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COVID answers in Scientific Journals all over the world

Publishing House: Sci Forschen, Inc.

57 Results       Page 1

  original article Journal Date Title Authors All Authors
1 [GO] Journal of Surgery Open Access 2023―Jun―12 Taste Dysfunction in Long COVID-19 Patients: An Observational Study Luhana M, Evans C, Kumar BN
2 [GO] Nutrition and Food Technology Open Access 2023―Mar―03 Relationship among Food Intake, Dietary Habit and Immunity among Different Age People in West African Countries during the Covid-19 Pandemic Oluwole O, Ademuyiwa O, Kosoko B, Elemo G
3 [GO] Journal of Clinical Case Studies 2023―Jan―01 Candida Guilliermondii Meningitis Associated with SARS-Cov-2 Infection: First Case Report Souid H, Mtibaa L, Rebai A, Dachraoui A, Besrour R, Baccouchi N, et al. (+2)
4 [GO] International Journal of Vaccines and Immunization 2022―Dec―16 A New Vaccine Targeting the S1 of the S Protein Induce Mice Immune Response against COVID-19 Jie ZW, Lin YT, Sun WH, Yang WJ, Zhang ZY, Weng K, et al. (+3)
5 [GO] International Journal of Vaccines and Immunization 2022―Dec―16 Making Better Informed, More Confident COVID-19 Decisions: Vaccine Hesitancy, Its Barriers and Impact Studies: Taking Bayelsa State as an Example Raimi OM, Lucky EC, Okoyen E, Clement A, Ogbointuwei C, Babatunde A
6 [GO] International Journal of Vaccines and Immunization 2022―Dec―16 Dynamic of Knowledge, Perception and Acceptance of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Vaccines in Brazzaville Okamba FR, Etoka-Beka MK, Morabandza CJ, Loko S, Nzoussi B, Tsaty ADP, et al. (+3)
7 [GO] Journal of Clinical and Laboratory Medicine 2022―Oct―14 Plasma Biomarkers Associated to Outcome in Patients with Sars-Cov-2 Infection Venge P, Xu S, Peterson C, Eriksson AK, Hultström M, Larsson A, et al. (+3)
8 [GO] Journal of Environmental and Toxicological Studies 2022―Oct―04 Transportation-Related Toxic Emissions Influenced by Public Reactions to the COVID-19 Pandemic Du J, Wang H, Qiao F
9 [GO] Journal of Epidemiology and Public Health Reviews 2022―Mar―18 The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Reports Involving Arboviruses Gomes MWL, de Souza Barros C, Gomes RDSP, Pinto RP, Cirne-Santos CC, Paixao ICP
10 [GO] Journal of Epidemiology and Public Health Reviews 2022―Jan―20 Health Risk among Front Liners during COVID-19 in India: A Sociological View Point Kumar S
11 [GO] Journal of Epidemiology and Public Health Reviews 2022―Jan―20 "How do the Scientific Research Institutes Implement Precise Prevention and Control for Returning Workers and Students During the Pandemic PeriodTaking “Wechat” as an Example" Shuyan C, Jingjing Y, Xingquan Y, Junyong H, Hongmou Z, Ruibin L, et al. (+2)
12 [GO] Journal of Neurology and Neurobiology 2022―Jan―01 Two Cases of Encephalitis with Brainstem Involvement and Microglial Activation in SARS-CoV-2 Infection Metodiev D, Toshev Y, Anachkov K, Minkin K, Nachev S
13 [GO] Journal of Clinical Case Studies 2021―Dec―17 Possible Complication Pneumothorax of in COVID-19 Aslan B, Aydm F
14 [GO] Journal of Drug Research and Development 2021―Nov―12 Genetic Effects of Ultra-High-Diluted-Biomedicines Gall 30C, Gall 200C, and Gall 1000C may be Vaccines against Plant and COVID-19 Diseases: Improved Agriculture-Health-Medical-Pharmaceutical-ScienceTechnology-Communication-Issues! Datta SC
15 [GO] Journal of Drug Research and Development 2021―Nov―12 Observational Follow-Up Study of Hospitalized Patients Diagnosed with COVID-19 to Evaluate the Effectiveness of the Pharmacological Treatment Used to Treat this Disease. COVID-19 Registry Lavin-Alconero L, Bautista-Blazquez A, Nogueiras-Alvarez R, Valencia-Lopez D, Cuellar-Gomez D, Vaca-Recalde MG, et al. (+7)
16 [GO] International Journal of Vaccines and Immunization 2021―Nov―11 Why Do Patients Still Have the Potential to Transmit COVID-19 Despite Receiving Vaccinations? Huang WL
17 [GO] International Journal of Vaccines and Immunization 2021―Nov―11 mRNA Vaccine Review against COVID-19 with Potential Applications to Improve Efficacy and Targeting Iqbal MS, Mousa SA
18 [GO] International Journal of Vaccines and Immunization 2021―Nov―11 Achieving Immunization Equity in a Pandemic Terence LYS, Khoo CY
19 [GO] Journal of Psychiatry and Mental Health 2021―Oct―21 Reappraising Burnout Syndrome in Healthcare under Sars-Cov-2 Pandemic Luis Madeira LDA, Narciso MH, Heitor MJ
20 [GO] Journal of Surgery Open Access 2021―Sep―16 COVID-19 and its Repercussions on Vascular and Abdominal Medical Emergency Scenario. Interinstitutional, Multidisciplinary Approach Torrejón-Hernández CA, Bizueto-Rosas H, Galván MAP, Trujillo-Araujo AK, Carrillo FJC, Cossío-Zazueta A, et al. (+10)
21 [GO] Journal of Clinical and Laboratory Medicine 2021―Sep―16 Benign Cerebral Edema and Increased Intracranial Pressure (ICP) as Manifestations of COVID-19 Reinfection; A Case Report Heidary AH, Elahi R, Nazari M
22 [GO] Journal of Clinical and Laboratory Medicine 2021―Sep―16 Serology Testing: The Dark Horse in SARS COV2 Pandemic Sareen R, Gupta GN, Yadav A, Saini S
23 [GO] Journal of Emerging Diseases and Virology 2021―Sep―03 Prospect of Ion Channel Inhibitors and Cholesterol Lowering Drugs to Combat COVID-19 Tewari DN, Chakrabarti AK, Dutta S
24 [GO] Journal of Emerging Diseases and Virology 2021―Sep―03 Transcutaneous Vagus Nerve Stimulation is Associated with Lower Mechanical Ventilation and Mortality in COVID-19 Patients Nemechek P, Antonelli G, Braida A
25 [GO] Journal of Emerging Diseases and Virology 2021―Sep―03 Comparison of Disease Nature of MERS, SARS-CoV-1, and SARS-CoV-2: A Review El Hajj S, Sacre Y, Barbour EK, Kumosani T, Amr G, Karameh W, et al. (+2)
26 [GO] Journal of Neurology and Neurobiology 2021―Aug―11 Peripheral Facial Paresis and COVID-19 Case Report Militaru M, Lighezan DF, Petrescu MN, Militaru AG
27 [GO] Journal of Clinical Case Studies 2021―Aug―06 Covid-19: A Double Edged Sword-Rise in Complicated Ureteric Stone Disease Khan ZA, Swain S, Tonge K, Jena M, Agarwal P, Rulaniya S, Neniwal V
28 [GO] International Journal of Nephrology and Kidney Failure 2021―Jul―05 Monitoring System, Evolution and Prognosis in Renal Patients on Haemodialysis Infected by Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 Aroca G, Depine SA, Vélez-Verbel M, Dianda D, Gomez L, Chaparro MC, et al. (+8)
29 [GO] Journal of Epidemiology and Public Health Reviews 2021―May―15 Thoughts on Higher Medical Education under Major Public Health Emergencies: Thinking Ahead after COVID-19 Outbreak--A Descriptive Study Lin W, Chen Y, Shi S, Liang J, Huang H, Li L, et al. (+5)
30 [GO] Journal of Epidemiology and Public Health Reviews 2021―May―15 A Prospective Study to Evaluate the Clinical Performance of A Novel MultitargetBased Antigen Test on the Detection of SARS-CoV-2 in Symptomatic PopulationComparison to Nuclear Acid-Based Tests Yu W, Rao E, Wan DD, Patterson C, Wan DD, Pogosyan A, et al. (+2)
31 [GO] Clinical Research Open Access 2021―May―03 A Preliminary Study on Various Types of 4-Aminoquinolines for Pre- or PostExposure Prophylaxis and for Treatment in Severe COVID-19 Bright B, Ali W, Fajimi N, Adesope T, Tairu S, Sobande P, Itodo ES
32 [GO] International Journal of Dentistry and Oral Health 2021―May―03 The Effect of COVID-19 on the Reasons to Utilize Dental Emergency Services, Do We Need a New Dental Care Model? Bamedhaf O, Almashhadani SS
33 [GO] Journal of Emerging Diseases and Virology 2021―Mar―18 The Perfect Storm Review: Immune Dysregulation in Severe COVID-19 and the Possible Role of Mast Cell-Vitamin D Interactions Houldsworth A
34 [GO] Journal of Emerging Diseases and Virology 2021―Mar―18 Bus Based Mobile Virus Diagnostic Laboratory for COVID-19 Sample Collection and Testing in Remote Areas Rao YS, Rao SR
35 [GO] Journal of Emerging Diseases and Virology 2021―Mar―18 Bayesian Model for Covid-19 to Achieve Immunity by Parsimony of Exponential Functions Minimizing the Inoculum Lamothe N, Lamothe M, Lamothe D, Sierra C, Gonzalez- Tellez-Giron CH, Rodas VH, et al. (+10)
36 [GO] Journal of Neurology and Neurobiology 2021―Feb―09 COVID-19 and Guillain-Barre Syndrome Case Report Sidig A, Abbasher K, Abbasher H, Abbasher M, Hussien A
37 [GO] International Journal of Vaccines and Immunization 2021―Feb―09 Assessment of Knowledge, Perception and Readiness of Nigerians to Participate in the COVID-19 Vaccine Trial Enitan SS, Oyekale AO, Akele RY, Olawuyi KA, Olabisi EO, Nwankiti AJ, et al. (+2)
38 [GO] Journal of Diabetes Research and Therapy 2021―Feb―01 What is the Future of Therapeutic Education? The Italian Scenario and the Covid-19 Pandemic Lesson Riccio M, Memoli G
39 [GO] Autoimmune and Infectious Diseases Open Access 2021―Jan―20 Acute Ischemic Stroke as a Presenting Feature of COVID-19 in a Young Adult Alikhani A, Azad MAS, Pakzad A, Beyzaee AM
40 [GO] Journal of Emerging Diseases and Virology 2020―Nov―25 Compassionate Use of Opaganib for Patients with Severe COVID-19 Kurd R, Ben-Chetrit E, Karameh H, Bar-Meir M
41 [GO] Journal of Emerging Diseases and Virology 2020―Nov―25 Clinical Features and Follow-Up of SARS-Cov-2 Asymptomatic Carriers Liu L, Yuan MJ, Hong XQ, Yu Y, Su X, Huang Y, et al. (+4)
42 [GO] Journal of Emerging Diseases and Virology 2020―Nov―25 Olfactory and Gustatory Dysfunction Associated with SARS-CoV-2 Infection Fang G, Ma X, Chen Z, Gao G, Xie W, Xie R, Zhang F
43 [GO] Journal of Epidemiology and Public Health Reviews 2020―Nov―24 Differential Forecasting of the Spread of COVID-19 in Small Islands with Containment Interventions Usman SK, Suzana M, Moosa S
44 [GO] Journal of Heart Health 2020―Nov―01 Home-Based Physical Exercise Program for Cardiac Rehabilitation in the Context of COVID-19 Pitanga CPS, Beck CC, Pitanga FJG
45 [GO] Journal of Epidemiology and Public Health Reviews 2020―Oct―06 Self-Care a Buzz Word during COVID-19 Pandemic Pandve HT, Patil SP
46 [GO] Journal of Epidemiology and Public Health Reviews 2020―Oct―06 The Impact on Public Health and Economy Using Lockdown as a Tool against COVID-19 Pandemic in Africa: A Perspective Nyarko RO, Boateng E, Kahwa I, Boateng PO, Nyarko RO, Asare B, et al. (+3)
47 [GO] Journal of Epidemiology and Public Health Reviews 2020―Oct―06 Determinants of Adherence to the Recommended COVID-19 Prevention and Control Guidelines by Small Scale Retail Shop Operators in Rural Parts of Siaya County, Kenya Omemo P, Wasonga J
48 [GO] Journal of Emerging Diseases and Virology 2020―Aug―14 Vagus Nerve Stimulation is an Ideal Therapeutic Candidate for COVID-19 Infection Nemechek P
49 [GO] Journal of Clinical and Laboratory Medicine 2020―Aug―14 The Potential Detrimental Role of High Salt Diet in Promoting Exaggerated Th-17 Responses in COVID-19 Patients, an Intriguing Hypothesis Basta D, Latinovic OS
50 [GO] Journal of Biochemistry and Analytical studies 2020―Aug―14 Use Chou’s 5-Steps Rule to Reveal Why SARS + MERS = COVID-19? Koyunoğlu C
51 [GO] Journal of Emerging Diseases and Virology 2020―Jul―29 COVID-19 Outbreak in Pakistan; a Situational Analysis Noreen N, Siddiqui SW, Niazi SUK, Khudaidad F, Khan NU, Dil S, et al. (+2)
52 [GO] Journal of Epidemiology and Public Health Reviews 2020―Jul―16 COVID-19 and Malaria: A Fatal Attraction for SARS CoV-2? Harris RE, Rosemurgy AS
53 [GO] Journal of Epidemiology and Public Health Reviews 2020―Jul―16 What Healthcare Workers Know about Covid-19 in Nowshera Pakistan Khan H
54 [GO] Journal of Emerging Diseases and Virology 2020―Jun―06 Use of CRISPR to Enhance and Combat Human Viral Infections as HIV and SARS-Cov-2 Ataa AMA, Ataa AMA
55 [GO] International Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolic Disorders 2020―May―15 The VivaDiag COVID-19 lgM/IgG Rapid Test for the Screening and Early Diagnosis of COVID-19 in Patients with No Clinical Signs of the Disease Capello F, Cipolla M, Cosco L, Gnasso A, Mancini R, Nichelatti M, et al. (+2)
56 [GO] Journal of Emerging Diseases and Virology 2020―May―08 Description of 29, COVID-19 Patients from District Nowshera, Pakistan Khan H
57 [GO] Journal of Clinical Case Studies 2020―Feb―17 The Wuhan 2019 Human Coronavirus (CoV) Outbreak: Are We at the Edge of Global Pandemic?

57 Results       Page 1


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