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COVID answers in Scientific Journals all over the world

Publishing House: Project MUSE

768 Results       Page 1

  original article Journal Date Title Authors All Authors
1 [GO] Journal of Latin American Geography 2024―Dec―19 An Ibero-American Perspective on Narratives of Pandemics ed. by Zélia M. Bora, Animesh Roy, and Ricardo de la Fuente Ballesteros, and: Salud en emergencia: historia de las batallas contra las epidemias y la COVID-19 by Marcos Cueto, and: COVID-19 en América Latina: solidaridad, desigualdades y espacios cotidianos ed. by Consuelo Fernández-Salvador et al., and: Public Health and Beyond in Latin America and the Caribbean: Reflections from the Field by Sherri L. Porcelain (review)
2 [GO] West Virginia History A Journal of Regional Studies 2024―Dec―11 Masks, Misinformation, and Making Do: Appalachian Health-Care Workers and the COVID-19 Pandemic ed. by Wendy Welch (review)
3 [GO] Yearbook of the Association of Pacific Coast Geographers 2024―Dec―05 Why COVID-19 Still Matters: A Geographer's Perspective Kris Bezdecny
4 [GO] Journal of College Student Development 2024―Nov―26 A Mixed Methods Investigation of Trends in COVID-19 Pandemic-Specific Positive Changes Across Three Academic Years Following Pandemic Onset Christyn Dolbier, Sarah Vanacore, Alia Simon, Taylor L. Stallings, Jordan Signorelli, Kelsey M. Dietrich
5 [GO] Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved 2024―Nov―20 A Clinic-Level Approach to Improve Uptake of First COVID-19 Vaccine Dose in Primary Care Annemarie M. Swamy, Noah Kaufman, Ernest Lievers, Carrie Tyler, Olivia Veira, Sofia Osio Smith, et al. (+5)
6 [GO] Brookings Papers on Economic Activity 2024―Nov―19 The Impact of Vaccines and Behavior on US Cumulative Deaths from COVID-19 Andrew Atkeson, Stephen Kissler
7 [GO] Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved 2024―Nov―14 Addressing Food Insecurity During the COVID-19 Pandemic: An Academic Research Group's Response to a Major Social Determinant of Health Gabriela Drucker, John Rausch, Ewelina Swierad, Vanessa Sawyer, James M. Noble, Rachael Gazdick, et al. (+3)
8 [GO] Southeastern Geographer 2024―Nov―07 Geospatial Insights into Consumer Behavior: Mapping the Post-Restriction Pandemic Retail Landscape in Alabama Mark J. Sciuchetti, Jianping "Coco" Huang, Jennifer Green, Brent J. Cunningham
9 [GO] World Politics 2024―Oct―30 Democracy, Autocracy, and the Politics of the Covid Pandemic Grigore Pop-Eleches
10 [GO] Neotestamentica 2024―Sep―28 The “Strong” and the “Weak” in Romans 14: 1-15:13 and Covid-19-Related Tensions in Christian Congregations: The Prospects and Perils of Relating Current Concerns to Sacred Scripture Christoph Stenschke
11 [GO] Twentieth-Century China 2024―Sep―26 Care of the Self or Pursuit of a Better World? The Transformation of Vegetarianism in Yiguandao Discourses from the Late Qing Period to the Global COVID-19 Pandemic Nikolas Broy
12 [GO] Journal of Education Finance 2024―Sep―26 How States Prioritize Educational Needs during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Assessing the Distribution of the Governor's Emergency Education Relief Fund Claire McMorris, David S. Knight
13 [GO] Journal of Education Finance 2024―Sep―26 Emerging from COVID-19: The 2022 Report of Finance and Access Issues Nathaniel J. Bray, Garrett A. Till, Mark M. D'Amico, Stephen G. Katsinas
14 [GO] Journal of Education Finance 2024―Sep―26 School Finance During the Pandemic: How are States Responding? Henry Tran, David Buckman, Tyrone Bynoe, Randall S. Vesely
15 [GO] Progress in Community Health Partnerships Research Education and Action 2024―Sep―19 Stronger Together: A Successful Model of Health System-Community Collective Action During the COVID-19 Pandemic Yihui Yang, Christine M. Gunn, Barbara Farnsworth, Gregory Norman, Sally Kraft
16 [GO] Progress in Community Health Partnerships Research Education and Action 2024―Sep―19 Lessons Learned from Community Partnership During the COVID-19 Pandemic Jennifer K. Frediani, Taylor W. Smith, Shelley Spires, Paula Moreland, Gwin Thompson, Darlene Henderson, et al. (+12)
17 [GO] Progress in Community Health Partnerships Research Education and Action 2024―Sep―19 COVID-19 Vaccination Program for Migrant and Refugee Women in Western Australia: Community-Led Approach and Decolonizing Practice Reflections Lisa Hartley, Lana Abdullah, Sobia Shah, Anam Ishrad
18 [GO] Progress in Community Health Partnerships Research Education and Action 2024―Sep―19 When “Immersive” Learning Goes Remote: Interdisciplinary Lessons Learned in a Pandemic Thistle I. Elias, Jessica R. Thompson, Brandi Boak, Denise Jones, Brandon Ziats
19 [GO] Progress in Community Health Partnerships Research Education and Action 2024―Sep―19 Beyond the Manuscript: Lessons Learned from Community Partnership During theCOVID-19 Pandemic Jennifer Frediani, Hal Strelnick
20 [GO] Journal of the Early Republic 2024―Sep―18 Paine's Yellow Fever": Opposition Politics and Pandemic Disease in the Early Republic Michelle Orihel
21 [GO] Human Biology 2024―Sep―13 Investigation of the Prevalence of Polymorphisms of IFITM3 rs12252 and rs34481144 in the Turkish Population: A Pilot Study and Survey Conducted during the COVID-19 Pandemic Dilek Pirim, Fatih Atilla Bağcı, Hasan Faruk Niş, Emin Halis Akalın
22 [GO] Jewish Film & New Media 2024―Sep―11 Media Coverage of COVID-19 Mobile Phone Surveillance as a Non-Commemorative Site of Nazi Germany and Holocaust Remembrance Aya Yadlin, Avi Marciano
23 [GO] Swedish American Studies 2024―Sep―11 "Should We Do It the Swedish Way?": American Coverage of Sweden and Sex during the AIDS Pandemic Saniya Lee Ghanoui
24 [GO] Collaborative Anthropologies 2024―Sep―07 COVID-19, Affect, and Activist Anthropology Chelsey Dyer
25 [GO] Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 2024―Sep―04 A Self-Fulfilling Prophecy Pandemic: The 1977 "Russian Flu" Donald S. Burke, Amy Schleunes
26 [GO] Anthropological Quarterly 2024―Aug―31 On Disrupted Death Rites and COVID-19 Tamara Kohn, Hannah Gould
27 [GO] Anthropological Quarterly 2024―Aug―31 Waves of Grief: Fluctuating Restrictions, Treatments of Corpses and Experiences of Loss during the COVID-19 Pandemic Marc-Antoine Berthod, Gaëlle Clavandier, Philippe Charrier, Martin Julier-Costes, Veronica Pagnamenta, Alexandre Pillonel
28 [GO] Anthropological Quarterly 2024―Aug―31 New Technologies in Pentecostal Funeral Rituals During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Brazil Andréia Vicente da Silva
29 [GO] Anthropological Quarterly 2024―Aug―31 De-Exceptionalizing Pandemic Death in the United States: COVID-19’s Ambiguous and Layered Mourning Ariel Santikarma, Sarah Wagner
30 [GO] Anthropological Quarterly 2024―Aug―31 On Pandemics Being Productive John Troyer
31 [GO] Brookings Papers on Economic Activity 2024―Aug―28 Surging Business Formation in the Pandemic: Causes and Consequences? Ryan A. Decker, John Haltiwanger
32 [GO] Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 2024―Aug―22 A Self-Fulfilling Prophecy Pandemic: The 1977 “Russian flu” Donald S. Burke, Amy Schleunes
33 [GO] Canadian Ethnic Studies 2024―Aug―09 The Experience of Anti-Chinese Racism in the Greater Toronto Area (GTA) Before and During Covid-19: An Intersectional Analysis Guida Man, Keefer Wong, Ernest Leung
34 [GO] Communio International Catholic Review 2024―Aug―08 Forgetting the Social Doctrine of the Church in the Epoch of Coronavirus Stefano Fontana, Joseph G. Trabbic
35 [GO] Communio International Catholic Review 2024―Aug―08 The Pandemic: A Sacramental Reading José Granados
36 [GO] American Journal of Psychiatric Rehabilitation 2024―Aug―03 Integrating Trauma-Informed Supervision into Psychiatric Rehabilitation in Times of Shared Traumatic Reality: COVID-19 Ariel Ezra, Yael Mazor
37 [GO] American Journal of Psychiatric Rehabilitation 2024―Aug―03 Impacts of COVID-19 on the NYC Peer Support Workforce: A Brief Report Amy Spagnolo, Carlton Whitmore, Jonathan P Edwards, Michelle Paggi, Varsha Kamat
38 [GO] Human Biology 2024―Aug―01 Investigation of the Prevalence of Polymorphisms of IFITM3 rs12252 and rs34481144 in the Turkish Population: A Pilot Study and Survey Conducted during the COVID-19 Pandemic Dilek Pirim, Fatih Bağcı, Hasan Niş, Emin Akalın
39 [GO] Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved 2024―Jul―25 Increasing COVID-19 Safety and Awareness for Ethnically Diverse Communities: Exploring Media Preferences and Messaging Effectiveness Duvon G. Winborne, Janine Jackson, Brittany Boyd
40 [GO] Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved 2024―Jul―25 Community Health Workers Promote Health Literacy and COVID-19 Vaccine Equity Caitlin Murphy, Ernest Carter, Laurine Thomas, Elizabeth Buchanan, Liz Torres Villegas, Michelle de LaRue
41 [GO] World Politics 2024―Jul―23 Fighting the Disease or Manipulating the Data? Democracy, State Capacity, and the COVID-19 Pandemic Carl Henrik Knutsen, Palina Kolvani
42 [GO] Theatre Journal 2024―Jul―23 The Second Wave: Reflections on The Pandemic Through Photography, Performance and Public Culture by Rustom Bharucha (review) Amanda Culp
43 [GO] Theory & Event 2024―Jul―16 Facing the Systemic Crisis: The Divide in Criticism of the Pandemic State of Emergency Jonas Heller
44 [GO] Southeastern Geographer 2024―Jul―04 Geospatial Insights into Consumer Behavior: Mapping the Post-Restriction Pandemic Retail Landscape in Alabama Mark J. Sciuchetti, Jianping Huang, Jennifer Green, Brent J. Cunningham
45 [GO] Journal of Black Sexuality and Relationships 2024―Jul―02 Queer High School Students Report Being Bullied: An Examination of Mental Health and Positive Health Behaviors During the COVID-19 Pandemic Antonio (Jay) Pastrana, Ann Chen
46 [GO] Journal of Black Sexuality and Relationships 2024―Jul―02 The Role of Bullying and Perceived Racial Discrimination on the Mental Health of Asian American High School Students During the COVID-19 Pandemic Tracy Wong
47 [GO] Journal of Black Sexuality and Relationships 2024―Jul―02 Resurrecting a Trope: Asian-American Students, Bullying and the COVID-19 Pandemic Robert Mendoza
48 [GO] American Annals of the Deaf 2024―Jul―02 Mental Health, Parenting Stress, and Parenting Practices of Parents of Deaf or Hard of Hearing Children During the Pandemic Jennifer Coto, Marcela Galicia, Chrisanda Sanchez, Jenna Sawafta, Ivette Cejas
49 [GO] Progress in Community Health Partnerships Research Education and Action 2024―Jun―28 Partnering to Address Health Inequities among Incarcerated Populations: Prisons, Jails, and COVID-19 Vaccination Ingie H. Osman, Aparea Smith, Antonio Williams, Katie Pierson, Eric Ryu, Rebecca J. Shlafer
50 [GO] diacritics 2024―Jun―28 What Does the Pandemic Teach Us About X? Scenes of Banal Pedagogy Tuomo Alhojärvi
51 [GO] Partial Answers Journal of Literature and the History of Ideas 2024―Jun―22 Literary Representations of Pandemics, Epidemics and Pestilence ed. by Nishi Pulugurtha (review)
52 [GO] Journal of Latin American Geography 2024―Jun―14 Vivências de mulheres no tempo e espaço da pandemia de Covid-19: Perspectivas transnacionais by Georgiane Garabely Heil Vázquez, Joseli Maria Silva y Karina Janz Woitowicz / Vivências de mulheres no tempo e espaço da pandemia de Covid-19: Perspectivas transnacionais par Georgiane Garabely Heil Vázquez, Joseli Maria Silva e Karina Janz Woitowicz (review)
53 [GO] Chinese Studies International 2024―Jun―13 The Origins of COVID-19: China and Global Capitalism by Li Zhang (review) Manfred Henningsen
54 [GO] American Book Review 2024―Jun―12 Conspiracy Theories in the Time of Covid-19 by Clare Birchall and Peter Knight (review)
55 [GO] Canadian Ethnic Studies 2024―Jun―04 Violence and Refugee Women's Resilience: Syrian Refugee Women in Lebanon During COVID-19 Saja Al Zoubi
56 [GO] Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved 2024―May―30 Women's Preventive Services Utilization in Illinois in the Aftermath of the ACA and the COVID-19 Pandemic Arden Handler, Trang Ngoc Doam Pham, Kristin Rankin
57 [GO] Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved 2024―May―30 Inequities in COVID-19-Related Patient Outcomes by Socio-Demographic Characteristics: A Scoping Review Michelle R. Kaufman, Caroline Palmer, Sarah Hirner, Lori-Ann Palen, Theresa Asuquo, Kadidiatou Toure, et al. (+4)
58 [GO] Narrative Culture 2024―May―30 Stopped Inside Time: Re-ordering Everyday Pandemic Temporalities Tine Damsholt
59 [GO] American Annals of the Deaf 2024―May―17 Teaching Literacy to Filipino Deaf Students in Multilingual Classrooms Amid a Pandemic Marian Patricia Bea U. Francisco, Maria Veronica T. Perez, Baby Ruth Evelina C. Reyes
60 [GO] The Journal of the History of Childhood and Youth 2024―May―14 Child Maltreatment and Child Protection in the Time of COVID-19 Jill Duerr Berrick
61 [GO] The Journal of the History of Childhood and Youth 2024―May―14 "People Would Come Up and Look in Your Window and Holler and See if You Was Still Alive": Recollections of the 1918 Pandemic Janet Golden
62 [GO] Journal of Late Antiquity 2024―May―09 Eastern Mediterranean Fineware Imports to the Iberian Peninsula, 300-700 ce , and the Economic Impact of the Justinianic Pandemic Henry Gruber
63 [GO] Chinese Studies International 2024―May―02 The Origins of COVID-19: China and Global Capitalism by Li Zhang (review) Manfred Henningsen
64 [GO] SAIS Review of International Affairs 2024―May―02 Diplomacy in Times of Pandemic and Wars: Transnational Actors Are Coming of Age in an Era of Fragmentation and Friction Jose Clavijo
65 [GO] WSQ Women s Studies Quarterly 2024―Apr―13 The Gendered Face of COVID-19 in the Global South by Jean Grugel, Matt Barlow, Tallulah Lines, Maria Eugenia Giraudo, and Jessica Omukuti (review)
66 [GO] The Journal of Developing Areas 2024―Apr―13 Covid-19: Foreign Remittances and Migrants' Well-Being in Bangladesh Md Bakhtiar Uddin, Krishna K. Shrestha, Anthony B Zwi
67 [GO] WSQ Women s Studies Quarterly 2024―Apr―13 Telling Our Story: Making Sense of the Pandemic
68 [GO] Advertising & Society Quarterly 2024―Apr―12 Roundtable on International Responses to COVID-19: The Unfolding of Pandemic Advertising Martin Bush, Tree Elven, Adam Ferrier, Christina Knight, Thomas Kolster, Edward Timke
69 [GO] Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 2024―Apr―10 Parental Refusals of Blood Transfusions from COVID-19 Vaccinated Donors for Children Needing Cardiac Surgery Daniel H. Kim, Emily Berkman, Jonna D. Clark, Nabiha H. Saifee, Douglas S. Diekema, Mithya Lewis-Newby
70 [GO] The Journal of Developing Areas 2024―Apr―09 Governance Quality And Economic Growth In The Caribbean In Times Of Covid-19 Olugbenga A. Onafowora, Oluwole Owoye
71 [GO] Merrill-Palmer Quarterly 2024―Apr―09 Distance Learning and Perceived Social Support: Identifying Protective Factors for Families' COVIDRelated Stress and Psychological Distress During the COVID-19 Pandemic Ritu Sampige, Daijiazi Tang, Leslie Frankel, Allison Master
72 [GO] Storytelling Self Society 2024―Apr―09 Pandemic Storytelling from the Heart of the Bronx John Socas
73 [GO] Progress in Community Health Partnerships Research Education and Action 2024―Mar―19 Lessons from Two Latino Communities Working with Academic Partners to Increase Access to COVID-19 Testing Kesia K. Garibay, Arturo Durazo, Tatiana Vizcaíno, Yolanda Oviedo, Kara Marson, Carina Arechiga, et al. (+10)
74 [GO] Progress in Community Health Partnerships Research Education and Action 2024―Mar―19 Lessons from Two Latino Communities Working with Academic Partners to Increase Access to COVID-19 Testing Kesia K. Garibay, Arturo Durazo, Tatiana Vizcaíno, Yolanda Oviedo, Kara Marson, Carina Arechiga, et al. (+10)
75 [GO] Progress in Community Health Partnerships Research Education and Action 2024―Mar―19 Promoting COVID-19 Vaccine Confidence and Access among Youth Experiencing Homelessness: Community-Engaged Public Health Practice Ingie Osman, Renee Sieving, Lauren Vasilakos, Katie Pierson, Asha Elgonda, Trenton Bartlett, Janna R. Gewirtz O'Brien
76 [GO] Bulletin of the Center for Children s Books 2024―Mar―19 The Great Influenza: The True Story of the Deadliest Pandemic in History (Young Reader's Edition) by John M. Barry (review) Adam McConville
77 [GO] International Journal of Surrealism 2024―Mar―15 Painting and Socializing COVID-19 Dreams Julia Lockheart
78 [GO] International Journal of Surrealism 2024―Mar―15 In a Pandemic Dream Tim Murphy
79 [GO] Library Trends 2024―Mar―13 Trends in Latin America: Libraries’ Challenges Magnified by the COVID-19 Pandemic Ana María Talavera-Ibarra
80 [GO] U S Catholic Historian 2024―Mar―06 Martyrs of Charity: How Philadelphia's Religious Sisters Responded to the 1918 Influenza Pandemic Ryan P. Murphy
81 [GO] Canadian Ethnic Studies 2024―Mar―02 Migration, Pandemic and the Guardian Angels: The Case of Health Care Attendants in Q Catherine Montgomery, Alexia Pilon Diabaté, Marie-Jeanne Blain, Émilie Tremblay, Marie-Emmanuelle Laquerre
82 [GO] Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved 2024―Feb―22 Vaccine Attitudes and Uptake Among Latino Residents of a Former COVID-19 Hotspot Carol Cleaveland, Taylor Anderson, Kimberly McNally, Amira A. Roess
83 [GO] Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved 2024―Feb―22 The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Food Access: Insights from First-Person Accounts in a Safety-Net Health Care System Dharma E. Cortés, Rachel M. Zack, Varshini Odayar, Margo Moyer, Anika Kumar, Juliana Libardi Maia, et al. (+2)
84 [GO] American Journal of Psychiatric Rehabilitation 2024―Feb―19 Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Social Relationships of Individuals with Serious Mental Illnesses Shinichi Nagata, Bryan McCormick, Mark S. Salzer
85 [GO] American Journal of Psychiatric Rehabilitation 2024―Feb―19 Self-Care for All: Sharing a Caregiver Program During the Pandemic Margaret Swarbrick, Patricia B. Nemec, Susan Gould Fogerite, Amy B Spagnolo, Michelle Zechner, Mary Catherine Lundquist, Monica Townsend
86 [GO] Brookings Papers on Economic Activity 2024―Feb―15 COVID-19 Credit Policies around the World: Size, Scope, Costs, and Consequences Gee Hee Hong, Deborah Lucas
87 [GO] Brookings Papers on Economic Activity 2024―Feb―15 Where Are the Missing Workers? Anticipated and Unanticipated Labor Supply Changes in the Pandemic's Aftermath Katharine G. Abraham, Lea E. Rendell
88 [GO] Irish Studies in International Affairs 2024―Feb―01 Building Global Health Solidarity in a Permacrisis: Legal Impacts of a Pandemic Treaty Mina Hosseini
89 [GO] Bookbird A Journal of International Children s Literature 2024―Jan―30 “I’ve Experienced All of This”: The Issues of the Coronavirus in Literary Texts and Their Reception by Young Readers Dávid Dziak
90 [GO] New York History 2024―Jan―30 The Supervisors Are Carrying the Bag: The Nurses' Emergency Council, Settlement Houses, and the 1918 Influenza Pandemic in New York City Eric C. Cimino
91 [GO] New York History 2024―Jan―30 Pandemic Re-Awakenings: The Forgotten and Unforgotten "Spanish" Flu of 1918-1919 ed. by Guy Beiner (review)
92 [GO] Biography 2024―Jan―17 Did We Forget about Climate Change during the COVID-19 Pandemic? The Year in Denmark Marianne Høyen
93 [GO] American Annals of the Deaf 2024―Jan―13 Reflections From the Pandemic: Lessons Learned Blake Probert, Raschelle Neild, Patrick Graham
94 [GO] Journal of College Student Development 2024―Jan―09 Effect of an Internet Grant on Student Retention During COVID-19 Ximena Burgin, Beth Ingram
95 [GO] Seoul Journal of Korean Studies 2024―Jan―09 The Tethered Fates of Japan's "Foreigner" Communities: Zainichi Koreans, Residency Provisions, and the COVID-19 Pandemic Joel Matthews, Eiko Osaka
96 [GO] Journal of College Student Development 2024―Jan―09 Emerging Symptoms of and Institutional Support for Students with Long COVID in Higher Education Katherine Aquino, Jane Jarrow, Lisa Vance
97 [GO] Feminist Formations 2024―Jan―05 Transforming the AIDS Pandemic as We Know It: AIDS Pasts, Present, and Futures in Viral Cultures: Activist Archiving in the Age of AIDS Jallicia Jolly
98 [GO] Children Youth and Environments 2023―Dec―20 Overcoming Isolation: Teenagers' Connectedness to Others During the COVID-19 Pandemic Gabriella Meltzer, Tony Dinh, Nnenia Campbell, Alice Fothergill, Christine Gibb
99 [GO] Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society 2023―Dec―19 The Past Is Never Dead. It's Not Even Past: The 1918 Influenza Pandemic and Its Lessons John M. Barry
100 [GO] Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society 2023―Dec―19 Scientific Insights into the 1918 Influenza Pandemic and Their Implications for the Future Jeffery K. Taubenberger
101 [GO] symplokÄ“ 2023―Dec―15 "A New Persistent Cough": The Coronavirus, Hyperobjects, and the Pandemic Aesthetic Val Nolan
102 [GO] symplokÄ“ 2023―Dec―15 Affective Academe: Immaterial Labor, Higher Education, and the Pandemic Jeffrey R. Di Leo
103 [GO] symplokÄ“ 2023―Dec―15 Transparent, Holistic, Inclusive, and Humane: Health Benefit Struggles in an Age of Pandemic Crystal Bartolovich
104 [GO] symplokÄ“ 2023―Dec―15 Isolation and Community: Reading Daniel Defoe with Our Pandemic Philosophers Brian O'Keeffe
105 [GO] Montana The Magazine for Western History 2023―Dec―13 The El Dorado Pandemic Elliott West
106 [GO] Montana The Magazine for Western History 2023―Dec―13 Past and Present in Teaching about Pandemics Leif Fredrickson
107 [GO] Progress in Community Health Partnerships Research Education and Action 2023―Dec―12 Evaluation of a Remote Youth Health Advocate Training Program During the COVID-19 Pandemic Sara W. Heinert, Shaveta Khosla, Nasseef Quasim, Jenni Schneiderman, Victoria Soliz, Olivia Finks, Terry Vanden Hoek
108 [GO] Progress in Community Health Partnerships Research Education and Action 2023―Dec―12 Community-engaged Research Disruption: The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Research With Communities Jennifer Kue, Anh Thu Thai, Judith Tate, Beverly Galliers, Laura Szalacha, Paula Chanhmany, Usha Menon
109 [GO] Progress in Community Health Partnerships Research Education and Action 2023―Dec―12 Resilience Among Small Community-based Organizations During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Insights for Future Public Health Crises Shayna D. Cunningham, Candida Flores, Fawatih Mohamed-Abouh, Alixe Dittmore, Stephen Schensul, Jean Schensul, et al. (+2)
110 [GO] The Journal of Individual Psychology 2023―Dec―11 Reconnecting: Positive Discipline Skills to Support Social and Emotional Development in Young Children Affected by COVID-19 Cheryl L. Erwin, Michele R. Frey
111 [GO] Journal of Latin American Geography 2023―Dec―11 Cartografias no contexto da COVID-19 no Brasil/Cartographies in the Context of COVID-19 in Brazil Renato Emerson Nascimento dos Santos
112 [GO] Journal of Latin American Geography 2023―Dec―11 Cartographies in the Context of COVID-19 in Brazil/Cartografias no contexto da COVID-19 no Brasil Renato Emerson Nascimento dos Santos
113 [GO] Journal of Latin American Geography 2023―Dec―11 Small-Scale Food Production in the Pandemic: Perspectives from Mexico and Guatemala Jake W. Dean, Anika M. Rice, Linda M. Choi
114 [GO] Journal of Latin American Geography 2023―Dec―11 Small-Scale Food Production in the Pandemic: Perspectives from Mexico and Guatemala / Producción de alimentos en pequeña escala durante la pandemia: perspectivas desde México y Guatemala Jake W. Dean, Anika M. Rice, Linda M. Choi
115 [GO] Irish Studies in International Affairs 2023―Dec―07 Building Global Health Solidarity in a Permacrisis: Legal Impacts of a Pandemic Treaty Mina Hosseini
116 [GO] TAPA 2023―Nov―30 Bearing and Sharing the Burdens of Mentoring in the COVID-19 Pandemic Deborah Beck
117 [GO] Asian Perspective 2023―Nov―28 Twitter Diplomacy and China's Strategic Narrative during the Early COVID-19 Crisis Weiqing Song, Yinyan Ruan, Sibei Sun
118 [GO] Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved 2023―Nov―22 Variation in Time Between Testing Positive for COVID-19 and Hospital Admission by Race/Ethnicity and Insurance Status Austin Porter, Clare C. Brown, Analiz Rodriguez, Namvar Zohoori, Samantha Wells, Alisha Crump, et al. (+2)
119 [GO] Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved 2023―Nov―22 Smoking, Stress, and Health Risk Behaviors During the Early Phase of COVID-19 Lockdowns Among Residents of Flint, Michigan Woojong Kim, Seung Hee Choi
120 [GO] Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved 2023―Nov―22 Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Social Service Organizations in a Clinical-Community Collaboration Leigh Evans, Anna Garner, Katharine Witgert, Sean McClellan
121 [GO] Theatre Topics 2023―Nov―18 Theater of Lockdown: Digital and Distanced Performance in a Time of Pandemic by Barbara Fuchs (review)
122 [GO] The Comparatist 2023―Nov―14 The Grass-roots, Mass Power and Biopolitics: The Politicized Pandemic in Shanghai's Covid Quarantine Jiyuan Ren
123 [GO] Journal of College Student Development 2023―Nov―11 Reflections on Identity Exploration in the Time of the COVID-19 Pandemic from Queer Students of Color Antonio Duran
124 [GO] Prairie Schooner 2023―Nov―02 Ode to COVID-19 Tim Kelly
125 [GO] Reviews in American History 2023―Nov―02 Revisiting the New Deal in the Shadow of a Double Pandemic Sharon Ann Musher
126 [GO] Prairie Schooner 2023―Nov―02 Pandemic Ode, and: Domestic, or, the Family Machine Kathleen McGookey
127 [GO] The Journal of Developing Areas 2023―Oct―06 Earnings Announcement and Stock Prices of Quoted Deposit Money Banks in Nigeria in the Era of COVID-19 Pandemic Idowu Bosede Fasola, Oluseun Paseda
128 [GO] The Journal of Developing Areas 2023―Oct―06 Trade Implications on Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (APIS) Due to COVID-19 Pandemic and India China Altercation Rishab Lodh, Oindrila Dey
129 [GO] Fontes Artis Musicae 2023―Oct―06 The Impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic on Music Education in Ukraine Andrii Bondarenko, Tetiana Humeniuk, Anastasiia Romanenko, Lidiia Makarenko, Liubov Lysenko
130 [GO] World Politics 2023―Oct―06 Vaccine Diplomacy: How COVID-19 Vaccine Distribution in Latin America Increases Trust in Foreign Governments Elena Barham, Sarah Zukerman Daly, Julian E. Gerez, John Marshall, Oscar Pocasangre
131 [GO] The Journal of Developing Areas 2023―Oct―06 Revisiting the Exchange Rate -Oil Price Nexus in Turbulent Period: What Can We Learn From Nigeria and South Africa During Covid-19? Samod O. Lawal-Arogundade, Lateef O. Salami
132 [GO] The Journal of Developing Areas 2023―Sep―28 Measuring the Impact of COVID-19 on Tourism Entrepreneurs and Businesses in Greece: Some Empirical Evidence Gavriilidis Gaby, Theodore Metaxas
133 [GO] Journal of College Student Development 2023―Sep―23 International Experiences and Global Competence of Chinese Graduate Students Amid the COVID-19 Pandemic Yuhao Cen, Yuan Yang
134 [GO] The Review of Higher Education 2023―Sep―21 The Ties That Bind: Student-Mothers' Social Capital During the COVID-19 Pandemic Margaret W. Sallee, Alyssa Stefanese Yates
135 [GO] The High School Journal 2023―Sep―09 Positioning Young African American Men as Public Intellectuals: a Disruption in School-based Norms Amidst COVID-19, a Global Pandemic Elbert Hawkins
136 [GO] Health and History 2023―Aug―22 Viral Historicity: Overcollecting the COVID-19 Pandemic Peter Hobbins
137 [GO] Health and History 2023―Aug―22 Virus on the March?: Military Model and Metaphor in the COVID-19 Pandemic Warwick Anderson
138 [GO] Health and History 2023―Aug―22 COVID-19: What Needs to be Documented? Insights from the Pneumonic Influenza of 1918-1919 Anthea Hyslop
139 [GO] Health and History 2023―Aug―22 On Not Having Been in this Movie Before: The Uses of History in a Pandemic Warwick Anderson
140 [GO] JCMS Journal of Cinema and Media Studies 2023―Aug―22 In Focus Introduction: Media Study beyond Media Studies: Pandemic Lessons for an Evolving Field Shannon Mattern
141 [GO] Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 2023―Aug―11 Mutual Aid Praxis Aligns Principles and Practice in Grassroots COVID-19 Responses Across the US Nora Kenworthy, Emily Hops, Amy Hagopian
142 [GO] Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 2023―Aug―10 Parental Refusals of Blood Transfusions from COVID-19 Vaccinated Donors for Children Needing Cardiac Surgery Daniel H. Kim, Emily Berkman, Jonna D. Clark, Nabiha H. Saifee, Douglas S. Diekema, Mithya Lewis-Newby
143 [GO] The Review of Higher Education 2023―Aug―09 The Ties That Bind: Student Mothers’ Social Capital During the COVID-19 Pandemic Margaret W. Sallee, Alyssa Stefanese Yates
144 [GO] Journal of Colonialism and Colonial History 2023―Aug―05 Pandemic Re-Awakenings: The Forgotten and Unforgotten 'Spanish' Flu of 1918-1919 ed. by Guy Beiner (review)
145 [GO] Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved 2023―Aug―02 Southern Care: A Rapid Response to Supporting Southern CBOs at the onset of COVID-19 Neena Smith-Bankhead, Kia Colbert, Samira Ali, Katie A. McCormick, Linelle Blais, Dafina Ward, et al. (+2)
146 [GO] Children Youth and Environments 2023―Jul―28 "I Connect with Nature Every Day": Brazilian Children and Their Contact with Nature during the COVID-19 Pandemic Christiane F. S. Macena, Iani D. Lauer-Leite, Maria Inês G. Higuchi, Jorge Antonio S. Costa, Jaílson S. Novais
147 [GO] Children Youth and Environments 2023―Jul―28 Empowering Adolescent Girls during a Global Pandemic: An Initiative through the Scheme for Adolescent Girls and the Kanyashree Prakalpa Convergence (SAG-KP) Program Arpita Banerjee, Arnab Karar, Nilanjana Ghosh, Indrani Bhattacharyya, Santwana Adhikari
148 [GO] Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved 2023―Jul―27 Visit Data and Telehealth in a Clinic for Trafficked Persons: Virtual Care and Human Trafficking During the COVID-19 Pandemic Maria Hadjikyriakou, Natalie Martinez-Sosa, Philip D. Harvey, JoNell Efantis Potter, Latoya Johnson, Maureen C. Kenny, Lujain Alhajji
149 [GO] Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved 2023―Jul―27 Social Connectivity and Coping Among Vulnerable Veterans During the COVID-19 Pandemic Elizabeth M. Moore, Sonya Gabrielian, Michael F. Zito, Suzanne D. Kozikowski, James R. Lopez, Michael Lesgart, Michael F. Green
150 [GO] Essays in Medieval Studies 2023―Jul―26 Postpandemic Trauma in Geoffrey Chaucer’s The Franklin’s Tale Lorenz Hindrichen
151 [GO] Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 2023―Jul―14 Bridging Divides: art and religion in the early AIDS pandemic Matthew Kelly
152 [GO] Caribbean Studies 2023―Jul―08 Caribbean Nationalism in the time of COVID-19: Analyzing the Official Deployment of Nationalism in Barbados Latoya Lazarus, Ian Craig
153 [GO] Brookings Papers on Economic Activity 2023―Jul―07 Understanding US Inflation during the COVID-19 Era Laurence Ball, Daniel Leigh, Prachi Mishra
154 [GO] Brookings Papers on Economic Activity 2023―Jul―07 Economic Impact Payments and Household Spending during the Pandemic Jonathan A. Parker, Jake Schild, Laura Erhard, David S. Johnson
155 [GO] Theatre Topics 2023―Jul―07 Toward a Future Theatre: Conversations during a Pandemic by Caridad Svich (review)
156 [GO] Bulletin of the Center for Children s Books 2023―Jun―25 The Other Pandemic: An AIDS Memoir by Lynn Curlee (review)
157 [GO] Theory & Event 2023―Jun―23 The Political Is Medical Now: COVID-19, Medicalization and Political Theory Dan Degerman
158 [GO] Theory & Event 2023―Jun―23 The Global COVID-19 Pandemic and the Need to Change Who We Think “We” Are Nandita Sharma
159 [GO] Theory & Event 2023―Jun―23 A Conversation about Work, Precarity and Political Possibilities During COVID-19 Paul Apostolidis, Keally McBride
160 [GO] Theory & Event 2023―Jun―23 Andante Adagio: Exposed Life and Liminality in Times of Covid-19 in Italy Lorenzo Rinelli
161 [GO] Theory & Event 2023―Jun―23 The End of Emergency: Coronavirus, Uncertain Bodies, and Agitating Sovereignty Andrew Poe
162 [GO] Theory & Event 2023―Jun―23 Life, Time, and Pandemic Events William E. Connolly
163 [GO] Appalachian Review 2023―Jun―08 Remembering Pandemic Teaching Rachel Bates
164 [GO] International Union Rights 2023―Jun―07 Workers seek Covid-19 protection on plantations already racked by closures and unemployment Paul Lievens
165 [GO] International Union Rights 2023―Jun―07 Keeping public transport workers safe from Covid-19 Alana Dave
166 [GO] International Union Rights 2023―Jun―07 'Get Close To The Workers, Stay Close To The Workers': The Shift to Digital Organising During Covid-19 Nicole McPherson
167 [GO] Max Weber Studies 2023―Jun―07 The Covid-19 Crisis: A Conflict between Rationalities Eduardo Weisz
168 [GO] International Union Rights 2023―Jun―07 Responding to the Failures of Labour Law Exposed by Covid-19 K D Ewing, Hendy Qc
169 [GO] International Union Rights 2023―Jun―07 Covid-19 - Call Centre Workers and Health-Safety, Union Challenges and Organisation Phil Taylor
170 [GO] International Union Rights 2023―Jun―07 Editorial: Impacts of Covid-19 on Work and the Challenge for Union Rights Daniel Blackburn
171 [GO] International Union Rights 2023―Jun―07 ‘Just because you don't see your boss, doesn't mean you don't have a boss’: Covid-19 and Gig Worker Strikes across Latin America Kelle Howson, Funda Ustek-Spilda, Rafael Grohmann, Nancy Salem, Rodrigo Carelli, Daniel Abs, et al. (+6)
172 [GO] Group 2023―Jun―07 From the Circle to the Square: Group Psychotherapy in the Age of Coronavirus Ella Stolper, Efrat Zigenlaub
173 [GO] International Union Rights 2023―Jun―07 Lessons to learn: education and the pandemic Patrick Roach
174 [GO] Max Weber Studies 2023―Jun―07 The Pandemic and Max Weber Hinnerk Bruhns
175 [GO] International Union Rights 2023―Jun―07 The Pandemic Has Hit a World Which Was Already in Deep Trouble Sharan Burrow
176 [GO] International Union Rights 2023―Jun―07 A Neoliberal Pandemic in Asia Kate Lappin
177 [GO] International Union Rights 2023―Jun―07 Bargaining, representation and organising in the Pandemic: Experience from the Financial Services Union Niall Cullinane, Gareth Murphy
178 [GO] International Union Rights 2023―Jun―07 The Swedish model and the pandemic: trust, trade union rights and collective self-regulation Claes-Mikael Ståhl
179 [GO] International Union Rights 2023―Jun―07 Trade Union Rights During the Pandemic: Urgent for Health and Frontline Public Workers Baba Aye
180 [GO] Studies An Irish Quarterly Review 2023―Jun―06 Industrial Policy in Ireland: Responding to Covid-19 and Brexit William Kingston
181 [GO] Storytelling Self Society 2023―Jun―06 The Challenges and Possibilities of Live Children’s Literary Storytelling for At-Risk Audiences during COVID-19 Julie-Ann Scott, Richard Olsen
182 [GO] Storytelling Self Society 2023―Jun―06 “I Know I’m Not the Only One”: Creating New Systems of High School Mental Health Care through Storytelling during COVID-19 Johanna Middleton
183 [GO] Storytelling Self Society 2023―Jun―06 Pandemonium: Reframing Performance in Pandemic A. B.
184 [GO] Storytelling Self Society 2023―Jun―06 Notes from a Pandemic Pothole Milbre Burch
185 [GO] Storytelling Self Society 2023―Jun―06 On Developing Notes from a Pandemic Pothole : A Personal Reflection on the Co-creation of New Work in Storytelling Milbre Burch
186 [GO] Storytelling Self Society 2023―Jun―06 Storycircling the Virtual: Creating Space in a Pandemic with Storyscope Lauren Mark, Tyler Rife, Jennifer Linde, Rob Razzante
187 [GO] Children Youth and Environments 2023―May―28 Children, Adolescents and the HIV and AIDS Pandemic: Changing Inter-Generational Relationships and Intra-Family Communication Patterns in Botswana Klaus Geiselhart, Thando D. Gwebu, Fred Krüger
188 [GO] Great Plains Research 2023―May―21 Concern, Conflict, and Chaos: Nebraska Educator Experiences during the Pandemic Amanda L. Witte, Amanda Prokasky, Courtney Boise, Renata T. M. Gomes, Gwen C. Nugent, Susan M. Sheridan
189 [GO] College Student Affairs Journal 2023―May―14 College Students' Stress Responses and Anxiety During the 2020 COVID-19 Pandemic Neda Moinolmolki
190 [GO] Cultural Critique 2023―May―07 Living and Dying in the Age of COVID-19: Social Murder, Reproduction, and Rhetoric M. R. Greene-May
191 [GO] Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved 2023―Apr―30 Telemedicine and Disparities in Visit Attendance at a Rural Pediatric Primary Care Clinic During the COVID-19 Pandemic Shaundreal Jamison, Yingying Zheng, Linh Nguyen, Farhan A Khan, Dmitry Tumin, Kristina Simeonsson
192 [GO] Social Research An International Quarterly 2023―Apr―23 Social Science in the Time of COVID-19 Michel Wensing
193 [GO] Social Research An International Quarterly 2023―Apr―23 COVID-19: The Challenge of Global Vaccine Inequity Safura Abdool Karim, Quarraisha Abdool Karim, Salim Abdool Karim
194 [GO] Social Research An International Quarterly 2023―Apr―23 Clash between Science and Politics: The COVID-19 Pandemic in Brazil Elisa Reis, Felix Lopez
195 [GO] Merrill-Palmer Quarterly 2023―Apr―23 Adolescents’ In-Person and Online Interactions With Friends During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Associations With Loneliness and Depressive Symptoms Amanda J. Rose, Nicole Campione-Barr, Sarah E. Killoren, Wendy M. Rote
196 [GO] Social Research An International Quarterly 2023―Apr―23 A Pandemic-Accelerated Shift to Openness: The Case of Scholarly Publishing Lizzie Sayer, Jenice Goveas, Geoffrey Boulton
197 [GO] World Literature Today 2023―Apr―23 At Work in the Ruins: Finding Our Place in the Time of Science, Climate Change, Pandemics and All the Other Emergencies by Dougald Hine John Zerzan
198 [GO] The Journal of Developing Areas 2023―Apr―09 In Government and Academics we Trust: Trust in Information Sources for Covid-19 Communication Across Urban Bangladesh Mohammad Riaz Uddin, Rubaiya Murshed
199 [GO] The Journal of Developing Areas 2023―Apr―09 Evaluation of the Effect of Covid-19 Pandemic Lockdown on Food Security Among Urban Households in Jos, Plateau State, Nigeria Solomon T. Folorunso, Ruth O. Alabi, O. O. Stephen-Adamu
200 [GO] Asian Theatre Journal 2023―Apr―09 Towards a Definition of Performance During the Covid-19 Pandemic: A Study of Ramlila in India Prateek
201 [GO] Frontiers A Journal of Women Studies 2023―Apr―02 On the Lateness of Pandemic Time William Mosley
202 [GO] Frontiers A Journal of Women Studies 2023―Apr―02 When We’re Coming From: What Would an HIV Doula Do? on Pandemic Time(s) Jennifer Brier, Salonee Bhaman, Alex Fialho, Pato Hebert, Theodore Kerr, Alexandra Juhasz, Olivia R. Polk
203 [GO] Frontiers A Journal of Women Studies 2023―Apr―02 Pandemic Time: A Critical Introduction Darius Bost
204 [GO] Frontiers A Journal of Women Studies 2023―Apr―02 A Meditation on Grief in Pandemic Times Karma R. Chávez
205 [GO] The Yale Review 2023―Mar―26 On Being Hit: What stage of the pandemic is this? Jordan Kisner
206 [GO] Children Youth and Environments 2023―Mar―19 The Role of Toronto's Neighborhood Landscape Characteristics in Facilitating Outdoor Play During the COVID-19 Outbreak Cibele Carla Souza Donato, Robert C. Corry, Sarah A. Moore, Raktim Mitra, Leigh Vanderloo
207 [GO] Journal of College Student Development 2023―Mar―19 Food Insecurity Among College Students with Disabilities During the COVID-19 Pandemic Krista M Soria, Vanessa Coca
208 [GO] Western American Literature 2023―Mar―19 “Do the Right Thing Always”: Laura Ingalls Wilder and the Global Pandemics of 1918 and 2020 Amy S. Fatzinger
209 [GO] CrossCurrents 2023―Mar―12 Remembering (and Forgetting) COVID-19 in Britain’s Religious-Secular Landscape David Tollerton
210 [GO] CrossCurrents 2023―Mar―12 Fake News, Fake Prophets: Mis/Disinformation, Public Health, and the COVID-19 Global Pandemic in Nigeria and Beyond: A Christian Narrative Ndidi Justice Gbule
211 [GO] Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 2023―Mar―12 Historical Lessons on Vaccine Hesitancy: Smallpox, Polio, and Measles, and Implications for COVID-19 J. J. Eddy, H. A. Smith, J. E. Abrams
212 [GO] China An International Journal 2023―Mar―12 "Special Times Call for Special Measures": China's Regulation of COVID-19 through Criminal Justice Innovation Enshen Li, Xifen Lin, Sihong Liu
213 [GO] China An International Journal 2023―Mar―12 Beyond "Vaccine Nationalism": China's Cooperation with the Middle East in the COVID-19 Vaccine Song Niu, Rui Wu
214 [GO] Gendered Perspectives on International Development 2023―Feb―27 COVID-19 and MENA: Governance, Geopolitics, and Gender Valentine M. Moghadam
215 [GO] Alliance for African Partnership Perspectives 2023―Feb―27 COVID-19 and African Civil Society Organizations: Impact and Responses Shaninomi Eribo
216 [GO] Alliance for African Partnership Perspectives 2023―Feb―27 Efforts to Preserve Educational Access, Research, and Public Service Relevance at the University of Dar es Salaam in the Age of COVID-19 Lulu T. Kaaya, William A. L. Anangisye, Bonaventure Rutinwa, Bernadetha Killian
217 [GO] Alliance for African Partnership Perspectives 2023―Feb―27 The Future of Continental and International Collaborations at the University of Nigeria after COVID-19 Charles A. Igwe, Anthonia I. Achike, Bennett C. Nwanguma
218 [GO] Alliance for African Partnership Perspectives 2023―Feb―27 Business Repositioning at Botswana Open University in the Face of COVID-19 Sunny Enow Aiyuk, Lekopanye Lacic Tladi, Freeson Kaniwa
219 [GO] Alliance for African Partnership Perspectives 2023―Feb―27 Coping with the Impact of COVID-19 in Higher Education: Responses and Recommendations from the University of Botswana Lucky Odirile
220 [GO] Alliance for African Partnership Perspectives 2023―Feb―27 A Community-University Partnership: Responding to COVID-19 in South Africa via the University of Pretoria's Community Engagement Initiative Martina Jordaan, Nita Mennega
221 [GO] Alliance for African Partnership Perspectives 2023―Feb―27 Strategies of the Dominican University Nigeria in Coping with the COVID-19 Pandemic Obiageli C. Okoye
222 [GO] Alliance for African Partnership Perspectives 2023―Feb―27 COVID-19 Pandemic in Nigeria: Lessons on Responsibility, University Leadership, and Navigating the New Normal Olanike K. Adeyemo, Selim A. Alarape, Victoria O. Adetunji, David T. Afolayan
223 [GO] Alliance for African Partnership Perspectives 2023―Feb―27 Facing COVID-19 Pandemic Learning/Teaching Challenges: Lessons and Perspectives from Malian Universities Fatoumata Keïta, Binta Koïta, Abo뫊r Niamabélé, Welore Tamboura
224 [GO] Alliance for African Partnership Perspectives 2023―Feb―27 Exploring the Gendered Effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Academic Staff in Tanzania Perpetua J. Urio, Susan P. Murphy, Ikupa Moses, Consolata Chua, Immanuel Darkwa
225 [GO] Alliance for African Partnership Perspectives 2023―Feb―27 The Mental and Psychosocial Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on University Faculty and Students Ruthie C. Rono, Kung'u Lucy Waithera
226 [GO] Alliance for African Partnership Perspectives 2023―Feb―27 Reflections on University Education in Uganda and the COVID-19 Pandemic Shock: Responses and Lessons Learned Barnabas Nawangwe, Anthony Mugagga Muwagga, Mukadasi Buyinza, Fred Masaazi Masagazi
227 [GO] Alliance for African Partnership Perspectives 2023―Feb―27 AAP Universities' Responses to the COVID-19 Pandemic: Lessons Learned and Shared Samuel L. Stanley, Tawana Kupe, Ibrahima Thioub, David Norris, Rose Mwonya
228 [GO] Alliance for African Partnership Perspectives 2023―Feb―27 Context and Rationale for the Thought Pieces on COVID-19 Response in Africa Paul Tiyambe Zeleza
229 [GO] Rhetoric Politics & Culture 2023―Feb―27 The Primal Scene of COVID-19: “We’re All in this Together” Eric King Watts
230 [GO] Canadian Ethnic Studies 2023―Feb―19 Temporary Residents, Lasting Issues: International Graduate Students and Covid-19 Isabel Fandino, Pallavi Banerjee
231 [GO] Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved 2023―Feb―19 The Power of Relationships During the Pandemic: A Community Health Center's Response to COVID-19 Megan Inada, Puni Jackson, Ku'ulei Freed, Michael Epp, David Derauf
232 [GO] Health and History 2023―Feb―19 Modern Epidemics: From the Spanish Flu to COVID-19 by Salvador Macip Ann Westmore
233 [GO] Canadian Ethnic Studies 2023―Feb―19 How They Learned to Stop Worrying and Love (the) Restrictions? Reimagining COVID-19 Lockdowns-as-Liberative and Restorative: Isma Yusuf
234 [GO] Canadian Ethnic Studies 2023―Feb―19 The Role of Financial Insecurity, Racial Discrimination, and Comorbid Health Conditions on Mental Health in Canada and the United States During the COVID-19 Pandemic Jasmine Thomas, Murlat-Valérie Georges, Sally Ogoe, Avery Hallberg, Nikol Veisman, Lori Wilkinson, et al. (+3)
235 [GO] Canadian Ethnic Studies 2023―Feb―19 Parents’ Perceptions of Barriers and Facilitators to Their Children’s Multilingual Language Development Before and After the COVID-19 Pandemic Natalie Gordon, Catrine Demers, Rita Chehayeb, Andrea A.N. MacLeod
236 [GO] Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved 2023―Feb―19 Implementing a State-Funded Peer-Run Mental Health Warmline During the COVID-19 Pandemic Adrienne Lapidos, Mary Beth Franks, Pamela Werner, Paul N. Pfeiffer
237 [GO] Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved 2023―Feb―19 Telehealth Use and Access to Care for Underserved Populations Before and During the COVID-19 Pandemic Clese Erikson, Yoon Hong Park, Natalie Felida, Michael Dill
238 [GO] Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved 2023―Feb―19 The Effect of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Use of Select Child Health Services in Kenyan Hospitals John Njuguna
239 [GO] Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved 2023―Feb―19 COVID-19-Related Emergency Department Visits Among Undocumented Patients in Los Angeles County Michael P. Huynh, Senxi Du, Courtney Hanlon, Helen Yang, Andrew Young, Annie Ro
240 [GO] Canadian Ethnic Studies 2023―Feb―19 Gender, Parenthood, and Employment During COVID-19: An Immigrant-Native Born Comparison in Canada Siqi Qin, Manlin Cai, Sylvia Fuller, Yue Qian
241 [GO] Essays in Medieval Studies 2023―Feb―19 Pandemic Fault Lines: The Black Death in the Age of Covid Dorsey Armstrong
242 [GO] Canadian Ethnic Studies 2023―Feb―19 Pandemic Perspectives: Racialized and Gendered Experiences of Refugee and Immigrant Families in Canada Pallavi Banerjee, Carieta Thomas
243 [GO] Health and History 2023―Feb―19 Pandemic: The Spanish Flu in Australia 1918-1920 by Ian W. Shaw Heather Battles
244 [GO] Library Trends 2023―Feb―05 A Return to the Stone Age: Rock Art as Joyful Information Practice during COVID-19 Bonnie J. Tulloch
245 [GO] Theatre Journal 2023―Feb―05 "A Period of Extreme Uncertainty": A Conversation on Pandemic Theatre by AAPI Companies in California Janine Sun Rogers, Sean Metzger
246 [GO] portal Libraries and the Academy 2023―Jan―15 Flipping the (COVID-19) Classroom: Redesigning a First-Year Information Literacy Program during a Pandemic Jennifer S. Ferguson
247 [GO] portal Libraries and the Academy 2023―Jan―15 Decision-Making by and for Academic Libraries during COVID-19 Sarah R. Fitzgerald, Sarah Hutton, Rebecca Reznik-Zellen, Charlie Barlow, Will Oldham
248 [GO] The Review of Higher Education 2023―Jan―08 School Counselors and College Counseling During the COVID-19 Pandemic Heather T. Rowan-Kenyon, Stephanie Carroll, Tara P. Nicola, Mandy Savitz-Romer
249 [GO] Brookings Papers on Economic Activity 2022―Dec―18 Understanding the Economic Impact of COVID-19 on Women Claudia Goldin
250 [GO] Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved 2022―Dec―18 Setting an Opportunity Agenda for Multisectoral Partnerships: Building on Learnings from COVID-19 Marcella Nunez-Smith
251 [GO] Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved 2022―Dec―18 Mitigating Food Insecurity During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Replicable Food Delivery Service Using Public-Private Partnerships Karen E. Haney, Michael T. Measom, J. Zack Timmons, Michael K. Hole
252 [GO] Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved 2022―Dec―18 Baltimore City Health Department's Use of Public-Private Partnerships to Create a Continuum of COVID-19 Services for Special Populations Amanda Rosecrans, Sarah Rives, Robert Harris, Norberth Stracker, Jesse Mesenburg, Lisa Scotti, et al. (+4)
253 [GO] Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved 2022―Dec―18 Advancing COVID-19 Vaccination Equity Among the Refugee Community: An Innovative Multi-Sector Collaborative Outreach Program Catherine E. Elmore, Sarah R. Blackstone, Elizabeth L. Carpenter, Putnam Ivey de Cortez, Claire O'Donnell, Erica Uhlmann, et al. (+2)
254 [GO] Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved 2022―Dec―18 A Health System's Approach to Using CBPR Principles with Multi-sector Collaboration to Design and Implement a COVID-19 Vaccine Outreach Program Brisa Urquieta de Hernandez, Monique Díaz, David Foster, Marijka Grey, Alisahah Jackson, Jacquiline Tong, et al. (+6)
255 [GO] Brookings Papers on Economic Activity 2022―Dec―18 Panel on Fiscal Policy and Budget Deficits Following The Pandemic
256 [GO] Journal of the Early Republic 2022―Dec―04 Equity and Integration: Scholarship after COVID-19 Stacey Robertson
257 [GO] Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 2022―Dec―04 Narrative Ethics, COVID-19, and Flawed Stories Howard Brody
258 [GO] Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 2022―Dec―04 COVID-19, Graphic Medicine, and Thinking Beyond Data Sathyaraj Venkatesan, Ishani Anwesha Joshi
259 [GO] Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 2022―Dec―04 Protecting Practitioners in Stressed Systems: Translational Bioethics and the COVID-19 Pandemic Mara Buchbinder, Nancy Berlinger, Tania M. Jenkins
260 [GO] China An International Journal 2022―Dec―04 The Surge of Nationalist Sentiment among Chinese Youth during the COVID-19 Pandemic Wing-Chung Ho
261 [GO] China An International Journal 2022―Dec―04 Is Intensive Accountability Conducive to the Implementation of COVID-19 Pandemic Containment Policies? An Empirical Study of Accountability, Blame Avoidance and Public Service Motivation Huilong Li, Xinyuan Wei, Yongchao Wu
262 [GO] Prairie Schooner 2022―Dec―04 The Music of the Suburb, and: Meramec. Pandemic. 2020 Eamonn Wall
263 [GO] Children Youth and Environments 2022―Nov―27 Exploring Camp Community in Online Summer Camp Programs during COVID-19 Megan H. Owens, K. Dale Adkins
264 [GO] Children Youth and Environments 2022―Nov―27 Physically Distanced but Socially Connected: Interactive Playgroup Sessions Delivered Remotely during the COVID-19 Lockdown Brittany Huber, Joanne Tarasuik, Nancylee Merzel, Deborah Njegac
265 [GO] Children Youth and Environments 2022―Nov―27 Differential Impacts of COVID-19 on Summer Activities and Environments for Children from High- and Low-Income Families Dan Richmond, Rachel McGovern, Taylor Wycoff, Michael Froehly, Meagan Ricks, Jim Sibthorp
266 [GO] Children Youth and Environments 2022―Nov―27 Changes in Outdoor Recreation among Rural and Urban Children during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Fathers' Perspectives Dina Izenstark, Iryna Sharaievska
267 [GO] Children Youth and Environments 2022―Nov―27 Parent-Perceived Changes in Active Transportation and Independent Mobility among Canadian Children in Relation to the COVID-19 Pandemic: Results from Two National Surveys Richard Larouche, Sarah A. Moore, Mathieu Bélanger, Mariana Brussoni, Guy Faulkner, Katie Gunnell, Mark S. Tremblay
268 [GO] Children Youth and Environments 2022―Nov―27 Growing up under COVID-19: Insights into Impacts and Young People's Responses to Changing Socio-Ecological Contexts as a Result of the Pandemic Barry Percy-Smith, Sara Rizzo, Chermaine Tay, Enrica Lorusso, Laurie Day, Leanne Monchuk
269 [GO] Southeastern Geographer 2022―Nov―27 The Southern Economy at the Precipice of the Post-Global Age: Evaluating Pandemic-Era Disruptions to the Export Sector Ronald V. Kalafsky, William Graves
270 [GO] Children Youth and Environments 2022―Nov―27 Pivoting an In-Person Multiplatform Science Program to a Virtual Program during a Pandemic: Lessons Learned Linlin Li, Gary Weiser, Kim Luttgen, Megan Schneider, Chun-Wei Kevin Huang, Momo Hayakawa, et al. (+4)
271 [GO] CrossCurrents 2022―Nov―20 Interfaith Dialogue and Healthcare Diplomacy During COVID-19 and Beyond: Parameters, Opportunities, and Constraints Nukhet A. Sandal
272 [GO] Change Over Time 2022―Nov―06 Legacies of Detention, Isolation, and Quarantine: Ambivalence, Covid-19, and the Uses of Memory David Barnes
273 [GO] Change Over Time 2022―Nov―06 Anticipating a Covid-19 Memorial Landscape: Quarantine and Migration Heritage as a Template? Gareth Hoskins, Joanne Maddern
274 [GO] Georgetown Journal of International Affairs 2022―Nov―06 Assessing the Impact of COVID-19 on Indigenous Peoples in Latin America: Towards Effective Post-Pandemic Policies Darren R. Reid, Leonel Piovezana, Claudia Battestin
275 [GO] Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved 2022―Nov―06 "Everything is a Mess. I'm Just Trying to Survive It.": Impacts of COVID-19 on Personal Assistance Services Rayna Sage, Krys Standley, Catherine Ipsen
276 [GO] Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved 2022―Nov―06 County-Level COVID-19 Vaccination Rates, Non-Communicable Diseases, and Socioeconomic Inequities: Applying Syndemic Theory to Vaccines John G. Rizk, Fadia T. Shaya
277 [GO] Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved 2022―Nov―06 COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy among Clinical Medical Students in Enugu, South East Nigeria Onwuka Chidinma Ifechi, Ezugwu Euzebus Chinonye, Onwuka Chidozie
278 [GO] Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved 2022―Nov―06 Social and Economic Factors Related to Healthcare Delay Among Low-Income Families During COVID-19: Results from the ACCESS Observational Study Mekhala Hoskote, Rita Hamad, Wendi Gosliner, Karen Sokal-Gutierrez, William Dow, Lia C.H. Fernald
279 [GO] Technology and Culture 2022―Nov―06 Going Digital: The Research Library and the Pandemic Benjamin Gross, Allison Marsh
280 [GO] Human Rights Quarterly 2022―Nov―06 Not Even with a Pandemic: The IMF, Human Rights, and Rational Choices Under Power Relations Juan Pablo Bohoslavsky, Francisco Cantamutto
281 [GO] South Central Review 2022―Oct―30 Pandemic Denialism: The Case of COVID-19 Andrew S. Natsios
282 [GO] Social Research An International Quarterly 2022―Oct―23 Learning from Experience? COVID-19 Conspiracy Theories and Their Implications for Democratic Discourse Jennifer Hochschild, David Beavers
283 [GO] Journal of Korean Religions 2022―Oct―16 Four Types of Protestant Responses to South Korean Government Measures to Control COVID-19 Outbreaks in 2020-2021 Timothy S. Lee
284 [GO] Journal of Korean Religions 2022―Oct―16 Mediated Faith Coping with COVID-19: A Case Study of a Megachurch in South Korea Seung Min Hong
285 [GO] CEA Critic 2022―Oct―09 Human and Professor: Using Trauma-Informed Pedagogy to Reimagine Teaching in the Wake of COVID-19 Britt Munro
286 [GO] Journal of College Student Development 2022―Oct―09 COVID-19 Disruptions: Evaluating the Early Impacts of Campus Closure on Academic Self-Efficacy and Motivation Gregory C. Wolniak, Sarah C. Burman
287 [GO] portal Libraries and the Academy 2022―Oct―09 The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Tenure-Track Librarians Amanda McCormick, Carolyn-Klotzbach Russell, Kimberly Plassche
288 [GO] Journal of Latin American Geography 2022―Oct―09 Narrativas de vida espaciales en el contexto de la Covid-19: Reflexiones desde la ruralidad ecuatoriana Estefania P. Palacios, Diana V. López, Dayanara A. Delgado
289 [GO] portal Libraries and the Academy 2022―Oct―09 Rarely Disrupted: Pandemic-Informed Special Collections Beth M. Whittaker, Lynne M. Thomas
290 [GO] American Quarterly 2022―Sep―25 American Empire and the "Indian Problem" in 2020: From COVID-19 Checkpoints to McGirt Elizabeth Rule
291 [GO] American Quarterly 2022―Sep―25 Lives More Recognizable Than Individual: Indigenous Communities in the Face of Pandemics Dallas Hunt, Gina Starblanket
292 [GO] Children Youth and Environments 2022―Sep―16 Implementing a Play-Based Forest Classroom Following the Onset of COVID-19 Kevin Stinehart, Jill Shelnut, Meghan Chandler, Barry A. Garst, Stephanie P. Garst
293 [GO] Children Youth and Environments 2022―Sep―16 COVID-19 and Vulnerable Urban Children: A Rapid Assessment of UNICEF's Early Response to COVID-19 in Urban Settings in Brazil, India, and Spain Sudeshna Chatterjee, Denis Jobin, Chandrani Dutta
294 [GO] Children Youth and Environments 2022―Sep―16 This Podcast Will Kill You, COVID-19, Chapter 10: Schools Catherine Rita
295 [GO] Children Youth and Environments 2022―Sep―16 Coping with COVID-19 in Kentucky: Youth Examine Their Learning Lives Daniela K. DiGiacomo, Ellen L. Usher, Sanaa M. Kahloon, Caiti Griffiths, Connor Flick, Beth Goldstein, et al. (+4)
296 [GO] Children Youth and Environments 2022―Sep―16 Re-Imagining Outdoor Playspaces: An Unexpected Consequence of the COVID-19 Lockdown Deborah Moore, Anne-Marie Morrissey, Mary Jeavons
297 [GO] Children Youth and Environments 2022―Sep―16 The Impact of COVID-19 Lockdowns on Youth Relationships with Nature: A Socio-Spatial Perspective Corey J. Martz, Rebecca L. Powell, Bryan Wee
298 [GO] Children Youth and Environments 2022―Sep―16 The Impact of COVID-19 on Children's Play in the Tourist City: A Case Study of a Lisbon Urban Park Eunice Castro Seixas, Catarina Tomás, Maria Fernandes-Jesus, Niccolò Giacchetta
299 [GO] Children Youth and Environments 2022―Sep―16 Therapists' Perspectives: The Impact of COVID-19 on Implementation of Early Intervention Services in Illinois, Florida, and the United Kingdom Emily Garratt, Sara Garner, Tammy Davis, Christina Rushing, Sandra Forman, Misty Chisum
300 [GO] Children Youth and Environments 2022―Sep―16 The Emerging Impacts of COVID-19 on the Relationship between Children, Youth and Environments Vikas Mehta, Victoria Carr, Rhonda Douglas Brown, Leslie Kochanowski
301 [GO] Children Youth and Environments 2022―Sep―16 Environmental Scan of Child and Youth Outdoor Play-Based Projects, Programs, Activities and Services Available in Canada During the COVID-19 Pandemic Louise de Lannoy, Lindsay MacDonald, Kheana Barbeau, Mark S. Tremblay
302 [GO] Children Youth and Environments 2022―Sep―16 The Impacts of COVID-19 Responses on Children, Youth and Their Environments in Canada, the United States, New Zealand, and Australia Kate Bishop, Linda Corkery, Neda Afshar, Fatemeh Aminpour, Mariana Brussoni, Penelope Carroll, et al. (+10)
303 [GO] Children Youth and Environments 2022―Sep―16 The Phenology Project: Addressing Dis-ease in a Time of Pandemic Michael E. Beeth, Wendy Strauch-Nelson, Kelsey Raschke, Clayton T. Russell
304 [GO] The Yale Review 2022―Sep―11 Spiritualism's Shadows: On COVID-19 and false consolation Alicia Puglionesi
305 [GO] Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved 2022―Aug―28 Equipping Small Businesses to Navigate Health Orders and Occupational Safety During the COVID-19 Pandemic Diego Renteria, Diana Renteria, Linda Hill, Sara Baird
306 [GO] Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved 2022―Aug―28 Effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Black Veterans' Mental Health: A Qualitative Investigation Marianne S. Matthias, Jasma Adams, Diana J. Burgess, Joanne Daggy, Tayler M. Gowan, Anthony J. Perkins, Johanne Eliacin
307 [GO] Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved 2022―Aug―28 Food Insecurity and Mental Health Trajectories during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Longitudinal Evidence from a Nationally Representative Survey Dexia Kong, Peiyi Lu, Elissa Kozlov, Mack Shelley
308 [GO] Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved 2022―Aug―28 Patient Income Does Not Predict Disability or Mortality in Hospitalized COVID-19 Patients in a Large Health Care System in the Chicago Metropolitan Area Brian Stamm, Regina Royan, Jeffrey R. Clark, Steven C. Hoffman, Nathan A. Shlobin, Zachary S. Orban, et al. (+4)
309 [GO] Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved 2022―Aug―28 Assessing Black America's Experience During the COVID-19 Plague William P. Brandon
310 [GO] Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved 2022―Aug―28 Racial Disparities in Nursing Home Resident and Staff COVID-19 Vaccination Rates Danya M. Qato, Sean P. Fleming, Alexandra Wallem, Linda Wastila
311 [GO] Southeastern Geographer 2022―Aug―28 Spatial Exploration of Social Vulnerability and COVID-19-Related Health Outcomes in Mississippi S M Asger Ali, Kathleen Sherman-Morris, Shrinidhi Ambinakudige
312 [GO] Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved 2022―Aug―28 Flattening Epidemic Curves and COVID-19: Policy Rationales, Inequality, and Racism William P. Brandon
313 [GO] Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved 2022―Aug―28 Associations of Incomplete SARS-CoV-2 Vaccination among Patients with Unstable Housing in Houston J. Thomas Gebert, Evan Shegog, Emily Xiao, James Fan, Mary McEvoy, Audrey Lopez, Dana Clark
314 [GO] The Journal of Developing Areas 2022―Aug―21 Covid-19 in India: Reflections from Behavioral Economics Dinamani Biswal, Monalisa Singh, Chandra Sekhar Bahinipati
315 [GO] The Journal of Developing Areas 2022―Aug―21 Economic Recovery Post Covid-19: Centralised vs Decentralised Lockdown Bappaditya Mukhopadhyay
316 [GO] American Book Review 2022―Aug―21 Masked Man, Black: Pandemic & Protest Poems by Frank X. Walker Monique Antonette Lewis
317 [GO] American Book Review 2022―Aug―21 Pandemic Poetry: 31 Days by Christoffer Petersen Anthony D'Aries
318 [GO] American Book Review 2022―Aug―21 Introduction: Poetry and Pandemic: Modern Marriage, Ancient Partners Elizabeth Cohen
319 [GO] Progress in Community Health Partnerships Research Education and Action 2022―Jul―31 Reconsidering Community-Engaged Research Through a Syndemic Theoretical Framework: Lessons from COVID-19 Carla Boutin-Foster, Julia Hastings, Jacquilyn R. German, Lisle Hites, Eugenia Eng, Erica Turner, et al. (+3)
320 [GO] Progress in Community Health Partnerships Research Education and Action 2022―Jul―31 COVID-19 Information Sources for Black and Latine Communities: A Community Co-created Survey Maya I. Ragavan, Lisa Ripper, Madeline Davidson, Taylor Scott, Benjamin Gutschow, Victor Muthama, et al. (+8)
321 [GO] Journal of College Student Development 2022―Jul―31 The Impact of COVID-19 on Black College Students' Mental Health Martinque K. Jones, Seanna Leath, Kyjeila Latimer, Evan Lawson, Melissa Briones
322 [GO] Progress in Community Health Partnerships Research Education and Action 2022―Jul―31 LATIN-19: A Grassroots Coalition to Mitigate the Effect of COVID-19 on the Latinx Community in North Carolina Gabriela M. Maradiaga Panayotti, Viviana Martinez-Bianchi, Leonor Corsino, Mina Silberberg, Leah L. Zullig, Irene C. Felsman, et al. (+9)
323 [GO] Progress in Community Health Partnerships Research Education and Action 2022―Jul―31 Lessons Learned from Rapid Community Needs Assessment in the African American Community During the COVID-19 Pandemic Shalonda E. Horton, Miyong T. Kim, Jacklyn Hecht, Ana Todd, Rachel Alhanti, Sungju Lim, et al. (+4)
324 [GO] Progress in Community Health Partnerships Research Education and Action 2022―Jul―31 Advancing COVID-19 Response through Community Participation: Lessons Learned from Community-Academic Research Partnerships for Health Linda Sprague Martinez, Darcy Jones (DJ) McMaughan, Hal Strelnick
325 [GO] Progress in Community Health Partnerships Research Education and Action 2022―Jul―31 Community-engaged Processes for Restarting Federally Funded Research in a Community-based Organization during the Coronavirus Disease 2019 Pandemic Emma Sophia Kay, Stephanie L. Creasy, Josh Bruce, Abisola Olaniyan, Mary Scheinert, D. Scott Batey, Mary Hawk
326 [GO] Progress in Community Health Partnerships Research Education and Action 2022―Jul―31 Participatory Action Research in Times of Coronavirus Disease 2019: Adapting Approaches with Refugee-Led Community-Based Organizations Ana Paula Pimentel Walker, Naganika Sanga, Odessa Gonzalez Benson, Mieko Yoshihama, Irene Routté
327 [GO] Progress in Community Health Partnerships Research Education and Action 2022―Jul―31 Lessons Learned through Implementing SARS-CoV-2 Testing and Isolation for People Experiencing Homelessness in Congregate Shelters Emily Scott, Sarah Rowan, Kaylanne Chandler, Aimee Fisher, Brian Hill, Jennifer Hill, et al. (+4)
328 [GO] Progress in Community Health Partnerships Research Education and Action 2022―Jul―31 Virtual Research with Urban Native Young Women: Cautionary Tales in the Time of a Pandemic Nicole R. Tuitt, Umit Shrestha, Nicole Reed, Roland S. Moore, Michelle Sarche, Carol E. Kaufman
329 [GO] Literature and Medicine 2022―Jul―17 Viral Modernism: The Influenza Pandemic and Interwar Literature by Elizabeth Outka Bridget English
330 [GO] Seoul Journal of Korean Studies 2022―Jul―17 Pandemic to "Fandomic:" The Revival of Fandom Publics in the Digital Space of Latin American K-Pop Fandom Hyunsuk Jang
331 [GO] Brookings Papers on Economic Activity 2022―Jun―26 Government and Private Household Debt Relief during COVID-19 Susan Cherry, Erica Jiang, Gregor Matvos, Tomasz Piskorski, Amit Seru
332 [GO] ASAP/Journal 2022―Jun―26 Under the Cover of Covid-19: Containing Undisciplinarity and Contested Bodies Alexandra Fine
333 [GO] Studies in the Novel 2022―Jun―26 Prayer Had Broken Out: Pandemics, Capitalism, and Religious Extremism in Recent Apocalyptic Fiction Emrah Atasoy, Thomas Horan
334 [GO] The Yale Review 2022―Jun―19 The Physician as Patient: Medicine after COVID-19 Laura Kolbe
335 [GO] Journal of College Student Development 2022―Jun―12 COVID-19 and International Students: Examining Perceptions of Social Support, Financial Well-being, Psychological Stress, and University Response Kelber Tozini, Santiago Castiello-Gutiérrez
336 [GO] Collaborative Anthropologies 2022―Jun―05 Listening to the Urban Fracture: Co-Creating Soundscapes, Partnerships and Futures in the French Periphery during the COVID-19 Pandemic Mariana Rios Sandoval
337 [GO] Feminist Formations 2022―May―29 COVID-19 and the Urgency of the Interdisciplines in the Corporate University Maisam Alomar, Vineeta Singh
338 [GO] Bookbird A Journal of International Children s Literature 2022―May―29 The Inner Hum Project: A Psychosocial Program for Children Building Emotional Resilience during the Pandemic in Malaysia Quek Sue Yian, Madeleine Yong
339 [GO] The Journal of Individual Psychology 2022―May―22 Adlerian Play Therapy and Telemental Health Counseling During COVID-19: Practical Considerations and Examples Courtney T. Evans
340 [GO] Journal of Korean Religions 2022―May―22 Parable of Talents: How North Korea-related, Faith-Based Workers Respond to Enhanced Sanctions and a Global Pandemic Joseph Yi
341 [GO] Asia Policy 2022―May―15 Author's Response: Covid-19, Great-Power Competition, and the Future of China's Approach to the Protection of Its Interests Overseas Andrea Ghiselli
342 [GO] Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved 2022―May―15 Services and Challenges at a Native American Residential Substance Use Disorder Treatment Center during the COVID-19 Pandemic James K. Cunningham, Deborah Poling Scott, Fatima F. Molina, Teshia G. Arambula Solomon
343 [GO] Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved 2022―May―15 Colorectal Cancer Screening with Mailed Fecal Immunochemical Tests and Telephone Outreach at a Community Health Center during the COVID-19 Pandemic David Ritzenthaler, Saarang Deshpande, Martin Ryan, Joseph Daprano
344 [GO] Technology and Culture 2022―May―08 How Curators and Archivists Responded to the Pandemic The Editors
345 [GO] Technology and Culture 2022―May―08 Beyond the Museum Walls: The Pandemic and the Prototypes Exhibit at the Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers Catherine Cuenca
346 [GO] Technology and Culture 2022―May―08 Reaching Out: How the Pandemic Impacted Knowledge Production and Dissemination in India Saurav Kumar Rai
347 [GO] Technology and Culture 2022―May―08 Collecting Middle-Class Memories? The Pandemic, Technology, and Crowdsourced Archives Tizian Zumthurm, Stefan Krebs
348 [GO] Hispanófila 2022―May―01 Comunidad, crisis y humor: La transmisión del costumbrismo español a través de los memes de COVID-19 Alexandra Mira Alonso
349 [GO] Hispanófila 2022―May―01 Las enseñanzas ocultas de dos pandemias: La transmigración de los cuerpos, de Yuri Herrera, y el COVID-19 Luis Enrique Escamilla Frías
350 [GO] Journal of College Student Development 2022―May―01 Student Engagement in HyFlex Courses During the COVID-19 Pandemic Tara A. Nelson, Emily A. Berg, Nathan Wood, Brent Hill
351 [GO] Ploughshares 2022―May―01 From When the World Stopped Touching: Mothers' Letters In Pandemic Julia Kolchinksy Dasbach, Luisa Muradyan
352 [GO] Ploughshares 2022―May―01 I, Too, Write Pandemic Poems Olga Livshin
353 [GO] Shofar An Interdisciplinary Journal of Jewish Studies 2022―Apr―24 Pious Mobilities: Jewish Pilgrimage to Uman During the Pandemic Rachel Z. Feldman
354 [GO] Theory & Event 2022―Apr―17 COVID-19 and the Planetary Crisis Multiplicity: From Marxist Crisis Theory to Planetary Assemblage Theory Michael Albert
355 [GO] Ecotone 2022―Apr―17 Ocean Haiku During the Pandemic Craig Santos Perez
356 [GO] Social Research An International Quarterly 2022―Apr―08 Misunderstanding a Viral Pandemic: The Social and Cultural Contexts of COVID-19 A. David Napier, Edward F. Fischer
357 [GO] Social Research An International Quarterly 2022―Apr―08 Remembering COVID-19 William Hirst
358 [GO] Social Research An International Quarterly 2022―Apr―08 Social Triage in the Time of COVID-19 Ahmed Bawa
359 [GO] Social Research An International Quarterly 2022―Apr―08 Response of Clinicians to the Current COVID-19 Pandemic: A View from the Past Gerald M. Oppenheimer, Ronald Bayer
360 [GO] Social Research An International Quarterly 2022―Apr―08 First AIDS, Now COVID-19: Another Plague Shows Us Who We Are Mary T. Bassett
361 [GO] Social Research An International Quarterly 2022―Apr―08 The Impact of the Coronavirus Crisis is Due to Inequality Mariano Aguirre
362 [GO] Social Research An International Quarterly 2022―Apr―08 The Coronavirus Pandemic and the Future of Economic Inequality Walter Scheidel
363 [GO] Social Research An International Quarterly 2022―Apr―08 Science, Power, and Policy Intersecting at the HIV/AIDS Pandemic Ahmed C. Bawa
364 [GO] Social Research An International Quarterly 2022―Apr―08 Pandemic as a Natural Evolutionary Phenomenon Joshua Lederberg
365 [GO] Social Research An International Quarterly 2022―Apr―08 Shaping a Pandemic Narrative Charles E. Rosenberg
366 [GO] Social Research An International Quarterly 2022―Apr―08 Modeling Pandemics, or, How Mathematics Changes the World Nathaniel Hupert
367 [GO] Fontes Artis Musicae 2022―Apr―03 COVID-19 and Field Recordings for the Library of Folk Music of Nigeria Project: Disruptions and Challenges of Access in Pandemic Time Christian Onyeji, Elizabeth Onyeji
368 [GO] Journal of Black Sexuality and Relationships 2022―Apr―03 The HIV Epidemic and the COVID-19 Pandemic: Conversations with LGBTQ+ Elders of Color on Two Public Health Crises Madison Johnson
369 [GO] Journal of Black Sexuality and Relationships 2022―Apr―03 "I Survived HIV and Now I'm Going to Die of This?": Perspectives from LGBTQ+ Elders of Color on Living through Two Pandemics Geraldine Araujo
370 [GO] Bookbird A Journal of International Children s Literature 2022―Mar―20 Japanese Picturebooks for Children in the Fight against COVID-19 Marcelina de Zoete-Leśniczak
371 [GO] Bookbird A Journal of International Children s Literature 2022―Mar―20 I-Solation: Children’s Self-Portraits in the Age of COVID-19 Christiane Raabe
372 [GO] Mississippi Quarterly 2022―Mar―13 The American Virus: COVID-19 and Carceral Liberalism Jennie Lightweis-Goff
373 [GO] Theatre Topics 2022―Mar―13 Our Last Shows: The Inheritance and Engaged Pedagogy on the Eve of the Pandemic Dan Venning
374 [GO] Mississippi Quarterly 2022―Mar―13 Pandemic Lockdowns as a Pathway to Empathy Brett Tomás Gonzalez
375 [GO] Hispanófila 2022―Mar―06 Salón de belleza de Mario Bellatin: Una escritura clarividente sobre el Estado eugenésico peruano. De la pandemia del VIH-SIDA a la del COVID-19 Erika Almenara
376 [GO] Restoration Studies in English Literary Culture 1660-1700 2022―Mar―06 Plague Literature and Pandemic Pedagogy Mattie Burkert
377 [GO] Feminist Studies 2022―Mar―06 Housekeeping: Labor in the Pandemic University Rebecca Herzig, Banu Subramaniam
378 [GO] Restoration Studies in English Literary Culture 1660-1700 2022―Mar―06 Introduction: Pandemic/Post-Pandemic David Mazella
379 [GO] Feminist Studies 2022―Mar―06 Seeing with the Pandemic: Social Reproduction in the Spotlight Leslie Salzinger
380 [GO] Studies An Irish Quarterly Review 2022―Mar―06 COVID-19 Lockdowns and the Right to Education in Ireland Alan Brady, James Rooney
381 [GO] Studies An Irish Quarterly Review 2022―Mar―06 The Irish State’s COVID-19 Response and the Rule of Law: Causes for Concern Conor Casey, Oran Doyle, David Kenny
382 [GO] Studies An Irish Quarterly Review 2022―Mar―06 COVID-19: Law and Human Rights: Foreword Conor Casey, Oran Doyle
383 [GO] Studies An Irish Quarterly Review 2022―Mar―06 Direct Provision in a Time of Pandemic Patricia Brazil
384 [GO] Canadian Ethnic Studies 2022―Feb―20 Mental Health of Newcomer Refugee and Immigrant Youth During COVID-19 Reza Nakhaie, Howard Ramos, Dara Vosoughi, Obada Baghdadi
385 [GO] Asia Policy 2022―Feb―13 Covid-19 and Papua New Guinea: The Story So Far Benjamin Day
386 [GO] Asia Policy 2022―Feb―13 Vietnam's Shifting Response to the Covid-19 Challenge Paul Schuler
387 [GO] Asia Policy 2022―Feb―13 Covid-19 Challenges and Responses in Bangladesh Tasnia Alam
388 [GO] Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved 2022―Feb―13 The CTSA University of Texas Health Science Center (UTHSC) Northeast-Tyler and Rio Grande Valley Success Story: How Rural, Underserved Academic Communities Rapidly Built a Robust Engine for Collaborative COVID-19 Clinical Research Steven Idell, David D. McPherson, Jessica Martin, Andrew Dentino, Luis Ostrosky-Zeichner, Julia V. Philley, et al. (+4)
389 [GO] Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved 2022―Feb―13 The Nepali-speaking Bhutanese Immigrants: A Population Overlooked amidst the COVID-19 Crisis Aditi Sharma, Tanuja Devaraj, Megan Mendez Miller, Yendelela C○
390 [GO] Asia Policy 2022―Feb―13 Thailand's Covid-19 Crisis: A Tale in Two Parts Gregory V. Raymond
391 [GO] Asia Policy 2022―Feb―13 The Socioeconomic Impacts of Covid-19 in Malaysia Calvin Cheng
392 [GO] Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved 2022―Feb―13 Describing the Epidemiology of COVID-19 in Nigeria: An Analysis of the First Year of the Pandemic Obinna Oleribe, Olatayo Olawepo, Oliver Ezechi, Princess Osita-Oleribe, Michael Fertleman, Simon D. Taylor-Robinson
393 [GO] Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved 2022―Feb―13 A View of Health Disparities among African Americans Through a COVID-19 Lens Anita F. Fernander, Lovoria B. Williams
394 [GO] Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved 2022―Feb―13 Adaptations to a Mass Vaccination Event by a Student-Run Free Clinic During the Covid-19 Pandemic Gabrielle Young, Thomas Agostini, Preston Walker, Luke Edmonson, Anita Ramsetty
395 [GO] Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved 2022―Feb―13 Community-Partnered Development of a Digital Mental Health Resource Website to Support Diverse Communities During the COVID-19 Pandemic Nichole Goodsmith, Elizabeth M. Moore, Hafifa Siddiq, Nicolás E. Barceló, Estrella Ulloa-Flores, Gustavo Loera, et al. (+4)
396 [GO] Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved 2022―Feb―13 Virtual Community Health Workers: Approaches to Patient Outreach During the COVID-19 Pandemic Ari M. Fish, Emily Romano, Paula Ostroff, Deborah Ziring, Brandon George, Rosemary Frasso, Geoffrey Hayden
397 [GO] Asia Policy 2022―Feb―13 The Covid-19 Pandemic and Health Policy Change in the Philippines Azad Singh Bali, Björn Dressel
398 [GO] Asia Policy 2022―Feb―13 Pandemic Containment and Authoritarian Spread: Cambodia's Covid-19 Responses John D. Ciorciari
399 [GO] Asia Policy 2022―Feb―13 Covid-19 Responses in Selected Polynesian Island Countries and Territories Rochelle Bailey, Gemma Malungahu
400 [GO] Journal of Southern History 2022―Feb―13 Pandemic Injustice: Irish Immigrant, Enslaved African American, and Choctaw Experiences with Cholera in 1832 Paul Kelton
401 [GO] Acadiensis Journal of the History of the Atlantic Region / Revue d’histoire de la region atlantique 2022―Jan―30 COVID-19 and the Labour of Care Peter L. Twohig
402 [GO] Advertising & Society Quarterly 2022―Jan―30 Digital Collection: COVID-19 Vaccine Public Service Announcements (PSAs) Sharrona Pearl
403 [GO] Brookings Papers on Economic Activity 2022―Jan―30 The Fiscal Policy Response to the Pandemic Christina D. Romer
404 [GO] Brookings Papers on Economic Activity 2022―Jan―30 Supporting Workers and Families in the Pandemic Recession: Results in 2020 and Suggestions for 2021 Krista Ruffini, Abigail Wozniak
405 [GO] The Yale Review 2022―Jan―23 How the Pandemic Changed Theater Michael R. Jackson, Lileana Blain-Cruz
406 [GO] Ploughshares 2022―Jan―23 Apex, Pandemic IV Stacy R. Nigliazzo
407 [GO] Irish Studies in International Affairs 2022―Jan―16 Global Health, Covid-19 and the State in East Africa John Harrington, David Ngira
408 [GO] Irish Studies in International Affairs 2022―Jan―16 Brexit and COVID-19 Combined Undermine Britain's Global Influence John Ryan
409 [GO] Irish Studies in International Affairs 2022―Jan―16 International Politics in a Time of Risk and Uncertainty: The Covid-19 Crisis and Beyond Simon Coveney
410 [GO] Irish Studies in International Affairs 2022―Jan―16 Digital Virus: How Covid-19 Intersected with Cyberspace to Impact International Politics Ken Sheehan
411 [GO] Irish Studies in International Affairs 2022―Jan―16 The Influence of Covid-19 on the Power Transition between the United States and China: The Case of Southeast Asia Niall Duggan, Marcin Grabowski
412 [GO] Irish Studies in International Affairs 2022―Jan―16 Global Governance beyond Covid-19: Recovery and Institutional Revitalisation Joris Larik, Richard Ponzio
413 [GO] Irish Studies in International Affairs 2022―Jan―16 The EU beyond Brexit and Covid-19: The Conference on the Future for Europe and the Outlook for Integration Federico Fabbrini
414 [GO] Irish Studies in International Affairs 2022―Jan―16 The Pandemic and the Changing Landscape of Human Rights Derogations Donna Lyons
415 [GO] portal Libraries and the Academy 2022―Jan―09 “Making It Happen”: Building Relational Teaching into the Online World of COVID-19 Carol A. Leibiger, Alan W. Aldrich
416 [GO] portal Libraries and the Academy 2022―Jan―09 Primary Source Literacy in the Era of COVID-19 and Beyond Heidi Craig, Kevin M. O’Sullivan
417 [GO] portal Libraries and the Academy 2022―Jan―09 A Role for the Library in Public Research: The Global COVID-19 Dashboard Mara Blake, Reina Chano Murray, Jason Williams, Jeff Gara, Derek Belros, Sayeed Choudhury
418 [GO] Irish Studies in International Affairs 2022―Jan―09 Obstacles to Public Health that even Pandemics cannot Overcome: The Politics of Covid-19 on the Island of Ireland Ann Nolan, Sara Burke, Emma Burke, Catherine Darker, Joe Barry, Nicola O'Connell, et al. (+9)
419 [GO] Irish Studies in International Affairs 2022―Jan―09 Tracking the Wave of a Calamitous Failure: A Response to ‘Obstacles to Public Health that even Pandemics cannot Overcome: The Politics of COVID-19 on the Island of Ireland’ by Ann Nolan et al. Ivan J. Perry
420 [GO] portal Libraries and the Academy 2022―Jan―09 A Compassionate Approach to IL Instruction: What We Can Learn from the COVID-19 Pandemic Elisabeth B. White
421 [GO] portal Libraries and the Academy 2022―Jan―09 Virtual Undergraduate Internships: One COVID-19 Side Effect THat Academic Libraries Should Keep Damaris Juarez, Elizabeth Blackwood
422 [GO] Dictionaries Journal of the Dictionary Society of North America 2022―Jan―09 Thirty-Four Days: Inside Merriam-Webster’s Emergency Coronavirus Update Stefan Fatsis
423 [GO] portal Libraries and the Academy 2022―Jan―09 Exploring Innovative Strategies and Services in a Pandemic Era Ellysa Stern Cahoy, Maribeth Slebodnik
424 [GO] Journal of Ecumenical Studies 2022―Jan―09 Christian Faith Affirmation and Action in a Pandemic World: Pondering while on Pause Deenabandhu Manchala
425 [GO] Journal of Dramatic Theory and Criticism 2022―Jan―02 Large-Scale Collaborative Research Projects in Theatre and Performance Studies: Resources, Politics, and Ethics in the Margins of Europe during the COVID-19 Pandemic Rüstem Ertuğ Altınay, İlyas Deniz Çınar, Jale Karabekir, Gamze Tosun, Şeyda Nur Yıldırım
426 [GO] Feminist Studies 2022―Jan―02 “It's the Same Cause”: Climate Change and COVID-19 in the Perspectives of Environmental Feminist Activists Zainab S. Cheema
427 [GO] Feminist Studies 2022―Jan―02 COVID-19 at Home: Gender, Class, and the Domestic Economy in India Amita Baviskar, Raka Ray
428 [GO] Feminist Studies 2022―Jan―02 COVID-19 and the Paradox of Visibility: Domestic Violence and Feminist Caring Labor in Canadian Shelters Andrea Quinlan, Rashmee Singh
429 [GO] Feminist Studies 2022―Jan―02 Black Maternal Health Crisis, COVID-19, and the Crisis of Care Shaneda Destine, Jazzmine Brooks, Christopher Rogers
430 [GO] Artivate A Journal of Entrepreneurship in the Arts 2022―Jan―02 Arts Entrepreneurship Internationally and in the Age of COVID-19 Paul Bonin-Rodriguez, Neville Vakharia
431 [GO] Feminist Studies 2022―Jan―02 Unmasking Masculinity: Considering Gender, Science, and Nation in Responses to COVID-19 Eve Ng
432 [GO] Feminist Studies 2022―Jan―02 “Where Life Is Precious”: Intersectional Feminism in the Time of COVID-19 Judy Rohrer
433 [GO] Feminist Studies 2022―Jan―02 Crises Collide: Capitalism, Care, and COVID-19 Juliet Allen, Daniella Jenkins, Marilyn Howard
434 [GO] Feminist Studies 2022―Jan―02 Feminist Activism Confronts COVID-19 Constanza Tabbush, Elisabeth Jay Friedman
435 [GO] Feminist Studies 2022―Jan―02 The Intensification of Liberian Women's Social Reproductive Labor in the Coronavirus Pandemic: Regenerative Possibilities Erica S. Lawson, Florence Wullo Anfaara, Vaiba Kebeh Flomo, Cerue Konah Garlo, Ola Osman
436 [GO] Feminist Studies 2022―Jan―02 pandemic daydreams: Artist's Statement Callie Danae Hirsch
437 [GO] Health and History 2022―Jan―02 Black November: The 1918 Influenza Pandemic in New Zealand by Geoffrey W. Rice David Killingray
438 [GO] Feminist Studies 2022―Jan―02 Insurgent African Intimacies in Pandemic Times: Deimperial Queer Logics of China's New Global Family in Wolf Warrior 2 Paul Amar
439 [GO] Science Fiction Studies 2022―Jan―02 Thinking Through the Pandemic: A Symposium
440 [GO] Science Fiction Studies 2022―Jan―02 2021 ELLAK International Conference: “Beyond Pandemics: Reimagining the Humanities and the New Normal” ELLAK Conference Organizers
441 [GO] Yearbook of the Association of Pacific Coast Geographers 2021―Dec―26 COVID-19 in Los Angeles: A Multivariate Analysis of Disease Infection Rates Steven M. Graves, Petra Nichols
442 [GO] The Massachusetts Review 2021―Dec―26 Preschool Sonnet during the Pandemic Craig Santos Perez
443 [GO] Resilience A Journal of the Environmental Humanities 2021―Dec―26 After the Outbreak: Narrative, Infrastructure, and Pandemic Time Sari Altschuler
444 [GO] Prairie Schooner 2021―Dec―19 How to Survive a Pandemic SJ Sindu
445 [GO] Literature and Medicine 2021―Dec―12 Unmasking Inequality in Our Pandemic Narratives Rebecca Garden
446 [GO] Literature and Medicine 2021―Dec―12 Wizards, Masks, and Metagnosis: Is the Pandemic Truly Changing Us? Danielle Spencer
447 [GO] ESQ A Journal of Nineteenth-Century American Literature and Culture 2021―Dec―05 C19, Covid-19, and Conferencing Josh Doty
448 [GO] ESQ A Journal of Nineteenth-Century American Literature and Culture 2021―Dec―05 Mining the (Virtual) Archive: Navigating Student-Faculty Research During a Pandemic Amber Shaw
449 [GO] ESQ A Journal of Nineteenth-Century American Literature and Culture 2021―Dec―05 The Society to Encourage Studies at Home (in a Pandemic) Danielle Coriale, Sari Edelstein
450 [GO] ESQ A Journal of Nineteenth-Century American Literature and Culture 2021―Dec―05 Love, Death, and the Nineteenth-Century Americanist: ESQ Scholars Reflect on the Year of the Pandemic LuElla D'Amico
451 [GO] ESQ A Journal of Nineteenth-Century American Literature and Culture 2021―Dec―05 High-Impact Practices and the Pandemic Normal: A Timeline Marlowe Daly-Galeano
452 [GO] ESQ A Journal of Nineteenth-Century American Literature and Culture 2021―Dec―05 Pandemic Pedagogy: Lessons from Nineteenth-Century Sentimentalism: Historicizing Empathy, Embracing Feeling, and Personalizing Disease in the Covid Era Sarah Ruffing Robbins
453 [GO] ESQ A Journal of Nineteenth-Century American Literature and Culture 2021―Dec―05 A Season for Listing: Melville and Wharton Offer Perspective on Pandemic Reading Practices María Carla Sánchez
454 [GO] Journal of Black Sexuality and Relationships 2021―Nov―28 HBCU Student Life and COVID-19: An Exploratory Study on Services for LGBTQIA and Non-Monogamous Students During the COVID-19 Pandemic From a Student Affairs Perspective Christopher N. Smith, Antonio L. Ellis
455 [GO] Biography 2021―Nov―28 COVID-19 Emergency Diaries: The Year in Brazil Sergio da Silva Barcellos
456 [GO] Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 2021―Nov―28 The Legality and Ethics of Mandating COVID-19 Vaccination Emily A. Largent, Franklin G. Miller
457 [GO] Journal of World History 2021―Nov―28 Implications of the Spanish Influenza Pandemic (1918-1920) for the History of Early Twentieth-Century Egypt Christopher S. Rose
458 [GO] Biography 2021―Nov―28 Pandemic Diaries: The Year in Poland Pawel Rodak, Alessandro Nicola Malusà
459 [GO] Biography 2021―Nov―28 Pandemic Reading: The Year in the United States Leigh Gilmore
460 [GO] Biography 2021―Nov―28 Narratives of a Pandemic: The Year in Spain Ana Belén Martínez García
461 [GO] Biography 2021―Nov―28 Imagining Gender+ Justice amid the Pandemic: The Year in Turkey Hülya Adak
462 [GO] symplokÄ“ 2021―Nov―28 Paranoid Politics and the Plague of Inequality in the Age of Pandemics Henry A. Giroux
463 [GO] Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved 2021―Nov―21 Pre-existing Economic Conditions and COVID-19 Infections and Mortality in New York City Prabal K. De, Taylor Price
464 [GO] College Student Affairs Journal 2021―Nov―21 Seen and Unseen: First-Year College Students’ Sense of Belonging During the Covid-19 Pandemic Charlie Potts
465 [GO] Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved 2021―Nov―21 Providing Food Assistance During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Case Study of a Free Produce Market at a Health Care Center Emily Adams, Molly Babbin, Jackie V. Rodriguez Bronico, Jean Granick, Rachel Weil, Elise Mitchell, et al. (+4)
466 [GO] Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved 2021―Nov―21 Optimizing Care for People Experiencing Homelessness and Serious Mental Illness amidst COVID-19: A Street Outreach Perspective Yezarni Wynn, Vicky Stergiopoulos
467 [GO] Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved 2021―Nov―21 Aftermath of COVID-19: Forestalling Irreparable Medical Brain Drain in Sub-Saharan Africa Justus Uchenna Onu, Sunday O Oriji, Deborah Oyine Aluh, Tonia C Onyeka
468 [GO] Franciscan Studies 2021―Nov―14 Stories of Healing. How a Franciscan Story May Cast Light upon COVID-19 Stories Willem Marie Speelman
469 [GO] Configurations 2021―Nov―14 Breathing in a Pandemic: Covid-19’s Atmospheric Erasures Sara DiCaglio
470 [GO] South Central Review 2021―Nov―14 Wild Seed in Wild Times: Ruminations about Octavia E. Butler's Novel amidst the Coronavirus Pandemic Marlene Allen Ahmed
471 [GO] South Central Review 2021―Nov―14 Reading Pierre during the Pandemic Samantha O'Connor
472 [GO] South Central Review 2021―Nov―14 "Still, Life Had a Way of Adding Day to Day": Revisiting Mrs. Dalloway in a Global Pandemic Tyler Clark
473 [GO] Configurations 2021―Nov―14 Toward a Pandemic Poetics: Contamination, Infiltration, and Dispersal in Inger Christensen’s Alphabet Hannah Cooper-Smithson
474 [GO] The Hopkins Review 2021―Nov―14 Separation Anxiety: Recorded Dances from a Pandemic Year Jay Rogoff
475 [GO] South Central Review 2021―Nov―14 Poetry in the Time of Pandemic: On My Favorite Novel Love in the Time of Cholera Shu-Jiang Lu
476 [GO] Configurations 2021―Nov―14 PandemIcons? The Medical Scientist as Iconic Figure in Times of Crisis Martin Butler, Sina Farzin, Michael Fuchs
477 [GO] Configurations 2021―Nov―14 Special Issue: Science, Technology, and Literature during Plague and Pandemics Tim Urban, Melissa Littlefield, Rajani Sudan
478 [GO] South Central Review 2021―Nov―14 Of Pandemics and Pilgrims: Reconciling Grief and Death in Cormac McCarthy's The Road Shreya Rastogi, Srirupa Chatterjee
479 [GO] Kritika Explorations in Russian and Eurasian History 2021―Nov―07 The Historian in the Age of COVID-19
480 [GO] Great Plains Research 2021―Nov―07 Staying Home on the Range: Social Capital and Social Distancing in the Great Plains during COVID-19 Alexandra T. Middlewood, Mark R. Joslyn
481 [GO] Journal of Late Antiquity 2021―Oct―31 Confronting Pandemic in Late Antiquity: The Medical Response to the Justinianic Plague John Mulhall
482 [GO] portal Libraries and the Academy 2021―Oct―24 Reshaping Perspectives on Flexible Work: The Impact of COVID-19 on Academic Library Management Mihoko Hosoi, Lauren Reiter, Diane Zabel
483 [GO] Brookings Papers on Economic Activity 2021―Oct―17 Sizing Up Corporate Restructuring in the COVID-19 Crisis Robin Greenwood, Ben Iverson, David Thesmar
484 [GO] Brookings Papers on Economic Activity 2021―Oct―17 Effects of COVID-19 on Federal, State, and Local Government Budgets Alan J. Auerbach, William G. Gale, Byron Lutz, Louise Sheiner
485 [GO] Brookings Papers on Economic Activity 2021―Oct―17 Temporary Unemployment and Labor Market Dynamics during the COVID-19 Recession Jessica Gallant, Kory Kroft, Fabian Lange, Matthew J. Notowidigdo
486 [GO] Brookings Papers on Economic Activity 2021―Oct―17 Macroeconomic Outcomes and COVID-19: A Progress Report Jesús Fernández-Villaverde, Charles I. Jones
487 [GO] Brookings Papers on Economic Activity 2021―Oct―17 Will the Secular Decline in Exchange Rate and Inflation Volatility Survive COVID-19? Ethan Ilzetzki, Carmen M. Reinhart, Kenneth S. Rogoff
488 [GO] Brookings Papers on Economic Activity 2021―Oct―17 Business Credit Programs in the Pandemic Era Samuel G. Hanson, Jeremy C. Stein, Adi Sunderam, Eric Zwick
489 [GO] Dissent 2021―Oct―10 Academia After the Pandemic Maggie Doherty, Nils Gilman, Adam Harris, Tressie McMillan Cottom, Christopher Newfield, Timothy Shenk
490 [GO] Theatre Journal 2021―Oct―10 Grief Machines: Transhumanist Theatre, Digital Performance, Pandemic Time Fintan Walsh
491 [GO] MFS Modern Fiction Studies 2021―Sep―26 Viral Modernism: The Influenza Pandemic and Interwar Literature by Elizabeth Outka James Fitz Gerald
492 [GO] Anthropological Quarterly 2021―Sep―26 Virulent Zones: Animal Disease and Global Health at China’s Pandemic Epicenter by Lyle Fearnley Katherine A. Mason
493 [GO] Twentieth-Century China 2021―Sep―26 China and the Cholera Pandemic: Restructuring Society Under Mao by Xiaoping Fang Rachel Core
494 [GO] Georgetown Journal of International Affairs 2021―Sep―19 The Health of Nations in an Age of Global Risks: COVID-19's Implications for New Paradigms of Human Rights and International Security and Cooperation Carol Dumaine
495 [GO] Georgetown Journal of International Affairs 2021―Sep―19 Why Modern Pan-Africanism Must Focus on the Dignity of the African: Reflections Amidst the COVID-19 Pandemic Ahunna Eziakonwa
496 [GO] Georgetown Journal of International Affairs 2021―Sep―19 China's 'COVID-19 Diplomacy' and Geopolitics in Oceania Tarcisius Kabutaulaka
497 [GO] Georgetown Journal of International Affairs 2021―Sep―19 Re-Engineering Public Service Delivery in Africa Post COVID-19 James Shikwati
498 [GO] The Yale Review 2021―Sep―19 Strangers in Our Own Homes: The pandemic's xenophobic discourse Divya Victor
499 [GO] Hispania 2021―Sep―12 Pandemic, Protest, and Perversion of Truth: Using Comic Books to Tackle Controversy and Dissention during COVID-19 Kaitlin E. Thomas
500 [GO] Observational Studies 2021―Sep―12 Protocol-Evaluating the Effect of ACA Medicaid Expansion on Mortality During the COVID-19 Pandemic Using County-level Matching Charlotte Z. Mann, Ben B. Hansen, Lauren Gaydosh, Timothy Lycurgus
501 [GO] Jeunesse Young People Texts Cultures 2021―Sep―06 The Pop-Up against Coronavirus Project: Child-Made Movable Books Evoking Smiles, Tears, and Hope Jacqueline Reid-Walsh
502 [GO] The Hopkins Review 2021―Aug―29 Summer Solstice Sonnet During the Pandemic, and: Winter Solstice Sonnet During the Pandemic Craig Santos Perez
503 [GO] Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved 2021―Aug―22 Violence and COVID-19 across the Globe Virginia Brennan
504 [GO] Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved 2021―Aug―22 COVID-19 epidemic in The World Health Organization African Region (WHOAR): Situation and forecast Jose Luis Hernandez Caceres, Graham Wright, Berhanu Dibaba Kumma, Frank Verbeke, Yury Nechipurenko
505 [GO] Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved 2021―Aug―22 An Effective Model for Establishing a Collaborative for the Treatment of COVID-19 in the Rio Grande Valley Monica M. Betancourt-Garcia, Alfredo R. Arauco-Brown, Ricardo Garcia, Lizabeth Rosenbaum-Marinaro, Taylor Stutz, Sohail Rao
506 [GO] Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved 2021―Aug―22 On Pause: How a Group of Medical Students Engaged with Their Community During the COVID-19 Pandemic Gabrielle Aquino, Daniel Marsden, Sara Emamian, Eric Hoffman, Paulina Ong, Randi Abramson
507 [GO] Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved 2021―Aug―22 Providing Psychotherapy in an Urban, Underserved Community during the COVID-19 Pandemic Michelle D Sherman, Adam Sattler, Dana Brandenberg, Stephanie Hooker
508 [GO] Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved 2021―Aug―22 Responding to the Needs of People with Disabilities in the COVID-19 Pandemic: Community Perspectives from Centers for Independent Living Jae Kennedy, Lex Frieden, Jennifer Dick-Mosher
509 [GO] Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved 2021―Aug―22 Dual Priorities: Maintaining Scientific Rigor and Staff Wellbeing in the Midst of a Pandemic Manuel A. Ocasio, M. Isabel Fernandez, Laniece Tarelle Thomas, Ja'Lon Joseph, Adriana Romero-Espinoza
510 [GO] Journal of Dramatic Theory and Criticism 2021―Aug―15 Playing On, Playing Along: Soccer’s Performative Activism in the Time of COVID-19 Jared Strange
511 [GO] SAIS Review of International Affairs 2021―Aug―15 New Dimensions of Gender and Political Leadership During COVID-19: Linking Feminist Stewardship and Electoral Success in Queensland, Australia Susan Harris Rimmer, Elise Stephenson, Tom Verhelst
512 [GO] Theatre Topics 2021―Aug―15 Teaching in the Age of the Essential Online Classroom: Pandemic Playwriting and the Emancipated Spectator Rick Mitchell
513 [GO] Theatre Topics 2021―Aug―15 Total Dramaturgical Collapse in The Method Gun: American Theatre in Pandemic Time-a Conversation between Katie Pearl and Jaclyn I. Pryor Katie Pearl, Jaclyn I. Pryorti
514 [GO] SAIS Review of International Affairs 2021―Aug―15 What Can the Women, Peace and Security Index Reveal About Country Level Risks of Pandemic? Jeni Klugman, Marianne Dahl, Bryan Haiwen Zou
515 [GO] Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 2021―Aug―08 The Unexpected Perks of Flatting During COVID-19 Ruby Solomon
516 [GO] Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 2021―Aug―08 Ontological Uncertainty and Ontological Threat: COVID-19 and the UK Michael P. Kelly
517 [GO] Southeastern Geographer 2021―Aug―08 Rurality and COVID-19 in Tennessee: Assessing and Communicating Pandemic Emergence and Transmission Ingrid Luffman, T. Andrew Joyner, William Tollefson, Abbey Mann, Megan Quinn, Stefan Pienkowski
518 [GO] Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 2021―Aug―08 Autopsy of the Living: Elderhood, Race, and Biocitizenship in the Time of Coronavirus Jennifer Lum
519 [GO] Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 2021―Aug―08 Intimacy in Isolation: Podcasting, Affect, and the Pandemic Molly Robson
520 [GO] Population Review 2021―Aug―08 The Role of Sociodemographic Factors During a Pandemic Outbreak: Aggravators and Mitigators Masoud Shahmanzari, Enes Eryarsoy
521 [GO] Behavioral Science & Policy 2021―Aug―01 A community-based sociocultural network approach to controlling COVID-19 contagion: Seven suggestions for improving policy Timothy R. Hannigan, Milo Shaoqing Wang, Christopher W. J. Steele, Marc-David L. Seidel, Ed Cervantes, P. Devereaux Jennings
522 [GO] Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 2021―Aug―01 COVID-19 Clinical Trials: A Voice From the Front Lines Eric Lenze
523 [GO] Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 2021―Aug―01 Not What Anyone Signed up for: Unnecessary and Insurmountable Barriers Encountered in Conducting Clinical Trials in COVID-19 Westyn Branch-Elliman, Paul A. Monach
524 [GO] Behavioral Science & Policy 2021―Aug―01 How behavioral science can inform policies to prevent discrimination against the Asian community in the era of COVID-19 Abby Corrington, Mikki Hebl, Linnea C. Ng, Ivy Watson, Isabel Bilotta, Shannon K. Cheng, Eden King
525 [GO] Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 2021―Aug―01 Reflections on Conducting Research From Home During COVID-19 Laleh E. Coté
526 [GO] Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 2021―Aug―01 IRB Members Perspective During COVID-19 Brian Moore
527 [GO] Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 2021―Aug―01 Ethical PPE: Overseeing Research in the Time of COVID-19 Edward De Vos
528 [GO] Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 2021―Aug―01 Challenges of Clinical Research Administration During the COVID-19 Pandemic Sumit Mohan
529 [GO] Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 2021―Aug―01 Clinical Research During the COVID-19 Pandemic Sujatha Sridhar
530 [GO] Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 2021―Aug―01 Reflections on Conducting Pediatric Mental Health Research as a Result of the COVID-19 Pandemic Patrick W. Romani
531 [GO] Behavioral Science & Policy 2021―Aug―01 Behavioral insights for minimizing loneliness during the COVID-19 pandemic Kelly A. Nault, Benjamin A. Rogers, Ovul Sezer, Nadav Klein
532 [GO] Behavioral Science & Policy 2021―Aug―01 Adapting the U.S. Air Force’s combat rescue management practices could improve organizational responses to challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic Vicki Whiting, Brian Wierman, Phillip Whiting
533 [GO] Behavioral Science & Policy 2021―Aug―01 Softening the blow: Incorporating employee perceptions of justice into best practices for layoffs during the COVID-19 pandemic Isabel Bilotta, Shannon K. Cheng, Linnea C. Ng, Abby R. Corrington, Ivy Watson, Eden B. King, Mikki R. Hebl
534 [GO] Behavioral Science & Policy 2021―Aug―01 Psychological predictors of prevention behaviors during the COVID-19 pandemic Stephen B. Broomell, Gretchen B. Chapman, Julie S. Downs
535 [GO] Journal of Latin American Geography 2021―Aug―01 Editorial: Institutional Implications of the Covid-19 Pandemic for Geographers in/of Latin America Jessica Budds, John C. Finn, Eugenio Arima, Martha Bell, Jörn Seemann, Gabriela Valdivia, et al. (+2)
536 [GO] Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 2021―Aug―01 Clinical Research Through the COVID-19 Pandemic: Crisis Response, Consequences and Innovation David Altschul
537 [GO] Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 2021―Aug―01 Human Research During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Insights From Behind-the-Scenes Ana S. Iltis
538 [GO] Behavioral Science & Policy 2021―Aug―01 Behavioral insights for containing the COVID-19 pandemic: Some practices in China Ning Zhang
539 [GO] Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 2021―Aug―01 Development of a COVID-19 Patient Registry in Central Illinois Carl Asche, Mohammad O. Almoujahed, Sharjeel Ahmad, Anthony Dwyer, Sarah Stewart de Ramirez
540 [GO] Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 2021―Aug―01 Therapeutic Misconception, Misestimation and COVID-19 Research Walter Dehority
541 [GO] Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 2021―Aug―01 Personal Narrative About COVID-19 Research Gary Schiller
542 [GO] Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 2021―Aug―01 COVID-19 Story From an IRB Member and Administrator T. Howard Stone
543 [GO] Behavioral Science & Policy 2021―Aug―01 Fear & anxiety in the time of COVID-19: How they influence behavior Christina K. Zigler, Nicole Lucas, Debra M. Henke, Ilona Fridman
544 [GO] Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 2021―Aug―01 Research on COVID-19: Stories from IRB Members, Research Administrators, & Investigators Sara Griffin
545 [GO] Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 2021―Aug―01 Research on COVID-19: Stories from IRB Members, Research Administrators & Investigators Ana S. Iltis, Gianna McMillan
546 [GO] Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 2021―Aug―01 Research on COVID-19: Story from the Kenya Medical Research Institute Kebenei Enock Kipchirchir
547 [GO] Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 2021―Aug―01 IRBs During COVID-19: Tried and True Gianna McMillan
548 [GO] Behavioral Science & Policy 2021―Aug―01 Vicarious learning in the time of coronavirus Christopher G. Myers
549 [GO] Behavioral Science & Policy 2021―Aug―01 Gender differences in preventing the spread of coronavirus Irmak Olcaysoy Okten, Anton Gollwitzer, Gabriele Oettingen
550 [GO] Behavioral Science & Policy 2021―Aug―01 The coronavirus & work-life inequality: Three evidence-based initiatives to update U.S. work-life employment policies Ellen Ernst Kossek, Kyung-Hee Lee
551 [GO] Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 2021―Aug―01 Houston We Have a Problem: Ground Zero for the US Coronavirus Outbreak Yuan-Po Tu
552 [GO] Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 2021―Aug―01 Protecting Research Subjects During a Pandemic Jerry Menikoff
553 [GO] Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 2021―Aug―01 IRB Tales from the Heart of the Pandemic Hallie Kassan
554 [GO] Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 2021―Aug―01 Adaptive and Pragmatic Approach to Clinical Research: The Silver Lining of a Global Pandemic Emanuele Chisari, Javad Parvizi
555 [GO] Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 2021―Aug―01 Practice-Based Primary Care Clinical Research During the COVID Pandemic Barbara P Yawn
556 [GO] Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 2021―Aug―01 IRB Work During a Pandemic: Remember Your Values Stefanie E. Juell
557 [GO] Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 2021―Aug―01 Research During the Pandemic: Views from Both Sides of the Fence Bruce Gordon
558 [GO] Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 2021―Aug―01 Pandemics and Protections: How to Keep It All Together in 2020 Gabrielle Rebillard
559 [GO] Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 2021―Aug―01 What's a Hospital to Do? Equipoise, Pandemics and Single-site Clinical Trials Todd B. Seto
560 [GO] Histoire sociale/Social history 2021―Jul―25 Brève histoire des épidémies au Québec: Du choléra à la COVID-19 by Denis Goulet David Wright
561 [GO] New England Review 2021―Jul―18 During the Pandemic I Listen to the July 26, 1965, Juan-les-Pins Recording of A Love Supreme Ellen Bass
562 [GO] Americas A Hemispheric Music Journal 2021―Jul―11 How to Have Humor in an Epidemic: Musicking, Pandemic Palimpsests, and Public Health Pedagogy in the Age of COVID-19 Matthew J. Jones
563 [GO] Hispania 2021―Jun―20 Lotería in the Age of COVID-19: A Social Semiotic Analysis of Two Artistic Visions Gabriela C. Zapata
564 [GO] Latin American Theatre Review 2021―Jun―13 The Creation of “Zoomtheater” in the Time of COVID-19 Nora Glickman
565 [GO] Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved 2021―Jun―13 COVID-19 and Telehealth Operations in Texas Primary Care Clinics: Disparities in Medically Underserved Area Clinics Omolola Adepoju, Winston Liaw, Minji Chae, Chinedum Ojinnaka, Erin Britton, Sarah Reves, Rebecca Etz
566 [GO] Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved 2021―Jun―13 Caring for Vulnerable Communities in Miami Dade County during the COVID-19 Pandemic Nana Aisha Garba, Frederick Anderson, Gregory W. Schneider, Julia Bisschops, Prasad Bhoite, Onelia O. Lage, et al. (+2)
567 [GO] Latin American Theatre Review 2021―Jun―13 Digitally-Delivered Mexican Theatre during the COVID-19 Pandemic of 2020 Timothy G. Compton
568 [GO] The Yale Review 2021―Jun―13 Pandemic Files: Dispatches from life in lockdown
569 [GO] The Yale Review 2021―Jun―13 Passing through Danger: Finding words for this pandemic in Inupiaq Joan Naviyuk Kane
570 [GO] Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved 2021―Jun―13 Art Applied to Face the Covid 19 Pandemic: An Origami Based Do It Yourself Face Shield Mauricio Quintero Angel
571 [GO] Feminist Formations 2021―May―30 Introduction: A Tale of Poverty, Pandemic, and Prisons Sarah Tobias, Nicole R. Fleetwood
572 [GO] The Journal of Developing Areas 2021―May―23 Understanding Coronanomics: The Economic Implications of the Covid-19 Pandemic Suborna Barua
573 [GO] The Journal of Developing Areas 2021―May―23 The Covid-19 Pandemic and its Impact on the Performance of Firms: An Analysis Based on World Bank Microdata Leonardo Andrade Rocha, Leonardo Querido Cárdenas, Napiê Galvê Araújo Silva, Carlos Alano Soares de Almeida
574 [GO] Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 2021―May―16 The Doctor Stamp and COVID-19: A Perspective Tonse N. K. Raju
575 [GO] Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 2021―May―16 Liberty and Protection of Society During a Pandemic: Revisiting John Stuart Mill Franklin G. Miller
576 [GO] Georgetown Journal of International Affairs 2021―May―02 Coronavirus Cavalry: Amid COVID-19 Chaos, Latin America’s Armed Forces Redeploy at Home Benjamin N. Gedan
577 [GO] Georgetown Journal of International Affairs 2021―May―02 COVID-19, China, and African Development: Crisis, Continuity, or Readjustment? Pippa Morgan
578 [GO] Georgetown Journal of International Affairs 2021―May―02 Social Resilience Against COVID-19 Masks Indonesian Class Divide Abdil Mughis Mudhoffir, Vedi R. Hadiz
579 [GO] Georgetown Journal of International Affairs 2021―May―02 Global Humanitarian Governance and the COVID-19 Moment: The Evolution of Sacrifice Peter J. Hoffman, Thomas G. Weiss
580 [GO] Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved 2021―May―02 Proactively Connecting Residents in Underserved and Low Socioeconomic Status Communities with "Virtual Hospital" Telehealth Access in Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic David R. Baker, Kechna Cadet, Susan Mani, Pothik Chatterjee
581 [GO] Georgetown Journal of International Affairs 2021―May―02 Policy Planning for the Post-Pandemic World: The Chronic Illness and Mental Health Needs of Tens of Millions of COVID-19 Survivors Janet E. Rosenbaum, Shifra Mincer
582 [GO] Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved 2021―May―02 Clinician Experience with Telemedicine at a Safety-net Hospital Network during COVID-19: A Cross-sectional Survey Anjana E. Sharma, Elaine C. Khoong, Malini A. Nijagal, Courtney R. Lyles, George Su, Triveni DeFries, et al. (+2)
583 [GO] Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved 2021―May―02 Tech Led Solutions to Address Food Insecurity during a Global Pandemic Ilian Garcia, Aurica Donovan, Yael Lehmann, Jessica Perfetto, Sankalp Kulshreshtha, Dipika Shrihari, et al. (+2)
584 [GO] Appalachian Review 2021―May―02 Drive-In Movie During a Pandemic Matthew Hawk
585 [GO] Georgetown Journal of International Affairs 2021―May―02 Fragile Strategies: Getting Pandemic Response Right in Fragile States Blaise Misztal
586 [GO] Georgetown Journal of International Affairs 2021―May―02 Planning for the Next Pandemic: A Global, Interoperable System of Contact Tracing John Palfrey, Urs Gasser
587 [GO] Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 2021―May―02 Liberty and Protection of Society During a Pandemic: revisiting John Stuart Mill Franklin G. Miller
588 [GO] CrossCurrents 2021―Apr―25 Echoing Abundance: Public Art and Mutual Aid in Pandemic New Orleans Gwen Dilworth
589 [GO] Diálogo 2021―Apr―18 Kiltro, película chilena de artes marciales: Orientalismos e identidades en tiempos de COVID-19 Moisés Park
590 [GO] Asian Perspective 2021―Apr―18 The COVID-19 Pandemic and the Estrangement of US-China Relations Dali L. Yang
591 [GO] Journal of Latin American Geography 2021―Apr―18 Mobility, Control, and the Pandemic Across the Americas: First Findings of a Transnational Collective Project Soledad Álvarez Velasco
592 [GO] Brookings Papers on Economic Activity 2021―Apr―11 The Social Safety Net in the Wake of COVID-19 Marianne P. Bitler, Hilary W. Hoynes, Diane Whitmore Schanzenbach
593 [GO] Brookings Papers on Economic Activity 2021―Apr―11 Measuring the Labor Market at the Onset of the COVID-19 Crisis Alexander W. Bartik, Marianne Bertrand, Feng Lin, Jesse Rothstein, Matthew Unrath
594 [GO] Brookings Papers on Economic Activity 2021―Apr―11 Mandated and Voluntary Social Distancing during the COVID-19 Epidemic Sumedha Gupta, Kosali Simon, Coady Wing
595 [GO] Brookings Papers on Economic Activity 2021―Apr―11 COVID-19 Is Also a Reallocation Shock Jose Maria Barrero, Nicholas Bloom, Steven J. Davis
596 [GO] Brookings Papers on Economic Activity 2021―Apr―11 Income and Poverty in the COVID-19 Pandemic Jeehoon Han, Bruce D. Meyer, James X. Sullivan
597 [GO] Brookings Papers on Economic Activity 2021―Apr―11 The Effects of the Coronavirus Pandemic in Emerging Market and Developing Economies: An Optimistic Preliminary Account Pinelopi Koujianou Goldberg, Tristan Reed
598 [GO] The Hopkins Review 2021―Apr―11 Formal Protests: Dance, Race, and the Pandemic Jay Rogoff
599 [GO] Brookings Papers on Economic Activity 2021―Apr―11 Initial Impacts of the Pandemic on Consumer Behavior: Evidence from Linked Income, Spending, and Savings Data Natalie Cox, Peter Ganong, Pascal Noel, Joseph Vavra, Arlene Wong, Diana Farrell, et al. (+2)
600 [GO] Brookings Papers on Economic Activity 2021―Apr―11 The US Labor Market during the Beginning of the Pandemic Recession Tomaz Cajner, Leland D. Crane, Ryan A. Decker, John Grigsby, Adrian Hamins-Puertolas, Erik Hurst, et al. (+2)
601 [GO] Dissent 2021―Apr―11 The Pandemic Risk Shift Colin Gordon
602 [GO] Spiritus A Journal of Christian Spirituality 2021―Apr―04 Bells of Mindfulness: Bonhoeffer, COVID-19, and the Climate Crisis Lisa E. Dahill
603 [GO] ESC English Studies in Canada 2021―Apr―04 Research-Creation for the Community: Pedagogy, Feminist Maker Cultures, and the Critical Work of Making Face Masks in the Time of Covid-19 Lai-Tze Fan
604 [GO] Spiritus A Journal of Christian Spirituality 2021―Apr―04 Knowledge and Experience: Spirituality In The Time of COVID-19 Steven Chase
605 [GO] Journal of College Student Development 2021―Apr―04 Positives, Negatives, and Opportunities Arising in the Undergraduate Experience During the COVID-19 Pandemic Madison Mucci-Ferris, Dustin K. Grabsch, Amanda Bobo
606 [GO] Journal of College Student Development 2021―Apr―04 Factors Associated With College Students' Mental Health During the COVID-19 Pandemic Krista M. Soria, Bonnie Horgos
607 [GO] Spiritus A Journal of Christian Spirituality 2021―Apr―04 Jesus' Spirituality of Authentic Subjectivity and COVID-19's Shadow Pandemic Michael O'Sullivan
608 [GO] Spiritus A Journal of Christian Spirituality 2021―Apr―04 Love in the Time of Coronavirus: Wherein We Realize This Is Not Temporary Angela Alaimo O'Donnell
609 [GO] American Quarterly 2021―Apr―04 “Never Waste a Good Crisis”: Critical University Studies during and after a Pandemic Vineeta Singh
610 [GO] Spiritus A Journal of Christian Spirituality 2021―Apr―04 Spirituality in a Time of Pandemic Philip Sheldrake
611 [GO] Spiritus A Journal of Christian Spirituality 2021―Apr―04 Apocalyptic Spirituality and Advent in a Time of Corona Pandemic Annie Pan Yi Jung
612 [GO] Spiritus A Journal of Christian Spirituality 2021―Apr―04 "The Long Experience of Love": Meditations on Breath and Beauty amidst a Pandemic Mark S. Burrows
613 [GO] The Massachusetts Review 2021―Apr―04 Penance and Pandemic Beth Uznis Johnson
614 [GO] Spiritus A Journal of Christian Spirituality 2021―Apr―04 Worship During the Pandemic Philip C. Kolin
615 [GO] ESC English Studies in Canada 2021―Apr―04 Hailing Distance: On Citation and the Pandemic Sarah Banting
616 [GO] Neotestamentica 2021―Mar―28 The Burial of Jesus Compared with the Burial of Covid-19 Victims: Dishonour and Damage Control June F. Dickie, Petra Dijkhuizen
617 [GO] Bulletin of the History of Medicine 2021―Mar―28 Revisiting "What Is an Epidemic?" in the Time of COVID-19: Lessons from the History of Latin American Public Health Mariola Espinosa
618 [GO] Bulletin of the History of Medicine 2021―Mar―28 Notes from the Field: Teaching the History of Epidemics in the Midst of the SARS-CoV-2 Pandemic James A. Schafer
619 [GO] Appalachian Review 2021―Mar―28 Keats: In Your Time of Pandemic Kathleen Driskell
620 [GO] The Journal of Individual Psychology 2021―Mar―28 Mea Culpa and What Is Humanity to Do? Adler's Understanding of and Approaches to Pandemics Marina Bluvshtein
621 [GO] American Jewish History 2021―Mar―21 New Considerations: Jewish Museums in the Era of COVID-19 Melissa Martens Yaverbaum
622 [GO] Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 2021―Mar―21 Comics in the Time of a Pan(dem)ic: COVID-19, Graphic Medicine, and Metaphors Sweetha Saji, Sathyaraj Venkatesan, Brian Callender
623 [GO] Journal of Women s History 2021―Mar―21 Feminism, Pedagogy, and a Pandemic Catherine J. Denial
624 [GO] Journal of Latin American Geography 2021―Mar―21 Mobility, Control, and the Pandemic Across the Americas: First Findings of a Transnational Collective Project Soledad Velasco
625 [GO] Journal of Global South Studies 2021―Mar―14 A Message from the Editor: The Global North-South Framework Fails to Explain COVID-19, but Why? Ryan M. Alexander
626 [GO] Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved 2021―Mar―07 A Blueprint for Community Health Center and Nursing Home Partnership: Testing for COVID-19 among Residents and Staff at Long-term Care Facilities Benjamin J. Oldfield, Stan DeCosta, Leif Petterson, Suzanne Lagarde, Douglas P. Olson
627 [GO] The French Review 2021―Mar―07 The Silver Lining to Teaching Online in the Covid-19 Era Danica Guerrero
628 [GO] Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved 2021―Mar―07 The Ethnogeriatric Implications of the COVID-19 Pandemic Ramona L. Rhodes
629 [GO] Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved 2021―Mar―07 Social Vulnerability Is Associated with Risk of COVID-19 Related Mortality in U.S. Counties with Confirmed Cases Kyle E. Freese, Antonio Vega, J. Joseph Lawrence, Patricia I. Documet
630 [GO] Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved 2021―Mar―07 Institutional Distrust among African Americans and Building Trustworthiness in the COVID-19 Response: Implications for Ethical Public Health Practice Alicia L. Best, Faith E. Fletcher, Mika Kadono, Rueben C. Warren
631 [GO] Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved 2021―Mar―07 Coping with COVID-19: Core Elements of Lockdown Wuhan City Policy Xiaohan Wang, Leiyu Shi, Yuyao Zhang, Haiqian Chen, Gang Sun
632 [GO] Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved 2021―Mar―07 COVID-19: Exploring the Repercussions on Federally Qualified Health Center Service Delivery and Quality Jodi Simon, Nivedita Mohanty, Lisa Masinter, Andrew Hamilton, Arjit Jain
633 [GO] The French Review 2021―Mar―07 Where Learning Begins: Lessons from a Pandemic Ana Fonseca Conboy
634 [GO] The French Review 2021―Mar―07 Teaching and Learning During the Pandemic: A Journey of Co-Creation Margaret E. McColley
635 [GO] The French Review 2021―Mar―07 Teaching French During a Pandemic: Lessons in Innovation, Creativity, and Community Leanna Bridge Rezvani
636 [GO] The French Review 2021―Feb―28 After Covid-19: Aspects of Remote Instruction and Translation Stéphanie Ravillon
637 [GO] Asia Policy 2021―Feb―21 Adapting or Atrophying? China's Belt and Road after the Covid-19 Pandemic Min Ye
638 [GO] Journal of Daoist Studies 2021―Feb―21 The Coronavirus Pandemic: Insights from Daoism and Qigong Kenneth S. Cohen
639 [GO] Journal of Sport History 2021―Feb―21 "So Much Winning": Michael Jordan, The Last Dance, and Intersecting Pandemic Politics Mary G. McDonald
640 [GO] Journal of Black Sexuality and Relationships 2021―Feb―14 Black Joy, Black Love and COVID-19: A Reflection on Self-Care and Community in the Midst of a Pandemic. Latoya B. Brooks
641 [GO] Advertising & Society Quarterly 2021―Feb―08 Digital Teaching Opportunities in the Time of COVID-19 Marta Mensa, Jean M. Grow
642 [GO] American Book Review 2021―Feb―08 Poetry for a Pandemic Richard Levine
643 [GO] Native South 2021―Jan―24 "The Positive Duty to Aid Them": Segregated Health, Federal Responsibility, and the Mississippi Choctaws during the 1918-1919 Influenza Pandemic Mikaëla M. Adams
644 [GO] portal Libraries and the Academy 2021―Jan―10 International Students and COVID-19: The Initial Response from the Penn State Libraries Mark Mattson, Emily Reed, Victoria Raish
645 [GO] Transformation Critical Perspectives on Southern Africa 2021―Jan―03 Reproduction, transformation and public South African higher education during and beyond Covid-19 Saleem Badat
646 [GO] Transformation Critical Perspectives on Southern Africa 2021―Jan―03 Unemployment and the gendered economy in South Africa after Covid-19 David Francis
647 [GO] CLA Journal 2021―Jan―03 COVID-19 and Black Grief in the Academy Elizabeth J. West
648 [GO] Transformation Critical Perspectives on Southern Africa 2021―Jan―03 Viral life: Covid-19's destabilisation of our thinking Rachel Adams, Crain Soudien
649 [GO] Transformation Critical Perspectives on Southern Africa 2021―Jan―03 Coronavirus, and the world transformed Grahame Hayes
650 [GO] Jeunesse Young People Texts Cultures 2021―Jan―03 Surviving a Pandemic Heather Snell
651 [GO] Transformation Critical Perspectives on Southern Africa 2021―Jan―03 The contagious power of words: Muslim South Africans during the pandemic Goolam Vahed
652 [GO] CLA Journal 2021―Jan―03 Surviving the Pandemic: Necessary Lessons from Morrison's Beloved Angelyn Mitchell
653 [GO] CEA Critic 2020―Dec―20 Living the Teaching Life in a Time of COVID-19 Mukesh Kumar Meena
654 [GO] CEA Critic 2020―Dec―20 Editor’s Introduction: Living the Teaching Life in a Time of COVID-19 Jeraldine R. Kraver
655 [GO] CEA Critic 2020―Dec―20 Racial Phantasmagoria: Asians and Asian Americans in the Era of COVID-19 Kenneth Chan
656 [GO] CEA Critic 2020―Dec―20 COVID-19 and Higher Education in Jordan: Insights from Middle East University Salam Al-Mahadin
657 [GO] CEA Critic 2020―Dec―20 Opportunity for Expression: COVID-19, Online Assignments, and Expressive Arts Peaches Hash
658 [GO] CEA Critic 2020―Dec―20 Making Sense of “Online Pedagogy” after COVID-19 Outbreak Abhisek Ghosal
659 [GO] CEA Critic 2020―Dec―20 Implementing Social Media Bridges for Student-Teacher Chasms Created During the COVID-19 Pandemic Jeni Peake, Alexandra Reynolds
660 [GO] CEA Critic 2020―Dec―20 Navigating a Community-Based Research Composition Course during the COVID-19 Pandemic Emily Hall
661 [GO] Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 2020―Dec―20 Medical Students’ Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic: Experience and Recommendations from Five Countries Mandeep Guragai, Aditya Achanta, Arianna Ysabelle Ong Gopez, Jonathan Niyotwambaza, Luis Guilherme Cardoso, Nathaniel Ladera Estavillo, Michael Dykstra
662 [GO] The Journal of Individual Psychology 2020―Dec―20 Individual Psychology During Times of the Coronavirus Jon Sperry, Len Sperry
663 [GO] Tulsa Studies in Women s Literature 2020―Dec―20 Journal Work in the Age of Coronavirus, Part 2 Jennifer L. Airey
664 [GO] CEA Critic 2020―Dec―20 Audience, Genre, and Accuracy in Coronavirus: A Book for Children Amy Cummins
665 [GO] CEA Critic 2020―Dec―20 Emails in a Pandemic Vicki Vanbrocklin
666 [GO] CEA Critic 2020―Dec―20 The Rhinoceros and the Logician: Administration in the Pandemic Jeff Cass, Erin Clair
667 [GO] CEA Critic 2020―Dec―20 “In the Weeds”: Finding New Space and New Ground in Online Teaching during the 2020 Pandemic Kristina R. Fennelly
668 [GO] Modernism/modernity 2020―Dec―20 Viral Modernism: The Influenza Pandemic and Interwar Literature by Elizabeth Outka Lidan Lin
669 [GO] CEA Critic 2020―Dec―20 A Centennial Reflection on Modernism during Pandemic: A Biomedical Engineering Perspective Gantt Meredith
670 [GO] Mississippi Quarterly 2020―Dec―13 Faulkner in a Time of Pandemic: Tracing the Influence of the 1918 Influenza in His Works Phillip Gordon
671 [GO] Population Review 2020―Nov―29 Impact of Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pandemic on Persons with Disabilities and Caregivers Bilal Ahmad Khan, Wakar Amin Zargar, Shazia Manzoor, Danish Iqbal Mattoo, Aadil Bashir, Shabir Ahmad Najar, Zahid Maqbool Pandit
672 [GO] Philippine Studies Historical and Ethnographic Viewpoints 2020―Nov―15 Old Ways and New Fears: Bayanihan and Covid-19 Greg Bankoff
673 [GO] Journal of Asian American Studies 2020―Nov―15 Introduction: Viral Racisms: Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders Respond to COVID-19 Aggie J. Yellow Horse, Karen J. Leong, Karen Kuo
674 [GO] Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved 2020―Nov―15 Reflections on the Importance of Community-Partnered Research Strategies for Health Equity in the Era of COVID-19 Savanna L. Carson, Cynthia Gonzalez, Sylvia Lopez, D'Ann Morris, Norma Mtume, Aziza Lucas-Wright, et al. (+3)
675 [GO] Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved 2020―Nov―15 Surveying Tenants of Permanent Supportive Housing in Skid Row about COVID-19 Benjamin F. Henwood, Brian Redline, Jack Lahey
676 [GO] ASAP/Journal 2020―Nov―15 Masks for Tortillas: 19 × 9 CM for COVID-19 Laura Anderson Barbata
677 [GO] Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 2020―Nov―15 Continued Confinement of Those Most Vulnerable to COVID-19 Samia Hurst, Eva Maria Belser, Claudine Burton-Jeangros, Pascal Mahon, Cornelia Hummel, Settimio Monteverde, et al. (+13)
678 [GO] Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 2020―Nov―15 Should I Do as I’m Told? Trust, Experts, and COVID-19 Matthew Bennett
679 [GO] Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 2020―Nov―15 Incarceration, COVID-19, and Emergency Release: Reimagining How and When to Punish Lauren Lyons
680 [GO] Journal of Asian American Studies 2020―Nov―15 Two Hate Notes: Deportations, COVID-19, and Xenophobia against Hmong Americans in the Midwest Kong Pheng Pha
681 [GO] Journal of Asian American Studies 2020―Nov―15 Stopping the Hate: Political Condemnations of Anti-Asian Rhetoric during the COVID-19 Crisis Maneesh Arora, Hannah June Kim
682 [GO] Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 2020―Nov―15 Anarchist Responses to a Pandemic: The COVID-19 Crisis as a Case Study in Mutual Aid Nathan Jun, Mark Lance
683 [GO] Journal of Latin American Geography 2020―Nov―15 Editorial: Mobility, Connectivity, and the Implications of Covid-19 for Latin American Geography Jonh C. Finn, Eugenio Arima, Martha Bell, Jessica Budds, Jörn Seemann, Gabriela Valdivia, et al. (+3)
684 [GO] Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 2020―Nov―15 The Predictable Inequities of COVID-19 in the US: Fundamental Causes and Broken Institutions Sean A. Valles
685 [GO] Journal of Asian American Studies 2020―Nov―15 Three Meditations on Anti-Asian Violence and COVID-19, or Fuck Off, Andrew Yang! Melinda Luisa de Jesús
686 [GO] Journal of Asian American Studies 2020―Nov―15 Pedagogy of Care in Asian American Studies during the COVID-19 Pandemic Aggie J. Yellow Horse, Kathryn Nakagawa
687 [GO] Journal of Asian American Studies 2020―Nov―15 An Indigenous Futurity Approach to Decolonization: Navigating Imperial Borders and Indigenous Sovereignty during the Emergence of the COVID-19 Pandemic in Guåhan Kevin Escudero
688 [GO] Philippine Studies Historical and Ethnographic Viewpoints 2020―Nov―15 Preparedness, Agility, and the Philippine Response to the Covid-19 Pandemic The Early Phase in Comparative Southeast Asian Perspective Filomeno V. Aguilar
689 [GO] Philippine Studies Historical and Ethnographic Viewpoints 2020―Nov―15 Science and Public Service during a Pandemic: Reflections from the Scientists of the Philippine Government's Covid-19 Surveillance Platform Maria Regina Justina E. Estuar, Joshua Uyheng, Marlene De Leon, Daniel Joseph Benito, Elvira De Lara-Tuprio, Carlo Estadilla, Timothy Teng
690 [GO] Philippine Studies Historical and Ethnographic Viewpoints 2020―Nov―15 Care and Solidarity in the Time of Covid-19 The Pandemic Experiences of Filipinos in the UK Roderick Galam
691 [GO] Asia Policy 2020―Nov―15 Indonesia’s Indo-Pacific Vision: Staying the Course in a Covid-19 World Natalie Sambhi
692 [GO] Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved 2020―Nov―15 Language and Health Equity during COVID-19: Lessons and Opportunities Pilar Ortega, Glenn Martínez, Lisa Diamond
693 [GO] Journal of Asian American Studies 2020―Nov―15 Yellow Peril and Techno-orientalism in the Time of Covid-19: Racialized Contagion, Scientific Espionage, and Techno-Economic Warfare Lok Siu, Claire Chun
694 [GO] Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 2020―Nov―15 Structural Stigma, Legal Epidemiology, and COVID-19: The Ethical Imperative to Act Upstream Daniel S. Goldberg
695 [GO] Journal of Asian American Studies 2020―Nov―15 Impact of Coronavirus on Services to Survivors of Intimate Partner Violence: A Look at My Sister's House Kali Alnas-Smiley, Michelle Huey, Nilda Valmores, Sujatha Moni
696 [GO] Journal of Asian American Studies 2020―Nov―15 Academic Community Support, Campus Racial Climate, and Subjective Well-Being during the Coronavirus Outbreak among Asian American College Students Brittany M. Tausen, Joel Jin, Paul Y. Kim, Keyne Law, Dana Kendall
697 [GO] Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 2020―Nov―15 How Government Leaders Violated Their Epistemic Duties During the SARS-CoV-2 Crisis Eric Winsberg, Jason Brennan, Chris W. Surprenant
698 [GO] Philippine Studies Historical and Ethnographic Viewpoints 2020―Nov―15 The Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) Outbreak in the Philippines in 2003 Gideon Lasco
699 [GO] West Virginia History A Journal of Regional Studies 2020―Nov―15 Editor’s Note: Publishing a Journal During a Pandemic Kevin T. Barksdale
700 [GO] Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 2020―Nov―15 Justice and Intellectual Disability In A Pandemic Ryan H. Nelson, Leslie P. Francis
701 [GO] ASAP/Journal 2020―Nov―15 Teaching During a Pandemic Angel Trazo
702 [GO] Philippine Studies Historical and Ethnographic Viewpoints 2020―Nov―15 Covidscapes The Pandemic in the Philippines Filomeno V. Aguilar
703 [GO] Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 2020―Nov―15 How Soviet Legacies Shape Russia’s Response to the Pandemic: Ethical Consequences of a Culture of Non-Disclosure Nataliya Shok, Nadezhda Beliakova
704 [GO] Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 2020―Nov―15 Surging Solidarity: Reorienting Ethics for Pandemics Jordan Pascoe, Mitch Stripling
705 [GO] Theatre Topics 2020―Nov―08 Teaching Acting in the Face of COVID-19: Designing Instruction for Variable Acting Studios Hillary Haft Bucs, James Elliott, David Kaye, Matthew Mastromatteo, Tom Pacio, Valerie Clayman Pye, et al. (+2)
706 [GO] The Comparatist 2020―Nov―08 Viral Modernism: The Influenza Pandemic and Interwar Literature by Elizabeth Outka Andrew Gaedtke
707 [GO] Eighteenth-Century Studies 2020―Nov―01 Fortune and Folly: A Pandemic Reminiscence Nina L. Dubin, Meredith Martin, Madeleine C. Viljoen
708 [GO] Journal of Biblical Literature 2020―Oct―25 Biblical Studies, COVID-19, and Our Response to Growing Inequality Roger S. Nam
709 [GO] Bookbird A Journal of International Children s Literature 2020―Oct―25 Children's Covid-19 Literature Björn Sundmark
710 [GO] Journal of Biblical Literature 2020―Oct―25 Scripturalizing the Pandemic Jacqueline M. Hidalgo
711 [GO] Journal of Biblical Literature 2020―Oct―25 Reading the Book of Job in the Pandemic Ying Zhang
712 [GO] Journal of Biblical Literature 2020―Oct―25 Teaching Biblical Studies in a Pandemic: India Monica Jyotsna Melanchthon, Mothy Varkey
713 [GO] Asian Perspective 2020―Oct―18 The COVID-19 Pandemic and the Estrangement of US-China Relations Dali L. Yang
714 [GO] Georgetown Journal of International Affairs 2020―Oct―18 Weaponizing Wheat: Russia's Next Weapon in Pandemic and Climate Eras Clara Summers, Sherri Goodman
715 [GO] Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 2020―Oct―11 Life After the Storm: Surviving COVID-19 Cheryl Misak
716 [GO] American Catholic Studies 2020―Oct―11 The Bioethics of Translation: Latinos and the Healthcare Challenges of COVID-19 Bryan Pilkington, Ana Campoverde
717 [GO] American Catholic Studies 2020―Oct―11 On the Frontlines: Rural Iowa Latino/a Ministries during COVID-19 Kristy Nabhan-Warren
718 [GO] American Catholic Studies 2020―Oct―11 COVID-19: An Opportunity for the Church to View Itself With Fresh Eyes Charles Zech
719 [GO] Spiritus A Journal of Christian Spirituality 2020―Oct―11 Listening to the Trees: Seven Words on the Coronavirus Belden C. Lane
720 [GO] American Catholic Studies 2020―Oct―11 The Coronavirus Pandemic and Catholic Worship Timothy Brunk
721 [GO] Dissent 2020―Oct―11 Work in the Time of Coronavirus: Belabored Stories Sarah Jaffe, Michelle Chen
722 [GO] Anthropological Quarterly 2020―Sep―06 Meeting Your Neighbor For Another First Time: The Work of Second-order Reflexivity in Communication During the COVID-19 Emergency in Italy Luigi Russi
723 [GO] Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved 2020―Sep―06 Caring for Underserved Patients with Heart Failure during the COVID-19 Pandemic Connie White-Williams, Erin B. Clarkson, Maria Shirey, Vera Bittner
724 [GO] American Annals of the Deaf 2020―Sep―06 Reflections on Freeman Dyson, Coronavirus, and Pseudoscience . . . While Listening to Bach's Toccata and Fugue in D Minor Peter V. Paul
725 [GO] Journal of Latin American Geography 2020―Jul―26 Necromobilidade durante a pandemia da Covid-19 Vinicius Santos Almeida
726 [GO] Journal of Latin American Geography 2020―Jul―26 As organizações religiosas brasileiras frente à pandemia de Covid-19 Christian Dennys Monteiro de Oliveira, Fabrício Américo Ribeiro, Ivo Luis Oliveira Silva, Luiz Raphael Teixeira Silva, José Arilson Xavier de Souza, Gerlaine Cristina Franco, et al. (+3)
727 [GO] Journal of Latin American Geography 2020―Jul―26 Asylum and Mass Detention at the U.S.-Mexico Border during Covid-19 Jeremy Slack, Josiah Heyman
728 [GO] Journal of Latin American Geography 2020―Jul―26 Pobreza Y Medios De Subsistencia En La Amazonía Peruana En Tiempos De La Covid-19 Christian Abizaid, Luis Ángel Collado Panduro, Sergio Gonzales Egusquiza
729 [GO] Advertising & Society Quarterly 2020―Jul―26 Digital Collection: COVID-19 Ads and Public Service Announcements
730 [GO] Journal of Latin American Geography 2020―Jul―26 Covid-19 and Tourism Risk in the Americas Christopher Gaffney, Bruno Eeckels
731 [GO] Journal of Latin American Geography 2020―Jul―26 Una Aproximación (Geo)Politológica A La Crisis De La Covid-19 En América Latina Jerónimo Ríos Sierra
732 [GO] Journal of Latin American Geography 2020―Jul―26 La no tan loca geografía de la Covid-19 en Chile Felipe Irarrazaval
733 [GO] Journal of Latin American Geography 2020―Jul―26 Sí, La Normalidad Es El Problema: Inequidad, Exclusión Y Fuerza Estatal En La Crisis De La Covid-19 En Guayaquil Danilo Borja, Viviana Buitrón Cañadas
734 [GO] Journal of Latin American Geography 2020―Jul―26 Covid-19 in Colombia's Borderlands and the Western Hemisphere: Adding Instability to a Double Crisis Annette Idler, Markus Hochmüller
735 [GO] Journal of Latin American Geography 2020―Jul―26 Volunteered Geographic Information Generates New Spatial Understandings of Covid-19 in Fortaleza Adryane Gorayeb, Jader de Oliveira Santos, Hércules G. Nascimento da Cunha, Regina Balbino da Silva, Wallason Farias de Souza, Romullo D. Pereira Mesquita, et al. (+6)
736 [GO] Journal of Latin American Geography 2020―Jul―26 Covid-19 in Latin America John C. Finn, Cynthia K. Pope, Yulia Garcia Sarduy
737 [GO] Journal of Latin American Geography 2020―Jul―26 From Columbus to Covid-19: Amerindian Antecedents to the Global Pandemic W. George Lovell
738 [GO] Journal of Latin American Geography 2020―Jul―26 Political Settlements and the Governance of Covid-19: Mining, Risk, and Territorial Control in Peru Gisselle Vila Benites, Anthony Bebbington
739 [GO] Journal of Latin American Geography 2020―Jul―26 Love in the Time of Covid-19: Or, Nicaragua, the Strange Country Where Children Still Go to School Julie Cupples
740 [GO] Journal of Latin American Geography 2020―Jul―26 Coronavirus in Belize: A Central American Success Cynthia K. Pope
741 [GO] Advertising & Society Quarterly 2020―Jul―26 What It Means to Teach Consumer Culture Remotely Through a Pandemic Jennifer Scanlon
742 [GO] Advertising & Society Quarterly 2020―Jul―26 Erase COVID: An Interview with Artists Creating PSAs to Take On a Global Pandemic Michael Buchmiller, Graham Annable, Elena Fox, Eric Hinkley, Jesse LeDoux, Scott Sugiuchi, et al. (+3)
743 [GO] Journal of Latin American Geography 2020―Jul―26 Voiding Public Spaces, Enclosing Domestic Places: Place Attachment at the Onset of the Pandemic in Quito Pablo Cabrera-Barona, Andrea Carrión
744 [GO] Journal of Ecumenical Studies 2020―Jul―19 Role of Religions in the Spread of COVID-19 David Emmanuel Singh
745 [GO] Journal of Democracy 2020―Jul―19 China's Pandemic Power Play Nadѐge Rolland
746 [GO] Dissent 2020―Jul―12 Will COVID-19 Spur a Wave of Unionization? Steven Greenhouse
747 [GO] Dissent 2020―Jul―12 Coronavirus and the Surveillance State James B. Rule, Han Cheng
748 [GO] Dissent 2020―Jul―12 Work in the Time of Coronavirus: Belabored Stories Sarah Jaffe, Michelle Chen
749 [GO] Journal of Black Sexuality and Relationships 2020―Jun―21 Editor’s Note: Feelings about the Black Mamba Kobe Bryant and COVID-19 James C. Wadley
750 [GO] Journal of Latin American Geography 2020―Jun―21 COVID-19 in Latin America John C. Finn, Cynthia K. Pope, Yulia Garcia Sarduy
751 [GO] Journal of Latin American Geography 2020―Jun―21 Coronavirus in Belize: A Central American Success Cynthia K. Pope
752 [GO] Tulsa Studies in Women s Literature 2020―Jun―14 Journal Work in the Time of Coronavirus Jennifer L. Airey
753 [GO] Journal of Latin American Geography 2020―Jun―07 COVID-19 and Tourism Risk in the Americas Christopher Gaffney, Bruno Eeckels
754 [GO] Journal of Latin American Geography 2020―Jun―07 Una aproximación (geo)politológica a la crisis de la COVID-19 en América Latina Jerónimo Ríos Sierra
755 [GO] Journal of Latin American Geography 2020―Jun―07 Sí, la Normalidad es el Problema: Inequidad, Exclusión y Fuerza Estatal en la Crisis del COVID-19 en Guayaquil Danilo Borja, Viviana Buitrón Cañadas
756 [GO] Journal of Latin American Geography 2020―Jun―07 Volunteered Geographic Information Generates New Spatial Understandings of COVID-19 in Fortaleza, Brazil Adryane Gorayeb, Jader de Oliveira Santos, Hércules G. Nascimento da Cunha, Regina Balbino da Silva, Wallason Farias de Souza, Romullo D. Pereira Mesquita Pereira Mesquita, et al. (+6)
757 [GO] Journal of Latin American Geography 2020―May―31 Necromobilidade durante a pandemia da Covid-19 Vinicius Santos Almeida
758 [GO] Journal of Latin American Geography 2020―May―31 Pobreza y Medios de Subsistencia en la Amazonía Peruana en Tiempos del COVID-19 Christian Abizaid, Luis Ángel Collado Panduro, Sergio Gonzales Egusquiza
759 [GO] Journal of Latin American Geography 2020―May―31 Asylum and Mass Detention at the U.S.- Mexico Border during COVID-19 Jeremy Slack, Josiah Heyman
760 [GO] Journal of Latin American Geography 2020―May―31 As organizações religiosas brasileiras frente à pandemia de COVID-19 Christian Dennys Monteiro de Oliveira, Fabrício Américo Ribeiro, Ivo Luis Oliveira Silva, Luiz Raphael Teixeira Silva, José Arilson Xavier de Souza, Gerlaine Cristina Franco, et al. (+3)
761 [GO] Journal of Latin American Geography 2020―May―31 COVID-19 in Colombia’s Borderlands and the Western Hemisphere: Adding Instability to a Double Crisis Annette Idler, Markus Hochmüller
762 [GO] Journal of Latin American Geography 2020―May―31 From Columbus to COVID-19: Amerindian Antecedents to the Global Pandemic W. George Lovell
763 [GO] Journal of Latin American Geography 2020―May―31 Political Settlements and the Governance of COVID-19: Mining, Risk, and Territorial Control in Peru Gisselle Vila Benites, Anthony Bebbington
764 [GO] Journal of Latin American Geography 2020―May―31 Love in the Time of COVID-19: Or, Nicaragua, the Strange Country Where Children Still Go to School Julie Cupples
765 [GO] Journal of Latin American Geography 2020―May―31 Voiding Public Spaces, Enclosing Domestic Places: Place Attachment at the Onset of the Pandemic in Quito, Ecuador Pablo Cabrera-Barona, Andrea Carrión
766 [GO] Artivate A Journal of Entrepreneurship in the Arts 2020―May―26 Arts Entrepreneurship Internationally and in the Age of Covid-19 Paul Bonin-Rodriguez, Neville Vakharia
767 [GO] Bulletin of the Center for Children s Books 2020―May―17 Coronavirus: A Book for Children; by Elizabeth Jenner Deborah Stevenson
768 [GO] Bulletin of the History of Medicine 2020―May―03 "Spit Spreads Death: The Influenza Pandemic of 1918-19 in Philadelphia" Jessica Martucci

768 Results       Page 1


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