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COVID answers in Scientific Journals all over the world

Publishing House: Inderscience Enterprises Ltd.

2090 Results       Page 1

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  original article Journal Date Title Authors All Authors
1 [GO] International Journal of Productivity and Quality Management 2025―Feb―11 QMS and biosecurity measures in Peruvian services companies during the COVID-19 pandemic Jorge B. Benzaquen, Beatrice E. Avolio, Juan Weston
2 [GO] International Journal of Internet Manufacturing and Services 2025―Feb―11 Impact of human resource crisis management on university faculty performance in e-technology during COVID-19 Angurbala Mishra, Subhasmita Biswal, Chandrakant Mallick, Bijay Kumar Paikaray
3 [GO] International Journal of Environment and Waste Management 2025―Feb―08 Effects of Yajna activity on AQI with in India: solutions for pandemic challenges in cities and healthcare remedies Utkarsh Agrawal, Vaibhav Aggarwal, Richa Singh, Saransh Chauhan, Mukund Rastogi, Rohit Rastogi
4 [GO] International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business 2025―Feb―04 New media technologies and small and medium enterprises: evidence from the COVID-19 period Bharti Pandya, Shreesha Mairaru, Asma Buhannad, Leena Daroo
5 [GO] International Journal of Happiness and Development 2025―Feb―03 COVID-19 impact on Coventry residents mental wellbeing Kaloyan Haralampiev, Wenyu Han, Velina Hristova, Tim Healey, Ivo Vlaev
6 [GO] International Journal of Mobile Communications 2025―Feb―01 Exploring the influence of new media and mobile technologies at tertiary education in a developing country: a case study of teacher-student interactions in Northern Cyprus during the COVID-19 pandemic Ahmet �°, N.A. yici, Ülfet Kutoğlu Kuruç
7 [GO] International Journal of Mobile Communications 2025―Feb―01 When do people share different health rumours An empirical study in the COVID-19 context in China Xin Zhang, Peng Yu, Liang Ma
8 [GO] International Journal of Services and Operations Management 2025―Feb―01 Supply chain in the wake of COVID-19 - a bibliometric and content analysis Gaurav Kumar Badhotiya, Leena Sachdeva, Gunjan Soni
9 [GO] International Journal of Business Continuity and Risk Management 2025―Feb―01 Enterprise Risk Management: Effects of the Pandemic on the Revival and Success of India's Micro, Small, and Medium-Sized Enterprises (MSMEs) Bijay Kumar Paikaray, Reji Kumar Rajamony, Pragyan P. Mohanty, Suresh Kumar Sahoo, Asit Mohanty, Abhay Sanatan Satapathy
10 [GO] International Journal of Services and Operations Management 2025―Feb―01 Redesigning human vaccines supply chain network post-COVID-19 pandemic: a case study of Iran Malihe Lahmi, Arash Nemati, Abdul Sattar Safaei
11 [GO] International Journal of Monetary Economics and Finance 2025―Jan―29 The effects of COVID-19 pandemic on the exchange rate: an empirical analysis for Turkey as an emerging economy Fatih Ayhan
12 [GO] International Journal of Tourism Policy 2025―Jan―29 Tourism crisis management and recovery policy of the post: pandemic Greek hospitality sector Panagiotis Mitropoulos, George Tsamos, Aimilia Vlami
13 [GO] International Journal of Indian Culture and Business Management 2025―Jan―26 Contagious Diseases and Social Stigma: Implications of the Covid Pandemic for Informal Workers and Frontline Hospitality in India Jallavi Panchamia, Aradhna Malik
14 [GO] International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business 2025―Jan―24 Tryst with COVID-19 crisis: a content analysis-based perspective on women entrepreneurs Pooja Jha, Pallab Sikdar
15 [GO] International Journal of Business Process Integration and Management 2025―Jan―24 Examining the pandemic shifts in payment: awareness and inclination in digital payments across demographics S. Nithya Sri Meenakshi, Bijay Prasad Kushwaha, Fekadu Yehuwalashet Maru
16 [GO] International Journal of Bioinformatics Research and Applications 2025―Jan―22 A comparative study on the classification of SARS-CoV-2 variants from biosequence images using pre-trained deep learning models K. Shahina, C.L. Biji, Achuthsankar S. Nair
17 [GO] International Journal of Learning Technology 2025―Jan―17 Students' e-learning satisfaction during the pandemic: a Turkish public university example Mohammad Naserinia, Aykut Hamit Turan
18 [GO] Afro-Asian J of Finance and Accounting 2025―Jan―16 COVID-19 pandemic, government interventions and day-of-the-week anomaly: evidence from Bursa Malaysia sectors Lay Mei Ng, Y.E.E. Peng Chow
19 [GO] International Journal of Business Innovation and Research 2025―Jan―16 Development of start-ups risk assessment framework during COVID-19 era Aswathy Sreenivasan, M. Suresh
20 [GO] International Journal of Business Information Systems 2025―Jan―13 Investigating the influence of IT inaccessibility and social pressure on employees shadow cloud IT usage during the COVID-19 pandemic MCO period Fowokemi Alaba Ogedengbe
21 [GO] International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business 2025―Jan―10 Optimism, economic concern, trust in the government, and entrepreneurial intention during the COVID-19 pandemic Sharon Garyn Tal, Shosh Shahrabani, Sara Lev, Helen Roberts
22 [GO] International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business 2025―Jan―10 The resilience of micro, small and medium enterprises in Indonesia: COVID-19 perspective Fitri Ismiyanti, Putu Anom Mahadwartha, N.A. Zunairoh, Bobby Ardiansyahmiraja
23 [GO] International Journal of Grid and Utility Computing 2025―Jan―08 An improved redactable signature-based public auditing scheme for the COVID-19 cloud data Xiong Zhang, Mingyu Zhou, Yuanhang Zhang, Liu Hao, Guangming Wu
24 [GO] Progress in Industrial Ecology An International Journal 2025―Jan―08 Development of risk management plan during a global pandemic - the case of <i>Simplesmente ... Vinho</i> Nikola Gudovic, José Luís Braga, Catarina Mota, Isabel Borges
25 [GO] International Journal of Biomedical Engineering and Technology 2025―Jan―07 Speech signals as biomarkers: using glottal features for non-invasive COVID-19 testing Girish Gidaye, Abhay Barage, Nirmayee Dighe, Kadria Ezzine, Varsha Turkar, Gajanan Nagare
26 [GO] International Journal of Trade and Global Markets 2025―Jan―07 Household investor's attitude towards financial investment in capital market during COVID-19 pandemic Anshita Bihari, Manoranjan Dash
27 [GO] International Journal of Education Economics and Development 2025―Jan―03 The practice of special education teachers in remote teaching during and after the COVID-19 pandemic Isabel d, e Castro Chaves, Ana Isabel Carvalho, Rosa Martins, Estrela Paulo, N.A. Jo�ã, et al. (+4)
28 [GO] International Journal of Procurement Management 2024―Dec―31 Malaysian SME employees accelerating into digital procurement usage during COVID-19 pandemic Kai Kit Soong
29 [GO] African J of Accounting Auditing and Finance 2024―Dec―31 Ethical values and employee fraud in Ghanaian banking sector during COVID-19 Christine Avortri, Rebecca Attah, Emmanuel Appah
30 [GO] Progress in Industrial Ecology An International Journal 2024―Dec―23 Development of risk management plan during a global pandemic - the case of <i>Simplesmente ... Vinho</i> Catarina Mota, Isabel Borges, Nikola Gudovic, José Luís Braga
31 [GO] International Journal of Business Performance Management 2024―Dec―22 Impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on the financial performance of the companies in the Czech Republic Petr Suchanek
32 [GO] International Journal of Intelligent Enterprise 2024―Dec―21 Unveiling the efficacy of COVID-19 vaccines against emerging SARS-CoV-2 variants Haldhar Sharma, Ankur Saxena, Sunil Mishra, Mukesh Porwal, Devendra Kumar Pandey
33 [GO] Afro-Asian J of Finance and Accounting 2024―Dec―20 Empirical analysis of lead-lag relationship in the Indian stock market amid the Covid-19 pandemic R.L. Manogna, Aditya Anil Singh
34 [GO] International Journal of Economic Policy in Emerging Economies 2024―Dec―17 The impact of corporate governance on the working capital management of Vietnamese-listed firms during the COVID-19 pandemic period Bui Anh Thanh, Nguyen Vinh Khuong
35 [GO] International Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing 2024―Dec―17 Optimising SVR for epidemiological predictions: a case study on COVID-19 mortality in Japan Edward R. Sykes, Yuan Wang
36 [GO] International Journal of Public Law and Policy 2024―Dec―17 Right to freedom during COVID-19: a study of Article 19 of the Indian Constitution in light of COVID-19 Karun Sanjaya, Mohammad Saleem, Utsa Sarkar
37 [GO] International Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing 2024―Dec―13 Optimizing SVR for Epidemiological Predictions: a Case Study on COVID-19 Mortality in Japan Yuan Wang, Edward Sykes
38 [GO] International Journal of Medical Engineering and Informatics 2024―Dec―13 Analysis and trends of COVID-19 in Italy Cinzia Muriana, Giovan Battista Vizzini
39 [GO] International Journal of Human Factors and Ergonomics 2024―Dec―12 Evaluating accessibility conformance of state public health agencies' websites during the COVID-19 pandemic Arunkumar Pennathur, Amirmasoud Momenipour, Brandon Murphy, Priyadarshini Pennathur
40 [GO] International Journal of Business Excellence 2024―Dec―10 Consequences of COVID-19 on Vietnamese extractive industry: empirical evidence Malik Abu Afifa, Nha Minh Nguyen, Hien Vo Van
41 [GO] International Journal of Business Excellence 2024―Dec―10 COVID-19, how does it affected individuals perceived financial behaviour and perceived financial knowledge: an introspective analysis Khurram Ajaz Khan, Mohammed Anam Akhtar, Pankaj Kumar Tripathi, John Amoah
42 [GO] African J of Accounting Auditing and Finance 2024―Dec―09 Ethical values and employee fraud in Ghanaian banking sector during COVID-19 Rebecca Attah, Emmanuel Appah, Christine Avortri
43 [GO] International Journal of Project Organisation and Management 2024―Dec―06 Managing stakeholder engagement in Australian not-for-profit projects: implications of the COVID-19 pandemic Stephanie Lim, Samer Skaik
44 [GO] International Journal of Shipping and Transport Logistics 2024―Dec―05 Disruption risks to global container shipping network in the presence of COVID-19 pandemic: a static structure and dynamic propagation perspective Xiongping Yue, Xiaochun Chen, Shuai Liu, Huanyu Ren
45 [GO] International Journal of Shipping and Transport Logistics 2024―Dec―05 How port calls and port congestion affect Capesize shipping prices amid COVID-19 shocks An estimation based on AIS data Shun Chen, Xingjian Wang, Xiangyan Meng, Jinhong Mi
46 [GO] International Journal of Knowledge and Learning 2024―Dec―04 What shapes online mode of teaching impact on hospitality students' academic achievement An empirical assessment during COVID-19 Girish K. Nair
47 [GO] Electronic Government an International Journal 2024―Dec―04 Social networks between the US presidential candidates regarding COVID-19 Seungil Yum
48 [GO] International Journal of Business Environment 2024―Dec―04 Consumer sentiments in automotive purchases before and after COVID-19: a text-mining study Ashok Bhattarai, Jiaxi Luo, Shih Yung Chou, Charles Ramser
49 [GO] International Journal of Electronic Marketing and Retailing 2024―Dec―03 Links among service quality, customer satisfaction and loyalty in Vietnam retail industry during the COVID-19 pandemic Thien Vu Tran, Nhi Thi Hoai Nguyen
50 [GO] International Journal of Human Factors and Ergonomics 2024―Dec―03 Evaluating accessibility conformance of state public health agencies' websites during the COVID-19 pandemic Priyadarshini Pennathur, Brandon Murphy, Amirmasoud Momenipour, Arunkumar Pennathur
51 [GO] International Journal of Management in Education 2024―Dec―01 Exploring the views of Malaysian principals and novice teachers on the school-based support programmes during the COVID-19 pandemic Lokman Mohd Tahir, Mohammed Borhandden Musah, Roslizam Bin Hassan
52 [GO] International Journal of Technoentrepreneurship 2024―Nov―29 The new wave of social entrepreneurship-post COVID-19 pandemic M. Pravin Kumar, Hariharan Ganeshan
53 [GO] International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business 2024―Nov―27 The resilience of micro, small and medium enterprises in Indonesia: COVID-19 perspective Putu Anom Mahadwartha, Bobby Ardiansyahmiraja, Zunairoh Zunairoh, Fitri Ismiyanti
54 [GO] International Journal of Intelligent Enterprise 2024―Nov―25 Unveiling the efficacy of COVID-19 vaccines against emerging SARS-CoV-2 variants Devendra Kumar Pandey, Mukesh Porwal, Sunil Mishra, Ankur Saxena, Haldhar Sharma
55 [GO] International Journal of Internet Marketing and Advertising 2024―Nov―23 Model of consumers' stockpiling behaviour during the COVID-19 pandemic Md. Monirul Islam, Fathema Farjana Hani
56 [GO] International Journal of Procurement Management 2024―Nov―22 Inventory Model for Non-Instantaneous Deteriorating Items with Dynamic Demand, Hybrid Payment and Partial Backlogging under the COVID-19 pandemic Sachin Kumar, Vikas Tiwari, Monika Rani, Vipin Kumar
57 [GO] International Journal of Business Performance Management 2024―Nov―21 Evaluating the impact of COVID-19 on halal food and beverage production: evidence from listed companies in Bursa Malaysia Imbarine Bujang, Norhasimah Shaharuddin, Mohd Fauzi Abu Husin, Mohd Hafiz Abdul Wahab, Muhammad Syahrul Deen Ahmad Rosli
58 [GO] International Journal of Business and Emerging Markets 2024―Nov―21 Shaping tomorrow’s workplace: unveiling inclusion dynamics in the era of COVID-19 Ghada Haddad, Charbel Chedrawi, Gloria Haddad
59 [GO] International Journal of Environment and Waste Management 2024―Nov―21 Long-term environmental impact of COVID-19 pandemic: derailed single-use plastic ban Mitu Mewada, Susy Albert
60 [GO] International Journal of Innovation and Learning 2024―Nov―21 Students' acceptance of gamified learning in a developing country before and after the pandemic Reny Nadlifatin, Satria Fadil Persada N.A., Bobby Ardiansyahmiraja, Junaid Kajee, Irene Dyah Ayuwati
61 [GO] International Journal of Process Management and Benchmarking 2024―Nov―15 The effect of working from home on a services company (during COVID-19) Mohammad Alawamleh, Zaid Almasri, Khaled Alawamleh
62 [GO] International Journal of Electronic Marketing and Retailing 2024―Nov―15 Links among service quality, customer satisfaction and loyalty in Vietnam retail industry during the COVID-19 pandemic Nhi Thi Hoai Nguyen, Thien Vu Tran
63 [GO] International Journal of Business Information Systems 2024―Nov―14 A COVID-19 Era Systematic Review and Metanalysis on the Impact of Technology on SMEs Operating within the Global Supply Chain Abdul Aziz Dawdi, Clement Nanpiire, Winfred Mawuko Detoh
64 [GO] International Journal of Business Process Integration and Management 2024―Nov―14 Examining the pandemic shifts in payment: awareness and inclination in digital payments across demographics Bijay Prasad Kushwaha, S. Nithya Sri Meenakshi, Fekadu Maru
65 [GO] International Journal of Productivity and Quality Management 2024―Nov―13 Big Data Analytics and Audit Performance during Pandemics in the United Arab Emirates Emerging Market Faker Al Gharaibeh, Walaa Wahid ElKelish, Majed Ahmed, Mohammad Ghazal
66 [GO] International Journal of Indian Culture and Business Management 2024―Nov―12 Consequences and pitfalls of COVID-19 on supply chain management of the readymade garments industry N.A. Rubel, Gagandeep Kaur, Prashant Siddhey
67 [GO] International Journal of Business Information Systems 2024―Nov―12 Developing digital health policy recommendations for pandemic preparedness and responsiveness Joshua Ebere Chukwuere, Aaron Baird
68 [GO] International Journal of Diplomacy and Economy 2024―Nov―09 COVID-19 and financial markets: a comparative analysis of sustainable and conventional indices Mohit Saini, N.A. Mahender
69 [GO] International Journal of Work Innovation 2024―Nov―08 Management of hospitals during COVID-19: a Delphi method on the ranking importance Ali Raza, Merve Duran, Merve Kargın, Adil Aslan, Özgür Selvi, Gül Erkol Bayram
70 [GO] International Journal of Learning Technology 2024―Nov―06 Satisfaction of students and teachers with blended learning during COVID-19 pandemic: an Algerian case study Meriem Laifa, Samir Akhrouf, Djamila Mohdeb, Mouhoub Belazzoug
71 [GO] International Journal of Economic Policy in Emerging Economies 2024―Nov―05 Does COVID-19 pandemic change financial behaviour Fatima Vitriani, Taufik Faturohman, Indra Yudha Mambea
72 [GO] International Journal of Economic Policy in Emerging Economies 2024―Nov―05 The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on different property sectors of J-REIT: comparative analysis before and after the crisis Takayasu Ito
73 [GO] International Journal of Grid and Utility Computing 2024―Nov―04 Improved data integrity audit scheme based on certificateless public key cryptography and its application in COVID-19 epidemic data management Yuanyou Cui, Xiaoxuan Xu, Dianhua Tang, Yunfei Cao, Jindan Zhang
74 [GO] International Journal of Mobile Communications 2024―Nov―04 Factors and mechanisms influencing the resilience of peer-to-peer accommodation hosts during the COVID-19 crisis: insights from a qualitative study Wenjing Li, Rui Huang, Maomao Chi, Junjing Wang
75 [GO] International Journal of Services Economics and Management 2024―Nov―02 How transformational leadership lessens employee resistance to change during the COVID-19 pandemic: the mediating role of innovative climate Peerayuth Charoensukmongkol
76 [GO] International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business 2024―Nov―01 SMEs' strategies for dealing with the COVID-19 emergency: a case study in the Italian food industry Serena Strazzullo, Sara Pioggerella, Mark Anthony Camilleri, Ciro Troise, Aidin Salamzadeh
77 [GO] International Journal of Learning Technology 2024―Nov―01 Satisfaction of students and teachers with blended learning during COVID-19 pandemic: an Algerian case study Djamila Mohdeb, Mouhoub Belazzoug, Samir Akhrouf, Meriem Laifa
78 [GO] International Journal of Business Information Systems 2024―Oct―31 Developing Digital Health Policy Recommendations for Pandemic Preparedness and Responsiveness Joshua Chukwuere, Aaron Baird
79 [GO] International Journal of Enterprise Network Management 2024―Oct―30 Cognitive biases in decision making during the pandemic: insights and viewpoint from people's behaviour S. Yamini, M.S. Gajanand
80 [GO] International Journal of Financial Markets and Derivatives 2024―Oct―29 How accurate did financial analysts anticipate impact and recovery from the COVID-19 crisis Peter Kotzian
81 [GO] International Journal of Aviation Management 2024―Oct―29 Air transport efficiency amid the COVID-19 pandemic Tin H. Ho, Dat T. Nguyen
82 [GO] International Journal of Business Innovation and Research 2024―Oct―28 Implications of Healthcare Capabilities, Socio-economic Development, and Government Effectiveness on COVID-19: Lessons for Future Pandemic Preparedness Herick Fernando Moralles, Débora Bianco, Marcelo José Carrer, Gilberto Miller Devós Ganga, Eduardo Polloni Silva, Moacir Godinho Filho
83 [GO] International Journal of Trade and Global Markets 2024―Oct―27 HOUSEHOLD INVESTOR’S ATTITUDE TOWARDS FINANCIAL INVESTMENT IN CAPITAL MARKET DURING COVID-19 PANDEMIC Manoranjan Dash, Anshita Bihari
84 [GO] International Journal of Public Sector Performance Management 2024―Oct―26 Impact of COVID-19 on personal financial planning: an empirical evidence from India N.A. Shelly, Mohammad Firoz, Neeraj Kaushik, Sandeep Singh
85 [GO] International Journal of Shipping and Transport Logistics 2024―Oct―26 Impact of COVID-19 lockdown on vessel traffic in Shanghai Port: a spatial-temporal analysis and implications for shipping and transport logistics Zhe Su
86 [GO] International Journal of Business Innovation and Research 2024―Oct―20 Evaluating Customer Satisfaction with Islamic Online Banking Services in the Context of the COVID-19 Pandemic: Insights from Kuwait Jassim Aladwani
87 [GO] International Journal of Biomedical Engineering and Technology 2024―Oct―20 Speech Signals as Biomarkers: using Glottal Features for Non-Invasive COVID-19 Testing Gajanan Nagare, Nirmayee Dighe, Kadria Ezzine, Varsha Turkar, Abhay Barage, Girish Gidaye
88 [GO] International Journal of Computational Biology and Drug Design 2024―Oct―18 Costunolide and Lupeol Reinforce IRF3 Gene Activity in Human Immune Response against COVID-19 Fasila Y, Jayaprakash Chinnappan
89 [GO] International Journal of Business Information Systems 2024―Oct―18 The perception of telemedicine in Thailand: the attitude change during COVID-19 pandemic Sumate Permwonguswa
90 [GO] International Journal of Medical Engineering and Informatics 2024―Oct―15 SMART2C - a healthcare digital platform based on process mining for managing COVID-19 Sonia Ayachi Ghannouchi, Henda Hajjami Ben Ghezala, Yemna Sayeb, Sahar Toumia, Haifa Boudriga, Ricardo Martinho, et al. (+8)
91 [GO] International Journal of Smart Technology and Learning 2024―Oct―12 Challenges encountered by overseas Chinese students during online learning amid COVID-19 Ming Chen, Meiyan Liu, Aiqin Yu
92 [GO] International Journal of Smart Technology and Learning 2024―Oct―12 Challenges of mandatory ICT use among university lecturers and students during COVID-19 in Liberia Gabriel M. Kennedy
93 [GO] International Journal of Business Governance and Ethics 2024―Oct―12 Corporate governance and corporate immunity against COVID-19 pandemic Budhi Setiya Yoga, Danar Sutopo Sidig
94 [GO] International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business 2024―Oct―11 Firm resiliency and dividend policy during the COVID-19 pandemic Matteo Rossi, Santi Gopal Maji, Prasenjit Roy
95 [GO] International Journal of Decision Sciences Risk and Management 2024―Oct―11 Doctors' attitudes toward social media use amid the COVID-19 pandemic using an extended technology acceptance model Alexios Serafeim Nterekas, Christos D. Melas, Vassilis S. Moustakis
97 [GO] International Journal of Indian Culture and Business Management 2024―Oct―09 Counterproductive Work Behaviour subsequent to the Pandemic: 'Work from Home' Perspective Sheeja Krishnakumar
98 [GO] International Journal of Innovation and Learning 2024―Oct―08 Role conflicts at home: a qualitative case study on college students' online learning during COVID-19 based on the social role theory Luying Qiu, Mingxia Hao, Taotao Long
99 [GO] International Journal of Corporate Governance 2024―Oct―08 Board effectiveness and corporate social responsibility in light of cultural dimensions: what changed during the COVID-19 pandemic Asma Yousuf, Husam Aldamen, Ghassan H. Mardini
100 [GO] International Journal of Logistics Economics and Globalisation 2024―Oct―08 Telehealth strategies and workforce support in applied behaviour analysis services during a pandemic Tianqin Shi, Yang Sun, Sharon Qi, Shu Zhou, Taeho Park
101 [GO] International Journal of Innovation and Learning 2024―Oct―08 Undergraduate student performance during the pandemic: a sequential mediation effect of grit and student motivation Abdul Hafaz Ngah, Nurul Izni Kamalrulzaman, Nurul Ain Chua Abdullah, Nur Asma Ariffin, Rosseni Din
102 [GO] International Journal of Business Performance Management 2024―Oct―04 Perceived stress and burnout during COVID-19 and its impact on performance levels Sree Lekshmi Sreekumaran Nair, Jonathan Liu, Ozlem Ozdemir
103 [GO] International Journal of Business Performance Management 2024―Oct―04 Association between perceptions and attitudes regarding COVID-19 disease of hotel employees and job satisfaction and job performance: a cross-sectional study Mehmet Kasap, Ahmet Büyükşalvarci
104 [GO] International Journal of Learning and Change 2024―Oct―04 Perceptions of teachers about e-learning during COVID-19 in Algeria Safia Bendjebar, Yacine Lafifi
105 [GO] International Journal of Computational Vision and Robotics 2024―Oct―04 Transfer learning based ResNet50v2 model for classification of COVID-19 in chest X-ray Images Farha Nausheen
106 [GO] Middle East J of Management 2024―Oct―04 Does employee voice tackle the negative impact of stress caused by COVID-19 on organisational commitment An investigation of schoolteachers in Pakistan Zara Riaz, Muhammad Suale Khattak, Mansoor Ahmad, Wali u, r Rehman
107 [GO] International Journal of Productivity and Quality Management 2024―Oct―04 Which key action plans should be prioritised for SME retail entities in navigating business during the COVID-19 pandemic Elia Oey, Jason Auryn Ho, Dennis Wilson, Benyamin Suwito Rahardjo
108 [GO] International Journal of Productivity and Quality Management 2024―Oct―04 Quality improvement and competencies of nurses: a combat mechanism for the COVID-19 scenario Sharanika Dhal, Snigdha Mohapatra
109 [GO] International Journal of Productivity and Quality Management 2024―Oct―04 A stakeholder theory approach to analysing strategies for improving pandemic vaccine supply chain performance Manish Mohan Baral, Subhodeep Mukherjee, Ramji Nagariya, Venkataiah Chittipaka
110 [GO] International Journal of Computational Vision and Robotics 2024―Oct―03 Automated lesion segmentation of COVID-19 chest CT scan images using magneto-static active counter model B. Selvapriya, S. Salini
111 [GO] Electronic Government an International Journal 2024―Oct―03 Neighbourhood councils' use of social media and citizen engagement during a crisis situation using the example of the COVID-19 pandemic Krzysztof Janc, Wojciech Jurkowski
112 [GO] International Journal of Medical Engineering and Informatics 2024―Oct―03 Deep learning approaches in detection of COVID-19 using X-ray images Shibili Said, Mredhula Lokanathan
113 [GO] International Journal of Electronic Finance 2024―Oct―02 Business intelligence in human management strategies during COVID-19 Melanie Elizabeth Lourens, Arup Roy Chowdhury, Sammaiah Buhukya, Brijesh Goswami, Shivinder Phoolka, Shruti Sharma
114 [GO] International Journal of Technoentrepreneurship 2024―Oct―02 The New Wave of Social Entrepreneurship Post Covid-19 Pandemic Hariharan Ganeshan, Pravin Kumar M
115 [GO] International Journal of Managerial and Financial Accounting 2024―Oct―02 Determinants of Vietnamese bank profitability: comparisons between before and during COVID-19 pandemic periods Van Thi Hong Pham, Pham Tuan Anh, Kien Duy Do, Mai Thanh Loan
116 [GO] International Journal of Knowledge-Based Development 2024―Sep―28 The analysis of the effect of COVID-19 on the innovation capability of the countries to make high-tech exports in Europe Özlem Özsoy, Metin Gürler
117 [GO] International Journal of Logistics Systems and Management 2024―Sep―28 A Multi-Objective Optimisation Model for Location Healthcare Centres during Pandemics Mahya Ghouchani, Mahsa Delshad Siyahkali, Arezu Khorram, Sepideh Rafiei, Faezeh Mahdyan Naser
118 [GO] International Journal of Electronic Finance 2024―Sep―26 Capturing an impact of pandemic COVID-19 outbreak on stock exchange and volatility of emerging economies Sangeeta Yadav, Sudhi Sharma, Miklesh Prasad Yadav
119 [GO] International Journal of Logistics Systems and Management 2024―Sep―24 The effects of COVID-19 pandemic on the e-shopping logistics in Jordan Mohammed Said Obeidat, Oraib AlShraiedeh, N.A. Dua', a Al Quran, Hala Alsliti
120 [GO] International Journal of Logistics Systems and Management 2024―Sep―24 Critical assessment of supply chain risk, vulnerability and uncertainties in Indian agriculture during pandemic M. Selvakumar
121 [GO] International Journal of Services Technology and Management 2024―Sep―21 How Does IT Enhance Hotel Operations and Management During COVID-19 Based on the Delone and McLean IS Success Model Carrie Li, Ming Wai Kwan, Anthony Kong
122 [GO] International Journal of Procurement Management 2024―Sep―20 E-Procurement Adoption Impact on Operational Efficiency and Performance of Medium Scale Industries: Pandemic Perspective Ganesh Kumar, G. Bala Sendhil Kumar, Victer Paul
123 [GO] International Journal of Economics and Business Research 2024―Sep―19 How COVID-19 affected academic performance and job readiness in higher education Meryana Zuhair Haddad, Yee Mei Heong, Habeeb Ur Rahiman
124 [GO] International Journal of Economics and Business Research 2024―Sep―19 COVID-19 and its impact on online impulse buying behaviour: empirical evidence from the Kingdom of Bahrain Mahmood Asad Moh', d Ali, Abu Bashar, Mustafa Raza Rabbani, Mohd. Atif
125 [GO] International Journal of Economics and Business Research 2024―Sep―19 Research opportunities in supply chain management during COVID-19 outbreak: exploring through review and bibliometric analysis Ratri Parida, Jaspreet Kaur, Sonia Singh
126 [GO] International Journal of Economics and Business Research 2024―Sep―19 COVID-19 pandemic and explicit deposit insurance scheme: an analytical study Mohamed Sayed Abou Elseoud
127 [GO] International Journal of Economics and Business Research 2024―Sep―19 Price inflation in the agricultural sector during the COVID-19 pandemic: is it a supply or demand issue Muhammad Ather Ashraf, Omar Masood, Bora Aktan, Mohamed Sayed Abou Elseoud
128 [GO] International Journal of Services Economics and Management 2024―Sep―18 Service approaches that promote customer satisfaction: learnings from COVID-19 Jeffrey Pittman Pittman II., Mary G. Roseman
129 [GO] International Journal of Critical Infrastructures 2024―Sep―14 Role of e-adoption of emerging technology in 4P organisational framework during COVID-19 Pushpa Singh, Narendra Singh, Rajnesh Singh, Nishu Panwar, Sunil Gupta
130 [GO] International Journal of Agile Systems and Management 2024―Sep―13 Market liquidity of agriculture sector in Indonesia and Malaysia during COVID-19 Delta David Pangestoe, Caroline Liovan Subur, Elisa Tjondro
131 [GO] International Journal of Systems Control and Communications 2024―Sep―11 Active disturbance rejection control for COVID-19 outbreak based on SEIR model Haonan Zhang, Wen Tan, Mei Yu
132 [GO] International Journal of Knowledge and Learning 2024―Sep―10 Higher education and employment: bleak prospects in COVID-19 Nabanita Sen, Sudarshan Maity, Tarak Nath Sahu
133 [GO] International Journal of Business Excellence 2024―Sep―10 COVID-19 and online education: leveraging service-dominant logic perspective Sheetal Kapoor, Dimple Khosla, Tejinder Sharma
134 [GO] Latin American J of Management for Sustainable Development 2024―Sep―10 Impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on human development Julio Cesar Melo, Enzo Barberio Mariano, Fernando Bernardi d, e Souza
135 [GO] Global Business and Economics Review 2024―Sep―10 An empirical investigation of herd behaviour in COVID-19 perspective: evidence from Dhaka stock exchange Shabnaz Amin, Md. Miad Uddin Fahim
136 [GO] International Journal of Systems Control and Communications 2024―Sep―06 Active disturbance rejection control for COVID-19 outbreak based on SEIR model Mei Yu, Wen Tan, Haonan Zhang
137 [GO] International Journal of Services and Standards 2024―Sep―06 Form 10-K filing lags during COVID-19 pandemic Kam C. Chan, Barbara Farrell, Annie Wong
138 [GO] Global Business and Economics Review 2024―Sep―04 A systematic review of stock market responses to COVID-19 and future research agendas Md. Azizur Rahman, Roni Bhowmik, Md. Saiful Islam, Md. Abul Kalam Azad
139 [GO] International Journal of Innovation and Sustainable Development 2024―Sep―04 Intention and behaviour towards sustainable consumption of Vietnamese consumers in the context of Covid-19 Tran Thi Diu, Tran Le Huy, Nguyen Ngoc Anh, Nguyen Thi Phuong Linh
140 [GO] International Journal of Management in Education 2024―Sep―04 Determinants of students' intention of choice to study at higher education institutions of Malaysia in the COVID-19 era Joshua Teck Khun Loo, Christine Li Ping Leong, Mei Ling Siew, Sima Ahmadpour
141 [GO] Middle East J of Management 2024―Sep―04 Effect of crises on the healthcare marketing mix and customer satisfaction: evidence from the UAE during the COVID-19 pandemic Nabeel Al Amiri, Gouher Ahmed, Khaled Al Qawasmeh, Haneen Afana
142 [GO] International Journal of Knowledge and Learning 2024―Sep―04 Determining the efficacy level of online education in higher studies during COVID-19 pandemic: evidence from Bangladesh Sumayya Begum, Mohammad Amzad Hossain Sarker, Afzal Hossain, Md Yusuf Hossein Khan
143 [GO] International Journal of Applied Decision Sciences 2024―Sep―04 Cognitive technology in human capital management: a decision analysis model in the banking sector during COVID-19 scenario Senthil Kumar Arumugam, Joji Abey, R. Seranmadevi, Shefali Srivastava, Ashish Dwivedi
144 [GO] International Journal of Data Mining Modelling and Management 2024―Sep―04 Analysing and Forecasting COVID-19 Vaccination - Evidence from a Native American Community in North Carolina, USA Xinyan Shi, Zhixin Kang, Guanlin Gao, Xin Zhang
145 [GO] International Journal of Global Energy Issues 2024―Sep―03 Oil market crashes: from the subprime crisis to the COVID-19 pandemic Donia Aloui, Rafla Hchaichi, Khaled Guesmi
146 [GO] International Journal of Mobile Communications 2024―Sep―03 Changes in consumers' mobile payment behaviour during the COVID-19 pandemic: a stimulus-organism-response model perspective Umut Ünal, Mertcan Taşçıoğlu, Dursun Yener
147 [GO] Electronic Government an International Journal 2024―Sep―03 COVID-19: cybersecurity issues in times of pandemic Yadigar Imamverdiyev, Lyudmila Sukhostat
148 [GO] International Journal of Mobile Communications 2024―Sep―03 Factors affecting consumers' reuse of online food delivery services during the coronavirus-19 pandemic Hung Chou Lin, Edward Shih Tse Wang, Yu Ting Liao
149 [GO] International Journal of Technology Enhanced Learning 2024―Sep―01 Empowering students with modern pedagogical approaches: a case study on the fourth industrial revolution in the wake of coronavirus disease 2019 Marios Vassiliou, Mekerdich Mike Costanian, Tatiana Harkiolakis, Marcos Komodromos, Andreas Masouras
150 [GO] International Journal of Business Innovation and Research 2024―Aug―29 Examining predictors of behavioural shift among consumers during COVID-19 pandemic Prerna Garg, Daviender Narang
151 [GO] International Journal of Procurement Management 2024―Aug―29 Healthcare supply chains: critical supplies during the pandemic Amelia Carr
152 [GO] International Journal of Knowledge and Learning 2024―Aug―28 Navigating uncertainty: an empirical analysis of student anxiety and educational transformation in the COVID-19 pandemic Mudasir Ahmad Mir, Sumaya Mushtaq, Shabir Ahmad Bhat
153 [GO] International Journal of Biomedical Engineering and Technology 2024―Aug―24 Automated COVID-19 detection from chest X-ray and CT images using optimised hybrid classifier Madhavi Bhongale, Pauroosh Kaushal, Renu Vyas
154 [GO] International Journal of Business Information Systems 2024―Aug―23 Less is Still More- The Importance of Minimalist Approach After the Pandemic Preeti Sharma, Vijay Jain, Varghese Joy
155 [GO] International Journal of Happiness and Development 2024―Aug―19 Antecedents of mental health of students during COVID-19 Richa Banerjee
156 [GO] Middle East J of Management 2024―Aug―19 Does employee voice tackle the negative impact of stress caused by COVID-19 on organisational commitment An investigation of schoolteachers in Pakistan Wali Ur Rehman, Mansoor Ahmad, Muhammad Suale Khattak, Zara Riaz
157 [GO] International Journal of Services and Operations Management 2024―Aug―17 Supplier Development for Sustainability in the Healthcare Supply Chain: an Empirical Study of a Developing Country during COVID-19 Mohamad Sadegh Sangari, Reza Hafezi, Nooshin Ghanbari, Ali Bozorgi Amiri
158 [GO] International Journal of Learning and Change 2024―Aug―16 Perceptions of teachers about e-learning during COVID-19 in Algeria Yacine Lafifi, Safia Bendjebar
159 [GO] International Journal of Logistics Systems and Management 2024―Aug―14 The Resilience and Innovation of Entrepreneurial Humanitarian Logistics During COVID-19 Pandemic Samer Abaddi
160 [GO] International Journal of Bioinformatics Research and Applications 2024―Aug―11 LeNet-Xception: An Advanced Deep Learning Model for Early Covid-19 Detection from CT Scan Images Renukalatha S, Noor Fathima K
161 [GO] International Journal of Indian Culture and Business Management 2024―Aug―11 Role of Push and Pull Motivations in Influencing Leisure Travel and Determining the Vacationing Choice of Indians during Covid-19 Pandemic Anirban Chakraborty, Debankur Saha
162 [GO] International Journal of Shipping and Transport Logistics 2024―Aug―09 Supply chain integration of liner shipping companies towards hinterland: an accelerator effect of COVID-19 Umur Bucak, Gülden Oral
163 [GO] International Journal of Agile Systems and Management 2024―Aug―08 COVID-19 and its impact on supply chain financing and the role of Islamic fintech: evidence from GCC countries Mustafa Raza Rabbani
164 [GO] International Journal of Knowledge and Learning 2024―Aug―08 Investing in ergo-iconic value of distance scientific seminars organisers in the COVID-19 pandemic to improve organiser performance Mery Noviyanti, Rahayu Indriasari, Endi Isnarno, Rulinawaty Rulinawaty, Zainur Hidayah, Andriyansah Andriyansah
165 [GO] International Journal of Healthcare Technology and Management 2024―Aug―07 At-home virtual workouts: embracing exercise during the COVID-19 pandemic Javier A. Sánchez Torres, Francisco Javier Arroyo Cañada, Ana Argila Irurita, Alexandra Montoya Restrepo, Mohiyuddin Saleem ahmed
166 [GO] International Journal of Sustainable Society 2024―Aug―07 How social capacity maintains social distancing in the efforts to curb the spread of COVID-19: evidence from Indonesia Iwan Nugroho, Rita Hanafie, Purnawan Dwikora Negara, Wiwin Purnomowati, Rudy Joegijantoro
167 [GO] International Journal of Entrepreneurial Venturing 2024―Aug―07 Will I be able to function effectively Pandemic and its effect on entrepreneurial well-being and post-COVID-19 functioning Gul Afshan, Amjad Ali, Adnan Manzoor
168 [GO] International Journal of Agile Systems and Management 2024―Aug―06 COVID-19 and its impact on supply chain financing and the role of Islamic fintech: evidence from GCC countries Mustafa Raza Rabbani
169 [GO] International Journal of Business Excellence 2024―Aug―06 Re-engaging employees during COVID-19 pandemic - with special reference to Indian IT companies Rajeesh Viswanathan, Mohsin Khan, N. Sarathlal
170 [GO] International Journal of Innovation and Learning 2024―Aug―02 Culture shock in the post COVID-19 era: toward a new normal academic life Walter Vesperi, Navneet Gera, Concetta Lucia Cristofaro, Marzia Ventura
171 [GO] International Journal of Information and Decision Sciences 2024―Aug―01 Optimizing Accuracy Rate of Genomic Image Representation of Human Coronavirus Sequences for COVID-19 Detection Selvi K, Harikrishnan R, Sivakumar K, Palanikumar S
172 [GO] International Journal of Innovation and Learning 2024―Aug―01 Role conflicts at home: a qualitative case study on college students’ online learning during the COVID-19 based on the social role theory Taotao Long, Mingxia Hao, Luying Qiu
173 [GO] International Journal of Internet Manufacturing and Services 2024―Aug―01 Optimisation of site selection for urban material distribution during the COVID-19 pandemic Houjun Lu, Tian Zhu
174 [GO] Global Business and Economics Review 2024―Aug―01 The impact of mobility restrictions, sentiment, and deaths on the liquidity and volatility of LQ 45 Index: a comparative study between the first and the second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic Sendy Watazawwadu', N.A. Ilmi, Dewi Hanggraeni
175 [GO] Global Business and Economics Review 2024―Aug―01 Analysing the impact of relief measures on MSME's resilience and performance during the COVID-19 pandemic Alpana Agarwal, Komal Kapoor
176 [GO] International Journal of Sustainable Society 2024―Aug―01 How social capacity maintains social distancing in the efforts to curb the spread of COVID-19: evidence from Indonesia Rudy Joegijantoro, Wiwin Purnomowati, Rita Hanafie, Purnawan Dwikora Negara, Iwan Nugroho
177 [GO] International Journal of Innovation and Learning 2024―Aug―01 Undergraduate student performance during pandemic: a sequential mediation effect of grit and student motivation Nur Asma Ariffin, Nurul Ain Chua Abdullah, Nurul Izni Kamalrulzaman, Abdul Hafaz Ngah, Rosseni Din
178 [GO] International Journal of Data Mining and Bioinformatics 2024―Jul―31 Modified VGG-16 model for COVID-19 chest X-ray images: optimal binary severity assessment Manoranjan Dash N.A.
179 [GO] International Journal of Economic Policy in Emerging Economies 2024―Jul―30 Walking a tightrope: understanding COVID-19 vaccine allocation in India Kalpana Tokas, Kartik Yadav
180 [GO] International Journal of Higher Education and Sustainability 2024―Jul―30 Paradigm shift in hospitality education during the pandemic period: the hospitality industry stakeholder's perspective before and after the pandemic period Rahul Chowdhury, Mahuya Adhikary
181 [GO] International Journal of Economics and Business Research 2024―Jul―30 Amazon's behaviour during corona pandemic: the case study of office and stationery category in Germany Robert Laskowski, Petr Wawrosz, Lenka Kopecká, Zora Říhová, Roman Svoboda
182 [GO] International Journal of Indian Culture and Business Management 2024―Jul―25 Changing behaviours of Gen Z in the COVID-19 endemic era - do we need to change marketing approach R.K. Srivastava, Sandeep Bhanot
183 [GO] International Journal of Indian Culture and Business Management 2024―Jul―25 The narratives of police service quality during COVID-19 pandemic: an empirical investigation Richa Burman, N.A. Noopur
184 [GO] International Journal of Computational Vision and Robotics 2024―Jul―25 Analysis of COVID-19 symptoms using machine learning and robotic process automation Richa Sharma, Gireesh Kumar
185 [GO] International Journal of Entrepreneurial Venturing 2024―Jul―23 Will I be Able to Function Effectively Pandemic and its Effect on Entrepreneurial Wellbeing and Post-COVID-19 Functioning Adnan Manzoor, Gul Afshan, Amjad Ali
186 [GO] International Journal of Logistics Systems and Management 2024―Jul―20 Supply chain disruption for crude oil due to the effect of COVID-19 pandemic: evidence from Vietnam Ngoc Vu Thi Minh, Linh Bui Duy, Luan Thanh Le, Giang Hoang Huong, Son Ta Anh
187 [GO] International Journal of Corporate Governance 2024―Jul―19 Board effectiveness and corporate social responsibility in light of cultural dimensions: what changed during the COVID-19 pandemic Ghassan H. Mardini, Husam Aldamen, Asma Yousef
188 [GO] International Journal of Economics and Business Research 2024―Jul―18 Covid-19 and its impact on online impulse buying behaviour: empirical evidence from the Kingdom of Bahrain Mustafa Raza Rabbani, Abu Bashar, Mahmood Asad Moh'd Ali, Mohd. Atif
189 [GO] International Journal of Applied Systemic Studies 2024―Jul―16 Identifying diagnosis and mortality of COVID-19 by learning a sequence-to-sequence ARIMA-based model You Shyang Chen, Jerome Chih Lung Chou, Naiying Hsu, Ting Yi Kuo
190 [GO] International Journal of Services and Standards 2024―Jul―16 Form 10-K filing lags during COVID-19 pandemic Annie Wong, Barbara Farrell, Kam C. Chan
191 [GO] International Journal of Information and Decision Sciences 2024―Jul―14 AHP Approach for Employee Recruitment with COVID-19 Situation in Thailand Kanognudge Wuttanachamsri, Veera Boonjing, Akan Narabin
192 [GO] International Journal of Economics and Business Research 2024―Jul―14 Amazon’s behaviour during corona pandemic: the case study of office and stationery category in Germany Roman Svoboda, Zora Ríhová, Lenka Kopecká, Petr Wawrosz, Robert Laskowski
193 [GO] International Journal of Bioinformatics Research and Applications 2024―Jul―13 A Comparative Study on the Classification of SARS-CoV-2 Variants from Biosequence Images using Pre-Trained Deep Learning Models Achuthsankar S. Nair, Biji C. L, Shahina K
194 [GO] International Journal of Business Governance and Ethics 2024―Jul―11 Making anti-takeover provisions a bulwark of financial stability for hospitality firms during the COVID-19 crisis Naima Lassoued, Imen Khanchel
195 [GO] International Journal of Environment and Pollution 2024―Jul―09 Fine-tuned regression and statistical assessment of India's air quality during COVID-19 disease Kanu Goel, Harsh Bansal, Shivangi Sharma, Shefali Arora Chouhan
196 [GO] International Journal of Monetary Economics and Finance 2024―Jul―08 Asymmetric impact of COVID-19 on Thailand’s stock market volatility: an industry group analysis Areeya Wisamart, Surachai Chancharat
197 [GO] International Journal of Hybrid Intelligence 2024―Jul―08 Enhanced app-based cab services to the travellers in the smart city and smart society in the post COVID-19 world: a one-stop solution Arpita Chakraborty, Soumyadip Daripa, Sagnick Biswas, Sayak Saha, Labhvam Kumar Sharma, Prerona Saha, et al. (+3)
198 [GO] International Journal of Procurement Management 2024―Jul―07 COVID-19 and listed firms' performance under moderating role of ownership in Vietnam Quoc Trung Nguyen Kim
199 [GO] International Journal of Learning and Change 2024―Jul―07 Education and employment in the COVID-19 era: a systematic literature review Mauricio Vásquez Carbonell, Katherine Cabana Jiménez, Janns Alvaro Patiño Saucedo
200 [GO] International Journal of Technology Enhanced Learning 2024―Jul―07 Mitigating the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on education: harnessing the power of ICT for enhanced teaching and learning Msele Mohamed Msere, Jiangtao Zhao, Babar Nawaz Abbasi
201 [GO] International Journal of Management Practice 2024―Jul―07 Deconstructing gender inequality: implications for women leadership and COVID-19 recovery in Nigeria Priscilla Eke, Janet Firth, Paschal Anosike
202 [GO] International Journal of Mobile Learning and Organisation 2024―Jul―07 Transformation of workplace learning after the pandemic in Indonesia: middle-aged employees' experiences Gita Aulia Nurani, Ya Hui Lee
203 [GO] International Journal of Intelligent Enterprise 2024―Jul―06 A study on perceptions of students on intelligent virtual learning environment during and post COVID-19 S. Santha Kumari, M. Nagalakshmi, Srinivasa Rao Angati
204 [GO] International Journal of Business Environment 2024―Jul―06 Innovation in strategic planning through fuzzy methodologies: a study of the industrial context of Bogota, Colombia during COVID-19 Fabio Blanco Mesa, Ernesto León Castro
205 [GO] International Journal of Corporate Governance 2024―Jul―06 Corporate social responsibility: initiatives undertaken by companies concerning education during COVID-19 Sneha Banerjee, Sudeshna Saha
206 [GO] International Journal of Electronic Business 2024―Jul―06 Testing a structural model on impulse buying tendency, fear of COVID-19, economic anxiety, household income and quality of life Zübeyir Çelik, Ceyda Aysuna Türkyılmaz, Aypar Uslu
207 [GO] European J of International Management 2024―Jul―06 The impact of the COVID-19 fear on international opportunity recognition: the role of causation, effectuation and optimism Haroon Muzaffar
208 [GO] International Journal of Data Science 2024―Jul―06 Comparing the impact of COVID-19 on three states: a data-driven approach K. Shao, Q. Shao
209 [GO] International Journal of Human Rights and Constitutional Studies 2024―Jul―06 An exploratory research of India's COVID-19 outbreak: the hardship of inter-state migrants and the role of government planning amid the pandemic Himanshu Bagdi, Griraj Shanker, Latika Sharma
210 [GO] International Journal of Business Environment 2024―Jul―06 The impact of marketing signals on the performance of foreign subsidiaries in the COVID-19 pandemic Antonios Georgopoulos, Eleftherios Aggelopoulos, Elen Paraskevi Paraschi, Maria Kalogera
211 [GO] International Journal of Economics and Business Research 2024―Jul―06 Challenges of person-organisation fit in (post)pandemic times: a comparative study in the service sector under the aspect of digitisation and alienation Daniela Ludin, Markus Holler, Erika Mueller, Wanja Wellbrock
212 [GO] International Journal of Business Excellence 2024―Jul―05 Trade Credit and Firm Performance: Nonlinear Effect and COVID-19 Factor Nguyen Vinh Khuong, Tuan Phan, Nguyen Thanh Liem
213 [GO] International Journal of Electronic Finance 2024―Jul―05 Experience of COVID-19 lowers innovation adoption barriers: an empirical assessment of digital payment system. Mukta Mani, Sweta Lakhaiyar
214 [GO] International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business 2024―Jul―05 A comprehensive scale for assessing the impact of COVID-19 on agricultural procurers: development and validation Vandana Kumari, Arvind Kumar Jhajharia, Manmeet Kaur, Amita Sharma, Rajesh Kumar Verma, Aravindh Kumar S
215 [GO] International Journal of Knowledge and Learning 2024―Jul―05 Impact of COVID-19 on the students' learning: an empirical study in India Nirmal Chandra Roy
216 [GO] International Journal of Knowledge and Learning 2024―Jul―05 A study on mental distress amidst COVID-19: a path to reboot and resilience Ankita Saxena, Shashi Shekhar Gautam
217 [GO] Electronic Government an International Journal 2024―Jul―04 How do the US governments have their social networks for COVID-19 according to administrative levels Seungil Yum
218 [GO] International Journal of Managerial and Financial Accounting 2024―Jul―04 The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on clinical pathways in intensive care units - a case study with a managerial perspective Anna Roberta Gagliardi, Giuseppe Festa, Demetris Vrontis, Balakrishna Grandhi, Matteo Rossi
219 [GO] International Journal of Public Law and Policy 2024―Jul―04 Pandemic in the new global world order Arushi Sharma, Shivanshi Gupta
220 [GO] International Journal of Business and Systems Research 2024―Jul―04 Multi-dimensional assessment of risk to business continuity plans of Indian SMEs in the wake of pandemic induced business risks Y.M. Gireesh, Nandeesh V. Hiremath, K.V. Manjunath, B.V. Nagaraj, Sunil Kumar R. Hiremath
221 [GO] International Journal of Work Innovation 2024―Jul―03 Impact of job crafting on employee performance in banking sector: the art of working from home during COVID-19 pandemic Isa Abdulla Mustafa, Muneer Mohammed Saeed Al Mubarak
222 [GO] International Journal of Applied Decision Sciences 2024―Jul―03 Risk management and project performance: an examination of the construction industry during the COVID-19 pandemic and future prospects Xuhui Han
223 [GO] World Review of Entrepreneurship Management and Sustainable Development 2024―Jul―03 Sustainable development of SMEs during the COVID-19 pandemic: a comparative study between developed and developing countries Demetris Vrontis, Hani El Chaarani, Sam El Nemar, Hebatallah Badawy
224 [GO] International Journal of Computational Biology and Drug Design 2024―Jul―03 Public perception analysis on COVID-19 tweets using hybridised method Radha Krishna Jana, Dharmpal Singh, Saikat Maity, Hrithik Paul, Ankush Mallick, Sayani Ghatak, et al. (+2)
225 [GO] International Journal of Applied Decision Sciences 2024―Jul―03 Applying data science to gauge virtual assistants' impact on students' well-being during the pandemic Swapnil Morande
226 [GO] International Journal of Mobile Communications 2024―Jul―02 Impact of COVID-19 on mobile application usage intensity Hyeon Jo
227 [GO] International Journal of Environment and Pollution 2024―Jul―01 Fine-tuned regression and statistical assessment of India's air quality during COVID-19 disease Harsh Bansal, Kanu Goel, Shivangi Sharma, Shefali Arora Chouhan
228 [GO] International Journal of Electronic Finance 2024―Jun―30 The impact of COVID-19 on India’s retail digital payments C. P. Abdul Gafoor, Phungkha Daimari, R. Vishnu Vardhan, P. Shamshadali N.A.
229 [GO] International Journal of Project Organisation and Management 2024―Jun―29 COVID-19 - project success through a global pandemic, what changed for project managers Jacob A. Darlison, James Prater
230 [GO] International Journal of Services and Operations Management 2024―Jun―29 An eloquent study of government v/s self-aided higher education institutions during COVID-19 revisiting SERVQUAL model Jignesh Bhatt, Prakashkumar Patel, Hardik Bhadeshiya, Baxiskumar Patel
231 [GO] International Journal of Process Management and Benchmarking 2024―Jun―27 Impact of COVID-19 pandemic on Individuals: Importance of Work, Leisure and Life Satisfaction Virgil Popescu, Ramona Birau, Muhammad Azmat Hayat, Muhammad Zahid Naeem, Sumera Arshad, Peter F. Wanke, Yong Tan
232 [GO] International Journal of Applied Systemic Studies 2024―Jun―26 Leadership and effectiveness: the case of public sector during the COVID-19 pandemic crisis period Grigorios Despoteris, Athanasios Kriemadis
233 [GO] Afro-Asian J of Finance and Accounting 2024―Jun―26 The impact of COVID-19 pandemic on the stock market volatility in Pakistan; evidence from sectoral indices analysis. Muhammad Niaz Khan
234 [GO] International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business 2024―Jun―25 A bibliometric analysis of micro small and medium enterprises research impacted by COVID-19 Madhumita Chatterji, Kshitiz Sharma
235 [GO] International Journal of Teaching and Case Studies 2024―Jun―25 COVID-19 disruptions driving sustainable tourism: a case of the Hawaiian tourism industry Maryanne Eva, Mark Esposito
236 [GO] International Journal of Education Economics and Development 2024―Jun―25 The practice of special education teachers in remote teaching during and after the Covid-19 pandemic Ana Isabel Rodrigues, Joao Pascoinho, Estrela Paulo, Rosa Martins, Ana Isabel Carvalho, Isabel De Castro Chaves, et al. (+2)
237 [GO] International Journal of Economics and Business Research 2024―Jun―25 Challenges of person-organization fit in (post)pandemic times. A comparative study in the service sector under the aspect of digitization and alienation. Daniela Ludin, Markus Holler, Erika Mueller, Wanja Wellbrock
238 [GO] International Journal of Work Innovation 2024―Jun―19 How employees mental health mediates the relationship between job stress, organisational commitment, and job performance of nurses after COVID-19 epidemic recovery period Muhammad Asrar, Muhammad Nawaz Tunio, Waqas Ahmed Watto, Erum Shaikh
239 [GO] International Journal of Smart Technology and Learning 2024―Jun―18 Challenges Encountered by Overseas Chinese Students during Online Learning amid COVID-19 Aiqin Yu, Meiyan Liu, Ming Chen
240 [GO] International Journal of Smart Technology and Learning 2024―Jun―18 Challenges of Mandatory ICT Use Among University Lecturers and Students During COVID-19 in Liberia Gabriel M. Kennedy N.A.
241 [GO] African J of Economic and Sustainable Development 2024―Jun―17 Post COVID-19 achievement of SDGs in Africa: what financing levers can we use for effective implementation Moussa Njoupouognigni, Alain Latoundji Babatoundé
242 [GO] International Journal of Knowledge-Based Development 2024―Jun―17 The analysis of the Effect of COVID-19 on the Innovation Capability of the Countries to make High-tech Exports in Europe Metin Gürler, Özlem Özsoy
243 [GO] International Journal of Business Intelligence and Systems Engineering 2024―Jun―16 A machine learning perspective of the impact of COVID-19 on the Indian stock market Jared Dominic Fernandez, Arya Kumar
244 [GO] International Journal of Higher Education and Sustainability 2024―Jun―16 Paradigm shift in Hospitality Education during the pandemic period: The Hospitality Industry Stakeholder’s perspective before & after the pandemic period Mahuya Adhikary, Rahul Chowdhury
245 [GO] International Journal of Financial Markets and Derivatives 2024―Jun―15 Earnings expectations and accrual anomalies: reassessing stock market behaviours in the time of COVID-19 Abdullah Alawadhi
246 [GO] International Journal of Financial Markets and Derivatives 2024―Jun―15 The response of Canadian stocks to the COVID-19 pandemic: the case of a developed economy Salah U Din
247 [GO] International Journal of Modelling Identification and Control 2024―Jun―14 Mathematical model for impact of awareness on COVID-19 vaccination among the youth in Kenya Ancent Makau Kimulu, Abayomi Samuel Oke, Mark Kimathi, Charles Ndambuki Muli, Samuel Musili Mwalili, Winifred Nduku Mutuku
248 [GO] International Journal of Environment and Waste Management 2024―Jun―14 Hospital waste management after the outbreak of coronavirus in Shariati Hospital of Mashhad City Behnam Barikbin, Aliakbar Dehghan, Hosein Alidadi, Moslem Razavinejad, Fahimeh Moghaddam
249 [GO] International Journal of Business Continuity and Risk Management 2024―Jun―11 COVID-19 induced supply chain disruptions and economic vulnerability of vegetable and fruit farmers: a Sri Lankan perspective Navodika Karunarathna, Dinesha Siriwardhane, P.G.S. Amila Jayarathne
250 [GO] International Journal of Monetary Economics and Finance 2024―Jun―11 The determinants of innovations and their impact on business performance in Indonesia during the Covid-19 pandemic Anang Muftiadi, Ratih Purbasari, Raden Marsha Aulia Hakim, Richa Nahdalaily Fathara, Arbi Abdul Kahfi, Park Donghyun, et al. (+2)
251 [GO] International Journal of Trade and Global Markets 2024―Jun―08 Economic contribution and social effects of youth volunteering in the early period of the Covid-19 pandemic: a case of a large Russian region Maria Pevnaya, Viola Larionova, Elizaveta Pevnaya
252 [GO] Global Business and Economics Review 2024―Jun―06 Working Capital, COVID-19 and Firm Performance: empirical evidence from India Prasenjit Roy N.A.
253 [GO] International Journal of Business Intelligence and Systems Engineering 2024―Jun―06 A machine learning perspective of the impact of COVID-19 on the Indian stock market Jared Dominic Fernandez, Arya Kumar
254 [GO] International Journal of Accounting and Finance 2024―Jun―06 Transfer pricing intensity and its determinants before and during COVID-19: evidence from Indian MNCs Rafi Farooq, Khalid Ashraf Chisti
255 [GO] International Journal of Services and Operations Management 2024―Jun―05 Comparison of selected supply chain management practices of three major regional/metropolitan hospitals within the context of the dual COVID-19 and opioid crises Alan D. Smith
256 [GO] International Journal of Cultural Management 2024―Jun―04 Exploring the digital services provided by banks during COVID-19 Md. Aminul Islam, Asma Akter Faria, Arifur Rahman Khan
257 [GO] International Journal of Logistics Systems and Management 2024―Jun―04 Impact of COVID-19 on supply chain management: a study on the food industry Sunny Saha, S.S.M. Sadrul Huda, Nurun Naher Popy
258 [GO] International Journal of Management in Education 2024―Jun―04 Exploring the views of Malaysian principals and novice teachers on the school-based support programmes during the COVID-19 Pandemic Roslizam Bin Hassan, Mohammed Borhandden Musah, Lokman Mohd Tahir
259 [GO] International Journal of Economics and Business Research 2024―Jun―04 Do cryptocurrency and commodities markets affect stock market performance in South Asia An empirical investigation during the COVID-19 pandemic Aamir Aijaz Syed, Muhammad Abdul Kamal
260 [GO] International Journal of Logistics Systems and Management 2024―Jun―04 The COVID-19 pandemic impact on supply chains: a systematic literature review Ilias Vlachos
261 [GO] International Journal of Environment and Waste Management 2024―Jun―04 Residents' satisfaction with urban solid waste collection amidst COVID-19 pandemic lockdown period in Ede, Nigeria Lateef Adeleke Adeniyi, Adewale Mukhtar Olayiwola, Sakariyau Adeboye Ademola
262 [GO] International Journal of Environment and Waste Management 2024―Jun―04 Waste management during COVID-19 pandemic: could it be time-bomb Yudha Gusti Wibowo, Bimastyaji Surya Ramadan, Machmudin Fitra Miftahadi, Indriyani Rachman, Nurani Ikhlas
263 [GO] International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business 2024―Jun―01 Entrepreneurial responses to COVID-19 farmers' market closures - the experiences of rural micro vendors using social media Katherine Attree, Clifford Lewis
264 [GO] International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business 2024―Jun―01 How do SMEs' strategies change under the impacts of a critical external shock The case of Vietnamese SMEs under the COVID-19 pandemic Long Hoang Le, An Hoang Kim Vo, Duong Tuan Nguyen, Giang Huong Duong
265 [GO] International Journal of Mobile Communications 2024―Jun―01 Determinants of intentions to use near field communication mobile payments in a pandemic context Suzanne Amaro, David Oliveira
266 [GO] International Journal of Leisure and Tourism Marketing 2024―May―31 How COVID-19 affected baby boomers' tourist attitudes in Greece Lambros Tsourgiannis, Stavros Valsamidis, Vasilios Zoumpoulidis, Foteini Perdiki
267 [GO] International Journal of Knowledge and Learning 2024―May―30 Understanding the effect of system characteristics on e-learning adoption and usage during the COVID-19 pandemic Shibashish Chakraborty, G. S. S. G. Krishna, Anup Anurag Soren
268 [GO] International Journal of Revenue Management 2024―May―30 Performance of quality investing during the pandemic in India Diwahar Nadar, Pranav Prakash
269 [GO] International Journal of Globalisation and Small Business 2024―May―24 Trust as the antidote to Brexit and COVID-19: explaining how Danish SMEs' confidence in the future of their British partnerships associates with trust Poul Erik Flyvholm Jørgensen, N. Leila Trapp, Gert Tinggaard Svendsen, Line Skov Nielsen
270 [GO] International Journal of Corporate Governance 2024―May―23 Corporate social responsibility: initiatives undertaken by companies concerning education during COVID-19 Sudeshna Saha, Sneha Banerjee N.A.
271 [GO] International Journal of Electronic Business 2024―May―23 Testing a structural model on impulse buying tendency, fear of COVID-19, economic anxiety, household income and quality of life Ceyda Aysuna Türkyılmaz, Aypar Uslu, Zübeyir Çelik
272 [GO] International Journal of Globalisation and Small Business 2024―May―20 Trust as the antidote to Brexit and COVID-19: explaining how Danish SMEs' confidence in the future of their British partnerships associates with trust Gert Tinggaard Svendsen, Line Skov Nielsen, Poul Erik Flyvholm Jørgensen, N. Leila Trapp
273 [GO] International Journal of Healthcare Technology and Management 2024―May―18 At-home virtual workouts: embracing exercise during the COVID-19 pandemic Francisco Javier Arroyo Cañada, Javier A. Sánchez Torres, Ana Argila Irurita, Luz Alexandra Montoya Restrepo, Mohiyuddin Saleem Ahmed
274 [GO] Electronic Government an International Journal 2024―May―16 Social networks between the US presidential candidates regarding COVID-19 Seungil Yum
275 [GO] International Journal of Migration and Border Studies 2024―May―16 Imposed dehumanised realities: crisis biopolitics at Lesvos' border camps in the pandemic era of COVID-19 Stergios Psifis, Electra Petracou
276 [GO] International Journal of Services Economics and Management 2024―May―16 Predicting the COVID-19 confirmed cases using K-means clustering algorithm a case study for challenges in big data analytics Saleem Raja Abdulsamad, Kavitha Venkatesh, Sundaravadivazhagan Balasubaramanian, Hannah Vijaykumar
277 [GO] International Journal of Public Law and Policy 2024―May―16 Pandemic in the new global world order Shivanshi Gupta, Arushi Sharma
278 [GO] International Journal of Services and Operations Management 2024―May―15 Inventory holding of firms during the COVID-19 pandemic: a data-driven analysis of the manufacturing industry Pushpesh Pant, Hari Vishal, S.P. Sarmah
279 [GO] International Journal of Information and Communication Technology 2024―May―13 Integration of Fourth Industrial Revolution in teaching and learning during COVID-19 pandemic Awelani V. Mudau, Lettah Sikhosana
280 [GO] International Journal of Knowledge and Learning 2024―May―09 A study on mental distress amidst COVID-19: a path to reboot and resilience Shashi Shekhar Gautam, Ankita Saxena
281 [GO] International Journal of Applied Systemic Studies 2024―May―07 Identifying diagnosis and mortality of COVID-19 by learning a sequence-to-sequence ARIMA-based model Naiying Hsu, Jerome Chih Lung Chou, You Shyang Chen, Ting Yi Kuo
282 [GO] International Journal of Process Management and Benchmarking 2024―May―03 A recovery sustainable EOQ model assuming both demand and deterioration disruption during any emergency like COVID-19 Dolagobinda Das, Gauranga Samanta
283 [GO] World Review of Entrepreneurship Management and Sustainable Development 2024―May―03 Diagnosis of the economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on companies in the São Lourenço region Fabricio Pelloso Piurcosky, Pedro Júnior, Rodrigo Franklin Frogeri, Felipe d, e Oliveira, Luis Henrique Touguinha d, et al. (+2)
284 [GO] World Review of Entrepreneurship Management and Sustainable Development 2024―May―03 Impact investing resurgence amid COVID-19 pandemic: a way for sustainable development Nirali Degda Rajyaguru, Narayan Baser
285 [GO] International Journal of Computational Biology and Drug Design 2024―May―03 Public Perception Analysis on COVID-19 Tweets using Hybridised Method Saurav Mallik, Mingqiang Wang, Sayani Ghatak, Ankush Mallick, Hrithik Paul, Saikat Maity, et al. (+2)
286 [GO] International Journal of Procurement Management 2024―May―02 Trust me! Trust you The indicators of trust on buyer-seller relationships: pre-and-post COVID-19 Nicolas v, an d, er Nest, Sharyn Curran, Elizabeth L. Jackson
287 [GO] International Journal of Intellectual Property Management 2024―May―02 COVID-19 influence on the utility model registration activity in Bulgaria Fanny Koleva
288 [GO] International Journal of Productivity and Quality Management 2024―May―02 Poverty and quality of life in Jordan and COVID-19 pandemic effects Elham Mohammad Alhiary
289 [GO] International Journal of Management and Decision Making 2024―May―02 Modelling telemedicine adoption intention during COVID-19 pandemic: an extended unified theory of acceptance and use of technology Jing Kai Teng, Ali Vafaei Zadeh, N.A. Syafrizal, Karpal Dara Singh, Razib Chandra Chanda
290 [GO] International Journal of Knowledge and Learning 2024―May―02 Consequences of online class during COVID-19 with female schoolteachers' work-life balance T. Jansi Rani, V. Krishna Priya
291 [GO] International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business 2024―May―02 Small and medium enterprise and COVID-19: a bibliometric analysis Ahmad Rafiki, N.A. Miftahuddin, Atika Rizki
292 [GO] International Journal of Leisure and Tourism Marketing 2024―May―01 How COVID-19 affected baby boomers’ tourist attitudes in Greece Vasilios Zoumpoulidis, Stavros Valsamidis, Lambros Tsourgiannis, Foteini Perdiki
293 [GO] International Journal of Business Information Systems 2024―May―01 Assessing the Drivers of sudden Uptick of COVID-19 Cases: A case of Taiwan Pratima Verma
294 [GO] International Journal of Entrepreneurial Venturing 2024―May―01 Sailing on entrepreneurship academic discourse during COVID-19 crisis by using topic modelling and grounded theory Victor Wilfredo Bohorquez Lopez, Ana Elizabeth Gómez Burns
295 [GO] International Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering 2024―May―01 Development of a face shield concept to protect against COVID-19 infection using integrated CAD and CAE tools and sustainable design techniques: deployment of international standards Nasser Ramsawak, Boppana V. Chowdary
296 [GO] International Journal of Management Practice 2024―May―01 The role of strategic scenarios in health security management: empirical evidence from Iraq in light of the COVID-19 pandemic Modaffer Ahmed Hussein
297 [GO] International Journal of Business Performance Management 2024―May―01 Do commodities improve the performance of international Islamic stock portfolios An analysis for pre-and during COVID-19 pandemic Imen Khemakhem, Slah Bahloul
298 [GO] International Journal of Computational Economics and Econometrics 2024―Apr―30 Heterogeneous impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on financial performance among European hotels Petra Růčková, Jana Šimáková, Tomáš Heryán
299 [GO] J for International Business and Entrepreneurship Development 2024―Apr―30 The readiness of commercial banks to the crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic: evidence from G20 Osama F. Atayah, Haitham Nobanee, Ahmad Al Hiyari
300 [GO] International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business 2024―Apr―29 Entrepreneurial responses to COVID-19 farmers' market closures - the experiences of rural micro vendors using social media Clifford Lewis, Katherine Attree
301 [GO] International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business 2024―Apr―29 How do SMEs' strategies change under the impacts of a critical external shock The case of Vietnamese SMEs under the COVID-19 pandemic An Hoang Kim Vo, Giang Huong Duong, Duong Tuan Nguyen, Long Hoang Le
302 [GO] International Journal of Process Management and Benchmarking 2024―Apr―28 Factors affecting the recruitment practices during covid-19 in reference to Delhi, India Preeti Tarkar, Himani Saini
303 [GO] World Review of Entrepreneurship Management and Sustainable Development 2024―Apr―28 Sustainable development of SMEs during the COVID-19 pandemic: a comparative study between developed and developing countries Demetris Vrontis, Hani El Chaarani, Hebatallah Badawy, Sam El Nemar
304 [GO] International Journal of Management in Education 2024―Apr―26 Determinants of students’ intention of choice to study at higher education institutions of Malaysia in the Covid-19 era Mei Ling Siew, Christine Li Ping Leong, Joshua Teck Khun Loo, Sima Ahmadpour
305 [GO] International Journal of Revenue Management 2024―Apr―26 Performance of quality investing during the pandemic in India Pranav Prakash, Diwahar Nadar
306 [GO] International Journal of Decision Sciences Risk and Management 2024―Apr―24 Doctors' attitudes toward social media use amid the COVID-19 pandemic using an extended technology acceptance model Alexios Serafeim Nterekas, Christos Dr. Melas, Vassilis Moustakis
307 [GO] International Journal of Business Environment 2024―Apr―23 The impact of international coopetitive relationships on surrounding vertical networks during COVID-19 Annika Laine Kronberg, Shuwei Jiang
308 [GO] International Journal of Internet Manufacturing and Services 2024―Apr―19 Impact of Human Resource Crisis Management on University Faculty Performance in E-Technology during COVID-19 Bijay Paikaray, Chandrakant Mallick, Subhasmita Biswal, Angurbala Mishra
309 [GO] International Journal of Knowledge Management Studies 2024―Apr―19 Knowledge management practices learned from the COVID-19 pandemic: a case of knowledge-intensive organisation Shouhong Wang
310 [GO] International Journal of Business Forecasting and Marketing Intelligence 2024―Apr―18 Interplay of Digital Trust Alliance, Entrepreneurial orientation and Use of digital payments: Digital Shift of Rural MSMEs to Survive Covid-19 Priya Devi, Dr. Harleen Kaur
311 [GO] International Journal of Logistics Systems and Management 2024―Apr―18 The Effects of Supply Chain Disruptions on Logistics Service Providers: Evidence from Ghana during the COVID-19 pandemic Esi K. Abakah, Eyram Kwame, George K. VanDyck
312 [GO] International Journal of Computational Vision and Robotics 2024―Apr―17 Ensemble learning and skip connection-based CNN framework for COVID-19 identification using CXR and CT images Pushpendra Kumar, Bhavana Singh, Muzammil Khan
313 [GO] International Journal of Knowledge Management Studies 2024―Apr―17 Knowledge management practices learned from the COVID-19 pandemic: a case of knowledge-intensive organisation Shouhong Wang
314 [GO] International Journal of Services Economics and Management 2024―Apr―17 Investigating banking research trends in the era of COVID-19: bibliometric analysis Maria Widyarini, Metania Adiarti Sutanto, Vera Intanie Dewi
315 [GO] International Journal of Entrepreneurial Venturing 2024―Apr―13 Sailing on entrepreneurship academic discourse during COVID-19 crisis by using topic modeling and grounded theory Victor W. Bohorquez Lopez, Ana E. Gomez Burns
316 [GO] International Journal of Economic Policy in Emerging Economies 2024―Apr―13 Impact of central bank's COVID-19 policy measures on banks: evidence from India Nivedita Sinha, Saandra Nandakumar
317 [GO] International Journal of Environment and Waste Management 2024―Apr―13 Corona pandemic and plastic pollution: a way forward Mehjabin Tishan Mahfuz, M. Sarwar Jahan, Shakhawat Hossain, Mubarak A. Khan
318 [GO] International Journal of Indian Culture and Business Management 2024―Apr―12 The contribution of HRM with AI for customer relationships management during the COVID-19 pandemic in the corporate sector V. Mahalakshmi
319 [GO] International Journal of Information and Communication Technology 2024―Apr―09 Integration of Fourth Industrial Revolution in teaching and learning during COVID-19 pandemic Lettah Sikhosana, Awelani V. Mudau
320 [GO] International Journal of Learning Technology 2024―Apr―09 Demographic differences in China's higher education students' interactions and experiences with online learning during the COVID-19 pandemic Jiayun Yan, Ting Wang
321 [GO] International Journal of Aviation Management 2024―Apr―08 The human factors and safety consequences of responses to the COVID-19 pandemic, as perceived by a sample of unionised pilots Simon Ashley Bennett
322 [GO] International Journal of Procurement Management 2024―Apr―06 Does COVID-19 affect non-performing loans at commercial banks in Vietnam Nguyen Kim Quoc Trung
323 [GO] International Journal of Mobile Communications 2024―Apr―06 Value elements among generations: a study of smartphone use between Generations Y and Z (the COVID-19 generation) in South Korea Muhammad Hussain, Jaehyun Park
324 [GO] International Journal of Technology Policy and Management 2024―Apr―06 Supporting digital key workers: addressing the challenges faced by content moderators during and after the COVID-19 pandemic Elena Martellozzo, Paul Bleakley, Paula Bradbury, Ruth Spence, Jeffrey DeMarco
325 [GO] International Journal of Process Management and Benchmarking 2024―Apr―06 Impact of Virtual Leadership on Mitigating the Consequences of the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Mediation Moderation Model through E-management and Organizational Culture Attia Aman Ullah, Zaina Mustafa Mahmoud Hamad, Rana Abdullah Mohammed, Mohammed Hussein Manhal, Ali Mansoor
326 [GO] International Journal of Technology Policy and Management 2024―Apr―06 Exploring perceived value influencing intention to use towards mobile payment during COVID-19: individual differences and self-efficacy as moderators Hwai Shuh Shieh, Hsiu Wei Lu
327 [GO] International Journal of Human Rights and Constitutional Studies 2024―Apr―05 Impact of COVID-19 on female migrants in India and policy responses Dipikanta Chakraborty
328 [GO] International Journal of Intelligent Engineering Informatics 2024―Apr―03 Generating multiclass COVID-19 CT scan images using multi-convolutional conditional GAN based on deep learning techniques M. Anusha, P. Kiruthika
329 [GO] Global Business and Economics Review 2024―Apr―03 COVID-19 effect on the herding behaviour in the Indian stock market Vikas Pandey, Shaurya Singh
330 [GO] International Journal of Learning Technology 2024―Apr―03 Demographic differences in China's higher education students' interactions and experiences with online learning during the COVID-19 pandemic Ting Wang, Jiayun Yan
331 [GO] International Journal of Innovation and Learning 2024―Apr―03 Chinese university students' attention level during COVID-19 pandemic Xiaolan Wu, Hui Li, Chunjuan Gao, Lei Shen, Hasan Tinmaz
332 [GO] International Journal of Mobile Learning and Organisation 2024―Apr―03 Ubiquitous game-based learning with a multimedia debriefing on cyberbullying during the COVID-19 pandemic Sasipim Poompimol, Patcharin Panjaburee, Suthiporn Sajjapanroj, Chanayuth Changpetch, Preeyada Tapingkae, Thanyaluck Ingkavara
333 [GO] International Journal of Business Forecasting and Marketing Intelligence 2024―Apr―03 The antecedents of rural customers' satisfaction and loyalty regarding mobile banking services during the COVID-19 pandemic in India Saurabh Verma, Mamta Gupta, Anandita Biswas
334 [GO] International Journal of Business and Emerging Markets 2024―Apr―03 Effects of ability, benevolence, and integrity on banking trust during the COVID-19 pandemic in Indonesia Muhammad Anif Afandi, Romi Bhakti Hartarto, Hardius Usman
335 [GO] International Journal of Green Economics 2024―Apr―03 Food waste and its determinants during the COVID-19 pandemic in Thailand and Indonesia: a case study of undergraduate students' households Jirawat Jaroensathapornkul, Hani Perwitasari, Jangkung Handoyo Mulyo, N.A. Imelda
336 [GO] International Journal of Technology Enhanced Learning 2024―Apr―03 Young children and online learning during the COVID-19 pandemic: Saudi mothers' perspectives Rana Saleh Alghamdi, Sarah Abdullah Alberaidi
337 [GO] International Journal of Mobile Learning and Organisation 2024―Apr―03 Borderless Lab 365: a real-time web-based remote laboratory platform for Hong Kong high school students in response to the pandemic Ka Lai Wong, Wang Fai Cheng, Ming Tak Sze, Siu Hong Choy, Kwok Lung Jim, Yuen Hong Tsang, et al. (+2)
338 [GO] International Journal of Mobile Communications 2024―Mar―27 Exploring the influence of new media and mobile technologies at tertiary education in a developing country: a case study of teacher-student interactions in Northern Cyprus during the COVID-19 pandemic Ülfet Kutoglu Kuruç, Ahmet Iyici
339 [GO] International Journal of Business Innovation and Research 2024―Mar―27 Supply chain resilience in the COVID-19 pandemic. Case: Mexican butcher's shop chain J. Enrique Nunez Rios, Adrian Ramirez Nafarrate, Araceli Lopez Dueñas
340 [GO] International Journal of Green Economics 2024―Mar―27 Food waste and its determinants during the COVID-19 pandemic in Thailand and Indonesia: a case study of undergraduate students' households Imelda Imelda, Jangkung Handoyo Mulyo, Jirawat Jaroensathapornkul, Hani Perwitasari
341 [GO] International Journal of Behavioural and Healthcare Research 2024―Mar―27 An investigation of factors associated with COVID-19 related fear and preventive behaviour among young adults in Bangladesh: a case study Satyajit Roy, Sudipa Basu, Apurba Roy
342 [GO] International Journal of Financial Markets and Derivatives 2024―Mar―26 Earnings expectations and accrual anomalies: reassessing stock market behaviours in the time of COVID-19 Abdullah Alawadhi
343 [GO] African J of Economic and Sustainable Development 2024―Mar―26 Post COVID-19 achievement of SDGs in Africa: what financing levers can we use for effective implementation Alain Latoundji Babatoundé, Moussa Njoupouognigni
344 [GO] International Journal of Environment and Waste Management 2024―Mar―23 Estimation of infection from COVID-19 in India using auto regressive integrated moving average model Sunil Gupta, Durgansh Sharma
345 [GO] Global Business and Economics Review 2024―Mar―22 The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and its moderating effect on bank profitability Phan Dinh Nguyen
346 [GO] International Journal of Learning and Change 2024―Mar―22 Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on an aviation company: change management approach Ilona Skačkauskienė, Virginija Leonavičiūtė, Agnė Sakalauskė
347 [GO] International Journal of Learning and Change 2024―Mar―22 Influence of business model and marketing environment of Thai gems and jewellery during COVID-19 pandemic: opportunities and challenges Sujinda Chemsripong
348 [GO] International Journal of Data Analysis Techniques and Strategies 2024―Mar―20 Sentiment analysis of Twitter data using machine learning: COVID-19 perspective Shobhit Srivastava, Mrinal Kanti Sarkar, Chinmay Chakraborty
349 [GO] International Journal of Critical Infrastructures 2024―Mar―19 Non-invasive prediction mechanism for COVID-19 disease using machine learning algorithms Arnav Bhardwaj, Hitesh Agarwal, Anuj Rani, Prakash Srivastava, Manoj Kumar, Sunil Gupta
350 [GO] International Journal of Behavioural and Healthcare Research 2024―Mar―18 An investigation of factors associated with COVID-19 related fear and preventive behaviour among young adults in Bangladesh: a case study Sudipa Basu, Satyajit Roy, Apurba Roy
351 [GO] International Journal of Higher Education and Sustainability 2024―Mar―17 Study from Home: Modelling the Factors Facilitating Online Education During and Post Covid-19 Md. Tanvir Alam Himel, Sabikun Nahar Bipasha, Tama Saha
352 [GO] International Journal of Intelligent Engineering Informatics 2024―Mar―17 Generating Multiclass COVID-19 CT Scan Images Using Multi-Convolutional Conditional GAN Based on Deep Learning Techniques Anusha Muthukrishnan, Kiruthika P
353 [GO] International Journal of Business Innovation and Research 2024―Mar―17 Sustainable Consumer Behaviour in India Amidst the COVID-19 Pandemic Sathish Arumbi Saravanan, Vihas Vijay
354 [GO] International Journal of Business Forecasting and Marketing Intelligence 2024―Mar―15 The Study of Perceived Severity of COVID-19 on Online Impulsive Buying Behaviour in Vietnam: the Role of Internal Factors Manh Ha Dao, Phuong Anh Nguyen, My Van Ly, Hong Nhung Nguyen Thi, Ha Nguyen Thi Thanh, Thanh Binh Phung
355 [GO] International Journal of Business Innovation and Research 2024―Mar―15 The Impact of Covid-19 on the Adoption of Mobile Payments Apps by Youngsters in India Saumya Singh, Vikram Kumar Sharma
356 [GO] International Journal of Data Analysis Techniques and Strategies 2024―Mar―15 Sentiment analysis of Twitter data using machine learning: COVID-19 perspective Mrinal Kanti Sarkar, Chinmay Chakraborty, Shobhit Srivastava
357 [GO] International Journal of Bioinformatics Research and Applications 2024―Mar―15 Codon usage in conserved sites is more biased compared to variable sites in the SARS-CoV-2 genome Madhusmita Dash, Annushree Kurmi, Preetisudha Meher, Siddhartha Sankar Satapathy, Nima D. Namsa
358 [GO] European J of International Management 2024―Mar―14 Relevant factors affecting nascent entrepreneurial activity in Chile and Spain: an analysis of the impact of the COVID-19 Marcelo Leporati, Alfonso Jesús Torres Marin, Ana Fernández Laviada, Maribel Guerrero
359 [GO] Electronic Government an International Journal 2024―Mar―14 Neighbourhood councils’ use of social media and citizen engagement during a crisis situation using the example of the COVID-19 pandemic Wojciech Jurkowski, Krzysztof Janc
360 [GO] European J of International Management 2024―Mar―14 Gender roles shaping the entrepreneurial mindset: embedded in the entrepreneurial ecosystem and impacted by the pandemic Mahsa Samsami, Hoda El Kolaly, José L. González Pernía, Fatima Boutaleb
361 [GO] European J of International Management 2024―Mar―14 Ease of doing entrepreneurship: resilience during disruption and recovery in the recession 2009-2010 and the pandemic 2020-2021 Ye Liu, Ayman Ismail, Ana Fernández Laviada
362 [GO] Latin American J of Management for Sustainable Development 2024―Mar―13 Impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on human development Fernando Bernardi De Souza, Julio Cesar Melo, Enzo Barberio Mari
363 [GO] International Journal of Business Innovation and Research 2024―Mar―12 Transportation model of humanitarian logistics: case of COVID-19 monsoon floods Yudi Fernando, Muhammad Shabir Shaharudin, Umi Nadhira Abdul Majid, Imran Syamil Zahanapi
364 [GO] International Journal of Productivity and Quality Management 2024―Mar―07 Investigating the factors influencing e-banking service adoption during COVID-19 pandemic Razib Chandra Chanda, Ali Vafaei Zadeh, Tofayel Ahmed, Khaled Nawaser
365 [GO] International Journal of Productivity and Quality Management 2024―Mar―07 Indonesian and Malaysian consumer perspective toward COVID-19 vaccine products from China Sri Hartono, Mohamad Fazli Sabri, Dendi Anggi Gumilang, Rusitha Wijekoon
366 [GO] International Journal of Education Arts and Social Issues in Africa 2024―Mar―06 Appraising public adherence to government's policy on COVID-19 safety protocols in selected institutions of higher learning in Ghana Francis Edjah, Dadson Awunyo Vitor, Francis Kwabena Oduro Gyimah
367 [GO] International Journal of Knowledge and Learning 2024―Mar―05 A bibliometric analysis of knowledge management research during COVID-19 Sanjay Fuloria, Ankur Srivastava, Umang Anand
368 [GO] International Journal of Procurement Management 2024―Mar―05 Governance in public procurement: accounting analysis of public acquisitions in Brazil during the COVID-19 pandemic Alessandro Bandeira d, e Oliveira, Paulo Vitor Jord�ã, o d, a Gama Silva
369 [GO] International Journal of Global Warming 2024―Mar―05 The pandemic's sustainability windfall: a case study of COVID-19 restrictions on electricity demand patterns and sustainable development goals Parisa Heidarnejad, Hadi Genceli, Mustafa Asker, Zehra Yumurtaci
370 [GO] International Journal of Knowledge and Learning 2024―Mar―05 A study on the online class programme during covid pandemic in Kerala government schools R.S. Rahul
371 [GO] International Journal of Management Practice 2024―Mar―03 The effect of persistence despite fear on innovative behaviours: mediator role of mental well-being and moderator role of fear of COVID-19 Yasemin Gülbahar, Osman Seray Özkan, Burcu Üzüm
372 [GO] International Journal of System of Systems Engineering 2024―Mar―03 Efficient deep transfer learning based COVID-19 detection and classification using CT images G. Prabakaran, K. Jayanthi
373 [GO] International Journal of Medical Engineering and Informatics 2024―Mar―03 A deep neural network-based architecture for automated detection of COVID-19 from chest X-ray images Abul Abbas Barbhuiya, Ram Kumar Karsh, Rahul Jain, Hillol Phukan
374 [GO] International Journal of Medical Engineering and Informatics 2024―Mar―03 Empirical assessment of COVID-19 infections and information diffusion: a data science approach Isaac Kofi Nti, Adebayo Felix Adekoya, Owusu Nyarko Boateng, Ponnadurai Ramasami
375 [GO] International Journal of Business Innovation and Research 2024―Mar―02 Understanding Consumers Impulse Buying Behaviour during COVID-19 Pandemic Sonia Singh, Kamalakanta Muduli, Manoranjan Dash, Subash Nath, Rita Prusty
376 [GO] International Journal of Applied Decision Sciences 2024―Mar―02 Verification of neural network models for forecasting the volatility of the WIG20 index rates of return during the COVID-19 pandemic Emilia Fraszka Sobczyk, Aleksandra Zakrzewska
377 [GO] International Journal of Business Governance and Ethics 2024―Mar―02 Managing construction delivery during the COVID-19 pandemic in the UK construction industry Temitope Omotayo, Tom R. Brudenell, Ayokunle Olanipekun, Temitope Egbelakin
378 [GO] International Journal of Business Governance and Ethics 2024―Mar―02 Characterisation of the effects of coronavirus pandemic on construction projects delivery Dorcas Titilayo Moyanga, Lekan Damilola Ojo, Oluwadamilare Olamide Ilesanmi, Ahmed Elyamany
379 [GO] International Journal of Biomedical Engineering and Technology 2024―Mar―01 Novel approaches for classification COVID-19 and pneumonia disease from CT scans using radiomics features Linda Ait Mohammed, Fatiha Alim Ferhat, Mohammed Abdelaziz
380 [GO] International Journal of Biomedical Engineering and Technology 2024―Mar―01 Amalgamation of wavelet transform and neural network for COVID-19 detection Madhu Jain, Renu Sharma
381 [GO] International Journal of Logistics Economics and Globalisation 2024―Mar―01 Labour shortage during COVID-19 pandemic in the logistic sector of Singapore Rajiv Aserkar, Dorrin Uma Dewi Goval
382 [GO] International Journal of Biomedical Engineering and Technology 2024―Mar―01 Heart rate monitoring in COVID-19 patients: methods, performance, and evaluation. A review Maham Sarvat, Suhaib Masroor, Zain Anwar Ali, Sobia Shabbir, Bilal Ahmad
383 [GO] International Journal of Knowledge and Learning 2024―Feb―29 A study on the online class programme during covid pandemic in Kerala government schools R.S. Rahul
384 [GO] International Journal of Smart Technology and Learning 2024―Feb―29 Iraqi university students' adoption of and satisfaction with digital technologies for their learning purposes in the post-COVID-19 pandemic period Lavin Fakhir Najmaldeen, Muhammad Rafi
385 [GO] International Journal of Trade and Global Markets 2024―Feb―28 Management of non-performing assets in India: role of risk management practices in the wake of Covid-19 Dolly Gaur
386 [GO] International Journal of Trade and Global Markets 2024―Feb―28 Modelling price volatility in energy futures during Covid-19 Yashmin Khatun, Sabat Kumar Digal, Dushyant Mahadik
387 [GO] International Journal of Trade and Global Markets 2024―Feb―28 Initial conditions and cross-country macroeconomic impact during Covid-19 Francis Kuriakose, Deepa Kylasam Iyer
388 [GO] International Journal of Trade and Global Markets 2024―Feb―28 The impact of Covid-19 on stock market returns in India Nenavath Sreenu
389 [GO] International Journal of Trade and Global Markets 2024―Feb―28 The impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on the Indonesian export and import of food crops Adang Agustian, Rizma Aldillah, Imam Mujahidin Fahmid, Darmawan Salman, N.A. Wahyudi, Benny Rachman, et al. (+4)
390 [GO] International Journal of Business Innovation and Research 2024―Feb―27 Managing information and communication overload in higher education institutions in Kuwait amid accelerated digital transformation: prospecting key success factors gained from the Covid-19 experience Hamsa Sarhan, Rupali Bhagat, Mirna Safi, Oualid Abidi
391 [GO] International Journal of Logistics Economics and Globalisation 2024―Feb―27 Labour Shortage during COVID-19 Pandemic in the Logistic Sector of Singapore Rajiv Aserkar, Dorrin Goval
392 [GO] European J of International Management 2024―Feb―27 Impact of perceived COVID-19 risk on the employees knowledge, motivation and performance Lubna Maroof, Taylan Budur, Ahmet Demir
393 [GO] International Journal of Teaching and Case Studies 2024―Feb―25 COVID-19 disruptions driving sustainable tourism: a case of the Hawaiian tourism industry Mark Esposito, Maryanne Eva
394 [GO] International Journal of Critical Accounting 2024―Feb―23 Role of the macroeconomic investment assets to overcome the stock market turbulence during COVID-19 Brahmananda Sahoo, Sudhansu Sekhar Nanda, Rashmita Sahoo
395 [GO] International Journal of Indian Culture and Business Management 2024―Feb―23 The footprint of inter-state labour migration on the COVID-19 scenario of India: an analysis of structural break and growth rate Shrabanti Maity, Ummey Rummana Barlaskar, Anil Bhumali
396 [GO] International Journal of Indian Culture and Business Management 2024―Feb―22 Escalation of Frauds in E-Commerce Posting Threats to Consumer Fortuity during COVID-19 Shakshi Kothari, Shalini .
397 [GO] International Journal of Business Information Systems 2024―Feb―22 Digital Entrepreneurship in the Event of COVID-19 Pandemic: Exploring the Employees' Entrepreneurial Behaviour Sun Yanming, Yuqing Yang, Naveed R. Khan, Wasim Ahmad, Rana Muhammad Sohail Jafar
398 [GO] International Journal of Procurement Management 2024―Feb―20 Malaysian SME Employees Accelerating into Digital Procurement Usage during COVID-19 Pandemic Kai Kit Soong N.A.
399 [GO] International Journal of Foresight and Innovation Policy 2024―Feb―20 Size does matter: South Africa's automotive industry during and post the COVID-19 pandemic Fabian Hoeft
400 [GO] International Journal of Social and Humanistic Computing 2024―Feb―20 A study of internet public opinion leaders with COVID-19 pandemic in Taiwan as a case Sheng Tsung Tu, Louis Y.Y. Lu, Chih Hung Hsieh, Chia Yu Wu
401 [GO] International Journal of Critical Accounting 2024―Feb―14 Role of the macroeconomic investment assets to overcome the stock market turbulence during COVID-19 Rashmita Sahoo, Sudhansu Sekhar Nanda, Brahmananda Sahoo
402 [GO] International Journal of Business Performance Management 2024―Feb―13 Consumer Adoption of Frozen Food Products in Uttarakhand, India during COVID-19 Pandemic Pradeep Chauhan, Rupesh Kumar, Madhu Arora, Muddassar Sarfraz
403 [GO] International Journal of Social and Humanistic Computing 2024―Feb―13 A study of internet public opinion leaders with COVID-19 pandemic in Taiwan as a case Chih Hung Hsieh, Louis Y.Y. Lu, Sheng Tsung Tu, Chia Yu Wu
404 [GO] Global Business and Economics Review 2024―Feb―09 Dividend Policy and COVID-19 pandemic: an empirical study of Indian Firms Santi Gopal Maji, Prasenjit Roy
405 [GO] International Journal of Work Organisation and Emotion 2024―Feb―09 The effect of spiritual intelligence on organisational happiness and the quality of nursing care for patients with COVID-19 virus in Russia N.A. Nuphanudin, Mohammed Yousif Oudah Al Muttar, Zeina A. Althanoon, Trias Mahmudiono, Aras Masood Ismael, Mohammed Abed Jawad, et al. (+3)
406 [GO] International Journal of Indian Culture and Business Management 2024―Feb―09 Employees' psychological well-being in a pandemic: a case study during the peak of the COVID-19 wave in India Rohit Chauhan, Himanshu Jishtu, Alka Shaktan, Arun Kumar
407 [GO] International Journal of Work Organisation and Emotion 2024―Feb―09 Can organisational culture increase innovative behaviour A serial mediation effect of job competency and job performance: comparing before and after pandemic Eung Il Kim
408 [GO] International Journal of Oil Gas and Coal Technology 2024―Feb―07 Effect of COVID-19 crisis on crude oil price and the world economy - a state-of-art review Shubham Saraf, Achinta Bera
409 [GO] International Journal of Biomedical Engineering and Technology 2024―Feb―07 Automated COVID-19 Detection from Chest X-ray and CT Images Using Optimised Hybrid Classifier Renu Vyas, Pauroosh Kaushal, Madhavi Bhongale
410 [GO] Global Business and Economics Review 2024―Feb―06 How Do COVID-19 Containment Policies Affect Currency Status Masao Kumamoto, Juanjuan Zhuo
411 [GO] International Journal of Logistics Systems and Management 2024―Feb―06 Enhancing operational performance through supply chain integration: the mediating role of resilience capabilities under COVID-19 pandemic Mahmoud Barakat, Ahmed Hussein Ali, Tarek Madkour, Ahmed Eid
412 [GO] International Journal of Logistics Systems and Management 2024―Feb―06 COVID-19 pandemic supply chain disruption and simulation of retail store resilience Varinder M. Sharma, Ajay K. Aggarwal, Dinesh S. Dave
413 [GO] International Journal of Electronic Finance 2024―Feb―03 Use and effect of Fintech awareness by women for sustainable development in the handicraft industry during the COVID-19 pandemic: an empirical analysis Indrajit Ghosal, Shad Ahmad Khan, Ravinder Rena, Ravindra Tripathi, U.M.A. Shankar YADAV
414 [GO] International Journal of Technology Management 2024―Feb―02 The preventive value effect of firm innovation: the impact of COVID-19 Hongjun Xiao, Zhen Yang, Hongcheng Ling, Zhe Zhang
415 [GO] International Journal of Business Intelligence and Data Mining 2024―Feb―02 Data augmentation and denoising of computed tomography scan images in training deep learning models for rapid COVID-19 detection Auwalu Saleh Mubarak, Sertan Serte, Fadi Al Turjman, Zubaida Sa', id Ameen
416 [GO] International Journal of Technology Management 2024―Feb―02 Does technological proximity accelerate innovation speed in R&D collaboration The evidence of rapid vaccine R&D for fighting the COVID-19 pandemic Xintong Wu, Weinan Wang
417 [GO] Global Business and Economics Review 2024―Feb―02 The role of microfinance institutions during the COVID-19 pandemic Hasan Ashari, Trinandari Prasetyo Nugrahanti, Budi Joyo Santoso
418 [GO] International Journal of Technology Management 2024―Feb―02 Firm and non-firm actor collaborations as a determinant of countries' readiness, progress and success for developing COVID-19 vaccines Jahan Ara Peerally, Claudia De Fuentes, Fernando Santiago, Julia Paranhos
419 [GO] International Journal of Technology Management 2024―Feb―02 Looking at smart cities through the lens of a pandemic era: a systematic literature review Gabriel Souto Fischer, Vinicius Facco Rodrigues, Rodrigo d, a Rosa Righi, Cristiano André d, a Costa, et al. (+3)
420 [GO] International Journal of Technology Management 2024―Feb―02 How influencing factors of intention to use smart watches changed in pandemic times in Germany - a comparison Kristina Hall, Severin Oesterle, Laura Watkowski, Christoph Buck
421 [GO] International Journal of Knowledge Management in Tourism and Hospitality 2024―Jan―31 Crisis management within the social system theory retrospective and prospective analysis of COVID-19 crisis in tourism and hospitality Ali Ben Yahia, Fatma Choura, Sihem Ben Saad
422 [GO] International Journal of Knowledge Management in Tourism and Hospitality 2024―Jan―31 An empirical study of the world's oldest airline company who filed bankruptcy during COVID-19 pandemic Reena Agrawal, Rohit Raj, Vimal Kumar, Ajay Jha
423 [GO] International Journal of Knowledge Management in Tourism and Hospitality 2024―Jan―31 An empirical investigation of campers' loyalty during COVID-19 pandemic: evidence from Tunisia Amal Ben Cheikh, Ines Ben Othman
424 [GO] International Journal of Work Innovation 2024―Jan―31 Amidst COVID-19: the moderating role of innovation and brand valuation in ESG disclosure and firm value relationship Saarce Elsye Hatane, Jasmine Iskandar, Josua Tarigan
425 [GO] International Journal of Oil Gas and Coal Technology 2024―Jan―30 Effect of COVID-19 crisis on crude oil price and the world economy - a state-of-art review Achinta Bera, Shubham Saraf
426 [GO] International Journal of Electronic Governance 2024―Jan―26 Republican networks vs. democratic networks for COVID-19 Seungil Yum
427 [GO] J for International Business and Entrepreneurship Development 2024―Jan―25 The readiness of commercial banks for the crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic: evidence from G20 Osama F. Atayah, Haitham Nobanee, Ahmad Al Hiyari
428 [GO] International Journal of Indian Culture and Business Management 2024―Jan―23 For-profit MFIs and indebtedness of rural manufacturing households: implications for India's COVID-19 crisis Bibhuti Bhusan Mohapatra, A. Jiran Meitei
429 [GO] International Journal of Indian Culture and Business Management 2024―Jan―23 The perception of employees on remote working and work outcomes during the COVID-19 pandemic Chinna Muthu Balu, Tabitha Durai
430 [GO] International Journal of Intelligent Enterprise 2024―Jan―21 A study on perceptions of students on intelligent virtual learning environment during and post COVID-19 Srinivasa Rao Angati, M. Nagalakshmi, S. Santha Kumari
431 [GO] International Journal of Innovation in Education 2024―Jan―20 Online student engagement and innovative teaching strategies post COVID-19 Monica Chaudhary, Dinakar Bhotta
432 [GO] International Journal of Trade and Global Markets 2024―Jan―18 Bitcoin connectedness to traditional asset-classes in times of COVID-19 Chaker Aloui, Muhammad Saeed Meo, Hela Ben Hamida, Mohammad Ashraful Ferdous Chowdhury
433 [GO] International Journal of Intellectual Property Management 2024―Jan―18 Adoption of information systems in OCB in the pandemic era mediates personality relationships, organisational culture, and employee performance St. Sukmawati S., Rabiyatul Jasiyah, N.A. Suriadi, Made Setini
434 [GO] International Journal of Services Economics and Management 2024―Jan―16 Motivation and organisational culture from the perspective of SME employees - a case study at the time of COVID-19 pandemic Tibor Zsigmond, Ladislav Mura, Renáta Machová, Ferenc Bakó, Marcell Kupi
435 [GO] International Journal of Business Governance and Ethics 2024―Jan―15 CSR exposures of Bangladesh Small and Cottage Industries Corporation enlisted firms during COVID-19 Babor Ahmad, Md Mostafizur Rahman, Mohammad Samiul Haque, Humaira Begum
436 [GO] Global Business and Economics Review 2024―Jan―13 TOWARD CASHLESS PAYMENTS THE BOOST OF COVID-19 IN THE ITALIAN CONTEXT Gerardo Petroccione, Flaminia Musella, Elvira Anna Graziano
437 [GO] EuroMed J of Management 2024―Jan―12 COVID-19 stress and employee performance: the mediating effect of counterproductive behaviour Precious Doe, Irene Akpene Amenuvor
438 [GO] International Journal of Technology Management 2024―Jan―11 The preventive value effect of firm innovation: the impact of COVID-19 Zhe Zhang, Zhen Yang, Hongjun Xiao, Hongcheng Ling
439 [GO] International Journal of Technology Management 2024―Jan―11 Does technological proximity accelerate innovation speed in R&D collaboration The evidence of rapid vaccine R&D for fighting the COVID-19 pandemic Weinan Wang, Xintong Wu
440 [GO] International Journal of Accounting and Finance 2024―Jan―11 Transfer pricing intensity and its determinants in pre and through COVID-19: evidence from Indian MNCs Rafi Farooq, Khalid Ashraf Chisti
441 [GO] International Journal of Technology Management 2024―Jan―11 How influencing factors of intention to use smart watches changed in pandemic times in Germany - a comparison Christoph Buck, Kristina Hall, Laura Watkowski, Severin Oesterle
442 [GO] International Journal of Learning Technology 2024―Jan―10 Disruptive innovation of EdTech companies in emerging economy during COVID-19 Manish Kumar Dwivedi, Naveen Virmani
443 [GO] International Journal of Environment and Waste Management 2024―Jan―10 Mini plasma waste plant: a solution to COVID-19 biomedical waste Mukesh Kumar, S.K. Singh
444 [GO] International Journal of Logistics Systems and Management 2024―Jan―10 A hybrid approach to examine the potential of additive manufacturing to cope with supply chain disruptions during COVID-19 pandemic Rajat Latt, Rajiv Kumar Sharma
445 [GO] International Journal of Internet Marketing and Advertising 2024―Jan―09 Mastering Online Customers` Repurchase Intentions: Covid-19 Blessing in Disguise Ayman Bazzi
446 [GO] International Journal of Public Sector Performance Management 2024―Jan―09 The impact of the China stock market on global financial markets during COVID-19 Khakan Najaf, Alice Chin
447 [GO] International Journal of Trade and Global Markets 2024―Jan―09 Initial Conditions and Cross-country Macroeconomic Impact during Covid-19 Deepa Kylasam Iyer, Francis Kuriakose
448 [GO] International Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering 2024―Jan―06 The spillover effect of COVID-19 on US financial markets-based on MF-DCCA method Renzao Lin, Liang Ying, Zhe Wang
449 [GO] International Journal of Advanced Operations Management 2024―Jan―06 Impacts of pandemics on supply chains: lessons learned, transition, and future Nima Zaerpour, Amir Gharehgozli, Sonia Siddique, Phuong Dung Dao
450 [GO] International Journal of Financial Services Management 2024―Jan―05 An empirical study on financial well-being during the COVID-19 in India Ujjal Sanyal, Furquan Uddin
451 [GO] International Journal of Business Forecasting and Marketing Intelligence 2024―Jan―04 Do customers still buy online services Comparing the purchase intention towards online paid courses in the COVID-19 era with the short and long-term periods after COVID-19 Halimberdy Gharajeh
452 [GO] International Journal of Business Forecasting and Marketing Intelligence 2024―Jan―04 COVID-19 and its perceived health belief impact on prepared food delivery services from a consumer behaviour perspective Alan D. Smith
453 [GO] International Journal of Technology Policy and Management 2024―Jan―04 Exploring perceived value influencing use intention toward mobile payment during COVID-19: Individual differences and self-efficacy as moderators Hsiu Wei Lu, Hwai Shuh Shieh
454 [GO] International Journal of Learning Technology 2024―Jan―01 Disruptive innovation of EdTech companies in emerging economy during COVID-19 Naveen Virmani, Manish Kumar Dwivedi
455 [GO] International Journal of Shipping and Transport Logistics 2023―Dec―31 Impact of COVID-19 lockdown on vessel traffic in Shanghai Port: A spatial-temporal analysis and implications for shipping and transport logistics Zhe Su
456 [GO] International Journal of Business and Emerging Markets 2023―Dec―30 IMPACT OF MACROECONOMIC FACTORS ON STOCK MARKET INDEX: EVIDENCE FROM THE G-20 COUNTRIES DURING THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC Vanessa Clementina, Josua Tarigan
457 [GO] International Journal of Medical Engineering and Informatics 2023―Dec―23 A conceptual model to improve the patient flow during COVID-19 Abdesselam Bougdira, Asmae Mazti, Hayat Sedrati, Fayssal Jhilal, Saaid Amzazi, Chakib Nejjari, Hassan Ghazal
458 [GO] International Journal of Monetary Economics and Finance 2023―Dec―22 Understanding the effects of COVID-19 on regime switching behaviour of Asian stock markets Bhaskar Bagchi, Raktim Ghosh
459 [GO] International Journal of Technology Marketing 2023―Dec―22 The effect of COVID-19 on tourist behaviour Lambros Tsourgiannis, Stavros Valsamidis, Pavlos S. Efraimidis, George Drosatos
460 [GO] International Journal of Services Economics and Management 2023―Dec―22 Assessing the efficacy of social distancing as a weapon against COVID-19 using Manhattan distance and AI-based deep learning models Kulandaivel Maruthamuthu Paramasivam, Sahana Roshan, Robin Cyriac, Sundarvadivazhagan Balasubaramanian, Boby Chellanthara Jose
461 [GO] International Journal of Monetary Economics and Finance 2023―Dec―22 Economic resilience of large urbanised Russian regions to pandemic-induced shocks Irina D. Turgel, Olga A. Chernova
462 [GO] International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business 2023―Dec―21 Experiences of senior people with remote healthcare solutions during the pandemic: implications for SMEs in the industry Nguyen Huu Tinh, Nguyen Hoang Tien
463 [GO] International Journal of Trade and Global Markets 2023―Dec―20 Diagnostics of the financial and economic situation of the power industry companies amidst the COVID-19 crisis Lubov I. Vanchukhina, Tatyana B. Leybert, Elvira A. Khalikova, Yuliya R. Rudneva, Olga G. Kantor
464 [GO] International Journal of Trade and Global Markets 2023―Dec―20 The сonsequences of implementing tax instruments for the Russian economy during the pandemic Irina V. Gashenko, Irina V. Orobinskaya, Yulia S. Zima, Yulia A. Kruchanova
465 [GO] International Journal of Electronic Marketing and Retailing 2023―Dec―19 Testing a structural model on consumers' fear of COVID-19, death anxiety, mental well-being and online shopping attitudes with a process macro Zübeyir Çelik
466 [GO] International Journal of Electronic Marketing and Retailing 2023―Dec―19 Predicting consumers' intention to use OFD services during COVID-19 health emergency in the USA and the UK: an application of the S-O-R model Giada Mainolfi, Simona D', N.A. Amico
467 [GO] International Journal of Business Continuity and Risk Management 2023―Dec―19 COVID-19 induced Supply Chain Disruptions and Economic Vulnerability of Vegetable and Fruit Farmers: A Sri Lankan Perspective Dinesha Siriwardhane, Navodika Karunarathna, P. G. S. Amila Jayarathne
468 [GO] International Journal of Accounting Auditing and Performance Evaluation 2023―Dec―19 The effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on the performance of Turkish banks: a comparative panel data analysis Omar Kachkar, William Bwando
469 [GO] International Journal of Accounting Auditing and Performance Evaluation 2023―Dec―19 Financial contagion during the COVID-19 pandemic: the case of African countries Imen Zorgati, Faten Albouchi, Riadh Garfatta
470 [GO] International Journal of Human Factors and Ergonomics 2023―Dec―15 Mask usage: a mechanical investigation of COVID-19 mask design Fatima Z. Mgaedeh, Richard T. Stone, Mohammad AlZwateen, Colten Fales, Esraa Saleh Abdelall
471 [GO] International Journal of Intelligent Enterprise 2023―Dec―14 Study of Indian sector selection problem amidst coronavirus disruption: an AHP approach Nishtha Agarwal, Nitin Seth, Ashish Agarwal
472 [GO] International Journal of Technology Marketing 2023―Dec―13 The effect of COVID-19 on tourist behaviour George Drosatos, Pavlos S. Efraimidis, Lambros Tsourgiannis, Stavros Valsamidis
473 [GO] International Journal of Tourism Policy 2023―Dec―13 Risk and consumer fear of visiting tourist destinations in Brazil during the COVID-19 pandemic Rennan Carvalho d, os Santos, Cristiane Salomé Ribeiro Costa, Marconi Freitas d, a Costa, Karen Daniele Lira d, e França
474 [GO] International Journal of Accounting Auditing and Performance Evaluation 2023―Dec―13 The effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on the performance of Turkish banks: a comparative panel data analysis William Bwando, Omar Kachkar
475 [GO] International Journal of Accounting Auditing and Performance Evaluation 2023―Dec―13 Financial contagion during the COVID-19 pandemic: the case of African countries Imen Zorgati, Riadh Garfatta, Faten Albouchi
476 [GO] International Journal of Integrated Supply Management 2023―Dec―12 The role of supply management for sales and operations planning during the COVID-19 pandemic Martin Lockstrom
477 [GO] International Journal of Biomedical Engineering and Technology 2023―Dec―09 Socio-economic implications of COVID-19 in India: growing stress and educational challenges Kiron Jayesh, Mahesh Jayaraman, Visweshwaran Baskaran, Nathiya Narayanaraju, Jagannath Mohan, Adalarasu Kanagasabai
478 [GO] International Journal of Medical Engineering and Informatics 2023―Dec―08 Prediction of COVID-19 cases with epidemiological and time series models Rom Kant Pandey, Sanjeeb Prasad Panday, Anita Sharma, Aman Shakya
479 [GO] International Journal of Agile Systems and Management 2023―Dec―08 Measuring supply chain agility during the COVID-19 pandemic: empirical evidence from the firms in UAE Michael Wang, Ferry Jie, Guilherme F. Frederico
480 [GO] International Journal of Bioinformatics Research and Applications 2023―Dec―07 Detection and classification of COVID-19 using supervised deep learning on MRI images J. Chinna Babu, Mudassir Khan, Mallikharjuna Rao Nuka, C.H. Nagaraju
481 [GO] International Journal of Product Lifecycle Management 2023―Dec―06 Government polices and COVID-19 impact: mediator roles in green wash Minh T.H. Le
482 [GO] International Journal of Human Factors and Ergonomics 2023―Dec―06 Mask usage: a mechanical investigation of COVID-19 mask design Fatima Z. Mgaedeh, Richard T. Stone, Mohammad AlZwateen, Colten Fales, Esraa Saleh Abdelall
483 [GO] International Journal of Technological Learning Innovation and Development 2023―Dec―06 Volatility implications on IT index during pre and post COVID-19 outbreak: evidence from India Peeyush Bangur, Sugandha Sharma, Deepak Shrivastava
484 [GO] International Journal of Biomedical Engineering and Technology 2023―Dec―04 Socio-economic implications of COVID-19 in India: growing stress and educational challenges Jagannath Mohan, Adalarasu Kanagasabai, Mahesh Jayaraman, Visweshwaran Baskaran, Nathiya Narayanaraju, Kiron Jayesh
485 [GO] International Journal of Innovation and Sustainable Development 2023―Dec―04 Did Covid-19 influence adoption of e-commerce among elderly citizens The role of social presence, self-efficacy and trust Boudhayan Ganguly, Tirthankar Nag, Pritha Chakraborty
486 [GO] International Journal of Innovation and Sustainable Development 2023―Dec―04 Changing patterns of household water consumption and conservation behaviour in Bangladesh: an exploration in the context of COVID-19 pandemic Bipasha Singha, Osama Eljamal, Shamal Chandra Karmaker
487 [GO] International Journal of Innovation and Sustainable Development 2023―Dec―04 Effects of macroeconomic disturbances on the banking sector and equity markets in Sri Lanka: with special reference to civil war and COVID-19 pandemic Manjula Kumara Wanniarachchige
488 [GO] International Journal of Innovation and Sustainable Development 2023―Dec―04 Reverse migration, sustainable development, and innovation during Covid-19 pandemic: a case study of Indian women and children Subhomay Saha, Karanx Peer, Shrabani Saha
489 [GO] International Journal of Innovation and Sustainable Development 2023―Dec―04 Coping strategies of ready-made garments workers in Bangladesh during the COVID-19 pandemic: a qualitative assessment Kazi Mahmudur Rahman, Kishore Kumer Basak, Nibras Bin Sayed
490 [GO] International Journal of Innovation and Sustainable Development 2023―Dec―04 Editorial: Covid-19: effects and innovation for future sustainability Munim Kumar Barai, Gour Gobinda Goswami, Mamta B. Chowdhury
491 [GO] International Journal of Innovation and Sustainable Development 2023―Dec―04 Pandemic-led trade shocks & supply chain disruption: case studies of the readymade garments (RMG) sector in Sri Lanka and Bangladesh Reena Marwah, Sanika Sulochani Ramanayake
492 [GO] International Journal of Public Law and Policy 2023―Dec―03 Healthcare for prisoners in penitentiary establishments during COVID-19: a comparative study between national legislation and international covenants Ibrahim Suleiman Al Qatawneh, Aliaa Zakaria, Jamal Barafi
493 [GO] International Journal of Business Environment 2023―Dec―03 Consumer sentiments in automotive purchases before and after COVID-19: a text-mining study Charles Ramser, Shih Yung Chou, Jiaxi Luo, Ashok Bhattarai
494 [GO] International Journal of Services and Operations Management 2023―Dec―02 Usability of E-Commerce as a Digital Platform: Resilient Food Supply Chains (RFSCs) amid Covid-19 Lana Mohannad Al Twait, Mohammad Alawamleh
495 [GO] International Journal of Business Intelligence and Data Mining 2023―Dec―02 Machine learning approach for data analysis and predicting coronavirus using COVID-19 India dataset Soni Singh, K.R. Ramkumar, Ashima Kukkar
496 [GO] International Journal of Business Performance Management 2023―Dec―02 Leadership styles and business performance: a study of service-based SMEs amidst the COVID-19 pandemic in Klang Valley, Malaysia Yow Hong Tay, Osaro Aigbogun
497 [GO] International Journal of Procurement Management 2023―Dec―02 The prevalence of stress and anxiety level among working employees in different service sectors during pandemic Pratima Verma, Vimal Kumar, Sumanjeet Singh, Ankesh Mittal, Tanmoy De, Mohit Rishi
498 [GO] International Journal of Electronic Finance 2023―Dec―01 Firms Performance and Cryptocurrencies: A Comparative Study before and after COVID-19 Abdullah Alajmi
499 [GO] International Journal of Mobile Communications 2023―Dec―01 When do people share different health rumors An empirical study in the COVID-19 context in China Peng Yu, Xin Zhang, Liang Ma
500 [GO] International Journal of Business and Emerging Markets 2023―Dec―01 Impact of COVID-19 on the Indian retail industry: meta-trend analysis based on text mining Pooja Misra, Komal Sharma
501 [GO] International Journal of Management Concepts and Philosophy 2023―Dec―01 The factors of internet addiction among the students during COVID-19 using logistic regression Gift Mahlatse Mphahlele, Simon Setsweke Nkoane
502 [GO] World Review of Entrepreneurship Management and Sustainable Development 2023―Dec―01 Technological entrepreneurship in healthcare management to achieve sustainability post-COVID pandemic Barkha Kakkar, Prashant Johri
503 [GO] International Journal of Intelligent Enterprise 2023―Nov―29 Study of Indian sector selection problem amidst coronavirus disruption: an AHP approach Nishtha Agarwal, Ashish Agarwal, Nitin Seth
504 [GO] International Journal of Sustainable Society 2023―Nov―28 Exploring the impact of the COVID-19 outbreak on the social and economic needs of poor communities via the CBR framework Roshima Said, Corina Joseph, Azlan Amran, Ida Normaya Mohd Nasir
505 [GO] International Journal of Bioinformatics Research and Applications 2023―Nov―27 Codon usage in conserved sites is more biased compared to variable sites in the SARS-CoV-2 genome Nima D. Namsa, Siddhartha Satapathy, Preetisudha Meher, Annushree Kurmi, Madhusmita Dash
506 [GO] International Journal of Gender Studies in Developing Societies 2023―Nov―25 The wellbeing of garment workers in Bangladesh during COVID-19 - does gender matter Farida Chowdhury Khan, Farzana Misha, Nadine Murshid, Atonu Rabbani, Bakhtear Talukdar
507 [GO] International Journal of Sustainable Society 2023―Nov―24 Exploring the impact of the COVID-19 outbreak on the social and economic needs of poor communities via the CBR framework Azlan Amran, Corina Joseph, Ida Normaya Mohd Nasir, Roshima Said
508 [GO] International Journal of Project Organisation and Management 2023―Nov―24 Managing Stakeholder Engagement in Australian Not-for-Profit Projects: Implications of the COVID-19 Pandemic Samer Skaik, Stephanie Lim
509 [GO] International Journal of Global Warming 2023―Nov―24 The pandemic's sustainability windfall: a case study of COVID-19 restrictions on electricity demand patterns and sustainable development goals ZEHRA YUMURTACI, Mustafa Asker, Hadi Genceli, Parisa Heidarnejad
510 [GO] International Journal of Gender Studies in Developing Societies 2023―Nov―21 The wellbeing of garment workers in Bangladesh during COVID-19 - does gender matter Bakhtear Talukdar, Atonu Rabbani, Nadine Murshid, Farzana Misha, Farida Chowdhury Khan
511 [GO] International Journal of Business Governance and Ethics 2023―Nov―21 Charity or a diversion tactic in disguise of charity Exploring Chinese enterprises motivation for giving in the wake of COVID-19 Yajie Wang, Dong Andrew Li, Mengli Zhang, Yunshu Tang
512 [GO] International Journal of Trade and Global Markets 2023―Nov―21 Examining the impact of effective government stimulus packages amid COVID-19 pandemic in UAE: an input-output analysis Tahira Yasmin, Ghaleb A. El Refae, Shorouq Eletter
513 [GO] International Journal of Trade and Global Markets 2023―Nov―21 How can Indonesian businesses survive during pandemic using new learning organisation Dewi Wahyu Handayani, Jann Hidajat Tjakraatmadja, Achmad Ghazali
514 [GO] Electronic Government an International Journal 2023―Nov―18 COVID-19: Cybersecurity Issues in Times of Pandemic Lyudmila Sukhostat, Yadigar Imamverdiyev
515 [GO] International Journal of Learning and Intellectual Capital 2023―Nov―17 New knowledge creation and loss during COVID-19: sustainable knowledge management's perspective Muhammad Anshari, Mahani Hamdan, Norainie Ahmad, Emil Ali, Hamizah Haidi
516 [GO] International Journal of Economics and Business Research 2023―Nov―16 The perishment of the economics sector in women's domestication during the COVID-19 pandemic in Indonesia Heri Junaidi
517 [GO] International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business 2023―Nov―15 Entrepreneurial orientation in joint projects during the COVID-19 crisis: A fuzzy-set Qualitative Comparative Analysis approach for Brazilian cases Bibiana Volkmer Martins, Anass Mawadia, Olivier Coussi, KADÍGIA FACCIN
518 [GO] International Journal of Electronic Finance 2023―Nov―15 The Effects of The Covid-19 Epidemic on Peruvian Nurses' Occupational Stress and Quality of Performance Ursula Lezameta Blas, Edwin Hernan Asis, Edwin Asnate Salazar, Uvaldo Cuno Chunga, Norma Ramirez Asis, Vicenta Li Bardales
519 [GO] International Journal of Business Environment 2023―Nov―14 Innovation in the strategic planning through fuzzy methodologies. A study of the industrial context of Bogota, Colombia during COVID-19 Fabio Blanco Mesa, Ernesto León Castro
520 [GO] International Journal of Services and Operations Management 2023―Nov―14 Determinants of service quality in the COVID-19 times: an analysis of online shopping in Brazil André Philippi Gonzaga d, e Albuquerque, Fagner José Coutinho d, e Melo, Lucas Ambrósio Bezerra d, e Oliveira, et al. (+2)
521 [GO] International Journal of Learning and Change 2023―Nov―13 Education and employment in the COVID-19 era: a systematic literature review Janns Alvaro Patiño Saucedo, Katherine Cabana Jiménez, Mauricio Vásquez Carbonell
522 [GO] International Journal of Business and Emerging Markets 2023―Nov―10 Unity is strength. A case study of Regional Businesses in Inner Mongolia during the Covid-19 Pandemic Derek Watson, Yuan Zhai
523 [GO] International Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering 2023―Nov―09 Fear of COVID-19 outbreak, stress and anxiety among working employees: a multi-service sector study Pratima Verma, Sumanjeet Singh, Vimal Kumar, Minakshi Paliwal, Preeti Sharma, Sung Chi Hsu
524 [GO] International Journal of Learning Technology 2023―Nov―09 Students' E-Learning Satisfaction During the Pandemic: A Turkish Public University Example Mohammad Naserinia, Aykut Hamit Turan
525 [GO] International Journal of Business and Systems Research 2023―Nov―08 Multi-dimensional assessment of risk to business continuity plans of Indian SME’s in wake of pandemic induced business risks. Nagaraj V. Bevinamarad, K.V. Manjunath, Nandeesh V. Hiremath, GIREESH YM, Sunilkumar R. Hiremath
526 [GO] International Journal of System of Systems Engineering 2023―Nov―05 Covid-19: A Comprehensive Study of the Emergence, Impact, Diagnosis, Treatment, Challenges, and Future Perspectives Prabakaran G, Jayanthi K
527 [GO] European J of International Management 2023―Nov―04 Have familiness values increased during COVID-19 Czech family business case Marie Mikušová, Václav Friedrich, Petra Horváthová, Vojtěch Meier
528 [GO] International Journal of Business Innovation and Research 2023―Nov―04 Impact of information technology women employees remote work during COVID-19 with work life balance T. Jansi Rani, V. Krishna Priya
529 [GO] International Journal of Critical Infrastructures 2023―Nov―02 COVID-19 and the drinking water consumption pattern in Bogotá D.C., Colombia Alfonso Durán Chico, Juan Sebastián De Plaza Solórzano
530 [GO] International Journal of Advanced Operations Management 2023―Nov―02 Impacts of Pandemics on Supply Chains: Lessons Learned, Transition, and Future Phuong Dung Dao, Sonia Siddique, Amir Gharehgozli, Nima Zaerpour
531 [GO] International Journal of Learning Technology 2023―Oct―31 Identification of qualitative indicators of physical education students' online courses during the COVID-19 outbreak Mehdi Salimi, Leila Moslehi
532 [GO] International Journal of Learning Technology 2023―Oct―31 Effectiveness of distance learning of mathematics from the perspective of public-school teachers in the West Bank during the COVID pandemic Nabil Assadi, Hisham Bani Mattar
533 [GO] European J of International Management 2023―Oct―30 Gender roles shaping the entrepreneurial mindset: embedded in the entrepreneurial ecosystem and impacted by the pandemic Hoda El Kolaly, Mahsa Samsami, Jose Gonzalez Pernia, Fatima Boutaleb
534 [GO] International Journal of Knowledge Management in Tourism and Hospitality 2023―Oct―30 An empirical investigation of campers' loyalty during COVID19 pandemic: Evidence from Tunisia Ines Ben Othman, Amal Ben Cheikh
535 [GO] International Journal of Innovation and Learning 2023―Oct―29 CULTURE SHOCK IN THE POST COVID-19 ERA: TOWARD A NEW NORMAL ACADEMIC LIFE Concetta L. Cristofaro, Navneet Gera, WALTER VESPERI, MARZIA VENTURA
536 [GO] International Journal of the Built Environment and Asset Management 2023―Oct―29 Investigating Construction Delay Causes, Impact and Post COVID-19 Perception: The Globally Affected Companies Mitigation Strategies Abhijeet Deshpande, George Okere, Kwame Amoah
537 [GO] International Journal of Medical Engineering and Informatics 2023―Oct―28 Multi-task deep neural network models for learning COVID-19 disease representations from multimodal data Veena Mayya, K. Karthik, Krishnananda Prabhu Karadka, S. Sowmya Kamath
538 [GO] International Journal of Environment Workplace and Employment 2023―Oct―27 The indirect effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on multinational companies' competitiveness and resilience through work from home Sara Abhari, Alireza Jalali, Mastura Jaafar, Thripurasundere A/, P K. Maharaja
539 [GO] International Journal of Tourism Policy 2023―Oct―27 The COVID-19 pandemic's impacts on Valle de Bravo tourism from the residents' perspective Omar Ismael Ramírez Hernández, Yanelli Daniela Palmas Castrejón, Alejandro Delgado Cruz, Rocio d, el Carmen Serrano Barquín
540 [GO] International Journal of Environment Workplace and Employment 2023―Oct―27 Working parents' burnout during COVID-19 pandemic: clinical examples and managerial implications Alessandro Cavelzani
541 [GO] International Journal of Accounting and Finance 2023―Oct―27 The effect of credit risk and banks' specific drivers on banks' performance in light of COVID-19 pandemic: evidence from commercial banks in the UAE Zawadi Ally
542 [GO] International Journal of Learning Technology 2023―Oct―25 Identification of qualitative indicators of physical education students' online courses during the COVID-19 outbreak Leila Moslehi, Mehdi Salimi
543 [GO] International Journal of Accounting and Finance 2023―Oct―25 The effect of credit risk and banks' specific drivers on banks' performance in light of COVID-19 pandemic: evidence from commercial banks in the UAE Zawadi Ally
544 [GO] International Journal of Learning Technology 2023―Oct―25 Effectiveness of distance learning of mathematics from the perspective of public-school teachers in the West Bank during the COVID pandemic Nabil Assadi, Hisham Bani Mattar
545 [GO] European J of International Management 2023―Oct―25 Ease of doing entrepreneurship: resilience during disruption and recovery in the recession 2009-2010 and the pandemic 2020-2021 Ayman Ismail, Ye Liu, Ana Fernandez Laviada
546 [GO] International Journal of Six Sigma and Competitive Advantage 2023―Oct―24 Impact of Lean Six Sigma on companies' performance during the COVID-19 pandemic Osama Abdelhadi, Ihssan Samara
547 [GO] International Journal of Healthcare Technology and Management 2023―Oct―24 Forecasting the rate of socio-economic development of healthcare in the Russian Federation taking into account the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic Tatiana Ivanova
548 [GO] International Journal of Bibliometrics in Business and Management 2023―Oct―24 Business economics research in the context of COVID-19 pandemic: a crisis management perspective Budi Harsanto, Egi Arvian Firmansyah
549 [GO] International Journal of Applied Management Science 2023―Oct―24 Investigating the determinants of mobile shopping applications continuance usage intention in the post-COVID-19 pandemic Razib Chandra Chanda, Ali Vafaei Zadeh, N.A. Syafrizal, Haniruzila Hanifah, Karpal Dara Singh
550 [GO] International Journal of Financial Markets and Derivatives 2023―Oct―21 The Response of Canadian Stocks to the COVID-19 Pandemic: The Case of A Developed Economy Salah U Din N.A.
551 [GO] International Journal of Continuing Engineering Education and Life-Long Learning 2023―Oct―20 Teaching practice-oriented computer vision courses in COVID-19 pandemic Jing Tian
552 [GO] International Journal of Business Excellence 2023―Oct―19 Identification and analysis of key factors affecting circular supply chain resiliency in post COVID-19 era: An analysis of emerging economy's auto sector Sunil Kuma Luthra, Dixit Garg, Manju Saroha
553 [GO] International Journal of Bibliometrics in Business and Management 2023―Oct―18 Business economics research in the context of COVID-19 pandemic: a crisis management perspective Egi Arvian Firmansyah, Budi Harsanto
554 [GO] International Journal of Networking and Virtual Organisations 2023―Oct―18 Using digital health to support superior preparedness to enable better preparedness and readiness to combat pandemics: a scoping review Nilmini Wickramasinghe, Rima Gibbings
555 [GO] International Journal of Tourism Policy 2023―Oct―17 The COVID-19 pandemic's impacts on Valle de Bravo tourism from the residents' perspective Omar Ismael Ramírez Hernández, Rocio Del Carmen Serrano Barquín, Alejandro Delgado Cruz, Yanelli Daniela Palmas Castrejón
556 [GO] International Journal of Procurement Management 2023―Oct―17 Healthcare supply chains: critical supplies during the pandemic Amelia Carr
557 [GO] International Journal of Monetary Economics and Finance 2023―Oct―16 A Correspondence Analysis on Dynamics of Local Gold Price among Major Consumer Economies During the Pre-Covid Period and the Pandemic Period Hareesh Ramanathan, SREEJITH S
558 [GO] International Journal of Indian Culture and Business Management 2023―Oct―15 Organisational response to COVID-19 crisis through socially impactful business actions: a case study Tanushri Banerjee, Pramod Paliwal
559 [GO] International Journal of Work Innovation 2023―Oct―15 Impact of job crafting on employee performance in banking sector: the art of working from home during COVID-19 pandemic Muneer Mohammed Saeed Al Mubarak, Isa Abdulla Mustafa
560 [GO] International Journal of Indian Culture and Business Management 2023―Oct―15 The aftermath of COVID-19: exploring workplace expectations among GenZ in India Karuna Prakash, Prakash Tiwari
561 [GO] International Journal of Indian Culture and Business Management 2023―Oct―15 Relevance of Gandhian economics in the post pandemic world: learning for the path ahead Priya Bhalla
562 [GO] International Journal of Management in Education 2023―Oct―14 Extending the TAM model to evaluate the impact of online learning on students' knowledge and career growth during COVID-19 K. Ravishankar, N. Akbar Jan, A.K. Subramani, Rajasekhar David
563 [GO] International Journal of Management in Education 2023―Oct―14 Online education during COVID-19 in the Western Balkans: a case study of a university in Kosovo Giuseppe Ciccone, Gazmend Qorraj, Nada Trunk, Arbnor Bajraliu
564 [GO] International Journal of Sustainable Economy 2023―Oct―14 The impact of COVID-19 infections on money demand: a cointegration analysis in the euro area Leonidas Zangelidis
565 [GO] International Journal of Applied Decision Sciences 2023―Oct―14 Impact of COVID-19 on systemic risk for Indian financial institutions Subhash Karmakar, Gautam Bandyopadhyay, Dragan Pamucar, Jayanta Nath Mukhopadhyaya, Sanjib Biswas
566 [GO] International Journal of Sustainable Economy 2023―Oct―14 The effects of weather variability on the performance and risk of Vietnamese listed companies: evidence from the COVID-19 pandemic Nguyen Thi Hoa Hong, Pham Thi Mai Huong, Nguyen Yen Linh
567 [GO] International Journal of Education Economics and Development 2023―Oct―14 The reality of distance learning facing educational crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic among Jordanian university students with disabilities Worud Awamleh
568 [GO] International Journal of Electronic Marketing and Retailing 2023―Oct―14 Consumer fear of financial crises during pandemic time and its effect on their buying intentions Mohammed Abdallrahman, Nidal A. Darwish, Boshra F. Al Janazreh
569 [GO] International Journal of Public Law and Policy 2023―Oct―11 Right to freedom during COVID-19: a study of Article 19 of the Indian Constitution in light of COVID-19 Utsa Sarkar, Mohammad Saleem, Karun Sanjaya
570 [GO] International Journal of Agile Systems and Management 2023―Oct―11 The adaptability of tourism and hospitality supply chain management to manage COVID-19 crisis: Bangladesh perspective Santus Kumar Deb, Bapon Chandra Kuri, Hiran Roy, Biplab Roy, Shohel Md. Nafi
571 [GO] International Journal of Business and Emerging Markets 2023―Oct―11 Stock market response to the COVID-19 lockdown: the case of Dow Jones, CAC 40, DAX and FTSE 100 Amal Bakour, Fatma Abidi Aloui
572 [GO] International Journal of Knowledge Management in Tourism and Hospitality 2023―Oct―11 An Empirical Study of the World's Oldest Airline Company Who Filed Bankruptcy During COVID-19 Pandemic Ajay Jha, Vimal Kumar, Rohit Raj, Reena Agrawal
573 [GO] International Journal of Agile Systems and Management 2023―Oct―11 A measurement model for assessing the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on supply chains Michael Wang
574 [GO] International Journal of Mobile Communications 2023―Oct―11 Adoption of telemedicine services during COVID-19: an application of extended protection motivation theory S.M. Sohel Rana, Mohammed Masum Iqbal, Mohammed Sohel Islam, Md. Anhar Sharif Mollah, Arifur Rahman Khan
575 [GO] International Journal of Management and Decision Making 2023―Oct―11 Fostering the value of diversity in organisations during the pandemic period Terry L. Howard, Evan A. Peterson, Gregory W. Ulferts
576 [GO] International Journal of Embedded Systems 2023―Oct―10 Imbalanced COVID-19 dataset classification with bidirectional sampling based on sample correlation Guocai Zuo, Mansheng Xiao, Mingkai Fan
577 [GO] International Journal of Business Innovation and Research 2023―Oct―10 Socio-psychological Designer Marketing Perspectives for Women Consumers during Pandemic Rajagopal Rajagopal
578 [GO] International Journal of Process Management and Benchmarking 2023―Oct―09 The Effect of Working from Home on a Services Company (During COVID-19) Mohammad Alawamleh, Zaid Almasri, Khaled Alawamleh Alawamleh
579 [GO] International Journal of Indian Culture and Business Management 2023―Oct―07 COVID-19 Influences the Academic Education of Hotel Management Students in India and Educational Development based on National Education Policy Libina Babu, Aby Emmanuel Lopus
580 [GO] International Journal of Electronic Marketing and Retailing 2023―Oct―07 A model of factors influencing customers' intention to use e-wallets during COVID-19 in Vietnam Bui Nhat Vuong
581 [GO] International Journal of Procurement Management 2023―Oct―07 COVID-19 and Listed Firms' Performance under Moderating Role of Ownership in Vietnam Kim Quoc Trung NGUYEN N.A.
582 [GO] International Journal of Technology Marketing 2023―Oct―07 Gaining loyalty towards mobile food purchasing service: a lesson from the COVID-19 pandemic Dwi Suhartanto, David Dean, Norazah Mohd Suki, Anthony Brien, Fatya Alty Amalia
583 [GO] International Journal of Data Science 2023―Oct―06 Comparing the Impact of COVID-19 on Three States: A Data-Driven Approach Kevin Shao, Qin Shao
584 [GO] EuroMed J of Management 2023―Oct―06 COVID-19 stress and employee performance: The mediating effect of counterproductive behavior Precious Doe, Amenuvor Irene Akpene
585 [GO] International Journal of Integrated Supply Management 2023―Oct―05 Disruptions due to COVID-19 - the ultimate stress test for supply chain managers Cees J. Gelderman, Janjaap Semeijn, Sierd Feenstra
586 [GO] International Journal of Computational Biology and Drug Design 2023―Oct―05 Virtual screening of plant phytochemicals to discover potent Janus kinase-1 inhibitors against severe COVID-19 and sepsis Kavita Joshi, Shradheya R.R. Gupta, Shubham Verma, Rakesh Sharma, Sameer Qureshi, Mansoor Ali Syed, Vandana Nunia
587 [GO] International Journal of Intelligent Enterprise 2023―Oct―05 Influence of COVID-19 pandemic on the digitalisation of enterprises management Boris Miethlich, Denis Belotserkovich, Samira Abasova, Еlena Zatsarinnaya, Oleg Veselitsky
588 [GO] International Journal of Business Excellence 2023―Oct―05 Factors Facilitating and Impeding the Adoption of Digital Payment Systems in India: The Influence of the Coronavirus Pandemic Mukta Mani, Sweta Lakhaiyar
589 [GO] Middle East J of Management 2023―Oct―04 Relations between service quality and students' willingness to pay for online education during COVID-19 Ahmet Demir, Kezhan Salar Abdulqadr, Bayad Jamal Ali, Pakzad Fadel Saleh, Venkatesh Andavar
590 [GO] International Journal of Operational Research 2023―Oct―04 Improving healthcare services in trauma emergency centres for patient safety under COVID-19 pandemic crisis Dilbagh Panchal
591 [GO] International Journal of Management Concepts and Philosophy 2023―Oct―04 Coronavirus breaks global supply chains (the crisis and its future solutions) Abdelkader Moumeni
592 [GO] International Journal of Integrated Supply Management 2023―Oct―03 THE ROLE OF SUPPLY MANAGEMENT FOR SALES AND OPERATIONS PLANNING DURING THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC Martin Lockström
593 [GO] International Journal of Applied Nonlinear Science 2023―Oct―03 A study of COVID-19 spread through zipper fractal interpolation N.A. Sneha, Kuldip Katiyar
594 [GO] International Journal of Computational Vision and Robotics 2023―Oct―03 An approach for speaker diarisation using whale-anti coronavirus optimisation integrated deep fuzzy clustering Ramisetty Rajeswara Rao, K. Vijay Kumar
595 [GO] International Journal of Biomedical Engineering and Technology 2023―Oct―03 Unveiling the potential of complex network in coronavirus proliferation study S. Sankararaman
596 [GO] International Journal of Electronic Governance 2023―Oct―02 Republican networks vs Democratic networks for COVID-19 Seungil Yum
597 [GO] International Journal of Technological Learning Innovation and Development 2023―Oct―01 Volatility implications on IT index during pre and post COVID-19 outbreak: Evidence from India Sugandha Sharma, Peeyush Bangur, Deepak Shrivastava
598 [GO] International Journal of Technology Management 2023―Sep―30 Firm and non-firm actor collaborations as a determinant of countries readiness, progress and success for developing COVID-19 vaccines Julia Paranhos, Fernando Santiago, Claudia De Fuentes, Jahan Ara Peerally
599 [GO] International Journal of Business Governance and Ethics 2023―Sep―29 Micro, small and medium enterprises recovery policy after COVID-19 pandemic: case study in developing and developed countries affected by COVID-19 Ali Sodiqin, Kamsi Kamsi, Muzalifah Muzalifah
600 [GO] International Journal of Indian Culture and Business Management 2023―Sep―28 Relevance of Gandhian Economics in the Post Pandemic World: Learnings for the Path Ahead Priya Bhalla
601 [GO] International Journal of Electronic Finance 2023―Sep―27 Effect of COVID-19 on Migrant Workers' Income in India's Manufacturing Sector RAVI KUMAR GUPTA, Dhirendra Bahadur Singh
602 [GO] International Journal of Agile Systems and Management 2023―Sep―27 Measuring supply chain agility during the COVID-19 pandemic: empirical evidence from the firms in UAE Guilherme F. Frederico, Ferry Jie, Michael Wang
603 [GO] International Journal of Managerial and Financial Accounting 2023―Sep―26 Determinants of Vietnamese bank profitability: comparisons between before and during COVID-19 pandemic periods Kien Duy Do, Pham Tuan Anh, Van Thi Hong Pham, Mai Thanh Loan
604 [GO] International Journal of Diplomacy and Economy 2023―Sep―22 Covid-19 and Financial Markets: A Comparative Analysis of Sustainable and Conventional Indices Mahender Yadav, Mohit Saini
605 [GO] International Journal of Business Excellence 2023―Sep―22 Impact analysis of global COVID-19 crisis - a review Vinay Kandpal
606 [GO] International Journal of Internet Marketing and Advertising 2023―Sep―22 The Moderating Effect of Adaptive Selling Behavior on the Benefits of Social Media Usage in Sales during the COVID-19 Pandemic Peerayuth Charoensukmongkol, Arti Pandey
607 [GO] International Journal of Human Factors and Ergonomics 2023―Sep―22 Macroergonomics considerations on COVID-19 pandemic management in an alliance construction project, focusing on personal protective equipment protocols Marko Salomäki, Arto Reiman
608 [GO] International Journal of Reasoning-based Intelligent Systems 2023―Sep―22 Adverse COVID-19 Vaccination-Related Events in India: A Cross-sectional Study Using Machine Learning to Predict Their Severity Jyotiranjan Sahoo, Santilata Champati, Hemangini Mohanty
609 [GO] International Journal of Business Excellence 2023―Sep―22 Corona virus pandemic: entrepreneurial orientation and its influence on firm performance - evidence from emerging software industry P.S. Rajeswari, P. Suganthi
610 [GO] International Journal of Logistics Systems and Management 2023―Sep―21 A Novel Sequential Ensemble Approach and Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm for Forecasting: Applied for Covid-19 Cases as Case Study Naser Al qaydeh, Hazem Smadi, Nader Theeb
611 [GO] International Journal of Bioinformatics Research and Applications 2023―Sep―21 Detection and Classification of COVID-19 using Supervised Deep Learning on MRI Images Ch. Nagaraju, Mudassir Khan, Mallikharjuna Rao Nuka, Chinna Babu Jyothi
612 [GO] International Journal of Indian Culture and Business Management 2023―Sep―21 Revisiting the Service Quality Dimensions of Banks in India during the Pandemic Times: The Moderating Role of Gender and Banking Experience Pardeep Kumar, Charu Saxena
613 [GO] International Journal of Productivity and Quality Management 2023―Sep―20 Exponentially Weighted Moving Average Scheme with Curtailment for Detecting COVID-19 Cases: A Case Study M. Shamsuzzaman, Hamdi Bashir, Ahmed Maged, Salah Haridy, Fathy Alkhatib
614 [GO] International Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering 2023―Sep―20 An integrated fuzzy QFD approach to leagile supply chain assessment during the COVID-19 crisis Fadoua Tamtam, Amina Tourabi
615 [GO] European J of International Management 2023―Sep―20 INTO THE UNKNOWN: the impact of coronavirus on UK hotel stock performance Pantea Foroudi, Javad Izadi Zadeh Darjezi, Alireza Nazarian
616 [GO] International Journal of Behavioural and Healthcare Research 2023―Sep―20 Resilience of healthcare systems and pandemics: a systematic literature review Ankur Gupta, Alok Pandey, Anureet Kaur, Puja Bansal
617 [GO] International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business 2023―Sep―19 The impact of COVID-19 crisis on Hungarian small- and medium-sized enterprises Peter Karacsony
618 [GO] International Journal of Bio-Inspired Computation 2023―Sep―19 Design of optimised lung lobe segmentation and deep learning model for effective COVID-19 prediction Anandbabu Gopatoti, P. Vijayalakshmi
619 [GO] International Journal of Healthcare Technology and Management 2023―Sep―18 Forecasting the rate of socio-economic development of healthcare in the Russian Federation taking into account the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic Tatiana Ivanova
620 [GO] Afro-Asian J of Finance and Accounting 2023―Sep―16 Volatility dynamics of Tunisian stock market before and during COVID-19 outbreak and diversification benefits of Bitcoin Marwa Ben Salem, Mohamed Fakhfekh, Ahmed Jeribi
621 [GO] European J of International Management 2023―Sep―16 Entrepreneurial orientation confronting disruption: embedded in networks in Iran and Norway during the COVID-19 pandemic Mahsa Samsami, Øystein Tønnessen, Bjørn Tore Flåten
622 [GO] International Journal of Business Innovation and Research 2023―Sep―16 Does COVID-19 perceived risk matter for product quality, branding and satisfaction of Gen Y consumers for cosmetic products Hemaloshinee Vasudevan, Walton Wider
623 [GO] International Journal of Financial Markets and Derivatives 2023―Sep―16 Is cryptocurrency still a safe haven for assets in light of the COVID-19 waves Evidence from wavelet coherence analysis Riadh Benammar, Adel Boubaker, Anas Elmelki
624 [GO] International Journal of Electronic Finance 2023―Sep―16 Factors Influencing Internet Banking Adoption during COVID-19: A Comparative Study among the Selected Public and Private Banks in Bangladesh Farzana Akther, Imtiaz Masroor, Md. Noor Un Nabi
625 [GO] International Journal of Knowledge Management in Tourism and Hospitality 2023―Sep―15 Crisis management within the Social System Theory Retrospective and Prospective analysis of Covid-19 crisis in tourism and hospitality Fatma Choura, Ali Ben Yahia, Sihem Saad
626 [GO] International Journal of Operational Research 2023―Sep―15 Comparing classical time-series models and machine learning for demand forecast on the beverage industry in COVID-19 pandemic. Ana Camilla Macedo, Caio B. S. Maior
627 [GO] International Journal of Business and Emerging Markets 2023―Sep―15 Effect of pandemic and lockdown on the performance and operations of farmers’ markets in Southwest, Nigeria Adewale I. Olutumise, Christian Harrison, Oluwabukola Ehinmowo
628 [GO] International Journal of Business Excellence 2023―Sep―15 Raising the bar: analyzing innovation-led social entrepreneurial perspective in postpandemic revival of SMEs Ananya Rajagopal, Miguel Cervantes Jimenez, José Anselmo Pérez Reyes
629 [GO] International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business 2023―Sep―12 The impact of COVID-19 crisis on Hungarian small- and medium-sized enterprises Peter Karacsony
630 [GO] Afro-Asian J of Finance and Accounting 2023―Sep―11 Volatility dynamics of Tunisian stock market before and during COVID-19 outbreak and diversification benefits of Bitcoin Mohamed Fakhfekh, Ahmed Jeribi, Marwa Ben Salem
631 [GO] International Journal of Business and Emerging Markets 2023―Sep―08 ESG activities in emerging markets during the COVID-19 pandemic Nawaf Almaskati
632 [GO] International Journal of Technology Enhanced Learning 2023―Sep―08 Mitigating the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on education: harnessing the power of ICT for enhanced teaching and learning Babar Nawaz Abbasi, Jiangtao Zhao, Msele Mohamed Msere
633 [GO] International Journal of Applied Management Science 2023―Sep―05 Investigating the determinants of mobile shopping applications continuance usage intention in the post covid-19 pandemic Karpal Singh Dara Singh, Haniruzila Hanifah, Syafrizal Syafrizal, Razib Chandra Chanda, Ali Vafaei Zadeh
634 [GO] International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business 2023―Sep―05 Optimism, economic concern, trust in the government, and entrepreneurial intention during the COVID-19 pandemic Helen Roberts, Sharon Garyn Tal, Sara Lev, Shosh Shahrabani
635 [GO] International Journal of Sport Management and Marketing 2023―Sep―03 'If there is no football, then we have nothing to discuss': a phenomenological study on football fandom and COVID-19 pandemic Ekaterina Glebova, Fateme Zare, Michel Desbordes, Gabor Geczi
636 [GO] International Journal of Economics and Business Research 2023―Sep―02 Best performing stock market sectors of COVID-19 era: factors behind the success of healthcare and consumer staples sectors Sahnaz Kocoglu, Aybuke Yalcin, Cemre Eda Erkilic
637 [GO] International Journal of Innovation and Learning 2023―Sep―02 Urban university students in Latin America's perceptions of COVID-19 imprisonment Edwin Ramirez Asis, Martha Guerra Muñoz, Roger Norabuena Figueroa, Laura Nivin Vargas, Juan Villanueva Calderón, Eva Zarzosa Marquez
638 [GO] International Journal of Management in Education 2023―Sep―02 Barrier factors affecting students' satisfaction with online learning in the context of COVID-19 pandemic Kim Hanh Nguyen, Trung Ngoc Phat Le
639 [GO] International Journal of Management in Education 2023―Sep―02 Modelling the challenges of online education in India due to COVID-19 pandemic: an ISM-MICMAC approach Jyotiranjan Hota, Shirin Alavi, Dhyanadipta Panda
640 [GO] Electronic Government an International Journal 2023―Sep―02 Public opinion analysis in pandemic management: an evolutionary game theory perspective Yaying Zhou, Yanhuai Lang, Kevin J. Lü
641 [GO] International Journal of Innovation and Learning 2023―Sep―02 A response to the educational roadblock due to the pandemic: how can a university virtual tour experience affect enrolment intentions Hugo Nathanael Yuwono, Widia Resti Fitriani, Achmad Nizar Hidayanto, Sherah Kurnia
642 [GO] International Journal of Economics and Business Research 2023―Sep―02 Local governments during the pandemic: shifting the S.M.A.R.T paradigm Francesca Loia, Gennaro Maione
643 [GO] International Journal of Services and Operations Management 2023―Aug―31 The impact of globalisation, digitalisation and COVID-19 on the development of new services in the Jordanian banking sector from the perspective of concerned bank employees Khleef Alkhawaldeh
644 [GO] International Journal of Services Economics and Management 2023―Aug―28 Entrepreneurial initiatives during pandemic in Bangladesh Syeda Raissa Maliha, Mahmud Zubayer, Md. Humayun Kabir, Afsana Akhtar, S.S.M. Sadrul Huda
645 [GO] International Journal of Tourism Policy 2023―Aug―25 Risk and consumer fear of visiting tourist destinations in Brazil during the COVID-19 pandemic Marconi Freitas Da Costa, Karen Daniele Lira De França, Rennan Carvalho Dos Santos, Cristiane Salomé Ribeiro Costa
646 [GO] International Journal of Technology Marketing 2023―Aug―22 Gaining loyalty towards mobile food purchasing service: a lesson from the COVID-19 pandemic Fatya Alty Amalia, Anthony Brien, David Dean, Norazah Mohd Suki, Dwi Suhartanto
647 [GO] International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business 2023―Aug―21 The impact of Covid-19 on Vietnam macro-economy and implications for SMEs performance: A lesson for the future Pham Thi Diem, Nguyen Hoang Tien, Nguyen Huu Tinh
648 [GO] International Journal of Monetary Economics and Finance 2023―Aug―20 The Determinant of Innovations and Its Impact on Business Performance in Indonesia during Covid-19 Pandemic. Jinjarak Yothin, Cynthia Castillejos Petalcorin, Donghyun Park, Richa Nahdalaily Fathara, Arbi Abdul Kahfi, Raden Marsha Aulia Hakim, et al. (+2)
649 [GO] International Journal of Business Environment 2023―Aug―18 The impact of marketing signals on the performance of foreign subsidiaries in the COVID-19 pandemic Maria Kalogera, Elen Paraskevi Paraschi, Eleftherios Aggelopoulos, Antonios Georgopoulos
650 [GO] International Journal of Business Continuity and Risk Management 2023―Aug―17 Knowledge, attitudes, and behaviours regarding COVID-19 among gym/fitness centre members David C. Lucier, Daniel P. Connaughton, Sungwon Kim
651 [GO] International Journal of Product Lifecycle Management 2023―Aug―16 Government polices and COVID-19 impact: mediator roles in green wash Minh T.H. Le
652 [GO] International Journal of Economics and Business Research 2023―Aug―15 The Perishment of the Economics Sector in Women's Domestication During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Indonesia Heri Junaidi
653 [GO] International Journal of Technological Learning Innovation and Development 2023―Aug―14 Digitalisation and resilience of industry sectors: a descriptive analysis of the COVID-19 crisis in Germany Stefanie Kunkel, Simon Terhorst, Grischa Beier
654 [GO] International Journal of Business and Globalisation 2023―Aug―14 An ARDL approach: case study of COVID-19 death and insurance stock returns Renu Bala, Shalini Singh, Himani Gupta, Bhavna Sharma
655 [GO] International Journal of Technology Policy and Management 2023―Aug―14 Supporting Digital Key Workers: Addressing the Challenges Faced by Content Moderators during and after the COVID-19 Pandemic Ruth Spence, Paula Bradbury, Paul Bleakley, Elena Martellozzo, Jeffrey DeMarco
656 [GO] International Journal of Services and Operations Management 2023―Aug―14 Readiness assessment for change in primary healthcare due to COVID-19 pandemic Albi Thomas, M. Suresh
657 [GO] J for International Business and Entrepreneurship Development 2023―Aug―14 Online-generated contents fostering travel destination image formation: evidence in Vietnam during COVID-19 pandemic recovery Minh Tri Ha, Thi Huong Thanh Nguyen, Minh Tuan Tran, Son Truong Nguyen
658 [GO] European J of International Management 2023―Aug―11 Global value chains and liability of international connectivity: MNE strategy post COVID-19 Sarah McWilliam, Bo Bernhard Nielsen, Constantina Kottaridi
659 [GO] International Journal of Human Factors and Ergonomics 2023―Aug―11 Macroergonomics considerations on COVID-19 pandemic management in an alliance construction project, focusing on personal protective equipment protocols Marko Salomäki, Arto Reiman
660 [GO] International Journal of Services Economics and Management 2023―Aug―11 How transformational leadership lessens employee resistance to change during the COVID-19 pandemic: the mediating role of innovative climate Peerayuth Charoensukmongkol
661 [GO] International Journal of Learning Technology 2023―Aug―10 Perspectives of Arab preservice teachers in Israel on online learning during COVID-19 Moanes H. Tibi
662 [GO] International Journal of Blockchains and Cryptocurrencies 2023―Aug―09 Status of digital payment system in India after COVID-19 N.A. Mukesh, Mahabir Narwal
663 [GO] Progress in Industrial Ecology An International Journal 2023―Aug―08 The effects of COVID-19 on social enterprise tourism initiatives: a multiple case study approach of the global south Andrés Morales, Sara Calvo
664 [GO] International Journal of Learning and Change 2023―Aug―08 Influence of business model and marketing environment of Thai gems and jewellery during COVID-19 pandemic: opportunities and challenges Sujinda Chemsripong
665 [GO] Progress in Industrial Ecology An International Journal 2023―Aug―08 Social vulnerability and the pandemic in Cuba: impacts on family food security from the sociology of risk Yinet Domínguez Ruiz, Osmanys Soler Nariño, José Manuel Jurado Almonte, Rui Alexandre Castanho
666 [GO] International Journal of Agile Systems and Management 2023―Aug―07 A measurement model for assessing the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on supply chains Michael Wang
667 [GO] International Journal of Bio-Inspired Computation 2023―Aug―07 Design of optimized lung lobe segmentation and Deep learning model for effective COVID-19 prediction Vijayalakshmi P., Anandbabu Gopatoti
668 [GO] International Journal of Behavioural and Healthcare Research 2023―Aug―05 Resilience of Health Care Systems and Pandemics: A Systematic Literature review Puja Bansal, Anureet Kaur, Alok Pandey, Ankur Gupta
669 [GO] International Journal of Learning Technology 2023―Aug―04 Perspectives of Arab preservice teachers in Israel on online learning during COVID-19 Moanes H. Tibi
670 [GO] Global Business and Economics Review 2023―Aug―04 A Systematic Review of Stock Market Responses to COVID-19 and Future Research Agendas Md. Abul Kalam Azad, Md. Saiful Islam, RONI BHOWMIK, Md Azizur Rahman
671 [GO] International Journal of Business and Emerging Markets 2023―Aug―03 Effects of ability, benevolence, and integrity on banking trust during the covid-19 pandemic in Indonesia Romi Bhakti Hartarto, Muhammad Anif Afandi, Hardius Usman
672 [GO] International Journal of Modelling Identification and Control 2023―Aug―03 Mathematical model for impact of awareness of COVID-19 vaccination among the youth of Kenya Winifred Nduku Mutuku, Samuel Musili Mwalili, Charles Ndambuki Muli, Mark Kimathi, Abayomi Samuel Oke, Ancent Makau Kimulu
673 [GO] International Journal of Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Optimisation 2023―Aug―02 Computational Models to Study the Infectious Disease COVID-19: A Review Fateh Singh, Gaurang Sharma, Amit Sharma
674 [GO] International Journal of Bioinformatics Research and Applications 2023―Aug―01 COVID-19 prediction using AI deep VGG16 model from X-ray images Narenthirakumar Appavu, C. Nelsonkennedybabu
675 [GO] International Journal of Biomedical Engineering and Technology 2023―Jul―29 Artificial intelligence methods for image classification applied to biological sounds for the early diagnosis of cardiorespiratory pathologies and COVID-19 infection Agostino Giorgio
676 [GO] International Journal of Computational Biology and Drug Design 2023―Jul―28 Virtual screening of plant phytochemicals to discover potent Janus kinase-1 inhibitors against severe COVID-19 and sepsis Vandana Nunia, Mansoor Ali Syed, Sameer Qureshi, Rakesh Sharma, Shubham Verma, Shradheya R.R. Gupta, Kavita Joshi
677 [GO] International Journal of Biomedical Engineering and Technology 2023―Jul―27 Artificial intelligence methods for image classification applied to biological sounds for the early diagnosis of cardiorespiratory pathologies and COVID-19 infection Agostino Giorgio
678 [GO] International Journal of Electronic Finance 2023―Jul―25 Business Intelligence in Human Management Strategies During COVID-19 Melanie Lourens, Arup Roy Chowdhury, Sammaiah B, Brijesh Goswami, Shivinder Phoolka, Shruti Sharma
679 [GO] International Journal of Applied Systemic Studies 2023―Jul―25 Leadership and effectiveness: the case of public sector during the COVID-19 pandemic crisis period Athanasios Kriemadis, Grigorios Despoteris
680 [GO] International Journal of Healthcare Technology and Management 2023―Jul―21 Continuous monitoring of COVID-19 pandemic trend for policy making: improvised application of Sen's innovative method Saha Dauji
681 [GO] International Journal of Migration and Border Studies 2023―Jul―20 Imposed dehumanised realities: crisis biopolitics at Lesvos border camps in the pandemic era of COVID-19 Electra Petracou, Stergios Psifis
682 [GO] International Journal of Business Governance and Ethics 2023―Jul―20 How do global financial markets react to the variants of the COVID-19 Molla Ramizur Rahman, Rima Assaf, Shamima Ahmed
683 [GO] International Journal of Environment Workplace and Employment 2023―Jul―20 The market sentiment and stock market: the case of social media stocks during the COVID-19 pandemic Amber R. Eisenschenk, Daehoon Han, Jong Min Kim
684 [GO] International Journal of Emergency Management 2023―Jul―20 Crisis management and forced collaboration: a case study during the coronavirus pandemic Camilla Lönngren, Erik Hedlund
685 [GO] International Journal of Mobile Communications 2023―Jul―20 Factors affecting consumers’ reuse of online food delivery services during the Coronavirus-19 pandemic Edward Wang, Hung Chou Lin, Yu Ting Liao
686 [GO] International Journal of Business Performance Management 2023―Jul―19 Impact of homeworking/telecommuting on organisational performance in the era of COVID-19 Ibrahim Saleem Alotaibi
687 [GO] International Journal of Business Performance Management 2023―Jul―19 The impact of COVID-19 on FDI Florida Veljanoska, Basman Mazahrih
688 [GO] International Journal of Business Performance Management 2023―Jul―19 The effect of leadership and climate for initiative on team workers in the German economy during the COVID-19 pandemic Laura Sophie Aichroth
689 [GO] International Journal of Business Performance Management 2023―Jul―19 The use of technology among the Omani retailers amidst the COVID-19 pandemic Salim Nasser Salim Alriyami, Mahfooz Ahmed
690 [GO] International Journal of Business Governance and Ethics 2023―Jul―18 Board diversity and corporate risk disclosure during the COVID-19 outbreak Fatma Ouertani, Salma Damak Ayadi, Issal Haj Salem
691 [GO] International Journal of Public Sector Performance Management 2023―Jul―18 Tale of Three Americas: A Cluster Analysis on State-to-State Variations in COVID-19 Vaccination Rates in the U.S. Anthony D. Scotina, Edward T. Vieira, Jr., Yulong Li
692 [GO] International Journal of Trade and Global Markets 2023―Jul―17 Diagnostics of the Financial and Economic Situation of the Power Industry Companies Amidst the COVID-19 Crisis Yuliya R. Rudneva, Elvira . Khalikova, Tatyana B. Leybert, Lubov I. Vanchukhina, Olga G. Kantor
693 [GO] International Journal of Foresight and Innovation Policy 2023―Jul―17 Size does matter: South Africa's automotive industry during and post the COVID-19 pandemic Fabian Hoeft
694 [GO] International Journal of Trade and Global Markets 2023―Jul―17 The consequences of implementing tax instruments for the Russian economy during the pandemic Yulia A. Kruchanova, Yuliya Zima, Irina Orobinskaya, Irina V. Gashenko
695 [GO] International Journal of Trade and Global Markets 2023―Jul―16 Modelling Price Volatility in Energy Futures during Covid-19 Sabat Kumar Digal, Yashmin Khatun
696 [GO] International Journal of Management in Education 2023―Jul―16 Online Education during the COVID-19 in the Western Balkans: A case study of University in Kosovo Giuseppe Ciccone, Nada Trunk, Gazmend Qorraj, Arbnor Bajraliu
697 [GO] International Journal of Trade and Global Markets 2023―Jul―16 The Impact of Covid-19 on Stock Market Returns in India Dr Nenavath Sreenu N.A.
698 [GO] International Journal of Trade and Global Markets 2023―Jul―16 The Impact of Pandemic COVID-19 on the Indonesian Export and Import of Food Crops Sumaryanto Sumaryanto, Sri Hery Susilowati, Benny Rachman, Wahyudi Wahyudi, Darmawan Salman, Imam Mujahidin Fahmid, et al. (+4)
699 [GO] International Journal of Emergency Management 2023―Jul―16 Crisis management and forced collaboration: a case study during the coronavirus pandemic Erik Hedlund, Camilla Lönngren
700 [GO] International Journal of Public Sector Performance Management 2023―Jul―15 Impact of the health crisis COVID-19 on finance market and economic sectors: case of Italian government measures Nadia Mansour, Salha Ben Salem, Mohsen S. Brahmi
701 [GO] International Journal of Shipping and Transport Logistics 2023―Jul―15 Disruption risks to global container shipping network in the presence of COVID-19 pandemic: A static structure and dynamic propagation perspective Shuai Liu, Xiaochun Chen, Xiongping Yue, Huanyu Ren
702 [GO] International Journal of Public Sector Performance Management 2023―Jul―15 Factors affecting students' continued usage intention for e-learning in higher education in Jordan: extending UTAUT with COVID-19 perceived risk Ali Aljaafreh
703 [GO] International Journal of Services Economics and Management 2023―Jul―14 Harsh realities of migrant workers during COVID-19 epoch: an investigation from the backward remote districts in India Tarak Nath Sahu, Sudarshan Maity, Nabanita Sen
704 [GO] International Journal of Tourism Policy 2023―Jul―14 Phuket Sandbox: stakeholder perceptions on tourism and travel resumption amidst the COVID-19 pandemic Edward Koh, Tatiyaporn Jarumaneerat, Watcharapong Saikaew, Pipatpong Fakfare
705 [GO] Afro-Asian J of Finance and Accounting 2023―Jul―14 How COVID-19 pandemic and oil prices drive the Saudi sectors over investment horizons: a wavelet sector-based view Chaker Aloui, Sharif Arshian, Noshaba Aziz
706 [GO] International Journal of Tourism Policy 2023―Jul―14 Rehabilitating the tourism sector post Covid-19 pandemic: lesson learnt from Indonesia Carunia Mulya Firdausy
707 [GO] International Journal of Applied Decision Sciences 2023―Jul―14 Cognitive Technology in Human Capital Management: A Decision Analysis Model in Banking Sector during COVID-19 Scenario Shefali Srivastava, Seranmadevi R, Joji Abey, Senthil Kumar, Ashish Dwivedi
708 [GO] International Journal of Tourism Policy 2023―Jul―14 Stakeholders in maintaining hallmark tourism events under the Covid-19 storm Dang Thi Phuong Anh
709 [GO] International Journal of Business Continuity and Risk Management 2023―Jul―13 Knowledge, Attitudes, and Behaviors Regarding COVID-19 among Gym/Fitness Center Members Sungwon Kim, Daniel Connaughton, David Lucier
710 [GO] International Journal of Computational Science and Engineering 2023―Jul―13 Predicting possible antiviral drugs against COVID-19 based on Laplacian regularised least squares and similarity kernel fusion Xiaojun Zhang, Lan Yang, Hongbo Zhou
711 [GO] International Journal of Knowledge and Learning 2023―Jul―13 Blackboard Collaborate: COVID-19 impacts on EFL classroom learning and knowledge on first year university students Iftikhar Alam, Asifa Qasim, Akhter Habib Shah, Tribhuwan Kumar
712 [GO] International Journal of Knowledge and Learning 2023―Jul―13 Revamping workplace learning and development during COVID-19 in HR consulting industry in India: a thematic analysis Mohammad Faraz Naim
713 [GO] International Journal of Business Excellence 2023―Jul―13 The impact of vaccine confidence index on environmental performance and digital transformation: Evidence from Southeast Asian countries during the COVID-19 pandemic period MALIK A.B.U. AFIFA, Nha Nguyen Minh
714 [GO] International Journal of Learning and Change 2023―Jul―13 Integration of ICT in higher education during COVID-19 pandemic: a case study Abdullah M. Al Ansi, Indah Fatmawati
715 [GO] International Journal of Business and Emerging Markets 2023―Jul―13 Recovery strategies in response to the COVID-19 pandemic: empirical evidence of the Malaysian hotel industry Zarinah Abdul Rasit, Aliza Ramli, N.A. Reniati
716 [GO] International Journal of Business Excellence 2023―Jul―13 CSR in India and Covid-19 Pandemic: Interventions and Implications from Stakeholders' Perspective for Fostering Business Excellence Parag Shukla, Ramroop Sharma
717 [GO] International Journal of Business Performance Management 2023―Jul―12 Perceived Stress and Burnout during COVID-19 and its impact on Performance levels Jonathan Liu, Sree Lekshmi SREEKUMARAN NAIR, Ozlem Ozdemir
718 [GO] International Journal of Business Performance Management 2023―Jul―12 Association between perceptions and attitudes regarding COVID-19 disease of hotel employees and job satisfaction and job performance: A cross-sectional study Ahmet Buyuksalvarci, Mehmet Kasap
719 [GO] International Journal of Business Information Systems 2023―Jul―12 Blockchain-enabled healthcare data management: a potential for COVID-19 outbreak to reinforce deployment Mohsen Attaran
720 [GO] Afro-Asian J of Finance and Accounting 2023―Jul―10 How COVID-19 pandemic and oil prices drive the Saudi sectors over investment horizons: a wavelet sector-based view Noshaba Aziz, Sharif Arshian, Chaker Aloui
721 [GO] International Journal of Innovation and Sustainable Development 2023―Jul―10 Pandemic-led trade shocks & supply chain disruption: case studies of the readymade garments (RMG) sector in Sri Lanka and Bangladesh Sanika Sulochani Ramanayake, Reena Marwah
722 [GO] International Journal of Bioinformatics Research and Applications 2023―Jul―09 COVID-19 Prediction using AI Deep VGG16 Model from X-ray Images NARENTHIRAKUMAR APPAVU
723 [GO] International Journal of Biomedical Engineering and Technology 2023―Jul―09 Heart rate monitoring in COVID-19 patients: Methods, Performance, and Evaluation. A Review Sobia Shabbir, Bilal Ahmad, Zain Anwar Ali, Maham Sarvat, Suhaib Masroor
724 [GO] International Journal of Trade and Global Markets 2023―Jul―08 Factors influencing COVID-19 vaccine acceptance of Indonesian Muslims Giofella Adesta Navaky Kengsiswoyo, Taufik Faturohman, N.A. Yulianti
725 [GO] International Journal of Trade and Global Markets 2023―Jul―08 Share return volatility during the COVID-19 pandemic in the Indonesia Stock Exchange Dian Fordian, N.A. Sam', un Jaja Raharja
726 [GO] International Journal of Trade and Global Markets 2023―Jul―08 Monetary and non-monetary factors to leverage revisit intention: the key to survival for tourism in Indonesia during pandemic N.A. Amelia, N.A. Ronald
727 [GO] International Journal of Trade and Global Markets 2023―Jul―08 The impact of C-19 pandemic on MSEs' strategies moderated by accounting information: a study of MSEs in Yogyakarta Anastasia Susty Ambarriani, Christina Wiwik Sunarni, Pratiwi Budiharta
728 [GO] International Journal of Global Energy Issues 2023―Jul―07 Oil market crashes: from the subprime crisis to the COVID-19 pandemic Khaled Guesmi, Rafla Hchaichi, Donia Aloui
729 [GO] International Journal of Public Law and Policy 2023―Jul―07 Health and society: the impact of media on social welfare during COVID-19: a case study in UAE Emad Omer, Osman Sirajeldeen Ahmed, Abdalla Sirag, Najeh Rajeh Alsalhi
730 [GO] International Journal of Education Economics and Development 2023―Jul―07 Antecedents of satisfaction and continuance intention towards e-learning adoption in school education in India - teachers' perspective during COVID-19 pandemic Pankaj Kumar, Parveen Kumar, Raj Kumar, Nitu Kumari, Vaibhav Aggarwal
731 [GO] World Review of Science Technology and Sustainable Development 2023―Jul―06 COVID-19 and MSMEs: basic insights from India on revival through financial inclusion backed by digital technologies K. Rajamani, A.G. Rekha
732 [GO] International Journal of Emergency Management 2023―Jul―06 Detecting the risk of COVID-19 spread in near real-time using social media Mohammed Ahsan Raza Noori, Bharti Sharma, Ritika Mehra
733 [GO] International Journal of Electronic Security and Digital Forensics 2023―Jul―06 Pandemic outbreak prediction with an enhanced parameter optimisation algorithm using machine learning models Soni Singh, K.R. Ramkumar, Ashima Kukkar
734 [GO] International Journal of Intelligent Enterprise 2023―Jul―06 Sentiment analysis on pandemic poems using TextBlob Subhasri Vijayakumar, V. Maheysh
735 [GO] International Journal of Technology Enhanced Learning 2023―Jul―05 Empathy or students' activation Factors affecting students' remote learning experience during the COVID-19 period Hagit Meishar Tal, Ariella Levenberg, Eyal Rabin
736 [GO] International Journal of Sustainable Economy 2023―Jul―05 Job safety, security, and sustainability during COVID-19 in the USA Xiaohui You
737 [GO] International Journal of Sustainable Economy 2023―Jul―05 Ethical motivations for firms to prioritise stakeholder well-being during the initial phase of the COVID-19 pandemic Kevin Pan, Reginald J. Harris, Alan I. Blankley, David Hurtt
738 [GO] International Journal of Monetary Economics and Finance 2023―Jul―05 An application of survival analysis to the impact of the COVID-19 epidemic on Thailand's stock market volatility Suchunya Khainsiri, Surachai Chancharat
739 [GO] International Journal of Monetary Economics and Finance 2023―Jul―05 Financial impact of COVID-19: non-pharmaceutical interventions in Indonesia Ana Noveria, Muhamad Fikri
740 [GO] International Journal of Monetary Economics and Finance 2023―Jul―05 Ownership structure and earnings management: studies on banking companies before and during the COVID-19 pandemic Anna Purwaningsih, Anggreni Dian Kurniawati, Yohanes Mario Pratama
741 [GO] International Journal of Innovation and Sustainable Development 2023―Jul―05 A review of impact of COVID-19 on environment from lens of sustainable development goals Dadabada Pradeep Kumar
742 [GO] International Journal of Nanomanufacturing 2023―Jul―05 Significance of nanomedicines and recent advancement in vaccine formulations for combating SARS-CoV2 Dheeraj Bisht, Deepak Sati, Mohd Rashid, Rajeshwar Kamal Kant Arya
743 [GO] International Journal of Sustainable Economy 2023―Jul―05 The impact of ECB's pandemic emergency asset purchase announcements on sovereign bond markets: evidence from Euro area countries Tarek Chebbi, Waleed Hmedat
744 [GO] International Journal of Business Continuity and Risk Management 2023―Jul―05 Managing organisational effectiveness during a pandemic: a conceptual framework Aastha Dhoopar, Priyanka Sihag
745 [GO] International Journal of Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Optimisation 2023―Jul―04 Post COVID-19 Dynamics through Fractional-Order NISHA SHEORAN, Nita Shah
746 [GO] International Journal of Indian Culture and Business Management 2023―Jul―04 Consequences and pitfalls of COVID-19 on supply chain management of readymade garments industry Prashant Siddhey, N.A. Rubel, Gagandeep Kaur
747 [GO] International Journal of Technology Enhanced Learning 2023―Jul―04 Young children and online learning during the COVID-19 pandemic: Saudi mothers’ perspectives Sarah Abdullah Alberaidi, Rana Saleh Alghamdi
748 [GO] International Journal of Sport Management and Marketing 2023―Jul―04 'If there is no football, then we have nothing to discuss': a phenomenological study on football fandom and COVID-19 pandemic Michel Desbordes, Gabor Geczi, Fateme Zare, Ekaterina Glebova
749 [GO] International Journal of Business Excellence 2023―Jul―01 How brand performance during COVID-19 affect brand orientation after the pandemic ends Ahmed Rageh Ismail, Reham Ebrahem
750 [GO] International Journal of Management Concepts and Philosophy 2023―Jul―01 Fostering employee well-being and organisational sustainability in hospitality industry during pandemic crisis: the moderating effect of COVID-19 event Mohammad Ibrahim Kamel Sweiss, Mohammad Ali Yousef Yamin
751 [GO] International Journal of Management and Decision Making 2023―Jul―01 Examining work from home practices during the COVID-19 pandemic in Singapore: predictors of motivation and productivity Kavitha Kumara Parumal, Amy Wong
752 [GO] International Journal of Business Forecasting and Marketing Intelligence 2023―Jul―01 Coping with the dark shadows: consumer response to financial hardships during a health pandemic Meenakshi Handa, Swati Jain
753 [GO] International Journal of Computational Science and Engineering 2023―Jun―27 Predicting possible antiviral drugs against COVID-19 based on Laplacian regularised least squares and similarity kernel fusion Hongbo Zhou, Xiaojun Zhang, Lan Yang
754 [GO] International Journal of Work Organisation and Emotion 2023―Jun―27 A model of factors affecting job satisfaction and job performance during COVID-19 pandemic: evidence from the hotel industry in Vietnam Bui Nhat Vuong
755 [GO] International Journal of Sustainable Society 2023―Jun―27 Investment uncertainty due to COVID-19 on energy-efficient investing in India Peeyush Bangur, Ruchi Bangur
756 [GO] International Journal of Business Forecasting and Marketing Intelligence 2023―Jun―25 The Antecedents of Rural Customers Satisfaction and Loyalty regarding Mobile Banking Services during the Covid-19 pandemic in India Saurabh Verma, Mamta Gupta, Anadita Biswas
757 [GO] International Journal of Sustainable Society 2023―Jun―22 Investment uncertainty due to COVID-19 on energy-efficient investing in India Peeyush Bangur, Ruchi Bangur
758 [GO] International Journal of Medical Engineering and Informatics 2023―Jun―20 Diagnosis of the COVID-19 with deep learning Taha Zerrouki, Djamil Aissani, Abderrahmane Baadache, Moulud Demouche
759 [GO] International Journal of Supply Chain and Inventory Management 2023―Jun―20 Non-conventional medicines supply chain - utility and the need for alternatives as exposed by COVID-19 induced lockdown Felistas Ranganai Zimano
760 [GO] International Journal of Simulation and Process Modelling 2023―Jun―20 Presenting an efficient scenario to deal with the prevalence of COVID-19 disease using a system dynamics approach in Iran Vahideh Bafandegan Emroozi, Azam Modares, Pardis Roozkhosh
761 [GO] International Journal of Shipping and Transport Logistics 2023―Jun―18 How Port Calls and Port Congestion Affect Capesize Shipping Prices amid COVID-19 Shocks An Estimation based on AIS data Xiangyan Meng, Xingjian Wang, Shun Chen, Jinhong Mi
762 [GO] International Journal of Biomedical Engineering and Technology 2023―Jun―18 Novel approaches for classification COVID-19 and pneumonia disease from CT scans using radiomics features. Mohamed Abdelaziz, Fatiha Alim Ferhat, Linda Ait Mohammed
763 [GO] International Journal of Smart Technology and Learning 2023―Jun―18 Iraqi University Students Adoption of and Satisfaction with Digital Technologies for Their Learning Purposes in the Post-COVID-19 Pandemic Period Muhammad Rafi, Lavin Fakhir Najmaldeen
764 [GO] International Journal of Procurement Management 2023―Jun―17 Trust Me! Trust You The Indicators of Trust on buyer-seller relationships: Pre-and-Post COVID-19 Elizabeth L. Jackson, Sharyn Curran, Nicolas Van Der Nest
765 [GO] Middle East J of Management 2023―Jun―17 Effect of crises on the healthcare marketing mix and customer satisfaction: evidence from the UAE during the COVID-19 pandemic Haneen Afana, Khaled Al Qawasmeh, Gouher Ahmed, Nabeel Al Amiri
766 [GO] International Journal of Web Based Communities 2023―Jun―17 Exploring the impact of COVID-19 Pandemic and Vaccine Dissemination on Airbnb's Popularity and Sentiment on Twitter Charlie Evert, Weimin Liang, Vahid Ghomi, Amirsalar Jafari Gorizi, Sina Shokoohyar
767 [GO] International Journal of Social Media and Interactive Learning Environments 2023―Jun―16 Comparing student learning and course evaluation among face-to-face, online and HyFlex teaching modalities before and during the COVID-19 pandemic Kuan Pin Chiang
768 [GO] International Journal of Social Media and Interactive Learning Environments 2023―Jun―16 Investigating the experiences and perceptions of teachers and students about blended learning during COVID-19: a case study in a Singapore school Vasheela Mumtaj, Qiyun Wang
769 [GO] International Journal of Computational Science and Engineering 2023―Jun―16 Application of bagging and particle swarm optimisation techniques to predict technology sector stock prices in the era of the COVID-19 pandemic using the support vector regression method Heni Sulastri, Sheila Maulida Intani, N.A. Rianto
770 [GO] International Journal of Management Practice 2023―Jun―15 Deconstructing gender inequality: implications for women leadership and Covid-19 recovery in Nigeria Uchenna Paschal Anosike, Janet Firth, Priscilla Eke
771 [GO] International Journal of Business and Emerging Markets 2023―Jun―14 Impact of Covid-19 on Indian Retail Industry: Meta-trend Analysis based on Text Mining Komal Sharma, Pooja Misra
772 [GO] International Journal of Simulation and Process Modelling 2023―Jun―14 Presenting an efficient scenario to deal with the prevalence of COVID-19 disease using a system dynamics approach in Iran Pardis Roozkhosh, Azam Modares, Vahideh Bafandegan Emroozi
773 [GO] International Journal of Business Innovation and Research 2023―Jun―14 The effects of COVID-19 on global tourism Priya Harchandani, Samik Shome
774 [GO] International Journal of Indian Culture and Business Management 2023―Jun―14 Impacts of pandemic-related stimulus packages on the stock market: evidence from India and the USA Vineeta Kumari, Varun Kumar Rai, Dharen Kumar Pandey
775 [GO] International Journal of Healthcare Technology and Management 2023―Jun―13 Continuous monitoring of Covid-19 pandemic trend for policy making: improvised application of Sen's innovative method Saha Dauji
776 [GO] International Journal of Computational Science and Engineering 2023―Jun―13 Application of bagging and particle swarm optimisation techniques to predict technology sector stock prices in the era of the COVID-19 pandemic using the support vector regression method Sheila Maulida Intani, Rianto Rianto, Heni Sulastri
777 [GO] International Journal of Intelligent Information and Database Systems 2023―Jun―10 Modelling of COVID-19 spread time and mortality rate using machine learning techniques Ahmad Arrabi, Amjed Al Mousa
778 [GO] International Journal of Data Mining Modelling and Management 2023―Jun―10 An optimisation approach for determining the efficiency of vital medical devices in intensive care units with COVID-19 patients using Apriori algorithm Abasat Mirzaei, Fatemeh Hoseini, Mehrshad Lalinia
779 [GO] International Journal of Financial Markets and Derivatives 2023―Jun―09 Do cryptocurrency still safe haven assets in the light of Covid-19 waves Evidence from wavelet coherence analysis Anas Elmalki, Adel Boubaker, Riadh Benammar
780 [GO] International Journal of Innovation in Education 2023―Jun―09 Online Student Engagement and Innovative Teaching Strategies Post Covid-19 Dinakar Bhotta, Monica Chaudhary
781 [GO] International Journal of Supply Chain and Inventory Management 2023―Jun―09 Non-conventional medicines supply chain - utility and the need for alternatives as exposed by COVID-19 induced lockdown Felistas Ranganai Zimano
782 [GO] International Journal of Medical Engineering and Informatics 2023―Jun―08 Efficacy and bioequivalence study of Zithromax and Azithral a drug for the treatment COVID-19 Hattab Youcef
783 [GO] International Journal of Data Mining Modelling and Management 2023―Jun―08 An optimisation approach for determining the efficiency of vital medical devices in intensive care units with COVID-19 patients using Apriori algorithm Mehrshad Lalinia, Abasat Mirzaei, Fatemeh Hoseini
784 [GO] International Journal of Public Sector Performance Management 2023―Jun―07 Impact of the health crisis COVID-19 on finance market and economic sectors: case of Italian government measures Mohsen S. Brahmi, Nadia Mansour, Salha Ben Salem
785 [GO] International Journal of Learning Technology 2023―Jun―07 Extending the technology acceptance model to understand the use of e-learning during COVID-19 pandemic for enhancing learning process: Iraqi universities' students Suad Shatti Azeez, Salih Hajem Glood, Mohammad Kasib Layous Alhasnawi
786 [GO] Global Business and Economics Review 2023―Jun―06 The Impact of Mobility Restrictions, Sentiment, and Deaths on the Liquidity and Volatility of LQ 45 Index: A Comparative Study Between the First and the Second Wave of COVID-19 Pandemic Dewi Hanggraeni, Sendy Ilmi
787 [GO] International Journal of Intelligent Information and Database Systems 2023―Jun―05 Modelling of COVID-19 spread time and mortality rate using machine learning techniques Amjed Al Mousa, Ahmad Arrabi
788 [GO] International Journal of Business Information Systems 2023―Jun―03 From Panic Selling to Rational Buying: Quantifying the Impact of COVID-19 Cases and Economic Indicators on Standard & Poor's 500 Index in Time-series Models Trang Minh Quynh Le, Charitha Hettiarachchi, Nanfei Sun, Naveed Saleem
789 [GO] International Journal of Tourism Policy 2023―Jun―02 Rehabilitating the tourism sector post Covid-19 pandemic: lesson learnt from Indonesia Carunia Mulya Firdausy
790 [GO] International Journal of Tourism Policy 2023―Jun―02 Phuket Sandbox: stakeholder perceptions on tourism and travel resumption amidst the COVID-19 pandemic Watcharapong Saikaew, Pipatpong Fakfare, Edward Koh, Tatiyaporn Jarumaneerat
791 [GO] International Journal of Critical Accounting 2023―Jun―02 Fraud and going-concern assessments during COVID-19: perception of Fijian auditors Jyotika Devi, Sereana Guiwasa, Shiva Shivani, Salesh Kumar Nand, Avinesh Singh, Pravika Devi, et al. (+3)
792 [GO] International Journal of Innovation and Learning 2023―Jun―02 Student emotions and online class engagement in the time of pandemic Fayrene Chieng, Fidella Tiew, Wendy Law, Lynn Yew Hua Ling
793 [GO] International Journal of Learning and Intellectual Capital 2023―Jun―01 New knowledge creation and loss during COVID-19: sustainable knowledge managements perspective Hamizah Haidi, Norainie Ahmad, Emil Ali, Mahani Hamdan, Muhammad Anshari
794 [GO] International Journal of Nanotechnology 2023―Jun―01 COVID-19 detection and tracking using smart applications with artificial intelligence Geeitha Senthilkumar, Rajagopal Kumar, C. Nalini, V.R. Niveditha, Jothilakshmi Ramakrishnan
795 [GO] International Journal of Nanotechnology 2023―Jun―01 The combined study of improved fuzzy optimisation techniques with the analysis of the upgraded facility location centre for the Covid-19 vaccine by fuzzy clustering algorithms Rakesh Kumar, Gaurav Dhiman, Varun Joshi, Rutvij H. Jhaveri, Akash Kumar Bhoi
796 [GO] International Journal of Nanotechnology 2023―Jun―01 Fishier mantis optimiser: a swarm intelligence algorithm for clustering images of COVID-19 pandemic Javad Rahebi
797 [GO] International Journal of Nanotechnology 2023―Jun―01 Deep learning-based feature extraction coupled with multi class SVM for COVID-19 detection in the IoT era Mubarak Auwalu Saleh, Sertan Serte, Fadi Al Turjman, R.A. Abdulkadir, Zubaida Sa', id Ameen, Mehmet Ozsoz
798 [GO] International Journal of Web Engineering and Technology 2023―Jun―01 Communication media as mediators of telework frequency and knowledge sharing in Japan under COVID-19 Remy Magnier Watanabe
799 [GO] International Journal of Pluralism and Economics Education 2023―Jun―01 Analysis of consumer behaviour in e-purchasing online courses post COVID-19 Neha Anand, Kavita Indapurkar, Anuradha Jain
800 [GO] International Journal of Innovation and Sustainable Development 2023―May―31 Intention and behaviour towards sustainable consumption of Vietnamese consumers in the context of Covid-19 Nguyen Ngoc Anh, Nguyen Thi Phuong Linh, Tran Le Huy, Tran Thi Diu
801 [GO] International Journal of Emergency Management 2023―May―27 Detecting the risk of COVID-19 spread in near real-time using social media Mohammed Ahsan Raza Noori, Ritika Mehra, Bharti Sharma
802 [GO] International Journal of Productivity and Quality Management 2023―May―26 QMS and biosecurity measures in Peruvian services companies during the COVID-19 pandemic Beatrice Avolio, Jorge Benzaquen, Juan Weston
803 [GO] International Journal of Web Engineering and Technology 2023―May―25 Communication media as mediators of telework frequency and knowledge sharing in Japan under COVID-19 Remy Magnier Watanabe
804 [GO] International Journal of Pluralism and Economics Education 2023―May―25 Analysis of consumer behaviour in e-purchasing online courses post COVID-19 Kavita Indapurkar, Anuradha Jain, Neha Anand
805 [GO] International Journal of Electronic Customer Relationship Management 2023―May―25 Exploring the linkage between service quality and customer satisfaction in the Chinese air industry during the COVID-19 pandemic Wasim Ahmad, Abdul Waheed, Farrah Arif, Rana Muhammad Sohail Jafar, Noshin Fatima
806 [GO] International Journal of Knowledge and Learning 2023―May―24 Revamping workplace learning and development during COVID-19 in HR consulting industry in India: a thematic analysis Mohammad Faraz Naim
807 [GO] International Journal of Nanotechnology 2023―May―24 COVID-19 detection and tracking using smart applications with artificial intelligence Jothilakshmi Ramakrishnan, C. Nalini, V.R. Niveditha, Geeitha Senthilkumar, Rajagopal Kumar
808 [GO] International Journal of Nanotechnology 2023―May―24 The combined study of improved fuzzy optimisation techniques with the analysis of the upgraded facility location centre for the Covid-19 vaccine by fuzzy clustering algorithms Akash Kumar Bhoi, Rutvij H. Jhaveri, Varun Joshi, Rakesh Kumar, Gaurav Dhiman
809 [GO] International Journal of Innovation and Sustainable Development 2023―May―23 Reverse migration, sustainable development and innovation during Covid-19 pandemic: a case study of Indian women and children Karan Peer, Shrabani Saha, Subhomay Saha
810 [GO] International Journal of Innovation and Sustainable Development 2023―May―23 Changing patterns of household water consumption and conservation behaviour in Bangladesh: an exploration in the context of COVID-19 pandemic Shamal Chandra Karmaker, Bipasha Singha, Osama Eljamal
811 [GO] International Journal of Environment Workplace and Employment 2023―May―23 Working parents burnout during COVID-19 pandemic: clinical examples and managerial implications Alessandro Cavelzani
812 [GO] International Journal of Critical Accounting 2023―May―23 Fraud and going-concern assessments during COVID-19: perception of Fijian auditors Mohammed Riaz Azam, Dipeeka Lata, Pravika Devi, Mala Devi, Avinesh Singh, Salesh Kumar Nand, et al. (+3)
813 [GO] International Journal of Indian Culture and Business Management 2023―May―21 Changing behaviours of Gen Z in the COVID-19 endemic era -Do we need to change marketing approach Sandeep Bhanot, Rajesh Srivastava
814 [GO] International Journal of Business Forecasting and Marketing Intelligence 2023―May―21 Do customers still buy online services Comparing the purchase intention towards online paid courses in the Covid-19 era with the short and long-term periods after Covid-19. Halimberdy Gharajeh
815 [GO] International Journal of Business Forecasting and Marketing Intelligence 2023―May―21 Covid-19 and its Perceived Health Belief Impact on Prepared Food Delivery Services from a Consumer Behavior Perspective Alan D. Smith N.A.
816 [GO] International Journal of Computational Systems Engineering 2023―May―20 Ensuring project resilience and public services in a pandemic context: two French case studies Christophe Gaie, Raul De Lacerda
817 [GO] International Journal of Business and Emerging Markets 2023―May―19 Stock market response to the COVID-19 lockdown: the case of Dow Jones, CAC 40, DAX and FTSE 100 Fatma Abidi Aloui, Amal Bakour
818 [GO] International Journal of Applied Decision Sciences 2023―May―19 Applying Data Science to gauge Virtual Assistants’ impact on students' well-being during the pandemic Swapnil Morande
819 [GO] International Journal of Business and Globalisation 2023―May―19 The relevance of factors affecting real estate investment decisions for post pandemic time Hieu Vu Minh, Tien Nguyen Hoang, Duc Le Doan Minh, Ngoc Nguyen Minh
820 [GO] International Journal of Process Management and Benchmarking 2023―May―15 Impact of COVID-19 on forecasting and aggregate production planning: a case study Katelyn Thompson, Johnathan Munn, Hari K. Rajagopalan
821 [GO] International Journal of Networking and Virtual Organisations 2023―May―15 Evaluating the influence of service quality factors in the digital hospitality industry during the COVID-19 pandemic Hamed Gheibdoust, Shahram Gilaninia, Mohammad Taleghani
822 [GO] International Journal of Indian Culture and Business Management 2023―May―15 How do the sectoral indices react to COVID-19 Evidence from an emerging economy Vineeta Kumari, Pradipta Banerjee, Dharen Kumar Pandey
823 [GO] International Journal of Business Innovation and Research 2023―May―15 The usefulness of online learning on quality of education during COVID-19 pandemic: evidence from Jordanian universities' students Ali Zakariya Al Quran, Ghufran Saed Hijjawi, Hanan Mohammad Almomani, Mohammad Mousa Eldahamsheh, Sulieman Ibraheem Shelash Al Hawary
824 [GO] International Journal of Productivity and Quality Management 2023―May―15 Towards sustainability in SMEs post recovery from COVID-19 crisis: the influence of intellectual capital and cost strategy Zaid Jaradat, Omran Ahmad Al Ibbini, Mohannad Obeid Al Shbail, Ahmad Adel Jamil
825 [GO] International Journal of Monetary Economics and Finance 2023―May―15 Financial contagion among stock markets and portfolio risk during the COVID-19 crisis Mohamed Yousfi, Houssam Bouzgarrou
826 [GO] International Journal of Monetary Economics and Finance 2023―May―15 Impact of Covid-19 on broader indices of Indian stock market Girija Nandini, Ratidev Samal, Alaka Samantaray, Rashmi Ranjan Panigrahi
827 [GO] International Journal of Agile Systems and Management 2023―May―15 Social media users' perspectives on the supply chain: positivity amongst negativity during COVID-19 panic buying in Australia Violetta Wilk, Saiyidi Mat Roni, Ferry Jie
828 [GO] International Journal of Monetary Economics and Finance 2023―May―15 The pandemic emergency asset purchase and the sovereign bond market connectedness Tarek Chebbi, Waleed Hmedat
829 [GO] International Journal of Accounting Auditing and Performance Evaluation 2023―May―12 Do board and audit characteristics affect earnings management in the time of Covid-19 Fitim Deari, Ahmed Imran Hunjra, Rashid Mehmood, Mamdouh Abdulaziz Saleh Al Faryan
830 [GO] International Journal of Business Excellence 2023―May―12 Wellbeing in times of Covid-19: The role of meaning in life and resilience Elif Baykal, Francoise Contreras, GHULAM ABID
831 [GO] International Journal of Business Innovation and Research 2023―May―12 Deciphering the role of e-marketing communication and diffusion of innovation theory towards value co-creation and firm strategic performance during COVID-19 pandemic Yanal Kilani, Mohammad Almaaitah, Omar Hijazeen, Hussain Awad, Sahar Abu Bakir, Khalid Aboalganam
832 [GO] International Journal of Environment Workplace and Employment 2023―May―11 The market sentiment and stock market: the case of social media stocks during the COVID-19 pandemic Jong Min Kim, Daehoon Han, Amber R. Eisenschenk
833 [GO] International Journal of Innovation and Sustainable Development 2023―May―11 Coping strategies of ready-made garments workers in Bangladesh during the COVID-19 pandemic: a qualitative assessment Kishore Kumer Basak, Nibras Bin Sayed, Kazi Mahmudur Rahman
834 [GO] International Journal of Knowledge and Learning 2023―May―09 What shapes online mode of teaching impact on hospitality students’ academic achievement An empirical assessment during COVID-19 Girish K. Nair
835 [GO] International Journal of Environment Workplace and Employment 2023―May―09 The indirect effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on multinational companies competitiveness and resilience through work from home Sara Abhari, Alireza Jalali, Mastura Jaafar, Thripurasundere A./.P. K. Maharaja
836 [GO] International Journal of System of Systems Engineering 2023―May―08 Efficient Deep Transfer Learning based COVID-19 Detection and Classification using CT Images Jayanthi K, Prabakaran G
837 [GO] International Journal of Applied Decision Sciences 2023―May―08 Risk Management and Project Performance: An Examination of Construction Industry during COVID-19 Pandemic and Future Prospects Xuhui Han
838 [GO] International Journal of Enterprise Network Management 2023―May―07 Role of supply chain performance in global value chain creation in COVID-19: a partial least square modelling framework for emerging economy Sahil Gupta, Geeti Sharma, Aastha Sawhney
839 [GO] International Journal of Enterprise Network Management 2023―May―07 Distribution and transportation model for COVID-19 vaccine Abhijeet Kumar, M.A. Shariful Amin, Hakan Tarakci, Victor Prybutok
840 [GO] International Journal of Enterprise Network Management 2023―May―07 A multi-criteria decision (fuzzy) approach for IoT adoption in developing nation: a study during COVID-19 Sanjay Rastogi
841 [GO] International Journal of Agile Systems and Management 2023―May―06 Social media users' perspectives on the supply chain: positivity amongst negativity during COVID-19 panic buying in Australia Violetta Wilk, Saiyidi Mat Roni, Ferry Jie
842 [GO] International Journal of Critical Infrastructures 2023―May―05 Role of E-Adoption of Emerging Technology in 4P Organizational Framework During Covid-19 Sunil Gupta, Rajnesh Singh, Nishu Panwar, Narendra Singh, Pushpa Singh
843 [GO] J for International Business and Entrepreneurship Development 2023―May―05 Online-generated contents fostering travel destination image formation: evidence in Vietnam during COVID-19 pandemic recovery Thi Huong Thanh Nguyen, Tri Ha Minh, Minh Tuan Tran, Truong Son Nguyen
844 [GO] International Journal of Medical Engineering and Informatics 2023―May―05 Current status of hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin for the treatment of COVID-19: an observational review Prateek Pratyasha, Aditya Prasad Padhy
845 [GO] International Journal of Migration and Border Studies 2023―May―05 Making live and letting die: Nepali migrant workers returning from India encounter the state amid the COVID-19 pandemic Karun K. Karki, Hari KC, Sulaimon Giwa, Delores V. Mullings, Chloe D. Raible
846 [GO] International Journal of Biomedical Engineering and Technology 2023―May―04 Amalgamation of wavelet transform and neural network for COVID-19 detection Renu Sharma, Madhu Jain
847 [GO] International Journal of Entrepreneurial Venturing 2023―May―04 Drivers of e-marketing orientation for entrepreneurs and the self-employed in Jordan: the moderating role of perceived continuity of COVID-19 using the SEM approach Wael Hadi, Sahem Nawafleh
848 [GO] International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business 2023―May―03 Small and Medium Enterprise and Covid-19: A Bibliometric Analysis Atika Rizki, Miftahuddin Miftahuddin, Ahmad Rafiki
849 [GO] International Journal of Learning and Change 2023―May―03 Lifelong learning-studying in the European higher education area with COVID-19 Uwe Radtke, Doreen Kaempf
850 [GO] International Journal of Biometrics 2023―May―03 An empirical analysis of deep ensemble approach on COVID-19 and tuberculosis X-ray images Aakanksha Sharaff, Madhur Singhal, Arham Chouradiya, Pavan Gupta
851 [GO] International Journal of Business and Systems Research 2023―May―03 Is this very much a matter of faith A monetisation approach to COVID-19 Antonio Focacci
852 [GO] International Journal of Biometrics 2023―May―03 Investigation of COVID-19 symptoms using deep learning based image enhancement scheme for x-ray medical images V. Pandimurugan, A.V. Prabu, S. Rajasoundaran, Sidheswar Routray, Nilesh Bhaskarrao Bahadure, D. Ratna Kishore
853 [GO] International Journal of Internet Marketing and Advertising 2023―Apr―29 Model of Consumers’ Stockpiling Behaviour during the COVID-19 Pandemic Fathema Farjana Hani, Md Monirul Islam
854 [GO] International Journal of Shipping and Transport Logistics 2023―Apr―29 Supply Chain Integration of Liner Shipping Companies towards Hinterland: An Accelerator Effect of Covid-19 Gülden Oral, Umur Bucak
855 [GO] International Journal of Monetary Economics and Finance 2023―Apr―29 An application of survival analysis to the impact of the COVID-19 epidemic on Thailand’s stock market volatility Surachai Chancharat, Suchunya Khainsiri
856 [GO] International Journal of Enterprise Network Management 2023―Apr―28 Role of supply chain performance in global value chain creation in COVID-19: a partial least square modelling framework for emerging economy Aastha Sawhney, Geeti Sharma, Sahil Gupta
857 [GO] International Journal of Enterprise Network Management 2023―Apr―27 Distribution and transportation model for COVID-19 vaccine Victor Prybutok, Hakan Tarakci, Abhijeet Kumar, M.A. Shariful Amin
858 [GO] International Journal of Enterprise Network Management 2023―Apr―27 A multi-criteria decision (fuzzy) approach for IoT adoption in developing nation: a study during COVID-19 Sanjay Rastogi
859 [GO] International Journal of Business Information Systems 2023―Apr―26 Investigating the perceptions of Malaysians, roles of Innovation Helixes and CRM models in Malaysia's COVID-19 health & economic measures, comparative lessons learnt Chien Sing Lee, Athira Zuhaira Ahmad Yusri
860 [GO] International Journal of Procurement Management 2023―Apr―26 Does COVID-19 Affect Non-Performing Loans At Commercial Banks In Vietnam Kim Quoc Trung NguYEN N.A.
861 [GO] International Journal of Technology Enhanced Learning 2023―Apr―26 Empathy or students' activation Factors affecting students' remote learning experience during the COVID-19 period Ariella Levenberg, Eyal Rabin, Hagit Meishar Tal
862 [GO] International Journal of Electronic Healthcare 2023―Apr―26 Next-generation technologies implicated in public health management of COVID-19 pandemic Iqbal Hasan, Almas Jabeen, Sayed Afzal Murtaza Rizvi
863 [GO] International Journal of Critical Infrastructures 2023―Apr―25 COVID-19 and the drinking water consumption pattern in Bogot Alfonso Duran Chico, Juan Sebastian De Plaza Solorzano
864 [GO] International Journal of Global Warming 2023―Apr―25 Role of the COVID-19 imposed lockdown in climate change Arsalan Rasheed
865 [GO] International Journal of Intellectual Property Management 2023―Apr―22 The determinants of continuance intention to use pandemic contact tracing apps: the case of COVID-19 Khaled Saleh Al Omoush, Saad G. Yaseen
866 [GO] International Journal of Integrated Supply Management 2023―Apr―21 Disruptions due to COVID-19 - the ultimate stress test for supply chain managers Sierd Feenstra, Cees J. Gelderman, Janjaap Semeijn
867 [GO] International Journal of Mobile Communications 2023―Apr―21 CHANGES IN CONSUMERS' MOBILE PAYMENT BEHAVIOUR DURING THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC: A STIMULUS-ORGANISM-RESPONSE MODEL PERSPECTIVE Dursun Yener, Umut Unal, Mertcan Tascioglu
868 [GO] International Journal of Technological Learning Innovation and Development 2023―Apr―21 Digitalization and resilience of industry sectors: A descriptive analysis of the Covid-19 crisis in Germany Simon Terhorst, Grischa Beier, Stefanie Kunkel
869 [GO] International Journal of Computing Science and Mathematics 2023―Apr―21 COVID-19: machine learning methods applied for twitter sentiment analysis of Indians before, during and after lockdown H.S. Hota, Dinesh K. Sharma, Nilesh Verma
870 [GO] International Journal of Mobile Learning and Organisation 2023―Apr―21 Transformation of Workplace Learning After the Pandemic in Indonesia: Middle-aged Employees' Experiences Gita Aulia Nurani, Ya Hui Lee
871 [GO] International Journal of Learning and Change 2023―Apr―20 Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on an aviation company: change management approach Agnė Sakalauskė, Virginija Leonavičiūtė, Ilona Skačkauskienė
872 [GO] International Journal of Human Rights and Constitutional Studies 2023―Apr―19 An exploratory research of India's COVID-19 outbreak: the hardship of inter-state migrants and the role of government planning amid the pandemic Latika Sharma, Griraj Shanker, Himanshu Bagdi
873 [GO] International Journal of Management Practice 2023―Apr―19 Role of digital misinformation in analysing COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy Renuka Mahajan, Pragya Gupta, Pooja S. Kushawaha
874 [GO] International Journal of Indian Culture and Business Management 2023―Apr―19 The narratives of Police service quality during COVID 19 pandemic: an empirical investigation Noopur SINGH, Richa Burman
875 [GO] International Journal of Business and Emerging Markets 2023―Apr―18 Recovery Strategies in Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic: Empirical Evidence of the Malaysian Hotel Industry Aliza Ramli, Zarinah Abdul Rasit, Reniati Reniati
876 [GO] International Journal of Computing Science and Mathematics 2023―Apr―18 COVID-19: machine learning methods applied for twitter sentiment analysis of Indians before, during and after lockdown H.S. Hota, Nilesh Verma, Dinesh K. Sharma
877 [GO] International Journal of Simulation and Process Modelling 2023―Apr―18 ARIMA-based time-series analysis for forecasting of COVID-19 cases in Egypt Ibrahim Sabry, Abdel Hamid Ismail Mourad, Amir Hussain Idrisi, Mohamed ElWakil
878 [GO] International Journal of Dynamical Systems and Differential Equations 2023―Apr―18 Stability and Hopf bifurcation analysis of a delayed SIRC epidemic model for Covid-19 Geethamalini Shankar, Venkataraman Prabhu
879 [GO] International Journal of Computational Biology and Drug Design 2023―Apr―18 <i>In silico</i> phytochemical repurposing of natural molecules as entry inhibitors against RBD of the spike protein of SARS-CoV-2 using molecular docking studies Pawan Gupta, Swati Gupta, Sukrat Sinha, Shanthy Sundaram, Vishnu K. Sharma, Anjana Munshi
880 [GO] International Journal of Global Warming 2023―Apr―17 Role of the COVID-19 imposed lockdown in climate change Arsalan Rasheed
881 [GO] International Journal of Public Sector Performance Management 2023―Apr―15 Students' perceptions of online learning during COVID-19 pandemic: a study on Sylhet division, Bangladesh Md. Mizanur Rahman, Muhammad Faizal Bin A. Ghani, Md. Saidur Rahaman, Adedeji Babatunji Samuel
882 [GO] International Journal of Managerial and Financial Accounting 2023―Apr―13 THE IMPACT OF THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC ON CLINICAL PATHWAYS IN INTENSIVE CARE UNITS-A CASE STUDY WITH A MANAGERIAL PERSPECTIVE Balakrishna Grandhi, Demetris Vrontis, Giuseppe Festa, Anna Roberta Gagliardi, Matteo Rossi
883 [GO] Global Business and Economics Review 2023―Apr―12 Analysing the impact of relief measures on MSME’s resilience and performance during COVID-19 pandemic Alpana Agarwal, Komal Kapoor
884 [GO] International Journal of Trade and Global Markets 2023―Apr―11 Bitcoin connectedness to traditional asset classes in times of COVID-19 Hela Ben Hamida, Muhammad Saeed Meo, Chaker Aloui, Mohammad Ashraful Ferdous Chowdhury
885 [GO] International Journal of Dynamical Systems and Differential Equations 2023―Apr―11 Stability and Hopf bifurcation analysis of a delayed SIRC epidemic model for Covid-19 Venkataraman Prabhu, Geethamalini Shankar
886 [GO] International Journal of Monetary Economics and Finance 2023―Apr―08 Understanding the effects of COVID-19 on Regime Switching Behaviour of Asian Stock Markets Bhaskar Bagchi, RAKTIM GHOSH
887 [GO] International Journal of Monetary Economics and Finance 2023―Apr―08 Financial contagion among stock markets and portfolio risk during the COVID-19 crisis Mohamed Yousfi, Houssam Bouzgarrou
888 [GO] International Journal of Monetary Economics and Finance 2023―Apr―08 Financial Impact of COVID-19 Non-Pharmaceutical Interventions in Indonesia. Muhamad Fikri, Ana Noveria
889 [GO] International Journal of Monetary Economics and Finance 2023―Apr―08 The Pandemic Emergency Asset Purchase and the Sovereign Bond Market Connectedness. Tarek Chebbi, Waleed Hmedat
890 [GO] International Journal of Monetary Economics and Finance 2023―Apr―07 Impact of novel coronavirus outbreak-related announcements on pharmaceutical stocks: empirical evidence from an emerging market Vineeta Kumari, Varun Kumar Rai, Dharen Kumar Pandey
891 [GO] International Journal of Business Intelligence and Data Mining 2023―Apr―06 Data Augmentation and Denoising of Computed Tomography (CT) Scan Images In Training Deep Learning Models For Rapid COVID-19 Detection Fadi Al Turjman, Zubaida Said Ameen, Sertan Serte, Auwalu Mubarak
892 [GO] International Journal of Process Management and Benchmarking 2023―Apr―06 Impact of COVID-19 on Forecasting and Aggregate Production Planning: A Case Study Katelyn Thompson, Johnathan Munn, Hari Rajagopalan
893 [GO] International Journal of Technology Enhanced Learning 2023―Apr―06 The impact of the learning shift during COVID-19 on students using natural language processing Hadil Shaiba, Maya John
894 [GO] International Journal of Mathematics in Operational Research 2023―Apr―06 Analysis and simulation of modified susceptible-infected-recovered model with vaccination for COVID-19 outbreak Teoh Yeong Kin, Rizauddin Saian, Suzanawati Abu Hasan
895 [GO] International Journal of Innovation and Learning 2023―Apr―06 The effects of personalised mathematic instruction supported by an intelligent tutoring system during the COVID-19 epidemic and the post-epidemic era Jiyou Jia, Shanshan Li, Yanying Miao, Jinxia Li
896 [GO] International Journal of Indian Culture and Business Management 2023―Apr―06 The management of saving and investment pattern of the private sector employees of Assam and the effect of COVID-19 on it - an analytical study Ramjanul Haque, Viveka Gupta
897 [GO] International Journal of Electronic Business 2023―Apr―06 Online shopping spree in times of COVID-19 pandemic Lilia Khrouf, Souad Maghraoui
898 [GO] International Journal of Simulation and Process Modelling 2023―Apr―05 ARIMA-based time-series analysis for forecasting of COVID-19 cases in Egypt Amir Hussain Idrisi, Mohamed ElWakil, Abdel Hamid Ismail Mourad, Ibrahim Sabry
899 [GO] International Journal of Engineering Systems Modelling and Simulation 2023―Apr―05 Crowd management in public transport to ensure social distancing for prevention of spread of COVID-19 K. Gerard Joe Nigel, J. Jenisha, R. Rajeswari, D. Pamela, P. Manimegalai
900 [GO] International Journal of Intellectual Property Management 2023―Apr―04 The determinants of continuance intention to use pandemic contact tracing apps: the case of COVID-19 Saad G. Yaseen, Khaled Saleh Al Omoush
901 [GO] International Journal of Environment and Waste Management 2023―Apr―04 Waste management during COVID-19 pandemic: could it be time-bomb Nurani Ikhlas, Machmudin Fitra Miftahadi, Yudha Gusti Wibowo, Bimastyaji Surya Ramadan, Indriyani Rachman
902 [GO] International Journal of Environment and Waste Management 2023―Apr―04 Mini plasma waste plant: a solution to COVID-19 biomedical waste S.K. Singh, Mukesh Kumar
903 [GO] International Journal of Medical Engineering and Informatics 2023―Apr―04 Current status of hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin for the treatment of COVID-19: an observational review Aditya Prasad Padhy, Prateek Pratyasha
904 [GO] International Journal of Public Sector Performance Management 2023―Apr―04 Students' perceptions of online learning during COVID-19 pandemic: a study on Sylhet division, Bangladesh Adedeji Babatunji Samuel, Md. Saidur Rahaman, Md. Mizanur Rahman, Muhammad Faizal Bin A. Ghani
905 [GO] International Journal of Shipping and Transport Logistics 2023―Apr―04 The COVID-19 impacts on air transport - a case study of Hong Kong Wai Ming To, Peter K.C. Lee
906 [GO] International Journal of Knowledge and Learning 2023―Apr―04 Organisational learning: COVID-19 strategy for human resource skill adjustment Friday Ogbu Edeh, Joy N. Ugwu, Linus Adama, Nicholas Ihentuge Achilike, Chimeziem C.G. Udeze, Ngozi Franca Iroegbu, et al. (+4)
907 [GO] International Journal of Business Intelligence and Data Mining 2023―Apr―04 Exploring outliers in global economic dataset having the impact of COVID-19 pandemic Anindita Desarkar, Ajanta Das, Chitrita Chaudhuri
908 [GO] International Journal of Electronic Marketing and Retailing 2023―Apr―01 An analysis of the effect of COVID-19 on the usage of entertainment mobile applications Jisu Yi, Yun Kyung Oh, Jongdae Kim
909 [GO] International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business 2023―Apr―01 New Media Technologies and Small and Medium Enterprises: Evidence from the Covid-19 Period Shreesha Mairaru, Bharti Pandya, Asma Buhannad, Leena Daroo
910 [GO] International Journal of Business and Globalisation 2023―Apr―01 Internal Migration in Haryana during the Age of COVID-19 Pandemic: Understanding the Root Causes, Impacts, and Policy Consequences Gurwinder Singh Badal, Rudhita Goel
911 [GO] International Journal of Management and Decision Making 2023―Apr―01 Employee stress management and well-being while working from home during the pandemic: the role of involvement HRM practices, self-efficacy and hope Athar Hameed, Muddasar Ghani Khwaja
912 [GO] International Journal of Management Concepts and Philosophy 2023―Mar―31 Blockchain Technology Role in Supply Chains during the Covid-19 Pandemic Gawaher Soliman, Mirna Magdy, Mohamed Grida
913 [GO] International Journal of Migration and Border Studies 2023―Mar―29 Making live and letting die: Nepali migrant workers returning from India encounter the state amid the COVID-19 pandemic Chloe D. Rabible, Deloris V. Mullings, Sulaimon Giwa, Hari KC, Karun K. Karki
914 [GO] International Journal of Tourism Policy 2023―Mar―28 Stakeholders in maintaining hallmark tourism events under the Covid-19 storm Thi Phuong Anh Dang
915 [GO] International Journal of Business Innovation and Research 2023―Mar―28 Strategic Responses of Small Businesses to COVID-19: Evidence from an Emergent Country. John Rosso Murillo, Yeny E. Rodriguez Ramos, Ana Gonzalez L., Cristina Vélez Valencia
916 [GO] International Journal of Economic Policy in Emerging Economies 2023―Mar―28 Testing for farmer stock market-unemployment hypothesis during the COVID-19 pandemic in Malaysia Muzafar Shah Habibullah, Mohd Yusof Saari, Evan Lau, Badariah Haji Din, Anuar Shah Bali Mahomed
917 [GO] International Journal of Economic Policy in Emerging Economies 2023―Mar―28 Government intervention and business response as determinants of business continuity amid COVID-19: the case of Jordan and Morocco Anthony Fakhoury, Ali Fakih
918 [GO] International Journal of Economic Policy in Emerging Economies 2023―Mar―28 Tax capacity assessment for COVID-19 resource mobilisation: evidence from an Indian state M. Vishnu Vivek, Punniyamoorthy Murugesan, V. Lavanya
919 [GO] International Journal of Economic Policy in Emerging Economies 2023―Mar―28 Analysing <i>Muda</i> under COVID-19 pandemic: a case study in a Spanish supermarket Manuel F. Morales Contreras, Manuel F. Suárez Barraza, Lucía Barcos Redín
920 [GO] International Journal of Economic Policy in Emerging Economies 2023―Mar―28 The relation between stock return and air quality in Vietnam under impacts of COVID-19 N.A. Nguyá, ��n Khá, ��c Quá, ��c Bá, N.A. �ã, N.A. o, Lê Văn
921 [GO] International Journal of Economic Policy in Emerging Economies 2023―Mar―28 The impacts of monetary policy responses to COVID-19 pandemic on national currencies: an emerging country case Özer Depren, Mustafa Tevfik Kartal, Serpil Kılıç Depren
922 [GO] International Journal of Mobile Learning and Organisation 2023―Mar―25 Borderless Lab 365: A Real-time Web-based Remote Laboratory Platform for Hong Kong High School Students in Response to Pandemic Siu Hong Choy, Kwok Lung Jim, Yuen Hong Tsang, Chi Wah Leung, Chee Leung Mak, Ming Tak Sze, et al. (+2)
923 [GO] International Journal of Indian Culture and Business Management 2023―Mar―22 Is credit default swap spread a leading indicator of bank default risk Evidence of Indian banks during the COVID-19 pandemic Vikas Srivastava
924 [GO] International Journal of Indian Culture and Business Management 2023―Mar―22 Reading habits of students of higher learning institutions during COVID-19 lockdown period M. Vasan, G. Yoganandan
925 [GO] International Journal of Business Information Systems 2023―Mar―22 Mobile payment adoption by citizens of tier-II cities with special reference to COVID-19: extending UTAUT with intrinsic motivation and perceived credibility Anu Sahi, Rishi Manrai
926 [GO] International Journal of Management in Education 2023―Mar―21 Modelling the Challenges of Online Education in India due to COVID-19 pandemic: An ISM-MICMAC Approach Dhyanadipta Panda, Shirin Alavi, Jyotiranjan Hota
927 [GO] International Journal of Private Law 2023―Mar―21 Thoughts on institutional tax framework: a comparative study in the context of COVID-19 Rubén Méndez Reátegui, Rodrigo Barcia Lehmann
928 [GO] International Journal of Private Law 2023―Mar―21 Vaccine sell ban as a corollary of the Peruvian response to COVID-19 Oscar Sumar, Andrea Villanueva
929 [GO] International Journal of Private Law 2023―Mar―21 The legality of the emergency defence orders in Jordan issued during corona pandemic: compliance or derogation Mosleh Tarawneh, Amin Al Adaiyleh
930 [GO] International Journal of Private Law 2023―Mar―21 Pandemics and health equity issues: effects of disparities and social health determinants B.E. Kooffreh, Brian F.I. Anyatang
931 [GO] International Journal of Management in Education 2023―Mar―20 Barrier factors affecting students' satisfaction with online learning in the context of Covid-19 pandemic Trung Ngoc Phat Le, Kim Hanh Nguyen
932 [GO] International Journal of Shipping and Transport Logistics 2023―Mar―20 The COVID-19 impacts on air transport - a case study of Hong Kong Peter K.C. Lee, Wai Ming To
933 [GO] International Journal of Automotive Technology and Management 2023―Mar―18 COVID-19 crisis and the automotive industry in Mexico: public policies and firm strategies Lourdes Alvarez Medina
934 [GO] International Journal of Productivity and Quality Management 2023―Mar―18 Work-from-home during pandemic of COVID-19: an investigation study on managers in Indonesia Elkana Timotius
935 [GO] International Journal of Project Organisation and Management 2023―Mar―17 COVID-19 - Project success through a global pandemic, what changed for Project Managers James Prater, Jacob A. Darlison
936 [GO] International Journal of Services Economics and Management 2023―Mar―17 Factors affecting customers' satisfaction in e-commerce marketplace during COVID-19 pandemic: developing market context Md Samim Al Azad, Mohammad Harun or Rashid
937 [GO] International Journal of Computational Systems Engineering 2023―Mar―17 Ensuring project resilience and public services in a pandemic context: two French case studies Christophe GAIE, Raul De Lacerda
938 [GO] International Journal of Monetary Economics and Finance 2023―Mar―14 Ownership Structure and Earnings Management: Studies on Banking Companies Before and During the Covid-19 Pandemic Yohanes Mario Pratama, Anggreni Dian Kurniawati, Anna Purwaningsih
939 [GO] International Journal of Trade and Global Markets 2023―Mar―14 Factors Influencing COVID-19 Vaccine Acceptance of Indonesian Muslims Taufik Faturohman, Giofella Kengsiswoyo, Yulianti Yulianti
940 [GO] International Journal of Nanomanufacturing 2023―Mar―14 Significance of Nanomedicines and Recent advancement in Vaccine Formulations for Combating SARS-CoV2 Rajeshwar Kamal Kant Arya, Mohammad Rashid, Deepak Sati, Dheeraj Bisht
941 [GO] International Journal of Auditing Technology 2023―Mar―10 The similarities of judicial reorganisation process of SMEs in financial distress: cross-cultural analysis of France and Morocco during COVID-19 Samia Sabounji, Joshua Onome Imoniana
942 [GO] International Journal of Global Warming 2023―Mar―09 Big dilemma in face mask consumption: environmental sensitivity versus the fear of COVID-19 Kenan Aydın, Seda Yıldırım, Ece Özer Çizer
943 [GO] International Journal of Emergency Management 2023―Mar―09 How effective is digital marketing for government organisations in times of crisis: the case of Kuwait's fire force during COVID-19 Yousef Mohammed
944 [GO] International Journal of Management Concepts and Philosophy 2023―Mar―09 The Factors of Internet Addiction among the Students during Covid-19 using Logistic Regression Simon S. Nkoane, Gift M. Mphahlele
945 [GO] International Journal of Business Performance Management 2023―Mar―08 The Effect of Leadership and Climate for Initiative on Team Workers in the German Economy during the COVID-19 Pandemic Laura Sophie Aichroth N.A.
946 [GO] International Journal of Society Systems Science 2023―Mar―08 Statistics in the response of Indian COVID-19 pandemic and post pandemic Bikram Kar, Bikash Kanti Sarkar
947 [GO] International Journal of Applied Nonlinear Science 2023―Mar―08 A study of COVID-19 spread through zipper fractal interpolation Kuldip Katiyar, Sneha .
948 [GO] International Journal of Medical Engineering and Informatics 2023―Mar―08 Class prediction of the prevalent transmission mode of COVID-19 within a geographic area Donald Douglas Atsa', N.A. am, Ruth Wario
949 [GO] International Journal of Medical Engineering and Informatics 2023―Mar―08 A comprehensive review on the diagnosis and testing strategies for coronavirus disease V. Ragul, Vishnu Priya Veeraraghavan, Krishna Mohan Surapaneni, Shanmugrathinam Alagarsamy, M.I. Niyas Ahamed
950 [GO] International Journal of Medical Engineering and Informatics 2023―Mar―08 Automatic detection of novel corona virus (SARS-CoV-2) infection in computed tomography scan based on local adaptive thresholding and kernel-support vectors Ritam Sharma, Janki Ballabh Sharma, Ranjan Maheshwari
951 [GO] International Journal of Web and Grid Services 2023―Mar―07 Sentiment analysis and counselling for COVID-19 pandemic based on social media Ha Young Lee, Ok Ran Jeong
952 [GO] International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management 2023―Mar―07 Getting by with a little help from my friends: the impact of the pandemic on the collaboration of small Finnish food and beverage ventures Erika Perttunen, Teo Keipi, Sooa Hwang, Tua A. Björklund
953 [GO] International Journal of Value Chain Management 2023―Mar―03 Reshaping street and home-based cottage food business strategies through social business after COVID-19 pandemic Bordin Rassameethes, Sasivimol Meeampol
954 [GO] International Journal of Auditing Technology 2023―Mar―02 The similarities of judicial reorganisation process of SMEs in financial distress: cross-cultural analysis of France and Morocco during COVID-19 Joshua Onome Imoniana, Samia Sabounji
955 [GO] International Journal of Continuing Engineering Education and Life-Long Learning 2023―Mar―02 Mobile learning determinants that influence Indian university students' learning satisfaction during the COVID-19 pandemic Md. Tauseef Qamar, Mohd. Ajmal, Abdullah Malik, Mohd. Junaid Ahmad, Juhi Yasmeen
956 [GO] International Journal of Business and Systems Research 2023―Mar―02 Wine preferences and perceptions during the COVID-19 pandemic: an empirical study of self-image and demographics preferences Alan D. Smith
957 [GO] International Journal of Management in Education 2023―Mar―02 A study on disruption to recovery in business school of India during COVID-19 using appreciative inquiry approach from a multi-stakeholder perspective Jaya Gupta, Itilekha Dash, Himanshi Tiwari
958 [GO] International Journal of Management in Education 2023―Mar―02 Online education and student engagement in higher education institutes during COVID-19: an SEM-based study Nishita Gupta, Apeksha Hooda
959 [GO] International Journal of Web and Grid Services 2023―Mar―01 Sentiment analysis and counselling for COVID-19 pandemic based on social media Ha Young Lee, Ok Ran Jeong
960 [GO] International Journal of Business Excellence 2023―Feb―28 A study on the impact of COVID-19 on the business operations of MSMEs Moid Ahmad, Naseem Twaissi, Jehad Aldehayyat
961 [GO] International Journal of Work Organisation and Emotion 2023―Feb―28 Can organizational culture increase innovative behavior A serial mediation effect of job competency and job performance: comparing before and after pandemic Eung Il Kim N.A.
962 [GO] International Journal of Services and Operations Management 2023―Feb―28 Redesigning human vaccines supply chain network post-Covid-19 pandemic: a case study of Iran Malihe Lahmi, Arash Nemati, Abdul Sattar Safaei
963 [GO] International Journal of Six Sigma and Competitive Advantage 2023―Feb―24 Impact of Lean Six Sigma on companies performance during the COVID-19 pandemic Osama Abdelhadi, Ihssan Samara
964 [GO] International Journal of Internet Manufacturing and Services 2023―Feb―23 Optimization of site selection for urban material distribution during the COVID-19 pandemic Tian Zhu, Houjun Lu
965 [GO] International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management 2023―Feb―23 Getting by with a little help from my friends: the impact of the pandemic on the collaboration of small Finnish food and beverage ventures Tua A. Björklund, Teo Keipi, Sooa Hwang, Erika Perttunen
966 [GO] International Journal of Quality Engineering and Technology 2023―Feb―22 A Lean Six Sigma case study to improve the manufacturing process affected during COVID-19 Rohit Kenge, Zafar Khan
967 [GO] International Journal of Technology Enhanced Learning 2023―Feb―22 The impact of the learning shift during COVID-19 on students using natural language processing Maya John, Hadil Shaiba
968 [GO] International Journal of Value Chain Management 2023―Feb―22 Reshaping street and home-based cottage food business strategies through social business after COVID-19 pandemic Bordin Rassameethes, Sasivimol Meeampol
969 [GO] International Journal of Trade and Global Markets 2023―Feb―22 Economic contribution and social effects of youth volunteering in the early period of the Covid-19 pandemic. Case of a large Russian region Viola Larionova, Elizaveta Pevnaya, Maria Pevnaya
970 [GO] International Journal of Trade and Global Markets 2023―Feb―21 Examining the impact of effective government stimulus packages amid COVID-19 pandemic in UAE: An input-output analysis Shorouq Eletter, Ghaleb A. El Refae, Tahira Yasmin
971 [GO] International Journal of Learning Technology 2023―Feb―21 Student engagement and learning during COVID-19: an empirical analysis Nandini Borah, Pranami Sharma
972 [GO] International Journal of Trade and Global Markets 2023―Feb―21 How can Indonesian businesses survive during pandemic using new learning organisation Achmad Ghazali, Jann Hidajat Tjakraatmadja, Dewi Handayani
973 [GO] International Journal of Monetary Economics and Finance 2023―Feb―21 ECONOMIC RESILIENCE OF LARGE URBANIZED RUSSIAN REGIONS TO PANDEMIC-INDUCED SHOCKS Olga Chernova, Irina Turgel
974 [GO] International Journal of Applied Systemic Studies 2023―Feb―18 Transmission of COVID-19 through asymptomatic individuals Nita H. Shah, Ankush H. Suthar, Purvi M. Pandya
975 [GO] International Journal of Society Systems Science 2023―Feb―17 Statistics in the response of Indian Covid-19 pandemic and post pandemic Bikash Sarkar, Bikram Kar
976 [GO] International Journal of Learning Technology 2023―Feb―17 Student engagement and learning during COVID-19: an empirical analysis Nandini Borah, Pranami Sharma
977 [GO] International Journal of Business Performance Management 2023―Feb―15 Impact of Homeworking/Telecommuting on Organisational Performance in the era of Covid-19 Ibrahim Alotaibi
978 [GO] International Journal of Computational Intelligence Studies 2023―Feb―15 Modelling of decarbonised global and local supply chain network for material-based greenhouse gas emission and costs with COVID-19 disruption and trans-Pacific partnership Takaki Nagao, Hiromasa Ijuin, Keisuke Nagasawa, Tetsuo Yamada
979 [GO] International Journal of Services Economics and Management 2023―Feb―15 Motivation and organisational culture from the perspective of SME employees a case study at the time of COVID-19 pandemic Ferenc Bakó, Marcell Kupi, Renáta Machová, Ladislav Mura, Tibor Zsigmond
980 [GO] International Journal of Digital Culture and Electronic Tourism 2023―Feb―15 E-commerce service quality influence on domestic tourists satisfaction in Tanzania: a pursuit to sustaining tourism growth amid COVID-19 pandemic Juma James Masele, Hamza Mrisha, Tibesigwa Warren
981 [GO] International Journal of Private Law 2023―Feb―15 Pandemics and health equity issues: effects of disparities and social health determinants Brian F.I. Anyatang, B.E. Kooffreh
982 [GO] International Journal of Services and Operations Management 2023―Feb―14 Role of artificial intelligence in the enabling sustainable supply chain management during COVID-19 Muhammad Usman Tariq
983 [GO] International Journal of Business Performance Management 2023―Feb―14 Do commodities improve the performance of international Islamic stock portfolios An analysis for pre-and during COVID-19 pandemic Slah Bahloul, Imen Khemakhem
984 [GO] International Journal of Networking and Virtual Organisations 2023―Feb―13 Evaluating the influence of service quality factors in the digital hospitality industry during the COVID-19 pandemic Mohammad Taleghani, Shahram Gilaninia, Hamed Gheibdoust
985 [GO] International Journal of Sustainable Strategic Management 2023―Feb―11 The COVID-19 pandemic and its impact on hospital management in Indonesia Aryo Dewanto, A.K. Siti Nabiha
986 [GO] International Journal of Green Economics 2023―Feb―11 Climate change investing and COVID-19: evidence from return volatility Peeyush Bangur
987 [GO] International Journal of Green Economics 2023―Feb―11 Organic food consumption in emerging markets after COVID-19: value-attitude-behaviour model Mohd Farhan
988 [GO] International Journal of Knowledge-Based Development 2023―Feb―10 MENA stock markets' sustained financial connectivity: evidence from pre- vs. during Covid-19 Ammar Jreisat, Somar Al Mohamad, Mohamed M. Sraieb, Virginie Nahas, Fadia Al Hajj
989 [GO] International Journal of Knowledge-Based Development 2023―Feb―10 Understanding the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on the aviation and tourism industry Hoang Phuong Nguyen, Thi Tuyet Mai Nguyen, Viet Duc Bui
990 [GO] International Journal of Trade and Global Markets 2023―Feb―10 The impact of C-19 pandemic on MSEs strategies moderated by accounting information: a study of MSEs in Yogyakarta Anastasia Susty Ambarriani, Christina Wiwik Sunarni, Pratiwi Budiharta
991 [GO] International Journal of Innovation and Learning 2023―Feb―09 Online education in COVID-19 scenario: challenges, mitigation strategies and exploring a case study in India Anindita Desarkar
992 [GO] International Journal of Logistics Systems and Management 2023―Feb―08 The resilience of third-party logistics providers in extreme contexts: An empirical study in COVID-19 Canh Lam Nguyen, Thi Trinh Dao
993 [GO] Global Business and Economics Review 2023―Feb―08 COVID-19 and negative oil prices - an empirical analysis comparing importing and exporting countries Muhammad Umar, Joaquim António Martins Ferr�ã, N.A. o, Mário Nuno Mata
994 [GO] International Journal of Global Warming 2023―Feb―08 An on-board energy and environmental analysis within the COVID-19 effects Alperen Sari, Egemen Sulukan, Doğuş Özkan, Tanay Sidki Uyar
995 [GO] Global Business and Economics Review 2023―Feb―08 Performance of the African stock market amid COVID-19 global health crisis: empirical analysis using four events Richard Danquah, Samuel Kortu Nelson, Chiamaka Nneoma Nweze, Peter Davis Sumo, Lydia Osarfo Achaa, Ishmael Arhin
996 [GO] Global Business and Economics Review 2023―Feb―08 The COVID-19 impact on MSME earnings: evidences from Saudi Arabia Ahmad T. Al Harbi, Moid U. Ahmad
997 [GO] Global Business and Economics Review 2023―Feb―08 Contagion or interdependence Evidence from Asian emerging stock markets in times of COVID-19 pandemic Bhaskar Bagchi, Raktim Ghosh, Avijit Kanrar
998 [GO] Global Business and Economics Review 2023―Feb―08 Investigation of cointegration and causal linkages on Bitcoin volatility during COVID-19 pandemic N.A. Tiffani, Ingrid Claudia Calvilus, Shinta Amalina Hazrati Havidz
999 [GO] International Journal of Work Innovation 2023―Feb―08 Assessment of changes in the online labour market in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic: comparison of the dynamics of rural and urban participation Natalja V. Polujanova, Sergey N. Yashin, Ekaterina V. Sazanova, Sergey V. Ponomarev, Maria E. Konovalova, Gulnaz F. Galieva
1000 [GO] Global Business and Economics Review 2023―Feb―08 COVID-19 pandemic: revisiting the safe haven assets Musa C. Dasauki, Olusola B. Oluwalaiye, Jerry D. Kwarbai, Jesudara E. Oyesiji
1001 [GO] International Journal of Student Project Reporting 2023―Feb―03 Exploratory analysis of the effectiveness of measures against the COVID-19 disease Karla Baričević, Marina Bagić Babac
1002 [GO] International Journal of Export Marketing 2023―Feb―03 Happy customers means more business - a comparative study of a global food chain in COVID-19 endemic era R.K. Srivastava
1003 [GO] International Journal of Intellectual Property Management 2023―Feb―03 COVID-19 influence on the utility model registration activity in Bulgaria Fanny Koleva
1004 [GO] International Journal of Services and Operations Management 2023―Feb―02 Supply Chain in the Wake of COVID-19 Leena Sachdeva, Gaurav Kumar Badhotiya, Gunjan Soni
1005 [GO] International Journal of Higher Education and Sustainability 2023―Feb―02 Is going online efficient A comparative study of offline and online mode of working and learning during COVID-19 Reeta Tomar, Schifra Daruwala
1006 [GO] International Journal of Computational Biology and Drug Design 2023―Feb―02 In silico phytochemical repurposing of natural molecules as entry inhibitors against RBD of the spike protein of SARS-CoV-2 using molecular docking studies Vishnu Sharma, Shanthy Sundaram, Sukrat Sinha, Swati Gupta, Pawan Gupta, Anjana Munshi
1007 [GO] International Journal of Sustainable Strategic Management 2023―Feb―01 The COVID-19 pandemic and its impact on hospital management in Indonesia A.K. Siti Nabiha, Aryo Dewanto
1008 [GO] International Journal of Reliability and Safety 2023―Jan―31 Post COVID-19 electrical load shedding on Cameroon's northern interconnected grid: causes, safety impact and solution proposals Bouba Oumarou Aboubakar, Hong Xia Li, Ahmadou Bouba Oumarou
1009 [GO] International Journal of Mobile Communications 2023―Jan―31 Impact of COVID-19 on Mobile Application Usage Intensity Hyeon Jo
1010 [GO] International Journal of Global Warming 2023―Jan―28 An on-board energy and environmental analysis within the COVID-19 effects Doğuş Özkan, Tanay Sidki Uyar, Egemen Sulukan, Alperen Sari
1011 [GO] International Journal of Reliability and Safety 2023―Jan―28 Post COVID-19 electrical load shedding on Cameroon's northern interconnected grid: causes, safety impact and solution proposals Ahmadou Bouba Oumarou, Bouba Oumarou Aboubakar, Hong Xia Li
1012 [GO] International Journal of Electronic Healthcare 2023―Jan―28 The digital transformation of Czech healthcare: trends and COVID-19 impact Jana Vlčková, Veronika Klimková
1013 [GO] International Journal of Business Innovation and Research 2023―Jan―28 Impact of COVID-19 on travel intention in Silicon Valley of India - testing the efficacy of the theory of planned behaviour D.P. Sudhagar, Sweety Jamgade
1014 [GO] International Journal of Productivity and Quality Management 2023―Jan―28 Impact of HRM practices on employee productivity in times of COVID-19 pandemic Prachi Jain Aggarwal, Nitya Khurana, N.A. Shefali
1015 [GO] International Journal of Technology Management 2023―Jan―28 Looking at Smart Cities Through the Lens of a Pandemic Era: A Systematic Literature Review Gabriel Souto Fischer, Rafael Gustavo Gaspar Silva, Lucas Micol Policarpo, Rodrigo Da Rosa Righi, Vinicius Facco Rodrigues, Cristiano André Da Costa
1016 [GO] International Journal of Logistics Systems and Management 2023―Jan―27 Supply chain crisis management in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic Hokey Min
1017 [GO] International Journal of Management Practice 2023―Jan―27 Role of digital misinformation in analysing COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy Pragya Gupta, Pooja S. Kushawaha, Renuka Mahajan
1018 [GO] International Journal of Biomedical Engineering and Technology 2023―Jan―26 Rapid detection of COVID-19 from chest X-ray images using deep convolutional neural networks Sweta Panigrahi, U.S.N. Raju, Debanjan Pathak, K.V. Kadambari, Harika Ala
1019 [GO] International Journal of Ad Hoc and Ubiquitous Computing 2023―Jan―25 Real-time face mask position recognition system using YOLO models for preventing COVID-19 disease spread in public places Vishnu Kumar Kaliappan, Rajasekaran Thangaraj, P. Pandiyan, K. Mohanasundaram, S. Anandamurugan, Dugki Min
1020 [GO] International Journal of Monetary Economics and Finance 2023―Jan―25 How has Covid-19 infected the stock market and exchange rate (A case study of infected vs. uninfected countries) Faishal Fadli, Vietha Devia Sagita Sumantri
1021 [GO] International Journal of Monetary Economics and Finance 2023―Jan―25 A study on the impact of COVID-19 on the financial health of Indian companies R. Ramprakash, C. Joe Arun
1022 [GO] International Journal of Monetary Economics and Finance 2023―Jan―25 Herding behaviour in Turkish stock market sector indices: the effect of COVID-19 outbreak Kıymet Yavuzaslan, Nasif Ozkan
1023 [GO] International Journal of Monetary Economics and Finance 2023―Jan―25 'Same storm, different boats': the COVID-19 pandemic and its impact on Indonesian public companies Heru Fahlevi, Muhammad Syukur
1024 [GO] International Journal of Monetary Economics and Finance 2023―Jan―25 Impact of COVID-19 pandemic on stock markets: a case study of selected countries Sonal Thukral, Amit Kumar Singh, Renu Ghosh, Murli Manohar Pant
1025 [GO] International Journal of Monetary Economics and Finance 2023―Jan―25 Impact of novel coronavirus outbreak-related announcements on pharmaceutical stocks: empirical evidence from an emerging market Vineeta Kumar, Varun Kumar Rai, Dharen Kumar Pandey
1026 [GO] International Journal of Intelligent Engineering Informatics 2023―Jan―24 Detection of coronavirus disease using texture analysis and machine learning methods Sami Bourouis
1027 [GO] International Journal of Internet of Things and Cyber-Assurance 2023―Jan―23 United States and Territories 3rd-Party COVID-19 mHealth Contact Tracing: What are Security and Privacy Risks Julia Rooney, Mughees Tariq, Christopher Shaw, Shannon Roth, Suzanna Schmeelk, Emily Lackraj, et al. (+3)
1028 [GO] International Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering 2023―Jan―21 Simulation-based optimisation: analysis of the emergency department resources under COVID-19 conditions Shahla Jahangiri, Milad Abolghasemian, Peiman Ghasemi, Adel Pourghader Chobar
1029 [GO] African J of Accounting Auditing and Finance 2023―Jan―21 Enterprise strategic management under COVID-19: evidence from South Africa Fakhrul Hasan, Mohammad Raijul Islam, Salma Akter
1030 [GO] International Journal of Healthcare Technology and Management 2023―Jan―20 Narcissism and perceived stress among Italian hospital nurses during COVID-19: The moderator role of age. Simona Leonelli, Emanuele Primavera
1031 [GO] International Journal of Business Innovation and Research 2023―Jan―19 The innovative organisation of Airbnb: business model innovation and holacracy structure to enhance innovative business behaviour coping with the impact of the COVID-19 Hiroko Oe, Linh Le
1032 [GO] International Journal of Trade and Global Markets 2023―Jan―19 Performance of sectoral Islamic indices during COVID-19 Muhammad Saeed Meo, Farah Durani, Sajid Ali, Alade Ayodeji Ademokoya, Raima Nazar, Syed Ali Raza
1033 [GO] International Journal of Mobile Learning and Organisation 2023―Jan―19 Snapshot of the present, glimpse into the future: impact of COVID-19 on higher education and adult training Zan Chen, Sabrina Binte Hardy
1034 [GO] International Journal of Procurement Management 2023―Jan―19 Governance in Public Procurement: Accounting Analysis of Public Acquisitions in Brazil During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Paulo Vitor Jord�ão Da Gama Silva, Alessandro Bandeira De Oliveira
1035 [GO] International Journal of Social Media and Interactive Learning Environments 2023―Jan―19 Comparing Student Learning and Course Evaluation in Face-to-Face, Online and HyFlex Teaching Modalities Before and During the COVID-19 Pandemic Kuan Pin Chiang
1036 [GO] International Journal of Mobile Learning and Organisation 2023―Jan―19 Assessing the effects of a collaborative problem-based learning and peer assessment method on junior secondary students' learning approaches in mathematics using interactive online whiteboards during the COVID-19 pandemic Chi Lok Chan, Ronnie H. Shroff, Wing Ki Tsang, Fridolin S.T. Ting, Raycelle C.C. Garcia
1037 [GO] International Journal of Mobile Learning and Organisation 2023―Jan―19 Teaching and learning with mobile technologies under COVID-19 pandemic: crisis or opportunity Paul Lai Chuen Lam, Hilary K.Y. Ng
1038 [GO] International Journal of Mobile Learning and Organisation 2023―Jan―19 The age of academic integrity in COVID-19: new normal changes to the health professional education Athena Chung Yan Tong, Justin Chak Ting Cheung, Yanny Wing Yan Wong, Colin Ho Lam Chung, Olivia Miu Yung Ngan, Isabel Hwang, et al. (+2)
1039 [GO] International Journal of Ad Hoc and Ubiquitous Computing 2023―Jan―18 Real-time face mask position recognition system using YOLO models for preventing COVID-19 disease spread in public places Dugki Min, S. Anandamurugan, K. Mohanasundaram, P. Pandiyan, Rajasekaran Thangaraj, Vishnu Kumar Kaliappan
1040 [GO] International Journal of Biomedical Engineering and Technology 2023―Jan―18 Rapid detection of COVID-19 from chest X-ray images using deep convolutional neural networks K.V. Kadambari, Sweta Panigrahi, U.S.N. Raju, Harika Ala, Debanjan Pathak
1041 [GO] International Journal of Services Economics and Management 2023―Jan―17 Factors influencing the adoption of mobile app during the COVID-19 pandemic Amy Wong, Tag Lee
1042 [GO] International Journal of Green Economics 2023―Jan―15 Climate change investing and COVID-19: evidence from return volatility Peeyush Bangur
1043 [GO] International Journal of Business Innovation and Research 2023―Jan―15 Pre and During Covid-19 Pandemic Study of Bitcoin Price against Major Fiat Currencies of the World Sakshi Varshney, Mukta Mani, ANSHUL AGRAWAL
1044 [GO] International Journal of Digital Culture and Electronic Tourism 2023―Jan―14 E-commerce service quality influence on domestic tourists satisfaction in Tanzania: a pursuit to sustaining tourism growth amid COVID 19 pandemic Tibesigwa Warren, Hamza Mrisha, Juma James Masele
1045 [GO] International Journal of Knowledge and Learning 2023―Jan―14 Determining the efficacy level of online education in higher studies during COVID-19 pandemic: evidence from Bangladesh Md Yusuf Hossein Khan, Afzal Hossain, Mohammad Amzad Hossain Sarker, Sumayya Begum
1046 [GO] International Journal of Knowledge and Learning 2023―Jan―14 Impact of COVID-19 on the students’ learning: an empirical study in India Nirmal Chandra Roy
1047 [GO] International Journal of Financial Services Management 2023―Jan―14 An empirical study on financial well-being during Covid-19 in India Ujjal Sanyal, Furquan Uddin
1048 [GO] EuroMed J of Management 2023―Jan―13 Uncovering capabilities towards resilience: exploring a process perspective of resources, competences and activities for efficiency during the Covid-19 crisis Ernest Koranteng
1049 [GO] International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management 2023―Jan―13 Forced digital transformation during the COVID-19 pandemic Djalma Silva Guimar�ã, es Júnior, Ademir Macedo Nascimento, Gerlane Pereira d, e Albuquerque Rodrigues, Letícia Oliveira Claizoni d, et al. (+2)
1050 [GO] International Journal of Mobile Learning and Organisation 2023―Jan―13 Teaching and learning with mobile technologies under COVID-19 pandemic: crisis or opportunity Hilary K.Y. Ng, Paul Lai Chuen Lam
1051 [GO] International Journal of Mobile Learning and Organisation 2023―Jan―13 The age of academic integrity in COVID-19: new normal changes to the health professional education Frederic Wai To Choi, Isabel Hwang, Colin Ho Lam Chung, Olivia Miu Yung Ngan, Justin Chak Ting Cheung, Yanny Wing Yan Wong, et al. (+2)
1052 [GO] International Journal of Sustainable Economy 2023―Jan―12 Job Safety, Security, and Sustainability During COVID-19 in the U.S. Xiaohui You
1053 [GO] International Journal of Healthcare Technology and Management 2023―Jan―12 Narcissism and perceived stress among Italian hospital nurses during COVID-19: the moderator role of age Simona Leonelli, Emanuele Primavera
1054 [GO] International Journal of Business and Emerging Markets 2023―Jan―10 COVID-19 outbreak and performance of financial markets: evidence from the stock market, the foreign exchange market and cryptocurrencies market in Nigeria Ibrahim Mohammed
1055 [GO] International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management 2023―Jan―09 Forced digital transformation during the COVID-19 pandemic Marlos Gondim Ribeiro Batista, Letícia Oliveira Claizoni Dos Santos, Djalma Silva Guimar�ães Júnior, Ademir Macedo Nascimento, Gerlane Pereira De Albuquerque Rodrigues
1056 [GO] International Journal of Environment and Waste Management 2023―Jan―07 Environmental pollution from COVID-19 generated wastes result in widespread recycling of SARS-CoV-2 infection Efosa Bolaji Odigie, Osaze Blessing Airiagbonbu, Joyce Osarogie Odigie, Adiru Afolabi Adegboye
1057 [GO] International Journal of Tourism Policy 2023―Jan―07 Exploring the impact of COVID-19 on the travel intermediaries in India: mapping trends and strategies Bipithalal Balakrishnan Nair, Satyajit Sinha, M.R. Dileep
1058 [GO] International Journal of Tourism Policy 2023―Jan―07 Intention of young travellers to travel during the COVID-19 pandemic Md. Nurnobi Islam, Md. ul Hafiz Khan Rakib
1059 [GO] Interdisciplinary Environmental Review 2023―Jan―07 A statistical analysis of air-pollution before COVID-19: experimental study of three years for intelligent environment conducted at North Indian Zone to extract knowledge Rohit Rastogi, Akshit Rajan Rastogi, Neha Gupta
1060 [GO] Interdisciplinary Environmental Review 2023―Jan―07 Modelling the asymmetric nexus between carbon emissions and COVID-19: Indian evidence employing NARDL model Poonam Kumari, Sanjay Kumar Patel
1061 [GO] International Journal of Intellectual Property Management 2023―Jan―07 Adoption of information systems in OCB in the pandemic era mediates personality relationships, organisational culture on employee performance Rabiyatul Jasiyah, Suriadi N.A., Made Setini, St. Sukmawati S.
1062 [GO] International Journal of Smart Grid and Green Communications 2023―Jan―05 An interpretable COVID-19 chest X-ray classification through transfer learning and discriminative localisation-based deep learning techniques Lavanya Yamathi, K. Sandhya Rani
1063 [GO] International Journal of Tourism Anthropology 2023―Jan―05 Evolving food servicescape under post COVID-19 new normal conditions: empirical evidence from Sri Lankan restaurant industry Shamila Wijesundara, Chaturi Danthanarayana, Ruwan Ranasinghe, Piyumi Perera, Asanka Bandara, Namal Gangananda, et al. (+2)
1064 [GO] International Journal of Happiness and Development 2023―Jan―05 Unlocking happiness: people's engagement for mental well-being during the lockdown of the COVID-19 outbreak Prakashkumar Patel, Hardik Bhadeshiya, Baxiskumar Patel
1065 [GO] International Journal of Smart Technology and Learning 2023―Jan―05 Engineering students' perceptions of blended learning during COVID-19 pandemic: context of a developing country Aqel Surama Mohammed Al Suraimi, Mahbub Hasan
1066 [GO] International Journal of Knowledge and Learning 2023―Jan―05 Consequences of online class during COVID-19 with women schoolteachers’ work-life balance T. Jansi Rani, V. Krishna Priya
1067 [GO] International Journal of Student Project Reporting 2023―Jan―04 Exploratory Analysis of the Effectiveness of Measures against the COVID-19 Disease Karla Barievi, Marina Bagi Babac
1068 [GO] International Journal of Electronic Healthcare 2023―Jan―04 Next-Generation Technologies Implicated in Public Health Management of COVID-19 Pandemic Syed Afzal Murtaza Rizvi, Almas Jabeen, Iqbal Hasan
1069 [GO] International Journal of Sustainable Economy 2023―Jan―04 Ethical Motivations for Firms to Prioritize Stakeholder Well-being during the Initial Phase of the COVID-19 Pandemic Alan Blankley, Reginald Harris, Kevin Pan, David Hurtt
1070 [GO] International Journal of Tourism Policy 2023―Jan―04 Intention of young travellers to travel during the COVID-19 pandemic Md. Nurnobi Islam, Md. Rakibul Hafiz Khan Rakib
1071 [GO] International Journal of Economic Policy in Emerging Economies 2023―Jan―04 Walking a tightrope: understanding COVID-19 vaccine allocation in India Kalpana Tokas, Kartik Yadav
1072 [GO] International Journal of Mobile Communications 2023―Jan―04 Determinants of Intentions to Use Near Field Communication Mobile Payments in a Pandemic Context David Oliveira, Suzanne Amaro
1073 [GO] International Journal of Innovation and Sustainable Development 2022―Dec―31 Effects of macroeconomic disturbances on the banking sector and equity markets in Sri Lanka: with special reference to civil war and COVID-19 pandemic Manjula Kumara Wanniarachchige
1074 [GO] International Journal of Management in Education 2022―Dec―29 Online Education and Student Engagement in Higher Education Institutes during COVID-19: An SEM-based study Nishita Gupta, Apeksha Hooda
1075 [GO] European J of International Management 2022―Dec―28 Relevant factors affecting nascent entrepreneurial activity in Chile and Spain: An analysis of the impact of Covid-19 Maribel Guerrero, Ana Fernández Laviada, Marcelo Leporati, Alfonso Jesús Torres Marin
1076 [GO] International Journal of Happiness and Development 2022―Dec―27 Unlocking happiness: people's engagement for mental well-being during the lockdown of the COVID-19 outbreak Prakashkumar Patel, Baxiskumar Patel, Hardik Bhadeshiya
1077 [GO] International Journal of Innovation and Sustainable Development 2022―Dec―23 COVID-19 pandemic roles on consumer behaviour towards sustainable transitions: a retail industry survey Ali A. Salah, Amgad S.D. Khaled, Khalid Alomari, Mosab I. Tabash, Abdulmalek M.M. Saeed
1078 [GO] International Journal of Technology Enhanced Learning 2022―Dec―23 Analysis of e-content of Khuzestan Province teachers during the COVID-19 period based on Mayer's principles Majid Hamdani
1079 [GO] International Journal of Technology Enhanced Learning 2022―Dec―23 Impact and success factors of online education methods at university level in times of COVID-19: a case study of Paraguay Anahi Ibanez, Augustinus Van Der Krogt, Michael Neubert
1080 [GO] International Journal of Innovation and Learning 2022―Dec―23 University students' level of boredom and their coping strategies in emergency remote education during the coronavirus pandemic Mehdi Solhi, Serap Önen
1082 [GO] International Journal of Procurement Management 2022―Dec―22 Adopting electronic healthcare services during COVID-19 and the nations responding: evidence from Jordan Elham Mohammad Alhiary
1083 [GO] International Journal of Electronic Finance 2022―Dec―22 Do changes in earnings signal future prospects after the global financial crisis and emergence of COVID-19 Evidence from Kazakhstan Assem Orazayeva, Alimshan Faizulayev, Muhammad Arslan, Nejat Capar
1084 [GO] International Journal of Smart Technology and Learning 2022―Dec―22 Engineering students' perceptions of blended learning during COVID-19 pandemic: context of a developing country Aqel Surama Mohammed Al Suraimi, Mahbub Hasan
1085 [GO] International Journal of Electronic Finance 2022―Dec―22 Effectiveness of food traceability system: Chinese consumer food purchase intention during the pandemic Candy Lim Chiu, Manqi Li, Jason Lim Chiu
1086 [GO] International Journal of Tourism Anthropology 2022―Dec―21 Evolving food servicescape under post COVID-19 new normal conditions: empirical evidence from Sri Lankan restaurant industry Nipuni Fernando, Shashika Pattiyagedara, Namal Gangananda, Piyumi Perera, Asanka Bandara, Ruwan Ranasinghe, et al. (+2)
1087 [GO] International Journal of Business Innovation and Research 2022―Dec―21 Currency market volatility during the pandemic Olena Kuzmenko, Olena Prokopova, Oleksandra Kononova, Mykola Benko, Tetiana Vlasenko
1088 [GO] International Journal of Knowledge-Based Development 2022―Dec―20 MENA stock markets' sustained financial connectivity: Evidence from pre- vs during Covid-19 Virginie Nahas, Mohamed M. Sraieb, Somar Al mohamad, Ammar Jreisat, Fadia Al Hajj
1089 [GO] International Journal of Economics and Business Research 2022―Dec―20 Research Opportunities in Supply Chain Management during COVID-19 Outbreak: Exploring through Review and Bibliometric Analysis Sonia Singh, Jaspreet Kaur, Ratri Parida
1090 [GO] International Journal of Electronic Customer Relationship Management 2022―Dec―20 Exploring the Linkage between Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction in the Chinese Air Industry during the COVID-19 Pandemic Rana Muhammad Sohail Jafar, Farrah Arif, Waheed Abdul, Wasim Ahmad, Noshin Fatima
1091 [GO] International Journal of Indian Culture and Business Management 2022―Dec―20 The Contribution of HRM with AI for Customer Relationships Management during the COVID-19 Pandemic in the Corporate Sector V. Mahalakshmi N.A.
1092 [GO] International Journal of Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Optimisation 2022―Dec―20 Analysis and simulation of SIR model for COVID-19 spreading with the effect of offline learning and vaccination: a case study of Indonesia Syafruddin Side, Nasiah Badwi, Nurlina Sjahrir, Muhammad Isbar Pratama, Muhammad Rifandi, Suwardi Annas
1093 [GO] International Journal of Export Marketing 2022―Dec―17 Managing global supply chain disruptions under the COVID-19 pandemic: the case of the Norwegian seafood industry Valeria Nyu, Frode Nilssen, Oleg Nenadic
1094 [GO] International Journal of Management and Decision Making 2022―Dec―16 Modelling telemedicine adoption intention during COVID-19 pandemic: An extended unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT) Ali Vafaei Zadeh, Syafrizal Syafrizal, Karpal Singh Dara Singh, Razib Chandra Chanda, JING K.A.I. TENG
1095 [GO] International Journal of Learning and Intellectual Capital 2022―Dec―15 Is intellectual capital related to telecommunications industry financial performance during COVID-19 Afdol Muftiasa, Lili Adi Wibowo, Agus Rahayu
1096 [GO] Global Business and Economics Review 2022―Dec―15 COVID-19 effect on the herding behaviour in the Indian stock market. Shaurya Singh, Vikas Pandey
1097 [GO] International Journal of Business Excellence 2022―Dec―15 AN ANALYTICAL REVIEW ON THE END-USER PERCEPTION OF DISTRIBUTION MATRIX DURING COVID-19 OUTBREAK Jeyaprabha B, Shankar Kumar S
1098 [GO] International Journal of Education Economics and Development 2022―Dec―14 Investigating Thai lecturers' perceptions about factors undermined the reliability of summative assessment during COVID-19 Mohammed Yassin Mohd Aba Sha', N.A. ar, Phanit Singhasuwan, Chamaiporn Buddharat, Pimporn Markphan
1099 [GO] International Journal of Business Innovation and Research 2022―Dec―14 The impact on the job of working from home teleworkers: a report on the Asian context of COVID-19 Chiehwen Ed Hsu, S. Yeshwant Raj, Nguyen Thi Ngoc Thuy
1100 [GO] International Journal of Work Innovation 2022―Dec―14 Millennials, COVID-19, and its impact on perception: the case of the banking system Marwan Azouri, Sylvain Senechal
1101 [GO] International Journal of Engineering Management and Economics 2022―Dec―14 Impact of COVID-19 and responses on the performance of construction projects in Al-Najaf province Rana Shabbar, Asaad M. Ali Kadhum, Ameer A. Alraie
1102 [GO] International Journal of Sustainable Real Estate and Construction Economics 2022―Dec―14 How does heritage drive the recovery of tourism economy after COVID-19 in Thailand A content analysis perspective XiaoXiao Wang
1103 [GO] International Journal of Knowledge Management in Tourism and Hospitality 2022―Dec―14 Determinants behaviour affecting the air cargo flow in COVID-19 pandemic time on route Lisbon-Dubai-Lisbon: application with partial least squares José Manuel Vicente
1104 [GO] International Journal of Work Innovation 2022―Dec―14 Online work adjustment in the sustainable development context during COVID-19 pandemic: a systematic literature review Azizan Bin Morshidi, Kee Y. Sabariah b, te Kee Mohd Yussof, Rizal Zamani Idris, Rafiq Idris, Azlan Abas
1105 [GO] International Journal of Knowledge Management in Tourism and Hospitality 2022―Dec―14 From eating out to online food ordering amid COVID-19: a case of food delivery apps Shahedul Hasan, Md. Imran Hossain Shohag, Imtiaz Uddin Chowdhury, Rubab Miswar, Md. Ashaduzzaman
1106 [GO] International Journal of Work Innovation 2022―Dec―14 The impact of working from home on job satisfaction and work effectiveness in times of the corona pandemic Miria Kramer, Tanja Engelmann
1107 [GO] International Journal of Critical Accounting 2022―Dec―13 Management challenges and information system development in SMES due to COVID-19 fallout: prescriptive case study Fakhrul Hasan, Mohammad Raijul Islam, Muhammad Siddique
1108 [GO] EuroMed J of Management 2022―Dec―08 Uncovering capabilities towards resilience: exploring a process perspective of resources, competences and activities for efficiency during the Covid-19 crisis. Ernest Koranteng
1109 [GO] International Journal of Trade and Global Markets 2022―Dec―07 Management of non-performing assets in India: role of risk management practices in the wake of COVID-19 Dolly Gaur
1110 [GO] International Journal of Economic Policy in Emerging Economies 2022―Dec―07 COVID-19 pandemic and work behaviour of non-farm household enterprises: evidence from Nigerian data Obed I. Ojonta, Jonathan E. Ogbuabor
1111 [GO] International Journal of Public Policy 2022―Dec―06 Managing policy risks using big data analytics in the pandemic era: VUCA and wicked policy problems Sabinne Lee, M. Jae Moon
1112 [GO] International Journal of Knowledge and Learning 2022―Dec―02 A bibliometric analysis of knowledge management research during COVID-19 Umang Anand, Ankur Srivastava, Sanjay Fuloria
1113 [GO] International Journal of Electronic Healthcare 2022―Dec―02 The digital transformation of Czech healthcare: Trends and COVID-19 impact Jana Vlčková, Veronika Klimková
1114 [GO] World Review of Science Technology and Sustainable Development 2022―Dec―01 An impact study on COVID-19 and tourism sustainability: intelligent solutions, issues and future challenges Saumendra Das, Janmenjoy Nayak, Bighnaraj Naik
1115 [GO] International Journal of Sustainable Real Estate and Construction Economics 2022―Dec―01 How does heritage drive the recovery of tourism economy after COVID-19 in Thailand A content analysis perspective XiaoXiao Wang
1116 [GO] World Review of Science Technology and Sustainable Development 2022―Dec―01 Impact of the COVID-19 on MSCI world equity market index Nurhan Toğuç
1117 [GO] World Review of Science Technology and Sustainable Development 2022―Dec―01 The situation of the tourist sectors after the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic - tourism covidisation Bartosz Korinth
1118 [GO] World Review of Science Technology and Sustainable Development 2022―Dec―01 Potential impacts of COVID-19 pandemic on Turkish economy and its carbon dioxide emissions: an extended input-output analysis Levent Aydin, Izzet Ari
1119 [GO] World Review of Science Technology and Sustainable Development 2022―Dec―01 COVID-19 pandemic period reflections on problems experienced in distance education at the primary school level: teacher opinions Nefise Celik Omeraga, Nurdan Ozrecberoglu, Sema Yilmaz Genc, Rui Alexandre Castanho
1120 [GO] World Review of Entrepreneurship Management and Sustainable Development 2022―Dec―01 Impact investing resurgence amid COVID-19 pandemic: a way for sustainable development Nirali Degda Rajyaguru, Narayan Baser
1121 [GO] World Review of Entrepreneurship Management and Sustainable Development 2022―Dec―01 Online learning during Covid-19 pandemic: issues and challenges R. Samundeswari, K. Sathya Bama, Ravichandran Krishnamoorthy
1122 [GO] World Review of Science Technology and Sustainable Development 2022―Dec―01 Effects of COVID-19 pandemics on the cost items of hotel operations Muammer Mesci, Mehmet Akif Öncü, Aslinur Yavuz
1123 [GO] International Journal of Medical Engineering and Informatics 2022―Dec―01 Outbreak trends of fatality rate into coronavirus disease-2019 using deep learning Robin Singh Bhadoria, Yash Gupta, Ivan Perl
1124 [GO] World Review of Science Technology and Sustainable Development 2022―Dec―01 How SARS-CoV-2 crisis could influence the tourism intentions of Azores Archipelago residents A study based on the assessment of the public perceptions Gualter Couto, Rui Alexandre Castanho, Pedro Pimentel, Célia Barreto Carvalho, Áurea Sousa
1125 [GO] European J of International Management 2022―Dec―01 A (local) apple a day: pandemic-induced changes in local food buying, a generational cohort perspective Ofrit Kol, Dorit Zimand Sheiner, Shalom Levy
1126 [GO] International Journal of Business Excellence 2022―Nov―29 THE IMPORTANCE OF TRANSFORMATIONAL LEADERSHIP IN TIMES OF PANDEMIC COVID-19: AN APPLICATION OF PLS-R Felipa Lopes Dos Reis, José Manuel Vicente, Jo�ão Lamy Gil
1127 [GO] International Journal of Public Law and Policy 2022―Nov―29 The legality of the emergency defence orders in Jordan issued during corona pandemic: compliance or derogation Amin Al Adaiyleh, Mosleh Tarawneh
1128 [GO] International Journal of Knowledge-Based Development 2022―Nov―28 Understanding The Impacts Of The COVID-19 Pandemic On The Aviation And Tourism Industry Viet Duc Bui, Thi Tuyet Mai Nguyen, Hoang Phuong Nguyen
1129 [GO] International Journal of Technology Enhanced Learning 2022―Nov―28 Impact and success factors of online education methods at university level in times of COVID-19: a case study of Paraguay Anahi Ibanez, Michael Neubert, Augustinus Van Der Krogt
1130 [GO] Progress in Industrial Ecology An International Journal 2022―Nov―27 The effects of COVID-19 on social enterprise tourism initiatives: a multiple case study approach of the global south Sara Calvo, Andrés Morales
1131 [GO] International Journal of Human Rights and Constitutional Studies 2022―Nov―25 Impact of COVID-19 on female migrants in India and policy responses Dipikanta Chakraborty
1132 [GO] International Journal of Productivity and Quality Management 2022―Nov―25 Which Key Action Plans Should Be Prioritized for SME Retail Entities in Navigating Business during the COVID-19 Pandemic Benyamin Suwito Rahardjo, Dennis Wilson, Jason Auryn Ho, Elia Oey
1133 [GO] International Journal of Public Policy 2022―Nov―25 Managing policy risks using big data analytics in the pandemic era: VUCA and wicked policy problems Sabinne Lee, M. Jae Moon
1134 [GO] International Journal of Business Innovation and Research 2022―Nov―24 Medical crowdfunding in India during Covid-19: Predictive modelling of campaign strength using XGBoost and Random Forest Madhavi Lokhande, Rangapriya S
1135 [GO] International Journal of Electronic Security and Digital Forensics 2022―Nov―24 Pandemic Outbreak Prediction with An Enhanced Parameter Optimization Algorithm using Machine Learning Models Ashima Kukkar, Dr.K.R.Ramkumar Kumar, Soni Singh
1136 [GO] International Journal of Monetary Economics and Finance 2022―Nov―24 Volatility contagion (spillover) between Chinese and Pakistani stock markets during COVID-19: pre and post analysis of trade-level data Syed Faisal Hasan Bukhari, Habib Ahmad, Hasan Hanif, Syed Farhan Shah
1137 [GO] International Journal of Monetary Economics and Finance 2022―Nov―23 A study on the impact of COVID-19 on the financial health of Indian companies R. Ramprakash, C. Joe Arun
1138 [GO] International Journal of Behavioural and Healthcare Research 2022―Nov―23 What factors influence consumer overconsumption of food An investigation from Dhaka during the COVID-19 pandemic Tanveer Kabir, Nurun Naher Popy, M. Sayeed Alam
1139 [GO] International Journal of Behavioural and Healthcare Research 2022―Nov―23 Trust in institutions, perceived benefits, risk perception and people's intention to get a COVID-19 vaccine N.A. Verra, Ardion Beldad
1140 [GO] International Journal of Modelling Identification and Control 2022―Nov―23 Mathematical modelling for prediction of spread of corona virus and artificial intelligence/machine learning-based technique to detect COVID-19 via smartphone sensors Sumeet Goyal, Digvijay Pandey, Harjinder Singh, Joginder Singh, Rahul Kakkar, P. Naga Srinivasu
1141 [GO] International Journal of Modelling Identification and Control 2022―Nov―23 Suppression of positive emotions during pandemic era: a deep learning framework for rehabilitation Ahona Ghosh, Sriparna Saha
1142 [GO] International Journal of Automotive Technology and Management 2022―Nov―22 COVID-19 crisis and the Automotive Industry in Mexico: Public policies and Firms strategies Lourdes Alvarez Medina
1143 [GO] International Journal of Surface Science and Engineering 2022―Nov―22 Recent development of antiviral nano-coatings for COVID-19 management - a review Manoj Raula, Sucheta Sengupta
1144 [GO] International Journal of Global Warming 2022―Nov―22 Analysis of climate change resilience for urban disaster and pandemic mitigations incorporated with energy-mix Tae Ho Woo
1145 [GO] International Journal of Services Economics and Management 2022―Nov―18 Barter scheme in supply chain of traditional wet market during COVID-19 pandemic N.A. Sutanto, Jamal Wiwoho, Intan Novela Qurrotul Aini, Alexander Yonathan Christy
1146 [GO] International Journal of Economics and Business Research 2022―Nov―18 How the COVID-19 pandemic affected the investment characteristics of Indonesian government bond market Alexander Ganchev
1147 [GO] International Journal of Services Economics and Management 2022―Nov―18 Collaborative behaviours and social dilemmas during the coronavirus pandemic: does gender matter in the context of Moroccan firms Slimane Ed Dafali, Miloudi Kobiyh, Amina Omrane, Nahid Bikhzazen
1148 [GO] International Journal of Services and Operations Management 2022―Nov―17 Effect of uncertainty in demand and production for manufacturing industries during COVID-19 Renu Sharma, Anubhav Pratap Singh, Ritu Arora, Anand Chauhan
1149 [GO] International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business 2022―Nov―17 SMEs' strategies for dealing with the Covid-19 emergency: a case study in the Italian food industry Aidin Salamzadeh, Ciro Troise, Mark Anthony Camilleri, Sara Pioggerella, Serena Strazzullo
1150 [GO] International Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering 2022―Nov―17 Design of a machine learning to classify health beverages preferences for elderly people: an empirical study during COVID-19 in Thailand Athakorn Kengpol, Jakkarin Klunngien
1151 [GO] International Journal of Export Marketing 2022―Nov―16 Happy customers means more business - a comparative study of a global food chain in COVID-19 endemic era R.K. Srivastava
1152 [GO] International Journal of Work Organisation and Emotion 2022―Nov―15 Working from home, COVID-19 and multi-dimensional model of well-being theory Muhamad Azuwan Juna, Muhammad Anshari, Norainie Ahmad, Mahani Hamdan
1153 [GO] J for International Business and Entrepreneurship Development 2022―Nov―15 Applied strategic management by managers in the hotel and tourism industry in Cyprus and Greece during the COVID-19 pandemic Marcos Komodromos, Sameh Abadir, Baker Ahmad Alserhan, Daphne Halkias
1154 [GO] International Journal of Indian Culture and Business Management 2022―Nov―15 Importance of emotional quotient and spiritual quotient on employee engagement in IT/ITES industries during COVID-19 pandemic Nanjaraje S. Urs, Vivek Rajapadmanabhan, S. Manjunath
1155 [GO] International Journal of Modelling Identification and Control 2022―Nov―14 Mathematical modelling for prediction of spread of corona virus and artificial intelligence/machine learning-based technique to detect COVID-19 via smartphone sensors P. Naga Srinivasu, Rahul Kakkar, Harjinder Singh, Joginder Singh, Sumeet Goyal, Digvijay Pandey
1156 [GO] International Journal of Modelling Identification and Control 2022―Nov―14 Suppression of positive emotions during pandemic era: a deep learning framework for rehabilitation Sriparna Saha, Ahona Ghosh
1157 [GO] International Journal of Productivity and Quality Management 2022―Nov―14 A stakeholder theory approach to analyzing strategies for improving pandemic vaccine supply chain performance Venkataiah Chittipaka, Ramji Nagariya, SUBHODEEP MUKHERJEE, Manish Mohan Baral
1158 [GO] International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology 2022―Nov―12 A flexible mobile application for image classification using deep learning: a case study on COVID-19 and X-ray images Elilson Santos, Omar Andres Carmona Cortes, Bruno Feres De Souza
1159 [GO] International Journal of Work Innovation 2022―Nov―12 Assessment of changes in the online labour market in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic: comparison of the dynamics of rural and urban participation Gulnaz F. Galieva, Maria E. Konovalova, Sergey Ponomarev, Ekaterina V. Sazanova, Sergei Yashin, Natalja V. Polujanova
1160 [GO] International Journal of Business Innovation and Research 2022―Nov―11 Is HR Transformation during Covid-19 Facilitating Employees' Well-being Megha Sharma, Sourabh Sharma
1161 [GO] International Journal of Global Warming 2022―Nov―11 Analysis of climate change resilience for urban disaster and pandemic mitigations incorporated with energy-mix Tae Ho Woo
1162 [GO] International Journal of Financial Services Management 2022―Nov―10 Volatility clustering and persistence during COVID-19: evidence of asymmetric volatility in the Asia-Pacific stock markets Dharen Kumar Pandey, Vineeta Kumari
1163 [GO] International Journal of Technology Intelligence and Planning 2022―Nov―09 An introduction to the new challenges and promise of I-4.0 based commercialisation in the COVID-19-induced 'low-touch economy' ecosystem Robert F. Gary, Steven T. Walsh
1164 [GO] International Journal of Medical Engineering and Informatics 2022―Nov―09 A comprehensive review on the diagnosis and testing strategies for coronavirus disease M.I. Niyas Ahamed, V. Ragul, Vishnu Priya Veeraraghavan, Shanmugrathinam Alagarsamy, Krishna Mohan Surapaneni
1165 [GO] International Journal of Medical Engineering and Informatics 2022―Nov―09 Automatic detection of novel corona virus (SARS-CoV-2) infection in computed tomography scan based on local adaptive thresholding and kernel-support vectors Ritam Sharma, Ranjan Maheshwari, Janki Ballabh Sharma
1166 [GO] International Journal of Management Practice 2022―Nov―09 The role of strategic scenarios in health security management: empirical evidence from Iraq in light of the COVID.19 pandemic M�er Hussein
1167 [GO] International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology 2022―Nov―07 A flexible mobile application for image classification using deep learning: a case study on COVID-19 and X-ray images Bruno Feres De Souza, Omar Andres Carmona Cortes, Elilson Santos
1168 [GO] J for International Business and Entrepreneurship Development 2022―Nov―04 Applied strategic management by managers in the hotel and tourism industry in Cyprus and Greece during the COVID-19 pandemic Daphne Halkias, Marcos Komodromos, Baker Ahmad Alserhan, Sameh Abadir
1169 [GO] International Journal of Knowledge Management in Tourism and Hospitality 2022―Nov―04 Determinants behaviour affecting the aircargo flow in Covid-19 pandemic time on route Lisbon-Dubai-Lisbon: application with partial least squares José Manuel Vicente N.A.
1170 [GO] International Journal of Innovation and Learning 2022―Nov―03 Urban University Students in Latin America's Perceptions of Covid-19 Imprisonment Juan Villanueva Calderón, Laura Nivin Vargas, Roger Norabuena Figueroa, Martha Guerra Muñoz, Edwin Hernan Ramirez Asis, Eva Zarzosa Marquez
1171 [GO] International Journal of Tourism Policy 2022―Nov―03 Exploring the impact of COVID-19 on the travel intermediaries in India: mapping trends and strategies Bipithalal Balakrishnan Nair, Satyajit Sinha, M.R. Dileep
1172 [GO] Global Business and Economics Review 2022―Nov―03 THE ROLE OF MICROFINANCE INSTITUTIONS DURING THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC Budi Joyo B.J.S. Santoso, Hasan H.A. Ashari, Trinandari Prasetyo Nugrahanti
1173 [GO] International Journal of Productivity and Quality Management 2022―Nov―03 Quality Improvement and Competencies of Nurses: A combat mechanism for the Covid-19 scenario Snigdha Mohapatra, Sharanika Dhal
1174 [GO] International Journal of Technology Intelligence and Planning 2022―Nov―03 An introduction to the new challenges and promise of I-4.0 based commercialisation in the COVID-19-induced 'low-touch economy' ecosystem Steven T. Walsh, Robert F. Gary
1175 [GO] International Journal of Tourism Policy 2022―Nov―01 Input-output effects of the Turkish hospitality industry in the Covid-19 era Emir Doğan Çifdalöz, Berk Semiz, Burak Ökkeş Parlak, Gözde Yangu, Sevil Acar
1176 [GO] International Journal of Innovation and Learning 2022―Nov―01 Academic impact of sudden and unforeseen changes in the learning environment due to the COVID-19 pandemic Alejandro M. Fernández Castro, Roberto Sánchez Cabrero, Yousef Husein Eiadat
1177 [GO] Global Business and Economics Review 2022―Nov―01 Coffee shop visiting during the pandemic: moderating effects of process and physical evidence Hiroko Oe, Yasuyuki Yamaoka, Krittin Buasin
1178 [GO] International Journal of Computational Intelligence Studies 2022―Oct―31 Modelling of Decarbonized Global and Local Supply Chain Network for Material-Based Greenhouse Gas Emission and Costs with COVID-19 Disruption and Trans-Pacific Partnership Tetsuo Yamada, Hiromasa Ijuin, Keisuke Nagasawa, Takaki Nagao
1179 [GO] International Journal of Entrepreneurial Venturing 2022―Oct―31 Drivers of e-marketing orientation for entrepreneurs and the self-employed in Jordan: The moderating role of perceived continuity of COVID-19 using the SEM approach Sahem Nawafleh, Wael Hadi
1180 [GO] International Journal of Public Law and Policy 2022―Oct―29 Vaccines sell ban as a corollary of the Peruvian response to COVID-19 Andrea Villanueva, Oscar Sumar
1181 [GO] International Journal of Electronic Healthcare 2022―Oct―29 Health public crisis impact on non-life insurance: the case of COVID-19 Marta Costa, Rui Gonçalves, Renato Lopes d, a Costa, Leandro Pereira, Álvaro Dias
1182 [GO] International Journal of Electronic Healthcare 2022―Oct―29 Social media use by governments for COVID-19 Seungil Yum
1183 [GO] International Journal of Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Optimisation 2022―Oct―29 Optimal quarantine, isolation, and social distancing strategies for COVID-19 based on a mathematical model L.W. Somathilake, M.C.S. Fernando
1184 [GO] International Journal of Management in Education 2022―Oct―29 Transformation leadership and work performance: mediating role of faculty engagement in higher educational institutions during COVID-19 pandemic Siji Joseph, Ch. Bala Nageswara Rao
1185 [GO] International Journal of Electronic Healthcare 2022―Oct―29 The use of mobile application (Shlonik) to control the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic in Kuwait Faisal L.F.H. Almutairi, Ibtisam L.F.H. Almutairi, Bodoor F.G. Alazemi
1186 [GO] International Journal of Management in Education 2022―Oct―29 Panic-gogy in the COVID-19 pandemic: developing online teaching self-efficacy by management faculty Daneshwar Sharma, Prabhat Pankaj
1187 [GO] International Journal of Work Innovation 2022―Oct―28 Millennials, COVID-19, and its impact on perception: the case of the banking system Sylvain Sénéchal, Marwan Azouri
1188 [GO] International Journal of Work Innovation 2022―Oct―28 Online work adjustment in the sustainable development context during COVID-19 pandemic: a systematic literature review Rafiq Idris, Rizal Zamani Idris, Kee Y. Sabariah Bte Kee Mohd Yussof, Azizan Bin Morshidi, Azlan Abas
1189 [GO] International Journal of Learning and Change 2022―Oct―27 Proposed resilience strategy for higher education institutions post COVID-19 S. Al Zubaidy, W. Khan
1190 [GO] International Journal of Electronic Finance 2022―Oct―27 Does COVID-19 influence in reshaping the banking habits of the individual An empirical investigation Sudarshan Maity, Tarak Nath Sahu, Debasish Biswas
1191 [GO] Electronic Government an International Journal 2022―Oct―26 How do the US governments have their social networks for COVID-19 according to administrative levels Seungil Yum
1192 [GO] Progress in Industrial Ecology An International Journal 2022―Oct―25 How did a state of emergency facilitate populist strategy during the pandemic Hungary and Brazil in comparative perspective Emre Taşkıran
1193 [GO] International Journal of Biomedical Engineering and Technology 2022―Oct―24 Unveiling the potential of complex network in coronavirus proliferation study S. Sankararaman
1194 [GO] International Journal of Productivity and Quality Management 2022―Oct―22 Evaluating the impact of Industry 4.0 technologies on medical devices manufacturing firm's operations during COVID-19 Sanjiv Narula, Surya Prakash, Harish Puppala, Maheswar Dwivedy, Vishal Talwar, Rajinder Singh
1195 [GO] International Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing 2022―Oct―22 <i>CovFakeBot</i>: a machine learning based chatbot using ensemble learning technique for COVID-19 fake news detection Hunar Batra, Gunjan Kanwar Palawat, Kanika Gupta, N.A. Priadarshana, N.A. Supragya, Deepali Bajaj, Urmil Bharti
1196 [GO] International Journal of Computational Economics and Econometrics 2022―Oct―21 An integrated K-means-GP approach for US stock fund diversification and its impact due to COVID-19 Dinesh K. Sharma, H.S. Hota, Vineet Kumar Awasthi
1197 [GO] International Journal of Computational Economics and Econometrics 2022―Oct―21 The management of COVID-19 epidemic: estimate of the actual infected population, impact of social distancing and directions for an efficient testing strategy. The case of Italy Federico Brogi, Barbara Guardabascio, Giulio Barcaroli
1198 [GO] International Journal of Management Concepts and Philosophy 2022―Oct―21 Fostering employee well-being and organizational sustainability in hospitality industry during pandemic crisis: The moderating effect of COVID-19 event Mohammad Ali Yamin, Mohammad Swaiess
1199 [GO] International Journal of Computational Economics and Econometrics 2022―Oct―21 Socio-economic and demographic factors influencing the spatial spread of COVID-19 in the USA Christopher F. Baum, Miguel Henry
1200 [GO] International Journal of Business Performance Management 2022―Oct―21 THE USE OF TECHNOLOGY AMONG THE OMANI RETAILERS AMIDST THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC Mahfooz Ahmed, Salim Nasser Alriyami
1201 [GO] International Journal of Economics and Business Research 2022―Oct―21 Covid-19 Pandemic and Explicit Deposit Insurance Scheme: Analytical Study Mohamed Sayed Abou Elseoud
1202 [GO] International Journal of Computational Economics and Econometrics 2022―Oct―21 COVID-19 pandemic and the economy: sentiment analysis on Twitter data Shira Fano, Gianluca Toschi
1203 [GO] International Journal of Computational Economics and Econometrics 2022―Oct―21 Evaluating the efficiency of fiscal responses to COVID-19 pandemic in the OECD countries: a two-stage data envelopment analysis approach Israa A. El Husseiny, Mohamed M. Badawy
1204 [GO] International Journal of Economics and Business Research 2022―Oct―21 Price Inflation in the Agricultural Sector During the Covid-19 Pandemic: Is it a Supply or Demand Issue Bora Aktan Aktan, Omar Masood, Muhammad Ather, Mohamed Sayed Abou Elseoud
1205 [GO] International Journal of Computational Economics and Econometrics 2022―Oct―21 Searching for the peak: Google Trends and the first COVID-19 wave in Italy Paolo Brunori, Giuliano Resce, Laura Serlenga
1206 [GO] International Journal of Business Continuity and Risk Management 2022―Oct―20 Managing Organizational Effectiveness during a Pandemic: A Conceptual Framework Priyanka Sihag, Aastha Dhoopar
1207 [GO] International Journal of Technology Marketing 2022―Oct―19 COVID-19 resilience via digital cultural heritage; digital life in museums and festivals during the anthropause Zoe Charis Belenioti
1208 [GO] International Journal of Procurement Management 2022―Oct―19 The Prevalence of Stress and Anxiety level among Working Employees in Different Service Sectors during Pandemic Mohit Rishi, Tanmoy De, ANKESH MITTAL, Sumanjeet Singh, Vimal Kumar, Pratima Verma
1209 [GO] International Journal of Innovation and Learning 2022―Oct―19 A Response to the Educational Roadblock Due to the Pandemic: How Can a University Virtual Tour Experience Affect Enrollment Intentions Achmad Nizar Hidayanto, Widia Resti Fitriani, Hugo Nathanael Yuwono, Sherah Kurnia
1210 [GO] International Journal of Business Performance Management 2022―Oct―18 Exploring duration gap of Islamic banks during COVID-19 crisis: an inter-regional online focus group study Syed Alamdar Ali Shah, Bayu Arie Fianto, Sri Herianingrum, Raditya Sukmana
1211 [GO] International Journal of Services Economics and Management 2022―Oct―18 Impact of COVID-19 on the migrant worker livelihood: study in the Jalpaiguri Region, India Nirmal Chandra Roy
1212 [GO] World Review of Entrepreneurship Management and Sustainable Development 2022―Oct―14 Online learning during Covid-19 pandemic: issues and challenges K. Sathya Bama, Ravichandran Krishnamoorthy, R. Samundeswari
1213 [GO] Interdisciplinary Environmental Review 2022―Oct―13 Modelling the asymmetric nexus between carbon emissions and COVID-19: Indian evidence employing NARDL model Poonam Kumari, Sanjay Kumar Patel
1214 [GO] International Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing 2022―Oct―07 <i>CovFakeBot</i>: a machine learning based chatbot using ensemble learning technique for COVID-19 fake news detection N.A. Supragya, Deepali Bajaj, N.A. Priadarshana, Gunjan Kanwar Palawat, Kanika Gupta, Urmil Bharti, Hunar Batra
1215 [GO] International Journal of Financial Markets and Derivatives 2022―Oct―07 Investigation of financial markets performance due to coronavirus outbreak: EGARCH and bivariate regression approach Alireza Rokhsari, Neda Doodman, Akbar Esfahanipour
1216 [GO] International Journal of Mobile Learning and Organisation 2022―Oct―06 Proposal of algorithms to make up for lost school and university years in post-conflict African countries in the face of Covid-19: case of the Central African Republic Ghislain Mervyl Saint Juste Kossingou, Bessan Melckior Dégboé, Samuel Ouya, Gervais Mendy
1217 [GO] International Journal of Sustainable Economy 2022―Oct―06 Investment certainty in ESG investing due to COVID-19: evidence from India Peeyush Bangur, Ruchi Bangur, Pratima Jain, Abhikrati Shukla
1218 [GO] International Journal of Management and Decision Making 2022―Oct―05 A multi-criteria-based analytical study of the impact of COVID-19 on ELSS fund performance Sanjib Biswas, Dragan Pamucar, Jayanta Nath Mukhopadhyaya
1219 [GO] International Journal of Computing Science and Mathematics 2022―Oct―05 Modelling the impact of lock-downs in top-4 COVID-19 spreading states of India Adarsh Anand, Mohini Agarwal, Niyati Aggrawal, Navneet Bhatt
1220 [GO] International Journal of Research Innovation and Commercialisation 2022―Oct―04 'Selling the monster' or the relevance of cultural-cognitive conditions in creating demand for innovation: the case of COVID-19 vaccines and beyond Filippo Reale
1221 [GO] International Journal of Technology Enhanced Learning 2022―Oct―01 Digitising education in Nigeria: lessons from COVID-19 Blessing Ufuoma Olanrewaju, Joshua Adeyemi Afolabi
1222 [GO] International Journal of Process Management and Benchmarking 2022―Oct―01 Exploring fantasy football's impact on the NFL experience during the COVID-19 pandemic Alan D. Smith
1223 [GO] International Journal of Healthcare Technology and Management 2022―Oct―01 Telemedicine in Asia: a tool to handle the COVID-19 pandemic and a prospective path for healthcare delivery Vera Lúcia Raposo
1224 [GO] International Journal of Environment and Waste Management 2022―Oct―01 Residents’ Satisfaction of Urban Solid Waste Collection Amidst COVID-19 Pandemic Lockdown Period in Ede, Nigeria Sakariyau A. Ademola, Adewale M. Olayiwola, Lateef A. Adeniyi
1225 [GO] International Journal of Technology Enhanced Learning 2022―Oct―01 The impact of sudden forced-migration to the online world during COVID-19 pandemic on teachers' burnout Atef Abuhmaid
1226 [GO] International Journal of Technology Enhanced Learning 2022―Oct―01 Moving from face-to-face to online learning in a week due to the COVID-19 pandemic: higher education students' perceptions Stelios Xinogalos
1227 [GO] International Journal of Export Marketing 2022―Oct―01 Managing global supply chain disruptions under the COVID-19 pandemic: the case of the Norwegian seafood industry Oleg Nenadic, Frode Nilssen, Valeria Nyu
1228 [GO] International Journal of Environmental Policy and Decision Making 2022―Sep―29 The COVID-19 crisis: resilience and sustainability as response factors to the pandemic in the tourism sector Fabio Fortuna, Grazia Chiara Elmo, Marzia Traverso, Gabriella Arcese
1229 [GO] International Journal of Logistics Systems and Management 2022―Sep―29 Effects of Duration of Visits on Covid-19 Infection Using a Multi-agent Simulation and Lean Concept Patchanee Patitad, Woramol C. Watanabe
1230 [GO] International Journal of Applied Decision Sciences 2022―Sep―29 Verification of neural network models for forecasting the volatility of the WIG20 index rates of return during COVID-19 pandemic Aleksandra Zakrzewska, Emilia Fraszka Sobczyk
1231 [GO] International Journal of Innovation and Learning 2022―Sep―29 COVID-19 pandemic and preparedness of teachers for online synchronous classes Deep Jyoti Gurung, Manmayuri Goswami
1232 [GO] International Journal of Innovation and Learning 2022―Sep―29 Neurological examination lab during SARS-CoV-2 pandemic: an experience from Humanitas University, Milan, Italy Matteo Biroli, Valeriano Vinci, Licia Montagna, Silvia Oldani
1233 [GO] International Journal of Sustainable Agricultural Management and Informatics 2022―Sep―28 The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on Greek agribusiness enterprises' adoption of information communication technologies and e-commerce Stratos Moschidis, Christina Karamichalakou, Athanasios C. Thanopoulos
1234 [GO] International Journal of Business Forecasting and Marketing Intelligence 2022―Sep―28 Coping with the Dark Shadows: Consumer Response to Financial Hardships during a Health Pandemic Swati Jain, Meenakshi Handa
1235 [GO] International Journal of Smart Grid and Green Communications 2022―Sep―27 An interpretable COVID-19 chest X-ray classification through transfer learning and discriminative localisation-based deep learning techniques K.Sandhya Rani, Lavanya Yamathi
1236 [GO] International Journal of Business Performance and Supply Chain Modelling 2022―Sep―27 Did the COVID-19 crisis change inventory efficiency Evidence from Finland Olli Pekka Hilmola
1237 [GO] International Journal of Gender Studies in Developing Societies 2022―Sep―27 Interface between gender and the COVID-19 induced work-from-home policy: evidence from a Zimbabwe University Efiritha Chauraya
1238 [GO] International Journal of Monetary Economics and Finance 2022―Sep―27 The effects of COVID-19 pandemic on the exchange rate: an empirical analysis for turkey as an emerging economy Fatih Ayhan
1239 [GO] International Journal of Management and Decision Making 2022―Sep―27 Fostering the Value of Diversity in Organizations During the Pandemic Period Gregory W. Ulferts, Evan A. Peterson, Terry L. Howard
1240 [GO] International Journal of Computing Science and Mathematics 2022―Sep―21 Modelling the impact of lock-downs in top-4 COVID-19 spreading states of India Navneet Bhatt, Mohini Agarwal, Adarsh Anand, Niyati Aggrawal
1241 [GO] International Journal of Electronic Business 2022―Sep―20 Online shopping spree in times of COVID-19 pandemic Lilia Khrouf, Souad Maghraoui
1242 [GO] International Journal of Monetary Economics and Finance 2022―Sep―20 Same storm, different boats: the COVID-19 pandemic and its impact on Indonesian public companies Muhammad Syukur, Heru Fahlevi
1243 [GO] International Journal of Web Engineering and Technology 2022―Sep―20 A bibliometric analysis of COVID-19's impact on the sharing economy Jian Feng, Zhenfeng Liu
1244 [GO] International Journal of Research Innovation and Commercialisation 2022―Sep―19 'Selling the monster' or the relevance of cultural-cognitive conditions in creating demand for innovation: the case of COVID-19 vaccines and beyond Filippo Reale
1245 [GO] International Journal of Behavioural and Healthcare Research 2022―Sep―19 What factors influence consumer overconsumption of food An investigation from Dhaka during the Covid19 Pandemic. Tanveer Kabir, Nurun Naher Popy, M. Sayeed Alam
1246 [GO] International Journal of Indian Culture and Business Management 2022―Sep―17 Neutralising COVID-19 induced inhibitors of vacationing intention: an Indian perspective Debankur Saha, Anirban Chakraborty
1247 [GO] International Journal of Electronic Banking 2022―Sep―17 Did the effects of the pandemic affect online/digital banking adoption in Sri Lanka Anuja Yapabandara, Nagalingam Nagendrakumar
1248 [GO] International Journal of Business Performance and Supply Chain Modelling 2022―Sep―16 Did the COVID-19 crisis change inventory efficiency Evidence from Finland Olli Pekka Hilmola
1249 [GO] International Journal of Logistics Systems and Management 2022―Sep―16 Selecting the best network design for COVID-19 healthcare waste disposal using fuzzy analytic hierarchy process Tasneem Al khalailah, Nader Theeb, Khalid Alzoubi
1250 [GO] International Journal of Work Organisation and Emotion 2022―Sep―14 A Model of Factors Affecting Job Satisfaction and Job Performance during COVID-19 Pandemic: Evidence from the Hotel Industry in Vietnam Vuong Bui Nhat N.A.
1251 [GO] International Journal of Environmental Technology and Management 2022―Sep―14 Impact of COVID-19 restrictive precautions on air quality: case of Zonguldak, Turkey Rabia Köklü, Burçin Atılgan Türkmen, Ece Ümmü Deveci, Çağdaş Gönen
1252 [GO] International Journal of Web Engineering and Technology 2022―Sep―14 A bibliometric analysis of COVID-19's impact on the sharing economy Zhenfeng Liu, Jian Feng
1253 [GO] International Journal of Business and Systems Research 2022―Sep―13 How can fear impact economic decisions in pandemic contexts at the light of decision-making systems An approach to the COVID-19 case José Chavaglia Neto, António Bento Caleiro, José António Filipe, Manuel Pacheco Coelho, Gholamreza Askari
1254 [GO] International Journal of Applied Decision Sciences 2022―Sep―13 Flying journey and the contemporary customers combating COVID-19: the 'need' of the hour Riya Gupta, Rachna Agrawal, Arti Gupta
1255 [GO] International Journal of Innovation in Education 2022―Sep―10 Online instructional modalities and pragmatic business education: evidence from transition to eLearning during COVID-19 crisis Audil Rashid Khaki, Nasser Elkanj, Maia Chiabrishvili, Ana Tvaliashvili
1256 [GO] International Journal of Education Economics and Development 2022―Sep―10 Reality of distance learning facing educational caused by Covid-19 pandemic among Jordanian university students with disabilities Worud Awamleh Awamleh N.A.
1257 [GO] International Journal of Reasoning-based Intelligent Systems 2022―Sep―10 Diagnosis of pneumonia in the lungs in the conditions of the COVID-19 pandemic using ensemble learning methods Fargana J. Abdullayeva, Suleyman Suleymanzade
1258 [GO] International Journal of Innovation in Education 2022―Sep―10 Medical education in Covid-19 pandemic: e-learning based professionalising activities Benedetta Agnelli, Silvia Oldani, Valeriano Vinci, Mattia Loppini, Ferdinando Cananzi, Damiano Chiari, et al. (+2)
1259 [GO] International Journal of Business Performance Management 2022―Sep―09 Leadership Styles and Business Performance: A Study of Service-based SMEs amidst the COVID-19 Pandemic in Klang Valley, Malaysia. Osaro Aigbogun, Yow Hong Tay
1260 [GO] International Journal of Mobile Communications 2022―Sep―08 Value elements among generations: A study of smartphone use between Generations Y and Z (the COVID-19 generation) in South Korea Jaehyun Park, Muhammad Hussain
1261 [GO] International Journal of Medical Engineering and Informatics 2022―Sep―08 Impact of COVID-19 on individuals' mental health and preventive health behaviours: a conceptual framework Rajesh R. Pai, Naganna Chetty, Sreejith Alathur
1262 [GO] International Journal of Medical Engineering and Informatics 2022―Sep―08 Contactless non-invasive method to identify abnormal tongue area using <i>K</i>-mean and problem identification in COVID-19 scenario Pallavi Pahadiya, Ritu Vijay, Kumod Kumar Gupta, Shivani Saxena, Ritu Tandon
1263 [GO] International Journal of Indian Culture and Business Management 2022―Sep―08 The footprint of internal labour migration on the COVID-19 scenario of India: an analysis of structural break and growth rate Anil Bhumali, Ummey Rummana Barlaskar, Shrabanti Maity
1264 [GO] Middle East J of Management 2022―Sep―07 Consumers' smartphone preferences in Turkey during the COVID-19 pandemic Gonca Telli Yamamoto, Samet Aydin, Fehim Duzgun, Eda Telli
1265 [GO] International Journal of Logistics Systems and Management 2022―Sep―06 Impact of COVID-19 on Supply Chain Management: A Study on Food Industry Nurun Naher Popy, S. S. M. Sadrul Huda, Sunny Saha
1266 [GO] International Journal of Indian Culture and Business Management 2022―Sep―03 Paradoxical thinking and entrepreneurial resilience: a study against the backdrop of COVID-19 disruption Bhabani Shankar Padhy, R. Kumar Bhaskar
1267 [GO] International Journal of Diplomacy and Economy 2022―Sep―03 COVID-19 impacts on multilateralism and diplomacy: the potential of business diplomacy Sergio Caballero, Iñigo Arbiol
1268 [GO] International Journal of Indian Culture and Business Management 2022―Sep―03 Crisis management and strategies for the future: evidences from the pandemic hit on Indian hotel sector Raju Majumdar
1269 [GO] International Journal of Electronic Finance 2022―Sep―02 Do Changes in Earnings Signal Future Prospects after the Global Financial Crisis and Emergence of COVID-19 Evidence from Kazakhstan Muhammad Arslan, Alimshan Faizulayev, Assem Orazayeva, Nejat Capar
1270 [GO] International Journal of Management in Education 2022―Sep―01 Transformation leadership and work performance: Mediating role of Faculty Engagement in Higher Educational Institutions during Covid-19 Pandemic Siji Joseph, C.H. Bala Nageswara Rao Rao
1271 [GO] International Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering 2022―Aug―31 Development of a Face Shield Concept to Protect Against COVID-19 Infection using Integrated CAD and CAE Tools and Sustainable Design Techniques: Deployment of International Standards Boppana V. Chowdary, Nasser Ramsawak
1272 [GO] International Journal of Work Innovation 2022―Aug―31 The impact of working from home on job satisfaction and work effectiveness in times of the corona pandemic Tanja Engelmann, Miria Kramer
1273 [GO] International Journal of Business Innovation and Research 2022―Aug―29 Impact of corporate governance and financial performance on sustainable innovation beyond the COVID-19 pandemic Zoltán Krajcsák, Hoang Bui
1274 [GO] International Journal of Advanced Operations Management 2022―Aug―27 COVID-19 and Sustainable Development Goals: Bangladesh perspective Md. Mortuza Ahmmed, Md. Ashraful Babu
1275 [GO] International Journal of Global Warming 2022―Aug―26 Impact of meteorological variations and preventive policy measures on the spread and mortality of COVID-19 in European countries Saira Tufail, Shahzad Alvi, Umer Khayyam
1276 [GO] International Journal of Global Warming 2022―Aug―26 The effect of COVID-19 lockdown and meteorological parameters on air pollutants in Samsun, Turkey Hülya Aykaç Özen
1277 [GO] International Journal of Business and Emerging Markets 2022―Aug―26 COVID-19 Outbreak and Performance of Financial Markets: Evidence from the Stock Market, the Foreign Exchange Market and Cryptocurrencies Market in Nigeria Ibrahim Mohammed
1278 [GO] International Journal of Financial Services Management 2022―Aug―26 Volatility clustering and persistence during Covid-19: evidence of asymmetric volatility in the Asia-Pacific stock markets Dharen Pandey, Vineeta Kumari
1279 [GO] International Journal of Social Media and Interactive Learning Environments 2022―Aug―24 Investigating the experiences and perceptions of teachers and students about blended learning during Covid-19: a case study in a Singapore school Qiyun Wang, Vasheela Mumtaj
1280 [GO] Interdisciplinary Environmental Review 2022―Aug―23 Corporate negative sentiments and the environment during a pandemic: evidence from quarterly earnings conference calls Jorge A. Romero
1281 [GO] International Journal of Advanced Operations Management 2022―Aug―22 COVID-19 and Sustainable Development Goals: Bangladesh perspective Md. Mortuza Ahmmed, Md. Ashraful Babu
1282 [GO] International Journal of Indian Culture and Business Management 2022―Aug―22 For-Profit MFIs and Indebtedness of Rural Manufacturing Households: Implications for India’s Covid-19 Crisis A. Jiran Meitei, Bibhuti Bhusan Mohapatra
1283 [GO] International Journal of Global Warming 2022―Aug―22 Impact of meteorological variations and preventive policy measures on the spread and mortality of COVID-19 in European countries Saira Tufail, Shahzad Alvi, Umer Khayyam
1284 [GO] International Journal of Global Warming 2022―Aug―22 The effect of COVID-19 lockdown and meteorological parameters on air pollutants in Samsun, Turkey Hülya Aykaç Özen
1285 [GO] International Journal of Management in Education 2022―Aug―22 Panic-gogy in the COVID-19 pandemic: developing online teaching self-efficacy by management faculty Prabhat Pankaj, Daneshwar Sharma
1286 [GO] International Journal of Behavioural and Healthcare Research 2022―Aug―22 Trust in institutions, perceived benefits, risk perception, and people’s intention to get a COVID-19 vaccine Ardion Beldad, Verra Verra
1287 [GO] International Journal of Management Practice 2022―Aug―19 The Effect of Persistence Despite Fear on Innovative Behaviours: Mediator Role of Mental Well-Being and Moderator Role of Fear of COVID-19 Osman Seray ÖZKAN, Burcu Üzüm, Yasemin GÜLBAHAR
1288 [GO] International Journal of Society Systems Science 2022―Aug―19 Segmenting markets by the 50 American states: the COVID-19 case Edward T. Vieira Jr., Yulong Li, Anthony D. Scotina
1289 [GO] International Journal of Knowledge and Learning 2022―Aug―19 Blackboard Collaborate: COVID-19 impacts on EFL classroom learning and knowledge on first year university students Tribhuwan Kumar, Akhter Habib Shah, Asifa Qasim, Iftikhar Alam
1290 [GO] International Journal of Society Systems Science 2022―Aug―19 Constructing an anti-Asian hate indicator for pandemic-related comments from mainstream media YouTube channels Xin Wang, Xi Chen, Bodian Li, Peng Zhao
1291 [GO] International Journal of Business Innovation and Research 2022―Aug―18 Indian Stock Market Portfolio Performance on COVID-19 by using Clustering: An Empirical Study Goutam Bandyopadhy, Sayan Gupta, Arup Mitra, A.K. Jalan
1292 [GO] World Review of Entrepreneurship Management and Sustainable Development 2022―Aug―18 Diagnosis of the economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on companies in the Sao Lourenco region Rui Alexandre Castanho, Luis Henrique Touguinha De Almeida, Fabricio Pelloso Piurcosky, Pedro Júnior, Felipe De Oliveira, Rodrigo Franklin Frogeri
1293 [GO] International Journal of Business Governance and Ethics 2022―Aug―18 Characterisation of the effects of coronavirus pandemic on construction projects delivery Dorcas Titilayo Moyanga, Oluwadamilare Olamide Ilesanmi, Ahmed Elyamany, Lekan Damilola Ojo
1294 [GO] International Journal of Indian Culture and Business Management 2022―Aug―17 Employee’s Psychological Well-being in a Pandemic: A Case study during the peak of the COVID-19 wave in India Arun Kumar, Rohit Chauhan, Himanshu Jishtu, Alka Shaktan
1295 [GO] International Journal of Business Innovation and Research 2022―Aug―16 The mediating effect of standardisation effort on standardisation and innovation to improve organisational efficiency post COVID-19 Sugandren Naidoo
1296 [GO] International Journal of Medical Engineering and Informatics 2022―Aug―16 Analysis and trends of COVID-19 in Italy Cinzia Muriana, Giovan Battista Vizzini
1297 [GO] International Journal of Happiness and Development 2022―Aug―16 COVID-19-induced financial anxiety and state of the subjective well-being among the Bangladeshi middle class: the effects of demographic conditions A.F.M. Jalal Ahamed
1298 [GO] International Journal of Sustainable Agricultural Management and Informatics 2022―Aug―13 The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on Greek agribusiness enterprises adoption of information communication technologies and e-commerce Athanasios C. Thanopoulos, Stratos Moschidis, Christina Karamichalakou
1299 [GO] International Journal of Business Governance and Ethics 2022―Aug―12 Managing construction delivery during the COVID-19 pandemic in the UK construction industry Ayokunle Olanipekun, Temitope Egbelakin, Tom R. Brudenell, Temitope Omotayo
1300 [GO] International Journal of Environment and Waste Management 2022―Aug―12 Long-term environmental impact of COVID-19 pandemic: Derailed Single-use plastic ban Susy Albert, Mitu Mewada
1301 [GO] International Journal of Work Organisation and Emotion 2022―Aug―11 Working from home, COVID-19 and multi-dimensional model of well-being theory Norainie Ahmad, Mahani Hamdan, Muhamad Azuwan Juna, Muhammad Anshari
1302 [GO] International Journal of Indian Culture and Business Management 2022―Aug―11 The Perception of Employees on Remote Working and Work Outcomes during the COVID-19 Pandemic Tabitha Durai, Chinna Muthu Balu
1303 [GO] International Journal of Enterprise Network Management 2022―Aug―10 Analysis of rising trend of online streaming services during pandemic situation of COVID-19 Khushboo Agnihotri, Sachin Kumar Srivastava, Mohd. Saif Nawaz
1304 [GO] International Journal of Productivity and Quality Management 2022―Aug―10 Poverty and Quality of Life in Jordan and COVID-19 Pandemic effects Elham Alhiary
1305 [GO] International Journal of Innovation and Sustainable Development 2022―Aug―10 COVID-19 pandemic roles on consumer behaviour towards sustainable transitions: a retail industry survey Abdulmalek M. M. Saeed, Khalid Alomari, Mosab I. Tabash, Amgad S.D. Khaled, Ali A. Salah
1306 [GO] International Journal of Knowledge Management in Tourism and Hospitality 2022―Aug―10 From Eating out to Online Food Ordering amid COVID-19: A Case of Food Delivery Apps Rubab Miswar, Imtiaz Uddin Chowdhury, Md. Imran Hossain Shohag, Shahedul Hasan, Md. Ashaduzzaman
1307 [GO] International Journal of Multicriteria Decision Making 2022―Aug―09 AHP-based prioritising of cost challenges of supply chain due to COVID-19 Om Prakash Mishra, Prashant Mishra
1308 [GO] International Journal of Web Based Communities 2022―Aug―09 Italian top actors during the COVID-19 infodemic on Twitter Paola Zola, Guglielmo Cola, Antonio Martella, Maurizio Tesconi
1309 [GO] International Journal of Happiness and Development 2022―Aug―07 COVID-19-induced financial anxiety and state of the subjective well-being among the Bangladeshi middle class: the effects of demographic conditions A.F.M. Jalal Ahamed
1310 [GO] European J of International Management 2022―Aug―05 Digitalisation, SMEs' performance and employee wellbeing in the era of Covid-19: digital leadership as a moderator. Sam El Nemar, Hani El Chaarani, Demetris Vrontis, Badih Arnaout, Evangelia Siachou
1311 [GO] International Journal of Intellectual Property Management 2022―Aug―01 Impact of COVID-19 pandemic on the digital transformation and digital frauds in the US economy N.A. Shashidhar
1312 [GO] International Journal of Management Practice 2022―Jul―30 Hindrances related to the coronavirus (COVID-19) crisis in the tourism sector in India Payel Aich, Amina Omrane, Sudin Bag
1313 [GO] International Journal of Global Warming 2022―Jul―30 COVID-19 lockdown effects: an overview on electricity, water, wastewater in Samsun Elif Hatice Gürkan
1314 [GO] International Journal of Environmental Engineering 2022―Jul―30 Effects of herbal woods in Homa therapy on air quality: experiments amidst unlocking the society in pandemic challenges Rohit Rastogi, Mamta Saxena, Sheelu Sagar, Neeti Tandon, T. Rajeshwari, Bhavna Singh, et al. (+6)
1315 [GO] International Journal of Computational Science and Engineering 2022―Jul―29 Research on online emotion of COVID-19 based on text sentiment analysis Zhenyu Gu, Yao Lin, Yonghui Dai, Chenxiao Niu
1316 [GO] International Journal of Computational Science and Engineering 2022―Jul―29 A deep learning approach for detecting the behaviour of people having personality disorders towards COVID-19 from Twitter Mourad Ellouze, Seifeddine Mechti, Moez Krichen, Vinayakumar Ravi, Lamia Hadrich Belguith
1317 [GO] International Journal of Mobile Learning and Organisation 2022―Jul―29 Proposal of algorithms to make up for lost school and university years in post-conflict African countries in the face of Covid-19: case of the Central African Republic Samuel Ouya, Gervais Mendy, Bessan Melckior Dégboé, Ghislain Mervyl Saint Juste Kossingou
1318 [GO] International Journal of Enterprise Network Management 2022―Jul―28 Analysis of rising trend of online streaming services during pandemic situation of COVID-19 Khushboo Agnihotri, Mohd. Saif Nawaz, Sachin Kumar Srivastava
1319 [GO] International Journal of Electronic Finance 2022―Jul―28 CSR and financial performance in the airline industry: moderating effects of the airline type, government ownership and COVID-19 Assem Orazayeva, Muhammad Arslan
1320 [GO] International Journal of Electronic Finance 2022―Jul―28 COVID-19 crisis - an opportunity for mainstreaming digital financial transactions Kamakhya Narain Singh, Shruti Malik
1321 [GO] International Journal of Electronic Finance 2022―Jul―28 Exploratory study of credit-card indebtedness during the COVID-19 pandemic Alan D. Smith
1322 [GO] International Journal of Public Law and Policy 2022―Jul―27 Legal regulations of digital economy during pandemic Oksana Vinnyk, Olena Belianevych, Nino Patsuriia, Galyna Myronova, Svitlana Seminoh
1323 [GO] International Journal of Public Law and Policy 2022―Jul―27 Challenges and opportunities of business contracts in legislation of Ukraine during pandemic Oksana Kiriiak, Liliana Sishchuk, Viktoriia Vasylieva, Nataliia Vintoniak, Oksana Оliinyk
1324 [GO] International Journal of Environmental Policy and Decision Making 2022―Jul―26 The COVID-19 crisis: resilience and sustainability as response factors to the pandemic in the tourism sector Fabio Fortuna, Grazia Chiara Elmo, Marzia Traverso, Gabriella Arcese
1325 [GO] International Journal of Management and Decision Making 2022―Jul―26 Examining work from home practices during the COVID-19 pandemic in Singapore: Predictors of motivation and productivity Amy Wong, Kavitha Kumara Parumal
1326 [GO] International Journal of Technology Transfer and Commercialisation 2022―Jul―26 COVID-19 work from home stressors and the degree of its impact: employers and employees actions Anna C. Bocar, Shad Ahmad Khan, Ferdinand J. Epoc
1327 [GO] International Journal of Business Intelligence and Data Mining 2022―Jul―26 Machine Learning approach for Data Analysis and Predicting Coronavirus Using COVID -19 India Dataset Soni Singh, Dr.K.R.Ramkumar Kumar, Ashima Kukkar
1328 [GO] Middle East J of Management 2022―Jul―22 Relations between service quality and students' willingness to pay for online education during COVID-19 Venkatesh Andavar, Pakzad Fadel Saleh, Bayad Jamal Ali, Kezhan Salar Abdulqadr, Ahmet Demir
1329 [GO] International Journal of Society Systems Science 2022―Jul―22 Segmenting markets by the 50 American states: the COVID-19 case Edward T. Vieira Jr., Anthony D. Scotina, Yulong Li
1330 [GO] International Journal of Medical Engineering and Informatics 2022―Jul―22 Impact of COVID-19 on individuals' mental health and preventive health behaviours: a conceptual framework Naganna Chetty, Sreejith Alathur, Rajesh R. Pai
1331 [GO] International Journal of Applied Decision Sciences 2022―Jul―22 Impact of Covid-19 on Systemic Risk for Indian Financial Institutions Sanjib Biswas, J.N. Mukhopadhyay, Dragan Pamucar, Gautam Bandyopadhyay, Subhash Karmakar