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COVID answers in Scientific Journals all over the world

Publishing House: The City Planning Institute of Japan

54 Results       Page 1

  original article Journal Date Title Authors All Authors
1 [GO] Journal of the City Planning Institute of Japan 2024―Oct―24 The Impact of the Introduction of Teleworking due to the COVID-19 pandemic on the Choice of Time and Place of Activity","COVID-19の蔓延によるテレワーク導入が活動時間と場所の選択に与えた影響 Ryuhei Kurasawa, Eiji Hato, Xiao Fu
2 [GO] Proceedings of The City Planning Institute of Japan Kansai Branch 2024―Jul―21 Research on the transition of tourism town tevelopment after the COVID-19","コロナ禍を経た観光まちづくりの変遷に関する研究 Tetsuya Takayama, Yoshie Inoue
3 [GO] Reports of the City Planning Institute of Japan 2024―Mar―10 コロナ禍における障がい者に対する移動支援時の考慮事項に関する研究","Considerations on mobility support to persons with disabilities during the COVID-19 pandemic Misuzu Kozuka, Maki Hisatani
4 [GO] Reports of the City Planning Institute of Japan 2023―Dec―10 Health and wellbeing benefits of use of urban green spaces during the COVID-19 pandemic","COVID-19蔓延下における都市緑地の利用と健康・ウェルビーイング Akiko Iida, Takahiro Yamazaki, Kimihiro Hino, Makoto Yokohari
5 [GO] Journal of the City Planning Institute of Japan 2023―Oct―24 Identifying the changes in people’s daily activities before and after the COVID-19 pandemic based on activity spaces measured using GPS log data","GPSログデータから捉えたアクティビティスペースに基づくCOVID-19流行前後の人々の行動変化の実態把握 Yuki Yoneda, Mamoru Amemiya
6 [GO] Journal of the City Planning Institute of Japan 2023―Oct―24 Relationship between the Inducing Zone of Urban Facility Location Plan and the Intention to Choose the Residence Place with COVID-19","COVID-19による居住地選択意向の変化と立地適正化計画の誘導区域の関係性に関する研究 Yuya Sato, Shiro 志朗
7 [GO] Reports of the City Planning Institute of Japan 2023―Sep―06 新型コロナウイルス状況下におけるスマートフォン位置情報を用いた都市公園の利用者数の分析","Analysis of the number of users of urban parks from smartphone users’ information during the COVID-19 Pandemic Sadatsugu Nishiura, Toshio Kobayashi
8 [GO] Journal of the City Planning Institute of Japan 2023―Apr―24 ウィズコロナ時代におけるキャンパスバス分散乗車の効果分析","Examination of the Effect of Bus Dispersion Boarding System in the Age of Living with Covid-19 Pandemic Ren Kawanabe, Takahiro Noguchi, Yoshiaki Ohsawa
9 [GO] Reports of the City Planning Institute of Japan 2023―Mar―09 Comparison of change in frequency and satisfaction in leisure activities with remote areas between urban areas in COVID-19 Takumi Yamada, Fumihiko Seta
10 [GO] Urban and Regional Planning Review 2023―Feb―21 <b>Analysis of Preference Between Commuting and Teleworking Considering Risk Perceptions During COVID-19</b> Violetta Dolbilina, Hitomi Sato, Meilan Jiang, Takayuki Morikawa
11 [GO] Reports of the City Planning Institute of Japan 2022―Dec―07 The Study of Changes in Children's Playing and Play Spot Choices due to COVID-19 Mai Suzuki, Namiko Minai
12 [GO] Reports of the City Planning Institute of Japan 2022―Dec―07 COVID-19 effects on CO2 emission by automobile usage in urban areas Sumiko Ishibashi, Koki Ohira, Shumpei Kawai, Mamoru Taniguchi
13 [GO] Reports of the City Planning Institute of Japan 2022―Dec―07 Intercity Comparison of Changes in Number of People Staying in Downtown Area Owing to COVID-19 Using Behavioral Elastic Diagram Reika Kamada, Takuya Maruyama
14 [GO] Journal of the City Planning Institute of Japan 2022―Oct―24 Study on the Location Trend and Consciousness of Residents on Short-Term Rentals under the Pandemic of COVID-19 Shinjiro Hashito, Kojiro Sho, Koichi Kana
15 [GO] Journal of the City Planning Institute of Japan 2022―Oct―24 The Study on the Relationship between Going-out Activities and Stress/ a sense of purpose in life in the COVID-19 Yu Suzuki, Motohiro Yamazaki, Yasuhiro Mimura
16 [GO] Journal of the City Planning Institute of Japan 2022―Oct―24 Progress of Telework and Workcation Efforts by Local Municipalities Under COVID-19 Pandemic Jun Sakamoto
17 [GO] Journal of the City Planning Institute of Japan 2022―Oct―24 Characteristics of Nationwide Migration in Japan under the COVID-19 Pandemic Ryo Fukuda
18 [GO] Journal of the City Planning Institute of Japan 2022―Oct―24 Factors Leading to "Dispersal to the Suburbs" under the COVID-19 Pandemic Riku Takeda, Kanta Kumeyama, Mamoru Taniguchi
19 [GO] Journal of the City Planning Institute of Japan 2022―Oct―24 Changing trends in the transaction volume of existing houses during the COVID-19 pandemic Masatomo Suzuki, Sachio Muto
20 [GO] Journal of the City Planning Institute of Japan 2022―Oct―24 How Has the Covid-19 Pandemic Affected Neighborhood Gentrification? Naomi Uchida
21 [GO] Reports of the City Planning Institute of Japan 2022―Sep―08 A Study of Life Style Trends in the Tokyo Metropolitan Area Under the Covid-19 Pandemic Fumihiko Omori, Yusuke Kumakoshi
22 [GO] Proceedings of The City Planning Institute of Japan Kansai Branch 2022―Jul―24 Changes in the Type of Restaurants Opening during the COVID-19 Sota Mori, Ryoga Ishihara
23 [GO] Proceedings of The City Planning Institute of Japan Kansai Branch 2022―Jul―24 Urban transportation problems because of lifestyle changes by COVID-19 Kazuki Kamaga, Takamasa Akiyama
24 [GO] Proceedings of The City Planning Institute of Japan Kansai Branch 2022―Jul―24 The recognition of Urban Parks during the COVID-19 pandemic using Instagram Aoi Shimomuki, Kaoru Matsuo, Shigeaki Takeda, Hiroyuki Kaga
25 [GO] Reports of the City Planning Institute of Japan 2022―Jun―07 The elasticity of the changes of behavior due to COVID-19 Riku Takeda, Ryoko Komatsuzaki, Mamoru Taniguchi
26 [GO] Reports of the City Planning Institute of Japan 2022―Jun―07 A study on changes in outing behavior, outdoor space usage and life satisfaction with COVID-19 Yusuke Moriwaki, Nao Hiyoshi, Masako Murota
27 [GO] Reports of the City Planning Institute of Japan 2022―Jun―07 Changes in life due to COVID-19 and suggestions for future international cooperation programs inurban areas of developing countriescooperation programs in urban areas of developing countries Shinichi Yoshihara, Kazumasa Sanui, Yuka Sawayama, Hikaru Takahashi, Yurie Hirabayashi, Takahiro Mizukami, et al. (+4)
28 [GO] Reports of the City Planning Institute of Japan 2022―Jun―07 Research on the Spread of the COVID-19 and Urban Park Use Rina Murooka, Masaya Hanafusa, Tomohiro Ichinose
29 [GO] Reports of the City Planning Institute of Japan 2022―Jun―07 A Study on Making “Ibasho” under the Expansion of COVID-19 in Suburban Residential Areas of Tokyo Metropolitan Districts Kanako Murata, Chikako Goto, Yuta Shin, Sae Kondo, Yusuke Kumakoshi, Yuji Yoshimura, Hideki Koizumi
30 [GO] Reports of the City Planning Institute of Japan 2022―Jun―07 A Basic Study of Demographic Changes Due to COVID-19 in Tokyo Akio Onishi, Tomofumi Fukai
31 [GO] Reports of the City Planning Institute of Japan 2022―Jun―07 Changes in Community Bus Usage and Living Environment During the COVID-19 Pandemic Chisato Ota, Namiko Minai
32 [GO] Reports of the City Planning Institute of Japan 2022―Jun―07 Study on Usage of Urban Parks and Greenway Networks During the COVID-19 Pandemic Tomoko Takeuchi
33 [GO] Reports of the City Planning Institute of Japan 2022―Jun―07 Users' activities and crowd densities in the city parks during the COVID-19 pandemic Haruesit Wongdara, Akane Suzuki, Daiki Takenaka, Yuta Isobe, Ryota Okamoto, Yamato Matsuzaka, et al. (+5)
34 [GO] Reports of the City Planning Institute of Japan 2022―Jun―07 Identifying changing patterns of people’s use of urban parks due to the COVID-19 pandemic Mamoru Amemiya, Masato Sano, Sayaka Fujii, Tsutomu Suzuki, Yoshiaki Osawa
35 [GO] Reports of the City Planning Institute of Japan 2022―Jun―07 Changes in Urban Activity and Lifestyle of University Students due to the COVID-19 Pandemic Naoki Suzuki, Mirai Takamatsu, Rein Nukui, Shun Fujimatsu, Euijung Hong, Yuto Miyazono, Kimihiro Hino
36 [GO] Reports of the City Planning Institute of Japan 2022―Jun―07 Social Changes Caused by the COVID-19 Pandemic and its Impact on Urban Space Yuki Hirahara
37 [GO] Reports of the City Planning Institute of Japan 2022―Jun―07 Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Restaurants in a Provincial City Takumi Iwanaga, Yoshiki Kodama, Taku Ariga, Ryuto Nishimura, Tomoaki Mouri, Haruka Ono
38 [GO] Journal of the City Planning Institute of Japan 2022―Apr―25 Study of the Conversion Pattern of Main Transportation modes and the Characteristics of Continuing / Stopping the Use of Public Transport during the COVID-19 Pandemic Masanori Okada, Takehito Ujihara, Hirofumi Hori
39 [GO] Journal of the City Planning Institute of Japan 2022―Apr―24 The actual situation of changes in the using online shopping during the COVID-19 Pandemic Yuki Ohata, Takehito Ujihara
40 [GO] Journal of the City Planning Institute of Japan 2021―Dec―21 COVID-19 Effects on Working Parent Gender Divisions Sumiko Ishibashi, Riku Takeda, Mamoru Taniguchi
41 [GO] Journal of the City Planning Institute of Japan 2021―Dec―21 Typology of Lockdown amid COVID-19 and its Challenges Kensuke Otsuyama, Yusuke Saito, Nobuhiko Komatsuzaki, Sachika Ishii, Shinichiro Matsumoto, Daiki Takenaka, U Hiroi
42 [GO] Journal of the City Planning Institute of Japan 2021―Dec―21 Introduction of telework during the first state of emergency of COVID-19 and after its lifting based on questionnaire survey on daily life behavior in 2020 Jun Okada, Atsushi Deguchi
43 [GO] Journal of the City Planning Institute of Japan 2021―Dec―21 A Study on the Effect of Japanese-style lockdown on Self-restraint Request for COVID-19 U Hiroi
44 [GO] Journal of the City Planning Institute of Japan 2021―Dec―21 The evaluation of social benefits to the functions of greenway in Kohoku New Town under the influences of COVID-19 Yuto Kanai, Yukari Niwa, Shigehiro Yokota
45 [GO] Journal of the City Planning Institute of Japan 2021―Dec―21 Effect on Population Flow by the Restrictions on Outings due to COVID-19 Yuto Nemoto, Sayaka Fujii, Masato Sano, Tsutomu Suzuki, Mamoru Amemiya, Yoshiaki Osawa
46 [GO] Journal of the City Planning Institute of Japan 2021―Dec―21 A study on change in dynamics of population and change in intention to choose a residence place by the COVID-19 Shirou Tsuboi, Yasuhiro Mimura, Motohiro Yamazaki, Yu Suzuki, Yasuhide Nishihori
47 [GO] Journal of the City Planning Institute of Japan 2021―Dec―21 Factor Analysis of Online Shift of Work by COVID-19 Ryoko Komatsuzaki, Sumiko Ishibashi, Takeshi So, Mamoru Taniguchi
48 [GO] Journal of the City Planning Institute of Japan 2021―Dec―21 Analysis on the effect of COVID-19 measures on human mobility in downtown of local city using transportation big data Yasuhide Nishihori, Sunyong Eom, Kuniaki Sasaki, Hideki Kato
49 [GO] Proceedings of The City Planning Institute of Japan Kansai Branch 2021―Dec―21 The Effect of the outbreak of infectious disease (COVID-19) on urban park usages Yusuke Otani, Hiroshi Takeyama, Satoshi Yamamoto, Tsuneharu Yakushiji, Isao Nakase
50 [GO] Journal of the City Planning Institute of Japan 2021―Dec―21 Study on Third Place and Happiness by Comparing Regional Difference and Before and Under COVID-19 Pandemic Seiji Hashimoto, Yoko Imamura, Haruka Uno, Hirofumi Hori
51 [GO] Journal of the City Planning Institute of Japan 2021―Dec―21 Measuring latent housing preference during the early stage of the COVID-19 pandemic Masatomo Suzuki, Yuta Arai, Chihiro Shimizu
52 [GO] Journal of the City Planning Institute of Japan 2021―Dec―21 Evolution of workers' daily schedules by COVID-19 pandemic Riku Takeda, Ryoko Komatsuzaki, Mamoru Taniguchi
53 [GO] Journal of the City Planning Institute of Japan 2021―Dec―21 Optimal Restriction of Urban Economic Activity In Case of Pandemic TOMOKI ISHIKURA
54 [GO] Journal of the City Planning Institute of Japan 2021―Dec―20 Optimal Restriction of Urban Economic Activity In Case of Pandemic Tomoki Ishikura

54 Results       Page 1


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