original article |
Journal |
Date |
Title |
Authors All Authors |
1 |
[GO] |
Journal of Latin American Geography |
2024―Dec―19 |
An Ibero-American Perspective on Narratives of Pandemics ed. by Zélia M. Bora, Animesh Roy, and Ricardo de la Fuente Ballesteros, and: Salud en emergencia: historia de las batallas contra las epidemias y la COVID-19 by Marcos Cueto, and: COVID-19 en América Latina: solidaridad, desigualdades y espacios cotidianos ed. by Consuelo Fernández-Salvador et al., and: Public Health and Beyond in Latin America and the Caribbean: Reflections from the Field by Sherri L. Porcelain (review) |
2 |
[GO] |
West Virginia History A Journal of Regional Studies |
2024―Dec―11 |
Masks, Misinformation, and Making Do: Appalachian Health-Care Workers and the COVID-19 Pandemic ed. by Wendy Welch (review) |
3 |
[GO] |
Yearbook of the Association of Pacific Coast Geographers |
2024―Dec―05 |
Why COVID-19 Still Matters: A Geographer's Perspective |
Kris Bezdecny |
4 |
[GO] |
Journal of College Student Development |
2024―Nov―26 |
A Mixed Methods Investigation of Trends in COVID-19 Pandemic-Specific Positive Changes Across Three Academic Years Following Pandemic Onset |
Christyn Dolbier, Sarah Vanacore, Alia Simon, Taylor L. Stallings, Jordan Signorelli, Kelsey M. Dietrich |
5 |
[GO] |
Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved |
2024―Nov―20 |
A Clinic-Level Approach to Improve Uptake of First COVID-19 Vaccine Dose in Primary Care |
Annemarie M. Swamy, Noah Kaufman, Ernest Lievers, Carrie Tyler, Olivia Veira, Sofia Osio Smith, et al. (+5) Marquita C. Genies, Melina Turtle, Pamela A. Matson, Julia M. Kim, Arik V. Marcell |
6 |
[GO] |
Brookings Papers on Economic Activity |
2024―Nov―19 |
The Impact of Vaccines and Behavior on US Cumulative Deaths from COVID-19 |
Andrew Atkeson, Stephen Kissler |
7 |
[GO] |
Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved |
2024―Nov―14 |
Addressing Food Insecurity During the COVID-19 Pandemic: An Academic Research Group's Response to a Major Social Determinant of Health |
Gabriela Drucker, John Rausch, Ewelina Swierad, Vanessa Sawyer, James M. Noble, Rachael Gazdick, et al. (+3) Marisol De La Rosa, Joseph Eimicke, Olajide Williams |
8 |
[GO] |
Southeastern Geographer |
2024―Nov―07 |
Geospatial Insights into Consumer Behavior: Mapping the Post-Restriction Pandemic Retail Landscape in Alabama |
Mark J. Sciuchetti, Jianping "Coco" Huang, Jennifer Green, Brent J. Cunningham |
9 |
[GO] |
World Politics |
2024―Oct―30 |
Democracy, Autocracy, and the Politics of the Covid Pandemic |
Grigore Pop-Eleches |
10 |
[GO] |
Neotestamentica |
2024―Sep―28 |
The “Strong” and the “Weak” in Romans 14: 1-15:13 and Covid-19-Related Tensions in Christian Congregations: The Prospects and Perils of Relating Current Concerns to Sacred Scripture |
Christoph Stenschke |
11 |
[GO] |
Twentieth-Century China |
2024―Sep―26 |
Care of the Self or Pursuit of a Better World? The Transformation of Vegetarianism in Yiguandao Discourses from the Late Qing Period to the Global COVID-19 Pandemic |
Nikolas Broy |
12 |
[GO] |
Journal of Education Finance |
2024―Sep―26 |
How States Prioritize Educational Needs during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Assessing the Distribution of the Governor's Emergency Education Relief Fund |
Claire McMorris, David S. Knight |
13 |
[GO] |
Journal of Education Finance |
2024―Sep―26 |
Emerging from COVID-19: The 2022 Report of Finance and Access Issues |
Nathaniel J. Bray, Garrett A. Till, Mark M. D'Amico, Stephen G. Katsinas |
14 |
[GO] |
Journal of Education Finance |
2024―Sep―26 |
School Finance During the Pandemic: How are States Responding? |
Henry Tran, David Buckman, Tyrone Bynoe, Randall S. Vesely |
15 |
[GO] |
Progress in Community Health Partnerships Research Education and Action |
2024―Sep―19 |
Stronger Together: A Successful Model of Health System-Community Collective Action During the COVID-19 Pandemic |
Yihui Yang, Christine M. Gunn, Barbara Farnsworth, Gregory Norman, Sally Kraft |
16 |
[GO] |
Progress in Community Health Partnerships Research Education and Action |
2024―Sep―19 |
Lessons Learned from Community Partnership During the COVID-19 Pandemic |
Jennifer K. Frediani, Taylor W. Smith, Shelley Spires, Paula Moreland, Gwin Thompson, Darlene Henderson, et al. (+12) Sylvia Smith, Robert Maxwell, LaShawn M. Hoffman, L. Neicey Johnson, Xavier Bryant, Theresa Jacobs, Demetrius Geiger, Gretchen Wilde, Mary Beth Weber, Tabia Henry Akintobi, K.M. Venkat Narayan, Rakale C. Quarells |
17 |
[GO] |
Progress in Community Health Partnerships Research Education and Action |
2024―Sep―19 |
COVID-19 Vaccination Program for Migrant and Refugee Women in Western Australia: Community-Led Approach and Decolonizing Practice Reflections |
Lisa Hartley, Lana Abdullah, Sobia Shah, Anam Ishrad |
18 |
[GO] |
Progress in Community Health Partnerships Research Education and Action |
2024―Sep―19 |
When “Immersive” Learning Goes Remote: Interdisciplinary Lessons Learned in a Pandemic |
Thistle I. Elias, Jessica R. Thompson, Brandi Boak, Denise Jones, Brandon Ziats |
19 |
[GO] |
Progress in Community Health Partnerships Research Education and Action |
2024―Sep―19 |
Beyond the Manuscript: Lessons Learned from Community Partnership During theCOVID-19 Pandemic |
Jennifer Frediani, Hal Strelnick |
20 |
[GO] |
Journal of the Early Republic |
2024―Sep―18 |
Paine's Yellow Fever": Opposition Politics and Pandemic Disease in the Early Republic |
Michelle Orihel |
21 |
[GO] |
Human Biology |
2024―Sep―13 |
Investigation of the Prevalence of Polymorphisms of IFITM3 rs12252 and rs34481144 in the Turkish Population: A Pilot Study and Survey Conducted during the COVID-19 Pandemic |
Dilek Pirim, Fatih Atilla Bağcı, Hasan Faruk Niş, Emin Halis Akalın |
22 |
[GO] |
Jewish Film & New Media |
2024―Sep―11 |
Media Coverage of COVID-19 Mobile Phone Surveillance as a Non-Commemorative Site of Nazi Germany and Holocaust Remembrance |
Aya Yadlin, Avi Marciano |
23 |
[GO] |
Swedish American Studies |
2024―Sep―11 |
"Should We Do It the Swedish Way?": American Coverage of Sweden and Sex during the AIDS Pandemic |
Saniya Lee Ghanoui |
24 |
[GO] |
Collaborative Anthropologies |
2024―Sep―07 |
COVID-19, Affect, and Activist Anthropology |
Chelsey Dyer |
25 |
[GO] |
Perspectives in Biology and Medicine |
2024―Sep―04 |
A Self-Fulfilling Prophecy Pandemic: The 1977 "Russian Flu" |
Donald S. Burke, Amy Schleunes |
26 |
[GO] |
Anthropological Quarterly |
2024―Aug―31 |
On Disrupted Death Rites and COVID-19 |
Tamara Kohn, Hannah Gould |
27 |
[GO] |
Anthropological Quarterly |
2024―Aug―31 |
Waves of Grief: Fluctuating Restrictions, Treatments of Corpses and Experiences of Loss during the COVID-19 Pandemic |
Marc-Antoine Berthod, Gaëlle Clavandier, Philippe Charrier, Martin Julier-Costes, Veronica Pagnamenta, Alexandre Pillonel |
28 |
[GO] |
Anthropological Quarterly |
2024―Aug―31 |
New Technologies in Pentecostal Funeral Rituals During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Brazil |
Andréia Vicente da Silva |
29 |
[GO] |
Anthropological Quarterly |
2024―Aug―31 |
De-Exceptionalizing Pandemic Death in the United States: COVID-19’s Ambiguous and Layered Mourning |
Ariel Santikarma, Sarah Wagner |
30 |
[GO] |
Anthropological Quarterly |
2024―Aug―31 |
On Pandemics Being Productive |
John Troyer |
31 |
[GO] |
Brookings Papers on Economic Activity |
2024―Aug―28 |
Surging Business Formation in the Pandemic: Causes and Consequences? |
Ryan A. Decker, John Haltiwanger |
32 |
[GO] |
Perspectives in Biology and Medicine |
2024―Aug―22 |
A Self-Fulfilling Prophecy Pandemic: The 1977 “Russian flu” |
Donald S. Burke, Amy Schleunes |
33 |
[GO] |
Canadian Ethnic Studies |
2024―Aug―09 |
The Experience of Anti-Chinese Racism in the Greater Toronto Area (GTA) Before and During Covid-19: An Intersectional Analysis |
Guida Man, Keefer Wong, Ernest Leung |
34 |
[GO] |
Communio International Catholic Review |
2024―Aug―08 |
Forgetting the Social Doctrine of the Church in the Epoch of Coronavirus |
Stefano Fontana, Joseph G. Trabbic |
35 |
[GO] |
Communio International Catholic Review |
2024―Aug―08 |
The Pandemic: A Sacramental Reading |
José Granados |
36 |
[GO] |
American Journal of Psychiatric Rehabilitation |
2024―Aug―03 |
Integrating Trauma-Informed Supervision into Psychiatric Rehabilitation in Times of Shared Traumatic Reality: COVID-19 |
Ariel Ezra, Yael Mazor |
37 |
[GO] |
American Journal of Psychiatric Rehabilitation |
2024―Aug―03 |
Impacts of COVID-19 on the NYC Peer Support Workforce: A Brief Report |
Amy Spagnolo, Carlton Whitmore, Jonathan P Edwards, Michelle Paggi, Varsha Kamat |
38 |
[GO] |
Human Biology |
2024―Aug―01 |
Investigation of the Prevalence of Polymorphisms of IFITM3
rs12252 and rs34481144 in the Turkish Population: A Pilot
Study and Survey Conducted during the COVID-19 Pandemic |
Dilek Pirim, Fatih Bağcı, Hasan Niş, Emin Akalın |
39 |
[GO] |
Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved |
2024―Jul―25 |
Increasing COVID-19 Safety and Awareness for Ethnically Diverse Communities: Exploring Media Preferences and Messaging Effectiveness |
Duvon G. Winborne, Janine Jackson, Brittany Boyd |
40 |
[GO] |
Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved |
2024―Jul―25 |
Community Health Workers Promote Health Literacy and COVID-19 Vaccine Equity |
Caitlin Murphy, Ernest Carter, Laurine Thomas, Elizabeth Buchanan, Liz Torres Villegas, Michelle de LaRue |
41 |
[GO] |
World Politics |
2024―Jul―23 |
Fighting the Disease or Manipulating the Data? Democracy, State Capacity, and the COVID-19 Pandemic |
Carl Henrik Knutsen, Palina Kolvani |
42 |
[GO] |
Theatre Journal |
2024―Jul―23 |
The Second Wave: Reflections on The Pandemic Through Photography, Performance and Public Culture by Rustom Bharucha (review) |
Amanda Culp |
43 |
[GO] |
Theory & Event |
2024―Jul―16 |
Facing the Systemic Crisis: The Divide in Criticism of the Pandemic State of Emergency |
Jonas Heller |
44 |
[GO] |
Southeastern Geographer |
2024―Jul―04 |
Geospatial Insights into Consumer Behavior: Mapping the Post-Restriction Pandemic Retail Landscape in Alabama |
Mark J. Sciuchetti, Jianping Huang, Jennifer Green, Brent J. Cunningham |
45 |
[GO] |
Journal of Black Sexuality and Relationships |
2024―Jul―02 |
Queer High School Students Report Being Bullied: An Examination of Mental Health and Positive Health Behaviors During the COVID-19 Pandemic |
Antonio (Jay) Pastrana, Ann Chen |
46 |
[GO] |
Journal of Black Sexuality and Relationships |
2024―Jul―02 |
The Role of Bullying and Perceived Racial Discrimination on the Mental Health of Asian American High School Students During the COVID-19 Pandemic |
Tracy Wong |
47 |
[GO] |
Journal of Black Sexuality and Relationships |
2024―Jul―02 |
Resurrecting a Trope: Asian-American Students, Bullying and the COVID-19 Pandemic |
Robert Mendoza |
48 |
[GO] |
American Annals of the Deaf |
2024―Jul―02 |
Mental Health, Parenting Stress, and Parenting Practices of Parents of Deaf or Hard of Hearing Children During the Pandemic |
Jennifer Coto, Marcela Galicia, Chrisanda Sanchez, Jenna Sawafta, Ivette Cejas |
49 |
[GO] |
Progress in Community Health Partnerships Research Education and Action |
2024―Jun―28 |
Partnering to Address Health Inequities among Incarcerated Populations: Prisons, Jails, and COVID-19 Vaccination |
Ingie H. Osman, Aparea Smith, Antonio Williams, Katie Pierson, Eric Ryu, Rebecca J. Shlafer |
50 |
[GO] |
diacritics |
2024―Jun―28 |
What Does the Pandemic Teach Us About X? Scenes of Banal Pedagogy |
Tuomo Alhojärvi |
51 |
[GO] |
Partial Answers Journal of Literature and the History of Ideas |
2024―Jun―22 |
Literary Representations of Pandemics, Epidemics and Pestilence ed. by Nishi Pulugurtha (review) |
52 |
[GO] |
Journal of Latin American Geography |
2024―Jun―14 |
Vivências de mulheres no tempo e espaço da pandemia de Covid-19: Perspectivas transnacionais by Georgiane Garabely Heil Vázquez, Joseli Maria Silva y Karina Janz Woitowicz / Vivências de mulheres no tempo e espaço da pandemia de Covid-19: Perspectivas transnacionais par Georgiane Garabely Heil Vázquez, Joseli Maria Silva e Karina Janz Woitowicz (review) |
53 |
[GO] |
Chinese Studies International |
2024―Jun―13 |
The Origins of COVID-19: China and Global Capitalism by Li Zhang (review) |
Manfred Henningsen |
54 |
[GO] |
American Book Review |
2024―Jun―12 |
Conspiracy Theories in the Time of Covid-19 by Clare Birchall and Peter Knight (review) |
55 |
[GO] |
Canadian Ethnic Studies |
2024―Jun―04 |
Violence and Refugee Women's Resilience: Syrian Refugee Women in Lebanon During COVID-19 |
Saja Al Zoubi |
56 |
[GO] |
Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved |
2024―May―30 |
Women's Preventive Services Utilization in Illinois in the Aftermath of the ACA and the COVID-19 Pandemic |
Arden Handler, Trang Ngoc Doam Pham, Kristin Rankin |
57 |
[GO] |
Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved |
2024―May―30 |
Inequities in COVID-19-Related Patient Outcomes by Socio-Demographic Characteristics: A Scoping Review |
Michelle R. Kaufman, Caroline Palmer, Sarah Hirner, Lori-Ann Palen, Theresa Asuquo, Kadidiatou Toure, et al. (+4) Emilie C. Hynes, Julia M. Dixon, Teri Reynolds, Lisa A. Cooper |
58 |
[GO] |
Narrative Culture |
2024―May―30 |
Stopped Inside Time: Re-ordering Everyday Pandemic Temporalities |
Tine Damsholt |
59 |
[GO] |
American Annals of the Deaf |
2024―May―17 |
Teaching Literacy to Filipino Deaf Students in Multilingual Classrooms Amid a Pandemic |
Marian Patricia Bea U. Francisco, Maria Veronica T. Perez, Baby Ruth Evelina C. Reyes |
60 |
[GO] |
The Journal of the History of Childhood and Youth |
2024―May―14 |
Child Maltreatment and Child Protection in the Time of COVID-19 |
Jill Duerr Berrick |
61 |
[GO] |
The Journal of the History of Childhood and Youth |
2024―May―14 |
"People Would Come Up and Look in Your Window and Holler and See if You Was Still Alive": Recollections of the 1918 Pandemic |
Janet Golden |
62 |
[GO] |
Journal of Late Antiquity |
2024―May―09 |
Eastern Mediterranean Fineware Imports to the Iberian Peninsula, 300-700 ce , and the Economic Impact of the Justinianic Pandemic |
Henry Gruber |
63 |
[GO] |
Chinese Studies International |
2024―May―02 |
The Origins of COVID-19: China and Global Capitalism by Li Zhang (review) |
Manfred Henningsen |
64 |
[GO] |
SAIS Review of International Affairs |
2024―May―02 |
Diplomacy in Times of Pandemic and Wars: Transnational Actors Are Coming of Age in an Era of Fragmentation and Friction |
Jose Clavijo |
65 |
[GO] |
WSQ Women s Studies Quarterly |
2024―Apr―13 |
The Gendered Face of COVID-19 in the Global South by Jean Grugel, Matt Barlow, Tallulah Lines, Maria Eugenia Giraudo, and Jessica Omukuti (review) |
66 |
[GO] |
The Journal of Developing Areas |
2024―Apr―13 |
Covid-19: Foreign Remittances and Migrants' Well-Being in Bangladesh |
Md Bakhtiar Uddin, Krishna K. Shrestha, Anthony B Zwi |
67 |
[GO] |
WSQ Women s Studies Quarterly |
2024―Apr―13 |
Telling Our Story: Making Sense of the Pandemic |
68 |
[GO] |
Advertising & Society Quarterly |
2024―Apr―12 |
Roundtable on International Responses to COVID-19: The Unfolding of Pandemic Advertising |
Martin Bush, Tree Elven, Adam Ferrier, Christina Knight, Thomas Kolster, Edward Timke |
69 |
[GO] |
Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics |
2024―Apr―10 |
Parental Refusals of Blood Transfusions from COVID-19 Vaccinated Donors for Children Needing Cardiac Surgery |
Daniel H. Kim, Emily Berkman, Jonna D. Clark, Nabiha H. Saifee, Douglas S. Diekema, Mithya Lewis-Newby |
70 |
[GO] |
The Journal of Developing Areas |
2024―Apr―09 |
Governance Quality And Economic Growth In The Caribbean In Times Of Covid-19 |
Olugbenga A. Onafowora, Oluwole Owoye |
71 |
[GO] |
Merrill-Palmer Quarterly |
2024―Apr―09 |
Distance Learning and Perceived Social Support: Identifying Protective Factors for Families' COVIDRelated Stress and Psychological Distress During the COVID-19 Pandemic |
Ritu Sampige, Daijiazi Tang, Leslie Frankel, Allison Master |
72 |
[GO] |
Storytelling Self Society |
2024―Apr―09 |
Pandemic Storytelling from the Heart of the Bronx |
John Socas |
73 |
[GO] |
Progress in Community Health Partnerships Research Education and Action |
2024―Mar―19 |
Lessons from Two Latino Communities Working with Academic Partners to Increase Access to COVID-19 Testing |
Kesia K. Garibay, Arturo Durazo, Tatiana Vizcaíno, Yolanda Oviedo, Kara Marson, Carina Arechiga, et al. (+10) Patric Prado, Omar Carrera, Manuel J. Alvarado, Diane V. Havlir, Susana Rojas, Gabriel Chamie, Carina Marquez, John Sa컚, Irene H. Yen, Maria-Elena De Trinidad Young |
74 |
[GO] |
Progress in Community Health Partnerships Research Education and Action |
2024―Mar―19 |
Lessons from Two Latino Communities Working with Academic Partners to Increase Access to COVID-19 Testing |
Kesia K. Garibay, Arturo Durazo, Tatiana Vizcaíno, Yolanda Oviedo, Kara Marson, Carina Arechiga, et al. (+10) Patric Prado, Omar Carrera, Manuel J. Alvarado, Diane V. Havlir, Susana Rojas, Gabriel Chamie, Carina Marquez, John Sa컚, Irene H. Yen, Maria-Elena De Trinidad Young |
75 |
[GO] |
Progress in Community Health Partnerships Research Education and Action |
2024―Mar―19 |
Promoting COVID-19 Vaccine Confidence and Access among Youth Experiencing Homelessness: Community-Engaged Public Health Practice |
Ingie Osman, Renee Sieving, Lauren Vasilakos, Katie Pierson, Asha Elgonda, Trenton Bartlett, Janna R. Gewirtz O'Brien |
76 |
[GO] |
Bulletin of the Center for Children s Books |
2024―Mar―19 |
The Great Influenza: The True Story of the Deadliest Pandemic in History (Young Reader's Edition) by John M. Barry (review) |
Adam McConville |
77 |
[GO] |
International Journal of Surrealism |
2024―Mar―15 |
Painting and Socializing COVID-19 Dreams |
Julia Lockheart |
78 |
[GO] |
International Journal of Surrealism |
2024―Mar―15 |
In a Pandemic Dream |
Tim Murphy |
79 |
[GO] |
Library Trends |
2024―Mar―13 |
Trends in Latin America: Libraries’ Challenges Magnified by the COVID-19 Pandemic |
Ana María Talavera-Ibarra |
80 |
[GO] |
U S Catholic Historian |
2024―Mar―06 |
Martyrs of Charity: How Philadelphia's Religious Sisters Responded to the 1918 Influenza Pandemic |
Ryan P. Murphy |
81 |
[GO] |
Canadian Ethnic Studies |
2024―Mar―02 |
Migration, Pandemic and the Guardian Angels: The Case of Health Care Attendants in Q |
Catherine Montgomery, Alexia Pilon Diabaté, Marie-Jeanne Blain, Émilie Tremblay, Marie-Emmanuelle Laquerre |
82 |
[GO] |
Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved |
2024―Feb―22 |
Vaccine Attitudes and Uptake Among Latino Residents of a Former COVID-19 Hotspot |
Carol Cleaveland, Taylor Anderson, Kimberly McNally, Amira A. Roess |
83 |
[GO] |
Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved |
2024―Feb―22 |
The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Food Access: Insights from First-Person Accounts in a Safety-Net Health Care System |
Dharma E. Cortés, Rachel M. Zack, Varshini Odayar, Margo Moyer, Anika Kumar, Juliana Libardi Maia, et al. (+2) Jackie V. Rodriguez Bronico, Jean Granick |
84 |
[GO] |
American Journal of Psychiatric Rehabilitation |
2024―Feb―19 |
Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Social Relationships of Individuals with Serious Mental Illnesses |
Shinichi Nagata, Bryan McCormick, Mark S. Salzer |
85 |
[GO] |
American Journal of Psychiatric Rehabilitation |
2024―Feb―19 |
Self-Care for All: Sharing a Caregiver Program During the Pandemic |
Margaret Swarbrick, Patricia B. Nemec, Susan Gould Fogerite, Amy B Spagnolo, Michelle Zechner, Mary Catherine Lundquist, Monica Townsend |
86 |
[GO] |
Brookings Papers on Economic Activity |
2024―Feb―15 |
COVID-19 Credit Policies around the World: Size, Scope, Costs, and Consequences |
Gee Hee Hong, Deborah Lucas |
87 |
[GO] |
Brookings Papers on Economic Activity |
2024―Feb―15 |
Where Are the Missing Workers? Anticipated and Unanticipated Labor Supply Changes in the Pandemic's Aftermath |
Katharine G. Abraham, Lea E. Rendell |
88 |
[GO] |
Irish Studies in International Affairs |
2024―Feb―01 |
Building Global Health Solidarity in a Permacrisis: Legal Impacts of a Pandemic Treaty |
Mina Hosseini |
89 |
[GO] |
Bookbird A Journal of International Children s Literature |
2024―Jan―30 |
“I’ve Experienced All of This”: The Issues of the Coronavirus in Literary Texts and Their Reception by Young Readers |
Dávid Dziak |
90 |
[GO] |
New York History |
2024―Jan―30 |
The Supervisors Are Carrying the Bag: The Nurses' Emergency Council, Settlement Houses, and the 1918 Influenza Pandemic in New York City |
Eric C. Cimino |
91 |
[GO] |
New York History |
2024―Jan―30 |
Pandemic Re-Awakenings: The Forgotten and Unforgotten "Spanish" Flu of 1918-1919 ed. by Guy Beiner (review) |
92 |
[GO] |
Biography |
2024―Jan―17 |
Did We Forget about Climate Change during the COVID-19 Pandemic? The Year in Denmark |
Marianne Høyen |
93 |
[GO] |
American Annals of the Deaf |
2024―Jan―13 |
Reflections From the Pandemic: Lessons Learned |
Blake Probert, Raschelle Neild, Patrick Graham |
94 |
[GO] |
Journal of College Student Development |
2024―Jan―09 |
Effect of an Internet Grant on Student Retention During COVID-19 |
Ximena Burgin, Beth Ingram |
95 |
[GO] |
Seoul Journal of Korean Studies |
2024―Jan―09 |
The Tethered Fates of Japan's "Foreigner" Communities: Zainichi Koreans, Residency Provisions, and the COVID-19 Pandemic |
Joel Matthews, Eiko Osaka |
96 |
[GO] |
Journal of College Student Development |
2024―Jan―09 |
Emerging Symptoms of and Institutional Support for Students with Long COVID in Higher Education |
Katherine Aquino, Jane Jarrow, Lisa Vance |
97 |
[GO] |
Feminist Formations |
2024―Jan―05 |
Transforming the AIDS Pandemic as We Know It: AIDS Pasts, Present, and Futures in Viral Cultures: Activist Archiving in the Age of AIDS |
Jallicia Jolly |
98 |
[GO] |
Children Youth and Environments |
2023―Dec―20 |
Overcoming Isolation: Teenagers' Connectedness to Others During the COVID-19 Pandemic |
Gabriella Meltzer, Tony Dinh, Nnenia Campbell, Alice Fothergill, Christine Gibb |
99 |
[GO] |
Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society |
2023―Dec―19 |
The Past Is Never Dead. It's Not Even Past: The 1918 Influenza Pandemic and Its Lessons |
John M. Barry |
100 |
[GO] |
Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society |
2023―Dec―19 |
Scientific Insights into the 1918 Influenza Pandemic and Their Implications for the Future |
Jeffery K. Taubenberger |
101 |
[GO] |
symplokē |
2023―Dec―15 |
"A New Persistent Cough": The Coronavirus, Hyperobjects, and the Pandemic Aesthetic |
Val Nolan |
102 |
[GO] |
symplokē |
2023―Dec―15 |
Affective Academe: Immaterial Labor, Higher Education, and the Pandemic |
Jeffrey R. Di Leo |
103 |
[GO] |
symplokē |
2023―Dec―15 |
Transparent, Holistic, Inclusive, and Humane: Health Benefit Struggles in an Age of Pandemic |
Crystal Bartolovich |
104 |
[GO] |
symplokē |
2023―Dec―15 |
Isolation and Community: Reading Daniel Defoe with Our Pandemic Philosophers |
Brian O'Keeffe |
105 |
[GO] |
Montana The Magazine for Western History |
2023―Dec―13 |
The El Dorado Pandemic |
Elliott West |
106 |
[GO] |
Montana The Magazine for Western History |
2023―Dec―13 |
Past and Present in Teaching about Pandemics |
Leif Fredrickson |
107 |
[GO] |
Progress in Community Health Partnerships Research Education and Action |
2023―Dec―12 |
Evaluation of a Remote Youth Health Advocate Training Program During the COVID-19 Pandemic |
Sara W. Heinert, Shaveta Khosla, Nasseef Quasim, Jenni Schneiderman, Victoria Soliz, Olivia Finks, Terry Vanden Hoek |
108 |
[GO] |
Progress in Community Health Partnerships Research Education and Action |
2023―Dec―12 |
Community-engaged Research Disruption: The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Research With Communities |
Jennifer Kue, Anh Thu Thai, Judith Tate, Beverly Galliers, Laura Szalacha, Paula Chanhmany, Usha Menon |
109 |
[GO] |
Progress in Community Health Partnerships Research Education and Action |
2023―Dec―12 |
Resilience Among Small Community-based Organizations During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Insights for Future Public Health Crises |
Shayna D. Cunningham, Candida Flores, Fawatih Mohamed-Abouh, Alixe Dittmore, Stephen Schensul, Jean Schensul, et al. (+2) Stacey Brown, Megan A. Grady |
110 |
[GO] |
The Journal of Individual Psychology |
2023―Dec―11 |
Reconnecting: Positive Discipline Skills to Support Social and Emotional Development in Young Children Affected by COVID-19 |
Cheryl L. Erwin, Michele R. Frey |
111 |
[GO] |
Journal of Latin American Geography |
2023―Dec―11 |
Cartografias no contexto da COVID-19 no Brasil/Cartographies in the Context of COVID-19 in Brazil |
Renato Emerson Nascimento dos Santos |
112 |
[GO] |
Journal of Latin American Geography |
2023―Dec―11 |
Cartographies in the Context of COVID-19 in Brazil/Cartografias no contexto da COVID-19 no Brasil |
Renato Emerson Nascimento dos Santos |
113 |
[GO] |
Journal of Latin American Geography |
2023―Dec―11 |
Small-Scale Food Production in the Pandemic: Perspectives from Mexico and Guatemala |
Jake W. Dean, Anika M. Rice, Linda M. Choi |
114 |
[GO] |
Journal of Latin American Geography |
2023―Dec―11 |
Small-Scale Food Production in the Pandemic: Perspectives from Mexico and Guatemala / Producción de alimentos en pequeña escala durante la pandemia: perspectivas desde México y Guatemala |
Jake W. Dean, Anika M. Rice, Linda M. Choi |
115 |
[GO] |
Irish Studies in International Affairs |
2023―Dec―07 |
Building Global Health Solidarity in a Permacrisis: Legal Impacts of a Pandemic Treaty |
Mina Hosseini |
116 |
[GO] |
2023―Nov―30 |
Bearing and Sharing the Burdens of Mentoring in the COVID-19 Pandemic |
Deborah Beck |
117 |
[GO] |
Asian Perspective |
2023―Nov―28 |
Twitter Diplomacy and China's Strategic Narrative during the Early COVID-19 Crisis |
Weiqing Song, Yinyan Ruan, Sibei Sun |
118 |
[GO] |
Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved |
2023―Nov―22 |
Variation in Time Between Testing Positive for COVID-19 and Hospital Admission by Race/Ethnicity and Insurance Status |
Austin Porter, Clare C. Brown, Analiz Rodriguez, Namvar Zohoori, Samantha Wells, Alisha Crump, et al. (+2) José Romero, J. Mick Tilford |
119 |
[GO] |
Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved |
2023―Nov―22 |
Smoking, Stress, and Health Risk Behaviors During the Early Phase of COVID-19 Lockdowns Among Residents of Flint, Michigan |
Woojong Kim, Seung Hee Choi |
120 |
[GO] |
Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved |
2023―Nov―22 |
Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Social Service Organizations in a Clinical-Community Collaboration |
Leigh Evans, Anna Garner, Katharine Witgert, Sean McClellan |
121 |
[GO] |
Theatre Topics |
2023―Nov―18 |
Theater of Lockdown: Digital and Distanced Performance in a Time of Pandemic by Barbara Fuchs (review) |
122 |
[GO] |
The Comparatist |
2023―Nov―14 |
The Grass-roots, Mass Power and Biopolitics: The Politicized Pandemic in Shanghai's Covid Quarantine |
Jiyuan Ren |
123 |
[GO] |
Journal of College Student Development |
2023―Nov―11 |
Reflections on Identity Exploration in the Time of the COVID-19 Pandemic from Queer Students of Color |
Antonio Duran |
124 |
[GO] |
Prairie Schooner |
2023―Nov―02 |
Ode to COVID-19 |
Tim Kelly |
125 |
[GO] |
Reviews in American History |
2023―Nov―02 |
Revisiting the New Deal in the Shadow of a Double Pandemic |
Sharon Ann Musher |
126 |
[GO] |
Prairie Schooner |
2023―Nov―02 |
Pandemic Ode, and: Domestic, or, the Family Machine |
Kathleen McGookey |
127 |
[GO] |
The Journal of Developing Areas |
2023―Oct―06 |
Earnings Announcement and Stock Prices of Quoted Deposit Money Banks in Nigeria in the Era of COVID-19 Pandemic |
Idowu Bosede Fasola, Oluseun Paseda |
128 |
[GO] |
The Journal of Developing Areas |
2023―Oct―06 |
Trade Implications on Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (APIS) Due to COVID-19 Pandemic and India China Altercation |
Rishab Lodh, Oindrila Dey |
129 |
[GO] |
Fontes Artis Musicae |
2023―Oct―06 |
The Impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic on Music Education in Ukraine |
Andrii Bondarenko, Tetiana Humeniuk, Anastasiia Romanenko, Lidiia Makarenko, Liubov Lysenko |
130 |
[GO] |
World Politics |
2023―Oct―06 |
Vaccine Diplomacy: How COVID-19 Vaccine Distribution in Latin America Increases Trust in Foreign Governments |
Elena Barham, Sarah Zukerman Daly, Julian E. Gerez, John Marshall, Oscar Pocasangre |
131 |
[GO] |
The Journal of Developing Areas |
2023―Oct―06 |
Revisiting the Exchange Rate -Oil Price Nexus in Turbulent Period: What Can We Learn From Nigeria and South Africa During Covid-19? |
Samod O. Lawal-Arogundade, Lateef O. Salami |
132 |
[GO] |
The Journal of Developing Areas |
2023―Sep―28 |
Measuring the Impact of COVID-19 on Tourism Entrepreneurs and Businesses in Greece: Some Empirical Evidence |
Gavriilidis Gaby, Theodore Metaxas |
133 |
[GO] |
Journal of College Student Development |
2023―Sep―23 |
International Experiences and Global Competence of Chinese Graduate Students Amid the COVID-19 Pandemic |
Yuhao Cen, Yuan Yang |
134 |
[GO] |
The Review of Higher Education |
2023―Sep―21 |
The Ties That Bind: Student-Mothers' Social Capital During the COVID-19 Pandemic |
Margaret W. Sallee, Alyssa Stefanese Yates |
135 |
[GO] |
The High School Journal |
2023―Sep―09 |
Positioning Young African American Men as Public Intellectuals: a Disruption in School-based Norms Amidst COVID-19, a Global Pandemic |
Elbert Hawkins |
136 |
[GO] |
Health and History |
2023―Aug―22 |
Viral Historicity: Overcollecting the COVID-19 Pandemic |
Peter Hobbins |
137 |
[GO] |
Health and History |
2023―Aug―22 |
Virus on the March?: Military Model and Metaphor in the COVID-19 Pandemic |
Warwick Anderson |
138 |
[GO] |
Health and History |
2023―Aug―22 |
COVID-19: What Needs to be Documented? Insights from the Pneumonic Influenza of 1918-1919 |
Anthea Hyslop |
139 |
[GO] |
Health and History |
2023―Aug―22 |
On Not Having Been in this Movie Before: The Uses of History in a Pandemic |
Warwick Anderson |
140 |
[GO] |
JCMS Journal of Cinema and Media Studies |
2023―Aug―22 |
In Focus Introduction: Media Study beyond Media Studies: Pandemic Lessons for an Evolving Field |
Shannon Mattern |
141 |
[GO] |
Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal |
2023―Aug―11 |
Mutual Aid Praxis Aligns Principles and Practice in Grassroots COVID-19 Responses Across the US |
Nora Kenworthy, Emily Hops, Amy Hagopian |
142 |
[GO] |
Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics |
2023―Aug―10 |
Parental Refusals of Blood Transfusions from COVID-19 Vaccinated Donors for Children Needing Cardiac Surgery |
Daniel H. Kim, Emily Berkman, Jonna D. Clark, Nabiha H. Saifee, Douglas S. Diekema, Mithya Lewis-Newby |
143 |
[GO] |
The Review of Higher Education |
2023―Aug―09 |
The Ties That Bind: Student Mothers’ Social Capital During the COVID-19 Pandemic |
Margaret W. Sallee, Alyssa Stefanese Yates |
144 |
[GO] |
Journal of Colonialism and Colonial History |
2023―Aug―05 |
Pandemic Re-Awakenings: The Forgotten and Unforgotten 'Spanish' Flu of 1918-1919 ed. by Guy Beiner (review) |
145 |
[GO] |
Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved |
2023―Aug―02 |
Southern Care: A Rapid Response to Supporting Southern CBOs at the onset of COVID-19 |
Neena Smith-Bankhead, Kia Colbert, Samira Ali, Katie A. McCormick, Linelle Blais, Dafina Ward, et al. (+2) Tykeysha Boone, Candace Meadows |
146 |
[GO] |
Children Youth and Environments |
2023―Jul―28 |
"I Connect with Nature Every Day": Brazilian Children and Their Contact with Nature during the COVID-19 Pandemic |
Christiane F. S. Macena, Iani D. Lauer-Leite, Maria Inês G. Higuchi, Jorge Antonio S. Costa, Jaílson S. Novais |
147 |
[GO] |
Children Youth and Environments |
2023―Jul―28 |
Empowering Adolescent Girls during a Global Pandemic: An Initiative through the Scheme for Adolescent Girls and the Kanyashree Prakalpa Convergence (SAG-KP) Program |
Arpita Banerjee, Arnab Karar, Nilanjana Ghosh, Indrani Bhattacharyya, Santwana Adhikari |
148 |
[GO] |
Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved |
2023―Jul―27 |
Visit Data and Telehealth in a Clinic for Trafficked Persons: Virtual Care and Human Trafficking During the COVID-19 Pandemic |
Maria Hadjikyriakou, Natalie Martinez-Sosa, Philip D. Harvey, JoNell Efantis Potter, Latoya Johnson, Maureen C. Kenny, Lujain Alhajji |
149 |
[GO] |
Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved |
2023―Jul―27 |
Social Connectivity and Coping Among Vulnerable Veterans During the COVID-19 Pandemic |
Elizabeth M. Moore, Sonya Gabrielian, Michael F. Zito, Suzanne D. Kozikowski, James R. Lopez, Michael Lesgart, Michael F. Green |
150 |
[GO] |
Essays in Medieval Studies |
2023―Jul―26 |
Postpandemic Trauma in Geoffrey Chaucer’s The Franklin’s Tale |
Lorenz Hindrichen |
151 |
[GO] |
Perspectives in Biology and Medicine |
2023―Jul―14 |
Bridging Divides: art and religion in the early AIDS pandemic |
Matthew Kelly |
152 |
[GO] |
Caribbean Studies |
2023―Jul―08 |
Caribbean Nationalism in the time of COVID-19: Analyzing the Official Deployment of Nationalism in Barbados |
Latoya Lazarus, Ian Craig |
153 |
[GO] |
Brookings Papers on Economic Activity |
2023―Jul―07 |
Understanding US Inflation during the COVID-19 Era |
Laurence Ball, Daniel Leigh, Prachi Mishra |
154 |
[GO] |
Brookings Papers on Economic Activity |
2023―Jul―07 |
Economic Impact Payments and Household Spending during the Pandemic |
Jonathan A. Parker, Jake Schild, Laura Erhard, David S. Johnson |
155 |
[GO] |
Theatre Topics |
2023―Jul―07 |
Toward a Future Theatre: Conversations during a Pandemic by Caridad Svich (review) |
156 |
[GO] |
Bulletin of the Center for Children s Books |
2023―Jun―25 |
The Other Pandemic: An AIDS Memoir by Lynn Curlee (review) |
157 |
[GO] |
Theory & Event |
2023―Jun―23 |
The Political Is Medical Now: COVID-19, Medicalization and Political Theory |
Dan Degerman |
158 |
[GO] |
Theory & Event |
2023―Jun―23 |
The Global COVID-19 Pandemic and the Need to Change Who We Think “We” Are |
Nandita Sharma |
159 |
[GO] |
Theory & Event |
2023―Jun―23 |
A Conversation about Work, Precarity and Political Possibilities During COVID-19 |
Paul Apostolidis, Keally McBride |
160 |
[GO] |
Theory & Event |
2023―Jun―23 |
Andante Adagio: Exposed Life and Liminality in Times of Covid-19 in Italy |
Lorenzo Rinelli |
161 |
[GO] |
Theory & Event |
2023―Jun―23 |
The End of Emergency: Coronavirus, Uncertain Bodies, and Agitating Sovereignty |
Andrew Poe |
162 |
[GO] |
Theory & Event |
2023―Jun―23 |
Life, Time, and Pandemic Events |
William E. Connolly |
163 |
[GO] |
Appalachian Review |
2023―Jun―08 |
Remembering Pandemic Teaching |
Rachel Bates |
164 |
[GO] |
International Union Rights |
2023―Jun―07 |
Workers seek Covid-19 protection on plantations already racked by closures and unemployment |
Paul Lievens |
165 |
[GO] |
International Union Rights |
2023―Jun―07 |
Keeping public transport workers safe from Covid-19 |
Alana Dave |
166 |
[GO] |
International Union Rights |
2023―Jun―07 |
'Get Close To The Workers, Stay Close To The Workers': The Shift to Digital Organising During Covid-19 |
Nicole McPherson |
167 |
[GO] |
Max Weber Studies |
2023―Jun―07 |
The Covid-19 Crisis: A Conflict between Rationalities |
Eduardo Weisz |
168 |
[GO] |
International Union Rights |
2023―Jun―07 |
Responding to the Failures of Labour Law Exposed by
Covid-19 |
K D Ewing, Hendy Qc |
169 |
[GO] |
International Union Rights |
2023―Jun―07 |
Covid-19 - Call Centre Workers and Health-Safety, Union Challenges and Organisation |
Phil Taylor |
170 |
[GO] |
International Union Rights |
2023―Jun―07 |
Editorial: Impacts of Covid-19 on Work and the Challenge for Union Rights |
Daniel Blackburn |
171 |
[GO] |
International Union Rights |
2023―Jun―07 |
‘Just because you don't see your boss, doesn't mean you don't have a boss’: Covid-19 and Gig Worker Strikes across Latin America |
Kelle Howson, Funda Ustek-Spilda, Rafael Grohmann, Nancy Salem, Rodrigo Carelli, Daniel Abs, et al. (+6) Julice Salvagni, Mark Graham, Maria Belen Balbornoz, Henry Chavez, Arturo Arriagada, Macarena Bonhomme |
172 |
[GO] |
Group |
2023―Jun―07 |
From the Circle to the Square: Group Psychotherapy in the Age of Coronavirus |
Ella Stolper, Efrat Zigenlaub |
173 |
[GO] |
International Union Rights |
2023―Jun―07 |
Lessons to learn: education and the pandemic |
Patrick Roach |
174 |
[GO] |
Max Weber Studies |
2023―Jun―07 |
The Pandemic and Max Weber |
Hinnerk Bruhns |
175 |
[GO] |
International Union Rights |
2023―Jun―07 |
The Pandemic Has Hit a World Which Was Already in Deep Trouble |
Sharan Burrow |
176 |
[GO] |
International Union Rights |
2023―Jun―07 |
A Neoliberal Pandemic in Asia |
Kate Lappin |
177 |
[GO] |
International Union Rights |
2023―Jun―07 |
Bargaining, representation and organising in the Pandemic: Experience
from the Financial Services Union |
Niall Cullinane, Gareth Murphy |
178 |
[GO] |
International Union Rights |
2023―Jun―07 |
The Swedish model and the pandemic: trust, trade union rights and collective self-regulation |
Claes-Mikael Ståhl |
179 |
[GO] |
International Union Rights |
2023―Jun―07 |
Trade Union Rights During the Pandemic: Urgent for Health and Frontline Public Workers |
Baba Aye |
180 |
[GO] |
Studies An Irish Quarterly Review |
2023―Jun―06 |
Industrial Policy in Ireland: Responding to Covid-19 and Brexit |
William Kingston |
181 |
[GO] |
Storytelling Self Society |
2023―Jun―06 |
The Challenges and Possibilities of Live Children’s Literary Storytelling for At-Risk Audiences during COVID-19 |
Julie-Ann Scott, Richard Olsen |
182 |
[GO] |
Storytelling Self Society |
2023―Jun―06 |
“I Know I’m Not the Only One”: Creating New Systems of High School Mental Health Care through Storytelling during COVID-19 |
Johanna Middleton |
183 |
[GO] |
Storytelling Self Society |
2023―Jun―06 |
Pandemonium: Reframing Performance in Pandemic |
A. B. |
184 |
[GO] |
Storytelling Self Society |
2023―Jun―06 |
Notes from a Pandemic Pothole |
Milbre Burch |
185 |
[GO] |
Storytelling Self Society |
2023―Jun―06 |
On Developing Notes from a Pandemic Pothole : A Personal Reflection on the Co-creation of New Work in Storytelling |
Milbre Burch |
186 |
[GO] |
Storytelling Self Society |
2023―Jun―06 |
Storycircling the Virtual: Creating Space in a Pandemic with Storyscope |
Lauren Mark, Tyler Rife, Jennifer Linde, Rob Razzante |
187 |
[GO] |
Children Youth and Environments |
2023―May―28 |
Children, Adolescents and the HIV and AIDS Pandemic: Changing Inter-Generational Relationships and Intra-Family Communication Patterns in Botswana |
Klaus Geiselhart, Thando D. Gwebu, Fred Krüger |
188 |
[GO] |
Great Plains Research |
2023―May―21 |
Concern, Conflict, and Chaos: Nebraska Educator Experiences during the Pandemic |
Amanda L. Witte, Amanda Prokasky, Courtney Boise, Renata T. M. Gomes, Gwen C. Nugent, Susan M. Sheridan |
189 |
[GO] |
College Student Affairs Journal |
2023―May―14 |
College Students' Stress Responses and Anxiety During the 2020 COVID-19 Pandemic |
Neda Moinolmolki |
190 |
[GO] |
Cultural Critique |
2023―May―07 |
Living and Dying in the Age of COVID-19: Social Murder, Reproduction, and Rhetoric |
M. R. Greene-May |
191 |
[GO] |
Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved |
2023―Apr―30 |
Telemedicine and Disparities in Visit Attendance at a Rural Pediatric Primary Care Clinic During the COVID-19 Pandemic |
Shaundreal Jamison, Yingying Zheng, Linh Nguyen, Farhan A Khan, Dmitry Tumin, Kristina Simeonsson |
192 |
[GO] |
Social Research An International Quarterly |
2023―Apr―23 |
Social Science in the Time of COVID-19 |
Michel Wensing |
193 |
[GO] |
Social Research An International Quarterly |
2023―Apr―23 |
COVID-19: The Challenge of Global Vaccine Inequity |
Safura Abdool Karim, Quarraisha Abdool Karim, Salim Abdool Karim |
194 |
[GO] |
Social Research An International Quarterly |
2023―Apr―23 |
Clash between Science and Politics: The COVID-19 Pandemic in Brazil |
Elisa Reis, Felix Lopez |
195 |
[GO] |
Merrill-Palmer Quarterly |
2023―Apr―23 |
Adolescents’ In-Person and Online Interactions With Friends During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Associations With Loneliness and Depressive Symptoms |
Amanda J. Rose, Nicole Campione-Barr, Sarah E. Killoren, Wendy M. Rote |
196 |
[GO] |
Social Research An International Quarterly |
2023―Apr―23 |
A Pandemic-Accelerated Shift to Openness: The Case of Scholarly Publishing |
Lizzie Sayer, Jenice Goveas, Geoffrey Boulton |
197 |
[GO] |
World Literature Today |
2023―Apr―23 |
At Work in the Ruins: Finding Our Place in the Time of Science, Climate Change, Pandemics and All the Other Emergencies by Dougald Hine |
John Zerzan |
198 |
[GO] |
The Journal of Developing Areas |
2023―Apr―09 |
In Government and Academics we Trust: Trust in Information Sources for Covid-19 Communication Across Urban Bangladesh |
Mohammad Riaz Uddin, Rubaiya Murshed |
199 |
[GO] |
The Journal of Developing Areas |
2023―Apr―09 |
Evaluation of the Effect of Covid-19 Pandemic Lockdown on Food Security Among Urban Households in Jos, Plateau State, Nigeria |
Solomon T. Folorunso, Ruth O. Alabi, O. O. Stephen-Adamu |
200 |
[GO] |
Asian Theatre Journal |
2023―Apr―09 |
Towards a Definition of Performance During the Covid-19 Pandemic: A Study of Ramlila in India |
Prateek |
201 |
[GO] |
Frontiers A Journal of Women Studies |
2023―Apr―02 |
On the Lateness of Pandemic Time |
William Mosley |
202 |
[GO] |
Frontiers A Journal of Women Studies |
2023―Apr―02 |
When We’re Coming From: What Would an HIV Doula Do? on Pandemic Time(s) |
Jennifer Brier, Salonee Bhaman, Alex Fialho, Pato Hebert, Theodore Kerr, Alexandra Juhasz, Olivia R. Polk |
203 |
[GO] |
Frontiers A Journal of Women Studies |
2023―Apr―02 |
Pandemic Time: A Critical Introduction |
Darius Bost |
204 |
[GO] |
Frontiers A Journal of Women Studies |
2023―Apr―02 |
A Meditation on Grief in Pandemic Times |
Karma R. Chávez |
205 |
[GO] |
The Yale Review |
2023―Mar―26 |
On Being Hit: What stage of the pandemic is this? |
Jordan Kisner |
206 |
[GO] |
Children Youth and Environments |
2023―Mar―19 |
The Role of Toronto's Neighborhood Landscape Characteristics in Facilitating Outdoor Play During the COVID-19 Outbreak |
Cibele Carla Souza Donato, Robert C. Corry, Sarah A. Moore, Raktim Mitra, Leigh Vanderloo |
207 |
[GO] |
Journal of College Student Development |
2023―Mar―19 |
Food Insecurity Among College Students with Disabilities During the COVID-19 Pandemic |
Krista M Soria, Vanessa Coca |
208 |
[GO] |
Western American Literature |
2023―Mar―19 |
“Do the Right Thing Always”: Laura Ingalls Wilder and the Global Pandemics of 1918 and 2020 |
Amy S. Fatzinger |
209 |
[GO] |
CrossCurrents |
2023―Mar―12 |
Remembering (and Forgetting) COVID-19 in Britain’s Religious-Secular Landscape |
David Tollerton |
210 |
[GO] |
CrossCurrents |
2023―Mar―12 |
Fake News, Fake Prophets: Mis/Disinformation, Public Health, and the COVID-19 Global Pandemic in Nigeria and Beyond: A Christian Narrative |
Ndidi Justice Gbule |
211 |
[GO] |
Perspectives in Biology and Medicine |
2023―Mar―12 |
Historical Lessons on Vaccine Hesitancy: Smallpox, Polio, and Measles, and Implications for COVID-19 |
J. J. Eddy, H. A. Smith, J. E. Abrams |
212 |
[GO] |
China An International Journal |
2023―Mar―12 |
"Special Times Call for Special Measures": China's Regulation of COVID-19 through Criminal Justice Innovation |
Enshen Li, Xifen Lin, Sihong Liu |
213 |
[GO] |
China An International Journal |
2023―Mar―12 |
Beyond "Vaccine Nationalism": China's Cooperation with the Middle East in the COVID-19 Vaccine |
Song Niu, Rui Wu |
214 |
[GO] |
Gendered Perspectives on International Development |
2023―Feb―27 |
COVID-19 and MENA: Governance, Geopolitics, and Gender |
Valentine M. Moghadam |
215 |
[GO] |
Alliance for African Partnership Perspectives |
2023―Feb―27 |
COVID-19 and African Civil Society Organizations: Impact and Responses |
Shaninomi Eribo |
216 |
[GO] |
Alliance for African Partnership Perspectives |
2023―Feb―27 |
Efforts to Preserve Educational Access, Research, and Public Service Relevance at the University of Dar es Salaam in the Age of COVID-19 |
Lulu T. Kaaya, William A. L. Anangisye, Bonaventure Rutinwa, Bernadetha Killian |
217 |
[GO] |
Alliance for African Partnership Perspectives |
2023―Feb―27 |
The Future of Continental and International Collaborations at the University of Nigeria after COVID-19 |
Charles A. Igwe, Anthonia I. Achike, Bennett C. Nwanguma |
218 |
[GO] |
Alliance for African Partnership Perspectives |
2023―Feb―27 |
Business Repositioning at Botswana Open University in the Face of COVID-19 |
Sunny Enow Aiyuk, Lekopanye Lacic Tladi, Freeson Kaniwa |
219 |
[GO] |
Alliance for African Partnership Perspectives |
2023―Feb―27 |
Coping with the Impact of COVID-19 in Higher Education: Responses and Recommendations from the University of Botswana |
Lucky Odirile |
220 |
[GO] |
Alliance for African Partnership Perspectives |
2023―Feb―27 |
A Community-University Partnership: Responding to COVID-19 in South Africa via the University of Pretoria's Community Engagement Initiative |
Martina Jordaan, Nita Mennega |
221 |
[GO] |
Alliance for African Partnership Perspectives |
2023―Feb―27 |
Strategies of the Dominican University Nigeria in Coping with the COVID-19 Pandemic |
Obiageli C. Okoye |
222 |
[GO] |
Alliance for African Partnership Perspectives |
2023―Feb―27 |
COVID-19 Pandemic in Nigeria: Lessons on Responsibility, University Leadership, and Navigating the New Normal |
Olanike K. Adeyemo, Selim A. Alarape, Victoria O. Adetunji, David T. Afolayan |
223 |
[GO] |
Alliance for African Partnership Perspectives |
2023―Feb―27 |
Facing COVID-19 Pandemic Learning/Teaching Challenges: Lessons and Perspectives from Malian Universities |
Fatoumata Keïta, Binta Koïta, Abo뫊r Niamabélé, Welore Tamboura |
224 |
[GO] |
Alliance for African Partnership Perspectives |
2023―Feb―27 |
Exploring the Gendered Effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Academic Staff in Tanzania |
Perpetua J. Urio, Susan P. Murphy, Ikupa Moses, Consolata Chua, Immanuel Darkwa |
225 |
[GO] |
Alliance for African Partnership Perspectives |
2023―Feb―27 |
The Mental and Psychosocial Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on University Faculty and Students |
Ruthie C. Rono, Kung'u Lucy Waithera |
226 |
[GO] |
Alliance for African Partnership Perspectives |
2023―Feb―27 |
Reflections on University Education in Uganda and the COVID-19 Pandemic Shock: Responses and Lessons Learned |
Barnabas Nawangwe, Anthony Mugagga Muwagga, Mukadasi Buyinza, Fred Masaazi Masagazi |
227 |
[GO] |
Alliance for African Partnership Perspectives |
2023―Feb―27 |
AAP Universities' Responses to the COVID-19 Pandemic: Lessons Learned and Shared |
Samuel L. Stanley, Tawana Kupe, Ibrahima Thioub, David Norris, Rose Mwonya |
228 |
[GO] |
Alliance for African Partnership Perspectives |
2023―Feb―27 |
Context and Rationale for the Thought Pieces on COVID-19 Response in Africa |
Paul Tiyambe Zeleza |
229 |
[GO] |
Rhetoric Politics & Culture |
2023―Feb―27 |
The Primal Scene of COVID-19: “We’re All in this Together” |
Eric King Watts |
230 |
[GO] |
Canadian Ethnic Studies |
2023―Feb―19 |
Temporary Residents, Lasting Issues: International Graduate Students and Covid-19 |
Isabel Fandino, Pallavi Banerjee |
231 |
[GO] |
Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved |
2023―Feb―19 |
The Power of Relationships During the Pandemic: A Community Health Center's Response to COVID-19 |
Megan Inada, Puni Jackson, Ku'ulei Freed, Michael Epp, David Derauf |
232 |
[GO] |
Health and History |
2023―Feb―19 |
Modern Epidemics: From the Spanish Flu to COVID-19 by Salvador Macip |
Ann Westmore |
233 |
[GO] |
Canadian Ethnic Studies |
2023―Feb―19 |
How They Learned to Stop Worrying and Love (the) Restrictions? Reimagining COVID-19 Lockdowns-as-Liberative and Restorative: |
Isma Yusuf |
234 |
[GO] |
Canadian Ethnic Studies |
2023―Feb―19 |
The Role of Financial Insecurity, Racial Discrimination, and Comorbid Health Conditions on Mental Health in Canada and the United States During the COVID-19 Pandemic |
Jasmine Thomas, Murlat-Valérie Georges, Sally Ogoe, Avery Hallberg, Nikol Veisman, Lori Wilkinson, et al. (+3) Paul Holley, Ravindra Shrestha, Kiera Ladner |
235 |
[GO] |
Canadian Ethnic Studies |
2023―Feb―19 |
Parents’ Perceptions of Barriers and Facilitators to Their Children’s Multilingual Language Development Before and After the COVID-19 Pandemic |
Natalie Gordon, Catrine Demers, Rita Chehayeb, Andrea A.N. MacLeod |
236 |
[GO] |
Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved |
2023―Feb―19 |
Implementing a State-Funded Peer-Run Mental Health Warmline During the COVID-19 Pandemic |
Adrienne Lapidos, Mary Beth Franks, Pamela Werner, Paul N. Pfeiffer |
237 |
[GO] |
Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved |
2023―Feb―19 |
Telehealth Use and Access to Care for Underserved Populations Before and During the COVID-19 Pandemic |
Clese Erikson, Yoon Hong Park, Natalie Felida, Michael Dill |
238 |
[GO] |
Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved |
2023―Feb―19 |
The Effect of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Use of Select Child Health Services in Kenyan Hospitals |
John Njuguna |
239 |
[GO] |
Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved |
2023―Feb―19 |
COVID-19-Related Emergency Department Visits Among Undocumented Patients in Los Angeles County |
Michael P. Huynh, Senxi Du, Courtney Hanlon, Helen Yang, Andrew Young, Annie Ro |
240 |
[GO] |
Canadian Ethnic Studies |
2023―Feb―19 |
Gender, Parenthood, and Employment During COVID-19: An Immigrant-Native Born Comparison in Canada |
Siqi Qin, Manlin Cai, Sylvia Fuller, Yue Qian |
241 |
[GO] |
Essays in Medieval Studies |
2023―Feb―19 |
Pandemic Fault Lines: The Black Death in the Age of Covid |
Dorsey Armstrong |
242 |
[GO] |
Canadian Ethnic Studies |
2023―Feb―19 |
Pandemic Perspectives: Racialized and Gendered Experiences of Refugee and Immigrant Families in Canada |
Pallavi Banerjee, Carieta Thomas |
243 |
[GO] |
Health and History |
2023―Feb―19 |
Pandemic: The Spanish Flu in Australia 1918-1920 by Ian W. Shaw |
Heather Battles |
244 |
[GO] |
Library Trends |
2023―Feb―05 |
A Return to the Stone Age: Rock Art as Joyful Information Practice during COVID-19 |
Bonnie J. Tulloch |
245 |
[GO] |
Theatre Journal |
2023―Feb―05 |
"A Period of Extreme Uncertainty": A Conversation on Pandemic Theatre by AAPI Companies in California |
Janine Sun Rogers, Sean Metzger |
246 |
[GO] |
portal Libraries and the Academy |
2023―Jan―15 |
Flipping the (COVID-19) Classroom: Redesigning a First-Year Information Literacy Program during a Pandemic |
Jennifer S. Ferguson |
247 |
[GO] |
portal Libraries and the Academy |
2023―Jan―15 |
Decision-Making by and for Academic Libraries during COVID-19 |
Sarah R. Fitzgerald, Sarah Hutton, Rebecca Reznik-Zellen, Charlie Barlow, Will Oldham |
248 |
[GO] |
The Review of Higher Education |
2023―Jan―08 |
School Counselors and College Counseling During the COVID-19 Pandemic |
Heather T. Rowan-Kenyon, Stephanie Carroll, Tara P. Nicola, Mandy Savitz-Romer |
249 |
[GO] |
Brookings Papers on Economic Activity |
2022―Dec―18 |
Understanding the Economic Impact of COVID-19 on Women |
Claudia Goldin |
250 |
[GO] |
Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved |
2022―Dec―18 |
Setting an Opportunity Agenda for Multisectoral Partnerships: Building on Learnings from COVID-19 |
Marcella Nunez-Smith |
251 |
[GO] |
Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved |
2022―Dec―18 |
Mitigating Food Insecurity During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Replicable Food Delivery Service Using Public-Private Partnerships |
Karen E. Haney, Michael T. Measom, J. Zack Timmons, Michael K. Hole |
252 |
[GO] |
Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved |
2022―Dec―18 |
Baltimore City Health Department's Use of Public-Private Partnerships to Create a Continuum of COVID-19 Services for Special Populations |
Amanda Rosecrans, Sarah Rives, Robert Harris, Norberth Stracker, Jesse Mesenburg, Lisa Scotti, et al. (+4) Jonathan Gross, Steve Johnson, Charles Callahan, Letitia Dzirasa |
253 |
[GO] |
Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved |
2022―Dec―18 |
Advancing COVID-19 Vaccination Equity Among the Refugee Community: An Innovative Multi-Sector Collaborative Outreach Program |
Catherine E. Elmore, Sarah R. Blackstone, Elizabeth L. Carpenter, Putnam Ivey de Cortez, Claire O'Donnell, Erica Uhlmann, et al. (+2) Justin Vesser, Fern R. Hauck |
254 |
[GO] |
Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved |
2022―Dec―18 |
A Health System's Approach to Using CBPR Principles with Multi-sector Collaboration to Design and Implement a COVID-19 Vaccine Outreach Program |
Brisa Urquieta de Hernandez, Monique Díaz, David Foster, Marijka Grey, Alisahah Jackson, Jacquiline Tong, et al. (+6) Addison Hoover, Kulleni Gebreyes, Asif Dhar, Matthew Piltch, Nefertiti Wade, Courtney Burton |
255 |
[GO] |
Brookings Papers on Economic Activity |
2022―Dec―18 |
Panel on Fiscal Policy and Budget Deficits Following The Pandemic |
256 |
[GO] |
Journal of the Early Republic |
2022―Dec―04 |
Equity and Integration: Scholarship after COVID-19 |
Stacey Robertson |
257 |
[GO] |
Perspectives in Biology and Medicine |
2022―Dec―04 |
Narrative Ethics, COVID-19, and Flawed Stories |
Howard Brody |
258 |
[GO] |
Perspectives in Biology and Medicine |
2022―Dec―04 |
COVID-19, Graphic Medicine, and Thinking Beyond Data |
Sathyaraj Venkatesan, Ishani Anwesha Joshi |
259 |
[GO] |
Perspectives in Biology and Medicine |
2022―Dec―04 |
Protecting Practitioners in Stressed Systems: Translational Bioethics and the COVID-19 Pandemic |
Mara Buchbinder, Nancy Berlinger, Tania M. Jenkins |
260 |
[GO] |
China An International Journal |
2022―Dec―04 |
The Surge of Nationalist Sentiment among Chinese Youth during the COVID-19 Pandemic |
Wing-Chung Ho |
261 |
[GO] |
China An International Journal |
2022―Dec―04 |
Is Intensive Accountability Conducive to the Implementation of COVID-19 Pandemic Containment Policies? An Empirical Study of Accountability, Blame Avoidance and Public Service Motivation |
Huilong Li, Xinyuan Wei, Yongchao Wu |
262 |
[GO] |
Prairie Schooner |
2022―Dec―04 |
The Music of the Suburb, and: Meramec. Pandemic. 2020 |
Eamonn Wall |
263 |
[GO] |
Children Youth and Environments |
2022―Nov―27 |
Exploring Camp Community in Online Summer Camp Programs during COVID-19 |
Megan H. Owens, K. Dale Adkins |
264 |
[GO] |
Children Youth and Environments |
2022―Nov―27 |
Physically Distanced but Socially Connected: Interactive Playgroup Sessions Delivered Remotely during the COVID-19 Lockdown |
Brittany Huber, Joanne Tarasuik, Nancylee Merzel, Deborah Njegac |
265 |
[GO] |
Children Youth and Environments |
2022―Nov―27 |
Differential Impacts of COVID-19 on Summer Activities and Environments for Children from High- and Low-Income Families |
Dan Richmond, Rachel McGovern, Taylor Wycoff, Michael Froehly, Meagan Ricks, Jim Sibthorp |
266 |
[GO] |
Children Youth and Environments |
2022―Nov―27 |
Changes in Outdoor Recreation among Rural and Urban Children during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Fathers' Perspectives |
Dina Izenstark, Iryna Sharaievska |
267 |
[GO] |
Children Youth and Environments |
2022―Nov―27 |
Parent-Perceived Changes in Active Transportation and Independent Mobility among Canadian Children in Relation to the COVID-19 Pandemic: Results from Two National Surveys |
Richard Larouche, Sarah A. Moore, Mathieu Bélanger, Mariana Brussoni, Guy Faulkner, Katie Gunnell, Mark S. Tremblay |
268 |
[GO] |
Children Youth and Environments |
2022―Nov―27 |
Growing up under COVID-19: Insights into Impacts and Young People's Responses to Changing Socio-Ecological Contexts as a Result of the Pandemic |
Barry Percy-Smith, Sara Rizzo, Chermaine Tay, Enrica Lorusso, Laurie Day, Leanne Monchuk |
269 |
[GO] |
Southeastern Geographer |
2022―Nov―27 |
The Southern Economy at the Precipice of the Post-Global Age: Evaluating Pandemic-Era Disruptions to the Export Sector |
Ronald V. Kalafsky, William Graves |
270 |
[GO] |
Children Youth and Environments |
2022―Nov―27 |
Pivoting an In-Person Multiplatform Science Program to a Virtual Program during a Pandemic: Lessons Learned |
Linlin Li, Gary Weiser, Kim Luttgen, Megan Schneider, Chun-Wei Kevin Huang, Momo Hayakawa, et al. (+4) Joan Freese, Beth Daniels, Mai Chue Lor, Emily Jensen |
271 |
[GO] |
CrossCurrents |
2022―Nov―20 |
Interfaith Dialogue and Healthcare Diplomacy During COVID-19 and Beyond: Parameters, Opportunities, and Constraints |
Nukhet A. Sandal |
272 |
[GO] |
Change Over Time |
2022―Nov―06 |
Legacies of Detention, Isolation, and Quarantine: Ambivalence, Covid-19, and the Uses of Memory |
David Barnes |
273 |
[GO] |
Change Over Time |
2022―Nov―06 |
Anticipating a Covid-19 Memorial Landscape: Quarantine and Migration Heritage as a Template? |
Gareth Hoskins, Joanne Maddern |
274 |
[GO] |
Georgetown Journal of International Affairs |
2022―Nov―06 |
Assessing the Impact of COVID-19 on Indigenous Peoples in Latin America: Towards Effective Post-Pandemic Policies |
Darren R. Reid, Leonel Piovezana, Claudia Battestin |
275 |
[GO] |
Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved |
2022―Nov―06 |
"Everything is a Mess. I'm Just Trying to Survive It.": Impacts of COVID-19 on Personal Assistance Services |
Rayna Sage, Krys Standley, Catherine Ipsen |
276 |
[GO] |
Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved |
2022―Nov―06 |
County-Level COVID-19 Vaccination Rates, Non-Communicable Diseases, and Socioeconomic Inequities: Applying Syndemic Theory to Vaccines |
John G. Rizk, Fadia T. Shaya |
277 |
[GO] |
Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved |
2022―Nov―06 |
COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy among Clinical Medical Students in Enugu, South East Nigeria |
Onwuka Chidinma Ifechi, Ezugwu Euzebus Chinonye, Onwuka Chidozie |
278 |
[GO] |
Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved |
2022―Nov―06 |
Social and Economic Factors Related to Healthcare Delay Among Low-Income Families During COVID-19: Results from the ACCESS Observational Study |
Mekhala Hoskote, Rita Hamad, Wendi Gosliner, Karen Sokal-Gutierrez, William Dow, Lia C.H. Fernald |
279 |
[GO] |
Technology and Culture |
2022―Nov―06 |
Going Digital: The Research Library and the Pandemic |
Benjamin Gross, Allison Marsh |
280 |
[GO] |
Human Rights Quarterly |
2022―Nov―06 |
Not Even with a Pandemic: The IMF, Human Rights, and Rational Choices Under Power Relations |
Juan Pablo Bohoslavsky, Francisco Cantamutto |
281 |
[GO] |
South Central Review |
2022―Oct―30 |
Pandemic Denialism: The Case of COVID-19 |
Andrew S. Natsios |
282 |
[GO] |
Social Research An International Quarterly |
2022―Oct―23 |
Learning from Experience? COVID-19 Conspiracy Theories and Their Implications for Democratic Discourse |
Jennifer Hochschild, David Beavers |
283 |
[GO] |
Journal of Korean Religions |
2022―Oct―16 |
Four Types of Protestant Responses to South Korean Government Measures to Control COVID-19 Outbreaks in 2020-2021 |
Timothy S. Lee |
284 |
[GO] |
Journal of Korean Religions |
2022―Oct―16 |
Mediated Faith Coping with COVID-19: A Case Study of a Megachurch in South Korea |
Seung Min Hong |
285 |
[GO] |
CEA Critic |
2022―Oct―09 |
Human and Professor: Using Trauma-Informed Pedagogy to Reimagine Teaching in the Wake of COVID-19 |
Britt Munro |
286 |
[GO] |
Journal of College Student Development |
2022―Oct―09 |
COVID-19 Disruptions: Evaluating the Early Impacts of Campus Closure on Academic Self-Efficacy and Motivation |
Gregory C. Wolniak, Sarah C. Burman |
287 |
[GO] |
portal Libraries and the Academy |
2022―Oct―09 |
The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Tenure-Track Librarians |
Amanda McCormick, Carolyn-Klotzbach Russell, Kimberly Plassche |
288 |
[GO] |
Journal of Latin American Geography |
2022―Oct―09 |
Narrativas de vida espaciales en el contexto de la Covid-19: Reflexiones desde la ruralidad ecuatoriana |
Estefania P. Palacios, Diana V. López, Dayanara A. Delgado |
289 |
[GO] |
portal Libraries and the Academy |
2022―Oct―09 |
Rarely Disrupted: Pandemic-Informed Special Collections |
Beth M. Whittaker, Lynne M. Thomas |
290 |
[GO] |
American Quarterly |
2022―Sep―25 |
American Empire and the "Indian Problem" in 2020: From COVID-19 Checkpoints to McGirt |
Elizabeth Rule |
291 |
[GO] |
American Quarterly |
2022―Sep―25 |
Lives More Recognizable Than Individual: Indigenous Communities in the Face of Pandemics |
Dallas Hunt, Gina Starblanket |
292 |
[GO] |
Children Youth and Environments |
2022―Sep―16 |
Implementing a Play-Based Forest Classroom Following the Onset of COVID-19 |
Kevin Stinehart, Jill Shelnut, Meghan Chandler, Barry A. Garst, Stephanie P. Garst |
293 |
[GO] |
Children Youth and Environments |
2022―Sep―16 |
COVID-19 and Vulnerable Urban Children: A Rapid Assessment of UNICEF's Early Response to COVID-19 in Urban Settings in Brazil, India, and Spain |
Sudeshna Chatterjee, Denis Jobin, Chandrani Dutta |
294 |
[GO] |
Children Youth and Environments |
2022―Sep―16 |
This Podcast Will Kill You, COVID-19, Chapter 10: Schools |
Catherine Rita |
295 |
[GO] |
Children Youth and Environments |
2022―Sep―16 |
Coping with COVID-19 in Kentucky: Youth Examine Their Learning Lives |
Daniela K. DiGiacomo, Ellen L. Usher, Sanaa M. Kahloon, Caiti Griffiths, Connor Flick, Beth Goldstein, et al. (+4) Sadie Bograd, Spandana Pavuluri, Sofie Farmer, Emmanuelle Sippy |
296 |
[GO] |
Children Youth and Environments |
2022―Sep―16 |
Re-Imagining Outdoor Playspaces: An Unexpected Consequence of the COVID-19 Lockdown |
Deborah Moore, Anne-Marie Morrissey, Mary Jeavons |
297 |
[GO] |
Children Youth and Environments |
2022―Sep―16 |
The Impact of COVID-19 Lockdowns on Youth Relationships with Nature: A Socio-Spatial Perspective |
Corey J. Martz, Rebecca L. Powell, Bryan Wee |
298 |
[GO] |
Children Youth and Environments |
2022―Sep―16 |
The Impact of COVID-19 on Children's Play in the Tourist City: A Case Study of a Lisbon Urban Park |
Eunice Castro Seixas, Catarina Tomás, Maria Fernandes-Jesus, Niccolò Giacchetta |
299 |
[GO] |
Children Youth and Environments |
2022―Sep―16 |
Therapists' Perspectives: The Impact of COVID-19 on Implementation of Early Intervention Services in Illinois, Florida, and the United Kingdom |
Emily Garratt, Sara Garner, Tammy Davis, Christina Rushing, Sandra Forman, Misty Chisum |
300 |
[GO] |
Children Youth and Environments |
2022―Sep―16 |
The Emerging Impacts of COVID-19 on the Relationship between Children, Youth and Environments |
Vikas Mehta, Victoria Carr, Rhonda Douglas Brown, Leslie Kochanowski |
301 |
[GO] |
Children Youth and Environments |
2022―Sep―16 |
Environmental Scan of Child and Youth Outdoor Play-Based Projects, Programs, Activities and Services Available in Canada During the COVID-19 Pandemic |
Louise de Lannoy, Lindsay MacDonald, Kheana Barbeau, Mark S. Tremblay |
302 |
[GO] |
Children Youth and Environments |
2022―Sep―16 |
The Impacts of COVID-19 Responses on Children, Youth and Their Environments in Canada, the United States, New Zealand, and Australia |
Kate Bishop, Linda Corkery, Neda Afshar, Fatemeh Aminpour, Mariana Brussoni, Penelope Carroll, et al. (+10) Victoria Derr, Katina Dimoulias, Claire Edwards, Susan Herrington, Julie Johnson, Angela Kreutz, Janet Loebach, Patsy Eubanks Owens, Bryoni Tresize, Karen Witten |
303 |
[GO] |
Children Youth and Environments |
2022―Sep―16 |
The Phenology Project: Addressing Dis-ease in a Time of Pandemic |
Michael E. Beeth, Wendy Strauch-Nelson, Kelsey Raschke, Clayton T. Russell |
304 |
[GO] |
The Yale Review |
2022―Sep―11 |
Spiritualism's Shadows: On COVID-19 and false consolation |
Alicia Puglionesi |
305 |
[GO] |
Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved |
2022―Aug―28 |
Equipping Small Businesses to Navigate Health Orders and Occupational Safety During the COVID-19 Pandemic |
Diego Renteria, Diana Renteria, Linda Hill, Sara Baird |
306 |
[GO] |
Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved |
2022―Aug―28 |
Effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Black Veterans' Mental Health: A Qualitative Investigation |
Marianne S. Matthias, Jasma Adams, Diana J. Burgess, Joanne Daggy, Tayler M. Gowan, Anthony J. Perkins, Johanne Eliacin |
307 |
[GO] |
Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved |
2022―Aug―28 |
Food Insecurity and Mental Health Trajectories during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Longitudinal Evidence from a Nationally Representative Survey |
Dexia Kong, Peiyi Lu, Elissa Kozlov, Mack Shelley |
308 |
[GO] |
Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved |
2022―Aug―28 |
Patient Income Does Not Predict Disability or Mortality in Hospitalized COVID-19 Patients in a Large Health Care System in the Chicago Metropolitan Area |
Brian Stamm, Regina Royan, Jeffrey R. Clark, Steven C. Hoffman, Nathan A. Shlobin, Zachary S. Orban, et al. (+4) Patrick H. Lim, Igor J. Koralnik, Eric M. Liotta, Ayush Batra |
309 |
[GO] |
Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved |
2022―Aug―28 |
Assessing Black America's Experience During the COVID-19 Plague |
William P. Brandon |
310 |
[GO] |
Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved |
2022―Aug―28 |
Racial Disparities in Nursing Home Resident and Staff COVID-19 Vaccination Rates |
Danya M. Qato, Sean P. Fleming, Alexandra Wallem, Linda Wastila |
311 |
[GO] |
Southeastern Geographer |
2022―Aug―28 |
Spatial Exploration of Social Vulnerability and COVID-19-Related Health Outcomes in Mississippi |
S M Asger Ali, Kathleen Sherman-Morris, Shrinidhi Ambinakudige |
312 |
[GO] |
Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved |
2022―Aug―28 |
Flattening Epidemic Curves and COVID-19: Policy Rationales, Inequality, and Racism |
William P. Brandon |
313 |
[GO] |
Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved |
2022―Aug―28 |
Associations of Incomplete SARS-CoV-2 Vaccination among Patients with Unstable Housing in Houston |
J. Thomas Gebert, Evan Shegog, Emily Xiao, James Fan, Mary McEvoy, Audrey Lopez, Dana Clark |
314 |
[GO] |
The Journal of Developing Areas |
2022―Aug―21 |
Covid-19 in India: Reflections from Behavioral Economics |
Dinamani Biswal, Monalisa Singh, Chandra Sekhar Bahinipati |
315 |
[GO] |
The Journal of Developing Areas |
2022―Aug―21 |
Economic Recovery Post Covid-19: Centralised vs Decentralised Lockdown |
Bappaditya Mukhopadhyay |
316 |
[GO] |
American Book Review |
2022―Aug―21 |
Masked Man, Black: Pandemic & Protest Poems by Frank X. Walker |
Monique Antonette Lewis |
317 |
[GO] |
American Book Review |
2022―Aug―21 |
Pandemic Poetry: 31 Days by Christoffer Petersen |
Anthony D'Aries |
318 |
[GO] |
American Book Review |
2022―Aug―21 |
Introduction: Poetry and Pandemic: Modern Marriage, Ancient Partners |
Elizabeth Cohen |
319 |
[GO] |
Progress in Community Health Partnerships Research Education and Action |
2022―Jul―31 |
Reconsidering Community-Engaged Research Through a Syndemic Theoretical Framework: Lessons from COVID-19 |
Carla Boutin-Foster, Julia Hastings, Jacquilyn R. German, Lisle Hites, Eugenia Eng, Erica Turner, et al. (+3) Pamela Moore, Timineri Yaboh, Victor Sutton |
320 |
[GO] |
Progress in Community Health Partnerships Research Education and Action |
2022―Jul―31 |
COVID-19 Information Sources for Black and Latine Communities: A Community Co-created Survey |
Maya I. Ragavan, Lisa Ripper, Madeline Davidson, Taylor Scott, Benjamin Gutschow, Victor Muthama, et al. (+8) Tyra Townsend, Bee Schindler, Erricka Hager, Emely Carmona, Cynterria Henderson, Diego Chaves-Gnecco, Elizabeth Miller, Jaime Sidani |
321 |
[GO] |
Journal of College Student Development |
2022―Jul―31 |
The Impact of COVID-19 on Black College Students' Mental Health |
Martinque K. Jones, Seanna Leath, Kyjeila Latimer, Evan Lawson, Melissa Briones |
322 |
[GO] |
Progress in Community Health Partnerships Research Education and Action |
2022―Jul―31 |
LATIN-19: A Grassroots Coalition to Mitigate the Effect of COVID-19 on the Latinx Community in North Carolina |
Gabriela M. Maradiaga Panayotti, Viviana Martinez-Bianchi, Leonor Corsino, Mina Silberberg, Leah L. Zullig, Irene C. Felsman, et al. (+9) Rosa Gonzalez-Guarda, Gabriela A. Nagy, Pilar Rocha, Edgar Vergara, Luke Smith, Alejandro Peña, Isa Granados, Danielle Kennedy, Kathryn I. Pollak |
323 |
[GO] |
Progress in Community Health Partnerships Research Education and Action |
2022―Jul―31 |
Lessons Learned from Rapid Community Needs Assessment in the African American Community During the COVID-19 Pandemic |
Shalonda E. Horton, Miyong T. Kim, Jacklyn Hecht, Ana Todd, Rachel Alhanti, Sungju Lim, et al. (+4) Tara Hutson, Sandra Yaklin, Stacey Cauvin, Daryl Horton |
324 |
[GO] |
Progress in Community Health Partnerships Research Education and Action |
2022―Jul―31 |
Advancing COVID-19 Response through Community Participation: Lessons Learned from Community-Academic Research Partnerships for Health |
Linda Sprague Martinez, Darcy Jones (DJ) McMaughan, Hal Strelnick |
325 |
[GO] |
Progress in Community Health Partnerships Research Education and Action |
2022―Jul―31 |
Community-engaged Processes for Restarting Federally Funded Research in a Community-based Organization during the Coronavirus Disease 2019 Pandemic |
Emma Sophia Kay, Stephanie L. Creasy, Josh Bruce, Abisola Olaniyan, Mary Scheinert, D. Scott Batey, Mary Hawk |
326 |
[GO] |
Progress in Community Health Partnerships Research Education and Action |
2022―Jul―31 |
Participatory Action Research in Times of Coronavirus Disease 2019: Adapting Approaches with Refugee-Led Community-Based Organizations |
Ana Paula Pimentel Walker, Naganika Sanga, Odessa Gonzalez Benson, Mieko Yoshihama, Irene Routté |
327 |
[GO] |
Progress in Community Health Partnerships Research Education and Action |
2022―Jul―31 |
Lessons Learned through Implementing SARS-CoV-2 Testing and Isolation for People Experiencing Homelessness in Congregate Shelters |
Emily Scott, Sarah Rowan, Kaylanne Chandler, Aimee Fisher, Brian Hill, Jennifer Hill, et al. (+4) Grace E. Marx, Ed Farrell, Karen Wendel, Sarah A. Stella |
328 |
[GO] |
Progress in Community Health Partnerships Research Education and Action |
2022―Jul―31 |
Virtual Research with Urban Native Young Women: Cautionary Tales in the Time of a Pandemic |
Nicole R. Tuitt, Umit Shrestha, Nicole Reed, Roland S. Moore, Michelle Sarche, Carol E. Kaufman |
329 |
[GO] |
Literature and Medicine |
2022―Jul―17 |
Viral Modernism: The Influenza Pandemic and Interwar Literature by Elizabeth Outka |
Bridget English |
330 |
[GO] |
Seoul Journal of Korean Studies |
2022―Jul―17 |
Pandemic to "Fandomic:" The Revival of Fandom Publics in the Digital Space of Latin American K-Pop Fandom |
Hyunsuk Jang |
331 |
[GO] |
Brookings Papers on Economic Activity |
2022―Jun―26 |
Government and Private Household Debt Relief during COVID-19 |
Susan Cherry, Erica Jiang, Gregor Matvos, Tomasz Piskorski, Amit Seru |
332 |
[GO] |
ASAP/Journal |
2022―Jun―26 |
Under the Cover of Covid-19: Containing Undisciplinarity and Contested Bodies |
Alexandra Fine |
333 |
[GO] |
Studies in the Novel |
2022―Jun―26 |
Prayer Had Broken Out: Pandemics, Capitalism, and Religious Extremism in Recent Apocalyptic Fiction |
Emrah Atasoy, Thomas Horan |
334 |
[GO] |
The Yale Review |
2022―Jun―19 |
The Physician as Patient: Medicine after COVID-19 |
Laura Kolbe |
335 |
[GO] |
Journal of College Student Development |
2022―Jun―12 |
COVID-19 and International Students: Examining Perceptions of Social Support, Financial Well-being, Psychological Stress, and University Response |
Kelber Tozini, Santiago Castiello-Gutiérrez |
336 |
[GO] |
Collaborative Anthropologies |
2022―Jun―05 |
Listening to the Urban Fracture: Co-Creating Soundscapes, Partnerships and Futures in the French Periphery during the COVID-19 Pandemic |
Mariana Rios Sandoval |
337 |
[GO] |
Feminist Formations |
2022―May―29 |
COVID-19 and the Urgency of the Interdisciplines in the Corporate University |
Maisam Alomar, Vineeta Singh |
338 |
[GO] |
Bookbird A Journal of International Children s Literature |
2022―May―29 |
The Inner Hum Project: A Psychosocial Program for Children Building Emotional Resilience during the Pandemic in Malaysia |
Quek Sue Yian, Madeleine Yong |
339 |
[GO] |
The Journal of Individual Psychology |
2022―May―22 |
Adlerian Play Therapy and Telemental Health Counseling During COVID-19: Practical Considerations and Examples |
Courtney T. Evans |
340 |
[GO] |
Journal of Korean Religions |
2022―May―22 |
Parable of Talents: How North Korea-related, Faith-Based Workers Respond to Enhanced Sanctions and a Global Pandemic |
Joseph Yi |
341 |
[GO] |
Asia Policy |
2022―May―15 |
Author's Response: Covid-19, Great-Power Competition, and the Future of China's Approach to the Protection of Its Interests Overseas |
Andrea Ghiselli |
342 |
[GO] |
Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved |
2022―May―15 |
Services and Challenges at a Native American Residential Substance Use Disorder Treatment Center during the COVID-19 Pandemic |
James K. Cunningham, Deborah Poling Scott, Fatima F. Molina, Teshia G. Arambula Solomon |
343 |
[GO] |
Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved |
2022―May―15 |
Colorectal Cancer Screening with Mailed Fecal Immunochemical Tests and Telephone Outreach at a Community Health Center during the COVID-19 Pandemic |
David Ritzenthaler, Saarang Deshpande, Martin Ryan, Joseph Daprano |
344 |
[GO] |
Technology and Culture |
2022―May―08 |
How Curators and Archivists Responded to the Pandemic |
The Editors |
345 |
[GO] |
Technology and Culture |
2022―May―08 |
Beyond the Museum Walls: The Pandemic and the Prototypes Exhibit at the Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers |
Catherine Cuenca |
346 |
[GO] |
Technology and Culture |
2022―May―08 |
Reaching Out: How the Pandemic Impacted Knowledge Production and Dissemination in India |
Saurav Kumar Rai |
347 |
[GO] |
Technology and Culture |
2022―May―08 |
Collecting Middle-Class Memories? The Pandemic, Technology, and Crowdsourced Archives |
Tizian Zumthurm, Stefan Krebs |
348 |
[GO] |
Hispanófila |
2022―May―01 |
Comunidad, crisis y humor: La transmisión del costumbrismo español a través de los memes de COVID-19 |
Alexandra Mira Alonso |
349 |
[GO] |
Hispanófila |
2022―May―01 |
Las enseñanzas ocultas de dos pandemias: La transmigración de los cuerpos, de Yuri Herrera, y el COVID-19 |
Luis Enrique Escamilla Frías |
350 |
[GO] |
Journal of College Student Development |
2022―May―01 |
Student Engagement in HyFlex Courses During the COVID-19 Pandemic |
Tara A. Nelson, Emily A. Berg, Nathan Wood, Brent Hill |
351 |
[GO] |
Ploughshares |
2022―May―01 |
From When the World Stopped Touching: Mothers' Letters In Pandemic |
Julia Kolchinksy Dasbach, Luisa Muradyan |
352 |
[GO] |
Ploughshares |
2022―May―01 |
I, Too, Write Pandemic Poems |
Olga Livshin |
353 |
[GO] |
Shofar An Interdisciplinary Journal of Jewish Studies |
2022―Apr―24 |
Pious Mobilities: Jewish Pilgrimage to Uman During the Pandemic |
Rachel Z. Feldman |
354 |
[GO] |
Theory & Event |
2022―Apr―17 |
COVID-19 and the Planetary Crisis Multiplicity: From Marxist Crisis Theory to Planetary Assemblage Theory |
Michael Albert |
355 |
[GO] |
Ecotone |
2022―Apr―17 |
Ocean Haiku During the Pandemic |
Craig Santos Perez |
356 |
[GO] |
Social Research An International Quarterly |
2022―Apr―08 |
Misunderstanding a Viral Pandemic: The Social and Cultural Contexts of COVID-19 |
A. David Napier, Edward F. Fischer |
357 |
[GO] |
Social Research An International Quarterly |
2022―Apr―08 |
Remembering COVID-19 |
William Hirst |
358 |
[GO] |
Social Research An International Quarterly |
2022―Apr―08 |
Social Triage in the Time of COVID-19 |
Ahmed Bawa |
359 |
[GO] |
Social Research An International Quarterly |
2022―Apr―08 |
Response of Clinicians to the Current COVID-19 Pandemic: A View from the Past |
Gerald M. Oppenheimer, Ronald Bayer |
360 |
[GO] |
Social Research An International Quarterly |
2022―Apr―08 |
First AIDS, Now COVID-19: Another Plague Shows Us Who We Are |
Mary T. Bassett |
361 |
[GO] |
Social Research An International Quarterly |
2022―Apr―08 |
The Impact of the Coronavirus Crisis is Due to Inequality |
Mariano Aguirre |
362 |
[GO] |
Social Research An International Quarterly |
2022―Apr―08 |
The Coronavirus Pandemic and the Future of Economic Inequality |
Walter Scheidel |
363 |
[GO] |
Social Research An International Quarterly |
2022―Apr―08 |
Science, Power, and Policy Intersecting at the HIV/AIDS Pandemic |
Ahmed C. Bawa |
364 |
[GO] |
Social Research An International Quarterly |
2022―Apr―08 |
Pandemic as a Natural Evolutionary Phenomenon |
Joshua Lederberg |
365 |
[GO] |
Social Research An International Quarterly |
2022―Apr―08 |
Shaping a Pandemic Narrative |
Charles E. Rosenberg |
366 |
[GO] |
Social Research An International Quarterly |
2022―Apr―08 |
Modeling Pandemics, or, How Mathematics Changes the World |
Nathaniel Hupert |
367 |
[GO] |
Fontes Artis Musicae |
2022―Apr―03 |
COVID-19 and Field Recordings for the Library of Folk Music of Nigeria Project: Disruptions and Challenges of Access in Pandemic Time |
Christian Onyeji, Elizabeth Onyeji |
368 |
[GO] |
Journal of Black Sexuality and Relationships |
2022―Apr―03 |
The HIV Epidemic and the COVID-19 Pandemic: Conversations with LGBTQ+ Elders of Color on Two Public Health Crises |
Madison Johnson |
369 |
[GO] |
Journal of Black Sexuality and Relationships |
2022―Apr―03 |
"I Survived HIV and Now I'm Going to Die of This?": Perspectives from LGBTQ+ Elders of Color on Living through Two Pandemics |
Geraldine Araujo |
370 |
[GO] |
Bookbird A Journal of International Children s Literature |
2022―Mar―20 |
Japanese Picturebooks for Children in the Fight against COVID-19 |
Marcelina de Zoete-Leśniczak |
371 |
[GO] |
Bookbird A Journal of International Children s Literature |
2022―Mar―20 |
I-Solation: Children’s Self-Portraits in the Age of COVID-19 |
Christiane Raabe |
372 |
[GO] |
Mississippi Quarterly |
2022―Mar―13 |
The American Virus: COVID-19 and Carceral Liberalism |
Jennie Lightweis-Goff |
373 |
[GO] |
Theatre Topics |
2022―Mar―13 |
Our Last Shows: The Inheritance and Engaged Pedagogy on the Eve of the Pandemic |
Dan Venning |
374 |
[GO] |
Mississippi Quarterly |
2022―Mar―13 |
Pandemic Lockdowns as a Pathway to Empathy |
Brett Tomás Gonzalez |
375 |
[GO] |
Hispanófila |
2022―Mar―06 |
Salón de belleza de Mario Bellatin: Una escritura clarividente sobre el Estado eugenésico peruano. De la pandemia del VIH-SIDA a la del COVID-19 |
Erika Almenara |
376 |
[GO] |
Restoration Studies in English Literary Culture 1660-1700 |
2022―Mar―06 |
Plague Literature and Pandemic Pedagogy |
Mattie Burkert |
377 |
[GO] |
Feminist Studies |
2022―Mar―06 |
Housekeeping: Labor in the Pandemic University |
Rebecca Herzig, Banu Subramaniam |
378 |
[GO] |
Restoration Studies in English Literary Culture 1660-1700 |
2022―Mar―06 |
Introduction: Pandemic/Post-Pandemic |
David Mazella |
379 |
[GO] |
Feminist Studies |
2022―Mar―06 |
Seeing with the Pandemic: Social Reproduction in the Spotlight |
Leslie Salzinger |
380 |
[GO] |
Studies An Irish Quarterly Review |
2022―Mar―06 |
COVID-19 Lockdowns and the Right to Education in Ireland |
Alan Brady, James Rooney |
381 |
[GO] |
Studies An Irish Quarterly Review |
2022―Mar―06 |
The Irish State’s COVID-19 Response and the Rule of Law: Causes for Concern |
Conor Casey, Oran Doyle, David Kenny |
382 |
[GO] |
Studies An Irish Quarterly Review |
2022―Mar―06 |
COVID-19: Law and Human Rights: Foreword |
Conor Casey, Oran Doyle |
383 |
[GO] |
Studies An Irish Quarterly Review |
2022―Mar―06 |
Direct Provision in a Time of Pandemic |
Patricia Brazil |
384 |
[GO] |
Canadian Ethnic Studies |
2022―Feb―20 |
Mental Health of Newcomer Refugee and Immigrant Youth During COVID-19 |
Reza Nakhaie, Howard Ramos, Dara Vosoughi, Obada Baghdadi |
385 |
[GO] |
Asia Policy |
2022―Feb―13 |
Covid-19 and Papua New Guinea: The Story So Far |
Benjamin Day |
386 |
[GO] |
Asia Policy |
2022―Feb―13 |
Vietnam's Shifting Response to the Covid-19 Challenge |
Paul Schuler |
387 |
[GO] |
Asia Policy |
2022―Feb―13 |
Covid-19 Challenges and Responses in Bangladesh |
Tasnia Alam |
388 |
[GO] |
Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved |
2022―Feb―13 |
The CTSA University of Texas Health Science Center (UTHSC) Northeast-Tyler and Rio Grande Valley Success Story: How Rural, Underserved Academic Communities Rapidly Built a Robust Engine for Collaborative COVID-19 Clinical Research |
Steven Idell, David D. McPherson, Jessica Martin, Andrew Dentino, Luis Ostrosky-Zeichner, Julia V. Philley, et al. (+4) Paul McGaha, Megan Devine, Jacqueline Bronicki, Daniel D. Karp |
389 |
[GO] |
Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved |
2022―Feb―13 |
The Nepali-speaking Bhutanese Immigrants: A Population Overlooked amidst the COVID-19 Crisis |
Aditi Sharma, Tanuja Devaraj, Megan Mendez Miller, Yendelela C○ |
390 |
[GO] |
Asia Policy |
2022―Feb―13 |
Thailand's Covid-19 Crisis: A Tale in Two Parts |
Gregory V. Raymond |
391 |
[GO] |
Asia Policy |
2022―Feb―13 |
The Socioeconomic Impacts of Covid-19 in Malaysia |
Calvin Cheng |
392 |
[GO] |
Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved |
2022―Feb―13 |
Describing the Epidemiology of COVID-19 in Nigeria: An Analysis of the First Year of the Pandemic |
Obinna Oleribe, Olatayo Olawepo, Oliver Ezechi, Princess Osita-Oleribe, Michael Fertleman, Simon D. Taylor-Robinson |
393 |
[GO] |
Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved |
2022―Feb―13 |
A View of Health Disparities among African Americans Through a COVID-19 Lens |
Anita F. Fernander, Lovoria B. Williams |
394 |
[GO] |
Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved |
2022―Feb―13 |
Adaptations to a Mass Vaccination Event by a Student-Run Free Clinic During the Covid-19 Pandemic |
Gabrielle Young, Thomas Agostini, Preston Walker, Luke Edmonson, Anita Ramsetty |
395 |
[GO] |
Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved |
2022―Feb―13 |
Community-Partnered Development of a Digital Mental Health Resource Website to Support Diverse Communities During the COVID-19 Pandemic |
Nichole Goodsmith, Elizabeth M. Moore, Hafifa Siddiq, Nicolás E. Barceló, Estrella Ulloa-Flores, Gustavo Loera, et al. (+4) Felica Jones, Sergio Aguilar-Gaxiola, Kenneth Wells, Armen Arevian |
396 |
[GO] |
Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved |
2022―Feb―13 |
Virtual Community Health Workers: Approaches to Patient Outreach During the COVID-19 Pandemic |
Ari M. Fish, Emily Romano, Paula Ostroff, Deborah Ziring, Brandon George, Rosemary Frasso, Geoffrey Hayden |
397 |
[GO] |
Asia Policy |
2022―Feb―13 |
The Covid-19 Pandemic and Health Policy Change in the Philippines |
Azad Singh Bali, Björn Dressel |
398 |
[GO] |
Asia Policy |
2022―Feb―13 |
Pandemic Containment and Authoritarian Spread: Cambodia's Covid-19 Responses |
John D. Ciorciari |
399 |
[GO] |
Asia Policy |
2022―Feb―13 |
Covid-19 Responses in Selected Polynesian Island Countries and Territories |
Rochelle Bailey, Gemma Malungahu |
400 |
[GO] |
Journal of Southern History |
2022―Feb―13 |
Pandemic Injustice: Irish Immigrant, Enslaved African American, and Choctaw Experiences with Cholera in 1832 |
Paul Kelton |
401 |
[GO] |
Acadiensis Journal of the History of the Atlantic Region / Revue d’histoire de la region atlantique |
2022―Jan―30 |
COVID-19 and the Labour of Care |
Peter L. Twohig |
402 |
[GO] |
Advertising & Society Quarterly |
2022―Jan―30 |
Digital Collection: COVID-19 Vaccine Public Service Announcements (PSAs) |
Sharrona Pearl |
403 |
[GO] |
Brookings Papers on Economic Activity |
2022―Jan―30 |
The Fiscal Policy Response to the Pandemic |
Christina D. Romer |
404 |
[GO] |
Brookings Papers on Economic Activity |
2022―Jan―30 |
Supporting Workers and Families in the Pandemic Recession: Results in 2020 and Suggestions for 2021 |
Krista Ruffini, Abigail Wozniak |
405 |
[GO] |
The Yale Review |
2022―Jan―23 |
How the Pandemic Changed Theater |
Michael R. Jackson, Lileana Blain-Cruz |
406 |
[GO] |
Ploughshares |
2022―Jan―23 |
Apex, Pandemic IV |
Stacy R. Nigliazzo |
407 |
[GO] |
Irish Studies in International Affairs |
2022―Jan―16 |
Global Health, Covid-19 and the State in East Africa |
John Harrington, David Ngira |
408 |
[GO] |
Irish Studies in International Affairs |
2022―Jan―16 |
Brexit and COVID-19 Combined Undermine Britain's Global
Influence |
John Ryan |
409 |
[GO] |
Irish Studies in International Affairs |
2022―Jan―16 |
International Politics in a Time of Risk and Uncertainty: The Covid-19 Crisis and Beyond |
Simon Coveney |
410 |
[GO] |
Irish Studies in International Affairs |
2022―Jan―16 |
Digital Virus: How Covid-19 Intersected with Cyberspace to Impact International Politics |
Ken Sheehan |
411 |
[GO] |
Irish Studies in International Affairs |
2022―Jan―16 |
The Influence of Covid-19 on the Power Transition between the United
States and China: The Case of Southeast Asia |
Niall Duggan, Marcin Grabowski |
412 |
[GO] |
Irish Studies in International Affairs |
2022―Jan―16 |
Global Governance beyond Covid-19: Recovery and Institutional
Revitalisation |
Joris Larik, Richard Ponzio |
413 |
[GO] |
Irish Studies in International Affairs |
2022―Jan―16 |
The EU beyond Brexit and Covid-19: The Conference on the Future for
Europe and the Outlook for Integration |
Federico Fabbrini |
414 |
[GO] |
Irish Studies in International Affairs |
2022―Jan―16 |
The Pandemic and the Changing Landscape of Human Rights
Derogations |
Donna Lyons |
415 |
[GO] |
portal Libraries and the Academy |
2022―Jan―09 |
“Making It Happen”: Building Relational Teaching into the Online World of COVID-19 |
Carol A. Leibiger, Alan W. Aldrich |
416 |
[GO] |
portal Libraries and the Academy |
2022―Jan―09 |
Primary Source Literacy in the Era of COVID-19 and Beyond |
Heidi Craig, Kevin M. O’Sullivan |
417 |
[GO] |
portal Libraries and the Academy |
2022―Jan―09 |
A Role for the Library in Public Research: The Global COVID-19 Dashboard |
Mara Blake, Reina Chano Murray, Jason Williams, Jeff Gara, Derek Belros, Sayeed Choudhury |
418 |
[GO] |
Irish Studies in International Affairs |
2022―Jan―09 |
Obstacles to Public Health that even Pandemics cannot Overcome: The
Politics of Covid-19 on the Island of Ireland |
Ann Nolan, Sara Burke, Emma Burke, Catherine Darker, Joe Barry, Nicola O'Connell, et al. (+9) Lina Zgaga, Luke Mather, Gail Nicolson, Martin Dempster, Christopher Graham, Philip Crowley, Cliodhna O'Connor, Katy Tobin, Gabriel Scally |
419 |
[GO] |
Irish Studies in International Affairs |
2022―Jan―09 |
Tracking the Wave of a Calamitous Failure: A Response to ‘Obstacles
to Public Health that even Pandemics cannot Overcome: The Politics of COVID-19
on the Island of Ireland’ by Ann Nolan et al. |
Ivan J. Perry |
420 |
[GO] |
portal Libraries and the Academy |
2022―Jan―09 |
A Compassionate Approach to IL Instruction: What We Can Learn from the COVID-19 Pandemic |
Elisabeth B. White |
421 |
[GO] |
portal Libraries and the Academy |
2022―Jan―09 |
Virtual Undergraduate Internships: One COVID-19 Side Effect THat Academic Libraries Should Keep |
Damaris Juarez, Elizabeth Blackwood |
422 |
[GO] |
Dictionaries Journal of the Dictionary Society of North America |
2022―Jan―09 |
Thirty-Four Days: Inside Merriam-Webster’s Emergency Coronavirus Update |
Stefan Fatsis |
423 |
[GO] |
portal Libraries and the Academy |
2022―Jan―09 |
Exploring Innovative Strategies and Services in a Pandemic Era |
Ellysa Stern Cahoy, Maribeth Slebodnik |
424 |
[GO] |
Journal of Ecumenical Studies |
2022―Jan―09 |
Christian Faith Affirmation and Action in a Pandemic World: Pondering while on Pause |
Deenabandhu Manchala |
425 |
[GO] |
Journal of Dramatic Theory and Criticism |
2022―Jan―02 |
Large-Scale Collaborative Research Projects in Theatre and Performance Studies: Resources, Politics, and Ethics in the Margins of Europe during the COVID-19 Pandemic |
Rüstem Ertuğ Altınay, İlyas Deniz Çınar, Jale Karabekir, Gamze Tosun, Şeyda Nur Yıldırım |
426 |
[GO] |
Feminist Studies |
2022―Jan―02 |
“It's the Same Cause”: Climate Change and COVID-19 in the Perspectives of Environmental Feminist Activists |
Zainab S. Cheema |
427 |
[GO] |
Feminist Studies |
2022―Jan―02 |
COVID-19 at Home: Gender, Class, and the Domestic Economy in India |
Amita Baviskar, Raka Ray |
428 |
[GO] |
Feminist Studies |
2022―Jan―02 |
COVID-19 and the Paradox of Visibility: Domestic Violence and Feminist Caring Labor in Canadian Shelters |
Andrea Quinlan, Rashmee Singh |
429 |
[GO] |
Feminist Studies |
2022―Jan―02 |
Black Maternal Health Crisis, COVID-19, and the Crisis of Care |
Shaneda Destine, Jazzmine Brooks, Christopher Rogers |
430 |
[GO] |
Artivate A Journal of Entrepreneurship in the Arts |
2022―Jan―02 |
Arts Entrepreneurship Internationally and in the Age of COVID-19 |
Paul Bonin-Rodriguez, Neville Vakharia |
431 |
[GO] |
Feminist Studies |
2022―Jan―02 |
Unmasking Masculinity: Considering Gender, Science, and Nation in Responses to COVID-19 |
Eve Ng |
432 |
[GO] |
Feminist Studies |
2022―Jan―02 |
“Where Life Is Precious”: Intersectional Feminism in the Time of COVID-19 |
Judy Rohrer |
433 |
[GO] |
Feminist Studies |
2022―Jan―02 |
Crises Collide: Capitalism, Care, and COVID-19 |
Juliet Allen, Daniella Jenkins, Marilyn Howard |
434 |
[GO] |
Feminist Studies |
2022―Jan―02 |
Feminist Activism Confronts COVID-19 |
Constanza Tabbush, Elisabeth Jay Friedman |
435 |
[GO] |
Feminist Studies |
2022―Jan―02 |
The Intensification of Liberian Women's Social Reproductive Labor in
the Coronavirus Pandemic: Regenerative Possibilities |
Erica S. Lawson, Florence Wullo Anfaara, Vaiba Kebeh Flomo, Cerue Konah Garlo, Ola Osman |
436 |
[GO] |
Feminist Studies |
2022―Jan―02 |
pandemic daydreams: Artist's Statement |
Callie Danae Hirsch |
437 |
[GO] |
Health and History |
2022―Jan―02 |
Black November: The 1918 Influenza Pandemic in New Zealand by Geoffrey W. Rice |
David Killingray |
438 |
[GO] |
Feminist Studies |
2022―Jan―02 |
Insurgent African Intimacies in Pandemic Times: Deimperial Queer Logics of China's New Global Family in Wolf Warrior 2 |
Paul Amar |
439 |
[GO] |
Science Fiction Studies |
2022―Jan―02 |
Thinking Through the Pandemic: A Symposium |
440 |
[GO] |
Science Fiction Studies |
2022―Jan―02 |
2021 ELLAK International Conference: “Beyond Pandemics: Reimagining the Humanities and the New Normal” |
ELLAK Conference Organizers |
441 |
[GO] |
Yearbook of the Association of Pacific Coast Geographers |
2021―Dec―26 |
COVID-19 in Los Angeles: A Multivariate Analysis of Disease Infection Rates |
Steven M. Graves, Petra Nichols |
442 |
[GO] |
The Massachusetts Review |
2021―Dec―26 |
Preschool Sonnet during the Pandemic |
Craig Santos Perez |
443 |
[GO] |
Resilience A Journal of the Environmental Humanities |
2021―Dec―26 |
After the Outbreak: Narrative, Infrastructure, and Pandemic Time |
Sari Altschuler |
444 |
[GO] |
Prairie Schooner |
2021―Dec―19 |
How to Survive a Pandemic |
SJ Sindu |
445 |
[GO] |
Literature and Medicine |
2021―Dec―12 |
Unmasking Inequality in Our Pandemic Narratives |
Rebecca Garden |
446 |
[GO] |
Literature and Medicine |
2021―Dec―12 |
Wizards, Masks, and Metagnosis: Is the Pandemic Truly Changing Us? |
Danielle Spencer |
447 |
[GO] |
ESQ A Journal of Nineteenth-Century American Literature and Culture |
2021―Dec―05 |
C19, Covid-19, and Conferencing |
Josh Doty |
448 |
[GO] |
ESQ A Journal of Nineteenth-Century American Literature and Culture |
2021―Dec―05 |
Mining the (Virtual) Archive: Navigating Student-Faculty Research During a Pandemic |
Amber Shaw |
449 |
[GO] |
ESQ A Journal of Nineteenth-Century American Literature and Culture |
2021―Dec―05 |
The Society to Encourage Studies at Home (in a Pandemic) |
Danielle Coriale, Sari Edelstein |
450 |
[GO] |
ESQ A Journal of Nineteenth-Century American Literature and Culture |
2021―Dec―05 |
Love, Death, and the Nineteenth-Century Americanist: ESQ Scholars Reflect on the Year of the Pandemic |
LuElla D'Amico |
451 |
[GO] |
ESQ A Journal of Nineteenth-Century American Literature and Culture |
2021―Dec―05 |
High-Impact Practices and the Pandemic Normal: A Timeline |
Marlowe Daly-Galeano |
452 |
[GO] |
ESQ A Journal of Nineteenth-Century American Literature and Culture |
2021―Dec―05 |
Pandemic Pedagogy: Lessons from Nineteenth-Century Sentimentalism: Historicizing Empathy, Embracing Feeling, and Personalizing Disease in the Covid Era |
Sarah Ruffing Robbins |
453 |
[GO] |
ESQ A Journal of Nineteenth-Century American Literature and Culture |
2021―Dec―05 |
A Season for Listing: Melville and Wharton Offer Perspective on Pandemic Reading Practices |
María Carla Sánchez |
454 |
[GO] |
Journal of Black Sexuality and Relationships |
2021―Nov―28 |
HBCU Student Life and COVID-19: An Exploratory Study on Services for LGBTQIA and Non-Monogamous Students During the COVID-19 Pandemic From a Student Affairs Perspective |
Christopher N. Smith, Antonio L. Ellis |
455 |
[GO] |
Biography |
2021―Nov―28 |
COVID-19 Emergency Diaries: The Year in Brazil |
Sergio da Silva Barcellos |
456 |
[GO] |
Perspectives in Biology and Medicine |
2021―Nov―28 |
The Legality and Ethics of Mandating COVID-19 Vaccination |
Emily A. Largent, Franklin G. Miller |
457 |
[GO] |
Journal of World History |
2021―Nov―28 |
Implications of the Spanish Influenza Pandemic (1918-1920) for the History of Early Twentieth-Century Egypt |
Christopher S. Rose |
458 |
[GO] |
Biography |
2021―Nov―28 |
Pandemic Diaries: The Year in Poland |
Pawel Rodak, Alessandro Nicola Malusà |
459 |
[GO] |
Biography |
2021―Nov―28 |
Pandemic Reading: The Year in the United States |
Leigh Gilmore |
460 |
[GO] |
Biography |
2021―Nov―28 |
Narratives of a Pandemic: The Year in Spain |
Ana Belén Martínez García |
461 |
[GO] |
Biography |
2021―Nov―28 |
Imagining Gender+ Justice amid the Pandemic: The Year in Turkey |
Hülya Adak |
462 |
[GO] |
symplokē |
2021―Nov―28 |
Paranoid Politics and the Plague of Inequality in the Age of Pandemics |
Henry A. Giroux |
463 |
[GO] |
Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved |
2021―Nov―21 |
Pre-existing Economic Conditions and COVID-19 Infections and Mortality in New York City |
Prabal K. De, Taylor Price |
464 |
[GO] |
College Student Affairs Journal |
2021―Nov―21 |
Seen and Unseen: First-Year College Students’ Sense of Belonging During the Covid-19 Pandemic |
Charlie Potts |
465 |
[GO] |
Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved |
2021―Nov―21 |
Providing Food Assistance During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Case Study of a Free Produce Market at a Health Care Center |
Emily Adams, Molly Babbin, Jackie V. Rodriguez Bronico, Jean Granick, Rachel Weil, Elise Mitchell, et al. (+4) Caroline Carney, Lauren Fiechtner, Wudeneh Mulugeta, Rachel M. Zack |
466 |
[GO] |
Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved |
2021―Nov―21 |
Optimizing Care for People Experiencing Homelessness and Serious Mental Illness amidst COVID-19: A Street Outreach Perspective |
Yezarni Wynn, Vicky Stergiopoulos |
467 |
[GO] |
Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved |
2021―Nov―21 |
Aftermath of COVID-19: Forestalling Irreparable Medical Brain Drain in Sub-Saharan Africa |
Justus Uchenna Onu, Sunday O Oriji, Deborah Oyine Aluh, Tonia C Onyeka |
468 |
[GO] |
Franciscan Studies |
2021―Nov―14 |
Stories of Healing. How a Franciscan Story May Cast Light upon COVID-19 Stories |
Willem Marie Speelman |
469 |
[GO] |
Configurations |
2021―Nov―14 |
Breathing in a Pandemic: Covid-19’s Atmospheric Erasures |
Sara DiCaglio |
470 |
[GO] |
South Central Review |
2021―Nov―14 |
Wild Seed in Wild Times: Ruminations about Octavia E. Butler's Novel amidst the Coronavirus Pandemic |
Marlene Allen Ahmed |
471 |
[GO] |
South Central Review |
2021―Nov―14 |
Reading Pierre during the Pandemic |
Samantha O'Connor |
472 |
[GO] |
South Central Review |
2021―Nov―14 |
"Still, Life Had a Way of Adding Day to Day": Revisiting Mrs. Dalloway in a Global Pandemic |
Tyler Clark |
473 |
[GO] |
Configurations |
2021―Nov―14 |
Toward a Pandemic Poetics: Contamination, Infiltration, and Dispersal in Inger Christensen’s Alphabet |
Hannah Cooper-Smithson |
474 |
[GO] |
The Hopkins Review |
2021―Nov―14 |
Separation Anxiety: Recorded Dances from a Pandemic Year |
Jay Rogoff |
475 |
[GO] |
South Central Review |
2021―Nov―14 |
Poetry in the Time of Pandemic: On My Favorite Novel Love in the Time of Cholera |
Shu-Jiang Lu |
476 |
[GO] |
Configurations |
2021―Nov―14 |
PandemIcons? The Medical Scientist as Iconic Figure in Times of Crisis |
Martin Butler, Sina Farzin, Michael Fuchs |
477 |
[GO] |
Configurations |
2021―Nov―14 |
Special Issue: Science, Technology, and Literature during Plague and Pandemics |
Tim Urban, Melissa Littlefield, Rajani Sudan |
478 |
[GO] |
South Central Review |
2021―Nov―14 |
Of Pandemics and Pilgrims: Reconciling Grief and Death in Cormac McCarthy's The Road |
Shreya Rastogi, Srirupa Chatterjee |
479 |
[GO] |
Kritika Explorations in Russian and Eurasian History |
2021―Nov―07 |
The Historian in the Age of COVID-19 |
480 |
[GO] |
Great Plains Research |
2021―Nov―07 |
Staying Home on the Range: Social Capital and Social Distancing in the Great Plains during COVID-19 |
Alexandra T. Middlewood, Mark R. Joslyn |
481 |
[GO] |
Journal of Late Antiquity |
2021―Oct―31 |
Confronting Pandemic in Late Antiquity: The Medical Response to the Justinianic Plague |
John Mulhall |
482 |
[GO] |
portal Libraries and the Academy |
2021―Oct―24 |
Reshaping Perspectives on Flexible Work: The Impact of COVID-19 on Academic Library Management |
Mihoko Hosoi, Lauren Reiter, Diane Zabel |
483 |
[GO] |
Brookings Papers on Economic Activity |
2021―Oct―17 |
Sizing Up Corporate Restructuring in the COVID-19 Crisis |
Robin Greenwood, Ben Iverson, David Thesmar |
484 |
[GO] |
Brookings Papers on Economic Activity |
2021―Oct―17 |
Effects of COVID-19 on Federal, State, and Local Government Budgets |
Alan J. Auerbach, William G. Gale, Byron Lutz, Louise Sheiner |
485 |
[GO] |
Brookings Papers on Economic Activity |
2021―Oct―17 |
Temporary Unemployment and Labor Market Dynamics during the COVID-19 Recession |
Jessica Gallant, Kory Kroft, Fabian Lange, Matthew J. Notowidigdo |
486 |
[GO] |
Brookings Papers on Economic Activity |
2021―Oct―17 |
Macroeconomic Outcomes and COVID-19: A Progress Report |
Jesús Fernández-Villaverde, Charles I. Jones |
487 |
[GO] |
Brookings Papers on Economic Activity |
2021―Oct―17 |
Will the Secular Decline in Exchange Rate and Inflation Volatility Survive COVID-19? |
Ethan Ilzetzki, Carmen M. Reinhart, Kenneth S. Rogoff |
488 |
[GO] |
Brookings Papers on Economic Activity |
2021―Oct―17 |
Business Credit Programs in the Pandemic Era |
Samuel G. Hanson, Jeremy C. Stein, Adi Sunderam, Eric Zwick |
489 |
[GO] |
Dissent |
2021―Oct―10 |
Academia After the Pandemic |
Maggie Doherty, Nils Gilman, Adam Harris, Tressie McMillan Cottom, Christopher Newfield, Timothy Shenk |
490 |
[GO] |
Theatre Journal |
2021―Oct―10 |
Grief Machines: Transhumanist Theatre, Digital Performance, Pandemic Time |
Fintan Walsh |
491 |
[GO] |
MFS Modern Fiction Studies |
2021―Sep―26 |
Viral Modernism: The Influenza Pandemic and Interwar Literature by Elizabeth Outka |
James Fitz Gerald |
492 |
[GO] |
Anthropological Quarterly |
2021―Sep―26 |
Virulent Zones: Animal Disease and Global Health at China’s Pandemic Epicenter by Lyle Fearnley |
Katherine A. Mason |
493 |
[GO] |
Twentieth-Century China |
2021―Sep―26 |
China and the Cholera Pandemic: Restructuring Society Under Mao by Xiaoping Fang |
Rachel Core |
494 |
[GO] |
Georgetown Journal of International Affairs |
2021―Sep―19 |
The Health of Nations in an Age of Global Risks: COVID-19's Implications for New Paradigms of Human Rights and International Security and Cooperation |
Carol Dumaine |
495 |
[GO] |
Georgetown Journal of International Affairs |
2021―Sep―19 |
Why Modern Pan-Africanism Must Focus on the Dignity of the African: Reflections Amidst the COVID-19 Pandemic |
Ahunna Eziakonwa |
496 |
[GO] |
Georgetown Journal of International Affairs |
2021―Sep―19 |
China's 'COVID-19 Diplomacy' and Geopolitics in Oceania |
Tarcisius Kabutaulaka |
497 |
[GO] |
Georgetown Journal of International Affairs |
2021―Sep―19 |
Re-Engineering Public Service Delivery in Africa Post COVID-19 |
James Shikwati |
498 |
[GO] |
The Yale Review |
2021―Sep―19 |
Strangers in Our Own Homes: The pandemic's xenophobic discourse |
Divya Victor |
499 |
[GO] |
Hispania |
2021―Sep―12 |
Pandemic, Protest, and Perversion of Truth: Using Comic Books to Tackle Controversy and Dissention during COVID-19 |
Kaitlin E. Thomas |
500 |
[GO] |
Observational Studies |
2021―Sep―12 |
Protocol-Evaluating the Effect of ACA Medicaid Expansion on Mortality During the COVID-19 Pandemic Using County-level Matching |
Charlotte Z. Mann, Ben B. Hansen, Lauren Gaydosh, Timothy Lycurgus |
501 |
[GO] |
Jeunesse Young People Texts Cultures |
2021―Sep―06 |
The Pop-Up against Coronavirus Project: Child-Made Movable Books Evoking Smiles, Tears, and Hope |
Jacqueline Reid-Walsh |
502 |
[GO] |
The Hopkins Review |
2021―Aug―29 |
Summer Solstice Sonnet During the Pandemic, and: Winter Solstice Sonnet During the Pandemic |
Craig Santos Perez |
503 |
[GO] |
Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved |
2021―Aug―22 |
Violence and COVID-19 across the Globe |
Virginia Brennan |
504 |
[GO] |
Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved |
2021―Aug―22 |
COVID-19 epidemic in The World Health Organization African Region (WHOAR): Situation and forecast |
Jose Luis Hernandez Caceres, Graham Wright, Berhanu Dibaba Kumma, Frank Verbeke, Yury Nechipurenko |
505 |
[GO] |
Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved |
2021―Aug―22 |
An Effective Model for Establishing a Collaborative for the Treatment of COVID-19 in the Rio Grande Valley |
Monica M. Betancourt-Garcia, Alfredo R. Arauco-Brown, Ricardo Garcia, Lizabeth Rosenbaum-Marinaro, Taylor Stutz, Sohail Rao |
506 |
[GO] |
Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved |
2021―Aug―22 |
On Pause: How a Group of Medical Students Engaged with Their Community During the COVID-19 Pandemic |
Gabrielle Aquino, Daniel Marsden, Sara Emamian, Eric Hoffman, Paulina Ong, Randi Abramson |
507 |
[GO] |
Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved |
2021―Aug―22 |
Providing Psychotherapy in an Urban, Underserved Community during the COVID-19 Pandemic |
Michelle D Sherman, Adam Sattler, Dana Brandenberg, Stephanie Hooker |
508 |
[GO] |
Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved |
2021―Aug―22 |
Responding to the Needs of People with Disabilities in the COVID-19 Pandemic: Community Perspectives from Centers for Independent Living |
Jae Kennedy, Lex Frieden, Jennifer Dick-Mosher |
509 |
[GO] |
Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved |
2021―Aug―22 |
Dual Priorities: Maintaining Scientific Rigor and Staff Wellbeing in the Midst of a Pandemic |
Manuel A. Ocasio, M. Isabel Fernandez, Laniece Tarelle Thomas, Ja'Lon Joseph, Adriana Romero-Espinoza |
510 |
[GO] |
Journal of Dramatic Theory and Criticism |
2021―Aug―15 |
Playing On, Playing Along: Soccer’s Performative Activism in the Time of COVID-19 |
Jared Strange |
511 |
[GO] |
SAIS Review of International Affairs |
2021―Aug―15 |
New Dimensions of Gender and Political Leadership During COVID-19: Linking Feminist Stewardship and Electoral Success in Queensland, Australia |
Susan Harris Rimmer, Elise Stephenson, Tom Verhelst |
512 |
[GO] |
Theatre Topics |
2021―Aug―15 |
Teaching in the Age of the Essential Online Classroom: Pandemic Playwriting and the Emancipated Spectator |
Rick Mitchell |
513 |
[GO] |
Theatre Topics |
2021―Aug―15 |
Total Dramaturgical Collapse in The Method Gun: American Theatre in Pandemic Time-a Conversation between Katie Pearl and Jaclyn I. Pryor |
Katie Pearl, Jaclyn I. Pryorti |
514 |
[GO] |
SAIS Review of International Affairs |
2021―Aug―15 |
What Can the Women, Peace and Security Index Reveal About Country Level Risks of Pandemic? |
Jeni Klugman, Marianne Dahl, Bryan Haiwen Zou |
515 |
[GO] |
Perspectives in Biology and Medicine |
2021―Aug―08 |
The Unexpected Perks of Flatting During COVID-19 |
Ruby Solomon |
516 |
[GO] |
Perspectives in Biology and Medicine |
2021―Aug―08 |
Ontological Uncertainty and Ontological Threat: COVID-19 and the UK |
Michael P. Kelly |
517 |
[GO] |
Southeastern Geographer |
2021―Aug―08 |
Rurality and COVID-19 in Tennessee: Assessing and Communicating Pandemic Emergence and Transmission |
Ingrid Luffman, T. Andrew Joyner, William Tollefson, Abbey Mann, Megan Quinn, Stefan Pienkowski |
518 |
[GO] |
Perspectives in Biology and Medicine |
2021―Aug―08 |
Autopsy of the Living: Elderhood, Race, and Biocitizenship in the Time of Coronavirus |
Jennifer Lum |
519 |
[GO] |
Perspectives in Biology and Medicine |
2021―Aug―08 |
Intimacy in Isolation: Podcasting, Affect, and the Pandemic |
Molly Robson |
520 |
[GO] |
Population Review |
2021―Aug―08 |
The Role of Sociodemographic Factors During a Pandemic Outbreak: Aggravators and Mitigators |
Masoud Shahmanzari, Enes Eryarsoy |
521 |
[GO] |
Behavioral Science & Policy |
2021―Aug―01 |
A community-based sociocultural network approach to controlling COVID-19 contagion: Seven suggestions for improving policy |
Timothy R. Hannigan, Milo Shaoqing Wang, Christopher W. J. Steele, Marc-David L. Seidel, Ed Cervantes, P. Devereaux Jennings |
522 |
[GO] |
Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics |
2021―Aug―01 |
COVID-19 Clinical Trials: A Voice From the Front Lines |
Eric Lenze |
523 |
[GO] |
Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics |
2021―Aug―01 |
Not What Anyone Signed up for: Unnecessary and Insurmountable Barriers Encountered in Conducting Clinical Trials in COVID-19 |
Westyn Branch-Elliman, Paul A. Monach |
524 |
[GO] |
Behavioral Science & Policy |
2021―Aug―01 |
How behavioral science can inform policies to prevent discrimination against the Asian community in the era of COVID-19 |
Abby Corrington, Mikki Hebl, Linnea C. Ng, Ivy Watson, Isabel Bilotta, Shannon K. Cheng, Eden King |
525 |
[GO] |
Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics |
2021―Aug―01 |
Reflections on Conducting Research From Home During COVID-19 |
Laleh E. Coté |
526 |
[GO] |
Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics |
2021―Aug―01 |
IRB Members Perspective During COVID-19 |
Brian Moore |
527 |
[GO] |
Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics |
2021―Aug―01 |
Ethical PPE: Overseeing Research in the Time of COVID-19 |
Edward De Vos |
528 |
[GO] |
Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics |
2021―Aug―01 |
Challenges of Clinical Research Administration During the COVID-19 Pandemic |
Sumit Mohan |
529 |
[GO] |
Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics |
2021―Aug―01 |
Clinical Research During the COVID-19 Pandemic |
Sujatha Sridhar |
530 |
[GO] |
Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics |
2021―Aug―01 |
Reflections on Conducting Pediatric Mental Health Research as a Result of the COVID-19 Pandemic |
Patrick W. Romani |
531 |
[GO] |
Behavioral Science & Policy |
2021―Aug―01 |
Behavioral insights for minimizing loneliness during the COVID-19 pandemic |
Kelly A. Nault, Benjamin A. Rogers, Ovul Sezer, Nadav Klein |
532 |
[GO] |
Behavioral Science & Policy |
2021―Aug―01 |
Adapting the U.S. Air Force’s combat rescue management practices could improve organizational responses to challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic |
Vicki Whiting, Brian Wierman, Phillip Whiting |
533 |
[GO] |
Behavioral Science & Policy |
2021―Aug―01 |
Softening the blow: Incorporating employee perceptions of justice into best practices for layoffs during the COVID-19 pandemic |
Isabel Bilotta, Shannon K. Cheng, Linnea C. Ng, Abby R. Corrington, Ivy Watson, Eden B. King, Mikki R. Hebl |
534 |
[GO] |
Behavioral Science & Policy |
2021―Aug―01 |
Psychological predictors of prevention behaviors during the COVID-19 pandemic |
Stephen B. Broomell, Gretchen B. Chapman, Julie S. Downs |
535 |
[GO] |
Journal of Latin American Geography |
2021―Aug―01 |
Editorial: Institutional Implications of the Covid-19 Pandemic for Geographers in/of Latin America |
Jessica Budds, John C. Finn, Eugenio Arima, Martha Bell, Jörn Seemann, Gabriela Valdivia, et al. (+2) Alan Marcus, Diana Tung |
536 |
[GO] |
Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics |
2021―Aug―01 |
Clinical Research Through the COVID-19 Pandemic: Crisis Response, Consequences and Innovation |
David Altschul |
537 |
[GO] |
Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics |
2021―Aug―01 |
Human Research During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Insights From Behind-the-Scenes |
Ana S. Iltis |
538 |
[GO] |
Behavioral Science & Policy |
2021―Aug―01 |
Behavioral insights for containing the COVID-19 pandemic: Some practices in China |
Ning Zhang |
539 |
[GO] |
Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics |
2021―Aug―01 |
Development of a COVID-19 Patient Registry in Central Illinois |
Carl Asche, Mohammad O. Almoujahed, Sharjeel Ahmad, Anthony Dwyer, Sarah Stewart de Ramirez |
540 |
[GO] |
Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics |
2021―Aug―01 |
Therapeutic Misconception, Misestimation and COVID-19 Research |
Walter Dehority |
541 |
[GO] |
Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics |
2021―Aug―01 |
Personal Narrative About COVID-19 Research |
Gary Schiller |
542 |
[GO] |
Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics |
2021―Aug―01 |
COVID-19 Story From an IRB Member and Administrator |
T. Howard Stone |
543 |
[GO] |
Behavioral Science & Policy |
2021―Aug―01 |
Fear & anxiety in the time of COVID-19: How they influence behavior |
Christina K. Zigler, Nicole Lucas, Debra M. Henke, Ilona Fridman |
544 |
[GO] |
Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics |
2021―Aug―01 |
Research on COVID-19: Stories from IRB Members, Research Administrators, & Investigators |
Sara Griffin |
545 |
[GO] |
Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics |
2021―Aug―01 |
Research on COVID-19: Stories from IRB Members, Research Administrators & Investigators |
Ana S. Iltis, Gianna McMillan |
546 |
[GO] |
Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics |
2021―Aug―01 |
Research on COVID-19: Story from the Kenya Medical Research Institute |
Kebenei Enock Kipchirchir |
547 |
[GO] |
Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics |
2021―Aug―01 |
IRBs During COVID-19: Tried and True |
Gianna McMillan |
548 |
[GO] |
Behavioral Science & Policy |
2021―Aug―01 |
Vicarious learning in the time of coronavirus |
Christopher G. Myers |
549 |
[GO] |
Behavioral Science & Policy |
2021―Aug―01 |
Gender differences in preventing the spread of coronavirus |
Irmak Olcaysoy Okten, Anton Gollwitzer, Gabriele Oettingen |
550 |
[GO] |
Behavioral Science & Policy |
2021―Aug―01 |
The coronavirus & work-life inequality: Three evidence-based initiatives to update U.S. work-life employment policies |
Ellen Ernst Kossek, Kyung-Hee Lee |
551 |
[GO] |
Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics |
2021―Aug―01 |
Houston We Have a Problem: Ground Zero for the US Coronavirus Outbreak |
Yuan-Po Tu |
552 |
[GO] |
Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics |
2021―Aug―01 |
Protecting Research Subjects During a Pandemic |
Jerry Menikoff |
553 |
[GO] |
Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics |
2021―Aug―01 |
IRB Tales from the Heart of the Pandemic |
Hallie Kassan |
554 |
[GO] |
Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics |
2021―Aug―01 |
Adaptive and Pragmatic Approach to Clinical Research: The Silver Lining of a Global Pandemic |
Emanuele Chisari, Javad Parvizi |
555 |
[GO] |
Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics |
2021―Aug―01 |
Practice-Based Primary Care Clinical Research During the COVID Pandemic |
Barbara P Yawn |
556 |
[GO] |
Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics |
2021―Aug―01 |
IRB Work During a Pandemic: Remember Your Values |
Stefanie E. Juell |
557 |
[GO] |
Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics |
2021―Aug―01 |
Research During the Pandemic: Views from Both Sides of the Fence |
Bruce Gordon |
558 |
[GO] |
Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics |
2021―Aug―01 |
Pandemics and Protections: How to Keep It All Together in 2020 |
Gabrielle Rebillard |
559 |
[GO] |
Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics |
2021―Aug―01 |
What's a Hospital to Do? Equipoise, Pandemics and Single-site Clinical Trials |
Todd B. Seto |
560 |
[GO] |
Histoire sociale/Social history |
2021―Jul―25 |
Brève histoire des épidémies au Québec: Du choléra à la COVID-19 by Denis Goulet |
David Wright |
561 |
[GO] |
New England Review |
2021―Jul―18 |
During the Pandemic I Listen to the July 26, 1965, Juan-les-Pins Recording of A Love Supreme |
Ellen Bass |
562 |
[GO] |
Americas A Hemispheric Music Journal |
2021―Jul―11 |
How to Have Humor in an Epidemic: Musicking, Pandemic Palimpsests, and Public Health Pedagogy in the Age of COVID-19 |
Matthew J. Jones |
563 |
[GO] |
Hispania |
2021―Jun―20 |
Lotería in the Age of COVID-19: A Social Semiotic Analysis of Two Artistic Visions |
Gabriela C. Zapata |
564 |
[GO] |
Latin American Theatre Review |
2021―Jun―13 |
The Creation of “Zoomtheater” in the Time of COVID-19 |
Nora Glickman |
565 |
[GO] |
Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved |
2021―Jun―13 |
COVID-19 and Telehealth Operations in Texas Primary Care Clinics: Disparities in Medically Underserved Area Clinics |
Omolola Adepoju, Winston Liaw, Minji Chae, Chinedum Ojinnaka, Erin Britton, Sarah Reves, Rebecca Etz |
566 |
[GO] |
Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved |
2021―Jun―13 |
Caring for Vulnerable Communities in Miami Dade County during the COVID-19 Pandemic |
Nana Aisha Garba, Frederick Anderson, Gregory W. Schneider, Julia Bisschops, Prasad Bhoite, Onelia O. Lage, et al. (+2) Robert Sackstein, David R. Brown |
567 |
[GO] |
Latin American Theatre Review |
2021―Jun―13 |
Digitally-Delivered Mexican Theatre during the COVID-19 Pandemic of 2020 |
Timothy G. Compton |
568 |
[GO] |
The Yale Review |
2021―Jun―13 |
Pandemic Files: Dispatches from life in lockdown |
569 |
[GO] |
The Yale Review |
2021―Jun―13 |
Passing through Danger: Finding words for this pandemic in Inupiaq |
Joan Naviyuk Kane |
570 |
[GO] |
Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved |
2021―Jun―13 |
Art Applied to Face the Covid 19 Pandemic: An Origami Based Do It Yourself Face Shield |
Mauricio Quintero Angel |
571 |
[GO] |
Feminist Formations |
2021―May―30 |
Introduction: A Tale of Poverty, Pandemic, and Prisons |
Sarah Tobias, Nicole R. Fleetwood |
572 |
[GO] |
The Journal of Developing Areas |
2021―May―23 |
Understanding Coronanomics: The Economic Implications of the Covid-19 Pandemic |
Suborna Barua |
573 |
[GO] |
The Journal of Developing Areas |
2021―May―23 |
The Covid-19 Pandemic and its Impact on the Performance of Firms: An Analysis Based on World Bank Microdata |
Leonardo Andrade Rocha, Leonardo Querido Cárdenas, Napiê Galvê Araújo Silva, Carlos Alano Soares de Almeida |
574 |
[GO] |
Perspectives in Biology and Medicine |
2021―May―16 |
The Doctor Stamp and COVID-19: A Perspective |
Tonse N. K. Raju |
575 |
[GO] |
Perspectives in Biology and Medicine |
2021―May―16 |
Liberty and Protection of Society During a Pandemic: Revisiting John Stuart Mill |
Franklin G. Miller |
576 |
[GO] |
Georgetown Journal of International Affairs |
2021―May―02 |
Coronavirus Cavalry: Amid COVID-19 Chaos, Latin America’s Armed Forces Redeploy at Home |
Benjamin N. Gedan |
577 |
[GO] |
Georgetown Journal of International Affairs |
2021―May―02 |
COVID-19, China, and African Development: Crisis, Continuity, or Readjustment? |
Pippa Morgan |
578 |
[GO] |
Georgetown Journal of International Affairs |
2021―May―02 |
Social Resilience Against COVID-19 Masks Indonesian Class Divide |
Abdil Mughis Mudhoffir, Vedi R. Hadiz |
579 |
[GO] |
Georgetown Journal of International Affairs |
2021―May―02 |
Global Humanitarian Governance and the COVID-19 Moment: The Evolution of Sacrifice |
Peter J. Hoffman, Thomas G. Weiss |
580 |
[GO] |
Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved |
2021―May―02 |
Proactively Connecting Residents in Underserved and Low Socioeconomic Status Communities with "Virtual Hospital" Telehealth Access in Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic |
David R. Baker, Kechna Cadet, Susan Mani, Pothik Chatterjee |
581 |
[GO] |
Georgetown Journal of International Affairs |
2021―May―02 |
Policy Planning for the Post-Pandemic World: The Chronic Illness and Mental Health Needs of Tens of Millions of COVID-19 Survivors |
Janet E. Rosenbaum, Shifra Mincer |
582 |
[GO] |
Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved |
2021―May―02 |
Clinician Experience with Telemedicine at a Safety-net Hospital Network during COVID-19: A Cross-sectional Survey |
Anjana E. Sharma, Elaine C. Khoong, Malini A. Nijagal, Courtney R. Lyles, George Su, Triveni DeFries, et al. (+2) Urmimala Sarkar, Delphine Tuot |
583 |
[GO] |
Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved |
2021―May―02 |
Tech Led Solutions to Address Food Insecurity during a Global Pandemic |
Ilian Garcia, Aurica Donovan, Yael Lehmann, Jessica Perfetto, Sankalp Kulshreshtha, Dipika Shrihari, et al. (+2) Megha Kulshreshtha, Saba Khan |
584 |
[GO] |
Appalachian Review |
2021―May―02 |
Drive-In Movie During a Pandemic |
Matthew Hawk |
585 |
[GO] |
Georgetown Journal of International Affairs |
2021―May―02 |
Fragile Strategies: Getting Pandemic Response Right in Fragile States |
Blaise Misztal |
586 |
[GO] |
Georgetown Journal of International Affairs |
2021―May―02 |
Planning for the Next Pandemic: A Global, Interoperable System of Contact Tracing |
John Palfrey, Urs Gasser |
587 |
[GO] |
Perspectives in Biology and Medicine |
2021―May―02 |
Liberty and Protection of Society During a Pandemic: revisiting John Stuart Mill |
Franklin G. Miller |
588 |
[GO] |
CrossCurrents |
2021―Apr―25 |
Echoing Abundance: Public Art and Mutual Aid in Pandemic New Orleans |
Gwen Dilworth |
589 |
[GO] |
Diálogo |
2021―Apr―18 |
Kiltro, película chilena de artes marciales: Orientalismos e identidades en tiempos de COVID-19 |
Moisés Park |
590 |
[GO] |
Asian Perspective |
2021―Apr―18 |
The COVID-19 Pandemic and the Estrangement of US-China Relations |
Dali L. Yang |
591 |
[GO] |
Journal of Latin American Geography |
2021―Apr―18 |
Mobility, Control, and the Pandemic Across the Americas: First Findings of a Transnational Collective Project |
Soledad Álvarez Velasco |
592 |
[GO] |
Brookings Papers on Economic Activity |
2021―Apr―11 |
The Social Safety Net in the Wake of COVID-19 |
Marianne P. Bitler, Hilary W. Hoynes, Diane Whitmore Schanzenbach |
593 |
[GO] |
Brookings Papers on Economic Activity |
2021―Apr―11 |
Measuring the Labor Market at the Onset of the COVID-19 Crisis |
Alexander W. Bartik, Marianne Bertrand, Feng Lin, Jesse Rothstein, Matthew Unrath |
594 |
[GO] |
Brookings Papers on Economic Activity |
2021―Apr―11 |
Mandated and Voluntary Social Distancing during the COVID-19 Epidemic |
Sumedha Gupta, Kosali Simon, Coady Wing |
595 |
[GO] |
Brookings Papers on Economic Activity |
2021―Apr―11 |
COVID-19 Is Also a Reallocation Shock |
Jose Maria Barrero, Nicholas Bloom, Steven J. Davis |
596 |
[GO] |
Brookings Papers on Economic Activity |
2021―Apr―11 |
Income and Poverty in the COVID-19 Pandemic |
Jeehoon Han, Bruce D. Meyer, James X. Sullivan |
597 |
[GO] |
Brookings Papers on Economic Activity |
2021―Apr―11 |
The Effects of the Coronavirus Pandemic in Emerging Market and Developing Economies: An Optimistic Preliminary Account |
Pinelopi Koujianou Goldberg, Tristan Reed |
598 |
[GO] |
The Hopkins Review |
2021―Apr―11 |
Formal Protests: Dance, Race, and the Pandemic |
Jay Rogoff |
599 |
[GO] |
Brookings Papers on Economic Activity |
2021―Apr―11 |
Initial Impacts of the Pandemic on Consumer Behavior: Evidence from Linked Income, Spending, and Savings Data |
Natalie Cox, Peter Ganong, Pascal Noel, Joseph Vavra, Arlene Wong, Diana Farrell, et al. (+2) Fiona Greig, Erica Deadman |
600 |
[GO] |
Brookings Papers on Economic Activity |
2021―Apr―11 |
The US Labor Market during the Beginning of the Pandemic Recession |
Tomaz Cajner, Leland D. Crane, Ryan A. Decker, John Grigsby, Adrian Hamins-Puertolas, Erik Hurst, et al. (+2) Christopher Kurz, Ahu Yildirmaz |
601 |
[GO] |
Dissent |
2021―Apr―11 |
The Pandemic Risk Shift |
Colin Gordon |
602 |
[GO] |
Spiritus A Journal of Christian Spirituality |
2021―Apr―04 |
Bells of Mindfulness: Bonhoeffer, COVID-19, and the Climate Crisis |
Lisa E. Dahill |
603 |
[GO] |
ESC English Studies in Canada |
2021―Apr―04 |
Research-Creation for the Community: Pedagogy, Feminist Maker Cultures, and the Critical Work of Making Face Masks in the Time of Covid-19 |
Lai-Tze Fan |
604 |
[GO] |
Spiritus A Journal of Christian Spirituality |
2021―Apr―04 |
Knowledge and Experience: Spirituality In The Time of COVID-19 |
Steven Chase |
605 |
[GO] |
Journal of College Student Development |
2021―Apr―04 |
Positives, Negatives, and Opportunities Arising in the Undergraduate Experience During the COVID-19 Pandemic |
Madison Mucci-Ferris, Dustin K. Grabsch, Amanda Bobo |
606 |
[GO] |
Journal of College Student Development |
2021―Apr―04 |
Factors Associated With College Students' Mental Health During the COVID-19 Pandemic |
Krista M. Soria, Bonnie Horgos |
607 |
[GO] |
Spiritus A Journal of Christian Spirituality |
2021―Apr―04 |
Jesus' Spirituality of Authentic Subjectivity and COVID-19's Shadow Pandemic |
Michael O'Sullivan |
608 |
[GO] |
Spiritus A Journal of Christian Spirituality |
2021―Apr―04 |
Love in the Time of Coronavirus: Wherein We Realize This Is Not Temporary |
Angela Alaimo O'Donnell |
609 |
[GO] |
American Quarterly |
2021―Apr―04 |
“Never Waste a Good Crisis”: Critical University Studies during and after a Pandemic |
Vineeta Singh |
610 |
[GO] |
Spiritus A Journal of Christian Spirituality |
2021―Apr―04 |
Spirituality in a Time of Pandemic |
Philip Sheldrake |
611 |
[GO] |
Spiritus A Journal of Christian Spirituality |
2021―Apr―04 |
Apocalyptic Spirituality and Advent in a Time of Corona Pandemic |
Annie Pan Yi Jung |
612 |
[GO] |
Spiritus A Journal of Christian Spirituality |
2021―Apr―04 |
"The Long Experience of Love": Meditations on Breath and Beauty amidst a Pandemic |
Mark S. Burrows |
613 |
[GO] |
The Massachusetts Review |
2021―Apr―04 |
Penance and Pandemic |
Beth Uznis Johnson |
614 |
[GO] |
Spiritus A Journal of Christian Spirituality |
2021―Apr―04 |
Worship During the Pandemic |
Philip C. Kolin |
615 |
[GO] |
ESC English Studies in Canada |
2021―Apr―04 |
Hailing Distance: On Citation and the Pandemic |
Sarah Banting |
616 |
[GO] |
Neotestamentica |
2021―Mar―28 |
The Burial of Jesus Compared with the Burial of Covid-19 Victims: Dishonour and Damage Control |
June F. Dickie, Petra Dijkhuizen |
617 |
[GO] |
Bulletin of the History of Medicine |
2021―Mar―28 |
Revisiting "What Is an Epidemic?" in the Time of COVID-19: Lessons from the History of Latin American Public Health |
Mariola Espinosa |
618 |
[GO] |
Bulletin of the History of Medicine |
2021―Mar―28 |
Notes from the Field: Teaching the History of Epidemics in the Midst of the SARS-CoV-2 Pandemic |
James A. Schafer |
619 |
[GO] |
Appalachian Review |
2021―Mar―28 |
Keats: In Your Time of Pandemic |
Kathleen Driskell |
620 |
[GO] |
The Journal of Individual Psychology |
2021―Mar―28 |
Mea Culpa and What Is Humanity to Do? Adler's Understanding of and Approaches to Pandemics |
Marina Bluvshtein |
621 |
[GO] |
American Jewish History |
2021―Mar―21 |
New Considerations: Jewish Museums in the Era of COVID-19 |
Melissa Martens Yaverbaum |
622 |
[GO] |
Perspectives in Biology and Medicine |
2021―Mar―21 |
Comics in the Time of a Pan(dem)ic: COVID-19, Graphic Medicine, and Metaphors |
Sweetha Saji, Sathyaraj Venkatesan, Brian Callender |
623 |
[GO] |
Journal of Women s History |
2021―Mar―21 |
Feminism, Pedagogy, and a Pandemic |
Catherine J. Denial |
624 |
[GO] |
Journal of Latin American Geography |
2021―Mar―21 |
Mobility, Control, and the Pandemic
Across the Americas: First Findings of
a Transnational Collective Project |
Soledad Velasco |
625 |
[GO] |
Journal of Global South Studies |
2021―Mar―14 |
A Message from the Editor: The Global North-South Framework Fails to Explain COVID-19, but Why? |
Ryan M. Alexander |
626 |
[GO] |
Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved |
2021―Mar―07 |
A Blueprint for Community Health Center and Nursing Home Partnership: Testing for COVID-19 among Residents and Staff at Long-term Care Facilities |
Benjamin J. Oldfield, Stan DeCosta, Leif Petterson, Suzanne Lagarde, Douglas P. Olson |
627 |
[GO] |
The French Review |
2021―Mar―07 |
The Silver Lining to Teaching Online in the Covid-19 Era |
Danica Guerrero |
628 |
[GO] |
Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved |
2021―Mar―07 |
The Ethnogeriatric Implications of the COVID-19 Pandemic |
Ramona L. Rhodes |
629 |
[GO] |
Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved |
2021―Mar―07 |
Social Vulnerability Is Associated with Risk of COVID-19 Related Mortality in U.S. Counties with Confirmed Cases |
Kyle E. Freese, Antonio Vega, J. Joseph Lawrence, Patricia I. Documet |
630 |
[GO] |
Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved |
2021―Mar―07 |
Institutional Distrust among African Americans and Building Trustworthiness in the COVID-19 Response: Implications for Ethical Public Health Practice |
Alicia L. Best, Faith E. Fletcher, Mika Kadono, Rueben C. Warren |
631 |
[GO] |
Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved |
2021―Mar―07 |
Coping with COVID-19: Core Elements of Lockdown Wuhan City Policy |
Xiaohan Wang, Leiyu Shi, Yuyao Zhang, Haiqian Chen, Gang Sun |
632 |
[GO] |
Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved |
2021―Mar―07 |
COVID-19: Exploring the Repercussions on Federally Qualified Health Center Service Delivery and Quality |
Jodi Simon, Nivedita Mohanty, Lisa Masinter, Andrew Hamilton, Arjit Jain |
633 |
[GO] |
The French Review |
2021―Mar―07 |
Where Learning Begins: Lessons from a Pandemic |
Ana Fonseca Conboy |
634 |
[GO] |
The French Review |
2021―Mar―07 |
Teaching and Learning During the Pandemic: A Journey of Co-Creation |
Margaret E. McColley |
635 |
[GO] |
The French Review |
2021―Mar―07 |
Teaching French During a Pandemic: Lessons in Innovation, Creativity, and Community |
Leanna Bridge Rezvani |
636 |
[GO] |
The French Review |
2021―Feb―28 |
After Covid-19: Aspects of Remote Instruction and Translation |
Stéphanie Ravillon |
637 |
[GO] |
Asia Policy |
2021―Feb―21 |
Adapting or Atrophying? China's Belt and Road after the Covid-19 Pandemic |
Min Ye |
638 |
[GO] |
Journal of Daoist Studies |
2021―Feb―21 |
The Coronavirus Pandemic: Insights from Daoism and Qigong |
Kenneth S. Cohen |
639 |
[GO] |
Journal of Sport History |
2021―Feb―21 |
"So Much Winning": Michael Jordan, The Last Dance, and Intersecting Pandemic Politics |
Mary G. McDonald |
640 |
[GO] |
Journal of Black Sexuality and Relationships |
2021―Feb―14 |
Black Joy, Black Love and COVID-19: A Reflection on Self-Care and Community in the Midst of a Pandemic. |
Latoya B. Brooks |
641 |
[GO] |
Advertising & Society Quarterly |
2021―Feb―08 |
Digital Teaching Opportunities in the Time of COVID-19 |
Marta Mensa, Jean M. Grow |
642 |
[GO] |
American Book Review |
2021―Feb―08 |
Poetry for a Pandemic |
Richard Levine |
643 |
[GO] |
Native South |
2021―Jan―24 |
"The Positive Duty to Aid Them": Segregated Health, Federal Responsibility, and the Mississippi Choctaws during the 1918-1919 Influenza Pandemic |
Mikaëla M. Adams |
644 |
[GO] |
portal Libraries and the Academy |
2021―Jan―10 |
International Students and COVID-19: The Initial Response from the Penn State Libraries |
Mark Mattson, Emily Reed, Victoria Raish |
645 |
[GO] |
Transformation Critical Perspectives on Southern Africa |
2021―Jan―03 |
Reproduction, transformation and public South African higher education during and beyond Covid-19 |
Saleem Badat |
646 |
[GO] |
Transformation Critical Perspectives on Southern Africa |
2021―Jan―03 |
Unemployment and the gendered economy in South Africa after Covid-19 |
David Francis |
647 |
[GO] |
CLA Journal |
2021―Jan―03 |
COVID-19 and Black Grief in the Academy |
Elizabeth J. West |
648 |
[GO] |
Transformation Critical Perspectives on Southern Africa |
2021―Jan―03 |
Viral life: Covid-19's destabilisation of our thinking |
Rachel Adams, Crain Soudien |
649 |
[GO] |
Transformation Critical Perspectives on Southern Africa |
2021―Jan―03 |
Coronavirus, and the world transformed |
Grahame Hayes |
650 |
[GO] |
Jeunesse Young People Texts Cultures |
2021―Jan―03 |
Surviving a Pandemic |
Heather Snell |
651 |
[GO] |
Transformation Critical Perspectives on Southern Africa |
2021―Jan―03 |
The contagious power of words: Muslim South Africans during the pandemic |
Goolam Vahed |
652 |
[GO] |
CLA Journal |
2021―Jan―03 |
Surviving the Pandemic: Necessary Lessons from Morrison's Beloved |
Angelyn Mitchell |
653 |
[GO] |
CEA Critic |
2020―Dec―20 |
Living the Teaching Life in a Time of COVID-19 |
Mukesh Kumar Meena |
654 |
[GO] |
CEA Critic |
2020―Dec―20 |
Editor’s Introduction: Living the Teaching Life in a Time of COVID-19 |
Jeraldine R. Kraver |
655 |
[GO] |
CEA Critic |
2020―Dec―20 |
Racial Phantasmagoria: Asians and Asian Americans in the Era of COVID-19 |
Kenneth Chan |
656 |
[GO] |
CEA Critic |
2020―Dec―20 |
COVID-19 and Higher Education in Jordan: Insights from Middle East University |
Salam Al-Mahadin |
657 |
[GO] |
CEA Critic |
2020―Dec―20 |
Opportunity for Expression: COVID-19, Online Assignments, and Expressive Arts |
Peaches Hash |
658 |
[GO] |
CEA Critic |
2020―Dec―20 |
Making Sense of “Online Pedagogy” after COVID-19 Outbreak |
Abhisek Ghosal |
659 |
[GO] |
CEA Critic |
2020―Dec―20 |
Implementing Social Media Bridges for Student-Teacher Chasms Created During the COVID-19 Pandemic |
Jeni Peake, Alexandra Reynolds |
660 |
[GO] |
CEA Critic |
2020―Dec―20 |
Navigating a Community-Based Research Composition Course during the COVID-19 Pandemic |
Emily Hall |
661 |
[GO] |
Perspectives in Biology and Medicine |
2020―Dec―20 |
Medical Students’ Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic: Experience and Recommendations from Five Countries |
Mandeep Guragai, Aditya Achanta, Arianna Ysabelle Ong Gopez, Jonathan Niyotwambaza, Luis Guilherme Cardoso, Nathaniel Ladera Estavillo, Michael Dykstra |
662 |
[GO] |
The Journal of Individual Psychology |
2020―Dec―20 |
Individual Psychology During Times of the Coronavirus |
Jon Sperry, Len Sperry |
663 |
[GO] |
Tulsa Studies in Women s Literature |
2020―Dec―20 |
Journal Work in the Age of Coronavirus, Part 2 |
Jennifer L. Airey |
664 |
[GO] |
CEA Critic |
2020―Dec―20 |
Audience, Genre, and Accuracy in Coronavirus: A Book for Children |
Amy Cummins |
665 |
[GO] |
CEA Critic |
2020―Dec―20 |
Emails in a Pandemic |
Vicki Vanbrocklin |
666 |
[GO] |
CEA Critic |
2020―Dec―20 |
The Rhinoceros and the Logician: Administration in the Pandemic |
Jeff Cass, Erin Clair |
667 |
[GO] |
CEA Critic |
2020―Dec―20 |
“In the Weeds”: Finding New Space and New Ground in Online Teaching during the 2020 Pandemic |
Kristina R. Fennelly |
668 |
[GO] |
Modernism/modernity |
2020―Dec―20 |
Viral Modernism: The Influenza Pandemic and Interwar Literature by Elizabeth Outka |
Lidan Lin |
669 |
[GO] |
CEA Critic |
2020―Dec―20 |
A Centennial Reflection on Modernism during Pandemic: A Biomedical Engineering Perspective |
Gantt Meredith |
670 |
[GO] |
Mississippi Quarterly |
2020―Dec―13 |
Faulkner in a Time of Pandemic: Tracing the Influence of the 1918 Influenza in His Works |
Phillip Gordon |
671 |
[GO] |
Population Review |
2020―Nov―29 |
Impact of Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pandemic on Persons with Disabilities and Caregivers |
Bilal Ahmad Khan, Wakar Amin Zargar, Shazia Manzoor, Danish Iqbal Mattoo, Aadil Bashir, Shabir Ahmad Najar, Zahid Maqbool Pandit |
672 |
[GO] |
Philippine Studies Historical and Ethnographic Viewpoints |
2020―Nov―15 |
Old Ways and New Fears: Bayanihan and Covid-19 |
Greg Bankoff |
673 |
[GO] |
Journal of Asian American Studies |
2020―Nov―15 |
Introduction: Viral Racisms: Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders Respond to COVID-19 |
Aggie J. Yellow Horse, Karen J. Leong, Karen Kuo |
674 |
[GO] |
Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved |
2020―Nov―15 |
Reflections on the Importance of Community-Partnered Research Strategies for Health Equity in the Era of COVID-19 |
Savanna L. Carson, Cynthia Gonzalez, Sylvia Lopez, D'Ann Morris, Norma Mtume, Aziza Lucas-Wright, et al. (+3) Stefanie D. Vassar, Keith C. Norris, Arleen F. Brown |
675 |
[GO] |
Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved |
2020―Nov―15 |
Surveying Tenants of Permanent Supportive Housing in Skid Row about COVID-19 |
Benjamin F. Henwood, Brian Redline, Jack Lahey |
676 |
[GO] |
ASAP/Journal |
2020―Nov―15 |
Masks for Tortillas: 19 × 9 CM for COVID-19 |
Laura Anderson Barbata |
677 |
[GO] |
Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal |
2020―Nov―15 |
Continued Confinement of Those Most Vulnerable to COVID-19 |
Samia Hurst, Eva Maria Belser, Claudine Burton-Jeangros, Pascal Mahon, Cornelia Hummel, Settimio Monteverde, et al. (+13) Tanja Krones, Stéphanie Dagron, Cécile Bensimon, Bianca Schaffert, Alexander Trechsel, Luca Chiapperino, Laure Kloetzer, Tania Zittoun, Ralf Jox, Marion Fischer, Anne Dalle Ave, Peter G. Kirchschlaeger, Suerie Moon |
678 |
[GO] |
Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal |
2020―Nov―15 |
Should I Do as I’m Told? Trust, Experts, and COVID-19 |
Matthew Bennett |
679 |
[GO] |
Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal |
2020―Nov―15 |
Incarceration, COVID-19, and Emergency Release: Reimagining How and When to Punish |
Lauren Lyons |
680 |
[GO] |
Journal of Asian American Studies |
2020―Nov―15 |
Two Hate Notes: Deportations, COVID-19, and Xenophobia against Hmong Americans in the Midwest |
Kong Pheng Pha |
681 |
[GO] |
Journal of Asian American Studies |
2020―Nov―15 |
Stopping the Hate: Political Condemnations of Anti-Asian Rhetoric during the COVID-19 Crisis |
Maneesh Arora, Hannah June Kim |
682 |
[GO] |
Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal |
2020―Nov―15 |
Anarchist Responses to a Pandemic: The COVID-19 Crisis as a Case Study in Mutual Aid |
Nathan Jun, Mark Lance |
683 |
[GO] |
Journal of Latin American Geography |
2020―Nov―15 |
Editorial: Mobility, Connectivity, and the Implications of Covid-19 for Latin American Geography |
Jonh C. Finn, Eugenio Arima, Martha Bell, Jessica Budds, Jörn Seemann, Gabriela Valdivia, et al. (+3) Diana Tung, Eric Carter, Alan Marcus |
684 |
[GO] |
Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal |
2020―Nov―15 |
The Predictable Inequities of COVID-19 in the US: Fundamental Causes and Broken Institutions |
Sean A. Valles |
685 |
[GO] |
Journal of Asian American Studies |
2020―Nov―15 |
Three Meditations on Anti-Asian Violence and COVID-19, or Fuck Off, Andrew Yang! |
Melinda Luisa de Jesús |
686 |
[GO] |
Journal of Asian American Studies |
2020―Nov―15 |
Pedagogy of Care in Asian American Studies during the COVID-19 Pandemic |
Aggie J. Yellow Horse, Kathryn Nakagawa |
687 |
[GO] |
Journal of Asian American Studies |
2020―Nov―15 |
An Indigenous Futurity Approach to Decolonization: Navigating Imperial Borders and Indigenous Sovereignty during the Emergence of the COVID-19 Pandemic in Guåhan |
Kevin Escudero |
688 |
[GO] |
Philippine Studies Historical and Ethnographic Viewpoints |
2020―Nov―15 |
Preparedness, Agility, and the Philippine Response to the Covid-19 Pandemic The Early Phase in Comparative Southeast Asian Perspective |
Filomeno V. Aguilar |
689 |
[GO] |
Philippine Studies Historical and Ethnographic Viewpoints |
2020―Nov―15 |
Science and Public Service during a Pandemic: Reflections from the Scientists of the Philippine Government's Covid-19 Surveillance Platform |
Maria Regina Justina E. Estuar, Joshua Uyheng, Marlene De Leon, Daniel Joseph Benito, Elvira De Lara-Tuprio, Carlo Estadilla, Timothy Teng |
690 |
[GO] |
Philippine Studies Historical and Ethnographic Viewpoints |
2020―Nov―15 |
Care and Solidarity in the Time of Covid-19 The Pandemic Experiences of Filipinos in the UK |
Roderick Galam |
691 |
[GO] |
Asia Policy |
2020―Nov―15 |
Indonesia’s Indo-Pacific Vision: Staying the Course in a Covid-19 World |
Natalie Sambhi |
692 |
[GO] |
Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved |
2020―Nov―15 |
Language and Health Equity during COVID-19: Lessons and Opportunities |
Pilar Ortega, Glenn Martínez, Lisa Diamond |
693 |
[GO] |
Journal of Asian American Studies |
2020―Nov―15 |
Yellow Peril and Techno-orientalism in the Time of Covid-19: Racialized Contagion, Scientific Espionage, and Techno-Economic Warfare |
Lok Siu, Claire Chun |
694 |
[GO] |
Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal |
2020―Nov―15 |
Structural Stigma, Legal Epidemiology, and COVID-19: The Ethical Imperative to Act Upstream |
Daniel S. Goldberg |
695 |
[GO] |
Journal of Asian American Studies |
2020―Nov―15 |
Impact of Coronavirus on Services to Survivors of Intimate Partner Violence: A Look at My Sister's House |
Kali Alnas-Smiley, Michelle Huey, Nilda Valmores, Sujatha Moni |
696 |
[GO] |
Journal of Asian American Studies |
2020―Nov―15 |
Academic Community Support, Campus Racial Climate, and Subjective Well-Being during the Coronavirus Outbreak among Asian American College Students |
Brittany M. Tausen, Joel Jin, Paul Y. Kim, Keyne Law, Dana Kendall |
697 |
[GO] |
Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal |
2020―Nov―15 |
How Government Leaders Violated Their Epistemic Duties During the SARS-CoV-2 Crisis |
Eric Winsberg, Jason Brennan, Chris W. Surprenant |
698 |
[GO] |
Philippine Studies Historical and Ethnographic Viewpoints |
2020―Nov―15 |
The Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) Outbreak in the Philippines in 2003 |
Gideon Lasco |
699 |
[GO] |
West Virginia History A Journal of Regional Studies |
2020―Nov―15 |
Editor’s Note: Publishing a Journal During a Pandemic |
Kevin T. Barksdale |
700 |
[GO] |
Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal |
2020―Nov―15 |
Justice and Intellectual Disability In A Pandemic |
Ryan H. Nelson, Leslie P. Francis |
701 |
[GO] |
ASAP/Journal |
2020―Nov―15 |
Teaching During a Pandemic |
Angel Trazo |
702 |
[GO] |
Philippine Studies Historical and Ethnographic Viewpoints |
2020―Nov―15 |
Covidscapes The Pandemic in the Philippines |
Filomeno V. Aguilar |
703 |
[GO] |
Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal |
2020―Nov―15 |
How Soviet Legacies Shape Russia’s Response to the Pandemic: Ethical Consequences of a Culture of Non-Disclosure |
Nataliya Shok, Nadezhda Beliakova |
704 |
[GO] |
Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal |
2020―Nov―15 |
Surging Solidarity: Reorienting Ethics for Pandemics |
Jordan Pascoe, Mitch Stripling |
705 |
[GO] |
Theatre Topics |
2020―Nov―08 |
Teaching Acting in the Face of COVID-19: Designing Instruction for Variable Acting Studios |
Hillary Haft Bucs, James Elliott, David Kaye, Matthew Mastromatteo, Tom Pacio, Valerie Clayman Pye, et al. (+2) Kim Shively, Gerritt VanderMeer |
706 |
[GO] |
The Comparatist |
2020―Nov―08 |
Viral Modernism: The Influenza Pandemic and Interwar Literature by Elizabeth Outka |
Andrew Gaedtke |
707 |
[GO] |
Eighteenth-Century Studies |
2020―Nov―01 |
Fortune and Folly: A Pandemic Reminiscence |
Nina L. Dubin, Meredith Martin, Madeleine C. Viljoen |
708 |
[GO] |
Journal of Biblical Literature |
2020―Oct―25 |
Biblical Studies, COVID-19, and Our Response to Growing Inequality |
Roger S. Nam |
709 |
[GO] |
Bookbird A Journal of International Children s Literature |
2020―Oct―25 |
Children's Covid-19 Literature |
Björn Sundmark |
710 |
[GO] |
Journal of Biblical Literature |
2020―Oct―25 |
Scripturalizing the Pandemic |
Jacqueline M. Hidalgo |
711 |
[GO] |
Journal of Biblical Literature |
2020―Oct―25 |
Reading the Book of Job in the Pandemic |
Ying Zhang |
712 |
[GO] |
Journal of Biblical Literature |
2020―Oct―25 |
Teaching Biblical Studies in a Pandemic: India |
Monica Jyotsna Melanchthon, Mothy Varkey |
713 |
[GO] |
Asian Perspective |
2020―Oct―18 |
The COVID-19 Pandemic and the
Estrangement of US-China Relations |
Dali L. Yang |
714 |
[GO] |
Georgetown Journal of International Affairs |
2020―Oct―18 |
Weaponizing Wheat: Russia's Next Weapon in Pandemic and Climate Eras |
Clara Summers, Sherri Goodman |
715 |
[GO] |
Perspectives in Biology and Medicine |
2020―Oct―11 |
Life After the Storm: Surviving COVID-19 |
Cheryl Misak |
716 |
[GO] |
American Catholic Studies |
2020―Oct―11 |
The Bioethics of Translation: Latinos and the Healthcare Challenges of COVID-19 |
Bryan Pilkington, Ana Campoverde |
717 |
[GO] |
American Catholic Studies |
2020―Oct―11 |
On the Frontlines: Rural Iowa Latino/a Ministries during COVID-19 |
Kristy Nabhan-Warren |
718 |
[GO] |
American Catholic Studies |
2020―Oct―11 |
COVID-19: An Opportunity for the Church to View Itself With Fresh Eyes |
Charles Zech |
719 |
[GO] |
Spiritus A Journal of Christian Spirituality |
2020―Oct―11 |
Listening to the Trees: Seven Words on the Coronavirus |
Belden C. Lane |
720 |
[GO] |
American Catholic Studies |
2020―Oct―11 |
The Coronavirus Pandemic and Catholic Worship |
Timothy Brunk |
721 |
[GO] |
Dissent |
2020―Oct―11 |
Work in the Time of Coronavirus: Belabored Stories |
Sarah Jaffe, Michelle Chen |
722 |
[GO] |
Anthropological Quarterly |
2020―Sep―06 |
Meeting Your Neighbor For Another First Time: The Work of Second-order Reflexivity in Communication During the COVID-19 Emergency in Italy |
Luigi Russi |
723 |
[GO] |
Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved |
2020―Sep―06 |
Caring for Underserved Patients with Heart Failure during the COVID-19 Pandemic |
Connie White-Williams, Erin B. Clarkson, Maria Shirey, Vera Bittner |
724 |
[GO] |
American Annals of the Deaf |
2020―Sep―06 |
Reflections on Freeman Dyson, Coronavirus, and Pseudoscience . . . While Listening to Bach's Toccata and Fugue in D Minor |
Peter V. Paul |
725 |
[GO] |
Journal of Latin American Geography |
2020―Jul―26 |
Necromobilidade durante a pandemia da Covid-19 |
Vinicius Santos Almeida |
726 |
[GO] |
Journal of Latin American Geography |
2020―Jul―26 |
As organizações religiosas brasileiras frente à pandemia de Covid-19 |
Christian Dennys Monteiro de Oliveira, Fabrício Américo Ribeiro, Ivo Luis Oliveira Silva, Luiz Raphael Teixeira Silva, José Arilson Xavier de Souza, Gerlaine Cristina Franco, et al. (+3) Marcos da Silva Rocha, Maryvone Moura Gomes, Camila Benatti |
727 |
[GO] |
Journal of Latin American Geography |
2020―Jul―26 |
Asylum and Mass Detention at the U.S.-Mexico Border during Covid-19 |
Jeremy Slack, Josiah Heyman |
728 |
[GO] |
Journal of Latin American Geography |
2020―Jul―26 |
Pobreza Y Medios De Subsistencia En La Amazonía Peruana En Tiempos De La Covid-19 |
Christian Abizaid, Luis Ángel Collado Panduro, Sergio Gonzales Egusquiza |
729 |
[GO] |
Advertising & Society Quarterly |
2020―Jul―26 |
Digital Collection: COVID-19 Ads and Public Service Announcements |
730 |
[GO] |
Journal of Latin American Geography |
2020―Jul―26 |
Covid-19 and Tourism Risk in the Americas |
Christopher Gaffney, Bruno Eeckels |
731 |
[GO] |
Journal of Latin American Geography |
2020―Jul―26 |
Una Aproximación (Geo)Politológica A La Crisis De La Covid-19 En América Latina |
Jerónimo Ríos Sierra |
732 |
[GO] |
Journal of Latin American Geography |
2020―Jul―26 |
La no tan loca geografía de la Covid-19 en Chile |
Felipe Irarrazaval |
733 |
[GO] |
Journal of Latin American Geography |
2020―Jul―26 |
Sí, La Normalidad Es El Problema: Inequidad, Exclusión Y Fuerza Estatal En La Crisis De La Covid-19 En Guayaquil |
Danilo Borja, Viviana Buitrón Cañadas |
734 |
[GO] |
Journal of Latin American Geography |
2020―Jul―26 |
Covid-19 in Colombia's Borderlands and the Western Hemisphere: Adding Instability to a Double Crisis |
Annette Idler, Markus Hochmüller |
735 |
[GO] |
Journal of Latin American Geography |
2020―Jul―26 |
Volunteered Geographic Information Generates New Spatial Understandings of Covid-19 in Fortaleza |
Adryane Gorayeb, Jader de Oliveira Santos, Hércules G. Nascimento da Cunha, Regina Balbino da Silva, Wallason Farias de Souza, Romullo D. Pereira Mesquita, et al. (+6) Lucas da Silva Libério, Francisco D. de Sousa Silva, Sarah L. Maia do Nascimento, Christian Martins Mota, Paulo R. Gorayeb, Narcélio de Sá Pereira Filho |
736 |
[GO] |
Journal of Latin American Geography |
2020―Jul―26 |
Covid-19 in Latin America |
John C. Finn, Cynthia K. Pope, Yulia Garcia Sarduy |
737 |
[GO] |
Journal of Latin American Geography |
2020―Jul―26 |
From Columbus to Covid-19: Amerindian Antecedents to the Global Pandemic |
W. George Lovell |
738 |
[GO] |
Journal of Latin American Geography |
2020―Jul―26 |
Political Settlements and the Governance of Covid-19: Mining, Risk, and Territorial Control in Peru |
Gisselle Vila Benites, Anthony Bebbington |
739 |
[GO] |
Journal of Latin American Geography |
2020―Jul―26 |
Love in the Time of Covid-19: Or, Nicaragua, the Strange Country Where Children Still Go to School |
Julie Cupples |
740 |
[GO] |
Journal of Latin American Geography |
2020―Jul―26 |
Coronavirus in Belize: A Central American Success |
Cynthia K. Pope |
741 |
[GO] |
Advertising & Society Quarterly |
2020―Jul―26 |
What It Means to Teach Consumer Culture Remotely Through a Pandemic |
Jennifer Scanlon |
742 |
[GO] |
Advertising & Society Quarterly |
2020―Jul―26 |
Erase COVID: An Interview with Artists Creating PSAs to Take On a Global Pandemic |
Michael Buchmiller, Graham Annable, Elena Fox, Eric Hinkley, Jesse LeDoux, Scott Sugiuchi, et al. (+3) Ellen Surrey, Tiki Tony, Edward Timke |
743 |
[GO] |
Journal of Latin American Geography |
2020―Jul―26 |
Voiding Public Spaces, Enclosing Domestic Places: Place Attachment at the Onset of the Pandemic in Quito |
Pablo Cabrera-Barona, Andrea Carrión |
744 |
[GO] |
Journal of Ecumenical Studies |
2020―Jul―19 |
Role of Religions in the Spread of COVID-19 |
David Emmanuel Singh |
745 |
[GO] |
Journal of Democracy |
2020―Jul―19 |
China's Pandemic Power Play |
Nadѐge Rolland |
746 |
[GO] |
Dissent |
2020―Jul―12 |
Will COVID-19 Spur a Wave of Unionization? |
Steven Greenhouse |
747 |
[GO] |
Dissent |
2020―Jul―12 |
Coronavirus and the Surveillance State |
James B. Rule, Han Cheng |
748 |
[GO] |
Dissent |
2020―Jul―12 |
Work in the Time of Coronavirus: Belabored Stories |
Sarah Jaffe, Michelle Chen |
749 |
[GO] |
Journal of Black Sexuality and Relationships |
2020―Jun―21 |
Editor’s Note: Feelings about the Black Mamba Kobe Bryant and COVID-19 |
James C. Wadley |
750 |
[GO] |
Journal of Latin American Geography |
2020―Jun―21 |
COVID-19 in Latin America |
John C. Finn, Cynthia K. Pope, Yulia Garcia Sarduy |
751 |
[GO] |
Journal of Latin American Geography |
2020―Jun―21 |
Coronavirus in Belize: A Central American Success |
Cynthia K. Pope |
752 |
[GO] |
Tulsa Studies in Women s Literature |
2020―Jun―14 |
Journal Work in the Time of Coronavirus |
Jennifer L. Airey |
753 |
[GO] |
Journal of Latin American Geography |
2020―Jun―07 |
COVID-19 and Tourism Risk in the Americas |
Christopher Gaffney, Bruno Eeckels |
754 |
[GO] |
Journal of Latin American Geography |
2020―Jun―07 |
Una aproximación (geo)politológica a la crisis de la COVID-19 en América Latina |
Jerónimo Ríos Sierra |
755 |
[GO] |
Journal of Latin American Geography |
2020―Jun―07 |
Sí, la Normalidad es el Problema: Inequidad, Exclusión y Fuerza Estatal en la Crisis del COVID-19 en Guayaquil |
Danilo Borja, Viviana Buitrón Cañadas |
756 |
[GO] |
Journal of Latin American Geography |
2020―Jun―07 |
Volunteered Geographic Information Generates New Spatial Understandings of COVID-19 in Fortaleza, Brazil |
Adryane Gorayeb, Jader de Oliveira Santos, Hércules G. Nascimento da Cunha, Regina Balbino da Silva, Wallason Farias de Souza, Romullo D. Pereira Mesquita Pereira Mesquita, et al. (+6) Lucas da Silva Libério, Francisco D. de Sousa Silva, Sarah L. Maia do Nascimento, Christian Martins Mota, Paulo R. Gorayeb, Narcélio de Sá Pereira Filho |
757 |
[GO] |
Journal of Latin American Geography |
2020―May―31 |
Necromobilidade durante a
pandemia da Covid-19 |
Vinicius Santos Almeida |
758 |
[GO] |
Journal of Latin American Geography |
2020―May―31 |
Pobreza y Medios de Subsistencia en la
Amazonía Peruana en Tiempos del COVID-19 |
Christian Abizaid, Luis Ángel Collado Panduro, Sergio Gonzales Egusquiza |
759 |
[GO] |
Journal of Latin American Geography |
2020―May―31 |
Asylum and Mass Detention at the U.S.-
Mexico Border during COVID-19 |
Jeremy Slack, Josiah Heyman |
760 |
[GO] |
Journal of Latin American Geography |
2020―May―31 |
As organizações religiosas brasileiras frente à pandemia de COVID-19 |
Christian Dennys Monteiro de Oliveira, Fabrício Américo Ribeiro, Ivo Luis Oliveira Silva, Luiz Raphael Teixeira Silva, José Arilson Xavier de Souza, Gerlaine Cristina Franco, et al. (+3) Marcos da Silva Rocha, Maryvone Moura Gomes, Camila Benatti |
761 |
[GO] |
Journal of Latin American Geography |
2020―May―31 |
COVID-19 in Colombia’s Borderlands
and the Western Hemisphere: Adding
Instability to a Double Crisis |
Annette Idler, Markus Hochmüller |
762 |
[GO] |
Journal of Latin American Geography |
2020―May―31 |
From Columbus to COVID-19: Amerindian
Antecedents to the Global Pandemic |
W. George Lovell |
763 |
[GO] |
Journal of Latin American Geography |
2020―May―31 |
Political Settlements and the
Governance of COVID-19: Mining, Risk,
and Territorial Control in Peru |
Gisselle Vila Benites, Anthony Bebbington |
764 |
[GO] |
Journal of Latin American Geography |
2020―May―31 |
Love in the Time of COVID-19: Or,
Nicaragua, the Strange Country Where
Children Still Go to School |
Julie Cupples |
765 |
[GO] |
Journal of Latin American Geography |
2020―May―31 |
Voiding Public Spaces, Enclosing Domestic
Places: Place Attachment at the Onset
of the Pandemic in Quito, Ecuador |
Pablo Cabrera-Barona, Andrea Carrión |
766 |
[GO] |
Artivate A Journal of Entrepreneurship in the Arts |
2020―May―26 |
Arts Entrepreneurship Internationally and in the Age of Covid-19 |
Paul Bonin-Rodriguez, Neville Vakharia |
767 |
[GO] |
Bulletin of the Center for Children s Books |
2020―May―17 |
Coronavirus: A Book for Children; by Elizabeth Jenner |
Deborah Stevenson |
768 |
[GO] |
Bulletin of the History of Medicine |
2020―May―03 |
"Spit Spreads Death: The Influenza Pandemic of 1918-19 in Philadelphia" |
Jessica Martucci |