeh Sharifi, Zahra Sooki, Mansooreh Momen-Heravi, Fatemeh Zare Joshaghani
28668 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Human Resource Management Academic Research Society International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences Teacher Learning Outcomes on Post COVID-19: A Review Based on Malaysia and other Asian Countries Perspective Vimala Govindaraju, Zuraini binti Seruji, Minah binti Mohammed Salleh
28669 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  John Libbey Eurotext European Journal of Dermatology Keloids and COVID-19: no causal association based on a bidirectional Mendelian randomization study Rui Wang, Yi Liang, Jun-Zhang Chen, Liang Liu, Bo Liang
28670 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Universitas Muhammadiyah Parepare Journal AK-99 PENGARUH ROA, ROE DAN EPS TERHADAP HARGA SAHAM PADA MASA PANDEMI DAN EPIDEMI COVID-19: Studi Perusahaan LQ-45 di Bursa Efek Indonesia Nirwana Sampara, Parman Parman
28671 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  American Society for Microbiology Journal of Virology Respiratory syncytial virus infection provides protection against severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus challenge Stacey M. Hartwig, Abby Odle, Lok-Yin Roy Wong, David K. Meyerholz, Stanley Perlman, Steven M. Varga, Rebecca Ellis Dutch
28672 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  AVES Publishing Co. Endocrinology Research and Practice Vertebral Fractures Increase the Long-Term Mortality of Patients with Coronavirus Disease 2019 Cem Sulu, Esra Aktas, Serdar Sahin, Emre Durcan, Sebuh Kurugoglu, Pinar Kadioglu, Hande Mefkure Ozkaya
28673 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Medknow Publications Indian Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism Abstract 20: Bidirectional link between diabetes mellitus and coronavirus disease 2019 leading to cardiovascular disease: A narrative review. World journal of diabetes V Viswanathan, A Puvvula, A D Jamthikar, L Saba, A M Johri, V Kotsis, et al. (+10)
28674 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Elsevier Journal of Hospital Infection Trends in the hand hygiene practices by alcohol-based hand rubs in Japanese hospitals before and after the novel coronavirus pandemic: an observational study using national surveillance data Tsukasa Higashionna, Hideharu Hagiya, Yasushi Fujita, Takashi Kiguchi
28675 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Auctores Publishing LLC Obstetrics Gynecology and Reproductive Sciences Coronavirus Sars-Cov-2 A Puzzle Still to Be Solved in Pregnancy Gilberto Bastidas Pacheco
28676 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Scientific Scholar The National Medical Journal of India Herpes zoster triggered by ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 coronavirus vaccine (recombinant) NEETHU MARY GEORGE
28677 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  eLife Sciences Publications, Ltd. eLife Recent evolutionary origin and localized diversity hotspots of mammalian coronaviruses Renan Maestri, Benoît Perez-Lamarque, Anna Zhukova, Hélène Morlon
28678 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  American Chemical Society ACS Infectious Diseases Intranasal Self-Adjuvanted Lipopeptide Vaccines Elicit High Antibody Titers and Strong Cellular Responses against SARS-CoV-2 Joshua W. C. Maxwell, Skye Stockdale, Erica L. Stewart, Caroline L. Ashley, Lachlan J. Smith, Megan Steain, et al. (+5)
28679 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  National Library of Serbia Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society A computational study of the potential bioactivity of hibiscus and garcinia acids against SARS-COV-2 Wendolyne López-Orozco, Luis Mendoza-Huizar, Giaan Álvarez-Romero, de Torres-Valencia
28680 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Universitas Katolik Widya Mandala Surabaya Jurnal Widya Medika REPORTING THE DETECTION RESULT OF SARS-CoV-2 ANTIBODY RAPID TEST OF COMPANY’S EMPLOYEES IN SURABAYA AND PASURUAN, INDONESIA Mulya Dinata, Angelina Tulus, Evelyn Ongkodjodjo, Lukas Slamet Rihadi, Dewa Ayu Liona Dewi, Gabrielle Tjipta Joewana, Nurlita Wulansari
28681 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  American Society for Microbiology Journal of Virology Requirement of the N-terminal region of nonstructural protein 1 in cis for SARS-CoV-2 defective RNA replication Kaori Terasaki, Shinji Makino, Mark T. Heise
28682 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  MDPI AG Vaccines Immunogenicity and Protective Efficacy of Baculovirus-Expressed SARS-CoV-2 Envelope Protein in Mice as a Universal Vaccine Candidate Tuba Çiğdem Oğuzoğlu, Alireza Hanifehnezhad, Saber Delpasand Khabbazi, İlke Karayel-Hacıoğlu, Onur Kaynarcalıdan, Zehra Fırat, et al. (+15)
28683 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Elsevier Journal of Infection Prevalence and impact of persistent symptoms following SARS-CoV-2 infection among healthcare workers: a cross-sectional survey in the SIREN cohort Sarah Foulkes, Josie Evans, Claire Neill, Jennifer Bishop, Jameel Khawam, Jasmin Islam, et al. (+5)
28684 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  The Science Breaker TheScienceBreaker Awakening the thymus to cure SARS-CoV-2 infection: a matter of genes Stefano Marullo, Cheynier Remi
28685 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  American Society for Microbiology Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy Identification of novel and potent inhibitors of SARS-CoV-2 main protease from DNA-encoded chemical libraries Dario Akaberi, Monireh Pourghasemi Lati, Janina Krambrich, Julia Berger, Grace Neilsen, Emilia Strandback, et al. (+14)
28686 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  American Society for Microbiology Journal of Virology ISGylation of the SARS-CoV-2 N protein by HERC5 impedes N oligomerization and thereby viral RNA synthesis Junji Zhu, GuanQun Liu, Zuberwasim Sayyad, Christopher M. Goins, Shaun R. Stauffer, Michaela U. Gack, Shan-Lu Liu
28687 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  American Society for Microbiology Journal of Virology Ipsilateral or contralateral boosting of mice with mRNA vaccines confers equivalent immunity and protection against a SARS-CoV-2 Omicron strain Baoling Ying, Chieh-Yu Liang, Pritesh Desai, Suzanne M. Scheaffer, Sayda M. Elbashir, Darin K. Edwards, et al. (+3)
28688 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Wiley Journal of Medical Virology Glycan masking of NTD loops with a chimeric RBD of the spike protein as a vaccine design strategy against emerging SARS-CoV-2 Omicron variants Hao-Chan Hung, Boon-Fatt Tan, Wei-Shuo Lin, Suh-Chin Wu
28689 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Bentham Science Protein and Peptide Letters Exploring the Potential Long-term Impact of SARS-CoV-2 on Protein Misfolding and Amyloid-related Conditions Md Harun Rashid, Srinjana Singha, Faheem Arshad, Priyankar Sen
28690 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  American Society for Microbiology Microbiology Spectrum School mask policies and SARS-CoV-2 seroprevalence among school-age children-United States, September to December 2021 Elise Nycz, Yangyang Deng, Miriam E. Van Dyke, Anna Bratcher, Jianrong Shi, Ronaldo Iachan, et al. (+4)
28691 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Springer Science and Business Media LLC Scientific Reports An unexpected IgE anti-receptor binding domain response following natural infection and different types of SARS-CoV-2 vaccines Amanda Izeli Portilho, Valéria Oliveira Silva, Hernan Hermes Monteiro Da Costa, Rosemeire Yamashiro, Isabela Penteriche de Oliveira, Ivana Barros de Campos, et al. (+4)
28692 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Elsevier Cell Reports Medicine Robust SARS-CoV-2-neutralizing antibodies sustained through 6 months post XBB.1.5 mRNA vaccine booster Qian Wang, Ian A. Mellis, Yicheng Guo, Carmen Gherasim, Riccardo Valdez, Aubree Gordon, et al. (+2)
28693 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Wiley Applied Research Impedance-based monitoring of titration and neutralization assays with VSV-G and SARS-CoV-2-spike pseudoviruses Anne-Kathrin Mildner, Sebastian Einhauser, Stefanie Michaelis, Klara Rogalla v. Bieberstein, Ralf Wagner, Joachim Wegener
28694 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  American Society for Microbiology Journal of Virology The 5′UTR of porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus strain JXwn06 harbors a uORF that regulates cellular inflammation Teng Liu, Qi Shao, Zhiying Cui, Pengkai Qing, Peng Gao, Yongning Zhang, et al. (+6)
28695 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  State University of Malang (UM) Journal of Calligraphy Empowering Virtual Calligraphy Expo as a Solution during a Pandemic Dian Cita Sari
28696 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Al-Hikmah Pariangan Batusangkar Darussalam Journal of Psychology and Educational The Relationship between Self-Control and Work Discipline for the Tanah Datar Communication Service Employees After the Covid -19 Pandemic Inayah Permata, Zulfikar Zulfikar, Dani Yoselisa, Karajamaki Erkka
28697 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  The Association of Faculties of Medicine of Canada Canadian Medical Education Journal Fairness in health professions selection: learning from organizational justice theory and a pandemic Jean-Michel Leduc, Saleem Razack, Ashley Dennis, Oana Gröne, Mirjana Knorr
28698 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Consortium Erudit Études internationales L’enseignement du terrain de recherche en Afrique en temps de pandémie","Teaching Research Fieldwork in Africa in Times of Pandemic Nathalie Mondain
28699 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  American Society of Civil Engineers Journal of Sustainable Water in the Built Environment Certifying a Water-Efficient Building Based on Actual and Simulated Performance during a Pandemic Joshua D. Brooks, Jung-Ho Lewe, Scott Duncan, Dimitri Mavris
28700 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  IOP Publishing IOP Conference Series Earth and Environmental Science “Karmik”- A Tool to Bridge Client and Migrant Construction Labors Amid Pandemic. Harish Acharya, Abharan Kalathur, M Manjunatha
28701 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  SLACK, Inc. Journal of Gerontological Nursing Recruitment Strategies for a Technology-Based Fall Risk Assessment Research Study Among Community-Dwelling Older Adults During a Global Pandemic Eunice Oladepe Ojo, Ladda Thiamwong
28702 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Auctores Publishing LLC Obstetrics Gynecology and Reproductive Sciences Latent learning curve of intellectual capital formation in a public university in central Mexico in the face of the pandemic Cruz García Lirios
28703 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Universitas Andalas Andalas Journal of International Studies (AJIS) Business Strategy of Multinational Trading Firm in Agriculture Sector: Case Study of Archer Daniels Midland Amid Pandemic and Geopolitical Conflict Muchammad Yustian Yusa, Sari Mutiara Aisyah, Maudy Noor Fadhlia
28704 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Elsevier IFAC-PapersOnLine A New COVID 19 model using fractional calculus: stability, mitigate pandemic and simulations Noureddine Djenina, Giuseppe Grassi, Adel Ouannas, Zohir Dibi
28705 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  SAGE Publications European Educational Research Journal Justification regimes and crisis practices: International educational collaboration amidst pandemic and war Henna Juusola, Terhi Nokkala
28706 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Universitas Negeri Padang (UNP) Konselor Post pandemic career planning strategy for generation Z based on cultural and religion values Muslihati Muslihati, Riskiyana Prihatiningsih, Widya Multisari, Arifah Wulandari, Nur Mega Aris Saputra, Agusto Da Costa
28707 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina ethic - An international Journal for Moral Phylosophy Balancing self-interest and public interest: Virtues and the pandemic context","Ajustando auto-interesse e interesse público: virtudes e contexto pandêmico Evandro Barbosa, Thaís Alves Costa
28708 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Association for Information Communication Technology Education and Science (UIKTEN) TEM Journal Impact of State Intervention During the Pandemic Crisis on the Implementation of Nanotechnological Innovations in the Czech Republic David Svoboda, Jiří Kraft, Julie Holendova
28709 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  PT Perorangan Mutimedia Jaya Abadi Indonesian Journal of Community Services Cel Building the Creativity of Bulurejo Village Community through the TASAPOT Cultivation in the Pandemic Era R A Diana Widyastuti, Hidayat Pujisiswanto, Hayane Adeline Warganegara, Purba Sanjaya, Sri Ramadiana
28710 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Universitas Teuku Umar Jurnal Bisnis Dan Kajian Strategi Manajemen Boosting SMEs Performance in Surabaya on Post Pandemic Era Fanny Thalia Limas
28711 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  American Public Health Association American Journal of Public Health Community-Engaged Survey Approach to Pandemic Impacts on Marginalized Communities, Massachusetts, 2020-2021 Lauren F. Cardoso, Ta-wei Lin, Justine Egan, Caroline Stack, Sabrina Selk, Elizabeth Beatriz, et al. (+6)
28712 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Bangladesh Journals Online Journal of Comilla Medical College Teachers Association Assessment of Quality of Life of Doctors during Corona Pandemic in a Tertiary Hospital in Dhaka City Md Shariful Haque
28713 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Institut Studi Islam Sunan Doe Journal of Multidisciplinary Science Empowerment of the Creative Economy during the Pandemic in the Kuta Mandalika Ranip fahmi
28714 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  University Clinical Centre Tuzla Acta Medica Saliniana Trends in gynecologic oncology before and during COVID - 19 pandemic in Tuzla Canton Adnan Serak
28715 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  SAGE Publications SAGE Open Medicine Effect of COVID 19 pandemic on the neurology department hospitalization with analysis of the neurological complications secondary to COVID 19 and vaccination against COVID 19 Kosuke Matsuzono, Makiko Mieno, Takafumi Mashiko, Yuhei Anan, Tadashi Ozawa, Reiji Koide, et al. (+3)
28716 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Springer Science and Business Media LLC Nature Microbiology Understanding emerging and re-emerging viruses to facilitate pandemic preparedness Francisco J. Zapatero-Belinchón, Priti Kumar, Melanie Ott, Olivier Schwartz, Alex Sigal
28717 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Coordenacao de Publicacoes da Editora do Instituto Federal de Brasilia REVISTA EIXO PALAVRAS QUE A PANDEMIA COLOCOU NA NOSSA LÍNGUA","<i>WORDS THAT THE PANDEMIC PUT IN OUR LANGUAGE </i> Denize De Souza Carneiro, Jaqueline Lopes Carneiro Pereira, Lucas Barbosa de melo
28718 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) Christian Higher Education International Students’ Stories of Pandemic Self-Isolation: Perspectives at a Christian University Dieu Hack-Polay, Dannie Brown
28719 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Institute of Electronics, Information and Communications Engineers IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems Integrating Cyber-Physical Modeling for Pandemic Surveillance: A Graph-Based Approach for Disease Hotspot Prediction and Public Awareness Waqas NAWAZ, Muhammad UZAIR, Kifayat ULLAH KHAN, Iram FATIMA
28720 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Consortium Erudit Études internationales Fabriquer la recherche en temps de pandémie en Afrique et au Moyen-Orient","Conducting Research in Africa and the Middle East in Pandemic Times Marie Brossier, Henri Assogba, Alessandra Bonci
28721 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  York University Libraries Journal of the Canadian Association for Curriculum Studies Embracing Change and Refraction: A Prism Through Pandemic Times","Accueillir le changement et la réfraction : Un prisme à travers les temps de pandémie Robert Christopher Nellis, Kathryn Ann Ricketts
28722 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) International Journal of Healthcare Management An overview of nursing before, during, and after the pandemic: A qualitative research Sevim Ulupinar, Nil Küçük Yüceyurt, Yağmur Şen, Hülya Kaya
28723 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Universitas Negeri Padang (UNP) Bioeducation Journal Learning Media in Pandemic: Autoplay Media Studio Added Stretching Motion to Evaluation Digestive System Subject Primadya Anantyarta, Eka Mardiana
28724 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Project MUSE Brookings Papers on Economic Activity Surging Business Formation in the Pandemic: Causes and Consequences? Ryan A. Decker, John Haltiwanger
28725 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Scientific Scholar The National Medical Journal of India Haemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis post-ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 vaccine: A rare case VIKAS MARWAH, ROBIN CHOUDHARY, TENTU AJAI KUMAR, MANISH SHARMA
28726 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  MDPI AG Social Sciences Suffering without Remedy: The Medically Unexplained Symptoms of Fibromyalgia Syndrome and Long COVID Chiara Moretti, Kristin Kay Barker
28727 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  MDPI AG Life A Blood Supply Pathophysiological Microcirculatory Mechanism for Long COVID Aristotle G. Koutsiaris
28728 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  SAGE Publications JRSM Open Long COVID symptoms and demographic associations: A retrospective case series study using healthcare application data David Sunkersing, Henry Goodfellow, Yi Mu, Mel Ramasawmy, Mayur Murali, Lawrence Adams, et al. (+6)
28729 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Elsevier The American Journal of Medicine Nirmatrelvir/Ritonavir Compared With Placebo/Ritonavir for Long COVID: A Comment Hineptch Daungsupawong, Viroj Wiwanitkit
28730 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Journal of Agricultural Informatics Journal of Agricultural Informatics Global Value Chains: Sourcing Strategies for Resilience amidst COVID-19 Balázs Bence Dienes, Dejsi Qorri, János Felföldi
28731 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Cadernos Cajuina Cadernos Cajuína Pandemia da Covid-19 e Seus Impactos sobre os/as Jovens Rurais do Curso Técnico em Agropecuária: Estudo de Caso - Instituto Federal Goiano - Campus Urutaí Marlene Aparecida Mesquita, Jorge Luiz de Goes Pereira
28732 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Journal of Agricultural Informatics Journal of Agricultural Informatics COVID-19 impact in sourcing in Global Value Chains Balázs Bence Dienes, Dejsi Qorri, János Felföldi
28733 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  e-IPH Ltd. Environment-Behaviour Proceedings Journal Assessing the Regularity of Food Donation Operations during Covid-19 Saidatul Akma Hamik, Ahmad Fariz Mohamed
28734 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Bursa Uludag University International Journal of Social Inquiry Ethnomethodological Evaluation of the COVID-19 Process Coşkun Sağlık
28735 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Oxford University Press Journal of Applied Microbiology Genetic characterization of vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus faecium isolates from neutropenic patients in Tunisia: Spread of the pandemic CC17 clone associated with high genetic diversity in Tn1546-like structures Anis Raddaoui, Yosra Chebbi, Siwar frigui, Javier Latorre, Rim Werhani Ammeri, Nour Ben Abdejlil, et al. (+3)
28736 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Elsevier Human Nutrition & Metabolism Effectiveness of nutritional supplements (vitamins, minerals, omega-3, and probiotics) in preventing and treating COVID-19 and viral respiratory infections Antoine Aoun, Cedra Ghoussoub, Marwa Sarieddine, Maria Aoun, Krystel El Helou
28737 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  The University of Kansas Kansas Journal of Medicine Analysis of Pediatric Mail Order Pharmacy Usage Throughout the COVID-19 Pandemic Kyle
28738 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Elsevier Heliyon Chloroquine: Rapidly withdrawing from first-line treatment of COVID-19 Yunlong Jia, Wenjie Tian, Yuyao Li, Yuyan Teng, Xiaolin Liu, Zhengyu Li, Mingsheng Zhao
28739 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  MDPI AG Antioxidants Extracellular Vesicle-Enclosed Oxidative Stress- and Inflammation-Related microRNAs as Potential Biomarkers of Vitamin D Responsivity: A Pilot Study on Inflammatory Bowel Disease Patients with or without COVID-19 Giorgia Ammirata, Maddalena Arigoni, Danilo Licastro, Gian Paolo Caviglia, Michela Disabato, Ghania Zubair, et al. (+14)
28740 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  American Association for Laboratory Animal Science Journal of the American Association for Laboratory Animal Science COVID-19 Pandemic Effects on the Activity Levels of Yucatan Mini-Swine (Sus scrofa domesticus) Natasha E Barton, Jacob E Ref, Kyle E Cook, Ann L Baldwin, Sherry L Daugherty, Talal Moukabary, et al. (+7)
28741 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  e-IPH Ltd. Environment-Behaviour Proceedings Journal Measuring Satisfaction with Life-construct among University Students during Covid-19 Pandemic in Sabah, Malaysia Mohd Dahlan A. Malek, Ida Shafinaz Mohamed Kamil, Adi Fahrudin, Adeymend Reny Japil
28742 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  MDPI AG International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health COVID-19 Vaccination Acceptance and Hesitancy in Healthcare Workers and the General Population: A Systematic Review and Policy Recommendations Alessandra Pereira da Silva, Luciana Ribeiro Castaneda, Ana Paula Cavalcante de Oliveira, Inês Fronteira, Isabel Craveiro, Leila Senna Maia, et al. (+4)
28743 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  e-IPH Ltd. Environment-Behaviour Proceedings Journal Fake News and Covid-19: Malaysian legal perspective Ida Shafinaz Mohamed Kamil, Mohd Dahlan A. Malek
28744 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Wiley Analytical Science Advances Future worldwide coronavirus disease 2019 epidemic predictions by Gaidai multivariate risk evaluation method Oleg Gaidai, Yu Cao, Yan Zhu, Alia Ashraf, Zirui Liu, Hongchen Li
28745 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Medknow Publications Asian Journal of Transfusion Science Therapeutic plasma exchange for COVID-19 acute respiratory distress syndrome complicated by myasthenia gravis Aparna Krishna, Hem Chandra Pandey, Poonam Coshic, Parvathy Ramachandran Nair, Damarla Haritha, Roopa Rajan, Vikas Mehta
28746 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Ataturk Universitesi Recent Trends in Pharmacology Effect Of Long-Term Use Of Antithrombotics And Statins On COVID-19 Mortality And Clinical Severity Emrah Aksakal, Selim Aydemir, Faruk Aydınyılmaz, Murat Özmen
28747 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Medknow Publications Asian Journal of Transfusion Science The burden of thalassemia disorder: Past and present: The feedback of patients experience in the COVID-19 pandemic crisis Anis Arioua, David Shaw
28748 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Elsevier Heliyon Differential analysis of lipoprotein and glycoprotein profiles in bacterial infections and COVID-19 using proton nuclear magnetic resonance and machine learning Simona Iftimie, Núria Amigó, Neus Martínez-Micaelo, Ana F. López-Azcona, Cristian Martínez-Navidad, Helena Castañé, et al. (+6)
28749 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Hogrefe Publishing Group Pflege Gesundheit von Pflegenden während der COVID-19-Pandemie in der Schweiz Claudia Huber, Ewald Schorro, Gabriela Hofstetter-Hefti, Jonathan Jubin, Philippe Delmas, Annie Oulevey Bachmann, et al. (+2)
28750 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Medknow Publications Asian Journal of Transfusion Science The role of blood donation on wheels in the blood collection chain operational logistics during the first wave of coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic Suchet Sachdev, Nippun Prinja, Sangeeta Kumari, Lakhvinder Singh, Divjot Singh Lamba, Hari Krishan Dhawan, Ratti Ram Sharma
28751 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Elsevier Cities The evolution of employment and workplaces in metropolitan regions during the pandemic: The case of Madrid Simón Sánchez-Moral, Eloy Solís, Ricardo Méndez, Inmaculada Mohíno
28753 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  I SOUTH FLORIDA CONGRESS OF DEVELOPMENT Contribuciones a las Ciencias Sociales Complicações do COVID-19 em crianças Adriane Demko, Andressa Procopio, Brendha Eduarda, Gheniffer Fornari
28754 2024―Aug―28  [GO]  Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System Finance and Economics Discussion Series The COVID-19 Pandemic and Family Economic Well-being: Evidence from the Survey of Consumer Finances Sarena Goodman, Gina Li, Kevin Moore, Alice Henriques Volz
28755 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  LPPM Institut Teknologi Telkom Purwokerto ASKARA Jurnal Seni dan Desain PERANCANGAN VIDEO ANIMASI 2D SEBAGAI MEDIA EDUKASI PEMBELAJARAN DARING DI MASA PANDEMI COVID-19 Mutia Putri Soliha, Elianna Gerda Pertiwi, Gandung Anugrah Kalbuadi
28756 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Raden Intan State Islamic University of Lampung El-Izdiwaj Indonesian Journal of Civil and Islamic Family Law Penanganan Masalah Anak Penyandang Kesejahteraan Sosial pada Masa Pandemi Covid-19 Eko Hidayat, Iskandar Syukur, Agus Iskandar Pradana Putra
28757 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  University of Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Jawa Timur Seminar Nasional Akuntansi dan Call for Paper (SENAPAN) EFEKTIVITAS DANA DESA UNTUK BLT SEBAGAI BENTUK KESEJAHTERAAN MASYARAKAT MASA PANDEMI COVID-19 Ainin Azhari Senapan, Dwi Suhartini Senapan
28758 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Platax JURNAL ILMU DAN TEKNOLOGI PERIKANAN TANGKAP Kontribusi perikanan pukat cincin yang berpangkalan di Pelabuhan Perikanan Pantai Tumumpa terhadap PDRB Kota Manado di masa Covid-19 Elvan Sembiring, Effendi P. Sitanggang, Ixchel F. Mandagi
28759 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  MDPI AG Infectious Disease Reports Comparative Epidemiological and Clinical Outcomes on COVID-19 and Seasonal Influenza Hospitalized Patients during 2023 Constantin-Marinel Vlase, Mariana Stuparu Cretu, Mihaela-Camelia Vasile, George-Cosmin Popovici, Manuela Arbune
28760 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Royal College of Psychiatrists European Psychiatry Perceived vulnerability, fear of covid-19, and psychological distress of military hospital healthcare workers C. Papathanasiou, D. Christodoulias
28761 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  ScopeMed Jordanian Journal of Computers and Information Technology Enhancing Diagnostic Accuracy with Ensemble Techniques: Detecting COVID-19 and Pneumonia on Chest X-Ray Images Fatma Mostafa, Lamiaa Elrefaei, Mostafa Fouda, Aya Hossam
28762 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Bundesgesundheitsblatt - Gesundheitsforschung - Gesundheitsschutz Erratum to: Comparison of fatalities due to COVID-19 and other nonexternal causes during the first five pandemic waves Andrea Buschner, Katharina Katz, Andreas Beyerlein
28763 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Royal College of Psychiatrists European Psychiatry Divergent risk of SARS-CoV-2 infection, severe COVID-19 and mortality across psychiatric disorders: analysis from electronic health records in Catalonia A. Monistrol-Mula, M. Félez-Nobrega, I. Giné-Vázquez, J. M. Haro
28764 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Royal College of Psychiatrists European Psychiatry Psychopharmacological factor in the course of COVID-19 among psychiatric inpatients M. Sorokin, A. Shabelnik, M. Bocharova, N. Lutova, O. Limankin, L. Azarova, N. Neznanov
28765 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  SAGE Publications Health Services Insights Effects of COVID-19 Among People With Disabilities in Plumtree, Zimbabwe: A Mixed-Method Survey Lindiwe Ndlovu, Nicholas Mudonhi, Nomathemba Sibanda, Wilfred Njabulo Nunu, Norman Manyeruke
28766 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  MDPI AG Healthcare How Does the Psychological Impact of COVID-19 Affect the Management Strategies of Individuals with Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes? A Mixed-Method Study Norah Abdullah Bazek Madkhali
28767 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Medknow Publications Industrial Psychiatry Journal Depression anxiety stress and fear of COVID-19 among adolescent students and its relationship with possible predictors Anusha S. Garg, Deepak S. Tiwari, Viral R. Shah, Niraj P. Patel
28768 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Computational Urban Science Examining human mobility changes during COVID-19 across socioeconomic groups: a comparative analysis of San Diego County and New York City Jaehee Park, Ming-Hsiang Tsou, Atsushi Nara, Somayeh Dodge, Susan Cassels
28769 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Institut Supérieur des Techniques Médicales de Lubumbashi Revue de l’Infirmier Congolais Vaccination contre la Covid-19 : droits des personnes et obligations du Gouvernement Congolais en période d’urgence sanitaire Cornely K. Muleka, Dieudonné SN. Kazadi, Christophe N. Kaswala, Léon N. Kabamba, Oscar N. Luboya
28770 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Institut Teknologi dan Sains Nahdlatul Ulama Pasuruan Center Of Education Journal (CEJou) SIKAP MAHASISWA TERHADAP PERKULIAHAN JARAK JAUH (PJJ) PASKA PANDEMI COVID-19 Adibah
28771 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Nepal Journals Online KMC Journal Reflecting on Online Learning Experiences of Secondary School Teachers and Students during COVID-19 Shunil Rayamajhi, Karna Rana
28772 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Universitas Muslim Indonesia JURNAL MANAJEMEN BISNIS Smart Tourism Implementation: Tourism Management During The Covid-19 Fitri Widiastuti, Idham Khalik, Sylvia Kartika Wulan Bhayangkari
28773 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar El-Iqthisadi Jurnal Hukum Ekonomi Syariah Fakultas Syariah dan Hukum POLA PENDISTRIBUSIAN ZAKAT OLEH BADAN AMIL ZAKAT NASIONAL DALAM PENANGGULANGAN PANDEMI COVID-19 Herdifa Pratama
28774 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  LPPM-PMP Universitas Siliwangi Tasikmalaya DIFFRACTION Efektifitas Pembelajaran Daring dengan Menggunakan Aplikasi Zoom Meeting di Saat Pandemi Covid-19 Fathurrahman Fathurrahman
28775 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Universitas Muslim Indonesia Wal afiat Hospital Journal Tingkat Pengetahuan dan Prilaku Masyarakat Tentang Upaya Peningkatan Imunitas Tubuh dalam Pencegahan Infeksi COVID-19 Alifira Ramadhania, Fanny Septiani Farhan
28776 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Royal College of Psychiatrists European Psychiatry Prevalence and predictive factors of depressive and anxious symptoms among healthcare professionals at Farhat Hached University Hospital in Sousse during COVID-19 N. Belhadj Chabbeh, Z. Athimni, S. Chatti, F. Chelly, M. Bouhoula, N. Ben Arbia, et al. (+7)
28777 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Elsevier Journal of Molecular Structure A novel tetrazole-1,8-naphthyridine-amide hybrid: First structurally characterized tetrazolo[1,5-a]-derivative of naphthyridines with a luminescence activity, potency against COVID-19, and anticancer activity Suman Adhikari, Sourav Nath, Tanushree Sen, Rameez Raza, Onur Sahin, Bagher Eftekhari-Sis, et al. (+4)
28778 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Royal College of Psychiatrists European Psychiatry The Effect of a Virtual Reality Counseling Program Based on Metacognitive Therapy in Reducing Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder among Those Recovering from Covid-19 N. S. G. Abdelrasheed, M. M. M. Al Majali
28779 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Royal College of Psychiatrists European Psychiatry Contagion beyond the virus: A case obsessive-compulsive disorder centered on Covid-19 A. S. Pires, M. Pires, J. Nunes, I. F. Vaz, S. Mouta, B. Jesus, et al. (+2)
28780 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Royal College of Psychiatrists European Psychiatry Peculiarities of the first time diagnosed mental disorders formationin after the coronavirus disease COVID-19 N. O. Maruta, V. Y. Fedchenko, T. V. Panko, I. O. Yavdak
28781 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Royal College of Psychiatrists European Psychiatry Worsening symptoms in ADHD children caused by increased parental stress before, during and after Covid-19 R. Tarazhi
28782 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Royal College of Psychiatrists European Psychiatry Influencing factors of presenteeism among Portuguese workers in a private social solidarity institution in the aftermath of COVID-19 C. Laranjeira, A. C. Maurício
28783 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Royal College of Psychiatrists European Psychiatry The factor structure the PHQ-9 in Russian patients recovered from COVID-19 M. Zinchuk, G. Kustov, S. Popova, A. Razmakhnin, D. Zhuravlev, R. Akzhigitov, A. Guekht
28784 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Royal College of Psychiatrists European Psychiatry Anxiety and subjective assessment of cognitive functions after COVID-19. T. I. Medvedeva, O. M. Boyko, S. N. Enikolopov, O. U. Vorontsova
28785 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  American Chemical Society ACS ES&T Air Explainable Machine Learning Reveals the Unknown Sources of Atmospheric HONO during COVID-19 Zhiwei Gao, Yue Wang, Sasho Gligorovski, Chaoyang Xue, LingLing Deng, Rui Li, et al. (+5)
28786 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Eliwise Academy Ltd Advances in Economics Management and Political Sciences Analyzing the Profitability's Impact on Firm Value During COVID-19 Zhenyun Wang
28787 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Yayasan Azam Insan Cendikia Jurnal Ekonomi Manajemen Bisnis Syariah dan Teknologi PENGEMBANGAN MIKRO KECIL DAN MENENGAH (UMKM) DI MASA PANDEMI COVID-19 Rena Daryani
28788 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Institut Sains and Teknologi AKPRIND Yogyakarta Jurnal Statistika Industri dan Komputasi PEMODELAN GEOGRAPHICALLY WEIGHTED REGRESSION (GWR) MENGGUNAKAN MATRIKS PEMBOBOT FIXED GAUSSIAN KERNEL DAN FIXED TRICUBE KERNEL PADA KASUS COVID-19 DI INDONESIA Kristina Yumiyati Kaka, Kris Suryowati, Rokhana Dwi Bekti
28789 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  I SOUTH FLORIDA CONGRESS OF DEVELOPMENT Cuadernos de Educación y Desarrollo Reliability of digital filtering on surface electromyographic activity of respiratory muscles in patients with COVID-19 Emanuel Fernandes Ferreira da Silva Júnior, Shirley Lima Campos, Wagner Souza Leite, Rômulo de Aquino Coelho Lins, Marilú Gomes Netto Monte da Silva, Marcelo Renato Guerino
28790 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Medip Academy International Journal of Advances in Medicine Correlations between level of vitamin D serum and disease severity COVID-19 I. Gede Ketut Sajinadiyasa, Ketut Suega, Nova Andari K.
28791 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Medknow Publications Industrial Psychiatry Journal Knowledge, behavior, and effect of health messaging during the first Indian lockdown for COVID-19 Sushree Sahu, Triptish Bhatia, Ram Pratap Beniwal, Priya Sreedaran, Jacquelynn Jones, Joel Wood, et al. (+4)
28792 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Medknow Publications Industrial Psychiatry Journal Prevalence of internet addiction and its association with quality of sleep among secondary and higher secondary school students of Jamnagar Gujarat during COVID-19 Niraj P. Patel, Anusha S. Garg, Deepak S. Tiwari, Viral R. Shah
28793 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  MQRinvestigar MQRInvestigar Deserción estudiantil de la carrera de enfermería post pandemia por la COVID-19. Kevin Andree Mendoza-Vera, Ángela Rosa Briones-Mera, Dagny Virginia Roldán-Cevallos
28794 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Editorial Universidad Catolica e Colombia Acta Colombiana de Psicología Bienestar subjetivo y consumo de drogas en adolescentes veracruzanos en el contexto de la pandemia por COVID-19 Erika Cortés Flores, Jorge Luis Arellanez-Hernández, León Felipe Beltrán Guerra
28795 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora Educação em Foco LAZER DE UNIVERSITÁRIOS E UNIVERSITÁRIAS DURANTE A PANDEMIA DE COVID-19 Alethea Hamaiana Albuquerque de Carvalho, Gustavo Maneschy Montenegro
28796 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora Educação em Foco ENSINO REMOTO EMERGENCIAL E TRABALHO EDUCATIVO EM TEMPOS DE PANDEMIA DO CORONAVÍRUS COVID-19 Rubens Luiz Rodrigues
28797 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora Educação em Foco PERMANÊNCIA DE ESTUDANTE QUILOMBOLA EM UMA UNIVERSIDADE PÚBLICA DURANTE A PANDEMIA DA COVID-19 Gésus de Almeida Trindade, Lincoln Nascimento Cunha Júnior, Natália Silva Coimbra de Sá, Clícia Maria de Jesus Benevides
28798 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora Educação em Foco SETOR EMPRESARIAL DO FITNESS BRASILEIRO EM MEIO À PANDEMIA DA COVID-19 Álvaro De Azeredo Quelhas, Bruno Martins Raposo, Graziany Penna Dias, Hajime Takeuchi Nozaki, Mônica Jardim Lopes, Tatiane Carneiro Coimbra, et al. (+2)
28799 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Wiley Acta Anaesthesiologica Scandinavica What would have made work in the COVID-19 ICU less demanding? A qualitative study from 13 Swedish COVID-19 ICUs Cecilia Escher, Fanny Engqvist, Johan Creutzfeldt, Oili Dahl, Mats Ericson, Lisbet Meurling
28801 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Ho Chi Minh City Open University SOCIAL SCIENCES Semantic change and word formation during Covid-19 in the Philippines Aida Verga Villanueva Un, Rowanne Marie Mangompit, Christian Ray Licen, Allan Mariñas
28802 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Wiley British Journal of Pharmacology The PARP inhibitor rucaparib blocks SARS-CoV-2 virus binding to cells and the immune reaction in models of COVID-19 Henrietta Papp, Emese Tóth, Judit Bóvári-Biri, Krisztina Bánfai, Péter Juhász, Mohamed Mahdi, et al. (+23)
28803 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Korean Breast Cancer Society Journal of Breast Cancer The Risk of Deep Vein Thrombosis and Optimal Timing of Breast Cancer Surgery After COVID-19 Infection Zhao Bi, Wei-Hao Cheng, Wei-Li Wang, Yong-Sheng Wang
28804 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  University of Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Jawa Timur Seminar Nasional Akuntansi dan Call for Paper (SENAPAN) ANALISIS KETAHANAN UMKM DI SIDOARJO DALAM MENGHADAPI PANDEMI COVID-19 MENGGUNAKAN OODA LOOP Tiara Anggarista Firdaus Sanjaya Senapan, Rida Perwita Sari Senapan
28805 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Sri Lanka Journals Online Journal of Agriculture and Value Addition Influence of Corona Virus Disease (COVID-19) on Consumption and Purchasing Patterns of Poultry Products from Three Selected Districts in Sri Lanka N. K. Jinasena, Y. A. H. Anupama, O. K. D. C. Shehara, R. K. Mutucumarana, B. M. R. L. Basnayake
28806 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Universitas Gadjah Mada Academic Hospital Journal Covid-19 Pandemic, 2020 Financial Performance and Strategy of Panti Waluyo Hospital Surakarta Margarita Riyan Kristyanti
28807 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  UIN Walisongo Semarang Journal of Islamic Economics Management and Business (JIEMB) The role of zakat in economic recovery during and after the Covid-19 pandemic: A case study of Baznas in Indonesia Ari Kristin Prasetyoningrum
28808 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Hapres Journal of Sustainability Research Anticipating Emerging Research Frontiers Related to Indoor Air Quality: What Did We Learn from the COVID-19 Pandemic?
28809 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Ho Chi Minh City Open University SOCIAL SCIENCES Factors associated with parental acceptance of Covid-19 pediatric vaccination in camiling, Tarlac, Philippines: A cross sectional study Ritchel Ann Rovillos Ramirez, Princess De Leon Quiambao, John Karl Garcia Razalan, Angel Rose Cano Redito, Pauline Mae Talla Reyes, Kristine Claire Gregorio Salcedo, et al. (+2)
28810 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Wiley Journal of School Health Teachers and Counselors Talk: The Psychological Impact of COVID-19 School Closures on Secondary School Students Reza Saadat Mehr, Aram Karimian, Mehrdad Abdullahzadeh, Fereshteh Bakhshian
28811 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  PT WIM Solusi Prima Akuntansiku Dampak pandemi covid-19 terhadap kinerja keuangan pemerintah daerah Provinsi Bali Nural Achmad Raainaa, Muadz Muawwidz Zahrurrijal
28812 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Universitas Bunda Mulia Jurnal Akuntansi Bisnis DIFFERENCES IN FIRM FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE BEFORE AND DURING THE COVID-19: A STUDY ON FNB SECTOR Lolyta Damayanti Suwondo
28813 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Universitas Indraprasta PGRI Sosio e-kons Dampak Ekonomi Pemberian Bantuan kepada Rumah Tangga saat Pandemi Covid-19: Fakta dari Pasar Saham Indonesia Tahun 2020 Wa Ode Vitria A Sari, Erwin Tanur
28814 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Elsevier Journal of Infection and Chemotherapy Pharmacological Effect of Cepharanthine on SARS-CoV-2-Induced Disease in a Syrian Hamster Model Takayuki Uematsu, Reiko Takai-Todaka, Kei Haga, Hideyuki Kobayashi, Makiko Imajima, Noritada Kobayashi, et al. (+2)
28815 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Medknow Publications Industrial Psychiatry Journal Assessment of depression, anxiety, stress, alcohol dependence, and resilience in migrant workers during COVID-19 crisis A V Soumya, Sana Dhamija, Supriya Davis, Madhura Samudra, V Pooja, Nishtha Gupta, et al. (+4)
28816 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar Iqtishaduna Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa Hukum Ekonomi Syari ah PELAKSANAAN WALIMATUL ‘URSY DI TENGAH PANDEMI COVID-19 DALAM PERSPEKTIF HUKUM ISLAM Putri Rezky Ramadhani, Lomba Sultan
28817 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  EDP Sciences International Journal of Metrology and Quality Engineering Accurate COVID-19 detection using full blood count data and machine learning Richard Yang, Ding Chen, Qingping Yang, Yang Qiu, Fang Wang
28818 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Hindawi Limited Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering Protein Sequence-Based COVID-19 Detection: A Comparative Study of Machine Learning Classification Methods Siti Aminah, Gianinna Ardaneswari, Mohd Khalid Awang, Muhammad Ariq Yusaputra, Dian Puspita Sari, Prince Jain
28819 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  MDPI AG Technologies Enhancing Diagnostic Accuracy for Skin Cancer and COVID-19 Detection: A Comparative Study Using a Stacked Ensemble Method Hafza Qayyum, Syed Tahir Hussain Rizvi, Muddasar Naeem, Umamah bint Khalid, Musarat Abbas, Antonio Coronato
28820 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar Iqtishaduna Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa Hukum Ekonomi Syari ah PEMANFAATAN ZAKAT PROFESI SEBAGAI BANTUAN EKONOMI UMAT DI TENGAH WABAH COVID-19 DI BAZNAS KABUPATEN BONE Muhammad Mardianto P, M. Thahir Maloko
28821 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Universitas Muslim Indonesia Wal afiat Hospital Journal Gambaran Performa Instruktur Clinical Skill lab pada Masa Pandemi Covid-19 di Fakultas Kedokteran UMI Adinda Pradana Putri, Arina Fathiyyah Arifin, Syamsu Rijal, Andi Alamanda Irwan, Arni Isnaini Arfah
28822 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Universitas Muslim Indonesia Wal afiat Hospital Journal Evaluasi Program Provider Initiated Testing And Counseling (PITC) Pada Ibu Hamil Pada Masa Pandemi Covid-19 Di Puskesmas Muara Badak Anita Sari, Irfansyah Baharuddin Pakki, Tanti Asrianti
28823 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Institut Agama Islam Ibrahimy Genteng Banyuwangi Ar-Risalah Media Keislaman Pendidikan dan Hukum Islam UPAYA PELIBATAN ORANG TUA PADA MASA PANDEMI COVID-19 DI SEKOLAH DASAR LAZUARDI TURSINA BANYUWANGI Nur Wiarsih, Ana Fitrotun Nisa
28824 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Sekolah Tinggi Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan (STKIP) Bim ORYZA ( JURNAL PENDIDIKAN BIOLOGI ) Analisis Kendala Dan Alternatif Pembelajaran Biologi Pada Masa Pandemi Covid-19 di SMA Muhammadyah 1 Bangunrejo Sulis Anjarwati, Kusuma Wardany, M. Khoirudin, Cici Novitasari
28825 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Mark Allen Group British Journal of Hospital Medicine Deep Learning-Based System Combining Chest X-Ray and Computerized Tomography Images for COVID-19 Diagnosis Hui Ding, Lingyan Fan, Jingfeng Zhang, Guosheng Gao
28826 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Royal College of Psychiatrists European Psychiatry Comparison of perceptions about COVID-19 disease in patients and in medical professionals during the pandemic E. V. Deshchenko, J. E. Koniukhovskaia, O. B. Stepanova, I. M. Shishkova, E. I. Pervichko, O. V. Mitina, V. F. Petrenko
28828 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting Equity financing during the Covid-19 economic downturn Styliani Panetsidou, Angelos Synapis
28829 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Vicerectorado de Investigacion Anales de la Facultad de Medicina Evolución de la seroprevalencia de COVID-19 en bancos de sangre durante la pandemia en la región Lima, Perú","Evolution of COVID-19 seroprevalence in blood banks during the pandemic in the Lima region, Peru Teófilo José Fuentes Rivera, Juan Antonio Almeyda Alcántara, Alex Nader Celada Padilla, Rosemary Sunilda Fernández Fuentes, Liliana Estefanía Nicho Machado, Luis Palma García, et al. (+11)
28830 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Vicerectorado de Investigacion Anales de la Facultad de Medicina Enfermedades cardiovasculares y mortalidad hospitalaria por COVID-19 en establecimientos de salud del departamento de Cajamarca, año 2020","Cardiovascular diseases and in-hospital mortality on COVID-19 in health centers from Juana Aurelia Ninatanta-Ortiz, Segunda Aydeé García-Flores, Insolina Raquel Díaz Rivadeneira, Elena Vega Torres, Katia Maribel Pérez Cieza, Sara Elizabeth Palacios Sánchez, Yolanda Angulo-Bazán
28831 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  SciELO Agencia Nacional de Investigaciu00f3n y Desarrollo (ANID) International journal of interdisciplinary dentistry Comparación del rendimiento clínico de dos años de pandemia COVID-19 en la atención odontológica de un Centro Docente Asistencial. Gustavo Moncada, Christian Córdova, Renzo Casanova, Diego Prieto
28832 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Vicerectorado de Investigacion Anales de la Facultad de Medicina El impacto de la pandemia del COVID-19 en la educación médica: adaptabilidad y experiencia con enseñanza a distancia de la Sociedad Médica Peruano Americana","The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on medical education: adaptability and remote learning experience of the Peruvian American Medical Society Manuel Valdivieso Rodríguez, Blanca Alzamora Barrios, Rossana Baracco Maggi, Katia Bravo-Jaimes, Luis A. Espinoza, Natalia Ferrari Gabilondo, et al. (+8)
28833 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Vicerectorado de Investigacion Anales de la Facultad de Medicina Glomerulonefritis focal y segmentaria post COVID-19 en una paciente lúpica","Focal and segmental glomerulonephritis post COVID-19 in a lupus patient Cristhian A. Vizcarra-Vizcarra, Vanessa Chávez-Barrios, Melannie Taco-Flores, Eduardo Chávez-Velásquez, Carmen Asato-Higa, Julia Sumire-Umeres
28834 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Archivos de Pediatria del Uruguay Archivos de Pediatría del Uruguay Consultas tardías en los servicios de emergencias pediátricas durante la pandemia por COVID-19 en Uruguay, entre el 13 de marzo y el 29 de julio de 2020 Noelia Noya, Manuel Dávila, Lody Osta, Mariana Más, Soledad Tórtora, Paloma Amarillo, et al. (+35)
28835 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) Social Work in Public Health How to Reduce the Influence of COVID-19 Epidemic on Employees’ Anxiety of Continuous Work in China? Empirical Analysis Based on Industrial Enterprises Qiang Yang, Jiale Huo, Yushi Jiang
28836 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Wiley Journal of Community Psychology Mitigating the effect of COVID-19 in a postemergency phase: The role of sense of community and individual resilience Rizzo Marco, Fedi Angela, Brodsky Anne E., Rochira Alessia, Zhao Jenny, Mannarini Terri
28837 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  AOSIS African Journal of Laboratory Medicine Role of ACE2 and TMPRSS2 polymorphisms in clinical severity and outcomes of COVID-19 in Egypt Walaa Samy, Osama A. Gaber, Rania M. Amer, Nahawand A. El-Deeb, Ahmed A. Abdelmoaty, Ahmed L. Sharaf, et al. (+5)
28838 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Royal College of Psychiatrists European Psychiatry The neuro-psychological manifestations of COVID-19 in healthcareworkers A. Ghenim, I. Kacem, A. Chouchane, A. Aloui, C. Sridi, A. Fekih, et al. (+4)
28839 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) Virology Journal Association between ursodeoxycholic acid use and COVID-19 in individuals with chronic liver disease: a nationwide case-control study in South Korea Sang Yi Moon, Minkook Son, Yeo Wool Kang, Myeongseok Koh, Jong Yoon Lee, Yang Hyun Baek
28840 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Royal College of Psychiatrists European Psychiatry The connection between the experience of the disease and perceptions about COVID-19 in patients E. V. Deshchenko, J. E. Koniukhovskaia, O. B. Stepanova, I. M. Shishkova, E. I. Pervichko, O. V. Mitina, E. R. Semenova
28841 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  JCDR Research and Publications JOURNAL OF CLINICAL AND DIAGNOSTIC RESEARCH An Observational Study on Impact of COVID-19 in Pregnancy: Clinical Profiles and Foetomaternal Outcomes in Caesarean Section Cases at a Tertiary Care Centre, Gujarat, India Vijyeta Ravindra Jagtap, Ragini Nimesh Verma
28842 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Springer Science and Business Media LLC Scientific Reports Epidemiological characteristics and early predict model of children Mycoplasma Pneumoniae Pneumonia outbreaks after the COVID-19 in Shandong Qian Zeng, Yurong Li, Yuanyuan Yue, Min Wang, Chun Yang, Xin Lv
28843 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Royal College of Psychiatrists European Psychiatry The Parent Attitudes about Childhood Vaccination against COVID-19 in Tunisia I. Bouguerra, A. Touiti, W. Askri, S. Hlayem, A. Bouden
28844 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Royal College of Psychiatrists European Psychiatry Screening the dysfunctional grief and its associated factors due to a death from covid-19 in Tunisia F. Askri, M. Dhemaid, K. Mahfoudh, S. Jedda, U. Ouali, A. Aissa
28845 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Royal College of Psychiatrists European Psychiatry Mental Health Status and Fear of COVID-19 in Young Adult Male Inmates in Portugal C. Laranjeira, W. Baccon, R. Mendes
28846 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Molecular Biology Reports COVID-19 increases mortality in hemodialysis patients: exploring links with inflammation and telomere attrition Tamara Milosevic, Radomir Naumovic, Miron Sopic, Jelena Vekic, Azra Guzonjic, Snezana Pesic, et al. (+2)
28847 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Royal College of Psychiatrists European Psychiatry COVID-19 Infection and Medicines in Pregnancy in Canada A. Berard, O. Sheehy, P. Kaul, S. Eltonsy, M. Walker, S. Hawken, et al. (+5)
28848 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Wiley Asian Journal Of Social Psychology Does knowledge matter? How a target's knowledge of their COVID-19 infection during a violation of preventive policies affects perceived immorality and dehumanization Qirui Tian, Yuchen Pan, Bastien Trémolière, Maja Becker
28849 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Japanese Society of Internal Medicine Internal Medicine Deterioration of Vocal Cord Paralysis after COVID-19 Infection in Multiple System Atrophy Yosuke Takeuchi, Teruaki Masuda, Noriyuki Kimura, Takeshi Mizukami, Kazuhiro Yoshinaga, Takashi Hirano, et al. (+2)
28850 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Frontiers Media SA Frontiers in Public Health Clinical features of COVID-19 infection in patients with myasthenia gravis: a real-world retrospective study Hui-Ning Li, Xiao-Na Xu, Ying-Hui Qin, Rui Liu, Wen-Yue Guo, Xiao-Yu Huang, et al. (+7)
28851 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Frontiers Media SA Frontiers in Public Health The impact of COVID-19 infection on musculoskeletal pain and its associating factors: a cross-sectional study Hongyan Li, Shiyang Zhuang, Yiming Lin, Mei Huang, Wenming Zhang, Xuehui Zhang, et al. (+2)
28852 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  S. Karger AG Journal of Innate Immunity TLRs1-10 Protein Expression in Circulating Human White Blood Cells during Bacterial and COVID-19 Infections Louise Chomel, Mathieu Vogt, Julien Demiselle, Pierrick Le Borgne, Marine Tschirhart, Valentin Morandeau, et al. (+5)
28853 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Emerald (MCB UP) Nutrition & Food Science Food-derived antioxidants intake association with serum oxidative stress markers and lung infection symptoms in COVID-19 infectious angina patients Mahsa Mohajeri, Baharak Aghapoor
28854 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  HMP Communications, LLC Journal of Invasive Cardiology Surge-in-Place: Conversion of a Cardiac Catheterization Laboratory Into a COVID-19 Intensive Care Unit and Back Again Miguel Alvarez Villela, Thomas Boucher, Juan Terre, Barbara Levine, Marianne O'Shea, Joane Luma, et al. (+6)
28856 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Comprehensive Publications International Journal of Advanced Academic Studies Teachers&#39; contributions to online teaching initiatives in Haryana government schools during the COVID-19 Lockdown Dr. Vijender Gaur, Dr. Anju, Dr. Vinay Kumari Jain
28857 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Royal College of Psychiatrists European Psychiatry Identifying predictors of resilient coping in students during COVID-19 lockdown C. Laranjeira, A. I. Querido, M. A. Dixe
28858 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Royal College of Psychiatrists European Psychiatry A thematic analysis of the introduction of smart-hub technology to a rural Psychiatry of Old Age Service during Covid-19 lockdowns S. Patel, A. Gannon, M. Cryan, C. Dolan, C. McDonald, C. Houghton, G. McCarthy
28859 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) BMC Public Health Social trust and COVID-19 mortality in the United States: lessons in planning for future pandemics using data from the general social survey Megan E. Marziali, Robert S. Hogg, Alexi Hu, Kiffer G. Card
28860 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Public Library of Science PLoS ONE Health insurance system fragmentation and COVID-19 mortality: Evidence from Peru Misael Anaya-Montes, Hugh Gravelle, Jim P. Stimpson
28861 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Royal College of Psychiatrists European Psychiatry Hematological impact of COVID-19 mRNA vaccination in patients treated with Clozapine A. Touiti, I. Yaich, C. Ben Said, N. Bram
28862 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Royal College of Psychiatrists European Psychiatry The impact of COVID-19 mRNA vaccination on somatic and psychiatric symptoms in patients with treatment-resistant schizophrenia: a cohort study A. Touiti, I. Yaich, C. Ben Said, N. Bram
28863 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  International Scientific Information, Inc. American Journal of Case Reports Otitis Media with ANCA-Associated Vasculitis Following COVID-19 mRNA Vaccination: A Case Report Yuta Yoshino, Yurika Yamanaka, Aya Oda
28864 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Elsevier Vaccine A Brighton Collaboration standardized template with key considerations for a benefit-risk assessment for the Comirnaty COVID-19 mRNA vaccine Shanti Pather, Nicola Charpentier, Frank van den Ouweland, Ruben Rizzi, Andrew Finlayson, Nadine Salisch, et al. (+7)
28865 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Conselho Nacional de Pesquisa e Pos-Graduacao em Direito - CONPEDI Revista Brasileira de Direitos e Garantias Fundamentais A BANALIDADE DO MAL E A PANDEMIA DA COVID-19 NA CIDADE DE MANAUS/AM Ruan Patrick Teixeira da Costa, Sandro Nahmias Melo
28866 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Elsevier Cell Reports Antigenic sin and multiple breakthrough infections drive converging evolution of COVID-19 neutralizing responses Ida Paciello, Giulio Pierleoni, Elisa Pantano, Giada Antonelli, Piero Pileri, Giuseppe Maccari, et al. (+17)
28867 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Seven Events LUMEN ET VIRTUS Análise de impactos gerados pela pandemia de COVID-19 nos processos frigoríficos e na rotina de trabalhadores: O caso de um frigorífico de Cacoal-RO Reginaldo Roque De Araujo, Daniel Andrade De Jesus, Lucélia Largura do Vale Vidigal, Ademir Luiz Vidigal Filho, Valdinei Leones De Souza, Ademilson de Assis Dias, et al. (+2)
28868 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Royal College of Psychiatrists European Psychiatry Watersports Inclusion Games: The Benefits for Participants and the Impact of COVID-19 on Access M. Killalea, A. Warraitch, J. Murphy, E. Barrett
28869 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Royal College of Psychiatrists European Psychiatry Impact of COVID-19 on community mental health care referrals T. C. Gomes
28870 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Czestochowa University of Technology Polish Journal of Management Studies THE IMPACT OF COVID-19 ON CORPORATE RESEARCH QUOTIENT: EVIDENCE FROM CHINESE FIRMS Yuanchun Liu, Gholamreaza Zandi, Hainan Yin
28871 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Royal College of Psychiatrists European Psychiatry Enduring the unseen burden: a qualitative analysis on long-term emotional impact of COVID-19 on long-term care workers L. Gonzalez-Spinoglio, A. Monistrol-Mula, C. Vindrola-Padros, S. Aguilar-Ortiz, B. Carreras, J. M. Haro, M. Felez-Nobrega
28872 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Royal College of Psychiatrists European Psychiatry Examining the Effects of COVID-19 on Suicide Attempts in Budapest: A Focus on Violent and Non-Violent Attempts M. Bérdi, N. Hajduska-Dér, B. Sebők, N. Szeifert, L. Bálint, S. Szilágyi
28873 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Royal College of Psychiatrists European Psychiatry The impact of Covid-19 on the Mental Health of the Portuguese Population I. Santos, B. Saraiva
28874 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Insan Cita Bongaya Research Journal Insan Cita Bongaya Research Journal Analisis Pengaruh Loan To Deposit Ratio (LDR), Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR) dan Efisiensi Operasi (BOPO) terhadap Kinerja Keuangan Pasca Pandemi Covid-19 pada Beberapa Bank yang Tercatat di Bursa Efek Indonesia Sitti Masyita
28875 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Poltekkes Kemenkes Bengkulu Jurnal Promosi Kesehatan Poltekkes Bengkulu Determinan Penerimaan Vaksinasi Covid-19 Pada Ibu Hamil Di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Telaga Dewa Kota Bengkulu Adetia Putri Ani, Lissa Ervina, Ismiati Ismiati
28876 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Universitas Islam Indonesia (Islamic University of Indonesia) Jurnal Komunikasi Studi Resepsi Khalayak terhadap Disinformasi Pandemi Covid-19 pada Media Sosial di Yogyakarta Murti Kusuma Wirasti, Sugeng Bayu Wahyono
28877 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Asosiasi Dosen Muda Indonesia Jurnal Akuntansi dan Manajemen Bisnis ANALISIS KINERJA KEUANGAN SEBELUM DAN SAAT PANDEMI COVID-19 PADA PT INDOFOOD SUKSES MAKMUR TBK PERIODE 2018-2021 Eva Khadijah
28878 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Wiley Annals of Anthropological Practice Applying up: How ethnographers powered public health changes in the United States during the COVID-19 pandemic Monica Schoch-Spana
28879 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  MDPI AG Nursing Reports Why Are Healthcare Providers Leaving Their Jobs? A Convergent Mixed-Methods Investigation of Turnover Intention among Canadian Healthcare Providers during the COVID-19 Pandemic Andrea M. D’Alessandro-Lowe, Andrea Brown, Emily Sullo, Mina Pichtikova, Mauda Karram, James Mirabelli, et al. (+3)
28880 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) Egyptian Journal of Radiology and Nuclear Medicine Intestinal ultrasound for follow-up after 24 weeks of biological therapy in inflammatory bowel disease patients: an Egyptian center experience during the COVID-19 pandemic Sarah El-Nakeep, Ehab Nashaat, Fatma Alsherif, Mohamed Magdy Salama
28881 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Fundacion Universitaria Konrad Lorenz Revista Latinoamericana de Psicología Trust as a driver of teacher well-being during the COVID-19 pandemic Javier Labarthe-Carrara, Marisa Salanova, Susana Llorens
28882 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Consortium of Multiple Sclerosis Centers International Journal of MS Care Outcomes of a Day Wellness Program for People With Multiple Sclerosis Before and During the COVID-19 Pandemic Tiffany Malone, John A. Schafer, Lacey Sayre, Brian Hutchinson
28883 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  F1000 Research Ltd F1000Research Social distancing between personal belongings during the COVID-19 pandemic Wen Guo, Ayumi Ikeda, Kaito Takashima, Yoshitaka Masuda, Kohei Ueda, Atsunori Ariga, et al. (+2)
28884 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Emerald (MCB UP) International Journal of Social Economics Employment demand and generation under MGNREGA in India: examining external and internal shocks with special reference to climate change and COVID-19 pandemic Alok Ranjan Mohanty, Narayan Chandra Nayak, Bimal Kishore Sahoo
28885 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Universidade Federal do Espirito Santo Revista Brasileira de Pesquisa em Saúde/Brazilian Journal of Health Research Transtorno mental comum entre estudantes de enfermagem durante a pandemia de Covid-19","Common mental disorder among nursing students during the Covid-19 pandemic Marisangela De Palma Silva, Kallen Dettmann Wandekoken, Rayane Cristina Faria de Souza, Flavia Batista Portugal
28887 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Czestochowa University of Technology Polish Journal of Management Studies ENVIRONMENTAL STRATEGIES OF ENERGY COMPANIES DURING THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC Rahmi Widyanti, Aneta Włodarczyk
28888 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  American Institute of Mathematical Sciences Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering Analyzing factors of daily travel distances in Japan during the COVID-19 pandemic Masaya Mori, Yuto Omae, Yohei Kakimoto, Makoto Sasaki, Jun Toyotani
28889 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Springer Science and Business Media LLC Scientific Data A dataset of acoustic measurements from soundscapes collected worldwide during the COVID-19 pandemic Samuel Challéat, Nicolas Farrugia, Jérémy S. P. Froidevaux, Amandine Gasc, Nicolas Pajusco, Carlos R. Abrahams, et al. (+254)
28890 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  American Psychological Association Psychological Trauma Theory Research Practice and Policy Supplemental Material for Patterns and Correlates of Traumatic Stress, Depression, Anxiety, and Moral Injury in U.S. Health Care Providers Late in the COVID-19 Pandemic
28891 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Royal College of Psychiatrists European Psychiatry E-Learning challenges and trainee teacher engagement: Lessons from the COVID-19 pandemic Z. Boumaaize, A. Bouhaba, H. Guider, M. A. Lafraxo, Y. El Madhi, H. Hami
28892 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Royal College of Psychiatrists European Psychiatry Relationship between changing cognitive domains and atypical antipsychotic treatment in bipolar disorders: a three-year observational study in a psychiatric rehabilitation center during COVID-19 pandemic F. Franza, B. Solomita, A. Franza
28893 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Royal College of Psychiatrists European Psychiatry Psychometric Properties of the Depression, Anxiety, Stress Scales-21 (DASS-21) in a Portuguese Sample during the early stage of the COVID-19 pandemic C. Laranjeira, M. A. Dixe, A. I. Querido
28894 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Royal College of Psychiatrists European Psychiatry Variations in self-regulation of behaviour among different groups of the Russian population during the second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic V. I. Rozhdestvenskiy, V. V. Titova, I. A. Gorkovaya, D. O. Ivanov, Y. S. Aleksandrovich
28895 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Royal College of Psychiatrists European Psychiatry The social determinants of depression: social support, loneliness, and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic A. Gabarrell-Pascuet, J. M. Haro, J. Domènech-Abella
28896 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Royal College of Psychiatrists European Psychiatry The connection between personal factors and burnout among medical workers during the COVID-19 pandemic E. V. Deshchenko, J. E. Koniukhovskaia, O. B. Stepanova, I. M. Shishkova, E. I. Pervichko, O. V. Mitina, E. R. Semenova
28897 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Royal College of Psychiatrists European Psychiatry Online T group experiences during COVID-19 pandemic G. Arbanas, A. Botica, H. Goršić, M. Baković, M. Bagarić, I. Barun
28898 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Royal College of Psychiatrists European Psychiatry The Role of Pet Companionship in Older Adults’ Mental Health: A Qualitative Study during the Covid-19 Pandemic S. von Humboldt, S. Silva, I. Leal
28899 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Royal College of Psychiatrists European Psychiatry Fundamental beliefs, as well as levels of depression, anxiety, and stress experienced by Russian students during the second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic V. I. Rozhdestvenskiy, V. V. Titova, I. A. Gorkovaya, D. O. Ivanov, Y. S. Aleksandrovich
28900 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Royal College of Psychiatrists European Psychiatry The connection between professional burnout of medical workers and the self-help methods during the COVID-19 pandemic E. V. Deshchenko, J. E. Koniukhovskaia, O. B. Stepanova, I. M. Shishkova, E. I. Pervichko, O. V. Mitina, N. R. Irgashev
28901 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Elsevier Journal of Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders The link between hoarding symptoms and interpersonal difficulties during the COVID-19 pandemic Hannah C. Broos, Madeline L. Kushner, Caitlin A. Stamatis, Kiara R. Timpano
28902 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Contemporary Educational Technology Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies A systematic review on social media utilization by health communicators in India: Insights from COVID-19 pandemic Maria Brony, Mumtaz Aini Alivi, Md Azalanshah Md Syed, Nasrullah Dharejo, Xu Jiaqing
28903 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Poznan University of Economics Economics and Business Review The effect of output on employment in Poland during the COVID-19 pandemic Krzysztof Bartosik
28904 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) International Journal of Play Playing it safe? An evolutionary life history theory perspective on Canadian adolescent play during the COVID-19 pandemic Luseadra Joy McKerracher, Katherine M. Kennedy, Jordan Chin, Joanne Di Maio, Tavishi Weeraratne, Megane Bouchard, et al. (+7)
28905 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  SAGE Publications Journal of Hispanic Higher Education Latin* Student Success After the COVID-19 Pandemic Christine A. Victorino, Marsha Ing, Elizabeth Claassen Thrush, Scott Heil, Hayden Harris, Arlene Cano Matute, Nicole Colchete
28906 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  IAIN Jember Journal of Language Intelligence and Culture Thai Students Perspective of Online Learning Media during Covid-19 Pandemic Nina Hayuningtyas, Siti Khodijah, Sareef Tehtae, Fitriatul Karomah
28907 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Universitas Muslim Indonesia JURNAL MANAJEMEN BISNIS Strategy Analysis of Sustainability of Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME’s) in Increasing Productivity and Profit in The Middle of Covid-19 Pandemic Zalkha Soraya, Warda Warda, A. Nur Fitrianti, Rini Sulistiyanti, Andi Arifwangsa Adiningrat
28908 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Wiley Journal of Marital and Family Therapy One year of COVID-19: A longitudinal study of individual and relational factors of psychological adjustment of individuals living in a romantic relationship in Portugal during the COVID-19 pandemic Ana Paula Relvas, Alda Portugal, Laura Lacomba-Trejo, Sofia Major, Luciana Sotero, Rafaela Agostinho, et al. (+2)
28909 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Class Publishing British Paramedic Journal Behind the screen: exploring the effects of home working on 999 telephone clinicians during the COVID-19 pandemic Edward Harry, Mike Brady
28910 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Fakultas MIPA Universitas Tadulako Palu Tadulako Social Science and Humaniora Journal APPLICATION OF FORCE MAJEURE CLAUSES IN AGREEMENTS BUSINESS RENTAL DURING THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC Andini Barata
28911 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Elsevier Journal of Affective Disorders Assessment of prevalence and determinants of anxiety and psychological distress symptoms in Ebola child and adolescent survivors and orphans in Eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo during the COVID-19 pandemic Jude Mary Cénat, Grace Jacob, Wina Paul Darius, Seyed Mohammad Mahdi Moshirian Farahi, Jacqueline Bukaka, Noble Luyeye, Daniel Derivois
28912 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) Canadian Journal of Development Studies/Revue canadienne d études du développement Did the COVID-19 pandemic accelerate localisation? Andrea Paras, Craig Johnson, Andréanne Martel, John-Michael Davis, Heather Dicks
28913 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Universitas Muslim Indonesia JURNAL MANAJEMEN BISNIS The COVID-19 Pandemic and Its Implications for the Performance of the Maqashid Syariah Index of Sharia Banks Regina Meidista Damayanti
28914 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Wiley Geographical Research Geographical distribution of the COVID-19 pandemic and key determinants: Evolution across waves in Spain Rosina Moreno, Esther Vayá
28915 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Royal College of Psychiatrists European Psychiatry Multifaceted Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic and Lockdown on Physical and Mental Health: Insights from a Cross-Sectional Study V. Dimitriou, C. Kalogirou, A. Potamianou, M. Bakola, P. Gourzis, G. Charalampous, E. Jelastopulu
28916 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Royal College of Psychiatrists European Psychiatry Covid-19 pandemic and mental health among adolescents and young adults: results from two studies conducted in North of Italy L. Pedrini, S. Meloni
28917 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Universitas Muslim Indonesia JURNAL MANAJEMEN BISNIS Covid-19 Pandemic as a Catalyst for Digital Transformation: A Bibliometric Analysis using Vosviewer Heri Purwanto, Lili Adi Wibowo, Agus Rahayu
28918 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Royal College of Psychiatrists European Psychiatry The COVID-19 pandemic as a traumatic experience in the general population T. Mastelić, V. Višić, T. Borovina Marasović, N. Rančić, D. Vukorepa, M. Milanović, et al. (+10)
28919 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Universitas Muslim Indonesia JURNAL MANAJEMEN BISNIS Evaluation of the Implementation of Credit Restructuring during the Covid-19 Pandemic at Bank Mandiri Ternate Branch Fanti Farjrianti Buamona, Abdul Hadi Sirat
28920 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  VNU University of Economics and Business VNU University of Economics and Business Turnaround success for textile and garment companies in the COVID-19 pandemic era Mita Indah Suci Wulandari, Fidiana Fidiana
28921 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Royal College of Psychiatrists European Psychiatry Impact of a daily supportive text message program (text4hope) on the stress, anxiety, and depression levels of elderly (60 years and above) subscribers during the COVID-19 pandemic in Alberta. E. Owusu, R. Shalaby, B. Agyapong, W. Vuong, A. Gusnowski, S. Surood, et al. (+2)
28922 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Revista Eletronica Acervo Saude Revista Eletrônica Acervo Saúde Analysis of Sexually Transmitted Infections during the COVID-19 pandemic in Brazil Ranieri Flavio Viana de Sousa, Jacenir Reis dos Santos Mallet, Elaine Ferreira do Nascimento, Darwin Renne Florencio Cardoso, Jéssica Milena Moura Neves, Beatriz Fátima Alves de Oliveira
28923 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  SAGE Publications Gerontology and Geriatric Medicine Self-Perception of Mental Health and Exacerbated Social Inequalities Among Vulnerable Older Adults During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Brazil (2021-2023) Letícia Perticarrara Ferezin, Rander Junior Rosa, Mônica Chiodi Toscano de Campos, Thaís Zamboni Berra, Heriederson Sávio Dias Moura, Ariela Fehr Tártaro, et al. (+12)
28924 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) BMC Infectious Diseases Impact of a package of point-of-care diagnostic tests, a clinical diagnostic algorithm and adherence training on antibiotic prescriptions for the management of non-severe acute febrile illness in primary health facilities during the COVID-19 pandemic in Burkina Faso Francois Kiemde, Juvenal Nkeramahame, Ana Belen Ibarz, Sabine Dittrich, Piero Olliaro, Daniel Valia, et al. (+12)
28925 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Royal College of Psychiatrists European Psychiatry Psychological distress and coping strategies of hospital nurses during covid-19 pandemic in Greece C. Papathanasiou, K. C. Patithras
28926 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Public Library of Science PLoS ONE Perception and coping mechanisms of patients with diabetes mellitus during the COVID-19 pandemic in Ibadan, Nigeria Olajumoke Ololade Tunji-Adepoju, Obasanjo Afolabi Bolarinwa, Richard Gyan Aboagye, Williams O. Balogun, Sylla Thiam
28927 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Universitas Muslim Indonesia JURNAL MANAJEMEN BISNIS The Climate Changes in Banking Credit to The Financial Cycle During The Covid-19 Pandemic in Indonesia Edwin Basmar, Carl M. Campbell-III, Erlin Basmar, Suhendra S.
28928 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Public Library of Science PLoS ONE Public perception on face mask wearing during COVID-19 pandemic in Malaysia: A cross sectional study Muhammad Zubir Yusof, Nur Faza Zinnirah Fadzil, Nik Nur Niska Azlin Kamaruzi, Maya Syazana Syamimi Ayazi, Quazi Maksudur Rahman
28929 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Royal College of Psychiatrists European Psychiatry Touch hunger: trajectory and predictors of longing for physical contact during the COVID-19 pandemic in people with and without psychiatric disorders S. E. Mann, A. L. Kok, N. Rius Ottenheim, E. J. Giltay, B. W. Penninx
28930 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Royal College of Psychiatrists European Psychiatry The fundamental beliefs held by individuals living with HIV and university students during the challenges posed by the second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic in Russia V. V. Titova, V. I. Rozhdestvenskiy, I. A. Gorkovaya, D. O. Ivanov, Y. S. Aleksandrovich
28931 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Royal College of Psychiatrists European Psychiatry The quality of life for students pursuing humanities disciplines and individuals living with HIV during the second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic in Russia V. V. Titova, V. I. Rozhdestvenskiy, I. A. Gorkovaya, D. O. Ivanov, Y. S. Aleksandrovich
28932 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Royal College of Psychiatrists European Psychiatry The connection between professional burnout of medical workers and the specific working conditions during the COVID-19 pandemic in Russia E. V. Deshchenko, J. E. Koniukhovskaia, O. B. Stepanova, I. M. Shishkova, E. I. Pervichko, O. V. Mitina, E. A. Dorokhov
28933 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Royal College of Psychiatrists European Psychiatry Comparative Financial Implications of Outpatient and Inpatient Service of the Psychiatric Department in General Hospital during the COVID-19 Pandemic in Taiwan: Case Report W.-Y. Su, S.-C. Wang
28934 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Elsevier Human Nutrition & Metabolism Prevalence of hypertension and its associated risk factors during COVID-19 pandemic in the capital of Bangladesh Urmila Roy, Arafat Hassan Razon, Tanvir Ahmad, Tabassum Sultana Barsha
28935 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Royal College of Psychiatrists European Psychiatry Prevalence of Prolonged Grief Disorder and Related Clinical Factors During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Turkey R. Tekdemir, A. Kandeger, Ö. Tan, M. Aydın, K. Altinbas
28936 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) The Journal of Continuing Higher Education Adapting to Change: Exploring the Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Academic Performance in African Students and the Role of Virtual Learning as a Substitute Great Iruoghene Edo, Favour Ogheneoruese Onoharigho, Laurine Chikodiri Nwosu, Agatha Ngukuran Jikah, Dinzei Maureen Marris, Patrick Othuke Akpoghelie, Joy Johnson Agbo
28937 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Royal College of Psychiatrists European Psychiatry Effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Anger and Life Satisfaction among Children Aged 10-12 years old in Preveza D. Georgaki, C. Kalogirou, A. Potamianou, M. Bakola, P. Gourzis, G. Charalambous, E. Jelastopulu
28938 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  HMP Communications, LLC Journal of Invasive Cardiology Logistical, Financial, and Psychological Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Cardiac Catheterization Lab Nurses and Technologists: A U.S. National Survey Bailey Estes, Joji Varghese, Jared Jacques, Srihari Naidu
28939 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Kampala International University Kampala International University law journal Impacts of covid-19 pandemic on NDC implementation action plan for the agricultural sector in Nigeria Kingsley Osinachi N. Onu, Ngozi Chinwa Ole
28940 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Elsevier Research in Transportation Business & Management Analysis of the causal effect of the Covid-19 pandemic on parcel delivery: The case of Belo Horizonte, Brazil Leise Kelli de Oliveira, João Guilherme da Costa Braga França, Jorge Luís Santos Junior, Gracielle Gonçalves Ferreira de Araújo, Isabela Kopperschmidt de Oliveira, Luísa Tavares Muzzi Sousa, et al. (+2)
28941 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  S. Karger AG Breast Care Retrospective impact of COVID-19 pandemic on primary breast cancer care Maximilian Pruss, Melissa Neubacher, Frederic Dietzel, Natalia Krawczyk, Jan-Philipp Cieslik, Svjetlana Mohrmann, et al. (+4)
28942 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Royal College of Psychiatrists European Psychiatry The Effect of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Suicide Attempts and Self-Harm in Teenagers and Young Adults: An Analysis of Regional Emergency Medical Center Data of a Metropolitan City in South Korea S. M. Bae, N. Ku
28943 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Royal College of Psychiatrists European Psychiatry Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the manifestation and course of mental illness in elderly V. Pochueva, T. Safarova, O. Yakovleva, V. Sheshenin
28944 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Royal College of Psychiatrists European Psychiatry Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the mental health of hospital employees: single center experience M. Kristic, V. Kuresic, I. Miskulin, J. Dumic, L. Dumic, M. Miskulin
28945 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Royal College of Psychiatrists European Psychiatry The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the mental health of nursing professionals in the state of São Paulo M. C. V. R. De Oliveira, E. Ribeiro dos Santos, E. C. Araujo
28946 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Royal College of Psychiatrists European Psychiatry The influence of the COVID-19 pandemic on the occurrence of depressive symptoms in the Croatian adult population J. Dumic, I. Miskulin, M. Kristic, J. Kovacevic, I. Vukoja, L. Dumic, M. Miskulin
28947 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Royal College of Psychiatrists European Psychiatry Impact of the Second Wave of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Quality of Life and Emotional Well-being of Students studying humanities disciplines in Russia V. I. Rozhdestvenskiy, V. V. Titova, I. A. Gorkovaya, D. O. Ivanov, Y. S. Aleksandrovich
28948 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  The Korean Data Analysis Society The Korean Data Analysis Society Analysis of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the use of medical services
28949 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Czestochowa University of Technology Polish Journal of Management Studies IMPACT OF COVID-19 PANDEMIC ON TOURISM MANAGEMENT IN V4 COUNTRIES Vojtěch Bartoš, Zuzana Rowland, Štefan Gavura, Kateřina Škopková
28950 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Royal College of Psychiatrists European Psychiatry Physical healthcare gap among patients with severe mental illness through the COVID-19 pandemic. Preliminary results from a real-world investigation in Lombardy, Italy C. Conflitti, M. Monzio Compagnoni, G. Corrao, A. Lora
28951 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) Journal of Aging & Social Policy Older people’s Contributions During the COVID-19 Pandemic Response Merryn Gott, Janine Wiles, Tessa Morgan, Lisa Williams, Kathryn Morgan, Stella Black, et al. (+6)
28952 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Royal College of Psychiatrists European Psychiatry Youth mental health resilience during the COVID-19 pandemic: A critical review S. Irnat, S. Boukhorb, S. Hmimou, M. Anssoufouddine, A. Soulaymani, M. Abdalli Mari, et al. (+2)
28953 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  The University of Jordan Jordan Medical Journal Anxiety Disorder in Jordan during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Cross-Sectional Study Latifa Mari’e, Refat Aboghazleh, Tariq Al-Shatanawi, Duaa Hiasat, Mohammad Damseh, Mohammad Almomani, et al. (+6)
28954 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Royal College of Psychiatrists European Psychiatry Post-traumatic stress in healthcare workers during the COVID-19 pandemic: a cross-sectional study Z. Athimni, N. Belhadj Chabbeh, S. Chatti, F. Chelly, L. Ben Afia, M. Bouhoula, et al. (+7)
28955 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Medknow Publications Industrial Psychiatry Journal Depression, anxiety, and stress among private shopkeepers after COVID-19 pandemic: A cross-sectional study from Mohali, India Ekram Goyal, Nidhi Malhotra, Ajay Kumar, Alka Puria, Suprakash Chaudhury, Daniel Saldanha
28956 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Royal College of Psychiatrists European Psychiatry Post-traumatic stress disorder in adolescents during the Covid-19 pandemic: a cross-sectional study of 326 cases K. Mayssa, B. Jaweher, K. Ali, B. T. Donia, H. Imen, A. Hela, et al. (+2)
28957 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Current Psychology Stress, coping and professional identity among nursing students during the COVID-19 pandemic: a latent profile analysis Qiong Sun, Wen Qian, Yixuan Yao, Jing Zhu, Jinqi Xu, Leifeng Zhang, et al. (+3)
28958 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Oxford University Press European Journal of Public Health Evaluating changes in the well-being of older adults during the COVID-19 pandemic: a longitudinal cohort study Djoeke Besselink, Gerrie-Cor M Herber, Fons van der Lucht, Martine J Sealy, Wim P Krijnen, Harriët Jager-Wittenaar, Evelyn J Finnema
28959 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Elsevier Acta Tropica SARS-CoV-2 infection in synanthropic rats from Guayaquil city (Ecuador) during COVID-19 pandemic: a proxy to prevent wild reservoirs in the tropics Solon Alberto Orlando, Maria Daniela Mera, Naomi Mora Jaramillo, Ariana Leon-Sosa, Joselyn Calderon, Angel Sebastian Rodriguez-Pazmiño, Miguel Angel Garcia-Bereguiain
28960 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) BMC Public Health Moving an exercise referral scheme to remote delivery during the Covid-19 pandemic: an observational study examining the impact on uptake, adherence, and costs Katie Newby, Neil Howlett, Adam P. Wagner, Nigel Smeeton, Olujoke Fakoya, Nigel Lloyd, et al. (+6)
28961 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Royal College of Psychiatrists European Psychiatry Telehealth Treatment of Patients with Bipolar Depression during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Comparative Safety, Patient Satisfaction, and Effectiveness to Prepandemic In-person Treatment M. Zimmerman
28962 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Universitas Islam Indonesia (Islamic University of Indonesia) Jurnal Komunikasi Disaster Communication and Civic Voluntarism during COVID-19 Pandemic: The Case of Bandung Oki Achmad Ismail, Dimas Satrio Wijaksono
28963 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) BMC Psychiatry Depression and suicidal ideation among Chinese college students during the COVID-19 pandemic: the mediating roles of chronotype and sleep quality Li-ying Wen, Liu Zhang, Li-jun Zhu, Jian-gen Song, An-shi Wang, Yu-jing Tao, et al. (+5)
28964 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Royal College of Psychiatrists European Psychiatry Covid-19 pandemics effects on postpartum depression in the Hungarian Baby-Mother-Father Unit G. M. Mező, C. Budinszki, T. Kurimay
28965 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  SDU Journal of Health Sciences SDÜ SAĞLIK BİLİMLERİ DERGİSİ COVID-19 Pandemisinin Diş Hekimliği Öğrencilerinin Depresyon Düzeyleri ve Eğitime Bakış Açıları Üzerindeki Etkisinin Değerlendirilmesi; Kesitsel Bir Anket Çalışması Özlem Yarbaşı, Esin Bozdemir (haştar)
28966 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Eurasian Journal of Critical Care Eurasian Journal of Critical Care Serum Paraoxonase Activity and Phenotype Distribution in Covid-19 Patients Halil İsa Çelik, Şahabettin Selek, Ertan Sönmez, Hüseyin Metin, Bahadir Taslidere, Bedia Gülen
28967 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Medip Academy International Journal of Advances in Medicine Clinical characteristics of COVID-19 patients at Bali Mandara hospital Putu Satyakumara Upadhana, Putu Gede Surya Wibawa
28968 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Nepal Journals Online Janaki Medical College Journal of Medical Science Epidemiological Pattern and Case Fatality Rate among COVID-19 Patients during First and Second Wave of Pandemic in Madhesh Province, Nepal Jitendra Kumar Singh
28969 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Medip Academy International Journal of Advances in Medicine Outcome of severe to critical COVID-19 patients with tocilizumab therapy M. Tanimul Haque Rijvy, M. Shariful Alam, Uma Dhar, Abir Hasan Dip, Shaiful Azam Quadry, Hosneara Parvin, et al. (+4)
28970 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Elsevier Applied Nursing Research The mediating role of social support on the relationship between secondary traumatic stress and burnout of nurses caring for COVID-19 patients: A cross-sectional study Wejdan Shaqiqi, Faiza A. Abou El-Soud
28971 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Royal College of Psychiatrists European Psychiatry Coping strategies facing Covid-19, perceived social support, and trait anxiety among Tunisian caregivers N. Smaoui, B. Jallouli, I. Gassara, R. Feki, S. Omri, M. Bou Ali Maalej, et al. (+4)
28972 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Penerbit UTM Press Malaysian Journal of Fundamental and Applied Sciences Fuzzy and Neutrosophic Cognitive Maps Analysis of the Emergence of COVID-19 Post-vaccination Norarida Abd Rhani, Nurul Eylia Maisarah Mazlan, Nur Amani Izzati Mohd Azhan, Siti Nurul Fitriah Mohamad, Suriana Alias
28973 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Springer-Verlag SN Computer Science Proposing and Optimizing COVID-19 Predictions: A Comprehensive Ensemble Approach for Time Series Forecasting in India Aakanshi Gupta, Tooba Khan, Nidhi Mishra, Nishtha Jatana, Shaily Malik, Vaani Garg
28974 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Elsevier Schizophrenia Research The impact of COVID-19 public health measures on the utilization of antipsychotics in schizophrenia in Manitoba - A population-based study Mina Shirinbakhshmasoleh, Laila Aboulatta, Christine Leong, Hayley Riel, Kun Liu, Joseph C. Delaney, et al. (+5)
28976 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Frontiers Media SA Frontiers in Public Health Assessing educational disparities in COVID-19 related excess mortality in Spain: a population register-linked mortality study José Pulido, Marta Donat, Almudena Moreno, Julieta Politi, Lucía Cea-Soriano, Luis Sordo, et al. (+5)
28977 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) Contemporary Politics Territorial dynamics and deepening autocratization: exploring the role of gated communities in Shanghai's COVID-19 response Virginie Arantes
28978 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Medknow Publications Journal of the Egyptian Ophthalmological Society Behçet’s disease and COVID-19, retrospective analysis Mai Nasser Abd Elmohsen, Amr Khaled Mohamed Abouaggour, Maha Mohamed Youssef, Mohammad Refaat Aboulfotouh
28979 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Asian Journal of Criminology Controlling COVID-19 Rumors Through Administrative Punishment: Empirical Evidence from Zhejiang, China Yang Feng, Ke Li, Zhijian Wang
28980 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  STIE Indonesia Banking School Journal of Accounting Management and Islamic Economics ANALISIS PERBANDINGAN CAMEL PADA BANK BCA SYARIAH SEBELUM DAN SELAMA PANDEMI COVID-19 Intan Purnama Sari, Erric Wijaya
28982 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Knowledge E Academic Journal of Surgery To investigate the relation between LDH and CRP levels and mortality of COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2) patients admitted in SURGERY ICU at Shariati Hospital from 19 February 2020 till 19 February 2021 Nima Mohammadi Afrakoti, Mohammadsadegh Talebi Kahdouei, Alireza Khajeh Nasiri, Arash Heroabadi, Samaneh Haji Mollarabei, Fatemeh Aghaei
28983 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Royal College of Psychiatrists European Psychiatry Translation and validation of the Greek versions of the Coronavirus Anxiety Scale, the Obsession with COVID-19 Scale and the Coronavirus Reassurance-Seeking Behaviors Scale M. Bakola, K. S. Kitsou, V. Angelidou, A. Giannakopoulos, M. Drakopoulou, K. Mavridou, et al. (+7)
28984 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene Acceptability and Feasibility of Provision of COVID-19 Services by Community Health Workers to Remote Gold Mining Communities in Suriname Stephen Vreden, Marieke Heemskerk, Hélène Hiwat, Hedley Cairo
28985 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Springer Science and Business Media LLC Scientific Reports COVID-19 severity detection using chest X-ray segmentation and deep learning Tinku Singh, Suryanshi Mishra, Riya Kalra, Manish Kumar, Taehong Kim
28986 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Cureus, Inc. Cureus Impact of HLA Alleles on COVID-19 Severity in Kidney Transplant Recipients: A Single-Center Study Necip Altundaş, Eda Balkan, Murat Kızılkaya, Nurhak Aksungur, Salih Kara, Ercan Korkut, et al. (+2)
28987 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Universitas Islam Sumatera Utara Jurnal Pengabdian Mitra Masyarakat PENTINGNYA BUDIDAYA TANAMAN APOTEK HIDUP DILINGKUNGAN DESA KARANG GADING DALAM MENJAGA IMUNITAS TUBUH SELAMA PANDEMI COVID-19 K. Afni, N. Hasanah, L. Saputri3, D. R Sitepu, Mardiati Mardiati, I Wirevenska
28989 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Faculty of Education and Teacher Training, Jambi University Journal of Kuasa Analysis of Political Education Towards Elementary School Learning Process During The Covid-19 Rani Aprilia, Mariatul Qibtiyah, Kun Budianto, Alva Beriansyah
28990 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Emerald (MCB UP) Journal of Islamic Marketing The Indonesian youth tourist motivation intention to visit Phuket: a post Covid-19 study with the moderating role of health risk using SPSS PROCESS macro (Model 1) Nimit Soonsan, Zulfiqar Ali Jumani, Sarayute Thongmun, Suphattra Sangthong
28991 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Royal College of Psychiatrists European Psychiatry Mental well-being of Tunisian COVID-19 survivors: a cohort study M. Turki, N. Bouattour, H. Ben Ayed, S. Ellouze, R. Jbir, S. Msaad, et al. (+3)
28992 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Royal College of Psychiatrists European Psychiatry Insomnia and pain in COVID-19 survivors: a cohort Tunisian study T. Mariem, B. Nadia, B. A. Houda, M. Islem, H. Najla, M. Sameh, et al. (+3)
28993 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Royal College of Psychiatrists European Psychiatry Depressive symptoms, insomnia and dyspnea in COVID-19 survivors: a tunisian study B. Nadia, T. Mariem, B. A. Houda, C. Ghada, E. Sahar, M. Sameh, et al. (+3)
28994 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Royal College of Psychiatrists European Psychiatry Coping self-efficacy and personal growth in the situation of the COVID-19 threat O. G. Kvasova, E. A. Karacheva, P. I. Prichkodko, M. S. Magomed-Eminov, O. O. Savina
28995 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Universitas Muslim Indonesia JURNAL MANAJEMEN BISNIS The Influence of Workload on Burnout of Nurses at Sele Be Solu Provincial General Hospital, Sorong City During the Period of Endemic Transition of Covid-19 Through Role Stress as a Mediator Digor Mufti, Rizka Cintya Edwar, Akmal Ridwan
28996 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease The International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease A tailored machine learning approach for mortality prediction in severe COVID-19 treated with glucocorticoids F. Salton, M. Rispoli, P. Confalonieri, A. De Nes, E. Spagnol, A. Salotti, et al. (+5)
28997 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Wiley The Clinical Respiratory Journal Prediction of Clinical Severity of COVID-19 Using a Combination of Heparin-Binding Protein, Interleukin-6, and C-Reactive Protein: A Retrospective Study Yidan Gao, Ke Zhao, Jing Liu, Xiangbo Zhang, Ling Gong, Xiang Zhou, Gongying Chen
28998 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  MDPI AG Vaccines Endurance Exercise Does Not Exacerbate Cardiac Inflammation in BALB/c Mice Following mRNA COVID-19 Vaccination Sander Eens, Manon Van Hecke, Siel Van den Bogaert, Kasper Favere, Nathalie Cools, Erik Fransen, et al. (+3)
28999 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  S. Karger AG Case Reports in Dermatology The First Case of Eruptive Pyogenic Granuloma following COVID-19 Vaccination Saman Al-Zahawi, Alireza Ghanadan, Fatema Saberi, Kamran Balighi, Zahra Razavi
29000 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Termedia Sp. z.o.o. Central European Journal of Immunology A case of trigeminal neuralgia that occurred after COVID-19 vaccination Zeliha Ünlü, İlhan Celil Özbek
29001 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  MDPI AG COVID State Contexts for a Public Health Emergency: The Divergence of Politics and Administration in COVID-19 Vaccination Rates Christian L. Janousek, Shihyun Noh
29002 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Elsevier Vaccine COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy: Meaning relations between responses in an epidemiological study and twitter messages Sofia Natalia Ferreira-Silva, Maria Eduarda Muniz Soares, Ricardo Vasconcelos, Carolina Barbieri, Luiz Fujita Junior, Tainah Medeiros, et al. (+3)
29003 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  MDPI AG Vaccines Establishment of a Reference Material in Quality Control for Use in Infectivity and Identity Assays of Recombinant COVID-19 Vaccine, in Accordance with International Standards Organization Guidance Ana Carolina Ferreira Ballestê Ajorio, Michel Gomes Chagas, Vinicius Pessanha Rhodes, Anderson Peclat Rodrigues, Natália Pedra Gonçalves, Rodrigo Maciel da Costa Godinho, et al. (+3)
29004 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  S. Karger AG Intervirology Efficacy and Clinical Outcomes of mRNA COVID-19 Vaccine in Pregnancy: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Antonio J. Santimano, Raed M. Al-Zoubi, Ahmad R. Al-Qudimat, Mohamed B. Al Darwish, Laxmi Kumari Ojha, Mohamed Amine Rejeb, et al. (+10)
29005 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene Motivation, Cues to Action, and Barriers to COVID-19 Vaccine Uptake: A Qualitative Application of the Health Belief Model among Women in Rural Zambia Kayla J. Kuhfeldt, Jeanette L. Kaiser, Allison J. Morgan, Thandiwe Ngoma, Davidson H. Hamer, Günther Fink, et al. (+3)
29006 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Wiley Epilepsia Association of new onset seizure and COVID-19 vaccines and long-term follow-up: A systematic review and meta-analysis Ali Rafati, Melika Jameie, Mobina Amanollahi, Yeganeh Pasebani, Nastaran Salimi, Mohammad Hosein Feyz Kazemi, et al. (+5)
29007 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Frontiers Media SA Frontiers in Immunology Individuals carrying the HLA-B*15 allele exhibit favorable responses to COVID-19 vaccines but are more susceptible to Omicron BA.5.2 and XBB.1.16 infection Lingxin Meng, Yue Pan, Yueping Liu, Rui He, Yuting Sun, Chenhui Wang, et al. (+7)
29008 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Wiley Oral Surgery Oral lesions induced by COVID-19 vaccines: A critical analysis of the histological findings Marina dos Santos Barreto, Lucas Alves da Mota Santana, Kaio Victtor dos Santos Barbosa, Alexia de Santana Oliveira, Gina Delia Roque-Torres, Rajiv Gandhi Gopalsamy, et al. (+4)
29009 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Verlag Dr. Otto Schmidt KG Monatsschrift für Deutsches Recht Neue Covid-19-Pandemie-Situation nach Reisevertragsabschluss
29010 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Royal College of Psychiatrists European Psychiatry The emergence of new obsessions and compulsions after COVID-19: a case report M. Abdelkefi, R. Feki, I. Gassara, N. Smaoui, S. Omri, N. Charfi, et al. (+4)
29011 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  S. Karger AG Case Reports in Gastroenterology Severe Refractory Diarrhea Associated with COVID-19: A Case Report Akiyoshi Tsuboi, Shuya Shigenobu, Yuka Matsubara, Issei Hirata, Hidenori Tanaka, Ken Yamashita, et al. (+4)
29012 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  MDPI AG International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health Factors Associated with Psychological Distress during COVID-19: A Cross-Sectional Study of Sub-Saharan African Migrant Workers across Australia and Canada Blessing J. Akombi-Inyang, Judith Byaruhanga, Sheila A. Boamah, John Allotey, Prince Atorkey
29013 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Springer Science and Business Media LLC Scientific Reports Nebulized enriched heparin improves respiratory parameters in patients with COVID-19: a phase I/II randomized and triple-blind clinical trial Vinicius Tadeu Ramos da Silva Grillo, Matheus Bertanha, Lenize da Silva Rodrigues, Marcelo Andrade de Lima, Pedro Luciano Mellucci Filho, Rafael Rahal Guaragna Machado, et al. (+20)
29014 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Turkish Journal of Health Science and Life Turkish Journal of Health Science and Life The Effect of Simulation Education on Nursing Students' Perception and Fear of COVID-19: A Randomized Controlled Trial Nurten Terkeş, Sibel Şentürk
29015 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Royal College of Psychiatrists European Psychiatry Clozapine and the Risk of Severe COVID-19: A Retrospective Cohort Study I. Yaich, A. Touiti, C. Ben Said, N. Bram
29016 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  SAGE Publications Journal of International Medical Research Serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels and health outcomes of hospitalization owing to COVID-19: a retrospective cross-sectional study Irina Metonidze, Nestan Bostoganashvili, Tamar Goderidze, David Tananashvili
29017 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  LPPM-PMP Universitas Siliwangi Tasikmalaya DIFFRACTION Implementasi Google Classroom Selama Pandemi Covid-19: Analisis Persepsi Mahasiswa dalam Perkuliahan Daring Sejarah Fisika Dwi Sulistyaningsih, Rahmat Rizal, Ernita Susanti
29018 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) Distance Education Conceptualising distance doctoral study after COVID-19: are we post-distance now? James Burford, Katrina McChesney, Liezel Frick, Tseen Khoo
29019 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Revista ft Ltda Revista ft COVID-19: EFEITOS SOBRE A GERÊNCIA DE REGULAÇÃO E ABSENTEÍSMO NO CENTRO DE ESPECIALIDADES ODONTOLÓGICAS DURANTE PERÍODO DE RESTRIÇÕES SANITÁRIAS EM CARUARU-PE Kaynan Sávio de Oliveira Silva, Augusto Marabuco Sampaio, Aldo de Moura Fonseca Fonseca, Petrônio José de Lima Martelli, Professor Augusto Marabuco Sampaio
29020 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) Applied Economics Hedge and safe haven functions of gold and Bitcoin around COVID-19: evidence from U.S. financial assets Qiuying Cheng, Xinyu Wang, Zhuqing Wang, Song Shi
29021 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Royal College of Psychiatrists European Psychiatry Psychiatric disorders in patients after hospitalization for COVID-19: Frequency, coping behaviours and associated factors N. Sghaier, H. Ben Garouia, H. Khiari, W. Belaguide, J. Mannai, H. Bellali
29022 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  STKIP Pasundan Mores Jurnal Pendidikan Hukum Politik dan Kewarganegaraan PENGARUH KONDISI SOSIAL EKONOMI KELUARGA TERHADAP HASIL BELAJAR PPKn PADA SAAT PANDEMI COVID-19 Dadang Achmad, Yudi Kusyadi, Felina Meiliana Solihin
29023 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Universitas Merdeka Surabaya Asthadarma Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat UMKM Pemberdayaan Bogem “Somano” Dikawasan Mangrove Surabaya Dalam Upaya Peningkatan Omset Pasca Covid-19 Dwi Widi Hariyanto
29024 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Wiley Journal of Cellular Physiology Phenotypic switch of vascular smooth muscle cells in COVID-19: Role of cholesterol, calcium, and phosphate Laura Ghanem, Dina Essayli, Jana Kotaich, Mohammad Al Zein, Amirhossein Sahebkar, Ali H. Eid
29025 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Oxford University Press The Gerontologist Navigating a “Good Death” During COVID-19: Understanding Real-Time End-of-Life Care Structures, Processes, and Outcomes through Clinical Notes Emily Franzosa, Patricia S Kim, Laura T Moreines, Margaret V McDonald, Daniel David, Jonelle Boafo, et al. (+3)
29026 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  MDPI AG COVID ESCRT Protein VPS4A Is Required for the Formation of Replication Centers and Replication of Human Coronavirus 229E (HCoV-229E) Rinki Kumar, Rebecca Kaddis Maldonado, Neil D. Christensen, Maria C. Bewley, John M. Flanagan, Nicholas J. Buchkovich, Leslie J. Parent
29027 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Korean Academy Of Cardiorespiratory Physical Therapy KOREAN ACADEMY OF CARDIORESPIRATORY PHYSICAL THERAPY Systematic Review of the Effects of Respiratory Exercise in Elderly Patients who had Coronavirus Disease 2019 Ji-Yeon Lee, Jin-Seop Kim
29028 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  SAGE Publications Apollo Medicine Optimal Diagnostic Strategy for Coronavirus Disease 2019 Detection in Liver Transplant Recipients: Critical Review of Available Evidence Michael T. Olson, Tania Triantafyllou, Saurabh Singhal
29029 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Universitas Muslim Indonesia Wal afiat Hospital Journal Analisis Perilaku Pedagang dalam Pencegahan Penularan Coronavirus Disease 2019 di Pasar Wameo Kota Baubau Rininta Andriani, La Ode Syaiful Islamy, Eky Endriana Amiruddin, Sasmita Sasmita
29030 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Korean Academy Of Cardiorespiratory Physical Therapy KOREAN ACADEMY OF CARDIORESPIRATORY PHYSICAL THERAPY The Analysis of Breathing Exercise on Cardiopulmonary Function in the Presence of Coronavirus Disease 2019 Infection Dae-In Jung, Han-Gyeol Lee
29031 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Kare Publishing The Anatolian Journal of Cardiology Reply to Letter to the Editor: “Cardiovascular Events After Coronavirus Disease 2019 Vaccinations: A Letter to the Editor’’ Nicholas G. Kounis
29032 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  American Society for Microbiology Journal of Virology Pan-beta-coronavirus subunit vaccine prevents SARS-CoV-2 Omicron, SARS-CoV, and MERS-CoV challenge Gang Wang, Abhishek K. Verma, Xiaoqing Guan, Fan Bu, Abby E. Odle, Fang Li, et al. (+4)
29033 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Wiley Medicine Advances Internal drivers of the global pandemic of the Omicron variants of SARS-CoV-2 Yilin Niu, Wuxiu Quan, Yunyi Li, Ziying Chen, Yunfei Gao
29034 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Springer Science and Business Media LLC Nature Communications Antibody Fc receptor binding and T cell responses to homologous and heterologous immunization with inactivated or mRNA vaccines against SARS-CoV-2 Carolyn A. Cohen, Nancy H. L. Leung, Prathanporn Kaewpreedee, Kelly W. K. Lee, Janice Zhirong Jia, Alan W. L. Cheung, et al. (+7)
29035 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Elsevier Journal of Infection and Chemotherapy Pre-clinical and clinical evaluation of a surface plasmon field-enhanced fluorescence spectroscopy (SPFS) antigen test for detecting SARS-CoV-2 Nobuyuki Ashizawa, Takahiro Takazono, Kenji Ota, Yuya Ito, Tatsuro Hirayama, Kazuaki Takeda, et al. (+18)
29036 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Elsevier The Science of The Total Environment Estimating epidemic trajectories of SARS-CoV-2 and influenza A virus based on wastewater monitoring and a novel machine learning algorithm Songzhe Fu, Yixiang Zhang, Yinghui Li, Ziqiang Zhang, Chen Du, Rui Wang, et al. (+4)
29037 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  PeerJ PeerJ Fecal shedding of SARS-CoV-2 in infants born to SARS-CoV-2 positive mothers: a pilot study Dylan K.P. Blaufus, Karen M. Kalanetra, Rosa Pesavento, Pranav Garlapati, Brittany C. Baikie, Kara M. Kuhn-Riordon, et al. (+2)
29038 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Central Research Institute for Epidemiology Journal of microbiology epidemiology immunobiology Genomic surveillance of SARS-CoV-2 in Russia: insights from the VGARus platform Ivan Kotov
29039 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Oxford University Press PNAS Nexus Obesity and age are transmission risk factors for SARS-CoV-2 infection among exposed individuals Joan T Matamalas, Sarvesh Chelvanambi, Julius L Decano, Raony F França, Arda Halu, Diego V Santinelli-Pestana, et al. (+4)
29040 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Royal College of Psychiatrists European Psychiatry SARS-CoV-2 infection and psychological distress : a prospective sero-survey in southern Switzerland B. Bano, C. Sculco, G. Piumatti, R. Amati, M. Purgato, E. Albanese
29041 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Spandidos Publications Biomedical Reports SARS-CoV-2 infection exacerbates diaphragmatic eventration: A case report Tao Xu, Wanjun Yu
29042 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  SciELO Agencia Nacional de Investigaciu00f3n y Desarrollo (ANID) International Journal of Morphology Histological and Ultrastructural Changes in Lungs One Year Post Asymptomatic or Mild SARS-CoV-2 Infection: Evaluating the Potential for Active Virus Presence Elif Kervancioglu-Demirci, Engin Alp Onen, Erva Sevic Yilmaz, Hasan Serdar Mutlu, Zuleyha Bingol
29043 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Scienceline Publication Journal of Life Science and Biomedicine Review on the biosafety measures for the prevention and control of SARS-CoV-2 infections in healthcare settings Marew ALEMNEW, Birhanu ANDUALEM, Aschalew GELAW, Eyuel KASSA, Addis GETU
29044 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Elsevier Cancer Letters Novel SARS-CoV-2 inhibition properties of the anti-cancer Kang Guan Recipe herbal formula Wei-Jan Wang, Hsuan-Ting Tang, Shi-Chen Ou, Wan-Jou Shen, Chung-Yu Chen, Yi-Chuan Li, et al. (+5)
29045 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  S. Karger AG Journal of Innate Immunity Glyceraldehyde-3-Phosphate Dehydrogenase Binds with Spike Protein and Inhibits the Entry of SARS-CoV-2 into Host Cells Rahul Dilawari, Gaurav Kumar Chaubey, Radheshyam Modanwal, Asmita Dhiman, Sharmila Talukdar, Ajay Kumar, et al. (+2)
29046 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Wiley Peptide Science Exploring the Therapeutic Potential of Algerian Propolis: GC/MS Profiling, Protective Inclusion Complex, and In Silico Evaluation Against SARS-CoV-2 Main Proteases Zahra Toutou, Sofiane Fatmi, Nacera Chibani, Katarzyna Pokajewicz, Mohamed Skiba, Piotr P. Wieczorek, Mokrane Iguerouada
29047 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Vicerectorado de Investigacion Anales de la Facultad de Medicina La importancia de la detección del virus SARS-CoV-2 mediante la prueba de reacción de cadena de la polimerasa (PCR) en estudiantes de pregrado de ciencias de la salud","The importance of detecting the SARS-CoV-2 virus by means of the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test in undergraduate students of health sciences Katherine Lilibeth Chacon Vargas, Luz Aracely Castillo Cuya
29048 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Vicerectorado de Investigacion Anales de la Facultad de Medicina Réplica: La importancia de la detección del virus SARS-CoV-2 mediante la prueba de reaccion de cadena de la polimerasa (PCR) en estudiantes de pregrado de ciencias de la salud","Reply: The importance of detecting the SARS-CoV-2 virus by means of the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test in undergraduate students of health sciences Lucy López Reyes
29049 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Rheumatology International Anti-MDA5 autoantibodies predict clinical dynamics of dermatomyositis following SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccination: a retrospective statistical analysis of case reports Christian R. Klein, Annkristin Heine, Peter Brossart, Pantelis Karakostas, Valentin Sebastian Schäfer
29050 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Wiley World Journal of Otorhinolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery Response to concerns on “Incidence and prognosis of olfactory and gustatory dysfunctions related to SARS-CoV-2 Omicron strain infection in China” Meng-Fan Liu, Rui-Xia Ma, Xian-Bao Cao, Jian-Feng Liu, Lei Cheng, Yu-Cheng Yang
29051 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  American Society for Microbiology mSphere SARS-CoV-2 Omicron subvariants progressively adapt to human cells with altered host cell entry Yasuteru Sakurai, Sayaka Okada, Takehiro Ozeki, Rokusuke Yoshikawa, Takaaki Kinoshita, Jiro Yasuda, Michael J. Imperiale
29052 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Royal College of Psychiatrists European Psychiatry Comparison of inpatient psychiatric care for SARS-CoV-2 positive and negative adults in Vienna A. Erfurth
29053 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) Virology Journal A retrospective study revealing complex viral diversity and a substantial burden of HPV infection in SARS-CoV-2 positive individuals, Sierra Leone Xiaozhou He, Alie Brima Tia, Qikai Yin, Liping Gao, Lili Wang, Tingting Tian, et al. (+6)
29054 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  The Royal Society of Chemistry RSC Advances Artificial intelligence-aiding lab-on-a-chip workforce designed oral [3.1.0] bi and [4.2.0] tricyclic catalytic interceptors inhibiting multiple SARS-CoV-2 protomers assisted by double-shell deep learning Surachate Kalasin, Werasak Surareungchai
29055 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Media Sphere Publishing Group Profilakticheskaya meditsina Acute dissecting aortic aneurysm with rupture in a patient with Noonan syndrome following SARS-CoV-2 re-infection O.V. Alpidovskaya
29056 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Ovid International Journal of Surgery Open The BA.2.87.1 variant: a new challenge in the SARS-CoV-2 saga Pawan Kumar, Abhay M. Gaidhane, Quazi S. Zahiruddin, Sarvesh Rustagi, Prakasini Satapathy, Ranjit Sah
29057 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Springer Science and Business Media LLC Nature Communications Simulation-driven design of stabilized SARS-CoV-2 spike S2 immunogens Xandra Nuqui, Lorenzo Casalino, Ling Zhou, Mohamed Shehata, Albert Wang, Alexandra L. Tse, et al. (+9)
29058 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Frontiers Media SA Frontiers in Psychology One-year predictors of PTSD symptoms, anxiety, and depression in SARS-CoV-2 survivors: psychological flexibility and major life events as main predictive factors Sérgio A. Carvalho, Helena Pinto, Diogo Carreiras, Lara Palmeira, Marco Pereira, Inês A. Trindade
29059 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Korean Society of Infectious Diseases and Korean Society for Chemotherapy (KAMJE) Infection and Chemotherapy Reply to: SARS-CoV-2 Transmission Rate Depends on Infectivity of the Virus Strain, Closeness of Contact, and the Immune Competence of the Infected Person Jiwoo Sim, Euncheol Son, Young June Choe
29060 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Wiley Influenza and Other Respiratory Viruses Waning Humoral Immune Response Following the Third and Fourth SARS-COV-2 Vaccine: A Cohort Study in Healthcare Workers Ahmet Furkan Süner, Gül Ergör, Derya Çağlayan, Neslişah Türe, Irmak Güzel, Çağlar Irmak, et al. (+9)
29061 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Frontiers Media SA Frontiers in Immunology Variant-specific antibody profiling for tracking SARS-CoV-2 variant infections in children and adolescents Daniela Kuthning, Dina Raafat, Silva Holtfreter, Jana Gramenz, Nico Wittmann, Barbara M. Bröker, Almut Meyer-Bahlburg
29062 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Springer Science and Business Media LLC npj Vaccines Neutralizing and binding antibody responses to SARS-CoV-2 with hybrid immunity in pregnancy Lin Li, Yusuke Matsui, Mary K. Prahl, Arianna G. Cassidy, Yarden Golan, Unurzul Jigmeddagva, et al. (+19)
29063 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Erich Schmidt Verlag GmbH & Co. KG KRS Krankenhaus-Rechtsprechung Entgeltfortzahlung bei symptomfreier SARS-CoV-2-Infektion
29064 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  PAGEPress Publications Italian Journal of Medicine Adult sickle cell disease and SARS-CoV-2: an increasingly common comorbidity for a rare disease Michaela Boggan, Christopher L. Edwards, Jordan Meek, Mary Wood, W. Jeff Bryson, John J. Sollers, et al. (+10)
29065 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Royal College of Psychiatrists European Psychiatry Investigation of the factor structure of GAD-7 in Moscow residents exposed to SARS-CoV2 M. Zinchuk, G. Kustov, V. Nadezhda, A. Razmakhnin, D. Zhuravlev, R. Akzhigitov, A. Guekht
29066 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  SAGE Publications Public Personnel Management A Taste of Telework: Effects of Remote Work Arrangements During and After the Global Pandemic Joohi Kim, Daniel L. Fay
29067 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Cattleya Darmaya Fortuna Edumaniora Jurnal Pendidikan dan Humaniora The Effect of Online Learning on Student Motivation and Achievement during the Pandemic Nur Apna Pratama, Angereiny Citra Sari, Putri Khairul Nisa Batu Bara
29068 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Royal College of Psychiatrists European Psychiatry Emergency Department Presentations to the Mental Health Services at Sligo University Hospital during the COVID pandemic S. M. Gunawardena, A. Godavarthi, E. Gethins
29069 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  PT. Inovasi Teknologi Pembelajaran Journal of Educational Technology Studies and Applied Research Systematic Literature Review: Penelitian Tentang Media Sosial sebagai Media Pembelajaran Microlearning Selama Pandemi Tahun 2019-2022","Systematic Literature Review: Research on Social Media as a Microlearning Medium during the Pandemic Seira Putri Azizah
29070 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Yayasan Banu Samsudin Global International Journal of Innovative Research Quality of Life of Chronic Renal Failure Patients Undergoing Hemodialysis During Post Covid 19 Pandemic Sofiana Nurchayati, Hafizah Che Hassan, Santhna Letchmi Panduragan, Tukimin bin Sansuwito
29071 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Universitas Islam Kalimantan MAB Banjarmasin At-Tadbir jurnal ilmiah manajemen Financial Performance of Mining Sector in Indonesia: The Pre and Post Comparison of Pandemic Presca Rezha Widinata, Kartika Yuliari, Nindi Vaulia Puspita
29072 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  University of Split, Faculty of Maritime Studies Transactions on Maritime Science Port State Control Inspections During the COVID Pandemic - Case Study: Republic of Croatia Ljiljana Peričin, Šime Vučetić, Mate Barić, Svetko Milin
29073 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Institut Agama Islam Ibrahimy Genteng Banyuwangi Ar-Risalah Media Keislaman Pendidikan dan Hukum Islam MANAJEMEN PEMBELAJARAN BERBASIS E-LEARNING DI MASA PANDEMIC COVID 19 Futri Elizah, Idi Warsah, Jumira Warlizasusi, Riza Faishol, Lukman Asha
29074 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Royal College of Psychiatrists European Psychiatry Women with borderline personality disorder and pathophilia: understanding causes of pandemic diffusion of transmissible diseases through samos syndrome C. G. Lazzari, M. Rabottini
29075 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  University Nove de Julho - Uninove International Journal of Innovation Investigating the transformative effect of technological and service innovations on postal sector adaptability during the pandemic Disruption in India Jayashree Saha, Tridib Ranjan Sarma
29076 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  IAIN Jember Journal of Language Intelligence and Culture The Economics Students’ Belief, Perspective, and Challenges in Post Pandemic English Learning Aisyah Aisyah, Jumaroh Jumaroh
29077 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Public Library of Science PLoS ONE Psychometric evaluation of the Brief Resilient Coping Scale (BRCS) over the course of the pandemic in a large German general population sample Julia Petersen, Elmar Brähler, Nora Hettich-Damm, Markus Schepers, Jochem König, Karl Lackner, et al. (+3)
29078 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  International Journal Labs Indonesian Journal of Multidisciplinary Science Business development strategy for the property sector after the COVID 19 pandemic in region-owned company subsidiaries of DKI Jakarta Province Soleh Setiaji, Mohamad Syamsul Maarif, Zenal Asikin
29079 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Center for Research and Innovative Technologies International Journal of Information Systems and Computer Technologies Comprehensive Review on Different Types of Biometrics and the Impact of Pandemic on Biometric Security Saba Shaikh
29080 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Royal College of Psychiatrists European Psychiatry The Impact of the COVID 19 Pandemic on Psychiatric Hospitalizations in a Portuguese Department: A Retrospective Observacional Study J. R. Freitas, C. P. Desport, D. O. Martins, M. Santos, C. Fonseca
29081 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Royal College of Psychiatrists European Psychiatry Impact of the Covid pandemic on the mental health of children and young people with pre-existing mental health and neurodevelopmental conditions: a systematic review and meta-analysis B. C. F. Ching, V. Parlatini, S. Zhang, H. Abdul Cader, J. Penhallow, E. Voraite, et al. (+4)
29082 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Nepal Journals Online Janaki Medical College Journal of Medical Science Med-Model United Nations: Reimagining Global Response in Pandemic Preparedness Nitesh Shainchury
29083 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture Urban development and spatial planning DESIGN STRATEGIES OF APARTMENT HOUSING WITH SHELTERS TAKING PANDEMIC RISKS INTO ACCOUNT: CURRENT TRENDS AND DEVELOPMENT DIRECTIONS Vasyl Matsola, Andriy Matsola
29084 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  MDPI AG Nursing Reports Therapeutic Relational Communication and Resilience among Nursing Professionals in a Pandemic Situation Isabel Mª Sáez-Ruiz, Verónica V. Márquez-Hernández, Genoveva Granados-Gámez, Anabel Corral-Granados, Consuelo Artero-López, Lorena Gutiérrez-Puertas
29085 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Royal College of Psychiatrists European Psychiatry Experiences of the first two pandemic years (2020 and 2021) in regards of the alteration of violent suicide attempts compared to 2016-2021. Presenting demographic features. Research made at Dr. Manninger Jenő National Traumatology Center, Hungary N. M. Szeifert, B. Sebők, S. Szilágyi, M. Bérdi
29086 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Frontiers Media SA Frontiers in Public Health Exploring infectious disease spread as a function of seasonal and pandemic-induced changes in human mobility Ruiqing Cai, Zach Spencer, Nick Ruktanonchai
29087 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  SAGE Publications Journal of Interpersonal Violence The Mediating Role of Problematic Alcohol Consumption on the Association Between Pandemic-Related Strains and Domestic Violence Across Six Countries Wanda E. Leal, Laura Iesue, Kelsi Moscrop-Blake, Jullianne Regalado, Anastasiia Timmer, Jenifer González
29088 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Royal College of Psychiatrists European Psychiatry Resilience among Tunisian adolescents during the COVID19 pandemic: about 326 cases K. Mayssa, B. Jaweher, K. Ali, K. Khaoula, B. T. Donia, H. Imen, et al. (+2)
29089 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) Journal of American College Health Well-being amongst undergraduate students during the dual pandemic: an exploratory study Karina Hamamouche, Julia L. Angstmann, Brandon Sorge, Brian Day, Elizabeth Trueblood, Lishan Rosen, et al. (+2)
29090 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Universitas Islam Indonesia (Islamic University of Indonesia) Jurnal Komunikasi From Awareness to Risk Prevention: Developing Messages for Crisis Communication During Pandemics and Infodemics Fadhiilati Hasanah, Nia Ashton Destrity
29091 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Medknow Publications Industrial Psychiatry Journal Nurturing mental health in the postpandemic era Jyoti Prakash, Poulomi Ghosh, Suprakash Chaudhury, Kalpana Srivastava
29092 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Royal College of Psychiatrists European Psychiatry Role of L-Arginine supplementation in Long Covid-related Fatigue and Depression in Elderly Outpatients G. Moniello, I. Bonfitto, F. Simonetti, S. Dimalta, M. R. Rizzo, A. Bellomo
29093 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Annals of Family Medicine The Annals of Family Medicine Challenges in Receiving Care for Long COVID: A Qualitative Interview Study Among Primary Care Patients About Expectations and Experiences Elena Gardner, Alex Lockrey, Kirsten L. Stoesser, Jennifer P. Leiser, Jeanette Brown, Bernadette Kiraly, Dominik J. Ose
29094 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Wiley Journal of Community & Applied Social Psychology Online support groups, social identity, and the health and wellbeing of adults with Long Covid: An interview study Freya Mills, John Drury, Charles Symons, Dale Weston, Richard Amlôt, Holly Carter
29095 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Universitas Al-Falah As-Sunniyah Kencong Jember Al-tsaman Jurnal Ekonomi dan Keuangan Islam Penerapan Efektivitas Qardh pada Masa New Era Setelah Covid-19 dengan Sistem Online Azizah Fatmawati, Rinata Maulidia, Muhammad Alwi Musyafa
29096 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  STIE Indonesia Banking School Journal of Accounting Management and Islamic Economics DAMPAK INDIKATOR MAKROEKONOMI TERHADAP FINANCIAL DISTRESS PERIODE SEBELUM DAN PADA MASA COVID-19 di PERUSAHAAN NON-CYCLJLALS TAHUN 2017-2021 Alfiyyah Agatha Elsandi, Lediana Sufina
29097 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  MDPI AG Cancers The FLARE Score and Circulating Neutrophils in Patients with Cancer and COVID-19 Disease Elia Seguí, Juan Manuel Torres, Edouard Auclin, David Casadevall, Sara Peiro Carmona, Juan Aguilar-Company, et al. (+25)
29098 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Pan American Association for the Promotion of Culture, Science and Education Revista Iberoamericana ConCiencia Diferencias sociodemográficas y variables predictoras en la percepción de riesgo y resiliencia en la pandemia por COVID-19 en México Emmanuel Poblete Trujillo, Esperanza López Vázquez, Gabriela López Aymes
29099 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Universitas Merdeka Surabaya Asthadarma Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Pembekalan Health Education Tentang Antenatal Care (ANC )Terpadu Dalam Masa Pandemic Covid-19 Kabupaten Mojokerto Ariu Dewi Yanti Ariu, Asirotul Ma’rifah Asirotul, Naning Puji Suryantini Naning, Siti Indatul Laili Siti, Firda Muflikhatul Firda
29100 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Universitas Islam Sumatera Utara Jurnal Pengabdian Mitra Masyarakat SOSIALISASI PENCEGAHAN COVID-19 MELALUI PENERAPAN 5M DI PASAR TRADISIONAL HALAT MEDAN Mayang Sari Ayu, Dewi Pangestuti, Meri Susanti
29101 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Souphanouvong University Souphanouvong University Journal Multidisciplinary Research and Development A study of problems of lecturers in using ICT applications in online teaching at Souphanouvong University during the COVID-19 pandemic Sithonh SISOMBATH, Somchay PHAIYAVONG, Kinnaly THIPPHAPHONE, Phanthamanut PHATHOUMVAN, Phouvong NORDALA
29102 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Universitas Slamet Riyadi English Research Journal Journal of Education Language Literature Arts and Culture MOTIVATION FOR STUDENTS LEARNING ENGLISH ON DIGITAL MEDIA DURING THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC AT EIGHT GRADE OF MTs MUHAMMADIYAH 3 MASARAN Virda Laily Rahmawati, Sri Handayani
29103 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  MDPI AG Children Navigating the Challenges and Resilience in the Aftermath of the COVID-19 Pandemic in Adolescents with Chronic Diseases: A Scoping Review Giovanna Cristina Machado-Kayzuka, Isabela Helena Seccarecio, Milena de Lucca, Rhyquelle Rhibna Neris, Ana Carolina Andrade Biaggi Leite, Willyane de Andrade Alvarenga, et al. (+3)
29104 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Elsevier The Saudi Dental Journal Pattern of pediatric emergency dental care during COVID-19 pandemic in Saudi Arabia Dalia E. Meisha, Amal Al-Khotani, Sultana A. Alhurishi, Moatazbellah M. Alruwaithi, Saud M. Orfali, Haila A. Al-Huraishi
29105 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  SAGE Publications Management and Business Review LEARNING FROM THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC TO ADDRESS CLIMATE CHANGE Howard Kunreuther, Paul Slovic
29106 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Sri Lanka Journals Online Journal of Multidisciplinary & Translational Research Challenges faced by library staff of academic libraries during the Covid-19 pandemic: University of Sri Jayewardenepura Library experience Nishaya Nirmani Pathirana
29107 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Elsevier IJC Heart & Vasculature Cardiac remodeling and inflammation detected by magnetic resonance imaging in COVID-19 survivors Eduardo B. Schaustz, José Carlos P. Secco, Julia M. Barroso, Juliana R. Ferreira, Mariana B. Tortelly, Adriana L. Pimentel, et al. (+11)
29108 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  IAHN Gde Pudja Mataram Paryaṭaka Jurnal Pariwisata Budaya dan Keagamaan KUANTIFIKASI DAMPAK PANDEMI COVID-19 TERHADAP INDUSTRI PENYEDIAAN AKOMODASI DI PROVINSI BALI Ni Made Inna Dariwardani
29109 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  SAGE Publications Management and Business Review Corporate Responsibility in a COVID-19 World Paul A. Argenti
29110 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  American Physiological Society AJP Lung Cellular and Molecular Physiology Developing a mouse model of human coronavirus NL63 infection: comparison with rhinovirus-A1B and effects of prior rhinovirus infection J. Kelley Bentley, Jordan E. Kreger, Haley A. Breckenridge, Shilpi Singh, Jing Lei, Yiran Li, et al. (+3)
29111 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  University of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy Science Engineering and Education The influence of SARS-COV-2 viral infection on the serological level of igm antibodies in patients with infectious mononucleosis Anamarija Shram, Natasha Ristovska
29112 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Wiley Journal of Medical Virology Inflammation-, immunothrombosis,- and autoimmune-feedback loops may lead to persistent neutrophil self-stimulation in long COVID Alain R. Thierry, Dominique Salmon
29113 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  MDPI AG International Journal of Molecular Sciences Calprotectin, a Promising Serological Biomarker for the Early Diagnosis of Superinfections with Multidrug-Resistant Bacteria in Patients with COVID-19 Dennis Keller, Patricia Mester, Ulrich Räth, Sabrina Krautbauer, Stephan Schmid, Verena Greifenberg, et al. (+4)
29114 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  MDPI AG Foods Alliaceae-Derived Supplementation Improves the Severity of COVID-19 Symptoms among Elderly Nursing Home Residents Alberto Vázquez-Blanquiño, Lucía Pérez-Rodríguez, Ana Alberola-Romano, María Martínez-Pérez, Alberto Baños, Germán O. Gómez-Fernández, et al. (+3)
29115 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  American Society for Microbiology mSphere Exploring the associations between gut microbiota composition and SARS-CoV-2 inactivated vaccine response in mice with type 2 diabetes mellitus Long Liu, Xianzhen He, Jiaqi Wang, Moran Li, Xiuli Wei, Jing Yang, et al. (+5)
29116 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  MDPI AG Biosensors Overcoming Limited Access to Virus Infection Rapid Testing: Development of a Lateral Flow Test for SARS-CoV-2 with Locally Available Resources Estefanía S. Peri Ibáñez, Agostina Mazzeo, Carolina Silva, Maria Juliana Juncos, Guadalupe S. Costa Navarro, Horacio M. Pallarés, et al. (+10)
29117 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Elsevier Journal of Affective Disorders A network analysis of daily stressors, subjective well-being, psychological distress and psychological capital during the COVID-19 pandemic Wei Pan, Wenwei Zhou, Junjie Wu, Zhijing Huang, Linjie Ding, Xiaoyu Lu, Xu Li
29118 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Elsevier Journal of Economy and Technology Women's economic empowerment and COVID-19 pandemic: A study on women entrepreneurs in Bangladesh Nasir Uddin, Proma Barua
29119 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  Oxford University Press American Journal of Epidemiology Applying a Bayesian Spatiotemporal Model to Examine Excess County-Level Cardiovascular Disease Death Rates During the COVID-19 Pandemic Adam S Vaughan, Harrison Quick, Kara B Beck, Rebecca C Woodruff, David DeLara, Michele Casper
29120 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  I SOUTH FLORIDA CONGRESS OF DEVELOPMENT Contribuciones a las Ciencias Sociales Os impactos da COVID-19 na saúde mental dos enfermeiros: revisão integrativa da literatura Raniel Rodrigues Souza, Marcus Vinicius de Arruda Almeida, Tayane Moura Martins, Rodiney Silva da Costa, Lane Souza da Silva, Claudia Ribeiro de Souza, et al. (+2)
29121 2024―Aug―27  [GO]  I SOUTH FLORIDA CONGRESS OF DEVELOPMENT Contribuciones a las Ciencias Sociales Caracterização das ações ofertadas nos serviços de saúde e o uso das tecnologias de informação e comunicação durante a pandemia da Covid-19: uma revisão de escopo Flávia Thays Silva Araújo Andrade, Ana Kalliny de Souza Severo, José Felipe Costa da Silva, Thaiza Texeira Xavier Nobre
29123 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  Pontifical Catholic University of Sao Paulo (PUC-SP) Psicologia Revista Reflexões a respeito da velhice na pandemia de Covid-19 Aline Cristina Monteiro Rossi, Paulo Roberto Carvalho
29124 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  LP2M Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta NURSE Journal of Nursing and Health Science FAKTOR-FAKTOR YANG MEMPENGARUHI ANSIETAS SISWA DALAM PEMBELAJARAN JARAK JAUH DI MASA PANDEMI COVID-19 Anisa Pertiwi, Fajriyah Nur Afriyanti, Mardiyanti Mardiyanti
29125 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  LP2M Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta NURSE Journal of Nursing and Health Science HUBUNGAN PENGETAHUAN SISWA MIN DENGAN KEPATUHAN PENGGUNAAN MASKER PADA MASA PANDEMI COVID-19 Zayyana Nadiya Fauziyatul Khusna, Wastu Adi Mulyono, Agis Taufik
29126 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  SciELO Saúde e Sociedade “Comer em casa”: um estudo qualitativo sobre as práticas alimentares durante o distanciamento físico na pandemia de covid-19 Gimena Barbosa-Souza, Micheli Soares, Lígia Amparo-Santos
29128 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  AEPress, s.r.o. Bratislava Medical Journal Investigation of the relationship between anxiety-depression, systemic immune-inflammation index and clinical progression in COVID-19 Begum Aygen GUMUS, Ali Emre SEVIK, Sevil ALKAN
29129 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  Revista Eletronica Acervo Saude Revista Eletrônica Acervo Saúde Cadeia de suprimentos em saúde: contribuições e impactos da logística para rede de frio da COVID-19 Stelacelly Coelho Toscano Silveira, Hélio Raymundo Ferreira Filho, Harllen dos Santos Lopes, Fábia Maria de Ferreira Filho, Patrícia Danielle Feitosa Lopes Soares
29130 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Psychiatric Quarterly Covid-19 Anxiety Scale (CAS): A Validity and Reliability Study İrfan Ertekin, Özkan Görgülü
29131 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  Seoul National University Institute for Japanese Studies Korean Journal of Japanese Dtudies Central-Local Conflicts in Crisis Management : Japan’s Experience with COVID-19 Jukyung LEE
29132 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo Academia Open The Student’s Psychological Stress During Covid-19 Qabila Ibrahim Hasan
29133 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  Universitas Mahendradatta Jurnal Ilmiah Satyagraha KEUNGGULAN SDM DAN BERDAYA SAING TERHADAP KINERJA PT. BANK TABUNGAN NEGARA TBK CABANG DENPASAR PADA MASA PANDEMI COVID-19 Putu Ari Mulyani, Ni Made Yusmini, Adonia Putriyanti Saradima
29134 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo Academia Open Unveiling Firm Value Dynamics Amidst COVID-19 Endah Permatasari, Eny Maryanti
29136 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics XCR-Net: A Computer Aided Framework to Detect COVID-19 Ashik Mostafa Alvi, Md. Jubaer Khan, Nishat Tasnim Manami, Zubair Azim Miazi, Kate Wang, Siuly Siuly, Hua Wang
29137 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte - UFRN Saberes Revista interdisciplinar de Filosofia e Educação ELEMENTOS DA COMPLEXIDADE NA PRÁTICA DOCENTE DE LÍNGUA PORTUGUESA DO INTERIOR CEARENSE A PARTIR DA PANDEMIA DO COVID-19 Joice Élida Alves Gonçalves, Edmilson Luiz Rafael
29138 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  Apex Publishing Armaghane Danesh The Effect of a Strength Training Session on Alpha Phytoprotein, Gamma Glutamyl Transferase and Alkaline Phosphatase in People with Regular Training and Forced Non-Training Due to Covid-19 mohammad amini, aghgali ghasemnian, hasan gharehkhani, reza kheyrandish
29139 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  Wiley MedComm – Future Medicine Cell-type-specific mRNA m6A landscape and regulatory mechanisms underlying pulmonary injury in COVID-19 Peidong Zhang, Zhe Wang, Yuling Yang, Songqi Duan, Shengqian Dou, Huiying Sun, et al. (+14)
29140 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  Scientific Research Publishing, Inc. OALib Simultaneous Analysis of the Impact of Vaccination and Compliance with Prevention Measures on the Transmission Dynamics of COVID-19 Abraham Sassou, Ezekiel Dangbé, Richard Guiem, Séraphin Djaoué, Irépran Damakoa, Antoine Perasso
29141 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  MDPI AG Sustainability Community Group Purchasing of Next-Day Delivery: Bridging the Last Mile Delivery for Urban Residents during COVID-19 Yingying Wang, Feng Xu, Zhe Lin, Jianying Guo, Gang Li
29142 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  MDPI AG Journal of Clinical Medicine Prevalence and Risk Factors of Headache Associated with COVID-19 Oľga Duraníková, Simona Horváthová, Peter Sabaka, Michal Minár, Veronika Boleková, Igor Straka, Peter Valkovič
29143 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  STIKes Yarsi Pontianak Khatulistiwa Nursing Journal Analisis Problematika Ibu Pekerja dalam Mendidik Anak Tentang Pola Hidup Bersih dan Sehat (PHBS) Dimasa Pandemi Covid-19 Masmuri Masmuri, Diena Juliana, Lintang Sari
29144 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  Universitas Lampung Jurnal Akuntansi dan Keuangan ANALISIS PENGARUH KINERJA LINGKUNGAN TERHADAP SHAREHOLDER VALUE PADA MASA PANDEMI COVID-19 Ayu Dwiny Octary, Syaharani Noer Fathia, Rona Majidah
29145 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  British Academy Journal of the British Academy Reflections on UK science-policy relationships in the light of Covid-19 Susan Michie
29146 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  Ac Prasetiya Mulya Publishing Studi Akuntansi dan Keuangan Indonesia Kinerja Keuangan Pemerintah Daerah di Provinsi Aceh Sebelum dan Saat Pandemi COVID-19 Muti Najla, Heru Fahlevi
29147 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  Jurnal Pendidikan Fisika dan Sains, Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Cirebon Jendela ASWAJA PROFIL LITERASI SAINS SISWA SMA KELAS X PADA MASA PANDEMI COVID-19 Fanni Zulaiha
29148 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  LP2M Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta EMPATI Jurnal Ilmu Kesejahteraan Sosial PERAN STRATEGIS KEMENTERIAN SOSIAL BAGI PENGUATAN PROGRAM BANTUAN PANGAN NON-TUNAI PASCA COVID-19 Fatmawati Fatmawati, Ade Sofyan Mulazid
29149 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  STKIP Singkawang JIPF (Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan Fisika) Students’ Perception on Online Learning Experience During Pandemic (Covid-19) Misbah Misbah, Yasmine Khairunnisa, Dewi Dewantara, Surya Haryandi, Desy Purwasih, Nurlaela Muhammad, et al. (+2)
29150 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  STKIP Singkawang JIPF (Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan Fisika) The Provision of Conceptual Change Text for Reducing Students’ Misconceptions in The Physics Learning of Light During the Pandemic Covid-19 Tomo Djudin, Febriana Yuragi, Hamdani Hamdani
29153 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  Arka Institute Co-Creation Jurnal Ilmiah Ekonomi Manajemen Akuntansi dan Bisnis Perbandingan umkm yang memanfaatkan digitalisasi dan non digitalisasi di Lamongan pada era covid-19 Arini Ayu Kurnia, Dwi Wulandari
29154 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  Frontiers Media SA Frontiers in Public Health Psychological status of medical security teams in Winter Olympic Games and Paralympics under COVID-19 Xiaoyu Zhu, Yu Zhu, Zhiwei Qi, Ran Li, Yunlong Tan, Zhongwei Yang
29157 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  University of Kuningan Logika Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies Tanggung Jawab Negara Asal Wabah terhadap Pandemi Menurut Hukum Internasional (Studi Kasus Pandemi Covid-19) Nadia Apriliyawati, Melly Aida, - Rehulina
29158 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  Universitas Nurul Jadid Jurnal Keperawatan Profesional LITERATUR REVIEW: Pengaruh Penggunaan Gadget Terhadap Kesehatan Mental Pelajar Di Masa Pandemi Covid-19 Nayli Arista Dwi Fikri
29159 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  Universitas Nurul Jadid Jurnal Keperawatan Profesional LITERATUR REVIEW: PENGGUNAAN GAME ONLINE SEBAGAI STRATEGI KOPING DESTRUKTIF DI MASA PANDEMI COVID-19 Maulidiyah Junnatul Azizah Heru
29160 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  Universitas Nurul Jadid Jurnal Keperawatan Profesional LITERATUR REVIEW: STRES DAN KOPING PASIEN KANKER PAYUDARA SELAMA PANDEMI COVID-19 Khairunnisa Khairunnisa, Yulia Irvani Dewi, Sri Utami
29162 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  A.N. Bakoulev National Scientific and Practical Center for Cardiovascular Surgery CHILDREN’S HEART AND VASCULAR DISEASES Успешное лечение COVID-19 у пациентки детского возраста, оперированной по поводу сложного врожденного порока сердца с протезированием аортального клапана А.О. Цокова, В.Б. Самсонов, Л.Ч. Яныбаева, Ю.Д. Пирушкина, С.А. Авакова
29163 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile Horizonte de enfermeria REVISION NARRATIVA: AUTOMEDICACIÓN EN ESTUDIANTES DEL ÁREA DE LA SALUD RELACIONADO CON SALUD MENTAL EN PANDEMIA COVID-19, 2020 - 2022. Alejandro Antonio Hernandez Diaz, Daniela Hernández Carrasco, Doris Peña Figueroa, Ailyn Troncoso Wormald
29164 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Surabaya SUKMA Jurnal Penelitian Psikologi Resiliensi pasca covid-19 : Bagaimana persepsi masyarakat tentang pelayanan kesehatan? Manzilatur Rizqiyah, Sahat Saragih, Eko April Ariyanto
29165 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  SAGE Publications Journal of Sports Economics Was COVID-19 a Game Changer for the Tokyo and Beijing Olympics? Xuepeng Liu, Emanuel Ornelas, Huimin Shi
29166 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) Intensive Care Medicine Experimental Fugitive medical and patient-derived aerosol particle distribution following heparin nebulization in patients with COVID-19 acute hypoxemic respiratory failure: a secondary analysis of the CHARTER study Michael Walsh, Marc Mac Giolla Eain, Ronan MacLoughlin, John Laffey, Bairbre McNicholas
29167 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  Institute of Political Studies - Polish Academy of Sciences Sprawy Międzynarodowe Globalization in a Covid-19 Afflicted World","Globalizacja w rzeczywistości pocovidowej? Piotr Trąpczyński, Marian Gorynia, Jan Nowak, Radosław Wolniak
29168 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  American Journal of Medical and Clinical Research & Reviews American Journal of Medical and Clinical Research & Reviews Clinical Profile and Prevalence of COVID-19 among Suspected Cases at Kara University Hospital, TOGO from 2020 to 2023: A Retrospective Study DJALOGUE Lihanimpo
29169 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  Universitas Pasundan Paradigma POLISTAAT Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik SECURITIZATION OF COVID-19 AND STATE’S RESPONSE TO MITIGATE PANDEMIC THREAT Iqbal Ramadhan
29170 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  Wiley World Journal of Surgery The impact of economic crisis, COVID-19, and the Beirut Blast on colorectal cancer patients in Lebanon: A trend to operate more late-stage complex cases Michael Osseis, Farid Abi Habib, Maria Al Rachid, Christopher El Hadi, Daniel Kazan, Christian Mouawad, et al. (+2)
29171 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  UroMedia LLC Experimental and Сlinical Urology The relationship between the course of COVID-19 and the level of sex hormones in men. A.G. Antonov, K.I. Gamylin, D.N. Velichko, V.V. Gordeev
29172 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  The Japan Endocrine Society Endocrine Journal A case of central diabetes insipidus after COVID-19 as a probable diagnosis of lymphocytic infundibulo-neurohypophysitis with positive anti-rabphilin-3A antibodies with review of literature Yuka Natsuki, Yuki Nagata, Toshiki Nagasaki, Mari Morimoto, Norikazu Toi, Masafumi Kurajoh, et al. (+8)
29173 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) Archives of Public Health COVID-19 burden in Iran: disability-adjusted life years analysis from hospital data, 2020-2021 Soheila Damiri, Mahshad Goharimehr, Mohammad Mahdi Nasehi, Mohammad Effatpanah, Zahra Shahali, Hossein Ranjbaran, Rajabali Daroudi
29174 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  SAGE Publications International Criminal Justice Review Book Review: Crime, Justice and COVID-19 by Kay, Christopher & Case, Stephen Ageng Pramesthi Kusumaningrum, Arimbi Fajari Furqon, Alfiatul Khairiyah
29175 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) Policy Design and Practice The impact of non-pharmaceutical interventions on the growth rate of new COVID-19 cases: evidence from Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan Simeon Nanovsky, Aigul Alzhanova, Zhanibek Arynov
29176 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  Elsevier The Science of The Total Environment Corrigendum to “Predictive potential of SARS-CoV-2 RNA concentration in wastewater to assess the dynamics of COVID-19 clinical outcomes and infections” [Sci. Total Environ. 886 (2023) 163935] Raimundo Seguí López-Peñalver, Rubén Cañas-Cañas, Jorge Casaña-Mohedo, José Vicente Benavent-Cervera, Julio Fernández-Garrido, Raúl Juárez-Vela, et al. (+3)
29177 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  Granthaalayah Publications and Printers ShodhKosh Journal of Visual and Performing Arts DRAWING CONTAGION: AN ANALYSIS OF COVID-19 COMICS Saran S., Meera Elizabeth James, Jyothimol P.
29178 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  Wiley Acta Anaesthesiologica Scandinavica Comorbid burden at ICU admission in COVID-19 compared to sepsis and acute respiratory distress syndrome Björn Ahlström, Robert Frithiof, Ing-Marie Larsson, Gunnar Strandberg, Miklos Lipcsey, Michael Hultström
29179 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  MDPI AG Mathematical and Computational Applications Analyzing Bifurcations and Optimal Control Strategies in SIRS Epidemic Models: Insights from Theory and COVID-19 Data Mohamed Cherif Belili, Mohamed Lamine Sahari, Omar Kebiri, Halim Zeghdoudi
29180 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Vicerectorado de Investigacion Investigaciones Sociales Desde las regiones: respuesta a la epidemia del COVID-19 de organizaciones indígenas regionales de la Amazonía peruana","From the regions: response to the COVID-19 epidemic of regional indigenous organizations of the Peruvian Amazon Clara Cárdenas Timoteo
29181 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  SciELO Revista Brasileira de Enfermagem Factors associated with COVID-19 death in pregnant women hospitalized in Intensive Care Units Milena Ricioli Ribeiro, Marcela de Andrade Pereira Silva, Leticia Furlan de Lima Prates, Rosana Rosseto de Oliveira, Maria Dalva de Barros Carvalho, Sandra Marisa Pelloso
29182 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  Elsevier Applied Soft Computing A Systematic Literature Review on Machine Learning and Deep Learning-Based Covid-19 Detection Frameworks using X-ray Images S. Maheswari, S Suresh, S Ahamed Ali
29184 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  University of Trunojoyo Madura Jurnal Kajian Ilmu Manajemen (JKIM) Pengaruh Penyesuaian Jam Kerja, Komitmen Organisasi Dan Gaya Kepemimpinan Demokrasi Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan Di Masa Pandemi Covid-19 Di Dinas Koperasi Dan UMKM Kabupaten Bangkalan Siti Sarifah, Iriani Ismail
29186 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  Jurnal Pendidikan Fisika dan Sains, Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Cirebon Jendela ASWAJA ANALISIS KESULITAN BELAJAR DARING SISWA DI MASA PANDEMI COVID-19 DI SMK NEGERI 1 CILIMUS Mahmudah
29187 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  Istanbul University Istanbul Journal of Pharmacy Development and validation of stability indicating HPLC method for favipiravir used in the treatment of the Covid-19 disease Büşra Gülşen, Sıdıka Ertürk Toker
29188 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo Academia Open Covid-19 Disease Detector Using X-Rays Based On Deep Learning Ali T. Mohammed, Hussein A. Ghazi, Mustaeen R. Mahdi, MohammedAlbaqer A. Abd Ali, Ahmed A. Fadhil, Ali F. Leebi, et al. (+2)
29189 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  SciELO Revista Brasileira de Enfermagem Fatores associados ao óbito por COVID-19 em gestantes hospitalizadas em Unidade de Terapia Intensiva Milena Ricioli Ribeiro, Marcela de Andrade Pereira Silva, Leticia Furlan de Lima Prates, Rosana Rosseto de Oliveira, Maria Dalva de Barros Carvalho, Sandra Marisa Pelloso
29190 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  SciELO Saúde e Sociedade O impacto psicossocial da pandemia da covid-19 em lésbicas, gays, bissexuais e transgêneros (LGBT) na Colômbia Jair Eduardo Restrepo Pineda, Soraya Villegas Rojas, Juan José Ospina Ramírez
29191 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  SciELO Saúde e Sociedade El impacto psicosocial de la pandemia del covid-19 en las personas lesbianas, gais, bisexuales y transgénero (LGBT) en Colombia Jair Eduardo Restrepo Pineda, Soraya Villegas Rojas, Juan José Ospina Ramírez
29192 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  Apex Publishing Armaghane Danesh The Effect of the COVID-19 Epidemic on the Prevalence of Opportunistic Fungal Infections and the Consumption of Antifungal Drugs in Patients Hospitalized in Abadan Hospitals H Mojiri Forushani, A Zahedi, M Imani
29193 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  STKIP Singkawang JIPF (Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan Fisika) The Relationship of Motivation and Self-regulated Learning through Blended Learning in the Covid-19 Era Fitria Herliana, Elisa Elisa, Ahmad Farhan, I Made Astra
29194 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  MDPI AG Healthcare Prediction of COVID-19 Hospitalization and Mortality Using Artificial Intelligence Marwah Ahmed Halwani, Manal Ahmed Halwani
29195 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  MDPI AG Climate Assessing the Value of a Human Life in Heat-Related Mortality: Lessons from COVID-19 in Belgium Koen De Ridder
29196 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  Mary Ann Liebert Health Equity Overcoming Health Inequities: Spatial Analysis of Seroprevalence and Vaccination Against COVID-19 in Chile Muriel Ramírez-Santana, Juan Correa, Loreto Núñez Franz, Mauricio Apablaza, Paola Rubilar, Cecilia Vial, et al. (+5)
29197 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  MDPI AG Vaccines Immunogenicity and Safety of SARS-CoV-2 Protein Subunit Recombinant Vaccine (IndoVac®) as a Heterologous Booster Dose against COVID-19 in Indonesian Adolescents Eddy Fadlyana, Kusnandi Rusmil, Muhammad Gilang Dwi Putra, Frizka Primadewi Fulendry, Nitta Kurniati Somantri, Alvira Dwilestarie Putri, et al. (+3)
29198 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  Apex Publishing Preventive Care In Nursing and Midwifery Journal Comparison of the pregnancy outcomes and health indicators of newborns before and after the pandemic of covid-19 in Iran Tahoora Hasanpoor Baghbani, Mina Jafari, Majid Mirmohammadkhani, Kamyar Mansori, Elahe Ghods
29199 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  Apex Publishing Armaghane Danesh Evaluation the Strategies for Explaining the Managed Care Model for Emerging Respiratory Infectious Diseases(COVID-19) in Iran's Health System H Nazari, R Ostavar, H Soltani
29200 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  University of Western Ontario, Western Libraries International Journal on Homelessness COVID-19 in South Africa and the Containment of the Homeless, Drug, and Substance Users in Tshwane: A Gender Perspective Newman Tekwa, Jennifer Makhubela
29201 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  MDPI AG Diagnostics Feature Identification Using Interpretability Machine Learning Predicting Risk Factors for Disease Severity of In-Patients with COVID-19 in South Florida Debarshi Datta, Subhosit Ray, Laurie Martinez, David Newman, Safiya George Dalmida, Javad Hashemi, et al. (+2)
29202 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  Medknow Publications Nigerian Journal of Clinical Practice Pneumothorax as a Poor Prognostic Indicator in COVID-19 in Turkey: A Propensity Score Matching Analysis M Özgel, İ Gülçek, M Ağar, H Ulutaş
29203 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  Universitas Gadjah Mada Academic Hospital Journal Management of COVID-19 in Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) Academic Hospital: Balancing to save the patients and protect the staffs Siswanto Siswanto, Oktaviarum Slamet Utama, Astari Pranindya Sari, Novi Zain Alfajri, Ade Febrina Lestari
29204 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  AEPress, s.r.o. Bratislava Medical Journal COVID-19 incentive payments for long-term care workers Irina BOCHAROVA, Alexander RYMANOV
29205 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  Emerald (MCB UP) Indian Growth and Development Review Resilience of the group lending model to a COVID-19 induced shock: evidence from an Indian microfinance fund Padma Kadiyala, Asli Ascioglu
29206 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  MDPI AG Journal of Clinical Medicine Maternal-Fetal Transfer of Anti-SARS-CoV-2 Antibodies in Amniotic Fluid: Insights from Maternal Vaccination and COVID-19 Infection Inshirah Sgayer, Marwan Odeh, Meital Gal-Tanamy, Mona Shehadeh, Hagai Rechnitzer, Yousef Haddad, et al. (+6)
29207 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  Wiley Journal of the American College of Emergency Physicians Open A toddler with transient synovitis and COVID-19 infection Teza Harrison, Timothy Horezcko, Marianne Gausche-Hill
29208 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  MDPI AG Vaccines Pfizer-BioNTech (BNT162b2) Vaccine Effectiveness against Symptomatic Laboratory-Confirmed COVID-19 Infection among Outpatients in Sentinel Sites, Lebanon, July-December 2021 Lina Chaito, Pawel Stefanoff, Joaquin Baruch, Zeina Farah, Mona Albuaini, Nada Ghosn
29209 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  Frontiers Media SA Frontiers in Endocrinology Association of COVID-19 infection and the risk of new incident diabetes: a systematic review and meta-analysis Jingye Zhou, Yuzhu Wang, Ruolan Xu
29210 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Annals of Nuclear Medicine Assessment of myocardial injury by SPECT myocardial perfusion imaging in patients with COVID-19 infection in a single center after lifting the restrictions in China Keke Xin, Xinghong Ma, Xiaoli Meng, Xiao Zhang, Weidong Yang, Taoqi Ma, et al. (+3)
29211 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  Elsevier Journal of Cystic Fibrosis Impact of COVID-19 infection on lung function and nutritional status amongst individuals with cystic fibrosis: A global cohort study Julie Semenchuk, Yumi Naito, Susan C. Charman, Siobhán B Carr, Stephanie Y. Cheng, Bruce C. Marshall, et al. (+27)
29212 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) BMC Nursing Factors that influence happiness of nursing students according to COVID-19 infection status Hyun-Ok Jung, Seung-Woo Han
29213 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  Elsevier HPB Acute Recurrent Pancreatitis and COVID-19 Infection: A Case Report Harindra Sandhu
29214 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  Farname, Inc. Journal of Obstetrics Gynecology and Cancer Research Comparison of Obstetric and Neonatal Outcomes in Pregnant Women with and Without COVID-19 Infection: A Single-Center Prospective Cohort Study Faezeh Aghajani, Shahin Nariman, Mohammad Alirezaei, Zohreh Maleki, Maryam Moghbel Baerz, Yeganeh Pakbaz, et al. (+3)
29215 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  TMR Publishing Group Nursing Communications Nurses’ experiences in providing antenatal care during COVID-19 lockdown in Ghana Matilda Acquah Mensah, Richard Nana Abankwah Owusu Mensah
29216 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  American Medical Association JAMA Long-Term Prognosis of Patients With Myocarditis Attributed to COVID-19 mRNA Vaccination, SARS-CoV-2 Infection, or Conventional Etiologies Laura Semenzato, Stéphane Le Vu, Jérémie Botton, Marion Bertrand, Marie-Joelle Jabagi, Jérôme Drouin, et al. (+5)
29217 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  Revista Juridica Trabalho e Desenvolvimento Humano Revista Jurídica Trabalho e Desenvolvimento Humano O impacto da pandemia de COVID-19 na saúde mental do enfermeiro Amanda Gallo Francisco, Raquel Ribas Vieira, Tatiana Giovanelli Vedovato
29218 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  SciELO Trabalho Educação e Saúde Participação social e saúde: a qualificação de conselheiros indígenas no contexto da covid-19 no Amazonas Kátia Maria Lima de Menezes, Clayton de Souza Rodrigues, Jean Ricardo Ramos Maia, Thiago Ribeiro da Silva, Fabiane Vinente dos Santos
29220 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo Academia Open Impact of COVID-19 on Dental Students' Psychological Health Maryam Hameed Alwan
29221 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  AJER Publishing African Journal of Empirical Research Psychological Effect of COVID-19 on Health of Medical Personnel in Hospitals in Eldoret Town, Kenya Henry Ambrose Ojwang, Maximilla Mwanzala, Everlyne Akoth Odero
29222 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  Elsevier HPB The impact of COVID-19 on pancreatic malignancies in an Australian tertiary institution Justin Ng, Jessica Ng, Bryan Tran, Rachel Colbran, Leigh Rutherford, Philip Townend
29223 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  Malaysian Institute of Planners PLANNING MALAYSIA THE IMPACT OF COVID-19 ON THE USE OF URBAN PUBLIC FACILITIES: EVIDENCE FROM INDONESIA, JAPAN, AND EGYPT Amos Setiadi, Mustika K. Wardhani, Zhixi Wang, Th. Emi Rahayu, M. Abd Alsalam Mohmed Eldeib
29224 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  Arka Institute Co-Creation Jurnal Ilmiah Ekonomi Manajemen Akuntansi dan Bisnis Kontribusi determinan pad sebelum dan selama covid-19 pada pemerintahan kabupaten/kota di Provinsi Sumatera Selatan Siti Nurhayati, Kartika Rachma Sari, Yuli Antina Aryani
29225 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  Poltekkes Kemenkes Bengkulu Jurnal Promosi Kesehatan Poltekkes Bengkulu Pengaruh E-BOLEVID (Booklet Covid) Terhadap Pengetahuan dan Sikap Tentang Covid-19 Pada Siswa SMAN 7 Kota Bengkulu Tahun 2021 Indri Elvina
29226 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo Academia Open Preschooler Social And Emotional Development During the Covid-19 Pandemic Widyastuti
29227 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  Inno Science Press Global Health Economics and Sustainability Effectiveness of the lockdown policy in Vietnam during the COVID-19 pandemic Duy-Ha Lai, Thai-Ha Le, Binh Tran-Nam
29228 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  Weston Medical Publishers Journal of Emergency Management Guardian of society: Civil society in Nigeria’s response to COVID-19 pandemic Solomon I. Ifejika
29229 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  Japanese Society of Veterinary Science Journal of Veterinary Medical Science Availability and issues of 3D-printed skull models for veterinary anatomy laboratories from students’ perspective before and during the COVID-19 pandemic Motoharu SAKAUE, Motoharu OISHI, Aisa OZAWA, Atsushi TSUKAMOTO, Hideki KAYANUMA, Nobutsune ICHIHARA
29230 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  RGSA- Revista de Gestao Social e Ambiental Revista de Gestão Social e Ambiental The Perception of Teaching in the Medical Internship in the COVID-19 Pandemic Ramón Miguel Vargas-Vera, Martha Verónica Placencia-Ibadango, Piedad Gisela Mejía Gavilánez, Walter Santiago Mayorga Benavides, Yadira Jessenia Mayorga Benavides, Lady Shirley Minaya Becerra, et al. (+2)
29231 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  Russell Sage Foundation RSF The Russell Sage Foundation Journal of the Social Sciences Caregiving in a Crisis: Mothers’ Parenting Experiences and the Persistence of Class-Based Parenting During the COVID-19 Pandemic Priya Fielding-Singh, Elizabeth Talbert, Lisa Hummel, Lauren N. Griffin
29232 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  Russell Sage Foundation RSF The Russell Sage Foundation Journal of the Social Sciences Pandemic Housing: The Role of Landlords, Social Networks, and Social Policy in Mitigating Housing Insecurity During the COVID-19 Pandemic Max Besbris, Sadie Dempsey, Brian McCabe, Eva Rosen
29233 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  American Medical Association JAMA Network Open Longitudinal Changes in Youth Mental Health From Before to During the COVID-19 Pandemic Courtney K. Blackwell, Guojing Wu, Aruna Chandran, Jessica Arizaga, Michelle Bosquet Enlow, Patricia A. Brennan, et al. (+31)
29235 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  North American Business Press Journal of Applied Business and Economics Unemployment, Financial Literacy, and Retirement: Evidence From National Data Before and During COVID-19 Pandemic Ying Chen, Weihong Ning, Taufiq Hasan Quadria
29236 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  MDPI AG Antibiotics Increasing Fluroquinolone Susceptibility and Genetic Diversity of ESBL-Producing E. coli from the Lower Respiratory Tract during the COVID-19 Pandemic Katja Hrovat, Katja Seme, Jerneja Ambrožič Avguštin
29237 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  MDPI AG Foods Seafood Consumption Trends among U.S. Consumers: Influences of the COVID-19 Pandemic Lauren B. Errickson, Yanhong Jin, Douglas Zemeckis, William K. Hallman
29238 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) Applied Economics The impact of economic uncertainty on corporate trade credit policy: insights from the COVID-19 pandemic Jon Fulkerson, Hinh D. Khieu, Thanh Ngo
29239 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  University of Ghana Health Sciences Investigations Journal Psychological distress among healthcare professionals during the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic
29240 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  Bentham Science The Open Public Health Journal Scientific and Practical Solutions to Deal with the Possible Pandemic of Re-Emerging Langya Virus Disease Based on the Lessons Learned from the COVID-19 Pandemic Ayoub Shokoufamanesh, Rasoul Raesi
29241 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  STKIP Singkawang JIPF (Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan Fisika) The Response of High School Students In Singkawang City Towards Physics Learning During Covid-19 Pandemic Haris Rosdianto, Yoda Dafian, Riski Muliyani
29242 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  STKIP Singkawang JIPF (Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan Fisika) Research Profile of Problem Based Learning on Physics Learning During the Covid-19 Pandemic Binar Kurnia Prahani, Budi Jatmiko, Tan Amelia, Nova Allysa Qotrunnada, Shalsa Billa Ardhana Neswary, Kirana Aureola Arzak
29243 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  MDPI AG Vaccines Influenza Vaccination in Adults in the United States with COPD before and after the COVID-19 Pandemic (2017-2022): A Multi-Year Cross-Sectional Study Marissa Wold, Sanda Cristina Oancea
29244 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  Universitas Pahlawan Tuanku Tambusai Jurnal Basicedu How Does the Covid-19 Pandemic Affect the Learning Process of IPS Subjects at the Primary School Level in Indonesia? Lula Najwa Kamila, Andi Annisa Anggraeni, Arum Nurjanah, Dwi Diah Fadilah, Wahyunengsih Wahyunengsih
29245 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  Emerald (MCB UP) IIMT Journal of Management Process improvement strategy (PIS) and employee productivity amid COVID-19 pandemic among bank employees Abdul-Hameed Adeola Sulaimon, Paul Kojo Ametepe
29246 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  Journal of Social Research Development Journal of Social Sciences Development EFFECTS OF PARENTS' ECONOMIC STATUS ON STUDENTS’ EDUCATION DURING COVID-19 PANDEMIC AT SECONDARY LEVEL Tanveer Ahmed, Sidra Kiran, Sehrish Sarfraz
29247 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  Universitas Gadjah Mada Academic Hospital Journal Overview of TB Patient Compliance for Control during the Covid-19 Pandemic at the UGM RSA TB Clinic Herfis Avidati, Suci Wahyu Harianto, Undatun Ulfah, Arinda Nia Nurlaily, Krista Dyah Tejaningrum
29248 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  Elsevier Value in Health Regional Issues Changes in Health Spending During the COVID-19 Pandemic by Expenditure Type and Household Profiles in Mexican Households María I. Lara, Monserrat Serio
29249 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  Emerald (MCB UP) The Journal of Mental Health Training Education and Practice Mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic compared to the years before - a cohort study on sports students Jonas Lüdemann, Jens Kleinert
29250 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  The Institute for Research and Community Services ITB Journal of Regional and City Planning Social Capital and Community Adaptation to the COVID-19 Pandemic (Empirical Evidence: Sambirejo Village, Special Region of Yogyakarta, Indonesia) Gunawan Prayitno, Fikriyah Fikriyah, Achmad Efendi, Ainul Hayat, Izatul Ihsansi Hidayana, Aulia Putri Salsabila, et al. (+4)
29251 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  Dove Medical Press Infection and Drug Resistance Characterization of the Pathogen Distribution and Drug Resistance in Bloodstream Infections During COVID-19 Pandemic in a Tertiary Hospital in Eastern China: Comparison with the Pre-Pandemic Period Min Gu, Xiaohui Zhang, Fang Ni, Jue Wang, Wenying Xia, Yanfei Lu
29252 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  Asian Institute of Research Journal of Health and Medical Sciences Review of Chest Pain in Children after COVID-19 Pandemic in Albaha, Saudi Arabia Abdulmajid Almawazini, Ali Alsayed Alsharkawy, Abdullah Abdulaziz Alghamdi, Fatemah Helal Alrefaydy, Anwar Abdullah M Alghamdi
29253 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Wiener klinische Wochenschrift Relationship between GPS-based community mobility data and orthopedic trauma admissions during the COVID-19 pandemic in Austria: a multicenter analysis Natasa Jeremic, Harald Kurt Widhalm, Kevin Doering, Domenik Popp, Matthias Stark, Cornelia Ower, et al. (+4)
29254 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  JMIR Publications Inc. JMIR Human Factors User’s perceived service quality of national telemedicine services during COVID-19 pandemic in Bangladesh: Cross-sectional study (Preprint) Fatema Khatun, Novel Chandra Das, Md. Rakibul Hoque, Kazi Nazmus Saqeeb, Monjur Rahman, Kyung Ryul Park, et al. (+2)
29255 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  Ludomedia Unipessoal Lda New Trends in Qualitative Research STRUCTURAL RACISM IN HEALTH CARE FOR BLACK IMMIGRANTS DURING THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC IN BRAZIL Rafaela Gessner Lourenço, Flaviane Andreele Jacinto da Silva, Marli Aparecida Rocha De Souza, Karla Crozeta Figueiredo, Aida Maris Peres
29256 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  Malaysian Institute of Planners PLANNING MALAYSIA AIDS SOCIAL EXPENDITURES, POVERTY AND INEQUALITY IN TIME OF COVID-19 PANDEMIC IN INDONESIA Syaiful Anwar, Rizky Yudaruddin, Dewi Naprida, Bagus Rai Wibowo, Dadang Lesmana
29257 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  MDPI AG Behavioral Sciences Mental Health and (Online) Behaviors during the COVID-19 Pandemic in Spain: A Network-Based Approach Maribel Serrano-Macias, Javier Alvarez-Galvez
29258 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  Goodwood Publishing Journal of Multidisciplinary Academic and Practice Studies Prediction of Financial Distress in Transportation and Logistics Companies before, During and after the Covid-19 Pandemic Listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange Sinta Dewi, Brady Rikumahu
29259 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  Tsinghua University Press Journal of Geriatric Cardiology The impact of being in the COVID-19 pandemic on in-hospital mortality of non-infected patients aged 80 years and older with ST-elevation myocardial ınfarction Mustafa Ebik, Muhammet Gürdoğan, Uğur Özkan
29260 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  Oxford University Press Open Forum Infectious Diseases The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Substance Use Disorders Risk among People Living with HIV Enrolled in HIV Care in the United States: an Interrupted Time Series Analysis Jennifer P Jain, Megan J Heise, Nadra E Lisha, Carlos H Moreira, David V Glidden, Greer A Burkholder, et al. (+11)
29261 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  Ovid Medicine Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the financial performance of hospitals according to hospital characteristics in Korea: An observational study Ji-Hoon Lee
29262 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  SciELO Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the severity of newly diagnosed cases of head and neck cancer in southern Brazil KÍVIA L. FERRAZZO, CRISTIANE C. DANESI, NARA MARIA B. MARTINS, RAQUEL P. ANTONIAZZI
29263 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  Editura Universitatii Alexandru Ioan Cuza din Iasi Present Environment and Sustainable Development Risk and Sustainable tourism resilience in the Post Economic Crisis and COVID-19 pandemic period Mirela MAZILU, Amalia NITA, Andrei BABAT, Ionut-Adrian DRAGULEASA, Mihaela GRIGORE
29264 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  SciELO Arquivo Brasileiro de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia A study on the effects of Covid-19 pandemic period on sheep and goat husbandry A. Murat, H. Tüfekci
29265 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  ODU Tip Dergisi ODÜ Tıp Dergisi Analysis of patients with acute surgical abdomen due to trauma and evaluation of factors affecting mortality and the impact of COVID-19 pandemic process on patient admissions Mustafa Alpaslan, Sultan Özselçuk
29266 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  Vilnius Gediminas Technical University Technological and Economic Development of Economy An analysis of the Indian Economy during the three COVID-19 pandemic waves Hasnan Baber, Muneer Shaik, Himani Gupta
29267 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  Elsevier Cities Understanding urban traffic flows in response to COVID-19 pandemic with emerging urban big data in Glasgow Yue Li, Qunshan Zhao, Mingshu Wang
29268 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  Society for Sociological Science Sociological Science Examining Attitudes toward Asians throughout the COVID-19 Pandemic with Repeated Cross-Sectional Survey Experiments Yao Lu, Neeraj Kaushal, Xiaoning Huang, S. Gaddis, Ariela Schachter
29269 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  Shima Publishing Journal of Marine and Island Cultures Social Impacts in a Coastal Tourism Destination: “Effects of COVID-19 Pandemic Byron Alvarado-Vanegas, Lluís Coromina
29270 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) BMC Emergency Medicine Paramedics’ experiences and observations: work-related emotions and well-being resources during the initial months of the COVID-19 pandemic-a qualitative study Henna Myrskykari, Hilla Nordquist
29271 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  Journal for Human Caring International Journal for Human Caring Healthcare Leaders’ Interventions to Alleviate Nurse Burnout During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Systematic Review Anne Genevieve Papa-Torres, Felecia Wood, Heidi Gilroy
29272 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  Polícia Militar de Matgo Grosso do Sul Revista Científica da Polícia Militar de Mato Grosso do Sul - RevPMMS WOMEN, VIOLENCE AND COVID-19 PANDEMIC: AN ANALYSIS OF THE CRIME OF FEMINICIDE IN THE STATE OF MATO GROSSO DO SUL Esther Priscila Marques Haddad Zanchet, Gabriella Letícia Fernandes de Oliveira
29273 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  Universitas Islam Internasional Indonesia Muslim Business and Economic Review Food Insecurity and Coping Mechanism During COVID-19 Pandemic: Evidence from Indonesia Ira Eka Pratiwi
29274 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  Media Peternakan Tropical Animal Science Journal The Resilience of Smallholder Layer-Chicken Farmers Throughout the COVID-19 Pandemic: Evidence from Indonesia Priyono Priyono, D. A. Kusumaningrum, S. Rusdiana, L. Praharani, Y. Widiawati, T. Kostaman, et al. (+4)
29275 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  Anticancer Research USA Inc. In Vivo Impact of PEG-GCSF in Breast Cancer Patients Undergoing Chemotherapy During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Single Center Experience and Literature Review KIOTO YOKOYAMA, NOBUYASU YOSHIMOTO, SATORU TAKAYAMA, MASAKI SAKAMOTO, KEISUKE TOMODA, KEN ISHIKAWA, et al. (+6)
29276 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  SAGE Publications Journal of Primary Care & Community Health Community Health Centers Uptake of Telemedicine During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Trends, Barriers, and Successful Strategies Heather Holderness, Andrea Baron, Tahlia Hodes, Miguel Marino, Jean O’Malley, Maria Danna, et al. (+2)
29277 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  Turkish Dietetic Association Partner Journal of Nutrition and Dietetics Göçmen ve Göçmen Olmayan Türk Halkında COVID-19 Pandemisi Sırasında Vücut Ağırlık Artışını Etkileyen Faktörlerin Değerlendirilmesi Elif Okut Aysin, Murat Urhan
29278 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  ASOS Yayinevi TURKISH JOURNAL OF HEALTH AND SPORT (TJHS) Akademik Yayıncılık, COVID-19 Pandemisi ve Turkish Journal of Health and Sport Hasan Basri Savas
29279 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo Academia Open Elevated CRP and IL6 Levels Predict Severe Cardiovascular Outcomes in COVID-19 Patients Ali Abdel Moneim Mohammed Hussain Al Khuzaie, Enas Abdul Kareem Jabbar, Bushra Jabbar Albadry
29280 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Intensive Care Medicine Clinical phenotyping uncovers heterogeneous associations between corticosteroid treatment and survival in critically ill COVID-19 patients Niklas Bruse, Anna Motos, Rombout van Amstel, Eckart de Bie, Emma J. Kooistra, Aron Jansen, et al. (+14)
29281 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  Medknow Publications Nigerian Journal of Clinical Practice Comparison of the Results of BAL and ETA Culture in Intubated COVID-19 Patients HH. Kilic, R Gozukucuk
29282 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  The Korean Society of Critical Care Medicine Acute and Critical Care Increased red cell distribution width predicts mortality in COVID-19 patients admitted to a Dutch intensive care unit Anthony Mompiere, Jos L.M.L. le Noble, Manon Fleuren-Janssen, Kelly Broen, Frits van Osch, Norbert Foudraine
29283 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  MDPI AG Advances in respiratory medicine Small Airways Dysfunction and Lung Hyperinflation in Long COVID-19 Patients as Potential Mechanisms of Persistent Dyspnoea Angelos Vontetsianos, Nikolaos Chynkiamis, Christina Anagnostopoulou, Christiana Lekka, Stavrina Zaneli, Nektarios Anagnostopoulos, et al. (+8)
29284 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  National Library of Serbia Vojnosanitetski pregled Acute intracranial hemorrhage in 76 COVID-19 patients during the first and second pandemic waves Biljana Georgievski-Brkic, Marjana Vukicevic, Vladimir Debeljkovic, Ljubica Nikcevic, Natasa Stanisavljevic, Dejan Kostic, et al. (+3)
29285 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  Publikasi Indonesia Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains The Relationship between ABO Blood Type and Outcomes in Severe and Critical COVID-19 Patients in the Covid ICU of the Hospital. Dr. M. Djamil Padang Adissa Banenda, Dedy Kurnia, Gardenia Akhyar
29286 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  Tap chi Y hoc du phong (Vietnam Journal of Preventive Medicine-VJPM) Tạp chí Y học Dự phòng Clinical characteristics and IgG antibody response against SARS-CoV-2 among COVID-19 patients in the POYUN factory (Hai Duong) outbreak, 2021 Phan Tan Dan, Nguyen Le Khanh Hang, Hoang Vu Mai Phuong, Nguyen Cong Khanh, Nguyen Co Thach, Pham Ngoc Hung, Le Thi Quynh Mai
29287 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  Indonesian Society of Nephrology - InaSN Indonesian Journal of Kidney and Hypertension Acute Kidney Injury Incidence in COVID-19 Patients Receiving Remdesivir Therapy at Awal Bros Panam Hospital Ade Novita Reslina, Faradilla Monita, Ligat Pribadi Sembiring
29288 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  Cureus, Inc. Cureus The Comparative Impact of Liberal Versus Conservative Oxygenation in Critically Ill COVID-19 Patients: A Retrospective Study Deepak Singla, Priya TK, Anirban B Adhikary, Dhatri Jonna, Mishu Mangla
29289 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  Ovid Medicine Efficacy and safety of deferoxamine in moderately ill COVID-19 patients: An open label, randomized controlled trial Ali Ameri, Farnaz Pourseyedi, Parivash Davoodian, Omid Safa, Soheil Hassanipour, Mohammad Fathalipour
29290 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  Kare Publishing Journal of Clinical Practice and Research Neurological Manifestations and Comorbidities in Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Patients: Multicenter Study Nazlı Gamze Bülbül
29291 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  Turkish Journal of Sport and Exercise Turkish Journal of Sport and Exercise Attitudes Towards E-Learning of Disabled Students Studying in Sports Sciences Undergraduate Programs During the Covid-19 Period Turan Sezan
29292 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  Springer-Verlag International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems Predictive Value of Machine Learning Models in Mortality of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Pneumonia Atefeh Rostami, Faezeh Mousavi, Seyed Alireza Javadinia, Mostafa Robatjazi, Mohammad Mehrpouyan
29293 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  Universidad Regional Autónoma de los Andes METANOIA REVISTA DE CIENCIA TECNOLOGÍA E INNOVACIÓN Caracterización Epidemiológica y Clínica del COVID-19 prolongado en la Provincia de Sucumbíos Ecuador-2023 Yu Ling Reascos, Narena Cuasés, Juan Fernando Guaman Tabango
29294 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  Elsevier Indian Heart Journal SERIAL EVALUATION OF BIVENTRICULAR FUNCTION IN COVID-19 RECOVERED PATIENTS USING SPECKLE TRACKING ECHOCARDIOGRAPHY Shekhar Kunal, Mohit Dayal Gupta, Mohd. Faizuddin, Girish MP, Ankit Bansal, Vishal Batra, et al. (+2)
29295 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  MDPI AG Healthcare COVID-19 Recovery Time and Its Predictors among Hospitalized Patients in Designated Hospitals in the Madhesh Province of Nepal: A Multicentric Study Jitendra Kumar Singh, Dilaram Acharya, Salila Gautam, Dinesh Neupane, Bishnu Bahadur Bajgain, Raman Mishra, et al. (+4)
29296 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  Apex Publishing Preventive Care In Nursing and Midwifery Journal Prediction of Psychological Distress Based on Job Security, Spiritual Intelligence, and Social Acceptance Among Nurses Working at the COVID-19 Referral Center of Zanjan Province in 2021 Mohamad Saeid Ahmadi, Hossein Masoomi Jahandizi, Seyedah Fatemeh Hosseini Varzagani
29297 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  SD Publisher Journal of Social Research and Behavioral Sciences Covid-19 Sürecinde Özel Gereksinimli Çocukların Ebeveynlerinin Psikolojik Durumlarının İncelenmesi Merve Fatma İŞBİLİR
29298 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  MDPI AG Medicina Association of Human Leukocyte Antigen Alleles with COVID-19 Severity and Mortality in a Spanish Population Ester Lobato-Martinez, Javier Muriel-Serrano, Elena García-Payá, Pilar Gonzalez-de-la-Aleja, Raquel Garcia-Sevila, Mercedes Navarro-de-Miguel, et al. (+3)
29299 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  Ovid Medicine Smoking behaviors, physical activities, pulmonary diseases and COVID-19 severity: A Mendelian randomization study Xuwen Zheng, Maobing Chen, Yi Zhuang, Jin Xu, Liang Zhao, Yongjun Qian, Wenming Shen
29300 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  University of Kuningan Logika Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies Penyelesaian Sengketa Hukum terkait Keterlambatan Pembayaran Angsuran kepada Perusahaan Pembiayaan pada Masa Pasca Pandemi Covid-19 (Studi di Kabupaten Kuningan) Dikha Anugrah, Zetira Utami
29301 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  Oxford University Press Clinical Infectious Diseases A phase III randomized controlled trial of plitidepsin, a marine derived compound, in hospitalized adults with moderate COVID-19 Pedro Landete, Olga-Adriana Caliman-Sturdza, Jose A Lopez-Martin, Liliana Preotescu, Mihaela-Catalina Luca, Anastasia Kotanidou, et al. (+27)
29302 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  University of Kuningan Logika Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies Efektivitas Peraturan Menteri Kesehatan Nomor 23 Tahun 2021 tentang Pelaksanaan Vaksinasi dalam Rangka Penanggulangan Pandemi Covid-19 terhadap Capaian Vaksinasi di Kota Padang Jantarda Mauli Hutagalung, Clara Ignatia Tobing
29303 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  MDPI AG Diseases Utility of Extraction-Free SARS-CoV-2 Detection by RT-qPCR for COVID-19 Testing in a Resource-Limited Setting Akua K. Yalley, Selasie Ahiatrogah, Iddrisu I. Moro, Peter Gmagna, Isaac K. Yankson, Anna A. Kafintu-Kwashie, Nicholas I. Nii-Trebi
29304 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  Universitas Islam Sultan Agung Sains Medika Detection of human bocavirus (HBoV) in children with acute respiratory infection (ARI) during the covid-19 transition period Muhammad Abhi Purnomosidi, Fithriyah Sjatha, Andi Yasmon
29305 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  Universitas Merdeka Malang Jurnal Pariwisata Pesona The Analysis of service quality and price on consumer loyalty through customer satisfaction as a mediating variable during the Covid-19 transition period (case study of 4-stared hotels in Jember) Syah Riza Octavy Sandy, Feozen Feozen
29306 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  HoChiMinh University of Banking Tạp chí Kinh tế và Ngân hàng châu Á Covid-19 và các yếu tố tác động đến hiệu quả ngân hàng thương mại niêm yết tại Việt Nam: Sử dụng phương pháp DEA hai giai đoạn Châu Đình Linh
29307 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  HoChiMinh University of Banking Tạp chí Kinh tế và Ngân hàng châu Á Đại dịch Covid-19 và tỷ lệ tiền mặt nắm giữ của các công ty niêm yết Việt Nam: Phân tích ảnh hưởng của lợi thế thương mại và hạn chế tài chính Nguyễn Thị Uyên Uyên
29308 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  MDPI AG Vaccines Effectiveness of COVID-19 Vaccination against Severe Symptoms and Death Among Geriatric Inpatients: A Retrospective Cohort Study in Macao Xiao Zhan Zhang, Phyllis Hio Hong Wong, Kai Seng Lai, Bo Yang, Menghuan Song, Junjun Li, Carolina Oi Lam Ung
29309 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Journal of Epidemiology and Global Health Impact of High Covid-19 Vaccination Rate in an Aging Population: Estimating Averted Hospitalizations and Deaths in the Basque Country, Spain Using Counterfactual Modeling Carlo Delfin S. Estadilla, Javier Mar, Oliver Ibarrondo, Nico Stollenwerk, Maíra Aguiar
29310 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  Oxford University Press Clinical and Experimental Dermatology Lichen planus following Covid-19 vaccination: a narrative review Michela D’Agostino, Fabrizio Martora, Matteo Megna, Maddalena Napolitano, Luca Potestio
29311 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  Russell Sage Foundation RSF The Russell Sage Foundation Journal of the Social Sciences Discourses of Distrust: How Lack of Trust in the U.S. Health-Care System Shaped COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy Amy Casselman-Hontalas, Dominique Adams-Santos, Celeste Watkins-Hayes
29312 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  MDPI AG Vaccines Interventions to Reduce COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy among Black and African American Individuals in the United States: A Systematic Literature Review Evelyn Masterson, Emma Anderson, Elena Savoia
29313 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  Springer-Verlag International Journal of Disaster Risk Science Stakeholder Theory, Public Engagement, and Epistemic Injustice: The Case of Covid-19 Vaccine Hesitancy in Scotland’s African, Caribbean, and Black Communities Josephine U. Adekola, Robert Chia
29314 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  Elsevier JACC Basic to Translational Science A Murine Model of mRNA COVID-19 Vaccine-Induced Myocarditis Sander Eens, Manon Van Hecke, Siel Van den Bogaert, Kasper Favere, Nathalie Cools, Erik Fransen, et al. (+3)
29315 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  Scientific Research Publishing, Inc. Case Reports in Clinical Medicine Refractory Ventricular Fibrillation with Underlying Coronary Artery Disease after COVID-19 Vaccine-Kounis Syndrome or Coincidence Elaine M. C. Chau
29316 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  MDPI AG Journal of Cardiovascular Development and Disease The Role of Cardiac Magnetic Resonance in mRNA COVID-19 Vaccine-Related Myopericarditis: An Evolutive Case Series Gisela Feltes, Violeta Sánchez Sánchez, Esther Pérez-David, José Luis Moreno-Hurtrez, Juan Delgado Jiménez, Iván J. Núñez-Gil
29317 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  Penerbit Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM Press) Personalia Pelajar Knowledge, Attitude and Acceptance among Undergraduate Students in Faculty of Health Science (FSK) and Faculty of Islamic Studies (FPI), Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) Towards Covid-19 Vaccines
29318 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  Wiley The Journal of Gene Medicine Strategic deactivation of mRNA COVID-19 vaccines: New applications for siRNA therapy and RIBOTACs Nicolas Hulscher, Peter A. McCullough, Diane E. Marotta
29319 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  Elsevier Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy Retraction notice to 'Deaths induced by compassionate use of hydroxychloroquine during the first COVID-19 wave: an estimate' [Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy, Volume 171 (2024) 116055] Alexiane Pradelle, Sabine Mainbourg, Steeve Provencher, Emmanuel Massy, Guillaume Grenet, Jean-Christophe Lega
29320 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana Escritos Una reflexión psicoanalítica sobre la segregación en tiempos de la Covid-19 y del discurso de la ciencia Isabella Betancur Patiño, Samir Ahmed Dasuky Quiceno
29321 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science COVID-19’S Impact on Malaysian SMEs: Supply Chain Risk Management Disruptions and Challenges for Business Recovery and Continuity Suriana Ramli, Norzanah Mat Nor, Mohammad Nazri, Sharizan Sharkawi
29322 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  Wiley Pulmonary Circulation Pulmonary perfusion in long-term survivors of COVID-19-related severe acute respiratory distress syndrome treated by extracorporeal membrane oxygenation Lucie Miksová, Vladimír Dytrych, Václav Ptáčník, Martin Balík, Aleš Linhart, Jan Bělohlávek, Pavel Jansa
29323 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  Discover STM Publishing Ltd. European Journal of Medical Case Reports An unusually large superficial angiomyxoma with delayed presentation due to COVID-19: a case report Niall O’Hara, Valdone Kolaityte, Tigani Eltigani
29324 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  Modestum Limited International Journal of Instruction Measuring the Effectiveness of Internship Programs in Aligning Education with Industry during Covid-19: A Case Study Fokiya Akhtar, Tarannum Parkar
29325 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  Universitas Islam Sultan Agung Sains Medika Skin manifestations in patients with covid-19: A literature review Danny Gunawan, Maureen Miracle Stella, Veronika Maria Sidharta
29326 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  SAGE Publications Contemporary Review of the Middle East Co-movement of Oil and Stock Markets During COVID-19: Evidence from the Gulf Corporation Council Muhammad Hanif
29328 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  Puslitbangkesos Kementerian Sosial RI Sosio Konsepsia Perlindungan Sosial di Masa Krisis Pandemi Covid-19: Studi Kasus Aktor Pariwisata di Kaliurang, Yogyakarta Runavia Mulyasari, Gaffari Rahmadian
29329 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  Kare Publishing Journal of Clinical Practice and Research Comparison of Anti-Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-COV-2) Antibody Response by Different Vaccine Combinations Sabahattin Muhtaroğlu
29330 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  Apex Publishing Preventive Care In Nursing and Midwifery Journal Obstacles to complying with health protocols in coronavirus disease 2019 patient care among emergency medical staff of Zanjan province in 202 Ghasim Sadeghi, Fatemeh Gheiasi, Soheila Rabie Siahkali, Kamyar Mansori
29331 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  Goodwood Publishing Journal of Sustainable Tourism and Entrepreneurship Coronavirus pandemic and its impacts on the world’s economy Muhammad Suleman Nasir, Muhammad Qayyum Ahsan
29332 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Child Indicators Research The Relationship Between Coronavirus Phobia and Life Satisfaction Among Adolescents in the Post-Pandemic Period Ayla Hendekci, Türkan Kadiroğlu
29333 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  Negah Scientific Publisher Immunoregulation Investigating Exosomes in SARS-CoV-2 Infection: A Potential Partner for Coronavirus Reinfection/Reactivation Ramazan Rezaei
29334 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers IEEE Sensors Journal Measurement Errors and Decisional Criteria to Detect Subjects Suspected Having SARS-CoV by Thermography Rosario Morello
29335 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo Academia Open Association between Relative Risk Factor (RR) and ABO Blood Groups with Clinical Parameters in Patients with SARS-Cov-2 Abdullah Fakhir Yousif, Abeer Ghassan Mahdi
29336 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  Springer Science and Business Media LLC Nature Communications A single-dose intranasal live-attenuated codon deoptimized vaccine provides broad protection against SARS-CoV-2 and its variants Xiang Liu, Wern Hann Ng, Eva Zusinaite, Joseph Freitas, Adam Taylor, Venugopal Yerragunta, et al. (+27)
29337 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  MDPI AG Vaccines Follow-Up of SARS-CoV-2 Antibody Levels in Belgian Nursing Home Residents and Staff Two, Four and Six Months after Primary Course BNT162b2 Vaccination Eline Meyers, Liselore De Rop, Fien Engels, Claudia Gioveni, Anja Coen, Tine De Burghgraeve, et al. (+14)
29338 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  MDPI AG Microorganisms Effect of Opaganib on Supplemental Oxygen and Mortality in Patients with Severe SARS-CoV-2 Based upon FIO2 Requirements Fernando Carvalho Neuenschwander, Ofra Barnett-Griness, Stefania Piconi, Yasmin Maor, Eduardo Sprinz, Nimer Assy, et al. (+49)
29339 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  Wiley Pediatric Pulmonology SARS-CoV-2 coinfection in children with severe airway obstruction due to pulmonary tuberculosis P. Goussard, L. Van Wyk, S. Venkatakrishna, H. Rabie, P. Schubert, L. Frigati, et al. (+8)
29340 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  MDPI AG Biomolecules Membrane Activity and Viroporin Assembly for the SARS-CoV-2 E Protein Are Regulated by Cholesterol Marta V. Volovik, Zaret G. Denieva, Polina K. Gifer, Maria A. Rakitina, Oleg V. Batishchev
29341 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  MDPI AG Viruses Long-Term SARS-CoV-2 Findings Related to Persisting Viral Antigen and Inflammation Resemble Those Reported for Influenza Virus and Respiratory Syncytial Virus Norbert J. Roberts
29342 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  In-Trend Tuberkulez i socialʹno značimye zabolevaniâ Organization for laboratory diagnosis of SARS-COV-2 in the conditions of an anti-tuberculosis institution E. A. Kotova, S. G. Safonova, G. E. Freiman, S. V. Halina, A. A. Aleksandrov
29343 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  Elsevier The Science of The Total Environment Definition of a concentration and RNA extraction protocol for optimal whole genome sequencing of SARS-CoV-2 in wastewater Ahlam Chaqroun, Ghina El Soufi, Zuzana Gerber, Julie Loutreul, Nicolas Cluzel, Damien Delafoy, et al. (+11)
29344 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  MDPI AG Life A Histological Analysis and Detection of Complement Regulatory Protein CD55 in SARS-CoV-2 Infected Lungs Sandeep Silawal, Clemens Gögele, Petr Pelikan, Christian Werner, Georgia Levidou, Raman Mahato, Gundula Schulze-Tanzil
29345 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  MDPI AG International Journal of Molecular Sciences Post-Acute Sequelae and Mitochondrial Aberration in SARS-CoV-2 Infection Charles Ward, Beata Schlichtholz
29346 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  MDPI AG Life Treatment of Severe Asthma: Case Report of Fast Action of Mepolizumab in a Patient with Recent SARS-CoV-2 Infection Cristiana Indolfi, Giulio Dinardo, Angela Klain, Fabio Decimo, Michele Miraglia del Giudice
29347 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  Heighten Science Publications Corporation Journal of Clinical Nephrology Seminal Extracellular Traps in SARS-CoV-2 Infection Sardi Melba, Repetto Herberto, Chenlo Patricia, Ariagno Julia, Mendeluk Gabriela
29348 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) Gut Microbes Gut virome and microbiome dynamics before and after SARS-CoV-2 infection in women living with HIV and their infants Rabia Maqsood, LaRinda A. Holland, Lily I. Wu, Emily R. Begnel, Judith Adhiambo, Prestone Owiti, et al. (+9)
29349 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  The American Association of Immunologists ImmunoHorizons Mild Primary or Breakthrough SARS-CoV-2 Infection Promotes Autoantibody Production in Individuals with and without Neuro-PASC Lavanya Visvabharathy, Neda Dalil, Lucia Leonor, Chengsong Zhu, Zachary S. Orban, Millenia Jimenez, et al. (+3)
29350 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  The Royal Society of Chemistry RSC Medicinal Chemistry Preventing SARS-CoV-2 infection using Fv-antibodies targeting the proprotein convertase (PPC) cleavage site Jaeyong Jung, Jeong Soo Sung, Soonil Kwon, Hyung Eun Bae, Min-Jung Kang, Joachim Jose, et al. (+2)
29351 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) BMC Infectious Diseases SARS-CoV-2 infections in patients, health care workers and hospital outbreaks during the first 3 waves of the pandemic: a retrospective analysis in a secondary care hospital network in Germany Anke Hildebrandt, Kirsten Dolega, Lutz Uflacker, Henrik Rudolf, Sören G. Gatermann
29352 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  MDPI AG Viruses AlphaFold2 Reveals Structural Patterns of Seasonal Haplotype Diversification in SARS-CoV-2 Nucleocapsid Protein Variants Muhammad Asif Ali, Gustavo Caetano-Anollés
29353 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  Elsevier Academic Pediatrics Social Determinants Pediatric Primary Care Telehealth and In-Office Visits During the SARS-CoV-2 Pandemic Jordee M. Wells, Tyler Gorham, Skyler E. Kalady, Deena J. Chisolm
29354 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  Ovid Il Giornale di Chirurgia - Journal of Surgery Emergency Surgery in a Large Urban Area Community Hospital During SARS-CoV-2 Pandemic: An Analysis on Acute Appendicitis Gianluca Mazzoni, Gianluca Liotta, Luca Lepre, Giacomo Leonardo, Valeria Tognoni, Rossella D. Campa, et al. (+2)
29355 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  Public Library of Science PLoS ONE Classification of SARS-CoV-2 sequences as recombinants via a pre-trained CNN and identification of a mathematical signature relative to recombinant feature at Spike, via interpretability Ana Guerrero-Tamayo, Borja Sanz Urquijo, Isabel Olivares, María-Dolores Moragues Tosantos, Concepción Casado, Iker Pastor-López, Kapil Gupta
29356 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  Elsevier Talanta Plasmon-enhanced fluorescence and electrochemical aptasensor for SARS-CoV-2 Spike protein detection Ruifeng Zhu, Mateo Alejandro Martínez-Roque, Gabriela Figueroa-Miranda, Ziheng Hu, Adriano Acunzo, Hangyu Li, et al. (+6)
29357 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  American Institute of Mathematical Sciences AIMS Allergy and Immunology Age-dependent trends in adverse reactions of SARS-CoV-2 vaccines: A narrative review Laiba Noor, Syeda Momna Ishtiaq, Farhat Batool, Muhammad Imran Arshad
29358 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy JOSPT Cases Delayed Presentation of SARS-CoV-2-Related Pericarditis in a Professional Soccer Player: A Case Report Giulio Leonardi, Marta Focardi, Mattia Salomon, Giuseppe Plebani, Saro Catanese, Luna Cavigli, Flavio D'Ascenzi
29359 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  DoNotEdit Archives of Razi Institute Use of Tranexamic Acid in SARS-COV-2: Boon or Bane?
29360 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  Frontiers Media SA Frontiers in Veterinary Science Impact of swine influenza A virus on porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus infection in alveolar macrophages Janaïna Grevelinger, Olivier Bourry, François Meurens, Aline Perrin, Caroline Hervet, Laurence Dubreil, et al. (+2)
29361 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  MDPI AG Vaccines A Comprehensive Review on Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome Virus with Emphasis on Immunity Jorian Fiers, Ann Brigitte Cay, Dominiek Maes, Marylène Tignon
29362 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  Public Library of Science PLoS ONE Cross-sectional study of self-reported pain related to temporomandibular disorders and emotional state of medical school faculty and students: Post-COVID-19 pandemic Alessandra Pucci Mantelli Galhardo, Pâmela Ramos Andrade, Luciana Paes de Andrade, Mariluce Anache Anbar Cury, Marcio Katsuyoshi Mukai, Edmund Chada Baracat, et al. (+2)
29363 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  Russell Sage Foundation RSF The Russell Sage Foundation Journal of the Social Sciences Some Surviving, Others Thriving: Inequality in Loss and Coping During the Pandemic Catherine C. Thomas, Michael C. Schwalbe, Macario Garcia, Geoffrey L. Cohen, Hazel Rose Markus
29364 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  Elsevier HPB Morbidity and mortality of liver resections during the covid -19 pandemic Agestino V. Antony, Ramesh Rajan, Roby Das, V.R. Ananthakrishna, P. Fahaduzzaman
29365 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  SciELO Revista CEFAC Prevalence of exclusive breastfeeding up to six months of age in full-term newborns during the pandemic and factors associated with early weaning Mirelly Sabrina Santos Silva, Sandra Raquel de Melo Gomes, Monalise Costa Batista Berbert, Renata Maria Moreira Moraes Furlan
29366 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  Modestum Limited International Journal of Instruction Online Education in Hungary and Armenia during the Pandemic and Its Aftermath Erika Varga, Garegin Hambardzumyan, Tímea Juhász
29367 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  Goodwood Publishing International Journal of Financial Accounting and Management Business resilience strategies for informal traders in the post-COVID-19 pandemic era in Gweru, Zimbabwe Wilson Mabhanda
29368 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  Frontiers Media SA Frontiers in Psychology How collaborative, interpersonal, and disaster-responsive tendencies work together in non-face-to-face environments: lessons from prolonged pandemic experiences Soyoung Kim, Simon Andrew, Richard C. Feiock, Christopher Stream
29369 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo Academia Open Pandemic Hinders First-Time Voter Engagement in Indonesia Asri Yuni Lestari, Isnaini Rodiyah
29370 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  American Journal of Medical and Clinical Research & Reviews American Journal of Medical and Clinical Research & Reviews Non-Parametric Tests On The Incidence Of Hiv/Aids Pandemic In Nigeria Between 2010-2019 Musa Chiwa Dalah
29371 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  SAGE Publications Homicide Studies From Susceptibility to Immunity: The Pandemic of Homicide Grief Tanya L. Sharpe, Annette Bailey, Monte-Angel Richardson
29372 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  Wiley Journal for Specialists in Pediatric Nursing Factors influencing job stress in pediatric nurses during the pandemic period: Focusing on fatigue, pediatric nurse-parent partnership Bo Yeong Jeon, Sun Jeong Yun, Hye Young Kim
29373 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  Dokuz Eylul Universitesi Tip Fakultesi Dergisi Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Dergisi THE EFFECT OF THE PANDEMIC PROCESS ON THE NUMBER OF PATIENT ADMISSIONS, HOSPITALIZATIONS AND REFERRALS IN A SECONDARY EMERGENCY DEPARTMENT Yusuf Kantar, Şule Yakar, Melih İmamoğlu
29374 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  Kare Publishing Journal of Clinical Practice and Research A Reemerging Disease: Could Mpox be a Pandemic Threat? Kursat Gündogan
29375 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  SAGE Publications Law Culture and the Humanities On Vulnerability, Biopolitics, and Political Struggles: Some Thoughts on (Post)pandemic Times Antonio Pele, Stephen Riley
29376 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo Academia Open Pandemic Unveils Transportation Sector's Financial Resilience Putri Dewi Rohmawati, Wisnu Panggah Setiyono
29377 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  Scientific Research Publishing, Inc. Psychology Assessing Signs of Mental Health Issues in Greece during the Pandemic via Google Trends Data Analysis Christina Parpoula, Anastasios Stalikas, Fotini Diamanti
29378 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  Frontiers Media SA Frontiers in Psychology Editorial: Pandemic, war and climate changes: the effect of these crises on individual and social well-being Ciro Esposito, Immacolata Di Napoli, Bernd Roehrle, Caterina Arcidiacono
29379 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  Modestum Limited International Journal of Instruction College Women’s Establishing of Peer Social-relationships and Communicating about Pandemic-related Political Identities and Topics Tara Hembrough, Lindsey Mixon
29380 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  SAGE Publications Vision The Journal of Business Perspective Emerging Partnerships of SDGs and HRM Practices During the Pandemic: A Study of the Indian IT Industry Priyanka Dwivedi, Sunrita Dhar Bhattacharjee
29381 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  MDPI AG Sustainability Higher Education in China during the Pandemic: Analyzing Online Self-Learning Motivation Using Bayesian Networks Jiang Li, Yating Chang, Shaobo Liu, Chang Cai, Qingping Zhou, Xiaoxi Cai, et al. (+4)
29382 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  Mary Ann Liebert Journal of Palliative Medicine Conducting Physician Engagement Research in a Pandemic: Persevering when Burnout Mitigation Is Needed Most Alicia Kowalski, Aimee Anderson, Aline Rozman deMoraes, Joseph Chen, Diane Liu, Jay Parikh, Eduardo Bruera
29383 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  International Journal of Research and Innovation in Applied Science International Journal of Research and Innovation in Applied Science Exploration of Sustainable Wildlife Habitat Conservation for Preventing Future Pandemics. Onyeizugbe, Uzoamaka Rita, Ihekwoaba, Ebelechukwu Nwaoma, Danjuma, David
29384 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  Elsevier The Journal of Economic Asymmetries Asymmetries during pandemics and wartime Sabri Boubaker, Toan L.D. Huynh, Duc Khuong Nguyen
29385 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  Ovid AJN American Journal of Nursing New Report Highlights the Impact of Long COVID Karen Roush
29386 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  Springer Science and Business Media LLC Scientific Reports Long COVID diagnostic with differentiation from chronic lyme disease using machine learning and cytokine hubs Bruce K. Patterson, Jose Guevara-Coto, Javier Mora, Edgar B. Francisco, Ram Yogendra, Rodrigo A. Mora-Rodríguez, et al. (+5)
29387 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  MDPI AG Journal of Clinical Medicine Symptoms, Course, and Factors Related to Long-Term Morbidity, Including Differences between Infection Strains, in Patients with Long COVID in a Primary Care Clinic in Japan: An Observational Study Kenji Baba, Seiko Kawai, Satoshi Iwase, Takahiro Ushida, Yasuhiro Tamura, Mariko Arimoto, et al. (+3)
29388 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) Journal of Patient-Reported Outcomes A review of Patient Reported Outcome Measures (PROMs) for characterizing Long COVID (LC)-merits, gaps, and recommendations Hammed Ejalonibu, Adelaide Amah, Alaa Aburub, Pawan Kumar, D. E. Frederick, Gary Groot
29389 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  Cureus, Inc. Cureus Exploring Neurocognitive and Emotional Outcomes of Long COVID: A Study Among Pakistani Patients Muddsar Hameed, Mahrukh Anwar Abbasi, Fatima Noor, Ayesha Fatima, Muhammad Ibrahim, Shah Bano, et al. (+4)
29391 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  Elsevier Annals of Epidemiology Lung cancer incidence, 2019-2020, United States: The potential impact of the COVID-19 pandemic Christine M. Kava, David A. Siegel, Susan A. Sabatino, Jin Qin, Thomas B. Richards, S. Jane Henley
29392 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  MDPI AG Buildings Evaluating Apartment Satisfaction in Erbil City: The Impact of Interior Space Quality Indicators before, during, and after the COVID-19 Pandemic Nazik Jamal Abdulhamid, Hasan Al-Sanjary Hasan Al-Sanjary
29393 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  Universitas Maarif Hasyim Latif Sidoarjo Jurnal Reformasi Hukum Cogito Ergo Sum Wewenang Satuan Polisi Pamongpraja Terhadap Penerapan Disiplin Penegakan Hukum Protokol Kesehatan Virus Covid-19 Dwi Prasetya Yulianto, M. Zamroni, Hariadi Sasongko
29394 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Bina Husada Jurnal Kesehatan Bina Husada KECEMASAN PERAWAT PADA MASA PANDEMI COVID-19 Ismi Damayani, Raden Surahmat, Mareta Akhriansyah, Abu Bakar Sidik
29395 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  Elsevier Vaccine Editorial: ML-driven vaccine against COVID-19: Developmental challenges and foresight Dilbag Singh, Robertas Damaševičius, Vijay Kumar, Fabio Bagnoli, Simone Pecetta, Rino Rappuoli
29396 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  Asociación Bioquímica Argentina Revista Bioquímica y Patología Clínica Evaluación de la performance de 4 kits comerciales de testeo rápido antigénico de SARS COV-2 en el diagnóstico de COVID-19 María Sol Martin Charaf, Camila Fontana, Anisa Marchissio, Nuria Belén Cañellas Martinez, Clara Theaux, Guillermo Notaristéfano, et al. (+2)
29397 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  Hassiba Benbouali University of Chlef Journal of Languages and Translation The Emerging of Online Education in Teaching English as a Foreign Language in Response to COVID-19 Ibtissam Bentaleb
29398 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  Hassiba Benbouali University of Chlef Journal of Languages and Translation The Situation of Legal TranslationPost COVID-19 Hana Al-Badou
29399 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Journal of Thrombosis and Thrombolysis The potential role of factor XI inhibitors in managing long COVID Chia Siang Kow, Dinesh Sangarran Ramachandram, Syed Shahzad Hasan, Kaeshaelya Thiruchelvam
29400 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  Hassiba Benbouali University of Chlef Journal of Languages and Translation Online teaching at the Algerian university in the time of covid-19 Between contribution and difficulties of appropriation Redhouane Kerrouzi
29401 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training IAIN Sultan Amai Gorontalo Pekerti Journal Pendidikan Islam dan Budi Pekerti Penggunaan Media Pembelajaran Daring Masa Covid-19 di SMP N 1 Tomilito Febrianto Hakeu, Yayan D Yusuf
29402 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  Elsevier Clinical Lymphoma Myeloma & Leukemia MM-289 Exosomal Vesicles as a Promising Strategy for Severe COVID-19 in Multiple Myeloma Patients Yan Nouet, Muskan Joshi, Viviana Cortiana, Gayathri Pramil, Alexandra van de Kieft, Chandler H. Park
29403 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  Elsevier Clinical Lymphoma Myeloma & Leukemia MDS-242 Correlation Between Myelodysplastic Syndrome and COVID-19 Infection Rana G. Abdelfatah, Salma Abdelghany Shawkat, Menna Abdelghany Ali, Enaam Ali Al Mwafy, Nermine Moheb Mettias
29404 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  Universitas Al-Falah As-Sunniyah Kencong Jember Pandalungan Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Inovasi Layanan Bimbingan dan Konseling pada Pembelajaran dalam Jaringan Masa Pandemi Covid-19 Kecamatan Puger Kabupaten Jember Ach Syaikhu, Fadlillah Fadlillah, Nabila Nilna Ghina
29405 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  Muhammadiyah Kota Salatiga Indonesian Journal of Muhammadiyah Studies (IJMUS) Penanaman akhlak pada anak usia dini pasca pandemi covid-19 melalui metode storytelling Zuhrotul Laili, Suryono Suryono, Mukh Nursikin
29406 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  Elsevier Clinical Lymphoma Myeloma & Leukemia AML-230 The Impact of COVID-19 on Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML): A Propensity Matched Analysis Barath Prashanth Sivasubramanian, Diviya Bharathi Ravikumar, Abul Hasan Shadali Abdul Khader, Ibthisam Ismail Sharieff, Tenzin Tamdin, Raghavendra Tirupathi, Mamtha Balla
29407 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  Elsevier The North American Journal of Economics and Finance Impact of COVID-19 on Taiwanese stock market Mei-Chih Wang, Hao-Wen Chang, Tsangyao Chang
29408 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  Elsevier Clinical Lymphoma Myeloma & Leukemia AML-045 Impact of COVID-19 on the Clinical Characteristics and Outcomes of Patients With Acute Leukemias: An Academic Center Experience Al Yaqadhan Al Kindi, Thuraya Al-Busaidi, Yahya Al-Kindi, Fatma Al-Bulushi, Mohamed Al-Hanini, Maryam Al-Bakri, Murtadha Al-Khabori
29409 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  Hassiba Benbouali University of Chlef Journal of Languages and Translation Unveiling the Immense Impact of a Novel and Eminent Approach in Delivering Lessons amid the Turmoil of Covid-19 Pandemic Sarra BOUTOUIL
29410 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  Elsevier Clinical Lymphoma Myeloma & Leukemia MM-593 Sociodemographic Trends in Multiple Myeloma-Related Mortality From 1999 to 2020 and Effect of the COVID-19 Pandemic Parisa Aijaz, Hira Shaikh, Amir Kamran
29411 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Bina Husada Jurnal Kesehatan Bina Husada EVALUASI PROGRAM INDONESIA SEHAT DENGAN PENDEKATAN KELUARGA (PIS-PK) PADA INDIKATOR TB PARU DI MASA PANDEMI COVID-19 PUSKESMAS MULTI WAHANA PALEMBANG TAHUN 2021 Swara Abdi N, Yunita Liana, Hamyatri Rawalilah, Nani Sari Murni
29412 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  Universitas Al-Falah As-Sunniyah Kencong Jember Pandalungan Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Strategi Seorang Ibu Dalam Merawat Bayi Baru Lahir Di Tengah Pandemi Covid-19 (Studi Kasus Keluarga Ibu Alfiatul Maulidah Desa Grenden Puger Jember) Rusmini M.E, Muhammad Hamdi M.E
29413 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  Elsevier Clinical Lymphoma Myeloma & Leukemia TCL-760 Hemophagocytic Lymphohistiocytosis in COVID-19: A Retrospective Analysis of Risks, Outcomes, and Health Care Burden in US Hospitals Dharmik Patel, Rushin Patel, Adit Dharia, Mrunal Patel, Darshil Patel, Zalak Patel, et al. (+4)
29414 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Al-Amin, Gersik, Kediri Jurnal Pengabdian Al-Amin Strategi Pencegahan COVID-19: Peningkatan Imunitas Tubuh Melalui Edukasi Konsumsi Teh Kombucha Faisal Akhmal
29415 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  Asociación Bioquímica Argentina Revista Bioquímica y Patología Clínica Índice neutrófilo - linfocito como marcador pronóstico de enfermedad grave por SARS-CoV-2. Rita Andrea PASTOR, Cesar Juan Gerardo COLLINO
29416 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  Hassiba Benbouali University of Chlef Journal of Languages and Translation The Movement of Translation into Arabic During the Corona Pandemic أنس ملموس, سومية بوهلال
29417 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  Elsevier Clinical Lymphoma Myeloma & Leukemia Sociodemographic Trends in Multiple Myeloma-Related Mortality From 1999 to 2020 and Effect of the COVID-19 Pandemic Parisa Aijaz, Hira Shaikh, Amir Kamran
29418 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  Hassiba Benbouali University of Chlef Journal of Languages and Translation Pros and cons of Teaching Translation During the Corona Pandemic in Jordan أحمد محمد الحراحشة
29419 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  Elsevier Clinical Lymphoma Myeloma & Leukemia MM-761 Multiple Myeloma Mortality Trends Before Pandemic, Stratified by Year Sex, and Race: 1999-2019 Muhammad Faisal Aslam, Muhammad Faisal Aslam
29420 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  Elsevier Clinical Lymphoma Myeloma & Leukemia Multiple Myeloma Mortality Trends Before Pandemic, Stratified by Year, Sex, and Race: 1999-2019 Muhammad Faisal Aslam, Muhammad Hisham Khan Wazir
29421 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  Hassiba Benbouali University of Chlef Journal of Languages and Translation Informal Distance Learning as an Aiding Tool in the Teaching-Learning Process at Times of Pandemics Asma BOUDJELAL
29422 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  Elsevier Clinical Lymphoma Myeloma & Leukemia Exosomal Vesicles as a Promising Strategy for Severe COVID-19 in Multiple Myeloma Patients Yan Leyfman, Muskan Joshi, Viviana Cortiana, Gayathri Pramil, Alexandra van de Kieft, Chandler H. Park
29423 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  Elsevier Clinical Lymphoma Myeloma & Leukemia Correlation Between Myelodysplastic Syndrome and COVID-19 Infection Rana G. Abdelfatah, Salma Abdelghany Shawkat, Menna Abdelghany Ali, Enaam Ali Al Mwafy, Nermine Moheb Mettias
29424 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  Journal of Cumhuriyet University Health Sciences Institute, Sivas Cumhuriyet University Cumhuriyet Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi Hemşirelik Öğrencilerinin Klinik Uygulamada COVID-19 Korkusu ve Öğrenmeye Yönelik Tutumları Arasındaki İlişki Tülay Kars Fertelli
29425 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  Elsevier Clinical Lymphoma Myeloma & Leukemia The Impact of COVID-19 on Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML): A Propensity Matched Analysis Barath Prashanth Sivasubramanian, Diviya Bharathi Ravikumar, Abul Hasan Shadali Abdul Khader, Ibthisam Ismail Sharieff, Tenzin Tamdin, Raghavendra Tirupathi, Mamtha Balla
29426 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  MDPI AG International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health Exploring Risk Perception, Mental Health, Mental Fatigue, Stigma, and the Quality of Life among UAE Healthcare Workers during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A National Multicentric Cross-Sectional Study Yousef M. Aljawarneh, Nariman Ghader, Ahmad M. Al-Bashaireh, Heyam F. Dalky, Hasan Al-Omari, Osama Alkouri, et al. (+6)
29427 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  Elsevier Clinical Lymphoma Myeloma & Leukemia Hemophagocytic Lymphohistiocytosis in COVID-19: A Retrospective Analysis of Risks, Outcomes, and Health Care Burden in US Hospitals Dharmik Patel, Rushin Patel, Adit Dharia, Mrunal Patel, Darshil Patel, Zalak Patel, et al. (+4)
29428 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) BMC Infectious Diseases Immunological insights: assessing immune parameters in medical professionals exposed to SARS-CoV-2 Kamila Wojas-Krawczyk, Paweł Krawczyk, Justyna Błach, Tomasz Kucharczyk, Anna Grenda, Natalia Krzyżanowska, et al. (+5)
29429 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  MDPI AG Vaccines SARS-CoV-2-Specific T Lymphocytes Analysis in mRNA-Vaccinated Patients with B-Cell Lymphoid Malignancies on Active Treatment Patricia García Ramírez, Marta Callejas Charavia, Raquel Oliva Martin, Ana María Gómez La Hoz, Miguel Ángel Ortega, Julio García Suárez, et al. (+2)
29430 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  Universitas Veteran Bangun Nusantara Sukoharjo Edudikara Jurnal Pendidikan dan Pembelajaran Peran Konseling Online dalam Mengatasi Competent Tasks Siswa di Tengah Pandemi Covid-19 Aldila Maynawati
29431 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  Wiley Global Change Biology Wheat genetic resources have avoided disease pandemics, improved food security, and reduced environmental footprints: A review of historical impacts and future opportunities Julie King, Susanne Dreisigacker, Matthew Reynolds, Anindya Bandyopadhyay, Hans-Joachim Braun, Leonardo Crespo-Herrera, et al. (+45)
29432 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  Universitas Veteran Bangun Nusantara Sukoharjo Edudikara Jurnal Pendidikan dan Pembelajaran Implementasi Kegiatan Pembelajaran Jarak Jauh Era Pandemi Covid-19 di Tingkat SMA Afnan Raynold Panditung
29433 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  Universitas Veteran Bangun Nusantara Sukoharjo Edudikara Jurnal Pendidikan dan Pembelajaran Implikasi Penerapan Blended Learning Selama Covid-19 untuk Mata Pelajaran Simulasi Digital Kelas X SMK Idham Adi Pradipta, Ima Dyah Chavidowaty, Roy Hermawan, Hamda Kharisma
29434 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  Green Publisher JCS - Journal of Comprehensive Science Pengalaman Karyawan Pariwisata Selama Menjalani Pandemi Covid-19 Maxmilliane Ivan Kresna, Komang Rahayu Indrawati
29435 2024―Aug―26  [GO]  University of the Free State Interdisciplinary Journal of Management Sciences Amid and beyond the COVID-19 pandemic: Internet costs for remote work by university lecturers in Tanzania-who does the cap fit? Bikolimana Giliadi Muhihi
29437 2024―Aug―25  [GO]  ProBiologists LLC Journal of Experimental and Molecular Pathology Auditory system and COVID-19 Meliha Basoz Behmen, Nida Tas Elibol
29439 2024―Aug―25  [GO]  University of Kanjuruhan Malang Jurnal Riset Mahasiswa Manajemen ELASTISITAS KESEMPATAN KERJA SEBELUM DAN SESUDAH MASA PANDEMI COVID-19 Wahyudi, Hertoto Dwiyoso, Sulistiyanti Sulistiyanti
29440 2024―Aug―25  [GO]  Universitas Muhammadiyah Kudus Jurnal Abdimas Indonesia ASUHAN BERKESINAMBUNGAN PADA IBU HAMIL DI ERA PANDEMI COVID-19 Indah Puspitasari, Durrotun Munafiah
29441 2024―Aug―25  [GO]  Yayasan Jannatul Makwa Jannatul Makwa Health Jurnal Ilmiah Kesehatan (Scientific Journal of Health) HUBUNGAN TINGKAT PENGETAHUAN LANSIA TENTANG VAKSIN COVID-19 DENGAN TINGKAT KECEMASAN LANSIA DALAM MENGIKUTI VAKSINASI COVID-19 Ayu Puspita
29442 2024―Aug―25  [GO]  Revista Eletronica Acervo Saude Revista Eletrônica Acervo Saúde Análise de associação de lesão por pressão entre pacientes acometidos ou não pela Covid-19 Ana Paula de Oliveira Motta, Davi da Silveira Barroso Alves, Alexandre Sousa da Silva, Inês Maria Meneses dos Santos, Alcione Matos de Abreu, Monica Oliveira Duarte Martins, Cristiano Buarque de Gusmão Fernandes
29443 2024―Aug―25  [GO]  Poltekkes Kemenkes Bengkulu Jurnal Promosi Kesehatan Poltekkes Bengkulu Analisis Perilaku Beresiko Tertular COVID-19 Serly Dwi Safitri, Ismiati Ismiati, Rini Patroni
29444 2024―Aug―25  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) Molecular Medicine Alterations in plasma proteome during acute COVID-19 and recovery Maciej Suski, Agnieszka Olszanecka, Aneta Stachowicz, Anna Kiepura, Michał Terlecki, Józef Madej, et al. (+2)
29445 2024―Aug―25  [GO]  Ess and Ess Research Publications International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer and Communication Engineering Analyzing COVID-19 Case Fatality Ratios: Death Rates and Testing Metrics across Various Nations Saurabh Sharma, Abhishek Singh, Vishal Paranjape, Zohaib Hasan
29447 2024―Aug―25  [GO]  Pustaka Digital Indonesia Jurnal Literasi Digital Pembelajaran Berbasis Digital Pada Masa Pandemi Covid-19 di Universitas Islam Negeri Indonesia Kiki Almaidah, Badratun Nafis, Arief Hidayat Zulkifli, Fitriyani Fitriyani
29448 2024―Aug―25  [GO]  Cureus, Inc. Cureus Causal Inference of the Effect of Vaccination on COVID-19 Disease Severity and Need for Intensive Care Unit Admission Among Hospitalized Patients in an African Setting Eskedar Kebede Belayneh, Tigist Workneh Leulseged, Blen Solomon Teklu, Bersabel Hilawi Tewodros, Muluken Zeleke Megiso, Edengenet Solomon Weldesenbet, et al. (+3)
29449 2024―Aug―25  [GO]  Japan Stroke Society Nosotchu Clinical characteristics and outcomes of acute ischemic stroke in Hiroshima city during the COVID-19 era from HARP study","コロナ禍における広島市の急性期脳梗塞の臨床的特徴と転帰-HARP study- Tomohisa Nezu, Shiro Aoki, Daizo Ishii, Eiji Imamura, Ryo Shimomura, Tatsuya Mizoue, et al. (+13)
29450 2024―Aug―25  [GO]  Excellent Publishers International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences Incidence of Mucormycosis, An Invasive Fungal Infection and its Relation with Covid-19 in A Tertiary Care Centre in Jammu Perika Priyanka Sharma, Suharshi Gupta Sikander Chairag, Shashi Sudhan Sharma Mukesh Kumar
29451 2024―Aug―25  [GO]  Poltekkes Kemenkes Bengkulu Jurnal Promosi Kesehatan Poltekkes Bengkulu Analisis Determinan Kepatuhan Penggunaan Alat Pelindung Diri Terhadap Covid-19 Pada Pegawai KKP Kelas II Samarinda","Analysis of Determinants of Compliance with the Use of Personal Protective Equipment Against Covid-19 in Port Health Office Class II Samarinda Employees Ardya Nisfu Maulana
29452 2024―Aug―25  [GO]  Western Japan Division of JDA Nishi Nihon Hifuka A Case of Pediatric Psoriasis Stabilized with Secukinumab Used After COVID-19 Infection with Long-term Observation from Infancy","乳児時から長期間観察し,COVID-19 感染後に使用したセクキヌマブで安定した小児乾癬の 1 例 Chihiro ARAMAKI, Kotaro ITO, Shinichi IMAFUKU
29453 2024―Aug―25  [GO]  Universitas Hasyim Asy'ari Tebuireng Jombang Jurnal Disastri (Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia) Language Variations in Captions of Covid-19 Information on Instagram: Analysis of Language and Gender and Their Relevance For Preparing High School Level RPP (Sociolinguistic Approach) Wulan Adellita Dwisandi Setiaji, Ferina Meliasanti, Hendra Setiawan
29454 2024―Aug―25  [GO]  International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science INCREASING MENTAL WELL-BEING DURING COVID-19 ISOLATION: COPING STRATEGIES
29455 2024―Aug―25  [GO]  PubPub CrimRxiv The heterogeneous effects of COVID-19 lockdowns on crime across the world N. Trajtenberg
29456 2024―Aug―25  [GO]  Ess and Ess Research Publications International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer and Communication Engineering Assessing the Correlation between COVID-19 Mortality Rates and Testing Statistics Worldwide Saurabh Sharma, Zohaib Hasan2, Vishal Paranjape
29457 2024―Aug―25  [GO]  Universitas Indonesia, Directorate of Research and Public Service Jurnal Komunikasi Indonesia Health Communication in Mitigating The Risk of Physician and Controlling Covid-19 Outbreaks: A Qualitative Study on Emergency Department’s General Practitioners
29458 2024―Aug―25  [GO]  Universitas Islam As-Syafiiyah Spektra Jurnal Ilmu-ilmu Sosial IJMA' ABOUT PRAYER WEARING MASK DURING THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC Khalis Kohari
29459 2024―Aug―25  [GO]  Lembaga Riset Mutiara Akbar Economic Journal Economic and Business Analysis of Factors Causing High Unemployment Rates in North Sumatra Due to the Covid-19 Pandemic Atika Atayarisah Lubis, Firman Saputra, Regita Lubis, Sarah Lylia Saragi
29460 2024―Aug―25  [GO]  De Gruyter Open Sp. z o.o. Miscellanea Geographica Visual analysis of changes in European air transport during the COVID-19 pandemic from interactive maps Yerkanat Abilpatta, Vít Voženílek
29461 2024―Aug―25  [GO]  Elsevier Children and Youth Services Review The power of routines: Impact of parent-grandparent coparenting relationship quality on post-lockdown child adjustment over the COVID-19 pandemic in China Dazhou Wu, Yongqiang Jiang, Liu Zheng, Wei Ren, Xiuyun Lin
29462 2024―Aug―25  [GO]  Elsevier Journal of Affective Disorders Mental health service use among mothers and other birthing parents during the COVID-19 pandemic in Ontario, Canada Colleen Webber, Katie Dover, Peter Tanuseputro, Simone N. Vigod, Rahim Moineddin, Anna Clarke, et al. (+8)
29463 2024―Aug―25  [GO]  BMJ BMJ Open Respiratory Research Longer-term impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA)-related healthcare: a province-based study Tetyana Kendzerska, Marcus Povitz, Andrea S Gershon, Clodagh M Ryan, Robert Talarico, Mouaz Saymeh, et al. (+3)
29464 2024―Aug―25  [GO]  Elsevier Social Science & Medicine The role of primary healthcare amid the COVID-19 pandemic: Evidence from the Family Health Strategy in Brazil Adriano Dutra Teixeira, Fernando Antonio Slaibe Postali, Natalia Nunes Ferreira-Batista, Maria Dolores Montoya Diaz, Rodrigo Moreno-Serra
29465 2024―Aug―25  [GO]  Elsevier Economics Letters Defaults on government guaranteed loans by potential high growth firms: Evidence from the COVID-19 period. Marek Kacer, Nicholas Wilson, Sana Zouari
29466 2024―Aug―25  [GO]  Qualitative and Quantitative Research Center International Journal of Educational Qualitative Quantitative Research Diagnostics of COVID-19 Post-Traumatic Anxiety in Students Nuraly Masum Aprily, Elsa Lestari, Anggi Maulana Rizqi, Zulfin Rachma Mufidah
29467 2024―Aug―25  [GO]  Elsevier Computers in Biology and Medicine An intelligent garment for long COVID-19 real-time monitoring Marc Junior Nkengue, Xianyi Zeng, Ludovic Koehl, Xuyuan Tao, François Dassonville, Nicolas Dumont, et al. (+3)
29468 2024―Aug―25  [GO]  Medknow Publications Journal of Medical Society Alopecia after COVID-19 vaccination Rujittika Mungmunpuntipantip, Viroj Wiwanitkit
29469 2024―Aug―25  [GO]  Cureus, Inc. Cureus A Survey on Population Perceived Factors Influencing COVID-19 Vaccination in South Indian Districts Raghav B, Jayakumar Rajagopal, Karthikeyan Ramaraju
29470 2024―Aug―25  [GO]  Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin Jurnal Islam dan Masyarakat Kontemporari Pembangunan Komuniti Dan Usaha Dakwah Era Pasca Covid-19: Inisiatif Projek Masa@Sungai Nibong [Community Development And Da'wah Efforts Post Covid-19: The Masa@Sungai Nibong Project Initiative] Amirul Ammar, Shereeza Mohamed Saniff
29471 2024―Aug―25  [GO]  Revista ft Ltda Revista ft PANORAMA DOS ÓBITOS DE MULHERES EM IDADE FÉRTIL EM PERNAMBUCO ANTES E DURANTE A PANDEMIA PELO COVID-19: UM ESTUDO TRANSVERSAL DAS CAUSAS, COR E FAIXA ETÁRIA Anna Katharina Souza Lima, Moana Divina Da Silva Santiago, Antônio Henrique Montesano, Ana Maria Montesano, Amanda Katharinne Souza Lima, Maysa Aiany Dias de Sousa Alves, et al. (+3)
29472 2024―Aug―25  [GO]  Medknow Publications Journal of Medical Society Clinical, epidemiological, and outcome profile of patients during all the three waves of coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic: A retrospective hospital-based study from North India Surabhi Shukla, Peetam Singh
29473 2024―Aug―25  [GO]  Medknow Publications Egyptian Pharmaceutical Journal Metabolic disorders associated with coronavirus disease-2019 in conjunction with different chronic diseases and the increased vulnerability to infection Maha Z. Rizk, Hanan F. Aly
29474 2024―Aug―25  [GO]  Medknow Publications Egyptian Pharmaceutical Journal Repurposing of available antiviral drugs against SARS-CoV-2 by targeting crucial replication machinery proteins Ahmed F. El-Sayed, Amira T. Mohammed, Wafy Hamed, Shaymaa Abdelmalek
29475 2024―Aug―25  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Biotechnology Letters Amyloidogenesis of SARS-CoV-2 delta plus and omicron variants receptor-binding domain (RBD): impact of SUMO fusion tag Sadegh Zargan, Hasan Jalili, Bahareh Dabirmanesh, Saba Mesdaghinia, Khosro Khajeh
29476 2024―Aug―25  [GO]  BMJ BMJ Open SARS-CoV-2 seroprevalence and mental health of school staff: a cross-sectional study of schools from four areas of Montreal, Q in 2021 Katia Charland, Matteo Pannunzio, Eleanor Greenspan-Ardman, Adrien Saucier, Laura Pierce, Marie-Eve Hamelin, et al. (+8)
29477 2024―Aug―25  [GO]  Springer-Verlag 3 Biotech Structural insights into Furin enzyme inhibition to block SARS-CoV-2 spike protein cleavage: an in-silico approach Ramakrishnan Jaganathan, Poomani Kumaradhas
29478 2024―Aug―25  [GO]  Revista Cientifica de la Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias, Universidad del Zulia Revista Científica de la Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias Identification of variants in GBP1 and GBP5 Genes associated with susceptibility and resistance to porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome in Uruguayan Creole pigs María del Carmen Montenegro, Nariné Nariné, Bibiana Freire, Cecilia Carballo, Silvia Llambí Dellacasa
29479 2024―Aug―25  [GO]  Civiliza Publishing Global Education Journal Lesson Study: Pembelajaran Berdiferensiasi Pasca Pandemi Covid-19 Andika Setyo Budi Lestari
29480 2024―Aug―25  [GO]  Elsevier Measurement Elastic modulus prediction for high-temperature treated rock using multi-step hybrid ensemble model combined with coronavirus herd immunity optimizer Tianxing Ma, Xiangqi Hu, Hengyu Liu, Kang Peng, Yun Lin, Yang Chen, et al. (+4)
29481 2024―Aug―25  [GO]  Elsevier New Microbes and New Infections SARS-CoV-2 infection of domestic animals and their role in evolution and emergence of variants of concern Olajumoke Olufunmilayo Joseph, Samuel Olatunde Dahunsi, Anthony Okoh
29483 2024―Aug―25  [GO]  Dosen Muslim Indonesia Indonesian Journal of Management Studies Effect Of Financial Performance On Financial Distress Conditions During The Covid-19 Pandemic On Transportation Companies Listed On The Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) Sri Dewi
29484 2024―Aug―25  [GO]  Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar At Tawazun Jurnal ekonomi Islam Penerapan Akad Musyarakah Pada Bisnis Kuliner Dimasa Pandemi Covid-19 (Studi Kasus Pada Yotta Cabang Andi Djemma Makassar) Dina Fajriani Azis, Rahmawati Muin, Trisno Wardy Putra
29485 2024―Aug―25  [GO]  Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar At Tawazun Jurnal ekonomi Islam Dampak Pandemi Covid-19 Terhadap Kepatuhan Wajib Pajak Kendaraan Bermotor Di Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan Ria Indrawati, Muhammad Nasri Katman
29486 2024―Aug―25  [GO]  Asociación Bioquímica Argentina Revista Bioquímica y Patología Clínica Quantification of IgG antibodies against SARS-CoV-2 on the staff of the Rawson Hospital, Córdoba Province, Argentina Carla Daniela Barrientos Alvarado, Cecilia Zini, Cesar Juan Gerardo Collino
29487 2024―Aug―25  [GO]  Selcuk University Faculty of Medicine Genel Tıp Dergisi The Effect of Montelukast Treatment on Elderly Patients Diagnosed with COVID-19 Oğuzhan Zengin, Öztuğ Aytekin, Mustafa Doğru, Burak Göre, Emine Sena Sözen, Merve Evli, et al. (+3)
29488 2024―Aug―25  [GO]  Selcuk University Faculty of Medicine Genel Tıp Dergisi Factors Affecting COVID-19 Vaccine Confidence and Prevalence of Post-COVID Syndrome Berkhan Topaktaş, Meryem Çetin, Aslı Memiş, Zeliha Karapelit
29489 2024―Aug―25  [GO]  The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK-ULAKBIM) - DIGITAL COMMONS JOURNALS TURKISH JOURNAL OF BIOLOGY Anatolian medicinal plants as potential antiviral agents: bridging traditional knowledge and modern science in the fight against COVID-19 and related viral infections ENGİN TİLKAT, ISRAT JAHAN, AYŞE HOŞER, ALEVCAN KAPLAN, OĞUZHAN ÖZDEMİR, AHMET ONAY
29490 2024―Aug―24  [GO]  Ovid Pediatric Emergency Care Impact of COVID-19 and Public Health Measures on Positive Suicide Screens Among Emergency Department Children Rachel Cafferty, Maya Haasz, Jan Leonard, Lilliam Ambroggio
29491 2024―Aug―24  [GO]  Brazilian Journal of Health Review Brazilian Journal of Health Review Alterações nas células do sangue de pacientes com COVID-19 - principais achados por hematoscopia Paula Souza de Azevedo, Hye Chung Kang, Isabela Resende Pereira
29492 2024―Aug―24  [GO]  STMIK Bumigora Mataram Riset Ekonomi Akuntansi dan Perpajakan (Rekan) Eksistensi Perusahaan Sub Sektor Restoran, Hotel dan Pariwisata Dalam Masa Pandemi Covid-19 Eugenius Besli, Khairunnisa Khairunnisa
29493 2024―Aug―24  [GO]  Lembaga Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi Universitas Bosowa JILS (Journal of International and Local Studies) Strategi Ekspor Tekstil dan Produk Tekstil PT. Sri Rejeki Isman ke Amerika Serikat di Masa Pandemi COVID-19 Andi Tenriola, Ayu Kartika Julianingsih Tas'an
29494 2024―Aug―24  [GO]  Politeknik Pertanian Negeri Pangkajene Kepulauan Agrokompleks Perubahan kondisi perekonomian pasca covid-19 berdasarkan produk domestik regional bruto (PDRB) pengeluaran di Provinsi Aceh Safrika Safrika, Anisah Nasution, Abdul Muzammil, Hamdani Hamdani, Bagio Bagio
29495 2024―Aug―24  [GO]  Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Negeri Bengkalis Peranan Pendidikan Islam dalam Merekontruksi Indentitas Muslim di Belanda Pandemi Covid-19 dan Praktik Keagamaan Parluhutan Siregar, Mara Ongku Hsb
29496 2024―Aug―24  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Multimedia Tools and Applications Retraction Note: Drug discovery through Covid-19 genome sequencing with siamese graph convolutional neural network Soumen Kumar Pati, Manan Kumar Gupta, Ayan Banerjee, Rinita Shai, Palaiahnakote Shivakumara
29497 2024―Aug―24  [GO]  Wiley Risk Analysis Shared sanitation facilities and risk of respiratory virus transmission in resource-poor settings: A COVID-19 modeling case study Michael A. L. Hayashi, Sophia M. Simon, Kaiyue Zou, Hannah Van Wyk, Mondal Hasan Zahid, Joseph N. S. Eisenberg, Matthew C. Freeman
29498 2024―Aug―24  [GO]  Health, Utan Kayu Publishing Nusantara Journal of Behavioral and Social Sciences The effectiveness of self-management training to improve the discipline of students during post covid-19 pandemic M. Ulyaul Umam, Rifqi Nazahah Noor
29499 2024―Aug―24  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) Journal of Cardiothoracic Surgery Early extubation after elective surgical aortic valve replacement during the COVID-19 pandemic Anna Fischbach, Julia Alexandra Simons, Steffen B. Wiegand, Lieselotte Ammon, Rüdger Kopp, Gernot Marx, et al. (+3)
29500 2024―Aug―24  [GO]  The Royal Society of Chemistry Chemistry Education Research and Practice Student Success and Experience in a Flipped, Senior Physical Chemistry Course Spanning Before and After the COVID-19 Pandemic Trisha M Gomez, Charmaine Luciano, Tam Nguyen, Sachel M. Villafane, Michael N Groves
29501 2024―Aug―24  [GO]  Universitas Negeri Semarang Pandecta Research Law Journal Optimizing the Health System Through Increasing Health Service Guarantees in the Context of Fulfilling Human Rights Post the Covid-19 Pandemic in Indonesia Sahat Maruli Tua Situmeang, Diah Pudjiastuti
29502 2024―Aug―24  [GO]  Ovid Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine Association between Physical Work Environment during Work from Home and Sleep during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Prospective Cohort Study in Japan Keiki Hirashima, Makoto Okawara, Seiichiro Tateishi, Hisashi Eguchi, Mayumi Tsuji, Akira Ogami, et al. (+3)
29503 2024―Aug―24  [GO]  Springer Science and Business Media LLC Scientific Reports Using wiki surveys to rapidly test messages promoting COVID-19 vaccination boosters and child vaccination among Philadelphia residents Brittany A. Zulkiewicz, Allison Li, Gretel Tassah, Minnie Kim, Karen Glanz, Antonia Villarruel, et al. (+5)
29504 2024―Aug―24  [GO]  Generasi Intelektual Digital CoreID Journal Long Short Term Memory Approach for Sentiment Analysis on COVID-19 Vaccination Policy Fauzan Herdika Tubagus Putra, Wildan Budiawan Zulfikar, Nur Lukman
29505 2024―Aug―24  [GO]  Wiley Mycoses Performance of the IMMY® sona Aspergillus lateral flow assay for the detection of galactomannan in tracheal aspirate samples from Brazilian patients with COVID-19-associated pulmonary aspergillosis: Cross-sectional and systematic review of literature Arthur Pereira dos Santos, Bárbara Casella Amorim, Danielle Gomes da Silva, Dality Keffelen Barros de Rodrigues, Ana Paula da Costa Marques, Antonio Luiz Dal Bello Gasparoto, et al. (+10)
29506 2024―Aug―24  [GO]  Wiley Alcohol Clinical and Experimental Research The impact of COVID-19-related national lockdowns on alcohol-related traffic collisions, injuries, and fatalities in Lithuania Shannon Lange, Huan Jiang, Laura Miščikienė, Alexander Tran, Mindaugas Štelemėkas, Jürgen Rehm
29507 2024―Aug―24  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Reactions Weekly COVID-19-vaccine
29508 2024―Aug―24  [GO]  Wiley Nursing Open Factors related to the disaster preparedness of patients on haemodialysis from Sichuan, China, during COVID-19: A cross-sectional study Linfang Zhu, Yang Liu, Sijian Li, Ruoxi Liao, Ping Fu, Huaihong Yuan
29509 2024―Aug―24  [GO]  Dove Medical Press Infection and Drug Resistance Association Between Rhesus and ABO Blood Group Types and Their Impact on Clinical Outcomes in Critically Ill Patients with COVID-19: A Multi-Center Investigation [Letter] Anna Poetranto, Hasta Idrus, Wiwit Nurwidyaningtyas
29510 2024―Aug―24  [GO]  Brazilian Journal of Health Review Brazilian Journal of Health Review "A Efetividade das Medidas de Saúde Pública no Brasil e Vietnã durante a Segunda Onda da Pandemia de COVID-19: Perspectivas de Dois Países em Desenvolvimento" Paulo Matheus Silva Monteiro
29511 2024―Aug―24  [GO]  Brazilian Journal of Health Review Brazilian Journal of Health Review Lúpus eritematoso sistêmico e COVID-19: uma revisão integrativa Amanda Chelala Silveira, Gabriel Sampaio Monteiro, Livia Catarina Lopes Vianna Couto, Maria Luísa Pinheiro e Silva, Nelson Freire Silva Filho, Ronny Souza Marques Lopes, et al. (+8)
29512 2024―Aug―24  [GO]  SAGE Publications IIM Kozhikode Society & Management Review Fintech Innovation Adoption in the Digital Payments Landscape Amidst the Pandemic: Empirical Evidence and Future Outlook Velappan Shalini, Devarajulu Sabitha
29513 2024―Aug―24  [GO]  Elsevier European Economic Review Learning from Friends in a Pandemic: Social networks and the macroeconomic response of consumption Christos A. Makridis, Tao Wang
29517 2024―Aug―24  [GO]  Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Majapahit JURNAL PENGABDIAN MASYARAKAT KESEHATAN (ABDIMAKES) Penguatan Pengetahuan Kader Posbindu-PTM Rajawali Desa Sumbertebu Di Masa Adaptasi Kebiasaan Baru Pandemi Covid-19 Yudha Laga Hadi Kusuma
29518 2024―Aug―24  [GO]  Universitas Hasyim Asy'ari Tebuireng Jombang Al-Adawat Jurnal Pendidikan Guru Madrasah Ibtidaiyah ANALISIS PROBLEMATIKA PEMBELAJARAN PADA MASA PANDEMI COVID-19 Edy Santoso, Ali Mahsun
29519 2024―Aug―24  [GO]  Elsevier Sensors and Actuators B Chemical Saliva-STAT: Sample-to-answer saliva test for COVID-19 David J. Boegner, John R. Rzasa, Evan H. Benke, Ian M. White
29520 2024―Aug―24  [GO]  Egypts Presidential Specialized Council for Education and Scientific Research Assiut Scientific Nursing Journal Pregnancy Outcomes at the Erae of COVID-19 اسراء مصطفى صبره حسين, هبه مصطفى محمد
29521 2024―Aug―24  [GO]  Egypts Presidential Specialized Council for Education and Scientific Research Minia Journal of Medical Research Assessment of the lipid profile in individuals infected with COVID-19 Hager Yehia, Islam Mohamed Abdelbary, Ahmed F Mady, Ibtesam M Khalifa, Mohamed O Abdelaziz, Noha M. Abdullah, Rasha A. Abdelfattah
29522 2024―Aug―24  [GO]  Department of Sharia Financial Management IAIN Sultan Amai Gorontalo MUTAWAZIN (Jurnal Ekonomi Syariah) STRATEGI KEBIJAKAN FISKAL DALAM MENGHADAPI DAMPAK PANDEMI COVID-19 Nurul Hidayah
29523 2024―Aug―24  [GO]  Revista Eletronica Acervo Saude Revista Eletrônica Acervo Saúde Perfil socioepidemiológico da mortalidade materna no Piauí em comparação com a região Nordeste do Brasil na última década associado ao impacto da pandemia da COVID-19 Amanda Caroline Ribeiro Barros, Indira Luz da Silva, Felipe Tolstenko Nogueira Ayres Câmara, João Vinícius Meireles de Oliveira, Ana Clara Barradas Mineiro, Anna Vitória Mendes Viana Silva, et al. (+4)
29524 2024―Aug―24  [GO]  Ital Publication Emerging Science Journal Challenges of Women Healthcare Workers during COVID-19 Bushra Al-Akashee, Wafa Barhoumi, Fatima A. Algharbawi, Fatma Hegazy
29525 2024―Aug―24  [GO]  Kowsar Medical Institute Archives of Clinical Infectious Diseases Biochemical Risk Factors of Atherosclerosis in Patients with Severe and Non-severe COVID-19 Maryam Shahali, Ashkan Alamdary, Alireaza Gholami, Rasul Moukhah, Seyed Dawood Mousavi-Nasab, Mohammad Javad Hossein Tehrani, et al. (+2)
29526 2024―Aug―24  [GO]  Revista ft Ltda Revista ft EVASÃO ESCOLAR APÓS A PANDEMIA DE COVID-19 Alessandra Cristina Carvalho de Oliveira, Marineusa Soares Goulart, Susan Krapp da Silva Possamai, Ubiratan de Souza Lima
29527 2024―Aug―24  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Motivation and Emotion Adjustment trade-offs and negative emotion reciprocation in adolescent-mother dyads during COVID-19 Natalie Wong, Skyler T. Hawk
29528 2024―Aug―24  [GO]  Universitas Islam Sumatera Utara Bahastra Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia ANALISIS PERMASALAHAN GURU DALAM PEMBELAJARAN BAHASA INDONESIA DENGAN DARING PADA PANDEMI Covid-19 Rotama Enjel
29529 2024―Aug―24  [GO]  Universitas Muhammadiyah Pringsewu Jurnal Ilmiah Kesehatan FAKTOR KEAKTIFAN IBU DENGAN KETEPATAN JADWAL IMUNISASI BAYI PADA MASA PANDEMI COVID-19 Dzul Istiqomah Hasyim, Nurwinda Saputri
29530 2024―Aug―24  [GO]  Universitas Muhammadiyah Pringsewu Journal Of Elementary School Education (JOuESE) Pembelajaran Menulis Cerita Anak Pada Masa Pandemi Covid-19 Ari Rohmawati, Santi Hendayani, Adinda Juliana
29531 2024―Aug―24  [GO]  Elsevier Journal of ISAKOS Joint Disorders & Orthopaedic Sports Medicine Increased Rate of Surgery for Loss of Motion Following Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction During COVID-19 Joseph D. Giusto, Gillian M. Ahrendt, Ariana Lott, Kathleen M. Poploski, Janina Kaarre, Camila Grandberg, et al. (+3)
29532 2024―Aug―24  [GO]  TARUS Media MAEDICA – a Journal of Clinical Medicine Patients with Sticky Platelet Syndrome, Sickle Cell Disease and Glanzmann Syndrome May Promulgate Severe Thrombosis if Infected with Covid-19 Nitin Ashok JOHN, Jyoti JOHN, Praful KAMBLEC, Anish SINGHAL, Vandana DAULATABAD, I. S. VAMSHIDHAR
29533 2024―Aug―24  [GO]  Latin America Journals Online Realidad y Reflexión Evaluación de los niveles de depresión, ansiedad y estrés en el contexto del COVID-19","Assessment of depression, anxiety, and stress levels in the context of COVID-19 Laura Noemí Chavarría de Cocar, Ana Yolanda Laínez de Luna
29534 2024―Aug―24  [GO]  Elsevier Cytokine & Growth Factor Reviews Interferon-I Modulation and Natural Products: Unraveling Mechanisms and Therapeutic Potential in Severe COVID-19 Yuheng Song, Jiani Lu, Pengcheng Qin, Hongzhuan Chen, Lili Chen
29535 2024―Aug―24  [GO]  Elsevier Heart & Lung Outcomes of Covid-19 among patients with ischemic heart disease: A propensity matched analysis Mirza Faris Ali Baig, Aravind Dilli Babu, Bengt Herweg, Debbie A. Rinde-Hoffman
29536 2024―Aug―24  [GO]  Elsevier The Microbe Post COVID-19 and fungal pathogens coinfection in Africa - Current status and future direction Chibuike Ibe, Akaninyene Asuquo Otu
29537 2024―Aug―24  [GO]  Springer Science and Business Media LLC Communications Medicine Comparison of physiological and clinical reactions to COVID-19 and influenza vaccination Matan Yechezkel, Gary Qian, Yosi Levi, Nadav Davidovitch, Erez Shmueli, Dan Yamin, Margaret L. Brandeau
29538 2024―Aug―24  [GO]  Warwick Evans Publishing International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technology Interpretable Machine Learning Facilitates Disease Prognosis: Applications on COVID-19 and Onward Haotian Chen, Ke Ma, Jinzhi Shen
29539 2024―Aug―24  [GO]  Inonu Universitesi Saglik Hizmetleri Meslek Yuksek Okulu Dergisi İnönü Üniversitesi Sağlık Hizmetleri Meslek Yüksek Okulu Dergisi THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN TOTAL HIP AND KNEE ARTHROPLASTY PATIENTS' FEAR OF COVID-19 AND PREOPERATIVE ANXIETY AND POSTOPERATIVE ANALGESIC REQUIREMENT Remziye Cici, Ahmet Özdemir, Gülnaz Kızılkaya, Meral Özkan
29540 2024―Aug―24  [GO]  TARUS Media MAEDICA – a Journal of Clinical Medicine COVID-19 and the Manoeuvres of the Tobacco Industry Florin Dumitru MIHALTAN, Armand-Gabriel RAJNOVEANU, Ruxandra-Mioara RAJNOVEANU
29541 2024―Aug―24  [GO]  Fortune Journals Fortune Journal of Health Sciences Temporal Trend in Mortality from COVID-19 Associated with Cardiovascular Disease Alexandra Sarau, Sheng yuan Luo, Elaine Yi-Shuan Chen, Susan Gawel, Pankaja Desai
29543 2024―Aug―24  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) Cogent Business & Management Measuring vulnerability index for managing COVID-19 behaviour in Ghana Mohammed Amidu, Agnes Akpene Akakpo, Teddy Ossei Kwakye
29544 2024―Aug―24  [GO]  Elsevier Intensive and Critical Care Nursing Returning to work and health status at 12 months among patients with COVID-19 cared for in intensive care-A prospective, longitudinal study Ewa Wallin, Michael Hultström, Miklos Lipcsey, Robert Frithiof, Ing-Marie Larsson
29545 2024―Aug―24  [GO]  Egypts Presidential Specialized Council for Education and Scientific Research مجلة کلیة الآداب جامعة الفیوم A Pragmatic study of Persuasive Strategies in Selected Speeches of WHO Director-General during the Covid-19 Crisis دينا اسامه احمد مخلوف
29546 2024―Aug―24  [GO]  Department of Sharia Financial Management IAIN Sultan Amai Gorontalo MUTAWAZIN (Jurnal Ekonomi Syariah) PERAN PERBANKAN SYARIAH DALAM MENGATASI DAMPAK PASCA COVID-19 DALAM PEMULIHAN EKONOMI INDONESIA Rofiqi Rofiqi
29547 2024―Aug―24  [GO]  Wiley Contemporary Economic Policy The effect of expansion of nurse practitioner scope of practice on early COVID-19 deaths Bobby W. Chung, Noah J. Trudeau
29548 2024―Aug―24  [GO]  Inderscience Enterprises Ltd. International Journal of Biomedical Engineering and Technology Automated COVID-19 detection from chest X-ray and CT images using optimised hybrid classifier Madhavi Bhongale, Pauroosh Kaushal, Renu Vyas
29549 2024―Aug―24  [GO]  Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Majapahit JURNAL PENGABDIAN MASYARAKAT KESEHATAN (ABDIMAKES) Tatanan Hidup Baru Pelayanan Kesehatan Posyandu Lansia Pada Era Pandemi Covid-19 di Desa Sumbertebu Kecamatan Bangsal Kabupaten Mojokerto Nurul Mawaddah
29551 2024―Aug―24  [GO]  Akademi Perekam Medis dan Informasi Kesehatan Bhumi Husada Jakarta MEDICORDHIF Jurnal Rekam Medis Tinjauan Prosedur Penanganan Rekam Medis Rawat Inap Pasien Covid-19 di Rumah Sakit Umum Universitas Kristen Indonesia Hudiyati Agustini
29552 2024―Aug―24  [GO]  Universitas Islam Sumatera Utara Bahastra Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia ANALISIS DAMPAK PEMBELAJARAN DARING DALAM PEMBELAJARAN BAHASA INDONESIA PADA MASA PANDEMI COVID-19 DI SMP SWASTA RK DELI MURNI BANDAR BARU TAHUN PEMBELAJARAN 2020-2021 Lastri Novita Saragih
29553 2024―Aug―24  [GO]  Wiley Journal of Cellular and Molecular Medicine Impaired instructive and protective barrier functions of the endothelial cell glycocalyx pericellular matrix is impacted in COVID-19 disease Margaret M. Smith, James Melrose
29554 2024―Aug―24  [GO]  Egypts Presidential Specialized Council for Education and Scientific Research SVU-International Journal of Medical Sciences Post Covid-19 Dyspnea Asmaa Abdou Atta Mohamed, Alaa Rashad Mahmoud, Eptehal Mohammed Dongol, Haggagy Mansour Mohamed
29556 2024―Aug―24  [GO]  Revista Eletronica Acervo Saude Revista Eletrônica Acervo Saúde Prevalência de sintomas gastrointestinais em pacientes internados com COVID-19 em um hospital de Goiás Geovanna de Oliveira Araújo Silva, Laísla Maria de Souza, Maria Vitória Vieira Graciano, Ana Luiza Caetano de Deus, Danubio Antonio de Oliveira
29557 2024―Aug―24  [GO]  COORTE - REVISTA CIENTIFICA DO HOSPITAL SANTA ROSA COORTE - Revista Científica do Hospital Santa Rosa ANÁLISE DO PERFIL NUTRICIONAL DE PACIENTES ADULTOS INTERNADOS COM COVID-19 EM UM HOSPITAL UNIVERSITÁRIO Isabella Marcondes de Oliveira, Danielly Machado Sousa da Silva, Thaísa Araujo Valadão, Diana Borges Dock Nascimento
29559 2024―Aug―24  [GO]  Hindawi Limited Journal of Sensors Multihead Text Mining from COVID-19 Feedback Using Machine Learning, Deep Learning, and Hybrid Deep Learning Approaches Khadijatul Kobra, Samrina Sarkar Sammi, Naimur Rahman, Sharun Akter Khushbu, Mirajul Islam, Everardo Vargas-Rodriguez
29560 2024―Aug―24  [GO]  Universitas Islam Sumatera Utara Bahastra Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia Analisis Penggunaan Singkatan dan Kata Kiasan Ragam Bahasa Gaul di Media Instagram sejak Pandemi Covid-19 hingga Pascapandemi (Kajian Sosiolinguistik) Zarmila Mila, Winaria Lubis, Dadi Waras Suhardjono
29561 2024―Aug―24  [GO]  Elsevier Heliyon COVID-19 impact on wind and solar energy sector and cost of energy prediction based on machine learning Saheb Ghanbari Motlagh, Fatemeh Razi Astaraei, Mohammad Montazeri, Mohsen Bayat
29562 2024―Aug―24  [GO]  Elsevier Journal of Infection and Public Health Treatment of Persistent Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) in a B Cell Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia Patient with Using Nirmatrelvir/Ritonavir Extended Course: A Case Report Hassan Almarhabi, Aisha Alharbi, Mai Alalawi, Mohamed Firoze Ahamed, Ihab El-Hemaidi, Nader Damfu
29563 2024―Aug―24  [GO]  TARUS Media MAEDICA – a Journal of Clinical Medicine Pathophysiology and Clinical Presentation of COVID-19 in Children: Systematic Review of the Literature G. VIDYA, M. KALPANA, K. ROJA, John Ashok NITIN, Madhuri TARANIKANTI
29564 2024―Aug―24  [GO]  Elsevier EngMedicine Curtailing the spread of COVID-19 in Nigeria using digital framework and data driven approaches Bolanle Adefowoke Ojokoh, Benjamin S. Aribisala, Oluwafemi A. Sarumi, Tobore V. Igbe, Abimbola H. Afolayan, Arome J. Gabriel, et al. (+5)
29565 2024―Aug―24  [GO]  Gavin Publishers Journal of Community Medicine & Public Health Codetections of SARS-CoV-2 with Other Respiratory Viruses among Patients with COVID-19 in Senegal
29566 2024―Aug―24  [GO]  Egypts Presidential Specialized Council for Education and Scientific Research Assiut Journal of Agricultural Sciences The resulting social impacts of the spread of Covid-19 in the countryside of Assiut Governorate. Mostafa H. A. Ghanem, Gamal H. M. Al Raidi, Randa Y. M. Sultan, Ahmed Essam El Din Motawea
29567 2024―Aug―24  [GO]  Cureus, Inc. Cureus Genetic Polymorphisms of Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme 1 (ACE1) and ACE2 Associated With Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome COVID-19 in the Palestinian Population Lama AbuSaleh, Suheir Ereqat, Amer Al-Jawabreh, Abedelmajeed Nasereddin
29568 2024―Aug―24  [GO]  TARUS Media MAEDICA – a Journal of Clinical Medicine COVID-19 Infection - the Possibility to Involve Oxygen as Immunogen in the ARDS Determinism (Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome) Mihaela GHIMPU
29570 2024―Aug―24  [GO]  Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Majapahit JURNAL PENGABDIAN MASYARAKAT KESEHATAN (ABDIMAKES) Upaya Peningkatan Status Kesehatan Pada Bayi Di Masa Pandemi Covid-19 Melalui Imunisasi Dhonna Anggreni
29573 2024―Aug―24  [GO]  Egypts Presidential Specialized Council for Education and Scientific Research Egyptian Journal of Aquatic Biology and Fisheries Seasonal Change or COVID-19 More Impacting Aquafarmers' Economic? Assessing the Role of Technological Facilities in Alleviating These Vulnerabilities Aslina Nasir
29574 2024―Aug―24  [GO]  Biomedical Research Network, LLC Biomedical Journal of Scientific & Technical Research "A Comprehensive Analysis of COVID-19 Mortality Epidemiological and Demographic Variations" Murad Ali Khan
29575 2024―Aug―24  [GO]  Revista Eletronica Acervo Saude Revista Eletrônica Acervo Saúde Efeito da pandemia da COVID-19 nos atendimentos e procedimentos odontológicos realizados em município de pequeno porte Bruna Rabello Araújo, Flávia Martão Flório, Luciane Zanin de Souza
29576 2024―Aug―24  [GO]  Elsevier Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics Plus Factors for the decline of ADL before and after the COVID-19 of people with dementia in Japan Taiga Fuju, Natsumi Shinya, Kumiko Yamada, Reiko Oshima, Taiki Yoshita, Naoya Tsukii, et al. (+4)
29577 2024―Aug―24  [GO]  Elsevier Infectious Disease Modelling A Data Science Pipeline Applied to Australia’s 2022 COVID-19 Omicron Waves James M. Trauer, Angus E. Hughes, David S. Shipman, Michael T. Meehan, Alec S. Henderson, Emma S. McBryde, Romain Ragonnet
29578 2024―Aug―24  [GO]  BMJ BMJ Public Health Economic impact of COVID-19 on patients with type 2 diabetes in Kenya and Tanzania: a costing analysis Caroline H Karugu, Peter Binyaruka, Patrick G Ilboudo, Richard E Sanya, Shukri F Mohamed, Lyagamula Kisia, et al. (+10)
29579 2024―Aug―24  [GO]  Elsevier Research in Transportation Business & Management Impacts of COVID-19 on the premiums of proximity to railway stations: An in-depth analysis using passenger flows I-Chun Tsai
29580 2024―Aug―24  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Review of Industrial Organization Online Market Resilience to Economic Shocks: Evidence Based on Price Dispersion from the COVID-19 Outbreak in China Taoxiong Liu, Huolan Cheng, Jianping Liu, Zhen Sun
29583 2024―Aug―24  [GO]  Elsevier Electronic Commerce Research and Applications The role of social media communication in enhancing relationship quality and value co-creation during the covid-19 pandemic Liang Zhao, Qilin Hu, Peggy Alexopoulou, Nick Hajli
29584 2024―Aug―24  [GO]  Cureus, Inc. Cureus Identifying Lower Extremity Deformities in the Coronal Plane: Lessons From Remote Learning During the COVID-19 Pandemic Rahul Vaidya, Kadence Rosinski, Tatiana Bunge, Daniel Cavazos, Michael S Sirkin, Anagha Purushotham, et al. (+2)
29585 2024―Aug―24  [GO]  IP Innovative Publication Pvt Ltd IP Journal of Paediatrics and Nursing Science Impact of telehealth on pediatric asthma management during the COVID-19 pandemic Venkata Srilakshmi Kannepalli
29586 2024―Aug―24  [GO]  Egypts Presidential Specialized Council for Education and Scientific Research Mansoura Journal for Computer and Information Sciences Distributed ScrumFall Model: A hybrid software process model that copes with COVID-19 pandemic Doaa Elghamrawy, Amal I Abou Eleneen, Ahmed Abou Elfetouh Saleh
29587 2024―Aug―24  [GO]  Dove Medical Press Infection and Drug Resistance Severe Respiratory Syncytial Virus Infections in Elderly Persons During the COVID-19 Pandemic Daishi Shimada, Masafumi Seki
29588 2024―Aug―24  [GO]  Higher School of Translation and Interpreting Lomonosov Moscow State University Moscow University Economics Bulletin Financial contagion in raw materials markets during the COVID-19 pandemic A. O. Ovcharov, A. M. Terekhov
29589 2024―Aug―24  [GO]  Elsevier Building and Environment Individual Differences in Perceived Changes and Impacts on Wellbeing of Working from Home during the COVID-19 Pandemic Jiaxuan Xu, José Guillermo Cedeño Laurent, Vasuta Chan, Deunchalerm Khiewpun, Wendy M. Purcell, John D. Spengler, Linda Powers Tomasso
29590 2024―Aug―24  [GO]  SAGE Publications Economic and Industrial Democracy Recognition of the importance of personal demands and resources in employee well-being: Lessons for management at The State Hospital during the Covid-19 pandemic - a critical evaluation of NHS employee perceptions Bernadette Scott, Rhiannon Lammie
29591 2024―Aug―24  [GO]  TARUS Media MAEDICA – a Journal of Clinical Medicine COVID-19 Pandemic and Birth Experience. The Monopoly of Caesarean Sections. A Critical Realist Review Maria-Eleni BOUKOURA, Antigoni SARANTAKI
29592 2024―Aug―24  [GO]  State Institution - Institute of regional research named after M.I. Dolishniy of NAS of Ukraine Regional Economy Competitiveness of the tourism and recreation sector in the Carpathian region of Ukraine: the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and martial law Vasyl S. Kravtsiv, Petro V. Zhuk, Fedir Ya. Kiptach
29593 2024―Aug―24  [GO]  European Centre for Research Training and Development British Journal of Education Skill Improvement Needs of Extension Agents for Effective Extension Education Service Delivery in Covid-19 Pandemic Era B O Egbe, Ernest I. Ogba, Martha Okabe Oku, Richard Aja Osomasi
29594 2024―Aug―24  [GO]  Elsevier Computers in Human Behavior Reports Usefulness and Challenges with Blended Learning during the COVID-19 Pandemic in Ghana: The Mediating Role of Human Resource Factors Vincent Mensah-Minadzi, Moses Segbenya
29595 2024―Aug―24  [GO]  Gavin Publishers Reports on Global Health Research The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Medical Services Provided in Orthopedics and Traumatology Departments
29596 2024―Aug―24  [GO]  Elsevier Journal of Affective Disorders Reports A Systematic Review Comparing Pre-Post Covid-19 Pandemic Parenting Style and Mental Health-Related Factors Nur Asyikin Yakub, Syed Faraz Ali, Nik Daliana Nik Farid, Nurul Izzah Shari, Siti Aisyah Panatik
29597 2024―Aug―24  [GO]  Athenaeum Scientific Publishers Journal of Clinical Medical Research Molecular Diagnosis of Resistant Tuberculosis Against Rifampicin to the Patients of the Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Référence Nationale (CHU-RN): Preliminary Study During the COVID-19 Pandemic Period in N'Djamena, Chad Djamalladine Mahamat Doungous
29598 2024―Aug―24  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Archives of Dermatological Research The effect of COVID-19 pandemic upon the infectious skin diseases observed among healthcare providers Ecem Bostan, Mahmut Talha Uçar
29599 2024―Aug―24  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) BMC Nursing The impact of religious spiritual care training on the spiritual health and care burden of elderly family caregivers during the COVID-19 pandemic: a field trial study Afifeh Qorbani, Shahnaz Pouladi, Akram Farhadi, Razieh Bagherzadeh
29600 2024―Aug―24  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Current Psychology The impact of interpersonal risk communication on people’s cognitive risk perception and negative emotions during the COVID-19 pandemic: A mediation and moderation model Zakir Shah, Lu Wei, Usman Ghani
29601 2024―Aug―24  [GO]  BMJ BMJ Open Professional perspectives on facilitators and barriers for high quality provision of health, education and social care services to disabled children in England during the COVID-19 pandemic: a qualitative study Hannah Merrick, Helen Driver, Chloe Main, Lily Potts, Siân Russell, Catherine Exley, et al. (+4)
29602 2024―Aug―24  [GO]  Green Publication Educational Administration Theory and Practices Determinants Of Loan Repayment During COVID-19 Pandemic: Evidence From OMO Microfinance Institution Edris Abdela Delmolo
29603 2024―Aug―24  [GO]  Egypts Presidential Specialized Council for Education and Scientific Research Microbes and Infectious Diseases Mpox post COVID-19 pandemic: worrying and vaccine acceptance among Meknes’s population - Morocco Hajar El Omari, Karima El-Mouhdi, Fatima El Kamari, Fatima Zahra Talbi, Khadija Saka, Fouzia Dahmani, et al. (+2)
29604 2024―Aug―24  [GO]  Springer Science and Business Media LLC Journal of Marketing Analytics How did consumers retail purchasing expectations and behaviour switch due to the COVID-19 pandemic? Dan-Cristian Dabija, Veronica Câmpian, Bernd Philipp, David B. Grant
29605 2024―Aug―24  [GO]  Springer Science and Business Media LLC Scientific Reports Premature aging effects on COVID-19 pathogenesis: new insights from mouse models Wu Haoyu, Liu Meiqin, Sun Jiaoyang, Hong Guangliang, Lin Haofeng, Chen Pan, et al. (+9)
29606 2024―Aug―24  [GO]  Elsevier Current Therapeutic Research US Real-World Effectiveness Study of Nirmatrelvir/Ritonavir in Preventing Hospitalization of High-Risk COVID-19 Patients Mark R. Cullen, Xiaofeng Zhou, Scott P. Kelly, Caihua Liang, Ling Li, Rongjun Shen, et al. (+4)
29607 2024―Aug―24  [GO]  Elsevier Toxicon Efficacy of novel anticoagulants derived from tick saliva in preventing hypercoagulation among post-acute COVID-19 patients Dan Liao, Aaron Wei Liang Li, Cinthia Wan Ting Phua, Cheryl Xue Pei Chuah, Xiao Xun Yang, Tammy Xin Tian Low, et al. (+5)
29608 2024―Aug―24  [GO]  Egypts Presidential Specialized Council for Education and Scientific Research Microbial Biosystems A case study of fungal diversity and virulence factors in COVID-19 patients at Al-Muthanna Hospital in Iraq Huda R. Hashim, Wissam J. Kazem, Ali K. Kadom
29609 2024―Aug―24  [GO]  Egypts Presidential Specialized Council for Education and Scientific Research The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine Vitamin D Level and Severity of COVID-19 Patients in North Sinai Governorate, A Clinical Prospective Study
29610 2024―Aug―24  [GO]  Egypts Presidential Specialized Council for Education and Scientific Research The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine Study of Polyneuropathy Pattern in Post COVID-19 Pneumonia
29611 2024―Aug―24  [GO]  Oxford University Press Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association BioASQ Synergy: a dialogue between question-answering systems and biomedical experts for promoting COVID-19 research Anastasia Krithara, Anastasios Nentidis, Eirini Vandorou, Georgios Katsimpras, Yannis Almirantis, Magda Arnal, et al. (+12)
29612 2024―Aug―24  [GO]  EManuscript Services Journal of Data Science Informetrics and Citation Studies A Scientometric Analysis of Highly Cited Papers of Pakistan in COVID-19 Research 2020-2023 Brij Mohan Gupta, Surinder Mohan Dhawan, Yogendra Singh, Nupur Srivastava, Raju Vaishya, Mallikarjun Kappi, Ghouse Modin Nabeesab Mamdapur
29613 2024―Aug―24  [GO]  Elsevier Epidemics Preface: COVID-19 Scenario Modeling Hubs Sara L. Loo, Matteo Chinazzi, Ajitesh Srivastava, Srinivasan Venkatramanan, Shaun Truelove, Cecile Viboud
29614 2024―Aug―24  [GO]  Universitas Muhammadiyah Pringsewu Jurnal Ilmiah Kesehatan PENGALAMAN BIDAN DALAM MEMBERIKAN PELAYANAN ANTENATAL CARE PADA MASA PANDEMI COVID-19 SCOPING REVIEW Sumarni Sumarni, Andari Wuri Astuti, Zaenal Muttaqien Sofro
29615 2024―Aug―24  [GO]  Springer-Verlag European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology Asthma as a risk factor and allergic rhinitis as a protective factor for COVID-19 severity: a case-control study Martha Débora Lira Tenório, Gabriel Valentim dos Santos Menezes Siqueira, Gustavo Costa Caldas, Roque Pacheco de Almeida, Amélia Ribeiro de Jesus, Paulo Ricardo Martins-Filho
29616 2024―Aug―24  [GO]  Elsevier Economic Analysis and Policy Can stimulus checks to households save the local economy? The impact of South Korea’s COVID-19 stimulus on small business sales Jihee Kim, Susang Lee
29617 2024―Aug―24  [GO]  Wiley Infant and Child Development The longitudinal association between COVID-19 stressors and adolescents' diurnal cortisol: The mediating effects of parental anxiety and behaviours Man Li, Fengjiao He, Qili Lan, Chen Zhang, Yinyin Zang, Li Wang
29618 2024―Aug―24  [GO]  Elsevier European Journal of Internal Medicine DNA methylation levels of the ACE2 promoter are not associated with symptoms-severity and related-disability in previously hospitalized COVID-19 survivors César Fernández-de-las-Peñas, Gema Díaz-Gil, Antonio Gil-Crujera, Stella M. Gómez-Sánchez, Silvia Ambite-Quesada
29619 2024―Aug―24  [GO]  Department of Sharia Financial Management IAIN Sultan Amai Gorontalo MUTAWAZIN (Jurnal Ekonomi Syariah) DAMPAK COVID-19 TERHADAP PEREKONOMIAN USAHA MIKRO KECIL DAN MENENGAH DI KABUPATEN GORONTALO Imran Danial
29620 2024―Aug―24  [GO]  Egypts Presidential Specialized Council for Education and Scientific Research The Egyptian Journal of Community Medicine Utilization of Coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) vaccination among healthcare workers in Minia Governorate, Egypt sara mesbah sayed, mayada ahmed noor el-din, emad gergis kamel, shimaa mahmoud ahmed, sara ahmed refaei
29621 2024―Aug―24  [GO]  Gavin Publishers Annals of Case Reports Immune Response to COVID-19 Vaccine in People with Type 1 Diabetes. A Monocentric Prospective Evaluation
29622 2024―Aug―24  [GO]  BMJ BMJ Open Community-engaged randomised controlled trial to disseminate COVID-19 vaccine-related information and increase uptake among Black individuals in two US cities with rheumatic conditions Greta Sirek, Daniel Erickson, Lutfiyya N Muhammad, Elena Losina, Mia T Chandler, Mary Beth Son, et al. (+14)
29623 2024―Aug―24  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Infectious Diseases and Therapy A Response to: A Letter to the Editor Regarding ‘Comparative Effectiveness of mRNA-1273 and BNT162b2 COVID-19 Vaccines Among Older Adults: Systematic Literature Review and Meta-Analysis Using the GRADE Framework’ Ekkehard Beck, Mary T. Bausch-Jurken, Nicolas Van de Velde, Xuan Wang, Mia Malmenäs
29624 2024―Aug―24  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Infectious Diseases and Therapy A Letter to the Editor Regarding ‘Comparative Effectiveness of mRNA-1273 and BNT162b2 COVID-19 Vaccines Among Older Adults: Systematic Literature Review and Meta-analysis Using the GRADE Framework’ Hannah R. Volkman, Jennifer L. Nguyen, Luis Jodar, John M. McLaughlin
29625 2024―Aug―24  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Infectious Diseases and Therapy Correction to: Comparative Effectiveness of mRNA-1273 and BNT162b2 COVID-19 Vaccines Among Older Adults: Systematic Literature Review and Meta-Analysis Using the GRADE Framework Sushma Kavikondala, Katrin Haeussler, Xuan Wang, Mary T. Bausch-Jurken, Maria Nassim, Nitendra Kumar Mishra, et al. (+5)
29626 2024―Aug―24  [GO]  Egypts Presidential Specialized Council for Education and Scientific Research Journal of Languages and Translation „Mitbürgerin“ vs. „Kriegsherr“. Eine Untersuchung der Persuasionsstrategien politischen Diskurses während der Covid-19-Pandemie am Beispiel Merkels und Macrons Reden Mahmoud Abdallah
29627 2024―Aug―24  [GO]  Cureus, Inc. Cureus Brain Arteriovenous Malformation Hemorrhage and Pituitary Adenoma in a COVID-19-Positive Patient Edgar Nathal, Eliezer Villanueva-Castro, Alma Ortiz-Plata, Alejandro Serrano-Rubio, Martha Lilia Tena Suck
29629 2024―Aug―24  [GO]  Knowledge E Frontiers in Emergency Medicine Intravascular volume status in patients with moderate to severe COVID-19: a case series Hamideh Akbari, Arash Safaei, Atousa Akhgar
29630 2024―Aug―24  [GO]  Green Publication Educational Administration Theory and Practice Mental Hygiene Level Of Undergraduate Students Post Pandemic Covid-19: A Survey After 2 Years Of The Pandemic Adnan Fadkhurosi
29631 2024―Aug―24  [GO]  TARUS Media MAEDICA – a Journal of Clinical Medicine Fighting Covid-19: De novo Implementation of 19th Century Greek Measures Spyros N. MICHALEAS, Gregory TSOUCALAS, George ANDROUTSOS, Marianna KARAMANOU
29632 2024―Aug―24  [GO]  TARUS Media MAEDICA – a Journal of Clinical Medicine Covid-19: Face Mask Protection in the Pediatric Setting Ioannis XINIAS, Antigoni MAVROUDI, Fotios KIRVASSILIS, Charalampos ANTACHOPOULOS, Emmanouel ROILIDES
29633 2024―Aug―24  [GO]  Knowledge E Immunology and Genetics Journal Vitamins in COVID-19: Probable Mechanisms and Efficacy Soroush Najdaghi, Sepideh Razi, Amene Saghazadeh
29634 2024―Aug―24  [GO]  Russkiy Vrach Publishing House Vrach Peripheral nervous system damage in coronavirus infection: research results N. Amosova, S. Kucherenko, V. Ratnikov, T. Alekseeva
29635 2024―Aug―24  [GO]  Elsevier Virus Research Eco-friendly synthesis of silver nanoparticles from peel and juice C. limon and their antiviral efficacy against HSV-1 and SARS-CoV-2 Federica Dell'Annunziata, Ekaterine Mosidze, Veronica Folliero, Erwin P. Lamparelli, Valentina Lopardo, Pasquale Pagliano, et al. (+4)
29636 2024―Aug―24  [GO]  Elsevier International Journal of Biological Macromolecules Targeting host inducible-heat shock protein 70 with PES-Cl is a promising antiviral strategy against SARS-CoV-2 infection and pathogenesis Prerna Joshi, Swati Garg, Shailendra Mani, Rumaisha Shoaib, Kamini Jakhar, Haider Thaer Abdulhameed Almuqdadi, et al. (+11)
29637 2024―Aug―24  [GO]  Springer Science and Business Media LLC npj Viruses SARS-CoV-2 infection results in a unique lung proteome long after virus resolution in the hamster Amrit S. Boese, Bryce M. Warner, Peter McQueen, Robert Vendramelli, Nikesh Tailor, Bryan D. Griffin, et al. (+7)
29638 2024―Aug―24  [GO]  Athenaeum Scientific Publishers Journal of Surgery Research and Practice Diagnostic Profile Comparison of the SARS-CoV-2 Pre-Pandemic and Pandemic Periods at the Gaffrée E Guinle University Hospital Garritano C
29639 2024―Aug―24  [GO]  Athenaeum Scientific Publishers Journal of Surgery Research and Practice Surgical Profile Comparison of the SARS-CoV-2 Pre-Pandemic and Pandemic Periods at the Gaffrée E Guinle University Hospital Garritano C
29640 2024―Aug―24  [GO]  Elsevier International Journal of Biological Macromolecules Effect of chitooligosaccharide on the binding domain of the SARS-COV-2 receptor Yue Li, Chunyu Zhao, Zihui Zhuang, Uk Yeol Moon, Jeongwoo Park, Eui-Hwan Choi, et al. (+2)
29641 2024―Aug―24  [GO]  Elsevier Vaccine Delayed peak antibody titers after the second dose of SARS-CoV-2 vaccine in solid organ transplant recipients: Prospective cohort study Kohei Unagami, Mikiko Yoshikawa, Hiroto Egawa, Satoko Ohfuji, Yoichiro Natori, Rikako Oki, et al. (+26)
29642 2024―Aug―24  [GO]  Elsevier Journal of Ethnopharmacology Diosmetin-7-O-β-D-glucopyranoside from Pogostemonis Herba alleviated SARS-CoV-2-induced pneumonia by reshaping macrophage polarization and limiting viral replication Yun-Lu Xu, Xue-Jian Li, Wei Cai, Wen-Ying Yu, Jing Chen, Qin Lee, et al. (+6)
29643 2024―Aug―24  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Archives of Virology Transcriptional kinetics of NADC34-like porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus during cellular infection Riteng Zhang, Hui Li, Honglin Xie, Peixin Wang, Chenfei Yu, Junda Li, et al. (+4)
29645 2024―Aug―24  [GO]  Everant Journals INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MULTIDISCIPLINARY RESEARCH AND ANALYSIS Learning Environment in a Pandemic Gennevie Mae C. Fernando
29646 2024―Aug―24  [GO]  European Centre for Research Training and Development British Journal of Education Learning via MOOCs during the COVID 19 pandemic : perceptions of students and teachers at Cadi Ayyad University, Morocco Soukaina Essalih, Salah-eddine Khzami
29647 2024―Aug―24  [GO]  SAGE Publications Educational Policy The State of Elementary School Recess in Georgia: Policy, the Pandemic, and Patterns of Play Karyn A Allee, Erica DeCuir, Dawn M Robinson
29648 2024―Aug―24  [GO]  Elsevier Technological Forecasting and Social Change Exam scheduling under pandemic conditions: A mathematical model and decision support system Zehra Kamisli Ozturk, Huseyin Sercan Gundogan, Emre Mumyakmaz, Tugra Kececioglu
29649 2024―Aug―24  [GO]  Wiley Contact Dermatitis Pandemic of sensitivity to acrylate containing nail cosmetic among young Israeli women? Result of patch testing 2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate in the European baseline series D. Hilewitz, A. Trattner, O. Reiter, V. Uvaidov, Y. Noyman, E. Solomon Cohen, et al. (+3)
29650 2024―Aug―24  [GO]  Revista Ibero-Americana de Humanidades, Ciencias e Educacao Revista Ibero-Americana de Humanidades Ciências e Educação ASPECTOS MOTIVACIONAIS NA DOAÇÃO DE SANGUE NO PERÍODO DE PANDEMIA: UM ESTUDO TRANSVERSAL","MOTIVATIONAL ASPECTS IN BLOOD DONATION IN THE PANDEMIC PERIOD: A CROSS-SECTIONAL STUDY","ASPECTOS MOTIVACIONALES EN LA DONACIÓN DE SANGRE DURANTE EL PERÍODO DE PANDEMIA: UN ESTUDIO TRANSVERSAL Bianca Andrade Borsato, Caroline Bitencourt Silva Miranda, Hayssa Silva Bizotti, Maria Eduarda de Moura Soares, Rafaela Labiapari, Daniela de Oliveira Werneck Rodrigues, et al. (+2)
29651 2024―Aug―24  [GO]  Elsevier Socio-Economic Planning Sciences WHO Non-communicable Diseases Global Monitoring Framework: Pandemic Resilience in Sub-Saharan Africa and Low-Income Countries Shimaa Elkomy, Tim Jackson
29652 2024―Aug―24  [GO]  Hindawi Limited Transboundary and Emerging Diseases Major Shift of Influenza A Virus of Swine (IAV-S) by Human-to-Swine Spillover of the 2009 Pandemic Virus in Korea Seung-Chai Kim, Taek Geun Lee, Eun-Jee Na, Sung-Hyun Moon, Hwan-Ju Kim, Chang-Gi Jeong, et al. (+7)
29653 2024―Aug―24  [GO]  Crimson Publishers COJ Nursing & Healthcare "Health Politicization and Misinformation have Increased the Damage of the Covid 19 Pandemic" Fernando Tadeu Serra
29654 2024―Aug―24  [GO]  Crimson Publishers COJ Nursing & Healthcare Unique Grief During a Pandemic: First-Hand Experience at a Residential Aged Care Facility Felix S F Ram
29655 2024―Aug―24  [GO]  Gavin Publishers Annals of Case Reports Improvement in Long COVID Symptoms in Two Individuals Treated with Baricitinib
29656 2024―Aug―24  [GO]  Elsevier Vaccine Identification of gene and protein signatures associated with long-term effects of COVID-19 on the immune system after patient recovery by analyzing single-cell multi-omics data using a machine learning approach JingXin Ren, Qian Gao, XianChao Zhou, Lei Chen, Wei Guo, KaiYan Feng, et al. (+3)
29657 2024―Aug―24  [GO]  Elsevier Vaccine Patterns and predictors of COVID-19 vaccination among young adults at 44 US sites: Secondary analysis of a randomized, controlled, open-label trial, March - December 2021 Nadja A. Vielot, Nicole K. Kelly, Christina Ludema, Molly Rosenberg, Elizabeth R. Brown, Holly E. Janes, et al. (+4)
29658 2024―Aug―24  [GO]  Yayasan Tauladan Fatimah Az-Zahra Journal of Educational Technology and Instruction One Size Does Not Fit All: Lessons from a Case Study during COVID-19 Junpyo Park
29659 2024―Aug―24  [GO]  Universitas Islam Sumatera Utara JET (Journal of Electrical Technology) Studi Keandalan Sistem Distribusi Wilayah PT. PLN ULP Stabat Selama Masa Pandemi Covid-19 Menggunakan Metode Failure Mode Effect Analysis Raja Harahap, Bungaran Rio Bimantoro
29660 2024―Aug―24  [GO]  Aura International International Journal of Advanced Research Trends in Science Impact of covid-19 pandemic on agricultural production and food system in India Sayyed Juned Allahbaksh, Nahire Dinesh Jagannath
29661 2024―Aug―24  [GO]  Fakultas Syariah UIN Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten Jurnal Mahasiswa Hukum Islam Pernikahan Online pada Masa Darurat Pandemi Covid-19 Perspektif Hukum Islam Alvi Aprian, Ade Mulyana
29662 2024―Aug―24  [GO]  Elsevier Heliyon Unraveling the relevance of SARS-Cov-2 infection and ferroptosis within the heart of COVID-19 patients Amin Alizadeh Saghati, Zahra Sharifi, Mehdi Hatamikhah, Marieh Salimi, Mahmood Talkhabi
29663 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  CV. Syntax Corporation Indonesia Syntax Literate Jurnal Ilmiah Indonesia Pengaruh Faktor Internal dan Eksternal Terhadap Return Saham (Studi Kasus Perusahaan Perbankan yang Terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia Tahun 2015-2020) Sebelum dan Sesudah Pandemi Covid-19 Davy Parsaoran Hinsa, Meiranda Meiranda, Ratlan Pardede
29664 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  University of Calgary The School of Public Policy Publications Economic Policy Trends: The Bank of Canada's Response to COVID-19 and the Collapse in World Oil Prices Scott Cameron
29665 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta ISTORIA Jurnal Pendidikan dan Ilmu Sejarah Efektifitas Penggunaan Aplikasi Zoom Meeting Dalam Pembelajaran Di Masa Pandemi Covid-19 Gazali Far-Far
29666 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  Yayasan Sagita Akademia Maju Future Academia The Journal of Multidisciplinary Research on Scientific and Advanced Analisis Kinerja Keuangan Perusahaan Sub Sektor Restoran, Hotel, Dan Pariwisata Yang Terdaftar Di Bursa Efek Indonesia Pada Masa Pandemi Covid-19 Syifa Irtiyah Yusuf, M. Ridwan Tikollah, Hariany Idris
29667 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Administrasi (STIA) Bengkulu Jurnal STIA Bengkulu Committe to Administration for Education Quality Pengawasan Kepala Dinas Bina Marga dan Bina Konstruksi Provinsi Lampung Dalam Melakukan Kegiatan Rutin Perawatan Jalan Kota Bandar Lampung di Era Covid-19 M Ajie SetyaJ, Ida Faridah
29668 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  University of Calgary The School of Public Policy Publications Economic Policy Trends: COVID-19 and Recent Post-Secondary Graduates Kelly Foley, Christine Niell
29669 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  Centers For Disease Control and Prevention Emerging Infectious Diseases Immunocompetent Patient Co-Infected with COVID-19 and Non-HIV Severe Pneumocystis jirovecii Pneumonia Songsong Yu, Tiecheng Yang
29670 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Supportive Care in Cancer Oral antivirals for COVID-19 among patients with cancer: correspondence Hinpetch Daungsupawong, Viroj Wiwanitkit
29671 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  MDPI AG Diagnostics AI-Enhanced ECG Applications in Cardiology: Comprehensive Insights from the Current Literature with a Focus on COVID-19 and Multiple Cardiovascular Conditions Luiza Camelia Nechita, Aurel Nechita, Andreea Elena Voipan, Daniel Voipan, Mihaela Debita, Ana Fulga, et al. (+2)
29672 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  Elsevier The Lancet Regional Health - Europe COVID-19 and multiple sclerosis: challenges and lessons for patient care Luca Prosperini, Georgina Arrambide, Elisabeth G. Celius, Delia Goletti, Joep Killestein, Daphne Kos, et al. (+6)
29673 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  Gazi Journal of Health Sciences, Gazi University Gazi Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi COVID-19, Afetler ve Akıllı Telefon Bağımlılığının Adölesan Ruh Sağlığı Üzerine Etkileri Elif Simay Koç, Hatice Oğuzhan
29674 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  MedCrave Group Journal of Human Virology & Retrovirology Incidence and severity of COVID-19 among HIV positive patients with existing co-morbidities Raphael Mwamtsi Lwembe, Joseph Newton Guni, Mary Muyeku, Lihana Wekesa, Joseph Muriuki, Joseph Mwangi, et al. (+9)
29675 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  University of Calgary The School of Public Policy Publications Fiscal Policy Trends: COVID-19 & Trends in Income Assistance Caseloads Gillian Petit, Lindsay Tedds
29676 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  Ovid Critical Care Explorations Impact of Hemoglobin Levels on Composite Cardiac Arrest or Stroke Outcome in Patients With Respiratory Failure Due to COVID-19 Shi Nan Feng, Thu-Lan Kelly, John F. Fraser, Gianluigi Li Bassi, Jacky Suen, Akram Zaaqoq, et al. (+7)
29677 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  Frontiers Media SA Frontiers in Endocrinology The relation between FT3 and long-term fatigue in patients with COVID-19 Shuo Dong, FanRui Ding, Yuan Wang, Shuo Liu, Ran Bai, YuanYuan Liu, et al. (+5)
29678 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  Emerald (MCB UP) Qualitative Research in Accounting & Management Utilisation of voluntary disclosure via social media as a strategic response to COVID-19 Justin Stevenson, Maryam Safari, Huan Vo-Tran, Naomi Whiteside
29679 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Marendeng Majene Jurnal Kesehatan Marendeng ANALISIS ANALISIS FAKTOR YANG MEMPENGARUHI STRESS KERJA PERAWAT SEBAGAI PETUGAS GUGUS COVID-19 Nurpadila Dila Nurpadila
29680 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  In-Trend Tuberkulez i socialʹno značimye zabolevaniâ The development of early acute respiratory distress-syndrome and the collapse of the capsule of fibrous-focal pulmonary tuberculosis against the background of infection with COVID-19 O. V. Alpidovskaya
29681 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  Virtus Interpress Corporate Governance and Organizational Behavior Review Digital transformation challenges in higher education institutions post COVID-19 Nobuhle Elizabeth Ndaba, Gedala Mulliah Naidoo
29683 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  Universitas Cendrawasih ACROPORA Jurnal Ilmu Kelautan dan Perikanan Papua Rantai Pasar Ikan Cakalang Asap Pada Masa Pandemi Covid-19 Dan New Normal Di Kota Jayapura Lolita Tuhumena, Basa T. Rumahorbo Rumahorbo, Grisella M. S. P. Rewang, Vera K. Mandey
29684 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  Contemporary Educational Technology Contemporary Educational Technology Evaluating the impact of digital dance competitions on university students’ digital competence amidst COVID-19 Jhon Holguin-Alvarez, Juan Apaza-Quispe
29685 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  Elsevier Heliyon Clinical utility of the neutrophil elastase inhibitor sivelestat for the treatment of ALI/ARDS patients with COVID-19 Ruiying Wang, Junping Yin, Jian Li, Xueli Bai, Hu Liu, Mengyu Cheng, et al. (+4)
29686 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Scientometrics Research topic displacement and the lack of interdisciplinarity: lessons from the scientific response to COVID-19 Eva Seidlmayer, Tetyana Melnychuk, Lukas Galke, Lisa Kühnel, Klaus Tochtermann, Carsten Schultz, Konrad U. Förstner
29688 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  International Journal Of Advanced Research International Journal of Advanced Research DIAGNOSIS, TREATMENT AND PREVENTIONS OF COVID-19 Khushmeen Kaur, Himani Diman
29689 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  Bentham Science Coronaviruses Market Scenario of Medicinal Plants: Understanding the Condition during COVID-19 Bibin Bose, S. Siva Kumar
29690 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  EDP Sciences BIO Web of Conferences Pathogenesis and Clinical Research Progress of COVID-19 Chunqian Zheng, Y. Chen, D. Zhang, Q. Liang
29691 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  Elmer Press, Inc. Journal of Medical Cases Hemophagocytic Lymphohistiocytosis Secondary to Acute Human Immunodeficiency Virus and COVID-19 Selia Chowdhury, Harshavardhan Sanekommu, Paula Gonzalez, Evgeniya Angelova, Swapnil Patel
29692 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  University of Calgary The School of Public Policy Publications Infrastructure Policy Trends: The Digital Divide and the Lack of Broadband Access During COVID-19 Katharina Koch
29693 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) BMC Research Notes Evaluation of circulating microvesicles and their procoagulant activity in patients with COVID-19 Akbar Hashemi Tayer, Hossein Kargar Jahromi, Maryam Kamravan, Farzad Farhangdoost, Tara Ahmadi, Mohammadhossein Kolaei
29694 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  State University of Malang (UM) Flourishing Journal Peningkatan Adiksi Internet Selama Pandemi COVID-19 Ditinjau Dari Perspektif Psikologi Sosial Annisyah Rahmania Rayhan
29695 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  Pleiades Publishing Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics New Transformed Estimators in the Presence of Missing Data: A Case Study on COVID-19 Natthapat Thongsak, Nuanpan Lawson
29696 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  University of Calgary The School of Public Policy Publications Energy and Environmental Policy Trends: Power in the Time of COVID-19 Blake Shaffer, Andrew Leach, Nic Rivers
29697 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  Francis Academic Press Ltd. Academic Journal of Business & Management The Impact of the COVID-19 Epidemic on China's Economy, Policy Implementation, and Future Prospects Impact on China's Economy
29698 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  Universitas Ahmad Dahlan TELKOMNIKA (Telecommunication Computing Electronics and Control) A high accuracy of deep learning based CNN architecture: classic, VGGNet, and RestNet50 for Covid-19 image classification Ibnu Utomo Wahyu Mulyono, Eko Hari Rachmawanto, Christy Atika Sari, Md Kamruzzaman Sarker
29699 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  Universidad Catolica de Temuco Sustainability Agri Food and Environmental Research Future Healthcare Facility Design: Fixing the broken healthcare system post COVID-19 Md Haseen Akhtar, Janakarajan Ramkumar
29700 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  Universidad Militar Nueva Granada Revista latinoamericana de bioética Bioethical Crossroads: the Case of the Oxford-AstraZeneca azd1222 Vaccine Against covid-19 Fabio Alberto Garzón Díaz
29701 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  JABB - Journal of Animal Behaviour and Biometeorology Multidisciplinary Science Journal Development through ICT: A study on teachers’ perspectives on challenges in online education for tribal students amid COVID-19 Sheen Thankalayam, Parashurama Kamath, Jais Merlin P. Augustine
29702 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  Elsevier The Lancet Infectious Diseases First report from the UK COVID-19 Inquiry Talha Burki
29703 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  Universidad Americana Academo Revista de Investigación en Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades Experiencias parentales desde la perspectiva del burnout parental en contexto de pandemia por COVID-19 Kenny Conejeros-Álvarez, Jorge Vergara Morales, Juan Pablo Ogueda
29704 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  Universidad Americana Academo Revista de Investigación en Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades Comparación de la inflación-desempleo de Estados Unidos y México al inicio de la pandemia de COVID-19 Ricardo Cristhian Morales Pelagio, Oscar Robles Ulloa, Alejandra Azeneth Mora Gutiérrez
29705 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  EnPress Publisher Journal of Infrastructure Policy and Development Investigating the impacts of COVID-19 on the built environment: The Fourth Industrial Revolution application’s role via unexplored approach Andrew Ebekozien, Mohamed Ahmed Hafez Ahmed, Wellington Didibhuku Thwala, Clinton Aigbavboa, Mohamad Shaharudin Samsurijan
29706 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro UNIRIO Revista de Pesquisa Cuidado é Fundamental Online Occupational stress of intensive care nurses during covid-19 / Estresse ocupacional de enfermeiros intensivistas durante a covid-19 Natalia Paiva da Silva, Francisco Railson Bispo de Barros, Mauro Leonardo Salvador Caldeira dos Santos, Fernando Bernardo de Oliveira, Eliene Mendes de Oliveira, Marcella Lima Marinho
29707 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  Elsevier Seminars in Hematology The winding road: Infectious disease considerations for CAR-T and other novel adoptive cellular therapies in the era of COVID-19 Kanal Singh, Joseph M. Rocco, Veronique Nussenblatt
29708 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  Elsevier Nefrología Long-term outcomes after AKI in hospitalized patients with COVID-19 Bernardo Marques da Silva, Joana Gameiro, Joana Lei Teixeira, Cláudia Costa, Carolina Branco, João Oliveira, et al. (+4)
29709 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  Ovid Infectious Diseases in Clinical Practice Improving Antimicrobial Stewardship During the COVID-19 Pandemic Mahboubeh Haddad, Sepideh Elyasi, Fereshte Sheybani, Zahra Sadat Mireskandari, Negar Morovatdar
29710 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  Elsevier Mental Health and Physical Activity Physical Activity and Depression During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Australia: A Twin Study Julia M. Caruana, Jesse T. Young, Jessica Tyler, Paulo H. Ferreira, Sue Malta, John L. Hopper, Lucas Calais-Ferreira
29711 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  Emerald (MCB UP) Global Knowledge Memory and Communication Alternative to health consultations or safe spaces? Pregnant women’s health information-seeking behaviour online during the COVID-19 pandemic in Nigeria Moyosore Alade, Bernice Sanusi
29712 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  Elsevier Annals of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine One-year evaluation of people recovering from COVID-19 receiving allied primary healthcare: A nationwide prospective cohort study Marissa H.G. Gerards, Anne I. Slotegraaf, Arie C. Verburg, Hinke M. Kruizenga, Edith H.C. Cup, Johanna G. Kalf, et al. (+9)
29714 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  Institut Agama Islam (IAI DDI) Polewali Mandar JISH Jurnal Ilmu Syariah dan Hukum Tinjauan hukum Islam pelaksanaan vaksinsi covid-19 Terhadap anak di bawah umur (6-11) Tahun di Desa Pussui Barat Resmi Resmi, Abdul Latif, Bulkis Bulkis
29715 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  Universitas Musamus Merauke Musamus Journal of Economics Development ANALISIS DAMPAK PENDEMI COVID-19 TERHADAP TINGKAT DAYA BELI MASYARAKAT DAN PENDAPATAN UMKM DI DISTRIK MERAUKE Marthen Ai Nahumury, Brigta Brigta Brigta
29716 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  Korean Society of Biological Nursing Science Journal of Korean Biological Nursing Science Nurses' vaccination acceptance and related factors in the initial stage of COVID-19 vaccination in Korea: a cross-sectional study Kyoung Ha Kim, Jae Sim Jeong
29717 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  Elsevier Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis “2023 ISTH update of the 2022 ISTH guidelines for antithrombotic treatment in COVID-19”: comment from Flumignan et al. Ronald Luiz Gomes Flumignan, Luis Carlos Uta Nakano, Jorge Eduardo de Amorim, Álvaro Nagib Atallah
29718 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  Elsevier Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis “2023 ISTH update of the 2022 ISTH guidelines for antithrombotic treatment in COVID-19”: reply Sam Schulman, Helaine E. Resnick
29719 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  Elsevier Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Canada Length of postpartum hospital stays during COVID-19: Findings from a convergent parallel mixed-methods study Rebecca H. Correia, Devon Greyson, Andrea Carruthers, Cassandra Kuyvenhoven, David Kirkwood, Aaron Jones, et al. (+7)
29720 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  State University of Malang (UM) Flourishing Journal Education in a Post Covid-19: Penyesuaian Diri Mahasiswa Psikologi Universitas Negeri Malang dalam Menghadapi Pembelajaran Luring Dhiya Fauziyyah Sudirman
29721 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta MAJORA Majalah Ilmiah Olahraga PROMOSI KESEHATAN DI PERGURUAN TINGGI PASCA PANDEMI COVID-19: PROMOSI KESEHATAN MELALUI STRATEGI MULUT KE MULUT DAN MEDIA SOSIAL Danny Eka Wahyu Saputra, Puji Asmawati, Kamal Bin Talib
29722 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  Elsevier International Journal of Infectious Diseases Solid organ transplant in recipients with ongoing SARS-CoV-2 infection: A systematic review of case reports and series Andrea Lombardi, Marta Colaneri, Cecilia Azzarà, Paola Saltini, Giulia Viero, Emanuele Palomba, et al. (+3)
29723 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  Springer Science and Business Media LLC Scientific Reports Author Correction: The relationship between spiritual health and COVID-19 anxiety among nurses: a national online cross-sectional study Arezoo Davarinia Motlagh Quchan, Fatemeh Mohammadzadeh, Zohreh Mohamadzadeh Tabrizi, Narjes Bahri
29724 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  University of Calgary The School of Public Policy Publications COVID-19 as a tool of information confrontation: Russia's approach Sergey Sukhankin
29725 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) BMC Infectious Diseases Risk Factors of COVID-19 associated mucormycosis in Iranian patients: a multicenter study Bahram Eshraghi, Behzad Khademi, Majid Mirmohammadkhani, Gholamreza Khataminia, Hossein Ghahvehchian, Mohammad Yaser Kiarudi, et al. (+26)
29726 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  Elsevier Contraception Adaptations to COVID-19 by US abortion clinics: analysis of Society of Family Planning survey data Elizabeth Kravitz, Jessica Chen, Jessica Wu, Kira Bromwich, Nathanael Koelper, Arden McAllister, Sarita Sonalkar
29727 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  Public Library of Science PLoS ONE The role of complement and extracellular vesicles in the development of pulmonary embolism in severe COVID-19 cases Gabriel Dumitrescu, Jovan Antovic, Nida Soutari, Charlotte Gran, Aleksandra Antovic, Kais Al-Abani, et al. (+4)
29728 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  Public Library of Science PLoS ONE Prediction of daily new COVID-19 cases - Difficulties and possible solutions Xiaoping Liu, A. Courtney DeVries, Md Abdul Kuddus
29729 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  TMR Publishing Group Infectious Diseases Research Anti-corisin immunotherapy: therapeutic perspective for reducing the risk of developing COVID-19 coagulopathy? Lippi Giuseppe
29730 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  Medwell Publications Research Journal of Medical Sciences Clinical Outcomes Of Acute Abdomen Cases During The COVID-19 Crisis At Government Medical College And Hospital, Mahabubnagar, Telangana, India M. Aparna, Gadula Vamshi Yadav, A. Laxmi Padma Priya, K. Jeevan, E. Chandrasekhara Reddy
29731 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  Fortune Journals Archives of Microbiology & Immunology Analysis of Some Societal Factors Constraining COVID-19, Dengue, Malaria and Tick-Borne Borreliosis Control Ranjan Ramasamy
29732 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  JABB - Journal of Animal Behaviour and Biometeorology Multidisciplinary Science Journal Fully automated real-time approach for human temperature prediction and COVID-19 detection-based thermal skin face extraction using deep semantic segmentation Adil Al-Azzawi, Mohammed Khaleel Hussein
29733 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  Institut Agama Islam Nasional Laa Roiba Bogor VISA Journal of Vision and Ideas Tinjauan Kriminologi Tentang Korupsi dalam Penyaluran Bantuan Sosial Covid-19 di Indonesia Fatimah Cahya Amani
29734 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Empirical Economics COVID-19 diagnoses and university student performance: evidence from linked administrative health and education data Timothy F. Harris, C. Lockwood Reynolds
29735 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  Frontiers Media SA Frontiers in Molecular Biosciences Cross comparison of alternative diagnostic protocols including substitution to the clinical sample, RNA extraction method and nucleic acid amplification technology for COVID-19 diagnosis Ismael Segura-Ulate, Navilla Apú, Bernal Cortés, Jordi Querol-Audi, Yamitzel Zaldívar, Carlos Alexander Ortega, et al. (+3)
29736 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  Elsevier The Lancet Regional Health - Europe COVID-19 diagnosis, vaccination during pregnancy, and adverse pregnancy outcomes of 865,654 women in England and Wales: a population-based cohort study Elena Raffetti, Thomas Bolton, John Nolan, Luisa Zuccolo, Rachel Denholm, Gordon Smith, et al. (+9)
29737 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  Universidad Catolica de Temuco Sustainability Agri Food and Environmental Research Effects of COVID-19 disinfectants on the environment F. O Ekhaise, B. Ikhajiagbe, P. I. Odozi, J. O. Erhabor, A Enaigbe, K. E Enerijiofi
29738 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  Revista Brasileira De Cancerologia (RBC) Revista Brasileira de Cancerologia Análise da Sobrevida de Pacientes Submetidos a Transplante Alogênico de Células Progenitoras Hematopoiéticas na Pré e na Pandemia de Covid-19 em um Hospital do Rio de Janeiro Pedro Felipe Couto Vieira, Jackeline Christiane Pinto Lobato, Carla Cristina Pedrosa de Lira de Morais, Rômulo Gonçalves Galvani, Marina Vieira Agostinho Pereira, Amanda Moura de Souza
29739 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  Universidad de Lima Persona Pandemia y salud mental: predictores del miedo al coronavirus (COVID-19) en jóvenes y adultos peruanos Rocio Soto Bustamante, Javier Sánchez Calderón, Doris Miranda Huaynalaya
29740 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  Empresa Publica de Servicios Generales e Ingenieria Utm Revista PSIDIAL Psicología y Diálogo de Saberes ISSN 2806-5972 Afectaciones del COVID-19 en la salud mental de estudiantes universitarios Roque Adrian Solorzano Castro, Giomara Jessenia Basurto Soza, Corina Nohemy Molina Gorozabel, Lourdes Monserrate Mendoza Marcillo
29741 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  Elsevier Socio-Economic Planning Sciences Exploring the Nexus between ESG Risk Variations and Investment Preferences: Insights from Sustainable ETFs during the COVID-19 Era Giovanni Catello Landi, Lorenzo Turriziani, Valerio Muto, Irene Ricciardi
29742 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta Jurnal Ekonomi dan Pendidikan DOES COVID-19 EXACERBATE POVERTY RATE IN INDONESIA? Birgitta Dian Saraswati, Fajar Setiawan, Virgiana Nugransih Siwi
29743 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  Elsevier The Lancet Strengthening community resilience: lessons from COVID-19 for mpox prevention Francesco Branda, Giancarlo Ceccarelli, Massimo Ciccozzi, Fabio Scarpa
29744 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  SAGE Publications Nursing Ethics COVID-19 guidelines and media influenced ethical care in nursing homes Caroline Wachtler, Monica Bergqvist, Pia Bastholm-Rahmner, Lars L Gustafsson, Katharina Schmidt-Mende
29745 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  UKI Press Fundamental Management Journal Evaluation of the COVID-19 Handling Programs and National Economic Recovery in Indonesia Posma Sariguna Johnson Kennedy
29746 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  Elsevier The Lancet Regional Health - Europe Emerging trends and challenges in multiple sclerosis in Europe: rethinking classification and addressing COVID-19 impact Catharina Korsukewitz, Heinz Wiendl
29747 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  Elsevier Surgery Open Science Appendectomy: Cross-sectional study of the effects of COVID-19 in a hospital in South Brazil Tierre Aguiar Gonçales, Thiago Lucas Bastos de Melo Moszkowicz, Mariana Severo Debastiani, Marcos Souza Parreira, Julia Kasali Lima, Rafael José Vargas Alves, Claudia Giuliano Bica
29748 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  MDPI AG Medicina Clinical Characteristics, Prognostic Factors, and Outcomes of COVID-19 in Autoimmune Rheumatic Disease Patients: A Retrospective Case-Control Study from Astana, Kazakhstan Kristina Rutskaya-Moroshan, Saule Abisheva, Anilim Abisheva, Zhadra Amangeldiyeva, Tatyana Vinnik, Tansholpan Batyrkhan
29749 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  Elsevier Science Bulletin Mitigated transmission and health impact of COVID-19 in Beijing, China during spring 2024: comparison with the global trends Ying Shen, Zhaomin Feng, Daitao Zhang, Xiaoli Wang, Ying Sun, Fu Li, et al. (+5)
29750 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  Scientific Research Publishing, Inc. Open Journal of Epidemiology Pattern of Potential Laboratory Markers for COVID-19 in Eastern Sudan Nazik Sir El Khatim Bakhit Suliman, Mohammed Omer Abaker Gibreel, Mervat Sir El Khatim Bakhit Suliman
29751 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  PeerJ PeerJ Prevalence of physical, psychological and sexual intimate partner violence among women of reproductive age during COVID-19 in Ethiopia: a systematic review and meta-analysis Aragaw Asfaw Hasen, Abubeker Alebachew Seid, Ahmed Adem Mohammed, Kassaye Getaneh Arge
29752 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  Elsevier New Microbes and New Infections Co-infections of SARS-CoV-2 with respiratory syncytial virus and human influenza A in patients with symptoms of COVID-19 in Ghana: A retrospective study Kwabena Obeng Duedu, Jones Gyamfi, Reuben Ayivor-Djanie, Godknows Afenya, Isaac Buertey Agbuglah, Hubert Kwame Agbogli, et al. (+3)
29753 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) BMC Infectious Diseases Severe COVID-19 in HIV/Leishmania infantum coinfected patient: a successfully managed case report Pablo Cantalice Santos Farias, Gilberto Silva Nunes Bezerra, Patrícia Areias Feitosa Neves, Leandro Pimentel Cabral, Walter Lins Barbosa Júnior, Diego Lins Guedes, et al. (+6)
29754 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) BMC Research Notes The relationship between social media dependency and psychological distress due to misunderstanding and fear of COVID-19 in medical students Parmida Vaezpour, Mohamad Ali Jahani, Zeinab Gholamnia-Shirvani, Hossein-Ali Nikbakht, Romina Hamzehpour, Amir Pakpour, Arman Mirzaie
29755 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences Innate immune signatures in the nasopharynx after SARS-CoV-2 infection and links with the clinical outcome of COVID-19 in Omicron-dominant period Hyunkyung Cha, Chan Mi Lee, Sujin Kim, Chang Kyung Kang, Pyoeng Gyun Choe, Yoon Kyung Jeon, et al. (+4)
29756 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) Renal Failure Red blood cell distribution width-to-monocyte ratio for predicting 90-day mortality of COVID-19 in patients with chronic kidney disease during the Omicron period: a prospective single-center study Chaofan Li, Yue Niu, Dinghua Chen, Zhe Feng, Fei Liu, Yong Wang, et al. (+8)
29757 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  Centers For Disease Control and Prevention Emerging Infectious Diseases Participatory, Virologic, and Wastewater Surveillance Data to Assess Underestimation of COVID-19 Incidence, Germany, 2020-2024 Anna Loenenbach, Ann-Sophie Lehfeld, Peter Puetz, Barbara Biere, Susan Abunijela, Silke Buda, et al. (+9)
29758 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  Medknow Publications Research in Cardiovascular Medicine A Case Report of Tricuspid Valve Endocarditis in a 15-month-old Child Following COVID-19 Infection Maryam Ghadimi, Rasool Ferasatkish, Nader Givtaj, Nahid Aghdaei, Yasmin Chaibakhsh
29759 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  Springer Science and Business Media LLC Scientific Reports Author Correction: Tracking the evolution of anti-SARS-CoV-2 antibodies and long-term humoral immunity within 2 years after COVID-19 infection Mariam Movsisyan, Nune Truzyan, Irina Kasparova, Armine Chopikyan, Ra’ed Sawaqed, Alexandra Bedross, et al. (+8)
29760 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  MDPI AG Biomedicines New-Onset Chronic Musculoskeletal Pain Following COVID-19 Infection Fulfils the Fibromyalgia Clinical Syndrome Criteria: A Preliminary Study Omar Khoja, Matthew Mulvey, Sarah Astill, Ai Lyn Tan, Manoj Sivan
29761 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  Ovid Retinal Cases & Brief Reports Central retinal artery and Common Carotid artery occlusions following COVID-19 infection: A case report Mohamed Eldakkak, Dimitrios Kalogeropoulos, Andrew J Lotery
29762 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  Elsevier The Lancet Respiratory Medicine The UK COVID-19 Inquiry and critical care Priya Venkatesan
29763 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  Pustaka Digital Indonesia Jurnal Pelita Jurnal Pembelajaran IPA Terpadu Analisis Home Visit Method Dalam Pembelajaran IPA di Masa Pandemi Covid-19 Kelas IV Di SDN 020 Pombuntang Rosmalah Yanti, Inda Sari
29764 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  Universidad Catolica de Temuco Sustainability Agri Food and Environmental Research The Covid-19 Lockdown and Its Impact on the Agri-Food Supply Chain in India: Insights from Government Policy Perspective Nilojyoti Koner, Arindam Laha
29765 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  Springer Science and Business Media LLC Scientific Reports Spatio-temporal analysis of COVID-19 lockdown effect to survive in the US counties using ANN Reyhane Jalali, Hossein Etemadfard
29766 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  Universidad Catolica de Temuco Sustainability Agri Food and Environmental Research An analysis of recovery from Covid-19 lockdown of Indian internal migrants: a case study of smart cities of Punajb State, India Rajan Maurya
29767 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  Brill Behaviour Increase of coastal shark bite frequency linked to the COVID-19 lockdown reveals a territoriality-dominance behaviour toward humans Eric E.G. Clua, Carl G. Meyer, Clémentine Séguigne, Aaron J. Wirsing
29768 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) Crime Science The heterogeneous effects of COVID-19 lockdowns on crime across the world N. Trajtenberg, S. Fossati, C. Diaz, A. E. Nivette, R. Aguilar, A. Ahven, et al. (+38)
29769 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  CSIR-National Institute of Science Communication and Policy Research (NIScPR) Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge Clinical efficacy of Gojihvadi Kwath, Shirishadi Kwath, Sanjeevani Vati, Panchagavya Ghrita Granules & Shunthi Churna for COVID-19 management, a randomized controlled trial
29770 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  CV Firmos Jurnal Penelitian Inovatif Disparitas antara Kemiskinan dan Kesejahteraan Pre dan Pasca COVID-19 Menggunakan Model CIBEST Dety Aryani Relubun, Muhammad Reza Nacikit, Arizal Hamizar
29771 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  Kesmas: Jurnal Kesehatan Masyarakat Nasional Kesmas National Public Health Journal Variation and Predictors of COVID-19 Mortality in Hospitalized Cases in West Sumatra Province, Indonesia: A Retrospective Observational Study Defriman Djafri, Ade Suzana Eka Putri, Yudi Pradipta
29772 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  Elsevier Journal of Infection and Public Health Post COVID-19 Mucormycosis in Critical Care Settings: A Prospective Cohort Study in a Tertiary Care Center in Egypt Nahawand A. EL-Deeb, Shaherah Yousef Andargeery, Hanaa A. Nofal, Dina S Elrafey, Ebthall Mohamed, Nevin F. Ibrahim, et al. (+2)
29773 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  Studies Editora Revista Caderno Pedagógico Análise da distribuição espacial das taxas de internação por Síndrome Respiratória Aguda Grave e de mortalidade por COVID-19 na Paraíba, 2020-2022 Rejane Barbosa Ciriaco Pinheiro, Ricardo de Sousa Soares, Sandra Costa Cavalcante Leite de Abreu, Arthur Custódio Pereira
29774 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  SciELO Revista da Escola de Enfermagem da USP Carga de trabalho de Enfermagem e gravidade de pacientes com COVID-19 na Unidade de Terapia Intensiva Wesley Cajaiba Santos, Maria Carolina Barbosa Teixeira Lopes, Cassia Regina Vancini-Campanharo, Daniela Boschetti, Sirlei Oliveira da Silva Dias, Meire Cristina Novelli e Castro, et al. (+2)
29775 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  Penerbit Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM Press) Personalia Pelajar Impacts of COVID-19 on an Individual’s Leadership Skill
29777 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  Universidad Catolica de Temuco Sustainability Agri Food and Environmental Research Impact of pandemic crisis of COVID-19 on construction industry in India. K.N. Likitha, Srinivas Kundhena, S.C. Gurudev, C. Rajasekaran, G.D. Nischith
29778 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  Social Science Electronic Publishing SSRN Electronic Journal The Impact of COVID-19 on the Perceived Morality of Strategic Mortgage Forbearance: An Experimental Examination&nbsp; Jackson Anderson, Kimberly F. Luchtenberg, Michael J. Seiler
29779 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  Institute for Advanced Studies African Journal of Biological Sciences Pandemic Resilience: The Impact of COVID-19 onthe Growth and Sustainability of Small Entrepreneurs - Structural Equation Modeling Study Using Smart PLS 4.0 Article Sidebar PDF
29780 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  Elsevier The Lancet Microbe Early warning COVID-19 outbreak in long-term care facilities using wastewater surveillance: correlation, prediction, and interaction with clinical and serological statuses Xiaoli Pang, Bonita E Lee, Tiejun Gao, Rhonda J Rosychuk, Linnet Immaraj, Judy Y Qiu, et al. (+14)
29781 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  Pensoft Publishers Pharmacia Echoes of the pandemic: Contrasting COVID-19 outbreaks in northern Peru César Johan Pereira-Victorio, Virgilio E. Failoc-Rojas, Aldo Alvarez-Risco, Noelia Morocho-Alburqueque, Rubi Plasencia-Dueñas, Alicia Torres-Mera, et al. (+4)
29782 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  Springer Science and Business Media LLC Scientific Reports A novel metric-based approach of scoring early host immune response from oro-nasopharyngeal swabs predicts COVID-19 outcome Yogita Rajput, Arvind Neral, Nikita Sherwani, Vijaylakshmi Jain, Malti Sahu, Fulsay Paikra, et al. (+8)
29783 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  Elsevier Transplantation and Cellular Therapy COVID-19 Outcomes Among Hematopoietic Cell Transplant and Chimeric Antigen Receptor T-cell Recipients in the Era of SARS-CoV-2 Omicron Variants and COVID-19 Therapeutics Emily A. Rosen, Elizabeth M. Krantz, Denise J. McCulloch, Marie H. Wilson, Frank Tverdek, Zahra Kassamali Escobar, et al. (+8)
29784 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  IAIN Samarinda Jurnal Tarbiyah dan Ilmu Keguruan Borneo Pengalaman Menerapkan TPACK Pada Pembelajaran Daring di Masa Pandemi Covid-19 pada Alumni PPG Dalam Jabatan FKIP Universitas Mulawarman Hadi Wibowo, Herliani Herliani, Effendi Limbong
29785 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) BMC Public Health Chemotherapy delays among cancer patients in Iran during COVID-19 pandemic Moein Rast, Pedram Fadavi, Marzieh Nojomi, Donya Hatami, Kiarash Ansari, Seyyed Amir Yasin Ahmadi, Arash Tehrani-Banihashemi
29786 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  RGSA- Revista de Gestao Social e Ambiental Revista de Gestão Social e Ambiental Space-Time Trend of Arboviruses in Health Regions of Bahia: Na Ecological Study During the Covid-19 Pandemic Francielly Las Casas de Assis, Fernanda Assunção Valim, Samuel Henrique Giarola de Oliveira, Lucas Ribeiro dos Santos, White José dos Santos
29787 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  Elsevier Journal of Psychosomatic Research The experiences of liaison psychiatry outpatients during and subsequent to the COVID-19 pandemic. Benjamin Forrest, J. Jack Johnstone, Babajide Adeyefa, Jack Mumford, M. Max Henderson, Elspeth Guthrie
29788 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  JABB - Journal of Animal Behaviour and Biometeorology Multidisciplinary Science Journal Evaluating the effectiveness of online agricultural education during the Covid-19 pandemic L. Mohammed Ghouse, C. Karthikeyan, J. Paul Mansingh, S. R. Padma, Atsu F. Y. Ihou
29789 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  Wise Academia Research Solutions International Journal of Religion Resilience And Psychological Well-Being of University Students During the Covid-19 Pandemic Nur Atiqah Abdullah, Norazila Mat, Jamsari Alias
29790 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  University of Calgary The School of Public Policy Publications Canada's Food Security During the COVID-19 Pandemic Kerri Holland
29791 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Journal of Business Cycle Research Business Cycle and Early Warning Indicators for the Economy of Hong Kong- Challenges of Forecasting Work amid the COVID-19 Pandemic Sharon Pun-wai Ng, Eddie Ming-lok Kwok, Brian Chi-yan Cheng, Alfred Yiu-po Yuen
29792 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Journal of Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities Race, Ethnicity, and Gender Differences in Patient Reported Well-Being and Cognitive Functioning Within 3 Months of Symptomatic Illness During COVID-19 Pandemic Mandy J. Hill, Ryan M. Huebinger, Imtiaz Ebna Mannan, Huihui Yu, Lauren E. Wisk, Kelli N. O’Laughlin, et al. (+17)
29793 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  Universitas Muhammadiyah Palembang Journal of Global Sustainable Agriculture Pelancu Ecotourism Recovery Strategy in Ulak Pandan Village After the COVID-19 Pandemic Sasua Hustati Syachroni, Asvic Helida, Imam Mahni
29794 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Early Childhood Education Journal Young Children’s Social and Emotional Adjustment and Caregiver Stress During the COVID-19 Pandemic Charis L. Wahman, Kristin Rispoli, Allison White-Cascarilla
29795 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  SAGE Publications Health Services Management Research Factors influencing use of eHealth services during and after the COVID-19 pandemic Korina Katsaliaki
29796 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  Wiley Infancy High-quality early care and education for low-income families: Toddlers’ cognitive and emotional functioning during the COVID-19 pandemic Lukas D. Lopez, Anabel Castillo, Elizabeth Frechette, Shinyoung Jeon, Sherri Castle, Diane Horm, Kyong-Ah Kwon
29799 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  De Gruyter Open Sp. z o.o. Organizacija Effectiveness of Communication Tools in Slovak Enterprises Before and During the Covid-19 Pandemic Denisa Malá, Lukáš Smerek, Martina Minárová, Veronika Bódiová
29800 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  Warwick Evans Publishing Transactions on Social Science Education and Humanities Research Research on communication behavior between China and the United States during the COVID-19 pandemic Mingxuan Zhao
29801 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  EJournal Publishing International Journal of Learning and Teaching The Use of Virtual Desktop Pools to Meet Course Outcomes during the COVID-19 Pandemic Stephen Mujeye
29802 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  OPRA Publications International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Research and Studies Adaptation Strategies and Practices of the Event Center Industry in Nueva Ecija during the COVID-19 Pandemic Antonio Jose D Celis, Leodigario M David
29803 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  Open Access Research Journals Publication Open Access Research Journal of Biology and Pharmacy Evaluation of oral health-related quality of life during the COVID-19 pandemic Shirin Kolahdouz
29804 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  Elsevier Preventive Medicine Reports Health behaviour and wellbeing trends among Australian adults before and during the COVID-19 pandemic (2017-2022): An interrupted time-series analysis Sarah Marshall, Bronwyn McGill, Christian Young, Philip Clare, Sarah Neill, Margaret Thomas, Adrian Bauman
29805 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) BMC Public Health BMI changes among U.S. Navy and Marine Corps active-duty service members during the COVID-19 pandemic, 2019-2021 Miranda Lynn Janvrin, Amanda Banaag, Travis Landry, Carey Vincent, Tracey Pérez Koehlmoos
29806 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  Frontiers Media SA Frontiers in Public Health Interrupted time series analysis of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and compulsory social health insurance system on fertility rates: a study of live births in Kazakhstan, 2019-2023 Indira Karibayeva, Sharapat Moiynbayeva, Valikhan Akhmetov, Sandugash Yerkenova, Kuralay Shaikova, Gaukhar Moshkalova, et al. (+2)
29807 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  Modestum Limited European Journal of Environment and Public Health General practitioners, health inspectors, and occupational physicians’ burnout syndrome during COVID-19 pandemic and job satisfaction: A systematic review Ioannis Pantelis Adamopoulos, Aikaterini Apostolos Frantzana, Niki Fotios Syrou
29808 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  Oxford University Press JAC-Antimicrobial Resistance O04 UKHSA Start Smart Then Focus antimicrobial stewardship: effective implementation during the COVID-19 pandemic at an NHS Foundation Trust in the UK Rasha Abdelsalam Elshenawy, Nkiruka Umaru, Zoe Aslanpour
29810 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  Oxford University Press JAC-Antimicrobial Resistance P11 Pharmacists’ knowledge, attitudes and perceptions towards antimicrobial stewardship and resistance during the COVID-19 pandemic at secondary care settings in the UK Rasha Abdelsalam Elshenawy, Nkiruka Umaru, Zoe Aslanpour
29811 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  SAGE Publications Journal of Stroke Medicine Patients Presenting with Acute Stroke During COVID-19 Pandemic Era: A Multicenter Retrospective Study Amal M. Al Hashmi, Yahia Imam, Maher Saqqur, Atilla Ozcan Ozdemir, Mehdi Farhoudi, Mohammad Wasay, et al. (+4)
29812 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  University of Calgary The School of Public Policy Publications Gender Disparities in the Labour Market? Examining the COVID-19 Pandemic in Alberta Lindsay Tedds, John Baker, Kourtney Koebel
29813 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  Herald Scholarly Open Access Gerontology & Geriatric Medicine Racial Differences in the Emotional Impact and Coping Strategies Employed by Older Adults during the COVID-19 Pandemic in Arkansas Gohar Azhar
29814 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  Wiley Birth Experiences of attending prenatal ultrasounds during the COVID-19 pandemic in Australia: A cross-sectional survey Helen J. Nightingale, Christina Watts, Kim Pham
29815 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  Frontiers Media SA Frontiers in Global Women s Health Intimate partner violence and associated factors among women during the COVID-19 pandemic in Ethiopia: a systematic review and meta-analysis Tewodros Getaneh Alemu, Tadesse Tarik Tamir, Belayneh Shetie Workneh, Enyew Getaneh Mekonen, Mohammed Seid Ali, Alebachew Ferede Zegeye, et al. (+5)
29816 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  Brill Asia Pacific Journal on Human Rights and the Law Revisiting State Sovereignty Interpretation in Managing Rohingya Refugee Arrivals Amid the covid-19 Pandemic in Indonesia Natalia Yeti Puspita
29817 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  Springer-Verlag The Journal of Behavioral Health Services & Research Disparities and Medical Expenditure Implications in Pediatric Tele-Mental Health Services During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Mississippi Yunxi Zhang, Lincy S. Lal, Yueh-Yun Lin, J. Michael Swint, Ying Zhang, Richard L. Summers, et al. (+3)
29818 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  Springer-Verlag European Journal of Clinical Pharmacology Correction to: Use of antibiotics in the early COVID-19 pandemic in Poland, the Netherlands and Spain, from erraticism to (more) logic Aleksandra Opalska, Helga Gardarsdottir, Marcel Kwa, Jadwiga Wójkowska-Mach, Monica Sabate, Maria Elena Ballarin, et al. (+2)
29819 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Journal of Happiness Studies Subjective Well-Being of Chief Executive Officers and Its Impact on Stock Market Volatility During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Poland: Agent-Based Model Perspective Marcin Rzeszutek, Jorgen Vitting Andersen, Adam Szyszka, Szymon Talaga
29820 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  Sekolah Tinggi llmu Ekonomi Indonesia Indonesian Journal of Business Accounting and Management Evaluation of The Use of Online Selling Platforms in Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMES) in The Convection Field During The Covid-19 Pandemic in Pulogadung Small Industrial (PIK) Village Bambang Sutejo, Muhammad Anhar, Diah Pranitasari
29821 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  MDPI AG Journal of Clinical Medicine Navigating Perceived Stress: Experiences of Nursing Students Completing Internships during the COVID-19 Pandemic in Spain María-Ángeles Merino-Godoy, Zaida Montero Aceijas, María Cano Martín, Francisco-Javier Gago-Valiente, Alberto Vega Abengozar, Juan María Pérez Padilla, Emilia Teixeira da Costa
29822 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) Malaria Journal Preventing the re-establishment of malaria during the COVID-19 pandemic in Sri Lanka: implications for health security Kamini Mendis, Deepika Fernando, Prasad Ranaweera, Kumudu Gunasekera, Thilan Fernando, Gretchen Newby, et al. (+3)
29823 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  Universidad Catolica de Temuco Sustainability Agri Food and Environmental Research Changes in lifestyle and their impact on health during the covid-19 pandemic in Thiruvananthapuram district Kerala India. Shahnaz Basheer, Aakriti Grover
29824 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) BMC Nephrology Characterizing the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on adults with autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease: a cross-sectional study Alok Shetty, Anthony Atalla, Charalett Diggs, Terry Watnick, Stephen Seliger
29825 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  Elsevier Heliyon The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Burnout Levels among Healthcare Workers: A Comparative Analysis of the Pandemic Period and Post-Pandemic Period Andrey Reshetnikov, Olga Abaeva, Nadezhda Prisyazhnaya, Tatyana Romanova, Sergey Romanov, Konstantin Sobolev, Anahit Manukyan
29826 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  Medical Journal of Mugla Sitki Kocman University, Mugla Sitki Kocman University Muğla Sıtkı Koçman Üniversitesi Tıp Dergisi Examining the Effect of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Cases of Violence Against Women: An Evaluation Through Media News Şehbal Yeşilbaş, Emine Tiriç, Metin Pıçakçıefe, Bahadır Dede, Merve Savaş Aksakal
29827 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  Comprehensive Publications International Journal of Research in Management The impact and challenges of COVID-19 pandemic on construction workers and their livelihood in Patna district Kumari Pallavi, Dr. Kameshwar Pandit
29828 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) Journal of Patient-Reported Outcomes The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on health-related quality of life of cancer patients in British Columbia Sara Izadi-Najafabadi, Helen McTaggart-Cowan, Ross Halperin, Leah Lambert, Craig Mitton, Stuart Peacock
29829 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  Wiley International Migration The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on network dynamics among Chinese immigrants in the United States Ted Mouw, M. Giovanna Merli, Yingzhi Xu, Claire Le Barbenchon, Allison Stolte
29830 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) Postgraduate Medicine Professional, educational and psychosocial impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on pediatricians İdris Murğ, Emre Leventoğlu, Aysun Bideci, Koray Boduroğlu, Enver Hasanoğlu, Sevcan A. Bakkaloğlu
29831 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Endocrine Long-term effects of COVID-19 pandemic on physical activity and eating behaviour of the Italian population: a longitudinal study Giuseppe Bifolco, Ludovica Cardinali, Edoardo Mocini, Mirko Duradoni, Carlo Baldari, Marina Ciampi, et al. (+2)
29832 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  University of Calgary The School of Public Policy Publications How Governments Could Best Engage Community Organizations to Co-Design COVID-19 Pandemic Policies for Persons with Disabilities Ash Seth, Meaghan Edwards, Katrina Milaney, Jennifer Zwicker
29833 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  Elsevier AJPM Focus The COVID-19 Pandemic's Effect on Preventive Imaging Jenny L. Weon, Yin Xi, Yee Seng Ng, Lauren N. Cooper, Marlon I. Diaz, Robert W. Turer, et al. (+4)
29834 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Journal of Happiness Studies Regaining Mental Well-Being in the Aftermath of the Covid-19 Pandemic with a Digital Multicomponent Positive Psychology Intervention: A Randomized Controlled Trial Kim J. M. Tönis, Jannis T. Kraiss, Constance H. C. Drossaert, Joyce Karreman, Miriam S. D. Oostinga, Noortje Kloos, et al. (+2)
29835 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  Elsevier Journal of Infection and Chemotherapy Facility wastewater monitoring as an effective tool for pandemic infection control: An experience in COVID-19 pandemic with long-term monitoring Shoko Tateishi, Kensuke Hamada, Noriko Emoto, Kazumi Abe, Koichi Abe, Yuki Kawasaki, et al. (+8)
29836 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  Emerald (MCB UP) Engineering Construction & Architectural Management Evaluating the critical resultant impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on quality assurance of cross-border construction logistics and supply chain Frank Ato Ghansah, Weisheng Lu
29837 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Zeitschrift für Bildungsforschung Burnout und soziale Ressourcen von Grundschullehrkräften im Anschluss an die Covid-19-Pandemie - ein Vergleich zwischen den Bundesländern Bayern und Vorarlberg","Burnout and job resources of primary school teachers after the Covid-19 pandemic-a comparison between the federal states Bavaria and Vorarlberg Rebecca Baumann, Birte Oetjen, Sabine Martschinke, Anne Frey, Astrid Rank
29838 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  SAGE Publications SAGE Open Nursing Veterans Affairs Training Experiences During the COVID-19 Pandemic-Trainee Satisfaction and Interest in Future Veterans Affairs Employment: A National Survey Anne R. Griffin, Jia Bai, Heather Northcraft, Aram Dobalian
29839 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta DIDAKTIKA Jurnal Pendidikan Sekolah Dasar Implementation of Learning during the Covid-19 Pandemic: A Case Study of Sjarifudin Kendal Islamic Elementary School Nuriana Farhani
29840 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  Turkiye Klinikleri Turkiye Klinikleri Journal of Health Sciences Mental Symptoms and Associated Factors in Young People Aged 18-24 in the 4th Wave of COVID-19 Pandemic: A Cross Sectional Study Umut TARHAN, Zeynep ŞİMŞEK
29841 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  JABB - Journal of Animal Behaviour and Biometeorology Multidisciplinary Science Journal Principal component analysis of the environmental attitudes of students at faculty of economics during the COVID-19 pandemic: A cross-sectional study from Palestine Inad Nawajah, Eqbal Radwan, Mohammed Abuharb, Hussein Jabareen, Mohannad Jazzar, Wafa Kammoun Rebai, Kamel Jebreen
29842 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  JMIR Publications Inc. Journal of Medical Internet Research Recruitment for Voluntary Video and Mobile HIV Testing on Social Media Platforms During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Cross-Sectional Study (Preprint) Piao-Yi Chiou, Wei-Wen Tsao, Chia-Lin Li, Jheng-Min Yu, Wen-Han Su, Zhi-Hua Liu, et al. (+3)
29843 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  Elsevier International Journal of Infectious Diseases The Curfew Bell and the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Historical-Medical Perspective based on the Italian Case Francesco Maria Galassi, Luigi Cofone, Ivano Pindinello, Domenico Ribatti, David L. Smith, Mauro Vaccarezza, Elena Varotto
29844 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  MDPI AG International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health Managing Virtual Presenteeism during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Multilevel Study on Managers’ Stress Management Competencies to Foster Functional Presenteeism Sandra Salvoni, Caroline Biron, Marie-Hélène Gilbert, Julie Dextras-Gauthier, Hans Ivers
29845 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  Universidad Catolica de Temuco Sustainability Agri Food and Environmental Research Disposable face/cloth masks during COVID-19 pandemic: a precursor for the synthesis of valuable bioproducts for Environment Shobhana Ramteke, Bharat Lal Sahu
29846 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  BMJ BMJ Open Quality Patient safety and the COVID-19 pandemic: a qualitative study of perspectives of front-line clinicians Lucy Schulson, Julia Bandini, Armenda Bialas, Shreya Huigol, George Timmins, Sangeeta Ahluwalia, Courtney Gidengil
29847 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  University of Calgary The School of Public Policy Publications Environmental Regulation and the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Review of Regulator Response in Canada Victoria Goodday
29848 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  SAGE Publications SAGE Open Nursing Measures to Prevent and Reduce Healthcare Worker Burnout During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Scoping Review Patcharin Chaisurin, Natthawut Yodchai
29849 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  Hindawi Limited Journal of Nursing Management Nurses’ Experiences of the Caring Role during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Scoping Review of Qualitative Research Mary O’ Regan-Hyde, Caroline Dalton-O Connor, Angela Flynn, Ashling Murphy, Vera J. C. McCarthy, Xinqiao Liu
29850 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  UPT Penerbitan Universitas Jember EFL Education Journal Senior High School Students' Perceptions on the Effectiveness of Online English Learning during Covid-19 Pandemic: A Survey Research Heyba Fatwa Anggyta, Annur Rofiq, Areta Puspa
29851 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  Bucharest University of Economic Studies www amfiteatrueconomic ro The Transformation of Digital Innovative Services in Retail Trade Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Systematic Review Vaida Mardosaite, Edmundas Jasinskas, Giedrius Romeika
29852 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  SAGE Publications Journal of Health Management Hospital Administration during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Administrators’ and Healthcare Workers’ Experiences Nazan Torun
29853 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  Turkiye Klinikleri Turkiye Klinikleri Journal of Health Sciences Physiotherapy Students' Knowledge Levels and Information Sources Regarding Protection While Contacting Cases During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Cross-Sectional Study Hayriye KUL KARAALİ, Özlem ÖZCAN
29854 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  JMIR Publications Inc. Interactive Journal of Medical Research Health and Well-Being Among College Students in the United States During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Daily Diary Study Stephanie T Lanza, Courtney Whetzel, Sandesh Bhandari
29855 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  Bentham Science The Open Psychology Journal Challenges Faced by International Students in Cyprus Amid the COVID-19 Pandemic: Exploring Social Identity Loss and Reverse Culture Shock JohnPaul Chika Okoli, Gabriel Elochukwu Nweke
29856 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  Frontier Scientific Publishing Pte Ltd Region - Educational Research and Reviews Under the Covid-19 Pandemic: How the Public Overcome the Challenges From the Discourse of Science Mistrust Zhaowei Huang, Haihong Li
29857 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  EnPress Publisher Journal of Infrastructure Policy and Development Due to the COVID-19 pandemic: Maintaining economic growth by conducting catastrophic policy without considering adaptive structuration and foresight orientation Sumiyana Sumiyana
29858 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  JMIR Publications Inc. JMIR Aging Exploring the Sociodemographic and Health-Related Determinants of Telehealth Use Among a Cohort of Older Australians During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Repeated Cross-Sectional Study Shanna Fealy, Suzanne McLaren, Claire Ellen Seaman, Melissa Nott, Donovan Jones, Pauletta Irwin, et al. (+3)
29859 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  World Scientific Fluctuation and Noise Letters Multifractal Analysis in Age Based Classification for COVID-19 Patients' CT-Scan Images with Different Noise Levels R. Valarmathi, C. Thangaraj, D. Easwaramoorthy, Bilel Selmi, Hajer Jebali, Christo Ananth
29860 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  SciELO Revista da Escola de Enfermagem da USP Nursing workload and severity of COVID-19 patients in the Intensive Care Unit Wesley Cajaiba Santos, Maria Carolina Barbosa Teixeira Lopes, Cassia Regina Vancini-Campanharo, Daniela Boschetti, Sirlei Oliveira da Silva Dias, Meire Cristina Novelli e Castro, et al. (+2)
29861 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  Fortune Journals Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine Clinical Predictors of Cardiac Arrest among COVID-19 Patients with Heart Failure Bharat Marwaha, Indrajeet Mahata, Navneet Kumar, Goldendeep Singh, Amod Amritphale
29862 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  Springer Science and Business Media LLC Scientific Reports Exploration of the factors affecting different delirium subtypes in hospitalized COVID-19 patients: a multicentre cross-sectional study Xinrui Zhang, Wei Zhu, Cong Wang, Xuhua Zhou, Qian Chen, Yan Jiang
29863 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  MDPI AG Healthcare Emergence of Atrial Fibrillation and Flutter in COVID-19 Patients: A Retrospective Cohort Study Tanzim Bhuiya, Paras P. Shah, Wing Hang Lau, Timothy Park, Rezwan F. Munshi, Ofek Hai, et al. (+2)
29864 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  National Library of Serbia Srpski arhiv za celokupno lekarstvo Severity of radiographic changes in patients with COVID-19 pneumonia - experience from secondary-level hospital Aleksandra Pavic, Ivan Jankovic, Aleksa Novkovic
29865 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  Elsevier CHEST Critical Care Resource Utilization for COVID-19 Pneumonia in the ACTIV-1 Trial: A Secondary Data Analysis Anne M. Lachiewicz, Miloni Shah, Tatyana Der, Derek Cyr, Hussein R. Al-Khalidi, Christopher Lindsell, et al. (+9)
29866 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  Fortune Journals Fortune Journal of Health Sciences Outcomes of Critically Ill COVID-19 Positive Cases Admitted at ICU in a COVID-19 Referral Hospital, Dhaka, Bangladesh Mohammad Anarul Islam, Sanjana Asma, Muhammad Salah Uddin, SM Sadlee, Mohammad Shukur Ali
29867 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  JABB - Journal of Animal Behaviour and Biometeorology Multidisciplinary Science Journal Health education for pregnant mothers on coronavirus (Covid-19) prevention and transmission Nurhikmah Nurhikmah, Muzakkir Muzakkir, Darwis Darwis, Muliyana Muliyana, Nur Aliya Arsyad, Reskiawati Azis, et al. (+2)
29868 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  Universidad Catolica de Temuco Sustainability Agri Food and Environmental Research New onset of health complications in patient after COVID-19 recovery. Neelesh Kumar Maurya, Latika Yadav, Poonam Maurya
29869 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  University of Calgary The School of Public Policy Publications Considerations for Basic Income as a Covid-19 Response David Green, Rhys Kesselman, Lindsay Tedds
29870 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) Critical Horizons Giorgio Agamben’s Critique of the Covid-19 Response has Little to Do with Biopolitics Samuel Lindholm
29871 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  Springer Science and Business Media LLC Scientific Reports Rare host variants in ciliary expressed genes contribute to COVID-19 severity in Bulgarian patients Kunka Kamenarova, Darina Kachakova-Yordanova, Magdalena Baymakova, Martin Georgiev, Kalina Mihova, Veronika Petkova, et al. (+24)
29872 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  Indonesian Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Acta Biochimica Indonesiana Estimation of D-dimer, C-reactive protein and ferritin in Covid-19 survivors in a North Indian Hospital, Lucknow, India. Chetna Singla, Dhananjay Tiwari, Himali Jha, Mohammad Mustufa Khan, Sadaf Parveen, Roshan Alam
29873 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  University of Calgary The School of Public Policy Publications Trade Policy Trends: COVID-19, the Great Trade Collapse, and Canadian Trade Policy Eugene Beaulieu, Dylan Klemen
29874 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Journal of Thrombosis and Thrombolysis The COVID-19 thrombus: distinguishing pathological, mechanistic, and phenotypic features and management Richard C. Becker, Udaya S. Tantry, Muhammad Khan, Paul A. Gurbel
29875 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  Malaysian Psychiatric Association ASEAN Journal of Psychiatry MENTAL HEALTH BURDEN AMONG HEALTHCARE WORKERS DURING THE COVID-19 TIME IN ALBANIA Liljana Ramasaco, Erjona Abazaj, Blerta Brati
29876 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  European Alliance for Innovation n.o. EAI Endorsed Transactions on Pervasive Health and Technology NLP and Machine Learning for Sentiment Analysis in COVID-19 Tweets: A Comparative Study Shahedhadeennisa Shaik, Chaitra S P
29877 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Neural Computing and Applications A Siamese neural network-based diagnosis of COVID-19 using chest X-rays Engin Tas, Ayca Hatice Atli
29878 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  UKI Press Fundamental Management Journal Web-Based Integrated Information System Monitoring Data Reports on the Implementation of the DKI Jakarta COVID-19 Vaccination Rutman Lumbantoruan
29879 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  Elsevier American Journal of Ophthalmology COVID-19 vaccination and ocular adverse events: a self-controlled case series study from the entire South Korean population Sungsoon Hwang, Se Woong Kang, Jaehwan Choi, Kyung-Ah Park, Dong Hui Lim, Ju-Young Shin, et al. (+3)
29880 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  F1000 Research Ltd F1000Research Systematic review of COVID-19 vaccine acceptance and hesitancy: global perspectives and implications. Muhammad Mohsin khan, Noman Shah, Mhran Daie
29881 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  F1000 Research Ltd F1000Research COVID-19 Vaccine: Predicting Vaccine Types and Assessing Mortality Risk Through Ensemble Learning Algorithms Hind Monadhel, Ayad R. Abbas, Athraa Jasim Mohammed
29882 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) Emerging Microbes & Infections A retrospective survey on the effectiveness of vaccines administered to individuals in China with regard to inactivated COVID-19 vaccines, Ad5-nCoV and/or aerosolized Ad5-nCoV Zhe Zhang, Xiang-Yang Chi, Guan-Ying Zhang, Zhang Zhang, Song-He Lu, Meng-Jing Li, et al. (+6)
29883 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  Universidad Catolica de Temuco Sustainability Agri Food and Environmental Research Requirements for implementation of covid-19 vaccinethrough good management. Samin Shaikh, Balasaheb Chakor, Sandhya Sonkamble, Sanjay Kale, Sharad Kakad, Charushila Nerkar, Sudesh Ghoderao
29884 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  Universidad Catolica de Temuco Sustainability Agri Food and Environmental Research Requirements for implementation of covid-19 vaccinethrough good management. Samin Anis Shaikh
29885 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  Universidad Catolica de Temuco Sustainability Agri Food and Environmental Research Requirements for implementation of covid-19 vaccinethrough good management Samin Shaikh, Balasaheb Chakor, Sandhya Sonkamble, Sanjay Kale, Sharad Kakad, Charushila Nerkar, Sudesh Ghoderao
29886 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  MDPI AG Biomedicines Uncovering the Contrasts and Connections in PASC: Viral Load and Cytokine Signatures in Acute COVID-19 versus Post-Acute Sequelae of SARS-CoV-2 (PASC) Brandon Compeer, Tobias R. Neijzen, Steven F. L. van Lelyveld, Byron E. E. Martina, Colin A. Russell, Marco Goeijenbier
29887 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  Cureus, Inc. Cureus Development and Validation of a Malay Version Questionnaire to Evaluate Remote Health Monitoring of COVID-19 via Telehealth Applications: Navigating Telehealth Evolution Kalaivane Kannadasan, Maznah Dahlui, Farizah Mohd Hairi, Amirah Azzeri
29888 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  Sekolah Tinggi llmu Ekonomi Indonesia Jurnal Akuntansi dan Manajemen Comparative analysis of financial performance in the tourism industry before and during the COVID-19 virus outbreak Hesty Juni Tambuati Subing, Randhy Nugroho, Kanaya Lapae
29889 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  Elsevier Annals of Thoracic Surgery Short Reports Treatment of Bronchopleural Fistulas in COVID-19 with Coils, Glue and an Amplatzer Vascular Plug Ashley Toussaint, Francis Kang, John Nosher, Ilia Berim, John Langenfeld
29890 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  Comprehensive Publications International Journal of Clinical Obstetrics and Gynaecology Analysis of sex hormones and menstruation in COVID-19 women of child-bearing age Liqaa Shakir Issa, Maysoon Sharief
29891 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  University of Calgary The School of Public Policy Publications Canadian Agri-Food Export Opportunities in a Covid-19 World May Yeung, William Kerr
29892 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management Corrections to “Digital Supply Chain Capabilities: Mitigating Disruptions and Leveraging Competitive Advantage Under COVID-19 Kirti Nayal, Rakesh D. Raut, Maciel M. Queiroz, Pragati Priyadarshinee
29893 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  Elsevier International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction “Navigating Dual Hazards: Managing Hurricane Evacuation and Sheltering Operations Amidst COVID-19 Alex Greer, Haley Murphy, Tristan Wu, Lauren Clay
29894 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  Wiley Pediatric Pulmonology Chronic cough, wheezing, and atelectasis following COVID-19: A case report on the diagnostic evaluation and effective treatment of a life-threatening asthma mimicker Velda Ocasio Ramírez, Abhishek Sarkar, Andrew J. Lipton, Paneez Khoury, Peter Illei, Ardian Latifi, et al. (+2)
29895 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) Discover Public Health Assessing risk factors and time to viral clearance on maintenance hemodialysis patients with COVID-19: a retrospective study Jin-Xin Zheng, Xin Li, Li-Li Xu, Xu Hao, Pan-Pan Qiao, Lin Ding, Wei-Ming Wang
29896 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  MDPI AG Journal of Clinical Medicine Prevalence of Thrombocytopenia in Pregnant Women with COVID-19: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis María Teresa Murillo-Llorente, Ignacio Ventura, Francisco Tomás-Aguirre, Marta Defez-Martin, María Inmaculada Martín-Díaz, Sandra Atienza-Ramirez, et al. (+4)
29897 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  University of Calgary The School of Public Policy Publications Fiscal Policy Trends: The Federal Government's Policy Response to COVID-19: Acting Quickly and Decisively Gillian Petit, Lindsay Tedds
29898 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) Social Work in Mental Health Emotional well-being among community mental health professionals during COVID-19: an exploratory study Anna Mundet Bolós, Jorge Luis Méndez-Ulrich, Aleix Caussa Bofill, Jon Casado Pascual
29899 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  MDPI AG Life Obstructive Sleep Apnea after COVID-19: An Observational Study George-Cosmin Popovici, Costinela-Valerica Georgescu, Mihaela-Camelia Vasile, Constantin-Marinel Vlase, Anca-Adriana Arbune, Manuela Arbune
29900 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) BMC Public Health Comparing temporal changes and predictors of different types of mental health and socio-emotional wellbeing outcomes during COVID-19: an overlapping panel study of Spanish residents Brenda Robles, Marc Saez, Andrés Cabrera-Leon, Carmen Sánchez-Cantalejo, María José López, Maria A. Barceló
29901 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  Penerbit Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM Press) Personalia Pelajar Driving Entrepreneurship post COVID-19: Exploring Opportunities, Confronting Challenges and Fostering Success
29902 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) Harm Reduction Journal Increases in housing rules and surveillance during COVID-19: impacts on overdose and overdose response in a community-based cohort of sex workers who use drugs in Vancouver, BC Jenn McDermid, Jennie Pearson, Melissa Braschel, Sarah Moreheart, Rory Marck, Kate Shannon, et al. (+2)
29903 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  Wiley Acute Medicine & Surgery Positive emotions for promoting quality improvement of extracorporeal membrane oxygenation therapy for COVID-19: In situ interprofessional simulation Osamu Nomura, Arisa Aoyagi, Jin Irie, Takeshi Goto, Kana Sugiyama, Hiroyuki Hanada, Yoshiya Ishizawa
29904 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  State University of Malang (UM) Flourishing Journal Kesepian di Masa Pandemi Covid-19: Peran Welas Diri sebagai Prediktor Wahyu Eka Febriliyani
29905 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  Malaysian Psychiatric Association ASEAN Journal of Psychiatry STRESS IN RELATIONSHIP WITH BURNOUT DUE TO COVID-19: THE MODERATING ROLE OF COPING STRATEGIES Tran Le Thanh, Nguyen Thanh Hoang, Nguyen Thi Mai Lan, Vu Thu Trang, Le Vu Ha, Nguyen Thi Hoa Mai, et al. (+2)
29906 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  Springer Science and Business Media LLC npj Viruses Beyond COVID-19: the promise of next-generation coronavirus vaccines Reshma Koolaparambil Mukesh, Claude K. Yinda, Vincent J. Munster, Neeltje van Doremalen
29907 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  Elsevier International Journal of Biological Macromolecules Identification of two novel B-cell epitopes located on the spike protein of swine acute diarrhea syndrome coronavirus Liaoyuan Zhang, Xiaoman Yang, Hongyan Shi, Jiyu Zhang, Tingshuai Feng, Dakai Liu, et al. (+4)
29908 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  Springer Science and Business Media LLC Scientific Reports Regulation viral RNA transcription and replication by higher-order RNA structures within the nsp1 coding region of MERS coronavirus Yutaka Terada, Sodbayasgalan Amarbayasgalan, Yoshiharu Matsuura, Wataru Kamitani
29909 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  MDPI AG Journal of Clinical Medicine Occult Serologically Confirmed Cases of SARS-CoV-2 Coronavirus among the General Population in the Era of the Fourth Vaccination Mori Hay Levy, Neta Cohen, Rotem Marom, Hanoch Goldshmidt, David Zeltser, Michal Mizrahi, et al. (+6)
29910 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  Atena Editora Scientific Journal of Applied Social and Clinical Science Economic and social impact of Coronavirus C-19 in the informal sector: case of street vendors in Chiapas communities Isabel Pérez Pérez, Carolina Gómez Hinojosa, Gabriel Velázquez Castillejos, Elfigo Mazariegos Roblero
29911 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  Elsevier The Journal of Pediatrics Resurgence of Kawasaki Disease Following Relaxation of Coronavirus Disease 2019 Pandemic Restrictions in Japan Fumio Nakata, Kousaku Matsubara, Keigo Hamahata, Chisato Miyakoshi, Shogo Minamikawa, Kunitaka Ota, et al. (+7)
29912 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) Archives of Public Health Metabolic health is more strongly associated with the severity and mortality of coronavirus disease 2019 than obesity Hye Yeon Koo, Jae-Ryun Lee, Jin Yong Lee, Hyejin Lee
29913 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  Elsevier Antiviral Research Coronavirus Nucleocapsid-based Vaccine Provides Partial Protection against Hetero-species Coronavirus in Murine Models Pureum Lee, Jihee Kim, Hanseul Oh, Chang-Ung Kim, Ahn Young Jeong, Moo-Seung Lee, et al. (+4)
29914 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  Elsevier Journal of Hazardous Materials Determination of airborne influenza virus and coronavirus infectivity using capsid integrity polymerase chain reaction Sangsoo Choi, Amin Piri, Jiwoo Jung, Sanggwon An, Jungho Hwang
29915 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Molecular Diversity One pot multi-component synthesis of novel functionalized pyrazolo furan-2(5H)-one derivatives: in vitro, DFT, molecular docking, and pharmacophore studies, as coronavirus inhibitors Doaa M. Elsisi, Ashraf M. Mohamed, Mohamed G. Seadawy, Aya Ahmed, Eman S. Abou-Amra
29916 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology Assessing use of Video Conferencing Applications by Select Nigerian TV Stations in Disseminating Information on Coronavirus Pandemic Israel Nandi Bigun, Simon Reazanyi Sheyigari
29917 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  Index Copernicus International Zarządzanie ochroną przyrody w lasach Dydaktyka na studiach leśnych w okresie pandemii Coronavirusa Cezary Beker
29918 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  Elsevier Heliyon Computational Investigation of Novel Synthetic Analogs of C-1’β Substituted Remdesivir against RNA-dependent RNA-polymerase of SARS-CoV-2 Savio Cardoza, Anirudh Singh, Souvik Sur, Mintu Singh, Kshatresh D. Dubey, Sintu Kumar Samanta, et al. (+2)
29919 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Molecular Biotechnology In Silico Analysis of Calotropis procera-Derived Phytochemicals Targeting 3CL Proteoase of SARS-CoV-2 Tayyaba Shafique, Mohsin Javed, Muhammad Ali, Shahid Iqbal, Muhammad Faizan, Ammar Zidan, et al. (+5)
29920 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  Research, Society and Development Research Society and Development Avaliação da saliva como amostra alternativa para a detecção do SARS-CoV-2 Felipe Gonçalves Bezerra, João Felipe Bezerra, Romero Henrique Teixeira Vasconcelos, Ana Carolina Bernades Dulgheroff, Ronaldo Rodrigues Sarmento, Betânia Maria Pereira dos Santos, Maria Soraya Pereira Franco Adriano
29921 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Biomolecular NMR Assignments 1H, 15N, and 13C resonance assignments of the N-terminal domain and ser-arg-rich intrinsically disordered region of the nucleocapsid protein of the SARS-CoV-2 Peter R. Bezerra, Ariana A. Vasconcelos, Vitor S. Almeida, Thais C. Neves-Martins, Nathane C. Mebus-Antunes, Fabio C. L. Almeida
29922 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  American Chemical Society Analytical Chemistry A Dual-Fluorescence Molecular “Open Bridge” for Evaluating Gestational Hypoxia and Hypertension under the Stress of SARS-Cov-2 Meihui Hou, Haipei Chu, Wenmin Hou, Xiaotong Bian, Mingyu Qin, Lei Zhou, et al. (+2)
29923 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  Revista Argentina de Cardiologia Revista Argentina de Cardiologia Diferencia en las distintas funciones de las lipoproteínas de alta densidad en respuesta a la infección por SARS-CoV-2 Belén Davico, Maximiliano Martín, Ezequiel Lozano Chiappe, Rodrigo Esparza Iraola, Marina Marchesini, María Pérez, et al. (+4)
29924 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  Elsevier Molecular Therapy — Nucleic Acids PLA-PEG as an alternative to PEGylated lipids for nanoparticle-based DNA vaccination against SARS-CoV-2 Walison Nunes da Silva, Pedro Henrique Dias Moura Prazeres, Pedro Pires Goulart Guimarães
29925 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  Canadian Public Health Association Can J Public Health Seroprevalence of SARS-CoV-2 antibodies among children receiving primary care in Toronto, Ontario Mary Aglipay, Jeffrey C. Kwong, Karen Colwill, Anne-Claude Gringas, Ashleigh Tuite, Muhammad Mamdani, et al. (+163)
29926 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  Elsevier Heliyon Influenza viruses and SARS-CoV-2 diagnosis via sensitive testing methods in clinical application Le Zhang, Chunwen Li, ShaSha Shao, Zhaowei Zhang, Di Chen
29927 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  Centers For Disease Control and Prevention Emerging Infectious Diseases SARS-CoV-2 Dynamics in the English Premier League Testing Program Adam J. Kucharski, Timothy W. Russell, Joel Hellewell, Sebastian Funk, Andrew Steele, W. John Edmunds, Mark Gillett
29928 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  Frontiers Media SA Frontiers in Microbiology Corrigendum: SARS-CoV-2 evolution among patients with immunosuppression in a nosocomial cluster of a Japanese medical center during the Delta (AY.29 sublineage) surge Yoshie Hosaka, Yan Yan, Toshio Naito, Rieko Oyama, Koji Tsuchiya, Norio Yamamoto, et al. (+4)
29929 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  American Medical Association JAMA Widespread SARS-CoV-2 Exposure Among Wildlife in the US Samantha Anderer
29930 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  Elsevier iScience SARS-CoV-2 ferritin nanoparticle vaccines produce hyperimmune equine sera with broad sarbecovirus activity Elizabeth J. Martinez, William C. Chang, Wei-Hung Chen, Agnes Hajduczki, Paul V. Thomas, Jaime L. Jensen, et al. (+30)
29931 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) Genome Biology Real-time identification of epistatic interactions in SARS-CoV-2 from large genome collections Gabriel Innocenti, Maureen Obara, Bibiana Costa, Henning Jacobsen, Maeva Katzmarzyk, Luka Cicin-Sain, et al. (+2)
29932 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  Elsevier SLAS DISCOVERY High throughput screening for SARS-CoV-2 helicase inhibitors Yuka Otsuka, Eunjung Kim, Austin Krueger, Justin Shumate, Chao Wang, Bilel Bdiri, et al. (+6)
29933 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  Springer Science and Business Media LLC Nature Communications Rapid intra-host diversification and evolution of SARS-CoV-2 in advanced HIV infection Sung Hee Ko, Pierce Radecki, Frida Belinky, Jinal N. Bhiman, Susan Meiring, Jackie Kleynhans, et al. (+15)
29934 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  SciELO Cadernos de Saúde Pública Cohort profile: follow-up of a household cohort throughout five epidemic waves of SARS-CoV-2 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Michele Fernanda Borges da Silva, Lusiele Guaraldo, Heloisa Ferreira Pinto Santos, Leonardo Soares Bastos, Anielle de Pina-Costa, Stephanie Lema Suarez Penetra, et al. (+6)
29935 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  Springer Science and Business Media LLC Nature Microbiology Evolution of SARS-CoV-2 in the murine central nervous system drives viral diversification Jacob Class, Lacy M. Simons, Ramon Lorenzo-Redondo, Jazmin Galván Achi, Laura Cooper, Tanushree Dangi, et al. (+6)
29936 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  Revista Argentina de Cardiologia Revista Argentina de Cardiologia Differential Functions of High-density Lipoproteins in Response to SARS-CoV-2 Infection Belén Davico, Maximiliano Martín, Ezequiel Lozano Chiappe, Rodrigo Esparza Iraola, Marina Marchesini, María Pérez, et al. (+4)
29937 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  Public Library of Science PLoS ONE RNA editing regulates host immune response and T cell homeostasis in SARS-CoV-2 infection Molly Huang, Adam Mark, Jessica Pham, Karina Vera, Amanda M. Saravia-Butler, Afshin Beheshti, et al. (+3)
29938 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  EDP Sciences BIO Web of Conferences Immune Response to SARS-CoV-2 Infection Fengji Cai, Y. Chen, D. Zhang, Q. Liang
29939 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  Springer Science and Business Media LLC Scientific Reports Circulating endocannabinoid levels in SARS-CoV-2 infection and their potential role in the inflammatory response Maria Velasco, Maria Posada-Ayala, Elia Pérez-Fernández, Frida Loria, Mario Amores, José Miguel Ramos, et al. (+4)
29940 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  Elsevier The Lancet Regional Health - Southeast Asia SARS-CoV-2 infections before, during, and after the Omicron wave: a 2-year Indian community cohort study Ramya Madhavan, Jackwin Sam Paul, Sudhir Babji, Isai Thamizh, Dilesh Kumar, Shainey Alokit Khakha, et al. (+20)
29941 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  Elsevier Journal of the Formosan Medical Association Worldwide SARS-CoV-2 Omicron variant infection: Emerging sub-variants and future vaccination perspectives Yu-An Kung, Chih-Hsien Chuang, Yi-Ching Chen, Hsin-Ping Yang, Hsin-Chieh Li, Chyi-Liang Chen, et al. (+4)
29942 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  Elsevier Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications A SARS-CoV-2 peptide antigen purified from bacteria and displayed in a high-density repetitive manner on a virus-like particle could generate anti-SARS-CoV-2 neutralizing antibodies unlike free peptide Feroza Begum, Shreyashi Chandra, Md Hasan Mallik, Jhilik Dey, Prem Prakash Tripathi, Upasana Ray
29943 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) Science Advances CD4 + and CD8 + T cells are required to prevent SARS-CoV-2 persistence in the nasal compartment Meenakshi Kar, Katherine E. E. Johnson, Abigail Vanderheiden, Elizabeth J. Elrod, Katharine Floyd, Elizabeth Geerling, et al. (+13)
29944 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  The Royal Society of Chemistry Chemical Science Water-Glycan Interactions Drive the SARS-CoV-2 Spike Dynamics: Insights into Glycan-Gate Control and Camouflage Mechanism. Marharyta Blazhynska, Louis Lagardere, Chengwen Liu, Olivier Adjoua, Pengyu Ren, Jean-Philip Piquemal
29945 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  American Society for Pharmacology & Experimental Therapeutics Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics KVX-053, a Protein Tyrosine Phosphatase 4A3 inhibitor, ameliorates SARS-CoV-2 Spike protein subunit 1 - induced acute lung injury in mice Pavel A Solopov, Ruben Manuel Luciano Colunga Biancatelli, Tierney Day, Betsy Gregory, Elizabeth R Sharlow, John S. Lazo, John D Catravas
29946 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  Elsevier IJID Regions Inter-institutional laboratory standardization for SARS-CoV-2 surveillance through wastewater-based epidemiology applied to Mexico City Mariel Araceli Oyervides-Muñoz, Alberto Aguayo-Acosta, Daniel de los Cobos-Vasconcelos, Julián Carrillo-Reyes, Ana C. Espinosa-García, Eneida Campos, et al. (+17)
29947 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  Elsevier JHEP Reports Impact of SARS-CoV-2 Vaccination in Patients with Vascular Liver Diseases: Observations from a VALDIG Multicenter Study Valeria Perez-Campuzano, Pierre-Emmanuel Rautou, Thomas Marjot, Michael Praktiknjo, Edilmar Alvarado, Laura Turco, et al. (+25)
29948 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  Elsevier Virologica Sinica Trivalent SARS-CoV-2 virus-like particle vaccines exhibit broad-spectrum neutralization and protection against XBB.1 and BA.2.86 variants Lu Zhang, Siyu Tian, Jun Dai, Yuanyuan Li, Yu Zhou, Yan Li, et al. (+10)
29949 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  Elsevier Methods PhosBERT: A self-supervised learning model for identifying phosphorylation sites in SARS-CoV-2-infected human cells Yong Li, Ru Gao, Shan Liu, Hongqi Zhang, Hao Lv, Hongyan Lai
29950 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  Elsevier Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology Decreasing Case Fatality Rates for Patients with Cirrhosis Infected with SARS-CoV-2: A National COVID Cohort Collaborative Study Jin Ge, Aryana Far, Jean C. Digitale, Mark J. Pletcher, Jennifer C. Lai
29951 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  Ovid Neurology Persistent Autonomic and Immunologic Abnormalities in Neurologic Post-Acute Sequelae of SARS-CoV2 Infection David S. Goldstein, Yair Mina, Brian Walitt, Patti Sullivan, Yoshimi Enose-Akahata, Steven Jacobson, et al. (+8)
29952 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  MDPI AG Viruses Honeysuckle-Derived miR2911 Inhibits Replication of Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome Virus by Targeting Viral Gene Regions Xinyan Cao, Jiaxi Xue, Adnan Ali, Manyi Zhang, Jinliang Sheng, Yanming Sun, Yanbing Zhang
29953 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  Universidad Catolica de Temuco Sustainability Agri Food and Environmental Research A study on inclination of people towards super foods to sustain good health during pandemic. Anuradha V. Karmarkar, Gauri D. Shah, Rasika R. Gumaste, Kiran M. Shende
29954 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  University of Calgary The School of Public Policy Publications Economic Policy Trends: Post-Secondary Financial Aid and the Pandemic Kelly Foley, Christine Niell
29955 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  Frontier Scientific Publishing Pte Ltd Region - Educational Research and Reviews Exploration of the Development Model of the Second Classroom of Physical Education at Shanxi Datong University after the Pandemic Muqing Hao, Zhiwei Hao, Man Luo, Pengfei Yan
29956 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  Inderscience Enterprises Ltd. International Journal of Business Information Systems Less is Still More- The Importance of Minimalist Approach After the Pandemic Preeti Sharma, Vijay Jain, Varghese Joy
29957 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  De Gruyter Open Sp. z o.o. Timisoara Physical Education and Rehabilitation Journal The assessment of eye-hand coordination of students during the pandemic Pia Simona Făgăraș, Renato Gabriel Petrea, Cristian Mihail Rus
29958 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  Fortune Journals Fortune Journal of Health Sciences Religiosity was Associated with Lower Scores on Anxiety and Depression Symptoms in Medical Students During the Covid 19 Pandemic Karleth Costa Spindola-Rodrigues, Rodrigo Antonio Rosal Mota, Maria Eduarda De Souza Arêa Leão, Ana Luzia Coelho Lapa Ayrimoraes Soares, Kelson James Almeida
29959 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta DIDAKTIKA Jurnal Pendidikan Sekolah Dasar Analysis of Students Response to Implementation Merdeka Belajar Based Information Technology After Pandemic Amina Divina, Shirly Rizki Kusumaningrum, Radeni Sukma Indra Dewi
29960 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  EJournal Publishing International Journal of Learning and Teaching Global Software Engineering Education: Students’ Experiences during the Pandemic Annette Kott, Patricia Brockmann, D. Moritz Marutschke, Victor Kryssanov
29961 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  Frontiers Media SA Frontiers in Education Teacher-student relationship as resilience strengthener in novice teachers before and during the pandemic Paula Villalobos Vergara, César Peña-Sandoval, Romina Díaz, Pamela Barría-Herrera
29962 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  University of South Bohemia in Ceske Budejovice DETUROPE - The Central European Journal of Tourism and Regional Development Opinion of Lake Balaton Residents on Local Tourism - Changes after the Pandemic Andrea Szőllős-Tóth, Zoltán Bujdosó, Tünde Csapóné Riskó
29963 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  Brill Journal of Belonging and Human Connection Cultivating Belonging for Self and Others in Learning Spaces During the Pandemic Carey Borkoski, Brianne Roos, Keshrie Naidoo, Lisa Mitchell
29964 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  SAGE Publications Journal of Psychologists and Counsellors in Schools What has the pandemic aggravated? Views of school counsellors in India on the need for socio-emotional learning Meera Neelakantan, Aneesh Kumar P, Aashna Sadana, Sonu Mary Alex
29965 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  Universidad Catolica de Temuco Sustainability Agri Food and Environmental Research Pandemic and poultry: A study of poultry farming in Kathua block of union territory of J&K during covid 19 period Shashi Prabha, Vasu Siotra
29966 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  University of Calgary The School of Public Policy Publications Fiscal Policy Trends: Bank Runs Can Occur in Uncertain Times, Including During a Pandemic, but They Are Not Likely - Especially in Canada Christos Shiamptanis
29968 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  Springer Science and Business Media LLC Humanities and Social Sciences Communications Leveraging social media data for pandemic detection and prediction Boyang Shi, Weixiang Huang, Yuanyuan Dang, Wenhui Zhou
29969 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  Universidad Catolica de Temuco Sustainability Agri Food and Environmental Research Rethinking primary health centers (PHCs): designing for the post pandemic era Md Haseen Akhtar, Janakarajan Ramkumar
29970 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  Darul Yasin Al Sys International Journal of Humanities Education and Social Sciences Using Collaborative Instructional Approach to Improve Mathematics Achievement of Students with Openness to Experience Traits During Pandemic Era in Taraba State Bernard A. Yukwa, Fai M. Nshie
29971 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  TARUS Media MAEDICA – a Journal of Clinical Medicine Domestic Violence in Pregnancy during the Pandemic Era: a Systematic Review Despina-Maria SAVVOUDI, Eirini OROVOU, Maria DAGLA, Giannoula KIRKOU, Georgios IATRAKIS, Evangelia ANTONIOU
29972 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  Atena Editora International Journal of Health Science Cardiovascular diseases in the pre-pandemic period and during the pandemic in Vitória. João Pedro Frizzeira Lopes, Eduarda Endlich de Freitas, Lara De Freitas Laranja, João Marcos Favarato Santana, João Vitor de Assis Bedoni, Simone Karla Apolonio Duarte, et al. (+3)
29973 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  University of Calgary The School of Public Policy Publications Public Policy Trends: Unequal Burden: Learning from Canada's Responses to the Influenza Pandemic of 1918-20 Shawn W. Brackett
29974 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  Sekolah Tinggi llmu Ekonomi Indonesia Indonesian Journal of Business Accounting and Management Effectiveness of The Food Sector Msme Assistance Program Effectiveness During The Pandemic of Covid 19 To Improve Community Welfare Khairul Nur Adli, Diah Pranitasari, Muhammad Anhar
29975 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  Universidad Catolica de Temuco Sustainability Agri Food and Environmental Research Implications of Covid -19 Pandemic on Agriculture in Imo State, Nigeria-A Review. Emmanuel Ahaotu, C.E. Oko, J.N Ikpe, J Abdullahi
29976 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  Universidad Catolica de Temuco Sustainability Agri Food and Environmental Research Post Covid Complications:Aftermath of the covid pandemic on health. Anwesha Bhattacharjee, Pathoja Maity, Souradipto Choudhuri, Suvroma Gupta
29977 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  The Research Center of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts / Znanstvenoraziskovalni center Slovenske akademije znanosti in umetnosti (ZRC SAZU) Acta geographica Slovenica Monitoring the impact of the Corona pandemic on nitrogen dioxide emissions at large scales via Google Earth Engine Nuri Erkin Öçer, Dilek Küçük Matcı, Uğur Avdan
29978 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  University of Calgary The School of Public Policy Publications Evidence-Based and Community Engaged Pandemic Responses for Calgary Jessica Kohek, Meaghan Edwards, Katrina Milaney, Jennifer Zwicker
29979 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta DIDAKTIKA Jurnal Pendidikan Sekolah Dasar School Culture to Build Environmental Awareness in SD N Krebet before and during the Pandemic Season Murniningsih Murniningsih, Rully Widyanti Eka Putri
29980 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  Emerald (MCB UP) Journal of Financial Reporting and Accounting The impact of pandemic-driven changes and personal characteristics on auditors’ deviant behavior Sandra Khalil
29981 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  Penerbit Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM Press) Personalia Pelajar Volunteering Activity during Pandemic: Challenge and Involvement from UUM Students
29982 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  Emerald (MCB UP) Information and Learning Sciences What did school administrators learn from the pandemic? A qualitative research Seval Koçak, Murat Sümer
29983 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Landscape Ecology Pandemics and landscape ecology in a post-COVID world Yolanda F. Wiersma
29984 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) The Clinical Neuropsychologist Neuropsychology practice guidance for the neuropsychiatric aspects of Long COVID Christine H. Koterba, Ciaran M. Considine, Jacqueline H. Becker, Kristen R. Hoskinson, Rowena Ng, Gray Vargas, et al. (+4)
29985 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  Fortune Journals Archives of Internal Medicine Research Long COVID and Cognitive Impairment: 2022 survey results from 29 states with relevance to Alzheimer’s Disease Mary L. Adams, Joseph Grandpre
29986 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  SAGE Publications Angiology Letter: Long COVID in Patients With Peripheral Arterial Disease; the Need for Further Research Alberto Farinetti, Antonio Manenti, Anna Vittoria Mattioli
29987 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  Elsevier Clinical Medicine Improving Quality in Adult Long Covid Services: Findings from the LOCOMOTION Quality Improvement Collaborative Julie Darbyshire, Trisha Greenhalgh, Nawar D Bakerly, Kumaran Balasundaram, Sareeta Baley, Megan Ball, et al. (+30)
29988 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  SAGE Publications Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow & Metabolism Cerebral blood flow alterations and host genetic association in individuals with long COVID: A transcriptomic-neuroimaging study Yao Wang, Ziwei Yang, Xiumei Zheng, Xiao Liang, Lin Wu, Chengsi Wu, et al. (+4)
29989 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  Oxford University Press European Heart Journal - Cardiovascular Pharmacotherapy Cardiac adverse drug reactions to COVID-19 vaccines. A cross-sectional study based on the Europe-wide data Wojciech Nazar, Jan Romantowski, Marek Niedoszytko, Ludmiła Daniłowicz-Szymanowicz
29990 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Wireless Personal Communications Statistical Machine and Deep Learning Methods for Forecasting of Covid-19 Mamta Juneja, Sumindar Kaur Saini, Harleen Kaur, Prashant Jindal
29991 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  Elsevier Annals of Allergy Asthma & Immunology “Inflammatory Pathways in Patients with Post-acute Sequelae of COVID-19 - The Role of the Clinical Immunologist” Matthew R. Elliott, Anna E. O'Connor, Gailen D. Marshall
29992 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  Elsevier Diamond and Related Materials Alkali metal-doped C20 fullerene sensors for COVID-19 biomarker detection: DFT insights into naked-eye and infrared techniques Muhammad Ejaz, Hamad AlMohamadi, Asim Laeeq Khan, Muhammad Yasin, Tariq Mahmood, Khurshid Ayub, et al. (+2)
29993 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  Elsevier Non-coding RNA Research The relationship between microRNAs and COVID-19 complications Abdollah Kebriaei, Reza Besharati, Hasan Namdar Ahmad Abad, Shahrzad Havakhah, Mahsa Khosrojerdi, Amir Azimian
29994 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  Elsevier Drug and Alcohol Dependence Reports Impact of COVID-19 on MOUD Retention in a Sample of Rural Primary Care Patients: A Secondary Analysis of Electronic Health Records Stacy Calhoun, Huiying Guo, Zhe Fei, Chunqing Lin, Sarah E. Clingan, Yuhui Zhu, et al. (+2)
29995 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  Springer Science and Business Media LLC Scientific Reports Microbiological and decomposition analysis of mass mink burial sites during the COVID-19 pandemic Kristian Key Milan Thamsborg, Mette Sif Hansen, Charlotte Scheutz, Kasper Klintø, Peter Kjeldsen, Lise Kirstine Kvisgaard, et al. (+9)
29996 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  TARUS Media MAEDICA – a Journal of Clinical Medicine Impact of Covid-19 Pandemic on Waitlisted Preoperative General Surgical Patients in a Tertiary Care Hospital in India - Problems and Probable Solutions: an Observational Study Rubik RAY, Chetan ANAND, Tridip Dutta BARUAH, Debajyoti MOHANTY, R. MANJU
29997 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  Elsevier Women s Studies International Forum Racism and discrimination during the COVID-19 pandemic: Experiences of Turkish migrant women in the Netherlands Ayşe Aldemir, Koen Leurs
29998 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  TARUS Media MAEDICA – a Journal of Clinical Medicine A Pilot and Feasibility Study to Evaluate the Effectiveness of Tofacitinib Add-On Therapy to Remdesivir in Severely Ill COVID-19 Patients Mehrdad DARGAHI-MALAMIR, Mofid HOSSEINZADEH, Reza KHEDRI, Hooshmand HOSSEININEJAD, Babak BEHMANESH, Ali HATAMI, et al. (+4)
29999 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  Elsevier Vaccine Patient-reported outcomes of adverse events after COVID-19 vaccination in Nigeria: A mixed methods study Comfort K. Ogar, Hannah N. Gilbert, Lourens T. Bloem, Christine Leopold, Peter U. Bassi, Yahaya M. Katagum, et al. (+6)
30000 2024―Aug―23  [GO]  European Centre for Disease Control and Prevention (ECDC) Eurosurveillance Mobile vaccination units to increase COVID-19 vaccination uptake in areas with lower coverage: a within-neighbourhood analysis using national registration data, the Netherlands, September-December 2021 Mattijs S Lambooij, Joyce Pijpers, Jan van de Kassteele, Mirjam P Fransen, Susan JM Hahné, Niek Hof, et al. (+5)
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