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COVID answers in Scientific Journals all over the world

105 Results       Page 1

International Pharmaceutical Federation (FIP): Pharmacy Education
  original article Date Title Authors   Max. 6 Authors
1 [GO] 2024―Jun―04 Safety outcomes of remdesivir for treatment of COVID-19 hospitalised patients in Indonesia Didik Hasmono, Samirah Samirah, Ruddy Hartono, Mohammad Subkhan, Maria Angelia Yoshida, Fenny Kesuma Leliga
2 [GO] 2024―May―26 Antihypertensive profile in COVID-19 patients at emergency field hospital Surabaya, Indonesia Didik Hasmono, Sandra Junita Parambang, Ririn Dwi Cahyani, Erwin Astha Triyono, Halim Priyahau Jaya
3 [GO] 2024―May―01 Evaluation of the effect of aminophylline on inflammatory parameters in COVID-19 patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome Arina Dery Puspitasari, Erika Astanti, Novika Selvia Putri, Anna Surgean Veterini
4 [GO] 2023―Dec―09 The role of pharmacist education as a catalyst: Examining COVID-19 vaccine acceptance and hesitancy in senior Lebanese citizens Sarah El khatib, Carmela Bou-Malham, Fatima Moughnieh, Chadia Haddad, Souheil Hallit, Marwan Akel, Pascale Salameh, Zeinab Shouman, Katia Iskandar
5 [GO] 2023―Nov―13 Highlighting the pivotal role of the pharmacist in influencing health behaviours during emergency crisis: A lesson from the COVID-19 pandemic Katia Iskandar, Souheil Hallit, Chadia Haddad, Irfan Mohammed, Feten Fekih-Romdhane, Rawshan Jabeen, Michelle Cherfane, Elise Makhoul, Marwan Akel, Sarah El Khatib, Rohul Amin, Anna Brytek-Matera, Nebojša Pavlovic, Rula Darwish, Mainul Haque, Jayaseelan Murugaiyan, Shadrach Chinecherem Eze, Randa Choueiry, Kenneth Egwu, Nagham Khanafer, Magdalena Mróz, Vijaya Pavani Molli, Tamires Furtado Rockenbach, Joanna Sitarska, Ana Tomas, Pascale Salameh
6 [GO] 2023―Oct―10 Overview of compliance to taking iron-folic acid supplementation at primary healthcare centre during the Covid-19 pandemic Hanie Kusuma Wardani, Hanni Prihhastuti Puspitasari, Yuni Priyandani
7 [GO] 2023―Oct―10 Assessment of pharmaceutical inventory management in an Indonesian district health office: A pioneer study during the Covid-19 pandemic Hadi Suprapto, Yunita Nita, Andi Hermansyah
8 [GO] 2023―Oct―10 Medication complexity and COVID-19 pandemic impact on the cost burden in non-COVID elderly patients at the emergency department Khusnul Fitri Hamidah, Mahardian Rahmadi, Erfan Abdissalam, Indah Septiani, Febriansyah Nur Utomo, Wieka Rafelina Batubara
9 [GO] 2023―Oct―10 Exploring the pharmacist role and challenges during COVID-19 pandemic in the public healthcare setting: A qualitative study Asri Putri Pratiwi, Wahyu Utami, Umi Athiyah, Abdul Rahem, Anila Impian Sukorini, Andi Hermansyah
10 [GO] 2023―Oct―10 Effect of fondaparinux anticoagulants on D-dimer levels in Covid-19 patients Bella Donna Perdana Putra, Pratiwi Asih A.N.T, Budi Suprapti, Dery P Arina, Mulya Sundari
11 [GO] 2023―Oct―10 Antidiabetic drug profile of COVID-19 patients with comorbid diabetes mellitus Didik Hasmono, Samirah Samirah, Ni Putu Ayu Deviana Gayatri, Naning Ni’mawati, Halim Prihayau Jaya, Erwin Astha Triono
12 [GO] 2023―Oct―10 Adolescent knowledge in COVID-19 prevention based on Centres for Disease Control guideline Dinda Monika Nusantara Ratri, Muhammad Farid, Hasbi As-Shiddiq, Airlangga Revy Priono, Ananda Eka Putri Widhayatina, Devita Fatikhasari, Dinda Chaerani, Ellyna Majesty Ayundari, Farhan Rizqi Windianto, Kallista Freda Meir, Lie Chaterine Marthadilawati, Ludiro Seto Prasetiyo Gomo, Moch Tri Widya Octaviandy, Muhammad Rizky Naufal Ramadhan, Peggy Ignatia Winarko, Satya Andiva Azhalia, Widad Sekar Putri Rinardi
13 [GO] 2023―Oct―10 The activity of bioactive compounds from bidara upas (Merremia mammosa (Lour) Hall. f.) as an inhibitor of SARS-CoV2 entry stage: In silico study Neny Purwitasari, Mangestuti Agil, Siswandono Siswodihardjo, Saipul Maulana, Muhammad Sulaiman Zubair
14 [GO] 2023―Oct―10 Foodborne disease and food safety among college students in pandemic situation Anita Dewi Moelyaningrum, Soedjajadi Keman, Soenarnatalina Melaniani, Hari Basuki Notobroto, Dewi Rokhmah, Hario Megatsaari
15 [GO] 2023―Jul―10 Comparison of pharmacy student survey results: Student perceptions of face-to-face and online lectures during the COVID-19 pandemic Makiko Iwasawa, Katsuya Otori
16 [GO] 2023―May―16 Adverse drug reactions evaluation of antimicrobials in COVID-19 inpatients using Modified Trigger Tool and Naranjo Algorithm Larasati Arrum Kusumawardani, Nisa Maria, Yoga Amarta
17 [GO] 2023―May―16 Analysis of polypharmacy events and drug-drug interaction in COVID-19 therapy Anna Pradiningsih, Nurul Qiyaam, Baiq Leny Nopitasari
18 [GO] 2023―May―16 Evaluation of COVID-19 vaccine storage at community health centres in Mataram city Baiq Lenysia Puspita Anjani, Cyntiya Rahmawati, Baiq Nurbaety, Baiq Leny Nopitasari, Anna Pradiningsih
19 [GO] 2023―May―16 The impact of COVID-19 on the management of medicines at a public health centre: A showcase of pharmacist resilience Firiyal Okta Safarah, Yuni Priyandani, Umi Athiyah, Abdul Rahem, Anila Impian Sukorini, Andi Hermansyah
20 [GO] 2023―May―16 Public perceptions about telemedicine services for COVID-19 self-isolating patients Devi Ristian Octavia, Liza Pristianty, Andi Hermansyah
21 [GO] 2023―May―09 Evaluation of student-pharmacists’ experiences in COVID-19 vaccination clinics May Thandar, Gina M. Prescott, Jaime Maerten-Rivera, William Allan Prescott Jr., Karl D. Fiebelkorn, Nicholas M. Fusco
22 [GO] 2023―Jan―29 Assessment of knowledge, attitude, and practice towards COVID-19 among undergraduate students and its psychological impact on their life: A cross-sectional study Mohammed Saif Anaam
23 [GO] 2022―Dec―21 Revisiting early online learning experiences amid the COVID-19 pandemic in Indonesia: Benefits, barriers, and impact on pharmacy student learning outcomes Abdul Rahem, Ach Syahrir, Hasan Ismail, Andi Hermansyah
24 [GO] 2022―Oct―16 Experiential pharmacy education in trying times: Lessons learned from the COVID-19 pandemic Fouad Sakr, Iqbal Fahs, Ahmad Dimassi, Samar Younes, Nisreen Mourad, Jihan Safwan, Marwan Akel, Mohamad Rahal, Mariam Dabbous
25 [GO] 2022―Jun―12 Students’ perceptions and impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the pharmaceutical education in Bulgaria: A pilot project Evelina Gavazva, Daniela Grekova
26 [GO] 2022―Jun―03 Development, validation and evaluation of learning activities to support the reporting of adverse drug reactions during the COVID-19 pandemic Elisa Curtolo, Janis Vella Szijj, Liberato Camilleri, Anthony Serracino-Inglott, Lilian M. Azzopardi
27 [GO] 2022―May―29 Teaching organic nomenclature for pharmacy students: Adapting a course to online mode during COVID-19 Claudio Barrientos, Silvana Moris
28 [GO] 2022―May―29 Faculty perceptions on online education in a school of pharmacy during the COVID-19 pandemic Jihan Safwan, Michelle Cherfan, Mariam Dabbous, Dalal Hammoudi, Zeina Akiki, Faraj Saade, Marwan Akel, Samar Younes, Mohamad Rahal, Etwal Bouraad, Fouad Sakr
29 [GO] 2022―Mar―31 Drug therapy for COVID-19 inpatients in West Nusa Tenggara hospital Mahacita Andanalusia, Shah Iqbal Ikraman Akbar, Anna Pradiningsih
30 [GO] 2022―Mar―31 Cost of illness for COVID-19 inpatients in West Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia Cyntiya Rahmawati, Baiq Nurbaety, Nurul Qiyaam, Sulton Dini, Laelatul Maftuhah
31 [GO] 2022―Mar―31 Effects of health supplement self-medication learning media on health student behaviours during the COVID-19 pandemic Adin Hakim Kurniawan, Alvi Nur
32 [GO] 2022―Mar―31 The effect of advertising on the decision to purchase facial wash during the COVID-19 pandemic Anna Pradiningsih, Baiq Leny Nopitasari, Ida Ayu Melian, Resi Sukmaningsih, Mahacita Andanalusia
33 [GO] 2022―Mar―31 Validation of stress assessment instruments related to the COVID-19 pandemic in pregnant women Mazhar Ardhina Silmi, Gusti Noorrizka Veronika Achmad, Hanni Prihhastuti Puspitasari
34 [GO] 2022―Mar―31 Development of Sumbawa honey as tonic to stimulate stamina during the COVID-19 pandemic in West Nusa Tenggara Baiq Leny Nopitasari, Shah Iqbal Ikraman Akbar, Alvi Kusuma Wardani
35 [GO] 2022―Mar―31 Tocilizumab therapy in COVID-19 patients Humaira Izka A, Mareta Rindang A, Prastuti A W
36 [GO] 2022―Mar―31 Stevia rebaudiana as a nutraceutical for COVID-19 patients with no sugar diet during recovery and its nanoparticle application Lutfi Chabib, Arman Suryani, Sherina Nabila Putri Hakim, Muhammad Ikhwan Rizki, Ferdy Firmansyah, Fitra Romadhonsyah
37 [GO] 2022―Mar―31 Relationship between knowledge and attitude towards COVID-19 prevention behaviour among west jakarta residents Stefanus Lukas, Diana Laila Ramatillah, Nina Jusnita, Salsa Fadhilla, Yufri Aldi, Fatma Sri Wahyuni
38 [GO] 2022―Mar―11 Perceptions of undergraduate pharmacy students towards online assessments used during the COVID-19 pandemic in a public university in Malaysia Usman Abubakar, A'isyah Humaira' Mohd Salehudin, Nik Afiqah Athirah Nik Mohd Asri, Nur Atiqah Mohammad Rohi, Nur Hasyimah Ramli, Nur Izzah Mohd Khairuddin, Nur Fariesya Saiful Izham, Siti Hajar Nasrullah, Auwal Adam Sa’ad
39 [GO] 2022―Feb―25 Online course delivery, assessment, and student satisfaction: The case of Quantitative Chemical Analysis course in the time of COVID-19 pandemic Ghassan Sonji, Dalal Hammoudi Halat, Zeina Mehyou, Mohamad Rahal
40 [GO] 2022―Jan―01 An entrepreneurial activity implementation and assessment among pharmacy students amid the COVID-19 pandemic lockdown Elaine V. Nguyen, So Hyun Kim, Mohammed A. Islam, Youngil Chang, Judy Aoyagi, Alamdar Hussain
41 [GO] 2022―Jan―01 Pharmacy education shift during times of pandemic and collapse: A perspective from a school of pharmacy in Lebanon Dalal Hammoudi Halat, Jihan Safwan, Marwan Akel, Mohamad Rahal
42 [GO] 2021―Dec―29 Effectiveness of Google Classroom and Edmodo in online learning during the COVID-19 pandemic among pharmacy students of Health Polytechnic of Health Ministry Kupang, Indonesia Priska Ernestina Tenda, Maria Hilaria, Muhamad Satria Pua Upa, Emanuel Gerald Alan Rahmat
43 [GO] 2021―Nov―19 Experiential learning placements in primary care: Responding to the COVID-19 pandemic Alyson Brown, Linsey Hayes, Lloyd Kennett
44 [GO] 2021―Nov―19 Inequality in accessing learning during pandemic crises in developing countries: Reflections from COVID-19-induced online learning at a Kenyan pharmacy school Kihugi Veronica Njambi, Godfrey Wabwile Mayoka
45 [GO] 2021―Nov―11 Virtual APPE grand rounds: A learning activity to enhance remote rotations during the COVID-19 pandemic Troy Kish, Suzanna Gim, Antony Pham, Jaclyn Cusumano, Eric Ocheretyaner, Elaena Quattrocchi, Lana Hareez, Mandy Chen, Roda Plakogiannis
46 [GO] 2021―Sep―02 Satisfaction of pharmacy students with e-learning approach in the University of Health Sciences Casablanca, Morocco during COVID-19 lockdown Lamia Slimani, Layla Hammidi, Fayssal Jhilal, Chakib Nejjari, Samir Ahid
47 [GO] 2021―Aug―14 Repurposing asynchronous video interview software for virtual pharmacy OSCEs during the COVID-19 pandemic Denise L. Hope, Sean R. Alcorn, Gary D Rogers, Gary D. Grant, Michelle A. King
48 [GO] 2021―Aug―14 Feasibility of virtual mock trials as a parallel teaching-assessment activity for student pharmacists at two American pharmacy programmes during the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond Shih-Ying H. Hsu, Ettie Rosenberg, Hoai-An Truong, Lynn Lang, Reza Taheri
49 [GO] 2021―Aug―07 Active and non-active stations as an adaptive method for Objective Structured and Clinical Examination during the COVID-19 pandemic Ida Musfiroh, Holis Abdul Holik, Raden Bayu Indradi
50 [GO] 2021―Jul―28 In silico screening of mint leaves compound (Mentha piperita L.) as a potential inhibitor of SARS-CoV-2 Diana Serlahwaty, Cindy Giovani
51 [GO] 2021―Jul―28 Pandemic 2020: Economic pressure and evaluation of a primary health care innovation programme for type 2 diabetes mellitus treatment Fransiskus Samuel Renaldi, Rani Sauriasari, Woro Riyadina
52 [GO] 2021―Jun―17 Pharmacy students and faculty perceptions of online team-based learning due to the COVID-19 pandemic Frank Yu, Jessica Wooster, Tianrui Yang
53 [GO] 2021―Jun―08 Experiential training during COVID-19 pandemic: a virtual attachment experience from a college of pharmaceutical sciences in the United Arab Emirates Syed Arman Rabbani, Tarun Wadhwa, Sathvik B Sridhar, Javedh Shareef, Areeg Anwer Ali, Padma GM Rao
54 [GO] 2021―Jan―16 COVID-19 is a trigger for transformation in pharmacy education for West Africa Mahama Duwiejua
55 [GO] 2021―Jan―16 Impact of the COVID-19 national lockdown on pharmacy students’ productivity and their coping strategies in a developing country: An online survey in Nigerian universities Abdulmuminu Isah, Deborah Oyine Aluh, Abubakar Abba, Patrick Ogbonna Chukwu, Ebere Mercy Okpara, Abubakar Sadiq Abdullahi, Nneka Uchenna Igboeli, Maxwell Ogochukwu Adibe, Chukwuemeka Sylvester Nworu
56 [GO] 2021―Jan―16 The impact of COVID-19 on pharmacy students in Sudan: A cross-sectional survey Noon Abubakr Abdelrahman Kamil, Salma Elmukashfi Eltahir Mohammed, Yasir Ahmed Mohammed Elhadi, Mohamed Babiker Musa, Yusuff Adebayo Adebisi, Don Eliseo-Lucero Prisno III
57 [GO] 2021―Jan―16 Impact of preferred learning style on personal resilience strategies among pharmacy students during the COVID-19 pandemic Jacob Poirier, Paul Gregory, Zubin Austin
58 [GO] 2021―Jan―16 A study on the effectiveness of online teaching in pharmacy education from teacher and student perspectives during the COVID-19 pandemic Dibya Sundar Panda, Mohammed Gamal, Ameeduzzafar Zafar, Della Grace Thomas Parambi, Aswini Kumar Senapati, Soraja Kumar Patro, Pratap Kumar Sahoo, Anindya Bose
59 [GO] 2021―Jan―16 Adequacy of preventive measures, awareness, and attitude regarding the COVID-19 pandemic among university pharmacy students Saba Tariq, Sundus Tariq, Mukhtiar Baig, Saadia Shahzad Alam
60 [GO] 2021―Jan―16 Student and faculty perceptions related to online learning during the COVID-19 pandemic in Indonesia Syofyan Syofyan, Dita Permatasari, Uswatul Hasanah, Fithriani Armin, Rahmi Yosmar, Fatma Sri Wahyuni, Lailaturrahmi Lailaturrahmi
61 [GO] 2021―Jan―16 Wellbeing during COVID-19: A social media takeover Andrew Burch, Ryan Owens, Sarah Nisly, Shawn Riser Taylor
62 [GO] 2021―Jan―16 The shift from class-based to online learning during COVID-19: A student and academic perception Nicolette Sammut Bartolo, Maresca Attard Pizzuto, Francesca Wirth, Janis Vella Szijj, Anthony Serracino-Inglott, Lilian M Azzopardi
63 [GO] 2021―Jan―15 An overview of Portugal's educational challenges and responses to the global pandemic of COVID-19 Filipa Alves da Costa, Maria Deolinda Auxtero, Ana Paula Martins, Maria Margarida Caramona
64 [GO] 2021―Jan―15 EDITORIAL: Indonesian pharmacy education, workforce challenges, and responses to the global pandemic of COVID-19 Desak Ketut Ernawati, Franciscus Cahyo Kristianto, Yosef Wijoyo
65 [GO] 2021―Jan―15 EDITORIAL: Moving online and keeping a distance: Danish reaction to challenges when working in pharmacies or training to be a pharmaconomist during COVID-19 Christina Durinck, Elsebeth Hagen
66 [GO] 2021―Jan―15 EDITORIAL: What just happened (and keeps on happening)?: The experience of COVID-19 in Canadian pharmacy practice and education Zubin Austin
67 [GO] 2021―Jan―15 EDITORIAL: An overview of educational challenges and responses to the global pandemic of COVID-19 in pharmacy schools in Turkey Aysu Selcuk
68 [GO] 2021―Jan―15 RESEARCH ARTICLE: Emergency compounding of COVID-19 medicines: A readiness programme to up-skill pharmacy graduates in Namibia Daniel Mavu, Mwangana Mubita, Qamar Niaz, Monde Lusepani, Seth Nowaseb, Tonata Enkara, Aiases Aiases Philomiene, Riana Pick, Dan Kibuule
69 [GO] 2021―Jan―15 The impact of COVID-19 on pharmacy education: Perspectives of Nigerian undergraduate pharmacy students Roland Nnaemeka Okoro, Deborah Oyine Aluh, Aminu Ahmed Biambo, Erick Wesley Hedima, Kennedy Emeka Oluigbo
70 [GO] 2021―Jan―15 EDITORIAL: Tracking social challenges for pharmaceutical education in Brazil during the COVID-19 pandemic Silvana Nair Leite Federal, Luciano Soares
71 [GO] 2021―Jan―15 EDITORIAL: Impact of COVID-19 pandemic on higher education in Japan: Transition to online education and challenges in experiential pharmacy practice Ichiro Matsuoka
72 [GO] 2021―Jan―15 EDITORIAL: The effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on pharmacy education, staff and students in an Australian setting Sara Chuang, Natalie Trevaskis, Vivienne Mak
73 [GO] 2021―Jan―15 EDITORIAL: Responses to the COVID-19 pandemic: Lessons learned from Qatar University College of Pharmacy Banan Abdulrzaq Mukhalalati, Ahmed Awaisu, Maguy Saffouh El Hajj
74 [GO] 2021―Jan―15 EDITORIAL: COVID-19 related Pharmacy education and workforce challenges in Zimbabwe Margaret Siyawamwaya, Donald Chuma, Tsitsi Monera-Penduka
75 [GO] 2021―Jan―15 Pharmacy student perspectives on learning in and from a global pandemic Yannee Liu, Jessica Kludass, Vivienne Mak
76 [GO] 2021―Jan―15 Pharmacy education during and beyond COVID-19 in six Asia-Pacific countries: Changes, challenges, and experiences Mohamad Haniki Nik Mohamed, Vivienne Mak, G Sumalatha, Agung Endro Nugroho, Triana Hertiani, Mohd Zulkefeli, Enkhjargal Dorjbal, Shinezaya Dashbaljir, Erwin Martinez Faller, Christine Aileen Ching Benosa, Syahrir Zaini
77 [GO] 2021―Jan―15 EDITORIAL: Overview of the pharmacy education and workforce development challenges and responses to the global pandemic of COVID-19 in Switzerland Astrid Czock
78 [GO] 2021―Jan―15 A survey of student perception and feedback during the COVID-19 lockdown Sivaram Hariharan, A Tamilselvan, D Senthilkumar, M Ramanathan
79 [GO] 2021―Jan―15 Implementing remote pharmacy objective structured clinical examination during the COVID-19 pandemic Wong Pei Se, Anil Tumkur, Suresh Shanmugham, David Chong, Pravinkumar Ingle, Syed Imran Ahmed
80 [GO] 2021―Jan―15 Distance assessment of counselling skills using virtual patients during the COVID-19 pandemic Dixon Thomas, Semira A Beshir, Seeba Zachariah, Kishore G S Sundararaj, Hossam Hamdy
81 [GO] 2021―Jan―15 An online international pharmacy summer course during the COVID-19 pandemic Rory E. Kim, Noam Morningstar-Kywi, Rebecca M. Romero, Karen M. Chan, Lilit Gabrielyan, Yasi Mojab, Sanjana S. Parikh, Lindsay Nokes, Terrence F. Graham, Ian S. Haworth
82 [GO] 2021―Jan―15 Virtual physical assessment training during the COVID-19 pandemic - student pharmacists’ performance & perceptions Josephine P Aranda, Shawn R Smith, Han N Nguyen, Christina Jap, Hyma P Gogineni
83 [GO] 2021―Jan―15 EDITORIAL: Pharmacy workforce education challenges and responses to the COVID-19 pandemic in South Africa Mariet J Eksteen
84 [GO] 2021―Jan―15 EDITORIAL: Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on pharmacy education in Kuwait Pierre Moreau
85 [GO] 2021―Jan―15 COVID-19 resilient pharmacy education: A grassroots work-integrated programme to strengthen the pharmaceutical workforce in Namibia Daniel Mavu, Jennie Lates, Ester Hango, Timothy Rennie, Monde Lusepani, Dan Kibuule, Mwangana Mubita
86 [GO] 2021―Jan―15 Redesigning the advanced pharmacy practice experiential education from hospital to home: A COVID-19 scenario Jisha Myalil Lucca, Dana Muwafag Alsugeir, Bashayer Mohmmed Al Shehail, Veerendra Chandralla, Dhafer Mahdi Alshayban, Hisham Bukhamseen
87 [GO] 2021―Jan―15 A SWOC analysis on the impact of COVID-19 through pharmacy student leaders’ perspectives Hend Al-Naimi, Bassant Elkattan, Hiba Mohammed, Laila Shafei, Marwa Elshazly, Alla El-Awaisi
88 [GO] 2021―Jan―15 EDITORIAL: COVID-19: Rebooting pharmacy education in resource-limited settings Jennie Lates, Dan Kibuule
89 [GO] 2020―Sep―07 Designing and using an online survey as a tool for teaching pharmacy students about COVID-19 N.A. Sabry, A. Kamel, S.A. Farid
90 [GO] 2020―Sep―07 Trans-complex education as a strategy in pandemic and post-pandemic COVID-19 Juan Miguel González Velasco
91 [GO] 2020―Sep―07 The online teaching and learning experience for pharmacoinformatics during COVID-19 A. Sha'aban, H. A. Sha'aban Zainal, D.A.M. Noor
92 [GO] 2020―Sep―07 Approach to teaching and learning during COVID-19 global pandemic J.A. Dujaili, A.Q. Blebil, A.H. Mohammed
93 [GO] 2020―Sep―07 Transition to online teaching and learning for clerkship activities during COVID-19 in Malaysia A. Sha’aban, B. Ibrahim, O. Albitar, S.G. Mohiuddin, C.G. Omar, S.N. Harun
94 [GO] 2020―Sep―07 Virtual supervision of pharmacy undergraduate research projects during the COVID-19 lockdown in Zimbabwe C.M.J. Matyanga, B. Dzingirai, T.G. Monera-Penduka
95 [GO] 2020―Sep―07 The immediate global impact of COVID-19 on higher education institutions and workforce developmen Lawrencia Louise Brown
96 [GO] 2020―Sep―07 Perceptions of pharmacy students at a health polytechnic of online learning during COVID-19 pandemic M. Hilaria, P.E. Tenda, M.S. Mandala, S. Makoil
97 [GO] 2020―Sep―07 An inter-professional approach towards understanding the science, myths and realities of COVID-19 pandemic L.M. Azzopardi, A. Serracino-Inglott
98 [GO] 2020―Sep―07 Pivoting an international experience preparation course during the COVID-19 pandemic E. Schellhase, M. Miller
99 [GO] 2020―Sep―07 The accelerated use of online learning during the COVID-19 pandemic D.H. Tjahjono, K. Anggadiredja, M. Singgih
100 [GO] 2020―Sep―07 COVID-19 pandemic and pharmacy education in a developing country: A case study from Nigeria B.K. Lawal, A. Haruna, F.S. Kurfi, K.B. David
101 [GO] 2020―Sep―07 Implementing virtual experiences and remote assessments during the COVID-19 pandemic: A college experience M.N. Daftary, J. Jorden, M. Habib, I. Pather, T. Tofade
102 [GO] 2020―Sep―07 Conducting competency-based assessments during the COVID-19 pandemic: Moving to remote assessments A. Cooper, J. Thompson
103 [GO] 2020―Sep―07 Pharmacotherapy virtual attachment during COVID-19 pandemic: Use of online experiential assessment in a Malaysian pharmacy school M.H. Elnaem, N.I.M. Nazar, N.S.A. Rahman
104 [GO] 2020―Sep―07 Organising distance learning for Master’s in Pharmacy in Ukraine during COVID-19 quarantine I. Nizhenkovska, O. Kuznetsova, V. Narokha
105 [GO] 2020―Sep―07 Losses and gains in experiential education in a university pharmacy in Brazil: Lessons from a pandemic S.N. Leite, S.N. Leite, M.R.M. Rover, L. Soares, F.C. Matheus

105 Results       Page 1


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