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COVID answers in Scientific Journals all over the world

Publishing House: IOS Press

934 Results       Page 1

  original article Journal Date Title Authors All Authors
1 [GO] Statistical Journal of the IAOS 2025―Jan―30 The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Official Statistics
2 [GO] Statistical Journal of the IAOS 2025―Jan―30 The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Official Statistics
3 [GO] Statistical Journal of the IAOS 2025―Jan―30 The Impact of COVID-19 on Official Statistics
4 [GO] Statistical Journal of the IAOS 2025―Jan―30 The Impact of COVID-19 on Official Statistics
5 [GO] Statistical Journal of the IAOS 2025―Jan―30 COVID Impact and Innovation during the COVID-19 Crisis
6 [GO] Statistical Journal of the IAOS 2025―Jan―30 The Impact of COVID-19
7 [GO] Statistical Journal of the IAOS 2025―Jan―30 The Impact of COVID-19
8 [GO] In Silico Biology 2025―Jan―20 Mixture model analysis reflecting dynamics of the population diversity of 2009 pandemic H1N1 influenza virus Li-Ping Long, Changhe Yuan, Zhipeng Cai, Huiping Xu, Xiu-Feng Wan
9 [GO] Journal of Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine 2024―Oct―15 Placental pathology in SARS-CoV-2 infected pregnancies: A single-institution retrospective cohort analysis T. Le, D. Lee, L.S. Brown, B.W. Payton, P. Sepulveda, J. Sisman, et al. (+3)
10 [GO] Journal of Alzheimer s Disease 2024―Oct―01 Projecting the Likely Impact of COVID-19 Infections on the Prevalence of Dementia in the United States John P. Ansah, Hannah Zacharia, Chi-Tsun Chiu
11 [GO] Technology and Health Care 2024―Sep―20 Do dynamic changes in haematological and biochemical parameters predict mortality in critically ill COVID-19 patients? Milka Jandric, Biljana Zlojutro, Danica Momcicevic, Sasa Dragic, Tijana Kovacevic, Vlado Djajic, et al. (+5)
12 [GO] Work 2024―Sep―13 Occupational pressures of frontline workers enforcing COVID-19 pandemic measures in Ontario and Q, Canada Pamela Hopwood, Ellen MacEachen, Daniel Coté, Samantha B. Meyer, Shannon Majowicz, Ai-Thuy Hyun, et al. (+5)
13 [GO] Human Antibodies 2024―Sep―13 The potential role of dyslipidemia in COVID-19 severity among Iraqi patients Hind S. Ahmed, Hiba S. Ahmed
14 [GO] Work 2024―Sep―06 The impact of Covid-19 on support teams Raquel Malheiros Faraco, Ole Broberg, Francisco José De Castro Moura Duarte
15 [GO] Human Antibodies 2024―Sep―03 Relation of ICAM-1 and VCAM-1 markers in COVID-19 patients in Kirkuk province Zubaida Najat Mustafa Albarzanji, Nuha Mumin Wahid, Najlaa Bakir Shaker, Zaid Mohammed Al-Bayati
16 [GO] Work 2024―Sep―03 Understanding the impact of the pandemic on university students: Changes in sleep, eating patterns, and psychological well-being Figen Turk Dudukcu, Muteber Gizem Keser, Nurhan Unusan
17 [GO] Work 2024―Aug―30 Time-related underemployment in Indian agro-based industry during Covid-19 Manjeet Kaur, Sukhmani Virk
18 [GO] Journal of Pediatric Rehabilitation Medicine 2024―Aug―30 Caregiver and student perspectives on school services for students with traumatic brain injury during the COVID-19 pandemic Cara Palusak, Libby Dart, Angela Ciccia, Drew Nagele, Jennifer P. Lundine
19 [GO] Human Systems Management 2024―Aug―30 Contextual barriers to implementing pandemic HRM in Indian manufacturing SMEs: A comprehensive analysis Nagamani Subramanian, M. Suresh, Bhavin Shah
20 [GO] Work 2024―Aug―02 Leveraging and learning from the long COVID experience: Translating telerehabilitation into practice Allison M. Gustavson, Michelle R. Rauzi, Alana Rasmussen, Bhavana Raja, June Kim, Todd E. Davenport
21 [GO] Journal of Alzheimer s Disease 2024―Jul―23 Revealing Molecular Patterns of Alzheimer’s Disease Risk Gene Expression Signatures in COVID-19 Brains Yan Liu, Weiyue Xu, Pan Yang, Xingshun Liu, Pankaj Gurjar
22 [GO] Work 2024―Jul―19 The relationship between sleep quality and fear of COVID-19, anxiety, personality traits in working women Gülseren Keskin, Süreyya Gümüşsoy, Gülay Taşdemir Yiğitoğlu
23 [GO] Physiotherapy Practice and Research 2024―Jul―19 Effect of virtual cardiac rehabilitation during the COVID-19 pandemic on health-related quality of life of older adults with cardiac problems Alexandra Wlazlik-Supernak, Ronan Margey, Emer O’Neill, Suzanne Timmons, Emma O’Shea
24 [GO] Work 2024―Jul―19 Investigation of social isolation and depression in female employees with urinary incontinence during the COVID-19 pandemic period Süreyya Gümüşsoy, Sevgül Dönmez
25 [GO] Work 2024―Jul―19 Letter to Editor: Google trend tells us search ergonomic solutions during COVID-19 pandemic was increased Amin Biglarkhani, Alireza Mortezapour
26 [GO] Human Antibodies 2024―Jul―19 Evaluation of SARS-Cov-2 neutralizing antibody among Sinopharm Vero Cell (BBIBP-CorV) vaccinated medical students Sony Khadka, Sanjib Mani Regmi, Nuwadatta Subedi, Arjun Poudel, Dhaka Ram Bhandari, Mitesh Karn, et al. (+2)
27 [GO] International Journal of Hybrid Intelligent Systems 2024―Jul―16 Towards hybrid approach based SVM and Radiomics features for COVID-19 classification and segmentation Ridha Azizi, Houneida Sakly, Abdallah Ahmed Wajdi, Alaa Eddinne Ben Hmida, Med Salim Bouhlel
28 [GO] Work 2024―Jul―12 Impact of social capital and perceived empowerment on burnout in health employees: A study in the shadow of the COVID-19 Fedayi Yağar, Emine Gerçek, Sema Dökme Yağar, Ahmet Tunç
29 [GO] Human Systems Management 2024―Jul―12 The influence of leadership on organizational performance through work-from-home outcomes under COVID-19 crisis in Thailand Tipparat Laohavichien, Chitawanphat Weerasai
30 [GO] Human Systems Management 2024―Jul―12 Effects of COVID-19 on accounting professionals’ job behaviors, focusing on the moderating effect of organizational communication Dena Breece, SiAhn Mehng, Daniel Parisian, Stephen Moore
31 [GO] Work 2024―Jul―12 Factors associated with anxiety disorders among healthcare workers (HCWS) involved in the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic Carole Pélissier, Mariasole Varano, Martine Moulin, Pierre Carcasset, Luc Fontana
32 [GO] Neurorehabilitation 2024―Jul―12 LIMBIC-CENC: Successfully conducting longitudinal mTBI research during the COVID-19 pandemic Sidney R. Hinds II, David X. Cifu
33 [GO] Work 2024―Jun―28 Objective and subjective evaluation of the use of protective clothing on the thermal strain and mental workload of nurses during the Covid-19 pandemic Fatemeh Asadollahi, Bahram Kouhnavard, Hadi Daneshmandi, Habibollah Dehghan, Mohammad Fararouei, Zahra Zamanian
34 [GO] Work 2024―Jun―25 Exploring the needs of healthcare workers receiving psychological first aid during the COVID19 pandemic François Bellemare, Isabelle Laguë, Valerie Arenzon, Lydia Khaldoun, Steve Geoffrion
35 [GO] Work 2024―Jun―21 Impact of COVID-19 among small-scale industry fishermen - A mixed methods study from the coastal area of Karnataka Geethu Mathew, Manikandan Srinivasan, Akshaya Kolangaredath, Gautam Melur Sukumar, Ravichandran Beerapa, Nanjesh Kumar, et al. (+2)
36 [GO] Work 2024―Jun―21 The relationship between burnout and work engagement levels of nurses and physiotherapists working during the COVID-19 pandemic period Mustafa Gülşen, Bekir Ertuğrul, Gülşen Taşkın, Ayça Aytar, Yasemin Kavuncubaşı Genç
37 [GO] Work 2024―Jun―21 Erratum to: Prevalence and predictors of burnout among nurses during the COVID-19 pandemic: A survey in teaching hospitals
38 [GO] Work 2024―Jun―18 Association between leisure-time physical activity and musculoskeletal pain before and during the COVID-19 pandemic in working adults Roberta A. Alves, Thaísa A. Penna, Michel O. Silva, Bruno R.R. Oliveira, Aldair J. Oliveira
39 [GO] Journal of Alzheimer s Disease 2024―Jun―11 What Has the Pandemic Taught Us About Caregiving? Mental Health in Family Caregivers of People with Dementia One Year After the Lock-Down Due to COVID-19 Pandemic Lucía Jiménez-Gonzalo, Isabel Bermejo-Gómez
40 [GO] Work 2024―Jun―07 Impacts of demographic factors and the COVID-19 pandemic on job stress in Japanese childcare workers Yuko Matsuda, Shoko Hamada
41 [GO] Work 2024―Jun―07 Changes in rehabilitation students’ clinical placement and clinical competence at graduation during the COVID-19 pandemic: A pilot study Ikuo Motoya, Shigeo Tanabe, Yuichi Hirakawa, Masanobu Iwai, Kazuya Takeda, Soichiro Koyama, et al. (+4)
42 [GO] Asian Journal of Water Environment and Pollution 2024―Jun―04 Navigating the Nexus: Insights from the COVID-19 Pandemic for Climate Change Mitigation M. Umamah, A. Mufti, Kashif Ali, Sheeba Jilani, I. Farooqi, M.A. Khan, et al. (+2)
43 [GO] Work 2024―Jun―04 Factors influencing healthcare workers’ performance before and after the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic: A bibliometric analysis with supplementary comparative analysis Haizhe Jin, Junnan Zhou, Jiahao Zhang, Yongyan Fu
44 [GO] Journal of X-Ray Science and Technology 2024―May―28 DKCNN: Improving deep kernel convolutional neural network-based covid-19 identification from CT images of the chest T. Vaikunta Pai, K. Maithili, Ravula Arun Kumar, D. Nagaraju, D. Anuradha, Shailendra Kumar, et al. (+4)
45 [GO] Journal of Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine 2024―May―24 Maternal and neonatal outcomes associated with illness severity of maternal COVID-19 J. Sisman, E.H. Adhikari, L.F. Black, A. Weiss, L.S. Brown, L.P. Brion
46 [GO] Technology and Health Care 2024―May―24 Examination of SARS-CoV-2 RNA in joint synovial fluid of patients with COVID-19 and acute knee arthritis Osman Ciloglu, Evren Karaali, Ahmet Yilmaz, Pelin Duru Çetinkaya, Nurdan Unlu, Hatice Kaya, et al. (+2)
47 [GO] Work 2024―May―24 Navigating the new normal: How workplace isolation impacted teleworkers’ psychological well-being in Covid-19? The roles of perceived organizational support and job insecurity Melike Artar, Oya Erdil
48 [GO] Intelligent Data Analysis 2024―May―17 EFS-XGBoost: A robust framework for precision classification of COVID-19 cases Mustufa Haider Abidi, Neelu Khare, Preethi D., Hisham Alkhalefah, Usama Umer
49 [GO] Work 2024―May―17 The relationship between job stress and job burnout of preschool teachers during the COVID-19: The moderation of perceived organizational support Zhang Yaqian, Wang Chonggao, Zhang Fan
50 [GO] Human Antibodies 2024―May―17 Unravelling humoral immunity in SARS-CoV-2: Insights from infection and vaccination Nouhaila Najimi, Chaimae Kadi, Noureddine Elmtili, Fouad Seghrouchni, Youssef Bakri
51 [GO] Human Antibodies 2024―May―17 Development and characterization of three novel mouse monoclonal antibodies targeting spike protein S1 subunit of Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Corona Virus Aymn T. Abbas, Sherif A. El-Kafrawy, Ashraf A. Tabll, Anwar M. Hashem, Tagreed L. Al Subhi, Mohammed Alsaadi, Esam I. Azhar
52 [GO] Work 2024―May―14 Impact of fatalistic approaches in the health crisis: COVID-19 example Cagla Yigitbas, Handan Ozcan, Ayse Elkoca
53 [GO] Journal of Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine 2024―May―14 Neonatal COVID-19 treatment: Are there new chances? M.S. Elfarargy, T.A. Alruwaili, A.R. Ahmad, D.H. Elbadry
54 [GO] Journal of Cellular Biotechnology 2024―May―10 In-vitro studies of relative intracellular alterations caused by three variants of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Corona Virus-2 (SARS-CoV-2) Poorna Khaneja, Annette Angel, Vinod Joshi, Bennet Angel, Shareef Mohammed Buvvaji, Sneha Mohan, et al. (+14)
55 [GO] Work 2024―May―07 Can COVID-19 infection be considered an occupational disease or injury? Analysis to fill up regulatory gaps Robayet Ferdous Syed
56 [GO] Work 2024―May―03 Intern nursing students’ experiences in the COVID-19 vaccination unit and views on the COVID-19 vaccine: A phenomenological qualitative study Sevcan Topçu, Zuhal Emlek Sert
57 [GO] Work 2024―May―03 Investigation of usage, attitudes toward complementary and alternative medicine among cancer patients in Turkey during COVID-191 Ezgi Genc, Irem Bulut
58 [GO] Work 2024―May―03 Lifestyle, meal times, and sleep patterns changes in higher education professors during COVID-19: Association with non-communicable chronic diseases Caroline Pereira Garcês, Camila Faleiros Veloso Soares, Tássia Magnabosco Sisconeto, Guilherme Cabral Borges Martins, Marina Abreu Dias, Rafaella Andrade Vivenzio, et al. (+5)
59 [GO] Journal of Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine 2024―Apr―30 Covid-19 infection in pregnant women: Auditory evaluation in infants F. Cianfrone, I. Cantore, C. Cazzaniga, F. Tauro, R. Chiarelli, F. Bianco, et al. (+4)
60 [GO] Work 2024―Apr―26 The effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on the caregiving burden of individuals caring for patients with chronic neurological diseases Sevgi Baytak, Esra Dogru-Huzmeli, Halil Hakan Uysal
61 [GO] Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems 2024―Apr―26 GeoCovaxTweets: A global analysis of COVID-19 vaccines and vaccination discourse on social media Pardeep Singh, Rabindra Lamsal, Monika Singh, Bhawna Shishodia, Chiranjibi Sitaula, Satish Chand
62 [GO] Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems 2024―Apr―19 Development of a non-invasive Covid-19 detection framework using explainable AI and data augmentation1 Aashitha L. Shamma, Susmitha Vekkot, Deepa Gupta, Mohammed Zakariah, Yousef Ajami Alotaibi
63 [GO] Human Antibodies 2024―Apr―19 The role of vitamin D against COVID-19 infection, progression and severity Hiba Sh. Ahmed, Hind Sh. Ahmed, Haylim N. Abud
64 [GO] Journal of Alzheimer s Disease 2024―Apr―19 Association Between Dementia, Change in Home-Care Use, and Depressive Symptoms During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Longitudinal Study Using Data from Three Cohort Studies Miharu Nakanishi, Syudo Yamasaki, Taeko Nakashima, Yuki Miyamoto, Claudia Cooper, Marcus Richards, et al. (+5)
65 [GO] Journal of Alzheimer s Disease Reports 2024―Apr―12 Cognitive Impairment in the Post-Acute Phases of COVID-19 and Mechanisms: An Introduction and Narrative Review Weiye Wang, Ruxin Cui, Luming Leng, Gang Wang, Guoping Peng
66 [GO] Technology and Health Care 2024―Apr―12 Leadership styles on job satisfaction and security among healthcare workers during the COVID-19 pandemic Lina H. Khusheim
67 [GO] Work 2024―Apr―09 Erratum to: Investigation of the effect of social support perceived by workplace employees on anxiety and job satisfaction during COVID-19
68 [GO] Journal of X-Ray Science and Technology 2024―Apr―09 DDA-SSNets: Dual decoder attention-based semantic segmentation networks for COVID-19 infection segmentation and classification using chest X-Ray images Anandbabu Gopatoti, Ramya Jayakumar, Poornaiah Billa, Vijayalakshmi Patteeswaran
69 [GO] Statistical Journal of the IAOS 2024―Apr―02 Experiences with mixed-mode surveys in times of COVID-19 at Statistics Netherlands Kees van Berkel, Jan van den Brakel, Daniëlle Groffen, Joep Burger
70 [GO] Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems 2024―Mar―22 On the explanation of COVID-19 blood test variables using fuzzy models Arturo Téllez-Velázquez, Pierre A. Delice, Rafael Salgado-Leyva, Raúl Cruz-Barbosa
71 [GO] Human Antibodies 2024―Mar―22 Expression level of non-coding (MiR-155) gene as biomarker for severity of Coronaviruses infection among vaccinated and non-vaccinated Iraqi patients Halah Kadhim, Abdulameer Ghareeb, Mohammed Alhilal
72 [GO] Journal of Alzheimer s Disease 2024―Mar―19 Erratum to: Shifting the Paradigm of Nursing Home Care for People with Dementia: The Italian Experience of Il Paese Ritrovato and the Impact of SARS-CoV-2
73 [GO] Work 2024―Mar―15 Efficacy of Vagal nerve stimulation on anxiety among elderly retired teachers during COVID-19 pandemic Vignesh Srinivasan, Varalakshmi Ruthuvalan, Sakthi Raja, Vanitha Jayaraj, Swathi Sridhar, Muthulakshmi Kothandaraman, et al. (+5)
74 [GO] Work 2024―Mar―15 Emotional burnout, job satisfaction, and intention to leave among pre-hospital emergency healthcare workers during the COVID-19 pandemic Fatih Mehmet Aras, Süreyya Gümüşsoy
75 [GO] Work 2024―Mar―15 Effects of short-term upper extremity exercise training in office workers during COVID-19 restrictions: A randomized controlled trial Barğı Gülşah, Sinem Suner-Keklik
76 [GO] Information Services & Use 2024―Mar―15 Enhancing citizen satisfaction and loyalty in e-government: Lessons learned from Jakarta COVID-19 website Rizka Nadhira, Hamdi Hamdi, Syora Alya Eka Putri, Tivani Shakilla Ervi
77 [GO] Work 2024―Mar―15 Online teaching experience of the healthcare faculty during the pandemic: A cross sectional analysis Beenish Fatima Alam, Nabeela Abbasi, Bing Han, Faisal Fahim, Muhammad Iftikhar Ali, Muhammad Awais Mehmood
78 [GO] Work 2024―Mar―12 Work ability and mental health at return to work after COVID-19: A descriptive study among healthcare workers Imen Youssfi, Najla Mechergui, Hiba Ziedi, Mariem Mersni, Siwar Chemingui, Wala Haouari, et al. (+3)
79 [GO] Work 2024―Mar―08 Impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on health and social professionals working with people with disabilities: A qualitative study Noémie Fortin-Bédard, David Bouchard, Naomie-Jade Ladry, Josiane Lettre, Boucher Normand, Simon Beaulieu-Bonneau, et al. (+5)
80 [GO] Work 2024―Mar―05 Evaluation of the relationship between the fear of COVID-19 and mental status of female employees during the COVID-19 pandemic Süreyya Gümüşsoy, Gülseren Keskin, Ruşen Öztürk
81 [GO] Work 2024―Mar―05 Morbimortality profile by COVID-19 in telework and on-site work in an oil and gas company in Brazil Giselly Storch Emerick, Eliana Zandonade, Camila Bruneli do Prado, Luciana Bicalho Cevolani Pires, Ol&ıvia Maria de Paula Alves Bezerra, Luciane Bresciani Salaroli
82 [GO] Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems 2024―Mar―01 A machine-based corpus optimization method for extracting domain-oriented technical words: an example of COVID-19 corpus data Liang-Ching Chen, Kuei-Hu Chang, Chia-Heng Wu, Shin-Chi Chen
83 [GO] Work 2024―Mar―01 The association between the work environment and the fear of Covid-19 experienced by nurses Ayse Dost, Duygu Sezgin, Esin Nihal Melek
84 [GO] Journal of Sports Analytics 2024―Mar―01 Performance analysis in top handball matches in the seasons before, during, and after the COVID-19 pandemic Paweł Krawczyk, Mateusz Szczerba, Jan Labiński, Maksymilian Smoliński
85 [GO] Work 2024―Mar―01 Experiences of students on virtual education in Iranian medical science universities during the COVID-19 pandemic: A qualitative study Roghayeh Salmani, Hamed Rezakhani moghaddam, Yalda Mousazadeh
86 [GO] Work 2024―Feb―27 Work productivity loss and work-related factors during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic: A cross-sectional web-based survey Kanako Ichikura, Yuko Fukase, Fuminari Asada, Ayako Hino, Asuka Tanoue, Hanako Murase, et al. (+2)
87 [GO] Journal of Alzheimer s Disease 2024―Feb―27 Impact of the Pandemic Time on the Mental Health of People with Dementia and Their Family Caregivers in Brazil and Chile: One-Year Follow-Up Loreto Olavarría, Paulo Caramelli, José Lema, Caíssa Bezerra de Andrade, Alejandra Pinto, Lílian Viana dos Santos Azevedo, et al. (+9)
88 [GO] Neurorehabilitation 2024―Feb―23 Cognitive and brain connectivity trajectories in critically ill COVID-19 patients Daniela Ramos-Usuga, Antonio Jimenez-Marin, Alberto Cabrera-Zubizarreta, Itziar Benito-Sanchez, Diego Rivera, Endika Martínez-Gutiérrez, et al. (+5)
89 [GO] Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems 2024―Feb―23 Pandemic management by using sentiment analysis and trapezoidal type-2 fuzzy linguistic intuitionistic fuzzy matrix games Huanyu Wan, Dong Qiu
90 [GO] Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation 2024―Feb―16 From recession to pandemic: Displacement among workers with disabilities from 2007 through 2021 Michelle Maroto, David Pettinicchio
91 [GO] Work 2024―Feb―16 Did changing work and family demands during COVID-19 (de)motivate academic parents to craft sustainable careers? Eren Kilic, Nergiz Cetin-Kilic, Berivan Tatar
92 [GO] Human Antibodies 2024―Feb―09 Effect of physical exercise on inactivated COVID-19 vaccine antibody response in the elderly Ömer Şevgin, Songül Özer
93 [GO] Work 2024―Feb―06 Effects of wearing medical gowns at different temperatures on the physiological responses of female healthcare workers during the COVID-19 Pandemic Sepideh Zand, Masoud Shafiee Motlagh, Rostam Golmohammadi, Mohsen Aliabadi, Leili Tapak, Mohammad Babamiri
94 [GO] Work 2024―Feb―02 Evaluating the impact of work from home policies on Google search Trends related to ankle surgery during the COVID-19 pandemic Kevin A. Wu, Albert T. Anastasio, Joshua K. Kim, Ankit Choudhury, Samuel B. Adams
95 [GO] Work 2024―Jan―30 Assessing the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on latex glove usage and latex allergy complaints among nurses: A descriptive study Aynur Koyuncu, İslam Elagöz, Ayla Yava
96 [GO] Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation 2024―Jan―26 The COVID-19 pandemic’s influence on employment outcomes of veterans enrolled in VA healthcare vocational rehabilitation Matthew E. Sprong, Bob Blankenberger, Sami M. Pierce, Heaven Hollender
97 [GO] Work 2024―Jan―23 Mental strain in German public administrations in the course of the COVID-19 pandemic Kevin Claassen, Sammy J.S. Wrede, Jan P. Kettschau, Dominique Rodil dos Anjos, Horst C. Broding
98 [GO] Work 2024―Jan―23 Face-to-face and e-learning during the COVID-19 pandemic: A Pakistani dental undergraduates perspective Jammaluddin Syed, Erum Khan, Rayyan A. Kayal, Ahmed Al Amoudi, Muhammad Nasir, Nisreen Nabiel Hassan, et al. (+2)
99 [GO] Work 2024―Jan―19 Preschool teachers’ predicaments of teaching online and strategies employed during the COVID-19 pandemic: A literature review Zi Rui Liu
100 [GO] Education for Information 2024―Jan―19 The experiences of disabled and neurodiverse Ph.D. students in LIS programs during the COVID-19 pandemic: Weathering the storm Keren Dali, Deborah H. Charbonneau
101 [GO] Journal of Pediatric Rehabilitation Medicine 2024―Jan―16 “Tremendous burdens often unveil enormous gifts”: The experiences of South African caregivers implementing speech and language teletherapy for children with cerebral palsy during COVID-19 Gabriela Evangelou, Skye Nandi Adams
102 [GO] Technology and Health Care 2024―Jan―16 Epidemiological survey of elderly patients diagnosed with COVID-19 at mobile field hospitals Mei-Mei Wu, Yao Li, He-Qun Jiang, Ye Ma
103 [GO] Work 2024―Jan―16 Professional quality of life, psychological well-being, and work engagement of healthcare professionals in two Greek hospitals during COVID-19: A cross-sectional study Nikos Rikos, Erion Mema, Christos Triantafyllou, Hellen Kleftonikolou, Emmanouella Mazaraki, Giorgos Gounelas, Georgia Kourlaba
104 [GO] Work 2024―Jan―16 The health and quality of life of dental workers in jordan during COVID-19: A cross-sectional study Zeid A. Al-Hourani, Khader A. Almhdawi, Isra A. AlBakri, Anas N. Alibrahim, Donia Obeidat
105 [GO] Work 2024―Jan―12 Using teleconsultation for health aspects of computer-based workers in the new normal situation (post COVID-19) of the world Bita Bagheri Gisour, Mahboubeh Ghayour Najafabadi, Hassan Gharayagh Zandi, Ina Shaw
106 [GO] Journal of X-Ray Science and Technology 2024―Jan―05 Diagnosis of Covid-19 from CT slices using Whale Optimization Algorithm, Support Vector Machine and Multi-Layer Perceptron R. Betshrine Rachel, H. Khanna Nehemiah, Vaibhav Kumar Singh, Rebecca Mercy Victoria Manoharan
107 [GO] Work 2024―Jan―05 Perceived implications of COVID-19 on physical, mental and social aspects of resident doctors in a tertiary care hospital Bansi Trivedi, Shailen Pandya, Meet Modi, Nisha Lalwani
108 [GO] Work 2024―Jan―05 Hours of sleep and associated factors in college students during the COVID-19 pandemic Carla Cesar Fontes Leite, Milena Oliveira Coutinho, Denise Vasconcelos Fernandes, Luiz Humberto Rodrigues Souza, Laura Emanuella Lima Costa, Klaus Araújo Santos, et al. (+4)
109 [GO] Work 2024―Jan―05 “I haven’t really gone through things like this”: Young long-term care workers’ experiences of working during the COVID-19 pandemic Cera E. Cruise, Sofia Celis, Bonnie M. Lashewicz
110 [GO] Work 2024―Jan―05 Predictors of anxiety and depression in operating room nurses during the COVID-19 pandemic: A multi-center cross-sectional study Filiz Ogce Aktas, Hale Turhan Damar, Burcu Ozkul, Patrick Voight, Mona Guckian Fisher, Michael Elin, et al. (+2)
111 [GO] Work 2024―Jan―05 Has COVID-19 really affected the physical and mental health of university students? One-year follow-up results after the pandemic declaration Gulhan Yilmaz Gokmen, Sule Kecelioglu
112 [GO] Work 2024―Jan―05 Association between occupational stress, occupational burnout, and depressive symptoms among medical staff during COVID-19: A cross-sectional study in Chongqing, China Chunmin Zhou, Fengqiong Chen, Jin Wang, Nan Jin, Jinshan Li, Bailiang Zheng, Mengliang Ye
113 [GO] Work 2023―Dec―29 Mapping the family incivility, dissatisfaction and organizational support after the COVID-19 outbreak Binod Rajak, K. Vidyullatha Reddy, Punam Singh, Vimal Kumar
114 [GO] Work 2023―Dec―29 Working from home, work/life conflict and mental wellbeing in Europe during the COVID-19 pandemic Mikael Nordenmark, Stig Vinberg
115 [GO] Journal of Back and Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation 2023―Dec―29 Effect of an online posture exercise program during the COVID-19 pandemic on students’ musculoskeletal pain and quality of life Nazan Öztürk, Emine Gerçek Öter, Filiz Abacıgil, Ecem Ersungur
116 [GO] Work 2023―Dec―29 The effect of nurses’ perceived stress on their work engagement and perceived professional benefit during the routine management of the Corona Virus Disease 2019 Pandemic Kai-Qin Deng, Xin-Yuan Chen, Xian-Ming Yuan, Yan-Rui Ren, Zhong-Mei Luo, Gang-Ying Li, Xia-Kang Deng
117 [GO] Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems 2023―Dec―22 A novel vision transformer model for rumor prediction in COVID-19 data CT images Raja Kumari Mukiri, Vijaya Babu Burra
118 [GO] Work 2023―Dec―22 Anxiety’s correlation with sleepiness and memory among security officers during Covid-19 pandemic Vignesh Srinivasan, Kumaresan Abathsagayam, Prathap Suganthirababu, Jagatheesan Alagesan, Surya Vishnuram, Rajkumar Krishnan Vasanthi
119 [GO] Neurorehabilitation 2023―Dec―22 Potential adverse effects of face mask use on cardiopulmonary function and thermoregulation in robotic stroke rehabilitation during the covid-19 pandemic Yundae Kwon, Chanhee Park, Wonjun Oh, Joshua (Sung) H. You
120 [GO] Work 2023―Dec―22 Effects of smartphone-based hypnotic intervention for undergraduate students’ shyness during the COVID-19 pandemic: A randomized controlled trial Lijun Ma, Huixue Wang, Mi Zhang, Zhenyue Zu, Linxi Yang, Fenglan Chen, et al. (+2)
121 [GO] Journal of Alzheimer s Disease Reports 2023―Dec―22 Long COVID-19 Symptoms in People with Dementia or Mild Cognitive Impairment Angeliki Tsapanou, Panagiota Zoi, Faidra Kalligerou, Patra Blekou, Paraskevi Sakka
122 [GO] Work 2023―Dec―22 Healthcare workers’ safety compliance behavior in times of COVID-19: The interaction model Tay Lee Chin, Tay Lee Chee
123 [GO] Work 2023―Dec―22 Effect of vagus nerve stimulation (taVNS) on anxiety and sleep disturbances among elderly health care workers in post Covid19 pandemic Vignesh Srinivasan, Kumaresan Abathsagayam, Prathap Suganthirababu, Jagatheesan Alagesan, Surya Vishnuram, Rajkumar Krishnan Vasanthi
124 [GO] Journal of Smart Cities and Society 2023―Dec―19 Use of mobile digital footprint to understand how COVID-19 impacts the visitors to art places in Singapore Xinyu Zeng, Bige Tuncer
125 [GO] Human Systems Management 2023―Dec―19 Work-life balance of university teachers after two years of telework during the COVID-19 pandemic Margarita Bakracheva, Ekaterina Sofronieva, Martin Tsenov
126 [GO] Biomedical Spectroscopy and Imaging 2023―Dec―19 Covid-19 pandemic has been a set-back for scientific productivity and the road to recovery must focus on improving the mental health and well-being of scientists Parvez I. Haris
127 [GO] Breast Disease 2023―Dec―19 Course of objectively measured physical activity and sleep in postmenopausal breast cancer survivors during the COVID-19 pandemic: A 1-year follow-up Sandra J.M. van Cappellen-van Maldegem, Meeke Hoedjes, Michiel R. de Boer, Inge L. Nijman, Henrike M.W. van Valenberg, Jacob C. Seidell, et al. (+4)
128 [GO] Journal of Computational Methods in Sciences and Engineering 2023―Dec―19 Utilizing time series for forecasting the development trend of coronavirus: A validation process Xusong Zhang, Feng Wang
129 [GO] Journal of Alzheimer s Disease 2023―Dec―19 Shifting the Paradigm of Nursing Home Care for People with Dementia: The Italian Experience of Il Paese Ritrovato and the Impact of SARS-CoV-2 Paolo Mazzola, Mariella Zanetti, Gaia Ferraguzzi, Maria Letizia Villa, Maria Cristina Sandrini, Marco Fumagalli, et al. (+6)
130 [GO] Human Antibodies 2023―Dec―19 Time-series bioinformatics analysis of SARS-CoV-infected cells to identify the biological processes associated with severe acute respiratory syndrome Razieh Fatehi, Farinaz Khosravian, Mansoor Salehi, Mohammad Kazemi
131 [GO] Neurorehabilitation 2023―Dec―19 Long COVID neuropsychological follow-up: Is cognitive rehabilitation relevant? Lucia Willadino Braga, Sandro Barbosa Oliveira, Andrea Suhet Moreira, Maria Eloá Moreira da Silva Martins Pereira, Andrea Simoes Serra Serio, Virgínia da Silva Carneiro, et al. (+2)
132 [GO] Work 2023―Dec―15 University lecturers’ perceived stress and self-rated health during COVID-19 Ha-Linh Quach, Chi Lan Thi Do, Giap Xuan Dang, Thang Manh Nguyen, Thang Cao Le, Ha Thu Nguyen
133 [GO] Bladder Cancer 2023―Dec―15 No Association Between BCG Instillations and COVID-19 Incidence in a Dutch Non-Muscle Invasive Bladder Cancer Cohort Moniek van Zutphen, Lambertus A.L.M. Kiemeney, Ursula T.H. Oldenhof, Jake S.F. Maurits, J. Alfred Witjes, Leo A.B. Joosten, et al. (+4)
134 [GO] Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems 2023―Nov―24 Study on intentional control strategy of COVID-19 Kejun Wang, Hebing Zhang
135 [GO] Journal of Alzheimer s Disease 2023―Nov―24 COVID-19 in Relation to Alzheimer’s Disease: Mendelian Randomization Analyses Add to Multiple Lines of Evidence Xinghao Zhang, Pengfei Wu, Yue Zhao
136 [GO] Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation 2023―Nov―24 How did employment consultants adjust and innovate services to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic? Danielle Mahoehney, Seunghee Lee, Julie Bershadsky, John Butterworth
137 [GO] Work 2023―Nov―24 Erratum to: Schoolteachers’ well-being: A pilot study from the AVATAR project during COVID-19 school closure Francesca Mastorci, Maria Francesca Lodovica Lazzeri, Paolo Piaggi, Cristina Doveri, Gabriele Trivellini, Anselmo Casu, et al. (+4)
138 [GO] International Journal of RF Technologies 2023―Nov―24 Evaluating compliance with COVID-19 social distancing protocol in a university in the south-east of Nigeria using radio frequency identification Ngozi C. Eli-Chukwu, Daniel Nmadu, Uma U. Uma, Marcellinus I. Eheduru, Ogah E. Ogah, Jerryson C. Emeh
139 [GO] Journal of Alzheimer s Disease 2023―Nov―21 Multifactorial Causation of Alzheimer’s Disease Due to COVID-19 Paloma Monllor, Praktush Kumar, Mari-Ángeles Lloret, Artemis Ftara, Jose-Luis Leon, Begoña Lopez, et al. (+3)
140 [GO] Technology and Health Care 2023―Nov―21 Application of prone position ventilation in ventilation strategies for patients with COVID-19 Yuan Bai, Fang He, Ying Yu, Jia Li
141 [GO] Journal of Alzheimer s Disease 2023―Nov―21 Association of COVID-19 with Risk and Progression of Alzheimer’s Disease: Non-Overlapping Two-Sample Mendelian Randomization Analysis of 2.6 Million Subjects Pingjian Ding, Mark Gurney, George Perry, Rong Xu, Daniela Galimberti
142 [GO] Journal of Alzheimer s Disease 2023―Nov―07 Mendelian Randomization Analyses Accounting for Causal Effect of COVID-19 on Brain Imaging-Derived Phenotypes Jiajie Lu, Rihong Huang, Yuecheng Peng, Jinming Zhang, Kairong Liang, Yezhong Wang, et al. (+2)
143 [GO] Intelligent Decision Technologies 2023―Nov―07 Severity prediction in COVID-19 patients using clinical markers and explainable artificial intelligence: A stacked ensemble machine learning approach Krishnaraj Chadaga, Srikanth Prabhu, Niranjana Sampathila, Rajagopala Chadaga
144 [GO] Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems 2023―Nov―03 Analysis and prediction of novel coronavirus pneumonia epidemic using hybrid response surface method with time-series and random forest Li-Ling Peng, Xiao-Feng Bi, Guo-Feng Fan, Ze-Ping Wang, Wei-Chiang Hong
145 [GO] Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems 2023―Oct―31 Implementation of a quantum machine learning model for the categorization and analysis of COVID-19 cases Heba Kadry, Ahmed H. Samak, Sara Ghorashi, Sarah M. Alhammad, Abdulwahab Abukwaik, Ahmed I. Taloba, Elnomery A. Zanaty
146 [GO] Technology and Health Care 2023―Oct―13 Assessment of the disease severity in patients hospitalized for COVID-19 based on the National Early Warning Score (NEWS) using statistical and machine learning methods: An electronic health records database analysis Valentinas Lycholip, Roma Puronaitė, Viktor Skorniakov, Petras Navickas, Gabrielė Tarutytė, Justas Trinkūnas, et al. (+5)
147 [GO] Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems 2023―Oct―13 An efficient Covid-19 detection and severity analysis using optimized mask region-based convolution neural network G. Prabakaran, K. Jayanthi
148 [GO] Technology and Health Care 2023―Oct―13 Application of artificial intelligence for the classification of the clinical outcome and therapy in patients with viral infections: The case of COVID-19 Almir Badnjević, Lejla Gurbeta Pokvić, Merima Smajlhodžić-Deljo, Lemana Spahić, Tamer Bego, Neven Meseldžić, et al. (+3)
149 [GO] Journal of Alzheimer s Disease Reports 2023―Oct―03 Self-Reported Neurological Symptoms Two Years After Hospital Discharge Among COVID-19 Survivors Jing-Juan Wang, Qiao-Feng Zhang, Di Liu, Qing Du, Cheng Xu, Quan-Xin Wu, et al. (+2)
150 [GO] Work 2023―Sep―29 COVID-19 and the Americans with disabilities act: Implications for employment and higher education Mariana Garcia Torres, Olivia Condon, Sarah Parker Harris, Robert Gould, Mark Harniss
151 [GO] Work 2023―Sep―29 Mental workload, musculoskeletal discomfort and physical activity level in master’s degree students in the COVID-19 context: A pilot study Carolina Rodríguez-Herrera, Victoria Villalobos-Molina, Tamara Barría-Emparán, Varinnia Guillén-Jiménez, Felipe Mardones-Carpanetti
152 [GO] Work 2023―Sep―29 Prevalence and predictors of burnout among nurses during the COVID-19 pandemic: A survey in teaching hospitals Mehdi Raei, Mohammad Amin Shahrbaf, Mohammad Mahdi Salaree, Maryam Yaghoubi, Akram Parandeh
153 [GO] Journal of Alzheimer s Disease 2023―Sep―29 A Mediterranean Diet and Walking Intervention to Reduce Cognitive Decline and Dementia Risk in Independently Living Older Australians: The MedWalk Randomized Controlled Trial Experimental Protocol, Including COVID-19 Related Modifications and Baseline Characteristics Andrew Pipingas, Karen J. Murphy, Courtney R. Davis, Catherine Itsiopoulos, Michael Kingsley, Andrew Scholey, et al. (+19)
154 [GO] Model Assisted Statistics and Applications 2023―Sep―22 Bayesian inference on sparse multinomial data using smoothed Dirichlet distribution with an application to COVID-19 data Lahiru Wickramasinghe, Alexandre Leblanc, Saman Muthukumarana
155 [GO] Model Assisted Statistics and Applications 2023―Sep―22 The gamma-Maxwell regression for COVID-19 mortality rates of the 50 U.S. largest cities N.S.S. da Costa, G.M. Cordeiro
156 [GO] Journal of Alzheimer s Disease 2023―Sep―22 Metacognition in Community-Dwelling Older Black and African American Adults During the COVID-19 Pandemic Katherine Kero, Colt M. Halter, Allison C. Moll, Sophie M. Hanna, John L. Woodard, Bruno Giordani, et al. (+2)
157 [GO] Model Assisted Statistics and Applications 2023―Sep―22 Best-worst scaling in studying the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on health professionals in Ghana Eric Nyarko, Dennis Arku, Gifty Duah
158 [GO] Work 2023―Sep―19 Fear of COVID-19 as a mediator within the impact of presenteeism on social loafing1 Onur Basar Ozbozkurt, Emel Bahar, Fatma Yesilkus
159 [GO] Work 2023―Sep―19 The impact of COVID-19 on neck pain intensity and onset: A systematic review Zaid M. Mansour, Saad Al Nassan, Mohannad Hawamdeh, Shaden Al Bustanji, Faris Alshammari
160 [GO] Work 2023―Sep―19 Perceptions of forest product businesses employees in Turkey regarding occupational health and safety during the COVID-19 pandemic Ahmet Bora Kirklikçi, Serap Bayram
161 [GO] Work 2023―Sep―19 The status of work-related COVID-19 prevention measures and risk factors in hospitals Golnoush Dehghan, Fatemeh Malekpour, Tohid Jafari-Koshki, Yousef Mohammadian, Hossein Rostami
162 [GO] Work 2023―Sep―15 Impact of COVID-19 on the self-esteem, psychological and dental esthetics of dental students Firas K. Alqarawi, Beenish Fatima Alam, Talha Nayab, Sami Alshehry, Badr Al-Jandan, Faisal Fahim, Saqib Ali
163 [GO] Journal of Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine 2023―Sep―15 Morbidity and mortality of newborn from preeclampsia mother with SARS-CoV-2 infection S.N. Lumbanraja, I.H. Effendi, A. Siahaan, B.E.P. Bancin, T. Sinurat
164 [GO] Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems 2023―Sep―01 A user-friendly AI-based clinical decision support system for rapid detection of pandemic diseases: Covid-19 and Monkeypox Tuba Adar, Orhan Delice, Elif Kílíç Delice
165 [GO] Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems 2023―Aug―25 Automatic detection of coronavirus disease (COVID-19) in X-ray images using transfer learning Hangxing Huang, Lindong Ma
166 [GO] Journal of Alzheimer s Disease 2023―Aug―22 Common Molecular Signatures Between Coronavirus Infection and Alzheimer’s Disease Reveal Targets for Drug Development Morteza Abyadeh, Vijay K. Yadav, Alaattin Kaya
167 [GO] Work 2023―Aug―22 Global coronavirus vaccination campaign: The role of religious workers in vaccine distribution, public mobilization and the eradication of nationalism Lomg Niu, Muhammad Miraj, Lu Chuntian, Ramiz ur Rehman, Saima Shereen
168 [GO] Human Systems Management 2023―Aug―13 Human management control systems on construction firms amidst COVID-19 Milton Soto-Ferrari, Odette Chams-Anturi
169 [GO] Technology and Health Care 2023―Aug―04 Research on contactless intelligent medication pickup mode selection based on a hospital in China under COVID-19 Xinyi Liu, Hao Liu, Yuanji Liu
170 [GO] Journal of Cellular Biotechnology 2023―Aug―04 Hemorrheological changes in arterial hypertension in persons with and without COVID-19 A.V. Muravyov, A.V. Priezzhev, I.A. Tikhomirova, A.E. Lugovtsov, P.V. Mikhailov
171 [GO] Work 2023―Jul―21 Visual Display Terminal Syndrome and Its Associated Factors among University Students during the COVID-19 Pandemic Hyojin Kim, Se-Jin Kim, Sujin Hwang
172 [GO] Work 2023―Jul―21 Teachers during COVID-19: examining burnout levels and their work-life Luca Rossi, Margot Zanetti, Maria Giovina Pasca
173 [GO] Work 2023―Jul―18 Occupational burnout and public stigma associated with employee mental well-being: A multi-industry, cross-sectional study during COVID-19 Austin Fannin, Cole Hooley, Cody J. Reeves, Katherine Marçal, Rachel Treglown, Rachel Woerner
174 [GO] Human Antibodies 2023―Jul―18 Effect of IL-6 and CRP titer with antibody level on severity of COVID-19 infection Adeq K. Hachim, Aesha Saber Ali, Khalid B. Arif
175 [GO] Journal of Back and Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation 2023―Jul―18 The effect of sleep hygiene and physiotherapy on bruxism, sleep, and oral habits in children with sleep bruxism during the COVID-19 pandemic Aysenur Tuncer, Eren Kastal, Abidin Hakan Tuncer, İffet Yazıcıoğlu
176 [GO] Work 2023―Jul―18 Burnout syndrome, work ability, quality of life and physical activity in teachers during the COVID-19 pandemic in Campo Grande, Brazil Lúcio Barbosa Neto, Thomaz Nogueira Burke, Gustavo Christofolleti, Gildiney Penaves de Alencar
177 [GO] Human Systems Management 2023―Jul―18 Job insecurity in COVID-19: A longitudinal study Shuaib Ahmed Soomro, Akhtiar Ali, Agha Amad Nabi, Suhaib Ahmed
178 [GO] Information Services & Use 2023―Jul―14 Preface: Lessons learned during the COVID-19 pandemic about public receptivity, health literacy, and health communication: A tribute to Andrew Pleasant Robert A. Logan, Robert A. Logan
179 [GO] Journal of Back and Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation 2023―Jul―11 Musculoskeletal system symptoms in patients with COVID-19 and the impact of these symptoms on quality of life Ender Erden, Ayla Cagliyan Turk, Ebru Erden, Zuhal Dag
180 [GO] Human Antibodies 2023―Jul―11 Evaluation of IL-6 and IL-17A gene polymorphisms in Iraqi patients infected with COVID-19 and type 2 diabetes mellitus Qusay Abdulwahab Khalaf, Khetam Habeeb Rasool, Eman Natiq Naji
181 [GO] Human Antibodies 2023―Jul―11 SARS-CoV-2 strain-specific anti-spike IgG ELISA utilizing spike protein produced by silkworms Takeyuki Goto, Tomoki Sasaki, Yong Chong, Masahiro Taniguchi, Jae Man Lee, Akitsu Masuda, et al. (+10)
182 [GO] Journal of Back and Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation 2023―Jul―11 Negative effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on the musculoskeletal system and depression in healthcare professionals Abdulkadir Aydin, Ramazan Atiç
183 [GO] Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems 2023―Jul―04 Optimal adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system with biogeography-based optimization for numbers of COVID-19 vaccination prediction Pi-Shan Hsu, Chien-Chung Huang, Wei-Ying Sung, Han-Ying Tsai, Zih-Xin Wu, Ting-Yu Lin, et al. (+2)
184 [GO] Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems 2023―Jun―30 Forecasting Covid-19 outbreak using CLR optimized stacked generalization computational models Saranya Devi Jeyabalan, Nancy Jane Yesudhas, Jayashree Sathyanarayanan, Khanna Nehemiah
185 [GO] Work 2023―Jun―27 Bibliometric and systemic analysis of the relationship between quality of work life and productivity during the COVID-19 pandemic José Ramón López-Arellano, Salvador Abraham Romero-Rubio, Kate Montserrat Sandoval-Félix, Antonio Humberto Vega-Arellano
186 [GO] Work 2023―Jun―27 The activity levels and quality of life of physically disabled children who continued or did not continue rehabilitation during the COVID-19 pandemic Fulya Senem Karaahmetoğlu, Esra Pehlivan, Zeynep Betül Özcan
187 [GO] Work 2023―Jun―27 Decent work and the effect of the COVID-19 pandemic: A two-wave study1 Susana Alves Pereira, Nuno Rebelo dos Santos, Leonor Pais, Marco Pereira
188 [GO] Work 2023―Jun―27 Health status of childcare center providers in a COVID-19 hotspot Cynthia N. Lebron, Yaray Agosto, Rohit Nair, M. Sunil Mathew, Ruby Natale, Sarah E. Messiah
189 [GO] Work 2023―Jun―24 Varieties of ‘new normal’: Employment experiences among youth with and without disabilities during the reopening stages of the COVID-19 pandemic Kristina Fuentes, Sharmigaa Ragunathan, Sally Lindsay
190 [GO] Work 2023―Jun―24 Work readiness and barriers to employment during COVID-19 for individuals with neurofibromatosis Type 1 (NF1) Frank D. Buono, Maxim Polonsky, Asher Marks, Kaitlyn Larkin, Matthew E. Sprong
191 [GO] Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems 2023―Jun―20 The supplier performance evaluation of sports event service under the COVID-19 outbreak: A novel hesitant fuzzy MARCOS method Guo Li, Xiuli Geng, Yong Yuan
192 [GO] International Journal of Risk & Safety in Medicine 2023―Jun―20 Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on dispensing medicines in the community pharmacy Shafq Al-Azzawi, Dhafir Masheta
193 [GO] Model Assisted Statistics and Applications 2023―Jun―13 COVID-19 and online teaching in higher education: A discrete choice experiment Eric Nyarko, Edmund Fosu Agyemang, Dennis Arku
194 [GO] Information Services & Use 2023―Jun―13 Disparities in public understanding, attitudes, and intentions during the Covid-19 pandemic: The role of health literacy Kirsten J. McCaffery, Julie Ayre, Rachael Dodd, Kristen Pickles, Tessa Copp, Danielle M. Muscat, et al. (+9)
195 [GO] Information Polity 2023―Jun―13 Technology, transparency, and collaboration/integration: Analysis of digital government problems from public communication perspective during the COVID-19 pandemic in Indonesia Hermin Indah Wahyuni, Andi Awaluddin Fitrah, Deby Febriyan Eprilianto, Ida Mardalena
196 [GO] Human Antibodies 2023―Jun―13 Immunoglobulin G follow-up and immune response longevity analysis in SARS-CoV-2 convalescent patients and vaccinated individuals: A longitudinal analysis Fadia Mothafar Maki, Anima Namma AL-Thwani, Kareem Shahal Jiad, Karar Nadhum Jawad Musafer
197 [GO] Information Polity 2023―Jun―09 Pandemic techno-politics in the global South Rodrigo Firmino, Rafael Evangelista
198 [GO] Information Services & Use 2023―Jun―02 Health literacy and empowerment in the COVID-19 era Sandra Smith, Elena T. Carbone, Robert A. Logan
199 [GO] International Journal of Hybrid Intelligent Systems 2023―Jun―02 A rapid literature review on ensemble algorithms for COVID-19 classification using image-based exams Elaine Pinto Portela, Omar Andres Carmona Cortes, Josenildo Costa da Silva
200 [GO] Journal of Alzheimer s Disease Reports 2023―May―30 Characterizing PRN Use of Psychotropic Medications for Acute Agitation in Canadian Long-Term Care Residents with Dementia Before and During COVID-19 Hui Jue Wang, Raphael W. Kusumo, Alex Kiss, Gayla Tennen, Giovanni Marotta, Shirley Viaje, Krista L. Lanctôt
201 [GO] Journal of Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine 2023―May―30 Vaccination is preventing development of placental pathologies in SARS-CoV-2 infected pregnant patients E. Ozer, E. Cagliyan, S. Cagaptay
202 [GO] Journal of Parkinson s Disease 2023―May―30 Worsening of Parkinson’s Disease After Termination of COVID-19 Quarantine Cannot Be Reversed Despite Resumption of Physiotherapy Christian Ineichen, Heide Vogel-Baumann, Matthias Sitzler, Günther Deuschl, Christian R. Baumann
203 [GO] Work 2023―May―23 Continuing work in times of covid-19: Protection measures in the workplace for health professionals Bárbara Iansã de Lima Barroso, Carla Aparecida Alves da Silva, Igor de Lucena Mascarenhas, Lilian de Fatima Zanoni Nogueira, Wellington Batista Ferreira, Angélica Barros Araújo, Ana Cristina de Oliveira e Silva
204 [GO] Work 2023―May―23 Anxiety and work overload perception levels of primary healthcare professionals during the COVID-19 pandemic İrem YİĞİT, Filiz ÖZKAN
205 [GO] Work 2023―May―23 Analysis of the mental health status of hospital staff during the COVID-19 pandemic Yichi Zhang, Qingqian Mo, Chen Tan, Jing Hu, Min Zhao, Xiaoyun Xiong, Jinqiang Zhang
206 [GO] Work 2023―May―23 Change in women’s work burden and gender norms of unpaid care work after the second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic in India Praheli Dhar Chowdhuri, Kaushik Kundu, Suman Meyur
207 [GO] Technology and Disability 2023―May―23 Assessing the accessibility of healthcare websites for disabled users: A case study of COVID-19 pandemic websites Diksha Dani, Gaurav Agrawal
208 [GO] Information Polity 2023―May―23 U.S. state health agencies and organizational learning: An exploratory analysis of website accessibility during COVID-19 Michelle Allgood, Ashlee Frandell
209 [GO] Human Antibodies 2023―May―23 Postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome-like symptoms following COVID-19 vaccination: An overview of clinical literature Phu TV, Thu Thao Tran, Huynh Trung Hao, Nguyen Thi Hien Hau, Nityanand Jain, Aigars Reinis
210 [GO] Education for Information 2023―May―23 Professor’s and student’s perspectives on digital education during the COVID-19 pandemic in Germany: Online teaching, adaptation of courses and OER Lea Wöbbekind, Leonie Voland, Orhan Yener, Juan-José Boté Vericad, Silvia Argudo, Cristóbal Urbano, Thomas Mandl
211 [GO] Clinical Hemorheology and Microcirculation 2023―May―23 Associations of anemia and blood transfusions with mortality in old, critically ill COVID-19 patients - Results from the prospective COVIP Study Ralf Erkens, Dragos Duse, Bernhard Wernly, Hans Flaatten, Jesper Fjølner, Raphael Romano Bruno, et al. (+18)
212 [GO] Work 2023―May―16 Prevalence of impaired upper extremity neural mobility among smart device users during the COVID-19 pandemic G. Rajesh, K. Ramana, Vignesh Srinivasan, A. Kumaresan, Prathap Suganthirababu, S. Promotha, Jagatheesan Alagesan
213 [GO] Journal of Neuromuscular Diseases 2023―May―16 Life Experiences in Neuromuscular Tracheotomized Patients in Times of Covid-19 Eleonora Volpato, Paola Pierucci, Maria Luisa De Candia, Massimo Casparrini, Valeria Volpi, Francesco Pagnini, et al. (+2)
214 [GO] Journal of Alzheimer s Disease 2023―May―16 Incidence of Newly-Diagnosed Dementia After COVID-19 Infection versus Acute Upper Respiratory Infection: A Retrospective Cohort Study Celina Gollop, Rebecca Zingel, Louis Jacob, Lee Smith, Ai Koyanagi, Karel Kostev
215 [GO] Intelligent Data Analysis 2023―May―12 Efficacy of the confinement policies on the COVID-19 spread dynamics in the early period of the pandemic Mehedi Hassan, Md. Enamul Haque, Mehmet Engin Tozal
216 [GO] Clinical Hemorheology and Microcirculation 2023―May―09 A normative blood velocity model in the exchange microvessels for discriminating health from disease: Healthy controls versus COVID-19 cases Aristotle G. Koutsiaris, Konstantina Riri, Stylianos Boutlas, Zoe Daniil, Evangelia E. Tsironi
217 [GO] Human Systems Management 2023―May―09 Strategic planning and organizational performance in food business: The role of organizational trust and pandemic planning M. Sandi Marta, Sahya Anggara, Tjutju Yuniarsih, A. Sobandi
218 [GO] International Journal of Risk & Safety in Medicine 2023―May―05 Workplace policies and quality of working life (QoWL) during the COVID-19 pandemic in Jordanian hospitals Mohammad S. Alyahya, Salam Momani, Main Naser Alolayyan, Yousef S. Khader
219 [GO] International Journal of Risk & Safety in Medicine 2023―May―05 Acute renal failure and cardiac arrhythmias associated with remdesivir use in patients with COVID-19 infections: Analysis using the US FDA adverse event reporting system Lisajo Orogun, Te-yuan Chyou, Prasad S. Nishtala
220 [GO] Journal of Alzheimer s Disease 2023―May―05 Consequences and Perception of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Patients and Caregivers in an Austrian Memory Clinic Population One Year After Pandemic Onset Michaela Defrancesco, Eberhard A. Deisenhammer, Timo A. Schurr, Markus Ortner, Jessica Peter
221 [GO] Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems 2023―May―05 Analyzing research trends of sentiment analysis and its applications for Coronavirus disease (COVID-19): A systematic review Vipin Jain, Kanchan Lata Kashyap
222 [GO] International Journal of Risk & Safety in Medicine 2023―May―05 Healthcare-acquired Sars-Cov-2 infection: A viable legal category? Vittorio Bolcato, Livio Pietro Tronconi, Anna Odone, Lorenzo Blandi
223 [GO] Work 2023―Apr―28 How does organizational culture affect employees’ mental health during COVID-19? The mediating role of transparent communication Jianmin Sun, Muddassar Sarfraz, Larisa Ivascu, Ilknur Ozturk
224 [GO] Technology and Health Care 2023―Apr―28 Application of remote fetal heart rate monitoring via internet in late pregnancy during the COVID-19 pandemic Shuguang Zhou, Qinqin Jin, Xiya Jiang, Rui Wang, Bingbing Wang, Jin Li, et al. (+5)
225 [GO] Journal of Smart Cities and Society 2023―Apr―28 eHealth in the time of smart ecosystems and pandemics István Péntek, Attila Adamkó
226 [GO] Work 2023―Apr―21 “Is this a new dawn for accessibility?” A qualitative interview study assessing teleworking experiences in adults with physical disabilities post COVID-19 Betsy Lake, David W. Maidment
227 [GO] Work 2023―Apr―21 Perceived health and productivity when working from home during the COVID-19 pandemic Rianne Appel-Meulenbroek, Thijs Voulon, Lisanne Bergefurt, Monique Arkesteijn, Bartele Hoekstra, Pity Jongens-Van der Schaaf
228 [GO] Technology and Health Care 2023―Apr―21 Clinical management and infection control protocols during the COVID-19 pandemic: An online survey Reem A. Rafeeq, Alan E. Saleem, Mohammed Nahidh, Ammar S. Kadhum, Akram F. Al-Huwaizi, Maria Maddalena Marrapodi, et al. (+2)
229 [GO] Journal of Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine 2023―Apr―21 In-utero vascular accidents in neonates from COVID-19 infected mothers M.L. Reppucci, A.M. Kaizer, C. Prendergast, S.N. Acker, E.W. Mandell, A.G. Euser, J. Diaz-Miron
230 [GO] Journal of X-Ray Science and Technology 2023―Apr―18 Dual attention fusion UNet for COVID-19 lesion segmentation from CT images Yinjin Ma, Yajuan Zhang, Lin Chen, Qiang Jiang, Biao Wei
231 [GO] Work 2023―Apr―18 Examining the burnout levels of healthcare employees and related factors during the COVID-19 pandemic: A cross-sectional study Ilknur Metin Akten, Tuğçe Bilge Yıldırım, Figen Dığın
232 [GO] Work 2023―Apr―14 The change in society leader’s attitudes and knowledge on the COVID-19 vaccine through education: an intervention study Kevser Tuncer Kara, İrem Bulut, Edibe Pirinçci, Nilay Içkilli
233 [GO] Journal of Alzheimer s Disease Reports 2023―Apr―14 Depression and Anxiety in Older Adults with Dementia During the COVID-19 Pandemic Miharu Nakanishi, Asao Ogawa, Mai Sakai, Hatsumi Yoshii, Mitsuhiro Miyashita, Syudo Yamasaki, Atsushi Nishida
234 [GO] Technology and Health Care 2023―Apr―07 Assessment of the potential value of combining western medicine therapies with traditional chinese medicine in the treatment of COVID-19: Mechanistic perspectives Zirui Zeng
235 [GO] Work 2023―Mar―17 Introduction to the special section on Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Long COVID Amy Mooney
236 [GO] Journal of Climate Change 2023―Mar―14 Impact of COVID-19 on the World Economy Shaheen Manna, Sayantika Mukherjee, Dipanwita Das, Amrita Saha
237 [GO] Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems 2023―Mar―10 Generalized plithogenic whole hypersoft set, PFHSS-Matrix, operators and applications as COVID-19 data structures Shazia Rana, Muhammad Saeed, Madiha Qayyum, Florentin Smarandache
238 [GO] Journal of Alzheimer s Disease 2023―Mar―10 In the Shadow of COVID-19: The Well-Being and Rights of People Living with Dementia in Finland During the Pandemic Kaijus Ervasti, Toomas Kotkas, Mervi Issakainen, Minna Teiska, Anna Mäki-Petäjä-Leinonen
239 [GO] Work 2023―Mar―10 Post-exertional malaise among people with long COVID compared to myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) Suzanne D. Vernon, Megan Hartle, Karen Sullivan, Jennifer Bell, Saeed Abbaszadeh, Derya Unutmaz, Lucinda Bateman
240 [GO] Work 2023―Mar―10 Predictors of impaired functioning among long COVID patients Leonard A. Jason, Joseph A. Dorri
241 [GO] Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems 2023―Mar―07 Hybrid statistical and recurrent neural network architecture implementation in FPGA device used for severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus detector V.M. Senthilkumar, S. Thenmozhi, M.V. Kumudavalli, U. Yedukondalu
242 [GO] Work 2023―Mar―03 Work-family conflict, burnout, and related factors among nurses during the COVID-19 pandemic in the Northwest of Iran Khadijeh Yarifard, Akbar Abravesh, Mobin Sokhanvar, Mohammad Mehrtak, Yalda Mousazadeh
243 [GO] Journal of X-Ray Science and Technology 2023―Feb―28 MCSC-Net: COVID-19 detection using deep-Q-neural network classification with RFNN-based hybrid whale optimization Gerard Deepak, M. Madiajagan, Sanjeev Kulkarni, Ahmed Najat Ahmed, Anandbabu Gopatoti, Veeraswamy Ammisetty
244 [GO] Work 2023―Feb―28 Improving work life balance among female educationists during the COVID-19 lockdown S. Deepa, A. Kumaresan, Prathap Suganthirabab, Vignesh Srinivasan, Surya Vishnuram, Jagatheesan Alagesan, Rajkumar Krishnan Vasanthi
245 [GO] Work 2023―Feb―28 Plight of migrant construction-site workers during the COVID-19 lockdown in 2020: A qualitative exploration in Bhavnagar, Western India Ashvinkumar B. Ramana, Sweta Singh, Mihir P. Rupani, Ritika Mukherjee, Archisman Mohapatra
246 [GO] Work 2023―Feb―28 Utilizing multimodal high-intensity interval training for a firefighter training academy during the COVID-19 pandemic Zachary A. Mang, Eric D. Vigil, Jason R. Beam
247 [GO] Work 2023―Feb―28 Effects of wearing personal protective equipment (PPE) and its role in affecting the work efficiency of dentists during the COVID-19 pandemic Vedushi M. Jain, Soumya Raj Singh Parihar, Shruthi Acharya, Shashidhar Acharya
248 [GO] Work 2023―Feb―28 The effects of COVID-19 related shutdowns on perceived lifestyle and prevelance of musculoskeletal discomfort Daniel J.E. Cousins, Bailey H. Schaefer, Michael W.R. Holmes, Shawn M. Beaudette
249 [GO] Journal of Pediatric Rehabilitation Medicine 2023―Feb―21 Global COVID-19 childhood disability data coordination: A collaborative initiative of the international alliance of academies of childhood disability Verónica Schiariti, Ana Carolina de Campos, Isabella Pessóta Sudati, Arnab K Seal, Priscilla E. Springer, Heather Thomson, et al. (+4)
250 [GO] Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems 2023―Feb―21 A compact CNN model for automated detection of COVID-19 using thorax x-ray images Tehreem Awan, Khan Bahadar Khan, Abdul Mannan
251 [GO] Journal of Cellular Biotechnology 2023―Feb―21 Oral manifestations of COVID-19: A review Raju Anarthe, Amit Mani, Sejal Saklecha
252 [GO] Clinical Hemorheology and Microcirculation 2023―Feb―21 Can we predict critical care mortality with non-conventional inflammatory markers in SARS-CoV-2 infected patients? Martin Rozanovic, Kamilla Domokos, Gergő Márovics, Mirtill Rohonczi, Csaba Csontos, Lajos Bogár, et al. (+4)
253 [GO] Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation 2023―Feb―17 The COVID-19 pandemic as a tipping point: The precarity of transition for students who receive special education and English language services Audrey Trainor, Lindsay Romano, Gracy Sarkissian, Lynn Newman
254 [GO] Information Services & Use 2023―Feb―10 Mobile phone use for farm-related activities by ethnic minority farmers during the Covid-19 pandemic in Quang Tri Province, Central Vietnam Tran Cao Uy, Hoang Dung Ha, Nguyen Ngoc Truyen, Nguyen Van Chung, Duong Ngoc Phuoc, Le Van Nam, et al. (+2)
255 [GO] Work 2023―Feb―10 Perceptions of COVID-19 related risks by platform-based couriers: An analysis of user comment threads on Reddit Samantha B. Meyer, Bobbi Rotolo, Shannon Majowicz, Joyceline Amoako, Meghan Crouch, Pamela Hopwood, et al. (+2)
256 [GO] Work 2023―Feb―10 Workplace factors that promote and hinder work ability and return to work among individuals with long-term effects of COVID-19: A qualitative study Kristina Gyllensten, Alexander Holm, Helena Sandén
257 [GO] Work 2023―Feb―07 Hypochondriasis and self-medication among medical students during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A descriptive cross-sectional study in Northwestern Iran Roghayeh Salmani, Hasan Kazemi, Parvin Sarbakhsh, Yalda Mousazadeh
258 [GO] Journal of Back and Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation 2023―Feb―07 Assessment of short- and long-term functionality and quality of life in patients with post-acute COVID-19 syndrome João Eduardo de Azevedo Vieira, Thiago Thomaz Mafort, Laura Braga Monnerat, Mariana Soares da Cal, Angelo Thomaz Abalada Ghetti, Agnaldo José Lopes
259 [GO] Journal of Alzheimer s Disease Reports 2023―Feb―03 Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease in a Patient with Previous COVID-19 Infection: “The Virus Caused the Derangement in My Brain” Deborah Leccese, Sara Cornacchini, Benedetta Nacmias, Sandro Sorbi, Valentina Bessi
260 [GO] Work 2023―Feb―03 Psychosocial health and activities during the COVID-19 pandemic Ayşe Göktaş, Murat Varlı
261 [GO] Journal of Alzheimer s Disease Reports 2023―Feb―03 The Effects of SARS-CoV-2 Infection on the Cognitive Functioning of Patients with Pre-Existing Dementia Souvik Dubey, Shambaditya Das, Ritwik Ghosh, Mahua Jana Dubey, Arka Prava Chakraborty, Dipayan Roy, et al. (+6)
262 [GO] Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems 2023―Jan―31 Study on population behavior under home quarantine policies of COVID-19 in China based on double-layer network evolutionary games Ruguo Fan, Fangze Chen, Yitong Wang, Yuanyuan Wang, Rongkai Chen
263 [GO] Journal of Alzheimer s Disease 2023―Jan―31 Risk Factors for Longer-Term Mortality in Discharged Patients with Dementia and SARS-CoV-2 Infection: A Matched Case-Control Study Shanquan Chen, Rudolf N. Cardinal, Stefan Gräf, John T. O’Brien, Benjamin R. Underwood
264 [GO] Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems 2023―Jan―27 Airline flight delays using artificial intelligence in COVID-19 with perspective analytics K. Khalil
265 [GO] Work 2023―Jan―24 The effect of COVID-19 patient care and emergency response ınterprofessional training on COVID-19 knowledge, perception, behavior and readiness for care Elçin Sebahat Kasapoğlu, Yasemin Şahin Yıldız, Aslı Saldamlı, Figen Karaçetin
266 [GO] Asian Journal of Water Environment and Pollution 2023―Jan―24 Enviro-Health Dimensions of Environment Impact Assessment (EIA) Draft Notification 2020 and COVID-19 Pandemic M.Z.M. Nomani
267 [GO] Work 2023―Jan―24 Effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on depression, perceived stress and hypochondria of frontline dental staff (FDS): A cohort study Karim Jafari, Somayeh Hekmatfar, Dara Lotfi Vahid, Esmaeil Sadri Damirchi, Hamed Zandian
268 [GO] Clinical Hemorheology and Microcirculation 2023―Jan―20 Efficacy and safety of ultrasound-guided core needle biopsies (US-CNBs) in cervical lymphadenopathy in patients with suspected head and neck cancer during the COVID-19 pandemic Stephan Schleder, Ernst-Michael Jung, Andreas Schicho, Andreas G. Schreyer, Werner Habicher, Jochen Grassinger, Marco Dollinger
269 [GO] Clinical Hemorheology and Microcirculation 2023―Jan―20 Predictive value of inflammatory and coagulation biomarkers for venous thromboembolism in Covid-19 patients Marta Hojker, Jure Tršan, Uroš Tršan, Ana Gale, Alexander Jerman, Daniel Košuta
270 [GO] Work 2023―Jan―20 Schoolteachers’ well-being: A pilot study from the AVATAR project during COVID-19 school closure Francesca Mastorci, Maria Francesca Lodovica Lazzeri, Paolo Piaggi, Cristina Doveri, Gabriele Trivellini, Anselmo Casu, et al. (+4)
271 [GO] Work 2023―Jan―17 Four serially mediating mechanisms in the relationship between COVID-19 fear and employee performance Kübra Yavuz, Orhan Koçak, Nurgün Kul Parlak
272 [GO] Work 2023―Jan―17 COVID-19 prevalence and infection control practices among dentists in Andhra Pradesh State, India Sudhakar Vundavalli, Bhavana Sujanamulk, Ajay Benarji Kotti, Ravi Gummaraju Raghunath, Ravikanth Manyam, Radhika Doppalapudi, D. Chalapathi Rao
273 [GO] Human Systems Management 2023―Jan―17 Informal workers in India as an economic shock absorber in the era of COVID-19: A study on policies and practices Minakshi Paliwal, Rohit Raj, Vimal Kumar, Sumanjeet Singh, Nagendra Kumar Sharma, Alka Suri, Manisha Kumari
274 [GO] Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems 2023―Jan―13 Novel neural network architecture using sharpened cosine similarity for robust classification of Covid-19, pneumonia and tuberculosis diseases from X-rays Elakkiya Balan, O. Saraniya
275 [GO] Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems 2023―Jan―13 How to deal with irrational consumption behavior of residents under COVID-19? Guoqiang Zeng, Huan Zhou, Jianrong Tang
276 [GO] Journal of Vestibular Research 2023―Jan―13 Epidemiology of patients with dizziness over a 3-year period, requiring utilization of the emergency medical serviced system - A Pre- and Post-COVID pandemic comparative study using the population-based ORION registry Koshi Ota, Daisuke Nishioka, Yusuke Katayama, Tetsuhisa Kitamura, Jun Masui, Kanna Ota, et al. (+3)
277 [GO] Work 2023―Jan―10 The level of perceived stress, burnout, self-efficacy, and coping strategies among physiotherapy academicians during the COVID-19 lockdown Akanksha Saxena, Mandeep Kumar Jangra
278 [GO] Work 2023―Jan―10 Musculoskeletal problems, attitudes and behaviors related to physical activity, and social media addiction in musicians during the COVID-19 pandemic Selnur Narin, Sule Kecelioglu
279 [GO] Work 2023―Jan―10 Evaluation of work conditions of nurses employed in a shift system in hospital wards during the COVID-19 pandemic Lidia Elżbieta Sierpińska, Edyta Ptasińska
280 [GO] Work 2023―Jan―10 Vitamin D status and Covid-19 prevention in a worker subgroup in Italy Francesca Ubaldi, Enrico Montanari, Lory Marika Margarucci, Claudio Caprara, Gianluca Gianfranceschi, Elena Scaramucci, et al. (+3)
281 [GO] Main Group Chemistry 2023―Jan―10 Amentoflavone derivatives against SARS-CoV-2 main protease (MPRO): An in silico study Rajib Hossain, Shafi Mahmud, Abul Bashar Ripon Khalipha, Abu Saim Mohammad Saikat, Dipta Dey, Rasel Ahmed Khan, et al. (+11)
282 [GO] Human Antibodies 2023―Jan―03 The impact of HIV on the risk of COVID-19 death among hospitalized patients Mehdi Azizmohammad Looha, Nazanin Taraghikhah, Maedeh Amini, Pegah Salimi Pormehr, Negin Talaei, Mahmood Khodadoost, et al. (+3)
283 [GO] Statistical Journal of the IAOS 2023―Jan―03 Identifying and evaluating COVID-19 effects on short-term statistics Arnout van Delden, Martijn de Winter, Koert van Bemmel
284 [GO] Journal of Back and Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation 2023―Jan―03 Validity, inter-rater reliability, and feasibility of the Chelsea Physical Assessment Tool for assessing physical function in post-acute COVID-19 patients: A cross-sectional study Esra Giray, Zeynep Turan, Deniz Öke, Mahir Topalo, Arzu Baygul, Claudio Curci, et al. (+2)
285 [GO] Work 2022―Dec―30 An assessment of organizational well-being, organizational health, and work-related stress: A cross-sectional study of nurses involved with COVID-19 interventions Alice Mannocci, Manuela Marigliano, Giuseppe La Torre
286 [GO] Work 2022―Dec―30 Employment and accommodation needs and the effect of COVID-19 on men and women with traumatic brain injury Sara Hanafy, Angela Colantonio, Tatyana Mollayeva, Sarah Munce, Sally Lindsay
287 [GO] Work 2022―Dec―30 Common mental disorders and associated factors in healthcare workers during the COVID-19 pandemic: A cross-sectional study Carla César Fontes Leite, Tuira Ornellas Passos, Jorge Lopes Cavalcante Neto
288 [GO] Human Systems Management 2022―Dec―30 The interrelations between micro-level CSR, Job engagement and organizational engagement during the COVID-19 pandemic: A PLSpredict model assessment Mei Peng Low, Mumtaz Ali Memon
289 [GO] Journal of Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine 2022―Dec―27 Neonatal necrotizing enterocolitis due to a COVID-19. A case report M. Sidatt, Y.M. Sghair, T. Ghaddour, M.S. Ahmed, F.A. Kaderd, L. Habib, et al. (+2)
290 [GO] Journal of Alzheimer s Disease 2022―Dec―27 COVID-19 and Alzheimer’s Disease: What Is the Connection? Ruth F. Itzhaki
291 [GO] Work 2022―Dec―23 Investigation of musculoskeletal disorders, physical activity level, sleep quality, and fatigue in health professionals with and without a history of COVID-19 Rumeysa Ateş, Hatice Yakut
292 [GO] Work 2022―Dec―23 The grief of loss among breast cancer patients during the COVID-19 pandemic: How can palliative care workers help? Boshra A. Arnout
293 [GO] Work 2022―Dec―23 Care workers’ positive health during the COVID-19 pandemic: Psychometric properties of the finnish version of the salutogenic health indicator scale and an 18-month follow-up Marja Hult, Tarja Välimäki
294 [GO] Work 2022―Dec―20 The role of telehealth in the care of musculoskeletal pain conditions after COVID-19 Ardalan Shariat, Fatemeh Hajialiasgari, Ali Alizadeh, Albert Thomas Anastasio
295 [GO] Work 2022―Dec―20 Quality of Life and its Health and Occupational Determinants among Hospital-Based Nurses during the COVID-19 Pandemic Khader A. Almhdawi, Hassan Alrabbaie, Alaa Arabiat, Sawsan Almahdawi, Ahmad T. Alhammouri, Mohammed Shaban Nadar, et al. (+4)
296 [GO] Work 2022―Dec―20 Burnout rates among Lebanese pre-final and final year medical students during the COVID-19 pandemic: A multi-centered survey-based study Cassandra Nasr, Elie Bou Sanayeh, Cynthia Nasr, Georges Merheb, Marcel Massoud
297 [GO] Journal of Pediatric Rehabilitation Medicine 2022―Dec―20 COVID-19 vaccination in individuals with spina bifida: A national survey Leonid Aksenov, John Myers, Dawne Widener-Burrows, Judy Thibadeau, Sara Struwe, Maryellen S Kelly
298 [GO] Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems 2022―Dec―13 Diagnosis of Pulmonary Edema and covid-19 from CT slices using squirrel search algorithm, support vector machine and back propagation neural network R. Betshrine Rachel, Khanna H. Nehemiah, C.S. Marishanjunath, Rebecca Mercy Victoria Manoharan
299 [GO] Journal of Pediatric Rehabilitation Medicine 2022―Dec―13 Pandemic decrease of in-person physiotherapy as a factor in parent perceived decline in function in children with neuromuscular disorders Maciej Julian Krawczyk, Agnieszka Stępień, Małgorzata Sobińska, Witold Rekowski
300 [GO] Work 2022―Dec―13 Validity and reliability of the pandemic fatigue scale (PFS) in the Turkish population Mehmet Emin Kurt, Haşim Çapar, Cuma Çakmak, Askeri Türken, Nurettin Menteş
301 [GO] Journal of Alzheimer s Disease 2022―Dec―09 Cognition Before and After COVID-19 Disease in Older Adults: An Exploratory Study Richard J. Caselli, Yinghua Chen, Kewei Chen, Robert J. Bauer, Dona E.C. Locke, Bryan K. Woodruff, Kerryn Pike
302 [GO] Clinical Hemorheology and Microcirculation 2022―Dec―06 Influence of Covid-19 disease on hemostasis dynamics during extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO)1 D. Rother, J. Gehron, F. Brenck, H. Hudel, A. Böning, F. Wenzel
303 [GO] Journal of Pediatric Rehabilitation Medicine 2022―Dec―06 First year impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on pediatric physiatrists Amy J. Houtrow, David W. Pruitt
304 [GO] Clinical Hemorheology and Microcirculation 2022―Dec―06 Wireless handheld focused ultrasound in student teaching during the COVID-19 pandemic: Initial results of a pilot study1 Ulrich Kaiser, Ivor Dropco, Kathrin Reuthner, Michael Ertl, Hans Jürgen Schlitt, Wolfgang Herr, et al. (+2)
305 [GO] Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems 2022―Nov―29 Multi-modal approach for COVID-19 detection using coughs and self-reported symptoms Khanh Nguyen-Trong, Khoi Nguyen-Hoang
306 [GO] Journal of Alzheimer s Disease 2022―Nov―29 Is Dementia Associated with COVID-19 Mortality? A Multicenter Retrospective Cohort Study Conducted in 50 Hospitals in Germany Karel Kostev, Nele Gessler, Peter Wohlmuth, Dirk Arnold, Berthold Bein, Jens Bohlken, et al. (+8)
307 [GO] Work 2022―Nov―29 Musculoskeletal complaints and associated factors in school children aged between 6 and 13 years in Istanbul during the COVID-19 pandemic: A cross-sectional study Ozden Ozyemisci Taskiran, Mahir Topaloglu, Esra Giray, Zeynep Turan, Ebru Yilmaz Yalcinkaya, Sibel Sakarya
308 [GO] Work 2022―Nov―25 Workers’ perspectives on the effects of telework during the COVID-19 pandemic on their well-being: A qualitative study in Canada Charlotte Labrecque, Alexandra Lecours, Marie-Hélène Gilbert, Frédérique Boucher
309 [GO] Advances in Communication and Swallowing 2022―Nov―25 The COVID-19 silver lining for speech and language therapists working in intensive care units Claire S. Mills, Gemma Jones, Sarah Wallace
310 [GO] Main Group Chemistry 2022―Nov―25 DFT, molecular docking and ADME prediction of tenofovir drug as a promising therapeutic inhibitor of SARS-CoV-2 Mpro Siyamak Shahab, Masoome Sheikhi, Maksim Khancheuski, Hooriye Yahyaei, Hora Alhosseini Almodarresiyeh, Sadegh Kaviani
311 [GO] Clinical Hemorheology and Microcirculation 2022―Nov―22 The efficacy of low molecular weight heparin is reduced in Covid-19 Oliver Watson, Jun-Cezar Zaldua, Suresh Pillai, Janet Whitley, Matthew Howard, Matthew Lawrence, et al. (+3)
312 [GO] International Journal of Risk & Safety in Medicine 2022―Nov―22 Patient safety culture in a COVID-19 ICU compared to a clinical-surgical ICU in the Brazilian Eastern Amazon: A cross-sectional study Maria Luiza Rodrigues dos Santos, Victória Brioso Tavares, Natália Silva da Costa, Marcos Valério Santos da Silva, João Simão de Melo-Neto
313 [GO] Work 2022―Nov―22 Evaluation of risk factors for developing COVID-19 in healthcare professionals working at two university hospitals in Turkey Ahmet Sertcelik, Banu Cakir, Gokhan Metan
314 [GO] Journal of Alzheimer s Disease Reports 2022―Nov―22 Living with Dementia During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Nationwide Survey Informing the American Experience Paul Arthur, Chih-Ying Li
315 [GO] Journal of Alzheimer s Disease 2022―Nov―15 A Qualitative Study on the Experiences of Therapists Delivering the Promoting Activity, Independence and Stability in Early Dementia (PrAISED) Intervention During the COVID-19 Pandemic Alison Cowley, Vicky Booth, Claudio Di Lorito, Pooja Chandria, Olivia Chadwick, Catherine Stanislas, et al. (+4)
316 [GO] Information Polity 2022―Nov―15 A SWOT analysis of smart governance applications amid the COVID-19 pandemic Huaxiong Jiang
317 [GO] Work 2022―Nov―15 Clinical characteristics of bus drivers and field officers infected with COVID-19: A cross-sectional study from Istanbul Hilal Hizli Guldemir, Merve Kayali Sevim, Serkan Eti
318 [GO] Statistical Journal of the IAOS 2022―Nov―15 Assessing pandemic era stadium events and infections using mobile phone based population mobility data: An exploratory study from Ireland, 2021 Aidan James Condron, Guy McGrath, Jamie Madden
319 [GO] Journal of Neuromuscular Diseases 2022―Nov―11 Telemedicine in Neuromuscular Diseases During Covid-19 Pandemic: ERN-NMD European Survey Lynda El-Hassar, Ahmed Amara, Benoit Sanson, Oana Lacatus, Ahmed Amir Belhouchet, Madelon Kroneman, et al. (+43)
320 [GO] Clinical Hemorheology and Microcirculation 2022―Nov―08 Dynamic changes in coagulation, hematological and biochemical parameters as predictors of mortality in critically ill COVID-19 patients: A prospective observational study Biljana Zlojutro, Milka Jandric, Danica Momcicevic, Sasa Dragic, Tijana Kovacevic, Vlado Djajic, et al. (+4)
321 [GO] Journal of Alzheimer s Disease 2022―Oct―29 COVID-19 as a Risk Factor for Alzheimer’s Disease Mahdieh Golzari-Sorkheh, Donald F. Weaver, Mark A. Reed
322 [GO] Nutrition and Healthy Aging 2022―Oct―29 Clinical characteristics and outcomes of COVID-19 diabetic versus non-diabetic patients: A retrospective comparative study Buthaina M. Alkhatib
323 [GO] Work 2022―Oct―29 Safety behavior of agricultural workers around face mask-wearing during the COVID-19 pandemic Abdollah Hayati
324 [GO] Work 2022―Oct―29 The effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on the professional perception and image of nursing among nurses working in surgical units: An online study Aylin Aydin Sayilan, Nursen Kulakac
325 [GO] Work 2022―Oct―29 Workplace accommodations during the COVID-19 pandemic: A scoping review of the impacts and implications for people with disabilities Kristina Fuentes, Sally Lindsay
326 [GO] Journal of Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine 2022―Oct―29 Multisystem inflammatory syndrome in neonates associated with SARS-CoV-2 infection, a different entity? L.B. Gámez-González, A.S. Escrcega-Jurez, D.E. Aguilar-Soto, M. Colmenero Rascón, A.C. García Espinosa, M.A. Yamazaki-Nakashimada
327 [GO] Technology and Health Care 2022―Oct―25 Severity detection of COVID-19 infection with machine learning of clinical records and CT images Fubao Zhu, Zelin Zhu, Yijun Zhang, Hanlei Zhu, Zhengyuan Gao, Xiaoman Liu, et al. (+3)
328 [GO] Work 2022―Oct―25 Post COVID-19 pandemic assessment of quality of life of dental students using the WHOQOL-BREF questionnaire Raima Bashir, Beenish Fatima Alam, Talha Nayab, Faisal Fahim
329 [GO] Technology and Health Care 2022―Oct―25 Association of COVID-19 patient’s condition with fasting blood glucose and body mass index: A retrospective study Li-Gang Song, Su-Rong Bai, Deng-Hua Hui, Li-Ping Ding, Lu Sun
330 [GO] Work 2022―Oct―21 The effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on weight gain, physical activity and mental health among Turkish university students Ayşe Nur Oymak Soysal, Şule Şimşek, Atiye Kaş Özdemir, Ummuhan Baş Aslan
331 [GO] Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems 2022―Oct―21 Recurrent neural network based sentiment analysis of social media data during corona pandemic under national lockdown Shana Jayachandran, Anveshini Dumala
332 [GO] Information Polity 2022―Oct―18 Online democratic participation during COVID-19 Roos Hofstra, Ank Michels, Albert Meijer
333 [GO] Work 2022―Oct―18 Retraction to: Dependence of emotional burnout on personality typology in the COVID-19 pandemic IOS Press has retracted the following article from its online content: Dependence of emotional burnout on personality typology in the COVID-19 pandemic Marina Seluch, Mikhail Volchansky, Roman Safronov
334 [GO] Clinical Hemorheology and Microcirculation 2022―Oct―18 Cytokine absorption in critically ill old COVID-19 patients with renal failure: A retrospective analysis of 503 intensive care unit patients Stephan Binneboessel, Raphael Romano Bruno, Bernhard Wernly, Maryna Masyuk, Hans Flaatten, Jesper Fjølner, et al. (+9)
335 [GO] Human Systems Management 2022―Oct―14 How older adults’ health beliefs affect intention to perform COVID-19 self-examination: A reasoned action approach Kim Piew Lai, Siong Choy Chong, Binshan Lin
336 [GO] Work 2022―Oct―11 The effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on the mental health of workers and the associated social-economic aspects: A narrative review Hong Wang, Fahimeh Farokhnia, Narges Sanchuli
337 [GO] Work 2022―Oct―11 Physiotherapy interventions and profile of practice for COVID-19 patients in Jordan Saad Al-Nassan, Amjad Alshallan, Mohannad Hawamdeh
338 [GO] Work 2022―Oct―07 Online vs. traditional learning: A comparative analysis of student’s responses during COVID-19 Beenish Fatima Alam, Raima Bashir, Talib Hussain, Tanveer Abbas, Sidra Azeem Malik, Syed Hassan Jan, Maryam Khurshid
339 [GO] Clinical Hemorheology and Microcirculation 2022―Oct―04 Skin microcirculation reactivity to local thermal hyperaemia in patients with Covid-19 - A pilot observational study A.A. Glazkov, D.S. Ulbashev, G.G. Borshchev, A.A. Pulin, P.A. Glazkova, D.A. Kulikov
340 [GO] Work 2022―Oct―04 Analysis of government agencies and stakeholders’ twitter communications during the first surge of COVID-19 in Brazil Júlio César Bispo Neves, Tiago Cruz de França, Mauro Penha Bastos, Paulo Victor Rodrigues de Carvalho, José Orlando Gomes
341 [GO] Work 2022―Oct―04 Government strategies in confronting COVID-19 in the republic of Cuba C. Aleida González González, Daylí Morales Fonte, Lisandra Leal Rodríguez, Adrián González González, José Orlando Gomes
342 [GO] Work 2022―Sep―30 In a digitalising Europe: Unfolding knowledge from working from home during the COVID-19 pandemic in Italy and Denmark Christine Ipsen, Kathrin Kirchner, Ettore Bolisani, Enrico Scarso
343 [GO] Work 2022―Sep―30 Remote working during the COVID-19 pandemic: Computer-related musculoskeletal symptoms in university staff Sara Dockrell, Elizabeth Culleton-Quinn
344 [GO] Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation 2022―Sep―30 COVID-19 stress, resilience, and job loss concerns in people with chronic conditions and disabilities Roberta Thimbriel, Bilal Urkmez, Beatrice Lee, Emre Umucu
345 [GO] Work 2022―Sep―27 Visual ergonomics for changing work environments in the COVID-19 pandemic Prajakta Khanwalkar, Nivedita Dabir
346 [GO] Work 2022―Sep―27 Interactions between e-commerce users during the COVID-19 pandemic period: What came and what remained Eduardo Ferro dos Santos, Paulo Victor Rodrigues de Carvalho, José Orlando Gomes Santos
347 [GO] Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems 2022―Sep―27 A hybrid deep learning based approach for the prediction of social distancing among individuals in public places during Covid19 pandemic Santosh Kumar Sahoo
348 [GO] Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems 2022―Sep―20 Trust based COVID-19 vaccine distribution using blockchain technology R. Anand
349 [GO] Journal of Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine 2022―Sep―20 COVID-19 via intrauterine transmission in a critically ill preterm infant: A case report J.C. Hisey, B.M. Patterson, A.J. Tsai, A.M. Khan
350 [GO] Asian Journal of Water Environment and Pollution 2022―Sep―16 The Impact of COVID-19 Infection on Prognostic Effect of Liver Laboratory Markers and Disease Outcome Randa R. Ghamyes, Hayjaa M. Alhamadani, Mohammed I. Rasool
351 [GO] Work 2022―Sep―09 The influences of corporate policies for COVID-19 on work stress and anxiety among healthcare employees Mahmut Akbolat, Ayhan Durmuş, Özgün Ünal, Mustafa Ezen
352 [GO] Work 2022―Sep―09 Evaluation of human error in workers of an Iranian copper mine during the COVID-19 pandemic using the CREAM Mohammad Reza Taheri, Seyyed Bagher Mortazavi, Hasan Asilian, Omran Ahmadi
353 [GO] Technology and Health Care 2022―Sep―06 Detection of COVID-19 Infection in CT and X-ray images using transfer learning approach Alok Tiwari, Sumit Tripathi, Dinesh Chandra Pandey, Neeraj Sharma, Shiru Sharma
354 [GO] Work 2022―Sep―06 Effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on violence against pre-hospital emergency health workers Ali Ekşi, Süreyya Gümüşsoy, Sinem Utanır Altay, Gülce Kirazlı
355 [GO] Model Assisted Statistics and Applications 2022―Sep―02 The Dual-Dagum family of distributions: Properties, regression and applications to COVID-19 data Elisângela Candeias Biazatti, Gauss Moutinho Cordeiro, Maria do Carmo Soares de Lima
356 [GO] Work 2022―Sep―02 Job insecurity and psychological distress during the COVID-19 outbreak: The moderating role of perceived supervisor support among hotel employees in Malaysia Jeya Santhini Appannan, Logeswary Maheswaran, Nuraishah Raime, Lim Wan Leng, Faridah Hanum Amran
357 [GO] Work 2022―Sep―02 The relationship between Turkish women’s self-efficacy for managing work-family conflict and depression, anxiety and stress during the COVID-19 pandemic: A web-based cross-sectional study Burcu Küçükkaya, Hatice Kahyaoğlu Süt
358 [GO] Journal of Pediatric Rehabilitation Medicine 2022―Aug―26 Social media and the practice of pediatric physical medicine and rehabilitation in the COVID-19 pandemic: A new era in patient-care Mahfujul Haque, Shahrin Khan, Amar Sandhu, Kelly Armstrong
359 [GO] Journal of Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine 2022―Aug―26 A case report: Hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy & pneumonia in a neonate after SARS-CoV-2 intrauterine transmission R.R. Smith, K.C. Driver, B.F. Karber, A.A. Luciano, M.T. Berg, I.V. Prado, J.E. Teper
360 [GO] Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems 2022―Aug―19 A novel interval-valued spherical fuzzy CODAS: Reopening readiness evaluation of academic units in the era of COVID-19 Akin Menekse, Hatice Camgoz Akdag
361 [GO] Work 2022―Aug―19 A study on the changes in life habits, mental health, and sleep quality of college students due to COVID-19 Hyejoo Lee, Jiyun Kim, Jihwan Moon, Sangyeop Jung, Younhwan Jo, Byeongmin Kim, et al. (+2)
362 [GO] Work 2022―Aug―19 Developing a risk assessment method for infectious diseases focusing on COVID-19 based on the Delphi method and fuzzy analytical hierarchy process Ahmad Soltanzadeh, Seyyed Hassan Adeli, Mohsen Sadgi Yarandi, Mohsen Mahdinia
363 [GO] Journal of Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine 2022―Aug―19 Case report: Fatal COVID-19 in a neonate after probable late intrauterine transmission T.G. Boyce, E.M. Chacko, M.A. Mascola, A. Joshi, C.G. Verwoerd, A.A. Winder, S.J. Hale
364 [GO] Work 2022―Aug―19 The relationships between knowledge levels, health-protective practices, and anxiety in nurses in the workplace during the COVID-19 pandemic Ayfer Bayindir Cevik, Elcin Sabahat Kasapoglu
365 [GO] Work 2022―Aug―19 Efficacy of physiotherapy management on burnout syndrome amongst it professionals during the COVID-19 pandemic A. Kumaresan, Nivya Sebastian, Prathap Suganthirababu, Vignesh Srinivasan, Surya Vishnuram, Priyadharshini Kumar, et al. (+4)
366 [GO] Work 2022―Aug―19 Consequences of social distancing during the COVID-19 pandemic on the increase in perceived pain of students and professors from higher education institutions: A cross-sectional study Liane Brito Macedo, Sanderson José Costa de Assis, Nayara Karina Ferreira Pereira, Roberta de Oliveira Cacho, Gabriel de Souza
367 [GO] Work 2022―Aug―19 Healthcare professionals’ perceptions and experiences of the influence of the COVID-19 pandemic on their personal and work performance Mogammad Shaheed Soeker
368 [GO] Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems 2022―Aug―19 Multilayer hybrid ensemble machine learning model for analysis of Covid-19 vaccine sentiments Vipin Jain, Kanchan Lata Kashyap
369 [GO] Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Smart Environments 2022―Aug―12 Feature selection by machine learning models to identify the public’s changing priorities during the COVID-19 pandemic Kenan Mengüç, Nezir Aydin
370 [GO] Work 2022―Aug―09 Implications of entrepreneurial education, self-efficacy and personality traits on the entrepreneurial intentions of deaf/hard of hearing students post COVID-19 lockdown Chedza Denise Kent, Olufemi Timothy Adigun, Paseka Andrew Mosia
371 [GO] Work 2022―Aug―09 Social distancing as a protective barrier against bullying actions among schoolchildren during the COVID-19 pandemic Vivian Mendes de Souza, Gustavo Levandoski
372 [GO] Work 2022―Aug―09 Smart working perception in banking companies’ employees during the COVID-19 pandemic: A cross-sectional pilot study La Torre Giuseppe, Chiappetta Marta, Mazzalai Elena, Gresele Riccardo, Bazzo GianRomolo, Pederzolli Giancarlo, et al. (+3)
373 [GO] Work 2022―Aug―05 Disparate healthcare access and telehealth-based hybrid consultations During the COVID-19 Pandemic Shivkumar Bhadola, Connie Tang, Ariel Marks, Michelle C. Kaku, Lan Zhou, Peter Siao, K.H. Vincent Lau
374 [GO] Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems 2022―Aug―05 Comparative analysis of some selected generative adversarial network models for image augmentation: a case study of COVID-19 x-ray and CT images Muhammad Ubale Kiru, Bahari Belaton, Xinying Chew, Khaled H. Almotairi, Ahmad MohdAziz Hussein, Maryam Aminu
375 [GO] Statistical Journal of the IAOS 2022―Aug―02 Erratum to: The Research and Development Survey (RANDS) during COVID-19
376 [GO] Work 2022―Aug―02 Returning to work and the impact of post COVID-19 condition: A systematic review Maria Rosaria Gualano, Maria Francesca Rossi, Ivan Borrelli, Paolo Emilio Santoro, Carlotta Amantea, Alessandra Daniele, et al. (+2)
377 [GO] Work 2022―Aug―02 Return to work considerations in the lingering COVID-19 Era: Long COVID, multiple chemical sensitivity, and universal design Kimberly Wickert, Judiann McCrone Romeo, Phillip Rumrill, Kathleen Sheppard-Jones, Sara McCurry
378 [GO] Statistical Journal of the IAOS 2022―Aug―02 The ILO nowcasting model: Using high-frequency data to track the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on labour markets1 Roger Gomis, Paloma Carrillo, Steven Kapsos, Stefan Kühn, Avichal Mahajan
379 [GO] Clinical Hemorheology and Microcirculation 2022―Jul―29 COVID-19 hemodynamic and thrombotic effect on the eye microcirculation after hospitalization: A quantitative case-control study Aristotle G. Koutsiaris, Konstantina Riri, Stylianos Boutlas, Thomas N. Panagiotou, Maria Kotoula, Zoe Daniil, Evangelia E. Tsironi
380 [GO] Work 2022―Jul―29 Healthy workplace onboard: Insights gained from the COVID-19 impact on mental health and wellbeing of seafarers Maria Carrera-Arce, Inga Bartusevičienė, Paschalia Divari
381 [GO] Journal of Vestibular Research 2022―Jul―29 Living with a vestibular disorder during the Covid-19 pandemic: An online survey study L. Smith, M. Tresh, S.S. Surenthiran, D. Wilkinson
382 [GO] Journal of Alzheimer s Disease 2022―Jul―29 Association of COVID-19 with New-Onset Alzheimer’s Disease Lindsey Wang, Pamela B. Davis, Nora D. Volkow, Nathan A. Berger, David C. Kaelber, Rong Xu
383 [GO] Journal of Alzheimer s Disease 2022―Jul―29 Incidence and Outcomes of SARS-CoV-2 Infection in Older Adults Living with Dementia: A Population-Based Cohort Study Silvia Cascini, Nera Agabiti, Claudia Marino, Anna Acampora, Maria Balducci, Enrico Calandrini, et al. (+2)
384 [GO] Work 2022―Jul―26 An assessment on loss of workforce due to COVID-19 among healthcare personnel: A university hospital experience Betul Zehra Pirdal, Ferdane Seyma Toplu, Beril Kara Esen, Sumeyye Nur Aydın, Ethem Erginoz, Gunay Can
385 [GO] Work 2022―Jul―26 Use of recommended personal protective equipment among Brazilian health professionals during the COVID-19 pandemic Elucir Gir, Ana Cristina de Oliveira e Silva, Renata Karina Reis, Soraia Assad Nasbine Rabeh, William Sorensen, Wynne Pereira Nogueira, et al. (+2)
386 [GO] Work 2022―Jul―26 Correct use of the Maslach Burnout Inventory to develop evidence-based strategies against burnout syndrome during and post COVID-19 pandemic Francesco Chirico, Michael Leiter
387 [GO] International Journal of Risk & Safety in Medicine 2022―Jul―26 Patients’ perception of personal protective equipment during the SARS-Cov-2 pandemic Aly Zaheer Pathan, Jennifer Barwell, Artemis Kastrissianakis, Kiran Awan, Anie Abila, Amelia Lim, et al. (+4)
388 [GO] International Journal of Risk & Safety in Medicine 2022―Jul―22 Lessons learned from the COVID-19 pandemic: Improving initial investigations with the implementation of a COVID-19 blood request panel Lavandan Jegatheeswaran, Byung Choi, Martin Cohn, Amal Minocha, Ernest Mutengesa, Ashik Zala, et al. (+2)
389 [GO] Clinical Hemorheology and Microcirculation 2022―Jul―22 Multimodal ultrasound imaging with conventional B-mode, elastography, and parametric analysis of contrast-enhanced ultrasound (CEUS): A novel approach to assess small bowel manifestation in severe COVID-19 disease H.C. Tews, A. Kandulski, S. Schmid, S. Schlosser, S. Schirner, F.J. Putz, et al. (+4)
390 [GO] Work 2022―Jul―22 The perceived usability of the learning management system during the COVID-19 pandemic: Integrating system usability scale, technology acceptance model, and task-technology fit Thanatorn Chuenyindee, Lorenzo Dones Montenegro, Ardvin Kester S. Ong, Yogi Tri Prasetyo, Reny Nadlifatin, Irene Dyah Ayuwati, et al. (+2)
391 [GO] Clinical Hemorheology and Microcirculation 2022―Jul―19 Association of coagulation factors profile with clinical outcome in patient with COVID-19 and acute stroke: A second wave cohort study Al Rasyid, Dinda Larastika Riyanto, Salim Harris, Mohammad Kurniawan, Taufik Mesiano, Rakhmat Hidayat, Elvan Wiyarta
392 [GO] Statistical Journal of the IAOS 2022―Jul―19 Nowcasting impact of COVID-19 on multidimensional child poverty Oliver Fiala, Aristide Kielem, Enrique Delamónica, Mohamed Obaidy, Jose Espinoza-Delgado, Mariela Giacoponello, Ismael Cid Martinez
393 [GO] Statistical Journal of the IAOS 2022―Jul―19 The uneven effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on National Statistical Offices Philip Wollburg, Ivette Contreras, Calogero Carletto, Luis Gonzalez Morales, Francesca Perucci, Alberto Zezza
394 [GO] Human Systems Management 2022―Jul―15 The impact of ICT characteristics on students’ learning outcomes during COVID-19 lockdown period: The crucial role of techno eustress perception Anuragini Shirish, Nina Verstraete, Olfa Chourabi Tantan
395 [GO] Human Systems Management 2022―Jul―15 Practical recommendations for a post COVID-19 resilient generation Z workforce Catarina Gomes, Isabel Duarte, Nazarë Soares Marques, Luís Cunha
396 [GO] Journal of Pediatric Rehabilitation Medicine 2022―Jul―15 Decreased access to therapeutic services for children with disabilities during COVID-19 stay-at-home orders in Western Pennsylvania Tal Levin-Decanini, Cynterria Henderson, Sejal Mistry, Namita Dwarakanth, Kristin Ray, Elizabeth Miller, Amy Houtrow
397 [GO] Mediterranean Journal of Nutrition and Metabolism 2022―Jul―15 TGF - beta 2 enriched formula as oral nutritional supplement in patients hospitalized for COVID-19: A preliminary observational study Ilenia Grandone, Carmela Bagnato, Luisa Barana, Massimiliano Cavallo, Anna Fineo, Flora Labanca, Gaetano Vaudo
398 [GO] Human Systems Management 2022―Jul―08 Organizational configurations in a crisis context: what archetypes in times of COVID-19 crisis? Bechir Mokline
399 [GO] Physiotherapy Practice and Research 2022―Jul―08 Telehealth in physiotherapy during the COVID-19 pandemic, the perspective of the service users: A cross-sectional survey Aisling Reynolds, Neasa Sheehy, Nasir Awan, Paula Gallagher
400 [GO] Clinical Hemorheology and Microcirculation 2022―Jul―08 Coagulation and hemorheology profile of patient with stroke and COVID-19: A case series during second wave pandemic Al Rasyid, Ina Susianti Timan, Dinda Larastika Riyanto, Salim Harris, Taufik Mohammad Kurniawan, Taufik Mesiano, et al. (+2)
401 [GO] Statistical Journal of the IAOS 2022―Jul―05 Official statistics: Providing data acumen in the advent and continuous presence of COVID-19 Nureni Olawale Adeboye, Oluwatobi Nurudeen Ogunnusi, Peter Osuolale Popoola
402 [GO] Statistical Journal of the IAOS 2022―Jul―05 Economic support to European households in the aftermath of COVID-19. A cross-country comparative analysis based on quarterly sector accounts Alessandra Coli, Ángel Panizo Espuelas, Orestis Tsigkas
403 [GO] Physiotherapy Practice and Research 2022―Jul―05 Early rehabilitation treatment in hospitalized patients with severe COVID-19: Effects on autonomy and quality of life Rosanna Izzo, Carmen Zincarelli, Michele Onufrio, Adriana D’Alessio, Giovanni Di Ruocco, Matteo Nicola Dario Di Minno, Annaitalia Pisacreta
404 [GO] International Journal of Risk & Safety in Medicine 2022―Jul―01 Approach to the management of COVID-19 patients: When home care can represent the best practice Gerardo Tricarico, Valter Travagli
405 [GO] Human Antibodies 2022―Jun―29 Comparison of some hematological parameters between male and female patients infected with COVID-19 Hayder H. Abed, Ahmed Ghdhban Al-Ziaydi, Ihab Abbas Taher, Ahmed K. Al Dulaimi
406 [GO] Human Systems Management 2022―Jun―29 Blending a sweet pill to swallow with TRIZ and industry talks for enhanced learning during the COVID-19 pandemic Poh Kiat Ng, Voon Chet Koo, Yu Jin Ng, Jian Ai Yeow
407 [GO] Intelligent Decision Technologies 2022―Jun―29 A systematic comparison of transfer learning models for COVID-19 prediction Alavikunhu Panthakkan, S.M. Anzar, Saeed Al Mansoori, Wathiq Mansoor, Hussain Al Ahmad
408 [GO] Journal of Cellular Biotechnology 2022―Jun―24 Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) Associated mucormycosis (CAM) Shivani Sachdeva, Ankita Dalvi, Harish Saluja, Abhijeet Haridas, Ameet Mani
409 [GO] Clinical Hemorheology and Microcirculation 2022―Jun―24 ADAMTS13 factor deficiency in severe COVID-19 may not be immune mediated-report from a pilot study Ashna George, Chenna Deepika, Ganesh Mohan, Vinu Rajendran, Shamee Shastry, Jayaraj Mymbilli Blarakrishnan, Shwethapriya Rao
410 [GO] Work 2022―Jun―21 An insight on the impact of COVID-19 on the global and Turkish mining industry Bilgehan Kekeç, Niyazi Bilim, Dhikra Ghiloufi
411 [GO] Work 2022―Jun―17 Influence of different protection levels of PPE on nurses’ physical fatigue during the COVID-19 pandemic Haizhe Jin, Liyuan Liu, Yanmei Li, Chunying Chen, Quanwei Fu
412 [GO] Work 2022―Jun―17 Building social support: The impact of workgroup characteristics, the COVID-19 pandemic and informal interactions Birgit Pauksztat, Michelle R. Grech
413 [GO] Work 2022―Jun―17 Increased prevalence of work-related musculoskeletal disorders among physiotherapists during the COVID-19 pandemic: A Commentary Venkata Nagaraj Kakaraparthi, Karthik Vishwanathan
414 [GO] Journal of Neuromuscular Diseases 2022―Jun―14 Understanding the Perseverance of the Muscular Dystrophy Community One-Year into the COVID-19 Pandemic Leann Lewis, Katy Eichinger, Nuran Dilek, Kiley Higgs, Michaela Walker, David Palmer, et al. (+4)
415 [GO] Work 2022―Jun―14 Knowledge, attitude, and behaviour of dentists working during the covid-19 pandemic: A cross-sectional survey Usman Zaheer, Maliha Shahbaz, Naauman Zaheer, Junaid Israr, Asim Riaz, Aneeqa Yaqub, Mohammad Khursheed Alam
416 [GO] Clinical Hemorheology and Microcirculation 2022―Jun―07 Impaired fibrinolysis in severe Covid-19 infection is detectable in early stages of the disease O. Watson, S. Pillai, M. Howard, J. Cezar-Zaldua, J. Whitley, B. Burgess, et al. (+4)
417 [GO] Work 2022―Jun―07 Impact of covid-19 on dental practice and anxiety among increased risk group dentists: A cross-sectional study Natália Lins de Souza Villarim, Panmella Pereira Maciel, Yuri Wanderley Cavalcanti, Isabella Lima Arrais Ribeiro, Danyel Elias da Cruz Perez, Hercílio Martelli-Junior, et al. (+2)
418 [GO] Statistical Journal of the IAOS 2022―May―31 Performance of LSTM neural networks in nowcasting global trade during the COVID-19 crisis Daniel Hopp
419 [GO] Model Assisted Statistics and Applications 2022―May―31 Machine Learning-based forecasting models for COVID-19 spread in Algeria Mohamed Sedik Chebout, Oussama Kabour
420 [GO] Work 2022―May―27 A descriptive study of knowledge, attitudes, behaviors, and precautions of physiotherapy and rehabilitation students regarding COVID-19 Hasan Atacan Tonak, Ali Kitis
421 [GO] Work 2022―May―27 Physiotherapists’ knowledge, perception, and attitude regarding COVID-19 and infection control: An online cross-sectional survey in Jordan Saddam F. Kanaan, Mohammad A. Yabroudi, Yousef Khader, Ala’ S. Aburub, Hana’a Khraise, Ali A. Al-Omari
422 [GO] Journal of X-Ray Science and Technology 2022―May―27 An interpretable multi-task system for clinically applicable COVID-19 diagnosis using CXR Yan Zhuang, Md Fashiar Rahman, Yuxin Wen, Michael Pokojovy, Peter McCaffrey, Alexander Vo, et al. (+4)
423 [GO] Work 2022―May―27 Safe protocol of resuming routine dental procedures in a tertiary care hospital setting post COVID-19 lockdown Saadia Manzar, Farhat Kazmi, Anas Imran Arshad, Faiza Awais, Hanna Abdul Majeed, Hazik Bin Shahzad, Mohammad Khursheed Alam
424 [GO] Work 2022―May―27 Burnout and psychological symptoms in healthcare workers during the COVID-19 pandemic: Comparisons of different medical professions in a regional hospital in Turkey Eser Sagaltici, Reyhan Bahçivan Saydam, Mustafa Cetinkaya, Şengül Kocamer Şahin, Suat Hayri Küçük, Ahmet Yaser Müslümanoğlu
425 [GO] Work 2022―May―27 ‘Art at Safe Homes’: A pioneer study among COVID-19 patients and their treatment team Nandan Bhattacharya, Sonali Choudhury, Mahua Roychowdhury, Meghanil Sinha, Paromita Mistri, Ritwika Bhattacharya, et al. (+4)
426 [GO] Journal of Alzheimer s Disease 2022―May―24 A Comparison of Well-Being of Carers of People with Dementia and Their Ability to Manage Before and During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Findings from the IDEAL Study Laura D. Gamble, Sophie Parker, Catherine Quinn, Holly Q. Bennett, Anthony Martyr, Serena Sabatini, et al. (+10)
427 [GO] Journal of Parkinson s Disease 2022―May―24 The Cause and Duration of Emergency Admissions to Hospital in People with Idiopathic Parkinson’s Disease, Under the Care of a UK Service, During the First Year of the COVID-19 Pandemic Penelope K. Ellis, Matthew L. Davies, William K. Gray, Margaret Barber, Ifkov Bolnykh, Molly Sadler, Richard W. Walker
428 [GO] Journal of Alzheimer s Disease 2022―May―20 COVID-19 and Neurodegenerative Diseases: Prion-Like Spread and Long-Term Consequences Narjes Baazaoui, Khalid Iqbal
429 [GO] Statistical Journal of the IAOS 2022―May―20 COVID-19 open the borders: Aotearoa (New Zealand)1 Kahu McClintock, Christine Bears, Kataraina Hodge, Laurie Hakiwai
430 [GO] International Journal of Hybrid Intelligent Systems 2022―May―20 Soft computing and image processing techniques for COVID-19 prediction in lung CT scan images Neeraj Venkatasai L. Appari, Mahendra G. Kanojia
431 [GO] Statistical Journal of the IAOS 2022―May―20 The Eurostat business cycle clock and the pandemic: Some considerations Rosa Ruggeri Cannata, Piotr Ronkowski
432 [GO] Journal of Smart Cities and Society 2022―May―17 Learning from the COVID-19 pandemic in governing smart cities Manuel Pedro Rodríguez Bolívar
433 [GO] Journal of Alzheimer s Disease 2022―May―17 Cognitive, Functional, and Emotional Changes During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Greek Patients with Neurocognitive Disorders Anna Tsiakiri, Pinelopi Vlotinou, Aikaterini Terzoudi, Ioannis Heliopoulos, Konstantinos Vadikolias
434 [GO] Neurorehabilitation 2022―May―17 Neuropsychological manifestations of long COVID in hospitalized and non-hospitalized Brazilian Patients L.W. Braga, S.B. Oliveira, A.S. Moreira, M.E. Pereira, V.S. Carneiro, A.S. Serio, et al. (+3)
435 [GO] Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems 2022―May―13 Mathematical calculation of COVID-19 disease in Pakistan by emergency response modeling based on complex Pythagorean fuzzy information K. Rahman, H. Khan, S. Abdullah
436 [GO] Asian Journal of Water Environment and Pollution 2022―May―13 Study Significance of Low Plasma Homocysteine or Hypohomocysteinemia and Some Parameter to Syndrome Associated with COVID-19 in Basrah City, Iraq Mohammed Salam Salman, Iqbal J. Alassadi, Ahmed K. Alasadi
437 [GO] Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems 2022―May―13 Fuzzy VIKOR approach to identify COVID-19 vulnerability region to control third wave in Assam, India Bhimraj Basumatary, Nijwm Wary, Jeevan Krishna Khaklary, Harish Garg
438 [GO] Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems 2022―May―10 A regret theory-based GEDM method with heterogeneous probabilistic hesitant information and its application to emergency plans selection of COVID-19 Jian Lv, Qinghua Mao, Qingwen Li, Shudong Chen
439 [GO] Work 2022―May―06 COVID-19 and Stress: An evaluation using Beck’s depression and anxiety inventory among college students and faculty members of Jouf University Kiran Kumar Ganji, Mohammad Khursheed Alam, Ammar A. Siddiqui, Srinivas Munisekhar Manay, Abdulrahman Alduraywish
440 [GO] Work 2022―May―06 Predictive variables for feelings of sadness and depression while working remotely in Brazil during the COVID-19 pandemic Thais Dibbern, Milena Pavan Serafim, Izabela Simon Rampasso, Dirceu Silva, Teresa Dib Zambon Atvars, Walter Leal Filho, Rosley Anholon
441 [GO] Work 2022―May―06 COVID-19 pandemic-related anxiety, stress, and depression among teachers: A systematic review and meta-analysis Kang Ma, Luyao Liang, Muhammad Chutiyami, Sandy Nicoll, Teguh Khaerudin, Xuan Van Ha
442 [GO] Work 2022―May―06 Children, care time, career priority -What matters for junior scientists’ productivity and career perspective during the COVID-19 pandemic? Beate Muschalla, Anke Sondhof, Ulrike Wrobel
443 [GO] Journal of Alzheimer s Disease 2022―May―06 Neighborhood Social Cohesion and Dementia-Related Stigma Among Mothers of Adolescents in the Pre- and Current COVID-19 Period: An Observational Study Using Population-Based Cohort Data Miharu Nakanishi, Syudo Yamasaki, Shuntaro Ando, Kaori Endo, Marcus Richards, Mariko Hiraiwa-Hasegawa, et al. (+2)
444 [GO] Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems 2022―May―03 COVID-19 detection with x-ray images by using transfer learning Chandrakanta Mahanty, Raghvendra Kumar, Brojo Kishore Mishra, Cornel Barna
445 [GO] Journal of Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine 2022―May―03 COVID-19 pandemic lockdown effect on neonatal hospital admissions from the community A.C. Almeida, M.C. Granado, P. Sousa, M.J. Vieira
446 [GO] Human Systems Management 2022―Apr―22 Role of CSR in achieving customers’ satisfaction and retention during COVID-19 and post-pandemic period: Empirical evidence from emerging nations Abdul Waheed, Faisal Shehzad, Farrah Arif, Anjam Aziz Abbas, Zahid Mehmood, Muhammad Usman
447 [GO] Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems 2022―Apr―22 A new extension of fuzzy decision by opinion score method based on Fermatean fuzzy: A benchmarking COVID-19 machine learning methods Mahmood M. Salih, Z.T. Al-Qaysi, Moceheb Lazam Shuwandy, M.A. Ahmed, Kahlan F. Hasan, Yousif Raad Muhsen
448 [GO] International Journal of Risk & Safety in Medicine 2022―Apr―22 Response to “An old entity, a new trigger: Post COVID-19 vaccine pityriasis rubra pilaris” Rujittika Mungmunpuntipantip, Viroj Wiwanitkit
449 [GO] Work 2022―Apr―19 How did the psychological impact of COVID-19 change healthcare workers in times of fighting the pandemic? Bahadir Demir, Sengul Kocamer Sahin, Unzile Meryem Atalay, Esra Aslan, Gülcin Elboga, Abdurrahman Altindag
450 [GO] Clinical Hemorheology and Microcirculation 2022―Apr―19 Blood hyperviscosity in acute and recent COVID-19 infection Aleesha Shaik, Qinzhong Chen, Phyu Mar, HyoungSup Kim, Priscilla Mejia, Hannah Pacheco, et al. (+3)
451 [GO] Work 2022―Apr―15 Investigation of the effect of social support perceived by workplace employees on anxiety and job satisfaction during COVID-19 Ayşe Göktaş, Sevgi Özdinç
452 [GO] Work 2022―Apr―15 Productivity analysis in work from home modality: An exploratory study considering an emerging country scenario in the COVID-19 context A. Rodrigues Edilson, S. Rampasso Izabela, P. Serafim Milena, W. Leal Filho, Rosley Anholon
453 [GO] Statistical Journal of the IAOS 2022―Apr―15 Innovation during the COVID-19 crisis: Why it was more critical for official statistics than ever1 Emanuele Baldacci, Barteld Braaksma, Adolfo Gálvez, Konstantinos Giannakouris, Belén González Olmos, Pascal Rivière, et al. (+3)
454 [GO] Statistical Journal of the IAOS 2022―Apr―15 Assessment of the spread of COVID-19 in seven countries using a seasonal adjustment method Tetsuma Arita
455 [GO] Work 2022―Apr―15 Working with patients and the mental health of health care workers during the COVID-19 pandemic Fahmi H. Fadhel, Mohammed M.J. Alqahtani, Boshra A. Arnout
456 [GO] Statistical Journal of the IAOS 2022―Apr―15 Forecasting the number of intensive care beds occupied by COVID-19 patients through the use of Recurrent Neural Networks, mobility habits and epidemic spread data Emiliano Valente, Martina Roiati, Francesco Pugliese
457 [GO] Work 2022―Apr―12 Worker health impacts from working from home during the COVID-19 pandemic Thais Cristine dos Santos de Oliveira, Ana Luiza Pedrini Muzeka, Emilly Batista, Gessica Nair Farias Eleuterio dos Santos, Luiz Fernando Isaias da Rocha, Ângela Luiza Cunha Legey, et al. (+2)
458 [GO] Journal of Alzheimer s Disease 2022―Apr―12 Clinical and Imaging Determinants of Neurocognitive Disorders in Post-Acute COVID-19 Patients with Cognitive Complaints Daniela Andriuta, Cherifa Si-Ahmed, Martine Roussel, Jean-Marc Constans, Malek Makki, Ardalan Aarabi, et al. (+3)
459 [GO] Journal of Alzheimer s Disease 2022―Apr―12 Prevalence and Safety of COVID-19 Vaccination in Community-Dwelling People with Dementia: Findings from a Tertiary Memory Clinic in Italy Martina Valletta, Marco Canevelli, Fabrizia D’Antonio, Alessandro Trebbastoni, Giuseppina Talarico, Alessandra Campanelli, et al. (+14)
460 [GO] Human Antibodies 2022―Apr―12 Assessment of specific human antibodies against recombinant SARS-CoV-2 receptor binding domain by rapid in-house ELISA Nahla A. Hussein, Esraa A.A. Ali, Amr E. El-Hakim, Ashraf A. Tabll, Asmaa El-Shershaby, Azza Salamony, et al. (+4)
461 [GO] Web Intelligence 2022―Apr―08 Causal inference for the impact of economic policy on financial and labour markets amid the COVID-19 pandemic Nhi N.Y. Vo, Guandong Xu, Dat Anh Le
462 [GO] Bladder Cancer 2022―Apr―05 The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on bladder cancer care in the Netherlands Lisa M.C. van Hoogstraten, Lambertus A. Kiemeney, Richard P. Meijer, Geert J.L.H. van Leenders, Ben G.L. Vanneste, Luca Incrocci, et al. (+4)
463 [GO] Mediterranean Journal of Nutrition and Metabolism 2022―Apr―01 Health-related quality of life, Mediterranean diet, physical activity and socioeconomic factors of Greek adolescents during COVID-19: A cross sectional study Stamatina Papadaki, Vilelmine Carayanni
464 [GO] Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems 2022―Mar―29 A novel transfer deep learning model with reinforcement-learning-based hyperparameter optimization for short-term load forecasting during the COVID-19 pandemic Shuai Zhang, Qian Chen, Wenhua Zeng, Shanshan Guo, Jiyuan Xu
465 [GO] Human Systems Management 2022―Mar―25 Now is the time for a critical analysis of the pandemic’s legacy Katarina Babnik, Nada Trunk Širca
466 [GO] Human Systems Management 2022―Mar―22 Ergonomic work from home and occupational health problems amid COVID-19 Shuaib Ahmed, Faisal Qamar, Sohaib Ahmed Soomro
467 [GO] Clinical Hemorheology and Microcirculation 2022―Mar―22 Endothelial glycocalyx damage in patients with severe COVID-19 on mechanical ventilation - a prospective observational pilot study David Astapenko, Adela Tomasova, Alena Ticha, Radomir Hyspler, Huey Shin Chua, Mubashar Manzoor, et al. (+5)
468 [GO] Intelligent Decision Technologies 2022―Mar―15 Graph analysis and clustering of proteins linked with COVID-19 J. Susymary, P. Deepalakshmi
469 [GO] Intelligent Decision Technologies 2022―Mar―15 Attention-based bidirectional LSTM with embedding technique for classification of COVID-19 articles Rakesh Dutta, Mukta Majumder
470 [GO] Intelligent Decision Technologies 2022―Mar―15 Diagnosis of COVID-19 based on chest X-ray images using pre-trained deep convolutional neural networks Vimal K. Shrivastava, Monoj K. Pradhan
471 [GO] Intelligent Decision Technologies 2022―Mar―15 A review of intelligent medical imaging diagnosis for the COVID-19 infection Nikitha Saurabh, Jyothi Shetty
472 [GO] Intelligent Decision Technologies 2022―Mar―15 Special Issue on the COVID-19 Pandemic
473 [GO] Intelligent Decision Technologies 2022―Mar―15 Architectures of analytics intelligent decision technologies systems (IDTS) for the COVID-19 pandemic Manuel Mora, Fen Wang, Gloria Phillips-Wren, Gabriela Lopez-Torres
474 [GO] Intelligent Decision Technologies 2022―Mar―15 Exploring the role of country social and medical characteristics in patient level mortality in COVID-19 pandemic using Unsupervised Learning George Varelas, Evangelos Sakkopoulos, Giannis Tzimas
475 [GO] Intelligent Decision Technologies 2022―Mar―15 On the domain aided performance boosting technique for deep predictive networks: A COVID-19 scenario Soumya Jyoti Raychaudhuri, C. Narendra Babu
476 [GO] Intelligent Decision Technologies 2022―Mar―15 Symptom based COVID-19 test recommendation system using machine learning technique Lakshmana Rao Kalabarige, Himabindu Maringanti
477 [GO] Intelligent Decision Technologies 2022―Mar―15 COV-ELM classifier: An extreme learning machine based identification of COVID-19 using chest X-ray images Sheetal Rajpal, Manoj Agarwal, Ankit Rajpal, Navin Lakhyani, Arpita Saggar, Naveen Kumar
478 [GO] Intelligent Decision Technologies 2022―Mar―15 Taking comfort in decisions: Implications in a pandemic Kurt J. Engemann, Holmes E. Miller
479 [GO] International Journal of Risk & Safety in Medicine 2022―Mar―15 Global pandemic vaccine development, production and distribution challenges for the world population Rade Injac, Vlasta Sikimić, Mike Stuart, Jamie Shaw
480 [GO] Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems 2022―Mar―11 Impact of air transportation on the spread of Covid-19 between countries based on system dynamics Chaofeng Wang
481 [GO] Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems 2022―Mar―11 Artificial intelligence effectively predicts the COVID-19 death rate in different UK cities Reza Yarbakhsh, Seyed Ali Reza Mortazavi, SM Javad Mortazavi, Hossein Parsaei, Dana Rad
482 [GO] International Journal of Risk & Safety in Medicine 2022―Mar―11 Science funding policy and the COVID-19 pandemic Vlasta Sikimić, Mike Stuart, Jamie Shaw, Vlasta Sikimić, Mike Stuart, Jamie Shaw
483 [GO] International Journal of Risk & Safety in Medicine 2022―Mar―11 The social organization of science during the COVID-19 pandemic Manuela Fernández Pinto, Vlasta Sikimić, Mike Stuart, Jamie Shaw
484 [GO] Journal of Alzheimer s Disease 2022―Mar―11 Association of Alzheimer’s Disease with COVID-19 Susceptibility and Severe Complications: A Nationwide Cohort Study Seok Jong Chung, Yoonkyung Chang, Jimin Jeon, Jae Il Shin, Tae-Jin Song, Jinkwon Kim
485 [GO] Journal of Alzheimer s Disease Reports 2022―Mar―08 Cognitive and Functional Abilities in an Older Adult Veteran Before and After Contracting COVID-19 Ronald Okolichany, Prasad Padala, Scott Mooney
486 [GO] Intelligent Decision Technologies 2022―Mar―08 Fuzzy expert systems for prediction of ICU admission in patients with COVID-19 A.A. Sadat Asl, M.M. Ershadi, S. Sotudian, X. Li, S. Dick
487 [GO] Work 2022―Mar―08 Safe practices of biomedical and dental waste management amongst practicing dental professionals amid the COVID-19 pandemic Naseer Ahmed, Maria S. Abbasi, Resham Nadeem, Asma Rizwan, Fahim Vohra, Tariq Abduljabbar, Adel Abduljabbar
488 [GO] Information Polity 2022―Mar―08 National approaches for citizen data management in response to COVID-19: An overview and implications of contact tracing apps in 21 countries Lin Zhu, Mehmet Akif Demircioglu
489 [GO] Work 2022―Mar―04 COVID-19 and decent work: A bibliometric analysis Rosley Anholon, Izabela Simon Rampasso, Thais Dibbern, Milena Pavan Serafim, Walter Leal Filho, Osvaldo L.G. Quelhas
490 [GO] Work 2022―Mar―04 The effects of nurses’ use of personal protective equipment on their vital signs during the COVID-19 pandemic Aysel Doğan, Fatma Karasu, Leyla Yilmaz
491 [GO] Work 2022―Mar―04 Vulnerabilities in workplace features for essential workers with breast cancer: Implications for the COVID-19 pandemic Madelyn Klugman, Sujata Patil, Francesca Gany, Victoria Blinder
492 [GO] Work 2022―Mar―04 The effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on dental interns in Saudi Arabia Syed Fareed Mohsin, Shahzad Ali Shah, Muhammad Atif Saleem Agwan, Saqib Ali, Ziyad Ahmad Alsuwaydani, Saleh Ahmad AlSuwaydani
493 [GO] Work 2022―Mar―01 How does fear of COVID-19 affect the mental well-being of waiters in Turkey Engin Üngüren, Sefa Ceyhan, Nazlı Türker
494 [GO] Clinical Hemorheology and Microcirculation 2022―Mar―01 Contrast enhanced ultrasonography (CEUS) a novel tool to detect intestinal epithelial barrier dysfunction in severe COVID-19 disease H.C. Tews, A. Kandulski, S. Schmid, G. Peschel, K. Gülow, S. Schlosser, et al. (+4)
495 [GO] Work 2022―Mar―01 Transition to the forced telework - a challenge for trade unions identified by the study on working life with COVID-19 in Latvia Linda Matisāne, Linda Paegle, Ivars Vanadziņš, Sarmīte Rozentāle, Ieva Grīntāle, Iveta Mietule, et al. (+3)
496 [GO] Work 2022―Mar―01 The psychological mechanism linking life satisfaction and turnover intention among healthcare workers during the COVID-19 pandemic Muhammad Rafiq, Fakhar Shehzad, Muhammad Farrukh, Imran Khan
497 [GO] Work 2022―Mar―01 Determining the musculoskeletal problems of academicians who transitioned to distance education during the COVID-19 pandemic Deniz S. Yorulmaz, Havva Karadeniz, Seçil Duran, İsa Çelik
498 [GO] Work 2022―Mar―01 The effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on healthcare workers’ psychological and mental health: The moderating role of felt obligation Muddassar Sarfraz, Hira Hafeez, Muhammad Ibrahim Abdullah, Larisa Ivascu, Ilknur Ozturk
499 [GO] Work 2022―Mar―01 Psychological impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on medical and rehabilitation sciences university students in Saudi Arabia Hassan Izzeddin Sarsak
500 [GO] Statistical Journal of the IAOS 2022―Mar―01 Introduction The end of the pandemic, new opportunities to meet?
501 [GO] Journal of X-Ray Science and Technology 2022―Feb―22 Optimized chest X-ray image semantic segmentation networks for COVID-19 early detection Anandbabu Gopatoti, P. Vijayalakshmi
502 [GO] International Journal of Risk & Safety in Medicine 2022―Feb―22 Predicaments during a period of health emergency: Waiving patent protections or innovative public procurement? The example of advance purchase agreements (APA) for COVID-19 vaccines Nuria Garrido Cuenca, Carlo Bottari
503 [GO] Journal of Climate Change 2022―Feb―22 A Long Term Observation of Meteorological Influence on COVID-19 Pandemic Spread in Malaysia - A Case Study Barry Ngumbang Lloyd, Prasanna Mohan Viswanathan
504 [GO] International Journal of Risk & Safety in Medicine 2022―Feb―11 Obesity and immune system impairment: A global problem during the COVID-19 pandemic Rosa Manca, Francisco Bombillar, Chester Glomski, Alessandra Pica, Carlo Bottari
505 [GO] International Journal of Risk & Safety in Medicine 2022―Feb―11 EU health co-design policies to counteract the covid-19 pandemic effect promoting physical activity Luca Zambelli, Francesco Pegreffi, Carlo Bottari
506 [GO] Intelligenza Artificiale 2022―Feb―08 AI & COVID-19 Davide Bacciu, Emanuela Girardi, Marco Maratea, Jose Sousa
507 [GO] Technology and Health Care 2022―Feb―01 Clinical analysis of severe COVID-19 patients Hao Wang, Bin Sun, Xiayuan Li, Yun Wang, Zhengping Yang
508 [GO] Journal of Integrated Design and Process Science 2022―Feb―01 Blockchain-based Digital Trust Mechanism: A Use Case of Cloud Manufacturing of LDS Syringes for Covid-19 Vaccination Trupti Rane, Jingwei Huang
509 [GO] Work 2022―Jan―25 Telework benefits and associated health problems during the long COVID-19 era Sarah Bolbol, Marwa Zalat
510 [GO] Work 2022―Jan―25 Prevalence of burnout syndrome among Work-From-Home IT professionals during the COVID-19 pandemic A. Kumaresan, Prathap Suganthirababu, Vignesh Srinivasan, Vijay Y. Chandhini, P. Divyalaxmi, Jagatheesan Alagesan, et al. (+3)
511 [GO] Work 2022―Jan―25 Job satisfaction and challenges of working from home during the COVID-19 pandemic: A study in a Swedish academic setting Saeid Zandi, Fereshteh Ahmadi, Önver Andreas Cetrez, Sharareh Akhavan
512 [GO] Work 2022―Jan―25 Telework during the COVID-19 pandemic: Ergonomic and psychosocial risks among Brazilian labor justice workers Fauzi El Kadri Filho, Sérgio Roberto de Lucca
513 [GO] Work 2022―Jan―25 Measuring pandemic home-work conditions to determine ergonomic recommendation relevance Nancy Lee Black, Samuelle St-Onge
514 [GO] International Journal of Developmental Science 2022―Jan―21 School Closures During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Psychosocial Outcomes in Children - a Systematic Review Juliane Lehmann, Viola Lechner, Herbert Scheithauer
515 [GO] Work 2022―Jan―21 Toward successful future use of telehealth in occupational therapy practice: What the COVID-19 rapid shift revealed Cynthia R. Abbott-Gaffney, Liat Liat Gafni-Lachter, Jana Cason, Katherine Sheaffer, Rachael Harasink, Kelsey Donehower, Karen Jacobs
516 [GO] Work 2022―Jan―21 Teachers feeling the burden of COVID-19: Impact on well-being, stress, and burnout Susan E. Kotowski, Kermit G. Davis, Clare L. Barratt
517 [GO] Breast Disease 2022―Jan―18 Idiopathic granulomatous mastitis and steroid use during the pandemic of COVID-19 Hasan Calis, Zulfikar Karabulut, Yilmaz Guler, Serkan Sengul
518 [GO] Journal of Alzheimer s Disease 2022―Jan―14 Psychosocial Effects of COVID-19 Measures on (Pre-)Dementia Patients During Second Lockdown Els D. Bakker, Ingrid S. van Maurik, Arenda Mank, Marissa D. Zwan, Lisa Waterink, Susanne van den Buuse, et al. (+9)
519 [GO] Journal of Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine 2022―Jan―14 Epidemiological characteristics of neonates born to mothers infected with COVID-19: A single-centre observational study T. Verulava, N. Galogre
520 [GO] Advances in Communication and Swallowing 2022―Jan―07 Telepractice in service delivery: A survey of perspectives and practices of speech and language therapists in Ireland during COVID-19 Eilis Farren, Duana Quigley, Yvonne Lynch
521 [GO] Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems 2022―Jan―07 Fuzzy fractional mathematical model of COVID-19 epidemic V. Padmapriya, M. Kaliyappan
522 [GO] Technology and Health Care 2022―Jan―04 Application value of ultrashort waves for COVID-19: Viewpoints from Chinese experts Zhijie Cao, Hongkai Qi, Wei Li
523 [GO] Mediterranean Journal of Nutrition and Metabolism 2022―Jan―04 COVID 19 Pandemic: Changes in the emotions, body weights and nutrition habits of individuals during social intervention measures Özlem Özpak Akkuş, Betül Gülşen Atalay, Eda Parlak
524 [GO] Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems 2021―Dec―31 Long short-term memory stacking model to predict the number of cases and deaths caused by COVID-19 Filipe Fernandes, Stéfano Frizzo Stefenon, Laio Oriel Seman, Ademir Nied, Fernanda Cristina Silva Ferreira, Maria Cristina Mazzetti Subtil, et al. (+2)
525 [GO] Journal of Alzheimer s Disease 2021―Dec―31 Telemedicine in French Memory Clinics During the COVID-19 Pandemic Alexandre Morin, Thibaut Pressat-Laffouilhere, Marie Sarazin, Julien Lagarde, Carole Roue-Jagot, Pauline Olivieri, et al. (+12)
526 [GO] Human Systems Management 2021―Dec―31 Telework and perceived workload: Learnings prior to the COVID-19 upheaval Tuuli Turja, Oxana Krutova, Harri Melin
527 [GO] Statistical Journal of the IAOS 2021―Dec―24 The Research and Development Survey (RANDS) during COVID-19 Katherine E. Irimata, Paul J. Scanlon
528 [GO] Technology and Health Care 2021―Dec―21 EpidemiXs: Harnessing digital technology in the fight against COVID-19 and the associated infodemic Jeannine Lemaire, Elsa Ramil, Veronique Ines Thouvenot, Jordi Serrano Pons
529 [GO] Technology and Health Care 2021―Dec―21 Biotech value chain and technologies for COVID-19 research areas for collaboration on cost quality tradeoff with tool companies Christine C. Huttin
530 [GO] Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems 2021―Dec―21 A unified deep neuro-fuzzy approach for COVID-19 twitter sentiment classification Aman Bahuguna, Deepak Yadav, Apurbalal Senapati, Baidya Nath Saha
531 [GO] Technology and Health Care 2021―Dec―21 Introduction to the mini symposium on innovative technologies and quality in medicine in the time of a pandemic Christine C. Huttin
532 [GO] Work 2021―Dec―17 Evaluation of the economic impact of COVID-19 on Brazilian private dental clinics: A cross-sectional study Natália Lins de Souza Villarim, Isis de Araújo Ferreira Muniz, Danyel Elias da Cruz Perez, Hercílio Martelli-Junior, Renato Assis Machado, Yuri Wanderley Cavalcanti, Paulo Rogério Ferreti Bonan
533 [GO] Work 2021―Dec―17 Impact of COVID-19 on rehabilitation experiences of physiotherapists Pínar Kaya Ciddi, Gülay Aras Bayram
534 [GO] Work 2021―Dec―17 Concerns and mental health of teachers from digitally underdeveloped countries regarding the reopening of schools after the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic Sanja Milić, Nada Marić
535 [GO] Work 2021―Dec―17 Exploring the mediation role of employees’ well-being in the relationship between psychosocial factors and musculoskeletal pain during the covid-19 pandemic Auditya Purwandini Sutarto, Titis Wijayanto, Irma Nur Afiah
536 [GO] Work 2021―Dec―17 Exergaming to improve physical, psychological and cognitive health among home office workers: A COVID-19 pandemic commentary Hassan Sadeghi, Deborah A. Jehu
537 [GO] Work 2021―Dec―17 Physical therapists’ knowledge and implementation of best practices in the outpatient physiotherapy department during the COVID-19 pandemic: A cross-sectional study Muhammad Kashif, Akasha Ahmad, Ayesha Ashraf, Zara Imtiaz, Abdulaziz Albalwi, Muhammad Nouman Hussain
538 [GO] Work 2021―Dec―17 The influence of organizational commitment on the perceived effectiveness of virtual meetings by filipino professionals during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A structural equation modeling approach Yogi Tri Prasetyo, Lorenzo Dones Montenegro, Reny Nadlifatin, Yoshiki B. Kurata, Ardvin Kester S. Ong, Thanatorn Chuenyindee
539 [GO] Work 2021―Dec―17 COVID-19 related factors affecting the experiences of neurodivergent persons in the workplace: A rapid review Damian Mellifont
540 [GO] Journal of X-Ray Science and Technology 2021―Dec―14 Automatic detection of COVID-19 in chest radiographs using serially concatenated deep and handcrafted features S. Rajesh Kannan, J. Sivakumar, P. Ezhilarasi
541 [GO] Human Systems Management 2021―Dec―10 Strengthening of work-life balance while working remotely in the context of COVID-19 pandemic Živilė Stankevičiūtė, Svetlana Kunskaja
542 [GO] Human Systems Management 2021―Dec―07 The association between the initial outcomes of COVID-19 and the human development index: An ecological study Mohamed Buheji, Amer AlDerazi, Dunya Ahmed, Nicola Luigi Bragazzi, Haitham Jahrami, Randah R. Hamadeh, Ahmed S. BaHammam
543 [GO] Intelligent Decision Technologies 2021―Dec―07 COVID-19 detection using cough sound analysis and deep learning algorithms Sunil Rao, Vivek Narayanaswamy, Michael Esposito, Jayaraman J. Thiagarajan, Andreas Spanias
544 [GO] Journal of Neuromuscular Diseases 2021―Dec―03 Impact of SARS-CoV-2 Infection Among Non-Invasive Ventilated ALS Patients Miguel Oliveira Santos, Sara Domingues, Marta Gromicho, Susana Pinto, Mamede de Carvalho
545 [GO] International Journal of Hybrid Intelligent Systems 2021―Nov―30 Towards data warehouse from open data: Case of COVID-19 Senda Bouaziz, Ahlem Nabli, Faiez Gargouri
546 [GO] Human Antibodies 2021―Nov―30 COVID-19 pandemic: Insights into genetic susceptibility to SARS-CoV-2 and host genes implications on virus spread, disease severity and outcomes Saba Dastar, Jalal Gharesouran, Deniz Mortazavi, Hassan Hosseinzadeh, Seyed Jalal Kian, Mohammad Taheri, et al. (+3)
547 [GO] Journal of X-Ray Science and Technology 2021―Nov―30 UBNet: Deep learning-based approach for automatic X-ray image detection of pneumonia and COVID-19 patients Chomsin S. Widodo, Agus Naba, Muhammad M. Mahasin, Yuyun Yueniwati, Terawan A. Putranto, Pangeran I. Patra
548 [GO] Journal of Pediatric Rehabilitation Medicine 2021―Nov―30 Think globally, act locally: Quality improvement as a catalyst for COVID-19 related care during the transitional years Jonathan Castillo, Ellen Fremion, Melissa Morrison-Jacobus, Rhonda Bolin, Ana Perez, Eva Acosta, et al. (+2)
549 [GO] Journal of X-Ray Science and Technology 2021―Nov―26 Computer-aided COVID-19 diagnosis and a comparison of deep learners using augmented CXRs Asma Naseer, Maria Tamoor, Arifah Azhar
550 [GO] Work 2021―Nov―26 Working conditions and anxiety levels of individuals who have to work during the COVID-19 pandemic Ülfiye Çelikkalp, Aylin Yalçin Irmak, Galip Ekuklu
551 [GO] Work 2021―Nov―26 Determinants of increased frequency of depressive and anxiety symptoms in exercise professionals during the COVID-19 pandemic Natan Feter, Eduardo L. Caputo, Igor R. Doring, Marcelo C. da Silva, Felipe F. Reichert, Airton J. Rombaldi
552 [GO] Work 2021―Nov―26 The association between moral distress and mental health among nurses working at selected hospitals in Iran during the COVID-19 pandemic Reza Nemati, Ainaz Moradi, Maryam Marzban, Akram Farhadi
553 [GO] Work 2021―Nov―26 Stress level and sleep quality of nurses during the COVID-19 pandemic Şebnem Bilgiç, Ülfiye Çelikkalp, Cem Mısırlı
554 [GO] Work 2021―Nov―26 Job stress and resilience in Iranian nurses during the COVID-19 pandemic: A case-control study Gholam-Abbas Shirali, Arman Amiri, Khalil Taherzadeh Chanani, Maryam Silavi, Sanaz Mohipoor, Payam Rashnuodi
555 [GO] Work 2021―Nov―26 Investigating the compliance of COVID-19 protocols in the workplaces of Ardabil, Iran Asghar Lotfollahzadeh, Leila Rastgoo, Islam Shirinzadeh, Seyedeh Melika Kharghani Moghadam, Hossein Ebrahimi
556 [GO] Journal of Alzheimer s Disease 2021―Nov―19 Caregiver Tele-Assistance for Reduction of Emotional Distress During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Psychological Support to Caregivers of People with Dementia: The Italian Experience Emanuela Rotondo, Daniela Galimberti, Matteo Mercurio, Giulia Giardinieri, Sara Forti, Roberto Vimercati, et al. (+7)
557 [GO] Mediterranean Journal of Nutrition and Metabolism 2021―Nov―19 The role of zinc in the pathogenesis and treatment of COVID-19: A review Arezoo Rezazadeh, Sara Sadeghzadeh, Kosar Namakin, Atena Tamimi, Zahra Khanjani
558 [GO] Journal of Back and Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation 2021―Nov―16 Home-based rehabilitation in patients over 60 with stabilized ankylosing spondylitis during the COVID-19 pandemic Kyunghwan Cho, Austin Kang
559 [GO] Journal of Alzheimer s Disease 2021―Nov―12 Impact of COVID-19 on ‘Living Well’ with Mild-to-Moderate Dementia in the Community: Findings from the IDEAL Cohort Linda Clare, Anthony Martyr, Laura D. Gamble, Claire Pentecost, Rachel Collins, Eleanor Dawson, et al. (+9)
560 [GO] Journal of Alzheimer s Disease 2021―Nov―09 Analysis and Identification Genetic Effect of SARS-CoV-2 Infections to Alzheimer’s Disease Patients by Integrated Bioinformatics Fang Wang, Jia Xu, Shu-Jun Xu, Jie-Jie Guo, Feiming Wang, Qin-Wen Wang, Ling-Qiang Zhu
561 [GO] Main Group Chemistry 2021―Nov―02 Quantum processing of cytidine derivatives and evaluating their in silico interactions with the COVID-19 main protease Kun Harismah, Narjes Hajali, Mahmoud Mirzaei, Elham Salarrezaei
562 [GO] Journal of Computational Methods in Sciences and Engineering 2021―Nov―02 How to promote COVID-19 pandemic prevention and control: A game theory analysis Jin Yan
563 [GO] Journal of Cellular Biotechnology 2021―Nov―02 Point mutation of COVID-19 proteins: A study on noval corona virus (nCov) correlation with MERS and H1N1 viruses and in silico investigation of nCoV proteins for future applications Akansha Kaushik, Swati Kasana, Priyanka Verma, Anuj Kumar Singh
564 [GO] Work 2021―Oct―29 A comparison of coupled microeconomic and mental health devastating alterations between low-income and affluent countries afflicted with COVID-19 Xinxin Chu
565 [GO] Work 2021―Oct―29 “Can you hear me now?” Video conference coping strategies and experience during COVID-19 and beyond Hannah Johns, Emma L Burrows, Venesha Rethnam, Sharon Kramer, Julie Bernhardt
566 [GO] Work 2021―Oct―29 Understanding uptake of prevention and mitigation of COVID-19 at work actions in Iran Vahid Gharibi, Rosanna Cousins, Mehdi Jahangiri, Mina Bargar
567 [GO] Journal of X-Ray Science and Technology 2021―Oct―29 Classification by a stacking model using CNN features for COVID-19 infection diagnosis Yavuz Selim Taspinar, Ilkay Cinar, Murat Koklu
568 [GO] Journal of Medical Psychology 2021―Oct―29 An Investigation into the Impact of COVID-19 on the Relationships Between Parents of Children Diagnosed with Cystic Fibrosis and the Cystic Fibrosis Multi-Disciplinary Team Steve Jones, Leanne Smith, Katie Ainsworth
569 [GO] Work 2021―Oct―29 Impact of COVID-19 online classes on morningness-eveningness personality among adult college students: A survey study Vignesh Srinivasan, Surya Vishnuram, Prathap Suganthirababu, A. Kumaresan, P. Divyalaxmi, M. Saranya Devi, Jagatheesan Alagesan
570 [GO] Work 2021―Oct―29 Exploring the perspectives of medical students of application on e-learning in medical education during the COVID-19 pandemic Nazar P. Shabila, Nazdar Ezzaddin Alkhateeb, Ali Shakir Dauod, Ali Al-Dabbagh
571 [GO] Nutrition and Healthy Aging 2021―Oct―29 The wellbeing of elderly people during COVID-19 pandemic: A narrative review Maria Gayatri
572 [GO] International Journal of Risk & Safety in Medicine 2021―Oct―29 Social distance capacity to control the COVID-19 pandemic: A systematic review on time series analysis Omid Khosravizadeh, Bahman Ahadinezhad, Aisa Maleki, Zahra Najafpour, Rohollah Golmohammadi
573 [GO] Work 2021―Oct―29 Employee well-being in the COVID-19 pandemic: The moderating role of teleworking during the first lockdown in the province of Q, Canada Annick Parent-Lamarche, Maude Boulet
574 [GO] Work 2021―Oct―29 How anxious were Q healthcare professionals during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic? A web-based cross-sectional survey Jude Emmanuel Cléophat, Philippe Simon, Gilles Chiniara, Liette St-Pierre, Eusèbe Ahossi, Maman Joyce Dogba, et al. (+5)
575 [GO] Work 2021―Oct―29 The vital role of physiotherapy during COVID-19: A systematic review P. Antony Leo Asser, K. Soundararajan
576 [GO] Information Polity 2021―Oct―26 Social media use in government health agencies: The COVID-19 impact Rodrigo Sandoval-Almazan, David Valle-Cruz
577 [GO] Work 2021―Oct―26 Dependence of emotional burnout on personality typology in the COVID-19 pandemic Marina Seluch, Mikhail Volchansky, Roman Safronov
578 [GO] Journal of Alzheimer s Disease 2021―Oct―22 COVID-19 Case Fatality and Alzheimer’s Disease Qiang Zhang, Jordan L. Schultz, Georgina M. Aldridge, Jacob E. Simmering, Youngcho Kim, Amy C. Ogilvie, Nandakumar S. Narayanan
579 [GO] Mediterranean Journal of Nutrition and Metabolism 2021―Oct―22 The mediterranean diet: Healthy and sustainable dietary pattern in the time of Sars-Cov-2 Carmela Bagnato, Carmela Perfetto, Flora Labanca, Lorenza Caregaro Negrin
580 [GO] Work 2021―Oct―13 A study on the severity and prevention measures of COVID-19 among dental professionals in clinical practice management Gotam Das, Shaheen Ahmed, Abdul Razzaq Ahmed, Vineet Tirth, Soofia Jamil, Ammar Ali Muhammad, et al. (+2)
581 [GO] Work 2021―Oct―06 Factors influencing job satisfaction among dentists during the new normal of the COVID-19 pandemic in Indonesia: A structural equation modeling approach Yogi Tri Prasetyo, Titis Maulanti, Satria Fadil Persada, Anak Agung Ngurah Perwira Redi, Michael Nayat Young, John Francis T. Diaz
582 [GO] Work 2021―Oct―06 Limiting factors of face shield use for health professionals during the COVID-19 pandemic Ana Cristina de Oliveira e Silva, Wynne Pereira Nogueira, Elucir Gir, Sandra Aparecida de Almeida, Bárbara Iansã de Lima Barroso, Maria Eliane Moreira Freire
583 [GO] Work 2021―Oct―06 The effect of workload on nurses’ quality of life with moderating perceived social support during the COVID-19 pandemic Hossein Ebrahimi, Ezat Jafarjalal, Asghar Lotfolahzadeh, Seyedeh Melika Kharghani Moghadam
584 [GO] Work 2021―Oct―06 The role of ambient parameters on transmission rates of the COVID-19 outbreak: A machine learning model Amir Jamshidnezhad, Seyed Ahmad Hosseini, Leila Ibrahimi Ghavamabadi, Seyed Mahdi Hossaeini Marashi, Hediye Mousavi, Marzieh Zilae, Behzad Fouladi Dehaghi
585 [GO] Statistical Journal of the IAOS 2021―Oct―01 Robust official business statistics methodology during COVID-19-related and other economic downturns Paul A. Smith, Boris Lorenc
586 [GO] Work 2021―Sep―28 Healthcare students’ mental and physical well-being during the COVID-19 lockdown and distance learning Khader A. Almhdawi, Alza Alazrai, Donia Obeidat, Ahmad A. Altarifi, Alaa O. Oteir, Ashraf H. Aljammal, et al. (+4)
587 [GO] Semantic Web 2021―Sep―28 Representing COVID-19 information in collaborative knowledge graphs: The case of Wikidata Houcemeddine Turki, Mohamed Ali Hadj Taieb, Thomas Shafee, Tiago Lubiana, Dariusz Jemielniak, Mohamed Ben Aouicha, et al. (+6)
588 [GO] Journal of Alzheimer s Disease 2021―Sep―17 Dementia and Parkinson’s Disease: Risk Factors for 30-Day Mortality in Nursing Home Residents with COVID-19 Jeanine J.S. Rutten, Janine van Kooten, Anouk M. van Loon, Laura W. van Buul, Karlijn J. Joling, Martin Smalbrugge, et al. (+2)
589 [GO] Journal of Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine 2021―Sep―17 Preterm neonate delivered to COVID-19 positive mother on ECMO support P. Balasundaram, S. Louis, A. Thompson-Branch
590 [GO] Technology and Disability 2021―Sep―17 Pandemic and disability: Challenges faced and role of technology Monnie Parida, Manjira Sinha
591 [GO] Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation 2021―Sep―14 Effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on college students with intellectual disabilities Gwendolyn C. Carey, Brianna Joseph, Lisa A. Finnegan
592 [GO] Statistical Journal of the IAOS 2021―Sep―07 Estimating excess mortality in Canada during the COVID-19 pandemic: Statistical methods adapted for rapid response in an evolving crisis Elham Sirag, Gautier Gissler
593 [GO] Clinical Hemorheology and Microcirculation 2021―Sep―07 Is SARS-CoV-2 infection an emerging risk factor for splanchnic venous thrombosis? Attilia Pizzini, Cesare Tripolino, Stefania Zaccaroni, Camilla Cicognani, Susanna Dapporto, Maria Luigia Cipollini, et al. (+3)
594 [GO] Mediterranean Journal of Nutrition and Metabolism 2021―Sep―03 Rosemary and its protective potencies against COVID-19 and other cytokine storm associated infections: A molecular review Amirabbas Shiravi, Aliakbar Akbari, Zahra Mohammadi, Mohammad-Sadegh Khalilian, Alireza Zeinalian, Mehrdad Zeinalian
595 [GO] Work 2021―Sep―03 Predictors of depression, anxiety and stress among remote workers during the COVID-19 pandemic Erman Şentürk, Eser Sağaltıcı, Bahadır Geniş, Ömür Günday Toker
596 [GO] Work 2021―Sep―03 Burnout and anxiety level of healthcare professionals during the COVID-19 pandemic in Turkey Esra Dogru-Huzmeli, Yagmur Cam, Senem Urfali, Ozden Gokcek, Sabiha Bezgin, Boran Urfali, Hakan Uysal
597 [GO] Journal of Alzheimer s Disease Reports 2021―Sep―03 Induction of Gut Microbial Tryptamine by SARS-CoV-2 in Nonhuman Primate Model Consistent with Tryptamine-Induced Model of Neurodegeneration Elena L. Paley
598 [GO] Journal of Climate Change 2021―Sep―03 Monsoon Impact on the Air Quality During SAR-CoV-2 Pandemic Spread in Central Peninsular Malaysia and Sabah: Pre, During and Post Lockdown Scenarios M.V. Prasanna, S. Chidambaram
599 [GO] Model Assisted Statistics and Applications 2021―Aug―31 The time series regression analysis in evaluating the economic impact of COVID-19 cases in Indonesia Utriweni Mukhaiyar, Devina Widyanti, Sandy Vantika
600 [GO] Statistical Journal of the IAOS 2021―Aug―31 Monitoring the newly infected cases of COVID-19 data weekly: A Survival Data Analysis (SDA) perspective Ramachandran Ramasamy, Maniam Kaliannan
601 [GO] Model Assisted Statistics and Applications 2021―Aug―31 Explaining COVID-19 mortality rates in the first wave in Europe Gauss M. Cordeiro, Dalson Figueiredo, Lucas Silva, Edwin M.M. Ortega, Fábio Prataviera
602 [GO] Journal of Parkinson s Disease 2021―Aug―31 Novel Outreach Program and Practical Strategies for Patients with Parkinsonism in the COVID-19 Pandemic Brianna Sennott, Katheryn Woo, Serena Hess, Daniela Mitchem, Ellen C. Klostermann, Erica Myrick, et al. (+3)
603 [GO] Work 2021―Aug―31 The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on undergraduate and graduate dental courses in Brazil Hélen Kaline Farias Bezerra, Kamilla Karla Maurício Passos, Augusto César Leal da Silva Leonel, Paulo Rogério Ferreti Bonan, Hercílio Martelli-Júnior, Renato Assis Machado, et al. (+2)
604 [GO] Work 2021―Aug―31 Theory of planned behavior as a conceptual framework for the willingness to self-isolate during the COVID-19 pandemic: A regional cross-sectional study Rakhi Issrani, Mohammad Khursheed Alam
605 [GO] Clinical Hemorheology and Microcirculation 2021―Aug―31 Early evaluation of organ failure using MELD-XI in critically ill elderly COVID-19 patients Raphael Romano Bruno, Bernhard Wernly, Johanna Hornemann, Hans Flaatten, Jesper FjØlner, Antonio Artigas, et al. (+23)
606 [GO] Technology and Health Care 2021―Aug―31 The human-AI scoring system: A new method for CT-based assessment of COVID-19 severity Mingzhu Liu, Weifu Lv, Baocai Yin, Yaqiong Ge, Wei Wei
607 [GO] Journal of Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine 2021―Aug―31 Vitamin K deficient bleeding and COVID-19: How are they related? J.J. Volpe
608 [GO] Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems 2021―Aug―24 A new approach for modeling covid-19 death data Muhammad Farooq, Muhammad Ijaz
609 [GO] Journal of Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine 2021―Aug―24 Multisystem inflammatory syndrome with persistent neutropenia in neonate exposed to SARS-CoV-2 virus: A case report and review of literature K. Diwakar, B.K. Gupta, M.W. Uddin, A. Sharma, S. Jhajra
610 [GO] Work 2021―Aug―20 COVID-19 anxiety and hygiene status in vocational school of health services students in turkey: A multicenter study Edibe Pirincci, Muhammed Arca, Mehmet Ali Sen, Erhan Atici, Suleyman Varsak, Ezgi Yarasir, et al. (+3)
611 [GO] Work 2021―Aug―20 The high level of adherence of personal protective equipment in health care workers efficiently protects them from COVID-19 infection Malihe Zangoue, Hamidreza Safari, Simon G. Royce, Alireza Zangooie, Hadis Rezapour, Amirsadra Zangouei, Mohammad Fereidouni
612 [GO] Work 2021―Aug―20 Application of structural equation modeling to develop a conceptual model for entrepreneurship for psychological service workers during the COVID-19 pandemic Boshra A. Arnout
613 [GO] Work 2021―Aug―20 University professors’ mental and physical well-being during the COVID-19 pandemic and distance teaching Khader A. Almhdawi, Donia Obeidat, Saddam F. Kanaan, Nupur Hajela, Mohammad Bsoul, Alaa Arabiat, et al. (+3)
614 [GO] Work 2021―Aug―20 Assessment of healthcare professionals’ perceptions and attitudes towards the COVID-19 pandemic in Turkey Halil Türktemiz, Özgün Ünal, Dilek Bingöl Aydın
615 [GO] Work 2021―Aug―20 Working from home during the COVID-19 pandemic: Impact on office worker productivity and work experience Mohamad Awada, Gale Lucas, Burcin Becerik-Gerber, Shawn Roll
616 [GO] International Journal of Risk & Safety in Medicine 2021―Aug―20 An old entity, a new trigger: Post COVID-19 vaccine Pityriasis rubra pilaris Mukesh Kumar Sahni, Kanika Roy, Dinesh Prasad Asati, Ujjawal Khurana
617 [GO] Tumor Biology 2021―Aug―20 The expression of hACE2 receptor protein and its involvement in SARS-CoV-2 entry, pathogenesis, and its application as potential therapeutic target Lobna Al-Zaidan, Sarra Mestiri, Afsheen Raza, Maysaloun Merhi, Varghese Philipose Inchakalody, Queenie Fernandes, et al. (+3)
618 [GO] Journal of Alzheimer s Disease 2021―Aug―17 High Exhaustion in Geriatric Healthcare Professionals During the COVID-19 Second Lockdown Mohamad El Haj, Philippe Allain, Cédric Annweiler, Claire Boutoleau-Bretonnière, Guillaume Chapelet, Karim Gallouj, et al. (+3)
619 [GO] Journal of Computational Methods in Sciences and Engineering 2021―Aug―13 Impact of COVID-19 on latent emissiveness of residents in China: Based on the X-12-ARIMA additive seasonal adjustment model Lianlian Hou
620 [GO] Education for Information 2021―Aug―13 Assessing the societal value of a service-learning project in information studies during the COVID-19 pandemic Michela Montesi, Pablo Parra Valero, María Antonia Ovalle Perandones, María Sacristán Sánchez
621 [GO] Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems 2021―Aug―10 Hyperparameters optimization for ResNet and Xception in the purpose of diagnosing COVID-19 Hania H. Farag, Lamiaa A. A. Said, Mohamed R. M. Rizk, Magdy Abd ElAzim Ahmed
622 [GO] Journal of Parkinson s Disease 2021―Aug―10 Worsened Parkinson’s Disease Progression: Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic Christian Ineichen, Heide Baumann-Vogel, Matthias Sitzler, Daniel Waldvogel, Christian R. Baumann
623 [GO] Journal of X-Ray Science and Technology 2021―Aug―10 Longitudinal changes of laboratory measurements after discharged from hospital in 268 COVID-19 pneumonia patients DeyYang Huang, Hengyuan Miao, Ziqi Zhang, Yanhong Yang, Lieguang Zhang, Fleming Y.M. Lure, et al. (+5)
624 [GO] Human Systems Management 2021―Aug―06 The impact of internal factors on the use of technology in higher education in Saudi Arabia during the COVID-19 pandemic Abdullah Mohammed Al-Ghurbani, Fawaz Jazim, Mohammed Abdulrab, Yaser Hasan S. Al-Mamary, Imran Khan
625 [GO] Main Group Chemistry 2021―Aug―03 Comparative study of molecular docking, structural, electronic, vibrational and hydrogen bonding interactions on 4-hydroxy benzo hydrazide (4HBH) and its newly designed derivative [(E)-N′-((1H-Pyrrol-2-YL)methylene) -4-hydroxy benzo hydrazide and its isomers (I, II and III)] (potential inhibitors) for COVID-19 protease Anoop Kumar Pandey, Vijay Singh, Apoorva Dwivedi
626 [GO] Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems 2021―Jul―27 A weakly supervised learning method based on attention fusion for Covid-19 segmentation in CT images Hongyu Chen, Shengsheng Wang
627 [GO] Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems 2021―Jul―23 Deep spatio-temporal emotion analysis of geo-tagged tweets for predicting location based communal emotion during COVID-19 Lock-down M. Amsaprabhaa, Y. Nancy Jane, H. Khanna Nehemiah
628 [GO] Journal of Alzheimer s Disease 2021―Jul―20 The Effect of Prolonged Lockdown Due to COVID-19 on Greek Demented Patients of Different Stages and on Their Caregivers Angeliki Tsapanou, Panagiota Zoi, Faidra Kalligerou, Patra Blekou, Paraskevi Sakka
629 [GO] Statistical Journal of the IAOS 2021―Jul―20 The need for timely official statistics. The COVID-19 pandemic as a driver for innovation Sofie De Broe, Olav ten Bosch, Piet Daas, Gert Buiten, Ben Laevens, Bert Kroese
630 [GO] Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems 2021―Jul―20 Circular intuitionistic fuzzy topsis method: pandemic hospital location selection Nurşah Alkan, Cengiz Kahraman
631 [GO] Education for Information 2021―Jul―13 Shifting focus to online learning during the COVID-19 pandemic in Saudi Universities: Challenges and opportunities Nouf Aljohani
632 [GO] Journal of Alzheimer s Disease 2021―Jul―10 Brain Stress Mapping in COVID-19 Survivors Using MR Spectroscopy: New Avenue of Mental Health Status Monitoring Avantika Samkaria, Khushboo Punjabi, Shallu Sharma, Shallu Joon, Kanika Sandal, Tirthankar Dasgupta, et al. (+2)
633 [GO] Education for Information 2021―Jul―07 Perceived barriers for distance teaching in higher education during the COVID-19 crisis: “I never did a video before” Juan-José Boté-Vericad
634 [GO] Model Assisted Statistics and Applications 2021―Jul―07 Inferences for generalized Topp-Leone distribution under dual generalized order statistics with applications to Engineering and COVID-19 data Devendra Kumar, Mazen Nassar, Sanku Dey, Ahmed Elshahhat
635 [GO] Technology and Health Care 2021―Jul―07 Clinical characteristics and outcomes of COVID-19 long-term nucleic acid positive patients Xuan Zhu, Xinxin Zhu, Min Wang, Fang Yang, Zhibing Sun, Xiaohong Yang, Yimin Yan
636 [GO] Human Systems Management 2021―Jul―07 Breach of employer obligation and employee well-being during COVID-19 unlock phase Anushree Karani, Revati Deshpande, Mitesh Jayswal, Payal Trivedi
637 [GO] Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems 2021―Jul―07 Spherical bipolar fuzzy weighted multi-facility location modeling for mobile COVID-19 vaccination clinics Esra Çakır, Mehmet Ali Taş, Ziya Ulukan
638 [GO] Journal of Alzheimer s Disease 2021―Jul―03 Supporting and Protecting People with Dementia in the COVID-19 Pandemic Giulia Remoli, Marco Canevelli, Umberto Maria Robertazzo, Filippo Nuti, Ilaria Bacigalupo, Emanuela Salvi, et al. (+6)
639 [GO] Journal of Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine 2021―Jun―30 Transmission of severe acute respiratory syndrome-coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2) through infant feeding and early care practices: A systematic review S. Kollikonda, M. Chavan, C. Cao, M. Yao, L. Hackett, S. Karnati
640 [GO] Work 2021―Jun―30 Determining the frequency of serious adverse reactions of inactive SARS-COV-2 vaccine Ferit Kaya, Edibe Pirincci
641 [GO] Breast Disease 2021―Jun―30 New safer management for breast cancer patients who need neoadjuvant therapy during SARS-COVID pandemic Donato Casella, Daniele Fusario, Alessandro Neri
642 [GO] Work 2021―Jun―26 Relationship between work-related ocular events, facial injuries and associated factors amongst dental professionals during COVID-19 Wajiha Anzar, Ashar Afaq, Qaiser Ali Baig, Osama Y. Mohamed, Ishfaq A Bukhari, Fahim Vohra
643 [GO] Work 2021―Jun―26 New patient access via telehealth in neuromuscular medicine during COVID-19 Shaida Khan, Alan Kramer, Johnathan McIver, Leah Cady, Jaya R. Trivedi
644 [GO] Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems 2021―Jun―26 Fuzzy enhancement and deep hash layer based neural network to detect Covid-19 Amita Nandal, Marija Blagojevic, Danijela Milosevic, Arvind Dhaka, Lakshmi Narayan Mishra
645 [GO] Work 2021―Jun―26 Occupational risk factors of contracting COVID-19 among health workers: A systematic review Haizhe Jin, Yuxiao Chen, Quanwei Fu, Qingxing Qu
646 [GO] Work 2021―Jun―26 Interference: COVID-19 and the Impact on Potential and Performance in Healthcare Leslie M. Sizemore, Shirley Peganoff-O’Brien, Camille Skubik-Peplaski
647 [GO] International Journal of Hybrid Intelligent Systems 2021―Jun―26 CO-ResNet: Optimized ResNet model for COVID-19 diagnosis from X-ray images Subrato Bharati, Prajoy Podder, M. Rubaiyat Hossain Mondal, V.B. Surya Prasath
648 [GO] Work 2021―Jun―26 Effects of the COVID-19 lockdown on musculoskeletal pain, physical activity, and work environment in Estonian office workers transitioning to working from home Martin Argus, Mati Pääsuke
649 [GO] Work 2021―Jun―26 Macro ergonomics and health workers during COVID-19 pandemic Farahnaz Khajehnasiri, Vida Zaroushani, Mohsen Poursadeqiyan
650 [GO] Work 2021―Jun―26 The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on resident physicians: A cross-sectional study Anja Barac, Paola Krnjaic, Nikola Vujnovic, Nino Matas, Edita Runjic, Marija Rogoznica, et al. (+2)
651 [GO] Journal of Alzheimer s Disease Reports 2021―Jun―26 Towards Understanding COVID-19: Molecular Insights, Co-infections, Associated Disorders, and Aging Elena L. Paley
652 [GO] Mediterranean Journal of Nutrition and Metabolism 2021―Jun―18 Changes in nutrition and lifestyle habits during the covid-19 pandemic in Turkey and the effects of healthy eating attitudes Aliye Özenoğlu, Ekin Çevik, Hatice Çolak, Tuğba Altıntaş, Kamil Alakuş
653 [GO] Clinical Hemorheology and Microcirculation 2021―Jun―15 Acute triiodothyronine treatment and red blood cell sedimentation rate (ESR) in critically ill COVID-19 patients: A novel association? Constantinos Pantos, Vassiliki Apostolaki, Leonidas Kokkinos, Athanassios Trikas, Iordanis Mourouzis
654 [GO] Human Antibodies 2021―Jun―15 Detection of SARS-CoV-2 antibodies in pediatric patients: An Iranian referral hospital-based study Setareh Mamishi, Golnaz Ghazizadeh Esslami, Mohsen Mohammadi, Mohammad Reza Abdolsalehi, Reihaneh Hosseinpour Sadeghi, Shima Mahmoudi, Babak Pourakbari
655 [GO] Journal of Neuromuscular Diseases 2021―Jun―11 COVID-19 in a Cohort of Patients with Congenital Myasthenic Syndrome Setareh Alabaf, Karen O'Connell, Sithara Ramdas, David Beeson, Jacqueline Palace
656 [GO] Work 2021―Jun―08 Feasibility and outcome of an online streamed yoga intervention on stress and wellbeing of people working from home during COVID-19 Vipin Wadhen, Tina Cartwright
657 [GO] Work 2021―Jun―04 Motivation and job satisfaction levels among medical and dental faculty members of Pakistan amidst the COVID-19 outbreak Saqib Ali, Beenish Fatima Alam, Sara Noreen, Madiha Anwar, Sabeen Hashmat Qazi, Talib Hussain
658 [GO] Work 2021―Jun―04 Physiotherapists’ knowledge and the implementation of COVID-19 infection prevention and control measures Wesam Saleh A. Al Attar, Mohamed A. Husain
659 [GO] Journal of Alzheimer s Disease 2021―Jun―01 Dementia and COVID-19, a Bidirectional Liaison: Risk Factors, Biomarkers, and Optimal Health Care Sofia Toniolo, Marta Scarioni, Francesco Di Lorenzo, Jakub Hort, Jean Georges, Svetlana Tomic, et al. (+3)
660 [GO] Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems 2021―Jun―01 Application of digital image processing technology in online education under COVID-19 epidemic Baoxian Jia, Wunong Zhang
661 [GO] Journal of Alzheimer s Disease 2021―Jun―01 Mental Health of People with Dementia During COVID-19 Pandemic: What Have We Learned from the First Wave? Céline Borg, Isabelle Rouch, Elodie Pongan, Jean Claude Getenet, Romain Bachelet, Mathieu Herrmann, et al. (+4)
662 [GO] Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems 2021―May―25 Quality evaluation of online courses during COVID-19 pandemic based on integrated FCE-AHP method Bin Tang, Shiwei Guo, Mathias Yeboah, Zhenhua Wang, Song Cheng
663 [GO] Work 2021―May―18 The COVID-19 Pandemic and nursing challenges: A review of the early literature Mojtaba K. Danesh, Ehsan Garosi, Hamedeh Golmohamadpour
664 [GO] Work 2021―May―18 Anxiety effects on quality of life during the COVID-19 outbreak: A parallel-serial mediation model among nurses in Turkey Nihan Potas, Nilüfer Koçtürk, Sükrü Anıl Toygar
665 [GO] Work 2021―May―18 The effect of the COVID-19 Pandemic on anxiety, depression, and musculoskeletal system complaints in healthcare workers Muhammed Arca, Süleyman Dönmezdil, Elif Dilara Durmaz
666 [GO] Work 2021―May―14 Physician burnout and professional satisfaction in orthopedic surgeons during the COVID-19 Pandemic Alexander L. Lazarides, Elshaday S. Belay, Albert T. Anastasio, Chad E. Cook, Oke A. Anakwenze
667 [GO] Work 2021―May―14 Biological risk assessment: A challenge for occupational health and safety practitioners during the COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2) Pandemic Carlos Carvalhais, Micaela Querido, Cristiana C. Pereira, Joana Santos
668 [GO] Kidney Cancer 2021―May―11 Twitter as a Tool to Spread Communication Regarding Genitourinary Cancers During the COVID-19 Pandemic Sabrina Salgia, Nicholas Salgia, Sweta Prajapati, Ishaan Seghal, Frank Bautista, Nora Ruel, et al. (+4)
669 [GO] Statistical Journal of the IAOS 2021―May―11 Well-being in urban and rural areas, challenges, general policies, and their monitoring. Some evidence for Germany before and during the COVID-19 pandemic1 Susanne Schnorr-Baecker
670 [GO] Human Antibodies 2021―May―11 A review on monoclonal antibodies in COVID-19: Role in immunotherapy, vaccine development and viral detection Ashraf A. Tabll, Yasser E. Shahein, Mohamed M. Omran, Mostafa M. Elnakib, Ameera A. Ragheb, Khaled E. Amer
671 [GO] Statistical Journal of the IAOS 2021―May―11 Approaches in response to the need of enhanced data financing during COVID-19: The example of the Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics Ola Awad
672 [GO] Neurorehabilitation 2021―May―11 What’s going on following acute covid-19? Clinical characteristics of patients in an out-patient rehabilitation program Sergiu Albu, Nicolas Rivas Zozaya, Narda Murillo, Alberto Garcia-Molina, Cristian Andres Figueroa Chacón, Hatice Kumru
673 [GO] Statistical Journal of the IAOS 2021―May―11 Conducting population and housing censuses during the pandemic: An overview Srdjan Mrkić
674 [GO] Journal of Parkinson s Disease 2021―Apr―30 Barriers to Vaccination Among People with Parkinson’s Disease and Implications for COVID-19 Tiffany Phanhdone, Patrick Drummond, Talia Meisel, Naomi Friede, Alessandro Di Rocco, Joshua Chodosh, Jori Fleisher
675 [GO] Model Assisted Statistics and Applications 2021―Apr―23 Inconsistencies in countries COVID-19 data revealed by Benford’s law Vitor Hugo Moreau
676 [GO] Journal of Back and Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation 2021―Apr―23 Rehabilitation guidance for hip fracture patients during the COVID-19 pandemic using chat software: A new model Shuai-Shuai Gao, Yan-Jun Wang, Guo-Xun Zhang, Wen-Ting Zhang
677 [GO] Model Assisted Statistics and Applications 2021―Apr―23 Statistical methods for estimating cure fraction of COVID-19 patients in India E.P. Sreedevi, P.G. Sankaran
678 [GO] Model Assisted Statistics and Applications 2021―Apr―23 Social network analysis and community detection on spread of COVID-19 Ashani Nuwanthika Wickramasinghe, Saman Muthukumarana
679 [GO] Model Assisted Statistics and Applications 2021―Apr―23 Using the Weibull distribution to model COVID-19 epidemic data Vitor Hugo Moreau
680 [GO] Model Assisted Statistics and Applications 2021―Apr―23 Modeling COVID-19 positivity rates and hospitalizations in Texas Ram C. Kafle, Doo Young Kim, Martin E. Malandro, Melinda Miller Holt
681 [GO] Model Assisted Statistics and Applications 2021―Apr―23 A hybrid of artificial fneural network, exponential smoothing, and ARIMA models for COVID-19 time series forecasting Samir K. Safi, Olajide Idris Sanusi
682 [GO] Model Assisted Statistics and Applications 2021―Apr―23 Statistical modeling of pandemics and coronavirus Igor Mandel, Boris Zaslavsky, Stan Lipovetsky
683 [GO] Journal of Huntington s Disease 2021―Apr―21 Healthcare Delivery and Huntington’s Disease During the Time of COVID-19 Anna C. Pfalzer, Lisa M. Hale, Elizabeth Huitz, Danielle A. Buchanan, Brittany K. Brown, Sarah Moroz, et al. (+14)
684 [GO] Environmental Policy and Law 2021―Apr―20 The Responsibility of The Indonesian Government to Fulfill the Rights to Water During the COVID-19 Pandemic Nadia Astriani, Betty Rubiati, Yulinda Adharani, Siti Sarah Afifah, Rewita Salsabila, Rizkia Diffa
685 [GO] Work 2021―Apr―14 Nursing work intention, stress, and professionalism in response to the COVID-19 outbreak in Iran: A cross-sectional study Hamed Zandian, Minoo Alipouri-sakha, Elhameh Nasiri, Telma Zahirian Moghadam
686 [GO] Work 2021―Apr―14 An assessment of ergonomic issues in the home offices of university employees sent home due to the COVID-19 pandemic Thomas Gerding, Megan Syck, Denise Daniel, Jennifer Naylor, Susan E Kotowski, Gordon L. Gillespie, et al. (+3)
687 [GO] Journal of Parkinson s Disease 2021―Apr―14 Negative Effects of COVID-19 Stay-at-Home Mandates on Physical Intervention Outcomes: A Preliminary Study John Michael Templeton, Christian Poellabauer, Sandra Schneider
688 [GO] Work 2021―Apr―09 Occupational health practices among dental care professionals before and during the COVID-19 pandemic Sean Banaee, Denise M. Claiborne, Muge Akpinar-Elci
689 [GO] Journal of Alzheimer s Disease 2021―Mar―30 Dementia-Friendly “Design”: Impact on COVID-19 Death Rates in Long-Term Care Facilities Around the World Nancy L. Olson, Benedict C. Albensi
690 [GO] Human Systems Management 2021―Mar―30 Boomerang hiring: Strategy for sustainable development in COVID-19 era Penumadu V. Raveendra, Yellappa M. Satish
691 [GO] Intelligent Decision Technologies 2021―Mar―30 Machine learning for psychological disorder prediction in Indians during COVID-19 nationwide lockdown Akshi Kumar, Deepak Gupta, Oscar Castillo, Ashish Khanna
692 [GO] Kidney Cancer 2021―Mar―30 Impact of SARS-COV-2 Pandemic on Kidney Cancer Management Melissa Bersanelli, Camillo Porta
693 [GO] Journal of Parkinson s Disease 2021―Mar―23 Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Quality of Life of Patients with Parkinson’s Disease and Their Caregivers: A Single-Center Survey in Tochigi Prefecture Keisuke Suzuki, Ayaka Numao, Tomoko Komagamine, Yasuo Haruyama, Akiko Kawasaki, Kei Funakoshi, et al. (+5)
694 [GO] Journal of Parkinson s Disease 2021―Mar―19 COVID-19 and Parkinson’s Disease: What We Know So Far? Carlo Alberto Artusi, Alberto Romagnolo, Claudia Ledda, Maurizio Zibetti, Mario Giorgio Rizzone, Elisa Montanaro, et al. (+2)
695 [GO] Statistical Journal of the IAOS 2021―Mar―16 Forecasting the spread and total size of confirmed and discharged cases of COVID-19 in Nigeria using an ARIMA model S. Agboola, P. Niyang, O. Olawepo, W. Ukponu, S. Niyang, I. Ujata, et al. (+9)
696 [GO] Journal of Alzheimer s Disease 2021―Mar―16 Clinical Features and Outcomes of Patients with Dementia Compared to an Aging Cohort Hospitalized During the Initial New York City COVID-19 Wave Amro A. Harb, RuiJun Chen, Herbert S. Chase, Karthik Natarajan, James M. Noble
697 [GO] Human Antibodies 2021―Mar―09 Comparative evaluation of SARS-CoV-2 IgG assays against nucleocapsid and spike antigens Mitra Rezaei, Mohammadhadi Sadeghi, Alireza Korourian, Payam Tabarsi, Mihan Porabdollah, Elham Askari, et al. (+3)
698 [GO] Journal of Alzheimer s Disease 2021―Mar―09 Is the Frontal Lobe the Primary Target of SARS-CoV-2? Sofia Toniolo, Francesco Di Lorenzo, Marta Scarioni, Kristian Steen Frederiksen, Flavio Nobili
699 [GO] Technology and Health Care 2021―Mar―02 Temporal changes of quantitative CT findings from 102 patients with COVID-19 in Wuhan, China: A longitudinal study Xiaohui Chen, Wenbo Sun, Dan Xu, Jiaojiao Ma, Feng Xiao, Haibo Xu
700 [GO] Journal of Back and Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation 2021―Mar―02 Gender differences in health anxiety and musculoskeletal symptoms during the COVID-19 pandemic Muge Kirmizi, Gamze Yalcinkaya, Yesim Salik Sengul
701 [GO] Education for Information 2021―Mar―02 Old questions, new circumstances: Some reflections on information during the COVID-19 pandemic Lai Ma
702 [GO] Technology and Health Care 2021―Mar―02 Prediction and follow-up of risk factors for severe SARS-CoV-2 pneumonia and application of CT visual scoring Yingjian Ye, Xiaxia Wu, Xiumei Li, Chunmei Xu, Qingpeng Wang, Wenhuan Yuan, et al. (+6)
703 [GO] Human Systems Management 2021―Feb―26 Measuring innovative practices for workplace safety, health and well-being in Tunisia during the COVID-19 pandemic Hanen Khanchel
704 [GO] Human Systems Management 2021―Feb―26 Are there any key factors that encourage food delivery applications use during the COVID-19 pandemic in Thailand and the role of HRM? Jankit Chotigo, Yasuo Kadono
705 [GO] Human Systems Management 2021―Feb―26 Nexus between perceived job insecurity and employee work-related outcomes amid COVID-19: Attenuating effect of supervisor support Shuaib Ahmed Soomro
706 [GO] Statistical Journal of the IAOS 2021―Feb―23 Seasonal adjustment of Irish official statistics during the COVID-19 crisis Patrick Foley
707 [GO] Bladder Cancer 2021―Feb―23 Rationale for Randomized Clinical Trials Investigating the Potential of BCG Vaccination in Preventing COVID-19 Infection Magali Noval Rivas, Charles J. Rosser, Moshe Arditi
708 [GO] Journal of Alzheimer s Disease 2021―Feb―23 Neuropsychiatric Symptoms in Patients with Dementia Associated with Increased Psychological Distress in Caregivers During the COVID-19 Pandemic Wyllians Vendramini Borelli, Marina Coutinho Augustin, Paola Bell Felix de Oliveira, Lorenzo Casagrande Reggiani, Renato Gorga Bandeira-de-Mello, Artur Francisco Schumacher-Schuh, et al. (+2)
709 [GO] Journal of Alzheimer s Disease 2021―Feb―23 COVID-19: Association Between Increase of Behavioral and Psychological Symptoms of Dementia During Lockdown and Caregivers’ Poor Mental Health Elodie Pongan, Jean-Michel Dorey, Céline Borg, Jean Claude Getenet, Romain Bachelet, Charles Lourioux, et al. (+3)
710 [GO] Journal of X-Ray Science and Technology 2021―Feb―19 Screening of COVID-19 based on the extracted radiomics features from chest CT images Seyed Masoud Rezaeijo, Razzagh Abedi-Firouzjah, Mohammadreza Ghorvei, Samad Sarnameh
711 [GO] Work 2021―Feb―16 Evaluation of knowledge and health behavior of university of medical sciences students about the prevention of COVID-19 Hamed Zandian, Mehdi Sarailoo, Shahriar Dargahi, Helia Gholizadeh, Mehdi Vosoughi, Abdollah Dargahi
712 [GO] Work 2021―Feb―16 The mediating role of religiosity and hope for the effect of self-stigma on psychological well-being among COVID-19 patients Nawal A. Al Eid, Boshra A. Arnout, Mohammed M.J. Alqahtani, Fahmi H. Fadhel, Abdalla s. Abdelmotelab
713 [GO] Journal of Vestibular Research 2021―Feb―14 Audiovestibular symptoms and sequelae in COVID-19 patients Roberto Gallus, Andrea Melis, Davide Rizzo, Antonio Piras, Laura Maria De Luca, Pierangela Tramaloni, et al. (+4)
714 [GO] International Journal of Risk & Safety in Medicine 2021―Feb―12 Healthcare risk management during the SARS-CoV-2 virus pandemic in the European Union: The guaranteed access to medicines Silvia Enríquez-Fernández, Carlos del Castillo-Rodríguez
715 [GO] Journal of X-Ray Science and Technology 2021―Feb―10 Development of a novel computational method using computed tomography images for the early detection and severity classification of COVID-19 cases M.A. Abbas, M.S. Alqahtani, A.J. Alkulib, H.M. Almohiy, R.F. Alshehri, E.A. Alamri, A.A. Alamri
716 [GO] Statistical Journal of the IAOS 2021―Feb―10 In the pursuit of equity: COVID-19, data and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in Australia Kalinda Griffiths, Ian Ring, Richard Madden, Lisa Jackson Pulver
717 [GO] Clinical Hemorheology and Microcirculation 2021―Feb―08 Application of extracorporeal carbon dioxide removal combined with continuous blood purification therapy in ARDS with hypercapnia in patients with critical COVID-19 Ye Chen, Shouhong Wang, Jianrong Huang, Yingyun Fu, Juanmin Wen, Chengbin Zhou, et al. (+2)
718 [GO] Clinical Hemorheology and Microcirculation 2021―Feb―08 D-dimer daily continuous tendency predicts the short-term prognosis for COVID-19 independently: A retrospective study from Northeast China Yinting Xing, Wei Yang, Yingyu Jin, Chao Wang, Xiuru Guan
719 [GO] Statistical Journal of the IAOS 2021―Feb―03 Overview: The international group for indigenous health measurement and COVID-19 Michele Connolly, Kalinda Griffiths, John Waldon, Malcolm King, Alexandra King, Francis C. Notzon
720 [GO] Statistical Journal of the IAOS 2021―Feb―03 COVID-19 among American Indians and Alaska Natives in the United States: An early look Michele Connolly, Bette Jacobs, Francis C. Notzon
721 [GO] Journal of Alzheimer s Disease 2021―Feb―03 Needs of Dementia Family Caregivers in Spain During the COVID-19 Pandemic Nuria Carcavilla, Ana Sofía Pozo, Belén González, Débora Moral, José Joaquín Roldán, Victoria Erice, Ana Remírez
722 [GO] Journal of Alzheimer s Disease 2021―Feb―02 The Impact of a Global Pandemic on People Living with Dementia and Their Care Partners: Analysis of 417 Lived Experience Reports Mallorie T. Tam, Jill A. Dosso, Julie M. Robillard
723 [GO] Journal of Parkinson s Disease 2021―Jan―29 COVID-19 Vaccination for Persons with Parkinson’s Disease: Light at the End of the Tunnel? Bastiaan R. Bloem, Claudia Trenkwalder, Alvaro Sanchez-Ferro, Lorraine V. Kalia, Roy Alcalay, Han-Lin Chiang, et al. (+4)
724 [GO] Work 2021―Jan―26 Research on the influence of the COVID-19 pandemic on work stress of returning workers in china: A study based on empirical analysis of industrial enterprises1 Qiang Yang, Jiale Huo, Yue Xi
725 [GO] Clinical Hemorheology and Microcirculation 2021―Jan―26 Can erythrocytes behavior in microcirculation help the understanding the physiopathology and improve prevention and treatment for covid-19? Paulo Luiz Farber
726 [GO] Work 2021―Jan―22 Assessment of knowledge and attitude of allied healthcare professionals about COVID-19 across Saudi Arabia Deepti Shrivastava, Abdulrahman A. Alduraywish, Kumar Chandan Srivastava, Abdalkarem F. Alsharari, Khalid Al-Johani, Mohammed G. Sghaireen, Mohammad Khursheed Alam
727 [GO] Work 2021―Jan―22 Demographic predictors of resilience among nurses during the COVID-19 pandemic Davood Afshari, Maryam Nourollahi-darabad, Niloofar Chinisaz
728 [GO] Work 2021―Jan―22 Occupational burnout among active physiotherapists working in clinical hospitals during the COVID-19 pandemic in south-eastern Poland Bogumiła Pniak, Justyna Leszczak, Marzena Adamczyk, Wojciech Rusek, Piotr Matłosz, Agnieszka Guzik
729 [GO] Journal of Parkinson s Disease 2021―Jan―19 Parkinson’s Disease and the COVID-19 Pandemic Conor Fearon, Alfonso Fasano
730 [GO] Journal of X-Ray Science and Technology 2021―Jan―19 Computer aid screening of COVID-19 using X-ray and CT scan images: An inner comparison Prabira Kumar Sethy, Santi Kumari Behera, Komma Anitha, Chanki Pandey, M.R. Khan
731 [GO] Physiotherapy Practice and Research 2021―Jan―15 The physiotherapy experience of managing patients with COVID-19 Grace McKee, Catriona Cronin, Pedro Vasquez, Dearbhla Burke, Deirdre O’Flaherty
732 [GO] Journal of X-Ray Science and Technology 2021―Jan―13 COVID-19 diagnosis from chest X-ray images using transfer learning: Enhanced performance by debiasing dataloader Çağín Polat, Onur Karaman, Ceren Karaman, Güney Korkmaz, Mehmet Can Balcí, Sevim Ercan Kelek
733 [GO] Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation 2021―Jan―13 Multiple sclerosis in the COVID-19 Era: Vocational rehabilitation strategies to meet the needs of a growing and immune-vulnerable clientele Lynn C. Koch, Phillip D. Rumrill, Fong Chan
734 [GO] Work 2021―Jan―13 Identifying factors that influenced wellbeing and learning effectiveness during the sudden transition into eLearning due to the COVID-19 lockdown Alessandro Naddeo, Rosaria Califano, Iolanda Fiorillo
735 [GO] Work 2021―Jan―13 The musculoskeletal problems and psychosocial status of teachers giving online education during the COVID-19 pandemic and preventive telerehabilitation for musculoskeletal problems Erdi Kayabinar, Büşra Kayabinar, Birol Önal, Hatice Yağmur Zengin, Nezire Köse
736 [GO] Journal of Parkinson s Disease 2021―Jan―13 Life with Parkinson’s Disease During the COVID-19 Pandemic: The Pressure Is “OFF” Trine HØrmann Thomsen, Susanna M. Wallerstedt, Kristian Winge, Filip Bergquist
737 [GO] Work 2021―Jan―13 Can occupational therapy manpower be replaced with social robots in a singing group during COVID-19? Yin-huang Liao, Lin Tzu-Yuan, Chia-Chun Wu, Yi-Nuo Shih
738 [GO] Work 2021―Jan―13 Investigating the relationship between occupation and SARS-CoV2 Mehdi Sarailoo, Somaieh Matin, Mehdi Vosoughi, Abdollah Dargahi, Helia Gholizadeh, Marzie Rajabi Damavandi, et al. (+2)
739 [GO] Work 2021―Jan―08 Community health workers’ attitudes, practices and perceptions towards the COVID-19 pandemic in brazilian low-income communities Nilson do Rosário Costa, Hugo Bellas, Paulo Roberto Fagundes da Silva, Paulo Victor Rodrigues de Carvalho, Deborah Uhr, Cristine Vieira, Alessandro Jatobá
740 [GO] Work 2021―Jan―08 Telework and telerehabilitation programs for workers with a stroke during the COVID-19 pandemic: A commentary Vahideh Moradi, Taher Babaee, Elham Esfandiari, Shannon B. Lim, Ramin Kordi
741 [GO] Work 2021―Jan―08 Ergonomics factors influencing school education during the COVID-19 pandemic: A literature review Mohammadreza Soltaninejad, Amin Babaei-Pouyac, Mohsen Poursadeqiyan, Maryam Feiz Arefi
742 [GO] Journal of Alzheimer s Disease 2021―Jan―05 Effects of COVID-19 Home Confinement on Mental Health in Individuals with Increased Risk of Alzheimer’s Disease Natalia Soldevila-Domenech, Laura Forcano, Anna Boronat, Thais Lorenzo, Iris Piera, Albert Puig-Pijoan, et al. (+8)
743 [GO] Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation 2021―Jan―05 Introduction to the special issue: Employment and vocational rehabilitation considerations for people with disabilities during and after the COVID-19 pandemic Phillip D. Rumrill, Lynn C. Koch, David R. Strauser
744 [GO] Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems 2020―Dec―29 An efficient technique for CT scan images classification of COVID-19 Esraa Hassan, Noha A. Hikal, Samir Elmuogy
745 [GO] International Journal of Risk & Safety in Medicine 2020―Dec―29 Safety of pharmacological options for the management of COVID-19 in pregnant women: An Indian perspective Kavita Manchanda, Jasbir Singh, Ranjeev Bhagat, Ilmjot Kaur Tiwana, Harmanjit Singh
746 [GO] Biomedical Spectroscopy and Imaging 2020―Dec―29 The Covid-19 pandemic: An urgent need to remove silo mentality in science and tackle global health challenges through coordination, cooperation and collaboration Parvez I. Haris
747 [GO] Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation 2020―Dec―22 The resiliency of employees with intellectual and developmental disabilities during the COVID-19 pandemic and economic shutdown: A retrospective review of employment files Carol Schall, Valerie Brooke, Rachael Rounds, April Lynch
748 [GO] Journal of Cellular Biotechnology 2020―Dec―22 Convalescent plasma therapy: A promising solution for SARS-CoV-2 outbreak Anuj Kumar Singh, Animesh Chaterjee, Sandeep Sirohi, Nitin Sharma, Ashima Kathuria
749 [GO] Work 2020―Dec―18 Was a global pandemic needed to adopt the use of telehealth in occupational therapy? Viktoria Hoel, Claudia von Zweck, Ritchard Ledgerd
750 [GO] Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation 2020―Dec―15 Reframing workplace inclusion through the lens of universal design: Considerations for vocational rehabilitation professionals in the wake of COVID-19 Kathleen Sheppard-Jones, Penina Goldstein, Mykal Leslie, Patti Singleton, Caroline Gooden, Phillip Rumrill, et al. (+2)
751 [GO] Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation 2020―Dec―15 Differential vocational rehabilitation service patterns and outcomes for transition-age youth with specific learning disabilities: Implications in the COVID-19 era Cahit Kaya, Sharon Hsu, Phillip D. Rumrill, Cheryl Hanley-Maxwell, Fong Chan
752 [GO] Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation 2020―Dec―15 Understanding the impact of isolation due to COVID-19 on employment for Kentuckians with spinal cord injuries Chithra Adams, Anthony Lobianco, Emily Moseley, Calisa Fitzpatrick
753 [GO] Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation 2020―Dec―15 The employment impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on Americans with MS: Preliminary analysis Malachy Bishop, Stuart P. Rumrill
754 [GO] Work 2020―Dec―15 The hierarchy of preventive measures to protect workers against the COVID-19 pandemic: A review Fatemeh Dehghani, Fariborz Omidi, Saeed Yousefinejad, Elnaz Taheri
755 [GO] Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation 2020―Dec―15 Functional limitations and worrying to lose employment among individuals with chronic conditions and disabilities during COVID-19: A hierarchical logistic regression model Emre Umucu
756 [GO] Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation 2020―Dec―15 Impact of COVID-19: Considerations for individuals with developmental disabilities across major life domains Kathy Sheppard-Jones, Lauren Avellone, Phillip Rumrill, Hannah Seward
757 [GO] Journal of Alzheimer s Disease Reports 2020―Dec―11 The Vagal Autonomic Pathway of COVID-19 at the Crossroad of Alzheimer’s Disease and Aging: A Review of Knowledge Claire-Marie Rangon, Slavica Krantic, Emmanuel Moyse, Bertrand Fougere
758 [GO] Statistical Journal of the IAOS 2020―Dec―11 Adaptive cluster sampling with model based approach for estimating total number of hidden COVID-19 carriers in Nigeria Olayiwola Olaniyi Mathew, Ajayi Abayomi, Oluwafemi Onifade Clement, Wale-Orojo Oluwaseun, Bright F. Ajibade
759 [GO] Work 2020―Dec―11 Self-perceived competency of the medical faculty for E-Teaching during the COVID-19 pandemic Shaur Sarfaraz, Naseer Ahmed, Maria S. Abbasi, Batool Sajjad, Fahim Vohra, Rana S. Alhamdan, et al. (+5)
760 [GO] Work 2020―Dec―11 Seafarers’ well-being in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic: A qualitative study Ana Slišković
761 [GO] Work 2020―Dec―11 Ultrasonographic approach for a foot ganglion after sewing masks in COVID-19 pandemic: Blessing in disguise Laura Hrehová, Kamal Mezian, Levent Özçakar
762 [GO] Work 2020―Dec―11 The effect of COVID-19 quarantine on physical and social parameters of physical education providers and youth sport coaches Sanaz Faraji, Mahboubeh Ghayour Najafabadi, Mitch Rostad, Albert Thomas Anastasio
763 [GO] Work 2020―Dec―11 During COVID-19, which is more effective in work accident prevention behavior of healthcare professionals: Safety awareness or fatalism perception? Özgün Ünal
764 [GO] Work 2020―Dec―11 Dilemma in the foreign lands during COVID-19: An outlook of expat health care professionals with a take on a social perspective Namdeo Prabhu, Rakhi Issrani
765 [GO] Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems 2020―Dec―09 An optimal control model of the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic in iraq: Deterministic and chance-constrained model Ali Khaleel Dhaiban, Baydaa Khalaf Jabbar
766 [GO] Statistical Journal of the IAOS 2020―Dec―01 The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on California farmworkers: Better local data collection and reporting will improve strategic response Edward Kissam
767 [GO] Clinical Hemorheology and Microcirculation 2020―Dec―01 Interstitial lung opacities in patients with severe COVID-19 pneumonia by bedside high-resolution ultrasound in association to CO2 retention G. Peschel, E.M. Jung, C. Fisser, F.J. Putz, T. Wertheimer, B. Sinner, et al. (+3)
768 [GO] Journal of Alzheimer s Disease 2020―Dec―01 The Impact of Dementia on the Clinical Outcome of COVID-19: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Nanyang Liu, Jiahui Sun, Xiyuan Wang, Ming Zhao, Qianqian Huang, Hao Li
769 [GO] Journal of Alzheimer s Disease 2020―Nov―25 Implementing Delirium Prevention in the Era of COVID-19 Nila S. Radhakrishnan, Mariam Mufti, Daniel Ortiz, Suzanne Maye, Jennifer Melara, Duke Lim, et al. (+2)
770 [GO] Journal of Alzheimer s Disease 2020―Nov―25 Alzheimer’s Disease and Face Masks in Times of COVID-19 Roger Gil, Eva M. Arroyo-Anlló
771 [GO] Journal of Pediatric Rehabilitation Medicine 2020―Nov―25 A risk-stratified approach toward safely resuming OnabotulinumtoxinA injections based on dosing and ambulatory status in pediatric patients with cerebral palsy during the Coronavirus pandemic of 2019 (COVID-19) Matthew J. McLaughlin, Mark T. Fisher, Sathya Vadivelu, Justin Ramsey, Denesh Ratnasingam, Emily McGhee, et al. (+3)
772 [GO] Journal of Pediatric Rehabilitation Medicine 2020―Nov―25 COVID-19 and the need for disability conscious medical education, training, and practice Adrienne Doebrich, Marion Quirici, Christopher Lunsford, Matthew McLaughlin, Christian Vercler
773 [GO] Journal of Pediatric Rehabilitation Medicine 2020―Nov―25 Multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children and SARS-CoV-2: A scoping review Neha Panigrahy, Joseph Policarpio, Rahul Ramanathan, Matthew McLaughlin, Christian Vercler
774 [GO] Journal of Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine 2020―Nov―20 A closer look at the weekend effect and COVID-19 mortalities Hany Aly
775 [GO] Journal of Alzheimer s Disease 2020―Nov―13 COVID-19 Crisis Effects on Caregiver Distress in Neurocognitive Disorder Panagiotis Alexopoulos, Rigas Soldatos, Evagellia Kontogianni, Maria Frouda, Souzana loanna Aligianni, Maria Skondra, et al. (+9)
776 [GO] Journal of Pediatric Rehabilitation Medicine 2020―Nov―13 Pediatric neuromuscular disorders: Care considerations during the COVID-19 pandemic Anne Troike Stratton, Richard Ogden Roberts III, Oren Kupfer, Terri Carry, Julie Parsons, Susan Apkon
777 [GO] Journal of Pediatric Rehabilitation Medicine 2020―Nov―13 Children with disabilities in the United States and the COVID-19 pandemic Amy Houtrow, Debbi Harris, Ashli Molinero, Tal Levin-Decanini, Christopher Robichaud
778 [GO] Clinical Hemorheology and Microcirculation 2020―Nov―13 Cerebrovascular comorbidity, high blood levels of C - reactive protein and D-dimer are associated with disease outcomes in COVID-19 patients Foad Alzoughool, Lo’ai Alanagreh, Suhad Abumweis, Manar Atoum
779 [GO] Journal of Pediatric Rehabilitation Medicine 2020―Nov―13 Editorial to the Special Issue COVID-19’s impact on the practice of pediatric rehabilitation medicine Elaine L. Pico
780 [GO] Journal of Pediatric Rehabilitation Medicine 2020―Nov―13 COVID-19: Lessons from a construction site, can we apply one industry safety protocol to another? Thomas Avice
781 [GO] Journal of Pediatric Rehabilitation Medicine 2020―Nov―13 Safe and effective medication utilization in pediatric patients requiring rehabilitation services during the Coronavirus pandemic of 2019 Matthew McLaughlin
782 [GO] Work 2020―Nov―10 E-Learning perception and satisfaction among health sciences students amid the COVID-19 pandemic Maria S. Abbasi, Naseer Ahmed, Batool Sajjad, Abdullah Alshahrani, Sumera Saeed, Shaur Sarfaraz, et al. (+3)
783 [GO] Journal of Pediatric Rehabilitation Medicine 2020―Nov―06 Changes in the office for civil rights enforcement policy on telehealth remote communications in response to COVID-19 Thomas J. Mortell, Austin T. Strobel
784 [GO] Work 2020―Nov―06 Putting the world back to work: an expert system using big data and artificial intelligence in combating the spread of COVID-19 and similar contagious diseases Said Tkatek, Amine Belmzoukia, Said Nafai, Jaafar Abouchabaka, Youssef Ibnou-ratib
785 [GO] International Journal of Risk & Safety in Medicine 2020―Nov―06 The issues of individualized medicine and pharmacovigilance: A consideration of COVID-19 and vaccination I. Ralph Edwards, Marie Lindquist
786 [GO] Statistical Journal of the IAOS 2020―Nov―06 How COVID-19 is changing the world: A statistical perspective from the Committee for the Coordination of Statistical activities Haishan Fu, Mark Hereward, Steve MacFeely, Angela Me, John Wilmoth
787 [GO] Work 2020―Nov―06 The health effects of quarantine during the COVID-19 pandemic Maryam Feiz Arefi, Amin Babaei-Pouya, Mohsen Poursadeqiyan
788 [GO] Journal of Pediatric Rehabilitation Medicine 2020―Nov―06 Pediatric intrathecal baclofen management during the COVID-19 pandemic in the US and Canad Sruthi P. Thomas, Christina K. Hardesty, Kristin A. Buxton, Andrew B. Collins, Jessica Pruente, Kelly L.D. Pham, et al. (+8)
789 [GO] Journal of Pediatric Rehabilitation Medicine 2020―Nov―06 COVID-19 pandemic: Early effects on pediatric rehabilitation medicine training Emily Kivlehan, Kelli Chaviano, Lauren Fetsko, Simra Javaid, Priya Chandan, Ana-Marie Rojas, Mary E. Dubon
790 [GO] Work 2020―Nov―06 Human factors and ergonomics in the context of COVID-19: Planning for concepts insertion in a productive systems discipline Rosley Anholon, Izabela Simon Rampasso, Robert E. Cooper Ordóñez
791 [GO] Journal of X-Ray Science and Technology 2020―Nov―03 Using artificial intelligence to assist radiologists in distinguishing COVID-19 from other pulmonary infections Yanhong Yang, Fleming Y.M. Lure, Hengyuan Miao, Ziqi Zhang, Stefan Jaeger, Jinxin Liu, Lin Guo
792 [GO] Human Systems Management 2020―Nov―03 Impact of ICT on entrepreneurial self-efficacy in emerging economy: Sustaining lock-down during COVID-19 pandemic Taiba Sardar, Zeng Jianqiu, Muhammad Bilal, Nausheen Syed
793 [GO] Human Systems Management 2020―Nov―03 Emergency remote education in Bahrain, Iraq, and Russia During the COVID-19 pandemic: A comparative case study Christine Elizabeth (Noor) Coutts, Mohamed Buheji, Dunya Ahmed, Talal Abdulkareem, Aisha Buheji, Budhoor Buheji, et al. (+2)
794 [GO] Human Systems Management 2020―Nov―03 Changes and challenges of human systems management during and after the pandemic
795 [GO] Journal of Pediatric Rehabilitation Medicine 2020―Oct―27 Why individuals with cerebral palsy are at higher risk for respiratory complications from COVID-19 Joline E. Brandenburg, Matthew J. Fogarty, Gary C. Sieck
796 [GO] Journal of Pediatric Rehabilitation Medicine 2020―Oct―27 School reopening during COVID-19 pandemic: Considering students with disabilities Brandenburg Joline E., Holman Lainie K., Apkon Susan D., Houtrow Amy J., Rinaldi Robert, Sholas Maurice G.
797 [GO] Statistical Journal of the IAOS 2020―Oct―27 Censuses of agriculture and COVID-19: Global situation and lessons Jairo Castano
798 [GO] Journal of Pediatric Rehabilitation Medicine 2020―Oct―20 Disparities and ethical considerations for children with tracheostomies during the COVID-19 pandemic Lulia A. Kana, Andrew G. Shuman, Jennifer Helman, Kelly Krawcke, David J. Brown
799 [GO] Journal of Pediatric Rehabilitation Medicine 2020―Oct―20 An opportunity for change in medical education amidst COVID-19: Perspective of a medical student Kiersten Kelly
800 [GO] Journal of Pediatric Rehabilitation Medicine 2020―Oct―20 Video visits and access to care in pediatric rehabilitation therapies in the time of a pandemic Jill Nulle, Virginia Simson Nelson
801 [GO] Journal of Alzheimer s Disease Reports 2020―Oct―13 Hallucinations in a Patient with Alzheimer’s Disease During the COVID-19 Crisis: A Case Study Mohamad El Haj, Frank Larøi, Karim Gallouj
802 [GO] Journal of Alzheimer s Disease 2020―Oct―13 Death Rate Due to COVID-19 in Alzheimer’s Disease and Frontotemporal Dementia Jordi A. Matias-Guiu, Vanesa Pytel, Jorge Matías-Guiu
803 [GO] Journal of Alzheimer s Disease 2020―Oct―13 Cognitive Impairment Is a Common Comorbidity in Deceased COVID-19 Patients: A Hospital-Based Retrospective Cohort Study Paloma Martín-Jiménez, Mariana I. Muñoz-García, David Seoane, Lucas Roca-Rodríguez, Ana García-Reyne, Antonio Lalueza, et al. (+9)
804 [GO] Clinical Hemorheology and Microcirculation 2020―Oct―13 Elevated fibrinogen and fibrin degradation product are associated with poor outcome in COVID-19 patients: A meta-analysis Johanes Nugroho, Ardyan Wardhana, Eka Prasetya Mulia, Irma Maghfirah, Dita Rachmi
805 [GO] Isokinetics and Exercise Science 2020―Oct―13 Cues for athletes during COVID-19 second wave Silvia Teodorescu, Frederic Dutheil, Constanta Urzeala
806 [GO] Journal of Alzheimer s Disease 2020―Oct―13 Antivirals Against SARS-CoV2: Relevance to the Treatment of Alzheimer’s Disease Ruth F. Itzhaki
807 [GO] Work 2020―Oct―09 Potential benefits of yoga in pregnancy-related complications during the COVID-19 pandemic and implications for working women Pooja Nadholta, Parul Bali, Amit Singh, Akshay Anand
808 [GO] Work 2020―Oct―09 Sedentary lifestyle among office workers and coronary heart disease risk factors due to the COVID-19 quarantine Mahboubeh Ghayour Najafabadi, Amir Sobhrakhshan Khah, Mitch Rostad
809 [GO] International Journal of Risk & Safety in Medicine 2020―Oct―06 Perspectives on COVID-19 Arthur Dunkley
810 [GO] Journal of Alzheimer s Disease 2020―Oct―06 Burnout of Healthcare Workers in Acute Care Geriatric Facilities During the COVID-19 Crisis: An Online-Based Study Mohamad El Haj, Philippe Allain, Cédric Annweiler, Claire Boutoleau-Bretonnière, Guillaume Chapelet, Karim Gallouj, et al. (+3)
811 [GO] Journal of Alzheimer s Disease 2020―Sep―25 Managing Clinical Trials for Alzheimer’s Disease During the COVID-19 Crisis: Experience at Fundació ACE in Barcelona, Spain Carla Abdelnour, Ester Esteban de Antonio, Alba Pérez-Cordón, Asunción Lafuente, Mar Buendía, Ana Pancho, et al. (+17)
812 [GO] Human Antibodies 2020―Sep―22 Clinical and demographic characteristics of patients with COVID-19 infection: Statistics from a single hospital in Iran Majid Samsami, Elham Mehravaran, Payam Tabarsi, Abdolreza Javadi, Shahram Arsang-Jang, Alireza Komaki, et al. (+2)
813 [GO] Journal of Pediatric Rehabilitation Medicine 2020―Sep―22 The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on children with autism spectrum disorders Tiffany R. Bellomo, Sanjana Prasad, Tiffany Munzer, Naomi Laventhal
814 [GO] Journal of Parkinson s Disease 2020―Sep―22 Parkinsonism as a Third Wave of the COVID-19 Pandemic? Leah C. Beauchamp, David I. Finkelstein, Ashley I. Bush, Andrew H. Evans, Kevin J. Barnham
815 [GO] Human Antibodies 2020―Sep―22 COVID-19: Significance of antibodies Sara Assadiasl, Yousef Fatahi, Mahdi Zavvar, Mohammad Hossein Nicknam
816 [GO] Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems 2020―Sep―18 A management of early warning and risk control based on data fusion for COVID-19 Hongru Yan, Huaqi Chai, Yang Dai
817 [GO] Work 2020―Sep―18 Individual, interpersonal and economic challenges of underemployment in the wake of COVID-19 Manjeet Kaur, Pratibha Goyal, Mini Goyal
818 [GO] Work 2020―Sep―18 A ‘new normal’ following COVID-19 and the economic crisis: Using systems thinking to identify challenges and opportunities in disability, telework, and rehabilitation Tiago S. Jesus, Michel D. Landry, Karen Jacobs
819 [GO] Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems 2020―Sep―18 Quality evaluation of practical training of innovative and entrepreneurial talents in universities based on statistical learning theory after COVID-19 epidemic Yun Hu, Ning Li, Chenyang Luo
820 [GO] Work 2020―Sep―18 Research on the influence of the COVID-19 epidemic on work stress of returning workers in china: a study based on empirical analyses of industrial enterprises Qiang Yang, Jiale Huo, Jiang Li, Yushi Jiang
821 [GO] Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems 2020―Sep―18 Fault diagnosis of high power grid wind turbine based on particle swarm optimization BP neural network during COVID-19 epidemic period Xi Chen
822 [GO] Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems 2020―Sep―18 Application of intelligent virtual reality technology in Clothing virtual wear and color saturation after COVID-19 epidemic situation Meng Niu
823 [GO] Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems 2020―Sep―18 Research on intelligent prevention and control of COVID-19 in China’s urban rail transit based on artificial intelligence and big data Qi Liu, Zhenzhen Huang
824 [GO] Work 2020―Sep―18 Practical, rapid, and cost-efficient interior architectural precautions for prevention of COVID-19 in the workplace Gurkan Ozenen
825 [GO] Work 2020―Sep―18 Home-based fundamental approach to alleviate low back pain using myofascial release, stretching, and spinal strengthening during the COVID-19 pandemic Ardalan Shariat, Albert T. Anastasio, Sahar Soheili, Mitch Rostad
826 [GO] Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems 2020―Sep―18 Microbial control of river pollution during COVID-19 pandemic based on big data analysis Hao Yan
827 [GO] Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems 2020―Sep―18 The new bud light steel system and the geometric shape evolution of light steel framework for COVID-19 patients appointed hospital (Huoshenshan hospital) Lilin Wang
828 [GO] Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems 2020―Sep―18 Application of semantic location awareness computing based on data mining in COVID-19 prevention and control system Xiaoming Wan
829 [GO] Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems 2020―Sep―18 Energy conversion path and optimization model in COVID-19 under low carbon constraints based on statistical learning theory Wensheng Wang, Yu Han, Qing Gao, Muhan Hu
830 [GO] Environmental Policy and Law 2020―Sep―18 In Response to COVID-19: Promoting Sustainability and Resilience Regarding Major Health Crises Efstathia Laina
831 [GO] Journal of Alzheimer s Disease 2020―Sep―18 Environmental Nanoparticles, SARS-CoV-2 Brain Involvement, and Potential Acceleration of Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s Diseases in Young Urbanites Exposed to Air Pollution Lilian Calderón-Garcidueñas, Ricardo Torres-Jardón, Maricela Franco-Lira, Randy Kulesza, Angélica González-Maciel, Rafael Reynoso-Robles, et al. (+8)
832 [GO] Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems 2020―Sep―15 Security design and application of Internet of things based on asymmetric encryption algorithm and neural network for COVID-19 Tang Yongjun
833 [GO] Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems 2020―Sep―15 3D virtual visual plane design method based on ordered point sequence under the influence of COVID-19 Zhang Qian
834 [GO] Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems 2020―Sep―15 Color recognition of design object of manual decoration element based on convolution neural network under the impact of COVID-19 Li Guanggen, Andrew Matthews
835 [GO] Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems 2020―Sep―15 An ad-hoc network routing algorithm based on improved neural network under the influence of COVID-19 Cui Kai
836 [GO] Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems 2020―Sep―15 Integration of urban-rural planning and human geography for online education under the impact of COVID-19 Ai, Fengwei, Wang, Nan
837 [GO] Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems 2020―Sep―15 Oil painting algorithm based on aesthetic criteria of genetic algorithm during COVID-19 Xu Yingzhi, Yun Lu
838 [GO] Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems 2020―Sep―15 Development of sports industry under the influence of COVID-19 epidemic situation based on big data Wang, Yile, Zeng, Dashuai
839 [GO] Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems 2020―Sep―15 Big data analysis and empirical research on the financing and investment decision of companies after COVID-19 epidemic situation based on deep learning Jing Jing
840 [GO] Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems 2020―Sep―15 A fuzzy control system for fitness service based on genetic algorithm during COVID-19 pandemic He, Zhihui, Li, Xiaofeng
841 [GO] Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems 2020―Sep―15 Health data analysis based on multi-calculation of big data during COVID-19 pandemic Yang Bo, Wang Chunli
842 [GO] Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems 2020―Sep―15 Evaluation model of art internal auxiliary teaching quality based on artificial intelligence under the influence of COVID-19 Luo Yuan, Zhao Xiaofei, Qiu Yiyu, Xiaolong Li
843 [GO] Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems 2020―Sep―15 Association between China’s digital economy and labor education in post-pandemic of COVID-19 based on neural network Yongkang Li, Xiaolong Li
844 [GO] Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems 2020―Sep―15 Prediction and comparison of the impact of COVID-19 epidemic on the financial industry of major countries based on neural intelligent algorithm Bin Wang, Qingyuan Zhou, Xiaolong Li
845 [GO] Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems 2020―Sep―15 Video analysis method of basketball training assistant based on deep learning theory during COVID-19 spread Wan Guochen, Shan Feihong, Xiaolong Li
846 [GO] Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems 2020―Sep―11 Translation of news reports related to COVID-19 of Japanese Linguistics based on page link mining Xiaohua Liu, Xiaolong Li
847 [GO] Journal of Parkinson s Disease 2020―Sep―11 The Effect of the COVID-19 Pandemic on People with Parkinson’s Disease Ethan G. Brown, Lana M. Chahine, Samuel M. Goldman, Monica Korell, Emerald Mann, Daniel R. Kinel, et al. (+3)
848 [GO] Journal of Alzheimer s Disease 2020―Sep―09 COVID-19: Review of a 21st Century Pandemic from Etiology to Neuro-psychiatric Implications Vicky Yamamoto, Joe F. Bolanos, John Fiallos, Susanne E. Strand, Kevin Morris, Sanam Shahrokhinia, et al. (+30)
849 [GO] Work 2020―Sep―08 Knowledge and practice regarding prevention of COVID-19 among the Saudi Arabian population Ammar Ahmed Siddiqui, Freah Alshammary, Junaid Amin, Hassaan Anwer Rathore, Ibne Hassan, Muhammad Ilyas, Mohammad Khursheed Alam
850 [GO] Journal of X-Ray Science and Technology 2020―Sep―08 Evaluation of dynamic lung changes during coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) by quantitative computed tomography Cong Shen, Nan Yu, Shubo Cai, Jie Zhou, Jiexin Sheng, Kang Liu, et al. (+2)
851 [GO] Work 2020―Sep―08 Rising incidence of musculoskeletal discomfort in the wake of the COVID-19 crisis Amirhossein Memari, Ardalan Shariat, Albert Thomas Anastasio
852 [GO] Journal of Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine 2020―Sep―08 A newborn with coronavirus (COVID-19) disease: A brief report Q. Rong, K. Abubakar
853 [GO] Work 2020―Sep―08 A review of studies on the COVID-19 epidemic crisis disease with a preventive approach Maryam Feiz Arefi, Mohsen Poursadeqiyan
854 [GO] Work 2020―Sep―08 Telehealth in school-based practice: Perceived viability to bridge global OT practitioner shortages prior to COVID-19 global health emergency Cynthia Abbott-Gaffney, Karen Jacobs
855 [GO] Work 2020―Sep―08 The role of Yoga in working from home during the COVID-19 global lockdown Kanupriya Sharma, Akshay Anand, Raj Kumar
856 [GO] Clinical Hemorheology and Microcirculation 2020―Sep―08 Complement-mediated Extracellular Vesicle release as a measure of endothelial dysfunction and prognostic marker for COVID-19 in peripheral blood - Letter to the Editor Jameel Inal
857 [GO] Work 2020―Sep―08 Let’s get back to work: Preventive biological cycle management of COVID-19 in the workplace Mehdi Jahangiri, Rosanna Cousins, Vahid Gharibi
858 [GO] Journal of Alzheimer s Disease 2020―Sep―08 Awareness of the COVID-19 Outbreak and Resultant Depressive Tendencies in Patients with Severe Alzheimer’s Disease Akito Tsugawa, Shu Sakurai, Yuta Inagawa, Daisuke Hirose, Yoshitsugu Kaneko, Yusuke Ogawa, et al. (+6)
859 [GO] Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems 2020―Sep―08 Applications of virtual reality modeling language technology for COVID-19 pandemic Sun Weining, Zhao Cheli
860 [GO] Work 2020―Sep―08 Novel stretching and strength-building exercise recommendations for computer-based workers during the COVID-19 quarantine Ardalan Shariat, Shima Ghannadi, Albert Thomas Anastasio, Mitch Rostad, Joshua A. Cleland
861 [GO] Mediterranean Journal of Nutrition and Metabolism 2020―Sep―08 What about incorporating vitamins D and C supplementation in the prevention and treatment of COVID-19? The immune response pathway Bachir Benarba, Adel Gouri, Atanasio Pandiella
862 [GO] Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems 2020―Sep―08 Traditional village protection based on big data under the impact of COVID-19 Liu Zhaoguo, Liang Tingting, Wang Wenzhan, Xiaolong Li
863 [GO] Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems 2020―Sep―08 The impact of COVID-19 on the protection of rural traditional village Li Gang, Wang Fang, Quan Sishi, Xiaolong Li
864 [GO] Human Systems Management 2020―Sep―08 Impact of employees engagement and knowledge sharing on organizational performance: Study of HR challenges in COVID-19 pandemic Tanveer Ahmed, Muhammad Shahid Khan, Duangkamol Thitivesa, Yananda Siraphatthada, Tawat Phumdara, Anca Draghici
865 [GO] Journal of Parkinson s Disease 2020―Sep―08 The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Psychological Distress, Physical Activity, and Symptom Severity in Parkinson’s Disease Anouk van der Heide, Marjan J. Meinders, Bastiaan R. Bloem, Rick C. Helmich
866 [GO] Education for Information 2020―Aug―25 Creating a MOOC to develop information skills during the coronavirus pandemic Danilo Reyes-Lillo, Carlos Hernandez-Garrido, Carina Bossu, Tamara Heck
867 [GO] Human Antibodies 2020―Aug―25 Global public health significances, healthcare perceptions of communities, treatments, prevention and control methods of COVID-19 Addis Adera Gebru, Tadesse Birhanu, Eshetu Wendimu, Agumas Fentahun Ayalew, Selamawit Mulat, Hussen Zakir Abasimel, et al. (+10)
868 [GO] International Journal of Risk & Safety in Medicine 2020―Aug―25 COVID-19 and healthcare-associated infections Andrea Cioffi, Raffaella Rinaldi
869 [GO] Human Antibodies 2020―Aug―25 The Level of risk, Effects response to potential health Emergencies, Prevention and control method of COVID-19: A systematic review Addis Adera Gebru, Tadesse Birhanu, Eshetu Wendimu, Agumas Fentahun Ayalew, Selamawit Mulat, Hussen Zakir Abasimel, et al. (+10)
870 [GO] Education for Information 2020―Aug―25 Challenges for medical libraries in times of COVID-19: Making clinical decisions that uphold research quality Eukene Ansuategi, Marimar Ubeda, Mayte Iglesias, Iratxe Urreta, Jose Ignacio Emparanza
871 [GO] Information Polity 2020―Aug―18 The COVID-19-crisis and the information polity: An overview of responses and discussions in twenty-one countries from six continents Albert Meijer, C. William R. Webster
872 [GO] Journal of Alzheimer s Disease 2020―Aug―14 Resilience of Alzheimer’s Disease to COVID-19 Jingwen Li, Xi Long, Heqing Huang, Jine Tang, Chunli Zhu, Shaoping Hu, et al. (+4)
873 [GO] Journal of X-Ray Science and Technology 2020―Aug―11 A retrospective study of the initial chest CT imaging findings in 50 COVID-19 patients stratified by gender and age Qianbiao Gu, Xin Ouyang, An Xie, Xianzheng Tan, Jianbin Liu, Feng Huang, Peng Liu
874 [GO] Journal of X-Ray Science and Technology 2020―Aug―11 Detection of coronavirus disease from X-ray images using deep learning and transfer learning algorithms Saleh Albahli, Waleed Albattah
875 [GO] Journal of Parkinson s Disease 2020―Aug―11 Novel Outreach Program and Practical Strategies for Patients with Parkinsonism in the COVID-19 Pandemic Brianna Sennott, Katheryn Woo, Serena Hess, Daniela Mitchem, Ellen C. Klostermann, Erica Myrick, et al. (+2)
876 [GO] Human Antibodies 2020―Aug―11 Global burden of COVID-19: Situational analyis and review Addis Adera Gebru, Tadesse Birhanu, Eshetu Wendimu, Agumas Fentahun Ayalew, Selamawit Mulat, Hussen Zakir Abasimel, et al. (+10)
877 [GO] Journal of X-Ray Science and Technology 2020―Aug―04 Identification of COVID-19 samples from chest X-Ray images using deep learning: A comparison of transfer learning approaches Md Mamunur Rahaman, Chen Li, Yudong Yao, Frank Kulwa, Mohammad Asadur Rahman, Qian Wang, et al. (+4)
878 [GO] Journal of X-Ray Science and Technology 2020―Jul―31 Dynamic CT assessment of disease change and prognosis of patients with moderate COVID-19 pneumonia Hua Zhang, Xiaohong Liu, Peng Yu, Mingyuan Cheng, Weiting Wang, Yipeng Sun, et al. (+2)
879 [GO] International Journal of Risk & Safety in Medicine 2020―Jul―31 Does COVID-19 teach us anything for our future? Ivor Ralph Edwards, Marie Lindquist
880 [GO] Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems 2020―Jul―28 m-polar Neutrosophic Generalized Weighted and m-polar Neutrosophic Generalized Einstein Weighted Aggregation Operators to Diagnose Coronavirus (COVID-19) Masooma Raza Hashmi, Muhammad Riaz, Florentin Smarandache
881 [GO] Journal of Pediatric Rehabilitation Medicine 2020―Jul―21 The actual and potential impact of the novel 2019 coronavirus on pediatric rehabilitation: A commentary and review of its effects and potential disparate influence on Black, Latinx and Native American marginalized populations in the United States Maurice G. Sholas, Matthew McLaughlin, Christian Vercler
882 [GO] Journal of Parkinson s Disease 2020―Jul―16 Remote Administration of the MDS-UPDRS in the Time of COVID-19 and Beyond Ruth B. Schneider, Taylor L. Myers, Christopher G. Tarolli, Katherine Amodeo, Jamie L. Adams, Stella Jensen-Roberts, E. Ray Dorsey
883 [GO] Journal of X-Ray Science and Technology 2020―Jul―16 Tailoring steroids in the treatment of COVID-19 pneumonia assisted by CT scans: Three case reports Ying Su, Yi Han, Jie Liu, Yue Qiu, Qian Tan, Zhen Zhou, et al. (+5)
884 [GO] Journal of Alzheimer s Disease 2020―Jul―07 Dementia Care in the Time of COVID-19 Pandemic Babak Tousi
885 [GO] Journal of Alzheimer s Disease 2020―Jul―07 Telemedicine for Delivery of Care in Frontotemporal Lobar Degeneration During COVID-19 Pandemic: Results from Southern Italy Rosa Capozzo, Stefano Zoccolella, Maria Elisa Frisullo, Roberta Barone, Maria Teresa Dell’Abate, Maria Rosaria Barulli, et al. (+3)
886 [GO] Work 2020―Jul―03 The most cited and co-cited COVID-19 articles: Knowledge base for rehabilitation team members Rafet Irmak
887 [GO] Journal of Alzheimer s Disease 2020―Jun―30 Alzheimer’s Disease Patients in the Crosshairs of COVID-19 George Perry
888 [GO] Restorative Neurology and Neuroscience 2020―Jun―26 AhR and IDO1 in pathogenesis of Covid-19 and the “Systemic AhR Activation Syndrome” Translational review and therapeutic perspectives Waldemar A. Turski, Artur Wnorowski, Gabrielle N. Turski, Christopher A. Turski, Lechoslaw Turski
889 [GO] International Journal of Risk & Safety in Medicine 2020―Jun―26 A risk balancing act - tourism competition using health leverage in the COVID-19 era Victor Grech, Peter Grech, Stephanie Fabri
890 [GO] Journal of Alzheimer s Disease Reports 2020―Jun―23 Dementia and COVID-19 Lockdown: More Than a Double Blow for Patients and Caregivers Raffaella Migliaccio, Arabella Bouzigues
891 [GO] Journal of Parkinson s Disease 2020―Jun―23 In reply to: Helmich and Bloem (2020) “The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Parkinson’s Disease: Hidden Sorrows and Emerging Opportunities” Emma Edwards, Camille Carroll
892 [GO] Journal of Alzheimer s Disease 2020―Jun―19 Maximizing Safety in the Conduct of Alzheimer’s Disease Fluid Biomarker Research in the Era of COVID-19 Suzanne E. Schindler, Gregory A. Jicha, Peter T. Nelson, C. Dirk Keene, Kaj Blennow, José Luis Molinuevo, et al. (+7)
893 [GO] International Journal of Risk & Safety in Medicine 2020―Jun―19 Some reflections on organizational profiles in Italy in the time of COVID-19 Carlo Bottari
894 [GO] Clinical Hemorheology and Microcirculation 2020―Jun―19 COVID-19 and the endothelium F. Jung, A. Krüger-Genge, R.P. Franke, F. Hufert, J.-H. Küpper
895 [GO] Journal of Alzheimer s Disease 2020―Jun―19 The Effects of Confinement on Neuropsychiatric Symptoms in Alzheimer’s Disease During the COVID-19 Crisis Claire Boutoleau-Bretonnière, Hélene Pouclet-Courtemanche, Aurelie Gillet, Amelie Bernard, Anne Laure Deruet, Ines Gouraud, et al. (+5)
896 [GO] Clinical Hemorheology and Microcirculation 2020―Jun―19 The compelling arguments for the need for microvascular investigation in COVID-19 critical patients Romeo Martini
897 [GO] Work 2020―Jun―19 Risk of COVID-19 infection in workplace settings and the use of personal protective equipment Leila Omidi, Gholamreza Moradi, Nasim Mostofi Sarkari
898 [GO] Work 2020―Jun―19 Research on reducing burnout in health care workers in critical situations such as COVID-19 outbreak Mohammad Babamiri, Nasim Alipour, Rashid Heidarimoghadam
899 [GO] Work 2020―Jun―19 Systematic infection control in Greek Physiotherapy Practices during the COVID-19 pandemic Eleftherios Paraskevopoulos, Maria Papandreou
900 [GO] Work 2020―Jun―19 Home-based exercise note in Covid-19 quarantine situation for office workers: A commentary Ardalan Shariat, Azadeh Hakakzadeh, Joshua Cleland
901 [GO] Work 2020―Jun―19 Recommendations for working from home during the pandemic (and Beyond) Sandra Lopez-Leon, Diego A. Forero, Paola Ruiz-Díaz
902 [GO] Journal of Alzheimer s Disease Reports 2020―Jun―16 Neurologic and Immunologic Complications of COVID-19: Potential Long-Term Risk Factors for Alzheimer’s Disease Jack C. Lennon
903 [GO] Journal of Alzheimer s Disease 2020―Jun―12 Potential Novel Role of COVID-19 in Alzheimer’s Disease and Preventative Mitigation Strategies Sean X. Naughton, Urdhva Raval, Giulio M. Pasinetti
904 [GO] Journal of Alzheimer s Disease 2020―Jun―12 Dementia Care in Times of COVID-19: Experience at Fundació ACE in Barcelona, Spain Alba Benaque, Miren Jone Gurruchaga, Carla Abdelnour, Isabel Hernández, Pilar Cañabate, Montserrat Alegret, et al. (+19)
905 [GO] Clinical Hemorheology and Microcirculation 2020―Jun―09 Herd immunity or suppression strategy to combat COVID-19 F. Jung, V. Krieger, F.T. Hufert, J.-H. Küpper
906 [GO] Journal of Alzheimer s Disease 2020―Jun―09 Neurobiology of COVID-19 Majid Fotuhi, Ali Mian, Somayeh Meysami, Cyrus A. Raji
907 [GO] Journal of Alzheimer s Disease 2020―Jun―09 Dementia in the COVID-19 Period Amos D. Korczyn
908 [GO] Journal of X-Ray Science and Technology 2020―Jun―09 Clinical and radiological features of novel coronavirus pneumonia Qiuting Zheng, Yibo Lu, Fleming Lure, Stefan Jaeger, Puxuan Lu
909 [GO] Education for Information 2020―Jun―02 Redesigning (virtual) learning with a “love ethic” in the wake of COVID-19 Jeremy Zimmett
910 [GO] Journal of Neuromuscular Diseases 2020―Jun―02 COVID-19 in Refractory Myasthenia Gravis- A Case Report of Successful Outcome Swathi Beladakere Ramaswamy, Raghav Govindarajan
911 [GO] International Journal of Risk & Safety in Medicine 2020―May―29 Risk of using hydroxychloroquine as a treatment of COVID-19 Lo’ai Alanagreh, Foad Alzoughool, Manar Atoum
912 [GO] Journal of X-Ray Science and Technology 2020―May―26 Analysis of thin-section CT in patients with coronavirus disease (COVID-19) after hospital discharge Jiangping Wei, Hong Yang, Pinggui Lei, Bing Fan, Yingying Qiu, Bingliang Zeng, et al. (+4)
913 [GO] Journal of Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine 2020―May―22 Management of the mother-infant dyad with suspected or confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infection in a highly epidemic context C. Pietrasanta, L. Pugni, A. Ronchi, F. Schena, R. Davanzo, G. Gargantini, et al. (+2)
914 [GO] Statistical Journal of the IAOS 2020―May―19 Official statistics in the search for solutions for living with COVID-19 and its consequences1 Len Cook, Alistair Gray
915 [GO] Statistical Journal of the IAOS 2020―May―19 Pandemic and official statistics; some comments on recent COVID-19 experiences Olav Ljones
916 [GO] Statistical Journal of the IAOS 2020―May―19 A study on the quality of novel coronavirus (COVID-19) official datasets Afshin Ashofteh, Jorge M. Bravo
917 [GO] Bladder Cancer 2020―May―15 Considerations about Non-Metastatic Bladder Cancer Management During the COVID-19 Pandemic Filipe L.F. Carvalho, Lan Anh S. Galloway, Ragheed Saoud, Piyush K. Agarwal, Lambros Stamatakis
918 [GO] Journal of Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine 2020―May―15 The changing landscape of SARS-CoV-2: Implications for the maternal-infant dyad T.G. Elgin, E.M. Fricke, M.E. Hernandez Reyes, M.E. Tsimis, N.S. Leslein, B.A. Thomas, et al. (+2)
919 [GO] Human Antibodies 2020―May―12 Zero tolerance for complacency by government of West African countries in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic O. Erhabor, T. Erhabor, T.C. Adias, G.C. Okara, M. Retsky
920 [GO] Journal of Parkinson s Disease 2020―May―12 Implementation of Telemedicine for Urgent and Ongoing Healthcare for Patients with Parkinson’s Disease During the COVID-19 Pandemic: New Expectations for the Future Esther Cubo, Anhar Hassan, Bas R. Bloem, Zoltan Mari
921 [GO] Journal of Parkinson s Disease 2020―May―08 COVID-19 and Parkinson’s Disease: Are We Dealing with Short-term Impacts or Something Worse? Daniella Balduino Victorino, Marcia Guimarães-Marques, Mariana Nejm, Fulvio Alexandre Scorza, Carla Alessandra Scorza
922 [GO] Clinical Hemorheology and Microcirculation 2020―May―08 How we should respond to the Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 outbreak: A German perspective F. Jung, V. Krieger, F.T. Hufert, J.-H. Küpper
923 [GO] Clinical Hemorheology and Microcirculation 2020―Apr―24 COVID-19 F. Jung
924 [GO] Clinical Hemorheology and Microcirculation 2020―Apr―24 Contrast enhanced ultrasonography (CEUS) to detect abdominal microcirculatory disorders in severe cases of COVID-19 infection: First experience E.M. Jung, C. Stroszczynski, F. Jung
925 [GO] Journal of Parkinson s Disease 2020―Apr―24 Recommendations for Deep Brain Stimulation Device Management During a Pandemic Svjetlana Miocinovic, Jill L. Ostrem, Michael S. Okun, Katie L. Bullinger, Patricio Riva-Posse, Robert E. Gross, Cathrin M. Buetefisch
926 [GO] International Journal of Risk & Safety in Medicine 2020―Apr―17 Coronavirus drugs: Using plasma from recovered patients as a treatment for COVID-19 Foad Alzoughool, Lo’ai Alanagreh
927 [GO] Mediterranean Journal of Nutrition and Metabolism 2020―Apr―17 Position paper of the Italian association of medical specialists in dietetics and clinical nutrition (ANSISA) on nutritional management of patients with COVID-19 disease Hellas Cena, Silvia Maffoni, Valentina Braschi, Silvia Brazzo, Cristina Pallavicini, Ilaria Vietti, et al. (+2)
928 [GO] Journal of X-Ray Science and Technology 2020―Apr―07 Clinical and computed tomographic (CT) images characteristics in the patients with COVID-19 infection: What should radiologists need to know? Pinggui Lei, Zhaoshu Huang, Guoli Liu, Pingxian Wang, Wen Song, Jujiang Mao, et al. (+4)
929 [GO] Journal of Parkinson s Disease 2020―Apr―03 The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Parkinson’s Disease: Hidden Sorrows and Emerging Opportunities Rick C. Helmich, Bastiaan R. Bloem
930 [GO] International Journal of Risk & Safety in Medicine 2019―Dec―03 Pandemic influenza vaccines and neuraminidase inhibitors: Efficacy and side effects D. Bijl
931 [GO] International Journal of Risk & Safety in Medicine 2019―Dec―03 The sponsored pandemic of the Mexican flu? D. Bijl, H. Schellekens
932 [GO] International Journal of Risk & Safety in Medicine 2019―Dec―03 Does seasonal influenza vaccination increase the risk of illness with the 2009 A/H1N1 pandemic virus? Cécile Viboud, Lone Simonsen
933 [GO] International Journal of Risk & Safety in Medicine 2019―Dec―03 Factors influencing uptake of influenza vaccine amongst healthcare workers in a regional center after the A(H1N1) 2009 pandemic: Lessons for improving vaccination rates Mohamed Rida Tagajdid, Hicham El Annaz, Bouchra Belefquih, Taoufik Doblali, Jean Sébastien Casalegno, Yahia Mekki, Saâd Mrani
934 [GO] Information Knowledge Systems Management 2019―Dec―02 Engineering responses to pandemics Richard C. Larson, Karima R. Nigmatulina

934 Results       Page 1


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