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COVID answers in Scientific Journals all over the world

Publishing House: Hogrefe Publishing Group

267 Results       Page 1

  original article Journal Date Title Authors Max. 6 Authors
1 [GO] Pflege 2024―Aug―28 Psychosoziale Belastung und Arbeitsbedingungen des Pflegepersonals in Pflegeheimen in der Covid-19-Pandemie Isabella Sappl, Greta Uhlenbrock, Anne Thier, Susanne Schulze, Michael A. Rapp, Jacob Spallek, Christine Holmberg
2 [GO] Pflege 2024―Aug―28 Gesundheit von Pflegenden während der COVID-19-Pandemie in der Schweiz Claudia Huber, Ewald Schorro, Gabriela Hofstetter-Hefti, Jonathan Jubin, Philippe Delmas, Annie Oulevey Bachmann, Ingrid Gilles, Claudia Ortoleva Bucher
3 [GO] European Journal of Psychology Open 2024―Aug―14 Factors Associated with School Engagement Changes During the COVID-19 Pandemic Among Finnish Middle School Students Katarina Alanko, Linda Kuhlberg, Martin Lagerström
4 [GO] VASA 2024―Jul―24 Clinical evolution of patients with lower extremity peripheral artery disease during the COVID-19 pandemic (the COVID-PAD study) Giacomo Buso, Stefano Lanzi, André Berchtold, Sébastien Deglise, Adriano Alatri, Luca Calanca, Lucia Mazzolai
5 [GO] European Journal of Psychology Open 2024―Jul―16 Personality Traits and Stockpiling in the United Kingdom During the COVID-19 Pandemic John Magnus Roos
6 [GO] International Perspectives in Psychology Research Practice Consultation 2024―Jul―01 Gendered Racism in Pregnancy and Stress Among Women in the United States During the COVID-19 Pandemic Emily Rehbein, Amanda Levinson, Heidi Preis, Brittain Mahaffey, Marci Lobel
7 [GO] SUCHT - Zeitschrift für Wissenschaft und Praxis / Journal of Addiction Research and Practice 2024―Jun―26 Trajectories of Young People’s Cannabis Use During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Germany Ronja Kleine, Julia Hansen, Frauke Nees, Reiner Hanewinkel
8 [GO] European Journal of Psychological Assessment 2024―Jun―18 Measuring Risk Tolerance Among Japanese Adults and Cross-National Comparison of Its Role in COVID-19 Attitudes Yiyun Shou, Fang Liu, Kazuhisa Takemura, Joel Olney
9 [GO] Zeitschrift für Neuropsychologie 2024―May―22 Effects of Perceived COVID-19 Exposure and Action-Outcome Predictability on the Motivation to Invest Cognitive Effort Juliana Kolano, Devdath Kishore Menon, Martin Peper
10 [GO] Zeitschrift für Neuropsychologie 2024―May―22 Neuropsychologische Begutachtung bei COVID-19-assoziierten Erkrankungen Gordon Hendrik Krahl, Steffen Aschenbrenner, Jutta Billino, Oliver John, Ludger Neumann-Zielke, Fatma Sürer, Martin Peper
11 [GO] Sports Psychiatry 2024―Apr―24 Development and validation of the COVID-19 Anxiety Scale for Japanese elite athletes Kanami Suzuki, Tatsuya Yamaguchi, Yasuhisa Tachiya, Kaori Eda, Tomoyuki Asano, Yoko Senzaki, Kohei Nakajima
12 [GO] Pflege 2024―Apr―09 Erfahrungen von Pflegekräften mit dem COVID-19 Early Warning Score in der akutstationären Versorgung Kathrin Julia Pann, Andre Ewers
13 [GO] SUCHT - Zeitschrift für Wissenschaft und Praxis / Journal of Addiction Research and Practice 2024―Apr―09 Associations between Tobacco Smoking and Self-Reported SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19 Infections, Disease Severity, and Duration in the German Population Daniel Kotz, Olga Perski, Kathleen Gali, Jamie Brown, Sabrina Kastaun
14 [GO] International Perspectives in Psychology Research Practice Consultation 2024―Apr―02 Job Loss During the COVID-19 Crisis Ma. Tonirose D. Mactal, Mendiola Teng-Calleja, Jaimee Felice Caringal-Go, Rae Mark S. Zantua
15 [GO] European Journal of Psychology Open 2024―Feb―13 Psychological Distress and Domestic Violence Under COVID-19 Lockdown in LGBT+ Persons in Belgium, Germany, and Portugal Lotte De Schrijver, Elizaveta Fomenko, Isabell Schuster, Paulina Tomaszewska, Sonia Dias, Ines Keygnaert
16 [GO] SUCHT - Zeitschrift für Wissenschaft und Praxis / Journal of Addiction Research and Practice 2024―Feb―07 Consumption Patterns of Benzodiazepines and Opioids Drawn from an Online Survey in the Early COVID-19 Pandemic Juliane Mielau, Ricarda Evens, Simon Reiche, Roman Marek, Daa Un Moon, Elisa Groß, Amy Romanello, Dario Jalilzadeh Masah, Lasse Brandt, Stefan Gutwinski, Christiane Montag, Tomislav Majić, Inge Maria Mick
17 [GO] Zeitschrift für Entwicklungspsychologie und Pädagogische Psychologie 2024―Feb―07 Psychische Gesundheit der Kindergartenkinder und Krisenintervention durch Elementarpädagog_innen während der COVID-19-Pandemie Gernot Pfitscher, Anna Wenter, Kathrin Sevecke, Barbara Juen und, Silvia Exenberger
18 [GO] International Perspectives in Psychology Research Practice Consultation 2024―Feb―06 The Role of Social Capital in Depression During the COVID-19 Pandemic Lucas Heiki Matsunaga, Daniel P. Aldrich, Cristiane Faiad, Toshiaki Aoki, Po-Hsing Tseng, Jun Aida
19 [GO] Journal of Media Psychology Theories Methods and Applications 2024―Jan―05 Norwegian Adolescents in the Initial Stages of COVID-19 Restrictions Beate W. Hygen, Vera Skalicka, Robert J. Coplan, Tilmann von Soest, Eivor Fredriksen, Mona Bekkhus
20 [GO] Sports Psychiatry 2023―Dec―21 Japanese youth athletes’ mental health and psychological resilience during the COVID-19 pandemic Fumiaki Yano, Yusuke Nakata, Tomihisa Niitsu, Masaomi Iyo
21 [GO] SUCHT - Zeitschrift für Wissenschaft und Praxis / Journal of Addiction Research and Practice 2023―Dec―21 Changes in Alcohol-Specific Mortality During the COVID-19 Pandemic in 14 European Countries Carolin Kilian, Jürgen Rehm, Kevin Shield, Jakob Manthey
22 [GO] Kindheit und Entwicklung 2023―Dec―21 Stresserleben und Stresssymptomatik von Kindern und Jugendlichen in Zeiten der COVID-19-Pandemie Jana-Elisa Rüth, Lena Döring, Annalena Baier, Kira Essing, Stephanie Wagner, und Arnold Lohaus
23 [GO] SUCHT - Zeitschrift für Wissenschaft und Praxis / Journal of Addiction Research and Practice 2023―Dec―21 Alkoholkonsum und psychische Belastung im zweiten Lockdown der COVID-19-Pandemie bei medizinischem Personal und Personen aus anderen Bereichen Ekaterini Georgiadou, Astrid Müller, Anne Koopmann, Falk Kiefer, Thomas Hillemacher
24 [GO] SUCHT - Zeitschrift für Wissenschaft und Praxis / Journal of Addiction Research and Practice 2023―Dec―21 Auswirkungen des Lockdowns im Frühjahr 2020 während der SARS-CoV-2-Pandemie auf das Alkoholkonsumverhalten bei Raucherinnen und Rauchern Anne Koopmann, Lea Wetzel, Sabine Hoffmann, Thomas Hillemacher, Ekaterini Georgiadou, Falk Kiefer
25 [GO] Journal of Personnel Psychology 2023―Dec―21 Resilience in Times of a Pandemic Francesca Bellesia
26 [GO] Psychological Test Adaptation and Development 2023―Dec―15 Validation and Cultural Adaptation of the Motors of COVID-19 Vaccination Acceptance Scale (MoVac-COVID19S) in German Peter Adu, Tosin Popoola, Anja Roemer, Sunny Collings, Clive Aspin, Oleg N. Medvedev, Colin R. Simpson
27 [GO] European Journal of Psychology Open 2023―Nov―07 Psychometric Evaluation of the Italian Version of the COVID-19 Vaccine Conspiracy Beliefs Scale Renato Pisanti, Paolo Soraci
28 [GO] European Journal of Health Psychology 2023―Sep―27 Personality Factors and Health Beliefs Related to Attitudes Toward Wearing Face Masks During the COVID-19 Pandemic Elena Gallitto, Craig Leth-Steensen
29 [GO] Zeitschrift für Psychologie 2023―Jul―18 The Role of Basic Need Satisfaction for Motivation and Self-Regulated Learning During COVID-19 Elisabeth Rosa Pelikan, Luisa Grützmacher, Katharina Hager, Julia Holzer, Selma Korlat, Martin Mayerhofer, Barbara Schober, Christiane Spiel, Marko Lüftenegger
30 [GO] Zeitschrift für Psychologie 2023―Jul―18 Changes in Teachers’ Perceptions of School Quality During COVID-19 Christoph Helm, Stephan Gerhard Huber
31 [GO] Zeitschrift für Psychologie 2023―Jul―18 How Did COVID-19 Affect Education and What Can Be Learned Moving Forward? Martin Daumiller, Raven Rinas, Ingrid Schoon, Marko Lüftenegger
32 [GO] Zeitschrift für Psychologie 2023―Jul―18 Navigating the Pandemic and Future Crises Marko Lüftenegger, Martin Daumiller, Ingrid Schoon
33 [GO] European Journal of Psychology Open 2023―Jul―17 The Mental Health of Frontline Chinese Healthcare Workers During the COVID-19 Pandemic Zongmei Fu, Lili Yu, Caihong Zhou, Yuying Chen, Yi Zheng
34 [GO] European Journal of Psychology Open 2023―Jul―03 Emotional Experiences of Vulnerable Groups During COVID-19 Ilina Nacheva, Tsvetelina Panchelieva, Diana Bakalova
35 [GO] Zeitschrift für Psychologie 2023―Jun―27 Teachers’ Emotional Exhaustion and Teaching Enthusiasm Before Versus During the COVID-19 Pandemic Thamar Voss, Uta Klusmann, Nikolaus Bönke, Dirk Richter, Mareike Kunter
36 [GO] Zeitschrift für Psychologie 2023―Jun―27 Prediction of Changes in Negative Affect During the COVID-19 Pandemic by Experimental Fear Conditioning and Generalization Measures Celina Imholze, Katharina Hutterer, Dominik Gall, Udo Dannlowski, Katharina Domschke, Elisabeth J. Leehr, Tina B. Lonsdorf, Ulrike Lueken, Andreas Reif, Karoline Rosenkranz, Miriam A. Schiele, Peter Zwanzger, Paul Pauli, Matthias Gamer
37 [GO] Zeitschrift für Psychologie 2023―Jun―27 Youth Depression Symptoms During COVID-19 Marco Deppe, Alexandra Zapko-Willmes
38 [GO] Zeitschrift für Psychologie 2023―Jun―27 The COVID-19 Marathon Meinald T. Thielsch, Stefan Röseler, Christoph Lamers, Guido Hertel
39 [GO] Zeitschrift für Psychologie 2023―Jun―27 Well-Being of Adolescents During the COVID-19 Pandemic Anne Eppinger Ruiz de Zarate, Ansgar Thiel, Gorden Sudeck, Katja Dierkes, Jannika M. John, Andreas M. Nieß, Caterina Gawrilow
40 [GO] Kindheit und Entwicklung 2023―Jun―23 Infants’ and Young Children’s Sleep Behavior During the Early Phase of the COVID-19 Pandemic Janika Denise Pelz, Katharina Tisborn, Silvia Schneider, Sabine Seehagen
41 [GO] Zeitschrift für Pädagogische Psychologie 2023―Jun―21 No Loss, No Gain? COVID-19 school closures and Swiss fifth-graders' competencies and self-concept in mathematics Miriam Compagnoni, Beat Rechsteiner, Urs Grob, Nicole Bayer, Andrea Wullschleger, Katharina Maag Merki
42 [GO] European Journal of Health Psychology 2023―Jun―07 A Social Cure in Times of Pandemic Distancing Lena Marie Uhlmann, Jürgen Wegge
43 [GO] International Perspectives in Psychology Research Practice Consultation 2023―Jun―05 The Effectiveness of Remote Psychological Support During the Italian COVID-19 Lockdown Giuseppe Scimeca
44 [GO] International Perspectives in Psychology Research Practice Consultation 2023―Jun―05 Impact of a Brief Training on Mental Health Stakeholders’ Implementation of Evidence-Based Strategies for Trauma in the Caribbean Within the Context of COVID-19 Anu Asnaani, Manuel Gutierrez Chavez, Rosalia Samuel, Angela Pham, Robyn Charlery White
45 [GO] Journal of Personnel Psychology 2023―May―25 Informational Justice, Organizational Communication, and Job Insecurity in the Early Stages of the COVID-19 Pandemic Ian M. Hughes, Melissa G. Keith, Christopher M. Gallagher
46 [GO] Zeitschrift für Neuropsychologie 2023―May―24 Improving Neuropsychological Rehabilitation for COVID-19 Patients Catherine Nichols Widmann, Juliana Kolano, Martin Peper
47 [GO] Zeitschrift für Neuropsychologie 2023―May―24 Neuropsychology in the Corona Pandemic and Beyond Martin Peper, Juliana Kolano, Catherine Nichols Widmann
48 [GO] Crisis 2023―May―17 A Rapid Systematic Review of the Prevalence of Suicide and Self-Harm Behaviors in Adolescents During the COVID-19 Pandemic Swapnajeet Sahoo, Suravi Patra
49 [GO] Zeitschrift für Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrie und Psychotherapie 2023―May―11 COVID-19 und psychische Störungen bei Minderjährigen: Veränderungen der Behandlungen nach der Krankenhausstatistik Michael G. Kölch, Olaf Reis, Lisa Ulbrich, Renate Schepker
50 [GO] Social Psychology 2023―Apr―27 Political Differences in Knowledge and Its Connection With Vaccination During COVID-19 Ethan Zell, Sydney M. Rivera, Christopher A. Stockus
51 [GO] Kindheit und Entwicklung 2023―Apr―27 Grundschulkinder in der COVID-19-Pandemie Anna Wenter, Stefanie Hartl, Kathrin Sevecke, Barbara Juen, Silvia Exenberger
52 [GO] Sports Psychiatry 2023―Apr―19 The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on physical activity and anxiety levels of young mental health patients and their parents Daniel Vella Fondacaro, Francesca Vella Fondacaro, Nigel Camilleri
53 [GO] European Journal of Psychology Open 2023―Apr―18 Anxiety in Early Adolescents During the Covid-19 Pandemic Tamara Martinac Dorčić, Ivanka Živčić-Bećirević, Sanja Smojver-Ažić
54 [GO] International Perspectives in Psychology Research Practice Consultation 2023―Apr―12 The Associated Factors of Self-Harm and Suicide Ideation Among Chinese Indonesians During the COVID-19 Pandemic Benny Prawira, Andrian Liem, Jony Eko Yulianto, Jin Han
55 [GO] International Perspectives in Psychology Research Practice Consultation 2023―Apr―12 Facing the Frontline - An Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis of the Filipino Rural Doctors' Mental Health Amid COVID-19 Mary Diane Umil, Miranda Ellen Meneses, Caitlin Ann Sioson†, Mendiola Teng-Calleja
56 [GO] International Perspectives in Psychology Research Practice Consultation 2023―Apr―12 The Relationship Between Stigma and Social Support to Quality of Life in Indonesia and the Philippines During the COVID-19 Pandemic Rozel S. Balmores-Paulino, Angela Oktavia Suryani, May Kyi Zay Hta, Aron Harold G. Pamoso, Andrian Liem, Rachel Sing-Kiat Ting
57 [GO] Zeitschrift für Arbeits- und Organisationspsychologie A&O 2023―Mar―22 Arbeit-Familie-Konflikt und psychische Beanspruchung im Homeoffice während der COVID-19-Pandemie Andreas Zimber
58 [GO] International Perspectives in Psychology Research Practice Consultation 2023―Mar―09 The Differential Impact of Different COVID-19 Stressors on Complex PTSD, PTSD, Depression, Anxiety, and Executive Functions in Kuwait Amthal Al Huwailah, Hanaa Shuwiekh, Ibrahim Kira
59 [GO] Journal of Personnel Psychology 2023―Mar―08 Performance Feedback During a Pandemic - (Social) Distancing from Feedback? Shana Mertens, Eveline Schollaert
60 [GO] Social Psychology 2023―Mar―03 How Parental Support Affects Latina Girls During the COVID-19 Pandemic Jordan L. Mullins, Elayne Zhou, Kalina J. Michalska
61 [GO] Social Psychology 2023―Mar―03 Dealing With the COVID-19 Pandemic Stefanie Hechler, Clarissa Wendel, Dana Schneider
62 [GO] Social Psychology 2023―Mar―03 What Mediates the Effect of Family Disruption in the COVID-19 Pandemic on Children’s Prosocial Behavior Claire Hughes, Luca Ronchi, Jean Heng, Chiara Basile, Paola Del Sette, Serena Lecce
63 [GO] Social Psychology 2023―Mar―03 Populist Attitudes Predict Compliance-Related Attitudes and Behaviors During the COVID-19 Pandemic Via Trust in Institutions Franziska Ehrke, Gloria Grommisch, Emma Penelope Busch, Magdalena C. Kaczmarek
64 [GO] European Journal of Psychology Open 2023―Feb―13 A Longitudinal Investigation of the Roles of Cognitive and Affective Job Insecurity Before and During the Pandemic Yuhyung Shin, Won-Moo Hur, Seung-Yoon Rhee
65 [GO] VASA 2023―Jan―20 Prevalence of venous thromboembolism in patients undergoing diagnostic venous ultrasound during the first SARS-CoV-2 pandemic Guglielmo La Torre, Raveenjot Nagra, Haren Wijesinghe, Gowshan Rajeswaran, Jain Riya, Scerif Abdulkhaliq, Tom Barker, Arul Ganeshan, Robert Goudie, Nasr Hosaam, Alok Tiwari, Maciej Tadeusz Juszczak
66 [GO] VASA 2023―Jan―13 Spontaneous dissection of the superior mesenteric artery related to COVID-19 Leszek Kukulski, Gregor Scharf, Wilma Schierling, Karin Pfister, Birgit Linnemann
67 [GO] Crisis 2023―Jan―13 Psychiatric Emergencies and Suicide Attempts Before and During COVID-19 Lockdown in Spain María Irigoyen-Otiñano, Alejandro Porras-Segovia, Diego de la Vega-Sánchez, Laura Arenas-Pijoan, Marc Agraz-Bota, Giovanni Torterolo, Marta Sánchez-Cazalilla, Deborah Fuentes-Casany, Marina Adrados-Pérez, Margarita Puigdevall-Ruestes
68 [GO] VASA 2023―Jan―09 Prothrombotic conditions in COVID-19 disease Kathrin Fischer
69 [GO] Zeitschrift für Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrie und Psychotherapie 2023―Jan―06 Die COVID-19-Pandemie und seelische Gesundheit bei Minderjährigen: Herausforderungen für die Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrie und -psychotherapie Martin Holtmann, Gerd Lehmkuhl, Paul Plener, Michael Kölch
70 [GO] Kindheit und Entwicklung 2022―Nov―22 Internetnutzungsstörungen unter deutschen Jugendlichen vor und während der COVID-19-Pandemie Ina Neumann, Katajun Lindenberg
71 [GO] Crisis 2022―Oct―13 Widening Excess Mortality During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Individuals Who Self-Harmed Sze Chim Lee, Marcos DelPozo-Banos, Yasmin Friedmann, Ashley Akbari, Ronan A. Lyons, Ann John
72 [GO] International Perspectives in Psychology Research Practice Consultation 2022―Sep―19 The Effects of Type III Traumatic Stressors of the Protracted Conflict and Prolonged COVID-19 on Syrians Internally Displaced Ibrahim Kira, Jakoub Aljakoub, Boshra Al Ibraheem, Hanaa Shuwiekh
73 [GO] Diagnostica 2022―Sep―12 Structural Analysis of the Health Literacy Facet Access to Information on General Health, COVID-19 Infection Prevention, and Early Childhood Allergy Prevention in Pregnant Women and Mothers of Infants Markus Antonius Wirtz, Carolin Dresch, Andrea Heiberger, Anja Alexandra Schulz
74 [GO] Diagnostica 2022―Sep―12 Use of Item Response Models in Assessing the Health Literacy Facet Understanding Health Information for Early Childhood Allergy Prevention and Prevention of COVID-19 Infections by Pregnant Women and Mothers of Infants Anja Alexandra Schulz, Carolin Dresch, Andrea Heiberger, Markus Antonius Wirtz
75 [GO] Crisis 2022―Sep―08 Perceived Impact of COVID-19 Among Callers to the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline Margaret S. Port, Alison M. Lake, Amanda M. Hoyte-Badu, Claudia L. Rodriguez, Saba J. Chowdhury, Alena Goldstein, Sean Murphy, Michelle Cornette, Madelyn S. Gould
76 [GO] Diagnostica 2022―Sep―05 Assessment of the Importance of COVID-19 Prevention Measures and Their Applicability in the Daily Life of Pregnant Women and Mothers of Infants Markus Antonius Wirtz, Andrea Heiberger, Carolin Dresch, Anja Alexandra Schulz
77 [GO] European Journal of Psychology Open 2022―Sep―02 Psychologists’ Experiences Who Managed Waitlists in Mental-Health Services During the COVID-19 Lockdown Darren McDonnell, Vasilis S. Vasiliou, Edgar Lonergan, Philip Moore
78 [GO] GeroPsych 2022―Aug―26 Abuse of Marginalized Older Adults During COVID-19 Gloria Gutman, Mojgan Karbakhsh, Heather G. Stewart
79 [GO] Pflege 2022―Aug―23 Soziale Teilhabe in Pflegeheimen mit Covid-19-Schutzmaßnahmen in der zweiten Pandemiewelle? Annabell Gangnus, Christian Hering, Raphael Kohl, Clara-Sophia Henson, Antje Schwinger, Elisabeth Steinhagen-Thiessen, Adelheid Kuhlmey, Paul Gellert
80 [GO] Crisis 2022―Aug―19 “I Can’t See an End in Sight.” How the COVID-19 Pandemic May Influence Suicide Risk I-Ting Hwang, Fortune Fu-Tsung Shaw, Wen-Yau Hsu, Guang-Yi Liu, Chen-I Kuan, David Gunnell, Shu-Sen Chang
81 [GO] Praxis 2022―Aug―17 CME: Rationale Labordiagnostik im Kontext von COVID-19 Michael P. Horn, Michael Nagler
82 [GO] European Journal of Health Psychology 2022―Aug―17 Financial Uncertainty and Anxiety During the COVID-19 Pandemic Dana Yagil, Miri Cohen
83 [GO] Journal of Individual Differences 2022―Aug―08 Basic Psychological Needs and Agency and Communion During the COVID-19 Pandemic Selma Korlat, Julia Reiter, Marlene Kollmayer, Julia Holzer, Elisabeth Pelikan, Barbara Schober, Christiane Spiel, Marko Lüftenegger
84 [GO] Praxis 2022―Aug―03 Müdigkeit und COVID-19 Raphael Jeker
85 [GO] Zeitschrift für Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrie und Psychotherapie 2022―Jul―29 Einsamkeit bei Jugendlichen vor dem Hintergrund der COVID-19-Pandemie: Ein Risikofaktor Sophia Hillert, Silke Naab, Andreas Hillert
86 [GO] International Perspectives in Psychology Research Practice Consultation 2022―Jul―20 Anti-Asian American Discrimination and COVID-19 Ginette M. Sims, Maryam Kia-Keating, Adriana Sanchez, Natalie Beylin, Meghan Evans, Miranda Tran
87 [GO] International Perspectives in Psychology Research Practice Consultation 2022―Jul―20 Confronting the Crisis of COVID-19 Shelby Parks, Judy Kuriansky, Pamela Koch
88 [GO] International Perspectives in Psychology Research Practice Consultation 2022―Jul―20 Complicated Grief During COVID-19 Brigitte Khoury, Oscar Barbarin, Germán Gutiérrez, Martina Klicperova-Baker, Prakash Padakannaya, Ava Thompson
89 [GO] International Perspectives in Psychology Research Practice Consultation 2022―Jul―20 Parental Burnout Across the Globe During the COVID-19 Pandemic Hedwig van Bakel, Coco Bastiaansen, Ruby Hall, Inga Schwabe, Emmie Verspeek, James J. Gross, Julie Ackerlund Brandt, Joyce Aguiar, Ege Akgun, Gizem Arikan, Kaisa Aunola, Zdenka Bajgarová, Wim Beyers, Zuzana Bílková, Emilie Boujut, Bin-Bin Chen, Géraldine Dorard, Maria Josefina Escobar, Kaichiro Furutani, Maria Filomena Gaspar, Annette Griffith, Mai Helmy, Mai Trang Huynh, Emérence Kaneza, Roberto Andres Lasso Báez, Astrid Lebert, Sarah Le Vigouroux, Yanhee Lee, Hong Dao Mai, Denisse Manrique-Millones, Rosa Bertha Millones Rivalles, Marina Miscioscia, Seyyedeh Fatemeh Mousavi, Munseol Eom, Alexis Ndayizigiy, Josue Ngnombouowo Tenkue, Daniela Oyarce Cadiz, Claudia Pineda-Marin, Maria Psychountaki, Yang Qu, Fernando Salinas-Quiroz, María Pía Santelices, Celine Scola, Charlotte Schrooyen, Paola Silva Cabrera, Alessandra Simonelli, Aelita Skarbalienė, Egidijus Skarbalius, Bart Soenens, Matilda Sorkkila, Cara Swit, Dorota Szczygieł, George Theotokatos, Ayse Meltem Ustundag-Budak, Lesley Verhofstadt, Dana Vertsberger, Jacqueline Wendland, Moïra Mikolajczak, Isabelle Roskam
90 [GO] International Perspectives in Psychology Research Practice Consultation 2022―Jul―20 Mental Health and Perceived Awareness of the South Asian Indian Community During the COVID-19 Pandemic Sagar S. Lad, Saajan Bhakta, Veena Hira
91 [GO] International Perspectives in Psychology Research Practice Consultation 2022―Jul―20 International Psychology and the COVID-19 Pandemic Lawrence H. Gerstein, Falu Rami
92 [GO] International Perspectives in Psychology Research Practice Consultation 2022―Jul―20 Intersections of Health, Economic, and Social Concerns During the COVID-19 Pandemic in the United States Amanda M. Mitchell, Hayley D. Seely, Patrick Pössel
93 [GO] International Perspectives in Psychology Research Practice Consultation 2022―Jul―20 The Impact of COVID-19-Associated Discrimination on Anxiety and Depression Symptoms in Asian American Adolescents Hulya Ermis-Demirtas, Ye Luo, Yun-Ju Huang
94 [GO] European Journal of Psychology Open 2022―Jul―11 Online Identification of Obsessive-Compulsive Symptoms and Relevant Factors in Patients with Covid-19 in Turkey During Quarantine Suzan Havlioglu, Selma Kahraman, Yusuf Kizir, Ufuk Acar
95 [GO] VASA 2022―Jul―05 Radiologic evolution of pulmonary arterial thrombosis associated with SARS-CoV-2 pneumonia Francesca Giacomazzi, Daniela Mazzaccaro, Simone Schiaffino, Matteo Giannetta, Anastasia Esseridou, Andrea Cozzi, Giovanni Nano, Paolo Righini, Giovanni Di Leo, Giorgio Serino, Francesco Sardanelli
96 [GO] Zeitschrift für Psychologie 2022―Jul―01 In the Midst of a Pandemic Susan Beltman, Tina Hascher, Caroline Mansfield
97 [GO] Zeitschrift für Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrie und Psychotherapie 2022―Jun―29 Burnout-Symptome bei Fachkräften in der Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrie/Psychotherapie während des Winter-Lockdowns 2020/2021 der COVID-19-Pandemie Sarah Hähnle, Jörg M. Fegert, Elsa König, Ulrike Hoffmann
98 [GO] International Perspectives in Psychology Research Practice Consultation 2022―Jun―27 Neoliberal Opportunism in the Wake of the COVID-19 Pandemic David Fryer, Cathy McCormack
99 [GO] International Perspectives in Psychology Research Practice Consultation 2022―Jun―27 Academic Activism in the Wake of a Pandemic Luke D. Oldfield, Rituparna Roy, Aimee B. Simpson, Apriel D. Jolliffe Simpson, Leon A. Salter
100 [GO] Journal of Media Psychology Theories Methods and Applications 2022―Jun―21 Why Is Right-Wing Media Consumption Associated With Lower Compliance With COVID-19 Measures? Vladimir Ponizovskiy, Lusine Grigoryan, Wilhelm Hofmann
101 [GO] Journal of Media Psychology Theories Methods and Applications 2022―Jun―21 The Effects of Pandemic-Related Fear on Social Connectedness Through Social Media Use and Self-Disclosure Biying Wu-Ouyang, Yang Hu
102 [GO] Crisis 2022―Jun―20 The Impact of COVID-19 on the Suicide Prevention Helpline in The Netherlands Margot C. A. van der Burgt, Saskia Mérelle, Aartjan T. F. Beekman, Renske Gilissen
103 [GO] SUCHT - Zeitschrift für Wissenschaft und Praxis / Journal of Addiction Research and Practice 2022―Jun―14 Did Smoking, Alcohol Consumption, and Physical Activity Change during the COVID-19 Restrictions in Germany in Spring 2020? Stephanie Klosterhalfen, Daniel Kotz, Sabrina Kastaun
104 [GO] Kindheit und Entwicklung 2022―May―30 Familiäre Unterstützung als Schutzfaktor für Jugendliche während der COVID-19-Pandemie Rahel L. van Eickels, Martina Zemp, Jeanine Grütter
105 [GO] Kindheit und Entwicklung 2022―May―30 Belastungen, positive Veränderungen und Ressourcen von Familien in der COVID-19-Pandemie Lara Engelke, Claudia Calvano, Karoline Klingbeil, Mira Rolle, Sibylle M. Winter, und Babette Renneberg
106 [GO] Kindheit und Entwicklung 2022―May―30 Kindliche Verhaltensauffälligkeiten im ersten Lebensjahr und mütterliche Belastung in der Zeit der COVID-19-Pandemie Alexandra von Tettenborn, Lukka Popp, Anna-Lena Zietlow, Christian F. J. Woll, Anton K. G. Marx, Nora Nonnenmacher, Tanja Kretz-Bünese, Maria Hagl, Mitho Müller, Corinna Reck
107 [GO] Kindheit und Entwicklung 2022―May―30 Die Auswirkungen der COVID-19-Pandemie auf Kinder, Jugendliche und Familien in deutschsprachigen Ländern Julia Asbrand, Folke Brinkmann
108 [GO] Pflege 2022―May―23 COVID-19: Ein Booster für die Pflegewissenschaft in Deutschland? Sascha Köpke
109 [GO] European Journal of Psychology Open 2022―May―18 The Role of Emotion Regulation During the Covid-19 Pandemic and Beyond Georgia Panayiotou
110 [GO] International Perspectives in Psychology Research Practice Consultation 2022―May―09 Psychological Impact and Clinical Psychology Responses to COVID-19 Steve Melluish, Poormina Bhola, Marybexy Calcerrada Gutierrez, Ken Critchfield, Kelly Atwood
111 [GO] International Perspectives in Psychology Research Practice Consultation 2022―May―09 COVID-19 - International Psychology’s Role in Addressing Healthcare Disparities and Ethics in Marginalized Communities Falu Rami, H. Russell Searight, Laura Dryjanska, Peter Battista
112 [GO] International Perspectives in Psychology Research Practice Consultation 2022―May―09 A Multilevel Approach for Assessing Needs and Supporting School Communities During the COVID-19 Pandemic Chryse Hatzichristou, Aikaterini Lampropoulou, Niki Georgakakou-Koutsonikou, Theodora Yfanti
113 [GO] International Perspectives in Psychology Research Practice Consultation 2022―May―09 COVID-19 Prevention - Global Research Study of Relevance to Psychology and Health John L. Romano, Jacob Israelashvili, Martin Swanbrow Becker, Moshe Israelashvili
114 [GO] International Perspectives in Psychology Research Practice Consultation 2022―May―09 The Pandemic Atmos-Fear Luca Tateo, Giuseppina Marsico, Jaan Valsiner
115 [GO] Social Psychology 2022―May―06 Caught COVID-19? Covidiot! Alice Kasper, Nicolas Frébert, Benoit Testé
116 [GO] NOVAcura 2022―May―05 Long COVID
117 [GO] Zeitschrift für Entwicklungspsychologie und Pädagogische Psychologie 2022―Apr―26 The Mental Well-Being of Young Children and Families at the Beginning of the COVID-19 Pandemic in Germany Katharina Tisborn, Janika D. Pelz, Silvia Schneider, Sabine Seehagen
118 [GO] Lernen und Lernstörungen 2022―Apr―21 Belastungen durch Fernlehre und psychische Gesundheit von Studierenden während der COVID-19-Pandemie Elisabeth M. Weiss, Liane Kaufmann, Manuel Ninaus, Markus Canazei
119 [GO] Crisis 2022―Apr―06 Have News Reports on Suicide and Attempted Suicide During the COVID-19 Pandemic Adhered to Guidance on Safer Reporting? Lisa Marzano, Monica Hawley, Lorna Fraser, Eva Harris-Skillman, Yasmine Lainez, Keith Hawton
120 [GO] Zeitschrift für Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrie und Psychotherapie 2022―Mar―28 COVID-19: Effects of Pandemic Related Restrictions on Physical Activity, Screen Time, and Mental Well-being in German adolescents Matthias Marckhoff, Milena Siebald, Nina Timmesfeld, Marius Janßen, Georg Romer, Manuel Föcker
121 [GO] Zeitschrift für Klinische Psychologie und Psychotherapie 2022―Mar―17 The Mental Health of German Students During the COVID-19 Pandemic Max Supke, Wolfgang Schulz
122 [GO] GeroPsych 2022―Mar―10 The Corona Pandemic and Its Implications for the Mental Health and Mental Healthcare of Older Adults Isabelle Albert, Anna E. Kornadt
123 [GO] Zeitschrift für Sportpsychologie 2022―Mar―03 Individual Career Transitions of German Olympians During the COVID-19 Pandemic Sascha Leisterer, Franziska Lautenbach
124 [GO] Zeitschrift für Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrie und Psychotherapie 2022―Feb―28 Kinder- und jugendpsychiatrische Notfälle während der zweiten Welle der SARS-CoV2-19-Pandemie Katharina Allgaier, Priska S. Schneider, Simone Buck, Pauline A. Reusch, Daniela Hagmann, Gottfried M. Barth, Tobias J. Renner
125 [GO] GeroPsych 2022―Feb―25 Impact of COVID-19 on the Mental Health of Geriatric Residents in Long-Term Care Facilities Syed Muhammad Ahsan Mehdi, Barnett Meyers, Mark Nathanson, D. P. Devanand
126 [GO] Crisis 2022―Feb―18 A Global Call for Action to Prioritize Healthcare Worker Suicide Prevention During the COVID-19 Pandemic and Beyond Lai Fong Chan, Hajar Mohd Salleh Sahimi, Anissa Raudhah binti Mokhzani
127 [GO] VASA 2022―Feb―16 Endothelial inflammation and dysfunction in COVID-19 Yordan Sbirkov, Vasil Dzharov, Krassimira Todorova, Soren Hayrabedyan, Victoria Sarafian
128 [GO] SUCHT - Zeitschrift für Wissenschaft und Praxis / Journal of Addiction Research and Practice 2022―Feb―16 Familiales Hilfesuchverhalten während der COVID-19-Pandemie und die Verschiebung in den digitalen Raum Simone Franz, Kathrin Simon-Kutscher, Sabrina Kunze, Sonja Bröning, Rainer Thomasius
129 [GO] GeroPsych 2022―Feb―10 Psychological Effects of Social Isolation During the COVID-19 Pandemic 2020 Bianca Plangger, Christine Unterrainer, Alexander Kreh, Gerald Gatterer, Barbara Juen
130 [GO] European Journal of Psychology Open 2022―Jan―31 Perceptions of Macro- and Microlevel Factors Predict Covid-19 Health and Self-Reported Adherence to Safety Guidelines Kristen L. Lavallee, Julia Brailovskaia, Saskia Scholten, Silvia Schneider, Jürgen Margraf
131 [GO] International Journal for Vitamin and Nutrition Research 2022―Jan―27 COVID-19: relation to dietary habits, food items and nutrients Torsten Bohn
132 [GO] Sports Psychiatry 2022―Jan―26 Mental health services at the Tokyo 2020 Olympic and Paralympic Games during the COVID-19 pandemic Masaki Nishida, Shunsuke Takagi, Tatsuya Yamaguchi, Hiroaki Yamamoto, Satoshi Yoshino, Kazuyoshi Yagishita, Takao Akama
133 [GO] Social Psychology 2022―Jan―10 Ambivalence and Self-Reported Adherence to Recommendations to Reduce the Spread of COVID-19 Iris K. Schneider, Angela R. Dorrough, Celine Frank
134 [GO] European Psychologist 2022―Jan―05 The Relationship Between Fear of COVID-19 and Depression, Anxiety, and Stress Eyüp Sabır Erbiçer, Ahmet Metin, Ali Çetinkaya, Sedat Şen
135 [GO] European Psychologist 2022―Jan―05 Emotional and Behavioral Responses to COVID-19 Alison M. Bacon, Dino Krupić, Nese Caki, Philip J. Corr
136 [GO] European Psychologist 2022―Jan―05 Aversive Personality and COVID-19 Karolina A. Ścigała, Christoph Schild, Morten Moshagen, Lau Lilleholt, Ingo Zettler, Anna Stückler, Stefan Pfattheicher
137 [GO] European Psychologist 2022―Jan―05 Social Media as Source of Information, Stress Symptoms, and Burden Caused by Coronavirus (COVID-19) Julia Brailovskaia, Jürgen Margraf, Silvia Schneider
138 [GO] European Psychologist 2022―Jan―05 The Impact of COVID-19 on the Majority Population, Ethno-Racial Minorities, and Immigrants Emanuele Politi, Adrian Lüders, Sindhuja Sankaran, Joel Anderson, Jasper Van Assche, Eva Spiritus-Beerden, Antoine Roblain, Karen Phalet, Ilse Derluyn, An Verelst, Eva G. T. Green
139 [GO] European Psychologist 2022―Jan―05 Mental Health in Times of the COVID-19 Pandemic Janine Wirkner, Hanna Christiansen, Christine Knaevelsrud, Ulrike Lüken, Susanne Wurm, Silvia Schneider, Eva-Lotta Brakemeier
140 [GO] European Psychologist 2022―Jan―05 Loneliness and Social Isolation During the COVID-19 Pandemic Susanne Buecker, Kai T. Horstmann
141 [GO] European Psychologist 2022―Jan―05 Psychological Science Into Practice During the COVID-19 Pandemic Eleni Karayianni, Tom Van Daele, Jasminka Despot-Lučanin, Josip Lopižić, Nicholas Carr
142 [GO] European Psychologist 2022―Jan―05 Well-Being and the COVID-19 Pandemic Ciro Esposito, Immacolata Di Napoli, Barbara Agueli, Leda Marino, Fortuna Procentese, Caterina Arcidiacono
143 [GO] European Psychologist 2022―Jan―05 Introduction to “Psychology, Global Threats, Social Challenge, and the COVID-19 Pandemic: European Perspectives” Nicola Gale, Bernd Roehrle
144 [GO] European Psychologist 2022―Jan―05 Age Differences in COVID-19 Preventive Behavior Lars Korn, Regina Siegers, Sarah Eitze, Philipp Sprengholz, Frederike Taubert, Robert Böhm, Cornelia Betsch
145 [GO] Praxis 2022―Jan―05 COVID-19 Symptoms and Testing in the Swiss General Population: A Cross-Sectional Survey Laura Diaz Hernandez, Stéphanie Giezendanner, Roland Fischer, Andreas Zeller
146 [GO] Pflege 2021―Dec―13 Covid-19-Schutzmaßnahmen und Einschränkungen des sozialen Lebens in Pflegeheimen Annabell Gangnus, Christian Hering, Raphael Kohl, Clara Sophia Henson, Antje Schwinger, Elisabeth Steinhagen-Thiessen, Adelheid Kuhlmey, Paul Gellert
147 [GO] SUCHT - Zeitschrift für Wissenschaft und Praxis / Journal of Addiction Research and Practice 2021―Dec―10 Jugendliches Alkoholkonsumverhalten während der COVID-19-Pandemie und die Bedeutung von Achtsamkeit Maren Prignitz, Stella Guldner, Frauke Nees
148 [GO] Zeitschrift für Entwicklungspsychologie und Pädagogische Psychologie 2021―Dec―09 Distanzlernen während der COVID-19 Pandemie Tanja Jungmann, Franziska Heinschke, Lisa Federkeil, Tabea Testa, Florian Klapproth
149 [GO] Crisis 2021―Dec―03 The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Suicide Rate Trends in the Tsunami-Disaster-Affected Area Following the Great East Japan Earthquake Masatsugu Orui, Suzuka Saeki, Yuki Kozakai, Shuichiro Harada, Mizuho Hayashi
150 [GO] European Journal of Psychology Open 2021―Nov―26 Overall Job Performance, Remote Work Engagement, Living With Children, and Remote Work Productivity During the COVID-19 Pandemic Ferdinando Toscano, Salvatore Zappalà
151 [GO] Zeitschrift für Neuropsychologie 2021―Nov―19 Neuropsychologie und COVID-19 Martin Peper, Sandra Verena Müller
152 [GO] Zeitschrift für Neuropsychologie 2021―Nov―19 Neuropsychologische Störungen und Symptome einer somatischen Belastungsstörung als mögliche Langzeitfolgen nach einer COVID-19-Infektion Sebastian Bodenburg
153 [GO] Zeitschrift für Neuropsychologie 2021―Nov―19 Neuropsychologische Störungen bei coronavirusassoziierten Erkrankungen Martin Peper, Juliana Schott
154 [GO] International Journal for Vitamin and Nutrition Research 2021―Nov―09 Prognostic nutritional index, immune nutritional status and COVID-19 Rujittika Mungmunpuntipantip, Viroj Wiwanitkit
155 [GO] Crisis 2021―Oct―22 Real-Time Mental Health Crisis Response in the United States to COVID-19 Jennifer D. Runkle, Margaret M. Sugg, Shrikanth Yadav, Stella Harden, Jaclyn Weiser, Kurt Michael
156 [GO] Pflege 2021―Oct―21 Die Situation der Pflegenden in Akutkrankenhäusern während der zweiten Welle der COVID-19-Pandemie Tobias Mai, Laura Todisco, Michael Schilder, Vanessa Franke, Johanna Ristau
157 [GO] European Journal of Psychology Open 2021―Oct―18 Impact of Consumer Emotional Intelligence on Satisfaction With Life During the COVID-19 Pandemic Muhammad Zubair Tariq, Ghulam Ali Bhatti, Naseer Abbas Khan, Moin Qadir
158 [GO] European Journal of Psychology Open 2021―Oct―18 Voices of Undergraduate Students With Disabilities During the COVID-19 Pandemic Lefki Kourea, Panayiota Christodoulidou, Argyro Fella
159 [GO] SUCHT - Zeitschrift für Wissenschaft und Praxis / Journal of Addiction Research and Practice 2021―Oct―15 Covid-19: Ein Nährboden für Internetnutzungsstörungen? Astrid Müller, Hans-Jürgen Rumpf
160 [GO] European Journal of Psychology Open 2021―Oct―05 The COVID-19 International Student Well-Being Study (C-19 ISWS) Ioulia Solomou, Fofi Constantinidou, Maria Karekla, Charis Psaltis, Andreas Chatzittofis
161 [GO] European Journal of Psychology Open 2021―Sep―29 Inaugural Issue of EJPO Responds to the Covid-19 Crisis Georgia Panayiotou, Samuel Greiff
162 [GO] European Journal of Psychology Open 2021―Sep―27 Mental Health and Well-Being During the First vs. Second COVID-19 Pandemic Lockdown in Cyprus Danae Papageorgiou, Angelos P. Kassianos, Marios Constantinou, Demetris Lamnisos, Christiana Nicolaou, Savvas Papacostas, Andrew T. Gloster, Maria Karekla
163 [GO] European Journal of Psychology Open 2021―Sep―24 Trust in Authorities and Demographic Factors Affect Vaccine Acceptance During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Cyprus Nikos Konstantinou, Stella A. Nicolaou, Christos Petrou, Myrtani Pieri
164 [GO] European Journal of Health Psychology 2021―Sep―23 Women Tend to Perceive Greater Risks Associated With the COVID-19 Outbreak and Are More Likely to Follow Precautionary Measures Gabriele Prati, Serena Stefani, Irene Barbieri
165 [GO] European Journal of Psychology Open 2021―Sep―21 Mental Health Status of Healthcare Workers During the COVID-19 Outbreak Christiana Nicolaou, Joanna Menikou, Demetris Lamnisos, Jelena Lubenko, Giovambattista Presti, Valeria Squatrito, Marios Constantinou, Savvas Papacostas, Gokcen Aydın, Yuen Yu Chong, Wai Tong Chien, Ho Yu Cheng, Francisco J. Ruiz, Miguel A. Segura-Vargas, Maria B. Garcia-Martin, Diana P. Obando-Posada, Vasilis S. Vasiliou, Louise McHugh, Stefan Höfer, Adriana Baban, David Dias Neto, Ana Nunes da Silva, Jean-Louis Monestès, Javier Alvarez-Galvez, Marisa Paez-Blarrina, Francisco Montesinos, Sonsoles Valdivia-Salas, Dorottya Ori, Bartosz Kleszcz, Raimo Lappalainen, Iva Ivanović, David Gosar, Frederick Dionne, Rhonda M. Merwin, Angelos P. Kassianos, Maria Karekla, Andrew T. Gloster
166 [GO] International Journal for Vitamin and Nutrition Research 2021―Sep―20 Prognostic nutritional index as indicator of immune nutritional status of patients with COVID-19 Iskender Ekinci, Hafize Uzun, Irem Kirac Utku, Hanise Ozkan, Mitat Buyukkaba, Ahmet Cinar, Murat Akarsu, Abdulbaki Kumbasar, Omur Tabak
167 [GO] Zeitschrift für Arbeits- und Organisationspsychologie A&O 2021―Sep―16 Abrupt Implementation of Telework in the Public Sector During the COVID-19 Crisis Susanne Christina Liebermann, Katharina Blenckner, Jan-Hendrik Diehl, Joschka Feilke, Christina Frei, Sophie Grikscheit, Swantje Hünsch, Kristin Kohring, Joya Lay, Gotje Lorenzen, Julia Reinhardt
168 [GO] Zeitschrift für Arbeits- und Organisationspsychologie A&O 2021―Sep―16 Forced Virtuality During COVID-19 Nathalie Schauffel, Thomas Ellwart
169 [GO] Zeitschrift für Arbeits- und Organisationspsychologie A&O 2021―Sep―16 The Impact of Telework and Closure of Educational and Childcare Facilities on Working People During COVID-19 Michèle Rieth, Vera Hagemann
170 [GO] Zeitschrift für Arbeits- und Organisationspsychologie A&O 2021―Sep―16 Individual Differences and Changes in Self-Reported Work Performance During the Early Stages of the COVID-19 Pandemic Hannes Zacher, Cort W. Rudolph, Melina Posch
171 [GO] Zeitschrift für Arbeits- und Organisationspsychologie A&O 2021―Sep―16 Working Under Pandemic Conditions Oliver Weigelt, Bernd Marcus, Jörg Felfe, Annette Kluge, Greta Ontrup
172 [GO] Zeitschrift für Psychologie 2021―Sep―09 Call for Papers: Psychological Perspectives on the COVID-19 Pandemic: Challenges and Chances Hanna Christiansen, Ulrike Lueken
173 [GO] GeroPsych 2021―Sep―08 Resilience in Informal Caregivers of People Living with Dementia in the Face of COVID-19 Pandemic-Related Changes to Daily Life Katharina Geschke, Svenja Palm, Andreas Fellgiebel, Alexandra Wuttke-Linnemann
174 [GO] European Journal of Psychology Open 2021―Sep―02 Determinants of Proactive Work Behavior of Employees During the COVID-19 Crisis Naseer Abbas Khan
175 [GO] European Journal of Psychology Open 2021―Aug―31 Perceived Stress of Cypriot College Students During COVID-19 Maria Panteli, Potheini Vaiouli, Chrysanthi Leonidou, Georgia Panayiotou
176 [GO] GeroPsych 2021―Aug―31 Students’ Attitudes and Intention to Work with Older Adults in the Era of COVID-19 Adam Shea, Cindy Woolverton, Katelind Biccum, Aiping Yu, Jessica V. Strong
177 [GO] Crisis 2021―Aug―31 Factors Associated With Suicide Ideation in Lithuania and Poland Amid the COVID-19 Pandemic Odeta Gelezelyte, Malgorzata Dragan, Piotr Grajewski, Monika Kvedaraite, Annett Lotzin, Magdalena Skrodzka, Auguste Nomeikaite, Evaldas Kazlauskas
178 [GO] GeroPsych 2021―Aug―31 Addressing the Mental Health of Black Older Adults During the COVID-19 Pandemic Danielle L. McDuffie
179 [GO] European Journal of Psychology Open 2021―Aug―18 The Lived Experiences of Pregnancy and Motherhood in Bosnian Women During COVID-19 Selvira Draganović, Nina Bosankić, Jasmina Ramic
180 [GO] International Perspectives in Psychology Research Practice Consultation 2021―Aug―04 COVID-19 and Women Erinn C. Cameron, Samantha L. Hemingway, Janine M. Ray, Fiona J. Cunningham, Kristine M. Jacquin
181 [GO] International Perspectives in Psychology Research Practice Consultation 2021―Aug―04 Women's Experiences During COVID-19 in Bangladesh Yeshim Iqbal, Rubina Jahan, Md. Ashiquir Rahaman, Md. Omar Faruk
182 [GO] International Perspectives in Psychology Research Practice Consultation 2021―Aug―04 Domestic Violence During the Time of the COVID-19 Pandemic Sevaste Chatzifotiou, Despoina Andreadou
183 [GO] International Perspectives in Psychology Research Practice Consultation 2021―Aug―04 “Mi Hijo es lo Principal” - Guatemalan Mothers Navigate the COVID-19 Pandemic Judith L. Gibbons, Regina Fernández-Morales, María A. Maegli, Katelyn E. Poelker
184 [GO] International Perspectives in Psychology Research Practice Consultation 2021―Aug―04 Psychological Well-Being of Indian Mothers During the COVID-19 Pandemic Ketoki Mazumdar, Isha Sen, Pooja Gupta, Sneha Parekh
185 [GO] International Perspectives in Psychology Research Practice Consultation 2021―Aug―04 Global Women During the COVID-19 Pandemic Judith L. Gibbons, Nancy M. Sidun
186 [GO] International Perspectives in Psychology Research Practice Consultation 2021―Aug―04 Affective-Semiotic Dynamics of the Transition to Motherhood in the Context of the COVID-19 Pandemic Vívian Volkmer Pontes, Juliana Almeida Santos, Maria Virginia Dazzani
187 [GO] European Journal of Psychology Open 2021―Aug―04 The Role of Psychologists in Healthcare During the COVID-19 Pandemic Maria Karekla, Stefan Höfer, Anne Plantade-Gipch, David Dias Neto, Borrik Schjødt, Daniel David, Christopher Schütz, Androula Elepftheriou, Petra Klastová Pappová, Koen Lowet, Lance McCracken, Rūta Sargautytė, Julia Scharnhorst, Jo Hart
188 [GO] Praxis 2021―Aug―04 Inhalation von Budesonid reduziert die Wahrscheinlichkeit einer schweren COVID-19-Erkrankung Johann Steurer
189 [GO] Zeitschrift für Klinische Psychologie und Psychotherapie 2021―Aug―04 COVID-19: Psychologische Folgen für Familie, Kinder und Partnerschaft Kurt Hahlweg, Beate Ditzen, Ann-Katrin Job, Judith Gastner, Wolfgang Schulz, Max Supke, Sabine Walper
190 [GO] European Psychologist 2021―Jul―15 Five Roles for Psychologists in Addressing Climate Change, and How They Are Informed by Responses to the COVID-19 Outbreak Stuart R. C. Whomsley
191 [GO] Praxis 2021―Jul―07 COVID-19 in der Intensivstation: medizinische, pflegerische und physiotherapeutische Herausforderungen Stephan M. Jakob, Karin Michel, Angela Kindler
192 [GO] Praxis 2021―Jul―07 COVID-19 in der Praxis - wann ambulant, wann stationär behandeln? Beat Lehmann, Christine Baumgartner, Anne-Kathrin Brill, Gunar Günther, Susanne Nüesch, Daniel Ott, Thomas D. Ruder, Maria Christine Thurnheer Zürcher, Hansjakob Furrer
193 [GO] GeroPsych 2021―Jul―06 Death Anxiety and Intrusive Thinking During the COVID-19 Pandemic Gigi Or, Yossi Levi-Belz, Daniela Aisenberg
194 [GO] European Journal of Psychology Open 2021―Jul―06 Adult Mental Health and Loneliness During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Late 2020 Elif Emir Öksüz, Bilal Kalkan, Nesime Can, Abdulkadir Haktanir
195 [GO] Pflege 2021―Jun―30 Gewalt und Gewaltprävention in der stationären Altenpflege während der COVID-19-Pandemie Stefanie Freytag, Anna Dammermann, Kristin Schultes, Anja Bieber, Steffen Fleischer, Marco Sander, Alexandra Piotrowski, Beate Blättner
196 [GO] Crisis 2021―Jun―15 Exploring the Changes of Suicide Probability During COVID-19 Among Chinese Weibo Users Sijia Li, Jia Xue, Xiaoqian Liu, Peijing Wu, Tianli Liu, Meng Zhu, Nan Zhao, Tingshao Zhu
197 [GO] Crisis 2021―Jun―15 Short-Term Effect of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Suicidal Ideation Hajime Sueki, Michiko Ueda
198 [GO] Pflege 2021―Jun―11 Anforderungen, Ressourcen und Arbeitsengagement Pflegender während der zweiten Welle der COVID-19-Pandemie Lena Dürr, Andrea Forster, Christina E. Bartsch, Clemens Koob
199 [GO] Praxis 2021―Jun―10 Lungenultraschall begehrt wie nie infolge COVID-19 Gebhard Mathis
200 [GO] Pflege 2021―Jun―10 Inter- und intraprofessionelle Zusammenarbeit in Krisensituationen auf der Intensivstation am Beispiel von COVID-19 Martin R. Fröhlich, Horst Rettke, Antoinette Conca, Karsten Boden
201 [GO] Praxis 2021―Jun―10 COVID-19 ed ecografia polmonare: un approccio innovativo alla malattia nello studio medico di medicina generale Andrea Griffa, Sara Rezzonico, Alessandro Giongo
202 [GO] Praxis 2021―Jun―10 Are Lung Ultrasound Findings in COVID-19 Pneumonia Typical or Specific? Giovanni Volpicelli, Luciano Cardinale, Thomas Fraccalini
203 [GO] International Journal for Vitamin and Nutrition Research 2021―Jun―08 Immunomodulatory role and potential utility of various nutrients and dietary components in SARS-CoV-2 infection Muhammad Osama Yaseen, Humzah Jamshaid, Arifa Saif, Talib Hussain
204 [GO] European Journal of Health Psychology 2021―May―26 Subjective Well-Being and Resilience During COVID-19 Pandemic in Turkey Ahmet Metin, Ali Çetinkaya, Eyüp Sabır Erbiçer
205 [GO] Praxis 2021―May―21 Das Long-COVID-Syndrom - ein neues Krankheitsbild nach COVID-19-Infekt Manuela Funke-Chambour, Laurence Feldmeyer, Robert Hoepner, Uyen Huynh-Do, Britta Maurer, Emrush Rexhaj, Thomas Geiser
206 [GO] Praxis 2021―May―21 Intranasale Steroide scheinen bei COVID-19-Kranken mit Anosmie oder Hyposmie keinen positiven Effekt zu haben Johann Steurer
207 [GO] Praxis 2021―May―21 CME-Rheumatologie 23/Antworten: Rheumatoide Arthritis nach COVID-19/SARS-CoV-2-Infektion Giorgio Tamborrini, Raphael Micheroli
208 [GO] Praxis 2021―May―21 Wie umgehen mit dem Informationsfluss zu COVID-19? Edouard Battegay
209 [GO] Crisis 2021―May―04 Violations of Suicide-Prevention Guidelines in US Media Coverage of Physician's Suicide Death During the COVID-19 Pandemic Erika E. Lynn-Green, Klaudia Jaźwińska, Adam L. Beckman, Stephen R. Latham
210 [GO] European Journal of Health Psychology 2021―May―03 Social Comparisons for Following Health Recommendations and Their Relation to Worry and Intentions During COVID-19 Jason P. Rose, Keith A. Edmonds
211 [GO] International Perspectives in Psychology Research Practice Consultation 2021―Apr―29 Women Leaders in Syria in the COVID-19 Response and Beyond Kristen Meagher, Aula Abbara, Ola Fahham, Preeti Patel
212 [GO] Praxis 2021―Apr―28 CME-Rheumatologie 23: Rheumatoide Arthritis nach COVID-19/SARS-CoV-2-Infektion Giorgio Tamborrini, Raphael Micheroli
213 [GO] Praxis 2021―Apr―20 Vaccinating Against Sars-Cov-2 at a Snail’s Pace Edouard Battegay
214 [GO] Praxis 2021―Apr―15 Impfen gegen SARS-CoV-2 im Schneckentempo Edouard Battegay
215 [GO] Praxis 2021―Apr―09 Long COVID/PASC (Post Acute Sequelae of SARS-CoV-2 Infection) Corinne Chmiel
216 [GO] Praxis 2021―Mar―17 COVID-19 und Kopfschmerzen Heiko Pohl, Andreas R. Gantenbein
217 [GO] Zeitschrift für Neuropsychologie 2021―Mar―04 COVID-19 - Ein Virus nimmt Einfluss auf unsere Psyche: Einschätzungen und Maßnahmen aus psychologischer Perspektive Juliana Schott, Martin Peper
218 [GO] Zeitschrift für Pädagogische Psychologie 2021―Mar―04 Teaching and learning during the first COVID-19 school lockdown: Realization and associations with parent-perceived students' academic outcomes Ricarda Steinmayr, Rebecca Lazarides, Anne F. Weidinger, Hanna Christiansen
219 [GO] Praxis 2021―Mar―03 CME/Antworten: Hypertonie und die COVID-19-Pandemie: Was in der medizinischen Praxis zu beachten ist Grégoire Wuerzner, Bernard Waeber
220 [GO] Praxis 2021―Mar―03 CME/Réponses: L’hypertension artérielle et la pandémie COVID-19: Ce qu’il faut retenir en pratique médicale Grégoire Wuerzner, Bernard Waeber
221 [GO] Zeitschrift für Sportpsychologie 2021―Feb―19 Covid-19 und Sportpartizipation: Kinder verlieren das Interesse am Nachwuchssport Valeria C. Eckardt
222 [GO] Pflege 2021―Feb―17 In sechs Wochen hat sich die Welt verändert: COVID-19 Marie-Madlen Jeitziner, Björn Zante, Béatrice Jenni-Moser
223 [GO] SUCHT - Zeitschrift für Wissenschaft und Praxis / Journal of Addiction Research and Practice 2021―Feb―17 Adolescent gaming and social media usage before and during the COVID-19 pandemic Kerstin Paschke, Maria Isabella Austermann, Kathrin Simon-Kutscher, Rainer Thomasius
224 [GO] Praxis 2021―Feb―03 CME: Hypertonie und die COVID-19-Pandemie: Was in der medizinischen Praxis zu beachten ist Grégoire Wuerzner, Bernard Waeber
225 [GO] Praxis 2021―Feb―03 CME: L’hypertension artérielle et la pandémie COVID-19: Ce qu’il faut retenir en pratique médicale Grégoire Wuerzner, Bernard Waeber
226 [GO] International Journal for Vitamin and Nutrition Research 2021―Jan―27 Obesity considerations during the COVID-19 outbreak François Dohet, Suva Loap, Alain Menzel, Mohammed Iddir, Frédéric Dadoun, Torsten Bohn, Hanen Samouda
227 [GO] Praxis 2021―Jan―26 Soins ambulatoires de patients COVID-19 Corinne Chmiel
228 [GO] Praxis 2021―Jan―26 Outpatient Care of COVID-19 Patients Corinne Chmiel
229 [GO] Praxis 2021―Jan―26 Ambulante Betreuung von COVID-19-Patienten Corinne Chmiel
230 [GO] International Journal for Vitamin and Nutrition Research 2021―Jan―25 The coronavirus disease (COVID-19) - A supportive approach with selected micronutrients Uwe Gröber, Michael F. Holick
231 [GO] International Journal for Vitamin and Nutrition Research 2021―Jan―13 Dietary supplements, vitamins and minerals as potential interventions against viruses: Perspectives for COVID-19 Muhammad Torequl Islam, Cristina Quispe, Miquel Martorell, Anca Oana Docea, Bahare Salehi, Daniela Calina, Željko Reiner, Javad Sharifi-Rad
232 [GO] Pflege 2020―Dec―03 Fallbericht über eine an COVID-19 erkrankte Patientin mit bestehendem Schmerzsyndrom Anja Katharina Peters
233 [GO] Zeitschrift für Klinische Psychologie und Psychotherapie 2020―Nov―26 Die COVID-19-Pandemie als Herausforderung für die psychische Gesundheit Eva-Lotta Brakemeier, Janine Wirkner, Christine Knaevelsrud, Susanne Wurm, Hanna Christiansen, Ulrike Lueken, Silvia Schneider
234 [GO] Pflege 2020―Nov―19 COVID-19-Pandemie in Berlin und Brandenburg - Eine Ist-Analyse in Krankenhäusern aus Sicht des Pflegemanagements Johannes Gräske, Sandra Lengert-Brzozowski, Fränze Neumann, Luisa Görsch, Maria Biniok, Louise Koppe
235 [GO] International Journal for Vitamin and Nutrition Research 2020―Nov―02 No significant association between vitamin D and COVID-19. A retrospective study from a northern Italian hospital Davide Ferrari, Massimo Locatelli
236 [GO] Praxis 2020―Oct―28 Für einmal nicht Coronavirus - Eine nicht alltägliche Ursache für Fieber und Hepatitis Veronika Gerhards, Martin F. Reiner, Jürg H. Beer, Michael Greiner
237 [GO] SUCHT - Zeitschrift für Wissenschaft und Praxis / Journal of Addiction Research and Practice 2020―Oct―09 Alkoholkonsum in Deutschland und Europa während der SARS-CoV-2 Pandemie Jakob Manthey, Carolin Kilian, Georg Schomerus, Ludwig Kraus, Jürgen Rehm, Bernd Schulte
238 [GO] SUCHT - Zeitschrift für Wissenschaft und Praxis / Journal of Addiction Research and Practice 2020―Oct―09 SARS-CoV-2 Pandemie und Suchterkrankungen: Schwerpunkt Opioidabhängigkeit und Substitution Oliver Pogarell, Heike Wodarz von Essen, Norbert Wodarz
239 [GO] Pflege 2020―Sep―30 Die COVID-19-Pandemie im akutstationären Setting aus Sicht von Führungspersonen und Hygienefachkräften in der Pflege Katharina Silies, Angelika Schley, Janna Sill, Steffen Fleischer, Martin Müller, Katrin Balzer
240 [GO] SUCHT - Zeitschrift für Wissenschaft und Praxis / Journal of Addiction Research and Practice 2020―Sep―02 Covid-19 und seine Auswirkung auf das Suchthilfesystem Anil Batra, Gerhard Bühringer, Stephan Mühlig, Hans-Jürgen Rumpf
241 [GO] SUCHT - Zeitschrift für Wissenschaft und Praxis / Journal of Addiction Research and Practice 2020―Sep―02 Erwartete Auswirkungen der Covid-19-Pandemie auf Angehörige Suchtkranker Gallus Bischof, Richard Velleman, Anja Bischof, Jim J. Orford
242 [GO] SUCHT - Zeitschrift für Wissenschaft und Praxis / Journal of Addiction Research and Practice 2020―Sep―02 Covid-19-Pandemie und Verhaltenssüchte Hans-Jürgen Rumpf, Matthias Brand, Elisa Wegmann, Christian Montag, Astrid Müller, Kai Müller, Klaus Wölfling, Rudolf Stark, Sabine Steins-Löber, Tobias Hayer, Samantha Schlossarek, Hannah Hoffmann, Tagrid Leménager, Katajun Lindenberg, Rainer Thomasius, Anil Batra, Karl Mann, Bert te Wildt, Thomas Mößle, Florian Rehbein
243 [GO] SUCHT - Zeitschrift für Wissenschaft und Praxis / Journal of Addiction Research and Practice 2020―Sep―02 Forderungen zum Schutz vor SARS-CoV-2 im Justizvollzug Karlheinz Keppler, Heino Stöver
244 [GO] Pflege 2020―Aug―19 COVID-19 bei Neugeborenen, Kindern und Jugendlichen: Fakten, Zahlen und Risiken Anna-Barbara Schlüer
245 [GO] International Journal for Vitamin and Nutrition Research 2020―Aug―19 Vitamin D can be effective on the prevention of COVID-19 complications: A narrative review on molecular aspects Amir-Abbas Shiravi, Milad Saadatkish, Zeinab Abdollahi, Paniz Miar, Hossein Khanahmad, Mehrdad Zeinalian
246 [GO] Pflege 2020―Aug―19 COVID-19 driven care changes in high risk patients from an outpatient to a community setting Mary Louise Daly, Andrea Zimmer, Julia Stickling, Thomas Daikeler, Florian F. Grossmann
247 [GO] Pflege 2020―Aug―19 Zwischen Traum und Trauma - Aufbau und Betrieb einer Kohortenstation für Patient_innen mit COVID-19 in einem Akutspital Clemens Rabes, Cornelia Bläuer, Volker Büche, Isabelle Gisler Ries, Susanne Knüppel Lauener, Richard Kuehl, Michael Osthoff, Marlen Pfeiffer, Silvia Probst, Victor Todorov, Eva-Maria Panfil
248 [GO] Pflege 2020―Aug―19 Wahrnehmungen von Pflegenden im Bereich der Intensivpflege während der COVID-19-Pandemie Anke Begerow, Ulrike Michaelis, Uta Gaidys
249 [GO] Pflege 2020―Aug―19 Gesundheitsverhalten und Bedürfnisse von Menschen mit COPD während der COVID-19-Pandemie Christine Hübsch, Christian F. Clarenbach, Heidi Petry, Annina Baltes-Wieser, Gabriela Schmid-Mohler
250 [GO] Pflege 2020―Aug―19 COVID-19-Schutzmaßnahmen in der stationären Altenpflege Florian Fischer, Lea Raiber, Claudia Boscher, Maik H.-J. Winter
251 [GO] Pflege 2020―Aug―19 Covid-19: Gesundheitliche Ungleichheit und Pflegebedürftigkeit Beate Blättner
252 [GO] Pflege 2020―Aug―19 Pflege in Zeiten von COVID-19: Onlinebefragung von Leitungskräften zu Herausforderungen, Belastungen und Bewältigungsstrategien Kira Isabel Hower, Holger Pfaff, Timo-Kolja Pförtner
253 [GO] Pflege 2020―Aug―19 Die Lebenssituation von Menschen mit Demenz und pflegenden Angehörigen während der Coronavirus-Pandemie Jennifer Geyer, Fabiola Böhm, Julia Müller, Juliane Friedrichs, Thomas Klatt, Christine Schiller, Viktoria Kißlinger, Gabriele Meyer, Stephanie Heinrich
254 [GO] International Journal for Vitamin and Nutrition Research 2020―Aug―03 Is vitamin C an effective agent for the prevention of COVID-19 and treatment of severe infection in the ICU? Ayşe Nur İzol Torun
255 [GO] Crisis 2020―Jul―27 Suicide Research, Prevention, and COVID-19 Thomas Niederkrotenthaler, David Gunnell, Ella Arensman, Jane Pirkis, Louis Appleby, Keith Hawton, Ann John, Nav Kapur, Murad Khan, Rory C. O'Connor, Steve Platt
256 [GO] International Journal for Vitamin and Nutrition Research 2020―Jul―17 COVID-19 and Vitamin D deficiency; the two pandemics. Are they correlated? Mona Alshahawey
257 [GO] European Journal of Psychological Assessment 2020―Jul―01 Ensuring Continuity of Pediatric Psychological Assessment Services During the COVID-19 Pandemic Cheryl H. Ong, Elizabeth S. Ragen, Ramkumar Aishworiya
258 [GO] VASA 2020―Jun―24 Reperfusion treatment for high-risk pulmonary embolism associated with COVID-19 Stefano Barco, Mario Münger, Tim Sebastian, Nils Kucher
259 [GO] International Journal for Vitamin and Nutrition Research 2020―Jun―09 Selenium supplementation can relieve the clinical complications of COVID-19 and other similar viral infections Mohammad Fakhrolmobasheri, Zahra Nasr-Esfahany, Hossein Khanahmad, Mehrdad Zeinalian
260 [GO] VASA 2020―Jun―05 Venous thromboembolism in patients with COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2 infection) - a position paper of the German Society of Angiology (DGA) Birgit Linnemann, Rupert Bauersachs, Mathias Grebe, Robert Klamroth, Oliver Müller, Sebastian Schellong, Michael Lichtenberg
261 [GO] Praxis 2020―May―29 Nierensonomorphologie bei COVID-19 mit akuter Niereninsuffizienz Jan Tuma, Felix Neugebauer, Martin Rohacek, Andreas Serra
262 [GO] VASA 2020―May―28 COVID-19 complicated by pulmonary embolism treated with catheter directed thrombectomy Francisco Leonardo Galastri, Leonardo Guedes Moreira Valle, Breno Boueri Affonso, Marcela Juliano Silva, Rodrigo Gobbo Garcia, Milton Rodrigues Junior, Leonardo Jose Rolim Ferraz, Gustavo Faissol Janot de Matos, Farah Christina de la Cruz Scarin, Felipe Nasser
263 [GO] Pflege 2020―May―28 Pflegeforschung zu COVID-19: Aus den Versäumnissen der Vergangenheit für die Zukunft lernen Katrin Balzer
264 [GO] Praxis 2020―May―27 Gedanken zum Gesundheitswesen Schweiz nach der COVID-19-Krise Mathias Scherz
265 [GO] Zeitschrift für Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrie und Psychotherapie 2020―May―06 Brief des DGKJP-Vorstands zur Coronavirus-Pandemie
266 [GO] Praxis 2020―May―01 COVID-19 - mehr Lungen-PoCUS und sparsam mit Stethoskop, Thoraxröntgen und Lungen-CT umgehen Joseph Osterwalder
267 [GO] Crisis 2020―Apr―17 Physical Distancing and Emotional Closeness Amidst COVID-19 Paul S. F. Yip, Pui Hing Chau

267 Results       Page 1


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